Adultery Mom's affair with her colleague by drubyu ( Completed)
“Let him see also.”
Akhilesh gestured me with his hand to sit on his side. I sat on the left side of Akhilesh. Laxman started preparing the drink for them. Akhilesh brought his phone near to me and told me to look at that.
I was surprised to see that it was a pic of my mom. She was in her cabin and writing something and it seemed that she was unaware about someone taking her pics.
Akhilesh spoke,
“Look , she's the hot maal I was talking about.”
Laxman had prepared the drink. They both took the glasses in their hands and started sipping from it.
Laxman said,
“Yeah man ,she’s really hot and beautiful.”
Akhilesh said,
“I took all the pics without her knowledge.”
Laxman said,
“Show him next one.”
Akhilesh swiped his fingers in the screen and next pic came to the view. It was taken while she was standing and and talking with a person. She was wearing black kurti and white leggings.
Laxman spoke,
“Wow. Look at her bums,man.She’s goddess.”
Akhilesh said,
“Yeah man, I even musterbated looking this pic. Look at her boobs too.”
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Laxman had finished his drink. He put his glass on the table and prepared another drink. Akhilesh meanwhile showed me more pics of her. They were taken while she was doing different things.
I didn't like it. I looked at the screen hoping that it would be last pic. Laxman spoke,
“Hey dude, have you touched her?”
Akhilesh said ,
“No. She even don't look at me.I.. ”
Laxman interrupted him and said,
“You know Akki, I would fuck that lady whole night mercilessly if she sleeps with me.”
Akhilesh chuckled and said,
“Yeah , I would fuck her in such a way that she will remember it her whole life.”
They started talking about her. I didn't like two slum boys talking lewd about her. I wanted them to stop. I felt shame and anger towards them. I tried to change the topic so I pointed towards the black polythene bag and asked Laxman,
“Hey, what will you do with this packet?”
Laxman was heedless. He opened his zip and inserted his hand inside it and said,
“I need to shake, man.”
Akhilesh laughed and said,
“Don't do here ,dude. I am not interested in seeing your dirty black cock. Go to washroom.”
Laxman stood up and ran towards the washroom. Akhilesh kept drinking while Laxman was inside the washroom ,probably shaking his dick thinking about my mom.
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Laxman came out after few minutes.He was looking relaxed and calm. Probably he had washed his face.He sat on the sofa chair and said,
“You are lucky ,Akki. You got to see that maal everyday.”
Akhilesh had finished his drink and put empty glass on the table. He replied,
“I'm lucky till now but can't say about tomorrow.”
Laxman asked
Akhilesh said,
“Because our company is losing important clients to rival company everyday and everyone is under extreme pressure.I have heard them talking about firing unimportant staff and cost cutting.”
Laxman listened sympathetically but I suspected he could understand what Akhilesh was saying.
Akhilesh continued,
“I heard our maal talking with Raju. She was suspecting that Prakash had some role in losing the business but Raju didn't believe her.”
Laxman seemed uninterested in discussing Akhilesh’s office matters. He yawned while listening to him. Akhilesh looked at his watch and told us that he need to go and left for office.
Laxman asked me after departure of Akhilesh,
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“I need to deliver the packet right now.Would you like to accompany me?”
I found that idea very interesting. It was very tempting and thrilling so I readily agreed. I had no idea of where we needed to go. So I asked Laxman about the place. He said,
“Don't worry. I’ll show you the directions. It's probably half an hour drive from here. Just take your vehicle.”
Saying this he took the packet and inserted it into his pocket. He looked at me and said,
“Let’s go”
We went to the parking area and I gave him keys of my mom's Activa. He told me to drive as he was drunk and could not balance the vehicle.
I started to drive and he showed me the directions while sitting behind me. My heart was beating very fast as we were going towards the office of my mother. He took me to the gate of a park which was near to her office.
He told me to stop in front of the gate. I parked the vehicle there. He took out that packet and gave it to me. He said,
“Take it buddy.”
I could not understand what he meant. I questioningly looked at him. He smiled and said,
“Look, I’m waiting here. You just go inside the park and hand over the packet to a person with moustaches.”
He was asking me to deliver the packet. I had never done such a thing in my life and I was thinking what should I do. Laxman understood the situation and said,
“Don't worry. I'll call him and give him your description. He is forty something man and he would have thick moustaches.He would be wearing red cap.Just go to him and say -Day is pleasant, Uncleji. He would recognise you as that’s our code word. I always say that whenever I meet him to deliver.”
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I was hesitating and still unsure of what should I do. He again assured me and said,
“Don't worry ,I'll be waiting here and nothing will happen. Just go to him and hand over him the packet. He will give you 30000 rupees. Take it and return.”
He then pushed me on my back and said,
“Now go.”
“Don't forget to count the money.” I heard him shouting while I was going towards the garden.
I entered in the gate. It was looking like an abandoned area. Very strange and ghostly.There was couple of guys sitting in the corner and playing with cards. I looked around but could not find the person of Laxman's description. I thought of going back but suddenly a guy with red cap on his head caught my attention. He was sitting on a bench in far end.
My heart started beating very fast. I felt very strange. I felt like I was on a mission. It felt like an adventure. I started moving towards him. I could see him clearly when I went near to him. He was wearing blue t-shirt and blue jeans. He had thick moustache and a cut near his lower lip. His eyes were red. He was just sitting there looking at the floor.
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I went near to him and stood in front of him. He realised my presence and looked in my eyes. I felt discomfort. I had an urge to run away from there. I gathered courage and said,
“Day is pleasant, uncleji.”
He didn't reply but he stretched his hand towards me. I gave him the packet. He opened it and smelled inside the polythene bag. He nodded and put the packet inside his pant’s pocket.
He then took out a bundle of currency notes from his bag and counted sixty notes of five hundred rupees. He gave it to me. I took it and inserted it in my pocket. I immediately started walking very fast towards the gate of that abandoned garden. I quickly went outside of the gate. I was sweating. I saw Laxman sitting on my activa.
I went to him and gave him the money. He immediately put the money inside his shirts pocket and told me to move from that place.
When I was about to start the vehicle, my phone rang. My dad was calling me. It was very strange for him to call me at this time. He usually called in the evening.I answered his call. He said,
“Hey son, how are you?”
“Fine,dad. What's up?”
“Need your little help.Call your mom and ask her about her decision and inform me whether she agrees to mutual divorce.”
“Ok dad” . I cut the call saying that.
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'Divorce’ was the most ominous word to me. I didn't know why but I always felt sick whenever I heard that word. I sometimes hated my parents for making me their intermediary. They were so egoistic that they never talked with each other directly.
I dialled my mom’s number but she didn't pick up the call. I tried for another two times but no answer. I decided to go to her office and personally ask her about it.
I took my vehicle to her office and parked it near the gate of the building. I told Laxman to wait there as I needed to do some important work. I went inside the gate of her office. Watchmen knew me so they didn't stop me from entering her office.
A guard stopped me while I was moving towards the direction of her cabin. He told me to go to receptionist first. I went to the receptionist and told her that I was Priya madam’s son and wanted to met her. Receptionist said she was not in the cabin as it was break time. She told me to go to waiting room and sit there. I went there and sat on the couch.
I suddenly remembered that Akhilesh was also working there so I dialled the number of Akhilesh.He picked up my call immediately as if he was waiting for my call. He was speaking in a very low voice. He told me to go to terrace and not to make any noise. He told me that he was behind the water tank and asked me to meet him there.
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I went to the terrace.The whole area was shaded and few small tables and chairs were placed here and there.It seemed that the place was used for casual meetings and parties.There was a huge water tank just next to the door and various plants were lined up in such a fashion that it separated the area from remaining part of the terrace.I silently moved behind the water tank. Akhilesh was sitting on his knees and peeping at somewhere. He had mobile in his hand like he was taking pics.He caught my hand and told me to sit next to him. I sat on my knees. He put his finger on his nose and told me not to make any sound and pointed his finger to somewhere.
I looked at the direction of his finger and found it was my mom and Raju standing there.I asked Akhilesh in hissed voice,
“What are you doing?”
He replied in similar voice,
“Taking pics of my maal.Now dont disturb me and let me take the pics.”
I hated him whenever he used that word.I looked at them. They were smoking cigarettes and talking with each other. We could hear their conversation as they were near and it was complete silence.
She was telling Raju that she had noticed that Prakash was behaving very weirdly. He was not surprised when they lost contract from a major client.Raju inhaled the smoke and asked her,
“What are you trying to say? Prakash has some role in it?”
She replied,
“I think so.”
At that moment,Akhilesh’s phone started vibrating. Someone was calling him. He cut the call and said,
“It is Prakash calling me. I need to go,man. I hate this baldy guy. You keep it and continue recording the video, man.” He gave me his phone and quickly ran towards the staircase.
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I looked at them. She was wearing grey knee length skirt and off white buttoned top. Her Top was sleeveless.Her fingernails were painted in red. Raju said,
“You are thinking about him too much darling.”
Suddenly her phone started ringing.She threw her cigarette and took out her phone from her purse. She looked at the screen and then answered the call.While she was talking over the phone,Raju threw his cigarette and wrapped his left hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him until her breasts were pressed on his chest. He quickly kissed on her left cheek. She placed her hand on mic and said in annoying voice,
“ what are you doing?”
He put his finger on his nose and gestured her to continue talking.She put phone on her ear and started talking over it again. Mostly she was saying yes,yes, no, no,sure. Sometimes she would laugh also.Raju started kissing on her neck and nibbling her ear with his teeth.He put his right hand on her left breast and started gently pressing it. She caught his hand with her hand and gave him stern looked while she was talking. After few moments her call was over. She threw the phone on her purse. Raju asked her,
“Who was that bastard?”
She chuckled,wrapped her hands around his neck and said,
“It was Jack.”
Raju kissed on her lips softly and said,
“Why did he call at this time? It must be midnight there.”
She said,
“ He wanted to discuss about opening office in a north African country.”
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Raju put his right hand on her bum and started feeling its softness.His left hand was wrapped around her waist tightly. He asked,
“And why he wants to discuss with you?I mean he would discuss with Prakash as he is the head.”
She replied,
“ I don't know. He want to talk to me over Skype and I would realise after talking with him only.”
Raju roamed thumb of his right hand on her lips and said,
“Want to eat your beautiful lips. I'm hungry.”
She replied in a flirty voice,
“ Didn't you eat enough last night?”
He squeezed her left breast and said,
“You’re so delicious, my hunger never gets satisfied.”
He then inserted his hand under her skirt and started doing something. She threw her head on her backside and closed her eyes. She started moaning softly.He kissed on her neck.She was breathing heavily. Her breasts were heaving due to her breathing.
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He removed his left hand from her waist. He unzipped his pants by his hand and took out his penis from his pants. He started stroking it.His right hand stopped doing whatever he was doing and it started moving down. Soon it came to my view. His fingers were hooked to the waistband of her panties and he was pulling it down. She caught his hand and said,
“What are you doing?Someone may come.”
He downed her panties till her knees and then released it.It fell around her feet.He kissed on her lips and went towards the door of staircase. He closed the door and latched it. He then went to her,hugged her and said,
“Now, nobody will disturb us.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing him on mouth.He put both of his hands on her buttocks and started feeling them. He roamed his hand in circular motion. Sometimes he would just feel their roundness and sometimes he would squeeze them.Flesh of her bums bumped between his fingers.They kissed like that for few minutes. She broke the kiss and said in a heavy voice,
“Fuck me.”
Raju turned her around. She put her hands on railing and bent forward. Raju caught hem of the skirt and rolled it over around her waist. He spit on his fingers and stoked his cock with his hands.He then slightly bent from his knees and aligned the head of his cock to her pussy.He wrapped his right hand around her stomach and entered into her with a jerk.
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He remained still for a second and then placed both of his hands on upper part of her bums and started fucking her slowly.She bit her lower lip and moaned softly.After sometime he reached around and put his hands on her breasts and started pressing them while fucking her.He pulled her to himself while his cock was still buried in her from behind.He kissed on her neck.He caught her chin and turned her face towards himself and kissed on her lips.He was entering and exiting her slowly. He kept fucking her like that for few minutes. He jerked violently and then stood still with his cock buried in her.
She was panting and breathing heavily. He disconnected from her and hugged her from behind. She turned around and quickly kissed on his lips and said,
“Now, go.Jack would be waiting on skype.”
He took her panties in his hand and cleaned his cock with it.She was seeing that with her mouth open and asked him angrily,
“Hey, what are you doing? You could have asked for tissue paper. “
He giggled shamelessly and said,
“Sorry darling,it's too late now.”
He put his thing back inside his pants and left that place.She reached for her purse and took out tissue paper from it.She cleaned herself and wore her clothes properly. She took out small mirror from her purse and tied her hair and applied lipstick.She caught soiled panties with her thumb and index finger and threw it in the dustbin.She left the terrace after that.
I was feeling shame and embarrassment.I wanted to go home and didn't want to talk to her but I had no choice because my dad would call me in the evening and ask about her.
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Akhilesh’s phone was still in my hands. I realized that it had recorded whole of that thing. I deleted the video and put the phone in my pocket and went to downstairs.
I spotted Akhilesh and gave him his phone. I then went to the receptionist and asked her about my mom.She told me that she had returned and I could go inside so I went inside her cabin.
She was sitting on her chair typing something in her laptop. She looked at me.She was looking surprised. She gestured with her hand to sit on the chair and asked,
“ Hey, What are you doing here? Are you alright?”
I replied,
“Yeah, I'm Ok,mom.”
She looked satisfied and calmly asked me,
I didn't know how to open the talk. I always hesitated talking with her about dad. I knew she didn't like me talking about him. I hesitated initially but gathered courage and said,
“Dad called me.”
She made her face upon hearing that and said,
“What did he tell you?”
I didn't know why but I didn't feel good while talking to her about their divorce. I said,
“He wants to know about your decision.”
Her face became serious. She thought for a while and said,
“Ok, I'm ready for mutual divorce if he wants it so desperately. There's no point in continuing this marriage either. You dad is coward and arrogant. I mean he doesn't speak to me. And I hate when he uses you as a postman.”
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She paused for a second. She looked angry. She drank water from the glass that was placed on her table. And then continued,
“You stay away from him, beta. Did he ask you about your health?”
I didn't say anything. I just shook my head. She was furious. She said,
“He is so cheap and mean. His son has cancer and he doesn't care. He even hasn't come once to see you. All he wants is to know about my decision.”
She paused for a second and then continued,
“Ok, tell him that I am agreed for mutual divorce on one condition.He must pay ninety lakh for alimony and child support.”
I was shocked at her demand but I didn't speak anything.It meant all of his savings would be gone. I was certain that my dad would refuse outright to her outrageous demand. I was sympathizing with my dad.I sat there calmly and didn't make any facial expression but somehow she read my mind. I didn’t know how but she always was correct in guessing what was running in my mind.
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She placed her hand on my hand on the table and said,
“ I know what you are thinking, son. It's fair enough. He hasn't paid a single penny for your chemo sessions and medicines. Aren't you his son also. He has money to gift that bimbo a car but doesn't care about you.”
I was clueless about what she was talking. She clarified that she knew from Raju’s friend that he was having an affair with a girl and recently had gifted her a car. She said me to forget about all those things and told me that we must consult a doctor as my last chemo session was over and we needed to fix a date for surgery. I was horrified hearing the word 'surgery’. My heart started beating very fast. I lied to her that I felt I was cured completely and I didn't have any symptoms of illness which was a lie,of course. I told her that there was no need to consult doctor as I was cured completely and I was ok. She listened to me carefully staring at me. I dreaded that staring. I always get caught when she stares like that. She smiled gently and said in a very soft voice,
“I hope you are ok, son. But let the doctors tell this. I'm damn sure it's last visit and there would be no surgery if it isn't required.”
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While we were talking her laptop screen started bleeping. She apologised and put on the headphone.She started conversing with that person.I was not interested in their talks so I begged her excuse and went outside of her office. I went to where Laxman was waiting.
I went to where Laxman was waiting for me. He saw me exiting the gate and started vehicle. I silently sat behind him on the scooter . He drove us to my home.In the way he tried to open conversation but I was not interested in talking with him.
I had bad mood, partly because my parents’ divorce was almost final and there was no chance of living with a family like before and partly because my stomach had started paining. Soon there would be acute pain and nausea. I wanted to reach home as soon as possible.
Laxman parked the scooter in the parking area of my apartment. He gave me it’s keys and told me that he needed to leave as he was already late for his part time job in a catering firm. I came into my home and I called my dad.I informed him of my mom’s decision and her demand of ninety lakh rupees in alimony and child support.
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He was furious as soon as he heard that. He said she was bitch and mean woman. I didn't like him calling her bitch because I loved her.He inquired about my health. I suddenly remembered about surgery and lied to him that I was cured completely. He told me to take care of myself. I said I was missing him. He replied that he was stuck in that country and he would try to visit me as soon as possible.He then cut the call.
Pain in my stomach had increased greatly. It was paining like waves.It was like a blade stuck in my stomach and it was cutting the flesh-sharp and acute. I went into kitchen to take the pain killer medicine but strip was empty. I had used the last one in previous day and had forgotten to buy it. I drank water thinking it would affect the pain but instead I started having strong need to vomit.
My mouth was feeling like it was full of water.I ran to washroom and puked. A new thing came out of my mouth this time. It was white foamy substance mixed with red fluid. My mouth was filled with the taste of blood.I cleaned my mouth with water and went in the kitchen to drink some water.
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After drinking water I lay on my bed, put the pillow on my stomach and curled my legs.I closed my eyes. I wanted to sleep but the pain was not letting me sleep. I prayed to God to end this pain. I lay there like about half an hour but pain was not getting light. I dialed my mom but she didn't answer the call. I called her for three or four times but no answer.Soon blackness started appearing in front of my eyes and I didn't know when I drifted into sleep.
As usual, Savita aunty came to clean and cook next day.Surprisingly Laxman was not accompanying her. She did her work and left after cooking lunch for me.Doorbell rang when I was having lunch.It was Akhilesh.As soon as he saw me he smiled and said,
I opened the door and he entered in the home.He sat on the couch.I took the dishes placed on dining table to the sink in the kitchen and washed them.I came out in the hall and saw Akhilesh was smoking cigarette and he was sitting in a relaxed manner with his legs on the table in front of him.I sat on the chair opposite to him.
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He took deep breath and talked while releasing smoke from his mouth,
“Had lunch?”
I said,
He threw packet of cigarette to my direction and said,
“Take it.A cigarette after lunch helps in digesting food,buddy.”
I didn’t know about it but I liked to smoke. So I took a cigarette out from the packet and lit with a lighter that was lying on the table.I started smoking slowly.Akhilesh had finished his cigarette.He threw its butt randomly in the room as per his habit and asked me,
“So, why did you come at my office, man?”
I was surprised at his question.I was not prepared for it so I told him that I wanted to meet someone working in his office.But it was Akhilesh.He was not convinced of my answer.He immediately asked,
I remain silent for few seconds as I didn’t know what to say. He shrugged off and took out a bottle of whisky from his bag.He told me to bring two glasses and iced water.I fetched them from the kitchen and put them on the table.I sat on my chair.He made two pegs and took a glass in his hand.He sipped the drink and said,
“Take it dear.Don’t worry it will not harm you.”
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I was unsure of what to do.My mom would never let me touch it but I had strong urge to try it.I was feeling excited and tempted to try it. Finally I decided to try it thinking I was going to die soon anyway.
I took the glass and gulped the drink in my mouth.It was like a blast.I jumped off my seat.Smoky and grassy smell of alcohol filled my nostrils and my mouth,throat,chest and stomach started burning.I put the glass on the table and I ran towards kitchen and drank chilled water.
Akhilesh was laughing uncontrollably when I came outside of the kitchen.I sat on the chair.Akhilesh said while trying to control himself,
“It’s not supposed to be gulped,you fool.It’s ok. Better luck next time.”
He opened his mouth after taking two or three sips from the glass,
“So, did you like the show?”
I knew what he was talking about but I decided to act ignorant.I looked at him questioningly and said,
He spoke,
“Yeah, on the terrace.”
I didn’t want to talk about it.I said,
He had finished the drink.He put the glass on the table and started pouring drink in the glass.This time he didn’t add water in it.He took the glass in his right hand and said,
“You know, she is hottest maal in our office.My dick becomes hard like rock whenever I see her.What do you say?How was her?”
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