Wife pays for husband's sins (blckml,humiliation of innocent housewife)
She showed Mr. Misra to Aarav's room. Jyoti watched as Mr. Misra invaded her son's privacy by going through his things. He seemed pleased to have found Aarav's stash of porn magazines and showed them to the unsuspecting mother. But it was another discovery that really got his attention. He pulled his hand out from under a stack of clothes and showed it to Jyoti.

"I wonder who these belong to?" Mr. Misra said.

"My god, they're mine!"

"That's what I thought."

"But what are they doing in there?"

"Don't you know?"

"No, they must have gotten mixed up in the laundry."

Mr. Misra held the panties to his nose and smelled. "Nope, these haven't been washed."

Jyoti looked at the panties more intently. "I... I think I wore those yesterday. I could have sworn I put them to wash. I don't understand how they got in Aarav's drawer."

"Maybe I'll help you figure it out, but right now I need something to eat. Since I will be out of sight when your kids are home I will need the afternoon meal to be my dinner." Mr. Misra watched the flustered woman start to walk out of the room. "Jyoti?"


After they had eaten. Mr. Misra went back upstairs while Jyoti stayed on the ground floor doing her normal household chores. The banging and other noises she heard upstairs bothered her, but she didn't investigate. The last thing she wanted was to be in Mr. Misra' presence. Jyoti knew that when they were alone he would expect sexual favors from her. So Jyoti remained downstairs, from time to time looking up at the noises. She only hoped her children would come home before Mr. Misra summoned her upstairs.

It was later, after dinner, when Mr. Misra heard Disha call out, "Mom, going to Charu's for a while."

Then he heard the door slam before Jyoti even had a chance to reply.

Mr. Misra called Jyoti on her cell phone. The arrangement was that if one of her kids answered the phone then Mr. Misra would just hang up and Jyoti would come upstairs to see if it was him calling. But Jyoti ran to the phone and answered it before her son could. When told to do so, Jyoti went to her bedroom.

"Take off your kurta and pajama" Mr. Misra told Jyoti when she entered her bedroom. "Put this on."

Jyoti caught the garment Mr. Misra had thrown to her. She looked at it briefly, recognizing it as her old house robe. She put her arms through the sleeves and went to tie the belt when she realized it seemed much shorter. Jyoti tugged on the hem, but the robe didn't fall to its usual place on her thighs. Mr. Misra had tampered with it, making it much shorter. Jyoti tied the robe and looked down -- it was very short. She looked over her shoulder and pushed her ass out. The robe barely covered her buttocks.

"Looks pretty good," Mr. Misra said.

"It's too short... way too short."

Mr. Misra walked behind Jyoti and reached around her body. His hand went between her legs and cupped her pussy. He used a finger to press the material into her slit and began rubbing her. Jyoti always hated when her body responded to him, but it betrayed her again. Soon her hips were moving as she ground her pussy onto his finger. Mr. Misra didn't stop until Jyoti climaxed, biting her bottom lip to keep from screaming.

"Okay, take the panties off," Mr. Misra said.
When Jyoti complied, Mr. Misra grabbed the moist panties and tossed them onto the foot of her bed. He then pulled new panties from his bag and told her to put them on. Jyoti noticed they were much sheerer than what she wore.

"This is what we're going to do," Mr. Misra said once Jyoti put the sexy panties on. "I unscrewed the ceiling light bulb so it looks like it blew. Do you know how to change a light bulb?"

"Of course!"

"Good. But I'm afraid you may fall. After all, you will need a ladder. I already brought it up from the garage."

"I won't fall," Jyoti said.

"I want to be sure."

"Okay, then are you going to hold me?"

"No, your son is."

"WHAT?!! Not dressed like this?"

"Yep, that's the fun part for me."

"Please, do what you want with me, but leave my family out of it."

"The choice is yours, you want me to give him the videos of the party? Now come on call your son... um, Aarav, right? I'll position the ladder while you call him. Don't worry about me. I'll be hidden. The new bulb is over there."
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Jyoti followed Mr. Misra' pointing finger and then watched in a daze as he moved the ladder under the ceiling fixture. He then went into the closet, but Jyoti noticed he had it open enough to see out but, unless you were looking for him, he was not visible. Once again Jyoti tugged on her robe, but it still didn't go lower.

Jyoti called her son and when he entered her room she told him she needed him to hold the ladder steady for her. When he offered to change the light bulb she told him she wasn't strong enough to hold the ladder. He was about to tell her that was ridiculous when she got angry and was curt with him so he relented.

From his hiding place, Mr. Misra watched Jyoti tentatively take the first step. It was obvious she was trying to keep her too short robe down. When Jyoti's hips were even with Aarav's face he reached out to hold his mother. But his hands stopped in mid-air. What Aarav saw was the bottom of his mother's buttocks sticking out from under the robe. When Jyoti took the next step, Aarav was able to see under his mother's robe, at her pale blue panties so sheer he saw the crack of her ass. Aarav's hands gripped the sides of the ladder as he looked up, not even trying to avert his eyes.

Jyoti knew how short the robe was and that it didn't maintain her modesty, but she couldn't look down. She hoped her son wasn't staring under her robe, but she didn't know and was afraid to find out. Instead, Jyoti thought it best to complete her task as quickly as possible. But what she didn't count on was that Mr. Misra had rigged the light fixture. She couldn't easily unscrew the mechanism holding the glass covering in place.

"Aarav, could you get me the pliers?" Jyoti asked.

"Will you be okay up there?"

"Yes, as long as I don't move. Please, get the pliers."

Aarav moved away from the ladder. Mr. Misra noticed he turned back and looked up one more time before heading for the door. On the way Aarav saw his mother's panties on the bed and hesitated. Mr. Misra had made a bet with himself that the teenager would take them. Aarav looked back at his mother checking to see if she was looking. She wasn't so he stuffed the soiled panties into his pocket.

When Aarav returned he stopped by the ladder and looked under his mother's robe. He then stepped to the side of the ladder and handed the pliers to Jyoti, then returned to his spot and put his foot on the lowest rung to keep it steady. While Jyoti struggled with the screw, Aarav stared under her short robe. As his mother moved, her legs parted and Aarav saw the part of her panties covering her pussy. The material was so thin that he even saw her slit and pubic hair. Mr. Misra watched him rub his obviously hard cock while staring up his mother's robe.

Finally, Jyoti changed the bulb and put the glass covering back in place. When she stepped onto the next lower rung her robe rode up her buttocks and Aarav was able to see most of her panty-covered ass. Jyoti got to the floor and thanked Aarav who left her bedroom.

"Happy?" Jyoti asked sarcastically when Mr. Misra came out of the closet. "That was sick."

"Notice anything missing?" Mr. Misra asked.

Jyoti looked around. "No."

"Your panties... the nice smelly ones."

Jyoti's eyes darted to her bed and then her hand covered her mouth. "Oh-my-god, he didn't."

"He sure did."

"But why?"

"Let's go find out," Mr. Misra said.
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Confused, Jyoti followed Mr. Misra to her TV. He turned it on and some other equipment she never saw before, even though it was her own bedroom. When the TV screen illuminated, Jyoti looked at it in stunned silence. She was watching her son sitting on the side of his bed taking off his sneakers. Jyoti looked at Mr. Misra in puzzlement.

He smiled and answered, "I didn't make millions in the electronics field without being an expert."
Jyoti stared dumbly, still not fully comprehending what was happening. When Mr. Misra nodded for her to turn back to the TV she did. Aarav was pulling his jeans off. Soon she saw her son's hard cock sticking up. But if that wasn't shocking enough, Aarav fished her panties out of his pants. He threw the jeans onto the floor and lifted the panties to his face. Jyoti recognized the panties as the ones she left on her bed, the ones covered in her pussy juices. And then Aarav's fist surrounded his hard cock and began moving up and down.

"I can't believe this," Jyoti said.

"This is what I want you to do..."

Mr. Misra explained to the befuddled woman what he expected of her.

"I can't bang my son," Jyoti exclaimed when he finished.

"Who said anything about bang? You don't have to do anything your son doesn't want to do. But you have to do what I told you."

"This is insane! He's my son. I can't do that."

"There's that can't again. Sure you can. And if you don't... well, I have the videos and pictures. I think your son will jerk off watching them, but what about your husband and your daughter... and everyone else?"

Jyoti felt trapped again. Her eyes were locked on her son's hand sliding up and down his cock. A cock she hadn't seen in years. A cock she was not supposed to see anymore, especially hard.

"I can't, his door must be locked," Jyoti said, relieved that she found an excuse.

"I made other improvements to your house. Don't worry, his door won't lock. Now GO!!"
[+] 8 users Like sam1981's post
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Oh!! U have a very beautiful sick mind... and i love it
Kudos.. waiting for next...
[+] 2 users Like drlund's post
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wow.. super erotic story..
love it.. rating the thread 5 star...
[+] 1 user Likes tweeny_fory's post
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good.............. now not only she herself trapped, humiliated and degraded............... but her family too.... her son & daughter are also on the target

........... obviously...... she is now puppet of mishra............. so now what she can do and how she will make herself out of this mess
[+] 2 users Like kamdev99008's post
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[+] 1 user Likes dilema's post
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Just a suggestion..
Mr mishra can have her tattoed at later stage for complete show of ownership
Then she can become entertainment in company parties..
[+] 3 users Like drlund's post
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Oh! I m so eager for next update
[+] 2 users Like drlund's post
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Nice update
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Wow...this is fantastic.
[+] 2 users Like Kinklover's post
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Good going
Please Read வேட்டையாடு விளையாடு 
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Jyoti's mind wasn't working and her son's actions were adding to her confusion. She was also terrified of the pictures and videos getting out. If they did get out, would mean the end of her family- Disha would never get married, her husband and son would probably be so humiliated. What if someone commits suicide? All these thoughts were running through her mind. What Misra was telling her to do was despicable, but maybe she should just do what he told her. After all, she didn't have to force herself upon her son. Aarav would never have sex with her. She was his mother. The worse that would happen is Aarav would get embarrassed when she caught him masturbating. That's not so bad. He'd get over it.

Jyoti was now standing at her son's bedroom door. Her hand was on the doorknob, but she didn't move. Jyoti decided to show Mr. Misra that not everyone was as perverted as him. She took a deep breath and turned the doorknob, hoping it was locked. But it rotated and the door opened. Jyoti was now staring at her son jerking off in person, not on the TV screen. She could hear his moans with Aarav's fist was moving a lot faster now than just a few moments before.

Jyoti stood in the doorway watching her son masturbate. His eyes were closed and he didn't hear the door open. But all of a sudden his eyes opened and he stared at his mother. Once the shock wore off he panicked and scrambled under his bedcover, pulling the cover to his chest. Aarav realized his mother's panties were still clutched in his hand under the cover.

"Mom, what are you doing here?!" Aarav called out.

"I just wanted to thank you for helping me."

"But I was... oh god, Mom, I..."

Jyoti stared at her flustered son. He was more embarrassed than she had ever seen him. Part of her wanted to hold him in her arms and tell him everything was all right. But she had to follow Mr. Misra' instructions. She walked to the side of her son's bed. Jyoti noticed Aarav's eyes were on her legs, at the fold of her very short robe.

Jyoti hated embarrassing her son further, but Mr. Misra was very explicit. "Aarav, are those my panties you have under the cover?"
Aarav's eyes opened wide. He had hoped his mother hadn't noticed. He just stared at her dumbly and then said, "I'm sorry, Mom."

"But why do you have them?" This scripted question was easier to ask since Jyoti really didn't understand.

"I don't know. I just like the..."

"You were smelling them. Do you like the smell?"

"Mom, this is so embarrassing. Please, can't you just leave?"

The next series of questions were going to be more difficult for Jyoti. "Is that why your thing was hard?"
Mr. Misra was watching from Jyoti's bedroom and had to chuckle when she called his cock a "thing." After all she'd been through she was still so modest.

"Mom, I couldn't help it," Aarav said so softly that Mr. Misra almost didn't hear him through the speakers.

"Aarav, did I cause it to get like that when I was on the ladder?"


"You were looking under my robe then?"

"Yes, I couldn't help it. It's so short."

"Yes, I guess it's my fault."

Jyoti knew what was expected of her next. She was amazed that Mr. Misra had figured out how the conversation would go. He told her exactly what to do and say at this point. Jyoti turned around and looked over her shoulder at her butt. Her hand was shaking, but she lifted the back of the robe up showing her son her panty-covered ass. She was still wearing the sheer panties he had seen earlier.
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"I have a big ass," Jyoti repeated the words exactly as Mr. Misra had given her.

"Oh god, Mom!"

Jyoti looked at her son. She saw movement under the bedcover and knew what he was doing. This is something even Mr. Misra didn't anticipate so she didn't know what to do. But Jyoti remembered what Mr. Misra had told her to do next.

"Aarav, since my big fat butt caused you to get excited, do you want me to help you?"

Aarav's hand stopped moving. He stared up at his mother in wonderment. What was she suggesting? Jyoti turned around and pulled the bedcover off her son's body. She saw his hard cock with in his hand around it. Now was the moment of truth. Jyoti knew Mr. Misra was watching. She had to do what he told her. Her only hope was her son. If he reacted the way a son should react Jyoti would be spared. Embarrassed, she'd be able to turn around and leave.

Jyoti's hand covered the part of Aarav's cock outside his fist. Now it was her son's turn to push her hand away and scold her. That's what a son should do. But that's not what her son did. Aarav moved his hand away and dropped it to the mattress. Jyoti was in a dilemma now. Since Aarav didn't do what she expected, Jyoti now had to do what Mr. Misra told her to. Jyoti's fist slowly slid down her son's dick and then back up.

Aarav's reaction surprised Jyoti. His hips jerked up and he let out a low moan. Jyoti felt the warmth of the flesh in her hand. Aarav's cock was so hard and hot. And then Aarav did something else that shocked his mother. Jyoti saw his hand moving over the mattress in search of something. It disappeared under the bedcover and withdrew with her panties clutched in his fist. Aarav placed her panties over his face. All the while, Jyoti was jerking him off.

"Oh god, Mom, I can't believe you're doing this," Aarav said.

Jyoti stared at her son's face covered in her soiled panties. Where had she gone wrong? Aarav should be offended, but he seemed pleased. She cursed Mr. Misra in her mind for letting her see this side of her son. Aarav was perverted. First the panties, and now he was letting his mother masturbate him.

Jyoti froze, her hand was cupping Aarav’s penis- when he began moving his hips more violently and then Jyoti saw his sperm fly into the air. She kept fisting her son's erupting cock as it shot off like a volcano.

At this point Jyoti wasn't sure what to do. Up until now, Mr. Misra' instructions were explicit, but at this point he told her to go with the flow. Her orders were that she couldn't deny her son anything. If all he wanted was a hand-job then she was free to leave. But if he wanted more, then she had to do it. Her son's recent actions worried Jyoti.

"Thanks Mom."
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She looked at his face to see him smiling at her, her panties lying next to his head. He had a dreamy look on his face. Jyoti immediately pulled her slimy hand away and started to rush out of the room.

"No, please don't go" Aarav said.

That was it. According to Mr. Misra, who was watching from her bedroom, Jyoti couldn't deny her son anything. She put her hand back onto his still hard cock and began sliding it up and down. Once again she was jerking her son off.

Jyoti continued her masturbatory task while her son stared at her. She wondered what was going through his mind. Jyoti still didn't understand why Aarav was a willing participant. Then her heart fell to her stomach when she realized her son thought she wanted to do it. Jyoti was struggling with that thought when she felt Aarav move. He was sitting up. And then Aarav's hand was on her face, gently brushing it. Jyoti thought that was nice until his hand moved to the top of her head and pulled it down. Jyoti's lips were touching the tip of her son's slimy cock. The pressure on the back of her head was clear. Jyoti knew what her son wanted. She also knew that Mr. Misra was watching. Troubled, but more afraid of Mr. Misra than what she was about to do, Jyoti opened her mouth and allowed her son's cock to slip between her lips.

"Oh Mom, that feels soooo good," Aarav purred.

Jyoti was still. She was bent over her son's prone body with his cock in her mouth. She tasted the remains of his recent discharge and had to swallow it when the saliva accumulated in her mouth, but she didn't move. That is, not until Aarav began bucking his hips, fucking her mouth. Jyoti relented and swirled her tongue around her son's cock, and then began bobbing her head.

Not that long ago, Jyoti had never given a blowjob. Now she was sucking her own son's dick. She glanced sideways and saw that Aarav had propped his head up on two pillows -- he was watching her. It was humiliating enough to know that Mr. Misra was watching her mouth move up and down her son's cock, but to have Aarav watch her do it was even worse.

At that point Jyoti simply wanted to get it over with. Her mouth moved more quickly up and down the top portion of Aarav's cock while her hand wanked the rest of it. It was as if her mouth and hand were connected, both going up and then down at the same time. Saliva dripped from Jyoti's mouth onto the shaft causing a squishy sound as her hand slid up and down. And then Jyoti heard the grunt, knowing what was about to happen. She tasted the fresh load of sperm as it hit her palate and fell onto her tongue. Her son was cumming in her mouth and she was swallowing it. Jyoti didn't pull her mouth away until Aarav's orgasm ended. She silently stood next to the bed.

"Jeez, Mom, that was great," Aarav said when he recovered. "What made you do that?"

What was Jyoti to say? She couldn't tell him Mr. Misra had forced her. She had to think of a reason quickly. "You looked like you needed it. But it was..."

Jyoti was about to tell Aarav that it was wrong to do what she had done, but he didn't give her a chance.
"I did need it. Thanks Mom, you're the greatest. Now I'll tell you why I took your panties. I love the way your pussy smells." Aarav's crude language bothered his mother.

"Aarav, please let me explain," Jyoti said, not even knowing how she would explain it.

"No, let me finish. Mom, I almost came in my pants right there holding the ladder. I was able to see up your robe. All I could think about was getting those blue panties out of the hamper later or tomorrow. But now I don't have to wait."

Jyoti jumped back when Aarav sat up and slid his legs over the side of the bed. Jyoti's eyes were riveted on his still semi-hard cock, shiny with her saliva. Aarav reached out and took hold of her robe's belt and pulled her to him, spreading his legs to bring her closer. In a flash, Aarav undid the belt and pulled her robe apart. Jyoti's hands quickly went to cover her crotch.

"C'mon, Mom, it's not like I haven't already seen them. Move your hands away."

Jyoti had to obey her son. That was Mr. Misra' orders. She dropped her arms to her sides and blushed when she saw her son's eyes lock on her crotch. But what happened next almost caused Jyoti to fall. Aarav reached around her, grabbing her ass, and pulled her towards him while moving his face forward. Jyoti flinched when she felt the tip of her son's nose press against her pubes, and then blushed when she heard his deep inhalation.

Aarav pushed her to the bed. He then yanked her panties out. Aarav briefly looked at his mother's neatly cropped pussy and then dove face first between her legs. Jyoti felt a tongue licking her pussy. The licks were hard and fast, not giving Jyoti time to repel them. Too much was happening too fast. All Jyoti knew now was that her pussy was being stimulated by a very active tongue. The fact that it was her son's tongue was only vaguely comprehended by her baffled brain.

Aarav was beyond himself. Ever since he had smelled his mother's panties that first time he had been consumed with her pussy. He couldn't resist smelling the soiled ones from the hamper, and even licking the crotch to get a brief taste. And when he saw under her robe earlier, at the sheerest panties she had ever worn, he was able to make out her pussy. But now he had the real thing in front of him, not covered by any undergarment. His taste buds were on high alert as his tongue swiped inside his mother's slit, savoring the juices it licked up. Aarav drove his tongue as deeply as he could into his mother's hole and wiggled it around. He enjoyed hearing his mother's moans, especially when he licked or sucked her clit.
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Jyoti couldn't believe what was happening. When she remembered it was her own son licking her pussy she wanted to repel him. But the feeling he was giving her quickly pushed that idea away. Jyoti had never experienced such pleasure and her fingers soon entwined in Aarav's hair, not to dislodge him but to hold him in place.

Mr. Misra watched the illicit scene in the next room. Jyoti looked like a sex starved nymphomaniac, her head moving from side to side and her hips humping. Her son looked like a man dying of thirst, finding a pool of water to feast on. And then Jyoti let out a scream as she climaxed.

Aarav remained between his mother's twitching legs. He loved her smell and taste, continuing to inhale deeply between gentle licks. Jyoti's hands had dropped to her sides so Aarav was free to move his head, glancing up at his mother from time to time. But his hard-on had returned and Aarav wanted more. He moved up his mother's limp body until he was in position and then, without warning, pushed his hard cock all the way into his mother's cunt.

Jyoti opened her eyes and mouth at the unexpected feeling of a cock sliding into her pussy. But before she could protest, Aarav leaned forward and pressed his mouth to hers, his tongue going inside. Jyoti still wanted to protest, that is until Aarav pulled out and thrust his cock into her again. Instead of objecting, Jyoti's tongue sought out Aarav's and soon they began a passionate kiss. Not a mother/son kiss, but a full fledged lover's kiss.

When Aarav began ramming his cock in and out of his mother's pussy, Jyoti responded in kind, fucking her son. Her arms and legs wrapped around his body, making sure he couldn't escape -- not that Aarav had any intention of doing so. They were at it for 15 minutes, sweating and grunting as their bodies slapped together. And then Jyoti shrieked again a moment before her son let out a howl. Their bodies became still, except for the occasional twitch, as Aarav filled his mother's cunt with his incestuous sperm. From time to time Jyoti's vagina muscles clamped around her son's cock and Aarav's dick throbbed in response.

Aarav's cock eventually slipped out of his mother's pussy and he rolled onto his back, panting like he had just run a marathon. Jyoti lay in place, her legs spread and her son's sperm oozing from her pussy. She too was breathing hard. Jyoti rolled onto her side and looked at her son's sweaty face, she was not sure what she was feeling- sexual pleasure, humiliation, shame, embarrassment.

Mr. Misra was surprised at the turn of events. He did not expect this to go that far. As Jyoti regained some strength she climbed out of bed. She stood on shaky legs as her body was weak from her experience. Jyoti picked up her robe and panties. She looked at her son lying in bed, his eyes closed and his face an expression of total bliss. Jyoti placed her panties next to his head on the pillow. Without putting her robe on, Jyoti went back to her bedroom.
[+] 7 users Like sam1981's post
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Excellent story..made me hard..
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Super bro
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Very nice update... thanks
[+] 1 user Likes drlund's post
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Jyoti staggered back to her bedroom. Jyoti was sweaty, with her wet hair stringy and sticking to her face; and her son's sperm was dripping down the inside of her thigh. It wasn't until she entered her bedroom and saw Mr. Misra smiling that the enormity of what she had done sunk in.

"That was the hottest thing I ever saw," Mr. Misra said.

"My god, what did you make me do?"

"I'm not sure I can take all the credit. That was all you and your boy. Man he has stamina, I miss being young."

Jyoti turned red when she realized what had happened. "And it was a nice touch to leave your panties for your son to sniff."


Jyoti's eyes dropped to her crotch and then automatically to her hand. Letting go of her robe, she discovered it was the only garment she had been holding. Jyoti didn't know where her panties were.

"You look confused," Mr. Misra said. "Here, maybe this will help you remember."

Jyoti watched Mr. Misra play the video on the TV.

"My god, you taped what we did?" Jyoti cried out. "Oh my god... oh my god!"
"We can watch it if you want."

"No! For god's sake, no! I can't believe we did it... that I did it. Oh my god... oh my god."

"Why don't you take a shower," Mr. Misra said. "You look... and smell like you need one."

Confused and upset, Jyoti went to her bathroom and turned on the shower. She let the water splash against her face and hair for a while and then she began soaping up. Jyoti thought she was losing her mind.

When Jyoti emerged from the bathroom, Mr. Misra was waiting. He was sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard, naked from the waist down and his legs wide apart. The TV was playing so Jyoti glanced at it. She stopped breathing when she saw what he was watching -- Jyoti and her son. Mr. Misra' cock was hard and he pointed to it. Jyoti got onto the bed and obediently put his cock into her mouth.

She glanced up and noticed Mr. Misra wasn't paying any attention to her. He was looking beyond her at the TV. Jyoti sucked Mr. Misra off until he too filled her mouth and belly with sperm, all the while listening to the sounds she and her son had made earlier.

After Mr. Misra reopened his eyes, he clicked the TV off and tossed the remote aside. He looked at Jyoti's frail face while she kept swallowing to rid the taste of his sperm. As the back of her hand wiped her mouth and chin, her face looked like a lost child's. Jyoti was staring into space with lifeless eyes, not seemingly aware of her surroundings. Mr. Misra pulled the bedcover back and managed to maneuver Jyoti's almost comatose body under it. He brought the cover to her chin and kissed her gently on the forehead. Jyoti's eyes slowly closed and soon her breathing became shallow.

Mr. Misra sat at the small desk in her bedroom doing some work he had brought with him. The only light came from the small lamp on the desk. From time to time he looked over at the bed, at Jyoti sleeping, to make sure she was still breathing. She had looked so fragile earlier and he feared he may have pushed her too far -- broken her -- and that her mind would tell her body to shut down... for good!

It was at one of the times he was staring at Jyoti that he heard a noise in the house. Mr. Misra got up and stretched, rubbing his eyes which were strained from working under the low light. He went to the bedroom door and cracked it, peeking out. Mr. Misra waited until he saw Jyoti's daughter, Disha, and then silently shut the door. He went to the foot of the bed and turned on the TV, lowering the volume to the minimum setting. He then turned on the other equipment that he had installed and kept flicking switches. Room after room appeared on the TV screen until he saw Disha walking in the hall. Mr. Misra admired the girl's young, firm body.

When Disha entered the hall bathroom, Mr. Misra quickly pressed another button and the TV screen blinked for a moment and then showed Disha again. He watched as she looked at herself in the mirror and yawned. Then Disha walked near the bed, opened her pants and pulled them down before laying on the bed.

Mr. Misra quickly increased the volume on the TV. Mr. Misra looked over his shoulder at Jyoti. She was sleeping peacefully. When he turned back to the TV he saw that Disha had lifted her tee-shirt over her breasts and was fondling her little mounds.. While Disha pinched and pulled her nipple, causing it to elongate, her other hand continued to move between her legs. Mr. Misra saw a long finger sliding between her pussy-lips and then disappear as it sunk into her hole. The young woman was now finger-fucking herself while squeezing her tits. The sensitive microphone that he had installed even picked up the squishy sounds her finger made as it slid in and out of her wet pussy. Then Disha's hips began moving and her sighs turned to moans. The stimulation on her clit soon brought on her orgasm and she snapped her knees together as she climaxed.

Mr. Misra' had been playing with his penis watching this and soon exploded at almost the same time, shooting his sperm onto the TV screen. He forced his eyes to remain open as he continued to watch the unsuspecting girl. Some of Mr. Misra' sperm splattered on the image of Disha. Using a pair of Jyoti's panties, Mr. Misra wiped the screen clean and then climbed into bed next to Jyoti. He quickly fell into a blissful sleep.
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