Adultery Mom's affair with her colleague by drubyu ( Completed)
I went to my mom’s office.As she was in a meeting with an important client, I had to wait in the waiting area. The receptionist told me to go inside her cabin when that client exited.She was writing something in letter pad and smiled when she saw me.
I sat on a chair opposite to her across the table.She stopped writing and looked at me, She then asked,
“So, what's the matter.Everything alright?”
I said,
“Dad has come.”
She made her face like she had chewed some bitter thing and said,
“Finally, he spared some time to visit his son.”
I was feeling very awkward. I didn’t know how to tell her about why I had visited her.I thought for awhile and then decided to go with the flow.I said,
“We visited a lawyer yesterday.”
She was listening attentively.My heartbeats increased.I put that document on her table and continued,
“He gave me this to give you to read.”
She took the papers in her hand and read the title and threw it back on the table and said,
“Bastard.I was thinking he came to visit you.I mean I have never seen such a lowly man.His son is sick and he came here to divorce his wife.”
Heart జస్ట్ ఫోర్గెట్..... జస్ట్ ఎంజాయ్.... జస్ట్ రిలాక్స్ ....lucky krish Heart
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Then she stopped talking.Her eyes were wet but she didn’t let tears drop.She then cleared her throat and said,
“Ok, Tell that loser I’m ready to sign if he really wants it.”
I returned to my home.I was very sad.Along the way, my mom's words were echoing in my mind constantly that dad didn’t came to visit me.He came only to divorce my mom.My dad was sitting on the couch and watching tv when I entered the room.
He looked at me said,
“Hey, what happened?”
I went there and sat on the couch beside him and told him about the whole of the conversation with my mom.He was angry and said,
“Hey, it's not true.I love you.I couldn’t visit you because I was framed by my opponents and my passport was seized.”
He then became silent for few moments and then said,
“She’s a bitch. It’s ok for her to live with her lover and leave you alone and yet I’m careless.But don’t worry son.I will demand your custody and take you with me when legal complexity is over”
I was confused.I didn’t know who was the right.Both alleged each other and cursed each other.
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We then met in the family court.She had come with Raju.Mom and dad looked at each other but neither of them spoke anything to each other.The lawyer then read the divorce deed. My dad had proposed to give her 50000 rupees monthly in the alimony. He looked at my mom and said,
“I hope you’ve read the document and you agree with it.”
She immediately said,
“No.Not at all.”
All of us were surprised at her response and stared at her.She then said,
“I don’t want a monthly allowance.I want ninety lac rupees in a lump sum and that apartment to be transferred to me.”
Dad was stunned.He looked furious and he shouted towards my mom,
“You bitch.What do you think you are?”
Magistrate sternly warned my dad of using any of such words again.Dad became silent.Then he looked towards the magistrate and said,
“Sir, she’s demanding the unjust amount of money and I…..”
He was saying something but was interrupted by my mom.she said,
“Sir, it's not the unjust amount.I know he can bear with it.Moreover, I have a son to support and I’ve to bear the cost of his medical treatment which is expensive.I also have to spend for his education.Sir, he hasn’t paid a single penny to this very date.Isn’t he his son also?”
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My mom’s voice was shaking.Dad answered,
“Sir, when I learned about his illness, I clarified to her that I’ll pay for his medical expenses to her but she cheated me and stab a knife in my back.Sir, I was stuck in legal battle abroad so I couldn’t come and I had to spend a lot.As far as his education concerns, she won’t need to spend anything if I’m granted custody of my son.”
She started shaking as soon as she heard him asking my custody.She roared,
“Custody?How dare you ask his custody?”
She then turned to the magistrate and said,
“Sir I love my son and I care for him.His father is a very irresponsible person.My son has cancer and he didn’t pay a visit for a single time.He has come here only for divorce.He himself is not stable.How can he look after him?”
The Magistrate then looked at my dad and said,
“Tell me, will you take him with you?”
Dad said,
“Sir, I’m planning to move to the US. Once I move there, I’ll take him with me.”
The magistrate asked,
“Until then?”
Dad answered,
“He would stay with my mother.She will look after him.”
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Mom interrupted and said,
“Sir, his mother is not independent.She stays with her younger son and his wife.She is aged and ailing.How can she look after my son when she can’t look after herself properly.They live in a distant city.I don’t trust their family.They would harass him..”
Dad then looked at her and said,
“It is still better than what you did.You went to your lover and left him alone.”
She then suddenly started crying with her hands on her face.She stopped after few moments and looked at the magistrate and said,
“Sir, He himself is responsible for it.He quarreled with me.He insulted me very badly and ordered me to leave his house.I had nowhere to go, sir.I didn’t bring my son with me because I fear Raju will not like him living in his house and will try to harm him.I didn’t want my son to live in a hostile environment.I feared for his safety.But sir, I made sure all of his needs to be fulfilled.I’ve hired a maid who cleans the house and prepares food for him.I call him every day and ask for his health and I’m thinking to install CCTV cameras in his house so that he will be in front of my eyes every time.”
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A scene of Laxman and I smoking together came to my mind.I certainly didn’t like the idea of CCTV camera and hoped she didn’t do that.The magistrate after careful consideration granted custody to my mom with visitation rights to dad.My dad asked her to reduce the amount of alimony but she bluntly refused.She said she would sign only if her demands were met otherwise she would not sign.
Dad said he needed some time to think.He asked his lawyer, in a very low voice, what would happen if she didn’t sign.The lawyer replied that he would have to pursue a contested divorce and give her notice of it.It might take years to finalize it.Dad then told him that he was agreed to pay her the amount and he would transfer that house to her.They signed the document.Magistrate gave them the grace period of six months if they wanted to reconcile.After six months, no appeal of reconciliation would be considered and divorce would be final.
They took each other's copies and I came with my dad to home and she went with Raju.I didn’t speak a word that day.My dad also didn’t try to talk to me.I lay on my bed whole day.I didn’t want to do anything.I didn’t want to wake up.
Next day dad was talking to someone about his divorce on skype.When he saw me he gestured by his hand to go to him as he wanted me to meet someone.I went to where he sat and looked at the screen.It was a young woman.He introduced her to me as his special friend.Her name was Neeta.And introduced me to her as his son.She told me “hi” and asked about my health.They talked for few minutes and I sat there looking them talking with each other with no interest in their talks.
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After the call was over dad asked me how was her.He then told me that he had plans to marry her and move to the US as she was an American citizen and their company had offered him a place in the US.I told him that she was nice.He told me to stay in contact and not to worry as he was giving Savita a lot of money to take care of me.He left for that middle eastern country after two days.
My dad left for the airport after taking lunch.It felt very weird and lonely after dad had left.It felt like something was missing.It felt like something was not good.Like the whole world had been changed.I went to the balcony and looked down.Dad was standing near the gate of the society. He was busy doing something in his phone.A few moments later a taxi arrived and he opened the door of the car and before sitting in it, he looked towards me and waved his hands. I did exactly like him and then he was gone.
I came into the living room and sat on the couch.I didn't know what to do.I just stared at the floor blankly. Scenes of the past week started flashing in my mind. Soon floor looked blurred and I felt wetness going down on the cheeks near my nose.I , the first time in the week, noticed pain in my stomach.
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Pain in my stomach was almost finished after the last session of chemotherapy but then mom left me and I stopped taking medicines.I just didn't feel right to take it. There was no motivation for being alive.I hated my life and threw myself to the mercy of God. Pain then started to grow gradually.My stomach was constantly paining for last few days. It was like a faithful friend that never left me alone.
My head felt heavy and I didn't know when I slept.I was woken up by the ringtone of my phone.It was my mom’s number flashing on the screen.She never called me when dad was here.We had a brief conversation.She asked me about my health and told me that she had credited my account to purchase medicines and for other expenses.She said she would see me soon.
Laxman started coming with Savita aunty from the next day. As usual, he sat on a three seater sofa and acted of studying in the presence of Savita.I was sitting on a sofa chair opposite him.He threw his book as soon as Savita left. He then took out the packet of cigarette and a green colored bottle from his bag and put them on the table placed in front of him.I knew it was liquor but it was new to me.He guessed what I was thinking so before I could say anything, he spoke while lighting up the cigarette,
“It’s a wine. Red wine actually. Now go to the kitchen and fetch two glasses for us.”
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I stood up from my chair and went into the kitchen.I took two glasses and ice cubes from the refrigerator.I went back to the living room where he was sitting and put the things on the table next to the green bottle.Laxman chuckled as soon as he saw ice cubes.He said,
“Wow,man. You’ve become expert,ehhh.”
He then prepared the drink for us.He took a glass in his hand and insisted me to take the other.I placed it on my lips and sipped from it.I was tasting red wine first time in my life.It was a whole different experience than drinking whisky.It smelt like cherry- sweet and sour and its taste was a mix of sweet, sour and bitterness. My mouth felt full in just one sip.I liked it very much.I sipped more and more and I felt good and relaxed.
“It’s imported.” I was startled by the voice of Laxman.He was staring at the bottle and his lips were moving,
“You know man, I brought it just for you. My friend, where I work, gave me this bottle.It costs more than 5000 bucks.”
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He then put the glass to his lips and started sipping the wine.I also put the glass to my mouth and gulped it down my throat. Laxman looked at me and said irritatingly,
“Hey, buddy..It’s not a proper way to drink it. It's not bear. Just sip slowly and enjoy the taste man.”
I ignored his advice and quickly finished the glass and refilled it once again.It was awesome.I felt like I was coming out of my body and I could see myself.I felt very light and relieved.It felt good.
“You want to drink it every day?” I heard Laxman speaking.
“Yes, it's a nice thing,” I replied.
“It's pretty much expensive for us but we can afford it if you help me” He murmured.
“Help? What kind of help?” I was wondering.
“Listen, You know, I work for a catering firm. Our firm provides waiters, cooks and other guys to big hotels and restaurants on contract basis…” He was speaking.
It was boring for me so I cut short his talk and said,
“So what man.”
“There’s a birthday party of a son of a very influential politician to a banquet hall of a very well known hotel,” He said.
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“So?” I was clueless about what he was trying to say.
He was silent for few seconds and then cleared his throat and talked in a serious voice,
“Listen, party organizer has asked me to provide this..” And saying that he took a packet wrapped in a black polythene out from his pocket.
“It's a booz. We can earn a lot of money if you go there and give it to him.” He continued.
“Why me? You just go there and give it to him, man.” I replied.
“I can’t.” He said but looking that I was not convinced he said further,
“I can’t go there because there will be security officer outside the hotel as a lot of politicians and other VIP guests will be attending the party. I have a security officer record. They know me. They will detain me as soon as they see me. That’s why I want your help. Won't you help your friend? You know that my father is sick.I need that money very much, buddy.”
His voice had become thin. It seemed he would cry at any moment.
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“Ok, ok but how I would go there?” I asked him.
He looked relieved and thanked me and said,
“Don't worry.I work with the firm.I will tell them that I am unwell and my friend will attend instead of me. So you just wear my uniform and go there. Find out this guy and deliver the packet.Simple.” Saying this, he showed me a pic of a guy on his phone.
There was a lot of questions in my mind though.
“But what will I do there?I don't know what you work.” I asked him.
“Nothing man. Just wear my uniform tonight and come with me.I will drive you to the avenue and you meet a guy named Sumit. He is our supervisor. I will talk to him over the phone so you just say you are Laxman’s friend and do as he says. It’s so simple.” He explained it to me.
“Does he know about that packet?” I asked him.
“No. Nobody knows and you also must be careful that nobody gets to know about it otherwise you may end up in somewhere.” He said the last sentence while chuckling.
“Now I need to go.” Saying it , he packed his bag hurriedly.He washed the glasses and cleaned the table.He thanked me one more time and left.
He came to my home in the evening.He took his uniform out from the bag and handed it to me and asked me to change into it.I went to my room and changed into what he had given me. It had black trousers and purple shirt.It didn't fit me as I was lean and skinny. The shirt was lose and I had to fasten the belt to stop the trousers from going down.
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He was standing with a packet and a small box in his hands waiting for me in the drawing room.
He gave me the packet and box as soon as I went outside my room and met him.I was not sure about the box so I just took them in my hands and looked questioningly to him. He said,
“Akki met me and when I told him that you are going to that hotel to deliver that packet, he gave me this box to give it to you. Just give it to a guy named Atul. He will be in the reception area.
“What’s in it?” I asked Laxman. He replied that he didn’t know.
I just put them inside either pocket of my trousers. He drove me to the venue on my scooter. He gave instructions on what to do and what not to do while on the way. He also described the man to whom the packet was to be delivered.
He just stopped few feet away from the hotel’s main gate. He was right. There was a number of expensive cars parked in the parking and security officermen could be seen here and there. There was a bolero and a gypsy of the security officer parked just opposite the gate and they were watching the people very carefully.
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Laxman wished me best of luck and he pointed his finger to a dark corner and said,
“Listen, guy, I will be waiting for you there. Just finish your work as soon as possible and come outside.”
I nodded and started moving towards the gate. I passed by a security officer car and buzzing sound of their walkie-talkie fell on my ears. My heart started beating fast. The packet inside my trousers felt like a burden. I prayed to god that I will never do this again. It was not my cup of tea.
I entered into the hotel and met the guy named Sumit as told by Laxman. He asked me to go to the banquet hall and help a guy named Vinod. I went into the hall. It was a grand hall with a lot of decorations. Party had already started. There was a lot of guests. There was food counter in the corner where numerous food items were placed on the table with a guy to serve behind each item. I met Vinod and he gave me polythene gloves to wear and pointed his finger to somewhere and told me to go to the rice. I looked at his direction and went there and stood behind the table, ready to serve.
But I was not there for service. I was there for a certain purpose so I started looking for that guy among the people. It was a decent crowd. Most of the women were wearing either sarees or decent dresses. Almost all the men wore suits. I didn’t know any of them but from their attire and behavior, they looked like they were very important people.
I started scanning the people to find out my guy.Then I saw a young man ,in the middle of the hall ,in black tuxedo.He was talking with a lady and a man who were standing opposite to him.
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Couple’s back was towards my direction.Lady was wearing cherry red colored lace saree.Her blouse was sleeveless.Her saree’s pallu was coming from the front on her left shoulder and was hanging behind her back.He hair was pitch dark and was falling upto middle of her back.She had tucked a hair pin in her hair behind her head near her neck.Small portion of flashy beads could be seen in her neck.It seemed that it was part of her necklace.Her blouse’s upper backline started after a handspan of distance from her neck.Then it had cherry red strap of cloth of about five inches.Her saree was tied to exactly where her ass started swelling.It was neatly and flawlessly wrapped around her ass.Her waist was bare.She was wearing sandals having heels of around three inch.She was looking very elegant.
A man was standing beside her on her right side.He was wearing gray colored suit and black shoes.His left hand was placed on woman’s bare waist. I could see a guy’s face from the gap of woman’s right and man’s left shoulders. I studied his face carefully and recognised that he was the exact guy whose pic was shown to me by Laxman.I was happy that finally my task was going to be completed.
I was waiting for him to move out of the hall so I could give that damned thing to him.Then suddenly an old man greeted him from behind that couple and they turned their heads to look at him.I got to see their faces and was stunned by looking at them.It was my mom and Bashar.My mind was blocked.I didn’t know what to do.I thought of running from that place but then remembered the packets that needed to be delivered.I was confused about what I should do.Then dinner started.People started lining to the food tables with plates in their hands and I had no other option but to serve.
When I looked back at them I could not find them at their earlier place.Instead I could see my mom in the queue.Bashar was exactly behind her.I was sweating.I was caught.I was finding excuses,in my mind, of what I should tell her if she asked me why I was there.Queue was moving and they were coming closer and closer.My hands were trembling.I was not sure about how she would react when she sees me.I didn’t have courage to look at her so I was serving with my head down.
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“Only a little” I heard a female voice and saw a lady’s hands holding a dish with various food items in front of me.Her nails were painted with red color.I recognised it was my mom’s voice.
I took some rice with rice server and dropped it in her plate.
“No..No..Not that much..Only a little.” She said. I was happy that she didn’t recognise me.I felt relieved and I looked at her.Our eyes met and I missed a heart beat when she said,
“You know , I don't like rice much.”
Saying that she moved past my counter and then I served Bashar. He was talking over the phone.They went to a corner and started having dinner.Soon queue was finished and I started looking for that guy.I gazed towards my mom and found that she was busy in conversation with Bashar and other guy with a plate in her hand.
I was not sure whether she had recognised me because she never looked at my direction after that rice incident though I felt for a second that she knew me.
Then I saw that guy holding his phone on his ear and moving out of the hall.I was happy.Finally I got a chance to meet him.I also came out of the hall and found him talking over the phone in the lobby.I went near him and waited for his call to be over.He looked irritatingly at me when his call was over but I inserted my hand into my pocket and took out that packet and told him that Laxman had sent me.He looked his left and right hearing this and quickly took the packet from my hand and put it in his pocket.He then took out a bundle of currency notes and gave it to me.I instinctively inserted it in my trouser’s pocket.
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My task was half done.Still there was a box, that was given by Akhilesh ,to be delivered to Atul.I went in the reception area and asked the receptionist about a guy named Atul.She told me to wait and then picked up a phone and talked to someone.Soon a middle aged guy wearing navy blue shirt and pants appeared from inside the hotel.
He looked at me questioningly so I took that box out and told him that Akhilesh wanted me to give it to him.He caught my arm as soon as he heard name of Akhilesh and took me where no one was standing and asked me in a low voice,
“Tell him it will be charged ten thousand rupees and its the last time I am doing this.He will eat someone’s job, man.”
I could not understand what he was talking about but I nodded my head to free myself from him.My mission was completed finally.I was feeling strange.I was feeling that I had achieved something.I came out of the main gate of the hotel and started moving towards the dark place where Laxman was waiting for me.
I met him and told him that I have delivered that packet.He adjusted himself on the scooter and started it.When I was about to sit behind him,whole of the area lit up and we heard a manly voice shouting towards us.We turned our heads behind us and found that a security officerman was running towards us with a flashlight in his hands and he was shouting of,
“Hey….hey….stop bastards….sons of bitches….”
Laxman told me to hurry up and I quickly sat behind him and he twisted accelerator quickly.My head jerked and we had a great speed immediately.We passed by that security officerman and Laxman looked at his direction and shouted,
We could hear him cursing us and soon his voice became fainted and then we couldn’t hear him anymore.Laxman started laughing uncontrollably and started singing a song very loudly.I too felt very excited.I also laughed loudly and sang along with him.He took me to my apartment and told me that he will collect the money on next day.
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I entered my home.First time since last few days I felt hungry.So I prepared noodles and took the bowl in living room.I switched on the tv and sat on the couch and started eating noodles.I was feeling good.My pain had become light and tolerable.
After few minutes, my phone started ringing.I took it in my hand and saw the screen.It was my mom calling me.My heartbeats increased.I put the bowl on the table and attended the call.
“What the hell were you doing there?”
Heard loud voice as soon as I answered it.
“I...I...What are you talking about mom?” I didn’t know what to say so I tried to be ignorant.
“You...Don't try to fool me,ok.I’m talking about party” She seemed angry and her voice was loud.
I felt sweat on my head.I didn’t know why but I always feared her whenever she was angry.
“I...I….I…” I could not speak other than it.
“Boy,,you don't know how embarrassed I felt when I saw you standing there.”
“I’m sorry, mom.” that was the answer came to my mind.
“Thank god, Bashar didn’t recognise you.But what were you doing there.” She spoke.
“I...I…” I tried to speak but she continued,
“You did that for money?Was it your first time?What else you do that I don't know.Tell me please.God, why didn't you tell me if you needed money?”
I tried to interrupt but she was not in a mood to listen.
“What habbened,sweety? Why are you ubset?” I heard a male voice from other side of the phone.
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“Nothing,I just..just…” heard my mom’s voice.It had soften up.
Then there was silence for few seconds.I heard male voice again,
“Can I helb you to enlighten your mood?”
“Mom,listen please.” I pleaded.
“Yeah tell me,what was you doing there?” Spoke my mom.This time her voice was soft and calm.She didn’t seem angry.
“I was helping my friend…” I gathered courage and started speaking.
“What are you saying?” She asked me in a soft voice.
“My friend works there.His father was sick so he had to look after him.They threatened to fire him if he doesnt attend duty.So I went there in his place.” I told her half truth.
Then I heard sound like,
“Uff…” and call was cut.
I dialed her number but she didn’t pick it up.I tried one more time but it was not answered so I put my phone on table and started eating noodles.
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There was a comedy movie playing on tv.After finishing noodles, I lay on couch and started watching that movie.I saw it after a long time and enjoyed it very much.
When movie was near intermission,my phone rang.I took it in my hand and saw my mom’s number flashing on the screen.I answered it,
“Hmmm.what were you saying?sorry there’s network problem” She said.He voice was calm and soft.
“Sorry mom but I was not there money.” I tried to convince her.
“So” She asked.
“I was helping my friend.He works there.His father is sick.He needs to look after his father.They threatened to fire him if he didn’t attend duty so I went there in his place.”I repeated my excuse.
“Who is he?Why didn’t you tell me ?” She asked.
I really enjoyed company of Laxman and didn’t want her to mess with us so I didn’t reply.
Heart జస్ట్ ఫోర్గెట్..... జస్ట్ ఎంజాయ్.... జస్ట్ రిలాక్స్ ....lucky krish Heart
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