Adultery நிஷா (உங்களில் ஒருத்தி) (COMPLETED)
ipo ivan nisha kita poi enna pannuvaan, nisha ipo than kathira lova pannural,
seenuku vantha ratham, mathavangaluku vanyhal thakkali satni
[+] 1 user Likes muthu01377's post
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Semma update Bro yar kooda yara sepenganu Q&A nadathalam pola....
[+] 1 user Likes BossBaby's post
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Super update
[+] 1 user Likes zulfique's post
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Awesome. Naveen would have fucked shanthi when Seenu is busy with other ladies. How will Seenu take revenge, by making shanthi fucked? Waiting.
[+] 1 user Likes Chitrarassu's post
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Wonderful update.
Akalya vera level. She has outbeaten all other women.
[+] 1 user Likes Sarran Raj's post
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Superb update. He has to find a job first. He cannot join Raj company again. Why is he going to nisha. Will there be a fight between kathir and Seenu for nisha.
[+] 1 user Likes jiivajothii's post
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Beautiful narration.
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Wow. Please bring vandana and Seenu together once.
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Superooo super
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Great update. Akalya rocking. She is enjoying the thrill without any guilty. Perfect match for Seenu.
Raj-maha, Raj- veena, Raj-gayathri scenes awaited.
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How did Seenu remembered Nisha all of sudden. Whether Parvathy will come to know her son has spoilt nisha life.?? Interesting narration.
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Akalya is not pregnant. Seenu is jobless. How did both family agree to marriage immediately without seeing Seenu settled in a job to run family. Already Seenu family is suffering and jewels in bank. Where all these heading to. Seenu cannot find anything on his own. He always need recommendation. Shameless bugger he is.
yourock clps
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Super sago
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Excellent bro
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கதிர் ட அடிவாங்கிட்டு வர போறான்... நிஷா தான் இந்த கதையின் மையகருத்து அவ யார் கூட சேர போற என்பது தான் கதையின் எதிர்பார்ப்பு. சீக்ரம் கதையை முடீங்க ரொம்ப நாளா காத்திட்டு இருக்கோம்
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ராஜ் வும் சீனுவும் எந்த விதத்ல வேறுபடுராங்க பணத்தை தவிர
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Seenu don't deserve to become wife of Nisha or member of her family. He is just road side Romeo fucking all housewife who are ready to cheat their husbands by opening their legs for other like nisha, maha, veena, kamini. He is not a husband material who can be loyal to wife and take good care of family. Being a only son Seenu can't even take care of his parents, how will he take care of women depending on him. He is a good fucker and licker. Otherwise, he is zero.  Heart thanks
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Beautiful update hats off.
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Good update. The only job Seenu can do is drawing the women and Fuck them hard.
[+] 1 user Likes Gandhi krishna's post
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