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(Based on true events.....)

I don't know when I became a voyeur.

Maybe it was all that xxx movies I saw or perhaps it was the lustful face of the women, which made me attracted to this type of perversion. Thinking back the past incidents seems funny and at the same time exciting.

I would like to bring out some of the few incidents in my life, which I find out to be exciting and which I am sure many of you might have tried it. This might not be a full- fledged sexual story but it does have some sizzling moments especially if you are a voyeur or love to dare.


My first collection of thoughts on steps to voyeur is the incident which happened by a slip-up.

I was in Chennai at that time. My best friend was Ramnath. His mother was very friendly with us. Recalling the moment now, I think she might have been a voyeur. Her name was Shalini meaning elegant one.

Sometimes I used to stay back and spend the night there. The flat was a small one, with only one bedroom. Therefore the only privacy room was the bedroom. The exciting moment was when his mother used to change in the night, in front of us thinking we were asleep, every night. In case we were not asleep she would tell us to cover our face with our hands, but we used to peep in between our fingers. She either didn't know we were peeping or didn't care. Anyway we had no complaint. Ramnath had no problem me watching her, in fact he liked it. He used to call me when she would take bath. We would sit in the bedroom playing as innocent people. Unknown that we were there she would wrap a towel on her body and come out. She had a beautiful smile and long legs. When she would see us she would smile and ask us to leave. We never had any intention to see beyond. Her smile and wet body dbangd in towel was enough for us to get wet dreams.

One day Ramnath suggested hiding under the bed. It was a turning moment for our sexual life and a cherished moment. We covered ourselves in a sheet and hid under the bed when she went to take her bath. Usually the dirty sheets are tugged under the bed for the servant to take them. So it was easy for us. Ramnath`s mother came from the out wrapped in towel as usual. Toweling her hair, she walked to the bed room door and locked it. We peeped outside. There was a crazy sensation in us. We knew what we were doing was wrong yet it felt exciting. She sat down on a stool in front of the dressing table and combed her hair, then applied powder on her body. She used some perfume to rub on her body and we felt a soothing smell surround us. She suddenly got up and began to look around. We got worried. Was she looking for us? Did she hear any sound? We crept in to our sheets. She opened her cupboard and sat on her legs, looking through the last shelf. She picked up something and got up. As she got up the towel loosened and fell down near us. I got worried that she would pick the towel and find us. After some time we heard no noise. We slowly crept out from our sheets to check. We could still see Ramnath`s mothers legs. Gathering courage we looked out. We were stunned.

Ramnath's mother was standing stark naked. She was standing in front of a mirror we had a good view of both her front and back which send tingles to our little dicks. Ramnath's mother was curling her hair with her eyes fixed on her curls. We watched he boobs which looked like ripe mangoes. Her nipple was pink and its bud aroused. Her navel and stomach was like an art of a goddess. Her pussy hair was curled and thick black in color. Her ass was large yet not vulgar. It looked like two water melons. We watched in awe at the beautiful structure. We were brought to our senses when the noise of placing the comb reached our ears. She had finished curling and placed it in the drawer. We withdrew to our sheets.

Ramnath's mother picked the towel from the ground without seeing us and wrapped it around her body. We were smiling at each other when suddenly Ramnath's mother squatted on the floor. We thought we were caught and trembled. She had her back against us. Lowering her knee, she was searching for something under the cupboard. We watched her ass. It was so near us. Suddenly she bends forward reaching out to the end. In this process her towel around her body went up. She held it but the towel was up and covered only half her ass. As she dug deeper under the cupboard, her ass cheeks opened and we saw her asshole. The asshole so open was a rare treat and never ever possible. We looked at her widened ass cheeks. The pink asshole seemed so inviting. It seemed like it was inviting us in. We wanted to put our finger in it as we saw it contract. We were sure it would easily gain access. The view soon ended as she got what she was searching. It was her high heeled slipper.

We had a good laugh on it later but that picture of her ass and the asshole opening slowly remained vivid in my mind till date. It made me a great fan of women's ass. She never knew that we saw her naked but our small dicks tinkled whenever she turned around.

I learned the art of masturbating years later, giving my evergreen hardon a rest. I learnt it when I went for a haircut, just behind our house. The barber was vigorously battering his dick over a semi nude filmstar`s picture in a magazine. He didn't stop even as he saw me but asked me,

"Does your thing leak milk?"

I didn't understand what he meant, but as soon as I reached home, I started rubbing and doing as he had done. After some time I felt something rush up. I felt my eyes swoon and something gripped over me. I almost fainted as something leaked out of my dick. It took some time for me to register the white liquid that had come out of my dick, draining all my strength and which would be an integral part of my life. Once I learned to masturbate, I wanted to masturbate over every nude or exposing picture of women. Soon I wanted to watch in real. In those days we didn't get XXX VCD easily as we get XXX DVD now. So it was a festival if we got one. My eyes longed for a real one. It was soon to change.


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One day when my mom was bathing in the night and I was waiting for her to come out, I saw a ray of light coming out through a gap. My evil mind awoke. The bathroom was outside our house. I looked around to see if anyone was watching and then proceeded with a wild beating heart, to see if I could see anything. I had to kneel down to get my eye to the gap. At first I saw nothing, just the yellow light of the bulb. Suddenly my mom`s leg appeared frightening me out of my skin. I thought I was caught but she had just moved. I peeped in once again. She was naked with droplets of water on her body. She had huge boobs and was applying soap on it. Her nipples were standing out as if aroused. I watched her bounce her boobs around as she applied all over her softness. I followed her hands down as it led to her navel and then to her pussy. Her pussy was all covered with hair. She turned around and applied soap on her thighs and legs. 

As she bends I remember Ramnath's mother. My mom's ass was not as beautiful or large as hers but still looked good. As she bends, my eye suddenly went to the position between her legs. I found a secret drawer. It emerged like lips, making me feel more erotic. Later I understood that would be the destination of every man. I found myself reaching for my dick and began to masturbate, seeing the first view of an inner woman. I covered my dick with my hand while I ejaculated as never before and ran to wash seeing that my mother had begun to dress after her bath.

From then on I masturbated daily seeing her nudity. It was not always bath I got to see. Sometimes she would urinate other times even doing her toilet. I always feasted on her nakedness for my masturbation. Sometimes she would have finished her bathroom and toilet by the time I reach from school. That day I would wait for the night. In the night when she is asleep, I would lift her dress and shine a torch to see her panties. That would be my feast. Soon I began to touch her or bump in to her by mistake. Sometimes I would dust her back saying there is powder. The turning point was soon to come.


One day I was in my room. I felt mighty horny and covered myself with a sheet after removing my shorts and played with my dick. Suddenly mom came in to know why I had tucked myself in so early. I removed my hands lay as if nothing, but my body betrayed me. Without my shorts no one was there to control my dick. It shot up and stood like a pole under the sheet.

"What are you hiding under the sheet?" mom asked.


Unexpectedly she grabbed my dick and I pulled away embarrassed. She was surprised and still couldn't believe it was my dick. She pulled off the sheet and my dick shamelessly waved to her. She let go of the sheet and quickly changed the subject to homework and left, but I could see she was shaken. Either she was worried that her son had grown up or she suddenly remembered her husband's dick. That incident had left me stunned and embarrassed but later when I thought about it, it made me horny.

The first touch of a woman on my dick and that woman was my mother!

It felt like heaven and real material for me to be horny. Soon I began to develop the one line story and visualize for my masturbation, till one day I wondered why I didn't make my fantasy to a reality. I began to think and rethink for a fool proof scheme to fulfill my lust.


One day I walked to the kitchen and acted as if falling on the floor. Mom rushed to me and helped me up.

"Are you hurt?"

I nodded.


I was waiting for that normal question. My heart began to beat fast. The answer to this normal question which every mom asks their children was going to change my life. I pointed to my dick. For a second she was discomfited, but seeing my crying face she wanted to help me.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Bring some warm oil," I said.

When she went to kitchen I removed my shorts and sat in my underwear. She returned with the oil in a bowl and was surprised. I didn't look at her face but told her to hold the bowl towards me. I took some oil in my fingers and facing her, pulled down my underwear. My dick jumped out. I watched her face with evil glee. She was surprised and at the same time discomfit. She didn't know how to handle the situation and was watching the events stunned. I applied oil on my dick then pulled my foreskin down and applied on the top. 

After a few seconds massage with oil on my foreskin pulled down dick, I released my foreskin. Taking some oil in my fingers, I let the drops fall inside my foreskin whilst I pulled it to a side. Then as if mixing the oil in between my foreskin and dick I began to pump my dick. I spread my legs little, so that my sack could get little movement as I masturbated in front of my mother. She didn't understand and thought it was a part of applying oil. Watching my mom's embarrassed face my shameless dick ejaculated startling her. She took a step back as the sperms leaped as to reach her pussy. I held on to my dick pulling my foreskin farthest till the last drop of my cum finished erupting out. She was still watching, not knowing what to do as I smiled at her.


For a few days both mom and me were tight lipped, not knowing how to break the silence, but soon I went back to my habit of watching my personal xxx movies and reading sex stories making my lust grew. 

One day when she was preparing breakfast I walked to her with zip open and dick hanging out. She was flabbergasted and looked at me but I moved around as if I didn't know.

"Varun, Your zip is open!" she said.

"Yeah, I know. The zip got broken."

"But.....but it's hanging out," she said.

"No, I threw the broken zip away," I said acting innocent.

"No—I meant your .... Thing."

"What thing?"

She desperately pointed to my dick. Without looking down I stood erect and let my dick rise and fall and said, "What?"

She started to ogle and action but no words came out. She started pointing as if crazy. I looked down.

"Oh, I am sorry. It's because my zip was open," I said as if surprised and put my man in.

"But weren't you wearing your underwear?"

"O yeah, but it just pops out," I said as I forced my dick out without touching it. She was appalled.

"It has come out again," she said watching the dick wriggle like a dog's tail.

"O let it be. I am fed up of putting it in. I am going out. All other dresses are wet."

"Like that?" she said horrified.


"Give it to me. I will stitch it for you."

I followed her to the machine room. She took out her sewing machine and got ready. I removed my pants and threw it to her and patted my dick.

"Go cover up yourself with something!" she said.

"Why should I? You are my mom. Are you disgusted by your son's nakedness?"

"It's not appropriate."

"Why? You used to give me bath and I have been naked in front of you many times."

"That's different and moreover you have grown up now."

"But you are my same mom for me."

"Don't argue," she said getting angry.

"I wouldn't mind if you were naked in front of me."

She gave me a ferocious look and said, "I don't like your talk."

I kept silent but stood there. She stitched the pant while I stood with my dick hanging out of my underwear and watching her boobs. She gave me the pants and walked away as I put my pants on. I was happy with this small incident. I was getting more and more courageous.

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My mom's ass greeted me.

She was bending down cleaning the room. She had worn a silk dress and the dress was sucked in, to her ass cheeks, portraying her ass figure. With the cute girl's naked figure in mind, I couldn't hold any longer. Without closing the door I moved stealthily toward her. Getting my dick out I lifted her dress. She jumped up but I held her. She thought it was my usual frantic. I pulled down her panties and pressed her towards me. Her ass collided on my dick. 

I felt she was putting only half the resistance she normally had. She might have thought this was the usual press, squeeze and cum as I always had done, but today I was an animal. I wanted more. The figure of the woman in front of me was not of my mother but of the cute little shy girl I met in the park.

I pushed my mom on the bed and jumped on her. Parting her legs I led my john to her pussy. Alarm bells rang in her and she tried to push me off but I was heavy. I held her hands as she tried to slap and hit me. My dick like a galloping horse galloped to the pussy and sniffed around, unable to penetrate. I rubbed my dick on her pussy then holding her hands with one hand, I freed my other hand to guide my dick to her pussy. 

She began to wriggle as I found her pussy hole. With one finger I titillated it and then slowly pressurized my dick on her pussy hole. It slides in easily than I had anticipated.

An 'Oomph' escaped her lips.

Suddenly her resistance stopped and she began to shiver like an attack of fits. It had been a long time since my father was away. The pleasures pumped into her like a hurricane. Her mouth opened and eyes swooned as I rocked her. I felt her nipples rise up on my chest. I grabbed her boobs and ridged her like a maniac riding a horse. She was quivering to my pumps. Though I felt the excitement I didn't get the bliss I expected. 

My dick seemed loose in her pussy. All of a sudden some of the stories hit my mind.

I abruptly pulled out my dick, turned her and made her lie on her stomach. The sudden withdrawal of my dick seemed to bring my mother into her senses and she regained her protest. Few seconds earlier she didn't seem to resent what I was giving. 

I lay flat on her with my dick on her ass, squeezing in between her assline by itself. My hands pat her ass and slowly part her ass cheeks, searching for her asshole. Finding it, I pushed my finger in. she squirm as my finger went deep into her anus. I push and pull to widen it. She didn't expect my next step. I place my dick on her asshole and pushed harder by each push.

"What....are..... You....doing?" she asked.

"Fucking your ass," I replied unperturbedly.

"It.....won't......go.....inside....stop...," she gasped in my push.

"Oh it will. I will enter your ass."

Her asshole was tighter than I expected but now I was getting the lustful fun I intended. I pushed harder and slapped her ass. She twisted in pain but that was enough for me. Her mind suddenly shifted from resistant to pain and that one moment was enough for my dick to glide in. 

she gave an unholy roar as my dick emerged into her ass. I suddenly found myself going in like Alice in wonderland, falling through the hole. The sensation was a never ever felt feeling. I grabbed her boobs and pumped in like a mad man. In between I rubbed her pussy and she too felt the enjoyment as I roughed banged her.

"Hmmm... I am your pussy...rub it...I am mother......insert your finger," she kept mumbling.

I felt happy sitting on top of her ass and riding it deep. I forgot of the cute little girls I found in the park. 

I felt the pleasure in riding my mother's ass. She was saying it was wrong and in between enjoying it. I widened her ass cheeks and pushed deeper. Her asshole was a perfect fit on my dick. The asshole was holding tight on my dick as if milking it. I felt as if the asshole was squeezing my dick and draining my milk. 

I pumped harder. I began to rise and fall like a demon possessed as I felt the cum rising. With two or more pump I thrust deep in and held her pulling her back like a bow as my arrow went deep in. my dick erupted like a flood in her ass. I quiver as the massive flow exploded from my dick. I lay on her with my dick discharging the last cum of my dick. As the last cum drain off, I pulled my dick out and turn her around and before she can say anything push my dick into her mouth.

"C`mon mom, suck me dry."

Like an obedient girl she sucked me dry. I pulled my foreskin back and let her suck again. Then I turned her around once again, parted her ass cheeks and searched for her asshole.

This unholy reunion would give me more courage to forward myself in the fields of Voyeurism.

Have any of you seen or done any Voyeurism?? Please tell me.
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Son And Mother Became Best Lover

After my mother gets divorced to my father, I just wanted to fulfill my long desire of making my mother my wife. It became true when I told I mother that I love her. She saw the passion in my eyes for her.

" said you loved me." My mother said slowly, staring deep into my eyes.

"Yes, Mother...I love you more than anything," I murmured.

It was several seconds before she spoke again as she continued to stare into his eyes.

" mean, in, in that way," she slowly stammered out.

"I...I just wanted you to know," I said softly. "I just wanted you to know that I love you, no matter what happens. I have always loved you. I always will, and I'll always be here for you."

She looked confused. Like she didn't know what to do. Or say. But her eyes never wavered from me.

"Funny, isn't it?" she finally sighed. "The only man in the world that loves me...truly loves me, is my son. That is so distressing."

She gave his thigh another gentle squeeze. My eyes bore into hers

"If only. If only," she whimpered softly. "What that it were..."

"I just want you to know," he murmured. "I'm here for you, for you in any way you need me. Just tell me what I can do to make you happy again."

She continued to stare into my eyes. It was as if she was looking for an answer. An answer to her unhappiness and loneliness.

"I could never commit myself again," she said softly, then paused for several seconds before she slowly went on, "to any man. Unless, unless he promised to give me his undying love."

"I'll love you forever, and ever," I whispered back.

I could not but stare at her, her saree had fallen off her chest and her breasts in her dart blue blouse were heaving...

My mother saw the hunger in her son's eyes, the passion, the love for her – for her body.

Finally, her eyes dropped away from me, and her hand slowly floated up away from my throbbing cock. I'd gone too far, I told myself. Way too far.

But as I watched her hand, it was joined by her other hand at the top button of her blouse. Then, looking down at her hands, she timidly unhooked the first hook. Gulping, he tried to swallow the bale of cotton that had suddenly materialized inside his mouth. Her fingers opened the second hook as he looked on with dazed astonishment. Then the third hook popped free, bringing her lacey black bra into view between the edges of her blouse.

I watched her slowly spread her blouse open. His heart was now pounding mad as she reached up to his hand on her shoulder. Not saying a word, she lifted it and brought it down to the opening of her blouse. Pressing his hand, palm down, into the opening, she let go of it. I could hardly breath as she dropped one hand down to her lap and the other back down to his thigh. But just as her hand touched down on my thigh, she moved it over to the obvious swell of my cock pressing up against my pants.

Dazed, I sat with his arm around her shoulders, his palm pressed against her hot flesh inside her blouse. Suddenly a jolt of pure excitement tore through my cock as I felt her give it a gentle squeeze through his pants. Not daring to even breathe, I eased his hand over above her right breast. Finding the lacey top edge of her brassiere with the tips of his trembling fingers, I eased them down under it onto the soft, pliant flesh of her breast. As I continued to ease his fingers down into her bra, I felt my mother's fingers tickling down the underside of my cock. Looking down, I saw that she was slowly unzipping my pants.

Then my probing fingertips brushed over the swollen hardness of her nipple, as the lace on the bra tickled up the back of his hand. Another shiver of excitement sparked through my cock as I kept easing his fingers down inside her bra. At last, I could cup the heavy, firm breast resting there. Now the big, jutting nipple was burning a hole into the palm of my hand.

Watching on with feverish anticipation, I saw her daintily spread the opening of my pants apart and ease her hand down inside it.

Pulling my fingers out from under her big, heavy tit, I once again found her hard, jutting nipple with the tips of my fingers. Teasing and toying with the rubbery pap, I gently twisted and tweaked it.

Then my mother's fingers found my steel-hard prick and I heard a small, audible intake of breath. She must be surprised by the size of his thick, seven-inch penis, I arrogantly thought as she fondled and measured its girth and length with her fingers.

I had never felt a woman's breast nipple in all his life, I giddily told himself. She must be just as hot as I was.

Savoring the touch of her nipple on my fingers, I saw her looking over and felt her maneuvering my big, stiff cock up, out through the opening of my underwear. Slowly, its big, purplish-red head appeared. It was slowly followed by the brown shaft, crisscrossed with bulging, blue veins. Then, the last of it came slithering out with my mother's hot hand curled around it.

Her eyes widened momentarily, as she stared down at the big, jutting shaft of teenage cock-meat.

"My..." she softly murmured, daintily gripping her hand around the thick shaft, twisting and running it up its impressive length. "Son... you are ......."

After a few long, delicious moments, she opened her hand. Letting his cock jut up into the air on its own, she reached up and pulled his hand out of her blouse.

What now, I deliriously wondered? In a testosterone-induced fog, I watched my mother, lean forward, put her hands on the cushion and slowly push herself up to her feet. Then, she peeled off the saree from her body. She was wearing a blue petty-coat, and I groaned as I saw her naked belly and deep navel inches in front of me. It was so sexy, so sensuous.

my mother held my face and pulled me to her. I buried his face in her belly fleshly and started kissing her there with passion. Her skin felt like butter, and I kissed her all over – and when my tongue dipped into her deep navel Namratha, my mother groaned with pleasure. She knew what was happening...

I felt her fingers in caressing his hair and slowly pulling him back. "Oh Beta....what are we doing dear" she sighed caressing his cheeks.

Then looking into my eyes, she removed her blouse from her body.

I had never seen anything so erotic. So telling. So titillating, I thought as I stared up at her breasts covered by the lacy black brassiere.

She slowly sat back down on the couch. "Son...may I touch you again". She murmured.

It was all happening too quickly for him to comprehend. my cock was still poking out of the opening in his pants as she looked at him...waiting. At last, I came to my senses and said "Yes Ma......"

Maa pushed me down on the couch and sat near him "Oh beta, did I make you so hard.... So big and so hard......."

She teased as she pulled my underwear down my knees and slowly captured my penis in her left hand. I watched in fascination as my mother wet her right hand with her spit, and then started to caress me "Let Ma take care of this my darling" she said looking into my eyes.

My eyes darted from her bosom to her face. I was delirious with pleasure; her hands felt so much better than mine when I used to masturbate.

She peeled my foreskin back and tickled the underside of my pensis, and saw how much pleasure her son got.

"God...Mother...I love you," I groaned out, easing his throbbing cock into her hands.

She bent forward and kissed my forehead, his eyes and his cheeks. "Beta I love you, I love you so much"

"Oh God, Mother...can't believe..." I gasped, feeling my mother squeezing my penis as I came close to cumming.

So this is what ecstasy is, I deliriously told myself as my mother gave me the best hand job in the world.

Namratha saw his pre-cum flowing out and felt his shudder. She loved this.

I looked down at her big tits jiggling softly in the confines of her brassiere. Her mangalsutra held in her cleavage.....

It's a miracle, I dementedly thought. I should have blown his wad long ago, what with all the passion that was sparking between us. But somehow, I struggled to control the overpowering urge to come. I couldn't it give up and make the pleasure pouring up from my peter stop. I didn't want it to ever stop. Just go on and on and on... But it was a losing battle, I groaned as my mother increased her speed.

"Maaa, I ...."

"It is ok Beta, it is ok" Maa murmured.

Then I came, and he came like I never came before. My cum shot up over them on to floor as I jerked up and shivered in pleasure.

Namratha, my mother was taken aback by her son's climax, it was so powerful, so intence, she knew they cannot turn back.

Then, just when I thought it was going to go on forever, my cock pulsated one final time and stopped shooting.

"Maa.." I groaned.

She stroked my head and slowly removed her cum stained hands. I said "Ma, Sorry.. I"

She laughed in a husky manner "Oh Beta, it is ok.. it is you... I don't mind, I need to go" her voice was shaking as if she was fighting with her conscience.

"Clean that up," she said, pointing down to the puddle of cum on the couch.

Then, getting-up, she shuffled toward the bathroom carrying her blouse.

When my mother disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door behind her, I stuffed my cock into my pants and zipped up. 
Then I went about cleaning up the big puddle of cum on the couch.

Now what, I wondered as I wiped away at the stain. This escapade with my mother had been beyond belief, but the abrupt reversion to mother and son at the end of it, disappointed me. I had thought that once it was over, the intimacy would remain. But when she abruptly ordered him to clean up the mess they had made and then went storming off into the bathroom, I didn't know what to think. Finished cleaning up the mess, I sat in the chair, sipping on my drink as I waited for my mother to return. I didn't really know what to expect.

At last, the door opened and she came strolling out as if nothing had happened at all. Her blouse was re-buttoned. Standing by the couch, she took the saree and wore it. For me it was another sexy sight that he could not stop staring. Finally she was fully dressed, she sat down.

"Well..." she said, looking me in the eye.

"Uh...well...well what?" I asked, confused by her question.

"Was it good?" she asked.

"Good," I choked out, smiling finally. "It was fantastic, beyond my wildest expectations. But .... Ma... are you ok,?"

"Was it good enough to give up your freedom for?" she asked me, ignoring his second question.

"What? What do you mean? Freedom?" I asked.

"You remember that I told you I could never commit to another man unless I knew that he was committed to me?" she asked me.

"Uh, yeah," I mumbled.

"That man would have to forsake all other women," she said sternly, "and love only me."

"Uh, yes uh, okay...but what does that have to do with us?" I asked her.

"You insinuated earlier that you were that man," she said, looking me in the eye. "Are you?"

"Huh?" I grunted.

"So that means that you would commit to me? Totally and unequivocally?" she wanted to know.

"Uh, yes, Ma....I ... think " I muttered.

"There's no thinking involved in this. It's either yes, or no," she said sternly.

"Yes," I hissed softly.

"You would marry me?" she asked me.

My eyes flew open and my jaw dropped, staring at her in confusion.

"Marry you?" I was finally able to choke out.

"Yes, marry me," she said emphatically.

"But how? You're my mother," I groaned, now totally bewildered.

"Don't worry about the details. I'll take care of those. Will you marry me?" she asked me again.

"Yeah...yes...yes...I'll marry you. I don't know how, but I'll marry you if that's what you want," I said.

"Good Beta" she smiled back at me. "We'll have the wedding on this Monday..."


"Yes, wedding...on Monday"

"You agree to be my husband," she asked.

"Yes," I said. "That means, we will be like, you know, really married, and ... we can, can we,?" I timidly asked.

"Can we what Beta" Namratha teased me

"Oh Ma, you know, can we be really like, husband and wife.... do you know"

"a first night" she asked huskily "have sex"....

I nodded/

"Of course," she laughed, pausing, looking at me like a mother – with a stern look - "But after we're married. I want to be your wife before you can do what you have in mind"

"But, but it's only Friday Tuesday," I complained. "That's 3 days away."

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder, Son, it is only 3 days," she giggled. "Patience is a virtue and besides I don't want to force this on you, if you want to reconsider ....."

"Oh Ma... I don't want to reconsider" I said with passion.

Namratha came near me and patted his head. "I know"

"oh, okay," I whined, watching my wife to be's behind jiggle under her short skirt as she strolled away.


The rest of the week was pure hell for me as it crawled along at a snail's pace. my mother would allow me absolutely no physical contact, and I was afraid to ask.

My mother saw the raw hunger in me, and she was no better. She was always wet during those days, thinking about them, what all the will be doing...... She also made me promise that I will not masturbate. I had to summon all his will power to comply.

Finally it was Monday, and after tea, maa gave me a list and sent me off to the market. Her eyes had a strange twinkle that day, but she still acted as his mother.

It was the most exciting shopping I ever did.

• Jasmine Flowers

• Two flower garlands

• New white Kurta Pyjama for him


• A big pack of KAAMSUTRA Condoms!

my mind was racing as I came back home.

"Got everything" mother asked taking the bags from me.

"Yes Ma" I said looking at her. She looked lovely even though she was dressed in a normal saree and had not eve done her hair well. But i saw that she had done mehendi in her hands.

Maa kept the bags on the living room table and turned to me. She held my hands and brought them to her lips and kissed my fingers. "Are you sure about this Beta"

I nodded "Yes Ma, yes, are you...."

She smiled "Yes dear, I have made you wait for long, I have waited for long...."

We had an early dinner, with the food mother had made. The dal and chapathi tasted heavenly as my mother served me with love.

She told me that she has found a good time (mahurath) at 8.30 PM that night, and we will have small ceremony in their puja room. She asked me to have a bath and come to the puja room by 8.15.

I helped her to clear the dishes and then went upstairs to my room. I got ready and wore my new dress. I felt as if this was so real, as if I was getting really married.

It was 8.15 and I reached the puja room, and what I saw blew my mind. my mother had lighted the lamps and had had arranged a small havan (fire). She was standing there waiting for me. She was dressed a fine silk saree, deep red in color with the saree pallu covering her head. She was wearing make-up and her head was adorned with flowers. She was wearing jewellery, chains, traditional earrings, and many things which Raj did not know the names of. The gold added to her magnificent allure. She looked every inch a bride, like a godess.

"Oh Ma..... you look so..... so beautiful" I blurted out

"Thank you Raj" she smiled coyly.

She pulled me near to the havan and asked him to light it.

"There is no pundit, but we have the fire and Gods as witness" she said.

She switched on a small portable CD player she had brought to the puja room and the sound of wedding hymns filled the room.

"Are you ready Raj" she asked

I nodded

"Mother...Mother, you're the most beautiful woman in the world," I groaned, gawking at her shamelessly.

"Thank you," she murmured softly, stepping up directly in front of me.

All her beauty was having a profound effect on me. She was finally going to be mine completely.

I then saw that she had removed her mangalsutra and had it in her hand in a yellow thread. She gave it to me.

"Please make me your wife my son" she said.

Only the strains of the Wedding hymns were to be heard as they stood staring into each other's eyes.

"You're sure?" she smiled, looking down to see that my hands were shaking.

"Please...Maa ..stop teasing me," I whined. "Yes, yes, yes, I want to go through with it."

"Okay then," she said, bowing her head. "Tie the mangalsutra and make me your Patni (wife)"

"Yes Ma " I whispered with love.

My hands shook as I put the mangalsutra thread around her neck, marveling at softness of the skin on her neck and tied the thread.

He moved back when it was done. He saw tears in his mothers eyes.

"Ma are you ok" I asked with genuine concern and love.

She nodded, taking the garlands. "I am, I am so happy darling".

Maa took a small ornate box with sindoor (red vermillion powder) and shivered as I applied the sindoor on her forehead.

We put the garlands over each other, and I took my wife mothers hands and we went around the fire.

we were married. From mother and son, we were now Pati and Patni (Husband and Wife).

"Raj now I am yours, in every way, thank you for taking me as your bride" she sniffed, as I held her hands in love.

"Oh Ma, I should be thanking you... you are all that I ever wanted" I said with passion.

My mother slowly wiped away the tears with the edge of her son / husband's duppatta, and looked me straight in the eye.

"I want stop you now my son, my husband, why don't you go to my bedroom and wait for me"

"That is if you want us to continue from the marriage, and move to making our union complete" she solemnly said.

We both just stood there staring into each other's eyes with love pouring between us for the longest time.

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"Well," my mother finally laughed. "Aren't you going to kiss the bride?"

"Uh, oh Ma , yes....." I said, wrapping his arms around her and crushing his lips down onto hers.

I was passionate and in experienced and Maa slowed me down "Slowly darling, we have time" and kissed me slowly leading me on by nibbling on me lips, opening my lips sucking my lower lips and slowly giving me her tongue. I learned fast, and we kissed. Our lips opened fully and our tongues sparred as we hungrily kissed, sanctifying the incestuous communion we had just created.

Maa broke the kiss. They were panting. "Go to my room darling" she said, with a bit of her mother voice.

I obeyed.

As I entered my mothers' bedroom I hear skipped a beat. It was not her bedroom anymore. It was our first night chamber. My mother had spread a new satiny red bed sheet on which white Jasmine flowers were sprinkled. The room smelled nice with incense sticks.


I turned around and saw my mother coming with a tall glass in her hand.

I took the milk and drank half and gave her the glass back. With a shy smile my mother drank it and set the glass aside. She went and closed the bed room door.

"There is no one at home, but it feels nice to close out the external world" she said turning back to me.

She came towards me as I opened my arms. We embraced and I felt her whimper.

I kissed her forehead – and slowly removed the saree pallu from her head. She smiled at me. She held my face.

"My darling" she whispered. "I love you". She brought my face down and we kissed again. It was so natural. She felt my hands trying to get in between our bodies she let me and groaned as he caressed her naked belly and squeezed her flesh.

Finally, several long moments later, they broke, gasping for breath. I was hard and my pyjama was tenetd.

Maa saw that and bit her lips.

"He's certainly impatient today," she murmured as I gently kissed her again.

"He's had to wait four days," he grumbled. "He's ready to go."

"Well tonight he can" she giggled and started undoing her ornaments.

"The jewels look great on you Ma" I murmured watching her.

"So should I leave them on" She teased keeping away her chains and undoing her other ornaments.

"keep some" I suggested.

"What about my saree" she asked.

"Oh Ma...... I think you're just trying to stall," I complained and caught her hand. I pulled her to me and we kissed hard. We tried to removed her saree and she stopped me

"Let me darling" she told me, moving over to foot of the bed and un pinned her saree.

"Do you think I am pretty Raj" she asked as she removed her saree from her pallu.

"Oh Ma – your are the best, I mean it, I have always found you sexy, so so sexy" I said taking in the beauty of her – with the saree gone she was clad in a red blouse and matching petti coat. Her bosom was so sexy heaving in anticipation for me.

"And I have seen it in your eyes that you like these" she teased caressing her bosom and slowly un doing the hooks.

"Oh yes Maa, I have always" I groaned as she peeled off her blouse. She was wearing a sexy lacy pink brassiere which could hardly contain her huge mammaries.

Maa pulled the string and stepped out of her petty-coat. Clad in her bra and matching pink panties she looked so sexy that Raj just stared at her with pure lust.

I got up and my mother came towards me. She was in front of me and I could see the dark shadow of her nipples, the light sheen of sweat on her smooth alabaster skin. I just drank her in. She moved closed and I embraced her. I felt her body her semi nakedness against me.

I kissed her passionately, and she kissed me back. My hands roamed over her naked back side marveling at the smooth feel of her flesh. My hands came down and cupped her buttocks tentatively. She kissed me harder and I squeezed harder.

She pushed me off and undid the buttons of my Kurta. I took it off and she pulled off my vest. I felt good as my mother looked at my firm body with love and lust. "You look so good my Raj" she murmured giving me a kiss on my chest. My hands came down and rested on the protrusion of my pyjama. With a smile she pulled the strings off, and I removed my pyjama stumbling in hurry.

She smiled and looked at me – standing in front of her with his underwear tented obscenely. She murmured "Show me and I will show you"

I removed my underwear, and groaned as I saw her reaching back to remover her bra. In a swift motion she removed her brassiere and then bent down and pulled of her panties.

Mother and son were naked. She opened her arms and I went to her taking in her raw sexuality, her heaving tits, the deep navel, and her sex, covered with curly back hair.

She slowly moved closed rubbing her erect nipples on my chest. I groaned as she pressed her to me. My arms went around her and we came together naked.

I could not believe how good her body felt. It was soft, silky and I was in heaven. Holding the perfect round cheeks of her beautiful ass cupped in my hands, I pulled her against me as I pushed my steel-hard cock against her soft, pliant belly. As I did, she thrust her big, soft breasts against my chest, burning holes into it with her rock-hard nipples.

Maa kissed me hard and moved back to the bed.

"Mother, I can't believe how beautiful you are," I groaned as she lay on her back, her legs spread, waiting for me.

With her lovely charms spread out before me in all our splendor, I knew I would have to struggle to keep from coming the moment I touched her.

I crawled on to the bed, and kissed her forehead, and moved down to her lips, she took my hands while we kissed. She broke the kiss and whispered. "You don't have to ask now darling, I am your woman, love me, love my body" she kept his right hand on her left breast. I nodded.

I kissed her neck and she arched her back. Both my hands covered her breasts. I marveled at their size and my fingers found her nipples. I bent down and kissed above her chest, moved down to her cleavage.

Maa groaned as she felt her son kissing her breasts. I was soon un controllable kissing her breasts all over, licking her once and seeing her positive reaction licking her all over and finally over her nipples.

I was in heaven – this was one of my best fantasizes, I loved her breasts, and when my lips closed over her nipples I looked up at her.

'Yes baby" she whimpered with tears of joy. I sucked her slowly at first and then with passion. It was so erotic, I wanted more and more. I alternated between her breasts kissing and sucking, my tongue lashing at her nipples again and again.

Maa was wet and in a sensual trance at the onslaught of her son on her body. Her vagina was wet and she wanted me, she wanted more than just loving of her breasts. She wanted her son in her.

She pushed me off slowly. "Oh are so good baby" she told me looking at my wet face "you like them so much? Beta"

"Yes Ma, they are so, so good, it was so nice to " I told her bending down to suck her again.

Maa laughed and her hands held my penis. "I can see that" she sighed. My cock throbbed as she squeezed. I looked at her with love and lust and longing. I wanted her.

She reached under the pillows and brought out the condom. I groaned. "Oh Ma, can we, I mean we...."

She laughed and scooted over to me and put the condom over my penis. "Yes dear, why did we get married for? Don't tell me you are afraid to go ahead" she teased

I groaned as she lied down opening her legs. I saw her then in all her glory, the wet lips of her vagina opening as she spread her thighs.

"Come-...come to Mother. Come to your new wife and make her happy again," she softly said, holding her arms out to me, inviting me down into the treasure waiting between her outstretched legs. "Ma is wet and ready for you my Beta, my love"

"God!" I groaned out, crawling up onto the bed and up between her legs.

Staring down at her big tits, I watched us jiggle softly as she reached down and grasped my cock. Then I slowly eased down into the middle of the M formed by her lovely, spread legs. Gently, with the tips of her fingers, she guided the rounded tip of my cock down into the hot socket that lay at the very bottom of her pussy. I told myself, this is what I wanted always, I was going to make love to her.

I groaned with pleasure as I felt her pussy welcoming me. It was un-believable she was hot and pliant, but her lips held on to me like a sheath. "Slowly Raj, its been long since Ma did this, and you are so much bigger than your Papa"

Our eyes bore into each other – as I entered her. Maaa let out a loud whimper as her lips stretched and accepted me. I stopped afraid that I had hurt her. "Ma, aaaaah, are u uh ok"

She smiled at me and left my buttocks, "Yes baby, I am, it feels so good baby, it feels so good mmmmmmmm"

I was living the moment to the fullest. I felt pride, love, and pure lust for the woman under me, my mother now my lover.

"We both need this, baby" she murmured as he slowly fed my cock down into the warm depths of her clutching cunt. "Your new wife likes your manhood"

"You just tell me what my wife likes," I smiled down at her as our bellies gently nudged up against each other. "And I'll do whatever my dear, sweet wife tells me."

"Then make love to me" she goaded me thrusting her hips out.

Slowly, lovingly I began to work my big cock in and out of the tight, velvet-lined sheath of her cunt.

Squeezing her thighs against me, she let my hips rub up against the slippery smoothness of her thighs as I pistoned my cock in and out of her. I had never imagined that a woman's pussy would be so hot, so tight, and so unbelievably wet. I couldn't believe it was the same pussy that my big head had came out through when I was born. How could such a wondrously tight opening allow that and still be tight enough to bring a man such pleasure? It was another miracle of womanhood...

Locking my elbows, I stared down at my mother as she looked back up at me with love pouring up out of her sultry, black eyes. Bringing my eyes down, I watched her big tits slowly undulating up and down in rhythm with our slow fucking. Moving my eyes down further, I giddily watched my big cock, glistening wetly with my mother's juices as it slid in and out of her hot pussy. It seemed to me that our bodies were a perfect match, fitting together like pieces of a puzzle.

Spreading her legs wider, she dug her heels down into the mattress and tilted her pussy up, letting me slide even deeper into the squishy depths of her pussy.

Using her legs, she hunched up at me every time I drove my cock into her, making wet slapping sounds when our bodies met.

My mother, my wife, my soul mate, I thought as I picked up the pace a notch. Still watching the thick, juice-slathered shaft of my cock sliding in and out of the wetness between her legs, I bent down and kissed her with passion.

"Faster, honey, faster," she mewed out, grabbing me by the hips, pushing and pulling on me to make me fuck her faster. "Ma needs to come."

"Make...Ma ..come," I grunted out, moving my hips back and forth faster and faster as I drove my cock down into the clutching heat of her cunt. "Make-my-wife-come."

Now her tits were sloshing up and down wildly as I hammered my cock into her and she thrust herself back up at me. Our groins were covered with hot, sticky pussy-juice as her cunt spewed it out in gushes. I couldn't believe there was so much of the goo as our bodies churned the gooey mess into frothy white gunk. Wonder what it tastes like, I dizzily asked myself, pumping my cock into her harder and harder? I'll find out as soon as I come. I'll eat her out and lick it all off her beautiful pussy.

Then I felt her sharp fingernails dig into my hips as she jerked me down into her as deep as I would go.

"MyyyDDarrrlinnnggggg," she groaned out as her hips began to quiver and shake. Her muscles straining, she dug in her heels and pushed herself against me as she writhed through her orgasm.

I watched her face contort into a mask of agony, drool running out of the corner of her mouth and down her cheek. Eyes rolled back into her head, she grunted softly as she humped her pussy up at me and clutched at my buried prick. I could feel the hot juice spewing out of her pussy as it dripped down onto my froth-covered balls dangling down below me. Her breasts were trembling and quivering, her big nipples so swollen and hard, they looked like they were about to burst. On and on it went for her, as I felt every wave of pleasure wash through her cunt making it clutch at me.

So this is love, I giddily told myself. Not Mother-son love. This was the real thing. Man-woman love. This was the love a man felt for his woman, not his mother. She was my woman now...

Finally, with one last choking gasp, she began to soften and give way, easing her butt back down onto the mattress. Withdrawing her claws from my hips, she looked up at me trying to make her eyes refocus.

"That...that...was unbelievable, never like that before...never," she gasped, trying to catch her breath again as another dribble of spit trickled out of the corner of her mouth and ran down her cheek.

"Oh Ma.... I love you.... I'm so glad I can make you happy now," I murmured looking at her. "It makes me feel so good to make you come."

"I don't recall ever feeling this happy," she said, smiling up at me with love pouring up from her eyes. "Never...ever."

"I'm glad," I said, leaning down and giving her a soft, lingering kiss on the lips.

Finally, I lifted my lips from hers and began to slowly stroke my cock in and out of her sopping pussy once again.

"Wait...wait," she murmured, putting her hand on my chest and pushing me away. "Let...let me do you now."

Grinning down at her, I eased my dripping cock back out of the juicy hole between her legs. With my cock jutting out wet, stiff, and hard, I crawled over her leg and flopped over onto my back.

She quickly struggled up to her hands and knees, her big tits wiggling down below her as she straddled me. Leaning over me, she reached back down between her thighs and grabbed my big cock. Pulling it up, she slowly dropped her hips, settling her dripping pussy down onto the head of my jutting cock. Staring down at me, she eased her pussy down, consuming my entire cock with its steamy core.

Then she began making little grunting sounds as she jerked her hips back and forth, impaling herself on my thick, hard cock.

my goo-covered cock sloshed In and out, in and out of my mother's wet cunt as I reached up and latched hold of her heaving breasts. Her nipples seemed even harder than before, if that was possible, as they stuck out of the darkened cup of pebbled flesh tipping her tits. Pinching the berry-sized nipples between my fingers and thumbs as her tits quivered and danced , I roughly tweaked and plucked at them. The tip of his mother's tongue crept out from between her lips as she concentrated on the fucking of my man-sized cock with her hot pussy.

Nuhhhh-nuhhhh-nuhhhh," she grunted, working her hips back and forth faster and faster as I humped his cock up into her in rhythm with the fucking motion of her hips.

Her pussy was wetly clinging to my cock as it slithered in and out of her clutching cunt, coating it liberally with her hot juices. Her cunt was so slippery and soft, it felt like it was made out of velvet, I thought, thrusting myself up into her harder. 

Just as before, I could feel her hot juices being squeezed out around my pistoning prick as the hot goo dripped down onto my big balls dangling down between my thighs. It felt like she was pumping it out by the bucketfuls as more and more of it poured out of her, splattering my belly and thighs with the gooey stuff. With her head thrown back, her eyes clenched shut, she was breathing heavily as her beautiful ass slashed back and forth. Her ravenous cunt was consuming my pistoning cock up to the hilt on every lunge.

Then, I saw it mother long, black hair moving with her coming infront of her body partially covering her breasts. She collected them and tied her hair in a quick bun. There wasn't even a pause in the rocking motion of her hips as she continued to hump her pussy back and forth on my cock. Watching her gorgeous tits quiver and undulate I held on to her soft midriff caressing her body.

I was in an euphoric daze as my mother's cunt slid back and forth on my stiff prick. I could tell that she was nearing the finish line once again as her muscles were tensing and growing harder.

"Yeah-come-come, Mother-come-come on my cock," I muttered out, humping my cock up into her pussy as it jerked back and forth.

"Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh," she muttered out, her hips jerking spasmodically for a few seconds before she lunged backward, impaling herself to the limit on my cock. "Goddddddddddd!"

Holding herself shoved back onto my cock, she began to babble and writhe as her whole body shook. Then she bent down, almost in a fetal position, thrusting her breasts against my chest as she devoured my mouth with hers. Her mouth wide open, her tongue twisting and probing into my mouth, she kissed me with such passion, I thought I was going to explode. I had never been kissed so frantically. It was almost cannibalistic, I feverishly thought as we hungrily kissed. At last, making soft mewing sounds, she lifted her mouth from my spit-slathered lips.

Jerking her hips forward, she pulled her pussy off my jutting cock and quickly rolled off me.

" come in me...please," she groaned, quickly rolling over onto her back, kicking her legs apart and pulling me down between us.

I quickly moved in until my stiff, juice-drenched cock was in the perfect position to penetrate the dew-covered opening between her legs. Grunting, I lunged forward, thrusting my cock down into the hot depths of her pussy, burying it all the way up to the hilt. Then, like a madman, I began to pound his cock down into her pussy as hard and fast as I could.

Now it was my turn, I deliriously thought. My turn to empty my balls moving in the birthing chamber that lay between her legs.

A spasm of pleasure tore through my cock as it began to pulsate and spurt out its virulent seed deep inside my mother's womb into the condom. The thick, sperm-filled cream spewed out like water from a broken water main.

The spasms of pleasure continued to jolt through my cock, making it pulsate and spurt until there was nothing left to eject out into her hungry pussy. My mother, my wife, my lover took all I gave and wanted even more as she pulled me down onto her.

Her pussy sucked and pulled on my cock, hungrily milking it, trying to extract every last tali-lashing sperm from it. I had never felt so drained, so empty of essence. She had completely depleted me as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down against her. 

Once again, her open mouth found me and her tongue probed against me as we hungrily kissed, trying to get our fill of each other but failing miserably...

We could never satisfy our need for each other. Our love was too consuming. If only I could become her. Live inside her body and feel what she felt. Then I would know how to please her. Please her and make her life whole again. Then she would never want again. For anything! I would see to it that her every need was fulfilled even before it became a need. I loved her that much...

"Thank you Ma" I murmured, as I climbed out my cock a little subdued after all the action.

"You are welcome my son" she smiled at me still panting from the hot sex.

"I love to watch you come, as much as loved my own cumming" I said lying down near her. "It's so erotic. Just knowing that I can make it happen for you, is fucking exciting. Making my own Mother come...Wow...what could be more, more, I don't know...but it's an awesome feeling."

"And you have given me the best I ever had, by a big margin my son, now I want to live for you, and love you, there is so much I want to do with you my love, so many things" she said placing her left leg over me a laying her head on my chest.

I caressed my mother my mind already thinking of these things that we will explore.

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Thanks to the original writer for sharing such beautiful story with us... 

Written by: ranjit_madarchod

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Hot stuff..keep it going
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Sundar romances his young mother Kamala and makes her his own.

Kamala's New Family

Mom/Son, inc, preg. marriage

A fantasy by Mithunda

I grew up in south India in the early seventies. My father was a mild mannered man who worked in a mill. He had one addiction, he drank heavily and many a night he would pass out and had to be helped to bed. He was good to my mother and I could see that she respected and loved him. But I sensed there was also sadness in her and at that time I could not understand why.

I helped mother out at every opportunity. I had a crush on her and this way it kept me close to her. mother always looked up to me for help. I was constantly chatting her up, I could see that she appreciated this as it helped to break the boredom of her day. Dad would go to work in the morning and the next time we saw him was late at night when he would come home tired after which he would proceed to drink heavily.

It seemed to me that the spark had gone out of their marriage. Most of the time he seemed either preoccupied in making ends meet or drinking, this I believe led to his neglecting mother. Don't get me wrong, dad stilled loved mother. They still laughed, joked and kidded each other but the romance that characterized the earlier part of the marriage was rare.

I worked part time driving a taxi in order to make extra money to supplement our family income; this left me very little time to socialize. There were good days and bad days.

After the rest of the family had gone to bed had gone to bed, mother and I would sit by the kitchen table and talk. I knew mother appreciated this gesture. As years went by we grew very close. She would constantly hug me and remind me that I was the beacon of light in her life. I was very mature for my age, knowledgeable beyond my years.


When I was sixteen I began to notice Amma in a different light. I was growing aware sexually and with that bought the realization that mother was very sexy. She had long dark hair, hair that reached to her hips. And even having birthed three children she had a killer figure- 36-24-36. Her eyes were very dark and twinkled in good humor. How close were we? Well we talked about every thing even personal secrets. I talked of the movie stars I liked and disliked and she talked of her past before she married father. She talked wistfully of those carefree days of her youth of things that could have been. She never regretted her marriage as it produced some of the important things in her life- her husband and her children.

With my awareness of mother as a desirable woman, I began to seek out her hugs and kisses. I began to pay her compliments on her looks at which she would blush. I began to bring sweets and flowers for her every day when I come home from working at the grocery store.

I began a routine where every Sunday evening I would take her to the movies and hotel. At the movies I would innocently lean against her or hold her hands. Pretty soon I started putting my arm around her shoulders at which she would lean back and rest her head against my shoulders. I knew that she looked forward to our weekends together because she would try to pick a movie well in advance.

After the movies we would go and sit in a park near the theater. From here one could look at the whole town. We would talk laugh and josh one another.

"Sundar", she said one day, "I think we should start looking for a girl for you. You are going to be 17 soon".

"Amma" I said blindly without thinking much of the consequences. "I do not want to get married. I want to be with you always".

She pulled her head back in surprise looked at me and then looked away silent.

"Amma, did I say something to alarm you".

"I think we should leave," she said after a long interval of silence. Mentally I cursed my self for saying what I had said, but knew that now the cat was out of the bag there was no turning back. I decided to go for broke.

"Amma," I said, "I am sorry if I offended you, but you know I have a good head on my shoulders and wise beyond my years. But don't hate me for saying that I am in love with you and I will do anything to make you happy".

The silence continued for some time and then she looked at me sadly. "Sundar, it's not your fault but mine. I should not have let it continue but I guess I was lonely"

"Amma," I said "I wish it hadn't happened, but since it has I am glad to be in love with you".

"My darling boy, you are my son," she retorted, "these things don't happen between a mother and son and besides I am a married woman".

"Amma," I replied in desperation, "what is done is done. I can't take my love back, but will you give at least some serious consideration to what I just said". She was silent for a long time. She was crying. My heart went out to her. I pulled her to my chest and held her.

"Sundar" she whispered. "I think we should be heading home"

Things cooled down very much after that. Even though I pleaded with her, she would not let me take her out on Sundays, telling me instead that I should go with someone of my very own age. I could see that it was killing her as much as it was killing me. As days passed she seemed sad and withdrawn. This went on for a month. Father noticed the change and asked her why she didn't go out to the movies with me any more. Amma shook her head and asked father why he didn't take her out.

"You know Kamala I work every day of the week and Sunday is my only day off. On that day I prefer to stay and relax at home," he replied. He was drunk as usual. After which a big verbal fight ensued which ended with Amma exiting to the bedroom and slamming the door shut.


That tuesday when my father, my brother and sister were out of the house I asked her out again. To my surprise she quietly nodded her head in assent. I went and hugged and she put her head on my shoulders. I hugged her tightly indicating to her that with her assent the tone of our relationship had changed. I silently but very gently caressed her back running my hands over her shoulders and over her behind. She continued to rest her head over my shoulders. 

I pulled back and looking deep into her eyes said in a quiet voice. "Amma I love you and I can't change that". I bent down kissed her cheeks, her neck, and then boldly placed my mouth against her lips. She did not draw back from my embrace. I was elated that at last it seemed she was responding back.

My flowers were now accepted with a warm kiss on the cheek. When we were alone the hugs were back but my hands now openly and gently caressed her. 


In the days that followed before the Sunday date, I saw Amma suddenly change back to her old self. My sister also remarked at her change to which she replied that she was going to see a movie with me. 

My sister smiled at me saying that she had thought that I had finally cut the apron strings. I mumbled saying something about Amma needing a break.


That Sunday evening Amma looked stunning in a tight dress. Her breasts and butt cheeks molded beautifully into her dress. I was overcome looking at her beauty. She looked very young. I was, I noticed, the recipient of many an envious stares. 

The movie was a sentimental romance. As usual I put my arm around my Amma while she leaned her head against my shoulders. After the movie as usual we went to the park. It was a cool night.
Amma looked into my eyes and said, "Sundar, thank you for your patience and thank you for the wonderful evening".

I looked at Amma and said, "Amma you look sexy tonight".

Amma blushed and laughed at the same time, "Oh Sundar if you weren't my son I would think you are trying to seduce your own mother".

I looked at her and said, "Amma, I am".

Amma pulled her head back and replied, "Sundar for heavens sake I am your mother and besides I am married to your father".

"Amma do you really care for him? I see he has been neglecting you and that you are deeply unhappy. Give me a chance, I can make you happy!"

She replied quietly after a long pause, "Sundar may be we should head home before one of us does something that we may deeply regret the rest of our lives".

I groaned. "Amma I am sorry but you are so beautiful you make me say and do things I have no control over. Many a times I have wished you were not my Amma maybe it would have been easier romancing you".

I could see that Amma was pleased at the compliment I had paid her. I'm sure father did not do that.

Amma caressed my cheek, "You poor baby, and by the way I am glad your are my son. Do you really think I am beautiful?"

I smiled and replied by drawing her to my breast, "Yes Amma you are beautiful and sexy." Suddenly I bent down and kissed her.

Amma did not draw back but remained passive and stiff in my arms. I continued to kiss her with more and more passion. Suddenly she responded back with equal pressure against my lips. 

At last I could see a crack in her armor. I pressed my advantage and we continued necking. I was all over her face I kissed her cheeks her eyes her nose and back to her lips. I gently probed her mouth with my tongue and she opened her lips. We necked for a while. 

Suddenly my mother said, "Sundar Its getting late I think we should head home".

As we drove home Amma leaned her head back on my shoulder. I could see a faint smile in the corner of her mouth. Halfway back home I pulled into a side street, to my Amma's surprise. I pulled the car to a stop, pulled her towards me, and started to kiss her.

I gently put my hand on her breast she stiffened pulled away from my lips and whispered, "Sundar, I don't think we should do this". But I cut off any further protest by forcing her lips back into mine. I continued caressing her breasts. They were firm and felt wonderful in my in my hands. I knew Amma was getting excited because she began to moan as kiss back with greater intensity.

Suddenly she pulled back and said, "Sundar we should go home".

"Okay Amma".

When we reached home the house was quiet. Every one had gone to bed. I knew father would be fast asleep drunk. When we entered the house I began kissing Amma again in the living room down stairs. At first she protested saying that someone could come down stairs.

I replied quietly but firmly, "Amma I love you as I have never loved anyone before. I just want to kiss you all the time. I can't help it. Besides everyone is fast asleep".

"That's sweet Sundar, I love you to! But I am a married woman and whatever shortcomings your father has I am still wearing the mangal sutra he tied around my neck!"

"Amma", I whispered, "All we are doing is kissing and fondling. I don't see any harm in that?"

"But Sundar, somebody could wake up and come downstairs". 

Suddenly I had an idea. "Amma, how about going to my room. We can lock the door. father I'm sure is drunk and won't miss you".

Amma was silent for a few seconds. I was surprised when she nodded her head in agreement.

Amma replied, "Go to room and wait for me I'll go and check on your father".

In my room I paced back and forth excitedly. 

Suddenly my bedroom door clicked open and Amma walked in. She pulled the door shut and locked it. She hastily came up to me and said, "fathers asleep drunk as usual". 

I taught I heard a note of disgust in her voice.

"Kanna, I don't think we should do this as it could get out of hand", she whispered. "I am scared".

"I know" I replied "But Amma, trust me. We will keep this very secret. Nobody will know.

"Oh Sundar" Amma said timidly and kissed me on the cheek. 

I sank with her on my bed and began kissing her. The kisses grew more and more heated and I could feel Amma's excitement through her cotton sari. My hands were now rowing all over her body caressing her breasts one second and rubbing her ass the next.

I reached behind to undo the buttons on the front of her blouse. Amma went rigid in my arms for a few seconds but then she relaxed. I swiftly undid the buttons and removed her blouse as quickly as possible afraid she would change her mind any time. All the while I continued kissing her. I reached back and unsnapped her bra.

Again Amma weakly protested and whispered, "Sundar think of your father". 

I knew we were far too gone to think of anybody else. I cut her off with another open-mouthed kiss. 

All of a sudden her bare breasts were pressed against mine. I blindly reached out and began to fondle them. They felt soft and sexy. I bent down and took a nipple in my mouth and began to lick and suck. Amma moaned in passion. Her nipples were long and thick. Her nipples were soon erect in excitement.

"Amma I love you, I can't help it. I know I should feel guilty of making love to my own mother but I don't care" I declared.

I continued kissing all the way to her navel savoring the slightly salty taste of her body. 

Amma gave an audible squeak of pleasure. I reached her belly button with my tongue and began to kiss and lick it as Amma pushed her self up to me in pleasure.  I began to stroke her legs up and down, all the while kissing her belly button. Her legs were firm to touch. Slowly my hand inched further and further under her sari and petticoat. Her thighs felt firm and soft.

Amma stiffened as my hand reached the crotch of her petticoat. I reached up and sought her lips and gently forced them open with my tongue. Amma moaned into my mouth. She relaxed and opened her thighs in response. 

I shook my head in disbelief. Amma, the woman of my dreams, the same woman who had borne my brother and sister, the woman who had birthed me was letting me make love to her. I caressed her through her petticoat. I felt her cleft and began to rub it. 

Amma moaned in pleasure. I could feel to moistness seep through her petticoat.

I pulled my hands out from under her petticoat, quickly puller her sari off. I stood up, removed my clothes as quickly as I could. My cock was hard as an iron bar. I slid down Amma's body until my mouth was pressed against the crotch of her petticoat. Only the petticoat separated her bush from my mouth. I inhaled deeply breathing in the intoxicating aroma of her juices mixed with the faint smell of stale urine.

I began to lick the crotch of her petticoat as Amma wiggled in excitement. I began to savor her juices that seeped through her petticoat.

I reached and hooked my fingers under the waistband of her petticoat and began to tug them down. Suddenly Amma jerked up.

"Oh, Kanna, no, we shouldn't" she said. "You are my son and I shouldn't be doing this."

"Amma I love you. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. I know it's unusual for a mother and son to be sexually involved. I believe that if you love some one its only natural to make love."

"But Sundar what if someone finds out."

"Amma, we can be careful and no one needs to know our business."

"But Sundar" I kissed her before she could complete her sentence.

I kissed her hair her eyes and once again lowered my mouth to her full sexy lips. Suddenly Amma went limp in my arms. She began to kiss back with more passionate intensity. Our tongues dueled with each other.

I reached down and tugged her petticoat. This time she did not resist. I pulled them off and threw them down on the floor. She instinctively reached down and covered her womanhood from my prying eyes. I gently but firmly pulled her hand away. I stared at the thick rich dark pubic hair like some one in a trance.

Amma reached up and pulled me down and began to kiss me as I began to gently caress and finger her mons. I nibbled at her teats at the same time inserted my middle finger into her womanhood. Never in my dreams did I ever think that one day Amma would let me pull her petticoat down and caress her femininity.

She was very wet. I moved my mouth down her body to the inside of her thighs and then proceeded to kiss and lick it. I then moved my mouth up to her pubic hair and proceeded to nibble it. 

All the while Kamala, my Amma moaned in pleasure. I licked the thick pubic hair and then proceeded to pull her vagina open. I breathed in the rich feminine odor of my excited mother. I stared at the inner wall and noticed the small pink hole through which she peed. I licked it. I licked the surrounding walls savoring the rich flavor of her very wet hole. I ran my tongue over her clitoris and Amma yelped in pleasure.

I placed a finger in her vagina and proceeded to run it in and out while eating her. Her breathing grew ragged. I continued to stimulate her clitoris for a long time. Amma grew very wet. My fingers were drenched with her juices. Suddenly Amma stiffened and moaned at the same time. Her body then shuddered continuously as I rapidly licked her clitoris. I knew she had just climaxed. She quickly pulled me up on top of her.

"Oh Sundar, That was good". She whispered shyly. 
"I have never had an orgasm this good.

"Amma you are sexy and beautiful. This has been my ultimate fantasy to make love to you."

"You really think I'm beautiful."

"Amma, yes. More than all the movie actresses"

Amma reached up and pulled me down lightly kissed my lips and then forced my mouth open with her tongue. At the same time she reached down and grabbed my penis and began to rub it up and down her very wet slit. She grew more and ore excited.

"Amma" I whispered. "I love you". 

She spread her legs wide as if in silent assent and bought the tip of my cock and placed it against her vaginal orifice. I looked deep into her eyes as she began to push me into her. I was big and thick for my age. Her vagina slowly opened like a petal. Amma suddenly pushed upward and my cock slid into her vagina to the hilt. Amma was surprisingly very tight for someone who had three children. 

I could feel her muscles clutching me like a vice.
I pulled out and then slid back in one fluid motion. I then proceeded to fuck Amma with a fury that I had never experienced before. Her body shook in rhythm to the fuck strokes. My penis was soon saturated with her lubricating juices. 

We moved as if we were made to fuck each other. Every down stroke was met with an upstroke. I could feel the tip of my cock hit the mouth of her womb with each plunge. She began to breathe heavier and heavier.

After rutting like animals for about fifteen minutes she suddenly went rigid and clutched my ass. I could feel began rapid contractions about my cock at the same time I began to ejaculate against her womb. I must have spilt a load in her as I felt the semen running back out of her vagina.

We stayed coupled for some time savoring the aftermath of our mutual orgasm, and kissing each other. I started to get excited and felt my self-hardening in her. I gently started to see saw back and forth in her vagina. This time the fuck was slow and gentle, it lasted a longer time. Amma and I came at the same time.

"Sundar" she said after the last romantic fuck. 

"You are huge, I never had it this good with your father. I can't remember when I had my last orgasm." I beamed with pride. My first with Amma had been better than anything father had been able to deliver in all the years they had been married.

"Oh Amma, that's only because I love you so much"

"Oh sweetheart this was the best orgasm so far" she remarked.

"Sundar, honey" Amma whispered. "I should be going back to your fathers bed. We don't want to arouse any suspicion now, would we."

We kissed for some time whispering sweet nothings to each other. She then got up cleaned her self.

"Amma can I keep your petticoat" I asked in a whisper. Amma was silent.

"A souvenir of our first night," Amma asked mischievously.

"Yes," I replied.

"Only if you hide it".

Amma put her clothes back on and petticoat-less she slipped out of the room. I was covered with a mixture of our fuck juices. The last thing I remember falling asleep was Amma's petticoat pressed to my cheeks.


The next day Amma did not look at me when the family was seated at the breakfast table. I thought I had blown it. The family finally dispersed for the day and I was getting ready to go to school. Amma stepped into my room.

"Sundar" she said, "we need to talk."

"Amma what's wrong."

Amma blushed.

"Sundar we can't repeat what we did last night"
Before I could protest any further she motioned me to be quiet.

"I think last night was wonderful. I will always treasure. But I'm a married woman. This is never going to happen again."

"Amma," I protested as I moved towards her and pulled her into my arms, "I love you and I know that you love me. Give our love a chance."

I tried to kiss her but she averted her lips and pulled out of my embrace and shook her head.

"Amma," I said, as she was ready to leave my room "I will not stop loving you and will not stop pursuing you."

Amma left my room with tears in her eyes.
Things cooled down after that. And even though I could see that Amma was unhappy she would not budge from her resolve. I had given up ever getting her back.


Amma also vigorously started looking for a bride for me. She contacted all her relatives and asked them about available girls. She collected horoscopes and consulted astrologers for good matched for me. She arranged for me to see a few girls whoe horoscopes matched mine. 

I was very unhappy that I am being driven away from my only love my own mother. 

Finally I gave my consent for a girl who I chose because she looked a little like my mother. The marriage date was fixed.


Then something strange happened. I noticed that Amma's behavior towards me changed. She acted more like someone who was jealous. She snapped at me at the smallest of mishaps. 

Then one day when we were alone, Amma asked, "Sundar maybe we should go out for a movie this weekend."

I was pleasantly surprised. But I thought maby Amma wants to just please me.

"Amma, Oh yes, Oh yes." I whispered.


The days following I was in a trance. I couldn't wait for the weekend.

For our outing Amma had gone out of her way to dress sexy. I could not believe that the sexy woman next to me was my mother. 

After the movie we drove to our secluded spot. I pulled her into my arms and Amma did not resist. We began to kiss passionately. My hands were roaming all over her body. I could see Amma was visibly excited.

After an hour or so of necking we drove back home. When we reached home everyone was asleep.

"Go to your room and wait for me, I'll check on your father." she whispered.

I was undressed and in bed when she entered. After locking the door she came to me. Our passionate kissing continued. I swiftly undressed Amma and rolled on top of her. I kissed every inch of her body over and over again. I held on to her shapely ass as I ate her out.

I got on top of her, she took hold of my penis, which was hard as a steel bar, and placed it against her vaginal opening. I pressed and easily entered her very slick cunt. I held Ammas ass and started fucking her. Amma moaned with pleasure at every fuck stroke. We rolled around the bed, sometimes she was on top and at other times I was. We were at it for a long time and when I forcefully ejaculated into her, she came with an intensity I had never seen before.

"Oh Sundar," she said, "it is so wonderful".

"Amma, have you changed your mind about my marriage?", I asked.

"Oh Son I missed you, and as the marriage date came closer, I coild not bear it any longer. I realized I was jealous and that I loved you more than anything thing in the world."

"As a lover" I asked excitedly.

"Yes realized I loved you, not only as a mother but as a lover and that I could not bear to be apart from you." She whispered.

"Do you love me more than father." I asked.

"Oh son I respect your father, but I don't love him. After being with you I now know what love is. I am so happy when I am naked in your arms. Sundar, my darling son, I want to be your wife. Will you marry me?"

I was stunned at these words from my beloved mother. "Amma, You have just made me the happiest man in the world. I don't want to share you with anyone, even father. You belong to me. Your body is mine. I want you naked in my arms all the time. I want to enter you all the time."

"Oh son that is so wonderful. But Sundar, our marriage has to be our secret. I want to be in your arms naked all the times but we have to be careful. I don't want your father, brother or your sister to find out because it would prevent us from being together."

"Yes Amma I know," I replied.

We began to kiss; my hands fondled my Amma's breasts. I then proceeded to kiss her lovely long nipples, which were swollen with passion. She pushed me on my back and climbed on top of me and lowered her cunt on my cock. She pressed down until I was buried in her to the hilt. She lowered her mouth to mine while she proceeded to move up and down, slowly at first and then very rapidly. Suddenly her tongue began to frantically duel with mine. She then opened her mouth in a silent scream. I knew she had climaxed.

I rolled on top of her and continued to fuck her with savage fuck strokes. Her body shook with each fuck stroke. She screamed and at the same time I buried my cock against her womb and proceeded to saturate her inner walls with my semen. After the wild ride we began to kiss tenderly while we were still joined at the crotch.
Amma pushed me on my back and began to kiss my body all over. When she reached my crotch she took my hard cock in her mouth. Amma then gave me a blowjob. When I came she swallowed all of my come.


Next day Amma and I went to the family jeweller and ordered a mangal sutra. Everybody assumed that it was for the new girl who I was going to marry. 

No one knew that I was going to marry my own lovely mother. We also bought a wedding sari for Amma and a wedding dress for me. 


Next week, on an auspicous day, Amma and I went to our village house to get married. Amma wore her new wedding dress and looked gorgeous. I wore my new dress and at the muhurth time, as my lovely mother/bride stood before me shyly bending her head, I removed the mangal sutra on her neck put by my father and tied the new mangal sutra which signified that mother was now my wife. 

Then we we went to the temple and prayed for a long and happy married life. Then we went to Woodlands and had a festive dinner. Back at home, we started making love.

Amma said, "Sundar, every night with you has been a first night for me. You have made me so happy. But today is a special first night. Make love to me not only as your mother but also as a wife."

"Amma, can I call you Kamala now that we are married?" I asked.

Amma blushed a little and nodded her head shyly.

 Then I said, "Kamala, my love, this is indeed going to be a special night because I am going to make you pregnant"

Amma buried her face in my chest and whispered, "Oh Sundar, the first duty of every wife is to bear a child for her husband. I will be so glad to become pregnant by you, son. I am in a fertile period too and my womb is ready for your seed".

That night, before mother and I slipped into sleep exhausted at four in the morning, I came into my mother's eager cunt ten times so that we can have our first incestuous child as soon as possible.

From that time on we tried to spend every opportunity with each other. Whenever we were alone Ammas would be the one to first make sexual overtures. She was at her sexual peak and constantly horny- I know because when I pulled her petticoat off she was already sopping wet. I was proud when she told me shyly that she would get wet just thinking of me, and that nobody had excited her that way.

Some times we were so crazy for each other that we took risks. 

One time, while the family was down in the living room, I noticed that Amma had gone to the bathroom upstairs. I went upstairs and silently opened the bathroom door. Amma had not locked it. She was peeing. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw me. Before she could say anything I pulled her of the commode, ripped out some toilet paper, cleaned her up, turned her around, bent her over the commode, and entered her from behind.

"Honey someone may come up" she whispered. But I ignored her. I fucked until we both climaxed. I then pulled her petticoat up and would not allow her to clean herself up. We did not get caught. But for the rest of the day I knew Amma had sticky petticoat and it was my semen dripping out of her cunt.

I remember one night I woke up horny. I wanted Amma bad. So I very silently crept to my parents bedroom. They were both asleep. I knew that father was in a drunk and fast asleep. Amma was sleeping by his side with the covers thrown back. She looked extremely sexy. I went up to her and shook her awake. When she did, I motioned her too keep quiet. I whispered that I wanted to see her in my room and left. About two minutes later she was in my room. As I pushed her on my bed and I undressed.

"Sundar, I know I am your wife and I should come to you whenever you need me but we should not take unnecessary risks like your to my bedroom" she scolded. 

I cut off any further protest by kissing her. I pulled Amma's dress up and began to eat her. In no time I had Amma wet and excited. I moved on top and entered her womanhood and proceeded to make love to her. 

Later that night, when she left my room her face glowing with sexual joy, Amma said, "Sundar, whenever you want me, just do like what you did. Come to our room and shake me and I will come her to your bed and we will enjoy. Ok?". I was thrilled.


But next night, at bed time, Amma came with her bed to my room with a beaming smile in her face. "I told your father that since he is drunk everyday, I cannot stand the smell all night and so I am going to be sleeping in your room from now on. 

He did not mind. So here I am all yours for the whole night every night". 

I grabbed her and showered kisses on her and said, "Amma, now we can really be the married couple we are", and started making passionate love.


Three weeks after our wedding, after our first love session of the night, mother shyly whispered to me that she has missed her period. 

We waited anxiously the next few days. When Amma missed her period again, we were overjoyed. Amma was pregnant!!


For the next eight months it was a daily thrill for me watching mother move about with her pregnant belly, glowing with that special pride that women get when they are carrying, now with the added joy of being pregnant with her own son's child.

Then one day I was in the delivery ward in the hospital as Amma beamed with pride holding a lovely baby girl - the product of our incestuous marriage. She named the girl Sundari because she was my daughter. 

The love between me and Amma became more intense after we had the baby. Amma wanted us to live like the real husband-wife-daughter family we were. She asked me to get a job in another town which I did. 

We moved there leaving father with his drinks in our native town. We still maintain the mother-son relationship outside the house. But inside the house, we are husband and wife. I call Amma by her name and the baby calls me father which is what Amma wants.

Its good that Amma is a highly sexed woman hence she doesn't mind the fact that I am constantly kissing, caressing, and undressing her. We average at least two fucks a day. 

Somedays, I ask her to be naked the whole day and she happily goes about the day-to-day activities like cooking, washing etc completley naked and we make love several times during the day. With all that love-making, Amma is pregnant with our second child.

The joy of living in married intimacy with your mother is something that can be felt only by actual experience. Amma and I hope all young sons out there get the chance to experience that joy.

[+] 3 users Like usaiha2's post
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Hi bro.

Just now I read the latest story and there is no words to praise you. It's very very hot and erotic. I have cummed 3 times. Plz post more like this hot scenes and erotic dialogues.
[+] 1 user Likes Kingofcbe007's post
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Wonderful story..
Wish to read a story on brother n sister getting attracted and fucking together n later sister proposing brother to fuck mother ...also another story son in incestuous love with mother n mother asking son to seduce her daughter i.e. his sister as well.
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Hi All...

Came to the site with a tiny little story... But I like it very much as I love the way original writer wrote it...

In just some 10 - 15 lines I got mesmerized and even imagine what happened next...

I know you people also love the Chhotu Story...

Please please comment back...

& As I always say ... Thanks to original unsung writer ...
[+] 1 user Likes usaiha2's post
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Incest - Mother & Son...

A moment of Love (Lust)

"Just stop it please Rohan..!!" 

Aparna said trying to keep her tone as low as possible as she felt the huge bulging arm of her son around her curved waist while his humongous hand rested across the right globe of her round shaped hips.

Aparna's bums were slightly laid against the kitchen counter as she got imprisoned by Rohan and meanwhile she could hear the cheering sounds of her husband coming from Tv Lounge that was right next to the kitchen who was watching a Football match and was fully engulfed in it.

"Rohan... your dad will kill the two of us..."

She pleaded as Rohan acted as if he hadn't listened a word that she said and the assault of her lips started as he drifted them across the milky and creamy flesh of her neck leaving long traces of saliva all across the skin of her neck.

Aparna's resistance had almost died as she let one of her hands explore the muscular back of her son while the other one curled through his short hair locks. 

She finally pushed him off her... "Not here Rohan.." 

She said in a firm tone but Rohan took it in his own way as he grabbed those gigantic round bums of her ass and lifted her up in his arms like a glass doll. 

"Rohann!!!!" Aparna almost screamed but by the fear of falling she quickly entwined her arms around his neck and her legs around his manly torso. 

Rohan carried her to his room right behind his dad's back who was fully taken over by the excitement of Football match.

"Dear please order something from the restaurant for lunch. I am gonna have some rest due to headache..." finally Aparna shout

She said with her eyes locked to her son's eyes and a wicked smile glued to her lips ? as the Rohan vanished behind the door carrying his mother just like that.

[+] 1 user Likes usaiha2's post
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(07-04-2021, 07:23 PM)usaiha2 Wrote: Incest - Mother & Son...

A moment of Love (Lust)

"Just stop it please Rohan..!!"  . . . . . . . .  ..

Next parts pls
[+] 1 user Likes Givemeextra's post
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Pavithra Cooks for her Son Prakash

I am Prakash. People use to call me a nerd, and I guess I was one. I topped my classes while in school, went to an IIT, and then resisting the temptation to do an MBA continued further with my technical education and to cut a long story short ended up being a bigger nerd. Well actually I ended up being a scientist.
When most of my colleagues went over to the US, I somehow wanted to continue in India, and landed a great job (in my mind) at a research lab of a leading Indian company (which I cannot name!) in Pune.
The pay was good, but more importantly I was engaged in research that I hoped will make difference to the world and to our country.
I was happy, but my father, Mr Krishnamurthy was not. He felt that I should have gone to the US, taken an MNC job etc etc. I tried arguing and after a shouting match on my last visit (4 months back), decided to rest the case. My father was in the financial services industry, and a classic corporate biggie who defined success in terms of fancy cars, overseas visits and corporate parties. My younger sister who was in medical college was also of the opinion that I was an idiot to have “wasted” my chance to “escape India”. Well I did not care for either of their opinion.
I cared about the opinion and feelings of the one person in my family that I was attached to the most. My mother, Pavithra Krishnamurthy. I have to confess, I adore her, and I would have been upset if she had also found fault with my decision. But she as she had been over the years, fully supportive, and was genuinely pleased.
I still remember the warm hug and teary eyes, when I announced the news 3 months back. She had murmured how happy she was and how proud she was. And I loved her for that.
Now I am in Pune, in a lovely apartment the company had provided me in the city. It was fully furnished and they had also provided me with a car. I had settled down, and went to work with a vengeance. Soon I was so engrossed in work that I started neglecting food, and sleep. I still managed my regular morning exercise and yoga that kept me sane. I loved the work, so I did not mind. But my body did, and I started getting ill frequently. I tried to hide this from my family, not that my father cared, but my mother did care, and she found this out. And she tried to make me relax and slow down, and eat better. I respected her - but was still not able to get control of my meals and continued to depend on fast food and takeaways.
Then one day my mother called and announced that she is coming to stay with me for a few weeks. There was not stopping her, and the fact that my father had to go to Singapore on a long deputation for 6 months helped her to make a decision. In fact I was not unhappy with this. I loved her cooking !. I loved her.
I went to pick her up from the tiny Pune Airport. As she came out from the Airport, I could not help but look at her. She was wearing an elegant cotton kurta and her hair was pulled up in a fashionable bun. She looked so good.
My mother. She was 41, but she looked younger and fitter than when I had last seen her. Yes there were a few strands of silver in her hair. Her breasts sagged lower than they used to, and her stomach had gotten bigger. She had always been full-bodied, but now she was even plumper. And I liked her like this.
But her eyes were the same. They sparkled with joy at seeing me, and I felt a hot stinging in my own. I stepped toward her as she let go off the suit case, and we hugged.
How nice it was to hug someone who didn't have anything to hide, who didn't have a plan for whether I would be allowed to have a real hug or an artificial one. No. This was just my Amma. A warm, soft hug, and I buried my face in her neck and clung on for dear life. I buried myself in the pillowy softness of her comforting body.
She hugged me right back, her body pressing against mine, stomach to stomach, her chest squished against mine, and we stayed like that for a long time. Then she pulled her head back, and gave me a kiss. Right on my lips.
It was weird. I had never kissed her on the lips before, we were in India, not in the US!, and I started to pull back, but then somewhere inside myself I shrugged and instead kissed her back. It wasn't a sexual kiss, just a warm pressing of lips upon lips, and hers were soft and yielding and pliant. After a second we stopped.
She lifted her hands to cup my face, and then said, "Hello, Kanna (she used to call me that when she was feeling affectionate)." Tears formed at the corner of her eyes, but didn't fall. Instead she just smiled at me.
"Hi, Amma," I replied. "Had a good flight?."
I stepped aside and picked up the two suitcases she had on the stroller.
"Oh, Amma," I said over my shoulder. "What do you have in here, rocks?"
She laughed.
I carried the suitcases into the car and we headed out to my apartment. We were talking lik long lost friends, she had so many questions and I was so happy to answer her, marveling at the way she understood things, how she appreciated what I was doing.
We reached my place, and she said “This is super Prakash”
“Thanks Amma, you were not expecting this” I asked
She followed me into the bedroom, where I was placing her suitcases. "No, I mean, not so nice, really, but I am so happy for you" she replied.

"Thank you Amma " I turned to face her.
She looked back at me, her eyes traveling down my body and then back up to my face. "You look famished Kanna" she stated.
I looked self-consciously down at my body. "Yea, I lost a lot of weight in the last few months."
She smiled.
I paused, then said, "But you have lost some weight too, and you look great, too." I meant it, too. She may have been round, but to me she was the essence of motherhood, and her lush body was perfect for her.
She smiled. "You think so"
She put her arms out, causing her breasts to lift up under her kurta, and then she brought her hands toward her chest, trying to press the cloth to her belly to show me that she has indeed lost weight, this action outlined an exaggerated hourglass shape down her body. "You really think this old lady is okay?"
"Amma," I said with mock exasperation in my voice, "Yes. You look fantastic."
She laughed again. "Well, thanks, Kanna."
"I'm not all that bad, Amma. Look." I pointed to my biceps rolling up the sleeves of my t-shirt.
“Still working our then eh, Prakash” she said coming closer and made a big show of inspecting my arms, pressing on my muscles. For some reason her touch sent a shiver down my spine, and I swayed a little, and ended up leaning against her a little, my elbow pushing against her breast and my chin against her forehead.
She didn't move away, just stopped touching my head, and said, "What am I looking for?"
I laughed and stood straight. "My muscles"
"Oh, my baby has become a man," she teased.
"I'm glad you're here," I confessed after a short silence.
"Me too," she confided.
I turned her around and gently pushed her out of the door of the bedroom and into the hall. "Do you want anything after your trip?" I asked. "Some tea or water? Or something to eat?"
"I'd just like to freshen up a bit and change my clothes. And then let us get dinner."
"Sure Amma, that would be nice."

She pushed past me into the bedroom and then I heard her say, "I'll be out in a few minutes. I went into my room and sat down at the computer.
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Amma sure was taking a while. I was engrossed in work, and did not realize that it is 8 PM already, and 2 hours had passed since she went to bath. Then I felt a presence behind me. I breathed in, and I could smell my mother's scent, and for a moment I felt utterly safe and loved. I felt her hands on my shoulder, and she asked, "Come and have dinner?"
"Oh, what, Amma, where, I mean, I have not made anything, shall I order " I asked truing around.
She looked at me with that reproaching mother look “Well, if you don’t want what I made you can”
“Amma, you mean” I said.
"Yes, you dreamer, come." She said ruffling my hair.
I closed the browser and then stood up and turned around. My mother had left her hair loose after her bath, and her lovely black curls were cascading down her back. She had put on a simple light pink saree, with floral patterns on it. She looked so lovely.
"Oh Amma, you look so good" I said.
"Thanks. You have told me earlier” A smile.
We went to the hall, and she made me sit down, and opened the dishes. Rice, sambhar, and a simple beans preparation.
“Not much veggies in the kirana show nearby, hope you don’t mind?"
Mothers are super women! She had bathed, gone out and bought rice and veggies, made all this in 2 hours while I was on my computer, not caring to help. I felt bad, guilty, and happy that she was there for me, and she did this for me.
“Oh Amma, you are brilliant, I mean, all this, so quickly, I am so sorry, I should have helped you, you could have called me” I was holding her hands. She came near me, and placed her hands on my lips.
“Hush, hush, it is nothing, just rice and sambhar, now eat”. She moved aside and served me. Her pallu shifted and my eyes went to her naked belly, she had lost weight, but still her belly was plum, and so very sexy. I caught myself. What am I thinking. Could not help it. Her navel, was so deep, her flesh so smooth.
I ate, and she sat opposite me. Lovingly looking at me. A gentle smile on her face.
“It is so good Amma” I said
“mm, I can see that” she smiled serving me again.
I realized that she is not eating “Why are you not eating Amma?”
“I just want to look at you Prakash, look at you eating” she smiled
I made her take a plate and we ate talking about my work, and about things that is happening in the family etc.
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After dinner, she started clearing away the dishes. i helped her in clearing away despite her protests saying “At least let me help you, Ieast I can do to thank you for that wonderful wonderful food”.
My mother turned around as I was closing the tap at the kitchen sink, me and gave me a unselfconscious sideways hug, her body turned perpendicular to mine so that as she hugged me, my right arm was enveloped in the deep valley between her breasts. "It's so nice," she said fervently, "to have my baby boy back in my arms again." She pulled harder pulling me deep against her so that her breasts pushed around my arm and against my chest and back.
"Oh God" I thought to myself. "I am can feel her breasts, I can feel the edges of her bra."
We moved to the living room, hand in hand. And she murmured “How can you be so nice, Prakash, you thank me and appreciate me even for such silly things…. And when I go back …. I just do all the work, and there is not even a word of…..”
She sobbed once, and continued to hug me, pressing herself tightly against me.
"Aw, ma," I said. "It'll be okay. You are not going anywhere now for sometime" I turned in the circle of her arms, my right arm pushing one big soft boob up and toward her side as I did. As I faced her, my arm moved far enough that her breast fell back against her again, and the feel of it flopping against my chest made me feel- I don't know- wierd. "It's nice to have you here, Amma," I continued, and I put my arms around her, my hands falling to the small of her back, marveling at the feel of her flesh.
It did feel good to be there with my Amma again, and so I pulled her against me, not really feeling how her tits were mushed against my chest, or how the curve of her chubby waist was just perfect for my arms to rest against her. Instead I was just feeling a great love for this woman, who I didn't know as an adult, but who raised me and fed me and took care of me when I was young. We stood there for a long time, just hugging each other, pressing our bodies more and more firmly together, until with a sudden horror I realized that the feel of a woman in my arms was stimulating me. I could feel the blood pooling at the base of my penis, and the slow but urgent beginning of a swelling erection.
I tried to pull out of the embrace, but my Amma was reluctant to let go, and so I continued to hug her with mounting unease, yet still oddly comfortable. I had read somewhere when someone wants a hug, you should let them be the one to break it. So I kept hugging my Amma, and she kept hugging me, and all that time I could feel the slow stirrings of my cock. I could feel it filling with blood, and as it lengthened and hardened, I felt it inch down my pants. With the way that my mother and I were pressed together, there was no way she couldn't be feeling it, yet she said nothing, made no reaction at all as my betraying cock hardened between us.
I was uncomfortably aware of my mother's body in a way that I hadn't been moments ago. Her heavy tits were pushed up against my chest and I could almost imagine her nipples pressing into me. My arms were resting on her waist, and my hands were on her bare mid-riff, caressing the soft pliant flesh. Her breath was warm and soft on my neck, and I felt the tiny hairs there rise up in response.
This was crazy. My Amma was getting me hot. "God, how desperate I must be," I thought to myself, "that my own mother can excite me."
An image flashed into my head. An evening when a twelve-year-old boy had barged into his mothers room, catching his mother without her saree, clad in a petticoat, and putting on her brassiere. My mother, years younger, flash, her swollen breasts, flash, deep cleavage, flash, The massive brown circle around the dark brown nipple-tip. Flash. Turn. Flash. Her eyes on me, widening. looking at mine, frozen moment, my Amma smiling, mouthing the words, "get out Kanna" Her breasts disappearing behind her hands.
As I remembered that long ago night, I remembered how that image had fueled my very first masturbatory fantasies, and helplessly, my cock throbbed once. I knew my Amma had to have felt that, but she just pulled me tighter against her.
"My baby," she sighed. She squeezed me once tightly and then let go.
I was breathing heavily, and I knew my cheeks had to be flushed. I was embarrassed by my body's reaction and I couldn't understand why my mother had not reacted at all. When I finally looked I her, I saw her cheeks were red too. But she smiled brightly at me and took my hand and we walked on towards the couch. We spent another two hours talking, it was nice, it was so nice to be with her.

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It was as if my life had changed.
It was so great to wake-up next day, with the smell of fresh coffee and pongal wafting in from the kitchen. So great to see Amma dressed in an off white cotton saree, freshly bathed and her hair loose, preparing breakfast for me. So nice to get piping hot coffee from her, and see her smile.
I could not help telling her how great her cooking is, and she continued to smile as tell me I am making a big deal.
I hugged her before I left for office.
I called her at least twice.
I hugged her when I came back.
She had made medhu vada for me. It was heaven.
But it was something more than the food and the order she brought it.
It was also my infatuation for her, which was increasing despite my attempt to control.
Over the rest of the week, our hugs became more frequent, and my caresses on her mid-riff while we used to hug …….. was longer, more stronger …. And she never stopped me.
More than once she caught my eyes on her cleavage, her belly, and she never stopped me.
She still got teary eyed when she spoke of my father and his behavior, and when I consoled her (by hugging her and caressing her hair and back) she would hug me back even more strongly and during these time I would get aroused – and my manhood would harden and I am sure she felt it. Again she never stopped me.
Friday evening. I asked took her out for a movie. It was so nice to walk holding hands (it was she who took my hands in hers). She loved the outing, loved it when I took her to a fashion store and insisted she but a new dress. I managed to make her get a new black fashion saree.
As we were coming out she said “Why waste so much money Prakash?”
“Come on Amma”
“I will never be able to wear this back home, you father does not like these”
“Don’t wear for him”
“Then” she looked at me, we were in the lift going down to the car park
“Wear when you are here??”
“For you”
She smiled.
The next day I took her out to a temple in the morning. She was wearing a traditional cotton saree, and even in the temple, I could not but help but keep staring at her. She looked divine. She was my Godess.
She held my hands as we walked back to the car.
“What were you praying for Amma” I asked, “you were there for a long time”
“I was praying for you, and thanking the lord for making you so successful, and thanking Him for giving me you”
My eyes watered. I was helpless.
“Oh Ma” I said holding her hands and squeezing them.
Her eyes were also wet. “Prakash, my son”
I wiped my eyes
“I should be the one to pray Amma” I said opening the car door.
We drove back in silence lost in our thoughts.
I could not sleep that night. Dreams about her were beginning to haunt me more.
The next day again we went out; doing some random shopping and I drove her to a quite park outside the city, where we walked hand in hand….. talking and just loving the feeling of togetherness. Amma was wearing a cotton kurta and pyjama, with a nice woolen stole. While I was not able to steal glances at her skin very much, still I was treated more than once to the beauty of her body, especially the magnificent thrust of her bosom, which her stole could not hide always. But these thoughts were overshadowed by my feeling of love and the easy and intimate conversations we were having.
Once we reached home and finished dinner, my mother said that she wanted to watch a movie on my huge LED TV. I had changed into shorts and t shirt. I set-up the blue ray player and waited for her to come after changing.
She came back and she had changed to a simple light blue cotton saree. She was wearing a dark blue blouse and the contrast made her look lovely. She had quickly made some more coffee and as I saw her coming towards me, he saree shifted a bit and again I saw her navel. I felt my cheeks start to get hot again.
“I thought you will like the coffee”?
“Yes yes” I smiled.
"Do you care what we watch?"
"Pick something good, that's all," she replied.
"Oh Amma. What a vague request."
She laughed.
I picked out a romantic comedy, which I knew she would like. I turned off the lights, and started the moview. We sat on the couch, our sides touching, and soon Amma had snuggled upto me, her head on my shoulders. It was so wonderful. I could feel the soft pressure of her breasts on my left arm.
The movie was a good one, and we laughed for the next half hour.
Suddenly Amma turned to me and said, "I just want you to know that this feels really good, being here with you. With my Kannna” She put her head on my shoulder.

I don't know what happened in my head, but I just blurted out, "I'd like a motherly hug, Amma."
"Ohhhh," she cooed, and she lifted her right arm and put it behind me. "Come here, my baby". Her pallu fell of as she did this, and she did not even bother to pull it back.
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Something is Cooking (sorry for the delay, please see previuos pages for the start)

Every nerve in my body was on fire. It was not right ….. , and yet it was beautiful. It felt so right as long as I didn't think about what I was doing. I leaned in toward her, and my mother put her arm over my shoulder and drew my head down to her chest.
"Oh Amma," I sighed as my face was pressed against her cleavage and upper chest. I could feel the gentle swell of her boob underneath my chin, and I put my right arm around her stomach and slid my left arm behind her so that I was encircling her plump body. My right hand was on her side at her waist, and she lifted her left hand and stroked the back of my head.
"I love you so much baby," she said comfortingly. "I am so proud of you, Kanna. Amma's is so happy here. I just want you to be with me like this." She kept repeating those kinds of things as she ran her fingers through my hair and her right hand patted me gently on my back. I turned my head a little so that my left cheek was against her chest pushing into the pudding-like softness of her breast, and I began to rub my right hand back and forth on her waist, which was now naked as her pallu had fallen off, moving it in small circles over her stomach, and then pulling softly but firmly on her lower back with the other. Her breathing got heavier, and her fingers tightened on the back of my head, pushing me down “accidently” just a little. As she did, my face was directly over her cleavege!, and I realized that I could see the patterns of her brassiere.. My fingers tightened on her back and I pulled against her, snuggling into her.
"Oh, Amma," I murmured. "Oh, Amma."
"Shhhhh," she urged, and she moved her right hand in circles on my back. She leaned down and kissed the top of my head, and then her left hand pulled my head more tightly against her. As she did, my head slid downward, until my mouth and nose were touching the very tip of her breasts over her blouse. She continued rubbing my head, and as she did, I pulled my right hand back until it was moving around over her stomach, and I began to make larger circles with it, moving my palm all the way down to where her stomach bent in toward her groin, and then back up until on one pass I felt a heavy pressure against my thumb, and I knew I had touched the base of her left breast.
This was crazy! What was I doing? My conscious mind reasserted itself suddenly and I wanted to pull away. This was so wrong. But I was getting turned on, and my hunger for a loving touch overrode that shamed part of myself, and I snuggled myself even more tightly up to my mother, smoothing my right hand up over her stomach until I could feel it pushing underneath her heavy tit. My mother gasped then.
"Oh, Kanna, My baby boy," she said, and her arm tightened on my back and her fingers splayed themselves across the back of my head, and my head moved down even more. I turned my face to the left slightly as she did so, and my lips were over the protrusion caused by her nipples!. OH GOD…..
I don’t know why but I was suddenly afraid of where this was going. I tried to move back as I started feeling how her nipples were under her blouse and bra.
My cock had hardened so much that it hurt and I was afraid she will notice.
"It's okay, baby," she burbled. "Amma has you. Amma's here, baby."
I pulled her against me with my left arm, and my face moved slightly upward until my lips and nose were just barely touching the soft skin of her cleavage. "Oh, Amma," I moaned, "I love you."
"Oh baby, I love you too."
My right hand seemed to have a life of its own. This entire time it had been moving down over her stomach, and then down to her waist, then around out over her wide hip, and back up the stomach until I was almost but not quite cupping the curve of her breast in my hand, and then down again. Over and over in one big circle of heat and love and touch.
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