Adultery Betrayals & Sacrifices...
nice update
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Waiting for Jalal bang on nisha and Razia
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What happened to Mariam. Waiting
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Betrayals & Sacrifices: Update 12- Keep Friends Close, Foes Even Closer

Friday, 9.30 am, near Shohail's colony...
Shohail spotted Ronny who was getting on his bike. Ronny lives in the same colony as Shohail. He also tutors his both daughters in the evening 6 days a week.
He called out Ronny, 
Shohail: Hey, Ronny, how are you? How are your family?"
Ronny: Good morning Shohail bhai. Everyone is good. How are you?" 
Shohail: I am fine also. Where are you going? 
Ronny: I am going to Agrabad Clubhouse. Builder Dilip bhai is a candidate for the upcoming City Corporation Election. His son Shimul is my friend. He asked me to help in his father's campaign. 
Shohail: Yes, I know him. He has done a lot of charity in this city for the last two years. He is a good man. Saw some posters of him. By the way I am also going to the same direction. Would you please drop me on the way? 
Ronny thought for a minute but could not find anything to say to avoid him. So he agreed to drop him off. Shohail sitting on the back of the bike got something out of his pocket making sure that Ronny could not see on the mirror. He then put that little chip inside the back sit. After 10 minutes Shohail told Ronny that he reached his destination and got down from his bike. After Ronny went on Shohail checked his phone and entered into an app. He turned on his bluetooth and could clearly hear everything. He was satisfied with his work and got on the bus to Newmarket. After getting down in the new market area he called one of his assistants.
"Reshmi, did you do what I told you? 
Reshmi answered, "Yes sir, I did. But it was not easy. I desereve a raise after this."
Shohail laughed a little hearing this," Let me get a raise first. You just do what I tell you." He disconnected the call after giving some instructions to his assistant.

Friday, 10.30 am, Newmarket
Shohail was in front of a surveillance equipments store. He had already preordered everything he needed. He was a regular customar here so the owner knew him personally. He collected everything he needed and called his guy. After a brief 2 mins call he disconnected and called Arjun this time.
Arjun: What's up Shohail?
Shohail: Where are you? 
Arjun: In the hotel. Had some work here.
Shohail: My guy will be in your apartment at 6 in the evening. He has the keys. You make sure that everyone is out of there before that. 
Arjun: But there are security 24/7 on the gate and cctv cameras are also on. How will your guy manage to go in unnoticed. 
Shohail: Don't worry nobody will see my guy going in and out. He is experinced in these kind of things.
Arjun: Ok, if you say so. I trust you. 
Shohail: By the way, the equipments costed 10000 and my guy will charge 20000. I mainly called you for that. My guy wants his money as soon as he finish the job.
Arjun: I thought you were doing it for me, a friend for free. Now you are charging for it. You are a greedy man.
Shohail: Ha ha ha... Knowledge is not cheap my friend. I am not chraging anything, it's my friend that charging this money.
Arjun : Ok I will send it on your bkash.(bkash is an app that is commonly used for money transferring in Bangladesh)
Shohail: Ok, bye.
Arjun: Bye.

Friday, 10.30 am, Agrabad Clubhouse...
Ronny with some of his friends was playing carrom and discussing about the campaign of Dilip Rai. Dilip Rai's son Shimul was there also. The other friedns were Prakash, Rasel and Shakil. After sometime their discussion went towards the girls of their college. Who was more beautiful, who had bigger boobs or asses. This was their typical topic of conversation, nothing out of the ordinary. Shimul had no interest in this because he had no shortage of women. His dad has a long list of women coming in their farmhouse every week. He gets share of those whenever he wants. His father was never secretive about his sex life to his son. Only his younger sister and mother thinks that his father is a honest man. He knows fully well what his father does. He doesn't care what his father do, because his lifestyle became easier because of it. So, how he can get interest in just the talks of how a girl looks when he can experience it on his wish. But his ears perked up when he heard his friend Shakil speak something about Ronny.
"What are you saying man, is it true Ronny!" exclaimed one of the guys. "Of course it is true man, don't you believe me? Ronny is mad about that milf. Last week he even showed me the bra and panty ge stole from her house." Shakil spoke again.
Ronny was surprised and angry that Shakil just told those guys what he said to him in confidence. He shouted at Shakil," Will you shut up your big mouth you idiot. You speak one more word and I am going to break your ugly nose. Shakil answered," Bro chill, we are all your friends, we all have fantasies. It's nothing wrong. I just want to share our fantasies with each other and have fun.
All four of them started to argue among them regarding this matter. Shimul then jumped in and made them all silent. He told the other guys to continue the game and brought Ronny into another room saying he needed to cool his head. After giving his friend some time to cool down he spoke to him slowly..
Shimul: So who is this incredible women that Shakil was talking about?
Ronny: He did not say incredible.
Shimul: Well, he said hot milf. But if you like her then she must be incredible. So, who is she? How did you meet her?
R: She is our neighbour. She has two daughters and a son. 
S: Three children? Is she old or something? Are you into grannys now?
R: No man. She is in her thirties I think. Her daughters are 10 & 7 and the son is only 8-9 months old.She is not very fair or dark. May be 5 feet 2 or 3 inches height. But what is most awesome about her is her huge boobs and ass. Her figure is like some of those busty milf pornstars. You have to see to believe. I only saw her topless once through their bathroom door. I still can not remove that image from my head. 
S: How did you manage to see that?
R: 2 years ago one saturday noon after I came back from the temple my mother sent me to her house to get something. When I knocked on their door their daughter Mini opened the door. I asked where their mother was and she told me her mother was bathing. I said ok I will wait for her, you do what you were doing. Both of the sisters were playing with some toys in the living room. I thought to have some water as I was coming from outdoor heat and the fan in the room was not helping. I felt thirsty so thought about getting some water. I saw a mug full of water in one corner of the room. When I went to get water I heard water splashing noise. I got curious as I could see the bathroom from where I was standing. I could not control my feet as I tiptoed towards the bathroom. I looked back and saw the girls were playing without noticing me. I stood before the bathroom door, which was a little old made of tin plates. It had two three small holes in one corner of the door. I peeked through the door and saw bhabhi inside the bathroom. The view inside made me hard in an instant. She already finished the bath and was drying herself wearing a dry salwar pants. Her boobs was so big but looked firm. Water dripping down two dark brown nipples looked so hot and erotic. It is the best moment of my life till date.After drying she wore all her clothes I came back to the living room. That was the start of my fantasy. This past two years I don't know how much I masterbated imagining fucking her in every position I could imagine. In my fantasy she is my slut, my whore.
S: Wow. I got hard just by listening you. You have been dreaming it for two years do you want to make it come true?
R: I want to, but I know that is not possible.
S: What if I can make it reality. You fucking her anyway you like. 
R: What, how can you do that? How is it possible? She is a homely woman she would never willingly do it.
S: She will come to you by herself, this much I can guarrenty you. 
R: Ok, then pls pls pls buddy. Make it happen. I will forever be greatful to you.
S: What's her name? What is her husbands name? And what does he do?
R: Her name is Mariam. Her husband's name is Nayeem ., Shohail. He is a lawyer.
Hearing this name a smile came in Shimul's face.
S: Shohail is the husband's name? This became more interesting.
R: What?
S: Don't worry, I will make arrangements and inform you. She is a gift to you from me. You now go and play with the others. I will come in a min.
Ronny saw Shimul calling someone on his way out of the room. While closing the door he heard, " Hey dad, I have a very good news for you..."
Ronny did not listen the rest of the conversation as he came to the other room by then. He did not need to. He was in some other world day-dreaming about his Kamdevi.

Next two updates will be...
***Betrayals & Sacrifices: Update 13- Keep Friends Close, Foes Even Closer - Part 2
***Betrayals & Sacrifices: Update 14- Entering Krishnaa
[+] 3 users Like worldlover's post
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Sorry bro.. with this non-continous situations and slow updates, its a bit boaring.. not to mention the now uninteresting side story of Shokail's wife.. (you could've done it in a seperate story or after some more revelations about the Binisha Arjun matter..)
Just said what I thought after reading this update (which was sexually non-entertaining.. don't want to offend you.. but just please make sure that we get something from Binisha's incidents in every updates.. thats all
[+] 2 users Like Desmond Miles's post
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Excellent update... I love the way how story is building...
There are so many unanswered questions.. Waiting to find answer to them
[+] 2 users Like Ranjith27's post
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yourock super
[+] 2 users Like paamu_buss's post
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that is awesome bro

wondering how complicated things are and how greedy people are

give something to cheer on

nice plot and resembles the present situation as to what depths people can go to materialize their forbidden desires
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 1 user Likes Uday's post
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Bro waiting for the update
[+] 2 users Like Indian11's post
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nice update
[+] 3 users Like bobby's post
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Excellent writing
[+] 2 users Like Doom's post
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Story is building up nicely. If possible you could give bigger update thanks . I am looking forward for the next two updates
[+] 3 users Like Siva82's post
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too slow
[+] 1 user Likes mindhunter11's post
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Waiting, please post next update .
[+] 1 user Likes axma55's post
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Hi bro

I am eager to get more insights, can we have some updates this week please
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 2 users Like Uday's post
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Hi bro

where are you?

waiting for the update, today is Friday happy happy

At least give two updates a week bro, keep us asking for more
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 1 user Likes Uday's post
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waiting for next..... eagerly
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Hello Worldlover bro

Where are you? Waiting for the update eagerly, at least come and say Hi
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 1 user Likes Uday's post
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Hi Bro

Don't know what happened to you and your update. This is one of the stories I keep following.
Hope you are alright, just saw on TV a news of gas pipe line blast in Bangladesh.
Keep well and update ASAP
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 1 user Likes Uday's post
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