Adultery Mom's affair with her colleague by drubyu ( Completed)
“Something's wrong. You look very skinny and different”
I : “ Everything's ok mom. We are meeting after long time. That's why you think so.”
Mom: “ Hmmm, may be. I wish we could live together like before. I miss you ,bittu.”
I: “ I miss you too, mom. Come back to our home.”
My throat was choking and I could not speak anything further.She put her hand on my hand on the table and said,
“It's not possible ,bittu. That is not my home now. It's your dad's home. I want you to live with me in Raju’s home but I fear he will not like it and he will try to harm you.At least you are safe in that house.”
Her eyes became teary and she wiped her eyes with tissue paper.Just at that moment a person asked her permission to enter into cabin.I found his voice familiar. So I turned my head and looked at his direction and I was shocked. It was Akhilesh standing with a tray in his hands. He looked also surprised but did not say anything. My mom nodded her head so he came inside and put the tray on the table. My mom told him to go and he left.
She asked me why I had come after we drank water.I did not know how to start. It was weird talking about divorce of my parents. I gathered courage and spoke,
“Dad called me.”
She frowned and said,
“And what he said to you?”
“He told me that you were not answering his calls.”
Mom: “ Hmmm,so he is inciting my son against me.What did he say?”
My heart started beating very fast and I hesitatingly said,
“ He said he wants to divorce you and asked whether you would agree for mutual divorce and wanted you to call him.”
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Her face became grave serious. Man, it really sucks talking about parents' divorce.She thought for a minute and said,
“Ok. I need to think. I will tell you later. But I will never speak to him.”
She paused for a second and then continued,
“You know, your dad lives in the era of your grandfather.He is very narrow minded and selfish. He never cared for us. His job and career was always important for him than us.He never played with you when you were kid.”
I could feel strange sadness in her voice. She drank some water,cleared her throat and said,
“Leave it, tell me about Savita. Does she come to prepare lunch regularly?”
I : “ Yes mom, don't worry about it. She sometimes makes excuses and doesn't come but it's ok mom. I prepare noodles for lunch whenever she doesn't come’’
Mom looked disappointed. Then she asked,
“ What about breakfast?”
I: “ I don't take the breakfast. I tried to prepare the tea but I couldn't.So I stopped it.”
One more reason of my not taking the breakfast was constant nausea but I didn't tell her about it. She was silent and her expression was weird. She was looking numb.She spoke in very soft voice,
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“Do you need anything ?”
I told her that I did not need anything. She then opened her purse that was placed on the table and took out bundle of 500 rupee notes. She pulled four notes of 500 from the bundle and told me to keep it.I took the money from her hand and inserted it in my pocket.She then put back the bundle in her purse.
I heard door of her cabin open and looked towards it. It was Raju. He was smiling and was about to say something but he became serious when he saw me sitting there.He silently came towards the chair of my mom. She stood up from her chair and went to where he was standing. He hugged her and quickly kissed on her lips.They parted and my mom went to her chair and sat there. Raju sat on the chair next to mine. He looked at my mom and said,
“What is he doing here?”
He was referring me. My mom answered,
“He came to meet me.”
Raju: “I don't think so, really?”
Mom : “I will discuss with you later.”
Raju: “ Ok darling ,as you wish but tell him not to interfere in our lives.”
My mom looked upset.She gulped saliva in her throat and told Raju in firm voice,
“Listen, he is my son and he will visit me whenever he likes to. Come on, he did what he did because he was naive.”
Raju listened to her but did not answer back. He then said,
“Anyway sweetheart, we have finally found catering firm for party.”
Mom's face lit up. She excitedly said,
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“ Hey, it's a good news indeed. I would hate to prepare food on my birthday.”
Raju flirtingly said,
“And you thought I would let my queen work in the kitchen on her birthday? No way.”
It then struck in my mind that next day was her birthday and they were planning for her birthday party. I had completely forgotten it. They were so engulfed in their talk I thought I was invisible to them. From their talk I learnt that Raju wanted to have big party but my mom did not have mood for it and she wanted to have small function and wanted to invite very close friends only. Ultimately my mom won and Raju said ok and left the cabin.
My mom looked at me and I said,
“Sorry mom, I forgot about your birthday.”
She smiled and said,
“It's ok, listen, Raju has arranged for my birthday party tomorrow evening.Kamini will pick you up from your home tomorrow.”
Kamini was her colleague and she lived near to our home. I said ok and left her office for my home.
I came back to my home from her office after meeting her. I sat on the couch and started thinking about what should I gift her on her birthday. Few thoughts came into my mind but I quickly discarded them. I kept thinking but I could not find anything to gift her.
I lay on the couch and started playing game in my phone as I had nothing to do anything else. Soon my eyes became heavy and I drifted into sleep. I did not know how much time I had slept but my phone’s ringtone woke me up.
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I looked at the screen and found that the name 'daddy’ was flashing on the screen.I then looked at the time and realised that it was almost seven in the evening.
I answered his call while yawning and said 'hello’ to him.He was very impatient and jumped directly on the point,
“Hey, what did she say?”
I was really annoyed by this kind of approach. I said in a cold and bored tone,
“She said she would think.”
Dad: “ Think? Is there anything to think? Such a bitch.”
I did not like him cursing her and I was annoyed by his word. He went on and started telling me how she was careless to me since my childhood and how she was the reason of our condition and so on and on.
I kept listening to his speech and I was really very confused. I could not think who was right - Mom or dad? Mom was blaming my dad and dad was blaming her.
Then I heard some female voice calling his name over the the phone and he said he needed to go as some important work was needed to be completed and he cut the call.
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I had slept for almost three hours and I was feeling very thirsty. So I went to the kitchen to drink the water. While I was pouring the water in the glass, a fancy cup caught my attention. It had a picture of my mom printed on it.It was my mom’s favourite cup. She would always drink tea or coffee in it. Dust was settled on it as it was not being used after she had left our home.
Suddenly I got an idea. I washed the cup properly and took it to a gift shop. I asked them to gift wrap it. I had decided to gift her that cup on her birthday. After it was put in the box and wrapped properly I took it back and came to my home.
Savita aunty called me and told me that she was very tired so she could not come to prepare the dinner. I told her it was ok. I prepared the noodles and ate them. I actually did not like noodles but I didn't have any other option as I did not know how to cook anything other than noodles.
After having dinner of noodles I started watching the TV. Suddenly there was blackout. I switched on the torch of my phone and came into balcony. I found that light of all the apartments were off. It was a unique incident. I did not know what to do. I was very frightened. I had never lived alone in such a darkness. I had a habit of keeping the night lamp ON while I slept. My feet were freezed in the balcony as I was too scared to go into the room.Soon the battery of my phone was drained and the phone was switched off.
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I was really very scared. It was completely dark. I was standing in the balcony and I could hear the bizarre voices of insects. I felt like screaming but my voice could not escape from my throat.My heartbeats were very fast. I closed my eyes and started praying to God.
Suddenly I felt drops of water falling on my face. I opened my eyes and realised that it was raining. It meant I can't stand in the balcony. I swayed my hands in front of me and put one of the hands on the wall. I found the way to the drawing room and went inside it. I was feeling that there was someone in the kitchen or in the next room and he was about to eat me or kill me.I somehow went to the couch and lay on it.After sometime sky started thundering and strong wind started blowing.
A window of my bedroom was open and it's door was violently colliding with the panel and making loud sounds but I did not have guts to go there and close it. I kept both of my hands on my ears and closed my eyes. I curled my legs to my chest and tried to sleep but I could not sleep until the rain was stopped completely. I would never forget that night in my life.
I woke up with the sound of doorbell in the morning. Surprisingly I found it was Shilpa aunty standing with a dish in her hand. Shilpa aunty was our neighbour and lived on the sixth floor of the building. My mom had good relations with her.
She told me to take the dish. I did not understand so I looked at her questioningly. She said,
“Take it. Your mom called me yesterday. She said she was living with her relative and you are alone. She told me to prepare breakfast for you until she makes an alternative arrangement.”
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I thanked her and took the dish from her hand. I put it on the dining table and went to the washroom to refresh. I brushed my teeth and bathed. I went to my bedroom and saw it was complete mess. My bed was wet and things were littered here and there. I kept it as it was and came to the dining table.
I opened the cover from dish and found omelette sandwich with cup of tea. It was my favourite breakfast. I liked it a lot and my mom would frequently prepare it for me. Definitely she had told Shilpa aunty about it.I took bite from the sandwich and my mind compared it with the taste of my mom’s food. The sandwich prepared by Shilpa aunty tasted bad. I kept the dish aside and drank the tea.
Savita aunty did not come to prepare the lunch that day also.It was the second day when she did not show up. Unlike previous times, she did not inform me in advance about her absence. I waited for her until it was one o'clock. When she did not come I dialled her number. She told me that she was ill so she could not come.
There was a slight pain in my stomach so I took the painkiller pill before it gets severe and sat on the couch. I was feeling bored. I had no one to talk to and nothing to do anything else so I played the game,surfed the net and watched some TV to pass the time. I was eagerly waiting for the call of Kamini aunty.
Kamini aunty called me in the evening and told me to be prepared as she would be coming in half an hour to pick me up. I bathed and got dressed for the birthday party of my mom. I wore white coloured half sleeved casual shirt and blue denim jeans.
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Kamini aunty called me after approximately half an hour and told me that she was waiting at the gate of the society. I took the gift box with me ,locked the door and went to the gate of society. Her car was parked near the gate. She saw me and said,
“Hey come fast.”
I nearly ran to the front door and opened it. I sat on the front seat with gift box in my lap.As soon as I was inside she said,
“Ohh , what are you going to give her?”
I did not like to tell her so I just smiled and sat without speaking anything.She also understood that I did not like to answer her so she started her car.I kept looking at the road through front glass and
We did not speak at all during the journey. I sat silently and she drove the car without opening her mouth.
Finally we reached to the house of Raju. Door of his home was open so we went inside. As soon as we entered in the home, my mom and Raju rushed to us.
My mom was wearing black dress. It was sleeveless and neck was deep. Little part of her cleavage was visible.Hem of the dress reached up to just above her knees.The dress was made from lace material and hugging her body perfectly.The dress was hooked around her neck and upper part of her back was bare. There was a zipper that started from upper portion of her hips to middle of her back.She was wearing striped high heels. She wore pearl necklace in her neck and matching diamond earrings.Her hair was kept open.She had applied dark red lipstick.Raju was wearing black trousers and brown t shirt. He had put on black blazer over it.
Kamini aunty hugged my mom and wished her for her birthday while I stood there with a box in my hand. Raju and I looked at each other but we remained silent. Kamini aunty gave her gift to my mom and my mom thanked her. Kamini then started talking to Raju.
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My mom then looked at me and said she was happy to see me. I said I was also. She then came to me and I gave the box that was in my hand.She looked surprised and took it. She leaned towards me and said,
“I don't know what's in the box but it is going to be precious gift to me. Thanks dear.”
Saying this she bent down and hugged me. I also wrapped my hands around her neck and rested my face on her shoulder. It was feeling nice.I said,
“Happy birthday, mom”
She looked at me and tapped on my cheek and replied in a very soft and lovely voice,
“Thank you, sweetie.”
She then straightened up and put her hand around my shoulder and started talking with another guest who had just arrived. I followed her wherever she went. She would keep her hand on my shoulder all the time.She had invited only 12 or 15 of her close friends so it was not very big party.
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While she was talking with her friend we heard the clapping sound and everyone looked at the direction of that sound. It was Raju standing at the table. A huge cake was placed on it with candles around it.He looked towards us and said,
“Everyone has arrived. Now it's the time to cut the cake.”
My mom then went to him and stood on his right side.All the guests gathered around the table I stood among them.She blew the candles off and started slicing the cake. Everyone started singing birthday song and clapped and cheered.
She then took a piece from the cake and fed it to Raju. Raju only ate half from it and then caught her wrist and made her hand go to her mouth. He fed her remaining portion of the piece.
She then took another piece and looked right and left like she was searching for someone. Finally she looked at me and told me to go to her side. I went to her and stood beside her. She fed the piece to me. I took the piece from the cake and fed her.
The cake cutting ceremony was followed by a delicious dinner. Raju announced that dinner was ready and led the guests a to his house's garden area.There was a huge decorated table with lot of chairs arranged specifically for that purpose . All the guests settled on chairs surrounding it. Raju settled on the head chair and my mom sat on his right side. I sat on the chair next to my mom. Her boss Prakash was sitting on the left side of Raju. He was opposite to my mom.
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When she sat on the chair her dress raised up slightly on her thigh.I spotted something on her thigh. Then I realised it was a tattoo on her thigh.I could not see it completely but only small portion of it was visible. I was surprised and looked at my mom's face. She looked at me. Her facial expressions was like she was asking me what the matter was. But I said nothing and we started having dinner.
They were joking and laughing during the dinner.Mostly they were discussing about her office and it's politics. I paid little attention to them as it was boring for me.
After dinner was over guest started dispersing. Kamini aunty came to me and told me to go with her as she would drop me to my home. She took me to my mom and said that we were leaving. My mom thought for a second and then said her to go alone and let me stay there for a night.Kamini aunty thanked her for the party and left.
My mom then moved to the place where Raju was standing. He was talking with Prakash. She went there and joined them in conversation. I sat on the chair and looked guests leaving and Raju and my mom bidding them goodbye.
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After the last guest was gone, they closed the gate and returned into the house. Raju was surprised to see me sitting there. Before he could say anything my mom spoke and said I was there because she wanted me to stay there. Raju didn't speak further and went inside the house.
My mom sat on the couch. She placed her left hand on the couch and said,
“Come, sit here.”
I went there and sat next to her.She put her left hand around my shoulder and hugged me to her side. She said,
“I miss you very much ,son”
“I miss you too ,Momma. When will you return to our home?"
“It's not that easy dear. We must live like this until things are sorted out. I can't live in that house because it's your dad's house and he has kicked me out from his house.”
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Her voice choked.She stopped for a second and wiped the tear from her eyes and then continued,
“But you must take care of yourself. I am always with you. Call me if you need anything. I want you to live with me but it's not possible in this house.”
“Why Momma?”
“Because it's Raju’s house. You will not be safe here.”
“Why mom?”
“You won't understand. It is currently best for you to live in your home and I live here.At least you are safe there.”
“Ok mom.”
She then placed her hand on my head and kissed on my forehead. She asked,
“Does Savita come to your home regularly?”
“Yes,almost. I mean she sometimes doesn't come but it's ok mom.”
“You like her food?”
“ Yeah but I miss your food mom”
She became grave serious but she didn't say anything.She placed her face on my head and sat silently.I spoke,
“Hey, do you know what happened today?”
She looked at me and asked,
“Shilpa aunty came in the morning with breakfast.”
“Yeah, I told her to do so. She is gonna prepare your breakfast everyday.”
“Thanks mom”
“You take your medicines regularly?
My heart started beating fast. I lied to her. I said,
“Yes Momma, I take it daily.”
“ We are going to meet with the doctors to fix the date of your surgery.”
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I was scared by the name of surgery. I remembered my chemo sessions and wave of tremble passed through my mind.I asked,
“After you complete the course of the medicines.I pray to God everyday for you. I sometimes wonder why he chose my son out of others.”
“Mom, dad called me.”
She frowned a little hearing his name. She asked me,
“What that loser say to you? I bet he will be inciting you against me. Don't believe his gibberish, ok?”
“He asked what did you say to me about divorce. I told him that you said you would think about it.”
I paused for a second and then asked her,
“Mom ,what did you think about it?”
Just then Raju entered into the room and sat on the chair opposite to the couch on which we were sitting. He asked ,
“About what are you talking?”
I was irritated by his interference but my mom replied,
“My husband has proposed that we should seek mutual divorce.”
Raju looked upset. He said,
“Why did you not tell me before?
My mom tried to calm him down and said,
“Sorry honey, I forgot to tell you. Trust me I was planning to tell you tonight.”
Raju : “Anyway darling, it is great idea because I was going to make you my wife after your divorce.”
Mom: “ And what about your wife?”
Raju: “ Don't worry about her. I will divorce her too.”
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He paused for a second and then continued,
“You should agree to his proposal but not without condition. You have golden opportunity to ask monetary benefits for yourself. If he doesn't accept your condition it would be his loss as one sided divorce would take lot of time and money to be spent.”
Her face lit up when she heard his suggestion.
Mom’s phone started ringing. She looked at the screen. She glanced at Raju and said,
“Hey, it's Jack. I can't believe he remembers my birthday.”
She looked happy. She answered the call and said,
“Hey, Thanks Jack.”
She put her hand on mic and said,
“Excuse me” and went inside Raju’s room.
I looked at Raju. His facial expressions were weird. It seemed he did not like it. I was feeling very happy.
She entered the room. She was looking very happy.She took the name of Jack and was about to say something but Raju placed his hand on her mouth and said,
“Shhh, Don't speak anything. Just go to the couch and stand there.”
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Mom was amazed at his behaviour. She tried to say something but Raju insisted she should what he said. So she went near the couch with her back towards it and stood there.
Raju looked at me and instructed me to go and stand on the couch behind her and close her eyes. I did the same.I stood up on the couch and put my hands on her eyes.
He went inside his bedroom and came out with a box in his hands.He stood in front of her and said,
“Happy birthday darling.”
She smiled and thanked him in a sweet voice.
He reached around her neck and took off the necklace she was wearing and threw it on the couch.He then opened the box which was in his hand and took out a gold necklace with red rubies attached to it from it and placed it upon her neck and tied it behind her.
He then looked at me and said,
“Remove your hands. Let your mom appreciate her birthday gift.”
I unwrapped my hands from her eyes and she saw the necklace. She touched it softly with her right hand and she looked amazed.She hugged him and thanked him. He put his hands on her upper arms and kissed her on her mouth. I couldn't see her face as I was standing behind her. Raju looked at me and made the symbol of thumbs up with his right hand.
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He then murmured something in her ears that I couldn't understand. She nodded her head. He put his hands on lower side of her bums and pulled her up from the floor. She wrapped her legs around his waist and put her lips on his.His hands were on her bums.
He started to move towards the direction of his bedroom. In the way he stopped. My mom turned her face towards me and said,
“Dear, we are going to sleep. You also go to the guest room upstairs and sleep.See you in the morning Sonny.”
She gestured bye with her fingers and he carried her to his bedroom and I heard the slamming sound of the door.
I was alone in that room.I was shocked and angry at her behaviour. I did not know what to do. I looked here and there and found her purse lying on the table.An evil thought came into my mind. I went to the purse and opened it. I started searching it. There was lot of items such as lipstick,body lotion,credit cards, visiting cards etc. I came across a bundle of currency notes. I took that bundle out of her purse and removed 13 notes of 2000 rupees and put it in my pocket.I put back the remaining bundle in her purse and closed it. I was feeling strange thrill. I was very excited and felt pressure building in my bowels so I went to the washroom.
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I came out after I was done and started going towards the staircase to go to the guest room upstairs.Rahul’s bedroom was in the way to the staircase. I heard some muffled sound coming from inside the room. I stopped at the door.I was curious so I sat on my knees and peeped inside the room through keyhole.
They were standing near his king sized bed. Moms hands were placed on the back of Rajus head and her fingers were playing with his hair. They were kissing on the lips. Their tongues were intertwined with each other and trying to get into the other ones mouth. Raju had wrapped his left hand around her waist and his right hand was on her left breast. He was feeling it and gently pressing it.Mom's eyes were closed and she was moaning in his mouth.
After sometime Raju stopped kissing her and looked at her. She asked in very sweet voice,
“What happened honey?”
He said,
“Nothing, you looked stunning today. I'm going to eat you tonight.”
She playfully wrapped her hands around his neck and said in a flirty voice,
“I'm your prey. Eat me tiger.”
He put his mouth on her lips and started hungrily kissing her. She put her right hand on his chest and moved her face. He asked,
“What happened darling?”
“Let me check Rahul. Has he slept or not.”
I feared and thought of going to the guest room but Raju did not move. He wrapped his hands around her waist and tightly embraced her. Her breasts were crushed on his chest. He said,
“You worry too much about him,my queen. He is on your mind 24*7. Now stop worrying him for this night. He will be sleeping and dreaming about his crush.I don't like when you think about him ”
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She tied her hands behind his neck and put her left left leg on the bed with her thigh touching his. She said,
“Really sorry darling. I can't help myself.”
His hands went south and stopped on the swell of her buttocks.He started kissing on her forehead on her cheeks and on her neck and his hands started feeling and gently pressing her ass globes.
He went near her ear and whispered in it,
“Remove your panties,my love.”
She immediately obeyed his command like in a trance and her hands went inside her dress and started moving downstairs with her thumbs hooked in the elastic of the panties. After taking off her panties she gave it to Raju. Raju smelled it and then threw it on the bed.
Raju put his hands on her shoulders and made her sit on the bed. She was sitting on the bed with her feet touching the floor. Raju stood in front of her between her legs. He bent towards her and put his right hand on the backside of her head. He started kissing on her lips. His left hand found her right breast and he started pressing it and playing with it.
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