Adultery Mom's affair with her colleague by drubyu ( Completed)
Alcohol had started affecting his mind.I didn’t want to discuss about my mom with him but he was indulged in his own world.He continued,
“Wasn’t she sexy? Did you like her?”
My heart started beating fast.I didn’t know what to do.I replied in one word hoping he would shut up thinking I was not interested in talking about her,
He took another sip from the glass and said,
“Everyone likes her. She has such a round and firm ass that even an impotent person’s dick would salute her.And what to say about her boobs. I just want to press it and feel its softness.”
He paused for a while and took another sip.He said,
“What did you like in her most? Her ass or her boobs?”
I was speechless.I remained silent for few moments but he was constantly staring at me waiting for my answer.So I said,
“Her eyes”
He started giggling and said,
“Dumbass. Don’t lie. You looked at her eyes only? Now don’t play with me and answer my question.”
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I knew I had no choice but to answer his question.So I hesitatingly said,
“Her boobs.”
Akhilesh had finished another round of drink also.He put the glass on the table and sat on the on the couch with his arms spreading and resting on the headrest of the couch.
He looked at the ceiling and spoke like he was talking with himself,
“Man,I want to fuck her badly. What a beauty! But I am no match with her.She even doesn’t look at me.I’m like an insect of gutter for her.Raju is really lucky ,man.”
I didn’t like him talking like that and I wanted to stop him.I was about to open my mouth to tell him to go and suddenly he sat straight like something had dawned in his mind,
“Hey, but I may get a chance to fuck her if I complete her task.”
I was clueless of what he was talking.So I asked him,
“Task?What do you mean?”
He was looking excited and happy.He leaned and grabbed the bottle in his hand. This time he put the bottle to his lips and drank directly from it.He said,
“Yesterday, when I was about to leave she called me in her cabin.Generally she is very cold and rudely orders to do things.I was hoping that she would ask for water or some file as usual but I was surprised when she smiled at me and told me to sit on the chair across the table.
I sat on the chair.I put my hands on the table and looked at her.She had some paper on the table.She put a pen on that paper and pushed that paper towards me and told me to sign on it.I was numb.I thought she had found out my habit of spying on her and she was firing me and that was my resignation letter.
I started thinking about my drunkard father and what should I answer to my mother and how hard it would be to get a new job. I was startled by her voice. I looked at her.She said,
“You are very hard working guy.I am your name as an Employee of the month and I need your signature on that letter for the same.”
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Man, what a relief ! I thanked her and signed on that document.She said,
“Don’t thank me.You are loyal employee of the company.You have always helped us.”
She then did unbelievable thing.She put her hand on my hand on the table and softly spoke,
“Would you help us one more time?”
I was out of my mind.I robotically said yes.She said,
“I want to assign you a special task.I want you to follow Prakash and report me everything.Report me where he goes,with whom he meets and what he eats.Everything ”
Saying this she stood up from her chair and came towards where I was seated.She came towards me and stood next to me.I didn’t have courage to look at her so I was staring on her empty chair.She put her hand on my shoulder and after few moments I could feel her breath on my neck.I could smell her sweet perfume.She murmured in my right ear,
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“If you do it successfully, you will be rewarded handsomely.”
My cock had stood up as well.She then settled on her chair again and asked me to leave.
I was mesmerized listening to what Akhilesh was saying.I had few questions in mind.So I asked him,
“Why she needs you to follow Prakash?”
He put the bottle on the table and said,
“Because our company is losing important clients lately and she suspects somehow prakash is linked with it.”
I was not interested in his office matters and I seriously wanted him to go so I yawned.He seemed to understand my intention so he too out some money from his pocket and stretched his hand towards me to give it to me.He said,
“I forgot why I actually had come here.Laxman gave me this to give it to you.He said that it was your share of yesterday's deal.”
I was not sure of whether to take it.So I told him to keep it.He thanked me and put the money back in his pocket and left my home.
My dad called me that night.After inquiring about my health he told me that he had agreed to pay ninety lac to my mom in alimony. He also told me to inform her about his decision.
Now their chance of reconciliation was over.I was sad.I really hoped that he would never agree for such an amount and he would try to bargain and reconcile with her but I was proved wrong.He hated my mom so much that he was ready to pay any amount to get rid of her.I never felt so much sadness before.I called my mom to inform her about dad’s decision but she didn’t answer my call.I dialed at least three times but no answer.
I put my phone aside and sat on sofa.Weird thoughts started coming into my mind.I had a huge headache.My phone started ringing. I thought it was my mom but I was surprised because Laxman’s number was flashing on the screen.
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Laxman never called at this time. I answered his call.He was talking like he was in hurry.He said that he was standing outside my society and wanted me to meet him immediately.He told me that we needed to deliver a parcel urgently.I didn’t know why but I readily agreed to go with him.My friends had become my lifeline then.I found joy and I would forget my parents,my illness and I found relief from all those depressing things whenever I was with them.
I took keys of my mom’s two wheeler and met Laxman at the gate of our apartment. He asked me to drive to the park where we delivered packet last time.I drove us to the park.As it was night time, very few people were there. Laxman gave me a packet and told me to go inside and sit on a particular bench in the park and wait for a man in blue jeans.As per his instruction I went inside the park and sat on a bench while Laxman sat on the activa near the gate of park.Park was empty and ghostly.There was few men playing with cards in nearby corner.
I looked towards Laxman.He was busy doing something in his phone.Suddenly two security officer gypsies came from nowhere and stopped right before the gate of the park.Laxman put his phone in his pocket hurriedly,started the vehicle and ran off.I knew whatever that was inside the packet was illegal.I was in panic.I wanted to run too but ten or twelve security officermen came inside the park running and caught the men that were in the corner and took them.
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My heart was beating fast and I was angry at Laxman too.He was coward.He ran off thinking security officer had come for us.I came outside the park and called him.He didn’t answer my call.I called Akhilesh and told him whole the incident.Akhilesh came to the park and dropped me at my home.In the way, he told me that he had started following Prakash and found him meeting with officials from rival company.
I saw four missed calls of my mom when I returned home.I dialed her number.She answered the call after few seconds.
“Hey, where were you?I dialed you thousands of times but no answer.” Her voice was roaring.She was angry.
Thousands of times? It was only four times, I thought.
“Phone was silent and I was watching TV, mom.” I lied.
“OK.Dont do that again. Always keep your phone on loud mode,beta.” Her voice had softened much.
“Ok, momma. Why did you call?”
“First tell me how are you? Are you taking your medicines regularly?”
I actually had stopped taking any medicines long time ago.I was only taking pain killer pills whenever pain was unbearable. But I lied to her one more time,
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“Yes, mommy. I take it regularly.”
“Listen, You know Ri……..”
And there was silence for few moments and then I heard,
It was something strange so I asked her,
“Mom, U there.”
“Yes, Sorry , You know Richa?”
She asked in a heavy voice.Like she was running and then talking after stopping.Name sounded familiar.Then I realised that she was talking about her colleague.I had met her once or twice.So I replied,
“Sort of, mom. What happened to her?”
She didn’t reply immediately.Instead I heard a male voice.It was very faint.
“Woow, they are so soft…”
Then I heard my mom’s voice.It was louder than the other voice.Her tone was very soft.
“Can’t you be patient?I’m talking with my son.”
I was really very confused.I didn’t know what was happening.I heard her voice another time.This time it was like before.She said,
“She is marrying. We need to go there,beta.”
“Ohh.Ok,mom.” I said.
“Listen, I will pick you from your home tomorrow night as we need to depart early in the morning. You will sleep at our home.”
Her voice had become heavy once again and I also could hear a male voice in the background..It was like hmmmmm, woooow.
“Ok, mom.” I said. Then I remembered that dad wanted me to convey his message to her about his decision.So I said,
“Mom, Dad called…….”
But she didn’t listen and said,
“Ok, Beta ,bye.We’ll talk tomorrow.”
She said like she was in a hurry. Call was not disconnected though.I heard a dull sound of thump. It was like when some hard object collides with carpet.I could hear male and female voices talking distantly but I could not understand what they were discussing as their voices were faint. I could hear laugh and moans also.Soon call get cut.
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Next day, my mom called me in the evening and told me to be ready as she would be reaching within an hour to pick me up.After an hour she again called me and asked me to go to the gate of society.I saw Raju’s car parked near the gate and I approached it.She was sitting on front seat while Raju was on driver’s seat looking at the road.Apparently they had come while returning from office.
She smiled at me as soon as she saw me and said greeted me.She was wearing red Kameez and yellow churidar.I settled in back side of the car and Raju started the engine.Raju looked at me in the mirror but didn’t say anything and continued driving the car.I also didn’t talk with Raju.
She threw her purse on the couch as soon as we entered in the house of Raju.Raju sat on the three seater sofa and started calling someone over phone.Mom kneeled down on her knees in front of me while putting her hands on my shoulders and said,
“Are you hungry, beta?”
I nodded my head in answer.She said,
“Sit on the sofa beside uncle.Mommy will prepare your favourite food after changing into something comfortable.”
Saying this she stood up and went inside one of the bedrooms.I went to the sofa and sat on the far end of the sofa.There was an awkward silence in the room.Raju was behaving like he doesn’t know me.I neither was interested in talking with that man.
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“Raju...Raju...Give me the towel please.”
We heard her voice coming out of washroom.Raju put his laptop aside and went inside their room.I was feeling angry towards him so I stood up and went near his laptop.I didn’t know what came into my mind but I deleted the files he was working on.
I was angry and blinded by hatred.Later I realised my mistake. I was worried about what would happen when he finds out or what would I say to him.I then sat on the couch thinking about possible excuses.
They came out after few minutes.She was wearing loose knee length white skirt and pink t shirt and went directly inside the kitchen. I started hearing sounds of her preparing food.Raju took laptop in his hands and tried to find the file.He was confused.He was searching the files he was working on but was not able to find it.
He then stopped and looked at me.His facial expression was telling me that he has realised what had happened to his files.He put his laptop aside and told me with stern voice,
“Stand up, you bastard.”
I knew I couldn’t confront him so I stood up slowly. He yelled,
“Where the fuck are my files?Tell me ,you loser.”
My mom came outside of kitchen listening to his roar. She stood beside him and asked him,
“What happened? Why are you so angry?”
“Ask your son.” He said in a thundering voice.
She looked at me and asked me with gesture of her hand.
“I….I….I...his files were deleted by mistake, mom. I was trying to play game.” I lied. I felt something hard collide on my left cheek. It was so strong and sudden that I couldn’t keep balance and fell on the ground.
“Raju….” My mom yelled at him and sat in front of me.She caressed my cheek and looked angrily at him.
He came near me and caught collar of my shirt.Before he could do anything she sprang up and hugged him.She started patting on his back saying,
“It's ok baby, leave him.It was deleted by mistake.Now calm down.”
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He left my collar and put his hands on her back.She caught his head with her hands and put her mouth on his and kissed him.They kissed for a while and she left him.She turned towards me and helped me get up.She then said,
“You sit on the chair and don’t touch his things when you are at our home,please.”
She caught his hand and made him sit on the couch and said,
“I’m going to prepare food for you.Please don’t quarrel.”
She then went inside the kitchen.
After sometime she shouted from the kitchen,
“Raju….Raju...Please help me.”
Raju made his face listening to her.He looked at me and said in a bossy voice,
“Hey, you go and help her.”
He was looking at me with stern face.I couldn’t tolerate his stare so I stood up and went in the kitchen.
She was standing near the platform and busy doing something.She saw me and smiled.Then she gave me plates and bowls to place them on the dining tabel.I did so and I helped her in other chores as well.Finally we settled to have dinner.
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I sat beside my mom and Raju was opposite to us.She has prepared my favourite chicken dish.Its smell filled my nostrils and I remembered old days when I was a kid.My dad didn’t like that cuisine much.Yet she prepared it frequently because I liked it very much.I should have been happy but I didn’t know why I was sad. I started eating silently.
They were engrossed in discussion about their office. They were talking about opening office in some North African country.I didn’t pay much attention to it but I was alarmed when I heard the name of Jack. Raju was saying,
“What did Jack tell you?”
My mom said while eating her food,
“He wants me to make contact with embassador of that country to India and try to fix an appointment with him.”
Raju asked,
“Why? What he has to do with all these?”
She giggled a little and said,
“I asked same question to Jack when he told me that. Actually he is brother in law of that country’s army chief.”
“So?” Raju seemed unsure.
“It’s army chief is de facto ruler of that country. Jack wants me to fix a meeting with his brother in law who happens to be embassador and try to find out why that country is so negative about our company opening its office there.”
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Raju seemed to understand now. He then said,
“You know that person has playboy image.I mean I’ve read in newspapers about him that all he does in India is drinking,gambling and fucking.He….”
Raju was going to speak something but my mom faked coughing and he stopped.She then said,
“Now I understand why he has chosen me out of you guys.”
Raju smiled a little and said,
“Because you have certain privileges and things which we guys don't have.”
She slapped on his hand and said,
“Shut up.”
Soon dinner was over.She started cleaning the table and washing dishes.Raju and I sat on three seater sofa.He started watching tv and I just sat there staring on the screen.After few minutes my mom joined us and sat between us on the sofa. Her skirt rose two or three inches on her thighs.
She put her hand on my back and said in a soft voice,
“Did you take your medicines?”
My heart started beating fast.I have stopped taking it long time ago. But I lied to her,
“ummm.I forgot it to bring with me,mommy”
She said,
“Don’t worry.I’ll purchase new ones.”
“I….” She was saying something but was interrupted by Raju’s voice.
“Hey ...look at that.I was talking about this brand.”
I saw his left hand was placed on her right knee and he was pointing towards tv with the finger of his right hand.We looked at the screen. An ad of condom was running on the tv. She was embarrassed a little.She looked at me and said,
“You want to sleep, beta?”
I nodded my head and she stood up from her seat.She took me to the guest room upstairs. She adjusted the bed sheet and dusted the pillow for me.I sat on the bed and she sat beside me.She took my hand in her hands and said,
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“I’m sorry,beta. I missed your appointment with doctor.I was very busy in work.”
I was startled at the word “doctor” and I remembered horrors of chemo sessions.I gulped spit in my throat and I said,
“It’s ok, mommy. I’m alright. I don’t need to go to doctor.”
She smiled gently and put her arm around my waist and hugged me to her side and kissed on my head above my right ear and said,
“You are right.Everything's gonna be alright, dear.”
She moved her hand from my waist to my upper arm and started caressing it. I looked at her and said,
“Mommy, dad called me.”
She stopped her hand and asked,
“What did he say to you?”
I hesitated a little but gathered courage and answered,
“He has agreed to pay ninety Lakh rupees.”
Her face became serious and her eyes watery,
“Ok then, if he wishes so.”
It was terrific feeling.I put my hand around her waist and put my head on her left shoulder.She remained silent for a while and then spoke,
“You know, why he desperately wants to get rid of us?”
I asked,
“Why, mommy?”
“Because he has found another woman. He is such a bastard and low life that he has never come to visit you even after learning your illness. And you know he hasn’t paid a single penny for your treatment and medicines. Thank god, I earn enough for our expenses otherwise God knows what would happen to us.He hates me and you, beta.”
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That was the thing I hated most about my parents. I was really very confused.Mom told me that it was all my dad’s fault and dad told me that it was happening due to my mom.I had sympathy to both of them but I was partial to my mom.I didn’t know why but I always found her case stronger than my dad.
We heard Raju yelling from downstairs.
“Ohhh….Its too late. I must go there. You sleep well beta, we need to leave early in the morning.”
Saying this she left the room.
lI lay on the bed looking at the ceiling.After fifteen or so minutes I heard a humming sound. I looked around myself and found that my mom had forgotten her mobile on my bed.I took the phone in my hand and saw the screen. I was surprised looking Akhilesh’s name flashing on it.
I cut the call and went towards the stairs.I descended one or two steps and stopped. Strange sounds were coming from downstairs.I sat on my knees and I peeped down in the room.It was dark except little light coming from the kitchen. Soon my eyes got adjusted to the darkness. I was then able to see properly.
I saw Raju sitting on three seater couch. My mom was sitting on his lap. She was facing him. Her legs were on either side of both of his legs and her knees were on the couch touching his thighs. Her hands were placed on his shoulders and Rajus hands were put gently on her bums.
Raju’s shirt was removed and he was wearing only pants. My mom was topless except bra. Her skirt was still intact.Her t-shirt was lying on the floor near Raju’s left foot.
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They were moving their heads. Later I realised that actually they were kissing. Their kiss was making sound of slopp,plloooppp. It continued for few minutes. Then she disengaged from him and stared at his face. Raju moved his head as to kiss her but she held his head with her hands and said,
“Why did you hit him?”
Raju pulled her by his hands that were on her bums towards himself. His fingers plunged in her soft flesh. He made her go closer to him. Her breasts crushed upon his bare chest and their bellies collided. He then said with his lips almost touching her lips,
“Because he deleted the files I was working on.”
His hands travelled from her bums on bare her back and he tried to unhook her bra. She jerked his hands from there and he put his hands on either side of her waist. She then said,
“But you slapped him very hard.Was it necessary?”
Raju replied,
“Yes darling, that boy must be punished. Otherwise he would be out of control. I did that to help you actually. He must fear you and he must be in your control. Trust me honey, I would have done same with my own son also.”
She stared at him for sometime and then put her lips on his lips and started kissing him.Raju’s right hand travelled southward and he gently put it on her bum and he cupped her bra clad right breast with his left hand.
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Their kiss became so intense that slurping sounds became very loud. It was only sound in the room. After few moments her hands moved behind her back and she unclasped her bra. Raju placed his hands on her shoulders and slide down her bra straps. She let it fall on her lap.
Raju broke the kiss and touched his forehead with hers.He started kneading her breasts with both of his hands.He caught her nipples between his thumb and finger and started pinching and playing with it. She closed her eyes and threw her head backward. Her mouth was open and she was moaning like ohhhhh, ummpphhh.
Raju wrapped his right hand around her waist and put his mouth on her right breast.He kissed and sucked her breast for a while and then moved to other breast. He did same with it also. He took out his tongue and touched her nipple with it. He rolled her nipple with his tounge. She moaned and put her hands on his head and started playing with his hair. He then went to her other breast and licked and played with her nipple.
She was moaning and her body was shivering. He then moved his head towards her mouth such a way that his lips were gently touching her lips and he was looking in her eyes. She was panting heavily. He caught her right leg and made it wrapped around his waist. He did same with her left leg. He wrapped his arms around her waist and started roaming them on her naked back.
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She moaned softly in his mouth and said,
“Love you.”
He took her lips in his mouth and started sucking them in reply.He put his hands on her bums and then stood up kissing her. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and her arms were encircling his neck.And their mouths were pressed with each other's.
He carried her to the dining table and made her sit on it with her legs dangling from its edge.Her arms were still around his neck. He leaned towards her and his hands went disappeared inside her skirt and he told her,
“Let me remove your panties darling.”
She put her hands on the table on either side of her and upped herself slightly.He pulled his hands towards himself with her panties hooked in his fingers.He threw the panties on the floor and pushed her on the table.
He took off his pants and underwear collectively and stoked his cock for few times.He then came near to her and caught her legs beneath her knees.He pulled them apart and dragged her on the table towards himself.
Due to their position and lack of enough light I couldn’t see what exactly he did with his cock but I could see him pushing towards her and her legs wrapping around his waist.Her eyes closed and her mouth opened as soon as he jerked his waist to her.
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I could see his ass started moving in and out between her legs and she would pant and moan like aahhh,aaahh whenever his waist would move towards her. Initially his movements were slow then after five or so minutes he put both of his hands on her breasts and cupped them. Then then started moving very fast and I could hear thumping sound.
Her upper body was squirming on the table like fish squirms when taken out of water.She was moaning loudly like ummppppphhhhh,uhhhhhh,oohhhhh,ppppllllleeeeeeesss..She was trying to say something but her words were not coming out of her throat.He was furiously moving in and out of her.She then wrapped her arms around his neck.She pulled him to herself and started kissing on his lips.They were kissing like they were trying to eat each others lips.It was intense and gross.
He then paused movements of his waist for a while and his head moved towards her breasts.He caught her right breast from its base and pushed it upwards.The put his mouth over its nipple and started licking and sucking it.He did this for a while and then moved on to another breast.He did same to it.Her eyes were closed and she looked as if she was in trance. Then she caught his head between her hands and pulled his mouth over her and gently kissed him. She whispered in his mouth,
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“Love you,darling.”
He didn't reply but continued kissing her mouth.They kissed for few minutes and then he straightened up.He then caught her thighs from its underneath and gently placed her legs on his shoulders.He put his right knee beside her ass on the table and moved towards her.He pushed himself on her.She let out soft moan like ummmmmmmmm.He then put his left knee on the table and climbed on it.He was sitting on the table on his knees with her legs upon his shoulders and his knees on either side of her ass.He placed both of his hands on her breasts and his ass moved down.
She put her left hand in his hair and uttered,
“Be gentle, My son’s upstairs. He would wake up.”
He started moving in and out of her and replied,
“I don’t care about anybody.Why do you need to take him with us anyway?”
She jerked her legs and removed them from his shoulders.She tied her legs around his waist and wrapped her arms around his neck and sat on his lap. Now her breast was parallel to his face.She caught his hair in her fist and made him look at her. She whispered,
“Because the bride is relative of his dad’s parents. They know that I would be attending to the wedding.”
Heart జస్ట్ ఫోర్గెట్..... జస్ట్ ఎంజాయ్.... జస్ట్ రిలాక్స్ ....lucky krish Heart
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Raju put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her downwards on his lap.She closed her eyes and and moaned,
Raju continued pushing her downwards.She wrapped her arms around his neck and hissed,
“Ohhhh, beeee gentleeeeee.”
Raju put his left hand around her ass and he pressed her right breast with his right hand and said,
“So what if they know you would be attending the wedding, ehh?”
Her face was now parallel to his.She gently kissed on his lips and said,
“They don’t know I’m living with you so I must bring him with us.”
He then placed both of his hands on her ass and she started jumping up and down.He kissed her bouncing breasts and asked her,
“Why do you care so much about them.You are going to divorce your husband anyway.”
She paused for a while and replied,
“I don’t care about them.If they came to know about us I’ll lose my son’s custody and child support.I love him.”
She then restarted jumping on his lap.Raju murmured while fucking her,
“And I love his mom.”
Heart జస్ట్ ఫోర్గెట్..... జస్ట్ ఎంజాయ్.... జస్ట్ రిలాక్స్ ....lucky krish Heart
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