Romance Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty
Dark Division - Dani Ch. 04

Dani and Vince were inside the cabin, temporarily out of the cold air outside that was only going to get worse. The large trunk they hauled from the lake had a huge padlock on it, and they knew it would take more tools than either had on them to open it. Vince had made the call to Nick as Dani sat huddled in one of the cabin's chairs rubbing her arms furiously.

"So, we're stuck here for the night? Damnit, and not even a change of clothes? I'm ffffffreezing." Dani's teeth were audibly chattering as Vince debated what they could do.

"We could put on clothes from these guys. But, I think things with the Chief aren't exactly going well. So, looks like we need to make the most of it here tonight. Listen, there's firewood on the porch, we can make a fire and warm up. But, first one of us should go out and put a ring of wardings around the cabin so we don't get any more guests, especially because we're in no condition to fight right now."

"Fuck, Vince I'm not wearing their clothes, but we have to find a way to warm up." She panted, huddled in on herself. Vince wasn't doing much better, but with a quick burst of energy, he ran to the door. Out on the porch he had seen a stack of logs and figured they were intended as firewood. He came in carrying as many as he could.

"I'll start a fire. You can do the warding, and then we'll see if the cabin has any other blankets or clothes or damnit anything?" They both sprang into action, and in another few minutes Vince had joined Dani searching the cabin for any clothes or blankets.

They found 3 blankets in the house, only three. Dani sat when they were done, hugging her arms around herself again. Thankfully, the fire started up easily and Vince could already feel the heat.

"Listen, we..uh...fuck it's cold...we need to get out of these clothes. Here, I'll hold a blanket up and you can take them off and wrap it around." Vince was trying to be a gentleman as best he could while he shivered.

"Fuck that, I'm not modest." Dani leaned down untying her shoes. Vince followed suit making quick work of taking off his soaked boots and socks and placing both in front of the fire place. When he stood up, Dani was just barely able to work out one knot on her boots.

"Here, let me help you." Vince got down on his knees and worked at her boots. Dani stood up letting him work there and peeling off her thick overshirt letting it fall on the floor. Before Vince could finish, she had discarded her undershirt as well. "Lift your legs so I can get these off." Vince removed each of her boots as she did, peeling her socks off as well. Her feet were like ice and he was worried that she might end up losing toes if they didn't work quickly. She was much worse than he was already.

"Thhhhhhhank you. Can you get my bra too?" Dani forced the words out. Vince swallowed hard before standing up to see her in a lacy blue bra that was soaked through. She turned around giving him access. He had imagined this moment too many times, but not exactly under these circumstances. He made quick work of the clasp opening it up to show her tattoo to him once more. He couldn't help but notice she had a few new scars.

When she turned around letting it fall and then throwing it onto the hearth with their shoes, he stopped dead. Her breasts were right in front of him and she was gorgeous. Looking up, he saw her eyes on him and he shook his head before making quick work of his shirt as well. Dani stood stiff watching as he stripped. Once he was down to just his boxers, he stopped and looked at her.

"Vince, I'm sorry, but my zipper's stuck too. I'm just too cold." Fuck, this girl was going to kill him. He walked over to her awkwardly. Thank god the water had been so cold that his cock was frozen or he would have poked her by now. He averted his eyes trying not to take in her chest as he undid her button and zipper. Her stomach beneath his fingers was like ice.

Dani struggled after he stepped back, but eventually freed herself from the rest of her clothes. She had no idea what the sight of her was doing to Vince, but he was definitely aware. Her body was beautifully tanned and although covered in goosebumps, she was still perfect in every way. She wasn't sickly skinny like too many girls these days. No, Dani had nice curves in all the right places. The firelight made a perfect pattern and he just barely saw the small neatly groomed patch of hair between her legs before she was seizing on a blanket to pull around herself.

Vince, unlike her, was modest, especially given how unimpressive his cock would look right now. Besides, his balls were practically non-existent having sucked back into a hiding place he barely remembered having. He pulled a blanket from the couch and turned around shucking his boxers and quickly wrapping himself up.

"Is that better?" He asked her hoping her temperature would rise.

"A little, but I'm still freezing." She shivered a little as she spoke and her hair still hung dripping down onto the floor.

"Here, I'll put these on the floor and you can curl up in front of the fire place under the blanket." Vince pulled the cushions off the couch and chair and arranged them in a line on the floor. They were fairly thin, but three of them lined up served as a pretty nice makeshift bed.

"Thanks, but aren't you cold?" Dani curled up on the cushions with the blanket wrapped around her.

"Yea, but it's all good. I'll just sit back here and warm up."

"Don't be ssssstupid Vince, lay with me next to the fire." Dani laid down rolling her eyes. Vince sighed knowing he was chilled to the bone as well.

"As long as you don't smack me like the last time I laid next to you." She rolled her eyes cuddling into the blanket. Vince lay down next to her trying to keep space between them. He heard her teeth still chattering and felt bad. He knew what the best thing to do was, but he was deathly afraid to suggest it. Of all the things he could not take it would be lying next to Dani naked.
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"I'm still cold; maybe we should grab the other blanket."

"Okay, I got it." Vince got up and pulled the other blanket from the couch laying it across them both.

"Don't those survival shows always say you're supposed to huddle together for warmth?"

"Yea, why?" Oh God his secret wish and worst nightmare were about to come true, weren't they? Jesus, she was going to kill him yet if the cold didn't.

"I think we should lay under all three blankets together and get warm. We can separate afterwards if it makes things to weird. Can you put more firewood on first though?" Dani still shivered a little, but her teeth finally stopped chattering

"Are you sure?"

"Fuck yes, I'm cold and I want that third blanket Vince."

He got up and put two more logs on the fire and placed another armful next to the hearth. The porch was freezing though, and by the time he got back he was more than on board with Dani's suggestion. Not able to think of the best way to do things, he stood frozen for a moment. Dani acted though pulling her blanket from her and laying it out to match the other one. Vince waited for her to roll towards the fire and then took his off and laid it on top. He scooted in next to her, not daring to touch.

"Just come here you big baby." Dani grabbed his hand pulling his body flush to hers. She was still cold, but he was somehow colder. He cuddled up to her putting his face near her neck and catching her scent. Even after all they had been through he could still smell the flowery scent of her shampoo. He tried to keep his hips back, but she soon tangled her legs with his.

"Thanks. I feel better already."

"Well don't you dare move, because I'm still cold." She snuggled her hips back pressing against his cock, which started to warm to her instantly. They lay there like that breathing and warming up for a few more minutes.

"You still have goosebumps, are you warming up."

"Yea, but I'm still a little cold, plus you're breathing on my neck and that drives me crazy."

"I can move if you need me to." Vince didn't want to move, in fact he had never felt more at home in his life. Her body molded perfectly to his and her fingers had now intertwined with his holding his palm to her stomach.

"No, not crazy bad, crazy good. Can I ask you something?" Dani seemed calmer, but was unreadable as she spoke. Vince's heartbeat raced at the thought of exciting her by being so close. He assumed he would never do anything for her unlike what she did to him.

"You can ask me anything, I mean we're already naked together. No real secrets after that huh?" He tried to be funny, not sure what she was about to say.

"Can you get me off with your hand?"

"What did you just say?" He assumed he heard her wrong, because there was no way that she just asked for what he thought he heard. Dani rolled onto her back.

"You know how when you're messing around under the blanket and it turns into an oven. Well, we could try that, but you know like 2nd base kind of stuff. So, if you could get me off with your hand my temperature would go up and maybe yours and we could just like hot box the blankets around us." She made a logical sound argument that Vince was definitely not expecting.

"Are you sure that wouldn't be weird? I mean, you're not into men right?" He searched her face looking for some invitation to say this would be more for her than just keeping warm.

"Well, a hand is just a hand right? And, I mean we're friends. I don't know I was just thinking out loud. I guess I figured jerking off next to each other would be weirder somehow, plus I get awkward doing that in front of someone I haven't fucked." He swore he saw her blush then, which he never in a million years thought he would.

"If it wouldn't feel weird for you, I'm game. I just don't want to make things awkward."

"It's only awkward if we're awkward, so if you can be chill about it so can I. Now stop debating and touch my lady parts Vince." She did a deep southern drawl on the last few words making him smirk. He pulled himself closer to her side, and propped up on one elbow letting her guide his hand downward. His fingers dipped down beyond the spot where her legs met. She spread them slightly giving him access. When his fingers felt soft heat he drew in his breath.

"I'm surprised you're wet with how cold it is." He whispered it out without thinking. It was glorious to feel her moisture and to map out what he couldn't see but always wanted to touch.
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"It's because you were blowing on my neck. That spot makes me get wet every time." His mind catalogued the information for later, hoping he would need it. He started tracing soft circles around her clit spreading her moisture over her pussy. He didn't want to dip in just yet. When he heard her moan, he knew she was okay with what he was doing.

"How does that feel?" He asked her, deciding he was going to treat this like any other time with an inexperienced girl and enjoy it if it was the most he would get from her.

"It's good, just don't baby me. You're being too soft." She opened her eyes, the color in her cheeks bringing out the light bluish green that caught the nearby firelight.

"Shut up and let me work. I'm good at this you know." He smirked at her leaning down and licking a stripe up her neck. His fingers pressed just a little harder and she caught her breath starting to shift under his hand.

He coached himself trying to focus on what he was doing and making her feel perfect. Vince was good at this, and he had to keep reminding himself of that even though Dani somehow made him nervous. His fingers threaded either side of her clit pinching slightly as he moved. She didn't react any differently. He pressed directly shifting up and down and she hummed lightly. Okay, now he was getting this.

A swift hard circle and she grabbed onto his forearm. Yes, that was it, the magic way. Now, he just had to decide if he was going to dip down further. He let his middle finger drag across her clit and then tease at her entrance. She moaned nudging his arm further. He curled his finger easing it inside just a little.

Dani's head rolled back a little and she let out a louder moan. That was precisely the signal he was looking for. His finger edged in further until he felt the small ridged section of flesh inside of her. A quick rub across it and her back arched up towards him. He rested the palm of his hand against her clit then and stroked her inside and out watching as she grew more and more animated.

Her core was sucking his finger in and engulfing him in warmth. He could feel his own temperature rise as he watched her. She groaned pulling her bottom lip between her teeth and looking into his face. It made his heart flutter to see her like this for him.

"Is that better?" He asked breathing heavier than he would have liked.

"So good Vince, another finger, please." She asked him making his body respond instantly as he allowed his index finger to slide inside of her. He was rubbing her with his fingers curled up knowing he was hitting all the right spots as his palm ground in a semi-circle against her clit. He felt her pussy get hotter against him and her clit harden as it all engorged with blood.

Soon enough she was panting and then he saw her hand groping her breast under the blanket. God, he wanted to do that so badly, or heaven forbid suck a nipple into his mouth.

"Don't slow down, I'm gonna cum...oh...oh fuck." She groaned the words at him taking his breath away as he watched her intently speeding up his pace only a fraction in that perfect way he always did right when he had a girl on the edge.

"That's it baby, cum for me." He whispered it out, saying it more for himself than her. Dani's back arched up and she let out a noise somewhere between a whimper and a scream as he felt her body contract and then pulse on his fingers. He held his breath as she came loving the feel of her on him. He slowed working her through it.

"Don't move yet, just give me a second." She was breathless as he felt her body twitch a little before stilling.

"Okay, now go again."

"You sure?"

"Yea, I can do three like this easy." She panted out and before she even finished his hand was back working. Another minute passed and she made the same noise sending another wave of pulses to engulf his hand as he felt moisture slide from her body coating him.

He echoed her previous instruction stopping after she came for a few moments before starting up again and as she said her body once more responded and she came undone a third time on his hand. When she finished then he pulled his hand from her.

Not even thinking, Vince rolled to his back and seized on his own cock. The feel of her wetness coated him and sent a jolt right to his balls. He was hard as a rock. He stroked lightly letting her slick mix with his precum deliciously.

"What are you up to?" She asked glowing in the firelight after her orgasms.

"Sorry, that was just hot." He was suddenly embarrassed at the fact she had noticed.

"No, I mean, it's my turn right?" Her eyebrows rose.

"If you want to."

"I want to, but you might have to talk me through it. I've never done this before." She smiled and he saw her hand move down on herself before he felt her warm palm grasp him with even more slick on it. He groaned out as she stroked along his cock. It was a welcome sensation, but suddenly she sped up going too fast too soon.

"Hey, hey, slow down. It's better if you go slow at first." He couldn't believe this was happening. Her hand with her wetness wrapped around his cock as he watched her. She looked determined as she watched his face.
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"My bad, like I said, I'm new at this. You're bigger than I remember from before." She was doe-eyed as she caught her lip and continued. His cock stiffened a little at the unexpected compliment.

"You're doing fine, just focus on the head for a minute and a little tighter." Dani followed his instruction instantly and he groaned again letting his head roll backwards a little. Fine was an understatement, between seeing her cum before and now looking in her face instead of just imagining it he was running for his release, not walking.

"Does it always get this hard? It's kind of awesome."

"Uh...yea...fuck that feels just the whole thing but a little faster." Vince's expression had gone from enjoyment to bliss as his eyebrows gathered up and he let his hips rock with her hand movements. She sped up then leaning into him a little more.

"This is really hot Vince, fuck you're rock hard." She was flushed as she spoke leaning towards him and letting her hand continue to speed up a little.

" on a second, hand me my sock." Vince barely got the words out as he felt himself rushing towards his orgasm. Dani paused and rolled backward shooting an arm out and seizing one of Vince's still damp socks handing it to him.

"Are you getting close? You feel harder now and really hot." She whispered it as he frantically positioned the sock at his opening. It meant he would have a bare foot in the morning, but it was worth the sacrifice for this. Plus, he didn't want to leave the blanket to clean up.

"I', just...just...oh god...don't stop." He was moaning and panting out between every word. Her body was pressed against his and he could feel her chest on his arm. He finally succumbed groaning out as his cock twitched in her hand shooting his cum into the sock in wave after wave as she continued her rhythm. When he was almost finished he laid one of his hands on hers stopping her movement.

"Sorry." She was genuinely unaware.

"It's okay, just slow and easy for a little gets really sensitive like you." He was breathing heavy and enjoying her stroking him as he calmed.

"Can you go again?"

"After that? No...that was a lot." He pushed the sock out of the blanket and removed her hand from his cock. His mind was still foggy from cumming and he only wanted to do one thing. "Can I kiss you Dani?"

"Vince, that's not a good idea. Let's just cuddle and sleep okay, it's perfect under here now." She smiled and rolled over. Vince slid in behind her wishing he could have those lips on his. They fell asleep like that and when Vince woke up, Dani was already up and partially dressed. She stood in her panties and her t-shirt leaning down for the rest of her clothes.

"Stan texted me that he and Nick are out and coming over to get us with all the stuff. I gave them the GPS, so we should probably get dressed."

"Uh..yea, sure."

"The good news is the clothes are dry." Dani smiled at him as if nothing was different at all. Of course, for her, that might be the case, but for Vince it definitely wasn't. Vince got up and pulled his boxers on before finding his jeans. He wasn't sure what to say, but he definitely didn't need questions from his partner.

"So, about last it good for you?"

"It wasn't bad. Your fingers are a little rougher than I'm used to. Was it good for you?"

"It wasn't bad. I'm not used to hand jobs much anymore. I mean we agree we're going to not be awkward though, right."

"Right. It was just the best way to keep warm Vince, plus kill a little time. No big deal right?"

"Yea, of course, I just when you didn't want to kiss I wasn't sure if that meant it was weird for you."

"Oh that. No, I just, well kissing is pretty intimate. I didn't want to go there with you. Plus, I don't want to lead you on Vince. I mean for me that was just kind of a fun way to keep warm, but I don't know what it was for you."

"You don't want to go there with me at all? Why not? It might not be so bad to go there. Maybe even go other places. I mean I'm not thinking we're going to be dating or anything, but having a little fun isn't leading me on." Vince was trying to venture out. Truthfully, he wanted more from Dani, so much more. He didn't want to push her out of his life completely though. He was hoping that they would at least find reasons to hunt together without being weird.
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"Vince, have you forgotten that I like chicks? Come on. I think you're dick is pretty awesome as dicks go, but I like another set of equipment."

"Well, I guess if you ever wanted to experiment or whatever you could let me know. Even if it's just for the sake of having some fun, I wouldn't mind so much."

"Thanks for the offer, but other than staying warm last night, I'm doing okay. Hey look there's the GTO."

Nick pulled up first, followed soon by Stan. The large trunk was swiftly loaded into the GTO, so the guys could take it back to the bunker to be opened and go from there. It was a quick goodbye for them all, but this time Nick and Stan had already agreed to keep in touch. The two had truly bonded and both hoped that it wouldn't be the last time they got to work together.


After the lake case, Dani and Stan went back to handling cases throughout the territory as Oz indicated. What had changed was how Dani felt. After their time in the cabin, she felt connected to Vince in some way. It wasn't in a romantic way, but she felt like Vince was someone that understood her on some level. That was only backed up as she talked to Stan about the time he spent with Nick. It was just a pity they all four couldn't work together longer.

That feeling of understanding is what made her send the first text message only a few weeks after they parted.

-Hey Vince, how are you? Any news on the trunk?

-Dani? I'm good.

Vince was caught off guard, but forced himself to respond. He had never figured Dani would reach out to him, but at the same time just seeing that she had sent a message made him smile. Then, he realized she had asked about the trunk and tried to remind himself that she was all business and probably was just curious about it's contents.

-The trunk had an old tablet in it. We're working on deciphering it. I'll let you know when we figure it out. How are you doing?

He sent the last part, and immediately regretted it. He wasn't sure if it was too much. Maybe it was him trying to be too friendly when she was just checking on work. When his phone pinged again, he looked down at her message with a sigh of relief.

-I'm good. Stan and I are just chilling at a safe house in Montana waiting to see what the next case will be. We just finished a small town witch case...boring...

Vince smiled at the words. He could almost hear her saying them. And, it made him smile. In the next instant, a picture of a barely furnished bedroom with a small twin bed came through.

-This is worse than a motel bed. The CIA really needs to upgrade some of these safe houses. I mean come on. Get a memory foam or something. Maybe a picture or two on the wall? How's the bunker?

This was new, and it had Vince completely enraptured. He wanted nothing more than to have this woman in his life and if this was the way it would happen, then he was more than happy to go with it.

-Because we worked that case with you last year, I got a budget allocation to upgrade the beds here. I made sure to buy memory foam for everyone. So, I get to sleep here.

Vince took a quick picture of himself laid out on the bed smiling and sent it to her. He looked at it just after and couldn't help but hate the jackass level smile that was spread on his face. I mean how could he not come up with a better pose than hey I'm an asshole on a bed?

-I'm so jealous. Anyways, I gotta try to get some sleep. Chat later?

How was he supposed to respond to that? He wanted to send a yes, please keep in touch. Followed of course by saying that he really cared what happened to her, and that she should stay safe. Maybe he should even tell her to come by and visit sometime. All of that was crazy though, right? Vince contemplated for a second, and then just typed the first mundane thing he could think of.

-Sure, message me whenever.

No response came from her, but still he thought maybe it was the start of something. Dani made him feel connected again. Nick and he were best friends and he had some other buddies that he messaged once in a while, but Dani lit a fire in him. There was just something about the woman that made him feel, truly feel again and he never wanted to lose that.

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-So, here we are at another hotel. Looks like a minor haunted object case this time. What I wouldn't give for some werewolves or vampires.

It was three more days before Dani messaged again. This time it was with a picture of a giant neon sign that read 'Starlite Inn.' The place was a hole in the wall, but it appeared to be where the CIA was putting them up. Vince had checked his phone obsessively for the past three days, so seeing her message was a godsend. He smiled instantly.

"What's got you so happy?" Nick walked into the library sitting down a plate full of food for dinner in front of Vince.

"Nothing, why?" Vince immediately let his smile fall as he put his phone to the side.

"Nothing? Come on, who messaged you?"

"It's just Dani, and it's nothing." Vince decided he could wait to respond. After all, he didn't want to add fuel to whatever Nick was thinking about and he didn't want to respond too quickly.

"Ah, so you're messaging with Dani. Is everything okay with them?"

"Yea, she was just telling me about the case they were assigned to and the latest crappy hotel." Vince decided to open up a little to his partner. What was he hiding for anyways, he and Dani were just talking.

"Oh, cool. I'm glad you guys are chatting. You have a lot in common." Nick smiled a little. It was clear that it meant a lot to Vince to get a message from Dani, and he could think of nothing better than seeing Vince smile once in a while.

"We're just friends Nick before you say anything."

"Hey man, don't get defensive on me. I'm just happy you have a friend that likes the same stuff as you. Then, I don't have to hear about cars constantly, you can talk to her." He laughed a little before starting to eat. Vince nodded.

After dinner, he contemplated what to say to Dani. He had to keep it friendly, and not be awkward. He promised her they wouldn't be awkward.

-Hey you're lucky. I would love to be out there dealing with a case instead of reading and cataloguing every day. And if I have to answer another rookie question about a demon one more time. I swear the Division gets more lax with training as time goes by.

-I know. Stan knows more than half the idiots we've come across. And, I'm just teaching him what I know. I don't think some of these guys should be out taking cases.

-So what's up with your car?

He figured the least he could do is show some interest in her world. Cars were one thing he had in common with her.

-They told me they are still working on my Mustang, so I figure it's dead. It's been a year. I'm just going to lodge the loss with the Division and request reimbursement. I miss that car, though. What do you think I should get next?

-Don't know. You want a muscle car? A classic? A Bronco?

-As if. I mean they stopped making good cars in the 70s. I'll have to look around, but if you see anything awesome let me know.

Vince was beaming as he sat there at the table. Nick was buried in his research as he went back and forth with Dani discussing what her next car should be. Even over text, he could sense her sarcasm and sense of humor. Dani was a woman after his own heart.

What he didn't see was how Nick watched him out of the corner of his eye. He could see Vince finally relax and seem happy. It was the first time in a long time that he saw this side of him, and he only hoped it would continue.

Throughout the next few months, the conversations continued. At first, it was irregular with some messages coming from Dani about cases or about a motel. They would occasionally go back and forth, especially about music or cars. Their commonalities became more and more apparent with each conversation.
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It was probably the second month after they started talking that the conversations became more and more. Now, Vince even felt comfortable initiating the chats. When it started to be at least one short conversation every other day, he started to look forward to it. Then, he started to need it. He needed to hear from Dani, know she was okay. More than that, he wanted to know what was going on in her life.

By month three of messaging with his newest best friend, Vince and Dani were dropping each other messages throughout the day. It was no longer who started a conversation or how often they updated each other. Now, they were just constantly chatting. Vince didn't even care anymore if Nick saw him messaging, hell he didn't notice. And, honestly, he had stopped thinking of Dani as a bed partner. Now, he cared about her, lover or not. Dani was his friend and he felt bonded with the beautiful woman on the other end of all those messages.

That bond was one he hoped would never break. Although, he still had his times of jerking off thinking about her, their conversations never went there. It wasn't sexual for Vince any longer. It caught him by surprise considering he had never been friends with a woman he didn't sleep with. Now, though, Dani wasn't the exception, but a measure which he knew he would use for any woman in the future.
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Dark Division - Dani Ch. 05

"Hey Dani, what's up?" Vince had to look twice at his phone. Despite all their text messages over the last few months, Dani had never once called.

"How you doin' Vince? I called to...uh... see what you were up to." Her voice

sounded off and he felt his overprotective side spring up at once. Even when it came to his friends, he was always ready to jump up if they needed help.

"We've just been cataloguing some new stuff all day, so I'm having a beer hanging out watching T.V. What are you up to?" He figured with Dani it was better to wait for her to open up to him.

"Stan and I are about two hours away from you working on a case. And, well....we ran into a problem."

"What's going on?"

"Well, it's just. Aw..hell I called because I needed a favor or something like that and you sort of offered before...and..."

"Slow down Dani, what's going on?" He could hear the frustration in her voice and hearing Dani like that worried him.

"You see Oz sent us on the case where people were disappearing. And, then we started investigating and we discovered that it's some type of Aphrodite worshipping cult."

"Seriously? Like the ancient goddess?"

"Yea I know right? As if we don't have enough organized religions already, we need to make dip down and find more."

"So what's up. Do you need information? I can find Nick and we can start looking this stuff up for you."

"No, it's not that. We had trouble finding the main hub at first, but eventually Stan located a few old buildings. We're planning to go in tomorrow night after we stake the place out during the day to see how many enter, etc."

"Okay, so what? Do you guys think you'll need back up? I can tell Nick and we can head out and meet you."

"No, well. Listen, just let me get this out Vince okay?"

"Alright, sorry. Go ahead."

"So Stan and I were around this old building that was one we thought might be involved. And, I got close to it and my head got fuzzy and I felt weak. It was pretty wild, and I was definitely in no condition to go further let alone fight. Well, Stan felt fine. So, then I thought maybe it was some spell or such for women. We found some chick and well convinced her to help. She had no problem getting close. That meant it was something about me. Well, Stan and I couldn't really figure it out or anything, so I asked Oz to send over everything he had on the goddess or her followers."

"Are you okay now Dani?"

"Yea, the feeling went away as soon as I left the area. Anyways, Oz sent a bunch of stuff over and we went through it. I went and talked to the families of the murdered women and well, I think I figured it out. All the victims were virgins, so I think there's some kind of spell or whatever that renders virgins unable to function or fight back once they are close enough. Then, these chicks are draining their blood and using it for rituals, etc."

"Alright, so why would it affect you? I mean you've definitely had sex before Dani. I've heard it in person."

"Well that's the thing Vince. I've had sex how we define it before and I've had things put inside me before - I mean you even..... Anyways, I think despite being a pro-feminist deity well they still define traditional sex as the only thing that counts."

"Oh shit. So you mean you've never..."

"Yep, you guessed it. I've never had true penis in vagina sex. And, I can't very well go in there being a liability. I don't want Stan to get hurt because of me. He's been coming a long way, but I still can't have him do this alone. Plus, there's the sheer embarrassment of telling Oz I can't handle this or telling anyone. So, that left me with a few options. First, I could ask Stan, but that would make things awkward and you know I kind of don't want to kill a good partnership. Second, there's the disgusting thought of going to a bar and finding some random asshole to just fuck me and be done with it. I really don't want to do that though. So, I thought well you offered to let me experiment if I wanted and you said to ask if I needed anything so...."

"So, do you want me to come help Stan kill them all?" Vince didn't want to let his mind go there. He had to be reading into this wrong; there was no way she was asking what he thought.

"Not exactly Vince. You see this made me realize that I have a handicap, and it's a fixable one. So, before this is an issue again, I should fix it. I guess I'm asking if your offer to experiment includes taking my virginity Vince."

"Holy shit. Dani, are you sure?"

"Yes. Trust me, I've thought about this a lot, I mean I've just been pacing and running over it again and again in my head and it makes sense. So, what do you say?"

"I.....shit....sorry I never thought you would ask that."

"You know what, forget about it. I'll just figure it out. But please..."

"Dani, wait. Just tell me where to meet you."

"Are you sure?"

"I told you anything you needed right? I'm a man of my word, Dani and I told you that I would always help you and that you could ask me to try anything. So, tell me where to meet you."
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"Well, we could just find somewhere to park and I could get to feel the leather in the back of the GTO too."

"Call me old fashioned, but I think your first time should be a little classier. Why don't I get a hotel room 15 miles or so from where you are and we can meet there?"

"Alright, but no romantic shit okay, just a wham, bam, thank you ma'am."

"I think you'll be thanking me."

"Seriously Vince? Just tell me when you're almost there and I'll make some excuses to Stan and come over."

"Oh, you'll be coming, I promise."

"I'm going now Vince." And with those words she hung up and Vince smirked. He only hoped he made things a little more comfortable with her with jokes.


From there, Vince got himself ready. He told Nick he was heading out to meet up with some waitress from the next town over. Then, he took a quick shower and threw on some clean clothes. He packed a quick bag with what he thought they might need. From there, Vince drove over to a hotel he found online that seemed somewhat nice. Strangely, the whole time he wasn't nervous. Given how much he had dreamed about this very moment, he was surprised.

It wasn't until he sent a text to Dani with his location that his heart started to speed up. This was Dani, the woman that had occupied his fantasies since the moment he met her, and now he was about to sleep with her. It was somewhat terrifying really. I mean what if he wasn't amazing and what if this killed the friendship he had started to develop with her. He hadn't been nervous like this since his first time.

He thought back to that first time. It was him and Deena Hannigan in her bed while her parents were out. She was a cute cheerleader and his 16 year old self couldn't imagine anyone being hotter, so that day was pretty much the pinnacle of his life at the time. They had spent all of 10 minutes together including foreplay and both were left feeling like it was the best sex they would ever have. Now, dozens of girls later and another lifetime almost, he wasn't sure how to even take a girl's virginity. Add in this was Dani, who definitely had some experience in this area and he almost felt crippled as he paced back and forth. It was terrifying alright.

That was the thought running through his mind when he heard the knock at the door. His hand shook as he reached the door and held out his hand to the handle. One deep breath, and he turned it trying to seem normal.


"Hey." Dani smiled and he saw a red color in her cheeks that was so new and so beautiful. He gestured inside.

"Come on in. It's not the Hilton, but."

"It's not bad, like I said the GTO would have been fine for me."

"Trust me this will be much better."

"Alright. Listen, I should tell you I'm weirdly nervous. It figures, I'm never really nervous about anything, but this...this would make me shaky." Dani took off her jacket throwing it across a chair before plopping down on the end of the bed heavily.

"Thank god. I thought I was the only one nervous. I mean you're only going to be the second girl I've deflowered. Plus, it's you."

"Okay, well, you can't say deflowered again, because that makes you sound like some creepy perv guy. And, you know if you don't want to do this I'll totally understand."
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"Dani, I've wanted to fuck you since the moment I met you. If you're going to offer, then I'll be damned if I won't take my chance." He turned to her placing a hand on her cheek. Vince leaned towards her starting to close the gap to those beautiful lips of hers.

"Good, because I don't think I could do this with any other man."

"Are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to." He leaned a little closer to her, trying to read her impossibly intense eyes as he spoke.

"I'm positive." She whispered it and he leaned the final bit, but connected with her jaw as she leaned to the side. "I would prefer no kissing on the lips if that's okay with you." She looked at him almost pleading.

Vince swallowed hard and thought for a moment before responding. But, he had realized at some point that he loved this woman. I mean he knew how much of an effect she had on him, but on the way here it dawned on him that he was driving two hours to sleep with her and it actually wasn't about sex at all. It was about her turning to him when she needed help and how it made him feel. He had realized that he would do anything for her, even if it meant burying what he really wanted and just giving Dani whatever she needed right now. So, if she needed to do this without one kiss, then he was more than willing.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said the words and Dani stood up moving so she was right in front of him. In the next instant, she toed off her Chuck's tossing them to the side. Then, she crossed her arms in front of her pulling up the hem of her t-shirt slowly. Vince watched, with his heartbeat increasing by the second as the fabric moved to reveal her stomach. Then, over her blue satin bra until it was discarded over her head and onto the floor. Her hair hung long framing her face in soft waves.

His hands moved up to her sides, one thumb tracing the outlines of her scar. The circular white lines were only slightly raised and it did nothing to mar the feel of her skin under his fingers. Dani moved around behind her unhooking her bra. Her breasts fell free and Vince swallowed thickly as he watched the fabric get discarded onto her shirt.

"You're beautiful." He looked up into her face and she smiled softly. "May I?" He asked it as he moved his fingers to the button on her jeans. She pushed hair behind her ears that fell as she looked down.

"Um...sure." He pulled the metal button free from its hold and slid her zipper down revealing matching blue satin panties. He looked up into her face and saw the uncertainty there. It made him hesitate for a second, and he kept his gaze on her face as he slid his hands into the side of her pants pushing them down to the floor forcing his gaze to leave her. Dani lifted her right foot putting a shaky hand on his clothed back and Vince delicately slid the denim from her foot. She switched over to the other foot and her hands remained on him. Her socks followed easily, leaving her in only her panties.

When he sat back up, he looked into her eyes again and returned his hands to her sides, trying to calm his own nerves. Being this close to her barely clothed body was making him crazy already and he didn't want to rush this, not with her. Dani's hands went to the sides of her panties and he saw the shaking in them suddenly, and he slid his own down seizing on them.

"Wait." Vince stood up and pulled her face with him. "'s just me relax. I'm not going to hurt you. I never will. Just tell me is the kissing rule just for your lips? Or is it for everywhere?" He smiled at her cocking an eyebrow.

"Just the lips. And, Vince, thank you." She looked like a weight had been lifted as Vince shifted and started a soft open mouth trail along her jaw and to her earlobe. The soft flesh pulled between his teeth so perfectly and he sucked it in, nibbling a little. Dani exhaled and shifted her neck to the side giving him a clear path as he started another slow trail downward to her pulse point. A soft moan escaped her lips as she grabbed onto his elbows. HIs hands framed her face holding her as he explored her soft flesh all the way to her collarbone.
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"You taste so perfect. I've wanted to kiss every part of you for so long." He let the words go as he continued. His own body responded as he let his hands trail down grazing past her nipples. "Come here." He took her hand and pulled her around to the side of the bed. Dani seemed so timid right now, and it took his breath away. This beautiful strong woman seemed so scared right now, and all he wanted was to make this incredible for her.

He leaned around her unmaking the bed in a single motion of his hand.

"I'd like to taste more of you, but it's a little awkward standing up."

"You know you don't have to do that, right?" She put her own hands on his face now and they were so close he could feel her breath on him. It was killing him right now to not grab her face and kiss her with every fiber of his being.

"Dani, this isn't about what I have to do. I want you, all of you. I know you just want friends and this is because you have to, but I want you to leave this room feeling incredible and I want it to be because of me. Will you let me make love to you, please?" He was earnest as he stood there staring into her eyes and watching as they searched his own for sincerity.

"You know this isn't about feelings for me, right? I mean I trust you and you're a friend of mine that's why I asked. But, I'm not going to convert and be your girl or something after this." She almost looked sad as she stared at him.

"I know and I'm okay with that, but I get to have you for one night. Even if it's the only night I ever have, I want it to be a good memory." And that was the first time he lied to Dani about his feelings. He had to though, because if he told her that he would never be okay with not having all of her then this would be over. He couldn't risk not having her at least for one night. When he spoke she paused as if thinking and he wondered if she could tell that it was more than just getting to fuck her tonight.

He waited for her to speak after that, but she didn't. She just sat down onto the bed. A quick turn and she was laying down waiting. Vince bent over untying and pulling off his boots and socks. He climbed onto the bed then straddling her on all fours before lowering his mouth to her neck again.

"Oh, I almost forgot." He jumped up suddenly, grabbing his phone.

"You're not going to tape this for future reference are you?" Dani smiled, looking a little nervous still.

"Nope, just want to help you relax a little." With those words, he pressed play on the playlist he created. The songs made him think of her and it brought a smile to his lips. Instantly, Communication Breakdown started to play and he saw Dani visibly relax as he climbed back onto the bed.

"Ah, a soundtrack, that works." She smiled at him and he returned her gaze with his own grin. Vince leaned down and started a soft, slow trail of kisses down her neck, then her chest before looking up into her face and trailing down further. One of his hands held him up as he cupped her breast and let his tongue trail over her nipple.

A soft moan escaped Dani's lips and he looked up watching her eyes as he released her and moved to her other side switching his arms. Her knees bent as she pulled a leg out and moved it to his side. In another instant her arms went around him pulling him down onto her. He relinquished letting some of his weight rest on her body as she pressed her hips upward.
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"Bite it a little, please." Her whispered words made him hum even as he continued to suck on her nipple before lightly grazing his teeth over it and pressing down with them. "Oh, yes." Her head went back and he felt her press her pelvis against him.

"Your tits are amazing."

"I know." She said and he scoffed a little.

"Cocky much?" She had her mouth open to answer as she smiled, but only a moan came out as he seized on her other nipple again giving it the same treatment as the first.

Vince smiled and continued his trail downward kissing and licking along her abdomen before finding her hips. He looked up again catching her gaze before nuzzling into her covered pussy taking in her scent. His cock twitched as he caught the smell of her wet heat. Now, his fingers went to the sides of the fabric pulling it away and Dani lifted her hips facilitating their removal. Vince pulled himself up sitting on his haunches as she freed the fabric from her ankles and tossed it to the side.

"You really are incredible Dani. All of you." He smiled and she pulled her lower lip between her teeth just staring at him for a moment with a slight smile. It was good to see her smile.

Vince's hands went above his head pulling his t-shirt up and off over his head. He came back up to her kissing her neck and letting his chest rest against her. She wrapped her arms around his head threading her fingers through his hair as he sucked on her flesh.

"Would it be okay if I really tasted you now?" He cocked an eyebrow as he moved to look into her face once more.

"Depends if you're any good at it."

"Oh baby, I'm the best." He winked at her, knowing this truly was one of his gifts.

"I know a lot of girls that would beg to differ." Dani smirked back and laughed a little. It made him feel better instantly to see her relax back into her smart ass self again.

"Give me a pillow and let me show you." Dani reached over and grabbed a pillow handing it to him. "Now, lift those hips up." She complied and he eased the pillow beneath her giving him the perfect angle to look at what he thought was the best pussy he had ever seen.

Vince eased himself downward and started trailing kisses along her inner thigh. Dani watched him and spread her legs a little further apart as he made his way closer to her core. He leaned in to taking a long lick from bottom to top and Dani gasped throwing her head backward. He went to her other leg then starting another trail of kisses.

"Fucking tease." She smiled at him and he winked at her again before drawing another long stripe along her body.

Vince set to work then, determined to make this the best oral he had ever given in his life. His lips brushed and sucked along her every surface taking in the softness of her flesh as she moaned and sighed above him. His tongue would focus on her clit long enough to hear her breathing get heavy above him only to leave it to taste other parts of her. His tongue delved into her every crevice ending up in her inner sanctum pulling a low groan from her. Her legs shook as he returned to her perfect pink nub.

In another instant, he slid a finger hesitantly inside of her and the feeling that surrounded him went straight to his cock. He felt moisture roll from his own tip as he found the perfect spot inside of her. She panted and he watched as her tits rose and fell quickly.

"So good Vince...more please." She panted and looked down. Her face was flushed and her pupils blown wide. Vince took the invitation and slid a second finger inside. Her body gripped him tightly and he felt himself throb inside of his jeans. He let his tongue flick over her clit before sealing his lips and pulling it into his mouth with a hard suck. Dani's back arched and she cried out.

Vince's fingers were soaked as he started a slow upward rock focusing pressure on the spot he knew felt so good for her. Dani's hand shot out grabbing onto the back of his head. He went all in sucking on her clit while flicking it with his tongue as his fingers continued their motion.
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"Yes....oh fuck...Vince...fuck...yes..." Her words were like magic in his ears and Vince let a low groan escape his throat, vibrating through her even as he held on. Dani screamed out gripping onto his head. Her body arched from the bed with her legs closing on him and stiffening. He held himself still letting her rock on his body as she needed. His tongue lightly caressing her clit as he watched her calm and start to breathe again. "Oh fuck....that was...."

"Yea it was. Now, give me more." He pulled her clit back into his waiting lips and his fingers went back to their previous motions. Dani's breathing increased again and she started to moan and sigh wantonly above him. It was such a perfect moment and Vince only hoped he could hold onto it forever in his mind.

"I....I'm....OH YES!" She screamed out again locking up on him. Vince stayed still once more letting her ride it out as he rubbed his still covered cock on the bed slowly trying to ease the ache that was building in him.

When she calmed this time, he pulled his fingers from her and licked them clean as she watched. When he was done, he wiped the back of his mouth and moved back up towards her.

"So, what's the verdict?" Vince hovered before her face feeling the wet heat of her core on his lower abdomen and trying to get himself under control.

"You're a pretty close second." She smiled still breathless and flushed completely down to those perfect tits of hers.

"I can do more if you think you can handle it."

"I can, but I think maybe we should uh..."

"Are you sure you want to still?"

"Yes, please Vince. I'm ready." She looked at him evenly and he moved to his back, undoing his jeans and sliding them down. He threw them off the bed and looked up to see Dani watching him intently propped up on her elbows. He slid his boxers off the same and tossed them over before rolling back to her. He held the side of her face and leaned down to kiss her jaw, taking it as much the same as kissing those beautiful lips again.

"I don't suppose you're on birth control." He asked it taking the slim chance that he wouldn't need one of the condoms and could feel her naturally. Fuck if that wasn't a desperate dream of his.

"Sorry, never have been." She caught her lip again and he felt himself respond to the expression instantly.

"Then, stay here a second." He sat up and hopped from the bed heading towards the small duffle bag in the corner. He opened it quickly fishing for the condoms. He tore one free and the looked at the lube he brought. He seized it just in case and came back over to her.

Vince got back into the bed with her lying on his back as he started to struggle with ripping open the foil package.

"May I?" Her voice stopped him and she took the package from his hands. She finished the tear he started before pulling the condom out. His breath caught as she moved towards his cock. She stroked along his length softly with her hand.

" I'm way too excited for that." He caught himself even as another bead of precum rolled from his tip. "We'll never get any further if you keep doing that." He chuckled.

"Okay. Um...Vince?"


"Is there a top and bottom to this thing?" He laughed and looked up at her. "Sorry, I've never.....used one." She looked almost embarrassed and he took the rubber circle from her flipping it over and handing it back upright. Just the touch of her hand made him shudder as she slowly unrolled it down his length. Vince was amped up beyond belief and this was driving him crazy.

"There perfect. Now, how do you...I mean...." He was gesturing between them and she just looked at him for a second.

" guess you on top would be the best. Sorry...I."

"It's alright. It's always a little awkward the first time with anyone. Now, just lay back and relax." Dani eased back down and looked at him. Vince moved to between her legs and used his hand to find her entrance positioning himself.

"Okay, I'm ready." She was breathing a little heavier as he pressed forward letting just the first inch of his cock slide in.

"Let me know if we need the lube, and tell me if it hurts too much, okay?"

"Okay." She shook her head as she spoke and Vince pushed a little further in. His arms shook a little as he held himself back. Dani felt so good surrounding him and the look on her face as he moved had him mesmerized. He saw her eyes squeeze a little and he froze, halfway home and feeling himself going crazy already.

"You alright?" He was breathing heavy now.

"Yea, just a little pinch, but mostly I just feel really full." She caught her lip again and opened her eyes to look at him. Vince pushed further until he was completely buried and held himself there.

"Oh're really tight Dani." Vince's breathing was very ragged as he tried to calm his body down. Her walls were encasing him with heat, and the realization that this was Dani, who he had wanted so badly for so long was making his brain go crazy. Vince could always control himself, but this seemed so different. He pulled out a little then and pressed back inside.
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"Wow, Vince...that feels...I mean... kind of good." She sighed out as her fingers ran along his scalp. Suddenly, she contracted around his cock making him groan out.

" can't do that or I'm gonna cum....hold still for a minute." Vince panted out as he tried to force his mind to think of anything else. He wanted to make this incredible for her. He needed to hear her scream with him inside, anything to show her that he was worth more than just this one time.

"Sorry.....I get that way when it's good...girls love it....this is better than I thought, but I really want you to move...please." Her head leaned back in front of him and she moaned.

"I'm trying really hard not to think about this right now, can you not mention other chicks? I need a minute baby." Vince's cock was on the verge of releasing. He felt his balls tightening and his stomach flexed with his effort to not let go.

"But Vince..." Dani pulled her head up so her mouth was level with his ear and her entire pussy tightened on him like a vise.

"Oh...oh fuck, fuck, fuck." His cock convulsed sending his cum into the condom as he came. It had been too much, just too much and her grip on him had made his mind return to what he was doing. His fingers dug into her shoulders as his eyes squeezed shut and the unwanted orgasmic sensations washed over him. When he had emptied himself he was breathing heavy and he felt his body relax on her.

"Vince? Did you just cum?" Dani looked at him with a puzzled expression.

He leaned his forehead on hers for a second before tilting up. "Uh yea...sorry....fuck's just that you are so tight and feel so good. Plus, your noises before and that, well that it's you...I'm inside you Dani...I just couldn't hold it. Fuck." Vince was so angry with himself. He shifted his cock backwards and out of her.

" what?" He couldn't read her expression as she spoke.

"I'm just going to get cleaned up and in a few minutes we can try again." Vince sat up on his haunches. "Don't move." He got up then racing to the bathroom of the motel room to remove the condom and clean himself. The traces of blood on the condom making him smile a little knowing he just took Dani's virginity. He was out a few moments later and there she stood with her panties on fastening her bra behind her back.

"Hey, what's up? I told you to stay put." Vince grumbled at her, trying to be playful and yet dominant.

"I know Vince, but it's all good. I mean I'm officially not a virgin anymore, so I'm good to go." She smiled as she grabbed her jeans from the floor and started to slide her legs in.

"That's not why I said stay put. I don't leave a girl unsatisfied, and I promised you I would give you great sex. So, like I said give me a few minutes and I'll blow your mind." He was trying not to be awkward. He hadn't had such a short time since high school. It left him feeling more than awkward right now.

"I appreciate the gesture, Vince, I really do. But, come on. We both knew what this was about; you don't have to impress me. Honestly, I'm not going to tell anyone that you were so's not my style." She had her shirt on by the time she finished her sentence and was on the edge of the bed pulling on her socks and shoes before he could even think of what to say.

"Dani, that's not what it was about for me. I don't care what you tell anyone else, I wanted to make you feel good." He grabbed his boxers pulling them on as he approached her.

"This was what I expected it to be Vince, so you did great. I just like a different set of equipment, remember? Don't make this weird huh? I'll call you guys when I need you again. Don't die on me before then." Dani walked over to him and brushed his cheek with her fingers placing a soft kiss on the opposite cheek before turning and walking out of the motel to leave Vince standing in the center stunned.

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Dark Division - Dani Ch. 06

"Hey, so you know Oz called and said he's sending Stan and Dani over with an artifact they recovered after an Aphrodite cult case. He said it's pretty powerful, calling to and disabling virgins at the same time. Oz wants it kept in the vault after we take pictures and catalogue it." Nick came into the kitchen where Vince was busy making himself lunch.

"Okay, cool." He gave a brief reply trying to seem as non-chalant as possible.

"Cool? I thought you'd be excited you were going to see her again. I mean you two have been talking a lot since the whole frozen lake thing right?" Nick was prying and the last thing Vince wanted to do was feed into his suspicions.

"Yea, we have, but we're just friends Nick. I mean don't read into it more than that."

"Right. And that look on your face every time she texts you doesn't mean anything either? Come on, I get it she only wants friends, but you're allowed to want more and who knows what the future might bring. This line of work changes people Vince."

"I'm not holding my breath Nick, but I am glad to have a friend to talk bands and cars with. So, there you have my secret. If it were another world where she didn't like chicks as much as I do, then I would be more than happy to date her. But, I live in the real world."

"Fine. How was your date with the waitress two nights ago? You never said anything."

"The waitress?" Vince was caught up in his own brain and didn't have time to put it together.

"Yea, you left the other night, like almost all night to go out with that waitress."

"Oh, right. It was okay, probably won't see her again."

"Why? She didn't put out on the first date?"

"Sure something like that." With those words Vince couldn't handle anymore and he made his way out to the living room to watch some TV. At least he knew Dani was safe now and the case had gone well. She hadn't been in contact since the night at the motel, and he certainly didn't want to reach out after what happened. Now with her coming here, he had a new worry. He never kept anything from Nick, and doing so now was killing him.

After he ate lunch, he joined Nick in the library. His partner was always really into this stuff, so he was buried in books already trying to find what he could on the Aphrodite worshippers and this new artifact they were about to get. Vince pulled his chair out across from him and settled in pulling a book from across the table in Nick's stack.

"So, check this out." Nick turned his computer. "It says here that in ancient times the blood of virgins gave these women eternal youth. Apparently, the women who performed the rituals lived a normal life span, but never aged once they were involved. I wonder if this artifact was part of that ritual." Nick was pointing out something, but Vince barely registered it. It was like every time the word virgin came out all he could do was picture Dani's face as she left. He had the perfect opportunity to show her he was worthwhile and he dropped the ball.

"Uh...yeah. So, what can I help look for?"

"Well, I'm trying to figure out if we have any information on the worshippers past the ancient stuff. I figure if Dani and Stan took this group down, then maybe others might still be out there and we should shut them down before they come looking for the artifact and before they kill anyone else."

"Alright, well I might as well dig in."

"Thanks man, and listen sorry to bring up this thing you had with her. I just...I've never seen you like this about any other woman, and well you never want to talk about Dani. I know you're talking to her, so it's just a little weird you not being open with me." He looked up at Nick and saw the concern in the younger man's eyes. He had a point and as much as he had his reasons for not talking to his partner, Vince knew it wasn't the right thing to do. Nick could handle this right? He wasn't going to do anything stupid.

Vince was about to say something, when Nick's phone went off.

"It's Stan, says they're outside." The text message took the moment away from him and Nick jumped up heading for the door.

Vince made his way down past the kitchen heading to the front door. He was just in time to see Stan and Nick hauling in a box between them and Dani following close behind.

"Hey Vince, wanna check it out. It's pretty cool." The young guy lit up as he spoke, and Nick shared almost the same look.

"Sure. Hi, by the way."

"Sorry hi." Stan was still excited as he walked past Vince with Nick hoisting the large box up and placing it on the library table.

"Hey Vince." Dani looked at him, and her eyes held something he couldn't place. His hands immediately crossed in front of his chest to mirror hers as he walked with her to follow Nick and Vince to the box.

"Hey." He was soft as he spoke and they approached.

"That is so cool looking. And, it's ivory too huh?" Nick stared at the ancient looking pot inside the small box. Vince had to admit it was pretty awesome.

"Yea, and if you look at the carvings, you can see the wear lines, but it is still in pretty pristine condition. I mean can you imagine how much blood this thing has held over the years. It's crazy. If we could get DNA from it, we could even figure out what virgins were sacrificed by these crazy bitches."

"Listen, do you want to stay for a few hours and help get started on photographing it. I want to decipher as much of this as I can. And, we can even order dinner and sit down. I know Dani and Vince have been talking, but I'd love to get caught up on some of what you guys have been doing. I miss being out in the field a little bit."
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"That sounds good to me man, but it's up to Dani. She told Oz we'd be available as of tomorrow. What do you think, can we spare a few hours so I can geek out with Nick?" He looked at his partner, who still stood awkwardly nearby and Vince watched as she melted at the same look he had gotten from Nick too many times.

"I suppose so, but the geeking out is all you. I did hear you guys have a shooting range, maybe I could check that out?"

"We do, and it's pretty nice. Vince can take you there. He's not into this stuff as much as I am either."

"Uh...yea. I wouldn't mind firing off some rounds." Vince looked a little taken aback. And, he almost smacked himself in the head at what he just said.

"I forgot, thank you for the information. Dani and I couldn't figure out what was affecting her at the building. But, when you told her about looking for the etched in spell and scratching it off that did the trick man. I'm glad you guys are available for a call when we need something." He nodded at Vince.

"Oh, yea, sure man, anytime."

"Wait, you guys called for intel?" Nick looked up at Vince with a raised eyebrow.

"Yea, didn't Vince tell you?" Stan seemed to not pick up on the sudden shift in the air around them, but Dani did and she shifted awkwardly with her hands in her pockets.

"Uh, you were busy and I just kind of knew it, so I guess I forgot to say anything."

Vince looked at his partner and shrugged.

"Right. Anyways, let's get this thing down the hall." Nick turned back to Stan and they put the lid back on the box heading towards the vault.

"Sorry, I had to give him a cover story. He was way too suspicious." Dani averted her eyes a little as she looked at him.

"No worries. I didn't realize you guys would be coming by, or I would have done the same with Nick. Anyways, I'm just glad that everything worked out with the case. I didn't hear from you, so I wasn't sure if...that...did the trick." He couldn't bring himself to say the words.

"Yep, worked great. Didn't feel weird or anything when we went near the place afterwards. So, I suppose I won't have that problem again. Thanks."

"My pleasure. And, uh, you know if you ever want to try anything again...let me know." He put his own hands in his pockets as he looked down at his feet trying to will himself to think of something better to say.

"I will keep that in mind. But, Vince, can we um...well can we go back to not awkward friends, because this is killing me." She smiled at him and punched him lightly in the upper arm. He raised his head and saw that same Dani he always knew and he was finally able to breathe again.

"Absolutely. I do want you to know though, that I am not normally so...well quick."

"I get it. Trust me, I get it. I've pined after my share of women and the buildup can kill you."

"Thanks Dani." He leaned into her putting a hand on her cheek and leaned over placing a light kiss on her other cheek. "Now, let's go shoot some shit."

"Oh hell yeah!" She grinned widely and tossed her jacket over a chair following him through another corridor of the bunker.

From there, it seemed like everything was going to be okay again. Vince and Dani laughed and enjoyed trying out all the guns the armory had to offer - at least those that could be fired indoors. By the time they were done, they came out to the kitchen still laughing to find Stan and Nick talking over beers.

"Hey guys, so did you enjoy your artifact?" Dani asked first and Nick saw the difference immediately.

"Yep, and ordered two pizzas, including an all meat spectacular just for you." Stan smiled at her.

"Most excellent!" Dani's face lit up as she spoke. Vince smiled at her exclamation. It was good to see her happy again.

They all ate then and shared in reverie like they had before. The four of them really made a good team. When they finished dinner, Dani and Stan said their goodbyes making their way out to the car with the usual casual parting they would have with anyone that came to the bunker. After seeing them off, Vince and Nick returned inside to clean up.
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"So, are you going to tell me what happened, or are we just going to keep pretending that nothing is going on between you and Dani." Nick broke the silence as he handed Vince another beer.

"What are you talking about?"

"Let me lay it out for you. So, you don't tell me that you did some 'research' for Dani." He did air quotes a sure fire sign that he knew what happened or at least had a good guess already. "And, Stan tells me that she had a lot of trouble bordering on being incapacitated on the very night that you had a date with some waitress you won't name. The next day though, she's mysteriously better and able to handle a full fight next to the artifact. Oh, and maybe I should mention the artifact only affects virgins."

"Look, she told you that I merely suggested that she scratch off the warding on the place and that did the trick."

"Ah, then how about the awkwardness when she got here. Give me a break Vince. Just be straight with me, something happened between you and Dani. You can keep lying to me if you want, but honestly it's bullshit and you know it." Nick shook his head and sat back down at the table with his beer.

"Goddamnit, fine something happened okay. I don't understand why you care so much. Look, she needed to fight those chicks and the relic made it impossible, so I helped her fix the problem. That's it, that's all."

"Something happened? You took her virginity didn't you? Holy shit Vince, how could you not tell me about that?"

"Because I didn't want you to go down that whole path about me pining after her and about how I had feelings. Of course I have feelings, and it should have been the damn best night of my life but I even fucked that up." Vince sat heavily down on the other side of the table putting his head down on his arm.

"What? How could you fuck that up? I've heard you with tons of women and they were screaming not complaining."

"I know, but it was her Nick, and it was like I was a teenager all over again. It was my one shot at her and that's the night my body chooses to have a hair trigger. Go ahead, laugh away, the great Vince came early like a fucking high school kid." He was ready for it, ready to take whatever ridiculing that Nick had to offer. Vince had beaten himself up enough already, so what was the big deal now.

"Oh shit man. Listen, I get it. I've had those nights before with a superhot chick. I didn't know Vince. I wouldn't have pushed."

"Well now you know. I blew my one chance at having the woman I'm crazy in love with."

"What? Vince you're in love with her? I...I don't know what to say. I've never heard you talk like that."

"Well, I've never felt that way about a woman before, not like her. But all I can hope for now is to be her friend, and I'll be damned if I'm going to fuck that up. That means no matter what you will not say a damn word about this to her or anyone else."

"Hey, my lips are sealed, but what are you going to do man? I mean I don't think she's converting any time soon. You have to get over her Vince. Seriously, or it's going to fuck you up forever."

"I know, and after the whole lake thing, well I thought I was past all that. Like moving on, good with just being friends. But then, this happened, and I'm right back to feeling like an asshole."

"Listen, you can't...wait what happened at the lake?"

"That is private, but let's just say I saw a lot of Dani and we had to keep warm somehow."

"Holy shit. I knew you seemed too happy that morning. Anyways, you can't lose her Vince above everything else. If you think that means you'll just be friends, then just be friends. I think you guys are just kindred spirits and it may not mean romantic stuff, but it means something. So, just be a good friend and see where it goes."

"That's what I'm trying to do, but it's damn hard. Hey, you wanna go out and get a beer somewhere, like do something moderately social?"

"Sounds good, I'm buying, let's head out."

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From there, life again returned to normal. There was no reason for it not to as Nick and Vince went back to their regular routines at the bunker. Vince and Dani resumed their regular text chatting and occasionally even talking on the phone. They got close, and for Vince it meant having someone that he felt connected to just like he did with Nick. He might want more, but at least Dani was open to him.

It wasn't until late summer that Vince didn't hear from her for almost a week. He tried not to worry, to assure himself that it was just because she was busy. That all changed though, when they got a call from Paul, who was covering for Oz. In an instant, Vince was running through the halls telling Nick to get his shit together because they needed to go. From there, it was a white knuckle ride where Nick asked a dozen questions, but Vince only had answers to one important one. All he knew was that Dani was in trouble and he would be damned if he didn't go help her.

He forced Nick to drive when he couldn't anymore and before long they pulled up to an old farmhouse. Vince took a deep breath and headed straight for the door. Nick barely had time to think before he was racing to follow Vince inside. All he had gathered so far was Paul said Dani was in bad shape and he couldn't get to her, but he was worried.

Vince knocked on the door to the old farmhouse and waited. He heard Nick scrambling behind him, but all he cared about was getting to her. He needed her to be okay. He tried the handle and it turned easily. He saw the etchings around it, but they were clearly not intended to keep humans out. When he opened the door and came inside, he trailed down the small hallway to the kitchen where he saw lights on.

There she was distraught, completely beside herself and drunk to boot and he had never seen her like that. Not once. Vince needed her to be okay, he was used to the tough Dani who never needed anything. Sure she would call for help, but she always held her own. That's part of the reason he fell in love with her. This shell of a woman in front of him just wasn't Dani.

"Hey Dani, shit...what's up?" Nick came in past his partner who stood like a statute staring.

"Nick? Vince? Why are...why here?" Her words were slurred as she spoke.

"Paul called, said you called him all fucked up, but he couldn't help because he's covering for Oz. So, he called us as the closest." Nick chimed in.

"Oh, he's great...I love Paul. Yea, well, I have a little problem and I am too chicken . . . chicken shit to handle it." She was obviously drunk as she spoke. Vince was thrown so far off kilter seeing her like this. The last time they'd spoken, she was heading to a safe house for a few days with Stan and was supposed to call when they were onto the next case. When he hadn't heard anything, Vince hadn't reached out, not wanting to push too hard, but seeing her like this made him just want to hold her again and tell her everything was okay. Sadness was a part of her he never wanted to see.

When she looked up at him, her crazy beautiful eyes were filled with tears and bloodshot, it was totally different from the last he saw her. Dani looked broken, truly broken.

"What's the problem?" Vince pulled himself together acting as if she was just another agent to him. It was easier than letting her see the hurt in his eyes from seeing her like this.

"It's Stan. He...they took him from me." Dani's level of upset and drunk was making it almost impossible for her to put together sentences at this point. "Vince...they took him...I loved him and they took him." A fresh set of tears made his pride drop away as he walked over to the table and squatted between her legs.

"Dani...sweetheart...look at me." Vince lifted her face as Nick watched. Nick knew their history, all of it by now after too many drunken nights listening to Vince pine for her. He knew his partner was probably right to try to discard his romantic feelings, but being here in front of Dani again made his love for her resurface.

"Oh Vince...I'm so sorry. Are you mad at me 'cause I didn't call you first? I was just trying to reach Oz. I'm so sorry."

"No...hey...listen...I'm not mad. Nick and I are here to help you, but you have to pull it together and tell us what's going on. Do you need coffee baby?" His thumb wiped a tear away from her cheek.

"Okay Vince. Will you make me coffee?" She was focusing on him which was enough for him to know that she just needed something to pull her back from the complete drunk that she had reached.

"Sure Dani...we got you. Just try to start from the beginning." Nick sprang into action. He took off his coat and threw it over the back of a chair. Vince watched making sure that Nick was starting on coffee and then he pulled a chair around so he could sit and face her.

"A few days ago, I heard there were vampires on the outskirts of town. And, I started investigating. The last thing I needed was bloodsuckers in my hometown."

"So, you used to live here?" Vince's green eyes held hers and he saw recognition in her face that she could trust him.

"This isn't just a safe house. It's my childhood home. I come by every few months to check on friends. I knew it was stupid, I mean agents can't have attachments, but I really wanted to stay in touch. And, Stan doesn't mind, he likes it here too. Plus, he never says anything to Oz." A glimmer of a smile crossed her lips and it made him sad for what he knew was the likely end of the story.

"He's a good guy Dani, we know." Vince answered.

Nick walked over and sat down on the other chair as he waited for the coffee pot to finish. "So, what did you find out about the vamps?"

"There was a new group, like maybe five or six. I went over during the day, but they had a few humans watching out. I'm sorry...bear with me...I'm pretty fucking drunk Nick." Dani smiled half-heartedly at him. Vince felt a pang of jealousy as she looked at his partner. He knew Nick cared about Dani, but he didn't like the thought that they might have a connection he wasn't involved in.

"Okay, so you know where they are, did you try to take them out?" Vince asked her pulling her attention back. Her eyes held his fixed.
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"I took out one of the humans and then they were all alerted. I barely made it out of there. I decided to...well, fuck...I'm so foggy...decided to hang out then come in with big guns, but they've turned a bunch in town...and I led them here. I led them to Stan. Vince...I put him in danger, my Stan. He's like my brother." With those words, Dani drifted again into her own thoughts and tears poured from her eyes.

"Dani...hey...come on, be the tough agent for me again...come on. They followed you and what happened?" Vince held her gaze. It was killing him to see those beautiful eyes filled with tears and turned red from the liquor and the crying.

"They got him. I came home and he was in my bed, my old bed...but it was wrong - blood, so much blood everywhere. He was bitten all over Vince, Stan was bitten. He was covered...they tortured him. He was so sad when he looked at me, and crying in pain. I'm so stupid."

Dani's words chilled his blood. Vince looked at his partner and the sobbing woman in front of him clutched at his shirt before falling into his arms. Nick got up to grab the coffee realizing that Stan being bitten could only end two ways and neither would mean he was coming back to Dani. He only hoped she knew that somehow, because seeing her like this was tearing at him and more would just kill him.

"You're not stupid. You didn't know Stan couldn't handle it. Where is he now baby?" Vince asked the question as Nick sat a hot cup with milk and sugar in it before Dani.

"With them. He asked me to end it, but I was too weak. I told him I loved him and he asked me to make the pain stop. I couldn't. I just held him, and he was so limp and weak. I just prayed for strength." Dani took the cup of coffee being offered to her by Vince now.

"Did he bite you baby? Tell me did he bite you." The fear at the possible answer was written all over Vince's face.

"No. When I was up holding him, he was turning and I tried to keep him here, but he escaped. I...I warded the house Vince, he can't come back in. It's ancient, but nothing non-human can come in. If he's fed, he's turned he has to die. But, Vince, I can't. I can't kill him...I love him. He's my brother man." Fresh tears sprang out and she fell into his chest.

"You know if he hasn't fed on a human, then he can live as a vampire under CIA watch, and just be careful. We might be able to save him." He tried to give her hope even as he looked at Nick knowing what the reality was.

"He left me a message out back yesterday. It's too late. My Stan is gone, I've killed him."

"What do you mean a message?" Nick asked her.

"Look out the kitchen window." He jumped up opening the curtains. An old woman's body hung on a crudely made cross with a large white sign covered in black spray painted writing. It read simply, 'Come join us or end up like her. Love you, Stan.'

"It's Mrs. Cavanaugh from the bakery where I bought Stan's birthday cake last week. She has bite marks on her." Dani was cold as she spoke not wanting to remember finding the sad old lady, who she saw as a grandmother outside the circle of sigil lines.

"What do you need from us?"

"I need you to kill them all, even him. I know if I try I'll just end up joining him, and I can't do that. I can't be one of them. I can't say no to him though. He's my Stan." Dani looked up at him smiling as her drunkenness changed to a heavy buzz with the few gulps of coffee settling in.

"Alright, but we should wait until tomorrow morning. We need to get the jump in daylight if there's a lot. Do you mind if we crash here since it's warded?" Vince asked trying to sound encouraging even though his heart was breaking to see her this way.

"Okay, I'll sleep in the guest room though, I couldn't...I couldn't clean my room."

"It's all good Dani, why don't you finish your coffee and I'll clean your room. Then, we can sit together for a bit and watch TV or something." Nick tried to be calm and reassuring still as he took in just how truly wrecked Dani was. He couldn't help but reflect back on the conversation he had at the lake case with Stan. It almost haunted him now that Stan was gone and Dani would have to work alone.
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"Sweetheart, look at me. Have you slept in the past few days?" Vince could see the fatigue in her eyes, and he couldn't miss the bloodstains down her clothes. He was fairly certain that Dani had been right here in this kitchen drinking for two days after she warded the house.

"Not really."

"Have you even showered and changed, let alone eaten?" He couldn't believe he didn't see it when they first came in. He was so focused on taking care of the problem, now he could actually see just how broken down she was.

"No, I remember calling Paul, but I guess I've just been here drinking." She looked at him as if realizing how bad this was for the first time.

"Alright, baby, we need to get you into a hot shower. Nick and I will clean your room and grab you some clothes. Where are your clothes, in there?" Vince loved her and he needed to take care of her that was his job to love her even when she didn't love herself.

Nick stood by drinking his own coffee and admiring this side of his partner. It reminded him of his dad when he was little and he hadn't seen Vince like this virtually ever. Sure he had cared for some witnesses on cases, but to care for her like this, it was a new level especially since they had never really been together as a couple. They had only really slept together once for god's sake, and here he was ready to take her into the shower.

"I'm fine. I can wait 'till this is over." Dani protested, emptying her coffee cup ready to stand up.

"The hell you can. Let me take care of you and then you can sleep and be ready for what's coming. Don't fight me on this baby." He had the tone now and Nick knew no one resisted Vince when he had that tone.

"Okay. My clothes are on the right side of the dresser, please don't open the left that's where Stan kept his and he might need them if he comes back." She looked at Nick her eyes held knowledge although she still hadn't reconciled herself to the truth.

Vince picked her up in his arms after she indicated the downstairs bathroom was around through the hallway. She put her arms around his neck looking into his eyes with gratitude and dare he think it love. He turned on the shower and stripped her down helping her inside. He told her to start rinsing and he would go up and get her shampoo and such.

When he emerged, he toed off his boots and threw his jacket on another chair heading up to find Nick. Once he walked into the bedroom, he found Nick standing in a lit room just looking. The scene was gruesome. Light grey sheets were in front of them with blood streaked all over them. There were handprints in the blood and he wondered who they belonged too. The blood had long since dried and he saw then that it was on the walls too.

Bloody footprints led away from the bed towards the door. There were several sets, some in shoes, but two were distinctly bare feet which he presumed were Stan's.

"Well, start wherever, I need to take her shower stuff down so she can get that crap off of her." Nick nodded at his partner's words watching Vince disappear into the adjoining bathroom. He came out a minute later and headed down the stairs.

Nick busied himself with gathering the sheets and pillows and taking them downstairs to throw out. There was no way they were getting that blood out. He heard the shower running as he bagged them up and tossed the bag outside. He knew someone had to stay with her, so he didn't mind the cleanup. He hadn't seen her this bad. It just wasn't the same Dani he knew.

Vince was inside the bathroom with the door shut just absently watching as Dani showered. He thought getting in with her would be too much, so he didn't dare. She seemed to go through the motions okay, but stayed silent. He was perfectly content to be with her. Ten minutes later and she opened the door, her hair dripping, and he couldn't help but think back to that first night they had together and how that had driven him crazy.


"Not sure yet. Can you hand me a towel?" Vince stood up grabbing a towel from the rack and passing it to her. She started to dry off and he heard a knock behind him on the door. He turned and opened the door a crack, seeing his partner on the other side.

"Clothes." Nick passed him a folded pile and gave him a small smile before Vince closed the door again. He looked at her as she dried off and waited. She stepped out of the shower and nearly fell in exhaustion.

"Hey Whoa, I got you. You have to eat you know, booze doesn't count. Let's get you dressed and we'll figure out something to make." Vince held her against him unwavering. She stood up and he dug through the pile handing her a pair of panties...boyshorts like she always wore. She smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder to steady herself as she pulled them on.

"Thank you Vince. I'm sorry you have to see me like this." She looked so sad as he passed her black yoga pants. He watched her stutter as she tried to put them on and he turned placing the rest of the pile on the sink and sank to his knee. He lifted her leg as she balanced against him and he slid the pants on.
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