Poll: Do You want Supriya to get Fucked by Aditya ??
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U turn in Supriya's Life..2 - Continue..
As far as now, we have seen only emotional side of supriya but not her brain... Eagerly waiting to see the next TURN.. 

Update faster, if possible 

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very nice update
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Nice update
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Please update...
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Waiting eagerly bro. When will Aditya enter into Supriya pussy and enjoy the honeymoon before Anand comes back.
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Waiting for swati to meet devendra in his house..
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Waiting for Supriya and dev encounter....
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Super story..Please update bro..
[+] 1 user Likes Sush44's post
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Supriya’s body was relaxed post Savita’s massage, she went out had her lunch and check Aditya who is by now snoring in his room.

Savitri also went to her home 

Supriya :--  Savita you also take nap at living room as I am badly in need of sleep.

She closed her bed room door and laid on her bed and immediately drifted to sleep.

In her dreams She is with Anand  some where snowy place, where both were laughing and walking around in each other arms.

In her dreams Anand even made love to her till she is exhausted. and slept, cuddling to him.

But in reality, she misses her husband and put pillow on her blossom and hug it. She slept for long time, when she open her eyes she found Savita trying wake her up shaking her.

Savita :-- Mam, please wake up, baby is hungry and crying. I tried to lift you shirt but as you tightly hugging pillow it was not allowing me to move your t-shirt up.

Supriya Immediately gets up and started feeding her baby. Though she is feeding baby but her mind was totally on her dream.

She is missing her husband a lot, and feeling very bad about his behaviour, if he would have given a call to her and asking for sorry for his behaviour, even not feeling sorry but at least he would have asked me about my health. He saw me in pain but ….

Tears started rolling doing from her eyes… Savita was sitting there and looking at her and observed her, she move to her when Savita saw her crying.

She wipe her tears, “ What happened mam, did I do any thing wrong”, “ are you crying because of me” please tell me Mam,

Savita :-- I Just wanted you to be happy, I never knew that it will hurt you.. I am sorry… she fell on her feet.

Supriya :-- Savita, no its not because of you, …

Savita :-- Then, what happened mam, tell me… please.. I might not be able to help you out but sharing with me at least ease you.

Supriya :-- err.. Actually, missing Anand, he didn’t even bother to give me call and ask me about my wellbeing. Saying she started sobbing more….

Savita embraces her roam her hand on her back, “ Mam, Definitely he will come and ask sorry to you… a fool can only stay away from such beautiful and gorgeous wife and I am sure he is not fool.

Savita :-- You are so beautiful and graceful that no one can stay away from you, ask me effect of you on me, I can’t resist myself to be near to you…. Always at your service...

Supriya blushes with her remarks, ok..ok… stop buttering me Savita… please go and prepare tea I will coming to hall.

Supriya move to hall with her baby and in 5 min Savita came to hall with 2 cup of tea, she gave to Supriya and sat on floor beside her and started sipping tea.

Supriya :-- Why you sitting on floor, come sit here… “ No Mam, please let me here at your feet… itself… I love to be at your service.”

Savita :-- I am scared to even think about it, but in future due to any circumstances I have to leave this house, I am sure that I will not get such respect or liberty to sit on sofa where ever I will go for work, so let me have habit sitting on floor.

Supriya :-- I don’t know about future, but I want you to sit here itself.

She dragged her up and let her sit beside her…

While sipping both were talking in different topics… soon tea was over and her baby is also sleep she put him on bed and went to get fresh.

She thought of going out and take fresh air. “ Savita, I am going out for walk please take care of baby and Adi, I will back soon”

Soon she is in garden and walking around and after some time she sat on bench and started thinking about her life, her sexual desire and new members who all are came in her life and their roles.

Now a days I am getting very horny, earlier I thought I was drugged but I felt same sensation or itching in my pussy when Savita was doing massage on my back.

So does it mean that Doc. Was not drugging me, he was genuine no…. I saw powder around surface where our glass were kept, I saw same kind of powder in Aditya’s room as well, but doc said they takes tablet like this only, even Devendra as well…

Yeah I remember when asked doc, about powder on surface of table, there was no sign of scariness on his face.. he replied very coolly … ohh.. god… I am so confused … I don’t know whether doc, is genuine or not, i need to find out it…. How I don’t know but I need to any how.

Aditya is so good boy and taking care of me and my feeling which I expected from Anand.

Anand used to take care of me but in last few days his behaviour towards me has been changed.
WHY he is behaving like that ? WHY ???    Tanya ??

She remembers Devendra words, “Its not bad to have small affair”, Does Anand is having small affair with Tanya ??? Oh God.. please no..no. no… no.. .

She remembers during party time how Anand left her alone with her boss where as he knew that we all were drunk and any thing could happened in drunken status. But Anand went out to drop Tanya to her place. He gave more importance to Tanya over me which causes I loosed control and Devendra was over me.

She closes her eyes and image started flashing in front of her eyes, how Devendra kissed her, how he pressed her tits, how she engulf her self in his arms and allowed him taste her nectar juices and let him play with her body.
No doubt he is expert in kissing, he made me go weak just with kisses….. how he was trying to open my blouse and was so desperate to suck my titis.. when he failed to open my blouse, he started sucking it over my blouse and made it all wet with his sucking.. I wonder what would he have done if he was successful in opening my blouse. … I am sure he would have made them red, handled them very harshly he might take both tits and suck them bite them…  

“Shitttt… shit … what I am thinking… how can I get aroused thinking about such sinful act… my focus must be on my husband and need to find out is he really having affair with her..”

But how can I find out, if he is having affair or not… mere thought of her husband having affair jolted her soul. Now she is feeling restless and wanted to find out about Anand and Tanya’s relations and best option to take help of Devendra.

She knew risk of taking help of Devendra but she needs to and for that she is ready to meet him. She wanted to call him but she forgot to bring her mobile along with her.

“ Hey beautiful” We meet again, She heard a voice and she turn around and saw Jay sitting next to her.

Jay :-- I told you not to take stress, but you will not listen to it.. right…

Supriya ;-- She smiled looking him, ohhh no its giving time to myself.

Jay :-- That’s Good that you give time to your self and feel happy that you spare some time talking to me… I feel honoured.

Supriya blushed…. “ are you trying to flirt with me” I am married women, it might be harmful for you Dr. Jay” to flirt with married woman”..

Jay :-- Ohhhh… I am scared… to be honest I am not flirting, I am just like that, what ever comes I speak it out, that’s it.. and this I learnt from my life. Some time I say good so people like it and some time people don’t like what I say..

Supriya :- Hmmmm, but I like to be myself… now a days you cann’t trust every one…

Jay :-- Youp, correct… but trusting people and telling them bluntly makes difference.  And on contrary to you, I rarely trust people. ( he look to her and smiled, but smile on her face vanished with his statement)

Jay :-- Ohhh, sorry, its just philosophy, every human being is different from each other… so we are … don’t take more stress or else again I will get opportunity to take you to my place…hahahah

She also laughed and for quite for more time they spent time talking to each other and together they walk back to their apartments.

She find him talkative and he speak straight from heart… She likes his openness.

Soon Jay standing at his door and open his flat door and Supriya move towards her flat. She was about to ring her flat bell, Jay called her

Jay :-- Can I have pleasure to have glass of Juice with you at my place… please…

Supriya wanted to deny offer but don’t want to hurt his feeling hence she accepted and move along with him to his flat.

Jay went inside kitchen to prepare fresh juice so that he can spend much time with her.

Supriya :-- do you mind if I look your flat… “ sorry, let me take you to a tour of mine flat”

Its same kind of flat like hers, but interior of Jay’s flat is quite good and above all he maintained it very well. She look around to find family photo graph and some thing but she found nothing..

Supriya :-- Where is your family, Jay.

Jay :-- Err… here it is… pointing towards himself… I am all alone in this world… see because of my bluntness no one like me… so still single or good girls are already taken … like you.. my bad luck.

Supriya :-- Again you hitting on me… please…

Jay :-- No seriously, I envy aaahhh Anand, right…. Damn lucky … he must have done lot of good things that’s why he got lovely, beautiful and innocent wife like you… Saying he just reached near her …. She is standing like statue there listening to him.. though his words making her feel goods but inner side she is hurt when some one say how lucky her husband is and her husband is not taking care of her.

She tried to control her tears and look towards Jay with watery eyes… Jay also look at her and felt bad looking her crying…

He grabbed her hand and let her sit on dinning chair. He wipe her tears with his hanky and gave her hanky and asked her “ Please make my hanky totally drenched with  your tears”.

I won’t stop you to cry, neither I will give you my shoulder to cry, I want you to shed all your tears today. I want you to become strong going forward so that no one… no one can dare to hurt you.

Normally people take advantage of this time and hug them and console them, but jay behave opposite of it, he rather asked her to cry more and be strong. He sat away from her and look at her.

She felt good and way he spoke made her stronger mentally.. she wanted such type of boosting, he is correct sheding tears will not give me solution, I need to be more stronger and not give a chance to any one to hurt me.

Supriya :- Thank you Jay, I am feeling good and confident…

Jay :-- Oh is it.. just by 2 statement you feeling confident then would request you to join my classes daily for 1 hrs… you will out of the world and I well get chance to spend time with lovely lady like you.

Supriya :-- You again started… please you won’t get any chance.. please try this on another lady or would request you on another girl. You are tall handsome and any will fall for you.. You will get really beautiful girl as your partner.

Supriya :- Tell me honestly, you really single?? you must have had received lots and lots of proposal from girls.  I don’t know but my inner instinct telling my some one is there in your life.

Her statement and questioned hit him very hard, unknowingly she scratched his wounds.  

Supriya notice changes in his fascial expression, he was smiling till she asked him about some in his life and as soon as she asked his face became pale and he started looking here and there.
Jay :-- ohhh sorry, I forgot that invited you to have juice, let me prepare it.. saying he move to kitchen.

Supriya felt bad unknowingly she hurt him, she stood from chair and move towards kitchen and standing at kitchen door. She looking at him with sorry face.

Supriya :-- I am sorry if I hurt you.. I just asked as found you alone and was wondering about it. Out of curiosity I asked you.

Jay :--Don’t be, why you feel sorry.. Yes some one was there in my life, but its past and let be in past itself…

He look towards her and smiled… “ Yeah ! I feel sad because you are already taken by some one.”  Hahahha

Supriya :-- Youuuuu… she move towards him and started hitting him showing mock anger.

Both laughed and she standing with him till he prepares juice then both move to hall and sat on couch.

Supriya :-- Jay, you are really good Person, you are really jem, you handle difficult situation so good,  I also want to be like you,  to get over tuff situation and move on.

Jay :-- Ohh, , i am glad that you like me.. I mean you my ability to handle situation and if you want you can be like me but just need to spend bit of time with me so that I can trained you..hahaha

Jay look at her but she is lost some where again…  he slowly move from his seat and sat near her. Still she was lost.

She looks in his eyes and smiled, when he said that she like him. ( am I really like him, so what he is good person and what is harm to like him, we are like friends and he can be mine good friend there is nothing wrong it, She was lost in her thought and didn’t notice that Jay shifted himself just beside him.

He is looking at her just inches away, she looks so beautiful, big eyes, sharp nose, lips like rose petals, her long slender neck.
He controlled himself and pinch her left cheeks sharply making her screamed.

Supriya :-- Aaaaaaaaaaiiii.. she rub her cheeks with left hand… whyyyyy???

Jay :-- You insulted me…. I am sitting here and talking to you and look you are lost some where.. how bad I feel you know.

Supriya :-- So you will pinch me like that,… she put glass on table and started hitting him showing her anger. “ let me show you how much it pains, she tried to pinch him back on his cheeks.

Jay :-- ohh… you getting physical… please don’t hit me… its your fault… saying he moves his upper body to back but she was ammenmate to pinch him on cheeks.

He lay back on couch and she climb on top of him and was trying to pinch him. He grabbed both of her hands with his strong hands. She is unable to get herself from his grip, for some time she struggle but later she gave up.

She look into his eyes and now there is complete silence, both looking each other. She started moving her face towards him. His grip on her hand loosen up, she move her hand and held his face. She is just inches away from him now.

She looked in his eyes and her lips started widening, he didn’t understand what’s coming, and with full force she pinched his both cheeks, he screamed in pain and before he catches her with loud laugh, she moved away from him.

Supriya :-- like a child running here and there to save herself from him, he is also playing with her… letting her fly here and there.

Soon she is tired of running and stood in corner of wall, she breathing heavy. With each breath her breast is moving up and down. Jay from distance looking at her and of course center of attraction are her big bouncy boobs which are moving up and down.

Step by step he is moving towards her and stood just inches away from her putting his strong hand on either side of her. Blocking her ways to move.

Supriya with heavy breath… Jay…sorry… but you started it first and that’s why I pinched you back.

Jay :-- I pinched on only on one cheeks here… he put his finger on her cheeks and you pinched on both cheeks.. not fair..

Supriya ;-- I gave you back with interest….

Jay :-- Is it like that…. Ok …he cares her cheeks with his palm and stop and look into her eyes.

When she didn’t reciprocate it, he took her both of her hand and put it on his cheeks and rub it. Still looking into her eyes.

He removes his hand from her’s. Her hand are on his cheeks. She looking up in his eyes. Her fingers move bit and she now looking her hand on his face then on her cheeks.

He also move both of his hand on her cheeks and cares her cheeks.

Jay :-- wow, you have so soft skin, like baby, like butter… I want to eat it…

She move her hand above and grabbed both of his ear and pulled it… why you move other hand on my cheeks, now its punishment for you… she pull his ears with bit force make him moan in pain.

She laughed a loud and making him cry, she left his right ear and pulling his left ear she took him towards couch and made him sit on it.

She left his ear now and looked it, both of his ears are red and so do his face and when she look into his eyes, it was watery. She didn’t realise that she pulled his ears so harshly.

Supriya :-- Oh sorry… sorry.. Jay,… I didn’t mean to hurt you… I was just playing and didn’t realize that you are in pain..

Jay :-- Ohh.. its ok… dear… he coughed little and his voice was chocked as to control his tears.

Supriya :-- ohh… sorry… she ran to kitchen and fetch glass of water for him. Her hands were shivering while she giving offering him glass.
He held her hand and made her sit beside him. He took glass and gulp down water. He put glass on table.

She is holding his hand and rubbing her hand on his, she still shivering. He move towards her and held her both ears and pull bit. Now we are equal. He patted her cheeks and smiled.

Jay :-- common, its ok… we are friends see I am smiling.. chill yaar..

Supriya :-- I am sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you..

Jay put his hand around her and embraces her from side, she put her head on his shoulder and hug him back. he is facing difficulty to control himself not to kiss her, but when he looked down his gaze fell on her rosy lips.

It is so inviting that he loose his patience and move his face down and put her lips on her.

It’s just lips to lips touch. As soon as she felt his lips on hers her body jolted, she looking him with big eyes but didn’t move away. They were like in same pose for some time.

Jay move his face away… “ I am sorry, I don’t wanted to but you look so beautiful and cannot resist to kiss you. Please don’t think otherwise. You can count it as revenge for making my eyes moist.. he smiled.

He moves away from her, but her eyes were stuck on his lips and when he speaking, she looking his lips only. None of his words going in her ears. She is lost again, even Jay also observe that she is lost.

He move again towards her and move his face near to her and shouted, “ Helloooooo”

She came back to sense and pushed him away and put her hand on her ears and started rubbing it…

Supriya :-- What is this… ahhh … she put her index finger in her ears and rubbing it…with that her boobs also moving in her t-shirt. His gaze move to her breast and with wide eye he looking at her lustily.

She observes where he is looking and she move her hand down and sat still but his gaze still lock on her breast.

She felt bit uncomfortable, she took empty glass to kitchen and keeps it in sink. She drank bit water and move to hall. Till then he came back to his senses and look to her.

Jay :-- I am sorry for making you uncomfortable with my gaze… I am sorry.

Supriya :-- She smiled with his openness and said its ok and please don’t think wrong about this relationship. I find good friend in you, I like you surely but as friend.

Supriya :-- To be honest with you, now a days I am going through bad patch of my life and I don’t want any more mess in my life. Please be with me as friend as I badly in need of one.

Jay stood up and pulled her towards him and hug her, he place his hand on back of her head and patting there.

Jay :-- I am also alone and promise you that I will never ever break your heart, I know the pain when someone hurts you.

She put her face on his chest and move more into him, she feeling peace hugging him. Both remain same for quite some time hugging each other.

He tried to pull her away but she not moving bit… “please for some more time, after long time I find peace.”

They remained for quite long hugging each other, its now unbearable for him to control

Jay :-- Please Supriya, I will lose my control and kiss you. You don’t know I am controlling myself not to kiss such a rosy lips.

She look into his eyes and move away, she move to kitchen to fetch glass of water for herself. He also like robot followed her and stood behind her. She sense him behind her and slowly drinking water.

He put his hand on her waist and hug her from behind. She felt her hard thing on her ass, she wanted to move away from him but there is something in him which is not allowing her to move away from him.

She let him hug her from behind and she place her head on his chest, she put her hand on his as to stop it if he moves it upward.

They remain there for some time and there was cokoo sound of wall clock. Its 8:30 PM. She separated from him.

Supriya :-- Its too late jay, I am also not carrying my mobile, maids and baby is there… she hurriedly move towards main door, without even looking back to him.

She open door and move towards her flat, she rang the door bell and it was Savita who opened the door, she look tense…

Supriya :-- what happened you look tense, is every thing alright.? Where is Savitri ? is dinner ready ?? baby.. oh… my baby she ran towards her baby.

Savita ;-- yes mam,  every thing is good, baby just woke up, he might feel presense of his mother, Savitri is giving massage to sir and dinner is ready mam.

Supriya :-- you so good, she petted her cheeks lovingly. Thank you dear for taking care of entire house.

Savita :-- Thhhhh,  before she could replied they heard loud moan of Savitri from aditya’s room, both Savita and supriya look at that direction.

Supriya :-- whats this, why she is moaning, is she also got hurt ???

Savita : -- I don’t know mam, since evening she is not working properly, there might be possibility that she got cramp on her body that why she moaned in pain. She lied to supriya keeping her face down.

Supriya :- ok.. please check both of them and come to my room.

She move to her room and sat on bed, removed her t-shirt and bra and started feeding her baby. She cover her body with towel.

Savita move to Aditya’s room, door was not letched so she move inside and found Aditya fucking Savitri in doggy style. She asked Savitri to be quite as mam is back and in her room.

She was about to move out, Aditya grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, before she could say anything, he started kissing her, she didn’t responded to his kisses and pushed him away.

Savita :-- I am hiding your things because she want it, don’t try to take leverage over me. She move out of his room and was fumbling in anger and entered Supriya room.

Supriya also notice that she is angry, she knew that Aditya might have tried some thing stupid with her that’s why she is angry.

Savita :-- yes mam, you called me…

Supriya :-- nothing just take care of baby so that I can take bath. She handed over baby to Savita once feeding done.

Supriya move to bathroom and remove her cloths and started shower, her body was in heat, she closed her eyes and started recollecting time she spent with Jay.. she started roaming her finger on her pussy lips, she plays with her clit, her legs started shivering.

She let shower on and sat on bathroom floor, spread her legs and inserted her right hand middle finger in her wet hole and with left hand index finger she rubbing her clit.

She lay on bathroom floor and now with right hand she fingering herself and moving her hips up and down, with left hand she is pressing her boobs. Eyes were totally shut and Jay face started flashing in front of her….


Shower is still on and water drops are making her feel good, her body temperature is getting normal. She sat on floor, folded her legs and circle around her hand on her legs and put her chin on her knee..

Anand if you are cheating me, then remember I do have lot of option to cheat on you… I can hurt you more, for that bitch you hurt me.. .... I hate you Anand. I hate you..

Now surely i want to know, i will call Devendra and get information and proof from him.
[+] 5 users Like talash23's post
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Superb Talash.....excellent pls give chance to dev......
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Great update Bhai . But eagerly waiting for Devendra episode .
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Super update
Supriya thinks Jay, doctor, Dev, Aditya are taking care of her for no benefits.
She must be a real fool. Soon these men will use her and make her complete slut.
She started cheating Anand even before he did. She is now a bitch in heat.
[+] 2 users Like Ajay Kailash's post
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What a super update thank you!
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(03-05-2020, 12:29 PM)Ajay Kailash Wrote: Super update
Supriya thinks Jay, doctor, Dev, Aditya are taking care of her for no benefits.
She must be a real fool. Soon these men will use her and make her complete slut.
She started cheating Anand even before he did. She is now a bitch in heat.

Rightly said. She finally started searching reasons to fuck around with these men 
Dev will use this opportunity to take her fully. Interesting to see how many men will sleep with her. will Anand move out of Supriya life when he comes back.
[+] 1 user Likes AjitKumar's post
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Great update
[+] 1 user Likes Alvinthomas's post
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She has fallen in love with Jay ?? Great twist. Waiting for next update. Wonderful writing.
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Thumbs Up 
Looks like Aditya is totally out of choice, Supriya knows that he is fucking maid. Now Jay has more chances to make love with Supriya.
[+] 1 user Likes Chilipi's post
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Nice update ?
[+] 1 user Likes veeravaibhav's post
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super update and hot
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