Adultery Mom's affair with her colleague by drubyu ( Completed)
Raju took his phone in his hand and did something in it. After sometime he looked at her and said,
“Ok, I have booked the cab. He would be arriving in five minutes.”
He then looked at me and ordered me,
“Now go to the kitchen and bring water for us”
I went to his kitchen and fetched the bottle from his fridge. I also took a glass from the shelf and came outside in the hall with bottle of water in my right hand and glass in my left hand. They were sitting on the couch side by side and left hand of Raju was on the back side of her head and he was kissing her and his right hand was placed on her right breast and he was pressing it.My mom's both the hands were in her lap and she was sitting still and not responding to his kiss.
I came to them and stood in front of them and offered him bottle and glass.My mom realised my presence and put her hand on the back of his right hand that was on her breast and tried to pull it away from her breast. He resisted for sometime and then took his hand away from her. He broke the kiss,looked at me and said,
“You dumbass, pour the water in glass and then give it to me.”
I poured water into the glass and gave the glass to Raju.He took it from my hand and put it on the lips of my mom. She drank some water from it and then placed her hand on his hand and directed the glass to his lips. He finished the water and ordered me to place the bottle and glass to its original place and turned towards my mom. I went to the kitchen and put bottle back in the fridge and glass in its place
Heart జస్ట్ ఫోర్గెట్..... జస్ట్ ఎంజాయ్.... జస్ట్ రిలాక్స్ ....lucky krish Heart
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I heard Raju’s phone ring as soon as I went outside from the kitchen.I talks over the phone and told me that the cab had arrived.But I did not move. I did not want to go without my mom. He shouted,
My mom spoke next and said in firm voice looking at me,
“Don't make him angry and go to your home.”
I did not move so she stood up,caught my arm and dragged me out of the door of his home and closed the door.I stood there for few moments and looked at the driver. He was staring at me weirdly.I went to the cab and sat on the back seat. He drove me to my home.
I went inside the home and sat on the couch. I was feeling strange. Tears came out from my eyes. I tried to control myself but I couldn't. I was feeling alone.
I sat there for crazy amount of time. I sat and stared on the floor for hours and hours until it was night. I tried to contact my dad but he didn't answer. My stomach started aching.
Heart జస్ట్ ఫోర్గెట్..... జస్ట్ ఎంజాయ్.... జస్ట్ రిలాక్స్ ....lucky krish Heart
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It was not first time. When it would happen, my mom gave me pill and it would be alright after some time.I called it magic pill. I never cared for knowing the name of pill because I had taken my mom granted and accepted that she would be available whenever she was required.I even did not know which medicines were prescribed to me and how much dose was needed to take. I never thought of the situation like that.
It was not for the first time that I was staying alone in my home.I was usually alone whenever she went to the office or whenever she had to travel but that time was different. I was alone mentally. Before she was always with me although not present physically.
Pain got severe and I needed to take it so I dialled her number but she didn't pick up the call. I tried another time, then another time but she didn't answer. I dialled her for twenty times and she did not answer.
I went to my room and lay on bed.I put the pillow on my stomach and curled my legs and tried to sleep but the pain was not letting me sleep.At midnight pain became light and I don't know when I drifted into sleep.
I woke up in the morning and looked at the clock.It was showing time of 11:00 o'clock in the morning. It was too much. I was annoyed and shouted,
“Mom, why didn't you wake me up early?”
But no one answered back and I realised that I was alone.My mood changed suddenly.I went to washroom and washed my face and came outside in the hall.I went to the kitchen and drank water. I had a habit of having tea every morning during the breakfast.I wanted to have it but I did not know how to prepare it. I was hungry. I hadn't eaten since lunch on the day before.I started searching the kitchen. I knew my mom had lot of snacks and other things but I did not know where did she keep them.
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I never looked into kitchen before.I would order my mom about something I wanted to eat and she would prepare it for me. Whenever she needed to go out of station she would either prepare the snacks or would inform me about where they were placed inside the kitchen. So there was never a problem for me.After some effort I found out a pack of biscuit and I took it and came in the hall. I ate all the biscuits.
I called my dad to inform him about what had happened. He was very angry and he told me not to worry as he would teach her a lesson and he would bring me to him when the things settle.I was somewhat relaxed after talking with him. I thought she would return that day but nobody came.I was thinking too much.I thought all these happened because of me.I was feeling guilty.
I was hungry also. I had nothing to eat in the home so I went outside and ate something in roadside dhaba.When I returned from there, I found door of my home was open. I was really very happy. It meant my mom had returned. I hurriedly went inside the home but she was not in the hall. I went to her room and found that she was standing in front of her wardrobe and doing something. I said I was sorry but she gave me cold look and continued what she was doing.
I went to her and tried to hug her and but she caught my arms and said,
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“Listen , I can’t stay here.I’ve come here to collect my clothes.”
I was shocked to hear that. She continued,
“I have asked Savita to prepare lunch and dinner for you.”
I: “But mom…”
She interrupted before I could speak anything else. She caught my arm and told me to go with her.She led me to kitchen. There was bottles of medicines placed on the platform with a sticker on each bottle. She showed me it and told me that she had written the instruction about dose and time of the medicines on the stickers attached to the bottles.
She went to her bedroom.I followed her pleading not to go. She didn't listen and continued packing her clothes in bag.After she was done, she looked at me and said,
“You know where I am going to stay. Please don't call me or visit me unless it's most urgent and tell your dad not to try to contact me. Let us live in peace.Bye.”
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And she stormed out of the home.I collapsed on the couch looking at the door of the house. It was not first time that I was alone in the home but I for the first time had fear of the unknown.I was feeling like there was someone in the kitchen who would eat me.
I passed the night like that and woke up late in the morning. I went to the kitchen and saw bottles and stripes of medicines. I hated them. I took the bottles and stripes and threw them into dust bin. I was angry. I decided not to take anything that I disliked and passed my time watching TV for I had nothing to do anything. I was not attending school due to my illness.
Door bell rang in the noon. It was Savita aunty. After greeting me she said,
“How are you baba. Bhabhi told me to prepare lunch and dinner for you everyday. She said one of your relatives is sick and she had to look after him.She did not say anything else,baba. Who is sick?”
I was really annoyed by her. She had a bad habit of poking her nose in our personal matters. I mean why should she learn too much? So I rudely told her that it was none of her business and do whatever she was asked to do.She straightly went to the kitchen and started preparing food for me.
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She left after I had my lunch. I started to watch TV again. TV was my best friend now. I felt temporary relief from my worries and stress by watching the tv.In the evening pain started building in my stomach.I called my mom to ask her about the name of the magic pill she always gave me and pain was relieved. She did not answer the call. I kept calling and she answered after three or four times. She asked what the matter was. I exaggerated a little and told her that I was having severe pain in my stomach. I asked her the name of the pill she always gave me whenever I had stomach ache.From voice she seemed worried. She told me take the prescribed medicines instead. I wanted to say her that I had thrown them into garbage but refrained from telling so. I insisted for the pill. She said it's name and informed me about the place in kitchen where she had kept them. I thanked her and cut the call.
I rushed into the kitchen and took the pill. I sat on the couch and continued watching TV.
It became routine. Savita would come twice in a day and would clean the home and prepare the food for me. I would lock the door of my room just before her arrival and I would sit on the couch in hall.I kept the door of my room closed whenever Savita was present in the house. I did not know why. I never let her come into my room. I also never cleaned my room.
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Though I was properly taken care of , I missed my mom. I mean it was different. I missed the food prepared by her. Savita did prepare food but somehow I didn't like it. I would order anything to my mom and she would prepare for me. I had to think twice before asking anything to Savita because she would frown and make her face. I had nobody to talk to except the few hours when Savita was present. And it was really very boring talking with Savita. She would tell her story always like how her husband was drunkard,how her son was harassed at work. I felt all the bad in the world was happening to her only. She also had a habit of asking too much about my mom. I always tried to avoid to talk to Savita.
My dad called me almost everyday. I would watch TV all the day and thus days passed. I talked to my mom occasionally. I called her whenever I required something. My mom would credit my account whenever I required money.Initially it was hard but I was becoming accustomed to the situation.As time heals everything,I was feeling less worried and distressed. I had stopped taking prescribed medicines and decided to let the god decide my fate. There would be recurring pain but it would go away with the pain killer pill.
Time is the best medicine. It heals everything.It heals the wounds whether physical or psychological.Initially it was very hard for me to live without my mom.I was so mentally attached to her, I thought about her all the time. I constantly blamed myself for the situation in which we were and I thought of committing suicide but I gradually learnt to live by myself.
I was spending monotonous days. I would wake up late in the morning. Sometimes as late as 12 in the noon. I had learnt how to make tea from Savita aunty but I was never able to make the tea that tastes like tea.So I quit trying to prepare it. I really hated making breakfast for myself but I would sometimes prepare Maggi in breakfast if I was very hungry. Savita aunty would come in the noon and clean the home. After cleaning was completed she would prepare the lunch for me and she would leave my home after I had lunch.She would try to talk to me but I would not respond to her as the talk would turn one sided. I mean she would start complaining about everything in her life and I would have to listen to her. So I started to avoid talking to her.
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I would then watch some TV or surf the net and I would take a nap in the afternoon. My dad usually called me in the evening everyday.We would talk for five or six minutes. He was very upset that my mom cheated on him with Raju whom he considered a good friend.He was still not in a mood to forgive her.He was seriously thinking to divorce her.He actually tried to contact her on her phone but she never answered his calls so he stopped trying to contact her.I had told him that she was living with Raju and I was living alone. He said he was planning to bring me to him but I had to wait until their divorce was finalized and he was awarded my custody by court otherwise I would have to return to India.
I was never socially active guy. I did have friends but I mostly avoided in mingling with them because I felt very awkward and uncomfortable thinking that they would ask me about my mom and all that kind of things.There was one more reason of my not socialising much. That was my health. I was nauseated all the time. So I preferred to avoid friends and live aloof.Although I missed my mom greatly I hesitated to call her. She did not call me either but she would regularly credit my account and I would withdraw money from ATM whenever I required it.I was primarily dependent on my mom for my financial needs. My dad would give me the money but he would ask a lot of questions like why I needed it, what was the need to buy something etc and I would have to show him how I spent the money so I usually avoided asking him for money. That was never a case with my mom. She would never ask for the reason.That's why I always asked her and she would give me without much questions.
I would watch TV or surf the internet almost all the time as I had nothing to do and I had lot of spare time to pass.Savita aunty would come in the evening and she would prepare the dinner for me. She would not stay at my home much in the evening and she would leave the home as soon as the dinner was ready.She would not come regularly in evening. After every two or three days she would make excuses and would not come. I would eat at outside dhaba or make Maggi whenever she did not come.I would watch TV until very late in the night and then sleep on the couch itself while watching the TV.I had stopped taking the medicines. Infact I had thrown them into dustbin. As a result I was having recurring pain in my stomach everyday.Everyday the pain would start building in the afternoon and it would become light after I take the pain killer medicine. It was my routine life until one day.
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One day when I was watching the TV in the noon as per my habit, door bell rang. I went to the door and opened it. It was Savita aunty. She had come to clean the house and prepare the food for me. There was a boy standing by her side. He had wore loose t shirt and jeans with a school bag in his right hand.
Savita aunty and the boy came inside the home. He was roaming his eyes all over the room and looking here and there like he has never been to such a home.Savita turned to him,pointed her finger to the couch and said,
“Sit on that couch lucky and study until I finish my work.”
I did not know what was happening and who was that boy . I looked meaningfully to Savita aunty. She said,
“He is my son,Laxman. He has his exams on next month and he doesn't study at our home. You know our house is very small. His dad and his little sister don't let him study. He failed in his previous exam also. So I brought him here. It is very quiet place as you live here alone baba. He will study here until I finish my work and we will go together after that.I hope you do not mind it.”
I did not like her idea of bringing that boy but I didn't say that and I said it was ok.I looked at him. He was sitting on that couch and had a book in his lap and he was staring at us and listening to our conversation. His mother told him to study well and went into the kitchen to start preparing the food.
He started reading the book as soon as she went inside the kitchen.I sat on the sofa chair opposite to him and started playing a game in my mobile.He was not reading with interest. He would stare on the floor or look here and there and then bury his face in the book. He would play with his hands and flip the pages of the book.It seemed to me that he had come to my home without his willingness as he was not looking interested in studying.I took a glance on his books and understood that he was studying in the 12th standard.
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He left my home with his mother when she had completed her work.It became routine. He would come with her, study or act like studying and would go with her.I rarely tried to talk with him. He also did not try to talk with me.
One day he told his mom that he wanted to study more and he would go to their home by himself and told her to go. After she left my home,he put aside his book and stretched his feet and sat relaxed on the couch. As usual I was playing game sitting on the sofa chair opposite to him. He looked at me and said,
“Man, what are you doing?”
“Playing game,why?”
“Nothing. You live here alone?I mean what about your dad and mom?”
I really did not like his question but answered him anyway,
“My dad lives in middle East. I mean he has a job there. And my mom and I live here.”
“I hadn't seen her yet” He asked like he suspected I was lying to him.
“No, actually my grandmother is sick. She temporarily lives with her to look after her.”
“Hmmmm.” He shook his head like he understood everything.
“You are lucky, man”
“I never get a chance to live alone. There is always someone in my house.”
“So you can do whatever you want to do man. Without anybody poking his nose in your affairs.It’s called the freedom.”
I did not know what to say to him so I just remained silent.He spoke further,
“Hey listen, do you mind if I smoke a cigarette?”
I said I did not mind. He took out a packet of cigarette and matchbox from his school bag and lit the cigarette. He started smoking it. After one or two shots he looked at me and said,
“Have you ever tried to smoke it?”
I hadn't smoke the cigarette. My mom was occasional smoker but never let me even go to close to the packet.Smoking was out of question.I said,
“No man, my mom said it's not a good thing and smoking harms the lungs.”
“Rubbish.It's a good thing actually. It's very helpful in study. Do you know why?”
I did not know so just nodded my head.He spoke,
“It helps you to stay awake in the night. So you can study well.”
I was not convinced by his explanation but I did not want to indulge in debate with him so I said it was ok.He then stretched the hand with cigarette in it towards me and said,
“Take a puff.”
But I refused. He said,
“Be a man. Nothing wrong in one puff only.”
So I took cigarette from his hand and put the butt in my mouth and inhaled the cigarette. It’s smoke hit directly on my throat and I felt hotness of it in my nose. I started coughing. Laxman giggled and said,
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“It's not done that way. Let me show you.”
Saying that he brought out another cigarette and lit it up. He put the butt between his fingers and said,
“Put the cigarette like that.”
I imitated him and he said to take the breath inside the mouth very slowly. He put the cigarette in his mouth and took the puff. He threw out the smoke from his mouth and nose and told me to do the same.
I put the butt of cigarette in my mouth and smoked it very slowly just as he did it.It was amazing. It was my first experience in smoking. I liked that. I smoked the cigarette until it was burnt completely.It was fun. My eyes started burning and my mouth felt the taste of tobacco but it was nice.
Laxman then looked at my 55 inch TV while smoking and said,
“Man you have TV like cinema screen. You must have fun while watching it.”
He exclaimed how big a penis would look in that screen.He then threw the butt of cigarette in the dust bin and said,
“Hey, you like watching movies?”
I of course liked watching movies so I said yes.He said,
“I have a friend who works in an office. He has friends who obtains latest movies, even before their release.You like to see *******?”
He took the name of a movie that was yet to be released. I was very excited also. So I said it would be great. He told me that he will bring his friend with that movie in pen drive and we would watch the movie in our TV.
He then looked towards his watch and said he was going as he was getting late. He told me that he was working part time with a catering firm to support his family and he needed to go to work.
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Next day Laxman did the same when his mom left our home after completion of the work. He took out packet of cigarette and offered it to me. I took one cigarette from it and Laxman took another. We started smoking the cigarette. Laxman broke the silence saying,
“You remember the guy I talked about yesterday?”
I shook my head so he further added,
“His name is Akhilesh. He studies with me. A classmate, you know.”
Although I was listening to him, I was not interested in his talks. I was enjoying my cigarette more. He continued speaking,
“He works part time in an office-from 3 to 7 . I talked with him about you yesterday. He is gonna come here with the movie in pen drive.”
He then fell silent and we smoked for sometime.Suddenly he spoke,
“We do not have luck like you man. We have to work whole day to earn few bucks.People like you treat us like shit and insult us”
I was feeling sympathy towards him and I also sensed anger in his voice.He again became silent and started smoking cigarette.
I heard the doorbell ring after few minutes. Laxman said he must be Akki and stood up to open the door.
He was right. A guy came inside my home following Laxman.He greeted me and Laxman introduced him to me.
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He sat next to Laxman on the couch and gave me the pen drive. I attached the pen drive to the TV and we started watching the movie together. We also smoke cigarettes while watching the movie.
Laxman and Akhilesh started talking with each other and joking. They were disturbing me but I did not say anything to them. Their conversation caught my attention when they started talking about some maal in his office. Laxman said,
“So man, what did she wear yesterday?”
Akhilesh replied,
“Tight Churidar. Man, what a maal. She was looking very sexy. I would fuck her if I get a chance.”
Laxman: “ Why don't you make friendship with her and fuck her man?”
Akhilesh:” Are you crazy? She is project manager and that is third position in our office after vice president. I even doubt she knows that some guy named Akhilesh works in her office.”
Akhilesh had finished his cigarette so he threw the butt on the floor of the room. Laxman saw that and protested. He said,
“Hey man what are you doing? What do you think it is? Your home? You pick that up and throw it in dustbin.”
Laxman actually made him pick the cigarette and throw it in dustbin.Akhilesh left at 2 30 saying he had to go to work.Laxman remained there until movie was finished and then he also left our home.
It had become the routine. Laxman would come with Savita aunty and he would stay at my home after she left. Akhilesh would come after Savita leaves and we would watch TV while smoking the cigarettes.
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One day Laxman did something different. He removed the brown coloured portion of cigarette and unrolled the white paper. He removed its contents and looked intently at Akhilesh. He then took out some green leaves from his pocket and gave it to Laxman. Laxman put the leaves on the paper and then rolled it. He lit that roll and started smoking it.Akhilesh did the same.
I was looking at them but I could not understand what they were doing. So I asked Laxman,
“Hey, what are you doing? Smoking mint?”
They started laughing. Laxman replied while smiling,
“It's the baap of mint man. It's called Marijuana.It's haven. Wanna taste it?”
And he stretched his hand with the roll to me. I did not know what Marijuana was. I was about to pick the roll from his hand but Akhilesh interrupted and said,
“Hey, relax Lucky.He is not ready yet. We will be in trouble if he speaks to anybody.”
Laxman put the roll between his lips and spoke in muffled voice,
“Don't tell anything to anybody.”
I said I will not.Laxman then turned towards Akhilesh and said,
“Dude, it's world class quality. Can you give me more?”
Akhilesh took out a polythene bag from his pocket and put it in the hand of Laxman.
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Laxman : “ How much?”
Akhilesh : “ One thousand”
Laxman inserted his hand in his pocket and took out money from it. He counted it. It was seven notes of hundred rupees. He was short of three hundred rupees. Laxman looked at my direction and said to me,
“Can you lend me three hundred rupees? I will return it to you tomorrow.”
I gave three hundred rupees to Laxman and he gave the money to Akhilesh. While counting the notes Akhilesh asked,
“I wonder what are you going to do with this much of Maju?”
Laxman : “Earn money"
Akhilesh stopped counting the notes and glanced at Laxman. Laxman smiled and said,
“Look ,you know I work with catering company. Generally we get orders of wedding reception or office parties. I am gonna sell this to rich people and make some money because they never ask for price.”
Saying this Laxman put the bag into his pocket. They both left after sometime.
Laxman returned my money on next day.I counted it and found that it was four notes of hundred rupees. I put three notes in my pocket and said,
“Take it. You gave me extra note of hundred rupees.”
Laxman started giggling and said,
“I know man. It's not extra. It's your share of profit. I mean I sold the grass for two thousand rupees. That's double.”
I was not sure whether to take it or return it but Laxman insisted that it was my share and took the note from my hand,folded it and put it in my shirt’s pocket. I was feeling weird. I mean in one sense it was my first earning.
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Laxman then frequently started asking for money. I would give him up to five thousand rupees. He would buy the thing from Akhilesh and sell it to the rich kids where his company would be serving and he would return the amount more than I would give him. He said it was my share of profit.
One day he said he had been contacted by son of well known businessman. He was throwing party for his friends and they need lot of boosters. He asked me to give him 25000 rupees and promised me that he would return the amount within three days.
I was in dilemma because withdrawing such an amount from my account will draw attention of my mom as the bank was providing her statement of that account every month.I said to him that I will answer him later.He left our home and I started thinking about how to get the money.
My dad would call me everyday. Sometimes he would insist me to video call him through skype. That day during such a video call I saw a woman just walked pass by him. It was matter of a second. I was surprised and asked him who she was. He said she was his PA and friend.
I wondered what she was doing in his house. I opened my mouth to ask about that but he spoke before I could say anything. He told me that my mom was not answering his calls. He had consulted the lawyer to seek advice for the divorce and the lawyer advised him to seek mutual divorce rather than going one way. That would be easy and less time consuming for them.
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My dad wanted to contact her to ask for her opinion but she was not picking his calls. So he asked me to go to her and convey his message to her.
As soon as the call was over, I started feeling nauseated. It was ominous sign of my stomach ache’s beginning. I had developed such a pattern since last few days. I would feel nauseated and then the pain would start building up gradually till it would reach a shooting level. It would last for half an hour after taking the pain killer medicine.I rushed to the kitchen to take the pill as my mouth started feeling watery. I felt better after taking it.
Although Savita aunty prepared lunch for me everyday, I barely took it. Mostly I would throw the lunch after she went to her home because my stomach would not digest the food and it would come out.
Laxman would come with his mom almost everyday. We would smoke cigarettes and sometimes he would smoke weeds. Akhilesh was not frequent visitor but he would visit us whenever Laxman needed something.I called it fun hours because we would joke and laugh.We would watch latest movies and smoke.
Heart జస్ట్ ఫోర్గెట్..... జస్ట్ ఎంజాయ్.... జస్ట్ రిలాక్స్ ....lucky krish Heart
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One day Laxman took out two cans of beer from his bag after his mom left our home. It was not new thing for me as Raju had a habit of drinking and I had seen my mom drinking also. Laxman opened both the cans and stretched the hand with a can to my direction. I did not know what to do so I stared at the can in his hand. He chuckled and said not to worry as it was just a beer and it did not contain much alcohol.
My hands were trembling while taking the can from his hand. I was not sure what to do and was staring at the can. Laxman stood up from his place and caught my wrist in his fist and made my hand go to my mouth. I put the can to my lips and sipped from it. Man! What a taste and what a feeling! I was feeling badass. Slowly I drank all the beer while chatting with him. I also felt better in my stomach.It was haven. It was fun. I liked the company of this guy.
Next day in the morning Savita aunty called me and informed me that she would not come to my home that day. It meant Laxman would also not come. So I decided to go to my mom’s office to convey the message of my dad.I called her and said that I wanted to discuss some important thing with her and I wanted to meet her. She told me to go to her office and meet her there.
I hired a cab and went to her office.Security guard prevented me from going in and started asking questions like my name,why I wanted to go inside, what's my purpose etc. He finally let me go in after I took my mom’s name. I told him that she was my mom and I wanted to meet her. He was very arrogant. I was irritated and wanted to punch him on his face. I went inside after he let me go.
Heart జస్ట్ ఫోర్గెట్..... జస్ట్ ఎంజాయ్.... జస్ట్ రిలాక్స్ ....lucky krish Heart
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I went to the receptionist and asked her about the cabin of my mom. She told me to wait as she was attending an important meeting. I sat on the couch and started waiting for her.After half an hour I heard some voices coming from the direction of the conference room. People were coming out from that room.I spotted her coming out talking with Prakash,her boss.
She was wearing blue saree. Her blouse was sleeveless and her hair was tied up behind her head. She had applied light coloured lipstick.
I was seeing her after long time. I wanted to go to her and hug her. I stood up from the couch. She noticed me while talking to Prakash and gestured me with her hand to remain there. She then went inside her cabin. The receptionist told me to go inside after few minutes.
I opened the the door and went inside. As soon as I was in, she came to me, leaned in front of me and hugged me. She was looking very excited.Her hugging me became tighter and tighter until I told her to relax.I also felt good.She then kissed on my forehead and told me to sit on the chair across the table. She went to her chair and settled on it. She then called for a peon to bring the water for us.
She asked me how my health was and whether I was taking the medicines regularly.I told her I was Ok.She then became quiet and stared at me for few moments like she was examining something. She said,
Heart జస్ట్ ఫోర్గెట్..... జస్ట్ ఎంజాయ్.... జస్ట్ రిలాక్స్ ....lucky krish Heart
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