A Banana Muffin Saga

Without any discussion, Tanvi stood and went to toilet and cleaned up. Once done, she did not bother to look at her husband’s direction, and prepared food for children because Sharda was on holiday – she knew the reason well! Once the kids reached, and excitement to meet their father died out after they got their respective gifts, Tanvi decided that she was missing something!
As she walked past the living room from kitchen, she found Sanjoth sitting in the couch with his laptop, typing something that she did not bothered to know.
Tanvi went straight to bedroom wardrobe, opened her drawer, pulled one of her gym wear, wore it right there, pulled her track pant and top, and turned to face her husband, who was still engaged in typing something important on his laptop.
“I am going for my run and gym!” Tanvi just updated to mid-air, not to anyone is particular and walked out.
Sanjoth just continued to stare at his voluptuous, super hot wife, walking out of the bedroom – to run! And to GYM!!
“I need to understand this new gym interest!” Sanjoth changed to his shorts and top and walked towards their gym, where he never visited since moving into the complex.

Same time at gym:

"I think Sanjoth is back home today! Khurram informed his wife who was doing her cycling exercise with the phallus looking wooden rod fixed on her seat, and below her cunt, with a large visible wetspot over her groin!
“Why are you so tensed so much Begum?” Question from Khurram fell on his wife’s ears like thunderbolt.

As he could not find any response from Safiya as he expected, he pushed further “Really Safiyaji, why are you so stressed? We have played these kind of act many times before, so why is it so different now?”

“BECAUSE, I LIKE HER! AND I ASKED YOU TO STOP THAT WRETECHED THING FROM MAKING DECISIONS INSTEAD YOUR HEAD! THAT’S WHAT IS DIFFERENT!!!” Safiya heaved while she shouted and she rested her wet groin over the head of the wooden rod.

“Ouh, so my wife has found her voice!  “Khurram paused. “So, what if you like Tanvi, you know very well how it is to live with me. I tell you what needs to be done and you follow it!”.

“Yes, of course! That’s what I have been doing since I married you! Khurramji, trust me when I say this, I can destroy all your dreams with just one phone call, you know it well!”

“Oh yes…’THAT’ phone call! I know what you can do! And, I have never stopped your from doing it…Till today!” He paused and walked to her front end to stare straight to her eyes.

“But today, I will stop you from doing it. Do you know why? I am this close from hedging my dream woman…and…’AAND’ nothing that you can do will stop me. So, I suggest to listen to your one and only husband, and follow what I told you to do! Sanjoth is back! And you know what is going to happen!!” Though his face did not looked angered, Khurram’s voice was more steely enough to make his wife’s blood go cold.
“His thing is smaller than Mr. Mehta’s!” Tanvi’s lips curled into a wicked smile as she took the second turn between her running path.

“But, next to Khurramji, Sanju’s thing is nothing less than diminutive! Even Dattu’s thing is longer!” Tanvi tried to squeeze her thighs harder to keep her cunt from hollering out between her run.

“Shit, whatever it is, he lied to me! To my face!!” Her brain whispered at all what Sanjoth told her that afternoon.

“YES-AND-YOU-WERE-A-SAINT!” Another voice roared inside her head, making her vagina to secrete more fluid out.

“Oh-God! I am not a good person…Plotting for revenge is not a good thing to do! Ooh-my-God!” Tanvi inhaled heavily and changed her course to stay away from Mr. Mehta’s house during her rounds to avoid any sort of confrontation. Each time she saw their house, shame and remorse hit her concurrently with image flashes of what she did the previous night. 

“I am no different than Sanju!” Her heart whispered with each burst of her infidelity overpowered her to stop herself from blaming her husband further. Tanvi increased the speed of her jogging as if punishing herself.


Sanjoth’s walk around the complex to reach the gym was slow. His mind continued to play lots of scenarios and was tied up planning how to move ahead with his situation that he had with Tanvi. Originally, when the office non-harmful flirting turned into sexual getaways; it was his plan with Ellina to arrange out of city one or more business trips for their passion-plays. They both were successful to hide it, till this last time. He recalled the night when Ellina prompted him about the possibility of his wife opening her legs to someone else when he away. A throbbing pain of regret hit him the next moment when he remembered succumbing to Ellina’s words and initiating his wife to open her mind for the possibility of straying from their marriage.

“Would it be alright if I go and join them in gym?” Sanjoth didn’t had any answer.

“Or would it be better to go home and wait till she returns back?” His brain failed to possible feedback.

“But, she said she would go to gym after her run, so definitely Khurram would be waiting for her there, and I have to catch them! Otherwise, she would not close that wretched mouth!” His decision making process was quick. All he wanted to do was to remove the heat from his head and shove it on his wife so that the strained situation with her would subside.

Sanjoth increased his pace and reached the floor where gym was situated. Once he entered the gym, his eyes popped out of their sockets!!! 

The scene he saw inside the gym was not what he expected!!!

"Come come...Join us!" Khurram's welcome voice was not the reason for his shock!


“WHAT THE HELLL!!!” Tanvi heard a loud shout exploding inside her head once she was inside the gym.

“Ah Tanvi Beti, you reached!” Khurram’s voice was soft.

“Hmm…yes…yes Khurramji!” She stammered and averted her face from meeting the old man’s eyes as she was still shameful from the sauna event. Surprise had no bounds one her eyes finally settled on the very dubious looking trio sweating on the gym floor. She took a quick account of the situation-

Safiyaji was stretched over the gym ball with her humongous breasts thrusted upwards!

Khurramji was kneeling at her feet with his hands clutched at her ankles, stretching her legs towards him!!

Her husband, Sanjoth, was on Safiyaji’s head side, holding her wrists, just how she held few days earlier, and his eyes shamelessly struck over her unnaturally large, pouting breasts and poking nipples of the elder woman!!!

“Why don’t you start your cycling Beti?” The heavy male voice of Khurram shook her out from the momentary trance. As she replied him with a polite smile, her brain collated the situation in more detail. 

Khurramji had a loose tee shirt and a matching boxer that concealed his muscular body, especially his main part. Safiyaji on the other hand, had another one of her sports bra that was unable to contain the full size of her breasts, a large portion of her cleavage, and breasts from both sides of her rib cage were projected out, to complete the outfit, she had a spandex short that stopped right above her knees, and with the pull that Khurram was extending, it was getting stretched upwards, and exposing her thigh meat. Sanjoth had his normal tee and shorts.

Tanvi’s face cringed when she found her husband’s front portion of the short projecting a visible erection, and his aloofness in continuing to ogle the vast skin-show of the old woman’s breasts continued despite this wife stood right in front of him.

“Ji, I am tired a bit!” Even though she said that, she moved to the nearest cycling machine and hiked up. 

“You can take my ‘ROD’ Beti!” Khurram’s statement took everyone in surprise. Especially when he stressed on ‘ROD’. As Tanvi turned towards him, she found surprise and curiosity written on her husband’s face, concern appearing on Safiyaji’s face, and playful smirk on Khurramji’s face. 

“Ji Khurramji sure!” Tanvi replied and extended her hand to take the wooden rod from the machine where Safiya worked out. While she fastened it behind her seat, her eyes continued to scan the three other humans. Once done, she climbed again to the cycling machine and started to row. This time, she ensured her toes pushed her legs higher that she ever did and thus making her ass to jerk more severe than she normally did. 

While she ensured a level of obscenity to her workout, her eyes were actually fixed over her husband’s face, reading his reactions. She was easily able to read his anger, disgust at her and pure lust addressed at the older woman. 

“Safiyaji, please turn over!” Khurram’s voice shook away the tensed situation inside the gym and everyone released the pressure they all were holding inside.

From the corner of her eyes, she found Sanjoth moving towards the leg portion of Safiya making it impossible to watch her husband’s face as he was stationed behind her cycled. Without realizing the fact, Tanvi tilted her head at Safiya’s head and was met with the steely, piercing eyes of the old man!

“You are rowing too fast Beti! Do it slowly, and make sure, you are not resting on its ‘HEAD’!” Tanvi noticed the way he muttered ‘HEAD’ and she also found its immediate reaction on Sanjoth through the mirror. His lips curled into a wince, but Tanvi also noticed his eyes were fixated on Safiya’s upturned enormous buttocks. Leaving her husband for a moment, her attention turned to her exercise, she ensured her legs moved in unison and noticed its effect on Khurram’s face. Instead of feeling shame, she felt elevation…Her wetness increased to smother her groin within no time.

“I am done Khurramji! Thank you so much Sanjoth! See you tomorrow Tanvi!” Tanvi’s musings rested when she heard Safiya bidding goodbye to everyone.

“Why don’t you also start working out Sanjoth? I could definitely use your company!” Khurram offered in a very supportive manner.

“Ji Khurramji, I just decided I would join gym from tomorrow onwards, for sure!” Sanjoth’s voice was filled with earnestness.

Though she did no turned back to check on her husband, his tone clearly indicated that he was going to be the most willing participant in their gym. She continued rowing by jerking her ass cheeks harder to release her anger through sweating out. During the routine, she lost the presence of mind to notice that both Safiya and Sanjoth left, but Khurram remained!

Tanvi failed to notice Khurram walking behind and standing at the Sauna’s threshold, watching her alluring legs covered in sweatpants, her strong calves moving up and down, her molded thighs flexing, and finally his rapt attention stuck over her bulbous yet perfectly curved buttocks!


Sanjoth’s mind continued to be groggy with multitude of thoughts as we returned to home, more than it did when he walked to the gym. Main reason was not that he actually witnessed the tension between his wife and the old man, his distraction was due to Safiya’s presence. Though he assumed the older woman to be full-bodied, he never expected her to be this large and shapely. He was unable to remove the images of her humongous breasts and thick nipples, and finally the oversized legs and ass cheeks writhing less than foot from his eyes.

As he entered his home, Sanjoth had made up his mind about his course of actions. But what he never expected was to meet his maid in a completely different light!

Despite her physical exhaustion, Sharda decided to reach Tavni’s home as she wanted to continue the connection they made previously, and she wanted to exploit and utilized it to her favor. As she was not aware of Sanjoth arriving home that day, she was totally feeling alone in the house. Due to the very same reason, she was not walking inside the house only in her bra and panty while she was doing laundry. She had lots of clothes of hers to clean along with others.

Sanjoth opened the door and stepped into living room. All he wanted to do was to run to shower and shag off using Safiya’s images as stimuli. Instead he stopped paralyzed when he saw his maid walking with wet clothes towards guest bedroom.

Sharda’s back was facing Sanjoth! A woman’s half naked back, covered with only her bra and panty!

Sanjoth’s brain somersaulted at once!! His straining penis inflamed further to enhance his carnal desire for sex!! To stray!!


“So Tanvi, Sanjoth is back home, yes?” Tanvi got terrified with sudden freight when she heard the familiar deep growl of Khurram rising from her back.

“Yes…yes Khurramji! He is back now…I think he is going to take your advice and join the gym club!” Despite her shock, she tried to cover it up with an additional statement.

“Absolutely Tanvi! We do need more to join our ‘health-freak-club’!

“Sure, I shall also tell him!”

“But Tanvi, you are not spending enough time in gym lately, why don’t you continue a bit longer today?” Khurram masked his passion to the best possible.

“Yes, I know Khurramji, maybe tomorrow. I have already run more than my normal today, feels tired already!” She sensed the change of tone from Khurram and decided to leave the gym promptly. 

“Is your shoulder hurting? Or legs?” Khurram paused, and before she could reply he continued “Do get on top of the gym ball on your stomach, I’ll give you a quick stretch and then you go home, ok!”.

“Ji…o..ok!” Her voice broke the moment her brain rationalized Khurram’s proposition. She puller herself out from the cycling machine and walked towards the round ball with extreme anxiety and a pussy that was drenched with her orgasmic fluid.

“Okay, lie over the ball and stretch yourself in straight line!” Khurram’s command was too powerful to ignore.

Without bothering to answer, Tanvi lay over it on her stomach and stretched her hands above her head and legs to make a straight line shape. She still did not turn back towards Khurram as her heart’s courage was very much low to do it. In addition, she felt not looking at him would be the best choice for what they were about to do.

“Oouh!” An audible gasp came out from Tanvi’s chest as she felt the large, powerful hands of the old man taking grip on her calves.

“Ufff!” She bit her lips to control any more noises from escaping her lips as Khurram started to knead and press her muscles from bottom and upwards. The tingle inside her vagina had turned into a fire the moment her brain registered the powerful presence of his fingers against her body. To make the matters worse, Khurram moved his hands swiftly from her calves to her thighs in no time.

“N..na!” Her voice broke as Khurram’s thumbs pressed into her inner thighs and his rest of the fingers almost up her glutes. She remembered the first time Khurram used his hands to push her up while she made the first cup of tea at his own house…The very same body heat she felt that day transpired all over her legs at this point.

Tanvi felt both his thumbs closing in towards her tight spot, nearing to her wetness!


His eyes caught a full look on her body!

Sharda’s meaty frame bounced with each of her step!

His breath got caught in his throat! 

Sharda had stopped and started to remove her bra and panty!!

His saw his maid standing in his guest bedroom, facing away from him, unaware that he was behind her, in all her naked glory!!!


Tanvi’s cunt exploded in silent bursts as the large thumb of the old man pressed deep, deeper than he ever touched her.

“Khurramji, I think I am alright now; I have to leave!” Tanvi pulled herself up and without staying to convey her thankfulness, she walked out of the gym briskly.


Sanjoth knew what he was doing was wrong. Despite his best tries to walk away from where he stood, his cock remained hard and he gulped hard to continue lusting over the naked woman from the Basti. Her curves were stark different than any woman who he had been with so far. He knew he had to take the chance as his wife was still at the gym.

“I have time!” Sanjoth took a step forward. 

“OOOH-SAHIB!” It was the exact moment when Sharda decided to turn back and pick the wet clothes. 
Their eyes met.

Sanjoth lost the ground.

Without another look at his stark naked maid, he ran to the toilet.


“Oh Sharda, you came today?” Tanvi’s surprise was genuine when she found her maid busy cooking in the kitchen.

“Ji Memsaab, I had to…” Sharda seemed to smile, instead her face expressed sorrow.

“Is everything alright Sharda?” Tanvi asked to expressed her concern, but she knew very well that her maid was alright. Only question she had was how her maid was doing all this work after the previous night’s exploits.

“Not all good Memsaab!” Sharda’s voice trembled.

“Tell me, what happened?” Tanvi walked towards her maid with each step, she recalled Sharda’s gaping cunt lips, how Abhijeet’s cock sprang out of its confines, the exchange of his semen between them!! A shiver ran past her spine as she reached next to Sharda and stared at her face. 

“Thank God! She did not recognize me!” A cold wave of relief spread inside Tanvi’s chest.

“Memsaab, I just came to ask you something”

“Tell me Sharda”

“Badi Didi has been pushing to get her payment, and I am now left with nothing in my hand.

“Oh God! Maybe I could talk to Sanju and see if he can help with some money okay?” Tanvi knew very well that Mehta’s would have paid her enough to pull the issue for some time. But wondered why her maid was telling lie to her face.

“That one memsaab, the money that I got from Mehtasaab was taken by Dattu to pay back some of his credits. So, we are poor as before.

“OH! Sharda, you were here?” The question from living room made both the women to turn back and face Sanjoth with a surprised look.

“Ji Saab, I was washing when you came!” Sharda’s lips arched to an extremely kinky way when she replied.

“Oh good good, how is our good friend Dattu Saab?” Sanjoth had to make up something to avoid the twisted look on his maid’s face.

“Let me see what I can do, okay Sharda? Now I need to shower!” With that assurance, Tanvi left to use the guest toilet.

“Ji memsaab!”


“Saab, do you want tea?” 

“Haan yes Sharda, please put one for me!”

"Saab, tea is really hot, if you can come here and take it, please..." 

With tentative steps, Sanjoth entered the kitchen. His throat was already dried up. As he found his maid slanting against the sink. She was wearing her usual uniform of loose shirt and long skirt as every other day. Instead that moment, all he found was her chunky breasts protruding as if they were about to burst out of her shirt, and hips so wide that her skirt was about to fall down.

"Saab, tea is ready...Why don't you take it yourself?" Sharda's tone was immodest, her look was skanky, her voice...was inviting!

Without even thinking where he was, what he was doing, Sanjoth grabbed her ample sized waist, without bothering for any pleasantries, he pulled her towards his body and crushed his chest against her breasts and held her passive for a moment. He tried his best not to push further against her most intimate area because he could not make a logical guess of how Sharda would respond.
Instead, it was her reaction that surprised him the most!
She wriggled inside his tightly clasped hands at first. Then he felt her hand worming itself through the tightness between their pressed bodies and dived downwards…propelled further down…
Sanjoth gasp was so loud that it filled the kitchen once her hand touched his crotch!
She gyrated with all her seductiveness holding both her breasts firm and tight against him!
The friction that her hand created over his hardened shaft was more than his body could govern. Sanjoth’s knees wobbled from the realization that his scrotum would explode the very moment!
“WHAT SHITT ARE YOU DOINGG???” An inhuman screech from the living room separated the heated couple.
[+] 4 users Like YLTS's post
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Wow! Wow! Stupendous! You resumed the story with a big BANG! Hope your mind and body is perfect to continue the journey of Tanvi further. Stage is all set to use Tanvi’s emotional and sexual desire to resume the journey to brothel with Sharda! Eroticism will be at its pick I believe.....great going....you are the master storyteller! Keep rocking!!!!
[+] 1 user Likes Mande's post
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nice update
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Great Effort. thanks..Nice updates..Still waiting for your best in Khurams Gym and Upendra's shop modelling
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(29-12-2019, 10:25 AM)Aikajulia Wrote: Excellent bro . One of the best stories I read .

Thank you so much!
Hope next year brings you happiness...
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(30-12-2019, 03:30 PM)Mande Wrote: Wow! Wow! Stupendous! You resumed the story with a big BANG! Hope your mind and body is perfect to continue the journey of Tanvi further. Stage is all set to use Tanvi’s emotional and sexual desire to resume the journey to brothel with Sharda! Eroticism will be at its pick I believe.....great going....you are the master storyteller! Keep rocking!!!!

Very much appreciate your words...
We really need to move ahead with this...Hope and wish new year brings happiness!
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(30-12-2019, 03:56 PM)ChodonBuZ MoniruL Wrote: nice update

Thank you so much....Wishing you all the very best!
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(31-12-2019, 03:06 PM)soorajnair.2011 Wrote: Great Effort. thanks..Nice updates..Still waiting for your best in Khurams Gym and Upendra's shop modelling

Thank you for following this...
Wishing you the very best for coming year...
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Without even thinking where he was, what he was doing, Sanjoth grabbed her ample sized waist, without bothering for any pleasantries, he pulled her towards his body and crushed his chest against her breasts and held her passive for a moment. He tried his best not to push further against her most intimate area because he could not make a logical guess of how Sharda would respond.

Instead, it was her reaction that surprised him the most!
She wriggled inside his tightly clasped hands at first. Then he felt her hand worming itself through the tightness between their pressed bodies and dived downwards…propelled further down…
Sanjoth gasp was so loud that it filled the kitchen once her hand touched his crotch!
She gyrated with all her seductiveness holding both her breasts firm and tight against him!
The friction that her hand created over his hardened shaft was more than his body could govern. Sanjoth’s knees wobbled from the realization that his scrotum would explode the very moment!
“WHAT SHITT ARE YOU DOINGG???” An inhuman screech from the living room separated the heated couple.

“Sharda! Leave now…” Tanvi’s voice was alarmingly cold.
“Didi…memsaab, I…I was…” Sharda stammered.
“Sharda…I told you to leave…NOW!”
“Ji…Ji memsaab” Without stayging a second more, a freightened looking Sharda ran out from their home.
“Tanvi! I am…It’s…” Sanjoth stood in the kitchen looking stupid, and failing to find words to explain any words.
“Sanju! When I told you earlier that you were lying…I was right…And now, you proved it that your interests are already somewhere else, not with your family!”
“Tanvi…It’s not like that…I was only helping her with some...thing”
“I mean…She lost the grip on tea glass, and I was just helping” Sanjoth wanted to be invisible at that moment when his wife caught him red handed with maid.
“Sanju, I am already upset with what you did during this trip…And now…THIS!” With a sob, Tanvi walked into the guest bedroom and slammed the door to his face.
Sanjoth, for a moment felt bad, instead of remorse, he felt bad – for not being able to get a chance to feel Sharda’s hand on his penis. His brain continued to reel from the luck he had since he touched down home. First his dream woman, Safiya in her most voluptous outfit, then his maid who displayed her naked body and then willingly reciprocated his intentions.
Throughout the night, his brain continued scheming…Not bothering to support or extend an excusing hand to mend with his highly upset wife. Adding her pain to her aching burn, he did not bother to talk, respond to Tanvi’s request to eat breakfast with kids, and left an hour early to office leaving the entire house vacant, empty. 
Tanvi took the entire night crying and taking the new development as a direct response to her recent wrong doings. However, by morning, her mind was tuned to wife’s, mother’s role. Being the reason, she let herself to forgive and move on. Instead, as Sanjoth continued his brooding mood, she took the morning to think and re-evaluate the situation.
By lunch time, Tanvi’s mind was still under turmoil.

She was unable to decide if she should play the subdued wife’s role or to let the fate take its toll. 

Her main worry was about the consequences that her life could face if Sanjoth decided to play hard ball.
When Sharda came in, kids were already at home and though her maid tried to open the conversation, Tanvi was already set and left home. It took almost four rounds of the entire mini-jungle track to have her brain to cool down. 
She knew, she had to come straight with Sanjoth with a confrontation – no options left!

As she checked the time, she knew Sanjoth would have reached home and decided to walk back home to get past with the dreaded talk!  
“Oh! You are still here Sharda!”
“Ji memsaab, I was preparing something for the children! And memsaab, yesterday I was…!” Her statement got cut before she could complete it.
“Sharada, I don’t want to talk about it right now. We will discuss it another day, another time ok!”
“Ji..,I am…”
“I SAID STOP!...Did Sanju reach from office?”
“Sahib came, and went to gym!”
“Ji memsaab, he asked me to prepare something for children, then he changed and left to gym”
“Okay Sharda, give it to children and let them go out to the play area, and you go with them, ok?”
“But, you just came, where are you going memsaab?”
“Sharda, don’t interfere in unwanted matters, do what you are told ok!”
“Ji memsaab!” Sharda face was fuming from inner rage as she replied. Her previous made up mind was becoming more heated with the way Tanvi was treating her.
With each step she took towards the gym, her confusion tripled. With every meter she covered, her resentment quadrupled. As she reached the gym area, something prompted her from directly barging in. Her pace slowed down and she stopped right at the window from where she had peeped into Safiya and Khurram few days earlier. 
Tanvi’s neck strained from the cautious manner she peered in.
What she found inside the gym was nothing as she expected!!!

Fifteen minutes earlier:
“Oh Sanjoth! You are alone today? Where is Tanvi?” both Safiya and Sanjoth were mutually surprised to them alone. Khurram was not in the gym, and Sanjoth had walked in alone.
“She is out for her running Safiyaji, where is Khurramji?”
“Khurramji had to go out today, I think he will be back by night”. Safiya’s answer immediately elevated the depraved end of Sanjoth’s brain.
“Safiyaji, you look great! Actually, you are in awesome shape!”
“Oh! Thank you Sanjoth, I think for a woman of my age, I am very much overweight already!”
“WHATT!!! Don’t tell me you are serious of what you just said…You are actually the most gorgeous woman I have seen so far, I never told you this before, but that is the truth”
“Nooo, I know you are making this old woman happier, Thank You so much Sanjoth!”
“Safiyaji, please change it to Sanju…!”
“Okay, then Sanju it is…Sanju!” Safiya made sure her voice lingered as she repeated his name.
“So, this cycling thing, why are you doing it in such an angle? He pointed specifically at the black rod and sat her hanging breasts from the way she slanted her head forward.
Safiya took a breath, and sat back on its seat and looked at a very earnest looking Sanjoth.
“Actually Sanju, this angle helps to get the leg muscles and upper part to be stronger and shapely!” She avoided taking the word ‘buttocks.
“Oh! You mean, butt area specifically?” Sanjoth was getting heated up.
“Hmm yes, to be precise yes!” Though a bit taken aback, Safiya smiled in an embarrassing manner which, in turn gave more leverage to Sanjoth.
“But Safiyaji, you are already a beautiful full-bodied woman” He replied with a straight gaze on her breasts. 
“Well, I am overweight Sanju…but, Thank you for such nice words to an old woman!” Safiya was flustered, and turned away her face that had burning cheeks. When she turned her head back to face him, Sanjoth found the warmth of desire, flaming in both her eyes.
“Safiyaji, please, you are NOT old, and NOT overweight. To be honest, I think, I am the one overweight for my height!” 
“What do you mean Sanju? You are in perfect health! You should take a good look again Mr. High-Fly-Officer, you are in great shape already! It’s me who is overweight to my size!”
“But Safiyaji, your weight and shape actually complement your height, you know! In my case, I am much smaller than you, but also on a chubby side!”
“Oh Sanju, common! What is your weight? Let’s check and remove this confusion now okay?” A she said, Safiya moved out from the cycle and walked towards Sanjoth.
It was then he actually noticed the large woman’s features. She had red spandex sports top which was sleeveless and he fond lot of cleavage and side meat of her breasts and as it ended above her belly button, the large, more than large navel was visible for his cock’s pleasure. Below, she had a matching red and black spandex short that was shorter than previous day; it reached till mid thigh making the bottom portion of her hairless brown legs naked, including her feet…She was following her husband’s instructions.
One she reached next to him, Sanjoth’s breath got stopped. He knew the woman was taller than him, and as she stood with her bare feet, and him wearing his sneakers, she still stood towering over him.
“OHH-FFUCKKK!” His brain yelled as his eyes feasted over the large, protruding nipples and the deep crevice of her belly button. They are nothing like his wife’s petite body…Total and Complete opposite of the women he had encountered so far.
“Come now Mr. Overweight!” Safiya brushed his body as she walked past.
Sanjoth had to follow her.
“Now check! You are only sixty-two! And you are not chubby!” She pointed to him about his wrong information “I think you are under weight for your height Sanju!”.
“Okay Safiyaji, I admit my mistake about my weight, but I am sure, you are perfectly proportioned!”
“Alright…now, I am going to step here…but, you NEVER tell anyone ok Mister!” Safiya looked down at the young man, and blushed another time as she found his eyes gawking her naked hips.
“Ji ok, deal!” Sanjoth was more than enthusiastic.
“Okay, here goes!” Safiya stepped on the weight scale and giggled hysterically…”Oooopppss! Please Sanju…don’t tell anyone…ok! Not even Khurramji!”
“Hahahahha…THAT, I can’t promise Safiyaji…I might spill!!!” Sanju’s face looked up to meet her eyes.
“Hmmm okay, then what can I do to seal this deal?” Safiya had to ask it.
“Well, try to lift me up, if you can do it, then I will not tell anyone of your weight…but if you fail, then I will tell!”
“MY GOODNESS, but why should I lift you Sanju?”
“Hmm…It will prove that your body weight and height is proportionate, otherwise I will tell the weight and confirm that you are overweight!”
“Whattt!! Okay ok, I will do it! You may now know, I used to be college weight lifting team – and was quite successful too” Safiya was already feeling heated, then with sudden change of pace in discussion, and getting closer than usual made her body boil.
“Okay then, let’s see how much you get successful when you try me!” Sanjoth’s cock was already hard and was slightly evident through the boxer that he had. Inside, he just had a normal underwear that allowed the protuberance to go visible clearly.
“Alright, stand straight now, and remove your shoes, that will add to your weight!” Safiya did few squats and slightly stretched her leg in preparation.
“Okay then!, What about tee shirt? Does that add weight?” Sanjoth tried to ridicule her statement.
“Ooh, you still think I cannot lift you, okay…in that case help me and remove the tee shirt also!” Safiya’s eyes were slightly blurry, and she felt the wetness of her pussy groin increasing tremendously.
“Here goes!” Sanjoth pulled his tee shirt up and stood straight. His penis was clearly swollen.
“Stand really straight okay, if you wobble, you will fall!” 
“Ji okay, I am ready!”
Safiya took another step and stood parallel to the young man. Within next moment, she took a squatting position and as watched, her right hand took a strong grip on his right ankle and stood up mid way, and used her left hand and gripped his neck and his shoulder muscle.
“OUUH!” A loud gasp came out from Sanjoth as he found himself flying up in the air.
Safiya stood up and picked Sanjoth on her both hands and stretched her powerful arms.
“WWWOOOOW Safiyaji!!!” Sanjoth’s cock stood straight, and angled straight out towards Safiya’s face.
Slowly, Safiya dropped his feet down and then left his neck and released him.
“Now, please don’t tell anyone okay!”
“Ji…!” before he could complete his response, his found his lips being crushed against the feminine softness o Safiya’s mouth. He found the elder woman’s eyes closed and he allowed his mouth to open further and extended his tongue to meet her incursion.
Safiya was flustered, despite all her intention to control herself from becoming pawn to her husband’s games, she found the young man’s body, his approach, and the situation playing to her favor…and she let her inhibitions take her forward. She had noticed his erection and though tried to remove her gaze away from it, she was unable to control it further. Safiya continued to close her lips over the slightly brittled moustache of the shorter man and she also felt the fire spreading through both their bodies as his hands embraced her head and pulled her mouth further against him.
Sanjoth pulled away for once ad asked “So, I am weightless to you, huh?”
“No…I mean yes…No, your weight is okay…but I can lift you!” Safiya was breathless.
Without hesitating again, he moved his head forward and kissed her again. This time, they both felt the mutual hunger doubled. Sanjoth continued to kiss her face, ears, neck, back to lips, bite her earlobes, nibble her neck, continued to kiss her lips again. Both their tongues intervened and explored each other. 
Safiya gasped into his mouth, as he pulled her massive body against his naked chest and both felt the heat of each other for the first time. 
“Yaa-khudaa, please forgive me…I am just a pawn in this game!” Safiya heard someone’s voice inside her head and at the same time wished Sanjoth to continue further. Which, he did…despite their height difference, her hands dropped through his back and cupped his ass cheek to pull his hardness against her thighs. Sanjoth felt his penis getting rammed against her thigh gap which, by itself felt like her orifice.
Within few seconds, they both sprang at each other to remove their dresses. Her top flew out along with his short and underwear dropping off and to his cock’s pleasure, Safiya removed her spandex short and stood just in her sports panty that looked like a lingerie itself…showing off her brown, sweaty, meaty body to his lascivious pleasure.
Before she could bend down to remove her panty, she felt his full weight over her body, and incredible kisses being placed over her humongous breasts. Sanjoth oscillated between both her nipples, licked, lathered his saliva all over, smashed his face into the fleshy mounds, and his hands roamed all over her large navel, fingers poked inside her belly button, and even he teased her vagina using his fingers to graze over its slickness.
Safiya’s hands gripped his head tightly as she felt animal hunger taking over her husband’s advises and directing her body to respond back as her wetness grew to an abnormal level. Sanjoth moved his mouth between her cleavage and started to move it lower, and his both hands replaced his lips over her breasts. She felt his hands kneading her plastic implanted mounds and enjoyed the tingling pleasure of his slippery lips kissing all over her large navel, licking, biting her torso meat.
Ever so slowly, Sanjoth’s lips fastened and flicked rapidly inside the large hole of her umbilical chamber, and entered to poke inside it by sucking its cavity, tickling her, smothering her and he even tried to place tingling bites over her navel.
“Oohh Sanjuuu…!” Safiya’s eyes were closed shut and rational was completely out of range to figure out her own course of action.
“Sit Safiyaji!” His whisper through the saliva coated navel was more than enough for her to follow his lead. 
Sanjoth left her breasts free and took hold of her hips and pulled her down to sit on the bench press board. 

Outside the gym:
It was exactly the moment Tanvi reached ourside and peeked in through the narrow slit of the window pane.
“OOOH-GOD!” There was her husband and her neighbor naked! Engaged in sex!!
Sanjoth was making the older woman to sit on the bench by gently nuzzling her naked body, and kissing everything where his lisp could. Safiya’s eyes were closed with slow and audible moans passing through her parted lips. His teeth found marks by biting her inner thighs, and without any prompt Safiya opened her legs giving him full access.
As she continued to watch the heated couple, she found her husband using his both hands to pull Safiya’s sports bikini panty and the old woman lying backwards and stretching her upper body on the bench and simultaneously pulling both her legs high up to help her husband to pull the last piece of cloth away from her body.
Safiya’s brain was pounding with anticipation!
Fellatio was something that Khurramji never did to her!!

Here, the young man was gifting her body with attention that she was voraciously waiting for a very long time!!!
Sanjoth removed her panty and was blessed with the sight of her waxed, sweltering cunt!
Despite that fact that he never liked to lick pussy, he fell into submission with this large woman!!
All he wanted, was to perform anything that would please the large woman, every passing moment was an attempt to satisfy her!!!
He finally reached the prized area, and his tongue darted right into her overflowing vaginal opening.
“Oooooh…yeeessssss!” Safiya’s scream was audible outside the gym as Sanjoth started licking her pleasure pit.
Tanvi was unable to figure out what her next course of action should be. Anger was the only thing that she felt and she knew she should get inside to put a stop to this craziness. Instead, her feet stayed right where she was and made her watch the couple’s debauchery. Her eyes followed the way her husband’s manhood was found hard…He actions seemed to be fanatical in pleasing her neighbor woman. She never found such vigor or energy in him even when they got married, he was always inclined to receive please, not provide!
“Yaaa khudaa…Sanjuuu…!” Safiya screamed once again when she felt her labia getting separated by his fingers. Sanjoth was acting as if his life depended on the activity that he was engaged in. The older woman’s pleasure screams ignited more passion into his brain…
His fingers pumped faster and faster, to reach the moment that Safiya’s body failed to acknowledge. Tanvi’s eyes followed her ears as Safiya’s hips started jerking on its own accord and her lungs hollering with the maximum voice while her husband continued his service using his fingers, mouth and his tongue.
“Ooooooohh Sanjjjjuuuu…uuuuufffff…stooooopp!!!” Safiya climaxed out! Her cunt lips failed to contain anything that was coming out of it. Her legs clamped over Sanjoth’s head by not letting him move. The only limb in her body that worked strenuously was her vagina…It just continued its downpour.
Though it seemed hours to the heated couple, it was only few minutes that went past when Safiya opened her legs and Sanjoth moved his face and planted sloppy kisses all over her inner thighs.
“Sanjuu…do it…do mee!!”
It was a command that he could not fail to neglect. He had to oblige! Within no time loss, Sanjoth stood up and used his hands to pull her wide spread legs to his shoulders, and he thrusted forward.
“Ufffff…Sanjuuu!!!” Safiya howled out as she felt the small sized penis entering her slimy, cheating cunt and disappearing completely inside. 
She felt content inside her vagina – for the first time in her life!
“Aaaah…aah…uuh…mmm!” Groans of pleasure filled the room once again as Sanjoth’s thrusts became faster.
“Yess…yesss…aaah!” Safiya also tried to match the same vigor and enthusiasm to replicate the young man’s actions. Despite the size of her husband’s penis, Safiya never enjoyed his penetration…Her past exploits had proven that fact to her. When she found the young man’s cock, her brain rationalized how her body could enjoy it to her favor…and it did, as she expected to. Without realization, her hips responded, and her body welcomed to accept the smaller man’s treatments on her large body.
“Uumm…mmm…I am cummminngggg!!!” Another yowl left Sanjoth’s vocal cord once his cock announced the rupture and she felt his jerks becoming random thrusts.
“Sanjuu…kiss me…!” That was the only two words that came out from an exhausted old woman.
Sanjoth moved up and forward over the bench and kissed over her willing mouth and he found her thankful reciprocation for his service immediately. 
Before he could move, Safiya gripped his ribs and pulled him up towards her chest!
His cock left its most contented sheath and his face contorted from the loss it experienced!!
In less than few seconds, Sanjoth was sitting over the large and sweaty tummy with his legs on both sides, as if he was straddling her. She pulled him once again, and the next moment, his cock was buried between her ginormous sized breasts where it disappeared completely. 
“Fuck me Sanju!” Safiya’s instruction was the last thing he wanted as his hips were already moving forward and backward through the tight hollow created between her large breasts. Within seconds, the loud groans and moans from Sanjoth filled the gym.
“Oh God…Safiyajiii…I will cummm!!!” Sanjoth yelled as he pumped and pinched her nipples.
“Sanjuu…no…no…not yet…come here…!” With that instruction, Safiya released her breasts and used both her hands to drop down through his thighs and took hold of his legs, and pulled up to her face.
“Put it into my mouth Sanju!” Safiya asked him because her hands were now clutching both his ass cheeks between his thighs. Sanjoth complied and using his right hand, dipped his cock into the wide open, waiting mouth of the old woman.
“Aaaaaah…mmm…aaah!” Sanjoth’s hips writhed and thrashed into Safiya’s mouth.
With disbelief on her eyes, Tanvi watched Safiya getting up from her horizontally lying down position on the work bench. She held Sanjoth cock inside her mouth while pushing her upper body to a seated position. While she did that, her hands that were under his thighs, made his legs to fall over both her shoulders. He was literally seated over her neck and his cock was pumping in and out through the adulterous mouth of the elder woman. His hands clutched her head for support, and she continued to push his buttocks up and down making his cock to enter and exit from her salivating mouth. 
“Oooooh…yeeeaaaah! I am cummmmminnnnggg!!!” Sanjoth cried as his balls boiled and his shaft moved with extraordinary speed inside the large woman’s mouth. 
Safiya used her hand to pull and push her body with striking speed! 
He pumped, again, his cock enlarged inside the oversized woman’s mouth!!
Safiya’s movements became blur to Sanju who was balancing on her shoulder with his chest stretched, for the release!!!
“Oooooffff…I…I amm…ccuumm…mminggg…aaaaaah!!!” His cock spewed into Safiya’s throat.
Safiya’s hands never left his buttocks, she moved him up and down…up and down…up and down…till his scrotum allowed to dribble the last drop of his semen inside her willing mouth.

“BLOOODY-HELLL!” A loud hiss came out from Tanvi’s throat as she decided to stop the couple.
“So, they are cheating us, yes?” a low, but heavy growl right behind her made Tanvi to jump from where she stood and hit her body against the giant who was standing behind her, watching his wife and the young man getting united in animalistic sex.
“Yes Tanvi, it’s me!
“Khurramji…I need to stop them!” Tanvi had nothing left in her beside sobbing.
“Beti, please…don’t go…please!” Khurram pressed both her shoulders assuringly and with a force that conveyed her that he would not allow her to move.
“But…we need to stop this madness!”
“Beti, they both have crossed their lines…there is nothing left that we can do now to recourse what they did…come, I will take you home!”
Tanvi continued weeping all the way from gym till they reached the corridor of her apartment. 
“Tanvi, come with me, relax there for some time and then return back here!” Khurram took her writs and turned to climb up to his apartment.
“No no Khurramji, I need to get inside, let me go!”
“Beti, I can guess what you are going through now, as I am also in the same situation…Come with me, I made some tea, let us drink it and you sit for a bit, then come down…Come!” His words were strong and had the desired effect. 
Tanvi climbed up with the old man leading to his apartment!
“Khurramji, thank you for this tea…I cannot understand why they did that!” Despite her best tries to remove the thoughts, her eyes still continued its downpour.
“Beti, you saw what happened there…I have also witnessed it, though…not everything…but I can guess what all they would have done there! And, I am boiling...That wretched wife of mine!!”
Tanvi jolted by hearing the words of the man, whose wife cheated with her own husband. 
“I don’t know Khuramji…I don’t understand what I should do now!” she cried uncontrollably.
“Relax Beti…you relax…finish that tea!”
“I caan’t…My husband cheated! With your wife, whom I regard with utmost respect! He cheated me!!” 
“Beti Tanvi…I don’t know what I am telling you is correct or not…but, I still have to say it!”
“Ji Khurramji, I am listening…”
“Tanvi, they both have crossed a line that should never have crossed. This does not require correction; it needs and deems retribution!”
Tanvi looked up from her tea cup as she was unable to follow what the old man said.
“It means, if we try to point their mistake, they will not listen – instead, they will continue this absurdity forever. So, what we need to do is, we should take equivalent actions by ourselves – to illustrated them what we could do!”
“I don’t understand Kurramji!”
“It means, now it is time for both of us to take the matter in hand, and respond back with equal or more stronger action so that these two will understand the depth of the mistake they have committed!” Khurram’s lips twisted and he tried his best to squeeze his hard penis that was clasped between his muscular thighs. He did not wanted to attack the young woman right then, as he knew his wife and her husband would be back shortly…He knew it was not the right time...Not Yet!
“Ji, I understand…What should we do?”
Khurram’s lips curled wickedly before answering…
[+] 5 users Like YLTS's post
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Welcome back
Bro with great updates
Waiting for basti episodes eagerly
Plz continue
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Interesting bro
[+] 1 user Likes Renjith's post
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super story plz don't leave exhib enf cmnf n mak tanvi naked outside n add 'm' characters or area or slum
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(31-12-2019, 11:41 PM)YLTS Wrote: Thank you for following this...
Wishing you the very best for coming year...

Thanks for your Replys..Sure you will also have one of the best year ahead
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(01-01-2020, 05:05 AM)Rizzi1198 Wrote: Welcome back
Bro with great updates
Waiting for basti episodes eagerly
Plz continue

Thank you so much...We shall reach there...
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(01-01-2020, 01:56 PM)Renjith Wrote: Interesting bro

Thank you so much...
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(02-01-2020, 08:57 AM)Sexual animal Wrote: super story plz don't leave exhib enf cmnf n mak tanvi naked outside n add 'm' characters or area or slum

Thank you for following this...very much appreciate your comments...
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(02-01-2020, 09:54 PM)soorajnair.2011 Wrote: Thanks for your Replys..Sure you will also have one of the best year ahead

Thank you so much!
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Tanvi climbed up with the old man leading to his apartment!

“Khurramji, thank you for this tea…I cannot understand why they did that!” Despite her best tries to remove the thoughts, her eyes still continued its downpour.
“Beti, you saw what happened there…I have also witnessed it, though…not everything…but I can guess what all they would have done there! And, I am boiling...That wretched wife of mine!!”
Tanvi jolted by hearing the words of the man, whose wife cheated with her own husband. 
“I don’t know Khuramji…I don’t understand what I should do now!” she cried uncontrollably.
“Relax Beti…you relax…finish that tea!”
“I caan’t…My husband cheated! With your wife, whom I regard with utmost respect! He cheated me!!” 
“Beti Tanvi…I don’t know what I am telling you is correct or not…but, I still have to say it!”
“Ji Khurramji, I am listening…”
“Tanvi, they both have crossed a line that should never have crossed. This does not require correction; it needs and deems retribution!”
Tanvi looked up from her tea cup as she was unable to follow what the old man said.
“It means, if we try to point their mistake, they will not listen – instead, they will continue this absurdity forever. So, what we need to do is, we should take equivalent actions by ourselves – to illustrated them what we could do!”
“I don’t understand Kurramji!”
“It means, now it is time for both of us to take the matter in hand, and respond back with equal or more stronger action so that these two will understand the depth of the mistake they have committed!” Khurram’s lips twisted and he tried his best to squeeze his hard penis that was clasped between his muscular thighs. He did not wanted to attack the young woman right then, as he knew his wife and her husband would be back shortly…He knew it was not the right time...Not Yet!
“Ji, I understand…What should we do?”
Khurram’s lips curled wickedly before he answered…


“Beti, please don’t get my words wrong in any manner…I am asking you again, because once I tell you, you will feel what stupidity this old man is blurting, okay?”
“Khurramji, I feel ruined…I don’t know about you, but I just witnessed my life getting shattered!!”
“I know, I know Beti…for the very same reason, I suggest we reply back in the same coin they placed in both our relationships!”
“I don’t understand…”
“Please hear me with an open heart okay…”
“Beti, what happened today was unfortunate for both of us. My wife and your husband did not give a damn to us…and got ahead with their dirty desires. So, if we try to reason with them at this point, they will not feel the pinch the same way how we suffered our heart aches” Khurram paused and noticed anger boiling up on Tanvi’s face overshadowing her grief.
“Ji…yes…Sanju and Safiyaji crossed that line!”
“Exactly, so what we need to do is, to give them a reply with the same force or more severe than what they did!”
“What do you mean…Khuramji?” 
“We both need to show them that we also can do what they did to us!”
“What CRAZINESS is this?? You mean, we should do the same to get back to them!!!”
“Well, if you put it bluntly, yes…But, that’s not exactly what I had in mind” 
“OH-GOD! Khurramji, you are an elder to me, and how could you…”
“Beti, I did not say that…YOU did…I am only telling you that we should do something…”
“Something? …Like what Khurramji?
“We need to show both of them that, we do not care, or rather, we don’t know what happened at gym today…okay? That’s first!” Khurram paused and watched Tanvi who was no longer crying.
“Then, once they feel that they are getting away with this, then we both show them or pretend showing them, that we both are doing something behind their back, this is second!” He paused again.
“Ahmm…okay…” Her voice no longer had conviction.
“We need to do, or at least pretend to do it when they are least expecting and when they get agitated, we strike back…and confront them red handed!”
“Hmm…I see what you are trying to say Khurramji, but repeating something that is wrong will not solve the problem…Right now, both my husband and your wife have cheated both of us…Just like you, I also don’t want to get past this easily…I need to think!” Once she got a bit of time to relax, her brain started working once again.
“You are right Tanvi, let’s leave this at this moment…But, deep inside you know what I said is the only way to deal with it…” Khurram extended his right hand and placed it on Tanvi’s left thigh, right at its mid-part and squeezed.
“Ji…Ji…Yes, I need to think more on this!” Tanvi’s body shook violently at the electrical touch of the old man. She was well aware if she spend a bit more time with him, she would actually lose her control and become pawn to follow just what he asked her to. 
“Khurramji, I am leaving now…and…I don’t know how I have to thank you for helping me in this bad situation” she shook herself up.
“Don’t worry Beti, I am with you in the same mindset, and will do whatever I can, to get past this…okay, I am with you…” He deliberately trailed his words, and moved forward to embrace the small, young woman inside his oversized hands. 
Her head smashed against his broad, hard chest and she felt comfortable immediately to stay within his protective hands. For some reason, it was not bad as she expected it to be. She remembered how she felt the comfortable heat of his body for the first time when she helped him to have his fever medicine…that day, she hugged his back and shoulders, but this time, she felt safe…and her body heated up immediately…her loins started working…in less than few seconds, she felt her knees giving away to compliment her vagina’s bawling…
“Thank you Khurramj…I will leave now!” Tanvi sprang away from his tight grip, face flushed, cunt smothered!
“Beti, take your time…but, we have only one way to deal with this madness, okay…think about it!” Khurram conveyed one more time watching her powerful thighs making her flawlessly molded ass cheeks to sway when she walked out and climbed down the stairs.
Once she reached her home, she could not find her children, and understood Sharda would have taken them out to the play area. She walked straight into her toilet and took a good, cold shower.
“No, I am not going to cry for that bastard! Yesterday, he groped the maid…that lowlife maid!!”
“He should suffer…he needs to feel the hurt that I felt…that deceitful, double minded bastard! Khurramji could be right after all, maybe if he catches me with Khurramji, just like how he had described during his phone calls, maybe that would make him open his eyes to understand he is not the only one who can do whatever he wants and get away with it!!”
Tanvi’s brain was loaded with confronting thoughts as she finished shower and prepared a tea for herself. Just before she took a sip, she heard Sanjoth’s footsteps outside their home. She waited at the kitchen threshold to meet his eyes…She wanted to see his feeling…
Sanjoth walked in and found her husband not looking at her despite the fact he saw her standing.
“Cheating bastard!” Her lips twisted as she heard her brain screaming. Still, Tanvi stood silently and found him walking straight into the master bedroom.
“Your dresses and things are in guest bedroom; you can use it from now on!” Her words came out like double edged sword slicing his heart. 
Still unable to meet her eyes, Sanjoth just nodded at her and walked to the guest bedroom. Once he locked the bedroom door, and splashed cold water to his face, he felt his heart relaxing a bit. 
He felt himself dirty…his body...all of him...so foul...unclean... 
He felt fear…fear of losing his loved ones…his kids…his wife…his life…
He felt cheated…cheated of his own values…for losing control…for falling for that large, exotic woman…for acting without any second thoughts…
When he came out of the toilet, he found his tea kept on the dining table and Tanvi talking with someone on her phone.
“Haan, sure, I shall come over okay!” Tanvi was replying to someone.
“Oh yes, let’s say around 11am. Kids are having a holiday tomorrow and will be home. Sharda would be here so that I could spend some time checking the new arrivals” She continued her conversation.
“Alright then Sylvie, see you tomorrow…Bye!” Sanjoth sipped his tea sitting next to his kids on the couch.
“Tanvi, I have to tell you something…” His voice hiccupped, but he still did not had the courage to look at her eyes.
“Yes, maybe you have…but I don’t want to listen!” Tanvi’s response felt like a slap on his face.
“Tanvi please…I need to talk with you!” 
“Okay then, you can talk tomorrow…I am going out for some purchase!” She did not bother to wait for his response, called the two kids to study, walked straight to the master bedroom and closed the door shut.

Next day morning 
“Shall I drive you?” Sanjoth’s voice was timid.
“Yes, but I have nothing to talk, neither do I want to listen nor I am interested on your explanations!” Tanvi’s answer was curt making his suspect if she knew about what he did at the gym previous day. Despite all his tries to make his wife to listen, or to talk, all his efforts went fruitless. Every minute he spent in the car with Tanvi was torture. 
To make the matter worse, Tanvi behaved as if she had no clue of whatsoever her husband was trying to do except giving directions to reach Upendra’s shop. Though she was not excited to meet Maahi again, she was desperate to see Sylvie. She wanted to get a comrade’s shoulder to release all her pent-up emotions and parallel, she was glad to have her husband accompanying, as if a block to the creepy Upendra. Once they parked the car, both went walking to the shop and found a beaming Sylvie welcoming them into the shop.
“Hi Tanvi, long time no see!” Sylvie exclaimed as she hugged her friend tight and gestured Sanjoth to take a seat at the counter longue.
“Yes, it’s been a long time Sylvie…Isn’t Maahi here?” Tanvi hugged her back, and made polite face.
“Ah…emm…both Maahiji and Upendraji are out, they should be back anytime now” they found the second sales girl in the shop replying politely.
“Come Tanvi, let me show you some of the new arrivals” Sylvie prompted her to climb upstairs.
“Sanjoth, if you have anything else to do, you can go” Tanvi spoke to her husband who was looking around the shop to figure out why exactly was his wife in this shop.
“No no, it’s alright…you go ahead, I shall wait”.
“Thank you Sanjoth sir, I shall get you something to drink!” Sylvie nodded at her coworker to engage Sanjoth.
“Just a black coffee for me please” Sanjoth updated the second sales girl as he found his wife following the hot young sales girl whose name he found as Sylvie. Despite his best tries, his eyes lingered over Sylvie’s ass cheeks more than required and his brain compared his wife’s thin, athletic features to a curvier body of the woman who was leading her upstairs.
“Ouh-Gaaaawd!” It was a simultaneous moan from both Tanvi and Sylvie as they fiercely engaged into lip-locked into a sloppy kiss once they reached the privacy of upstairs.
“I missed you sooou muccch…’sluurp’…aah…mmm!” Sylvie’s hands moved all over Tanvi and kneaded her breasts, navel, butt cheeks, thighs, and finally her hand rested over her vagina.
“Aaaaah…Sylvieee!” Just discovering her deepest wish come true, Tanvi’s cunt let out the release that she was desperately craving for.
“Eassy tiger…easy…we got lot of time!” Sylvie left her grip on Tanvi’s pussy and used the same hand to dive through her jeans and panty and finally inserted her middle finger inside the overflowing, waiting cunt.   
“Mmm…aah! Faasster Sylvie…faster…I am…I…cumm…mmingg!!!” Tanvi moaned out within minutes to her friend’s hand that was digging out all what she had stored inside for quite some time. In response, Tanvi’s hands were inside Sylvie’s tee shirt, and through her sports bra, she was pinching and pulling the two solidified buds, making Sylvie to squirm and let out her impending orgasm.
Within minutes, they both were panting and heaving from the shaking orgasms that both delivered to each other and their kissing, pecking, kneading and cajoling continued.
“Tell me, why didn’t you call me at all? I had to make some excuse to see you” Sylvie nipped at the fair ear lobe of Tanvi.
“Too many things were going on at home, I wanted to, and now Sanju is back in town. So, you don’t have new arrivals? Oh God…Thank youuu Sylvie…I also wanted to meet you.”
“He’s smart…your husband, a bit chubby here and there, but good looking guy” Sylvie had to give some complement, as she was unaware of Tanvi’s issues.
“Thank you Sylvie. But, I need to pick something…and listen, we can meet only when he is out of town, alright?”
“Sure…that is fine. But, you need to visit me here at least once a week…just give the excuse to check out new arrivals…ok. I can’t stop myself from seeing you!”
“Okay baba, ok. I will!” Tanvi’s face displayed both pleasure to see Tanvi, and sadness, the reason Sylvie could not figure out.
“Tanvi, is anything wrong?” Sylvie clutched Tanvi’s face inside both her hands.
“Nothing, all well…” 
“Tanvi, I can see your face…if anything is wrong, share with me! Trust me!”
“I trust you Sylvie…something is going on with Sanju, I think he is cheating on me”
“OUH! My goodness, I am sooo sorry…Tanvi this is not a good news, but you know I am here for you…if you are not sure about this, we can give it a bit more time to figure out okay…do not jump into conclusions without facts…Such cases turn out really ugly, if not handled correctly!” Sylvie’s tone was concerned.
“Yes, yes…I know. I just came to be made aware of this; I need to give few days more to find out more about it!” Tanvi’s eyes were blurred with tears.
“Let’s meet this weekend then, promise me you will not take any drastic actions without talking to me! Okay…promise me!” Sylvie held her friend’s body tightly to pass her courage.
“Yes, of course…Thank you Sylvie” Both the women hugged each other to relieve the pain.
“I think Maahiji is back, I can hear her voice, let’s go down!” Sylvie pulled her friend and started walking down.
“OH! HELLOU SWEET TANVI! HOW ARE YOU?” Upendra’s loud voice filled the shop as he welcomed the hot, young house wife as she climbed down.
“Hello Upendraji, how are you?” Tanvi had to pull her voice down.
“Hi Tanvi, we just met Sanjoth here!” Maahi’s melodious voice made Tanvi to jump with fear.
“Oh Hi Maahi! We did not see you both when we came!” Tanvi gestured at both Upendra and Maahi.
“We just walked in…Great guy your husband…and Sanjoth, you are lucky to have this woman!” Maahi complimented heavily.
“Thank you Maahiji!” Sanjoth smiled politely.
“Common…call me Maahi!”
“Okay, Maahi it is…” Sanjoth smiled at the older woman…however, his entire attention was focused at her tall figure. His penis jerked multiple times with anxiety of watching another large woman who seemed to be seeping with sexual energy and anguish of having his wife next to him watching over.
“So, tell me Tanvi, how is life in the complex? I can see you are going well with Khurram’s gym classes; you have developed a lot since you came first!” Upendra’s eyes lingered more than necessary over Tanvi’s full breasts through the short kurti that stopped seductively above her ass cheeks, and well shaped legs through the tight leggings she had on her.
“It’s going well, and now Sanju also joined the gym, isn’t it Sanju?” A sneer coated question left Tanvi’s mouth in reply. At the same time, she hoped Upendra would not mention their car ride in front of her husband!
“Ah yes, I just reached yesterday from the business trip” Sanjoth replied in a meek voice that was clearly noticed by Sylvie.
“Oh I forgot to ask…How did the party go after we left?” Maahi’s question shook Tanvi off guard. For a moment, she went totally unaware of what she had to reply.
“I slept off immediately after you and Hansa left Maahi. I think they were continuing, heard the music later as well!” Somehow Tanvi finished the reply and she found a big question forming in Sylvie’s eyes.
“Oh…You were also there for the launch? I was supposed to reach there and join Mehta…but got stuck with the consignment here! Anyway, I am sure you would have enjoyed, huh, Tanvi?”
“Yes, it was a great night, I wanted to stay there, you made me come back Upen!!” Maahi made a playful voice.
“Sorry for that darling…But, you know what? To make up for that night, I will host a special party for our young couple here! What do you say?” Upendra beamed at Sanjoth and Tanvi.
“Oh no no Upendraji, please do not!” Tanvi’s brain filled with horror as her eyes found how the old man was gawking her entire body.
“I didn’t know there was a party at Mehtaji’s house!” Sanjoth looked at the tall and towering old female with lust written on his face. He also recalled how much he heard about the parties being raunchier. By that time, he was least bothered about his wife and her emotional blow down.
“Oh yes, there was…in fact, it was a launch of our new product line!” Maahi replied with a knowing nod at Tanvi. 
“Maahiji, I think we are going to be late; kids would reach home now!”
“But, did you not take anything today?” Maahi looked at Sylvie with a knowing push.
“Madam, that…I mean, we checked…but…” Sylvie stammered.
“Well, I could not make up my choice yet, maybe another time!” Tanvi intervened. 
“You know what guys? I will update you with date…We shall have private viewing of the new fashion line at our home, okay!” Upendra updated as if closing the discussion.
“Upendraji, it is not at all needed!” Tanvi tried one last time to get herself out of the situation.
“Sure, you let us know, it will out pleasure to join you!” Sanjoth’s response was spontaneous, and though he replied to Upendra, his eyes never left the tall feminine figure, and he felt his cock reaching a point of bursting itself without any stimulation.
Journey back to home was as silent as they came. Though Sanjoth tried few times to initiate conversation, Tanvi remained silent. She knew well that if she replied with even one word, he would catch on it and inquire more about the Mehta’s party and that night was not what she wanted to discuss and disclose to her husband. 
Children were waiting for them as they reached home and begged them to go out. Tanvi pushed the matter to Sanjoth tactically and he had no choice other than taking his two kids to the play area in the mall. 
Once everyone was out, Tanvi felt the body getting heated up. She walked straight to her wardrobe and picked the yellow gym wear. In no time, Tanvi stood wearing the yellow sports bra that had two round patches covering her nipples, and tied at her neck and knotted with one thin horizontal strip of strap at the back. Her attention was specifically at her ass cheeks that projected out as if she was not wearing anything. The apparel had high hips inner lining, almost mimicking Baywatch bikini with another patch covering her vagina, but the back was a thong that made the apparel disappear deep into her ass crevice. 
As she turned around, her brain caught the voluptuous way her round butt cheeks bounced…as if inviting someone…Tanvi pulled her running pants and tee shirt and walked out.
Her heart thumped with each step she took...Her brain heated and failed to rationzlie if she was doing right or wrong!
She did not go for her jogging! Instead, she was walking…head fast to her destination!!
Tanvi reached the gym, opened the door and stepped inside!!!

She found him...waiting...!!!
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Aap sab keliye naye saal ki, bahut saari, mohabbat bhari, khushiyon ki shubhkamnayen...!

May you all find the courage to take the first step to pursue your dreams!!

May the circle of pride tremble and weave the radiance of humbleness in all of you!! 

Wishing everyone the very best and aspiring to have a fantastic New Year and henceforth...!!

Keep smiling!!!
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Too good
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