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An Indian couple exploring the Swinger lifestyle
writer:- divya_baby
10th May 2017
Hello People,
As you all may know, all my previous stories were Indianized versions of stories picked up from the net. Till now I have posted 4 stories out of which I have completed 2. I don't intend to complete the rest two stories as I don't see much interest/feedback from the readers.
I am hereby posting a new story which is also an Indianized version and I will surely complete this one irrespective of the response to the story.
Thanks again for all your support.
Now, I am also "planning" to write my own story, although I am still at two minds about it. I would like your suggestions for the story plot so that I can start writing my first story. I dont know how good a story that might be, as it would be my first. But I would really like your help and suggestions.
If you do have any suggestions on the story plots, feel free to PM me with the details.
Love you all!
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Aarti was 42 years old, her husband Nagesh was 44. Their twin daughters had just started their courses in a foreign university, an event that had suddenly seemed to make their house feel empty. Both had good jobs. The mortgage on their house was just about paid off. Both were fit and healthy. Not only did they share house, home and children, but also the same values and attitudes about everything from money to sex.
They were compatible and very comfortable with each other. They were faithful to each other. Both had opportunities, neither ever took them. Where they sometimes attracted to other people? Absolutely. They accepted sexual attraction to others, and others' attraction to them, as part of human nature and as a fact of life. In short, they wondered but never wandered.
Married for more than 20 years, both had reached a stage where they felt that something was missing, an inexplicable emptiness that did not jibe with their love for each other. They couldn't put a finger on why or when this sense of emptiness started. They just knew it was there. It had crept up on them.
In the beginning of their life together, the sex was hot. They were more experimental in their youth, discovering the joys of various positions and techniques. But over the years, their sex life fell into a routine, especially after the twins were born.
Thinking back on their sex life together, Nagesh remembered that he almost always had to take the initiative. His wife, Aarti, almost always acquiesced. Clearly, she enjoyed sex. But sometimes he wished she would take the initiative, surprise him, intrigue him, do something really different.
She was a real go-getter at work, a person who took initiative. In family and household matters she even usually took the lead. With her friends, acquaintances and clients, she revealed a forceful and outgoing character. In short she was no doormat. She made rational decisions, thought out her opinions, and showed leadership.
On sexual matters Aarti displayed deference and diffidence toward Nagesh, a characteristic that he attributed to her cultural background. She was shy but she no prude. Once the love play started, she was an enthusiastic lover.
As the years went by, they concluded that they would have no more children. To avoid an accidental pregnancy, and being not particularly fond of using condoms, Nagesh underwent a vasectomy, a procedure that was less invasive for men than the equivalent would be for a woman.
When the children were young, vacations involved the entire family and the family stayed relatively close to home. They usually rented a cottage or camped. Now that they were well established in their careers and the children were essentially out of the house, the couple found more time for themselves. They resolved to travel on their vacations once or twice a year depending on the length of the vacation and how much vacation time they had available. They also took up dancing because it was a healthy form of physical activity and a hobby they could share. Still, something seemed to be missing.
* * *
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Deep in thought, trying to shake off his unease, Nagesh looked toward his wife. She was dressing down after a hard day's work.
'God, I love this woman,' he thought. 'I would do anything for her.'
His mind wandered off to the time when he first met Aarti. She was petite. Her figure was slimmer, almost thin, in those days. Her face was round, her features delicate and smooth. Her hair jet-black hair stood in sharp contrast to her milky-white skin.
What Aarti lacked in stature, she more than made up for with a strong, seemingly self-assured, outgoing and sometimes even forceful personality. Her intelligence and straightforwardness were characteristics that Nagesh found both attractive and endearing.
They met while both were working on their master's degrees in information studies. She specialized in research librarianship, he in records and information management. He first noticed her in the lecture theatre in a course that they shared, one about research methods. She was sitting near the front row talking to a guy sitting next to her. At first, he assumed he was her boyfriend, but soon found out that they were just classmates.
One rainy day, while he was eating in the crowded noontime lunchroom, he saw her come in and start wandering around the lunchroom looking for a place to sit. The seat beside him was vacant.
"Is someone sitting there?" she asked.
He opened his hand, gesturing toward the open seat. "It is if you take it," he smiled.
She smiled too and sat down.
A few moments of awkward silence followed.
Noticing that she was shy, Nagesh tried to make conversation. "I've seen you in the research methods class." Then added, "Oh, by the way, I'm Nagesh and you are?
"That's a nice name," he said.
They talked about their other classes. From there, they progressed to talking about their interests and careers. By the time lunch was over, they behaved as if they had been friends for ages.
Nagesh found himself strangely attracted to this thin Maharashtrian beauty. His 'type' was normally more buxom and broader. It had never crossed his mind to date a Maharashtrian woman. But then again, there were few Maharashtrians where he grew up.
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He remembered the odd feelings he had when he was with her. He was attracted to her, but it wasn't just sexual attraction. There was more; he just felt it. He felt comfortable with her. Even more oddly, he felt an overwhelming desire to protect her.
When lunch was over, they agreed to meet regularly for lunch. It was not long before he asked her for a date. Much to his delight, she accepted. From there, their relationship progressed, became deeper and eventually more intimate. First came the kisses and touches. Then they made out. He remembered how excited he was the first time they had sex.
In the first summer of their romance, which coincided with the completion of their Master's Degree program, Aarti left for Konkan to visit her relatives. Although she would be away for a month, her absence left a void in his life.
For days he thought about her. He couldn't get her out of his head. He missed her. It was as if she had cast a love spell on him before she left. Then it hit him. Without knowing how and when it happened, he suddenly realized he was in love with her!
He became uneasy. He began to worry. Did she love him? He thought so but nonetheless he felt insecure. Would she find a lover in her native place? He knew her parents were pushing to find a Maharashtrian husband. Aarti's parents were first-generation Maharashtrians and on matters of marriage and family they were quite traditional.
She was their only child. Her parents made sure that their daughter spoke and read Marathi while she was growing up. They encouraged and supported her ambition to achieve an advanced level of education, including a Bachelor's and Master's Degree. In this sense, they were quite progressive. Her parents were fortunate to have such a studious daughter. She was fortunate to have such supportive parents.
Nagesh had to tell himself to calm down. 'She said she was coming back,' he consoled himself. 'After all, she accepted a job at the university's science research library!'
Aarti returned. He saw her face shine as soon as she saw him again. He had no doubt that his face shone too.
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As soon as Aarti had settled in, Nagesh took her out for a walk. It was early evening. Nagesh was nervous.
Aarti had noticed. "Is there something wrong, Nagesh?
Nagesh held her hand. 'I missed you so much, it was painful," he said.
"I missed you too, Nagesh. It was only a month but it seemed like forever." She squeezed his hand.
Still holding her hand, he looked into her eyes, nervously. He felt butterflies in his stomach. His hands were sweaty.
'Now,' he told himself, 'before you lose your nerve.'
"I love you, Aarti. Will you marry me?" he blurted without preamble.
Her eyes flew wide-open. She was stunned. He had said the magic words, both sets of them.
She smiled. "I love you too, Nagesh. I will be proud to be your wife and the mother of your children," she said with a twinkle in her eye.
Nagesh got an instant hard-on. Aarti became wet. They embraced and kissed each other passionately, and made love that very night.
* * *
Of course, two decades had altered her appearance somewhat. She had some wrinkles. Her hair, while still mostly black despite being in her forties, had a sprinkling of grey hairs.
Nagesh discouraged her from dyeing her hair. "Why bother spending money and time on something like that?" he had said. "Grey hair hasn't and won't change my feelings for you."
She had agreed. She was not a vain person.
She had filled out more too. Her figure was curvier, less linear than it was when she married Nagesh. Her firm, luscious breasts looked large on her petite body. Her figure reminded Nagesh of the lusciously erotic females depicted in the tv serials. He actually thought she was even more attractive now then when he first met her.
'How do I reconcile my seemingly contradictory thoughts?' Nagesh asked himself. 'She is as sexy as ever. So why do I feel something is missing.'
Nagesh himself was a Keralite. Nagesh had a somewhat more laid-back approach to life than his wife. He preferred to observe before commenting. Aarti could always tell when he was being thoughtful.
She remembered that her tradition-bound parents were not happy with Nagesh as her choice for a husband. They had anticipated she would marry a man in the their community. Eventually, though, they reconciled themselves to their daughter's choice. She was happy. He treated her well. He was very attentive to their children and actively involved in raising them. He always showed respect to his in-laws.
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"Out with it," she said, curious to know what he was thinking about. "I can tell something's on your mind but I can't read it."
Nagesh snapped out of his reverie. "You're right, hon. Something is bothering me, but I just can't put a finger on it." He seemed to be in the doldrums.
She had felt them recently too. "Are you falling out of love with me?" she asked out of the blue.
"No, it's nothing like that, sweetheart," he rushed to assure her. "I still love you very much. I wouldn't hurt you for anything in the world."
She studied her husband for a moment. He still cut a fine figure even after all these years. True, he had more wrinkles. His hair had darkened from blonde to an almost mousy brown colour with flashes of grey.
"And I can prove it too," he said. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her into his arms and gave her a kiss.
'God, when this woman gets me started, she makes me really horny. She's almost like an addiction,' Nagesh thought as his erection took shape. 'Why don't we have sex more often? I've got a woman who is everything a man could possibly want? So why do I feel something is missing?'
"I want you Aarti. I need you," he said hoarsely.
Aarti was thinking along the same lines. She still loved him. He still got her motor running. She loved being tightly wrapped in his strong arms, feeling the heat of his body against hers. It never failed to cause her loins to tingle and moisten and her breasts to ache and stiffen. But it had been along too long since they last made love together.
She said nothing but the tongue she stuck into Nagesh's mouth told him she was 'in the mood'.
At first the kisses were tender, then turned into French-kisses followed by a tongue war. There would be no armistice. The battle would be fought until both had won and lost.
Nagesh led his wife to the bedroom. Clothes spoiled the intimacy they both now craved. They flung them off. They briefly stood facing other without touching. Anticipation of things to come caused an erotic wave to course through their bodies.
Slowly, tenderly, they embraced and kissed again, enjoying the feel of each other's naked body. He stroked her back, slowly working his way to her beautiful bottom. He caressed it lovingly.
Nagesh sat on the edge of the bed while Aarti remained standing. He put his hand on her hips and the brought his together by sliding across her belly. His mouth watered in anticipation.
He looked up and saw the lust in his wife's eyes. She put her arms around his head as if she intended to pull his face toward her body. He knew from experience that, once she was hot, her initial sexual shyness melted away.
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Nagesh's hands slowly stroked the outside and then the insides of her thighs. He loved the velvet feeling of her inner thighs. When he was near the top, he would lightly brush her femaleness. Occasionally he slipped a finger between her ass-cheeks to caress the divide between them. He was teasing her with promises of more to come.
"Oh, that feels so good," she sighed.
Nagesh felt the heat of her impassioned body. Her erect nipples pressed against his chest. She felt his hardness against her own body.
Nagesh knew what he wanted. He decided to pay attention to the twin mounds of her womanhood next. His mouth approached her sensitive tits while his manhood, which she was still holding, neared her female entrance. He knew she loved to have her tits sucked. So he sucked them, licked them, nuzzled them until he heard her sigh her pleasure. One of his hands explored her body, ran its way down her belly to her cleft. She was wet.
Aarti also knew what she wanted. She lovingly stroked his cock while his arms roamed up and down her back. The nearness of his penis, the one that had filled her womb with man muscle and semen, the one that given her so much pleasure over the years, and two children, was turning her again.
"I have to have you," he whispered in her ear.
She lay down on the bed and opened her legs. The invitation was obvious.
But he was not about to oblige her, at least not yet. He wanted her to beg for what she wanted.
"Not yet, hon," he murmured.
Instead he got down on his knees. His hand fell away erotic divide to be replaced by his mouth. He worked his tongue up and down her slit, licking and sucking all parts of her vulva. With each passing second she became wetter and wetter.
"Please now," she begged panting.
"Yes," he whispered hoarsely.
He gently pushed her toward the bed, then urged her to get on all fours. Doggie style was his favourite position. She loved it too because she could have his cock in her and have his hands massaging her sensitive tits.
Slowly, he slowly inserted his cock into lush, hot moistness until his cock was completely in her womb.
She sighed as his cock settled into her body.
"Woof, woof," she suddenly snickered and smirked.
Nagesh laughed. "Ah come on, hon, you'll break my concentration."
"Yeah, right," she said, "as if a man can loses his concentration once he's in her better place."
At first he pumped into her slowly. His wife moaned and squirmed beneath him. Soon their thoughts focused only on their mutual pleasure. For them, it was lovemaking at its best.
"Oh God," Aarti squealed. She just loved the fullness of his cock deep inside her. "Mmm, oh, ah," she grunted.
"Not God, just Nagesh," he replied dryly.
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"Shuss, Nagesh," she managed to grind out, "or you'll make me laugh and cause me to lose my train of thought."
"You're thinking at a time like this?" Nagesh queried.
"Shush, you talk too much," as she took a backward swipe at him with her elbow. "You know what I mean."
Nagesh continued his lovemaking, not saying anything more. He was letting his cock do the talking. He slowly pushed his cock up her womb as far as it would go. And just as slowly he withdrew until only the tip of his cock was lodged between her nether lips. Each time he went back he used his upper body to brush against her back. Whether going in or going out, he massaged her breasts and lightly pinched her nipples.
She sighed. "Oh, so good."
Once in a while, he let go of her sweet boobs to grab her around her hips. He drew her ass tighter against his body as if he was trying to penetrate her more deeply. His hands switched to her love nest, his arms wrapped around her curvaceous hips. He stroke her vulva at the same time as he was moving in and out of her.
As his hands switched back and forth from her crease to her twin mounds, he gradually increased his pace. After a few minutes, he heard his wife start mewling like a kitten, a sure sign that she was approaching her climax.
"Ah, ah, oh god, that feels so good," she purred. "I'm almost there, hon. Faster please, harder... oh-oh, ah!"
Nagesh accelerated his pace. He pumped faster and faster. It wasn't easy. It was difficult to hold back, but he was not a selfish lover.
Finally, Nagesh felt the tremors going through Aarti's body in synchronization with her passionate mewling. She was cumming.
"I'm there!" she squealed needlessly.
She shoved her ass against him as if to force engorged cock to go even deeper into her pussy.
Nagesh couldn't hold back any more. He came. He felt the rush of semen travel up the interior of his cock and spill its contents into her womb.
"Oh! " he bellowed like a bull and spurted his sexual juices into his wife. "Honey, what you have between your legs is be the sweetest place on Earth," he grunted, breathing heavily. "When I'm inside you," he murmured, "I wish I could stay there forever."
"That was good," she moaned. "I love feeling that hard thing of yours inside me." She couldn't think of a better way to be full, filled and fulfilled.
Finished, they disengaged and held each other tightly. Their emotional and physical union had sated them, at least for now.
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But Aarti had not forgotten Nagesh's pensive look. Determined to get an answer, she asked her husband again what he had been thinking about. She was determined to find out what was going on his mind.
"I can't quite put my finger on it," he replied after a moment. "Something's missing. I don't know what."
"Try," she said. "If you're not happy, I can't be happy."
"And I want to make you to be happy too," Nagesh said.
Several minutes of silence followed, each preoccupied with his or her own thoughts.
"You know, hon..." Nagesh opened up and then stopped.
"What, Nagesh."
"We have a pretty honest relationship, wouldn't you agree?"
"Yes, and?" she asked wondering at what appeared to be a change in the direction of the conversation.
"Well, a thought occurred to me, but I'm worried you might get angry with me if I express it."
"We've always been honest with each other," she pointed out. "If an issue needs to be resolved we talk about it. How else can we come to a compromise or solve a problem. Tell me. What's it all about?" she asked again."
"You won't get angry with me if I'm completely frank?" he asked. "But once I start expressing myself Aarti, you have to hear me out until I'm done. No interruptions, okay? I'm not even clear about what I'm thinking. I'm just trying to articulate a feeling and it might not come out sounding right."
"You trust me, right?"
"You know I do."
Nagesh took a deep breath and began to explain. "As good as our sex is, I think we've hit a rut sexually. True, we've tried all kinds of things to spice up our sex lives, you know, cunnilingus, 69-position, missionary, doggie-style and a few others we've seen in various sex manuals. We enjoy erotic movies. I've even seen some hardcore porn."
"You have?" she questioned.
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"Of course, I have. It's almost impossible for a guy not to come across it at some point in their lives. You remember when I went to my cousin's stag party last year?"
"His friends put on a hardcore porn movie."
"So did you enjoy watching it? she asked.
"Not really," he said, "it doesn't take long for it to get boring."
"You're joking. I though all guys get off on porn."
"Some do," he replied, "but doing it is a hell of a lot more fun than watching it on screen. When it comes to sex, I prefer to be a participant, not a spectator. I also think that what makes sex erotic is seduction and the anticipation of the pleasure to come, not the gross depiction of physical sexual acts you see in porn movies."
"So we've done it all." She was not sure if that was a statement of a question.
"No, hon, we haven't done it all. Rather, it's all we've done."
"You have a way with words, Nagesh," Aarti replied laconically.
"We have had a really good sex life although we seem to be in the doldrums." To reassure his wife, he quickly added, "Let me clear. I'm not blaming you. You've done nothing wrong. I think we need to recharge, spice up our sex life."
"To be honest, Nagesh, you have a point. I think I know what you mean. Maybe, we should find a way to get out of our rut."
"Well, Aarti, you're a librarian and librarians know how to look for information. Do you want to take on the task of finding out what's out there on the subject?"
Aarti blushed. "Me? But Nagesh, you're a records manager. You know how to look for information too."
"It's not the same. We have similar skill sets, but use them for entirely different purposes," he replied. "You work in a science library. You've helped students do research projects on all kinds of subjects including sex. You told me so yourself. I'm asking you to use your search skills and knowledge to find information for us when you are at home."
"You have a point," Aarti said, "although I'm not sure I know what I should be looking for."
"You're very bright, my love. I'm sure you'll figure it out."
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Two weeks later, Aarti announced that she had some results.
"I don't know if this is what we're really looking for," she said, "but this as good a place as any to start, I guess." Then she blushed. "I wasn't familiar with some of the terms so I looked them up. A lot of hits were porn sites, pretty graphic stuff."
"Not as good as the real thing, right?"
Aarti blushed again. "Right. Since we're looking for ways to spice up our love life, I compiled a list a variety of sexual preferences. I put them on a simple form in the form of questions requiring a grade from 1 to 5 for each preference: 1 means 'definitely no'; 2 means 'probably not'; 3 means 'unsure' or 'don't know'; 4 means 'probably interested'; 5 means 'very interested'."
"As you know, my little analytical sweetheart, he started to point out, "we have to avoid the temptation to rig the results for fear of the other's reaction. So let's establish some preconditions and rules."
"Sounds good to me," she concurred.
"Let's start with basic principles," he said. "We've always held to the belief that what happens between consenting adults is nobody else's business. The operative words are 'adults' and 'consenting'. So, anything involving children, violence or coercion is out even before we start."
"I'm ahead of you on that one," she interrupted. "I precluded them already."
"Otherwise," he continued, "most everything else should be listed."
Aarti nodded her agreement.
"Now, about the rules. Complete honesty should be our first rule.' He declared. There shouldn't be any anger, repercussions or resentments for any and all honest answers. That should be our second rule."
"Agreed. Honesty and no blowback," Aarti summarized. "This might get scary though."
"Yes, it might. We may be surprised or disappointed by each other's honest answers. The second rule enables the first rule. Right now, it's all just talk and fantasy, not reality."
"So far, we've just talked about spicing up our sex life," she observed. "Maybe one of us wants to turn fantasy into reality. We need a third rule: nothing happens unless we both agree. In other words, no means no for both of us."
"I agree, you sweet scrumptious little thing," he said smiling.
* * *
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A few days later, Aarti's list of questions was ready. Each answered the questions separately on screen.
Nagesh finished first. 'Well,' he thought, 'I see things here I'm sure Aarti finds disgusting. But I give her credit. She keeps an open mind. She left in whatever did not fall outside our 'consenting adults' principle.'
Aarti took a little longer than Nagesh.
"I'm done," she finally announced. "It'll be easier to compare notes if we consolidate what we have on the screen into a two-column document."
When she finished combining their answers on the screen, they looked at the result.
"I see a few questions where we both gave the lowest possible score. It's a long list. They are irrelevant. So to save time, let's just delete them right now." Aarti said. "And we should probably also delete those where one of us gave a 1."
"Agreed in most cases," he said simply. He noted the Aarti was taking an interest in what they were doing.
"Is that a qualification dear?"
"Yes it is, but we'll get to it in a minute," he said.
The exclusions were interesting but not surprising given the couple's long-held attitudes. But he stopped her from deleting the question relating submission."
"But you put down a 1," she protested.
"Yes dear, because I take no interest in submission. But I like the idea of being a dominant. So our inclinations are complementary. They should stay on our list for now."
"It makes sense," she conceded.
"Let's get back to them on the weekend," he suddenly interrupted. "We have already learned a lot about ourselves. We should mull over them over for a while. A little more further thinking might prompt us to amend an answer."
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When the weekend arrived, Nagesh asked his wife if she was ready to talk some more.
"Sure," she said.
They looked at the grades they gave to each question. They made no further changes.
Nagesh read the results again. "Right off the bat, hon, I see a certain agreement in our answers about swinging and interracial sex."
"We're an interracial couple already, Nagesh."
"Oh yeah, good catch, good point," he chuckled. "But I think we both understand that we aren't talking about our relationship to each other."
"True," Aarti replied."
"At the top of what's left," she said, "is swinging, and, to a lesser extent, group sex."
"I'm a little confused by these other categories," Nagesh said. "It could be argued that threesomes and group sex are variations of swinging. In the old days, swinging used to mean single people picking each other up at bars for casual sex."
"And you seem curious about cuckoldry," she pointed out.
"I don't get that one," he admitted, "a mild interest in cuckoldry seems incompatible with dominance."
"Your logic is unsound, Nagesh."
"What do you mean?"
"Our preferences can change. We've changed. For example, twenty years ago, this conversation would never have taken place. Our preferences can also change depending on the situation."
"Very true," he agreed.
"Sex is not about logic but about procreation, sexual pleasure and even social cohesion. Each human being is unique although, of course, we can have many similarities and shared interests."
Aarti was now in lecture mode.
"People's personalities can be very complex and even contradictory. It all depends on the situation, the people we know and interact with, and the environment, physical, economic, etc. that we live in."
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She stopped for a moment.
"While helping clients do research on human sexuality, I couldn't help but become familiar with the issues. Many specialists in human sexuality have difficulty explaining why human sexual behaviour constantly collides with the prevailing social mores."
Nagesh knew he had a very intelligent wife but sometimes she really impressed him. This was one of those times.
Aarti was still lecturing. "As a species, we are innately social and sexual at the same time. It's written in our genes, Nagesh. If you strip away the society's moralistic trappings, you have a creature that has a lot in common with bonobos."
"Bonobos?" Nagesh questioned. "Is that some kind of Italian sausage?"
"No silly, they're apes. They look like chimpanzees except they're more gracile. Both species are our closest relatives in the animal kingdom. The genetic difference between them and us is only 1.6%. Sexually, bonobos behave just like humans. They can, and do, have sex at any time. Sex isn't just about reproduction. Like us they fuck for fun."
A little embarrassed, Aarti giggled at her own choice of words.
"Humans and bonobos are the only two animals on the planet for whom sex is part of their social life. Hunter-gatherer societies, like those of our remote ancestors, were very similar. Food and sex were shared. It changed with the rise of farming and private property."
"I like bonobos, Nagesh said.
"I bet you do!" Aarti squealed and squirmed, not because of what he said but because of what he did.
While Aarti was talking about the sex among the apes, Nagesh had stepped behind her, slipped a hand inside her blouse and pushed off her bra to massage her breast. Meanwhile, the other hand had snaked its way into her panties where it massaged her other feminine assets. He pressed his growing hard-on against her behind for good measure. The talk about sex had made them both horny.
"Lets play bonobo," he panted into her ear."
"Okay," she said hoarsely.
They were in a mood for a quickie. She ran to the bedroom. He followed. Clothes flew. He pounced on her, slipping his stiff member easily into her hot humid canal. They humped against each other, he driving in as deeply as he could, she doing her best to allow him to penetrate deeply. They arrived at their blissful burst at the same time.
Now that they were sated, Nagesh said out loud. "What the hell came over us? I don't recall ever becoming horny from talking about the sex life of animals."
"Maybe their sex life appeals to our inner being, to our genetically engrained human nature," she said softly.
"Umm," was all Nagesh could say.
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Aarti and Nagesh resumed their usual life. Work and family issues prevented them from giving any further thought to how they might spice up their love life.
"We're back in our rut," Nagesh remarked one day after a few weeks. "We need to get out of it, put our troubles aside, and have some fun."
"Yeah? What do you have in mind?"
"How about a dinner and a dance?"
"Nagesh, that's a great idea!"
"I thought you'd like that idea. So I booked a reservation in the city at a new French restaurant called 'La Cuisine française.' "
"Which means?
"French cookery."
"And where do we go dancing?"
"Ah, that's where it gets a little, shall we say, different. The place I have in mind is not your usual dance place.
"There will probably be little real ballroom or Latin dancing."
"What are trying to say, hon."
"Aarti, I propose we go to a swingers' club called 'The Bat in the Box'."
Aarti burst out laughing. "You got to be kidding me!"
"What about," Nagesh replied, "the name or the place."
"Both, Nagesh," but she laughed again. "Well, you should have given me a little warning, you know."
"Love of my life, I knew you wouldn't object to dinner and dancing. You agreed immediately to the idea. But I do see your point about playing a little fast and loose with the dance locale."
He paused for a moment before continuing.
"The restaurant requires a reservation. As for the swingers' club, we don't have to go if you don't want to. We can go to a proper dance place not far from the restaurant."
Nagesh saw the trepidation in her eyes. He also saw the spark of curiosity in them.
"Come on, Aarti," Nagesh urged. "We aren't obliged to do anything. At worst, nothing happens. We watch and then we leave. At best, it may put us in the mood to rush home for some nookie. What's to complain about?"
After ,.ng over what Nagesh said, Aarti replied, "Okay, Nagesh, as long as I can call it off at any time."
"Agreed. Either one of us can call it off," he assured his wife.
The couple spent the rest of the week in both anticipation and apprehensiveness. Although they had read up on swingers' clubs, especially the "The Bat in the Box', they knew the reality could be something very different from what they imagined it to be. Their fears were somewhat alleviated because the club's website clearly stated that onsite sex was not allowed. The club's purpose, the website explained, was to enable open-minded couples to meet and make their own arrangements. It seemed safe enough.
* * *
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Friday finally arrived.
"You've got that really cute black dress that goes only part-way down your thighs," he said. "You know, the one with the plunging neckline. I haven't seen you wear that one in a long time. I want people at the swingers' club to see how sexy you really are. I want them to know that I'm the luckiest guy in the world."
Although she was flattered by her husband's compliment, Aarti was reticent to go along with the idea of wearing that particular dress. She decided to try it on to make sure it fit. It did... barely.
She looked in the mirror. What she saw gave her the odd feeling of being almost naked even though it covered most of her more intimate feminine attributes. The dress emphasized the shapeliness of her ass, the curvature of her hips, and broadly hinted at her well-proportioned breasts.
The dress was also very revealing. Its shortness exposed most of her silky-smooth milky-white thighs. It was the kind of dress that limited a modest woman's mobility. If she stooped while standing or parted her legs even slightly while sitting, her panties would become easily visible. Moreover, the dress was sleeveless. It exposed her back. Its plunging neckline barely covered her breasts. She knew she would be a magnet that would attract men's eyes. All in all, it made her feel sexy and naughty, even a little slutty.
For shoes, Aarti chose an elegant black high-heeled pair. They emphasized the beauty of her well-toned dancer's legs.
"You are a smorgasbord of femaleness," Nagesh observed admiringly.
"But I can't go like this to the restaurant," she objected. "It makes me feel and look almost naked. I don't want to be embarrassed by some guy leering at me in the restaurant, trying to undress me with his eyes."
Nagesh guffawed. "Don't you know, honey. We men have x-ray vision. If you don't undress yourself, we'll undress you with our eyes."
"Stop it," she protested. You've making me feel even more self-conscious."
"I'm sorry, hon," he replied with a lecherous glint in his eyes. "I suggest you wear a skirt that falls below your knees. Nylons might be a good idea too."
"That's my plan," she said. "A long skirt, nylons, a bra and my black lace slipover for good measure. Otherwise, I won't feel comfortable."
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"Honey, you look good in a sweat suit," he said laughing.
"You're both a liar and a flatterer," she said smiling.
He chuckled. "Even though you know it, it still works on you, doesn't it?"
She smiled and stuck out her tongue. She was a sucker for flattery but didn't really believe he was a liar.
* * *
That evening at the 'La Cuisine française', they enjoyed an excellent meal and a bottle of red French wine. Nagesh ordered filet mignon as his main course while Aarti chose escargots à la bourguignonne. They made a point of asking the chef to go very easy on the garlic. It would not be nice to have bad breath when they were about to meet people at a party.
Nagesh tried to ply Aarti with wine but she resisted. She knew his game.
'My man is such a little devil,' she thought. 'He's trying to make me tipsy so I'll be more relaxed and more pliable by the time we get to the club. But the truth is I'm curious about this club. I'm even a little excited to see what it's like.'
Later, as Nagesh paid the bill, Aarti she said out loud, "Okay, big boy, let's see what's on offer at the club. But to feel a little safer, I think we should use pseudonyms. Okay?"
"Okay." Then making fun he said, "I'm not Nagesh but I'm pleased to meet you. And you are?
"Prachi," she said.
"Maybe I should try something a little exotic," Nagesh declared. "Hmmm, when I was young, my parents sent me to my aunt in Kerala for the summer to learn Malayalam. I learned a few choice words playing with my friends which I never repeated in front of my prudish aunt. I'll call myself Manoj."
Aarti smirked. 'Smart-ass,' she thought. Then she thought about the swingers' club again. 'I wonder how he'll react if some guy makes a pass at me or even gropes me. I guess I'll find out soon enough.'
On the way to the swingers' club, Aarti removed her outer skirt, nylons and slipover, tucking them into a bag she intended to leave behind in the car. It took some urging from Nagesh before she finally took off her bra as well.
Nagesh had difficulty concentrating on his driving as he watched his wife's mini striptease in the passenger seat. The black form-fitting dress was Aarti's sexiest. He kicked himself mentally for not trying to persuade her to wear it more often.
He kept glancing at his beautiful wife. "You look so hot," he said leering at her. "I almost feel like taking you back home now."
Aarti noticed her husband's lustful look. "Down boy," she said, "You'll have your chances to poke me with your pecker."
"Yeah, like later tonight." Nagesh laughed, then concentrated on his driving.
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After they parked their car in a nearby parking lot, they stood watching the club's entrance for a few minutes.
Nagesh took hold of Aarti's hand. "Let's do it," Nagesh finally said.
The first thing they saw as they approached the door was a sign that read: Private Party, Bat in the Box Club.
"If one of us wants to leave, we both leave. No argument. Okay?" Nagesh said to re-assure his wife yet.
"I know, dear," Aarti replied.
With that, they opened the door and walked in.
A lady just inside the door collected their entry fees. "I haven't seen you two before," she observed.
"First time," Nagesh replied."
"Are you familiar with our rules?"
"Yes," he replied, "we saw them on your website."
"Well, go on in," she smiled. "Just relax and enjoy."
"Thanks," Nagesh said. "At this point we just want to get a feel for things."
"I'm sure you will feel a few things," she said with a straight face.
The club's facility was spacious. Normally served as a banquet hall. The lights were low. Tables and chairs were distributed along the walls. The centre of the room was left clear, obviously to allow dancing.
Snacks were available at the bar. Alcohol bought offsite and drugs were strictly forbidden, but beer and wine were for sale at the bar. Violation of the club's rules meant expulsion. Repeat offenders were banned permanently.
Only a small number of people were present.
"Things don't really start hopping until after 10:00," their hostess informed them. "Oh, by the way," she added, "put on one of those wristbands you see in the box near the bar. Red means you're only looking, not participating. Yellow means touching and feeling is allowed, but you're not looking for sex. Green means you're looking for sex partners. As a couple, you're required to wear the same colour at all times."
"And if we change our minds?" Nagesh asked.
"You can change wristbands at any time but you both still have to wear the same colour. It's a meeting place for swinging couples. It's either both of you or neither of you."
Nagesh and Aarti nodded.
"Red?" Aarti asked tentatively.
"No, yellow," he said decisively. "If we were just going to watch, we could have stayed home and rented an erotic movie. We're here for more that. Wasn't that the point of coming here?" he questioned.
Aarti realized he had a point. They were here to get a taste of what the swinging lifestyle was like. Still, the scene made her nervous... and excited.
"Okay," she said softly. "And no means no."
"Yes, no means no."
They walked over to the bar where they bought two glasses of wine. They made themselves comfortable at one of the tables.
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For a while nothing happened. But as the evening wore on, more couples trickled in, each couple choosing wristbands of one or the other colour. They came in all ages, shapes, sizes and colours. Many sat down but a few couples danced. Not surprisingly, the club played romantic or slow lounge-type music.
Another hour passed. The club became more crowded. The dance floor gradually filled up.
Aarti and Nagesh continued to watch. Couples wearing red wristbands were left alone.
"Oh look, Nagesh," Aarti whispered. "Over there to the left."
They saw an exchange of pleasantries between two couples. They wore wedding rings and green wristbands. After seeing the women nod in agreement, the two couples appeared to make a switch. The men slipped their hands under the women's blouses. It was obvious what they were doing.
"It's making me hot," Nagesh whispered. "Let's go dance and do some groping ourselves!" With that he took Aarti's hand and led her to the dance floor.
Aarti almost went into a ballroom dance hold position but Nagesh put a quick end to the gesture. He wrapped his arms around his wife and pulled her tightly against his body. He nuzzled her neck.
"Nagesh," she protested, "people are watching!"
"No kidding," he replied. "What do you expect when we're in a place like this. And," he added, "I've got the sexiest woman in the place in my arms."
Aarti put her arms around her man's neck and laid her head on his shoulder. "Flattery will get everywhere, hon." She relaxed. She put her lips to his ear. "I'm getting hot too," she confessed to enjoying the comfort and safety of her husband's embrace.
A mischievous thought struck Aarti. She pressed her pelvis against him, then squirmed in his arms for good measure.
Nagesh pressed his pelvis against hers. He was getting a hard-on. "Aarti, you are such a luscious little tease."
They kissed passionately. A tremor of excitement coursed through Aarti's body as Nagesh allowed his hands to travel slowly down his wife's back, while nuzzling and nipping her neck and ears. She loved his masculine aroma and the feel of his strong arms wrapped around her. Her pussy moistened. Briefly, they forgot with their surroundings.
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Suddenly, Nagesh felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked toward the source, a man who was wearing a green wristband. He was tall. His black hair was shot through with flashes of flashes of grey. He looked fairly healthy although he had a small paunch. Nagesh estimated he was in his early 50s.
The woman with him appeared to be a bit younger than him. She was voluptuous. Nagesh couldn't be sure if it was due to age or genetics, maybe both.
The couple wore green wristbands.
"We couldn't help notice you because we've never seen you here before. My name is Vijay, and this is my wife Shruti."
The men shook hands.
She smiled and shook hands with Nagesh. "Hi, pleased to meet you."
"Nagesh gestured toward Aarti. "This is my wife Aa..., er, Prachi. I'm Manoj."
Aarti giggled and shook hands with each of them in turn.
"Those are unusual names," Vijay observed.
"Indeed they are," Nagesh smiled.
"You're really cute," Shruti interjected directing her remark to Aarti.
"Yes" Nagesh smirked, "she is my Prachi," and pulled her against him.
"And Manoj is my man. He belongs to me," Aarti added, putting both arms around his waist.
Not quite understanding what the exchange was about, Shruti changed the subject. "Are you here for the first time?" she asked.
"Yes," Aarti responded, "we're curious to see what a swingers' club is like. In fact, it's our first time in any place like this."
"Well, I noticed you're wearing yellow wristbands. First-timers usually wear red," Shruti said. "Although," she continued, "it is not uncommon to see a first-time couple exchange a red wristband for a yellow one later in the evening."
"We came here knowing what the club was about," Aarti replied. "At the same we didn't want to go all the way, so to speak, until we learned more. A yellow wristband seemed like a good compromise."
"Manoj, do you mind if I cut in?" Vijay asked, "provided of course your lady has no objection. Shruti is attracted to you," he added. "She said so. Right, dear?"
"I did, Vijay." She stepped to Nagesh. "Let's dance, Manoj."
With that they exchanged partners.