Adultery Betrayals & Sacrifices...
Super screenplay
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Hi Bro

How the rewriting going?

Just a thought of Krishna's entry, I think he will come to rescue Banisha during the picnic with Nokul when some of his friends in the group may Ronny, Shakel try to molest her.....just imagining but who is he already appeared in the story or a new character. 

Also those are the guys who are trying to tarnish Nokul & Dev's image by making out porn video with Mariam and asking her to call out their names  Smile .

The more deeper, the more interesting how the web is spun. Great bro.

Waiting for the update bro.
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
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Betrayals & Sacrifices: Update 14- Entering Krishnaa

9.30 am 22nd February, 2018, Tejgaon security officer station, Tejgaon, Dhaka...

Mr. Shamsur Rahman the security officer Comissioner of Dhaka was sitting in the Oc's chamber. With him, there was the Oc of Tejgaon thana Mr. Vikram Nath and Mr Yousuf khan the Comissioner of Chattagram security officer. Both the Commisioners was long time friends and batchmate. All three of them were studying a case file that have been closed the day before. It was a kidnapping case that was staged by a notorious gang  who have been responsible for atleast 17 kidnappes and three murders for the last three years in Dhaka district.
This kidnappers used public holidays to kidnape and get ransoms. Yesterday was 21st February, International Mother Language day which is ceremoniously observed throughout the whole country. A team of just 6 security officer officers busted the whole gang of 15 goons and also saved the kidnapped child. Specially the leader of the security officer team was brilliant with her leadership and managing to outsmart and outmatch four goons in a four on one gunfight.
Mr. Shamsur asked Mr. Yousuf after reading the case file...
Shamsur: So, is this woman amazing or what?
Yousuf: She sure is. She was always bright even before becoming a security officer officer.
Shamsur: Ok, you said you wanted her in a case. But I don't think she will be willing to go. She is hell bent on not returning to Chattagram. Before coming in this security officer station she personally told me that she is ready to go to hell but not chattagram. She will not accept this transfer.
Yousuf: Nope, she may say no to you but I have a trump card that will make sure she is ready to come with me.
Shamsur: What's that? 
Yousuf: You don't worry about that, just make sure that her name does not come to media in tonight's press conference. Her getting in limelight may not be good here in this case. And this a fake file that I have prepared for her. If I can get her ready for the transfer then this is the file I want you to keep in her records. You keep the real one in THE VAULT.
Shamsur: Ok, I will manage it.
Yousuf: Bye. I am gonno meet her now.
The same day 1 am...
So uncle, all these case files you have brought here no one can connect Jalal or Dilip in any way. If this Jalal in fact is doing all this then he is doing a very good job of not leaving any clues. 
"That's why I want to bring you in this case dear. I know you love challenge. You love misteries. You live on the adrenaline rush. Besides, these videos is spreading more and more on the internet. This illegal porno bussiness is destroying a lot of families. Women are supposed to be loved not forced. I hate that I can't do anything for those families. I request you dear, please help me. Please help those families." -Said Yousuf.
Ok Uncle, I mean Sir. I accept this transfer and I promise to do anything in my power to stop those people. I will return to Chattagram. It's been a long time since I met my family. I also need to settle some old score with a certain some one.
"Wow, that was unexpected. A stubborn kid like her agreed without much fuss. I guess good for me." Yousuf thought to himself.
31st March, 2018, Saturday 5 pm, Sen residence....
Subhadra got up from her afternoon nap with a phone call from one friend of her's. She washed her face and went outside in the drawing room. She saw that her mother was cooking some snacks and tea in the kitchen. Her brother Gopal usually plays cricket in the nearby playground at this time. She thought to sit infront of the tv for some time. At that moment the door bell rang. She opened the door and screamed with joy after seeing the person standin at the door.
Subhadra: Wow. Maa.... Maa... look who is here. Come fast maa look who came.
Her mom came out of the door while wiping he hands in a towel and asked with a slight irritated voice.
Mom: What happened pagli(stupid girl)? Why are you shouting?
Subhadra: Look mom, didi is here.
Mom: Pinky, you? Come come come dear. Why didn't you call us? Why didn't you say that you were coming?
Subhadra: Mom, still Pinky! Neighther Didi nor me is a little girl anymore. Stop calling us with those silly nicknames. At least call didi Krishnaa. She is a security officer officer now.
Mom: You bunch will always be little girls for me. I will call you whatever I want.
Subhadra: By the way didi, this was a nice surprise. Normally we have to visit you when we want to meet you, but now you came here by yourself! You came in this city like after ten years right?
Krishnaa: 10 years, 9 months and 21 days.
Mom: You have become a stone. You don't care about us. You just care about going to job and catching criminals. I bet you don't eat properly also. See how thin you have become since last year. I won't let you leave me for atleast one month this time. And I will cook and feed you.
Krishnaa: Mom I spend several hours in the gym to keep fit and you are saying me to get fat. Typical mom talks. And  the real surprise is that I am not going anywhere else very soon. I have been transferrec here in Kotoali security officer Station. And I also got promoted as the Officer in Charge. I will report to duty from tomorrow itself.
Shubhadra and her mom became overjoyed hearing this news. They congratulated Krishnaa and felt happy that she will staying with them from now on.
Krishnaa: Mom, where is Gopu? 
Mom: Where else? Practicing to be the next Sakib Al Hasan.
Subhadra: I will call him and tell that you have come. 
Krishnaa: Ok, I will go freshen up now. I will have to call Yousuf uncle afterwards.
4th April 2018, Wednesday, 10.30 pm Dilip Rai's house....
It was dinner time and all the members of the Rai family was in the dining table. Dilip Rai's family consisted of himself, his wife, his elder daughter Sonia, middle son Shimul and younger daughter Sristy. Midway his daughter Sonia started a conversation with him...
Sonia: Dad I need your help in something.
Dilip: Well that is new. You, asking for my help? I thought that was Shimul and Sristy's thing.
Sonia: Dad, I am serious.
Dad: Ok dear, tell me what it is.
Sonia: There is a boy named Dev in our college. He humiliated my best friend Radhika by proposing to her then laughing at her in front of everyone. You know so many powerful people. I want you to scare him and make him say sorry to Radhika in front of the whole college.
Dilip: Ok I will see to it.
Shimul: Leave it to me dad. i will handle this matter. Radhika di is my best friend Ronny's older siter. I will make him say sorry to radhika di.
Sristy: What are you going to do? You don't even study in our college.
Dilip's wife: Yes tell me also na. What are you going to do? You are a student not a goon.
Shimul: Relax mom. I am not going to do anything bad. And Sristy, the Vp of your college's is elder brother of a very close friend of mine. I am just going to scare Dev with my friend's help and make him say sorry to Radhika di as Sonia di wants. I am not going to break his bone or something? I am not a goon.( "I am going to break his leg and then drag him to Radhika di and make him cry at her feet. Nobody fucks with my friends and family and get away with it." Shimul thought to himself.)
And they continued in some other topic after that.
7th April, Saturday, 9.30 am, Razia's house...
Shohail, Razia, Murad and Arjun gathered there for some discussions. They were already at it for the last hour or so. 
Arjun: Ok guys that was all about my situation. Now lets talk about your land case Murad. You were going to meet the new oc in  the thana today right.
Shohail: Yes, in fact we should be going there as soon as possible. We shall devise our strategy after meeting the Oc. 
They started towards the security officer station in Arjun's car. After 5 minutes a call came in Arjun's phone. Arjun parked the car at roadside and received the call. The call was from Dev and Nokul's college. They asked Arjun to immediately reach the college and meet the principle. They did not say the reason but said that it was something very important. 
Arjun: Guys, the call was from Dev's college. They asked me to go there urgently. 
Razia: So, what are you waiting for? Go. We will manage the meeting with the oc ourselves.
Shohail: It must be something important if they called you this urgently.
Razia: I hope Dev is ok.
Arjun: Me too Razi. No matter what my brothers did to me, I don't want anything bad to happen to them. If they are pushinable then I will be the one punishing them. I won't let anyone or anything else to harm them.
Murad: We understand your feelings Arjun.
Arjun: Ok, let's hurry. I will drop you guys at the ps on the way.
40 minutes ago, in front of Dev's college...
Dev got down from the local bus and walked towards the college. Shakil was also coming from another road saw Dev and caught up to him
Shakil: Hey, Dev buddy. What's up. Where is Nokul today? He isn't with you.
Dev : He isn't coming today. He went to Cox's bazar to a picnic with some friends of his from the Bussiness studies group, C section. And I am ok. What about you?
Shakil: I am fine. Thanks.
Dev: Where is that gf of yours? Did not see her this week. How is she?
Shakil: She went to her mother's village home with her family. I can't reach her on phone. She used to say that there is some connection problem there. But this time I can't reach her at all.
Dev : When was she supposed to return?
Shakil: This tuesday.
Dev: Ok wait till then.
They reached the college campus but before entering into the campus 6 guys blocked their way in the gate. Ronny, Rasel and the Vp's younger brother Akash was with them. Dev did not know the othe three boys.
Ronny: Dev let's walk to that side of the playground. I have something to say to you.
Dev: Say it here itself. Why do you need to go aside to say something. Nobody will be eavesdropping on you. 
One of the boys held Dev's arm and said," move to the side as he said or it won't be good for you."
Shakil: Shimul, what are you doing? This is college, everyone is watching.
Shimul: You stay out of this Shakil.
Dev felt a little curious now since this boys was clearly trying to scare him. He thought he should play along with them for now and see where it goes. So he moved towards a corner of the play ground with them.
Dev: What is it, say now.
Shimul: You think you are a real playboy huh?
Dev: I play on fridays in our local playground. Does that make me a playboy?
Ronny: Don't try to act smart, Dev.
Dev: Who is acting? This is the real me. I am smart.
Shimul: This guy is asking for it. We would just have to beat the cockyness out of him.
Saying so, Shimul swang hard with a cricket stump that had been handed to him by one of his friends during their conversation. Dev saw it coming and blocked the hit with the bottom of his shoes. He stepped two steps behind him. Dev asked them to stop it. There is no meaning of hitting him without any reasons. Shakil also requested Ronny and Shimul to stop this damn fight and talk like grown ups. Shimul thought he had the upperhand with six vs one. He signalled his friends and they surrounded him. Shimul again walked towards Dev swinging the stamp with full force. Dev now sprinted to Shimul, grabbed his wrist with his left hand and gave him an uppercut with the right. Then he kneed him in the gut and with his left hand twisted the stamp out of Shimul's hand. Shimul's head spinned with the uppercut and he immediately sat on the ground with the knee to gut. The other five stopped in their tracks seeing this happen in 4-5 seconds. Dev now swang the stamp over his head in the air and asked them to come towards him now. Ronny and the others checked on Shimul and made him get up on his legs. Ronny then looked towards Dev with angered eyes and ran towards him," You cocky bastard, you humiliated my didi in front of the whole college and now acting like you don't know hot to even turn over the fried fish. You made my sister cry and now I am going to make you sorry now." Hearing Ronny's sister's name Dev froze and in the meantime Ronny punched him in the face twice and once in the stomach. He now stopped Ronny's both hands with his hands and told him," Stop it Ronny, I am sorry ok. Stop fighting and listen to me." Ronny was not ready to listen to anything that Dev says.
Meanwhile, a lot of the students gathered around them seeing the commotion. The principle while walking in the campus saw this crowd and approached towards it. When he saw Ronny and Dev he called the two guards. He came near them and told the guards to take this two to his office. He dismissed the other students and told them to go to their classses. The first class will be beginning soon.
After bringing them to his office he inquired the students their name and told the peon to call their respective guardians immediately. 

In the meantime in the security officer station....
Razia, Murad and Shohail went to the head constable. Shohail introduced himself and told him that he called and requested to meet the Officer in Charge today and madam agreed to meet me. The head constable went inside madam's room and told them to go in when he got out. When they entered the room they saw the oc madam sitting in her chair. Seeing her Razia thought she knew her for a second and raised her eye brows when sh realized who she was. The oc also recognised Razia at the same moment.
Razia spoke,
Razia: Krishnaa di, it's you isn't? You are the oc? Oh my God, you did become a security officer officer. 
Krishnaa: Razia, is that you?
Razia: Yes di. Where did you go all of a sudden all those years ago. Me, Arjun, we searched so long for you.
Krishnaa: We can catch up later. Now first have some tea. 
Krishnaa called the tea boy and told him to get four cups of tea. 
Krishnaa: So now, tell me about you. Who are this two gentlemen.
Razia: This is my husband Murad Hasan a eye sergeant, and this is my friend and lawer Mr. Naim ., Shohail. We actually came here to discuss a case with you and ask for your help.
For the next twenty minutes they discussed the case and Krishnaa promised to help them anyway she can. Then they talked about their personal lives a bit and left after exchanging phone number with each other. 
After they left Krishnaa was sitting in her chair and wondered why Arjun amd Razia did not marry each other. Why they were married to different spouses? Surely they can't be just friend now after their long history together. She thought they were keeping their spouses in the dark about their relationship. She knew closely how good this two were in keeping their affair secret from the world. Her hatred toward Razia grew more yet again. She spoke up to no one in particular in the empty room.
Krishnaa: I will destroy your life Razia if it is the last thing I do in the world. I will turn your perfect little world upside down. I will make you wish for death but I won't let you die at any cost. I will enjoy every second of burning your world into ashes. Razia, You don't know who just entered your life. Not any goons, builders or politicians, I am the BIG BAD of your story.

Next two updates...
* Betrayals & Sacrifices: Update 15- Binisha's Day Out.
Betrayals & Sacrifices: Update 16- Some Secrets Discovered.
[+] 5 users Like worldlover's post
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Hi Bro,

Just finished reading the update.

Big Grin Big Grin I can see the urgency in writing and posting today.

Thanks, the update is interesting and incidents are fast paced. May be we deserve a big and long update...just kidding.

Good going, post one more if possible during the week.
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 2 users Like Uday's post
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Story is slowly started to Untangle now. I love this story soo much due to complexity of the story telling with many characters. It’s really a tough task for the author. It’s absolute treat for the fans. waiting for future updates  yourock clps
[+] 2 users Like Siva82's post
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so you connected everyone............. :D

security officer officer is krishna........sister of subhadra ........... having old connection with arjun & razia......
razia calls her as di (elder sister) but krisha have jealousy secretly with her.....may be krisha had a crush on arjun those days

arjun & razia have an old history of long affair............but married to different spouses .........still fried without hinting about their affair to their spouses

dev also teased a girl ..........sister of the friend of dilip roy's son

all links are connecting .......with cord of REVENGE
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(20-09-2020, 01:51 AM)kamdev99008 Wrote: so you connected everyone............. :D

security officer officer is krishna........sister of subhadra ........... having old connection with arjun & razia......
razia calls her as di (elder sister) but krisha have jealousy secretly with her.....may be krisha had a crush on arjun those days

arjun & razia have an old history of long affair............but married to different spouses .........still fried without hinting about their affair to their spouses

dev also teased a girl ..........sister of the friend of dilip roy's son

all links are connecting .......with cord of REVENGE

Krishnaa is not jealous of Razia but she hates her with passion. On the other hand Arjun and Razia refer each other as best friends when there are only just the two of them are present. We will be able to know what actually happened years ago.
All the links were supposed to be connected. That is the story. Thanks for your comment. I love it when my readers try to guess what might have happened and what will happen. Thank you
[+] 2 users Like worldlover's post
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Good update
[+] 2 users Like Ranjith27's post
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Wonderful link of characters
[+] 2 users Like Bigil's post
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Oh my god! My head is spinning. A bit of sex scenes would have helped! Wonderful story bro, eagerly waiting for its unfolding.
[+] 2 users Like incestlover123's post
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nice update
[+] 2 users Like bobby's post
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Nice update, waiting for next update.
[+] 2 users Like axma55's post
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clps Nice update banana
[+] 2 users Like saleem8026's post
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(20-09-2020, 03:44 AM)worldlover Wrote: Krishnaa is not jealous of Razia but she hates her with passion. On the other hand Arjun and Razia refer each other as best friends when there are only just the two of them are present. We will be able to know what actually happened years ago.
All the links were supposed to be connected. That is the story. Thanks for your comment. I love it when my readers try to guess what might have happened and what will happen. Thank you

Eagerly waiting for next update 

Binisha's day out
[+] 1 user Likes kamdev99008's post
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(23-09-2020, 11:43 AM)kamdev99008 Wrote: Eagerly waiting for next update 

Binisha's day out

I have started working on the next update. You guys have been so understanding of my slow & small updates. It is great for me. Thanks for the support. Kamdev99008 Sir, I am replying your comment but I mean it for everyone who reads my story and takes time to comment. Thank you all. 
Having said tha, I encourage everyone to comment in details about what they expect from the story & what they think of the incidents that happened so far. 
Everyone, have a goodnight & good life. God bless you.
[+] 1 user Likes worldlover's post
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no updates....
[+] 1 user Likes mindhunter11's post
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(23-09-2020, 08:39 PM)worldlover Wrote: I have started working on the next update. You guys have been so understanding of my slow & small updates. It is great for me. Thanks for the support. Kamdev99008 Sir, I am replying your comment but I mean it for everyone who reads my story and takes time to comment. Thank you all. 
Having said tha, I encourage everyone to comment in details about what they expect from the story & what they think of the incidents that happened so far. 
Everyone, have a goodnight & good life. God bless you.

Excited to know u started working on next update. When do you think You can treat us with your new update

Personally I am expecting Binisha update to be kinky and more revelation of plot
[+] 2 users Like Siva82's post
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Waiting, please post next update .
[+] 2 users Like axma55's post
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Hi Bro,

It seems you did not yet return from Banisha's day out. Come soon and give us the update how the outing went.
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 2 users Like Uday's post
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please update
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