Non-erotic Dawn at Midnight By Pinuram - {Completed}
On the way, I called my beloved sister-in-law.

---“What made you cut the call yesterday? And why haven’t you called me since then.”

I lost my voice as how to say to her. I paused for a moment and then spoke in a quivering voice---“I met him, met Abhimanyu. I stayed at his place.”

She was unable to believe her ears. She screamed over the phone---“What?”

I spoke in a very depressing cold voice---“Yes, we stayed at his place.”

She was eager to know what happened between us---“Have not you talked?”

---“No, Churni. He has changed. He was very quiet and different. He spoke nothing.”

---“And you idiot, why did not you spoke?”

I yelled at her---“I tried to but he did not listen. He went away to his office on some pretext.”

---“Damn, I am going to kill you both.”

I smiled painfully at her words---“I deserve to get killed, Churni. I am coming back.”

---“I will send Dushtu to airport to pick you up.”

---“No need. I can go home.”


We got down at the airport. Abhi looked at my agonized face. His little juvenile soul was filled with bewilderment as why his mom always cries.

The driver arranged all my luggage’s on the trolley and handed me an white envelop.

---“Sirji gave you this envelop.”

I asked him---“What is that?” I knew how could he know what was inside that envelop.


I walked past the gate and took the boarding pass. I took Abhi on my lap and sat at the lounge waited for my boarding call. I opened the envelop.

“I never wanted to meet you again after I came to know that you are married. I severed my ties with my family because I knew that if I keep ties then your married life would be jeopardized. I understand in what situation you were married. However, the truth is that you are someone else’s wife, someone’s mother. I do not want to bring any more turbulence in your happy life. I was about to pass, but your son waved at me. I stood still and walked towards him. I will not be able to stand your sniveled eyes again, so I went away. Try to forget as what happened, what we did and live a beautiful life. Goodbye.”

“What the hell. Without even knowing my life, how can you do this to me?” I clenched my jaws, shredded the page, and threw that in the dustbin before boarding the aeroplane.


“Goodbye, I don’t want to keep any relation with a person who makes up his mind on his own without knowing the reality. Goodbye Abhimanyu.”

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Chapter 4: Dawn at Midnight


I reached home at about ten o clock in the night. Abhi already slept, so I lay him on the bed. I lay beside him, without changing my clothes, lamented on my doomed fate. I cuddled him and wept, “Don’t worry sweetheart. I am here with you always.” After sometime, I walked to the kitchen and cooked some rice for me for dinner. I finished my dinner halfheartedly.

Whenever the thoughts of Abhimanyu swarm in my mind, I cursed him and myself for not taking the step that both of us wanted but restrained to take. The hot, humid April was killing me. The overhead fan was unable to quench my thirst. I went inside the bathroom, turned on the shower. The cold water ran down my body. I sat under the shower on the floor. The water dripped continuously on my head, drenched my writhing mind and soul. “Why, why, God, you tried to met us and then pulled us apart? What wrong I did in my whole life that I had to writhe in pain for my whole life? Why can’t I live a peaceful happy life?” I asked several thousand of question; however, HE answered none. I saw HIM smiling at me.

I was loitering in the drawing room, looking out of the balcony. I felt free to be at home after a week of harried trip.


It was about half past eleven, Maithili called me---“Have you reached home safely?”

---“Yes. How is Titli?”

---“She is doing well. Abhi has slept?”

---“Yes he is sleeping.”

“Are you alone in the house?” her query baffled me.

---“Yes I am alone. Who will be with me?”

She giggled on the phone---“No one, I am coming with Titli tomorrow morning. You might have brought something for us right?”

I laughed---“Yes, yes. I will be waiting. Good night.”

I kept on thinking, “Why she was talking to me like that?” Her voice was very different as if she was mocking me.


I was about to goto bed when the doorbell rang. I murmured, “Who the hell could be at this point of time? It is dead night.”

I opened the door and I was dumbfounded to find you standing at the door, in the middle of the night wearing a devilish smile on your lips. I was unable to believe my eyes that you could come at that point of time.


You grinned at me and said---“Oh! Come on don’t give that look at me, please.”

You walked into the drawing room, threw your bag on the sofa and loosened your tie. I was baffled by your nature, and you were grinning at me mischievously. I lost my words, even I pinched myself to find out whether I was dreaming or not. I was looking at you with my wide eyes. You stretched your arms as if you have come late from office as usual and I was waiting for you, for dinner. You were acting very normally yet all seemed to me very abnormal to me.

You gave a pleading look at me and said---“I am hungry. This low cost airline does not serve food. Even two-fifty bucks for a sandwich, what the hell.”

I lost my voice; I was unable to fathom, why you were behaving like that.

You walked towards the fridge, opened that, and asked me---“Where is the dal (pulses)?”

I had a jolt in my brain, on hearing you. I was astonished to hear and told to myself, “You flew from New Delhi, arrive at middle of the night, open my fridge without asking me and then ask for dal?” I locked the door and stood as a stone effigy.

You looked at my baffled face and asked---“Oh! Come on I missed your boiled dal, boiled rice with mustard oil.”

I was so much agitated by your sudden behaviour that I almost yelled at you, but those words did not come out of my throat as it went dry “Can you explain me what you are doing in my house?” My ears were red; chest was having ripples of angst. I was trembling with a red-hot face.

You sported a helpless smile and said---“I was hungry. I had no cooking gas so I flew down here to have my dinner. Simple.”


I was boiling in angst, tears came in my eyes, and I screamed at you---“First, you don’t want to talk to me. Second, you do not listen to me. Third, you made your own decision without even asking me, now you drop at my house to have your dinner. Are you insane?”


You brought your face near to me, looked deeply into my eyes. I could not restrain myself from melting in that amorous pleading look. My heart was beating very fast, as your warm breath flooded on my lips and nose. My eyes were fixated on your parted lips. My heart was beating like a huge drum inside my chest; I could even hear your heartbeat. Your eyes grazed down from my eyes to my nose to my lips. Drops of tears soaked my eyelids and flooded my partially closed eyes. My nose tip was hot as amber.


You whispered in a hushed tone---“Please, I am dying in hunger, time-out please. Can we have a short recess and then you continue with your tussle?”

My lips trembled, I grinded my jaws and smiled at you---“Don’t give that look at me. Goto to bathroom and freshen up while I prepare the dinner for you.”

You pulled up your face and asked me---“Has my Angel slept?”

With tearful eyes, I shrinked my nose and smiled---“Yes, your Angel has slept. He was unaware that a devil was coming else he would have not slept.”

You asked me---“Where is the bathroom?”

I joked at you---“You know the fridge then find the bathroom.” and then I pointed towards the bathroom.

You walked towards bathroom---“That’s how you treat a hungry person? What am I going to wear?”


I walked towards the kitchen, looked over my shoulder to find as what you were doing. I saw that you were sporting a grin by looking my back. All my tendrils burnt in your amorous lewd gaze. I felt someone poured boiling lava on my back.

I was so agitated that I screamed at you---“GO INSIDE.”

---“I am coming out in a towel.”

---“NO, I will give you something.”


While preparing your dinner, I kept on thinking that “What made you appear in my house at that point of time? Was that my diary? No, I remember that I kept that in my laptop bag and it my laptop bag is lying on my table. Then what? And how come you got my address?”

I was so much engrossed in my thoughts and same time smiling inside me. My heart was skipping like a puerile fawn, frolicking in green meadows.


My string of thought broke when I heard your footstep approaching the kitchen. I looked over my shoulder only to find that you were standing there, wrapped in a towel around your waist. I could not stop laughing at you.

I asked you---“Get one of my cotton saree from the cupboard and wrap that.”

You bowed your head as obedient dog---“Ok as madam wishes.”

I asked you---“How you got my address?”

Your eyes grazed over my face. I blushed to find your eyes fixated on my red lips.

You gave me a sweet smile---“A sexy lady gave me.”

I understood from your answer that you have called Maithili and she gave you the address.

---“That is why she asked me whether I was alone in the house or not?”

You exclaimed and threw your arms in air in veiled despair---“Oh, she called you? Churni promised me that she is not going to tell you anything. I wanted to give you a surprise.”

---“You have already surprised me, Abhi. Why are you here?”

You pleaded---“Paree, I am hungry. Please give the dinner.”

The moment I heard my name from your lips, my heart melted and it flowed down my cheeks---“Go change yourself; I am waiting at the table.”

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You went inside the bedroom. I arranged rice, dal, onion and salt in a plate and sat on the table. I waited for you but you were not coming out of the bedroom. There was no noise. I was curious as what was taking you so long. I tiptoed to the bedroom and what I saw made me to bit my lower lips hard and cry.


You were kneeled down on the floor, beside our Angel, stooped down and looking lovingly over his cute sleeping face. In the low light of the bedroom, I observed that tears drops rolled down your cheeks. You took his hand in yours and rubbed his soft palms over your unshaved cheeks. You were crying and rubbing his palms all over your cheek. You were gently shaking your head in dismay and pain. I came near you and sat beside you on the floor.


You did not looked up but whispered to me in a choked voice---“I missed his first step, his first word, and his first turn. I do not want to miss his graduation convocation ceremony; I do not want to miss his first day at his job. I don’t want to miss anything.”

I sobbed and rested my head on your right shoulder and held your hand tightly---“You are not going to miss anything.”

I tried to suck every bit of your warmth emancipating from your bare arm to burn me down and fill my heart with a halo of peace. We sat there weeping, for how long we did not know. You repeatedly rubbed his soft palms all over your cheeks and I rubbed my cheeks on your shoulder.

I felt that you were hungry so I wiped my eyes and pinched you---“You devil, are not you hungry? Come to the dining table.”

You looked at my face and turned towards me, took my face between your palms and I closed my eyes. My hand came up over your shoulder and I held you by the back of your head. I parted my lips to taste the honey I missed for a decade. I felt your lips grazing over mine and your arms were around my waist. You pulled me into you. I felt to shrink myself into a tiny drop of blood and hide myself in your heart so that no one could take me apart from you, never. I felt your warm breath flooded my warm face, deluging my lips with your honey from your lips. You squashed my soft lips and I ran my fingers on your hair pulling your face more into mine so as not to leave you again. Your arms were crushing me; my slender soft figure was melting like a piece of butter in touch of a hot plate. Our emotions were flooding through our eyes. We both were sobbing and kissing each other frantically. You made me hungrier and never wanted to end that kiss. I was breathing hard, my bosom crushed and flattened on your chest. I felt that each pores of my body opened up. I stopped to take the breath and looked at you with glistening and smiling eyes. You did not lose your grip around my waist, and I enjoyed every bit of warmth on your lap.


I joked at you by seeing your painful sniveled eyes---“The dinner is getting cold.”

You gave desperate smile at me trying to kiss me again. I put my right index finger on your lips and said---“I want to hear everything then you can ….”

I stood up leaving you thirsty, and I was enjoying your thirst. I walked to the cupboard, took out one ordinary cotton blue saree, and threw that to you asked you to wrap that around you. You took that smelled my fragrance out of the saree; I laughed at you and shook my head “You naughty fellow”

I waved my index finger at you and asked you to come for dinner, as it was getting cold. You wrapped my saree and walked behind me.

I asked you---“Now tell me everything else you are not getting dinner.”

You gave a pleading smile at me and said---“I am not hungry after seeing you.”

I shook my head and mashed the rice and pulses---“Start or my Angel will kill you.”

---“I am waiting to die in your Angel’s arm.”


I pushed a handful of mashed rice in your mouth---“Ok, now tell me everything.” 

You started chewing. While you were chewing the rice, it reminded me the night you came running for me from Kolkata after your encounter with your sexy, Churni. I laughed, looking at your face as you were also thinking the same.


You started to tell me your part of the tale---“I was the last person to come out the flight as I was very tired. I walked slowly towards the conveyer belt, hoping to get to home as soon as possible and hit the bed. All of a sudden, I saw you and your cub. I was surprised and all my tiredness was blown away. He smiled at me. I waved my fingers at him. I could not restrain myself from adoring you from the back. I thought that lightening does not strike twice in the same place, even if it strikes then it is HIS will, however, I was unable to apprehend what HE meant to say to us. I trotted slowly behind you, kneeled down before your fawn, who smiled and leapt on my lap. My heart was thumping very hard inside my chest as if it wanted to tear apart my lungs and leap out. I was in tears as he touched me, wrapped his tiny hands around my neck.


I was very happy to see you both, again. When I asked you to come with me, and you stopped, I felt very agitated that what a stupid question I asked you. I apologized to you but to my sheer amazement, you accepted my invitation and I was in seventh heaven.


I wanted to talk to you badly, however, every time I wanted to speak up, it strained my soul that you were married and I have no right to storm into your blissful marital life. For the whole night, I could not sleep and I kept on lamenting on my doomed fate. I asked myself and pleaded to HIM, that why he allowed us to met again? HE did not answer but only gave a peaceful smile. Even after seeing HIM smile, I was unable to fathom as what was coming next.

I knew that I would not be able to stand in front of you while you depart again. It reminded me of the Kalka station. You went away; tears were flowing down your cheeks. I stood there alone in the dark cold night. Therefore, I called one of my juniors and asked him to give me a call in the morning so that I can make a pretext of office. Whole day, I was unable to concentrate. I was very restless and puffed almost a score of cigarettes.”


I asked you---“You were so much agitated, then why did not you ask me why I married?”

You said---“I knew that you were married under pressure. Kalyani told me, so it was immaterial to ask you that question.”

I was curious to know that what made you change your decision---“What made you think the other?”


Each time I was putting rice in your mouth as usual naughty, you lingered your lips on my fingers. You licked my fingers and I was feeling tingly all over my arms. You did not stop licking my fingers and I had to pull out fingers forcibly from your mouth.

---“I came home, driver handed me the keys. I opened the door and stood dumbfounded. My house was looking very different. In every place, I saw your touch. Beds were done neatly, all the utensils in the kitchen were glistening brightly, and the floor and the walls were clean. I walked up the fridge and read the yellow sticker that you put on the door. I read those lines repeatedly and closed my eyes. I was feeling that I was again lost in oblivion. Your face came in front of my tearful eyes. The glisten of the diamond ring restrained me to talk to you. I kept on looking at the diamond ring. I cursed myself as why that diamond ring was not of mine?”


I smiled at you and said---“The diamond ring was not from my late husband even.”

You shook your head and said---“I know, my sexy damsel told me that.”

---“Then what happened?”


---“I kept on thinking about your marriage. Suddenly it dawned to me that my mom searched for a groom for you, so he should be a Bengali. However, there was no iron bangle on your wrist, which is a sign for every Bengali married woman. I felt a jolt in my head, that what on the earth could have happened to you. I picked up the phone and dialed my sexy damsel’s number.”


I was very annoyed as you were addressing Maithili, sexy damsel every time. I scolded you---“Will you stop calling Churni by that name? She really repents on her words, she said to you that night.”

---“Come on I am joking.”

---“Ok, then what?”

---“I called her, Subroto picked up the phone. He was not expecting my call, so he was unable to recognize my voice. I said him how are you doing bloody swine? He got very agitated that some unknown person was calling him swine on the phone.”

I laughed at you---“You called Subroto Da, Swine?”

---“Yes, then he started hurling me abuses on the phone.”

---“It is natural.”

---“I was enjoying his abuses and to make him angrier I asked him to hand over the phone to my sexy girlfriend. His brain was blown through the roof by hearing those lewd words on the phone.”

I laughed out loudly upon hearing you---“You told Subroto Da that you want to talk to his wife and that also like ‘hi I wanna talk to my sexy girlfriend’ ?“


You laughed after finishing the dinner. I asked you to wash your face. I sat on the couch and you came and sat on the floor between my legs. You leaned back and rested your head on my lap and I started to comb your hair. I stooped down to kiss your forehead. You had your eyes closed while my lips lingered over your forehead. Our glasses were fighting with each other.

You joked at me---“First it was my mom, and now it is this glasses.”

I took off my glasses---“Mine is very low power, what about yours?”

---“Minus five.”

---“Oh! God, then if you take off glasses then you are blind.”

---“I can see you from a mile even if I don’t wear any glasses.”

I passed my arms around your shoulder and rested on your bare chest. I asked you to continue.

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---“I thought that it is better to break the ice as I was very much anxious as what you were doing. Therefore, I revealed my identity to him. He was dumbfounded he forgot to speak. Same thing happened to me on the other side. I was choked when I told him that I was sorry for what all pains I gave to them. His voice shook like a twig; he said to me that he would kill me when he meets me. I told him that I am dying to meet him.


He then handed the phone to Churni. We both remained silent for few seconds. We both lost our vocabulary. I spoke first and asked her how she was doing. She started to sob, and she kept on lamenting that she was sorry for what all she said to me. I was unable to understand how to console her. I said to her that all was okay. She screamed at me that no nothing was ok. I was unable to understand as what she meant to say. Then she started telling me all about you. I kept of hearing. She went on telling how you were married, how you received the letter, how you had your first miscarriage.”


I was choked as you reminded me my dark painful past. My tears dropped on your eyes and that made you to stop your words. You looked at me and said---“Ok I am sorry.”

I wiped my tears---“No, that’s ok. Now you are with me, so I am not afraid of dark.” I asked you to continue.


---“She talked to me for an hour. I sat there on my bed, writhing in pain and agony. I tried hard to put myself in your shoes to apprehend those pains that you had to bear. I clenched my fist and banged my forehead repeatedly. She screamed at me ‘what are you waiting for, go get her, else I am going to kill you now, and this time I mean real.’ I wiped my eyes and whispered in the phone that I adore her most. She sobbed out at me that she knew what I meant to say.

I asked my driver to bring the car. I checked on the net about the flights. There was a late night low cost airline flight to Kolkata and I am here for dinner.”

I asked you---“So you have not called your mom?”

---“Yes I called once I got my boarding pass, I called your ChotoMa. She was in a state of shock to hear my voice after a decade. She was elated and cried out on the phone.”

Your looked at me with squint eyes and asked me---“Do you know what she told to me?”


---“She said to me to bring her grandson home. My angst did not wean so I asked her, if she wanted her grandson so badly then why she did this to us. She cried out, asked me repeatedly that she want to meet her grandson, and asked me to bring him back. I shook my head and promised her that I am coming to bring her grandson back.”


You finished your part of the story and we both sat there benumbed with tearful eyes. We were looking into each other’s eyes.

I asked you whether you wanted to sleep or not. You said to me that you were dying to sleep beside our Angel. I smiled at you and asked you to take rest.

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You asked me---“What are you going to do now, take some rest?”

I smiled at you and said---“I am having new blood in my veins. I have new strength in my body. I have lots of work to do.”

You asked me---“What?”

I said---“At first I will mail my resignation to my institute, and then prepare for the day. We have to goto ChotoMa’s house and Maithili is coming. So I have to goto market also.”

You were surprised when I said that I would resign, you asked me---“Why resign, I can come to Kolkata.”


I walked up to you and you held me in your arms, pulled me to your chest. I wrapped my arms around your body tightly and rested my face on your chest. I enjoyed your heartbeat on my ear. I whispered to you---“I am very tired Abhi, I want to take rest and go home. Take me home, Abhi. I wanted to live my life and now I have it. I have the thief of my heart and my angel. My world starts from both of you and ends in both of you. I don’t want anything.”


You hugged me with all your strength, kissed my head and rubbed your nose on my scalp. I sobbed as I felt your nose tip rubbing in my hair. I planted small kisses on your chest, over your warm skin. We stood there as of the time stopped around us, we basked in the glory of our unison.

I asked you whether you were feeling sleepy or not, you said that you were not at all tired. You said that you were feeling rejuvenated.


I asked you what kept you alive in the last ten years. You said that you had an old handkerchief and the fragrance of that handkerchief kept you alive. I wanted to see that handkerchief. We walked to the bedroom and you took out the handkerchief from your purse. It was no more white; it was pale yellow. I took that piece of silk cloth in my fingers and brought it to my nose. It did not smell good.


I shrinked my nose and joked at you---“You lived with this piece of silk cloth?”

You nodded---“Yes, and now I want a replacement of that.”

I shook my head and said to you---“This time you are not getting any replacement of that. Last time it replaced me, I do not want anything of mine to replace me this time. Understand.”

You bowed down---“Yes madam.”


Suddenly Abhi cried out in his sleep. You leapt on the bed and rubbed his chest, he peacefully closed his eyes. I looked at both of you. You placed your index finger on your lips, gestured me to keep quiet. I shrinked my eyebrows and looked at both of you. You pulled a pillow and lay down beside him, softly hugging him in your arms. I covered my lips with both my palms as I felt crying. The sight was overwhelming for me, both my love and affection was together. You close your eyes as you were tired and after some time you swooned away in deep slumber.


I walked out to the balcony. Outstretched my arms above my head. I took a deep breath of fresh air blowing from the park situated in front of my apartment. The birds were chirping outside. The sun was peeping from the east horizon. It was a new dawn for both of us.

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Chapter 5: Retire to Heaven


The time our car crossed the Rakcham bridge, the sun already went down behind the hills on the west. The road was as usual a narrow and coarse one as it was a decade ago. Nothing in that part of the country has changed much. My angel vomited and was ill, the entire journey. That was his first time a trip with all his family and that too to his dream place ‘ice-cream mountain’. Probably he dreamt of those places when he was in my womb, as his mother also loves those snow-clad mountains. His illness made our journey bit painful and slowed us down. He was sleeping on my lap and Abhimanyu was seated on the front seat with the driver, navigating along with him, as the road was dark.


I was looking out of the window recalling the past few months, which was full of events.

ChotoMa and Babu found their lost son along with their daughter-in-law whom they spurned decade ago and wanted to have me as their daughter instead. They tried to change the course of the river and it was HIS wish at last that the river met the ocean instead of squandering off in oblivion. 


However, Abhi did not want to stay in Kolkata, he cited the reason that the wall was too high to cross over and we returned to New Delhi. A new place for me a new life for all of us.

Many things around us had changed after our lives were conjoined. I left my job in Saha Institute, Dr. Sarkar requested me repeatedly that he could contact his peers in IIT-Delhi and he could help me in getting a job there. Abhimanyu was not against that, but I was happy with what I got. I wanted to take rest. I wanted to do something for Maithili and Kalyani as they helped me a lot in those past ten years. We sold all my household furniture and whatever money we got, we both gifted to Titli and Pubali for their future.

Dushtu was studying in his second year in college in arts stream. He was very happy to see Abhimanyu back again.
Abhi teased him “Want to hear that story of the thief and the fairy?” He blushed and said to him “I will steal my own fairy like you stole yours.” 

He said to Dushtu “I will be eagerly waiting to hear your story.”

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The day we left Kolkata, it was summer but it was raining hard not from the sky but from every one’s eyes whoever came to bid us goodbye at the airport. 

I looked at my son’s face and my heartthrob’s face with sniveled eyes. Their face gave me the strength and I walked with a smiling face to the security check, waving to our relatives.

My string of thought broke as my Angel shivered on my lap and I cuddled across my bosom to give him warmth. He opened up his beautiful big eyes and smiled at me.

I smiled back at him and asked---“What happened?”

---“Drink juice.”

I opened the can of frooti and he sipped it. I asked Abhi---“Do you want to drink or eat anything?”

He was so much engrossed looking for the road that he could not hear as what I asked him. I slapped on the back of his head and asked him again---“Want to eat something; can we stop somewhere?”

He looked over his shoulder and said---“We can’t stop right now as the road is narrow and dangerous.”

My Angel cried out---“I want to goto Dyada.”

He looked behind, stretched his arms and angel leapt on his lap. I asked him---“Now cool your heels there and don’t bother me, till the car stops.”

I asked Abhi---“Nothing has actually changed here; it is same as we came here ten years ago.”

He smiled and said to me---“My Eve, change in this world is evitable. If the world does not change then it will die. It is dark outside so we are unable to see what has changed and what not.”

---“But the bumps on the road that I am experiencing is same as what I experienced years ago.” He looked at me over his shoulder and winked at me. His gesture turned me red, as I knew what he meant to say. My heart thumped rapidly inside my chest when the reminiscences of first night’s fight came in front of my eyes. I slapped coyly on the back of his head to vent my blush.

He winked at me again and then said---“This time no morning, dear.” I bit my lower lips as it reminded me how we lose ourselves the morning after that first fight.

I looked outside the window into the dark. I saw that Abhi and Paree were fighting in that night and then he came near Paree and snuggled into her blanket. Paree closed her eyes, took his hand on her chest and swooned into blissful slumber, in peace.

I bent forward and whispered in his ears---“This time we have a laptop.”

He stretched back his neck and rubbed his tip gently on my left cheek and whispered---“After putting it in sleep mode.” I laughed at him.

The time we reached Chitkul, it was eight o’clock in the night and it was pitch black as usual. We were fortunate to get the same room in the same hotel. I asked Abhi how he managed. He smiled at me and said that he arranged that beforehand. He had called the manager and booked the room. I asked him why did not informed me previously. He gave me a sleek smile and said he wanted to surprise me.


My angel was looking around he looked very depressed. I asked him as what has happened. His juvenile voice voiced his concern that he was unable to see and ‘askeem mountain’. We both laughed at him as that was the same question I asked Abhimanyu years ago. My angel looked up the sky and threw his arms in the air.

He shouted in his puerile voice---“Mamma see twinkle twinkle stars.” The sky was full of twinkling stars.

Abhi looked at me and said---“So Mrs. Talukdar, happy to be in our peaceful heaven?”

I took a deep breath and filled my lungs with the fresh air of hills and greens. Although it was pitch black around us but we knew that we were in the midst of heavenly wilderness. I could hear the river rustling over the stones, singing on its way to meet the ocean.

My Angel was frolicking like a sparrow on a paddy field as if he has all he wanted in his life. We both smiled on beholding his happiness.

He called out---“Dyada where is askeem mountain?” 

Abhi took him on his lap and said---“Askeem mountain will come in view as the morning comes. We have to sleep as of now.”

He nodded his head in anger---“I will not sleep till I see askeem mountain.”

Somehow, he was persuaded him that in night, there were dangerous people who have stolen the askeem mountain from its place; they would return his askeem mountain as when the sunrays would fall on them. He was happy to know that sunrays would kill those bad people and return his askeem mountain. 

We both laughed on his juvenile queries and concerns.

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After dinner, I lay on bed, trying hard to put my angel in sleep. The naughty fawn of ours was busy in his mischievous antics. The weather outside was not so cold so I was in a flimsy nightdress. I looked at him; he was looking outside the window.

I looked at my angel; his eyes were becoming dim with tiredness. I cuddled him to give him the warmth of my bosom so that he can sleep in the warmth of his mother. He looked at me and before closing his eyes he asked me---“Mamma askeem mountain?”

He heard his words said---“askeem mountain is just beyond this window. In the morning you will be the first to see the askeem mountain as the devils keep it there.”



I looked at Abhi; his strong embrace once made me mad and brought me to this heaven. I felt melting once again as he looked at me with his squint eyes as if saying “Are you ready baby?”

He sat on the edge of the bed and traced my left foot with his index finger. A turbulence gathered on my bosom and my left calve melted. The sweet tingle left all my pores of my calf to unfurl.

I whispered in husky tone---“He has not slept yet and you devil…”

He kept on rubbing my calf gently under the dress. His hot touch made my skin warm as if someone poured amber on my creamy skin. I hissed out again---“What are you doing, stop?” 

His amorous gaze pierced my eyes and I felt jelly inside my heart. He stooped down slowly, blew hot breath on my feet and kissed my toe softly.

I died on that spot and kicked him on his broad muscular chest---“Go away now.” He walked toward the window, half-heartedly shaking his head and smiling at me.

He kept me writhing on the bed beside my angel. My angel already slept holding my gown in his tiny clutch. 

I somehow, freed myself slowly from his clutch so as not to wake him up.

Abhi was standing by the window looking deep into the dark night towards the silhouette of the mountain. I walked near him and wrapped my soft slender arms around his strong torso. He held my hands tightly across his chest and bends his head back to meet my cheek with his lips.

He whispered in my ears---“Missed you lot in all these years.”

I clawed on his left chest over his heart and said---“I was here always, that’s why I came back.”

He turned towards me, took my face between my palms and looked deeply in my eyes. My eyes were also glistening with love as were his. My lips quivered, I cooed out---“For once I thought that I was lost in oblivion forever. I thought that I would never be able to meet you in my life.”


I closed my eyes when I sensed that his face was too near to me. He placed his lips on my forehead and kissed softly. I took a deep breath to fill my lungs with his musky odour of sweat and heat. I missed this odour for a long time. I took few deep breaths, my bosom heaved across his strong muscular chest. I could feel my bosom catching fire as I pulled him more into me. He started to trace his tongue tip on my brows and I went meek in his arms. I parted my lips and it quivered like wanton petals wanting to be chewed.

I felt his lips crushed on mine, sucking all my breath out of my mouth. His hands roamed on my back, traced my spine sending spasms all over my body. I clawed my fingers in his hair and frantically gnawed his scalp as if to tear apart all his hair from his head. He kept on mauling my lips, we were unable to quench our thirst of decade long separation. Emotions flowed from my eyes as I felt his finger on the back of head, tracing all his fingers over my scalp.

He left my lips after sometime, I was breathing heavily unable to open my eyes. I could feel that my bosom was pulsating with huge waves. He placed his arms around me under my back and pulled me up in the air on his lap. I opened my glistening eyes and placed my hand on his shoulder to support me. He rubbed his face, nose, lips over my soft bosom over the flimsy fabric. The friction was too much for me. I had goose bumps all over my skin. I felt very secure in his strong embrace. I felt that no one in this world could make us apart. The attractive force was overwhelming. My hair danced down on his face. He looked at me amorously and smelled the fragrance of my hair. My lips were parted and I looked in his eyes---“What are you looking at?”

He whispered---“My fairy of dreams.”


He sat on the chair and made me sat on his lap. I perched my legs on both sides of his thighs and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled his face on my wanton bosom, which voraciously wanted to be mauled by my stud. He did not keep himself away for long to devour my nectar. His hands came down on my narrow waist pulled up the fabric and exposed me in the dim light of the room. The cold hair felt awesome on my hot skin. His fingers dug deep all over my soft flesh, kneading them as his will. I felt him pulsating under my wanton pressure. He kept for playing with my svelte figurine until I was insane in lust and desired him to through me in the inferno of passion.

He kept on chewing the soft flesh of my bosom until my creamy dough has turned red. I had my eyes closed and head thrown back as he kept on chewing the peak of my mounds. I was feeling jelly and sweaty all over my body. I was thumping myself hard on his lap like an insane animal wanting for solace in the arms of her beloved.

He pulled me up a bit from his lap and then slowly placed me again on his lap. I hissed out---“I am dying.” All my emotions flowed in forms of tears as we met each other in a heavenly bliss. We wade slowly into the river of love, flooding each other soul to the brim. He kept on churning me, burning me all over my loins and soul. He kept on throwing me repeatedly in the deep gorge of passion. We played and frolicked for the entire night until we drop dead with our mingled honey.

He scooped me on his lap, lay me down on the bed and cuddled me with all his strength. 

I wanted the time to stop so that he could love me for eternity.


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And so is Life......

“(In a scolding voice) Are you coming to bed or not?”

“Just ten minutes, Paree. This is a very good movie.”

“You and your movies will never end. You are a pain, a real pain.”

“Oh! Come on now don’t start in the middle of the night.”

“Who starts? It is you who instigate me. Tell me one instance when I started.”

“Ok, baba it is my entire fault, now will you keep quiet.”

“You have a list of things to do tomorrow.”

“Yeah I know”

“No, you don’t. You always forget.”

“No I don’t forget. I do everything.”

“Ok, tell me have you deposited the cheque in ChotoMa’s account?”

“Oh! Damn I forgot that. I am sorry Paree, please forgive. I will deposit that tomorrow.”

“See, I who was wrong and you tell me that I start?”

“Ok ok, I will surely deposit that cheque tomorrow.”

“There are other things to do tomorrow.”

“Now what?”

“First thing in the morning is that you have to take the car to the servicing centre, then goto deposit the electric bill and then ….”

“What electric bill? I thought you have already paid for that.”

“(in a high pitch voice) Do I have to pay all the bills? Don’t you have any responsibility of the house? What do you do?”

“Oh! Now don’t shout like that. What else?”

“What else? Telephone bill is also pending. Do you know that it is pending for three months now? The will disconnect the connection next month if you don’t pay.”

“Ok, I will go. Now will you let me finish this movie?”

“You and your movies. You will never get tired of watching the same movies a thousand times.”

“Oh! Paree this is a lovely movie, now don’t disturb.”

“Oh! Now you find me disturbing element.”

“I did not mean that, dear.”

“Then what, can you tell me what you did last weekend?”


“Last weekend, you lay down in this couch for whole two days watching movies only. And same thing is happening with our son.”

“Oh I get tired of working the whole week so I take rest.”

“Can you tell me when I take rest?”

“Why, you stay at home for the whole day. You have rest for the whole day, dear.”

“Ok, Abhi. I am not going to cook tomorrow. I want an off day from kitchen, tomorrow.”

“Why do you have to nag every time? I said that I will complete those tomorrow, ok. Now peace.”

“Peace? Huh, I will get peace which is a distant dream.”

“Do you listen to what I say?”

“What you have asked me and I have not listened. Tell me one point, Abhi I will rub my nose on the floor.”

“I have been asking you to consult the doctor regarding your spine ache. Have you considered that yet?”

“I will not consult the doctor till you kick smoking.”

“Oh now don’t come to my smoking.”

“I sometimes think that you don’t love me at all. If you had then you would have kicked smoking. You promised me ten years ago and then…”

“Then what?”

“Then what? At that point of time just to impress me you kicked the butt for few months and then you started again.”

“That is the only thing I have.”

“Ok so you mean to say that cigarette is more close to you than me?”

“Now don’t change the subject. You started with the bills.”

“The main point is that you don’t love me anymore. See, I can give you a thousand of instances.”

“I don’t want to hear those, now enough.”

“What enough? I am not finished yet.”

“Ok continue then. But close the door behind you and then you can continue.”

“I feel like banging my head on the wall. I don’t want to nag if you had remembered everything I told to you.”

“Now what else I have forgot.”

“You forget everything. How many times you have called ChotoMa in past two months? Tell me. When Maithili calls, for how many times you have answered their call?”

“Oh! Now what should I talk to them?”

“That also I have to tell you what you have to say to them?”

“Those queries are universal like how are you, what are you doing. I don’t feel like talking.”

“OK, be with your TV. Sometimes I feel that I should take an iron rod and bang on that TV and then bang on your head.”

“You already banged my head ten years ago.”

“That was the biggest mistake in my entire life I had. (Laughing sweetly) but that was a sweet mistake although. Now come to bed will you? It is already midnight.”


And this is how Mr. Abhimanyu Talukdar and Mrs. Suchismita Talukdar loved each other.


Genesis of their Life.


======THE END=======
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मेरी फितरत नही किसी की चीज़ को अपने नाम करू...

so as i always say...  All credit goes to unsung original writer... Pinuram & 
Big Thanks to Arunima Roy Chowdhury _ Well-Known Member's
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Thanks for posting
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[Image: heart.png]

Surely this story ends here... but my other threads ( will continue & give joy's of new Incest, Adultery Non erotic & Erotic stories to all of my friends...

As I always say ... I am not the original writer, I just Copy some best stories from different internet sites & pest them here...




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Complete story "Dil ka ek Kona" by Pinuram
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Super story bro..
[+] 1 user Likes Rahulk11's post
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[Image: IMG-20210801-WA0032.jpg]
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[+] 1 user Likes utkrusta's post
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One of the best stories in romantic genre... Hats off to the writer.... Couldn't stop the tears,they kept on flowing.... May Abhimanyu(abhi) & Suchismita(paree) never have to pass a single second without one another ❤
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Good story
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