Adultery Mom's affair with her colleague by drubyu ( Completed)
I would wake up late in the morning and after completing my daily routine, I would prepare the tea and eat toast with it and then will start watching TV as I had nothing else to do. Savita would come to my home in the noon and would go after cleaning the house and preparing lunch for me. Her food was not as tasty as my mom’s food but I had to eat it somehow as I didn't have any other option.
Mom would call me every afternoon and would ask each and every thing that I did on that particular day. It was annoying at a time also. Dad would generally call me in the evening. Both of them would say they loved me before ending the phone call.
Dad told me that he had transferred ninety lac rupees to my mom’s account and had executed a power of attorney in favour of his advocate so he would transfer the housing property to my mom.It was bad news to me. It meant that any chance of reconciliation between mom and dad was over.Although their reconciliation looked impossible, in a distant corner of my heart,I still had a hope that mom and dad would reconcile one day and we would be family again.Now that hope was also ruined.
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But strangely my mom never uttered a word about it. She behaved as if nothing had happened. I missed my friends a lot. I wanted to drink whiskey as it helped me temporarily forget whole of the damn world.
So I called Laxman and asked him why he was not visiting. He told me that he was busy in Akhilesh's matter. I didn't understand what he wanted to say so he said he would come next day and would tell me what happened to him.
Next day he came to my home. As per his habit, he took the bottle and packet of cigarette out from his bag after his mother had left.
“ Now tell me , what happened to Akhilesh?” I asked him while smoking the cigarette.
He had a glass of whiskey in his hand.
“ He is underground” he said while sipping it.
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“Underground? Meaning?” I didn't understand what he was talking.
“ Meaning , he is hiding from the security officer” he nonchalantly spoke while drinking.
“But why?” I asked him as it was mysterious to me.
“It's all due to that bitch.” Laxman said.
“Ohhh….but how come?” I asked him as I understood to whom Laxman was referring.
“ You remember that day when we watched a movie of that bitch?” Laxman said refilling the glass.
“” I trembled as I remembered Bashar having sex with my mom.
“ Akhilesh was happy that he would be able to blackmail her and finally fuck her.He went to her cabin and showed the snaps from the clip to her and told her that Prakash had given him the money to spy on her and he would give the clip to Prakash if she didn't comply to his demands.” Laxman was speaking. Then he stopped for a while as he started coughing.
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Then again he started,
“ But she befooled him.”
“ What do you mean by befooled him?” I asked him as I desperately wanted to know.
“She agreed to his demands readily but said that she would allow him to do whatever he wished only on the condition that Akhilesh should provide her evidence of Prakash’s treachery.She said it was necessary to protect herself against Prakash.”
It had become interesting to me so I asked him when he stopped,
“ Then , what happened?”
“ Then he started following Prakash and learnt that he was in contact with their rival company. Once, when Prakash was having a meeting with one of their rival company's officials, Akhilesh managed to video tape him giving valuable information and files of his company to them.” Laxman was looking at the floor and speaking. He had glass of whiskey in his hand.
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“ Ohh….then what happened?” I asked him.
“He obviously provided that tape to that bitch and she agreed to meet him at a hotel room. Akhilesh was very happy that finally the day had arrived and he was going to fuck her.So he reached at that hotels room as decided earlier and waited for her. But that bitch didn't show up. Instead of that, security officer knocked his door and raided his room and took his phone in their custody.” He was speaking.
His voice was shaking. I could not decide whether it was due to anger or it was due to whiskey.
“ But how come? I mean why they raided him?” I asked.
“ Because of that whore,Her lover had lot of contacts with politicians. They bribed the security officer so they raided Akhilesh and detained him. Then they took him to his home in security officer car and seized his and his father's phones and destroyed his computer.” He spoke.
“ Ohh….then ?” It was very interesting to know about him. I was feeling happy also in my mind but I didn't show it on my face.
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“Then they pressured his father to send Akhilesh to anywhere out of the city ,other than Mumbai and they threatened his father that it would not be good for them if he remained in the city.So Akki asked my help and had to leave the city and go to somewhere.” Laxman had drinked almost ⅔ rd of the bottle and his voice was slurring.
“ Poor boy, he needed that job very much. His mother is sick and his father drives auto rickshaw. He needs money for his mother's treatment.” Laxman was speaking.
I felt bad for him. I had sympathy for his mother.On the other hand I also felt joy in my heart. I didn't know why.
“ How do you know this?where is he now?” I asked Laxman.
“ He is at a secret place. I know all this because he told me this when I met him.”
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Laxman replied.
He then put his glass on the table and lightened the cigarette.He smoke for a while silently and then spoke,
“ Dude, would you help me one more time?”
I knew what kind of help he was asking me but I didn't want to hurt him so I said,
“ Yeah, tell me , what can I do?”
“ You need to deliver this to a man in the garden” He spoke.
I looked at his hands.There was a small pouch of polythene bag in his hands.As the bag was not transparent, I could not see what was inside it.
“What’s in it?” I asked Laxman.
“Why?Don’t you know?” Laxman asked me questions in reply of my question.I knew that it was something illegal in the packet but didn’t know exactly what was inside it.But I avoided asking further, fearing it would irritate Laxman.
“ We will do it tomorrow.I will take you to the place and I will wait for you at some distance.You will go to the person to whom it needs to be given.He will give you money and you will come back to me.We would move then.” Laxman explained the plan.
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I agreed to it as I had done it earlier also.Next day Laxman called me in the evening.He told me that he was waiting for me near the gate of our apartments and asked me to go with him.I went downstairs and found that he was sitting on a motorcycle, smoking a cigarette.
“Dude,whose bike is this?” I asked him sitting behind him on his motorcycle.
“It’s my friend’s.It’s faster than your fucking moped.” Laxman answered throwing the cigarette.I didn’t like him cursing my two wheeler but I didn’t say anything.
He started the motorcycle and took me to the place where the packet was to be delivered.It was the same garden where I delivered the first packet.He stopped his bike few meters away from the gate of the garden.I instinctively climbed down from the seat and stood near him.He looked at me and took out the pouch from his pocket and gave it to me and said,
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“Best of luck dude.I’m waiting for you here.You just go in the park and give it to a man sitting on the bench at far corner of the garden.”
I nodded and started walking fast towards the gate of the park.I had taken few steps only and heard Laxman’s voice.He was calling my name.I turned around and saw that he was calling me towards him by the gesture of his hands.
I went back to him and he said,
“What are you doing ,dude? Don’t run towards the gate.Do you see that?”
Saying that he stretched his hand and pointed his finger at somewhere.I looked at the direction of his finger.There was security officer bolero parked near the garden.
“Look at those dogs,they are watching the people. You would be in trouble if they suspects you.So be calm and walk normally and come back walking normally.Don’t run.You understood?” Laxman was teaching me how to remain low profile.
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I nodded and started walking towards the gate of the park calmly.I passed by the car of the security officer.There was two guys wearing security officer uniforms sitting on the front seat of the car and they were looking straight on the road.I saw them from the corner of my eyes while passing by them.They even didn’t notice me and I laughed in my mind.How foolish was those guys.
I was feeling excited.I was feeling I was doing something great.I was feeling like I was hero.I was on a mission.I went inside the park and started moving casually towards the bench in the corner.
There was a person sitting on the bench.I went near to him and turned my head left and right to ensure that no one was noticing us.There was only he and I. I took the pouch out from my pant’s pocket and stretched my hand in front of him.
“Take it.Laxman sent me to give it to you.”
I said to him and expected him to take it immediately but he didn’t move.Instead I felt a hand on my wrist.It was rough and it was clutching my wrist so tightly that it started hurting me.I saw to the direction of the hand and found a man standing on my right side.The man sitting on the bench in front of me took out the phone from his pocket and took my pics.I had packet in my hand and my wrist was caught by hand of a man.He then dialed a number,
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“Pandey, come inside.We have caught the fish.” He spoke on the phone.
I couldn’t understand what the hell was going on.Then I heard sounds of thap...thap...I looked towards the direction of the sound and found two guys wearing security officer uniforms were running towards us and their boots made sound when they collided with the stone pavement.
They came near me and immediately put handcuffs on my wrists and took the pouch from my hands and put it in another polythene bag.One of the security officermen then caught my neck from behind and put the pressure on it.
I had to bent a little to the front as I could not tolerate the pressure on my neck.They drove me to the gate of the park and finally made me climbed on the middle seat of the bolero.I sat in the middle of two security officerman and the security officerman on driving seat started the vehicle.
I was not in the position of thinking anything.My mind was blank.I glanced towards the direction of Laxman and saw him hurriedly starting his motorcycle and running away from the place.
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They took me to the security officer station.Here another security officerman took my photographs from every angle and they also recorded fingerprints of all of my fingers.They also took me to some device and told me to put my chin on it.
I did what they told me to do.My head was heavy and it was paining very much.Then I heard a manly voice ,
“Biometrics done?”
“Yes sir.” One of the guys near me replied. I looked towards the direction of the voice. There was a man sitting on the chair behind the center table.
A security officerman then caught my hand and took me to the table.I stood across the table in front of him.
“What's your name?” He asked in a roaring voice.
“Amit” I replied meekly.
“What the hell were you doing there?” His voice was loud and everyone was listening to him.
“I..I...was helping my friend.” I replied.
“No, you were smuggling cocaine.” He said sternly
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“ No sir, I didn't know what was inside the packet.My friend asked me to help him and I was helping him.” I replied in pleading voice.
“Ohhh..shut up…Give me your parents’ number. I’m pretty sure they are unaware that their son is criminal” He said annoyingly.
My heartbeats increased when I heard that. I could not imagine what would be the response of my mom when she would learn that I was in the custody of security officer.
“ Sir...sir...please ...I am innocent...I didn't know what was inside the packet. I was helping my friend only.” I said with tears in my eyes.
They started laughing as soon as they heard it.
“ Every criminal says he is innocent after being caught.” He replied.
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Then he looked at a security officerman who was standing near him and said,
“Take number of his father from him and call this boy's parents here.”
That security officerman asked me my dad’s number. I gave him my mom’s number and he dialed and started talking over the phone.
“What does your father do?” asked the guy sitting on the chair.
“ He’s not here. He lives abroad. My mom’s here.” I replied.
“ By the way, who gave you that packet?” His voice had become softer than earlier.
“My friend” I replied robotically.
“ Who's he?What's his name?” He asked.
“ Laxman. His our maid’s son.” I answered.
“ Where does he live and from where he gets that material?” He asked.
“ Don't know, sir” I replied immediately.
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“ cooperate with us and answer each of our questions truthfully and we would be soft on you otherwise we know how to extract information from fucking criminals like you.” He told this in stern voice with picking up stick that was lying on the table.
My heart was beating fast. My voice was shaking.
“I...I...I’m telling you the truth,sir. I don't know where does he live.”
He was about to speak something and then a security officerman came near him holding a phone in his hands. He gave the phone to him and said,
“ It's Patil sir.”
He took the phone from his hand and put it on his ears and talked,
“ Yes Patil sir….ok sir….thik hai….thik hai….ok…”
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He then cut the call and put the phone on the table and asked me to move from there and sit in the corner. I moved from the table and went in the corner and sat on the floor.
I was not feeling good. I was shameful. I was not criminal. I was helping my friend only but these guys were not understanding.I didn't know how much time I remained seated there.
Then I heard voice of security officerman,
“Come..come ..”
I looked at the direction of him and saw my mom and Raju were entering the room. A security officerman was escorting them and he took them to the center table where that guy was sitting.
“ She's that boy’s mother. And he is Raju. He is Patil sir’s friend.” He introduced my mom and Raju to that guy.
“Hello shinde sir” Raju greeted him.
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“ Please sit..”shinde gestured towards the chairs across the table and they sat on them.
“Your son was caught red handed while delivering the drugs” Shinde spoke looking towards my mom.
She glanced at me.I saw her. Her face was serious.I could not tolerate her looking at me like that so I turned my gaze down to the floor.It was very shameful. I was feeling guilty.
“Yes, Sharma ji informed us. We are also very sorry.It's really unfortunate sir.” Raju spoke this time.
“ Please leave him sir. He is not mature. He didn't realise what he was doing. His intention was not bad. Actually our maid’s son trapped him. He is also suffering from cancer.Please sir.” My mom folded her hands in front of her and said to him.
“ It's ok madam. But tell me who is your maid and where does she live?” Shinde asked.
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My mom gave all the information which was required by him.She also requested him to set me free and not to take any action.
Shinde replied to my mom that he was thinking of going as per the law and lodge an FIR but had to stop as commissioner Patil told him to set me free.
Actually Raju was friend of Patil and he talked to him as soon as he was informed of my detention. So Patil phoned Shinde and told him not to do anything.
I was allowed to go with my mom with a stern warning of not to do that again. My mom and Raju went to the car and I silently followed them. They didn't spoke with me. They sat in the front and I was in backside.
Raju drove the car and he took us to his home.
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We reached Raju’s home. He unlocked the door and they went inside. I followed them. Raju went inside the kitchen after entering the house.
My mom turned towards me and slapped me on my left cheek as soon as I entered the room. Her slap was so hard, I could not stand on my feet and fell on my right side.
My cheek was paining and it was burning very much. I could not see properly as my eyes were teary. I was lying on the floor and I remained like that.
Mom came near me and sat on her knees in front of me. She caught both of my upper arms firmly with her hands and shook me and said,
“ What do you think you are?ehh, tell me. What were you doing there?”
Her voice was loud and it was shaking. I was not looking at her because I didn’t have guts to look at her.
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I gathered the courage and uttered,
“ I'm sorry,mom”
“ Sorry? Do you know what were you doing ?Did you think for a second ,your whole life would be wasted in jail if Raju uncle didn’t have friendship with the commissioner?” She spoke shaking my arms violently.
Apparently she was very angry.She caught my chin with her hand and lifted my head towards her and said,
“Now, look at me”
I looked at her but didn't speak anything.
“You know, it's all my fault. I should have kept you here, at Raju's home. I kept you at your father's home because I feared Raju might harm you. But you are not worthy of it. You harmed yourself. Tell me, how many times you did that?” My mom was furious. Her voice was firm and shaking with anger.
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