An Indian couple exploring the Swinger lifestyle by divya_baby
At first Nagesh put a little space between them. Shruti would have none of that, though. She stepped right into him, pressing her luscious body against his and dbangd her arms around his neck.

"Don't be shy," Shruti said into his ear. "Body contact is allowed here."

Nagesh's prick wasn't shy but it was having problems standing at attention.

"Excuse me, for a second," he said embarrassed.

He separated from Shruti briefly, turned his back to her, stuck a hand in his pants, and deftly adjusted his cock. He hoped no one else noticed, turned around and then pulled her back into his arms.

"No problem," she giggled. "I can feel it better now too," she said. "You're very sexy. I could really go for a guy like you."

Meanwhile a similar scene took place between Vijay and Aarti. Aarti felt Vijay's arms wrap around her. Unsure of what to expect, she let him take the initiative. He nuzzled his nose under her ear and kissed her gently on the neck. Slowly but surely his hands moved down until they were stroking her ass-cheeks. A few strokes later, he cupped them forcing Aarti to press more tightly against his body. She felt his hard-on press against her belly.

Aarti found the situation to be both new and erotic. Her body responded. The butterflies in her stomach spoke to her nervousness; the hardening of her nipples and the moisture in her pussy spoke to her sexual excitement. Knowing that a stranger lusted after her, and feeling his hard cock press against her, made her feel attractive and sexy. At the same time, having been faithful to her husband for all the years of their marriage, she also felt a pang of guilt in allowing another man, a stranger, to take liberties with her body.

While Vijay's hands roam up and down her back and bottom, Aarti began to wonder what it would be like if they were naked, bare skin against bare skin. She sighed. Her thoughts became even more lascivious as she wondered what it would feel like to have Vijay's hard cock deep inside her.

Up to this point, Aarti had not resisted Vijay's advances. Encouraged, Vijay went a little further. With Aarti still in his embrace, his hands lifted the back of her short dress. He wanted to put his hands on her cute heart-shaped ass. He was mildly disappointed, but not surprised, that she was wore panties. He slipped his hands under the strap, allowing his hands to slip underneath and roam freely over the skin of her now exposed nether cheeks.
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Nagesh watched his wife. He saw the sparkle in her eyes that told him she was enjoying Vijay's caresses and liked the way he explored her body. Nagesh saw Aarti slowly overcoming her shyness. He knew her to be a very sensuous woman.

A thought flickered through Nagesh's mind. 'Would she want to switch to a green wristband?' He would wait and see.

Vijay and Shruti wore green wristbands. They were not allowed to ask for a sexual encounter except from persons wearing a green wristband. If they wanted to talk about exchanging partners for sex with any other couple, they had to persuade the couple they were interested in to exchange their wristbands for green ones.

Once more Nagesh glanced at Aarti. She was snuggling into Vijay. She was responding to his caresses and squeezes with some of her own. Obviously they were enjoying each other. She put her head on his chest and teasingly pressed her pelvis against him. He could tell that Vijay was sending a thrill through her body. She was getting into the spirit of the club.

While Nagesh was watching, Aarti turned her head to look for him. As soon as she caught his eye, she smiled as if to say that everything was okay. Aarti remembered wondering how he would react if some other man were groping her. She got her answer. He nodded. Apparently, he didn't mind.

Nagesh returned his attention to Shruti.

"You can feel my tits if you like," Shruti said.

She unbuttoned her blouse to allow him easier access. Her very large breasts flopped out. She wore no bra.

Nagesh took one hand away from her ass and reached for a massive mammary. They were soft, almost gelatinous. Her nipples were large and fully erect. He suckled on one and then switched to the other. He had a momentary urge to bury his face between her enormous orbs.

"Ah, that feel's so good," Shruti moaned. "Please don't stop."

Both Aarti and Vijay saw what their spouses were doing.

"May I?" Vijay asked reaching toward the buttons that kept her dress in place over breasts.

"Yes," she breathed.
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He unbuttoned the buttons at the top of her very sexy, slinky dress. Her breasts peaked out. He was pleased to see, and feel, that she wore no bra. The firmness of her mammaries stood in sharp contrast to his wife's. It was like comparing pints to gallons, all good, only a difference in size.

"That feels so good," Aarti breathed again as Vijay fondled her perfect peaks. She stood a little apart from him to allow him easier access. Her sensitive tits ached for attention.

"I want you, Prachi," he said suddenly.
"I know," she replied and then realized what he meant. He was asking for sex.

The haze of sensuousness filling Aarti's mind suddenly dissipated. "You're making me hot too, Vijay, but Manoj and I agreed to stick with the yellow wristbands. We won't change them unless we both agree. As turned on as I am, I'm not sure I want to go any further. It's our first time here."

"Ah, come on," he said in a complaining tone, "don't be so uptight."

It was a poor choice of words. Aarti had offered him a polite no. He had brushed it off.

"That's enough, Vijay!" she exclaimed. Now she was clearly annoyed, the pleasure she was enjoying only a few moments ago completely evaporated. "I have to go the lady's room."

"Okay, Prachi," Vijay said realizing he had overplayed his hand.

'I'm wearing a yellow wristband for God's sake,' Aarti thought. 'Doesn't he know what yellow means?' Then she calmed down. 'I shouldn't be so harsh. This place is all about sex after all. And the truth is I liked what he was doing to me. It felt good. Obviously, he got worked up too. Still, yellow is yellow!'

Aloud she said, "I'm sorry, Vijay. We're wearing yellow wristbands. You made feel good and sexy, but I'm not ready to go as far as you want me to go."

"Sorry," Vijay said and walked away.

Aarti redid her buttons.

Nagesh had noticed the altercation. Concerned for his wife he ended his fondling of Shruti.
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"What happened?" Nagesh asked solicitously as they sat down.

"Nothing to really worry about. Vijay just got a little pushy in his search for pussy. I got annoyed. So I stopped it."

"Okay, hon, but I had the impression he was turning you on."

Aarti blushed. "Yeah, he turned me on alright but then he turned me off when he wanted to go beyond what you and I had agreed to."

Nagesh held her hand for several minutes until he felt her relax again.

"Are you okay now?" Nagesh asked.

Aarti smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay now."

"Good. Satisfy my curiosity," he said obviously changing the subject. "Tell me what you were feeling and thinking until he screwed it up." Nagesh said. "I'd like to know. Be truthful. Remember rule 2."

"Okay," she croaked. "As I said, he turned me on. I liked the way his hands explored my body. It excited me, a lot. Satisfied?"

"What excited you?" he inquired. The skilfulness of his hands or the idea that a stranger was exploring your body?"

"A bit of both," Aarti replied.

"Did you get wet?" he asked even though he knew the answer.

She turned her face away and blushed. Aarti had a strong sense of modesty. "Yeah, but you already know that, don't you."

"Yes, I know that but I wanted you to say it," he said. "And what else were you thinking?" he probed "The truth, Aarti. I want the truth."
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She hesitated, looked worriedly at her husband.

"Say it," he commanded.

"I didn't really want him to stop, or rather my body wanted him to continue. My mind was stuck on the rules. Vijay's mistake was to push me too hard, too soon. I don't know how much further I would have gone, if he hadn't been so pushy."

Aarti felt her mouth go dry at her confession.

Nagesh smiled. "Look at it this way, Aarti. He proved what I've been saying all along. You are a very sexy, irresistible woman. I could tell from the look in Vijay's eyes, he really wanted to get into you. And I don't mean that figuratively."

Nagesh's corny joke broke the tension.

Aarti slapped his shoulder. "Oh you, your jokes are awful but they're appropriate." Her husband had a knack for saying the right thing at the right time. She was her vivacious self again.

"In any case, I've had enough for one night," she declared.

"Let's call it an evening," Nagesh suggested. "We stuck our toes in the swingers' water to test the temperature. I think we should cool off and think about it some more before deciding whether or not we want to jump in. Okay?"

"Okay," she agreed.

"In fact," he smirked, "let's go home and cool off with some hot sex."

She smiled. "Oh yeah, I like that idea. I can't wait."

They re-arranged their clothes and left.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Once they got home, Nagesh wrapped his arms around his cute little wife. His arms slid slowly down her back until he was able to grab her bottom, just as Vijay had. Then he removed one of his hands to undo the buttons on the front of her dress, exposing her breasts. He fondled them, and kissed them, and suckled on them.

"I saw Vijay doing this you. I saw the pleasure in your face. I saw you put your head on his chest and press your belly against him," Nagesh whispered.

"Yes," his wife hissed.

"You said your body wanted you to go further. How much further?" He asked.

"I wondered what it would be like to have his cock inside me," she said quietly.

The memory of Vijay's intimate groping was lighting her fire again. She could feel Nagesh's hard-on press against her. Apparently her confession turned him on too.

"Close your eyes. Pretend I'm Vijay," he said hoarsely. "Pretend we're back at the club doing what you two were doing on the dance floor. Pretend we're wearing green wristbands. Pretend we agreed to switch spouses."

Aarti closed her eyes. "Yes," she hissed.

Nagesh slipped off the dress' straps from her shoulders and kissed her soft, smooth shoulders. His lips trailed up her neck to beneath her ears. He knew it really turned her on to be nibbled around the ears.

Slowly he lowered her sexy black dress so that her perfect orbs became exposed to his lustful eyes, his wandering hands and his sensually probing lips.

After a few minutes, Nagesh slipped his fingers underneath her dress. Then he slid his arms down her back, taking the dress with them. Once, it passed her hips it dropped to the floor, pooling around her feet.

Next he slipped his hands into her panties. He moved them, one to each hip, until the waistband were on his wrists. He pulled his hands down, taking the panties off her hips. The panties dropped to her feet. Now totally nude, she stepped out of them.

Nagesh picked up her clothes and tossed them on a nearby chair. "Keep your eyes closed," he said as he quickly removed his own clothes.

He took his wife into his embrace, naked body against naked body. "Pretend we're on the dance floor in the club," he croaked, his excitement growing along with his cock.

"Oh yes," Aarti sighed as a tremor of desire stirred through her body. "And you pretend I'm Shruti," she whispered back.
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Nagesh hands travelled up and down her back several times. After a while, he massaged her ass cheeks. He let a finger travel between the divide that separated her ass cheeks, brushing against her anus and fingering her perineum.

"Prachi," he said, pretending he was Vijay. "Your husband doesn't seem to object to what I'm doing. Do you want to stop?"

"No," she replied.

"No what?" he asked.

"No, I don't want you to stop," she told the imaginary Vijay. "Hold me. Kiss me. Let me feel your naked body against mine."

"What else do you want?"

"I want to feel your hard manhood pressing against my body." She paused. "No, I want more. Take me. I want to feel you deep in my body." It came out as a moan with the emphasis on the word 'in'. She grabbed the imaginary Vijay's stiff staff with her hot little hand. "I'm so hot. Please put it in me, Vijay. Fill me my womb with your semen. Please! Now!"

Nagesh wasted no time. He lifted up his petite wife and impaled on her on his lustful spear, stumbled over to the bed, laid her down, and began to pump vigorously into her.

"More, more!" Aarti bellowed as she spread he legs wider. "Take me. Fuck me, Vijay. Oh, oh, oh," she mewled.

Nagesh increased his pace. His cock seemed to harden even more. He felt the spasms in his cock that told him of his impending release.

"Now! Oh god, now!" she screamed. "Give it to me, Vijay. Harder. Fuck the living daylights out of me!"

The imaginary Vijay did just that. His cock burst, spurting his cum deep inside her. She felt him flood her insides as she burst into her own massive orgasm.

Both flopped back on the bed, feeling both breathless and sated.

"Wow," he summarized.

After a few minutes, Aarti stirred. She looked worried. "Now I feel a bad about my Vijay fantasy," she said. "I hope you're not angry with me."

"How can I be? I not only gave you permission, sweetheart, I was the one who suggested it. So don't worry about."

"Did you imagine me as Shruti?" Aarti asked.

"To be honest, no," Nagesh replied. "Your body types are too different for me to be able to substitute her in my imagination for you."

That night, they had more sex. It was one of the hottest nights they had enjoyed in a very long time. Afterwards, they talked about their evening at the swingers' club. It was an interesting and exciting experience, they agreed, but they were nowhere near ready to wear green wristbands in a room full of strangers.

"Maybe we should take a different approach," Nagesh suggested, "contact couples interested in swinging through the internet and get to know them first."

"That's not a half-bad idea," she answered.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Brilliant story.. Requesting you not to stop this story abruptly like most of the stories here that begin very well and are quickly forgotten by the writers them selves
 horseride  Cheeta    
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When Saturday came, Aarti and Nagesh did their usual weekend chores of cleaning house, cutting the lawn, tending to the gardens and, of course, shopping for food and household goods.

"Do you remember your suggestion about contacting swinging couples through the Internet?"

Nagesh looked at his wife. "Yes."

"I answered some."

"You did?"

"Remember, it was your idea," she said somewhat defensive, "I figured there was no harm in it. Don't worry," she hastened to add. "I set up a new email address just for this purpose. It tells them nothing about us. I didn't do or promise anything I can't back out of. I revealed no details about us. I made no promises except to talk to you first."


"I narrowed down the field to two couples. One couple has already sent us a picture. They seemed very nice and unconcerned that I didn't want to send a picture until I talked to you."

"Oh yeah? Can I see the picture?"

Aarti disengaged from the cuddling. She turned on the computer and put the image on screen.

"Not bad looking, but they're dressed," Nagesh noted.

Aarti poked his shoulder. "Of course they are, stupid. These pictures won't compromise them if things don't work out or if someone else happens to see them by accident."

Nagesh laughed. "Smart move on their part. I take it you like the looks of the guy. Otherwise, you wouldn't have bothered to show me the picture. The questions are: Is this picture a recent one? Do they look like that in real life now or is it a picture that was taken a few years ago or is it recent? Keep that in mind. Oh, and did you get a picture of the other couple?"

"No," she replied, "they wanted us to send a picture first."

"I don't have a problem with that," Nagesh said, "but no nude pictures please."

"We don't have any nude pictures!" she cried.

"I know," he said chuckling. "I'm just playing with you. Go ahead, dear. Contact them. I trust your judgment."

Aarti returned to the computer. She sent off pictures to both couples and asked, separately of course, if they would like to meet at a mutually agreed neutral location.

* * *
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The following morning, an email was already waiting in the inbox. It came from the couple that had already sent a picture. This couple suggested meeting on the following Sunday. Aarti checked with Nagesh. He was in agreement.

In her earlier correspondence with them, this couple had identified themselves to Aarti as Sandeep and Supriya. She said they lived in a nearby town but gave little information other than a rough distance and direction. Aarti was equally cautious. Nevertheless, they agreed to meet in a restaurant that was roughly halfway between their vaguely indicated locations. She assumed that the couple's first names were fictional. She had taken similar precautions. They assumed the Prachi and Manoj personas.

Aarti and Nagesh arrived at the restaurant a few minutes early. They took seats in the corner opposite the doorway so that they could watch out for them.

At 1:00, there was no Sandeep and Supriya, not at 1:15 and still not at 1:30.

"I think we've been stood up," Nagesh finally said. "Let's order some food and then go home."

He had just completed his sentence when Aarti elbowed him in the ribs. She nodded toward they door. They had finally arrived.

As they approached, Aarti and Nagesh immediately sensed tension between them. Supriya had a scowl on her face. Aarti and Nagesh glanced at each other. Both thought and knew what the other was thinking. This was not good.

Sandeep introduced himself and his wife. They sat down. All four ordered their meals.

For a while, they exchanged pleasantries, talking mainly about their families and interests. But it soon became apparent to Aarti and Nagesh that Sandeep was doing most of the talking. His wife was obviously sulking. Sandeep also came across as a poor listener. He talked mostly about himself. He made little effort to involve his wife in the conversation.
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Aarti gave her husband a quick, very small shake of her head that meant 'no.' Aarti could not see herself even flirting with such a man. Nagesh nodded his understanding and his agreement.

"Well, what do you say?" This came from Sandeep just as they finished their meal-ending coffee. He seemed to think that swinging was a done deal.

"We can't say yet, Sandeep." Nagesh replied. "Prachi and I have to talk about it first."

"That was very diplomatic of you," Aarti said as they were returning home. "You were polite, brief, and business-like. If Sandeep has any brains, he should have got the hint that we're not really interested"

"His wife is unwilling," Nagesh said succinctly. "An unwilling wife is not a fun wife. The same would be true if their roles were reversed. They weren't even good company."

"No, they weren't," Aarti agreed. "I got the impression Sandeep was forcing her into something she didn't really want to do. I can understand her attitude. I feel sorry for her. She has such a selfish husband. They aren't our type. I'll send them an email saying we don't feel we are compatible enough. Maybe we'll have better luck with the second couple."

When Aarti and Nagesh returned home, they checked to see if the other couple had replied. Nothing. In fact, days turned into weeks with no reply.

"I guess the second couple changed their minds," Aarti surmised after checking her email yet again. "They should have contacted us by now."

"Maybe something came up," Nagesh suggested. "Or maybe someone was just pretending to be a couple and got their jollies off by stringing us along. Do you want to try again?"

"I don't know, Nagesh. I weeded out a lot of responses and ended up with only two as potentially compatible. The effort wasn't worth the result. Maybe we should just forget it for now." Aarti was discouraged.

"I understand, dear."
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Weeks stretched into months. The disappointed couple made no further efforts to explore the swinging lifestyle. In any case, more serious problems took their attention. Aarti grew increasingly concerned by her missed periods. After a series of tests, her gynaecologist concluded that she was well into early menopause. The good news was that the doctor didn't find any other underlying health concerns to worry about.

Aarti returned home and told Nagesh about her doctor's diagnosis.

"Try not to worry about it. Aarti. It's not going to make any difference to me. I love you, sweetheart. I always have and always will."

She felt comforted and held him tightly. "Thank you, my love," she said snuggling up to him.

One day, after Aarti came home from the library, Aarti told Nagesh she overheard some clients talking about their plans for a South Pacific cruise.

"Hawaii, Bora Bora, Tahiti, you know, places in a relatively remote part of the world. It sounds like it would be a really good vacation, especially in the middle of winter," Aarti sighed wistfully.

Nagesh understood what she was hinting at, a South Pacific cruise. She wasn't very subtle about it. But he liked the idea and let her continue.

"I even checked out the possibilities on the Internet," she continued. "We get on a cruise ship, see exotic places, enjoy the sun, swim on tropical beaches, in short, relax for an entire month. No cooking, no house cleaning, no rushing around at work, no responsibilities. What do you think, Nagesh?"

Nagesh could tell she thought she made a really solid case.

"Oh, I don't know," he teased sounding doubtful. "What so interesting about vast amounts of water broken up only by a few green islands with tiny beaches? No friends, no family, no TV, no shopping." He emphasized the last two words. "It sounds pretty boring to me."

"Oh you." she said. Nagesh's smile told her he was being difficult for the fun of it.

"I think it's a brilliant idea," he assured his wife. "Why not? The kids are in university and are old enough to care of themselves. We've got unused vacation time and we're not poor. Let's do it. It'll be fun."
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Two months later, they were on the high seas on their way to Hawaii. For five sea days the happy couple enjoyed the ships restaurants, took part in various onboard activities, watched the evening shows, danced to live music in the lounges and met new and interesting people, many of them couples in their own age group but some singles too.

In Hawaii, they took the ship's excursions in Hilo, Kona and Lahaina but decided to explore Honolulu on their own since the ship was staying overnight.

Having had little experience about cruising and excursions, the happy couple made a point of paying close attention to what the more experienced passengers had to say.

On their last Hawaiian stopover, they met an older American gentleman, Chris.

"I worked for a tourist company specializing in Hawaii and the South Pacific," Chris explained. "So I got to travel to many of the islands including all the large Hawaiian Islands and quite a few in French Polynesia too."

"Could you give us some advice about excursions in French Polynesian?" Aarti asked.

"Sure," he said. "For starters, the islands are generally safe. Although French is the official language, many people speak English too. So I'd recommend you go out on your own. It's usually much cheaper than taking the ship's excursions. On the other hand, if we were docking in a very poor country with a high crime rate, it's better to take the ship's excursions because they make special security arrangements with the local government agencies."

"Any downside?" Nagesh asked.

"Well, generally speaking," Chris explained, "there is one big advantage in buying the ship's excursions; the ship takes responsibility for making sure you get back to the ship. If you're out on your own and you miss the ship, you have to make your own way at your own expense to the ship's next port of call."

"Oh, okay," Nagesh said.

"Have you made plans for French Polynesia?" Chris asked.

"No, not yet," Aarti replied. "We weren't sure what excursions to take."

"Well, don't," he said. "If you don't mind my company, I'd be happy to act as your guide."

By the time the ship had reached the first French Polynesian island, the three of them had become friends. Chris took them on shore excursions on every Polynesian island they visited.

One included a circumnavigation of Bora Bora, with a two-hour stopover on an island beach and a visit to a lagoonarium. In Raiatea, they toured a vanilla plantation, a pearl oyster farm and, of course, another beach. In Papeete, they rented a car to see Tahiti's sites. In Moorea, they took a local tour bus to the island's highest peak. It offered a spectacular view of both Cook's Bay and Opunohu Bay, where the ship was anchored. It looked like a toy. The cruise through French Polynesia ended with visits to Ringaroa and Nuku Hiva.

* * *
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Once they had become acquainted, Aarti, Nagesh and Chris often saw each other at the breakfast buffet. Aarti usually woke earlier than Nagesh. She wanted to do her early morning exercises in the ship's gym. Nagesh wasn't interested. He preferred swimming later in the morning in one of the ship's pools. So it wasn't unusual for Nagesh to see Aarti and Chris already chatting over breakfast before he joined them.

Chris was a great conversationalist and storyteller. He was one of the very few single men onboard ship. He was also a social butterfly. Nagesh noticed that he preferred to socialize with women. It didn't matter to him if they were paying guests or crew members.

One morning, while the three of them were having breakfast, Chris greeted a woman Nagesh had seen only fleetingly onboard. They were obviously acquainted.

"Her husband's not the jealous type," Chris remarked. "She does her thing; he does his. He doesn't mind if I talk to her."

Nagesh thought it was an interesting observation for a man to make about another man. 'Aarti and I do our own thing, too," Nagesh thought. "So I guess that means I'm not the jealous type either.'

Nagesh took note of other little titbits in Chris's conversations. One morning, Aarti slept in but Nagesh got up early. Sure enough, Chris was already having his early morning coffee. Nagesh joined him.

After the usual pleasantries, the conversation somehow turned to the subject of women. What caught Nagesh's attention was Chris's remark that he liked Asian women. Nagesh, curious to see how Chris interacted with Aarti, decided to delay his next appearance for breakfast.

On the following day, Aarti was back to her onboard routine. Sure enough, she was having breakfast with Chris. This time, Nagesh decided stay back for a few minutes to watch them. He paid particular attention to Chris's body language.

'Mmm, I think he's got the hots for my wife,' Nagesh thought, 'but I think my wife is talking about something that interests her and hasn't noticed he's taking quick peeks at her various body parts.'

That evening, back in the stateroom, Nagesh told his wife what he observed.

"Nagesh! What a thing to say about Chris," she protested indignantly. "He's been a perfect gentleman. He's made no pass at me at all."

"Don't get me wrong, hon," Nagesh explained. "I think Chris is a decent guy. He respects our relationship and so makes no attempt to hit on you. He genuinely enjoys the company of women. I like him," he concluded.

"So what makes you think it's anything more than that?" Aarti asked.

"Chris is a guy, who confessed to liking Asian women. And you are one very sexy Asian woman. So far as I can tell he's a normal guy. I think his interest in you is greater than he let's on. He hides it well. I'm a guy, Aarti," he continued. "I can tell when a guy takes a sexual interest in a woman, especially if she happens to be my wife."

"Really, Nagesh, you're making me blush!"

"Well, you're one hot little vixen, you know," he replied leering at her and patting her ass.

Aarti was embarrassed and flattered at the same time. 'Guys!' she thought. 'They've always got sex on their minds. Surely, Nagesh is just seeing things that aren't really there. Chris is just a friendly guy. He hasn't done anything improper.'

Aarti's own thoughts concerning Chris had been entirely innocent up to now. She had assumed his thoughts were just as innocent. What Nagesh told her about Chris caused her to think differently about him. She was now on the alert for signs of Chris's sexual interest in her. She also began to think about Chris as a man, an attractive, if older, man.
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On the next morning, Aarti and Chris were once again sharing the breakfast table. This time, she paid closer attention to his eyes. Then she saw it, that quick flick of the eye, a mere split second, that told her he was trying to peer down the valley between her twin peaked mounds.

'Damn! Nagesh may be on to something,' she thought. 'Do I dare... Yes, I'll go to the washroom and then take a really quick look back,' she thought impishly.

"Excuse me for a minute, Chris" she said out loud. "I have to use the lady's room."

As she sashayed toward the washroom, she quickly turned her head around. Sure enough, he was ogling her behind. He lowered his gaze immediately. But it was already too late; she caught him.

After a few minutes, Aarti returned to the table, all the while pretending she hadn't noticed his more than friendly admiration of her female attributes.

Aarti wasn't the least put off by his sexual interest. She was secretly flattered by it, even thrilled. It made her feel good to be admired by men despite being in her 40s.

'He really is a handsome man,' she thought sneaking in a few looks of her own.

At that precise moment, Nagesh joined them for breakfast. Her nascent erotic train of thought burst like a bubble.

Later, when Aarti and Nagesh were alone, Aarti told him what happened.

"I told you so," he said needlessly. "You little teaser. Were you flattered by his ogling?" he asked. "Because you're giving me the distinct impression that you were."

She blushed. She had to remind herself that her husband had an unusually acute sense of observation. She didn't contradict him.

Nagesh found himself immersed in his own thoughts. 'I wonder....' he thought.

* * *
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On the last day before the ship's return to the port, the three of them were having breakfast together for the last time.

"All good things have to come to an end," Nagesh said. "Then it's back to the grind. We were really lucky to meet you, Chris. Your knowledge of the South Pacific and your companionship made our cruise exceptionally enjoyable."

"No problem," Chris replied. "I enjoyed your company too. You're a great couple. I've never seen a couple as loving and as comfortable with each other as you two."

"That's very sweet of you," Aarti said.

"Aarti and I have booked a meal for three at the specialty restaurant tonight. We had you in mind as the third person. Will you join us?" Nagesh asked.

"I'd be delighted," Chris said in his usually charming way. "But I don't wish to intrude on you two lovebirds on the last full day of your first ever cruise vacation."

"Please join us, Chris," Aarti pleaded. "It's the very least we could do for taking so much of your time on the excursions."

Chris acquiesced.

That evening they enjoyed an excellent meal and shared a bottle of red wine. The restaurant was almost empty. Most passengers were no doubt doing their last-minute packing. Aarti, Nagesh and Chris had completed their main packing in the afternoon.

An hour and a half later, after coffee and schnapps, the meal was done.

"There's nothing else us to do. Let's get another bottle of wine and enjoy the rest of the evening in our stateroom," Nagesh suggested.

Aarti looked at him questioningly but saw no pressing reason to object. Nagesh was right. There was nothing interesting happening onboard ship. One way or another, guests and crew were busy preparing for the next day's early morning disembarkation.

Back in their stateroom, Nagesh opened the bottle of wine and poured out three glasses.

"May we have more vacations like this one!" Nagesh proclaimed.

"Cheers!" replied both Aarti and Chris.

Aarti and Nagesh were already feeling the effects of the drinks they had at dinner. Unused to drinking alcoholic beverages, it didn't take much for them to become a little tipsy. The second bottle of wine made them even tipsier. The normally reticent Nagesh became talkative, almost garrulous. In contrast, Aarti became quieter, more subdued.

The couple shared one weakness in common; at a certain point booze lowered their inhibitions. Early in their marriage, Nagesh had discovered that a couple of glasses of red wine seemed to make Aarti more sexually receptive.

Nagesh watched his wife closely. A half-hour later, he saw the signs; her inhibitions were dropping away. So were his.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Completely catching Aarti and Chris off-guard, Nagesh slid his hand underneath his wife's blouse. A second later, he was massaging her breast.

"Nagesh, what are doing?" she cried, stunned more by the suddenness of his action than by what he was actually doing.

Of course, her question was rhetorical. Her wine-addled brain seemed to undercut her ability to formulate her protest. To make matters worse, she liked the feel of his hand on her breast. Her body yearned for more of his touch. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the spark of a thought told her to stop. But the spark was soon extinguished and the thought remained unarticulated.

Nagesh turned to his guest. "Are you attracted to my wife, Chris?" he blurted out.

'Oh my god,' Aarti thought confused and paralysed by the sudden tyurn of events. 'What's he doing? Where is this leading to?'

Aarti put her hand to her mouth. She still had enough presence of mind to be both embarrassed and confused. Her modesty made her fearful of what Chris might say but the effects of the wine, and her innate sensuality conspired against her. She wanted to hear the very words that might offend her modesty.

'I shouldn't know what I'd like to hear,' she mused giggling at her own contradictory thought.

"Oh-oh," Chris said as he watched the movement of Nagesh's hand underneath Aarti's blouse, "I think somebody's had a bit too much to drink."

"That's not an answer, Chris," Nagesh countered slightly slurring his words. "Don't be evasive."

Chris stared at Aarti, then glanced away. His gaze spoke volumes. Aarti saw his lust openly displayed in his eyes. Much to her own surprise, this knowledge caused her own loins to stir.

"You didn't answer my question, Chris," Nagesh reminded him.

"Of course I am. She is a very beautiful and exciting woman," he finally answered.

"Do you find Chris attractive," Nagesh questioned his wife.

Aarti blushed. "I would never cheat on you," she said evasively. She wanted to say yes.

"You didn't answer my question, hon."

"Yes," she finally murmured.

"I know," Nagesh said, "I see it in your eyes." He changed the subject with a question. "What's the definition of cheating, Aarti"?
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Chris didn't expect that question either. He was curious to see how Aarti answered it.

"In marriage, cheating is the act of deceiving one's spouse with the aim of having sex with someone outside their marriage."

Nagesh continued. "So if there is consent, there's no deceit or deception. Isn't that right," Nagesh asked. But he didn't wait for an answer. "Therefore, if a married person has the permission of his or her spouse to have sex with someone outside the marriage, it's not cheating. Right?"

"Y-yes, I guess so," she said hesitantly.

"So here's the situation. Chris is definitely attracted to you. You are attracted to Chris. Ergo, there is mutual attraction. Isn't that true? Be honest now."

"Yes," she said quietly, "I do find him attractive. Although he's older than we are, he's still fit, handsome, charming and very nice company."

Nagesh took the plunge. "So if I, as your husband, consented to allow you, my wife, to have sex with Chris, it means you're not cheating. Right?"

"I-I guess so," Aarti stammered.

'Oh my god,' Aarti thought even more confused and startled by the situation. 'What does he think he's doing? Is he setting me up? Manoeuvring me into accepting another man's embrace? Is he inviting me to have sex with Chris? Or is he inviting Chris to have sex with me? Both?'

Her thoughts seemed to fly all over the place. She had never known her mind could be so tumultuous. She knew she was in a really weird situation. Her aroused libido played havoc with her usual persona as a reasoning, logical intellectual. Her brain pulled her in one direction, telling her what she just heard couldn't and shouldn't be happening. Her body, her sexual being, pulled her in the opposite direction.

Aarti was acutely aware that she was alone in a small room with two very horny men, her husband and a man they had only met recently. Aarti felt her arousal turn into lust.

"This is so weird. I feel so strange," Aarti said out loud.

Her hands felt sweaty. Her mouth was dry. She glanced at her husband trying to see if she missed some hidden meaning in his words. She looked at Chris, and saw his usual friendly demeanour replaced with an openly lustful leer.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Nagesh saw the hesitation in his wife's face. He knew an internal conflict was raging inside his wife's mind between her everyday modesty on the one hand, and her awakened sexual desire on the other. While she was normally shy in the presence of other men, she wasn't the least bit shy in her sex life with Nagesh. In fact, she could be very lusty. Nagesh realized he could end the whole thing, right now, by appealing to her sense of modesty, or he could encourage her lustful nature to take its course.

Nagesh made up his mind. "Relax, hon," he said softly. "I know a part of you says no, and another part says yes. We both love sex, hon; it's our nature. It's what we are. I want you to be at peace with your true sexual nature. You're a very sexual person. For this one evening, I want you to abandon all social restraint. I want you to immerse yourself completely into the pleasures of the flesh."

"Do you know what you're saying, Nagesh? Are you sure?" she asked excitedly, breathlessly. "The two of us have a good thing going just between the two of us. I don't want to risk losing you and everything we've built together."

"We won't lose a thing," Nagesh replied. "I promise. We've talked about swinging; now you've a chance to actually try it."

"And what are you going to do if Chris and I, you know...." She couldn't say the words.

Chris followed the exchange with enormous interest. While they were talking, he moved to sit next to Aarti.

"Fuck," said Nagesh completing the sentence. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there, hon."

Aarti's face was flushed with wine and sexual anticipation. In different ways these two men were trying to seduce her, Chris in the typical manner of a horny guy, and her husband in the atypical manner of creating an erotic situation that allowed another man to seduce her.

Aarti felt Chris's arm on her shoulder. She turned to look at him. Since the day she and Nagesh started dating, she had never allowed another man to kiss or touch her in a sexual way. This was about to change.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Chris took Aarti's cheeks in both hands and brought her face close to his. He kissed her gently. She didn't respond at first but then gave him, a concession, a small kiss in return. Chris kissed her again, this time more firmly. She responded with a matching kiss.

Now encouraged, Chris took more liberties with his kisses. Holding the nape of her neck, he drew her mouth to his. His kisses became more urgent, more passionate. His tongue entered her mouth. Aarti responded in kind, hesitantly than willingly.

Aarti felt another, more powerful wave of lust surge through her. It triggered a flood of female juices between her legs. Her breathing quickened. Her body yearned for more intimate contact.

Chris broke the kiss. His hands descended down Aarti's neck. They encountered an obstacle, Aarti's blouse. Chris unbuttoned the top button, then the next one, working his way down the front of the blouse until they were all undone.

Nagesh remained silent as he watched Chris undress his wife. He was awe-struck by what he had instigated. To see his wife's seduction in real life was even more erotic than anything in his wildest fantasies. Nagesh's cock was iron-hard. He had no doubt that Chris was in the same rigid state.
In the back of his mind, Nagesh still half-expected Aarti to stop Chris before he got any further. He even thought she might be testing him to see how far he'd let Chris go before he stopped him. Little did he know that Aarti had the same thought. She thought Nagesh was testing her to see how far she'd go before she stopped Chris.

Chris had no such thoughts. He knew exactly what he wanted, to take advantage of this unusual and unexpected turn of events. He continued kissing and fondling Aarti, arousing her even more.

As Aarti became more and more excited, her mouth turned dryer. Butterflies flew in her stomach. She glanced to her husband to gage his reaction. His eyes were wide, glued to the scene in front of him. He only nodded.

Chris removed the blouse and tossed it aside. For the first time in her married life, she was exposing herself to another man.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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