A Banana Muffin Saga
Chapter-50 (Part-II)

Khurram stood as if he was incapacitated!
“OUH...TANVI...!!!”, Khurram lost words inside his throat as he found the prized female standing in front of him, instead of his wife. 
A second passed...another one....Khurram's cock started to regain its lost potential...blood rushed through his scrotum!
His eyes strained to recollect itself...On-The-Very-Spot...When he least expected...She stood...!!

Facing him...his ultimate dream...looking up at him with her angelic green eyes!!!

“Where is...Safiyaji...I mean...Khurramji...?”, Tanvi went totally powerless to find her words and at the same time her reaction happened only with her eyes. She was totally unprepared to catch this shirtless giant towering in front of her instead of the old woman whom she expected to open the door.
“Oh-Tanvi! I thought it was Safiyaji”, he paused to inhale an audible gulp of air and continued “She just left few minutes back”, Khurram updated. As if answering to her next question, he updated - “Safiyaji will take some time to return. She went to the bank and from there, she’ll go for some of her shopping”.
“Ugh...okay...I mean...I just came to see Safiyaji”, despite her initial bewilderment after failing to contain the mountain of a man with his manhood visibly protruding, Tanvi failed to find proper reflexes. 
“I shall come back later Khurramji”, she turned to walk away from the intimidating old man.
“That’s okay Tanvi, and don’t worry...tell me how can I help? Is everything alright?”, he asked.
“Yeah...I mean yes. Everything is fine”, Tanvi tried to close the discussion immediately.
“Oh-Common Tanvi, you know you can tell me anything, right? I can see your hands are filled with some batter...and if something was not that urgent, you would never come up to talk with Safiyaji...I know it!”, though she had her face turned a bit away from his gaze, she felt what he meant. She knew it was true too...It was with superhuman effort that she walked up to seek help from the very woman who was cheating with her husband.
“No Khurramji, it’s really OK, don’t worry”.
“Fine, alright...but Tanvi, I know you trust me, don’t you? So, whatever your problem is – tell me and I won’t bite you – just tell me”, his eyes started to roam over her exposed sweaty skin. He locked his gaze over her naked neckline and shoulder portion that was visible through the low-cut kurta. Khurram tried to remove the squirm on his face as he felt blood rustling through his hefty scrotum.
“Khurramji, it’s nothing important”, she tried one last time to resist.
“Now I see...you don’t trust me!”, Khurram leaned away as if he was dismissing her.
“No, really...it’s...o...k”, Tanvi’s tongue caught as she hiccupped to see him looking pensive.
“Tell me then, I know I can help you Tanvi”, he folded his hands over his chest and prompted her to speak up.
“Ji...Khurramji” Tanvi felt a bit better when she averted her eyes away from the semi naked old man. “Actually, I was baking some Banana muffins and while preparing it, I got stuck in between”.
“What happened?”
“Well, it’s like...I mixed the dough with my hands and now I and not able to squeeze the banana cubes”.
“But, is there anything wrong with the bananas?”, his voice was innocent. However, he was already intoxicated to see how her tiny waistline of accentuated with the dupatta knot and how it also made the upper portion of her kameez to become tighter, making her breasts to jutt further than normal.
“Oh no no...Khurramji, it’s not banana’s – in fact, my fingers got tired while mixing the batter and I wanted Safiyaji to help me mixing the banana pieces into it”, she tried to place a smile but failed as her body was getting heated up...in fact she sensed her womanhood starting to respond as the familiar tinge of gooey release started bugging her vaginal lips.
“Umm...ok, let me help you on it!”.
“No..oh no no Khurramji, it’s fine”
“Tanvi...what do you mean by ‘NO’? If we don’t mix the dough with banana on time, the muffins will taste bad and will have foul smell afterwards...just give me a minute to change”, he moved sideways.
“Ji...but...you might have something to do here...I mean you might be busy...I am so sorry to bother...”, Tanvi mumbled because she was not sure how to respond and what else to say. 
“I’ll follow you shortly ok, go ahead!”, she heard the old man rumbling. Without waiting for Khuram’s response, Tanvi walked back to her apartment with more confusion and increased nervousness. Overall, she was thinking why he allowed him to help her...along with numerous curses to herself for such bad decision making.
She left the main door open as she walked into her home and reached the kitchen in a trance. Despite her thumping heart, she knew clearly that she was in tight situation. She hoped and wished Sharda to reach faster...in fact, Tanvi prayed for it... 
Instead of her maid, it was Khurram who walked in!
“Oh-My-God...he is NOT wearing anything inside his boxer!!!”, Tanvi shook from where she stood when she found the old man walking in, with his visibly large thing pendulating inside his shorts. With every step he took towards kitchen through her living room, her cunt craved to get close to him...closer to his thing...as she watched with increasing alarm, his thing reached closer and closer...
“Ah! You are stuck here...ok now I see!!”, Khurram made a jovial remark as he reached and stood next to her inspecting the muffin mixture while his words were directed to her.
“Ji Khurramji...my hands and fingers are actually paining from all the whisking I did...it has become too rigid now and I added some more butter to it, but nothing is working”, Tanvi tried her level best to avoid gawking at the brown mountain who stood dauntingly close to her. She also silently thanked all her Gods for giving some sense to the old man for wearing a tee-shirt.
Unexpectedly, Tanvi’s cunt made a sudden shudder when her brain re-confirmed her hunch that he was wearing the same boxer without anything under it...his limp shaft had slightly started to protrude outwards, pointing at her in an angled direction!
“Ok let’s do it together ok”, as he said, Khurram used a glob of melted butter and spread it over both his palms before diving into the large beaker that was almost filled with the batter. 
“Comm-on Tanvi, use your hands a bit to regroup the mixture at the sides”, he pointed some areas where he was not whisking.
“Ooo-oh! sorry!”, a low gasp came out of Tanvi as her hands touched with the large fingers of the old man through the thick mixture. Though it was brief, their fingers started to tangle often, briefly at first, then laboriously. Tanvi’s knees started to tremble when her soft, fragile fingers started to touch his skin more and more vigorously...with each passing touch, the length of their tangle increased...pace slowed...duration of their touch increased...the trembling that was initially on her knees started spreading all over the rest of her legs.
“I think it’s time to add banana pieces”, Khurram’s deep voice made her cunt to push a tiny gush of the tingling fluid to spill out of its confines. Before she could respond, Tanvi found him taking the banana cubes and dropping it into the tumbler.
“Do you like what you saw?”, his question was simple, innocent yet deadly straight!
“Wha...What Khurramji?”, both of them were doing the touch and go dance with fingers and his question snapped her out of the daze. 
And she found her the old man was mischievously eyeing his enlarging crotch. 
He continued “I mean, did you find the way how I am doing this as helpful? Do you like it?”, he rephrased the question. But to Tanvi, it felt more wicked. During this time, Khurram’s fingers had squeezed all the banana pieces around the mixture that was now more liquified and his touch over her fingers were more like circles...
His movements were deliberate!
His fingers had the advantage of being large and filling the tumbler making her small fingers to stay submerged inside the batter!!
“Ji...Thank you so much for helping out...In fact, I was preparing this for Sanjoth”, desperately she tried to slide her fingers away from his invading ones, but again, by next second, his fingers found hers and continued the circular dance again and again...
His fingers were teasingly measured while it circled over her fingers!
The effect was enormous – with each circle that her fingers acknowledged – the same effect transpired all over the rest of her body!
Her vagina registered his fingers actually moving in circles all over the rest of her body...especially inside it’s wicked cavern!
“For Sanjoth...huh?”, Khurram’s voice was loud...and his hands stopped abruptly.
“Ji, in fact I decided to clear this issue once and for all with Sanju. After all he is my husband and if he is in some kind of trouble, it is my duty as a wife to help and make him come out of the situation. Right Khurramji?”, her face seemed innocent...but her eyes looked meandering.
“Sure yes yes Tanvi...You are right...You know, I think I should have this cleared with Safiyaji as well...right?”, his question had the desired impact. However, his voice lacked any kind of conviction – instead it contained disappointment – because Tanvi was not participating in his scheme to get back at her husband.
Tanvi’s eyes shot up and got hooked into his dark, black, and piercing gaze.
And she lost her voice...again. 
“What do you think Tanvi? I mean, what is your opinion on this point? If you, a responsible wife, tryies your best to forget and forgive the worst thing that any husband could do and also tries to forget what he did with another man’s wife? Could you then say that other man also should also do the same with his wife?”
“Ji...I mean...sure...hmm...I think so”, she stammered.
Khurram was glad that his question made her confused which, was exactly what he wanted. He started moving his fingers again inside the mixture. But this time, his fingers moved with deliberate movements...kneading the fragile fingers of the young woman along with it...forcing her hands to join the salsa that he was pivoting inside the banana mixture! 
“But Tanvi, one thing still remains...”
“What is it Khurramji? Did we forget something to add?”
“No and Yes Tanvi”
“Ji, I don’t follow?”, her face had question of confusion.
“No-because the muffin batter is perfect. Yes-because you forgot something when you made this resolution to get straight with your husband!”
“I...I don’t follow you...sorry Khurramji...but what di I miss?, she looked genuinely confused.
“Hmm...with these muffins, you will get your head cleared with Sanjoth. But let’s think for one moment that my begum ‘Safiya’ would have been a victim to your own husband’s dirty plans...right? that is also possible...and we both found it happening with their consents – with our own eyes. So, does that make her a victim or a participant and now I fail to understand what you are trying to achieve?”, his question was framed with such finesse that she failed to recognize the underlying waves.
“What are you...I mean...is that possible?”, Tanvi was totally perplexed...he saw genuine perplexity written over her face. Khurram smiled at his progress...
“Well, that is of course possible!”, Khurram’s voice felt like it was a rightful statement.
“Hmm...possible!”, within seconds, Tanvi’s demeanor changed. Her eyes looked straight at the old man...there was no peevishness...he found the spark in both her retinas that was wanted to see!
Within a minute, both their fingers and palms were entwined...
He was leading...
She tried to resist...
His fingers twirled hers into small knots...
She tried her best to release her fingers through the gooey mix...
His eyes never left hers...
Her eyes never left his...
“Almost ready”, his voice made her to snap out of her daze.
“I mean, the mixture is almost ready...look!”, Khurram nodded at her to look down to the tumbler.
“OOOH!”, a loud gasp escaped her lungs.
Tanvi’s eyes were not on the banana mix...
As she looked down, her viewpoint was obviously on the most striking thing that was projecting below!
His shaft was now standing fully erect! The ginormous penis pointed straight out and towards her direction making an obscene tent on his boxer as he was not wearing anything inside!
“Go for it Tanvi!”, she heard his voice and was shocked.
“What do you mean???”, her voice vibrated, her eyes were fixated.
“I mean, as the mixture is loose, you need to trying mixing it”, his voice was jovial.
“OH GOD...THAT HURTS!”, Tanvi shrieked when her fingers snapped against his muscular fingers.
“Easy easy...squeeze it slowly!”, as he said, Khurram shifted on his left leg that was near to her...making his cock to bounce freely...Tanvi found his shaft wobbling up and down and gradually making the tent even bigger...which, to her horror she found the waistline of his boxer getting expanded and away from his hips.
“Oo-sshii...ittt...!”, she could complete her whimper, her eyes popped!
Her heart bolted and hammered...!!
Her brain gridlocked its inner tendons...!!
Her jaw dropped in disbelief, her chin shuddered...!!
And finally, her body jolted and remained motionless trying hard to control her cunt’s tremors!!!
Tanvi saw Khurram removing his right hand from the muffin mixture and sliding it along his waist and finally pulling the waistline of his boxer...!
Letting out his protrusion...!
His fearsome organ was now...OUT OF HIS BOXER...!
She saw his manhood falling out of his boxer...slowly...THE DARK MEAT WAS POINTED AT HER!!
Khurram let his boxer to slide down and he stood naked from waist down...his cock stood erect...proud...extending the challenge to the transfixed young woman!
Tanvi finally settled her eyes on his monstrosity that was hoisted to showcase all of its colossal glory!!!
Tanvi’s brain bombarded as if she was using her body to swallow his entire magnitude to brim!!! 
Her cunt convulsed at the image her brain created as her eyes captured the growing penis in front of her!!!
It looked ten times bigger than how it was in her dream...millions of their naked bodies engaged in copulation!!!
Tanvi’s skin blazed to scorching heat, with which, both her nipples flared and protruded while she helplessly saw her own chest enlarging lewdly without her control!!!
Tanvi’s knees wobbled from the tremendous explosion that originated from some crevice that went deeper than her vaginal cavern...from a point that she never perceived to exist inside her!!!
She couldn’t take her eyes away from his manhood as she found the animalistic force that emanated from his shaft taking over her...like a dark blanket plummeting and wrapping over all her deepest, innermost perverse thoughts...combined together...consuming her...chocking her...making her powerless!
“Touch it!”, Khurram’s deep voice fell on Tanvi like a whiplash!
His left hand circled over her fingers...coaxing...towing...towards his penis.
For the first time, she realized that she was alone...and not even a single soul could hear her even if she screamed. “Unless if Sharda comes in...but, it’s not her time yet!”, a ray of lost hope drowned as it came to her mind.
Along with a sinking heart, Tanvi detected her loss of reaction power! 
“Go ahead...I know you want to...touch it Tanvi!”, Khurram’s voice dropped on her like a mortar explosion.
His left hand moved all around through the mixture...enticing...drawing...towards his manhood.
“Oh-GOD....Khurramji!!! WHATT-ARE-YOU-DOINGG??”, her heart started to beat again as she found her voice.
There was no conviction in her voice!
Her eyes were struck on his cock that continued to jerk at her!!
Tanvi’s brain continued its inspection of the spectacular piece of male anatomy in close detail!!!
“Come closer and touch it Tanvi!!”, his voice was more profound and foreboding than his previous instruction.
His left hand fingers kneaded and continued bothering her hands...drawing...towards his penis.
“NO-KHURRAMJI!! PLEASE...PLEASE STOP IT...COVER...THAT...PLEEASE!”, though her voice was not loud, her message was stern.
Still her voice did not carried conviction!!
She wondered why the heck was she not running from the kitchen!!
Her eyes continued meandering over the swinging meat and finally settled over its bulbous dark-purple crown!!
“Touch it Tanvi!!!”, his voice was clear...straight...direct!!!
His left hand gripped one of her hand inside its powerful grip...forcing...towards his shaft.
“KHURRAMJI...PLEASE-DON’T-HURT-ME!!”, her face still remained downcasted and two drops of tears fell to the floor.
She knew she was free to flee but somehow her feet remained stationed at where she stood...her brain could not interpret what she wanted to do at that exact moment!!
“I SAID...TOUCH IT!”, this time his voice was full-blown and she heard it thundering right above her head.
His left hand clutched both her hands at the wrists and pulled out of the tumbler.
“I...I am married...I can’t...I CAAN’T DO IT!!!”, Tanvi resisted.
Khurram’s left hand pulled Tanvi away from the kitchen table where they were standing with the tumbler between them. 
“NO-NO-KHURRAMJI...LEAVE ME!!!”, this time Tanvi found her voice and shrieked.
“NOO...NO...KHU...”, before Tanvi could finish her scream, her head shot up straight with surprise, shock was written all over her face. She was being pulled towards the giant with such force that she felt they would crash each other and his penis would destruct her body forever...then...and right there! 
“Khurramjii...please...try to understand...what we are doing is not right...it will NOT make anything right in our lives...I cannot do it...please...pleeeese!”, she literally begged and tried to pull away from his iron grip.
“OK, I SAID I WILL LET YOU GO!!!”, his voice was hard and his eyes were stern.
Tanvi couldn’t believe her ears...and she stood...blinking...as a senseless person!
“Ok Tanvi...I will let you go!”, he updated and continued to keep her wrists inside his grip.
“Please...thank you...please let me go!”, she begged again as she could not find any positive intention on his face.
“I will let you go – BUT...!!”, his voice trailed.
Tanvi’s brain registered the problem that lingered from the old man’s words and she desperately tried to pull away from...again...without success!
“As long as...you show me your breasts!!!”, he sneered at her and left her wrists free.
“Khurramji...NO! I’m not...I am not doing THAT!!”, she could not believe what she just heard...and she whispered in anger mixed desperation as she pulled away from the old man. Within seconds, her back hit against the wall of the kitchen fridge. 
Once again, her heart sank as she figured out there was no way from the kitchen other than going past the brown giant who stood between her and the kitchen threshold.
“NO-TANVI...I am letting you free...just as you asked me to!”, he paused and took one step that brought him right in front of her...pinning her against the kitchen fridge.
“No Khurramji...I will not any such thing what you asked me!”, Tanvi tried her best to bring some austerity into her voice...and failed.
“NOW WHERE WERE WE TANVI? ‘BETI’...YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT I ASKED YOU TO DO!!”, his voice thundered inside the kitchen. 
Tanvi shivered at the way he stressed ‘Beti’ making it clear that she had no choice.
“Pleaaase Khurramji...let me go...I will tell this to anyone...please”, with horror she realized the worst was about to happen.
“Tanvi...my patience is running out...either you handle ‘this’ or you show me ‘this’!!!”, he gave a clear ultimatum and indicated to his blood engorged penis and then at her swollen-up breasts!
“Oh my...OO-MY-GOD-NO...Noo...please Khurramji!”, she tried her best to convince him with tears and she cursed at her own body for displaying such vulgarity – her tits seemed as if they were about to tear her top.
“ONE-LAST-TIME”, he paused “I AM ASKING YOU ONE-LAST-TIME!”, he continued “LIFT THIS KAMEEZ AND SHOW ME YOUR BREASTS!!”, Khurram looked intently into her eyes and whispered menacingly “I am NOT going to ask again...BETI”.
“NOOOUU!!! I WILL NOT...NOO...!!!”, Tanvi screeched when he saw Khurram’s eyes blazing and his hands moving towards her when she continued her defiance.
“I WILL TEAR...!!!”, his eyes were glued at her enlarged breasts.
“Please...”, she couldn’t help begging one last time.
“Come-on Tanvi, I gave you a deal...If you are playing with me...I know what to do!”, Khurram whizzed with his aggressive voice.
Tanvi looked at the old man for a moment, she read from his eyes that he was serious, with a startle, she realized there was no option left!
She knew the old man had pinned her!!
She continued to resist him with unspoken moments!!
She knew her dirty hole was continuing to dampen itself since Khurram’s fingers touched her body!!
And – finally – she realized one point - she had NO choice!!!
Khurram remained dangerously close to the young woman whose knees were unsteady and shuddering from fear. 
He could not believe that his dream...his one and only fantasy...was in fact - coming true!
His eyes dropped from her face to her chest!
Her breasts were firm and her heaving made it look as if the two globular things were tantalizingly inviting him...to be handled... 
For a moment he thought she was not wearing any bra inside. Both her mummeries seemed to be bursting...yet were not yielding to his advancement...
Her breasts were not swaying...instead his eyes widened with amusement when he found them bouncing!
Though her top was not sheer, Khurram located her two hardened nipples...both the nubbins jutted outwards...poking against her top...like a treat!
“LAST-CHANCE TANVI BETI...SHOW ME...!”, Khurram’s voice was way too close than she expected.
“No...no...pleasss...”, a feeble cry left her lips when she saw a large drop of transparent liquid right at the tip of the bulbous, purple head of the circumcised penis. Her groin jerked with some unknown tremor and an equal amount of carnal fluid excreted through her vaginal tunnel. 
“LOOK TANVI!”, as he muttered alarmingly, Tanvi’s eyes almost bulged out of their hollows.
Khurram’s batter coated right hand took hold of his foreskin-less penis and with every passing second, his shaft augmented itself into a twitching monster. His lips turned into an evil smile as he watched the young woman’s face changing its anxiety and fear into riveting fascination.
“Oooh...mmm!”, a low murmur came out from Tanvi.
“Now...pull up this kameez!”, he whispered into her ear crafting a moan from her while his left hand pulled at her top.
“Pleeese Khurramji”
“Then touch me...”, his voice was forceful and his fingers touched her midriff.
“Tanvi...lift it...!”, with that statement, he left the top.
Despite her turmoil, confusion and the ridiculous situation, Tanvi knew she was defeated. And as she thought more of it, she recalled the afternoon when the same old man had witnessed her bare naked breasts...though for moment, he had seen it already.
She felt her nipples hurting her as it stretched more against the apparel!
His lips were playing some sort of salivating game on her earlobe!
She watched his hand taking the skinless creature into hands!
Her hands moved!
Her breath stopped!!
Her hands took the hemline of her top...and pulled upwards!!!
The material went up...it creeped up...with painful slowness...Khurram eyes were glued on her actions.
Tanvi’s milky fair skin started to expose...bit by bit...as her hands pulled the top up...
A moment came when her face got covered by the top...
Her face was covered partially, the top stationed at her neck!
Khurram gulped!
Exposed right in front of his eyes, hardly less than few inches away...was Tanvi’s breasts...covered by her white bra...
Inside it were the marvelous breasts!!! 
Due to the golden-whiteness of her skin, he was able to count tiny greenish blue veins running like narrow lines through her breast. Hi excitement went beyond expectation!
Tanvi kept her hands up and covered her face to avoid further confrontation and her foreboding.
“Go ahead...remove it...!”, his command felt like a bomb blast on her ears. There was nothing she could do other than obeying.
“Pleeease...noo...”, another weak cry left her throat while she clutched her top as if her life depended on it.
“Tanvi, let me NOT repeat this again...we can do this both ways...either you do what you are told...or I shall do it myself”, he paused menacingly. And continued “If I remove your top, then there will be nothing left on your beautiful body!”.
“Noouu...”, despite her sobs, Tanvi’s hands dropped down again and pulled the bottom portion of her bra and lifted it up along with her top.
Khurram gulped hard as he saw the wonderfully crafted breasts getting exposed. All he wanted to do was to move forward and nudge his face between the meat loafes.
Her areolas were already puffed up to an extend that Khurram though the bra had additional padding on both sides. But then, the hair-like veins throbbed, indicating that they were nothing but her pleasure nubbins...that were desperate for his attention.
“Aaah!”, Tanvi cried and thrashed her back against the fridge.
It was a sudden move!
Tanvi’s reflexes never had a chance!!
Before her eyes completed one blink, Khurram had her waist grabbed with his dough coated hands!!!
The very second when Tanvi’s brain recollected itself, she shrieked! 
“KHURRRAMMM-JII!!! LET ME GOO!! YOU SAID YOU WILL NOT TOUCH ME!!!”, her hands that were covered with banana dough squeezed his powerful shoulders and pushed back!
Nothing happened as she expected to happen...Her small waistline remained inside his grip...Her thrust never found its result!
Both of them stood next the refrigerator...heaving...seething...challenging each other!
“OOOUUHH-MMMMAAH!!!”, Tanvi screeched!
Khurram jumped when he heard the young woman’s moans as his mouth closed in and took one reddened nipple inside and used his lips to squeeze the entire areola within its circumference. He literally saw the thousands of greenish-blue nerve endings that were concentrated around her pink areolas...his evil passion tripled as he noticed the tiny nuplet bumps on both her areolas...they were so tiny...yet so visible!
All of it happened in less than a second!
Khurram’s first reaction to her breasts were of mad animal lust...
As his second reaction, Khurram proceeded with an unparalleled snail’s pace...
His fingers graced over the full expanse of her succulent breasts that were presented with its absolute glory staring back to his eyes.
He moved both his hands in unison...
Tanvi failed to respond...her eyes closed...she was in outright shock!
She felt the heat of his two large hands closing in – again!! 
The tips of both his middle-fingers brushed mildly on top her deep red colored nipples!
Tanvi shuddered and two drops of tears dropped out through her closed eyes, but her navel jolted...he saw her shuddering!!
Khurram moved again - this time both of his middle fingers traced her pink areolas...leaving her nip-buds alone...creating tremors on her tiny nuplets that grew further rigid!!
“Oo-aah!”, Tanvi’s lips parted to release an inaudible moan, and her navel jerked again...she sobbed at her powerlessness!!
Both his thumbs conjoined his middle fingers, creating a nauseating feeling inside her that he was going to pinch her stone hard nipples – to squeeze them between his fingers!
As she stood paralyzed, he took a mental note of Tanvi’s broken breaths conveying that she was getting ready to register the pain!!

Instead, nothing happened...Tanvi’s eyes fluttered open...dazed...as nothing happened!
Her blurry eyes saw Khurram continuing to brush his fingers all around her areolas and nipples...barely touching them...but allowing her brain to acknowledge the sequence of his ministrations!
He heard it clearly...with an added twitch on his lips, he caught her moaning this time!
She knew it...he was going for it!! Tanvi’s clamped her eyes with utter shame and expectation combined. Before even she could open her mouth, she felt a wave of cold air passing through her naked upper body. 
Khurram had pulled both his hands away from her body.
He snickered at the powerful jerks happening on Tanvi’s abdomen...
He was teasing her!

For a moment, Tanvi’s heart leaped...and wondered if the old man came to his senses!
“Mmm....uuff!”, another audible whimper left her lips immediately!
Khurram had his fingers back on her breasts...and his fingers were circling again all around both her areolas and brushing her erect nipples – frustratingly slow!
In less than few seconds, both her nipples stood proud...again...and they both were glazing!
Khurram his middle fingers and thumbs coated with his saliva and used those slick fingers to roll the young woman’s taut and erect nipples!

The intensity of Khurram’s propelling fingers were so close and deliberate that Tanvi had zero options other than keeping her eyes closed and thinking hard from not responding...However, her body went through sensations that she never experienced in her life...ever!

Her brain lost its control on reality – instead it was focused...regrouping her overflowing cunt’s vibrations!
At certain intervals, her face contorted with shame when her brain prompted that her body wanted the old man to rush...and do whatever he was doing on her breasts...fast...quick...immediate!!
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Chapter-50 (Part-III)

Tanvi’s breaths started to break...uncontrolled...her hips moved slowly with every jerk that her stomach created!

Khurram’s fingers continued the play with remarkable accuracy...
He had to try with all his might from tearing past her defenses and snuggle his magnificently proud erection into her liquified cunt! 
Since the moment he took the leap few minutes earlier with Tanvi, he was amazed at his control because he could not remember a time when he went with such slow pace with any woman...
“What a splendid creature!”, he thought.
“Not-now...not-yet!!”, Khurram pulled his hands away from her squirming body, once again.
“Aaah-umm-aah!!”, she crooned and her knees wobbled to indicate her displeasure. 
Khurram chuckled silently as he noted how much Tanvi was unknowingly begging...for an orgasm!
He also knew that he was not to give it away that easy.
Taking a moment, Khurram bent and moved his head forward...and kept his lips parted an inch away from her right nipple...and he inhaled a deep one into his chest.
The he exhaled...a long...heated...heated whip of his breath...titillating her saliva coated right nipple!
Without allowing her to realize the impact of what he did...he blew again...on her left nipple!!
“Mmm-aa-aaah!”, Tanvi jerked and jumped from where she stood as his sharp breath percolated over the slick tendons conveying her brain what just happened!
Not allowing another second for her to recollect her thoughts, Khurram moved forward and slowly used both his hands to engulf her wonderfully soft breasts inside his large palms.
Khurram made sure to exclude her nipples from his grip...the two, red colored, engorged nubbins protruded outwards between the semi-circle created by his thumb and index finger.
Tanvi was going through incredible sensations that her breasts were triggering numerous explosions inside her cunt!
He was hardly squeezing her breasts...her pure-milky skin looked strikingly blazing between his brown fingers. She was able to feel his heated breaths...close...closer than she ever imagined to happen. Khurram’s hand continued its slow...wonderfully pleasuring movements.
Khurram did not squeezed her breasts...He was kneading them...but without allowing her to realize it!
Tanvi’s brain was fully conscious about how he cupped both her breasts inside his oversized palms...It was a first! 

She recalled the countless times Sanjoth tried to squeeze them together and failed to grapple properly. Her husband’s palms were too small to handle her fully grown and lusciously dangling mummeries.

Khurram was totally mesmerized at her nipples...both her nubbins looked supple...delicious...tender! 
He had the rest of her breasts squeezed in such a way that her nipples became blood-red and stone-hard...Though he wanted to bite, he was a bit fearful that if he touched those nubbins, it would break and spill blood! 
Khurram’s hand moved again in unison. In circles...repeatedly...his large hands took over the two sensitive chunks of her pleasure driving anatomy. Using all the experience he had in manipulating a female body, he delivered one hard mash on those....enclasping both her breasts...simultaneously...together...at the same time!

Tanvi’s mouth parted open...but there was no sound coming out of it! Her hips remained motionless...except the heavy gulps of air that her lungs allowed to enter!
She was desperate...
She wanted it...
He saw he glazed eyes...asking for it...
And once again, he pulled both his hands away!
“Uuuuuuh...mmmaah!”, she was helpless...and she knew it...helpless!
With a twitch on his lips, he guided his hands once again...Tanvi shuddered as her nipples conveyed that the old man was about to chew her nipples...any moment...she waited for the impact. Her knees tried their best to stand straight.
“UUFFF!”, a heavy gulp of air left her body when she felt his two middle fingers dragging once again in circles...touching every portion of her exposed milky breasts...she shuddered as his other fingers moved upwards to the points where her breasts originated!
“Oooh!”, another moan left her mouth when she felt his fingers tracing up...up...till it rested at the bottom part of her armpit hair. 
Shame hit her!
For the first time in her life, she had willingly allowed a man other than her husband to explore her body!
Her heart begged to stop the madness!!
Her cunt cried to continue with whatever he was doing to her!!
Tanvi’s lips parted to allow another mewl pass as his fingers tickled her sweaty armpit...and she was sure his fingers had entered the interlocked maze of her thick armpit hair.
Then he stopped! Again!! She groaned at her desperation!!!
Without allowing her body to rest from its elevated state, Khurram pulled his fingers back from her armpit and trailed it down through her mummeries till it circled all over her areolas...again...tickling her...making her powerless.
His fingers moved in fluid motion...multiple times...up and down...from armpits to nipples...and back again...
Tanvi continued to squirm uncontrollably with audible moans falling out...shame was slowly fading away...he sensed it.

From the way Tanvi wobbled and moaned, Khurram was sure that her cunt would be overflowing and it was only a matter of minutes for her final surrender.

Tanvi’s brain had left all its normalcy! 
One thing that bothered her through the delirium was she was feeling a sort of new pain in her vagina...Something that she never felt in her entire life...To control it, she punished her thighs to plaster against each other...instead all those actions made it worse...her vagina was undergoing some sensations that it had never encountered...multiple...numerous...uncountable explosions were happening...and there was no sign of slowing down!  

“Uuuuumm...mmaah!”, another deep moan of pleasure released out of the squirming young woman as the old man’s fingers entered into her wet...yet silky...armpit hair...his middle fingers parted her wet armpit...pushed through the maze...till her upper arm and then remained there...tickling...relentlessly tickling...few times he crossed his fingers through her shoulder blades...but never leaving her thick, dark and wet arm hair-mesh! 
Tanvi’s eyes remained shut and squeezed hard as she felt him inhaling her arm-pits!!
Khurram oscillated between both her armpits, inhaling the musk...making him feverish...he wanted to lick and suck her salty body-fluid!!! 
Khurram’s fingers moved down slowly through the circumference of her breasts...tickling through the breast-lines and trickled like two snails through the underside of her mummeries...exactly where that pleasure meat started out from her body.
In another fluid motion, Khurram once again used his palms to cup her breasts and lifted up...slowly...he pushed up...up...
She felt it...
He saw it...
Her engorged nipples started to expand itself...the blood engorged nubbins inflated beyond its possible dimensions...
“Pleeasee...naa..aah...noo!”, Tanvi’s legs contorted...her toes tried to lift her body up...to match Khurram’s upward pull of her breasts.
His large palms had enclosed all of her breasts...same like he did earlier...this time he did allowed more gap around her nipples and areolas that were exposed.
He pushed her soft yet sturdy breasts further up...Tanvi’s body tilted...she bit her lower lip to stop herself from moaning...and deep insider her subconscious, she realized her body was almost lost to the cause...there was no control on her reactions...she was beginning to break...
Khurram seemed to be performing with precision! 
His head dived forward and with a contorting move of his mouth, he produced a large glob of saliva and squeezed it between his clutched lips and let it drop right on top her right nipple that looked obscenely stretched past its limit...the dark red color was almost gone and it looked purplish dark!
Her right nipple glistened and shined with the layer of his saliva!

Khurram repeated the same to her left nipple...
in less than a minute, Tanvi was standing on her toes, hands stretched up, holding her top and bra at her shoulders...stark naked from her neck and down till her hips where she had her light blue legging that had a huge wet patch at her groin...proof of her current state! 
Tanvi moaned and fidgeted as she stood suspended and balancing on the old man’s grip.
She sensed her leg muscles giving away the initial power to hurt.
She also realized that Khurram had the control...total control of the situation.
She was succumbing...
“Ooohh-maa-aah!”, his fingers were relentless in the pleasurable yet powerful kneading...Despite all her willpower to stop and dismount, the magic that transpired from his fingers were absolute heaven...or beyond that! Tanvi’s mind slowly started to drift from reality. 
Tanvi wanted to fight it...she tried...and failed...she tried again to divert the physical pleasure that she underwent to stop...and failed again!
Tanvi tried to open her eyes...however, the weight on her eyelids forced her to remain passive...her body did not want to explore any options to deviate from the current state of carnal delirium!
“UUF...FFUU...K!!!”, voice drained out of Tanvi’s throat as she felt Khurram’s hot breath once again over her right nipple!
“Yess...fuck...yess!!!”, Khurram snarled with glee when he heard her desperate whimpers.
Her brain displayed the sleazy image – the man who was old enough to be her father holding both her breasts and trying to suck her enflamed nipple!!!
“MMMMAAAH!”, another moan left her lungs as she felt his index fingers from both hands brushing and stroke her hard, expanded and engorged nipples!
It was the coated saliva that helped her from hollering out...Tanvi’s neck stretched backward from the extreme pleasure that her nipples transpired to her brain and down back into the depths of her salivating vagina.
Khurram never moved away from Tanvi’s breast...His open mouth was hardly few inches away. 
She felt his heated breath on her nipple...
Before she could actually comprehend and react – Khurram used his small fingers and gripped her rib case and gave an extra knead over her plump flesh. 
His action made her already swollen nipples to cross the stretching point – to pain!
“Oooouuwwwww!”, Tanvi tried her best to muffle her scream as Khurram licked her right nipple and enclosed his lips over its slick surface...and paused.
Once again, his movements were with precision...his lips remained over her nipple!

“Sttoo...ppp...Khuurraam..jiii...pleeeaass!!!”, Tanvi’s voice broke as his tongue lashed out from its confines and flicked right on the most erogenous point of her nipple.
Khurram realized his control fading away...none of his promises mattered!
His brain was already consumed with sexual hunger and when he heard the young woman’s moans when he flicked her nipple, there was nothing else left for him to do...other than suck the nubbin inside his mouth!
Both his eyes were locked on her reddened nipple that disappeared slowly into his parted lips and he smiled wickedly when he felt her stomach twitching as he squeezed the entire areola and its bumpy circumference...hard...inside the vortex of his heated mouth!
Through her tears filled yes, Tanvi saw the brawny beast transforming himself to an animal, sucking her nipple into his mouth, with hard, rapid and fierce movements by his tongue and enclosed his large lips over it as if his entire life depended on sucking it dry.
“OOOUWW...EEEASSY...OOOHH!”, Tanvi tried to pull-away but remained there allowing the carnal, prohibited pleasure taking over her body...
Still she tried to pull-away from the old man.
But, the way his fingers had locked her breasts and rib-cage, along with his lips clamped shut on her nipple made it impossible for her tiny body to slip away.
Khurram was losing it by each passing second, when it combined with Tanvi’s futile struggles, his carnal instincts took charge. His lips opened wider, without stopping...his tongue continued to flick the over-sensitive nerve endings on her nipple.
With dread, combined with the painfully throbbing vagina, Tanvi tried her best to struggle past his advancements. Her hands fell forward to grip the old man’s naked shoulders and pushed.
Nothing happened. Except a bigger portion of Tanvi’s right breast disappeared into the salivating mouth of her old neighbor. 
Khurram’s brain was crammed and his mind overjoyed with the realization that he was actually living his dream!
His dream woman was writhing inside his hands, with her breast filling his mouth, his taste buds transpiring the blissful taste of the young woman’s nipple...
To change the pace, Khurram sucked the huge portion of her breast and merged it with his teeth pulling her nipple into the vacuum of his mouth. 
“OOH-PLEEEEESE!”, Tanvi couldn’t mutter a syllable more as Khurram left her nipple and the next moment her breast was free...out of the slippery confines!
“OOOUUWWWW!!”, She thrashed inside his iron-grip, as the micro-second relief turned into another bliss-filled pain.
Khurram used that very moment to switch the breasts!
His movements were cat-like. His jaw stretched open...Widened beyond its largeness...
He gulped her reddened left breast into its heated cavern...Used his teeth to pluck her stretched out nipple...
And, he sucked on it...like he was trying to milk her!
His tongue moved like a fire-engine...Up! Down! Left! Right! Across! Jab!! Around!! Up-Again!! Down-Again!! Criss-Crossed!!!
Khurram was diligent enough to pinch her free nipple between his thumb and index finger using his spit-lather while doing all the pulling and pinching, to match the action that his tongue and lips were dispensing on her left-nipple.
“Ooo-ffucccck!!”, Tanvi’s curse-moan felt like heaven to the sex crazed old man.
Khurram smiled between his ministrations on the young woman’s body. He underlined the fact that Tanvi was lost herself into the passion of sinful crime. 
Tanvi was unable to produce any other reaction from her body other than continuing to croon and whimper.
She felt his tongue acting like a sharp pin trying to pierce her nipple with its powerful jabs! 
Latching itself over her nipple duct!
His tongue tried to force-enter through the duct’s passage!
His fingers squeezed and kneaded to open the milk-ducts of her mummery!! 
Lugging and churning something out from the lactiferous ligaments of her breast!!
All his fingers moved in unison...they squeezed and moved as a single machine as if he was forcing both her udders to propel something out through the numerous pores at her nipples!!! 
Tanvi’s breath stopped!
Khurram freed both her nipples for a micro-second!
Tanvi’s heart pumped thrice hard!!
Khurram went in again – sucking and pinching her nipples!!
Tanvi’s cunt walls crammed and forced her vaginal slit to open!!!
Khurram continued to squeeze her breasts using a good portion of his strength – combined with one hard bite and a pinch on both her teats!!!
“OOOUUW-YESSS-OOUUH!!”, she saw millions of stars bursting inside her head!!
Khurram made yet another round of the same effort – squeezing, biting and pinching her breasts and teats!!!
Tanvi stood paralyzed!
Her cunt spurted spasms on spasms!!
She climaxed – for the first time – like how a woman should have her orgasm – powerful – consuming – gushing – releasing every single bit of build-up pressure – rupturing beyond control!!!
Khurram held the spasming young woman and released his grip on her breasts but continued to place numerous kisses all over her sweat coated breasts, on her chest, between her cleavage, brushed his nose and inhaled the odor of her armpits, licked pensively...all over her exposed body parts!
Tanvi was a dead weight in Khuram’s hands continuing to contrive the spasms of sin without a single wave of reality brimming inside her!
She climaxed – for the first time – to a man other than her husband – unwillingly yet yearning to the carnal hunger – letting her guard down – unwillingly yet welcoming the other man – rupturing beyond control!!!
Khurram’s eyes caught the wetness at her groin increasing its spread and his lips twitched maliciously as he noted it was time to make his next move!

(Chapter-50........to be continued......)
[+] 2 users Like YLTS's post
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Wow! What an exquisite narration! No word to explain the master craftsmanship of your depiction of situation and usage of language! Keep going....
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Brilliant..hats off..your narration makes visuals for us
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(27-05-2020, 07:41 AM)Biosys Wrote: Wow...

Glad you find this entertaining...Thanks a Ton for your appreciation!
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(27-05-2020, 11:59 AM)Mande Wrote: Wow! What an exquisite narration! No word to explain the master craftsmanship of your depiction of situation and usage of language! Keep going....

Thank you for your kind words........[Image: Embarassed0.png]

Every suggestions and comments have been welcomed...as explained earlier, we are exploring a major drift in protagonist's character outline at this point...please bear with the details (I know this is dragging too much sometimes, and trying the best to close quickly).
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(27-05-2020, 06:24 PM)soorajnair.2011 Wrote: Brilliant..hats off..your narration makes visuals for us

Delighted beyond margins...Thank you!

Chapter-50 will continue shortly...
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Presenting Tanvi...

[Image: Tanvi-Fridge.png]
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Chapter-50 (Part-IV)

Khurram continued to squeeze Tanvi's breasts deploying considerable portion of his strength – and he combined his move along with a sharp bite on her left nipple and a stinging pinch on her right nipple!!!

“OOOUUW-YESSS-OOUUH!!”, she saw millions of stars bursting inside her head!!

Khurram made yet another round of the same effort – squeezing, biting and pinching her breasts along with synchronous comeuppance on both her teats!!!

Tanvi stood as if she was incapacitated!

Her cunt spurted never ending spasms over spasms ejecting sinuous lubricant!!

She climaxed! 

For the first time – like how any woman should have climaxed!! 

Orgasm consumed her - it's force was too powerful for her to resist – it was sovereign  – it gushed past – and it released every single bit of build-up pressure inside her – rupturing beyond control!!!

Khurram held the spasming young woman with careful ease. He released his grip on her breasts but continued to place numerous kisses all over her sweat coated breasts, on her chest, between her cleavage, brushed his nose and inhaled the odor of her armpits, licked pensively...

His lips and tongue travelled all through her exposed body parts!

Tanvi was a dead weight in his hands and she continued to contrive the spasms of sin without a single wave of reality brimming inside her!

She climaxed! 

For the first time – to a man other than her husband – unwilling yet yearning to her cunt's carnal hunger – letting her guard down – unwilling yet she welcomed the other man – rupturing beyond control!!!

Khurram’s eyes caught the increasing wetness at her groin with its large spread through her inner thighs and his lips twitched maliciously while he prepared himself to make his next move!

Though her eyes were hazed with tears, Tanvi saw the fire spraying out from the Khurram's eyes. 

Tanvi shivered from fear as it was the first time she found a completely different face of her aged neighbor.

Despite the way he delivered the first shattering orgasm by molesting her breasts, Tanvi's brain screeched insider her head shouting that whatever Khurram was doing to her was not right! 

Her brain affirmed that he was not going to stop just at sucking her breasts!

Her eyes caught the way his demeanor changed and how his glistening lump inflated to another dimension!!

Her cunt’s betrayal was the biggest insult to her as the rancorous liquid from her vagina was continuing to disperse through her legs!!! 

“NOO! STOPP!! PLEEESE!!!”, Tanvi shook her body using all the force she could muster...and failed miserably as her knees were continued to shake from the crushing orgasm she just had!

“Sssshh...It’s okay...let me help you!”, Khurram’s voice fell on the aggravated young woman’s ears like rainwater pacifying the heated desert. 

Tanvi's eyes clamped shut as she realized the old man was snickering at her!

Shameful remorse and exciting pleasure overpowered her from every opening of her orifices!!

Before she could make one more move, Khurram latched his mouth once again over her glazing red nipple!!!

“NOOO! KHURRAMJII...PLEASE...LEAVE ME!! I WON’T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS...IT'SSS...SSOO-WRRONG-OOOOOH-GAAAWDD!!!”, Tanvi stood forceless and unable to respond to him other than cry that made the sex-crazed old man's brain to snatch out all her defenses.

Khurram’s mental state was out of control! 

He continued to force himself over the milky white breasts that were reddened with all the kissing and munching that he distributed over them. Just by looking at the two gorgeous pieces of Tanvi's udders, his scrotum continued to produce pre-cum at a rate that it elevated his animalistic urges further!

Khurram’s hands and fingers went berserk as he sucked and chewed her nipples that were stretched beyond its elasticity. He shifted from one nipple to other with blazing speed while continuing this licking, sucking, biting, nipping and smashing his entire face all over and around her breasts...

Not even an inch of her upper body was left out from his madness!!

Despite her fighting efforts, Tanvi was slowly realizing that she was not reaching anywhere against the old-man’s brutal force. She also sensed that he was too strong for her and he had her absolutely pinned, not allowing even a ray of hope for her to escape. 

To make the matter severe for Tanvi, her vagina was not at all in co-ordination with her efforts to get free.

Her entire groin was soaked by now! And, with every move she made with her legs, she felt the sinuous fluid dripping out through her thighs and further drenching her legging.

Tanvi felt sedated...and unable to do anything other than squirm and moan...she was slowly coming into terms with the reality...though it was labored...yet she was registering her defeat to the depravity!

“GET OFF-ME! PLEEEEEESE!!”, she hollered as the lips and mouth of her sex-crazed neighbor were bolted to her nipples while he continued to suck them hard. While he spent a lot of sweet time to cherish the exotic beauty of the squirming woman earlier, Khurram had transformed himself into a machine of vicious strength and kept her stapled against the refrigerator.

“NOO-KHURRRAAMJIII-NOOOO!!!”, her shriek was loud enough to make him stop.

As they both glared at each other, Tanvi found his lips opening...

The shock that she felt more like a thunderbolt!! 

Tanvi saw her red-colored nipple caught between his upper and lower teeth...He was biting on it – hard – forcing her to holler out!!

She cried with a face that begged and beseeched him to let her nipple go free!!

Once Tanvi’s brain registered the pain and shame, Khurram slobbered over the bitten nipple that seemed like he was trying to cut it open. With one more long, pacifying and salivating slurp using his slobbering tongue, Khurram moved forward with his hips. While she followed his actions with her eyes, she failed to notice how close his atrocious penis was pulsing near her thighs!!

“Oouufff-noo-pleeease...aaah!!!”,multiple moans and whimpers of resignation passed through Tanvi’s throat once she saw the magnitude of his shaft through the gap between their sweaty bodies. Her defense system failed to respond once her eyes fixated over the acreage of his penis and the bulk of his dark-brown tesicles.

“O-GOD-PLEASE-HELP-ME-FROM-THIS-MONSTERR!”, Tanvi heard a loud voice resonating inside her head. She recalled the image of his appendage when she saw it for the first time, while he was sick and she was there to give him medicine...

However...his penis looked more frightening and ten times larger in real...!

Tanvi’s heart thumped hard as her eyes settled over the biggest cock she had ever seen...!

Tanvi’s body remained petrified and paralyzed from gliding away from the incredibly terrifying shaft and its two brown scrotum globes that hung like a dark-bladder...!!

Tanvi’s eyes were stuck at his cock's urethral opening where she saw copious quantity of pre-cum dribbling outside. It's oversized cock-head and half of its length looked slimy from the pre-cum coating!!!
“Khurramji...please...please don’t force this on me, please...I am like your daughter...have pity on me...please...please Khurramji!”, she could not think of anything other than continue to sob and mewl to the mad-old-man to stop the debauchery.

Khurram was not hearing anything at that specific moment!

His mouth was performing acrobatics that he had forgotten from long past!!

His lips glided from one to other breast by securing her two nipples like a tightened bolt!

His hands continued to keep her in the hoisted position...not allowing her to get any sort of leverage!!

His tongue rotated and his throat continued to produce extensive quantity of saliva that he spread all across her chest and upper body using his face...nose...lips...and licked her skin tissue with his tongue!!!

With failing heart and entering a stage beyond shock, Tanvi noticed all her efforts to restrain the sex-crazed neighbor becoming fruitless. She saw the evil looking penis and its overgrown scrotum hanging between his muscular groin and moving forward...centimeter by centimeter...his cock was actually making progress!!

“I...I caan’t...Khurramji....please...STOOOOPP!!!”, it was a shriek beyond her own belief.

That got his attention!

Khurram’s mouth stopped!!

Her swollen nipple got released!!

Khurram stood straight in his full height!!

His hands still continued to keep her on toes and her eyes were glued to his face...unable to believe what was happening!!!

After a moment’s silence, Tanvi snapped out of the trace...

“YOU...YOU...LEAVE ME ALONE!!!”, her voice was thick, not loud...as if she was barking at him.

Khurram moved his head fluidly...his face came down...lowered beyond her head...she saw his large head dropping down...much lower than she anticipated...

“MMMMMPPPPFFFFF!”, her muffle went silenced by his thick lips that got locked against her full, soft mouth! 

Unable to comprehend his actions, Tanvi’s lips parted once again...to scream out...which was unfortunately caught by the widespread curvature of Khurram's lips and her voice got muffled by his spit coated tongue that darted in and out of her mouth’s cavity...with blazing speed!

She wanted to bit his tongue!

She tried!

And failed!!

His tongue was too swift!!!

Khurram also moved quickly deceiving her naiveness...Though her brain pinched her about the disgusted action that she just performed...Kissing the old-man, fear engulfed her immediately – a sense of foreboding enveloped her – as if she was about to succumb – complete and absolute submission to the monster!

Tanvi’s legs trembled once again...

Despite all her struggles, she felt her vagina betraying...

Tanvi failed to recognize what her body was craving...despite all her struggles, her cunt creamed! again!!

Beyond all her awareness of the reality, Tanvi felt his right hand leaving her breast and seizing the back of her head and pushing it down!

“No-No-Nooo!”, Tanvi whimpered and struggled with her hands. And between her actions, her top dropped down from her neck. She pushed his chest using her fragile arms to create a bit of gap to escape!

By this time, she realized what he was trying to do with her!

“BETI...Don’t fight it!”, his voice was low – but it was a formidable warning!

“Nooo-Pleeease-Khurramji!!! What did I do wrong to you???”, she cried and tried her best to stop the old-man from what he was doing to her. Khurram in the meantime, had started to use ample amount of force on her head and she knew he could actually bend and make her do what he need to!

Fear consumed her body and mind! 

“Pleasssse-NO!!!”, she tried once again.

“OK-THEN!”, his voice rose as his hand left her head and retorted back to upright position.

“What!”, she could not believe what she heard.

“OK Tanvi...I am letting you go...BUT”, he paused.

Tanvi’s eyes shot back open again as she heard the catch!

“I need you to take my cock and suck it! Right here!! No excuse...and NO OPTION!!!”, Khurram stopped and looked straight into the weeping young woman’s face. Though he felt a pinch of guilt, his cock was absolutely not willing to accept a retreat...it was out of question...!

“YOU...YOU ARE A BRUTE! I HATE YOU!!”, she screamed at the old man. Tanvi also noticed her top stuck over her heaving breasts and realized with a jolt that it was his saliva that acted as glue and was spread over every portion of her upper body.

Khurram’s facial expression conveyed that he was not listening to anything that she was blaring...which, made her more violent!

“YOU...ARE...DISGUSTING...LEAVE ME...LEAVE MY HOUSE NOWW!!!”, Tanvi tried her best to bring some sort of sense to the fierce looking giant.

“Tanvi...I said...take it...and...SUCCK!!!”, Khurram paused, and continued “Tanvi! If you have a problem in understanding what I said...You know that I CAN MAKE YOU DO IT!!!”, with that statement he placed his right hand behind her neck...once again...as if it was a final warning!

The same moment made Tanvi to look down again between their bodies to catch Khurram’s obnoxiously large cock standing perpendicular facing her marital-cavern!

“Please Khurramji...please...I will not tell anyone about what happened today...just let me go....please...I promise...on my kids...I will NOT tell anyone about this...please let me...let me go!!!”, despite her convincing voice, her eyes were glued on his magnanimous penis.

Khurram moved!

He moved his right hand down...bringing her head along with it...her eyes were closed...then her knees gave away and legs parted!!

Khurram progressed!!

He thrusted his hips...shoving his throbbing shaft towards the moaning young woman...her knees bent further...allowing her body to follow Khurram’s right hand!!

Khurram redeployed!!!

He pushed the young woman lower...till his groin settled in front of her face...Taniv felt her knees settling on the kitchen floor...then he made a slight nudge as if prompting her to open her eyes!!!

And she complied!

Tanvi opened her eyes!

Even though Tanvi was well used to the male organ anatomy by now with her recent endeavors and various cravings associated with it, this was the first time she truly rested her eyes on an organism which, by itself was a detailed study of the male specimen! 

Her mind was amused! Yet, her brain dreaded at the fact that it was not her husband’s cock that she was examining, it was another man’s, a person who was old enough to be her father! 

Her lips twitched in a suggestive smile that was not visible to the old man as she was half-crouched on the floor and he was standing upright and looking down at her head...giving her all the time to get used to what he was presenting!

Tanvi’s cunt cringed at her reality – she had finally allowed herself to stray out of her wedlock to entertain physical intimacy with another man!!

An irreversible act of forbidden illicitness!!

Engaging in an irreversible incident involving carnal debauchery!!!

Allowing her entire life to be prone to every associated consequences to befall on her!!!

She felt another nudge on the back of her head.

She knew why he prompted her.

She realized her loss of strength to fight him further.

Throughout the time she spent, Tanvi’s eyes captured every bit of the circumcised penis that stood pointed at her face. She was indeed fascinated at the sheer size of it! There was no denying that fact! She licked her lips wet as her focus shifted from the magnitude to the minute details of the shaft! It looked like a single piece of extension that protruded out from his groin...as the circumcised head and the dark color of the appendage completed it...a monster...a brutal creature...

It was of dark color...not black...dark brown and pure-black at some areas!

It had multiple veins that protruded like snakes all through its length and across its circumference!

It was pointed straight...thick from his groin...thick till its head...its head was completely different beast!

Tanvi’s mind tried to find answers to thousands of questions that raised right then...and failed...because all her questions were about how a man's organ with such kind of amplitude could even be used to have sex!

Her brain whimpered an affirmation stating that it was impossible for any woman to accept the penis that was vibrating in front of her!!

On the same context, Tanvi's dazed brain deduced the reason for the elderly couple not having any children...and also why Safiyaji had fortified her own husband for sexual encounters with Sanjoth!!!

She felt one more nudge on her head...this time it felt different...his hand actually forced her to move closer to his behemoth manhood!

Finally she found her lost voice!

She tilted her head up and stared straight at his face...and shivered with fright!!

His face looked bloodthirsty...his eyes had turned itself into lust-crazed-maniacal-frenzy!!!

“Please...Khurramji...this has gone too far, I am...I can’t...I just can’t...please let me go!”, her voice was low but she tried her best to keep it from shaking too much.

Khurram did not moved a single muscle...except his right hand...he flexed it!

He nudged again...This time, he forced Tanvi’s head to move and close the distance between his gleaming pre-cum coated shaft and her mouth!

She tried with all her might to pull back...and while trying desperately, her brain continued to capture image by image of the abysmal penis that was about to destroy her life, once and for all!

“OOH-NO-NO-NOOO-SSTTOOOPP-ITTT-PLEEESE!”, Tanvi shrieked and her next words came out of reflex despite her brain preventing it from spilling out!

“SSTTOP-IT-PLEEEASE...I AM BEGGING YOU TO STOP...WE CAN DO SOMETHING ELSE!!!”, she stopped her babbling at the very moment she realized what she said and she felt the pressure on her head subsiding...with a startle her brain raced to search the repercussions of her suggestion!

Though he was not able to see her face, Khurram was sure that she just said it at the heat of how things progressed. 

Despite his correct assumption, Khurram's lips curled into a nasty smile when he looked at his cock that was throbbing with rage-filled-ecstasy of force-opening the young woman’s lips and the get itself lodged into her mouth’s grotto!

At that exact moment, Tanvi also was sure that Khurram was not going to stop till he delivered the purgatory for his penis! 

(Chapter-50........to be continued......)
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Tanvi - from Khurram's viewpoint

[Image: Tanvi-002-Full-copy.png]
[+] 1 user Likes YLTS's post
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Awesome update bro... so finally it has began. Hope she too accept this voluntarily instead of fighting against it.
wow.. amazing.. keep updating
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(28-05-2020, 08:16 PM)playboy131 Wrote: Awesome update bro... so finally it has began. Hope she too accept this voluntarily instead of fighting against it.

Thank you...again!

Let's wait and see how this reveals...
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(29-05-2020, 06:37 AM)mindhunter11 Wrote: wow.. amazing.. keep updating

Yes, we shall see this progressing...shortly...
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Chapter-50 (Part-V)

Tanvi tilted her head and stared straight up to meet Khurram's face...and shivered with fright!!

His face looked bloodthirsty...his eyes had turned itself into lust-crazed-maniacal-frenzy!!!

“Please...Khurramji...this has gone too far, I am...I can’t...I just can’t...please let me go!”, her voice was low but she tried her best to keep it from shaking too much.

Khurram did not moved a single muscle...except his right hand...he flexed it!

He nudged again...This time, he forced Tanvi’s head to move and close the distance between his gleaming pre-cum coated shaft and her mouth!

She tried with all her might to pull back...and while trying desperately, her brain continued to capture image by image of the abysmal penis that was about to destroy her life, once and for all!

“OOH-NO-NO-NOOO-SSTTOOOPP-ITTT-PLEEESE!”, Tanvi shrieked and her next words came out of reflex despite her brain preventing it from spilling out!

“SSTTOP-IT-PLEEEASE...I AM BEGGING YOU TO STOP...WE CAN DO SOMETHING ELSE!!!”, she stopped her babbling at the very moment she realized what she said and she felt the pressure on her head subsiding...with a startle her brain raced to search the repercussions of her suggestion!

Though he was unable to see her face, Khurram was sure that Tanvi just said it at the heat of how things progressed. 

Despite his correct assumption, Khurram's lips curled into a nasty smile when he looked at his cock that was throbbing with rage-filled-ecstasy of force-opening the young woman’s lips and the get itself lodged into her mouth’s grotto!

At that exact moment, Tanvi also was sure that Khurram was not going to stop till he delivered the purgatory for his penis! 

Khurram shoved Tanvi’s head forward...slow...but the move was deliberate!

It closed the distance between the young woman’s slightly parted mouth and his monstrosity further!

Tanvi’s nostrils flared as she inhaled the musk that emitted from the devilish-old-man’s penis!

She felt a mild vomit starting from her intestine as the stench of the smegma from Khurram’s cock started to transpire due to their proximity! 

Her subconscious noted one point about the penis that was gifted to her...it was in absolute contrast with the ones that she had encountered till that date!

Despite her stomach’s negative reaction, her cunt creamed! Again!! Her vaginal muscles reacted as if the old-man’s penis was already searing past its entire perimeter!!

Khurram pushed her head once again...forward...closing the distance further short between his cock and her mouth...her brain fluttered as his cock throbbed menacingly as if it was going to slice her into half!

“Stooop-it-pleeease! I will bite you!”, Tanvi whimpered between her sobs.

“YOU-WON’T-DARE!!!”, Khurram stopped his hand’s progression and held her head tight...like he was contemplating his next move!

Then he forced it forward – a hard shove on her head!

“MMMPPFFFUUUU..GGHHH!!!”, Tanvi screeched and both her hands shot up in reflex and protest! 

Tanvi's right hand wrapped straight at the base of his oversized penis and as his groin being clean-shaved, her fingers got plastered right against his hairless scrotum! 

Her left hand clutched his right-thigh muscle and it provided a momentary break to his advancement. However, Khurram's forceful transgression produced two results!

First, he felt glad to have the young woman’s hand wrapped over his penis!

Second, she found the intoxicating presence of the manhood becoming familiar. She found it amusing how her thin white fingers were able to wrap over his dark, pulsing shaft!

Tanvi looked at her white fingers that had gripped the very person's penis whom she regarded to be a father figure, yet ulteriorly craved him for quenching her carnal passion!!

Khurram kept his hold on her head with a force that indirectly implied her that she had no escape route.

Tanvi was in a state of shock as she finally came hand-in-hand with the largest penis she had ever seen. Her brain continued pressurizing its extensive network of tendons to find the answer to the one question – how could a man’s penis be so large? 

Though her conscious mind was not allowing, sparks from her deep, dark subconscious forced her fingers to try their best to close to grip over the broad girth of her dirty old neighbor’s cock!

Khurram snickered...and contracted his lower stomach muscles...which in-turn made his immense tool to flex along with it...inside her sweaty, soft palm!!!

His prized membrum stood straight...perpendicular from his torso...few inches away from the pink, luscious lips of the reluctant young wife!

Its scrotum was a masterpiece by itself...his ballsac hung below from her palm’s grip reaching almost half way between his thighs...giving her the full view that she missed to see while he displayed it multiple times from the gym! Her eyes sparkled...

Her eyes examined its naked glory in broad daylight inside her kitchen. Khurram's dark skin-pouch sagged from the weight of his testicles that looked like two large plums bounded inside the dark brown sac!

Its head was definition by itself...it was shaped like cauliflower...round...large...mushrooming from a point where she saw some remnants of his foreskin and then ballooning itself into a hammer-head!

Tanvi wondered despite her eyes being blurred with her tears, how she was able to see the pee-slit of his penis opening and allowing drops of pre-cum to squeeze out of it...glistening liquid...spreading its pungent stench directly into her brain!

Her lower intestine jolted when it realized how her vaginal lips opened and closed to match his pee-slit and allowed few of her own serpentine cum liquid to pass through!!

“Now...stroke it BETI!”, he stressed on the word 'Beti' as if throwing an insult at her.

“Noo...Khurramji...please...what did I do wrong to you???”

“Tanvi, trust me...you are going to love this...go on...and use that beautiful hand of yours!”, he indicated her left hand that was slowly progressing into mild squeezes at his cock-base.

“No...please...I can’t...I can’t!”, her whimper held a bit more confidence than earlier. However, she was unable to determine what sort of response should she be giving out. On one end, a dark nerve was forcing her to comply with the dirty-old-man's progression and on the other end, the moral code of being a wife and her communal commitment took negative stance from taking the fall!

“Do you prefer to have your husband arrested for banging my wife?”, Khurram’s voice was low, but dreadfully menacing.

“WHA...WHATT???”, Tanvi’s head shot up away from the intimidating organ and she stared at the old-man.

Khurram’s eyes were cold...his face clearly conveyed that he meant what he said.

Tanvi’s brain crazed into a whirlwind while considering the repercussions of what she just heard...

“NOW...SUCK IT!”, he barked.

Tanvi couldn’t believe that her old neighbor, who treated her with respect till date, who had been wonderfully accommodating till date, whom she considered to be of her elder...turned out to be the life-threatening scoundrel who was set to destroy her life!

She felt his hand forcing on her head...this time her nose reached almost two inches near from the smegma reeking penis!

She inhaled its musk... there was no option other than complying! “NO OPTION TO ESCAPE!!!”, her mind whispered as she heard his grunt from above.

Her pussy drove into a state of delirium...continuing the production of its carnal fluid.

Somehow, her mind had a sort of half-set thinking what could happen if she went to security officer informing Khurram bangd her! 

Khurram gave another instruction by looking at her face “Don’t even think for a moment that you can play my own game against me...I have recorded what happened at the gym between my wife and your husband!”, he paused and pushed her head once again “NOW-DO-IT-TANVI!!!”.

Tanvi was at a loss.

She wanted to resist.

She tried to fight the crazed man inside her mind. But the fight was fruitless.

Her cunt was giving her non-stop jitters...She tried her best to squeeze her thighs together to get some kind of grip on her vagina’s relentless activities!

While her inner turmoil went on, Khurram moved his hips forward and brought his shaft to shorten the gap to her mouth to an inch!

Tanvi’s brain failed to help her with option!

Khurram moved again...this time, he prodded her head.

All of a sudden, Tanvi’s head shot back...her eyes rolled...the hand that clutched his shaft jerked and squeezed the penis with all the force her hand could muster...

Within a span of less than one second...Tanvi’s eyes shot open! Her entire body jolted...her cunt belched!

She stared straight up to meet the astounded face of Khurram, who failed to notice what happened!!

“AAAAAAAAAH...MMMAAAAAAH!!!, she bellowed....as her cunt spurted...!

Tanvi’s mouth opened up while she responded to her orgasm that took her entire body to trance of delirium...

She sat crouched...her orgasm shook her over...absolute destruction happened inside her vagina!

Her thighs remained parted...allowing her hair filled pussy to get drenched...once again....

And it did...her vaginal muscles contorted...then flexed...and finally secreted the entire quantity that her vagina's ventricle contained to spurt out through her legging...her orgasmic fluid erupted...and discharged out...

Before Tanvi could react to her cunt’s grave deception, her eyes widened with fear...

Her intelligence screeched to her what was about to happen...

Her mouth began to close...but then... 

“MUUGGGGLLUUGG....FFFFUUGGHH!!!”, Khurram moved forward in a speed that her brain could not match....

Khurram pushed his hips forward and made sure the bulbous cock-head tore past her parted mouth that was open while she was whimpering to her orgasm!

His right hand glided in and pinched her nose simultaneously...making sure her mouth remained open!!

The inevitable happened!!

Tanvi jerked and tried with all her might to open her mouth a bit more to gasp for air!!

Which in turn, helped the old-man’s penis to explore more of the heated cavern of her mouth!!

He released his pinch for a micro second...just to make sure Tanvi heaved and utilize that moment to intake a gulp of air!!

He pinched again...making sure her lips remained wide open...unable to close...she could not use her teeth to bite...she went powerless!!

Her cunt somersaulted...and hurried itself to build yet another orgasm!!

Tanvi’s brain had immense trouble to register what all happened in few seconds!!

Yet her tongue darted down through the slimy penis head and her taste buds registered the flavor of the old-man’s primal fluid!!

Her lips formed a perfect seal around his penis-dome while he chuckled to see his pre-cum disappearing into the young woman’s mouth!!

She was swallowing it...unknowingly...complete lack of charge!!!

Khurram pushed again...slowly...forcing a bit more of his penis into her mouth!!

He let his fingers release the pinch...and re-pinched again!!

Tanvi gulped whatever quantity that his momentary ministration allowed to pass air into her lungs!!

She tried again by punching him with her right hand and forcing the cock from moving forward by clutching hard at its base!!

Along with it, Tanvi cried at her predicament when she felt her vaginal muscles regrouping once again to spray out the charlatan liquid one more time!!

Khurram’s brain and body worked in unison...his mind was roaming in a state of absolute satisfaction...his dream was finally becoming true...His penis was finally inside his dream woman’s mouth...

His cock felt the sensational pleasure of the woman’s mouth that he wished to feel...since he set his eyes on her!

Khurram pushed released her nose and pinched back once again...this time, he pushed his cock as well!!!

Tanvi’s tongue continued to receive the gooey liquid that was filling her mouth...as if reacting to the dirty-neighbor’s forceful entry, she received the warning message from her vaginal crevice...

Her torso jerked hard and multiple times declaring another orgasmic release!!!

Khurram pushed...his cockhead disappeared into her mouth...completely inside...he felt her tongue moving around...despite her protests!!!

Tanvi tried to beg through muffled cries...though he could not understand it, her cries were mixed with shame of her body’s betrayal and remorse of admitting the trouncing of all her marital vows!!!


Her house’s calling bell rang and overpowered everything inside the house...including the sex-crazed dirty neighbor and carnally betrayed young wife!!!

Khurram’s reaction was immediate!!!

Tanvi gasped and inhaled huge gulps of air while her brain tried to register and react...

Khurram’s penis was no longer inside her mouth!

She was sitting on kitchen floor with her neighbor’s penis dangling out of her mouth!

“SSSSHIITT-SSHHIT-IT’S SHAARDAA!!”, she used all the power she had in her and pushed the man-mountain – using every bit of energy she had in her body! 

“LET-ME-GO!!”, Tanvi took that split-second to slide away between the gap of the fridge and old-man.

The next moment when she stood up on her legs, Tanvi tried to fix the hemline of her top once again by pulling it down. However, when she did that in quick motion, her bra remained above her breasts, it did not follow the path of her kameez. In her fearful state, she was totally unaware of what was happening around!

She spat the gooey pre-cum that was now spilling through the corners of her lower lips to the kitchen sink!

Khurram moved and pulled his boxer up and tried his best to cover his glistening shaft and failed miserably as it stood erect...and angry!!

An agonizing gasp escaped her lips once her eyes glanced at her own heaving chest. The black kameez was pasted across her upper chest against Khurram’s saliva that was spread all across and over breasts. As her bra was stationed above her mummeries...there was nothing she could do to pull the bra down and try to cover the obscenity.

Tanvi stood completely naked under her top! 

She was about to commit double-suicide!! And, she knew it was about to happen any moment!!

“Mem’saab?”, they both heard the maid’s voice from outside.

“Coming...one minute...Sharda...”, someway Tanvi found her voice. But was not sure what else to do other than stand at the sink.

Khurram also had the reality check when he heard the screech inside his ear. Instead of pulling back, he caught Tanvi on her left arm. She was already on his side next to the banana muffin tumbler. 

“Let me goo...”, she seethed through her breath while trying desperately to look normal.

“Please...please don’t do anything nooww...not here...please...pleeeese Khurramji!”, Tanvi pleaded to the sex-mad-giant!

“OK-THEN-WHERE?”, his question completely bowled her.

“I...I...please...pleeese go before she walks in!”, she persuaded despite the shockwave from his rhetorical question.

“TELL-ME-WHERE?”, Khurram’s grip on her hand started to hurt her. “Don’t worry about Sharda...even if she walks in, she won’t open her mouth!”, he said in a straight matter of fact manner.

“OO-GOD-KHURAAMJI-GO!!!”, she squeaked to bring some sort of rationality to their situation.

“Okay...then answer me...WHERE?? AND WHEN???”, his voice was steel cold...his eyes held vicious passion...and his hand was punishing her soft forearm tissue.


“Memsab, are you okay?”, both of them, depraved-old-neighbor and defiled-young-wife received the call from the maid with varied responses.

Khurram scorned at the petite woman with a meaningful gesture as if he was going to invite the maid to enter their game!

Tanvi implored at the disgusting old-neighbor’s eyes seeking mercy while trying to refrain her cunt that was causing excessive discomfort as it was rushing to read the possibilities that were implied on his face. 

“Why is this happening to me? OOH-GOD!!”, her brain screamed at her traitorous vagina.

“Com....Comingg Sharda!”, she yelled once again with intensifying dread in her voice while her cunt continued its rich spasms inside its inmost corners!

“Come inside Sharda...Look at us...We are in the kitchen!”, Khurram whispered to Tavni without taking his eyes away from her and conveying the point that he was about to shout it back to the waiting maid.

“Ok-okay-please-no-noo!”, her left hand shot up and caught his arm as if she had surrendered.

“RIGHT!!!", he said...and continued "IT-WILL-BE-MY-CALL!!!” he updated. 

With that terminal decision, Khurram turned to face the muffin mix tumbler while trying his best to get his plundering cock inside his boxer before Sharda walked in.

Tanvi realized with absolute defeat that the deed was completed!!!

“Sharda! come here...We are making muffins!”, Khuram’s voice thundered inside the kitchen as the bewildered looking maid walked into the house. While welcoming the maid, he released Tanvi’s arm from his grip and guided them to the banana muffin tumbler and continued his circling.

“Saabji...aap...here?”, Sharda’s question was to Khurram who had his back towards her.

“Arre haan...good that you came now Sharda...you can help Tanvi Beti to prepare the banana muffins", he replied as if answering her curiosity.

“Ji Saab...of course!”, Sharda reached kitchen threshold and took a pause.

“Come in Sharda...I had to trouble Khurramji for help as you were not here!”, though her voice was broken, Tanvi tried her best to give a normal smile to her maid.

“OK-THEN! I shall claim what we agreed whenever I want – OK!”, Khurram’s voice took her breath away. 

A low whimper came out of Tanvi as she found him staring straight at her face and then on her heaving breasts through the top that still remained pasted with his saliva...

A cold chill creeped through her spine as she found her two nipples protruding obscenely. 

Her cunt received the final jolt of the shock when she realized what he meant...”Khurramji was going to claim what he missed today at any time that he preferred!”.

“Let me go wash my hands then...!”, Khurram gave one last squeeze to her hand through the muffin mixture and walked out of the kitchen and quickly from her house...leaving a transfixed Tanvi to explain herself!

“Memsab, are you alright? You look so sweaty!”, Sharda took a good look at Tanvi and tried to place the scenario.

“It was too hot here in the kitchen and actually I was doing this for the first time, you know!”, Tanvi turned towards the sink as she was unable to face her maid with her nipples not releasing its pressure stance – both her pleasure nubbins stood erect – as if challenging the world with its dare!

However, the sharp maid was too quick for Tanvi's naiveness - Sharda clearly located how Tanvi's upper body looked as if soaked and the way her teats seemed to swollen and protruded outwards! She was definitely sure some wrongdoings had happened in the kitchen. 

“Let me take a shower, why don’t you prepare lunch and then let’s continue on these muffins...okay!”, having said the details, Tanvi walked out of the kitchen to bathroom.

“Ji memsab”, though not convinced, Sharda had no voice above Tanvi.

Throughout her shower, Tanvi’s brain remained blank while her vagina continued its silent slaughter of her conscience! 

With the same state of outright nothingness, Tanvi continued her household chores with her maid and prepared the muffins that were not even close to what she wanted them to be. Between the errands, she thought multiple times to call her grandmother and decided against it. 

Once the house cleaning and food being prepared, Sharda geared up to initiate one more conversation with Tanvi about Badi Didi’s proposal. However, Tanvi dismissed her maid and retired into her bedroom awaiting the arrival of her kids.

As she watched the parking lot for the kid’s van, Tanvi found Sanjoth parking his car and kids arriving in their van at the same time. She saw him gathering their both children and walking into the house. Tanvi continued her motherly tasks mechanically till both kids started their usual mischiefs in the house. To remove the haunting images and thoughts of that day’s early episode, Tanvi walked into the kitchen in the pretext to prepare evening tea. 


Tanvi shivered from fright at the sound of the calling bell...too many visions of the quick past jumped right in front of her eyes.

“I will check!”, Sanjoth’s voice came from living room and Tanvi remained inside the kitchen.

“Oh-Please come in!”, Tanvi heard her husband commenting to someone.

Tanvi was least bothered about the conversation happening between her husband whoever it was that stood outside their home. However, their dialogue exchange was loud and clear for her to hear.

“Arre...come inside please!”, Sanjoth invited again “And, are you alright? You look like you are sick!”, he said.

“Oh-no-no-Sanjoth...I am actually not so well. Just came to tell you that I won't be joining the gym today okay!”, the voice from outside updated Sanjoth. 

“Do you want me to drive you to doctor or something? Gym could be the last thing you want to be today!”, Sanjoth’s voice was full of mock-concern.

“Oh no no...I am okay...Safiyaji brought some medicine already...so, I will take rest today afternoon and she will go for workout!”, Khurram completed his statement as if it was just a piece of unwanted information.

“I see...if you need anything, please call me Khurramji...after all, we are your neighbors and who else should help each other!”, Sanjoth’s voice was honey-coated as his penis sparked as his brain registered the message that his cock was desperately searching for!

Khurram looked at the young man whose face conveyed the clear message of his intentions!

Sanjoth looked back at the old man whose face seemed tired, and conveyed nothing of his vile schemes!!

Tanvi who was listening from the back of the main door stood stupefied with terror as her brain continued to repeat the words that came out of the loathsome old rapscallion!!!
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(31-05-2020, 07:20 AM)mindhunter11 Wrote: awesome

Thank you!!
And, appreciate your kind responses...we have crossed over finally! (I hope...)
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Awesome writing... But I must say sincerely that I expected that ding dong from sharda... Hoping to hear from you when sanjoth will go to gym along with safiya
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