Adultery My Wife - For him
Pradeep removed her blouse and threw it to rajesh and...Rajesh had his eyes glued to every inch of pallus visible naked body...Kamal.unstrapped her bra from.behind and pallu got shy and didn't want her bare breasts exposed in broad day light ...outdoor and that too in front of Rajesh. She turned around and hugged pradeep....while he with a smile removed her bra and to Rajesh was looking at my wifes bare back ..and waiting eagerly for her petticoat and panty to.come offfffff!

Pradeep went on kissing her and roaming his hands all.over her bare back. I was hiding in a safe place far enough where I can watch what's happening and listen through ear buds and close enough to get to the place where Rajesh wanted me to wait....

Rajesh was feasting on pallavis naked back with eyes...
Pallavi was totally uncomfortable and was hiding herself into pradeep ...
Pradeep had a cynical smile on his face and started removing his shirt then took it off and now pallavis bare brests were touching his chest bare. He had pallavi so.manytimes but this was a different thing....outdoor between trees and plants..a exotic location and moreover Rajesh also there ....

Right at this moment I got a call It was my on call week and there was a weekend production implementation going on...I had been side tracked these days and overall it was a priority 1 issue. I had to take it as it was my boss calling. I rejected the call once ..twice ..and then had to.. boss asked me to login immediately as the implementation has been failing and the team has no direction as I am.unreachable and the go live is in 8 Sunday midnight.

I had to leave the place immediately....and was in a dilema ...I can not go and get pallu as she was standing half naked and probably enjoying and all he was heated up...I was unable to make a decision. I then called pradeeps phone and no answer....Rajeshs phone no answer ...then called pallu...that's when pradeep saw it and asked Rajesh to go and take care.   

I moved to the place where he wanted me to wait....
Rajesh came there  and I explained the situation...
He said....oh! You can login in from my office room. I said I need my PC and access token and all are at home. Then he said ...' ok then you go and take care and come.back...pallavi is enjoying out there and going crazy of all the plants....even kavitha and satya are there (he lied to make sure I get no doubts) ....

Still.hesitantly , with no other option left as I had to login immediately and even if I wait it will be atkest 20 min as I saw pradeep earlier just starting making pallu naked and he was on full swing to fuck her outdoor. ...i.said ok and told rajesh to let pallu know.

I left from there ...but something felt not right (later on realized I should have taken pallu back with me ....)

So I got home and by the time.i got finished with the office thing it was a straight 7 hours of marathon. Then I checked my phone and saw 10 missed calls.from pallu...and nearly 20 text messages.  All messages were almost all.through out the past few hours and asking please come and get me..take me out of here...please....

I got shocked and ran to my car and got to rajeshs place in 25 min. I called her on the way she didn't pick up...I there in 30 minutes...

By the time inmates reached was 1130pm was a dark neighborhood.  Pallu was standing near a big tree in front of rajeshs house.....she had her saree all.wrapped around and just got into car. I was saying sorry sorry sorry....she didn't answer and was looking outside the window. I asked 'are you ok '

She said 'do not talk to me kamal and just take me home and on the way let's pick up rahul (our son) from auntys place'

I said 'hey what happened'

She screamed " i am furious and angry and feel like a useless woman....its all.because of you and I hate you I hate pradeep ...get me to my son and my home "

That's it my heart started beating like head was spinning.....I looked at her through the rear view mirror....and she looked very sad and frustrated and her clothes were....totally totally crumpled and soiled ...etc etc ...

She came this morming to this place totally.dressed traditional saree and she is leaving like this....

I head was bursting of shame, anger , guilt, ......thinking what might have happened !!!!???
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Oof whaat a story
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wow, 7 straight hours......they must have ravaged her fully among themselves.

lets see whats next.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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Great twist... Desperately waiting for update.
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Update immediately
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It seems they already had a threesome
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Oh bro... Why did you do this.. I am feeling kind of sick after reading the last portion bro.. First I imagined that she is going to enjoy 3 some, but it didn't sound like she enjoyed... I got a fear that they both abused her, or may be Pradeep had to go and Rajesh abused her later. What ever, bro.. I am not complaining or anything but, your writing was so amazing, i got attached to characters and I root for both husband and wife. It's just the way this episode ended... I kind of see that as she was abused, but hope i am wrong.. My tummy is still shivering as i am typing.. Hope i am wrong, or I am over thinking.. Anyways, great writing.
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May be their wives caught them red handed and she was humiliated coz she was standing outside when her husband came back.
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super update .. eagerly waiting for next update
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Waiting for next update bro....
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It seems she was ravished fully by Pradeep and Rajesh for 7 hours. But now she must be having post sex guilt. She will definitely go back to them.
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It's maybe time to wrap up the story. Perfect situation created to make a call.
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We drove in full silence ....picked up my son and she went and sat in the back seat with him and started talking to him, I felt little good that she is atleast little ok...I mean talking to our son in a affectionate tone  as she had missed him for past few days.

We went home and after taking  bath she came to the bed and slept turning that way....i.said 'please can you tell me what happened?'  Therr was no response...and then in few minutes she.drifted into deep.sleep.

I tried sleeping but couldnt....i slowly got up and took her phone and started browsing through and there was texts from pradeep ...

Then i went in to bathroom closed the door and checked her clothes which she wore that day to.pooja.....and this what I saw...

Saree,  was all crumpled and there white stains all over the inside of saree...Petticoat was like a rag used in kitchen or mechanic shops...I meant it was used to wipe and clean looking at all.the sperm around was no way of only one man...for sure 2 or who knows 3 maybe...blouse was torn by the sides (that's why when she got in to car she was covering her saree all over her blouse. There was no bra and panty to be found... 

Seeing all this ..I had mixed feelings .
One i was furious that was she forced and bangd ...this made my.stomach churn. 
Again the thought that ..what if she enjoyed all the sex she had with them ..but now feels just guilty after sex...basically being such a orthodox bought up person and daily  pooja doing and regular temple going and 100% house wife.....its difficult to accept being fucked by other men......
If it's just the second one I mentioned above...then I the HAPPIEST and easily ease her out of that feeling .....
[+] 5 users Like kamalletgo's post
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Please bro... More more... We all want to hear the 7hour bit by bit... Last update is too tiny for itself....
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They or he fucked her and let her stand ouside to wait for her husband or whatever but poor husband is too poor to think how humiliating it is to be fucked for 7 hours and then when he comes back, wife is standing like a ragged doll outside the very home. Wife too is brainless. Its not love here by Pardeep or Pallu as they claim but just sex and raw sex without the emotion called love.
[+] 1 user Likes Vks1's post
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waiting for bigger update about 7 hours
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Waiting for further updates.... 
If she still goes to pradeep.... That's it...
 But she  has to go, to continue this story
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Pleas update tonight
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brother please update fast
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