Adultery Who Watches the Watchmen Ch. 06 –Different Turn
(20-12-2020, 02:54 PM)Narrow_mind Wrote: Yes you can take this story to another level... Get new ideas and write it for us...

Thank you will give it a go give your feedback.
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Who Watches the Watchmen  Ch.9 –Different turn 

Menaka got up in the morning it was bright all around oh god she looked at herself naked like jailbird she thought of yesterday night after cramp she did not remember anything my god  what show I had with the 2 watchman as she felt she smelled all sex

Then she just took a towel and walked  into the washroom had almost  for 20 minute had refreshing hot shower then dressed conservatively in her regular cotton saree then saw the time it was almost 9am in the morning she opened the main door took the milk from the door bag to make herself  a hot coffee

Menaka rummaged the fridge picked up some bread slices made a nice cheese sandwich she had that with her coffee feeling little bit ok she decided she will cook today then she remembered she had no vegetables she had a go out and by some stuff or she can ask Dara to bring  some vegetables’ but  she thought that will sound like a invite for another romp session really she need a break she thought it was too much sex in last almost 36 hours even though she enjoyed every bit of that 

Menaka went to the dressing table had good look she looked like the normal memsaab like then taking a bag & purse and house keys walked out of her flat as she came down the building she was really feeling awkward to face both Dara and Banke but she had to cross them in the main gate slowly head down she walked as she looked at the main gate there was new set of guys whom she not seen no sign of Dara or Banke she though what’s happening as she quietly went to shop in the lane next to her apartment & she purchased all required for next few days and walked back into the gate

As she crossed the gate the new security guy at the gate asked madam you stay at this apartment  can you give your flat number i am new at this place she looked at him replying I stay C block  311 it’s my own house the guy thanked her said he was extremely sorry that he had to ask for that information  

Menaka asked him what happened to the previous watchmen

Oh Madam they have been removed we were brought in today morning only

Menaka re-confirmed both the guys I think one was Dara and other Banke are removed?

Yes madam you can speak to our security head Harilal pointing to tall well built guy wearing uniform and cap he was not very fair almost dark like Banke but as he stood up she could he was very big man more than six foot well muscled & sturdy

Menaka replied no problem I will talk him later as she got into her apartment block
Few ladies were in the corridor then she saw Radha the servant maid cleaning the common area

Radha looked at her and smiled

Menaka acknowledged that and asked what has happened with apartment security

Memsaab can I came to your house and explain after finishing the work

Ok she replied to Radha and got into the lift returning to her house

Then she got busy with making lunch as she thought last 2 days was unbelievable even though she was little tired with almost continuous sexual activity she felt absolutely fresh today no great body pain or any discomfort

Menaka  recollected that she had she sucked and fucked more than 5 times and twice she had sex with 2 men together she could not believe the level of sexual engagement of last 24 hours and was really eager to know fate of the 2 guys who had satisfied her completely 

Almost after an hour there was knock on the door it was the servant maid Radha

Come have a seat she indicated to Radha

Radha sat down Memsaab its Ok I will sit down

Menaka asked you will have a coffee

Radha thanked her said in the Morning Dara and Banke were caught sleeping by the security agency they worked both of them sacked as Dara behaved roughly with the supervisor

Oh God yesterday evening I saw both of them said Menaka acting little shocked 

Radha said very hesitantly Memsaab I know Dara was eying you many times he told me in a few days boasting he will sleep with you

I know you have seen both of us in the terrace as we were in the act Madam it’s because of my drunken husband I had fallen for Dara

Menaka felt relieved that this fool did not know about her affairs with Dara thank god

Menaka said its ok your personal affairs were of no concern something like that always happen thanks for telling me

 Memsaab if you require a servant maid please consider me as she got up to leave

Yes Radha I will as that girl left her house

Menaka was relieved also thought I will definitely miss Dara’s active big cock she thought even though he was bossy he knew how to satisfy a lady may be later I will call him and find out what has happened

Then she called Prakash he messaged her to come on skype

Menaka switched on the computer and was online

Hi Prakash how are you, you look tired what happened

Hi Mens you look so fresh and nice , I had a long night lot of drinks not feeling so great

Menaka said o Prakash take drink lot of water take care dear

Then Prakash innocently asked what happened yesterday no sex with Dara as he thought about the romp Menaka had with not only with Dara but also with Banke he had seen live thanks to his ingenious web cam arrangement

O Prakash I will not lie to you Dara had his fun with me I just could not say no to him

Prakash thought at least she does not lie me entirely then he said Mens  as along as you enjoy its ok

What is the with this new name Mens Prakash

It just came out you can call be PK if you want

Menaka said I like that from now on its PK then

PK you what happened today morning Dara and Banke our watchmen have been removed and have been sacked so partly happy and relieved you know

PK was curious what happened

Menaka elaborated both the guys were caught sleeping by their agency during a surprise inspection yesterday and you know Dara he fought with them so both are sacked a new team has taken over

Mens don’t take offence after the fun with you he has no choice so was tired so he had slept

PK are you saying iam responsible smiling at him

But Mens now you feel relieved but after few days you will start missing him

No way PK i am relieved as I told you I was worried about the way it was going & how it will end. i am fine with it
Then Prakash said i am getting call please skype me in the evening by 7pm India time I will be sailing for almost 7 days after tonight  Ok

Prakash was also relieved that Menaka will get some rest after almost continuous orgy for last 2 days.
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is the "THE END"
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Y end add some oth girl make it group sex
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(22-12-2020, 01:42 AM)Playboy12 Wrote: Y end add some oth girl make it group sex

Its not the end it will take some Interesting turn wait for updates Smile
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Menaka after finishing all her work thought let me check on Dara she called his mobile it came as switched off , Banke’s number she had not saved so she sent a message to Dara please call me .
It was around 2.30Pm Menaka had finished her lunch she was waiting for her son whose bus would come around 3 pm she thought I will pick from the gate there was a buzz from her door bell it was the security head a very tall hefty guy around 45-50 years Menaka thought she looked like pygmy in comparison

Madam iam Harilal the new security head in our society can I ask you few questions

Menaka ushered him inside asking him to take a seat 

Thank you madam you are very kind most of the houses I went today did not even show me this basic courtesy 

Menaka replied not a problem please you wanted ask me something

Madam you know both the earlier security guys were under observation for few days as they were not in gate during inspection on many nights yesterday they were caught them and we had to remove them

Then Harilal with a bit of hesitancy asked Madam yesterday night did Dara came to your house after 10 pm

Menaka thought baapre what’s happening she decided to be tactful 

She said yes there was a problem with water in my kitchen pipe Dara had a look and said it was something to do the with the connections in terrace he resolved the problem he was here for may be 2-3 minutes in the house he went to terrace was almost there for 15-20 minutes

Thank you Madam we have video feed from security camera of Dara entering the corridor coming to this block and coming out after almost 12 pm also Banke other guy also had come after 11.30 pm to this block and returned almost half an hour we were really worried what they were doing did they visit anu of the homes so iam just speaking to all residents in this block

Menaka replied I never had any problem with both of them they were very helpful I don’t know really know what has happened

Thank you madam this is really helpful now we now know Dara came to your apartment that clears many things

Harilal then added we had checked all the other residents they had told us he had not visited their homes so may be both of them where in terrace after attending to your problem as many of the tenants have told me Dara and Banke used to visit the terrace frequently

Menaka thought for what else taking turns in fucking the servant maid Radha she knew that as a fact as her seeing Dara fucking Radha had only started her dalliance with Dara 

Then Harilal gave his card madam if you have any problem you can call this number thank you once again Madam this has given lot of clarity    

Menaka felt as if a interrogation was over she felt her face was flushed also she felt Harilal was checking her out as he steeled several glances at  her bosom and thighs .

My god what is this happening with me and these security guys Menaka thought to herself 

Well the real problem Menaka felt being such a attractive woman with big boobs and shapely real sexy body her saree clad avatar further emphasizing her features the moment guys understand her husband Prakash is not there with her they start hitting her she knew that's what happened with Dara so she was very keen she will not have anything to do with this guy .

Menaka was shocked of the security video findings my god she felt by telling to him about Dara had come to her house openly she had involuntarily solved any tie ups or rumours 

Menaka saw clock was nearing 3 pm she quickly took her house keys as she went pick up her son Ayan she was really missing him after last 2 days.

Menaka went the main gate as she stood in the shade with other mothers who had come to pick their kids Ayan’s school bus came he come running mummy as gave a hug she took his bag as she walked Harilal was standing watching her son

Is it your son Madam he is quite handsome

Thank you replied Menaka asked Ayan tell hi to him

Ayan asked what happened to Dara uncle

Harilal said Beta he has been transferred to different location before Menaka could say anything

Ok Uncle Ayan said to Harilal running away

Harilal really like what he saw this memsaab was a lovely looking lady with most beautiful figure my god she has big melons what shapely hips and when she walked with her back toward him he thought god bless her big spongy  butts he thought this one was a real hot lady as he ogled to his heart’s content smirking this is one the perks of the trade as a security guy as he quickly watched her disappearing into the lift through security footage

Menaka felt the hot lustful eyes of Harilal she decided she will give not give any encouragement  as her dear son Ayan was talking nonstop of his night stay in his friend’s house as she listened to him patiently

[+] 6 users Like mouthinvader's post
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nice turn of events....

very hot n erotic narration....

keep going on....

thanks for continuing....
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(24-12-2020, 07:26 PM)pedapandu Wrote: nice turn of events....

very hot n erotic narration....

keep going on....

thanks for continuing....

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Menaka exactly at 7pm skyped Prakash he took her call and joined online

Hi Mens how are you

Oh god Prakash that some new name you have given me replied Menaka

Mens call me PK let’s make life interesting Prakash interjected

Ok PK first you take talk to your son he has been talking non- stop to me last 2 hours

Menaka watched Ayan and PK talk almost 20 minutes as Ayan’s friends came to the apartment calling play down in the playing area 
Ayan said bye to Prakash and off he went down to play

So Mens any news about your lovers

PK you are very mean sometimes

Oh Mens don’t mistake I was just joking and pulling your leg replied PK

No news Prakash sorry PK both have been removed I tried calling Dara his number is switched off

 Anyway Mens you were worried about how it will end so its good news but bad news is it means Mens now you have to find a new lover

O Prakash what has happened to you do i am seriously thinking you like your wife with other men Menaka replied in real anger

O Mens i am just pulling your leg but seriously i am very open dear if its only a  physical sexual relationship to satisfy needs I feel it’s nothing wrong I will be always your emotional anchor you for me

Then PK added see I also have sex when my ship is in docks or comes to any port ( PK is in merchant navy so roamed across the world) & I am very open with you I do not want our marriage to be broken because of our sexual needs

Mens you know my last marriage went into divorce because of not being open or transparent so Mens when I enjoy I also want you to enjoy that’s all PK with a monologue

Ok PK that was a lengthy reply sorry I became angry

Mens reply frankly PK asked how wasyour sex with Dara
Oh god PK –you are in real mood today Menaka replied

No Mens you cannot get away from answering please reply

Ok PK honest to God it was the best sex I ever had no doubt about it replied Menaka
 she was almost tempted to tell him she liked taking 2 watchmen at the same time as it was the most horny erotic sight to just imagine that tickled her pussy and also in reality not many females have that opportunity in their life 

So PK said to Mens so you have answered my question what I just say is if the opportunity just happens do not feel guilty just do it

PK with you being honest I will feel guilty if I don’t tell you

Prakask thought my god Menaka has already got a lover or what she is really turning out to be a total slut

Mens said PK I have to tell you this otherwise I will feel totally guilty when yesterday Dara was fucking me he had called Banke also without my knowledge and when we are full flight doing it he asked Banke to sit in a chair in front of me naked sporting big black cock shining at me you know Dara the clever bastard brought me to such a state that I was sucking Banke’s cock in my mouth as Dara was fucked me real hard from behind and you would believe all of us almost came  together it was a shattering climax orchestrated by Dara 

Oh Mens I cannot believe you did that:Prakash

Oh PK you don’t know about Dara he will put you in such a situation you end up doing something you don’t what :Mens

But  Mens did you enjoy that :PK

Oh god PK that was one of horniest thing I have ever done you won’t believe I collapsed in pleasure after that I was almost unconscious that is why I wanted to end that relationship I don’t know what more I would have ended up doing : Mens

PK said I appreciate your honesty that is the high point of our lives in the end you had sex and enjoyed

Mens Ok then i will not be able to call you for a week next I will be in Dubai Sunday morning I will skype at 9am : PK

Ok PK I really miss you Mens replied 
She then added problem is when you are good looking you are living alone i become target:Mens
For whom Mens:PK

Oh PK we have new security team in place their head is one Harilal real giant of man and the way he looks at me is very clear but this time PK iam not going to give in : Mens

Oh Mens so already someone has you in his sights then PK said jokingly what is this about you and Watchmen it’s real kinky

Mens joked in similar vein more kinky is this guy is almost 50 years old like Dara but a real giant of a man 

Ok Mens take care it was real nice having this open chat so we will speak next Sunday as he ended the connection 

PK thought oh my god my Mens has become insatiable they way she says giant made it obvious she will end up fucking that guy

PK also checked his web cams and then programmed in such way that all seven days will get recorded hopefully he get some action in the weekend viewing
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Menaka –Mens got thinking after her talk with Prakash she felt sometimes her husband was keen to push her into sexual relationship pushing boundaries but Mens thought to be honest the sex was superb and unbelievable if you take that only into account he was correct life needs to enjoyed no complication as long her husband PK is ok with that 
It was almost an hour so she just had a look at the playing area to see what Ayan was doing surprise surprise the security head Harilal was with them talking to all of them then she saw he was talking to Ayan alone as other boys moved away she knew what he will enquire one thing with her son she need not even ask Ayan was such a innocent sweet kid he will come and tell all that happened in the play ground to the minute details 
It was almost 8.30 Pm she called up main gate security it was Harilal again 
Mens : this is Menaka calling from C block 311 can you please ask my son Ayan to come up it’s getting late 
Harilal : yes madam we are at your service in patronising tone as he instructed his assistant to send Ayan his mum is calling 
Mens: Thank you Harilalji 
Harilal: no problem Menakaji we are here to help you I spoke to Ayan he told me you and him are staying alone so madam anytime you can disturb me for any help you require madamji
Mens: Thank you Ji as she cut the phone 
Mens thought this guy is quite fast already he knows i am alone and staying without husband and in a polite manner he has conveyed the message madam I am ready to serve you 
Mens very well knew what service he wants to do 
Ayan her son was banging the door she opened and as  usual he was talkative Ma our new security Hari uncle is very nice just like Dara uncle he is now my friend he is teaching bowling action for all of us as he kept on talking 
Mens was at her wits end beta please wash and change your clothes we will have dinner and I want you to look at all pending home work and study
Oh mummy tomorrow I will study there is no homework today I will show the diary please mummy
Mens did not say anything as quietly both of them had their dinner after that Ayan was busy playing computer games with latest I-pad PK’s present to his son during last visit she also had one she used it to check posts in whatsup and facebook as sat down with that she was checking facebook there was friend request from –can you believe from Harilal the security guy 
On curiosity Mens checked his page and photos he seemed to be a body builder type lot of photos about his body he had massive arms and thick thighs a very strong man like a bull and it was obvious he wanted everyone to see his profile there were  few photos of him in very tight shorts clearly highlighting a big package in between his legs he was big man he wanted all visiting the page to see that 
Mens could not believe he had sent a friend request she chose to ignore as she closed the I-pad her mobile start ringing it was from a new number 
Mens took the call it was Dara
Dara: Hello Memsaab 
Mens : Dara what happened I tried your number it was switched off and we have totally new security team 
Dara: It was our mistake Memsaab both of us coming to your house yesterday night was very stupid & poor Banke slept on duty when I was on rounds 
Mens: O Dara what you will do I heard you had fight with this guys no other problem Daraji
Dara: problem was they were questioning what we were doing in C block almost for 1 hour we told them we doing some repair in the overhead tank but those guys had observed us and found many times gate was without watchman so they repeatedly questioning on that I got angry and had a small fight nothing much 
Mens: Oh god Dara no security officer case be careful
Dara: Memsaab don’t worry both me and Banke have maintained we were in terrace but now both are out of job I am staying with a old friend in slum Jcolony Banke is also with me 
Mens: Thank you Daraji you need any help tell me
Dara:Memsaab can you give 2000/- we will be getting job in another security agency in 2 days but need to take one room house in this basti  we have to pay advance for that tomorrow we really don’t know whom to ask can you help Menaka
Mens: no problem Daraji come to ICICI ATM  in the left side gully next to our apartment I will drop Ayan & meet you there - 8am in the morning 
Dara: I told Banke memsaab will definitely help us thank you memsaab as he cut the phone 
Menaka thought very grossly she would be the only lady in the world fucked royally in almost all her holes by 2 men and also paying for that but one thing she noticed was change in Dara he talked to her very politely.
Mens felt after a long time she had a sex free day/night she was very relieved to sleep in her bed without Dara barging in with his incessant sex demands well Mens thought at least for today i am happy for that..
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Next day Mens got up early dressed very nicely oh god she thought what iam doing getting dressed prim and proper for meeting Dara the lowly watchman but she thought why not no harm in looking good 

Mens took Ayan to the main gate and was waiting for school bus to come on cue in the main gate was Harilal she could see he was pleased to see her she said madam you look very good in this dress 

Mens did not know what to reply simply nodded with a polite smile in the meanwhile Harilal addressed Ayan 

Harilal: Good morning Ayan

Ayan : Good morning Hari uncle  

Harilal : Beta today evening no throwing the ball only bowling ok 

Ayan : Ok uncle as school bus came he got in waved a big bye to both of them 

Harilal : you have a very good boy nice manners 

Menaka said thank you sir I have some work as she left him walking to ATM  

Harilal thought what a beautiful lady he though she had dynamite body he really was impressed by those swinging butts he really liked ladies with good butts and the slightly plumpy but the same the time womanly Menaka was heavenly sight for him he decided he will try and get as close as possible 

Mens thought my god this guy looks determined to get into her panties but even Menaka had to agree this guy was really handsome man in comparison to Dara or Banke and decent looking face with wheatish complexion but Mens thought no way I will get into another watchman even if he had all the good looks in the world 

Mens reached the ATM Dara was not around so got in took 5000 rupees kept 3000/- in her handbag as she came out saw Dara along with Banke were crossing the road and coming to meet her she had not seen them in normal cloths other than the watchman dress she could not believe she had fallen for this shabbily dressed and mediocre looking guys but in a total slutty manner she thought i have simply fallen for their active cocks 

Dara: good morning Memsaab

Menaka: she nodded and said Daraji and Banke here is the 2000/- rupees you asked  as she handed it to Dara

Dara: Thank you Memsaab , Madam you look so beautiful in this saree I feel like kissing you said Dara crudely 

Mens: Dara its road let us behave decently but she liked the comment 

Dara: Handed over a parcel memsaab inside is a Burka once we settle down in the house please come to our house wearing this 

Mens: as she automatically took the parcel Daraji are you out of mind first get into a job and settle down 

Dara: Memsaab I will not call you everyday may be weekly one day if its ok we will keep this our secret as he smiled cheekily at Banke 

Mens: All this we will see later first settle down Menaka shocked thinking my god this guy had brought  burka for her to come to his slum definitely Dara is totally out of mind

Dara: Thank you Memsaab I will call you and Memsaab you should come to our house I will cook for you 

Dara: Memsaab one second I want speak to you alone as he got inside the deserted ATM 

Mens thought what this guy wants talk now following him inside 

Dara: Memsaab he said as Menaka looked at him coming closer with a question in her face 

Dara the crazy bastard then swiftly embraced her tightly and gave her a full crushing kiss to her lips clobbering her lower lips in a frenzy and  quickly disengaged and said Memsaab I had to kiss you look to good I could not resist sorry I will call you as he left the ATM with Banke .

Mens was totally shocked by this forceful kiss of Dara he was a nice kisser but she was pleasantly surprised and totally shocked as this happened so suddenly and bloody he had kissed her in a public place 

Mens thought my watchman episodes are like mega serials no ending in sight as she took the burkha and left for her home thoughtfully she knew if he calls her she has to go with all that has happened  she has to keep the charade going as Dara and Banke are also protecting her by keeping quiet  she did not want take any panga with Dara he had a wild temper.

Mens had down walked to her apartment not even glancing to see Harilal  she was stressed just thinking about going to the slum she really felt helpless but she thought she had spent almost half day in the shabby small watchman’s chawl - Dara and Banke’ s livin quarters  behind the watchman’s cabin in her apartment during the start of her affair her with Dara when they had a big fight so it was not new 

 Mens decided I will not worry and get tensed about this slum visit if it happens it will be another  adventure and she thought her hubby PK has to take most of the blame as he had got her into  this mess by his constant encouragment.
[+] 3 users Like mouthinvader's post
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Very nice to mens become whore hot erotic things in slum
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Great... Keep going..
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(30-12-2020, 11:31 PM)Narrow_mind Wrote: Great... Keep going..

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It was almost 11 am Menaka took her time cooking something interesting then the calling bell buzzed she was thinking who was  that she saw through door spyhole it was tall giant Harilal the new security head with a cover in his hand she thought what is happening as she had quick look at herself she was still dressed in the morning saree as she adjusted to avoid giving him any encouragement .

Menaka opened the door

Harilal:Madam a courier for you I thought I will give personally to you can I come in for a minute

Harilal was transfixed by her beauty without any makeup she had very pretty homely face and the most perfect boobs and a great body she had a little tummy but that added to her voluptuous figure he decided to keep meeting her in some pretext

Mens: with no options to say no said please come in

Harilal : Sat in the sofa looking at her as she went to kitchen he watched the her sexy butts as she walked 

Mens: served a him a glass of water as it’s her practice for any one visiting their house

Harilal: Thank you madam this is the kind simple practices of serving water to a guest visiting home is forgotten by everyone this shows good practices of your family madam

Mens: it’s nothing Harilalji she nodded and asked you wanted to talk to me  

Harilal: oh sorry madam it seemed you were upset when you came back I just wanted check on you

Mens : no nothing I have no issue anyway thank you for asking me very politely

Harilal: got up then it’s ok madam, but Menaka madam tomorrow I want to request a coffee from your hand if you don’t mind

Mens: you are welcome Harilalji

Harilal: with a big smile ok madam then I will come around 11 am  tomorrow as he left her home

Menaka closed the door and thought what is this am I giving some signal to these guys I am available please try, it seemed this guys take undue liberty with her Dara kissing her in the ATM and calling her to his slum and now this tall and handsome guy hell bent on seeing her and bloody he had coolly had made a appointment for tomorrow also  

Menaka was into her regular routine she did not to go to pick up her son he came on his own in the evening from school bus stop near the main gate, Then in the late evening she and Ayan watched a movie together and the evening and night passed away without any other event. 

Menaka go up it was a thursday morning she was a bit restless after almost last 2 months of Dara’s hands all over body even though they had actual sex only last week only she was a putty in Dara’s hands as he slowly and steadily wooed her

Menaka  reminisced  the slow steady start it all started with embrace and then kiss as he broke each of her defences and systematically literally removed all her clothes too in time , she remembered  it was almost one month after their dalliance one day he had cleverly made her suck his cock and Menaka funnily even now could feel clammy hardness inside her mouth when she had taken him first time in her mouth and final frontier was their robust fucking last week 

She had to admit Dara was tremendous lover little aggressive and short tempered and it seemed in time he would have trained totally raw no finesse lover Banke also in his mould .

 Ayan got ready to go to school Menaka  said to him mama will say her bye from the balcony actually not wanting to see or speak to Harilal because of this restless morning and her need for a manly touch, she said her bye from Balcony Harilal like a protective guardian was sending her son of in the bus and then looked up and waved with a thumps up to her leaving Menaka with goose bumps .

Menaka felt a need to talk to PK but he cannot be reached as he was sailing , with her submissive nature and now with her heightened sexual needs she was confused by the approach of Harilal. Menaka then decided she will not give any signal to this guy but if he is going to woe her like Dara she thought  lets have some fun this really emboldened Menaka as she thought this is new normal

Menaka then with song on her lips went happily to take bath and then get dressed she decided she will go to the new mall have her lunch and bring something for Ayan .

Menaka decided to dress nicely she wore red sleeveless blouse and a very attractive red and brown mix saree actually she was dressed most sexily what she did know is that if any male sees her will have just one thought in mind how to get into her panties

Menaka with all her assets in show in this figure cladding saree giving a silhouette of her lovely big breast , curved shapely hips and her big spongy butts she was the epitome of young aunty whom all ages of men simply could not resist looking she looked irresistible

Menaka saw herself in the dressing table my god after all the resolve of being normal she had dressed in this super sexy Indian outfit but she was going out so she thought I cannot live by thinking of others as put on a hint of lips stick to her lips

Clock struck 11 and in about 10 minutes she heard the calling bell she decided to be totally normal as walked to the door saw the spy hole it was Harilal her friendly tormentor

Mens: Good Morning Harilalji as she opened the door

Harilal: Good morning Madam sorry I have tell you this you look so beautiful in this dress almost spontaneously

Mens: Thanks I have to go out so I dressed up please be seated I am making coffee I will be there in a minute as turned to kitchen

Harilal though what a fool her husband is leaving such a buxom ripe wife she was so homely but damn sexy Harilal thought she looked petite at the same time shapely sex bomb which normally you see in married ladies of 3-5 years after which they just lose their figure but this lady was still in great shape and he thought the sleeveless blouse and back was unbelievable Harial thought my day is made now

Meneka came with 2 cups of steaming cup as she kept it in the teepoy and then took one cup and gave to Harilal for Harial the whole process was as if he in erotic movie scene as Menaka’s each action dazzled him

Menaka bent and kept the cups he saw the tiny glimpse of her cleavage and then she came and gave the cup to him he could see the beautiful peachy white lower hip my god what an angel

Menaka could feel the hot gaze of Harilal all around her she simple ignored  the sexual vibe in the room  

Mens: How is the coffee Harilalji

Harilal: Slightly startled Madam I think you make best coffee in the city so strong and nice

Mens: Harilalji don’t pull my leg tell the truth with a grin  

Harilal: honestly this is best coffee I had after my wife passed away 3 years back

Mens: Sorry I reminded you of that little timidly 

Harilal: ( Getting the desired opening )To be honest  you remind lot about her then keeping the cup in the table he opened his mobile please have a look

Menaka now forced to be near him to view the photo stood close to him viewing very sturdy well built women in saree very good looking

Mens: Harilalji she is so beautiful so tall and prettier than me as she moved away

Harilal for few seconds in the vicinity of Menaka felt all the lovely smells you get when you are near a well dressed beautiful lady he thought he was blessed

Harilal: you may be right but for me you look absolutely a better version of her madam please do not misunderstand me trying to sound polite

Mens : Thank you for thinking like that but she is much beautiful

Harilal: (Happy with the point he wanted to make) Thank you madam it was very nice of you for entertaining a lowly Security officer like me

Mens: Not at all there is nothing wrong being a security officer and may be some other day we will get to know each other

Harilal: Over the moon with her words, I will not take any more of time thank you Madam and left

Menaka closed  the door and thought this guys know how to slowly work on a married lady his comparison was most obvious may be the smarter security guys or watchman guys had this talent of wooing sex starved house wives she concluded as she left home to go to the mall.  
Contd devil2
[+] 3 users Like mouthinvader's post
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Nice going
With lust and live 
sex Heart
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Smooth seduction, Sexy actions, Thank you for regular updates
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(02-01-2021, 02:57 PM)nand Wrote: Smooth seduction, Sexy actions, Thank you for regular updates

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Next 2 days went smoothly without any incident as she thought better to pick up and drop Ayan and not to give reasons for Harilal to coming looking for her so she said her hello and had small talks at the gate but Mens thought some habits are difficult break as she was best dressed in a sexy manner so Harilal always had a word of appreciation and mens loved taking those compliments

It was Saturday morning so no school for her son so morning after breakfast he went for playing at around 11am there was call from intercom she thought oh god it should be Hari but it was another security guy Madam can you come down please your son had a fall not something major but please come

Mens was totally tensed up as she picked up her handbags and keys closing the gas as it was as she rushed down she found Ayan along with Harilal and other boys he had just fallen against a stone had scratches in his leg , arm and it seemed he may have fracture in his arm Ayan said sorry mummy but his face was distressed in pain .Harilal asked the gate guy to call for an auto as he said come madam I will take you to the hospital .

Mens was grateful as they went to nearby hospital and had Ayan’s wound dressed up X-ray in his arm showed small hairline fracture so his hands were to be cast since it was left hand it seemed ok . Ayan had injection to avoid for pain and anti-septic it was hectic I hour in the hospital & Harilal was a great help as he able to keep Ayan in good mood.

Harilal narrated his stories of injuries and showing his injury marks ensuring what happened was quite normal and he will recover fast he even showed his bullet injuries in the hip to Ayan (off course to me also his steel like torso) of his ex-army days Ayan was totally in his spell so all the pain injuries were forgotten

Harilal thought what a dream he was with this beautiful lady her even her distressed face was so pretty her simple saree and my god her ever peeping 2 big bazookas her big boobs showing in all angles as Menaka was totally focused on her son it was a veritable feast for Harilal’s eyes and that big hips my goodness he thought and decided I will become the best friend for Ayan he thought god is smiling on me

Mens finally little relieved after understanding the injuries are not severe looked on as Ayan was taken for putting the cast , so herself and Harilal were asked wait outside

Mens: Thank you Harilalji I do not know how I would have managed without you

Harilal: First please do not mention this also part of my duty to help people in my society and how can I not do to for Ayan and you madam

Mens: Harilalji if you had to go back to society for work please go you have already spent so much time I will bring Ayan home

Harilal: I will be back to my work after leaving Ayan and you at your home all things are in control at our Society do not worry madam
Madam I will get a coffee for you please wait as he left to hospital canteen

Mens was pretty relieved as she understood how important it is have someone for help during this kind crisis even if it is small one and may seems routine after few-days she thought I really missed PK today but luckily she had a manfriday-Harilal

Harilal: Please have it madam as he offered her a glass of coffee having one himself

As Mens stretched to take the cup Harilal could see creamy cleavage valley and heavy breast pushing to break free she was a absolute dream he thought as she looked up he quickly averted looking at her eyes no way is it’s a match for the coffee you make Menaka madam but this a timely required after bit of anxiety

Mens: (For a moment she felt his intense hot gaze on her breast & cleavage as she looked to his eyes ) Thank you Harialji yes I required this coffee and I am glad Ayan’s injury was not so serious

Harilal: Not at all in three or 4 days he will even start going to school he will be ok , children learn a lot after a fall like this he will become careful its bad but important experience so he can become stronger physically and mentally

Mens: I am really grateful for your help Harilalji

Harilal: Madam thank you please call me Hari it’s too much formality

Mens: Ok I will call you Hariji is it ok but you can call me Menaka

Harilal: Ok on the condition when we are alone you call me Hari and I call you Meneka

Mens thought this guy is a clever guy using this opportunity to talk about being alone (she thought doing what) but she had to admit she badly needed him otherwise Ayan and her being alone would have been a real stress

Mens: Ok Hariji

Ayan came out with a smile with his left hand in the cast a string holding his hand to the shoulder Dr came out with him said madam let him take 3-4 days rest no school, may be you can come on Wednesday and after that if you want he can attend school but cast we will removed after 3 weeks.

The nurse gave a file with a list of medicines to Mens , Then Mens said to Ayan you be with uncle I will buy all this medicines and settle the bills and come ,it took almost 20 minutes as she came back to reception Ayan was sitting with Hari having a glass of milk and Hari a coffee in hand

Ok we can go now

Hari: Madam you need one more coffee

Mens: No we will go back to apartment

Then three of us returned home, Hari stayed back at the gate I will come and say hello in the evening may be Menaka madam can give her special coffee

Mens: thank you sir you are welcome to our home anytime

Hari: O Madam please don’t thank me it was a absolute pleasure to be with you and our hero Ayan

Hari felt last 2 hours were simply super in and around this hot mom he just wanted to embrace her tightly my god she is so sexy that boobs and such a shapely body even though it was a bad luck her son had this fall but it was good luck for him & her last comment was the kind of words he wanted from her pretty mouth.

Harilal thought slow and steady wins the race he knew all he required was one opportunity to be in her bed and after that he thought he will have some best times of his life as he watched retreating back with open lust.
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Good narration.. story is really erotic...and you are giving continuous update...thank you
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