Romance Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty
"How long do you need to work this out?" He asked not willing to question when she was like this.

"Give us 15 minutes or so."

"Since when do you tell him what to do?" Vince stepped forward in her face, not liking that she was talking to Nick that way.

"Vince, it's no big deal. I'll walk around a bit, and you guys figure out whatever is going on between you. I don't want to ride in the car with this still going on." Nick waived him off and started walking.

Dani turned and walked around the front of the car. He heard the gravel crunch beneath her feet as he followed. They were both dialed up, and once Nick was out of earshot, she turned to face Vince directly.

"There was nothing involved in that Vince, really? Cause it felt a lot like you were trying to get me dialed up in there." She said it in his face with an inflection in her voice that he didn't appreciate.

"If you felt like I was trying to dial you up, maybe there was something in it for you. What, did Dani the sworn lesbian like having a man breathing on her neck again? How did it feel having me brush over you so close to that pussy of yours? Did it make you wet?" He was throwing out barbs to try to hide that he did all of it on purpose. It was his chance to get her hot and bothered and he knew it worked now, but didn't want to admit that he had crossed any lines.

"You know damn well that it made me wet. Just like you knew exactly where to nuzzle that stupid nose of yours to make me flush. Right Vince?"

"Maybe. How wet did it make you?" Vince panted at the words sitting back onto the hood of the GTO feeling the fight leave him as he watched this sexy woman in front of him and wondered what she was going to say.

"Does it make you hard to think of me wet? Make you feel like you've won something?" She walked up in front of him and let her hand fall between his legs grabbing his stiffening cock in his loose pants. Damn boxers hid nothing from her. He looked up into her face.

"It always makes me hard to think of you wet, but I haven't won a damn thing. I still can't have you, and you know that's all I want, especially after watching you fight." He looked into her eyes not sure what would be next.

"Well now I'm all wet and bothered and you are going to fucking fix it." She said the words, but it didn't register with him.

When her hands made quick work of his button and zipper, he finally realized that she was serious. He felt her hand venture down into his pants and pulled out as much of his now completely hard cock as she could. He moaned at the feeling of her hand on him. His hands were on the edge of the hood and he gripped tighter feeling her speed up. Her forehead rested against his as she watched her hand move on him. She paused putting her hands on his sides and under his jeans. He wasn't sure what she wanted at first.
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"Lift your hips up." She whispered the words out and when he did as told she shifted his pants down a few inches before kicking off her shoes and using the bumper to step up onto the hood straddling him. He was caught off guard by the actions. His brain was still trying to catch up to what was going on.

"Dani, what are you doing?" He finally mustered out as his hands went to her hips. Both of her hands were shifting her skirt out of the way and he saw her moving her panties to the side. Her panties were soaked through and his breath caught as he stared mesmerized.

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm fucking you unless you say no right now." She stared into his eyes waiting for his response. When she heard none, she slid down onto his cock and they both hissed in response to the feeling. She was as tight as he remembered and felt so perfect on him.

"Jesus, that's fucking good." He growled as she started to move on him at an insane pace. Her hips rocked into him as she grabbed onto his shoulders, and then laced her arms around his neck.

"I know. Fuck Vince, suck on my neck please." She moaned throwing her head back. He was happy to oblige grabbing her hips so he had something to hold onto while she shifted on him faster and faster. His mouth kissed along that perfect spot she enjoyed before he pulled in just enough skin to garner a loud moan from her.

Dani continued her movements as he found new spots to suck on. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to his release and judging by the sounds she was making she wasn't far off. He couldn't believe how brazen this was. They were in some random parking lot after a hunt and it was only sunset, and here they were fucking on the hood of his car. There was something so wanton and exhilarating about it. When he felt her hips stutter, he pulled back. It dawned on him then that they had no protection. There was no way he could pull out from this position.

With a swift motion he stood up, spun around and deposited her onto the hood. He put his forehead to hers about to lean in for a kiss when she laid herself backwards. She slid hands up her body taking both of her breasts in them and he couldn't resist her. He pushed on her shins forcing her knees to bend up nearly to her chest and he started a brutal pace, pounding into her while her noises grew louder and louder.

His release was so close, but he needed her to cum this time. He wanted her to feel how good this could be with him. It was a godsend when he saw her back arch and her face turn to the side and into her bicep where she screamed against her skin. The corresponding sudden grip on his cock made him want to release right then, but he held himself in check. The spasms afterwards as she continued to whimper sent him too far, though. He pulled himself out of her suddenly and palmed his own cock.

Two strokes later and he was cumming on the ground just in front of his bumper with his hand on the hood still next to her. He grunted with each spurt as he watched white fall onto the pavement before him. When he was finished, he rested his forehead on her pelvis, trying to catch his breath. Her fingers ran over his scalp and it sent shivers through him. He was covered in sweat and could hardly breathe. He could feel Dani still catching her breath under his head, and forced himself to look up. She had one hand on her forehead as she looked at him with a faint smile trying to breathe.

Regaining himself he stood upright, and she seemed to be in much the same place as she sat up. Her face was completely flushed and she looked at him blankly.

"Did I fix the wet and bothered situation?" He breathed out the words smiling at her.

"Yea, shit, that was...good."

"Yea, good."

"Shit. I hear Nick, fix yourself up Vince." Dani interrupted him situating her panties and waiting for him. He pulled up his boxers and pants turning away from the sound of his partner's footsteps and situated himself. He turned coming back over to her to help her up.

"Here let me help you off the car."

"Wait, Vince where are my shoes?" She paused, and he immediately looked down.

"Fuck, I um...I must have bumped one. It fell into my um, my."

"Goddamnit, just help me off the car and pick them up." He reached out a hand and helped her step down onto the pavement barefoot before picking up her shoes and handing them to her. She took them holding them behind her back as Nick drew closer.

"So, did you two work things out?" Nick asked as he got close enough to see them. They both looked pretty worked up and he wondered how heated things had gotten.
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"What? Oh, yes, we just needed to talk it out a little." Vince hadn't known how to answer at first, having forgotten what started the whole situation. He only hoped his recovery didn't sound suspicious.

"You okay Dani?" He asked raising an eyebrow to look at her. She seemed to be smiling and flushed for some reason.

"I'm good, let's just head to the hotel and get cleaned up. I need to get out of this dress." She looked down and then turned around walking towards the back of the Impala.

"Why are you barefoot?" Nick asked her noting that she was holding her shoes now. It seemed odd for her. Then, he saw it, the dark purple hickey on her neck and he immediately looked from her to his partner. Vince tried to avoid his stare, but Nick knew. They had just done a lot more than talk.

"These shoes are just killing me, can we go now?" Dani had reached the back door and opened it hopping into the car and shutting the door behind her.

"So, you just talked huh? I bet." Nick smirked at Vince who gave him a strange look and went to the driver's side. They all hopped in and drove back to the hotel. Vince couldn't help but catch a few glances in the rearview mirror at Dani who returned them flatly. She always was unreadable. He wasn't sure what to say as they got back to their room.


Dani claimed the first shower, leaving Nick and Vince in the room.

"So, anything you want to talk about?" Nick smiled at his partner.

"Nope, I'm good."

"Really? Ok then, oh crap, Dani left her shoes in the car. I'm going to grab them you need anything else?" Nick offered his help, but figured his partner would come in his own time.

When he returned with the shoes, Vince's eyes drew wide immediately.

"You should, um, put those down Nick." Nick was confused by his partner's comment and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why? It's not like Dani's gonna care, I just got them from the car."

"Because they fell into a puddle damnit, and I don't think you want to touch them. Now put them down and I'll clean them up for her."

"A puddle? What do you mean? It wasn't raining, why are you...oh God." Nick looked at the shoes as he was talking to see a white stain the side of the material. His own eyes went wide as he realized what it was and he dropped them instantly. Dani opened the door as he did, coming out in jeans and a t-shirt ready to go to the bar.

"Hey, great you found my shoes. I forgot about them." She smiled at Vince.

"Uh yeah, I'm showering next, like right now." Nick grabbed his bag holding his hand out and not touching it to himself. He was completely grossed out right now. He had actually just touched a cum stain from his partner.

"What's his problem?" Dani asked Vince plopping down on the bed.

"I think he might have just figured out what the white stain is on your shoe. I'm just going to clean that up in the sink real quick." Vince smiled at her grabbing the shoe and heading over to the bar sink.

"Oops, sorry I forgot to bring them in. Ugh, I did not want Nick to find out."

"I think that ship sailed sweetheart."

"I hate when you call me that."

"Oh, what should I call you then?" Vince asked as he scrubbed the white out of the side of her shoe.

"What's wrong with Dani?"

"Nothing, sorry. But, uh, we could stay in while Nick goes out tonight."

"Why? I want to go have drinks." Dani was not getting what he was saying. Earlier had felt like the damn breaking for Vince. He wanted nothing more than to be with her like that, and now he felt like they should take their time and do things the right way.

"I guess I just thought we could try what we did earlier a little slower."

"Vince, listen, that was...well I was frustrated, and it was good, but it can't be a regular thing. I just needed to get off and get it out of my system. Plus, after what you told me a few days ago I'm not sure we should do that anymore."

"Oh. Yeah, me too, of course. I just wanted to offer so you knew I was open to it." His hopes were crushed. How was it that any time they did something together it was no big deal for her? He felt like such a stupid girl. He was always just waiting for her to act and he would take anything Dani would offer. It was killing him though. Every time, he waited for more to happen, and every time she would just be back to normal Dani as if it was no big deal. He couldn't figure her out, but he knew it frustrated him like no other.
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Dark Division - Dani Ch. 10

Thankfully, the bar turned out to be a bust as far as hooking up. Vince didn't know if he could handle seeing Dani take another girl home after earlier. In another nice turn of events, the fun they had on the car seemed to have resolved whatever negative tension was between the two of them. It meant that all three were laughing and getting along again as they made their way back to the bunker.

It was also a nice change for Vince that Dani went back to curling up in his bed at night. He slept better knowing she was, and they simply didn't speak of their argument from before. Vince didn't forget it though, and unfortunately, he resigned himself to the fact that he couldn't stop Dani from going back to a field assignment even if he wanted. So, he did the only thing he could and made a bold move to support it.

It was one day at lunch, over a week after returning from the hotel job that his plan finally came to fruition. He got the call on his phone and headed out, ready to make it clear that he supported Dani no matter what. It took about an hour before he was able to finalize everything and then he was back and smiling like the cat that swallowed the canary as they finished their sandwiches from lunch.

"Alright, I give up. You have been staring at me so weird for the last hour. Are you going to tell me what's going on, or do I just assume you're being weird again?" Dan spoke up first and Vince couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Finish your lunch and then I have a surprise for you." He smiled at her and at his partner who he had kept in the dark for fear he wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut.

They finished, and he couldn't help but notice how much faster Dani shoveled her food in than normal. She was clearly excited, and to be honest he was just as excited for her. When she finally took the last bite and bolted to put the plate in the sink; he was on pins and needles to see how she would react to his surprise.

"Ok, show me damnit. I hate waiting on surprises." She grinned and Nick smiled, clearly intrigued himself.

"Fine, but you have to come with me to the garage."

"Is this something I should hang back for?" Nick raised an eyebrow curious what was going on and hoping it wasn't something weirdly sexual.

"You should definitely come along, you might learn something." Vince grinned and led the way out to the garage, butterflies in his stomach which never happened to him.

When they arrived, he opened the door and ushered Dani inside. Nick followed and Vince scurried to head them both off as they were walking.

"Well?" Dani questioned and Vince walked up tossing a car cover off of a car parked near the end of the row, and next to the GTO.

"Surprise." He gestured to the car next to him.

"Wait, what?" Her eyes got big and his chest swelled.

"I talked to Oz and explained that you were ready to go back in the field, but your car was definitely just a goner at this point. He and I made some concessions and it turns out there was enough in the budget to replace your Mustang and this came up locally. Now, it needs a little work, but I can do a lot of stuff, especially with your help. And then, it's yours to use in the field." Vince's grin was huge and Nick just stood back with his arms crossed taking in the scene.

"Holy shit Vince. Is this a '69 Superbee?"

"It is, awesome memory."

"Fuck memory, this is a classic. I love it. I can't believe you did this. You are so incredible. It's perfect." She was gushing and then ran up jumping into his arms for a huge bear hug. It ended in a kiss to his cheek, which was not what he hoped. Somehow, though, making this woman smile was enough to make him happy.

"I'm glad you like it. I wasn't sure on the color, but the owner had just had it painted a year ago, so I thought we could leave it."

"It's a pearl white, I love it. I mean, honestly, Vince this is amazing. I am so happy right now. And, Oz approved this?"

"Well, to be fair, he owed me one or three from other stuff, so I cashed in. It's the least I could do after being an asshole about the last mission." Vince ran his hand over the back of his neck remembering what kind of stupid comments he had made the night before they left.

"Trust me, it's all forgiven and, then some. Now, I just have to figure out what to name him."

"Huh?" Nick finally joined the conversation.

"I have to name him. You always name your cars."

"I suppose Vince has called the GTO sweetheart on more than one occasion." He shrugged.

"You know it's up to you ultimately, but I was actually thinking that Lily would be a good name for her." Vince grinned at Dani who still held his hand lightly as she looked at the car.

"Why Lily?" Nick's question made him look away from Dani, who he couldn't help but notice was actually happy for the first time since Stan died. She was beautiful like this, and he definitely missed it.

"That was actually my grandmother's name, and she used to have this beautiful white shawl that she wore in the winter all the time. I guess the car just reminded me of her." Vince remembered the sweet old woman that had given him so much life advice. He couldn't help but feel warmth in his chest at all those things she told him about watching out for the perfect woman. He felt like they were all encapsulated perfectly in Dani and it killed him.
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"I love the name Vince, but I actually think it has to have a man's name." Dani looked at him with some reservation in her eyes.

"What? No way, cars are named after women."

"Cars for men are named after women, but I have always named my cars men's names. It's sort of a habit."

"Ah, well, it's your car I suppose."

"How about Stan? I think he's just as beautiful and it would be nice to take a piece of him with me." She teared up a little as she walked up opening the door and sliding inside the classic car.

Vince could definitely not argue with that name. And, suddenly it hit him that this might be yet another piece in her moving forward. Lily would just have to wait for some future car he had.

"Damn the leather's all in great shape." Nick leaned looking inside.

"The guy that I bought if from put a lot of love into it, but he was moving so just couldn't take it with him. It was honestly a steal, but like I said it needs some love under the hood and then it will be perfect."

They spent another half an hour in the garage as Dani inspected everything. Nick and Vince hung back, both happy to see the woman enraptured by something other than sorrow. Dani had become a member of their family, especially now at the bunker and both felt connected to her.

"Okay, I don't want to take it out until it's ready, but I do think this calls for a celebration. What do you say we go to a bar tonight? Drinks are on me." Dani was practically bouncing as she spoke and the two men couldn't deny her. Celebrating was definitely something they all needed.


It wasn't long before the three of them were enjoying drinks and playing darts at one of the local bars. It was as if life had finally come back to normal, and it was glorious. Vince couldn't have been happier. He just wished this could last forever. After a bathroom trip, Dani came back to the table with a devilish look on her face.

"What has you looking so happy?" Vince smiled at her.

"Well, you see that girl over there?" She pointed towards the bar.

"The redhead?"

"Yea, although I'm betting that's fake. Anyways, we were talking and she was saying how she's traveling and wanted to try something different. I may have suggested that she should try a woman if she was game."

"And you're telling me this to make me jealous?" Vince chimed, in not sure what else to say.

"Nope. I'm telling you this because she countered asking if you might be interested in joining for a 3-way." Dani's brow rose as she looked at him and Vince didn't know how to respond.

"Are you serious? I mean how in the hell do you do that Dani?" Vince always marveled at her skill level.

"I see what I want and go for it. Sometimes it fails, but other times I get to give you a present back for the surprise from earlier." Dani beamed at him. It was a torn moment in his mind. On the one hand, her words stung because he knew that if she really wanted to be with him nothing would stop her. On the other hand, it was so good to see Dani back the way she was when he first met her. That confident, sexy woman he fell in love with was right in front of him again after disappearing for so long.

"Well, if that's the plan for you guys, then I am going to chat with that cute blonde on the other end of the bar." Nick smiled and tipped his beer, standing up to walk over to a quiet looking woman that sat by herself across the room.

"What do you say Vince? Are you up for it?"

"What the hell, you only live once right?" He grinned and they both stood heading for the redhead.

She turned out to be more than game and after only one more round of drinks the three of them were piling into her car and heading to a nearby hotel room. It turned out to be a room at the Hilton; this woman definitely had money. Vince felt out of his element and yet comfortable because Dani was. Dani didn't know boundaries like he did. She never seemed to feel inferior in any room, instead able to change and adapt like a chameleon to any situation that faced her.

"So, you two work together?" The redhead was pouring a drink from the minibar - a luxury that they seldom had in any of the rooms the CIA let them book.

"We do, we're detectives." Dani winked at him as she strode up behind the beautiful woman. Vince watched as her hands skimmed the woman's sides from behind, testing the waters before diving in too deep.
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"Man, the two of you must have it easy. I mean you're both gorgeous." She flushed a little while maintaining eye contact with Vince as Dani pressed against her from behind. Vince took in the slight curves of her body, admiring her chest and the pale skin that ran up her neck. This woman was beautiful, but then again Dani had almost the same taste as he did.

"Dani gets them talking more, trust me, but with a woman like you maybe I'd have some luck." Vince let the player in him come out as he approached her.

"You're about to have a lot of luck." The redhead reached out to him trailing her hand down and over his jeans, teasing his cock through the denim.

Vince leaned in and she welcomed his lips connecting immediately. There was no spark there, but it was hot to kiss her. She had lush, full lips that made his body respond. But even more than that was the moaning he felt as Dani's hands worked on her in front of him.

"Turn around and let me try those lips while Vince undresses you." Dani's voice was low a full of lust as Vince opened his eyes catching hers. The woman turned and he kept his eyes on Dani as his fingers brushed her straight red hair away from the zipper on her dress. He watched as she leaned in kissing the strange woman and felt a pang of jealousy at how easy it was for her to connect to someone she didn't even know.

Vince finished the zipper and pushed the fabric forward off her shoulders as Dani backed up taking in the view. A smile flashed across her face as she pulled her own shirt up and off. Vince followed suit and found himself pressed against the woman's back, his cock was definitely interested as he kissed her neck from behind. Dani was working her way across her bare chest and Vince watched as her tongue flicked and suckled at the redhead's nipples.

"Oh yes, fuck you're good at that." A sigh escaped their companion and Dani chuckled. The woman's head rolled back against his chest and he had a clear view as Dani dropped down sliding her panties off. He was captivated at the sight of her chest, still captured in a bra as it lowered with red lace panties in her fingers. He watched her stand back up as she kissed along pale, white flesh. Dani definitely had skills with a woman, and now he felt this one turn to putty in his arms under her touch.

"Charity, you are a work of art." The name seemed almost unfamiliar as Dani came up face to face with him. He remembered then, what he hadn't even realized he'd forgotten. The woman between them was named Charity. He felt horrible for a second. It wasn't like him to lose a woman's name, at least not the same night he picked her up. But, this wasn't about being with her. This was about being with Dani, Charity was merely a convenience for what he wanted.

"I guess it takes a woman to know how to please another one, huh?" Charity smiled softly at her before taking another kiss from Dani's lips.

"Don't worry, Vince has tricks up his sleeve too." With those words, Charity turned around and captured Vince's lips immediately. He returned her efforts, closing his eyes and trying to picture Dani's face before him as his lips moved.

He felt movement at his waist and stopped the kiss enough to look down and find Dani's hands at his belt. He moaned at the thought of her undressing him as her fingers threaded into his pants, sliding them down.

"She was right about you being impressive." Charity's words drew his attention back as the redhead smiled at him with a slight blush. Her fingers circled his cock as Dani finished undoing his boots and ridding him of his clothes. He closed his eyes once more reclaiming her mouth and letting himself get lost in the thought of Dani being there with him, wanting him too.

"Perfect, now we're all more comfortable. Tell me, have you ever tasted another woman before?" Dani's low sexy voice went straight through him to the core and Vince wanted to grab her and toss her on the bed for him to eat.

"No, but I'm all about trying new things." Charity grinned and turned crawling up the bed.

"I tell you what. I'll explain everything and meanwhile Vince can tear up that perfect pussy of yours." Dani climbed in behind her and made her way up to her mouth, kissing her perfectly. Vince stood paralyzed as he watched Dani crawl down her body working on hardened pink nipples before flipping herself onto her back and pulling Charity on top of her.

"What do you think Vince? Want a piece of this incredible woman?" Dani looked at him with a wicked grin as Charity made her way to her chest.

He blinked, shaking himself from his stupor and walked over to his jeans, leaning down to grab a condom from his wallet. In another moment, he was crawling up on the bed and positioning himself behind Charity. He grabbed her hips, looking down at the dark brown pussy before him. Sure enough, Dani was right; Charity was definitely not a natural redhead.
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"Oh, you're a natural Charity. That's it, suck right there." Dani was gripping onto the pillow on either side of her head as her face moved in expressions of pleasure. Her eyes locked on his and Vince plunged himself into heat with a groan.

As he moved, he watched Dani. Vince tried to match his movements with her pleasure, taking in each gasp and moan and trying to take her to a release. He could feel himself getting closer and closer as he watched those amazing eyes open and close in pleasure.

"Yes, Vince, harder please." Charity's words seemed to come out of nowhere and he felt his closeness recede as he looked down seeing where he connected to her. This wasn't Dani; he wasn't really fucking Dani. It was enough to allow him to drive in harder, while still staving off his own orgasm.

"Use your fingers Charity, make me cum baby." Dani's words may have been directed at the redhead between them, but her eyes were locked on Vince's. He moaned as he watched her. In another few moments, Dani's abs clenched and she pulled up towards him cumming gloriously. Vince tried to remember if she ever came like that with him and he couldn't say that she had. Dani whimpered as she lay back down capturing her lip in her teeth and looking more beautiful than he could have imagined.

"Oh fuck, I'm so close." Charity's words pulled Dani from her stupor and suddenly she slid downwards. Her face was just over Charity's shoulder and Vince leaned himself forward looking into her eyes.

"Come on Vince let's take her there." Dani grinned and he felt her fingers exploring the redhead's sex as the woman groaned between them. Those fingers bumped his cock as he slammed himself home. It was incredible to be in this position right now, but all he really wanted was to toss the woman off to the side and have Dani all to himself.

"OH...OH...OH GOD!!" Charity cried out and collapsed onto Dani, who caught her easily. Vince followed her down and found himself only a few inches from Dani's face. He paused there feeling heat and tension and wondered if she felt it too. Dani leaned up towards him, running her hand over the back of his head and Vince moved to lean in thinking that they were going to kiss and make this moment near perfect. "That was amazing, but did you cum Vince?"

Just a second before he connected to Dani, Charity shifted leaning her face to the side between them and breaking their connection. He pulled from her and rolled to his back.

"Not yet baby, but it's all good." He tried to slip back into his charm. This was usually the part, where if he lasted long enough, he would discard his condom and hope for some finishing head.

"Then, I think we should switch it up." Charity grinned and kissed Dani moving up the bed.

"What do you have in mind gorgeous?" Dani re-engaged instantly.

"I think I'd like to see what your mouth can do while I watch Vince tear you up." Charity said it so innocently, and watched as the two of them looked at each other.

"I'm down if you are big man." Dani smiled at him waiting for a response.

"Anytime you ask, I told you before." He answered and got up, fishing in his jacket for another rubber as he discarded the one he used on Charity.

"It's nothing we haven't done before, just pull out okay and cum on my back." Dani pulled him back to the bed with a wink. "Now, let me show you how it's done."

Her arms curled under Charity's legs pulling her pussy firm against her lips and Dani began to lick and suck at every surface she could. Vince watched for only a moment before he let his fingers trail along the back of Dani's thighs. This wasn't just a body like Charity was, this was Dani. His fingers trailed up and between her legs taking in the feel of her wet pussy. Vince felt a shiver of excitement as he did.

Charity moaned out from the top of the bed and he let himself slide inside slowly as he heard Dani's corresponding moan. He didn't know if it was from what she was doing to this woman or from him, but his own moan was definitely from her. Her body felt so perfectly made for him as he felt her suck him in with each thrust. Vince was captivated as he heard Charity making noises in the background somewhere.

"Unh...Vince...fuck...yes." Dani's voice pulled him from his stupor and he ran his hands up her spine before sliding one hand down and between her legs finding her clit. She groaned out and Charity screamed grabbing onto her head in front of him. Just the sight of Dani beneath him had his body crying out for release.

In another instant, he could hear Charity begging for Dani to stop. Apparently, she couldn't take any more. Dani pulled herself up and reached a hand back grabbing onto his ass. He let his arm thread around her chest and pulled her more upright and against him as he continued to thrust shallowly into her.

" feel so good." He panted as he moved, knowing he was nearing his release and the feel of her skin on him only made it more imminent.

"You guys look so beautiful right now." Charity's words were in a cloud as she spoke and Dani's other arm reached around holding his head to her. Her lips were just before him and he felt her pussy clench down hard suddenly as Dani's face contorted in a silent cry. His mind flashed with the realization that he was about to cum and his hands took over. He pressed Dani downward and pulled himself from her before giving his cock a single stroke and cumming across her ass and back.
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Vince cried out as he covered her and then shuddered as he caught himself on the bed. Dani's head now lay across Charity's hip and she was lazily kissing the woman's pale skin. He looked down taking in the scene of debauchery and then forced himself to roll to the side. The dark haired beauty opened her eyes and stared at him and he had never seen anything more breath-taking.

A half hour later and they were both cleaned up and redressed, sharing goodbyes with Charity as they made their way out of the hotel room. He was inclined to stay, but Dani was definitely heading out. Vince didn't want to stay without her so he jumped on the bandwagon making some excuse to their new found lover.

"So, I will give you both my card and in the future if you are ever in Portland, please give me a call. I will definitely find time." Charity smiled, the glow of their lovemaking still painted across her chest in a lovely pink hue.

"Honey, you know I will." Dani leaned in, kissing her lips perfectly and Vince watched as she gave herself so easily to Charity.

"I had a lovely time gorgeous." Vince laid it on thick before pulling her hand up for a kiss and then leaning in to take her lips. It was the closest to kissing Dani to have her second hand like this and once more he found himself closing his eyes to pretend it was his friend. When he pulled back, they both waved cutely as they made their way out.

"If that was the thank you I get when I buy you a new car; I might just have to do that every week or so." Vince smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm glad you had fun."

"You didn't?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I did. Charity was fucking hot. I told you about the hair color though right?"

"Yep, curtain and dbangs totally different, but she pulls it off well."

"I know. And that was a nice pussy. I mean, it was sweet right? Oh shit, wait you never got to taste her did you?"

"Nope, but from the sounds of it you did enough for the both of us. How many times did you make her cum, huh?"

"Lost track around 5. Haven't lost my touch though, although Charity wasn't too bad for a first timer."

"Good, I was afraid you were faking it."

"Nah, I don't do that."

"I know you don't with me, but I wasn't sure with her."

"No need. It was actually pretty hot to see you fucking her. I could really get into this whole three-way thing."


"Oh yea, and on having you behind me like that. You were at this incredible angle when you pulled me up and then blam. That was a pretty good orgasm Vince."

"Hmmm...well when we get back to the bunker, maybe we could try it again." He opened the door as they headed out to wait for their cab in front of the hotel's main doors.

"No way, I'm tired. I hope you don't mind me crashing with you though."

"My bed's yours, you know that. As long as you stay there you can sleep next to me anytime you want." The cab pulled up and they plopped inside. "By the way, since when do you wear a bra?" He couldn't resist whispering the question in her ear.

"Since I live with two guys who definitely notice when I don't." She giggled a little before sliding over in the seat to let her head rest on his shoulder. Vince leaned his head down taking in her smell and tried to clear his head from the thought that she might not be with him that much longer. It was all he could do to not beg her to stay on forever. Instead, he knew what he was going to do though. He was going to be her best friend and encourage what she told him she needed.

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The next morning, they made their way out to breakfast with Nick, both of them looking a little worse for wear.

"Good morning guys. What time did you two get back?" Nick was extra chipper and Vince couldn't help but grin at him. He could tell when his partner got lucky the same as Nick knew his tell.

"Probably like 3. Charity was a champ." Dani grinned.

"And what time did you get back?" Vince quirked an eyebrow.

"Actually..." Nick started to speak and looked up.

"Oh, hi. Sorry, I didn't know you had roommates." The blonde from the night before strode into the kitchen in a pair of boxers and an oversized shirt. She was even cuter than the night before.

"Yea, meet Vince and Dani." Nick blushed a little as he gestured to the two of them.

"Hi, I'm Cassie. I hope you guys don't mind me crashing breakfast before I get out of here." She was sweet in the way she spoke, with a soft confidence that fit Nick well.

"Not at all. Come, sit down." Vince pointed at the chair across from him.

From there, the four of them had a weirdly normal breakfast conversation. It turned out Cassie was in IT, and Nick and she had really hit it off. The woman seemed perfect for him and Dani and Vince shared more than one look at the fondness they felt seeing Nick happy.

After breakfast, Cassie and Nick went back to his room and before long the blonde was on her way. And as much as Dani and Vince were happy for him, they both couldn't help but make fun of him for the rest of the day. Nick got his own shots in though as he tried to figure out the mechanics of a three way and got far more detail than he bargained for from Dani. She seemed to take particular joy in making the younger man uncomfortable. Vince loved it and by his estimation the day was almost perfect.

As the week rolled on from there, Vince took some time to order parts for Dani's car and spent hours discussing fine details of what she did and did not want to see on it. They bonded like they hadn't really had the chance to before. Nick watched on, knowing the inevitable was coming. He had watched his partner too many times with this woman.

Nick had seen each instance where Vince got too close, where he got lost in the thought of a happily ever after with Dani only to have his hopes dashed. He always wanted her to cave, to just let herself go and voice what he knew she already felt. But, at the same time, he almost wished Vince would give up or find someone else. It was another heartbreak waiting to happen as he watched the two of them discuss various car pieces that he really didn't know much about. When Vince offered to grab pizza for the night when he was out picking up the latest ordered parts, Nick took the opportunity to talk to Dani one on one.

"So, looks like Stan's coming along then huh?" She glanced up at him over the laptop screen where she worked at the table. He slid a beer bottle towards her and joined her there.

"Yep, it's probably just elbow grease from here. I'm so excited to drive him. We three are definitely going on a road trip - even if it's only for a day."

"Maybe it should just be you and Vince. I mean it's sort of your thing."

"No way, you both have been amazing. I can't believe you guys put yourselves out there for me and then let me stay here. I owe you guys a lot, and don't think I'll ever forget it. You and Vince are like the brothers I never had."

"I feel the same way - I mean except you're like a sister to me. Sure a sister that fucks my brother, but you know."

"You aren't jealous are you Nick? I mean you and Cassie have a good thing and honestly you are not my type." She laughed a little and Nick wondered if he should push things further.

"I'm not jealous, and trust me Cassie is definitely a good thing. I just wonder with Vince is it a brother thing or more?"

"Nick, did Vince put you up to this?"

"No, he's just my friend Dani, actually like you said more like my brother. And, I know how he feels about you. I guess I'm just wondering if you feel the same way or not." She sighed and looked away.
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"It's so complicated Nick. I love him in so many ways, but then there's this part of me that can't let go of being just a lesbian. I always have been, but Vince and I just have a weird connection."

"I know. So, is what you call yourself so important that you can't follow that connection?"

"And what? Can you picture me with kids? See me all fat and happy with Vince somewhere in a little house with a white picket fence?"

"I'm not saying all that, but just at least give more than friends a try."

"I don't know. I guess I figure giving it a try might ruin what we have now and I really love what we have now. Plus, there's the whole agent life. You don't really get to have a happily ever after while you're here. We have demons and pasts and having someone you love, especially someone in the life just makes that all the more complicated."

"I've thought about that too, and with meeting Cassie even. I've been on like two dates with her and already I'm thinking should I bring her into this world. But, with you and Vince at least you both know the score. There's no hiding for the two of you."

"Nick, I love you man, but I'm just not ready for all that. I just want to enjoy my time with you guys and get back to field work. And, it's better that I not lead Vince on. You and I both know that his heart is too big to handle me breaking it."

And with those words, Nick let it go. At least he understood both sides and as much as he wanted more for them both; he couldn't argue with her and he did know that Vince couldn't handle Dani walking out of his life for good. He only hoped his partner could handle saying goodbye to her soon.

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Dark Division - Dani Ch. 11

"Hey, have you seen Vince?" Dani came out into the conference room and found Nick with papers spread out around him. It had been three days since their talk. Nick had watched her through that time continue to sleep in his partner's bed and watched as she and Vince grew closer by the minute. He said nothing to either of them about it, but tried to give them opportunities to be alone.

"I think he's in the garage working on Stan."

"What? I told him he didn't have to. I thought he had this massive translation project with you." Dani pointed at the table and Nick tried to give her a convincing face.

"He was just getting in the way. So, I told him he could go do whatever he wanted if he promised to leave me alone until dinner. Why don't you see what he's up to?" Nick smiled at her and Dani grinned back heading out to the garage.

When she entered, she heard Led Zepplin playing in the background and a deep voice singing along from the direction of her car. The pearl white paint caught the fluorescent lights perfectly as she walked up.

"Are you working on my car?" Dani had two beers in hand. Vince pulled himself up off a dolly taking one from her as he smiled.

"Yea, you know the parts came in so I figured we should get this thing running. And before you say anything, I know you were going to do it yourself, but I had time and thought you wouldn't mind help."

"Oh, thanks. You know I love cars, but I never really got to work on them too much. I used to just sit and hand Dad a beer as he did it. I love this one though, I mean wow. It's like my Dad's old car."

"Well, I like mine, but this isn't too bad. It looks like you need a few spark plugs and a new air filter still though. They should be pretty easy to pick up, and I'm just working on the water pump now."

"Oh, really? That's awesome. Is that all that's wrong? I mean it needs a little work still, but those things don't seem major."

"I think the water pump may be shit, but I don't know. I have to get under the car for that and it's pretty low."

"Well, I could go under if you tell me what to look for and at least then we'll know."

"No offense, but I think those might make you bigger than me, so I don't know if you'll fit either."

"These? You mean my tits Vince? Well, aren't we just full of compliments today? How big do you think they are anyways?"

"I'm going with a D cup, maybe a double D in the right bra. I'm just guessing though."

"And I'm guess you've seen and held as many tits as I have so that's why you're right. Are you a tit man like me Vince?"

"I like the whole package, but it's nice to have something to look at while you're doing other stuff." Dani laughed then, and Vince couldn't help but smile. It was the first real time they had talked and let some sexual banter flow back and forth since the night with Charity.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I really like that look you get when you're talking about a woman's body. It's sexy and cute, like a teenager."

"I'm not sure if you mean that as a compliment or not." He ventured it out feeling himself a little too turned on after just this short conversation.

"It was a compliment. You know I would say it's the whole package for me, but to be honest it's about the sounds. Like the way a woman giggles or sighs and then you know when you get her in bed she's a screamer. I like that, and I'll take that and you can even scale back the tits for me."

"Oh, no kidding. The best though is when it's one of those silent women, the ones that give you a side look or a smirk like they're hiding something. Then, you just know once they feel safe they are going to be growling and groaning and just that perfect set of noises."

"God, you're not kidding. You're the same way though. You have that silent brooding, but then once your cock's out you moan and hiss and the curse words... That makes my pussy so wet." Dani's smile fell as she looked at Vince who had stopped smiling to look at her. She had gone from sharing what they liked about women to talking about him, and he couldn't help the stirring in his pants.

"I'm not the only one. My favorite is that whimper/scream you do when you cum. It's like this release you have of all the pent up energy and you can't contain it anymore. It might be the sexiest noise I've ever heard. Makes me want to explode every time."

"It is a release, like that tight coil that snaps and everything pauses around you for a second. I like that growl you do though when something teases you so bad you can barely hold yourself back. Although, I think you did the same thing when I deep-throated you."

"I'm sure I made a lot of noises when you did that. I wasn't expecting it at all."


"Yep, total surprise, it was like you didn't have a gag reflex. Usually girls doing that the first time are guarded about it."

"Can I ask you something Vince?"

"Yea, of course, anything."

"When you said I was good at giving head, did you mean it or were you just trying to get free head?"

"You're amazing at it Dani. I love that teasing and then you just dive in and whatever the hell you do with your's good, really good." Vince was panting and he hadn't realized it but he had approached her and they were standing only a step apart now. Dani seemed excited too, and he was yet again not sure what to do as memories of their last time together flooded into his head.
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"Can I try it again? I wanted to experiment with something I saw the other day in a porn."

"What here? What if Nick comes in?"

"He's way busy. And, honestly, I'm a little wet and I might lose my nerve if we leave this garage."

"Then, tell me where you want me." Vince wasn't about to say no if she was ready and willing. He had offered. At least, that's what he told himself. He had repeated in his mind over and over again to take what she was willing to offer and treat it like free sex from any other woman.

"Put the hood down." Vince turned and unfastened the prop rod releasing the hood. When he turned around she was already pressed against him. He leaned in tilting his head, hoping for a kiss, but Dani shoved him forcing him to sit down. Her hands made quick work of his button and zipper and before he knew it his cock was exposed as she stroked him lightly already causing him to moan. Her head tilted so he could no longer reach her lips as she moved watching him with their foreheads touching.

When she looked up, a smile spread across her face and she placed one hand against his chest pressing against him. He took the signal and lay down over the hood. She moved his shirt upward attacking his nipples as her hand continued lazy strokes over him. It was bliss already and he was attuned to his own noises now as he let them fall from his lips. He heard himself sigh and moan as she made her way down his stomach. The anticipation was killing him.

He shucked the gloves he had on for working on the cars and his t-shirt leaving him bare for her as she started those beautiful open wet kisses down the underside of his cock. Her tongue traced a line back before she started a new thread of kisses down the side. She eased his pants down his thighs giving her access and he was happy to lift his hips to help. He was panting and almost whimpering as she moved down the other side of him. The surprise came next as she continued to stroke him after wetting his length and then dipped down licking his balls. He kept them tidy, thank god, for just such an occasion.

Looking down he watched as she sucked in some of his sensitive skin making him shudder. Her hand on his cock moved at a slow pace as she explored his entire sack making his hand reach up and catch her hair. She was toying with him and it was bringing him to the brink already.

Dani stood up straight then and pulled her shirt up and over her head tossing it aside. The lacy white bra against her tan skin made him groan and then her onslaught really began. She dove back onto him taking his entire length in one fluid motion allowing her tongue to flick about freely against the vein on the bottom of his shaft. He growled out and smirked at hearing himself. It was natural for him to make noises as he went and even to talk to his lovers, but she drew noises from him that he didn't even know he made. Their conversation had made him acutely aware this time, though.

Pulling back from him she returned to his balls and he dropped her hair so he could sit up on his elbows and watch her. She was delicate with the skin while still nipping with her teeth covered and sucking where the thought struck her. It made him wonder if she wasn't like that when she went down on women. Of course, that thought drove him towards his release even faster.

"Do you like that? I've been wondering if you would." She had pulled off now and he was marveling at the childlike innocence that crept into her face when she asked questions like that.

"Yes, I like it all baby...fuck you're so goddamn sexy."

"I like your cock Vince. I like how it feels in my hand." She stroked him once to emphasize and it made his breath hitch. "How it tastes on my tongue." Her tongue went out licking a long stripe from his balls to his tip. "And especially how it feels in my pussy." With those words she plunged down onto him once more encapsulating his soft flesh in her hot mouth.

This time he was cursing and moaning all over the place. He couldn't believe how he sounded with her tongue stroking his flesh inside of her heat. He felt like his body was about to explode and then it did. He cried out as his orgasm slammed him in the face. He had no time to warn her, but she didn't seem to notice.

He fell backwards, his abs spasming, as he came. It felt like his whole body was supercharged. Dani's hand went downward stroking over his balls as he finished and it made him hiss in pleasure. She pulled off of him and took that last glorious swipe like she had done before. It was that hungry, sexy face that had haunted his fantasies after the last time she went down on him.
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"Did you listen to yourself that time? Is that why you didn't warn me?" She smiled at him.

"Sorry about that; snuck up on me. Jesus that was good, I can barely see straight."

"Good, take it as a thank you for working on my car." She smiled at him sweetly. He tucked himself into his pants as quick as he could and stood up with his jeans still open, trying to fasten them. He wanted more.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" She stopped with her shirt in hand walking next to her car towards the door back into the bunker.

"Back inside, I came out to ask what you wanted for dinner, but I'm full now, so..." She was coy as she stood there.

"Oh, I don't think so sweetheart. Put your hands against the car." He motioned towards the passenger door of the car. It was definitely his turn and he only hoped she would play along.

"Like this?" Dani dropped her shirt and turned taking a step so she could put her hands on the roof of the car flat.

"That'll do." He came up behind her, sweeping her hair to the side so he could bury his hungry mouth against that spot on her neck that drove her crazy. His right hand traced down her body sliding over the top of her leggings and then sliding inside. "Are you wet from making me cum Dani?"

"A little." She breathed out as his fingers burrowed under the waistband of her panties and through her brown curls coming to rest on her clit. He started slow circles wanting to get her worked up for him.

"I don't think you're wet enough for my fingers." He pulled his hand out and used both to shove downward on her pants and panties causing them to fall onto her flip flops. He lifted each of her feet taking them the rest of the way off with her shoes. His hands roamed up the back of her legs kneading her ass when he reached it. He spread her cheeks open burying his tongue in her puckered hole without a second thought. Dani let out a high pitched noise in surprise and then moaned after as he slid his tongue further down and got to her wet hole.

Vince stood up and spun her around leaning in for a kiss when he did it. She shook her head and tilted baring her neck to him. He got the message, although it was still weird for him especially after the potential moments with Charity. The thought left him though as she pulled one of her legs up wrapping it casually around his hip and he took the invitation grabbing her other leg to join and hoisting her up against him. He backed up and moved to his side opening the rear door of the car and climbing inside with her still clung to him.

She sighed out as he released her from his grip and slid down the bench seat. Dani scooted so her shoulders rested up on the other door some so he would have space. He found his own space, though. He kissed down her stomach and pulled her leg up over his shoulder situating her down further and against his outstretched tongue. He held it there feeling her warmth on him and taking in the sensation before removing it entirely. His lips starting to place those same wet kisses she had used along her thighs and then he sucked in each lip of her pussy pulling blood to the surface.

'Oh fuck yes." A gasp of words escaped her as she grabbed onto the back of Vince's head. He smiled against her before plunging his tongue inside of her heat. He twirled it around taking in her flavor. This was so much better than the last time, because he was being allowed to savor her body and get his fill of her cum on his tongue.

He got so caught up that he barely realized she was groaning out his name, but when he did hear it, it made his cock stir again. One finger replaced his tongue as he swirled it around her clit. Her other leg came up to rest on his shoulder and he noted her shifting her pelvis up and down even as he moved. It was amazing to watch her move like this. She was a creature from his dreams come to life and so much better in reality.

Pulling back for a second got her attention enough so that she would look down at him.

"Watch me baby, I love it when you watch me." He panted it out and she did. She watched as he tilted down to capture her clit in his pursed lips and suck. She groaned out and he looked directly into her eyes. Her face scrunched up as he added a new finger inside to push her even further. The beautiful ridged spot inside of her finally got the attention it deserved. Her hips tilted keeping pace as he rubbed his fingers inside of her and alternated between sucking on her clit and pressing it in tight circles.
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"So good Vince, so good, oh don't stop...I'm close baby." She panted it out as she started to whimper and moan in higher and higher pitches. He continued his onslaught inside of her and paused on her clit to spit downward onto his own pinky. She quirked an eyebrow and then went back to enjoying when his tongue returned to its prior activity. That finger was his surprise though, and it was worth it from the look he got as he inserted it into her other hole.

"Christ, yes, oh fuck." Her nails dug into his scalp as she stared at him mouth open. "I...I...OH FUCK VINCE!!" Dani screamed out, louder than he had ever heard her and then whimpered with each spasm of her pussy. She had cum hard and he felt her walls clench hard against his hand. The vibrations encompassed her entire pussy all the way through her ass and it was a truly beautiful sight.

"Want me to keep going?" Vince ventured the question out, unsure how sensitive she was.

"Give me a minute...and...and then I want you to fuck me Vince. Hard." Her voice was low and full of gravel. He pulled his fingers from her and kissed her stomach moving upwards towards her face.

"Hey guys, burgers just got here. I figured you got busy with the cars so I ordered dinner." Nick walked out the door and towards the cars, only to stop abruptly when he saw Vince's shoes hanging out of the open rear door of the pearl white Superbee.

"Yep, Nick just dealing with something quick and we'll be in. Get the beer ready." Vince called out smiling at Dani and trying not to laugh. His partner was really getting the raw end of this deal.

"You got it." Nick called trying to make it seem far away as he headed back to the bunker door.

"Now, where were we?" Vince asked her smiling. Dani smiled back at him and shook her head.

"Vince that kind of killed it for me. Let's just go eat." He growled at her words and she smiled at him. He loved that smile, it was so carefree and he was happy to give it to her again.

He backed out of the car fastening his pants and seeking out his shirt. When he turned she had her pants and panties and was carefully putting them back on.

"Hey, here's your shirt." She looked up and he tossed it over to her. "So, out of curiosity, was that good head for you?"

"Some of the best I've ever had." She smiled cheekily to him and pulled the hair tie off her wrist to gather her tousled locks. She looked a lot less just fucked with it up in her tight bun.

"Can I ask you something else?"


"What's the big deal about kissing me? You haven't since the night we met, and well we've done everything else. Plus, I thought we might when we were with Charity and all." He walked up to her needing to hear the answer.

"I don't want to lead you on Vince, and a kiss means something. The rest is just sex, but a kiss would be more."

"I've seen you kiss girls that meant nothing to you before Dani, so what's the real reason?"

"It's different with you. If I kiss you, well, I'm afraid you would want more than this, and I can't give you that."

"Can't or won't. Because I think you're afraid of what you want, not what I want."

"I want us to stay how we are, enjoying each other and being good friends. That's what I want."

"Is it? Because just when I think that's it, we're just friends, you come onto me again and we're laughing and having a blast like we're together."

"You know, I thought we could do this and be friends and fuck buddies and all that. But...but...maybe you should rescind your invitation to let me experiment on you. I don't want to hurt you Vince, and if we're going too far, then just say the word and I'll consider it revoked."

"Fine, then it's revoked. If you won't kiss me, it's revoked." He almost spat the words out and then turned heading for the bunker. After Charity, he had tried to make it work, but this...this time was too much. He felt connected to Dani, like they had something real and being with her this time made him want more. It was all just too much.

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After the garage, the night was rather cold between the three of them and Nick saw it for what it was. He knew something happened between Vince and Dani in the garage and he could surmise from there that it had ended the way many of those times had. Vince sat at dinner barely looking at Dani and Dani had returned the coldness.

By the time they all went to bed, Nick saw it as a relief. He couldn't take the tension much more, and he didn't feel like talking to Vince about the problem tonight. Besides, it was nothing he hadn't heard before.

After saying his goodnights, Nick made curled up in his bed. At least when he was alone like this he didn't have to think too much about the other two idiots in the bunker with him. As Nick tucked in for the night, a soft knock came at his door.

"Yea, come in." He said it gruffly thinking Vince would be on the other side and he was about to have a conversation about how his partner had once more come face to face with the reality of what was or was not between Dani and he. To his surprise, Dani came inside and closed the door behind her.

"Did I wake you?" She seemed uncertain as she stood there and Nick sat up instantly.

"No, I wasn't out yet. What's going on Dani?"

"I'm sorry to bug you, but I just...I've had a lot of trouble sleeping since Stan and well Vince and I..."
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"Had a fight thing earlier?"

"Yea, how did you know?"

"Dani dinner was like eating in an icebox."

"Well, I was crashing with him and I just. I'm trying to sleep alone and all, but with everything..."

"Are you asking if you can crash here tonight Dani?" Nick saw her reaching out for help and couldn't refuse her, not after their talk the other night.

"Would it be too weird?"

"Nah, come on. I just hope you aren't looking for more because..."

"Don't worry Nick. I'll just curl up on the side. I still see you as a brother you know."

"Okay, well let's crash."

The next morning, Vince gave him a weird look that he shrugged off. He might explain it all later, but really he figured Vince should sweat a little. That only lasted an hour of course. The moment Dani was on her way to the shower, Vince confronted him.

"So, what you and Dani are going to screw around right under my nose now?"

"You see, I knew that you were going to ask that. If you must know she didn't want to sleep alone and after you fought earlier she needed somewhere to crash. And, in case you're wondering, we didn't even touch. She just curled up next to me. So, relax."

"Sorry man, I didn't exactly sleep well after we fought." His fingers ran through his still tousled hair from barely sleeping the night before.

"What was it this time?"

"I finally just broke down and told her that I couldn't do this messing around anymore without kissing her. She didn't exactly take it well."

"Wait, this whole time you guys haven't kissed?"

"Nope, not once. She said it was too intimate, and then after Charity...I don't know. I thought things were shifting and I guess they aren't. So, instead of torturing myself anymore with waiting I just came out with it. And, she gave me the same thing. She doesn't want to lead me on."

"Damn. Well, not to complicate things, but I'm guessing that Oz is going to call in the next day or two. So, you should probably patch things up before you don't see her anymore."

"What do you mean?" Vince gave him a questioning stare.

"She's at the two month mark man. So, she's either going into the field soon or to the home office. It's time for Oz to make a decision."

"Man that was probably the shortest two months I've ever had. I'm not sure what to say to her Nick."

"Then, don't say anything. Let her make the decision and just be okay with it. But, I would apologize for the fight so she knows there are no hard feelings."

Fortunately, Oz wasn't quite as perceptive as Nick was. He didn't call the rest of the week and gave Vince the time to make up with Dani, at least enough to work together. She still slept in Nick's room, though, although she told him it wouldn't last. He was pretty sure that Dani knew that her time at the bunker was coming to a close.

By the time Oz did call, they were all dreading the moment. It was Friday afternoon, two days after the two month mark that Oz called and asked to talk to all three of them.

"We're all here, what's up Oz?" Nick had called them all together, thinking it might even be a mission.

"I wanted to talk to you all and get a bead on next steps. First, tell me how the Superbee is coming along."

"It's awesome Oz. I guess I haven't thanked you yet, but I really appreciate the help on that one. Anyways, I think it's ready to go. We planned on taking it on a road trip tomorrow to see." Dani smiled at Vince, a clear change from the past few days.
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"Good, so then Vince and Nick tell me what you think of Dani's progress on training and firearms."

"Our time on the range has been great Oz. Dani hasn't lost a step when it comes to weapons." Nick volunteered the update and waited.

"Vince, what do you think? How's training coming?"

"If you're asking if Dani's ready to get back to it, then the answer is a definite yes. She's as good as she ever was." He smiled at Dani, but there was a clear sadness in his voice.

"Alright, well you've reached that time; tell me Dani what do you want to do next? Your spot's still open and I can reassign you there. You'll be alone for a few months until I can confirm a partner, but Paul might be able to help if you need a second on anything. The other option is you go to headquarters for a year and we'll reevaluate afterwards. What's your poison Dani?" Oz laid it out and Vince looked to her. His secret desire was that she would ask for a third option, staying with him, but he knew it wasn't really in the cards.

"I want to go back to my old spot Oz. I need to get back on the wagon. And, I'm hoping I have a say in the new partner coming in." Dani looked between the guys with an even grin and Vince felt his heart still.

"Alright, well, why don't you enjoy a few more days and I'll send you an assignment for you to go to we'll say Wednesday."

"You got it Oz. I'll be packed and ready to head out then."

"Okay, enjoy the ride in the new car and the beds there. You know the field isn't as nice." Oz chuckled and hung up the phone.

"Thanks guys. I really appreciated that."

"Anything you need Dani, always." Vince said the words and headed to the garage. He was going to make sure the car was perfect before they took it out the next day.

"You're ready, don't worry Dani. But, we're going to miss the hell out of you here."

Nick and Dani spent the next few hours working on some translations before Vince joined them for dinner. All three ate in relative silence and the silence only seemed to grow heavier. They all three sat afterwards, watching some pointless TV. Vince went to his room after an hour, unable to sit any longer in the room after earlier. His fate was sealed now. It would just be waiting for bad news or no news about Dani from here and it was going to hurt like hell.

"Heading to bed?" Nick asked him as he stood.

"I'm going to listen to some tunes for a few minutes and maybe just join you guys for a drink in a little bit. Although, we are hitting a brewery tomorrow, right?"

"You know it. I have planned a nice two hour ride, a few beers and a burger, and then a few more hours in Stan. A perfect Saturday lies ahead." Dani smiled softly and Vince nodded before heading down the hallway.

Dani watched TV for another hour with Nick before she decided it was time to head to bed herself.

"Are you heading to my room?" Nick chimed in as she got up.

"You know, I think I'm actually going to crash in my own bed tonight. I figure I have to get used to it again. Although, I'll miss how warm you get when you sleep." She tousled his hair a little and made her way towards the hallway.

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Dark Division - Dani Ch. 12

The next day proved to be exactly what the three of them needed. They had all ended up crashing early the night before, and it was a good thing because the adventure with Dani had started bright and early on Saturday.

An hour down the road in Stan with the windows down, and all thoughts of coldness disappeared. For Nick, it was a nice change from the bunker. He typically didn't even go out for supply runs, and only occasionally ventured into town for anything. Nick generally spent his spare time pouring over something in the archives if he could. But, he was hopeful that with meeting Cassie, he would have more reason to enjoy life outside.

Dani was perfectly in her element as she drove along enjoying the fresh air. That was enough to melt Vince's heart. The thought of her happy always made his heart light and now watching her cruise along with one hand on the wheel and Led Zeppelin on the radio had him feeling like a million bucks. He hated the thought of waking up in a few days without Dani, but at least he could have this picture of her happy and driving her car. He stared at her from the back seat the entire day.

True to her word, Dani stopped at a microbrewery and then found the best burger joint nearby. By the time they got home that night, everyone was tired. Vince decided he didn't want to ruin the memory by staying up and letting the reality sink in, so he went to his room almost right away to lie down and enjoy some music until he fell asleep with the picture of her face in his mind. He had only a handful of days left and from the sound of it; Dani would be getting things prepped for heading out.

Vince's door was open, but it hadn't stopped him from falling asleep to the thought of missing Dani from more than just his bed soon. His headphones were plugged into his phone as he lay there a peacefully in his pajama bottoms and t-shirt intending to avoiding getting up to change before crashing for the whole night.

With the music in his ears, sleep had come quickly to Vince, and the dreams of her started almost immediately. The smell of her seemed so real, and then the feel of her skin was on his fingers. He whispered her name as she finally kissed him. The kisses felt so real as though her lips were actually pressing to his. He smiled softly before opening his eyes to find himself staring into hers. Her lips were parted slightly and her hands were planted next to him on either side of head flat on the bed as she leaned over his face.

He worried for an instant that he was still asleep, but she felt so real that he didn't care if it was a dream still. When she searched his eyes, he just gazed back unsure if he should speak. Dani leaned down once again and her lips met his, and it was pure electric. She kissed him again and again going from gentle pecks to deep kissing and when he parted his lips her tongue met his. Vince was mesmerized, not moving anything but his lips and tongue. This was the first she had really kissed him. God, he wanted this to be real.

"Mmmmm Vince." She breathed the words out, and leaned up long enough to unplug the headphones from the phone next to him. The music in his ears ended abruptly. Coming back to him, she slid off the headphones and placed them on the nightstand next to his bed. It was then her lips returned to his and she shifted her body to half lay over his.

"Wait." Vince spoke the word and Dani pulled back looking at him. "Am I still dreaming?"

"No. Why what have I been doing to you in your dreams, you pervert?" Dani raised an eyebrow and that's when he knew it was real.

"Mostly this, but I usually get to do this." His hands reached up hesitating slightly. He didn't want her to leave. His palms came up to her face holding her there as he deepened the kiss.

Dani continued to kiss him more and more urgently pressing into his body. Vince got hard as she continued; the feeling of her skilled tongue in his mouth killed him. He refused to move away from her, not wanting to lose the opportunity to feel her lips on his. He pulled his heel up on the bed a little and pressed his thigh into her core. He could feel her heat against him and it made him get even harder knowing that it was him causing her to feel that way.

"Oh fuck Vince." Her kisses paused and grew a little erratic as she shifted against his leg. He threaded the fingers of his left hand into her hair holding her mouth on his and ran his right hand down her side seizing on her ass roughly. He held her against him as she moved. The cotton fabric of her pajama pants was soft on his fingers as her hips moved perfectly, pressing directly into his cock.

Words failed them both as they continued kissing and shifting against each other. In another minute, he felt her shifting grow faster and opened his eyes as their lips parted briefly to see her brows furrowed together and her eyes closed. He planted a gentle kiss as he let his other hand grab onto her opposite hip. He now held her fast against him moving her as he shifted his hips. Their lips barely touched as their breathing came in sync. They shifted together faster and faster chasing their releases.

"Vince...I'm...uh...I think I'm gonna cum." Dani panted as she plundered his mouth with her tongue again. The words made his chest seize and he felt his balls tighten.

"Me too. Fuck...I love kissing you." Vince groaned out at his last words. His fingers dug into the flesh of her ass keeping her rhythm on him. She pulled back from his kiss and her eyes squeezed shut as she let out a soft cry. At the same time, her thighs squeezed on his.

Vince's own eyes slammed shut as he felt himself pulse inside his boxers. He held fast to her body as he was overtaken by his own orgasm. The yell that came from him seemed as if it came from somewhere outside of his body.

"Is everything okay guys?" Nick came into the doorway of Vince's room in a flash, concern all over his face. He froze at what he saw. There was Dani pressed on top of his partner with Vince's hands clenched on her ass and he saw their lips only an inch apart. Both were making noises that made it clear what he had just walked in on. "Shit. I'm sorry, I heard you uh make a noise...that I clearly'm going to go." Nick blushed and stuttered on himself before walking down to his own room.
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"Shit...I'm...I'm sorry Vince. I just, I...I should go." Dani pulled herself up on her hands. Vince didn't release his grip on her ass; instead he merely let his heel slide back down the bed.

"Don't leave. Stay with me tonight."

"No. I can't. I just saw you sleeping so peacefully and I...I couldn't stop from kissing you. After hearing I'm leaving, I guess I just wanted to know what it was like." When she broke the gaze with him, he finally released his hands and she pulled up to sitting on her haunches. He couldn't help but notice the wet spot on her hip and in her own crotch.

"Dani, if you're willing to kiss me, then why not stay?" Vince asked needing to hear her answer.

"Because of this. I'm afraid if I stay, I'm gonna end up doing this."

"Well, you know it's much better with clothes off. You could stay tonight and we could try that. After all, my offer is back on since you kissed me."

"I can't. I just...I'm...I've always been... this...this isn't me...fuck I don't know what I'm doing. I have to go." Dani stood up and headed out going straight to her room and slamming the door.

Vince was left there, laying back on his bed and trying to figure out what to do. He didn't understand how she was so reluctant to admit her feelings for him. He knew she was there too, but she was stuck. He eventually groaned and made himself get up to clean up and get ready for bed. This was something he was going to have to talk to Nick about, but tonight he just wanted to sleep and numb his brain.


The next morning, Dani was already up and training in their gym when Vince made his way out to the kitchen for coffee. He nodded briefly at Nick as he poured himself a cup.

"So, did I walk in on what I think I did?" Nick put a scoop of cereal into his mouth as Vince started to pour his own bowl.

"Yea, she kissed me last night Nick. Dani kissed me and it was everything I thought it would be and then some. But, it doesn't matter. She's still leaving."

"Do you think she felt the same thing?"

"I don't know why?"

"Because she's been in the gym for over an hour beating the shit out of anything she can. It seems to me she's trying to figure things out. It made me think that whatever happened affected her more than she thought it would."

"And what does that have to do with anything? Oz is sending a mission over in three days and that's it. Dani is gone. And she and I will go back to talking like friends when we have the time."

"He actually sent it over this morning. It looks like Dani's heading out tomorrow. I saw it in the briefings. We don't usually get them on Sundays, but today there was that and a note that someone was bringing a necklace with regenerative powers in Tuesday morning." Nick continued eating as he spoke and Vince had to catch himself as he put the milk carton down onto the counter suddenly.


"That's what it looks like. I guess something came up in North Dakota that needs some attention."

"Fuck. Well, I guess you and I should go out and get some good food for tonight."

"Do you want me to take care of that, maybe give you guys some time to talk alone?"

"I think if Dani wants to talk to me, she'll find time. So, what the hell, let's get the girl some good liquor and maybe a nice blanket for the road. And a chocolate cake, definitely a chocolate cake to send her off."

"Sounds good to me." He got up putting his bowl into the sink and an arm on Vince's shoulder. "For the record, I think it's been a damn short two months too. I'm gonna miss her."

With those words, Vince was left to sort himself out alone. He made it through the next hour on autopilot. The haze was so strong that as he put his shoes on to head out with Nick he had to stop and question if he had even showered. It all seemed so surreal. Dani was leaving, and this time tomorrow he wouldn't be seeing her face again. There wouldn't be any Zeppelin playing in the bunker unless he did it. And the garage was about to be one car shy.

At least once they were out shopping; he had something to keep his mind off of the reality that she was leaving. He made Nick take him to three different bakeries in town before he found just the perfect cake. It was chocolate everything with a raspberry filing and had raspberries and Oreos decorating the top. Vince smiled at himself as he loaded it into the back. Another two stops found them with a few gifts all set for Dani's going away presents.
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Once they were able to stop and get some take out pasta, they were all set to head back and make the last night of their little home perfect. Nick watched as Vince walked into the bunker and on through the small hallway to the kitchen. His partner was putting on a brave front, but he saw the cracks around the edges. The man wore his heart on his sleeve sometimes, and this was definitely one of those times. Nick knew it would be hard to say goodbye to Dani tomorrow for them both, but somehow the quiet that would follow would be worse. She and Vince had a special bond and it wasn't going to matter if they kept talking as friends. Her presence being gone was going to send the ginger-haired idiot into a spiral. Nick's only hope was that it wouldn't be as deep as when Dani first came to stay there.

He gave his partner a soft smile as they dumped the bags from their hands onto the counter. Dani was nowhere to be seen.

"Do you want to go find Dani, so we can eat? I'll unpack everything."

"Why don't you go find her Nick? I'll put things together." Vince barely returned his gaze as he picked up the cake and hid it towards the back of the counter. He didn't question him; just let Vince do what he needed to in order to be okay. Tonight, he wanted time with Dani, his new found friend, but he knew Vince needed the time. And, if he wasn't ready for it, then far be it for Nick to push too hard.

Nick left him in the kitchen and walked down the hallway towards Dani's room. He found it open, and there inside was a sight that nearly broke his heart. Dani had two suitcases sitting just inside the door and was working on putting things into two other duffle bags that sat on the bed. He knocked on the door, more out of formality than anything.

"Hey, I was wondering when you guys would be getting back. You've been gone for hours." She smiled at him and it was almost like a normal day there, if not for the suitcases on the floor near where he stood.

"We sort of went out to get something special for our last dinner together. I hope you didn't eat already." He smiled at her.

"Nope, and I'm starving. You guys didn't have to do that though."

"I know. We wanted to give you a proper good bye, though. Vince and I could have cooked, but well, we figured you should have something really good before you left."

"Sounds great! I was just finishing up the packing in here. You know I think I nearly doubled what I came with. It's kind of crazy." She laughed softly as she came over.

"You know I am really going to miss you around here Dani." Nick broke then and pulled her in for a hug.

"Don't get sappy on me just yet. Let's have drinks first."

"Sorry. It's just seeing you pack makes it a little too real you know."

"I'm not going to be dead or retired or anything. We'll probably see each other for something soon. I mean I saw you guys before I moved in here didn't I?"

"Yea, but it won't be the same and you know it."

"I do, but life moves Nick and I have to also."

"I know that; just promise me you'll stay safe no matter what. You're like a sister to me and I don't want to get that call from Oz that something's happened."

"I'll do my best. And we'll see what young idiot they partner me with. Hopefully, it'll be someone as good as Stan."

"Hopefully. Hey, can you just do me one favor before you leave?"

"I suppose. What do you have in mind?"

"Spend some time with Vince."

"I planned on spending the rest of the night with you both, if that's okay." She pulled back in his arms to look at him."

"I meant maybe crash with him or something. I figured we'd have dinner, dessert, a drink or two and then I'll head to bed early. And, I think it would mean a lot to Vince to have some time with just the two of you."
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