Romance Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty
"Is this because you want to accidentally walk in on us screwing around one more time?" Nick dropped his arms and rolled his eyes at her question. Leave it to Dani to answer him with some smart remark.

"On that note, let's go eat."

"Fine and I'll make sure we're extra loud later so you can mistake it for trouble."

"Shut up Dani."

"What? There's no shame in wanting to see your partner's O face. I'm sure he'll even let you when I'm gone."

"Eww...would you quit? I swear to God Dani."

"Now kids." Vince chimed in as the two of them entered the kitchen together. He was sure as hell going to miss this when Dani was gone. It was going to be hard to go back to just him and Nick and no one else.

"That food smells incredible, and I for one am starving." Dani broke from her banter with Nick to head over to the table where Vince had plated everything and had it ready to go.

"Then, let's eat. I'll grab some beers, what do you say?" Vince smiled broadly. The least he could do was put on a brave face at this point.

"Sounds great." Dani returned his smile, but held his eyes for a lingering moment. It was enough to communicate the thoughts they were both sharing. And, when it ended, they all put aside what was happening the next day if only for an hour or so.

The three agents sat joking and eating like it was almost any other meal. Even a few comments about how Dani would be sleeping on crappy mattresses from here on went by without anyone feeling bad. Vince almost wished the world would collapse on them and he could be here at the table for the rest of his life. He could see Dani smiling as Nick and she traded jabs for eternity compared with the inevitable alternative.

"Hey so I hope you like cake because Vince and I searched high and low for the perfect one today. And, we may have gotten you a few gifts for the road. Which do you want to start with?" Nick's comment roused Vince and Dani lit up. There was something about the prospect of surprises or gifts that always made her light up like a little kid. He pondered for a moment if he should have asked her about it. In all the time she was there, he had gotten to know her, but those little quirks he loved were still a mystery.

"Presents first, you know I can't wait on surprises." At her words, Vince got up and produced two brown paper bags. She reached out and seized on one instantly.

"That's from me. We figured wrapping them would be pointless so I hope you don't mind." Nick grinned as she pulled the bag across the table. She jumped up peering inside and started to pull items out.

"Aww...a man after my own heart." Dani pulled a large Jack Daniel's bottle out of the bag and cuddled it. "And, what is this?" She pulled up the next package, which was a white pearlescent flask. The chrome accents only made the white pop more in the light of the kitchen. Nick had found it while they were out and he couldn't resist buying it for her.

"I thought it would match the car nicely. Of course, I assume you'll never be using it while you're driving." Nick beamed at the reaction he saw cross her face.

"It's awesome. You know I had a flask, but then I made it my holy oil container. This, though,'s perfect Nick." She jumped into his arms and Nick gave her an extra tight squeeze before releasing her.

"And, this one is from me." Vince pushed the second paper bag across the table and Dani lit up once more before seizing on it to look inside.

"What is this?" She pulled out a package and started to read it. "Some kind of car mount?"

"Yea, it's an adapter so you can hook your phone into the Superbee and play Zeppelin. That way you can download all their albums and have some road music. The speakers can handle it, but no way you're getting satellite radio in the old beauty."

"Oh my God Vince, this is awesome. Can you help me put it in tonight?"

"Sure. It'll only take a few minutes. But, that's not the whole gift you know."

"Huh?" Dani smiled at him before diving back into the bag and producing a rolled up sleeping bag. It was black and red and had a flannel lining.

"I figured without the two of us you'd be cold most nights. Plus, if you're ever stuck somewhere you'll have a warm bed. It's the warmest one they had." Dani looked up at him and then moved around the table quickly to give him a hug. Vince held her in his arms and tried to memorize the feeling. He wanted to never forget what it was to hold Dani. Her smell enveloped him and he let it imbed in his senses. This was Dani, his Dani.

"These were all incredible guys. Now, how about that cake?" She clapped her hands like a little girl for a moment and they both laughed before Nick got up and headed over to it.

"I tell you what, while he cuts that let's go hook up this mount and make sure it works." Vince got her attention and she took his hand leading him down the hall to the garage.

The next ten minutes he spent with her were some of the best he remembered having in the bunker. They were curled up next to each other on Stan's front seat as he explained how the wiring worked and what she would need to do if she ever changed phones. For any other woman it might have been boring, but not for her. Dani was always completely caught up in any discussions about cars. She would sit and listen with a smile on her face every time Vince went into detail like this, and it made his day.
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When they finished, they returned to the kitchen and the three of them sat enjoying the rather decadent cake they had found earlier. Afterwards, they watched TV for a short time more and then Nick took his leave as promised. It left Dani and Vince alone, and both sat in silence for a few moments, not sure what to do next.

"I hate to say it, but I think I should get to bed. I have to hit the road right after breakfast tomorrow." Dani was the first to speak and Vince felt his heart sink. He didn't know what he wanted to say, but he knew it involved begging for every last moment he could have with her before she was gone.

"So early?"

"Yea. Don't look so sad. We'll see each other tomorrow and like I told Nick I'm not dying or leaving the Agency so we'll see each other again. I'll just have to start sending you pictures of the shitty motels they put me up in from now on." She walked over and put a hand under Vince's chin leaning his head back and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. His eyes closed at the contact and he exhaled the breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"Okay, maybe I'll turn in to. That way I'll be fresh to help make sure Stan is all set before you leave." He stood up and stopped just looking at her before Dani broke the moment and headed down the hallway to her room.

Vince trailed behind her and watched as she walked in for her last night of rest. His heart was like a lead weight in his chest as he moved into his own room, closing the door behind him. From there, Vince sat down on his bed before clicking his phone into the nearby speaker. He pushed play on the music and just sat. He was paralyzed with uncertainty about what he was supposed to do in this moment. The thought of going to Dani's room seemed like the right thing, but also seemed like something a friend wouldn't do. How could he go and ruin her last night? Why should he wake her up just to rehash the same things he had said before? The doubts ran through his head as fast as the thoughts of what he should do.

It seemed like an eon went by as he sat there, head in his hands just listening to the music next to him and going over all his roaming thoughts. In the next instant, he was roused from his thoughts with a knock on the door, and a familiar face.

"Hey Vince, I thought I would see if you were still up. I guess I figured maybe you would still want to chat for a few minutes before bed."

"Yea? I do, but I don't know what to say anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Ah, hell. Dani...I...I don't want you to leave yet." The words failed him as he stood up walking over to her.

"But Vince, Oz needs to send someone on this assignment. I have to go even if it's a few days early."

"I know and I know you're ready. But, I still don't want you to leave... ever."

"Now come on Vince, don't start this again. You know I can't go there."

"I don't mean that I don't want you to leave the bunker. Dani, I don't want you to leave me."

"I...I...I thought I made it clear I had to. I mean...I'm not sure what else to say to you Vince."

"Then say you'll stay with me. I'll just talk to Oz and we'll figure something out. But, Dani I don't want to lose you. I...fuck...I love you." The words came out and he couldn't take them back. He wasn't even sure he wanted to. All Vince knew was he didn't want this woman to walk out.

"Shit. Why would you say that? You can't say that Vince. You can't love me because I...can't be with you. I'm still a lesbian Vince, I always have been and I can't change that."

"I don't care what you want to call yourself. Hell you can call me a woman if you want. All I care about is that you stay with me."

"Call myself? Vince you don't understand. I love you too, but I'm not sure what that means for me...for my identity. So, I just need to go now and figure it all out on my own."
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"Figure it out here, with me. Don't leave me Dani; don't leave what we have together." Vince felt his chest tighten. She loved him. Dani said she loved him, and he couldn't let her walk away now.

"Just shut up, please." Dani cut Vince off as she walked over grabbing his face and pushing herself up on her toes to kiss him. It was the only invitation he needed.

The words stopped there, only moans and sighs followed as they kissed. Her hands pushed up his shirt, and Vince moved only a fraction to help with its removal. The same was true as he pushed her shirt upward. They kept kissing as they moved closer and her hands fumbled with the tie on his pants. He was completely focused on her mouth and keeping it with his, there was nothing else he needed in that moment.

Vince's fingers drifted down over Dani's ass as she pressed against him and she moaned into him. Her mouth shifted from his lips and started to lick and suck along his jaw. He used the moment to release the air that he had held in his lungs during their exploration of each other's mouths. She reached his pulse point and a groan escaped him before he seized her face in his hands and pulled her up to his mouth once more.

Dani pushed at his pants, and he helped her slide them down as they continued to kiss. He toed off his socks easily allowing the fabric to hit the floor. As he stepped out of the pants kicking them to the side, Vince felt her fingers glance over his cock, which was more than ready to go by now and his hands sprang into action to rid her of her own pants. He paused in his kisses to squat down and pull off her slippers. She waited there staring into his eyes as he pulled the socks from her feet next. Her pants fell to the floor with each lift of a foot as he looked up at her.

Vince stood once more and was back on her lips in an instant. He felt her more than heard her when she moaned next before returning her fingers to his cock. His fingers moved to her bra clasp loosening it instantly and working to remove the offending fabric. When her hands stopped touching him, she was the one to push her panties down and step out leaving her naked.

Another instant had their tongues dancing in a more frenzied pace. His fingers moved down dipping into her wet folds and she opened her mouth in a sigh as he felt along every scrap of flesh he could. Her eyes flew open and she gazed into his as her brows furrowed and she worked at the fabric of his briefs with one hand. He released her, shoving his own briefs down as fast as he could.

Once they were naked, Vince couldn't wait any longer and stepped back pulling her with him until his calves struck the edge of the bed. When they did, he sat down and she straddled him quickly lining his hardness up with her dripping heat. Her mouth hovered before his, lips parted, as she slid downward. Their eyes were locked as they both gasped together. The silence was thick around them as she moved on him and he held her there taking in the essence of her being on his body.

Vince had craved an experience with her just like this for far too long, and now that it was here it was more intense than even he imagined. Their mouths were hungry for each other as they kissed deeper and deeper letting themselves be joined completely in the moment. He wanted to kiss and touch every part of her, but her mouth had him captured.

A sheen of sweat soon glistened across his skin and he was forced to disconnect their mouths so that he could gasp for air. The very feeling of her wrapped around his cock had him struggling for breath. Dani looked wrecked before his eyes. She was flushed and covered in sweat as she moved again and again.

Noises erupted from them both and got lost as their lips rejoined. Each was whimpering and grunting with the continued movement, but unwilling to give up the connection or slow down. Dani's nails gripped into his shoulders as he heard her whimper softly. Her knees rose up on either side of his body, and he tilted his mouth backward letting their foreheads connect them.

Now that they were free to hear each other, the symphony of moaning that came from her had him nearing his release faster and faster. His grunts and huffs came out to match hers as they pressed their damp flesh into each other. Both tried to hold onto the moment as long as they could. He felt himself losing control even as Dani's head flew back and she screamed out his name. Her pussy grasped him tightly and then fluttered intensely on him.

Vince heard his own cry come out as if it was from someone else as his cock released. His hands death gripped her against his body as his mouth buried into her neck. She shuddered in his grasp as they both calmed.

A few moments later, he pulled back from her taking in her features as she looked at him exhausted and caught in the same intensity he was. She leaned down to him, and he seized on her mouth once more, but gently this time. They didn't need words to express how they felt, this kiss was enough. The room had vanished as had the prospect of her leaving as they just sat breathing together. Vince didn't dare speak for fear that reality would crash back in, and he hoped Dani wouldn't break this moment either. He knew she would though, and she didn't disappoint him.
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"I have to um...I'll be right back." Dani shattered the silence. She shifted pulling herself up and walked past him towards his bathroom. When she came back, she said nothing and Vince just sat watching as she pulled her clothes together from the floor putting them back on slowly.

He waited for her, waited to see what she might say next. Once she was dressed, Dani walked back to him still on the bed, naked and waiting. She leaned down and kissed him softly before she turned and walked out of his door closing it behind her.

He didn't follow, instead just sat and took in what had just happened. Deep down he knew exactly what it was. He knew that Dani wanted to make love to him before she left. Her words before had solidified that she wasn't ready to take the plunge that he was, wasn't ready to admit her feelings and stop worrying about what any of it meant. Their connection just then was some type of goodbye, whether it was forever or just temporary. It was a goodbye.


The next morning, Nick and Vince didn't have to worry about saying a formal goodbye. Dani had already left. Her room was empty, her car gone, and only a small note lay on the kitchen table.

"I sort of hate sappy goodbyes; so I left early. I hope you guys don't mind. Thank you both so much for everything. I'll talk with you soon. Until then, try to stay out each other's hair. -Dani"

That was it. A note that ended the time they spent as a family. From there, it was just the two of them, dealing with her exit in their own ways. Fortunately for Nick, Vince never got bad. He just got quiet. Nick tried not to mention her, and after a while the memory of Dani in the bunker faded.

The real blow came three months later when Oz told them that Dani quit the Agency. None of them had expected that, and it was only compounded when they found out her phone wasn't working anymore so they couldn't ask her what happened. Vince spent a lot of nights awake with thoughts of where she might be and who she might be with, but none of it made the thought that she just cut him off any easier. He would have tried to have her found through the Agency, but he knew that was pointless. Dani knew all the tricks; after all, so there was no way she was going to be found if she didn't want to be.

Even Oz hadn't taken it well when she left. He made her promise to check in once in a while, but ultimately he knew he couldn't force her. He put on a brave front, but Dani was dear to him just as much as she was to the other two agents.

By the end of the first year without hearing anything, Nick and Vince had given up. Nick figured Dani had found someone and was taking a stab at a normal existence. He would never say that to Vince, but he hoped it. Vince, on the other hand, went between terrible thoughts of her lying dead somewhere or captured. He simply couldn't stomach the thought of her leaving him with no contact information. It was too painful.

Overall, the Agency returned to normal, and before they knew it Nick and Vince barely spoke of Dani and instead had new agents to meet and supervise. After their assignment at the bunker was over, it was simpler. They were in the field going from case to case and barely had a moment to wonder about the spunky brunette. Even Vince started to have days where he barely thought of her. Life was nearly back to normal until one particularly warm fall day when they got a call from Oz.
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Dark Division - Dani Ch. 13

They arrived at a small one story house about four hours after Nick and Vince started driving. It was in some small town whose name Vince had already forgotten. They parked on the street and approached, unsure what they would find inside. Vince was the first to reach the door and he knocked, bracing himself. Oz answered quickly. The old man looked worried, more than Vince had ever seen him. Why was still a mystery because he and Nick had only had a few minutes on the phone with Oz before they jumped in the car. Apparently, this was a very good friend of his and someone not in the Agency because they were specifically told it was off the books for now. Oz rarely made calls like that to them, so they didn't ask more questions. Instead, Nick and Vince had packed up their latest motel room and sped all the way to the address he sent over.

"Oh thank god you guys are here. She's not doing well and I could use the help tracking the assholes that took her daughter." Oz looked terrified as he ushered the two guys inside.

"Is this in our wheelhouse or are we talking about just a regular kidnapping Oz?" Nick was the first to question as they came in and followed him into the living room. The house was fairly small, but still pretty well decorated and somehow seemed familiar to them both. Once in the living room, Vince knew why. A familiar face came around the corner to hand Oz a steaming mug of what looked like coffee.

"Here you go Oz." Dani's voice had Vince transfixed instantly. Suddenly, a thousand memories flooded his brain as she looked at them both. She had changed in some respects, but in others not at all. There was something tamer about her though, from the jeans to the soft peach button up shirt she wore. Her eyes when she looked up at the two men were identical to the day she left, though.

Nick was captured in much the same shock as Vince. It had been years since they had seen Dani, and the last time she left they figured she wasn't coming back. Oz had thought much the same, but with everything nasty that Dani had worked on throughout her career; it seemed there was no true retirement. The three of them watched as Dani backed up and crossed her arms in a more defensive posture than Nick was used to seeing from her.

"Nick, Vince, hi. I wasn't expecting you." She looked at Vince as she spoke, and Nick felt the unspoken words between them.

"Oz said his friend's daughter was taken, so we came to help out. Was it your daughter?" Nick tried to break the awkwardness and get things focused.

"Yes. It was my Lily." Dani looked completely broken, worse than she had with Stan's death.

"Well, what can you tell us so we can find her?" Nick continued as he tried to comprehend the situation unfolding in front of him. He knew that the shock he felt was nothing compared to what Vince had to be feeling.

"Not much. I honestly haven't had any interaction close to what I experienced in the agency since I left. I have even been supervisor at this daycare for over a year and a half. Then, today, I'm outside with all the kids. Lily was playing off to the side with a few of them. I turned around for a second, literally for a second, and she was gone. I freaked out, naturally, and started looking. All I found was this on a nearby tree. I think I know what it means though."

She produced a napkin from on top of the coffee table and opened it for them. Inside was a dried patch of flesh. The flesh had turned a leathery brown as if it was old and weathered. Nick took it in his hand and showed it to Vince who barely took notice.

"Gross, but I don't get it. Am I missing something?" Nick looked a little confused.

"It means we're chasing a mummy. Well, a modern type of mummy. We haven't seen a case like this in over a decade, though, since I was training Dani. In that case, there was a cult that was worshipping an ancient Egyptian Deity. We ended up finding that one of them a spell to reanimate a mummy. But, when he was walking around sometimes he would lose pieces of flesh. It was fresh at first, and then it would dry like this within a few hours. It was such an odd case that we figured it would never happen again."

"A fucking mummy? Seriously?" Vince finally spoke. His instincts overrode the initial shock of seeing the love of his life again after she had become a ghost herself.

"Yea, it was a new one for all of us. But, we killed him Dani. So, this can't be the same guy." Oz looked at her as fresh tears sprang into her eyes.

"But we let the two kids from the cult go, and Oz what if they knew the spell. I just didn't think. I mean how could I possibly believe that I could leave it all behind and keep Lily safe? Everyone that I love dies or gets hurt because of me. I should have just given her up for adoption instead of trying to protect her myself. How stupid could I be?" Dani's hand went to the side of her face and Vince felt for her. It had been a long time, but still seeing her like this pulled at his heart. He had never really gotten over loving her. Seeing her again only solidified that fact in his mind.
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"Alright, well, if it's something mythical, we'll find it and kill it before it hurts her. Now, how old is Lily?" Vince caught Dani's gaze at the use of the name. He had a lot of questions right now, and the fact that she used that name was the least of them, but still a burn.

"She just turned two a few months ago."

"I mean could it be her father using this mummy thing somehow? Or some family member of his? You know the flesh might be something else entirely." Nick said the words without even thinking as Vince stood there trying to let his brain catch up. He felt like he was missing something, but didn't know what.

"It's definitely not her father, or his family. He doesn't know she exists. I did that on purpose." She lowered her eyes.

"Maybe he found out Dani. I mean you might have a crazy bastard on your hands and not even know it." Vince was on high alert. After all, he thought Dani had said she was not interested in being with a man and now he was finding out she had a daughter, which was clearly the opposite.

"Vince, I'm positive that it's not her father that did this." She raised her head looking at him.

"How do you know that? I mean was he a one night stand? You might not know this guy as well as you think." He looked at her a little angry, probably more from the sting to his pride than anything else. Oz and Nick just looked at each other.

"He wasn't a one night stand, and I know he didn't do this." Dani stared at him evenly and Vince moved forward wanting to know exactly who had the privilege of being with her and giving her a child. He wondered just how much he didn't know about Dani after she left him the last time.

"How do you know? Huh? You can't just learn everything about someone because you fuck them, Dani. After all, I thought you weren't interested in guys, but clearly you were at least once after you left." His tone grew louder and Nick put his arm out to Vince looking at Dani apologetically.

"You are such an asshole. I swear your ego is unbelievable. My daughter is gone and you are really angry that I might have fucked someone after you? That's why I left Vince because I couldn't be the girl you wanted."

"Well, I thought you were at least honest when you told me that you were leaving because you wanted to stay a lesbian. Now, I find out that isn't exactly the truth, is it?" Vince had let his temper take off and now he wanted answers. The rage was blinding him.

"Hey, let's just take a walk Vince while Oz and Dani work on some things." Nick pulled at his arm.

"No, I want to know who this guy is. Your 'baby daddy' is a person of interest Dani, so tell us. Who was good enough to knock up the famed lesbian Dani? Wh o, huh?" He was only inches from her face as he spoke. His approach had been unintentional. Now, he was right there and could feel her heat and see that angry look on her face that he hadn't seen in so long.

"You were asshole. Lily is your daughter, and I haven't fucked anyone since I left your room that night. So, fuck you, now help me find her so she can meet her daddy!" Dani was full of venom and her eyes held pure fire as she spoke back into his face.
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Everything in the room stopped then. Vince froze where he was, completely in shock. Nick let his arm go and backed up. Oz turned walking back towards the windows to take a few breaths. He had sprung up at hearing the sudden heated discussion between Vince and Dani. It was something he hadn't expected, but he also knew that both had tempers which meant this might not end well.

"What?" Vince's mind reeled and he felt all his anger start to dissolve into shock. He heard the words she said, but didn't believe them.

"I said you are Lily's father. I got pregnant that last night we were together."

"No, that's not possible. I mean that was..." Vince straightened himself up, running a hand through his still short hair and staring at her.

"It was just a little over nine months from the day she was born and just barely less than three years ago. You're her father because I have only ever fucked one man in my life. Now, are you going to help me find our daughter? If not, then we are just wasting time here." The tears streamed from her eyes as she spoke.

"I have a daughter. I...I didn't know." Vince's face blanched as he turned looking over towards the mantle where a picture of a little girl in a silver frame that said Lily sat. She had his dark red hair and a smile on her face that mirrored his smirk. There was no way he could deny the resemblance to himself, and he knew that was the one time they weren't careful.

"I wanted her to be safe and it was bad enough that I had hunted god knows what throughout the years, but if we were both around her...she would never be safe. Plus, I didn't think I could see you again after finding out." Dani cried then falling into the couch. "And now she's with some monster and it's my fault. Oh God, please, please help me find her. She's the only good thing I have ever done."

"We'll find her Dani, don't worry." Nick came over sitting next to her.

"I...I have to take a walk." Vince muttered out the words before heading towards her door and out into the fresh air. He had a daughter, a beautiful daughter that was somewhere in danger right now.

"Uh, wow. You know when this is over we have to have a discussion Dani. But for now, let's get her back. I'm going to head to the local security officer station and see what's going on." Oz slipped into his role easily and headed for the door.

"While he does that, why don't we go over the last few weeks and see if anything out of the ordinary happened with you." Nick turned to her and Dani broke grabbing him in her arms and burying her face in his chest.

"I'm so sorry Nick. I should have called you and Vince and..." Her words were garbled as she spoke through tears.

"Hey, it's okay. I get it, and Vince will too. Let's just get her back and we'll work out hard feelings later." Nick held her and let her cry for a moment. Despite the circumstances, it was good to have his friend there in his arms.

"Listen, I want you to know that I missed you so much. You don't know how badly I wanted to come back and tell you everything. It was so hard to not have you in my life, but I had to do it. I had to for her."

"I get it. I do. Dani, I probably would have done the same thing. Don't do this. Come on, be that strong agent again for me and let's kill some sons of bitches today." Dani pulled back at his words and smiled. He took her hands holding them for a moment.

"Oh my God, Dillon. Dillon at the bar. I saw him the other day outside the house and then at the school yesterday. He was acting so strange." A light went on in Dani's eyes as she explained to Nick.

"Alright, well then let's find out what Dillon has been up to lately. I'll get a quick tap on his phone and see if we can get some phone numbers and text messages. Let me get my laptop out of the GTO." Nick hopped up heading outside.

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"Hey, get in the car Vince." Oz pulled up to the sidewalk where Vince was seated on a bench two blocks from Dani's house. Oz was on his way to the security officer station when he spotted him.

"What?" The red haired man jolted from his thoughts and looked up to see Oz's car parked on the street and the old man motioning to him.

"I said get in the car. Nick's working with Dani and since you already have a suit on you can join me for the security officer station." Vince trailed his way to the car and hopped in.

They were silent on the way to the station, and Vince just followed Oz's lead once there. The man was clearly in his own world. After one too many pointless conversations, Oz got a call from Nick and stepped out for a moment as Vince listened to the security officer chief drone on about their latest efforts to combat loitering in the town center. After hanging up with Nick, Oz ducked his head back into the impressive glass office that hid the true pointless nature of the man inside's position.

"Vince, Nick has a lead. I'm heading back to Dani's and you need to come along." The look on Oz's face was enough to get Vince back on track. Suddenly, he realized he had been sitting there barely listening to the security officer chief in front of him, just caught in his thoughts of what he had missed with his daughter's life. He was trying to work out if he was upset with Dani or respected her for what she had done. After all, would he have done anything different in the same circumstances? He couldn't say that he wouldn have. But, it was still a lot for him to take in.

Once they were in the car, Oz said nothing, and just drove back to Dani's house. When they reached the driveway, he pulled in and a heavy sigh left his lips. Vince reached for the door handle to get out and Oz reached over placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen Vince, I don't know what the hell happened between you and Dani, but what I do know is we have a little girl being held by some real monsters. So whatever demons are left between you and Dani have to wait. I need you to suck it up and be in this one hundred percent. Dani isn't just special to you; she's like a daughter to me. I trained her and I'll be damned if I'm going to see her in pain for any longer than she has to be. So, either you walk back in there with me and work this case right or you get in the GTO and leave. I can drop Nick off when we're done if I need to. So, tell me which one it's gonna be Vince." Oz had a look on his face that Vince had never seen before, and he realized then that he wasn't the only one Dani had walked away from.

"You've got me Oz. Let's go save my little girl." Vince gave him a quick nod and got out of the car.

The two men walked up to the house and knocked. Dani answered this time and avoided eye contact with Vince as she ushered them inside.

"What did you find out from the cops?" She addressed her question to Oz as if Vince wasn't even there.

"Jack squat. Let me tell you the cops here leave a lot to be desired." Oz shook his head as Dani made her way back to Nick who sat typing away

"Yeah, well there's very little crime here. Kind of why I picked the place. Regardless, Nick has been going through the text messages from Dillon and it sounds like he was in touch with some people that weren't happy with my work."

"Current work or..." Vince looked at her, putting on his serious face and hoping she would understand he was in this to help.

"It sounds like it was about the old mummy case. They have apparently been planning to track down everyone involved. I guess this guy Dillon was more than willing to follow Dani around for a few hundred bucks. How do you know this guy Dani?" Nick looked up and saw the familiar work look on Vince's face. It was good that his partner was at least able to be professional right now. He was barely holding it together in the shock, so he wasn't sure if Vince would be able to either.
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"Why have they waited so long though?"

"All they keep saying is that they need to have perfect timing. All I can tell is there is an alignment of mercury and mars tomorrow and a full moon. I'm trying to see when it happened last, but my guess would be not since the last mummy case. I'm trying to get the texts of the numbers he was messaging with, but it's taking a bit."

"What's the hold up?" Oz pressed him.

"It just takes time, sorry. I'm tracking as fast as I can, but it's not always that easy." Nick responded.

"Well, if Dillon's involved, then maybe I'll head over to his place and see what else he knows." Vince's head had cleared to some extent, but he never dealt well with children in danger and this one was his.

"I should go too. I know the guy and he knows Lily. His daughter is in class with her, so he might open up to me." Dani chimed in.

"Okay, the two of you go and we'll keep tracking things down." Oz took charge instantly and Dani and Vince slipped right back into their old roles heading out to the GTO.

They didn't speak on the way over. There was a thickness in the car as they drove. When they finally reached the bar, it was Dani who broke the silence.

"Do me a favor and let me go in first. I might be able to get more from this idiot." She smiled at him faintly.

"Sounds good. Just call me from your phone first and put it in your pocket. That way, I can hear what's going on."

"Thanks Vince." She reached out dialing his number and slid the phone into her pocket. Vince answered it and sat it on the console between them.

"So, you do still have my number." He couldn't resist letting the comment slip out as he watched her hand go to the door handle.

"Of course I do. Just couldn't dial it Vince, even if I wanted to." Dani smiled at him and finished leaving the car before closing the door.

Vince watched her walk up to the bar door and took in how nicely her hips still shifted as she moved. Dani had always been beautiful and had stayed that way in his dreams, but the real Dani was so much better than anything he could imagine.

He heard her walk inside both sets of doors and then waited listening to the silence on the other end of the phone.

"Vince?" Dani's voice came through the phone suddenly.

"Yea what's up?"

"Why don't you pull the car around the corner into the alley and come inside. Looks like Dillon is going to be a dead end." She sighed heavily and hung up the phone.

Vince pulled the car out of the parking lot and around the corner. He smiled as he did so, knowing that even though Dani had left the Agency her instincts were still the same. They needed to not be seen long enough to investigate the scene and wait for anyone else to arrive.

He jogged back towards the bar and made his way inside. There was Dani sitting at the bar with her head in her hands.

"So, what did you find?"

"A very dead Dillon in the walk in. And, if I'm not mistaken a good section of flesh has been removed from his arm."

Vince followed where Dani pointed to find Dillon on the floor and one of his arms had a three inch strip of flesh sliced away. He sighed and picked up his phone dialing Oz.

"Hey Oz, looks like Dillon was a loose end, who is now tied up."

"Shit. Well, Nick has found a location where a few cell phones tied to Dillon's are currently located. We're heading over to check it out. And, I brought the listening device, so hopefully I can listen in a little bit. You guys stay put in case they come back for whatever reason."

"Just so you know they took some skin from Dillon too. Not sure if that's important, but if it is."

"Nick, is there anything in your stuff that says they need skin?"

"Not yet, but I can keep working on the tablet while we head over to the barn." Vince heard Nick's voice in the background and the frustration in his tone and not having every answer immediately for Oz.

"Listen, we'll head there and call you when we know more." Oz hung up before Vince could even respond.

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"I locked the doors and put up the closed sign. So, what now? Do we just sit in some dead guy's bar all night and wait for Oz and Nick to report back?"

"Well, we followed the best lead and here we are with a dead bartender and nothing else. Oz and Nick are staking out the next best place, so yea, we wait." Vince was still cold to her, angry for the knowledge that had been kept from him for so long.

"I hate waiting. Lily must be so scared right now." Dani paced the room, arms crossed, hoping for a call.

"Well, maybe if I had known about her then she wouldn't be gone right now." Vince said the words and cursed himself for letting his mouth move before his brain caught up.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Dani dropped her arms and approached him rapidly, full of venom once more.

"Nothing okay...nothing." He tried to take it back quickly.

"Do you really think that her being anywhere near someone still in Dark Division would have kept her safe? I kept her safe by giving up my whole life and becoming...this. You think I wanted that? I did what I had to do." She was in his face now and Vince could smell that familiar shampoo that she always had.

"You didn't have to keep her from me. I'm her father for god's sake Dani. I had a right to know, don't you think?"

"And what? You would have taken care of her? Left the unit so that little girl was safe? No Vince, no. You would have stayed or we both would have and she would have been hurt or taken long before now. Besides, you weren't interested in a life with just wanted to fuck me."

"What? Ok, first of all, it wasn't your decision to make alone. I deserved to at least be part of the decision if you were going to have her. Second, a life with you is all I wanted since the day we met. Sure I loved fucking you, but I loved you more. It wasn't the sex I missed when you was you. I loved you Dani and I still do."

"Vince...I...You don't understand. I couldn't handle leaving behind what had been a part of my identity for so long. You wanted me to stop being a lesbian for you. And as much as you said you loved me, well I just couldn't. After that night, I had so many nights of wanting to run back to you. I wanted to tell you I loved you and just plunge in and try to make it work...but..."

"Then why didn't you? I mean who even cares if you are a lesbian or straight or bisexual or whatever. I never cared about any of that. I loved you for who you are. So, why not come back to me?"

"Because when I finally decided to; I got sick. And then I found out I was pregnant. Suddenly, it didn't matter what I needed or wanted anymore. My life was about her and I couldn't get rid of her. I don't know why, but it was like the moment I knew I was pregnant I finally loved something unconditionally. And, if that meant giving up the chance to be with the person I was in love with, well it had to be."

"Was in love with? Does that mean you aren't anymore?" Vince was only a few inches from her face as he spoke and his heart rate was beating a million times a minute. Now he understood, really understood. Here was his beautiful Dani who gave up everything to raise his daughter, and he loved her more as she stood before him now than he ever had before. She turned suddenly and his heart sank. He guessed what her answer was about to be.

"Am in love with." She whispered the words and he thought he heard them wrong.

"What?" His voice took on a calm tone and he reached out grabbing her arm.

"I'm still in love with you Vince, even though you are a real asshole sometimes." She turned facing him and her eyes locked with his. They were those same eyes that he had searched too many times for answers to unasked questions.

His hand went to the side of her face and he let the back of his fingers stroke down her cheek. The air sucked out of the room then and it was just the two of them in some kind of perfect vacuum suddenly. He took a step forward and slid his hand to the back of her head pulling her towards him. A quick glance into her eyes and he had all the permission he needed as he leaned forward and delicately let his lips meet hers. They parted only for a second before the air ignited. Dani's own hands reached up and grabbed at Vince's face pulling him back to her and their lips met once more in a heated kiss. From there, the two became inseparable.

Soon, tongues grazed flesh and they were kissing like they had both wanted to for so long. Vince turned them and pressed Dani to the side of the nearby pool table. She moaned softly and the memories of the times they had been together so long before zoomed into his mind. He was completely caught up in her when his phone rang.

"Shit." He pulled back from her and pulled out the phone. "Hey Nick, what's up?"

"Listen, we just used the listening device and they are talking about a package being moved to a more convenient location tomorrow morning. From the sound of it, we think it might be Lily."

"Is it a package they have? I mean can you guys just go in now and break things up there?" Vince suddenly felt the urgency in knowing his daughter was being talked about like some sort of package.

"We don't know if she's inside. If we go in now they may abort and that's it. It's some kind of ritual they're talking about Vince, so she's probably still alive. It's the best lead so far, but we don't know when the move will be. Some guy just said tomorrow morning. We think we should all stay put until then so we can intercept. Are you guys okay to stay at the bar? I can come over and Dani can come here if that's easier." Clearly Nick was concerned about the fact that the two of them had ended up at the bar and might be there all night.

"No, we're fine, just stay put and so will we. It's only seven, but I don't want anyone getting suspicious. We'll be fine here. I'll tell Dani what's up." Vince looked up into a set of light eyes full of fear and dread.

"Alright, and let her know that the moment we confirm that Lily is with them, we'll move in. And, if not then we'll trail them when they leave and we'll find her."

"I'll let her know. Thanks Nick."

"No problem, hang in there man."

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"So, level with me. How long have Vince and Dani been a thing?" Oz had learned of Vince's relationship with Dani when they had the altercation at her house. Before that, he knew Vince had a major crush and that Dani stayed with him and Nick for a while, but the revelation that they had a child together made that all take on a new twist.

"That's a complicated question." Nick skirted the issue as best he could. He had hoped to avoid the conversation, but now that the barn went silent there was nothing to do but wait.

"Bullshit it is, tell me Nick. You know I don't like it when agents fraternize, although it's happening more than I'd like of late. So, tell me how long they've been a thing."

"You remember that case you sent us on a few years ago where we met her?" Nick gave up. The thought of being trapped in a car with a pissed off boss for hours was just too much for him.

"The witch/demon thing?"

"Yep. Well, he's been interested since then. As far as when they started actually doing anything that I don't know. It was after Stan died and she was staying with us that I first caught them together, though. Although, I knew Vince took her virginity for a case before that."

"Man, I had no idea. I mean she was a lesbian."

"That seems to have been the major issue between them. I suppose it wasn't enough to keep them apart, though. You have to admit, they're practically twins in a lot of ways."

"I know. I guess I just never figured she would fall for a man let alone Vince. Plus, well I never figured Vince would stop chasing skirts."

"Me either, but he never picked up anyone since...damn I think since he met her. I guess that makes a lot of sense now, I mean he told me he fell in love with her."

"Still doesn't make sense to me. I mean, Dani? Of all the girls, Dani?"

"Yea, I know. He fell hard, and every time she left, he would just mope for days. The last time, though, I figured we would never see her again. Especially, after she quit the Dark Division."

"Well, I suppose her telling me she had no choice makes sense now. This is a goddamn mess though."

"It's something. I wonder what they're talking about right now. I figure they'll either argue all night...or well, you know."

"For the sake of my sanity, I'm not going to think about that. You probably shouldn't either."

"I just wonder how this is all going to shake out in the end."

"Hard to say, but it better end up with an alive little girl."

"Amen to that." Nick smiled.

"Hey, have you ever thought about where you want to be in say ten years?" Oz suddenly changed topics and Nick couldn't help but feel jarred by it.

"I guess I figured still doing this, hopefully with Vince. Why do you ask Oz?" He shook it off as just a conversation piece.

"I've been thinking that you would be a good supervisor one day, maybe take my spot once I've had enough."

"Oz if you haven't quit yet, you're never leaving this shit." Nick laughed a little.

"Everything changes with time Nick, trust me. And sometimes the day you never think will come is just around the corner. Anyways, just thought I'd have you start thinking about the future. And, for the rest of the story, I'll have to be drunk one day to fill you in, or retiring myself.

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Dark Division - Dani Ch. 14

"So, Nick says they heard a package is being moved tomorrow morning. It sounds like it might be Lily. Since we can't rule out that the bar is still involved, it makes sense for the four of us to stay put and wait it out."

"Okay. Oh my God though can they call her a package? My baby is not a you think she's dead already?" Her eyes welled with tears as she looked at him.

"Hey, listen, it doesn't mean anything. She's worth more as leverage if she's alive, you know that. They want something from you or from me or the Dark Division or whatever. She's going to be okay Dani...come me." He held her against his coat for a moment, relishing in the feel of her against him.

"So, we wait until morning?" When she pulled back, he sighed as he took in the loss of her warmth as she stepped back. Her eyes were glued to the ground for a moment as she pulled herself together.

"Yep. Hey, why don't we play a game of pool, maybe have a drink...they're free." He tried a smile as he lifted up her chin with one of his fingers.

"Vince, can I ask you to do something for me?"

"Anything. You know I would always do anything for you Dani." He looked into her eyes and felt the pain there.

"Will you help me forget for a little while?"

"What do you mean?" He asked it easily and she leaned up capturing his lips.

"Help me forget that our little girl is out there scared right now Vince." She pulled back and looked at him, pleading for this little bit of relief.

"Are you sure?" The last thing Vince wanted to do was take advantage of Dani, but when she nodded her head he knew he wouldn't be. She was desperate to take the pain she was feeling away if only for a second in time.

He leaned into her capturing her mouth once more and the fire between them that had ebbed away for a few minutes was back instantly. Her hands framed his face as their tongues started to wrestle once more. Vince's own hands shirked his suit jacket throwing it onto the chair behind him. He cursed the fact that he had dressed up today. The tie around his neck seemed to constrict as he pulled Dani against him. The heat from her body oozed through his shirt.

Her hands left his face and started to unbutton his collar even as his own grabbed her head pulling her into him. In another second, her fingers loosened his tie tossing it to the side as she started back to work on the buttons from his stiff white shirt. He seized on her ass lifting her enough to put her on the pool table once more. She easily spread her legs and he was happy to slot in between them and fully against her once again.

"I forgot how good it was to kiss you." She whispered the words in the one second of a break she took from plundering between his lips.

Vince hummed low in his throat as he pushed her jacket off her shoulders. Her arms went back for a second and she tossed the leather coat to the side. Before she could return her fingers to his shirt, Vince was done with the few buttons on her shirt and she parted from his lips long enough to facilitate its removal. He stopped once it was removed and leaned his forehead against hers taking in a breath as she moved back to finish the buttons of his shirt. Her black satin bra accentuated her beautiful breasts that he had missed so much. The smoothness of her flesh slid upward into each cup perfectly and he felt his body respond strongly to the sight of her exposed skin.

"You're so beautiful." He sighed as she pulled the bottom of his shirt from his pants and her fingers sprang to his wrists to finish the last buttons. His hands were once more framing her face and he tilted her up to look into her eyes. She quickly recaptured his lips as her fingers slid along his undershirt and over his shoulders.

He shucked the shirt easily and then pulled back enough to reach over his head and pull the last layer separating him from her off. Once it was free, he pressed his chest to hers, wanting to feel her against him. She let her fingers slide up along his neck and scratched her nails through the short hairs there as he continued to kiss her mouth.
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Vince leaned forward and Dani gave willingly until she was laid back against the green felt of the table. Once there, his mouth trailed down her jaw and over her throat taking in the tang of her sweat and the feel of her pulse as he moved down the side, sucking softly just where she liked. He remembered every inch of her and yet it seemed like the first time he was seeing it. His hands framed her chest and slid around her back, unclipping her bra and pulling it off. He almost didn't want to pull away for fear that this was still a dream of his somehow, one he had had too many times.

"Man, I missed your body." He moaned the words softly as his lips found her now exposed right nipple and she finished removing her bra to give him complete access to her skin.

Vince lavished her chest with attention before he continued a slow trail down her stomach. She was a little softer now around her middle, perhaps from having Lily or maybe just from less working out. Vince was thrilled, loving the softer curve of her stomach as opposed to the hard muscle she used to have down her abdomen. This new version of Dani was so perfect and right now it was so perfectly his.

He looked up as he reached the top of her jeans and unbuttoned them while he watched her eyes. She had pulled up on her elbows to watch him. Vince's fingers unzipped the fabric slowly and Dani lifted her hips as he slid them down. Her exposed legs made his mouth water and he smiled at the black cotton boy shorts that she wore. At least some parts of her had not changed.

A quick motion with each foot sliding off her shoes allowed the final removal of the denim. Her socks easily slid off and then he allowed his fingers to ghost over her skin. She sat up pulling him from his crouched position upwards so that their mouths could connect. Dani moved instantly to rough kisses, Vince could feel her need through every touch of her lips. Her fingers seized on his belt and she pulled it roughly to unclasp it. Vince's own need spiked as he felt her hunger.

He took over on his pants pulling them down and quickly stepping out of his shoes before shoving his socks off of his feet. Part of him wanted to draw this out, enjoy every moment she would offer, but another part couldn't hold back his desire for her. He pulled her still clothed sex against his own and felt the heat of her encompass his cock. It stiffened immediately in response. Her legs wrapped around him and she shifted her hips upward. He groaned reflexively, and she moaned into his mouth almost in unison.

Dani pulled back from kissing him, and stared into his eyes as she shifted herself backwards across the felt more. When she was fully laid on the table, her fingers slid into the sides of her panties and she slid them off tossing them to the side. Those burning eyes that Vince could never get out of his head stared through him and he quickly slid his own briefs down before mounting the table to follow her.

When he captured her mouth again, he easily moved between her legs letting her slick guide him. He was pressed flush to her pussy and he nearly came just from the feel of her body. Her hands threaded into his hair again and he heard her breath hitch.

"Be gentle with me, it's been a few years." She said the words and he pulled back looking into her face. He just looked at her for a moment, taking in the lust- blown eyes and flushed cheeks that had been in every fantasy of his for so long.

"I'll try, but it's been a few years for me too."

"What? You haven't...since...?"

"Nope, haven't wanted to since you left."

"Well, shit, let's hope we can remember how." A small smile crept across her face and he smiled back.

"It's like riding a bike, I think. But, tell me if it hurts okay?"

"Okay." She whispered and Vince reached down lining himself up. Her wet heat enveloped his head in the next second, and his mind reeled. Another inch in, and he remembered exactly how amazing Dani's body felt. He looked up to see her face as he slid more in and saw her wince suddenly. Vince froze and tried to calm his breathing.
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"Hey, do you need me to stop?" He felt the muscles in his arms twitch as he held himself at bay. Vince wanted nothing more than to plunge into her and be completely encased in all that was Dani, but he held himself back from it.

"No, just go slow." She opened her eyes and he slowly eased in, taking in the sensations as he moved further and further. When he bottomed out, she gasped and he held still trying not to think about how amazing her body felt.

"Fuck, you feel too good. Please God don't clench right now."

"Wow, I forgot what this was like. Unh, Vince..." He looked at her face and her mouth hung open. It made it even harder to hold himself in control. She was always so gorgeous like this. "You can move...but slow okay."

"Okay." He was breathless as he struggled to keep himself on track. He slid out of her and slowly back in sending a jolt right through his spine as the pleasure threatened to steal his senses completely.

"Unh...yes." Her head rocked back as he repeated the motion and he focused in on the intensity of being this close with her, being buried in her. His movements were shallower then as only just enough to make her gasp with each insertion. He didn't want to let himself have more leeway than that for fear that he would lose control completely and pound into her like his body craved.

From then, it seemed a blissful eternity that enveloped them. The bubble seemed to lock out the world as it was just the two of them together as one. Vince continued his slow motions, hovering his mouth close to hers to try to breath in her pleasure from her very breath. Sweat erupted across his skin, making it slide easier and easier along hers as the delicious push and pull of her pussy overtook his thoughts. Everything was gone but the feeling of being surrounded by her each time he thrust inside.


"Yea baby...what?"

"Please...faster...I'm...please." Her broken words were enough. It was what he wanted that she was saying. Vince sped up ever so slightly, tilting his hips at the end of each insertion and leaning to lick across her lips with his pointed tongue. He watched as her breathing quickened and her eyes locked on his. Her brow furrowed and then relaxed as she screamed out. In another instant, her pupils pulsed just as her pussy started to do the same around him. He moaned into the feeling, holding himself in check and letting her tilt her hips as she rhythmically pulsed on him.

"So beautiful..." He trailed the words out, feeling her start to still. His cock twitched as he started to move into her once more.

"Oh yes...more..." Dani clutched at his back and head, digging her fingers in as Vince rocked into her body. Another few movements and she arched up, her pussy seizing on him again, even harder than the last time and Vince held on watching her come apart beneath him once more.

"Jesus Dani...I'm so close baby."

"Yes, let me feel you cum, please." She almost begged and it was enough to send him over the edge with one more thrust. He buried himself to the hilt and let out a long moan as he looked into her face. His hips shifted on their own carrying him through his release. When he regained his breath, he relaxed against her letting their bodies touch as he moved his elbows up along her head. Her hands wrapped around his lower back and he leaned down to capture her mouth.

"I love you Dani." His voice was soft as he spoke the words to her.

"I love you too Vince." Their lips met then in a soft kiss that erased all the bad, all the hurt, all the pain of their time apart.

They lay in each other's arms for a while before parting to get dressed.

"That scar's new." Vince looked up from pulling on his own briefs motioning to where Dani was pulling her panties up.

"It's's from Lily."

"Oh, I'm sorry." He felt bad instantly for asking about it.

"Don't be. I don't regret anything about having her." Dani had turned finding her bra and was putting it on when a lightbulb went on in Vince's brain.

"Shit, Dani. I didn't mean to...I mean I should have pulled out at least. Fuck, I don't know what to..."

"It's okay. I can't have any more kids after her Vince. I had a lot of problems." She hung her head and turned to grab her jeans from the floor.

"Damn, I didn't know. I wish I had been here to help or..."

"Vince, don't please...let's just focus on getting her back."

"Alright. Well, um, how about that drink? I'm buying." He smiled at her and she returned it half-heartedly.

"Sounds good. Here's your shirt, by the way."

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"Oz, hey wake up man. There's movement happening." Nick saw a black van pull up outside the barn where the two had been staked out all night. The old man was asleep in the backseat, and jolted upright at the mention.

"Shit. You got your ears on?" He was instantly in action, just like he always had been. Oz was the best agent Nick knew, which is why he had been sitting and considering his earlier comments before the van pulled up. Truth be told, Nick hadn't thought about his future with the Agency. Vince had always reminded him not to, saying it was a recipe for disaster. After all, most agents didn't make it that long before burning out or worse. But, Nick knew Oz well enough to know that his words earlier meant something. He just didn't know what yet.

"Yea, just started listening. They're talking about how Dillon hasn't checked in. Hang on; sounds like the guy that arrived killed him. It seems he feeds on flesh and took the strip Dillon is missing."

"Nasty. What else? Anything about the girl?" Nick motioned for him to wait a moment as he listened to the rest of the conversation through the headphones while he held up the long range device.

"They're going to pick up the package at the bar when they meet up with Dillon's connection. It seems like they're hooking up there before going to the ritual location."

"Jesus. I'll text Vince and Dani, hope they're not otherwise engaged. I'll tell them to unlock the bar. Maybe we can get them all contained in there and end this thing."

"Oz, hang on. The package is already at the ritual. Goddamnit."

"Wait, what?"

"She's prepped and ready to take the master's soul." Nick's face dropped. Now, they knew that these guys were talking about Lily. They were planning a transference spell, which thankfully required live hosts. Unfortunately, it also meant that little girl was probably strapped down somewhere with a bunch of freaks around her. His skin practically crawled as they ducked down when the barn emptied out. Soon all four cars parked outside were on the road.

"Look, we planted the tracker and I warned Vince and Dani to unlock the door and stay alert. You and I are going in there to make sure the barn is empty. This time we aren't leaving anyone behind to haunt us." Oz spoke gruffly and the two men pulled their guns out exiting the car and heading for the old structure in the dim predawn light.


"So, her first word was dada?" Vince had another shot in front of him as they sat catching on up on the missed time between the two of them. They were only lit by one lamp over the bar and it made it almost magical to talk to Dani. He wished the night would never end. Unfortunately, he knew it would which is why he had paced himself with the drinks and by doing so forced Dani to follow his lead.

"Of course it was, like fate's little way of telling me to go to hell. I was pissed too. But, then how can you be pissed at this face?" She pulled out her phone and started scrolling through the photographs she had of Lily.

"My God, she's beautiful Dani. I mean she has my hair, but her face is just like yours."

"Except for that damn smirk. That smirk is all yours and I have a feeling it's going to get her in trouble one day. I'm not looking forward to her teenage years."

"Well, I mean I won't let anyone touch my little girl..." He paused at the end of his words; they had come out a little too easily.

"Listen, Vince...I know this was all sudden, and trust me I never meant to put you in this position, but what happens when we get her back?"

"I don't know. I mean now that I know I have a daughter; I want to know her."

"I understand that, but at the same time I can't have her in danger. I would rather you hate me and run away to keep her from being hurt ever again. Look at me now though, whatever it is still found me. I thought I would be safe if I left and just changed everything. But, I'm not and neither is she."

"It's not your fault that some asshole took her. And, well you know I'll protect her just like I would you."

"I know, but I just can't take any risks like that. Maybe the best thing is for you to just be a friend of mine in her eyes and you can see her once in a while, but not often Vince."

"Wait a second, you kept her from me all this time and now you expect me to just disappear and leave my own kid. I don't want to leave her or you frankly."
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"Then, I'll leave Vince and you won't find me. You know I can hide with the best of them. If you won't leave her to grow up safe and normal, then I'll have to take her away."

"That's not fair Dani. She's my kid too."

"Then act like it and choose what's best for her. She's not a way to have me you know."

"You think that's what this is about? I'm not trying to use her to have you. I love you, but I understand if you don't want that. Lily is a different story, though, she's my flesh and blood and there's no way I'll leave her."

"Fuck, did you hear that?" Dani's face froze and she turned her head a little. It had been a faint noise, but a noise nonetheless. Vince immediately reached the light over the bar and clicked it off plunging them into the dim light of the morning sun rising. They had lost track of the time as they were talking.

Dani jumped from her bar stool and joined him behind the bar crouching down. Vince went to fire off a quick text to Nick letting him know that someone was at the bar, when he saw the message he had missed just a few minutes before from Oz.

"Damnit, we were supposed to unlock the doors." Vince cursed under his breath as Dani reached up angling a mirror she found behind the bar so she could see the front door.

"What?" She whispered to him and Vince showed her the phone.

"Okay, just go to the end and we'll go under the gate and hide where we can until the whole lot gets here." His phone received another message as he spoke and he looked down.

"What's up?" Dani had her gun in her hand that had been on the bar before. Vince hadn't seen her move to get it and he marveled at how little she had lost in the reflex department.

"Nick and Oz cleared the barn and they're on the way. Hopefully, just a few minutes and we can start killing assholes."

"Dillon? Dillon, where are you man? You're supposed to be ready." A man's voice rang through the empty bar. "I had to get out my damn key and let myself in, what's the deal?" They heard the sound of the second set of doors unlatch and then the footsteps of two men as they roamed through the bar in search of their long dead companion.

"He better get his shit together, because the others are on their way here. Looks like the thing is trying to get this moving; said something about information being compromised." A deeper voice sounded from the middle of the bar as Dani and Vince ducked around to the bathroom hallway. They stood up, pressed against the wall, both ready for a full on fire fight.

Vince pulled his phone out slowly and handed it to Dani who stood behind him. She looked down to see a text from Oz saying they would be at the bar in fifteen minutes, but everyone else was at least ten minutes ahead of them. She nodded at Vince and passed back the phone.
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"Well, Dillon may have been the compromise, because fucker's dead in the walk-in. I told him to keep his head down. That lady Dani is not one to fuck with." The first voice came through from almost the same area and they heard glass clink.

"Those two head guys know her right? Said she messed up their last chance at this and now they were going to use her kid. I think she was supposed to be ex-CIA or something right?" The second man joined as they heard liquid being poured.

"Yep, and let me tell you, she looks tough as nails. But, she's as good as dead. They're going to leave her a note or something saying where her daughter is and then after she sees them fuck her up; it'll be goodbye mama bear."

"You're such a tool. Who says shit like that?"

Vince felt Dani's hand on his side digging in and looked over to see the anger in her eyes. He nodded and mouthed, "She's still alive," to her. Dani nodded back, but didn't remove her hand.

"And there's the rest of 'em now." The first man spoke once more as they heard cars pulling up in the parking lot.

"Jesus, that dude looks fucked up. Why is his head wrapped up like that?"

"Don't question. He's paying you well and when he takes over the planet or whatever shit we'll be in the top ranks. Besides, you don't want him as an enemy."

"I know, but the whole rotting thing is just disgusting. Smells like beef jerky or something."

"Such a fucking tool." The door opened ending their conversation as Vince and Dani stood ready. From the look on Dani's face, Vince wouldn't be surprised if she took them all out single-handedly, but he sure as hell wanted his share of these assholes.

"What? He's not coming inside?" The man behind the bar's voice caught them both by surprise.

"He will in a minute. He just sent us ahead to make sure that you two were still on the same page." A British accent suddenly came from the direction of the bar door.

"Of course, although killing Dillon doesn't exactly inspire confidence. He's the one that brought us in on this."

"Well, things must be done and Dillon was a loose end. The two of you; however, are not expendable at least if you brought everything that will be needed." The tone of the Brit's voice made Vince's skin crawl.

"We do, but if you kill either of us then you won't know where it all is." A bravado entered the first man's voice and Vince felt his finger itch at the thought of ending that false confidence once and for all.

"Come now, we're all amenable here. Just need to be sure everything is set up properly."

"It is. I've got the keys right here to the trunk and the rest is here in the bar. Just bring in the money and we'll get it all and we're happy to head to the ritual thingy with you." Vince smiled to himself. The man was clearly not a professional tipping his hand like that. A soft chuckle came from the Brit.

"I don't think you're presence will be required." In another instant, two shots rang out and two corresponding thumps sounded as the first two idiots hit the floor. Two less to kill for the two of them Vince figured, although tearing them apart would have been a pleasure.

"Should I have the rest come in and search the place?" A deep voice came from the direction of the doorway suddenly.

"Yes. But first take the trunk keys out and fill in the boss. He'll want to know that all the loose ends are tied. Oh, and Jeffrey don't tell him that he could have made this easier by not killing Dillon. He hates to be corrected if you know what I mean." The Brit said the words smugly and Vince released a breath waiting for the moment. It sounded like they all wouldn't be coming in so as soon as they got wind that Oz and Nick were there it was show time.
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A few minutes went by as they listened patiently, hearing the Brit whistle some stupid tune. Then, things suddenly started moving very quickly. Vince looked down to his phone and nodded, mouthing that they had two minutes. She nodded back as they heard the bar doors open. Suddenly, the place was filled with a lot of foot falls. Vince felt his reflexes dial up as he waited to hear his partner and Oz come in. Somewhere in the background he swore that he heard the sound of the GTO engine, and it made him acutely aware of all the other noises in the room.

"Ok, fan out and search. We're looking for a green amulet on a long chain. When you find it, announce and let's get the hell out of here." The Brit spoke again, clearly he was in charge of the group.

Footsteps suddenly approached where they stood and they both shuffled down the hallway ducking behind bathroom doors that opposed each other. They were waiting until someone approached, hoping to take them out quietly if need be.

"And who the bloody hell do you think you are?" The Brit spoke again and it was just in time for a man to appear between Dani and Vince before attempting to duck into the men's room. Vince quickly grabbed him with a hand over his mouth and a knife to his throat followed. The man was left a bleeding mess on the ground.

"CIA. Now, are you coming in quietly or..." Oz's voice was clear from the other room and suddenly someone yelled and gunfire erupted. Dani and Vince flew from the bathroom and started firing at anyone in the way.

The bar was momentarily engulfed in gunfire from every direction. The agents were far better trained though, and far better shots. Dani herself had dispatched four or five guys before they even caught sight of Nick and Vince. In another few moments, the Brit was in Oz's grasp. His arms were firmly pulled behind his back and Nick and Vince went to make their way into the kitchen.

"I've got it!" An exclamation came from just beyond the door before another five guys flooded out. The gunfire resumed and Dani only saw from the corner of her eye as the Brit rolled Oz's arms around somehow and helped usher the young man, who had made the exclamation out the doors. They hunkered down shooting when they could on opposite sides from the door as they heard the van spin gravel outside and speed away.

"Damnit!" Dani yelled out before standing with Vince as they both fired at a few figures that had emerged from the back rooms. Vince turned suddenly at the sound of gunfire from off to his side and took out a guy that he had seen. It was all quiet suddenly and Nick gestured that he was heading into the back to do a final sweep. Vince turned back to Dani and froze.

"Fuck. I think I'm not okay Vince." The color drained from Dani's face in front of him and her body slumped to the floor. A second ago she had been standing next to Vince as he gunned down the last man in the room, who had come from seemingly nowhere. Now, the fight was nearly over.

"Dani?" Vince watched helplessly as the beautiful woman collapsed to the floor. His eyes drew wide and all the other sounds grew muffled as he dropped down next to her.

"I think he shot me." She coughed as she lay limp in his arms. Vince pulled her head onto his lap as he heard Nick proclaim the all clear. Oz was looking outside somewhere else and saying something, but Vince heard none of it.

"Vince? Hey, we have to go. The van left with the mummy guy and Lily." Nick ran around and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Lily..." The single word came from Dani's mouth as Vince watched her grow impossibly pale.

"Dani, hey come on perk up. I'll take you to a hospital, but you have to perk up." Vince shook her a little and her eyes flicked back open after a momentary closure.

"Oh shit, Oz, Dani's hit." Nick froze looking down. Blood was spreading over the fabric of Dani's shirt as he saw terror across his partner's face. In an instant, Vince was tearing off his white shirt and had it pressed to Dani's stomach. The blood seeped into the fabric in a shocking pattern as he held it there.

"Shit. Listen, you and Vince go, get Lily and kill that son of a bitch. I'll call someone to come take her to the nearest hospital." Oz went into triage mode instantly. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first agent he saw in trouble, or the first person he cared about.

"I can't leave her...I can't. Dani, baby, come on keep your eyes open." Vince put his hand to the side of her face.

"Vince, you have have to save Lily. Please. Save Lily." Dani looked into his eyes, pleading with him. He was frozen, though, unable to move from her side. The woman he loved was barely moving and he couldn't leave her, not like this.

"I can't leave you. I can't...I can't lose you."

"Alright, help is on the way kids, now you two have to go." Oz hung up his cell phone and tried to suck it up.

"Vince, come on. Oz's shoulder is dislocated. He can't fight like you can. I need you man and we have to save the girl."
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"Vince please." Dani's brow furrowed and he saw that look on her face that he could never refuse.

"Dani...I..." Her hand moved up holding the side of his face and he stopped just staring into those damn gorgeous eyes once more.

"You have to keep your promise Vince. You said you would help me anytime I asked, and I'm asking. Go...please save our daughter." He didn't know if she would die or not in his absence, but he knew she was right. He could never refuse anything Dani asked of him. Since the moment they met, he knew he would do anything for her and now he would do this.

"Okay. I will. I love you Dani." He leaned down and kissed her lips.

"I love you too Vince. Now, bring her back to me like I always came back to you." With those words he leaned down and kissed her forehead before gently laying her back on the ground and standing. He steeled his face and he and Nick walked out of the bar leaving Oz kneeling on the floor next to Dani.

"They're almost here kiddo, hang on." Oz tried to keep his voice steady as he watched the life leaving Dani's eyes. He needed her to survive as much as Vince did.

"I'll try Oz."

"Well, you better because you have a lot of explaining to do. Not the least of which is when you started messing around with that dolt." Oz tilted his head and smiled, praying that a little conversation would keep one of his favorite agents alive and kicking for just a few more minutes.

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