Adultery Mom's affair with her colleague by drubyu ( Completed)
I was thinking so on and on until I heard my name.It was Raju uncle calling me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was standing and told me that he had to leave as he had to do an important work. He asked me if I needed anything. I replied him in negative and he left.I ate fruits and stared at the clock. A nurse came to my room. She added necessary medicines’ injection to the saline water. I told her to switch on the TV but she smiled and told me that I would not need it and then left. I started to feel drowsiness and after that I slept.
I woke up in the morning and found that I was alone. I needed to pee very badly but I didn't know how to remove the drip. So I started waiting for someone to come. I waited for half an hour but nobody came in and pain became very unbearable so I took the phone and dialled my mom's number. It was busy. After few minutes I dialled another time and got busy tone. I kept dialing and dialing and in the last she picked up the phone. I told her about my problem and she asked where Raju uncle was.I replied I did not know.She told me not to worry as she would do something. After sometime a nurse came to my room to take me to washroom. I asked her how did she come to know about me. She told me that my mom had called the hospital and asked them to take care of me.
After I got relieved myself,nurse took me to the bed but she didn’t attach the drip to the needle. I ate some fruit and Raju came after one or two hours. He told me that doctor had informed him that the session was over and I was allowed to go to home. Doctor came to visit me and then instructed the nurse to take the needle out from my wrist. Man, What a pain it was ! I nearly fainted but soon it was peace and I felt like sleeping. I went home in Raju’s car.
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As soon as I reached home, I went to my room to change the clothes while Raju sat on sofa in drawing room. After changing, I decided to call my mom so I dialed her number. I told her that I was discharged from the hospital and Raju had brought me to home. She told me that she knew about it as she had called the doctor and he had informed her about me. She also told me that she had arrived from Delhi and would reach home in an hour then she told me to give the phone to Raju uncle. I went to drawing room to give it to Raju. He was reading newspaper. I handed him the phone and he talked with my mom,rather flirted with her for a while. After the call was over, I took back my phone from his hand.I was expecting him to go but he remained seated and started reading news paper again. So I went to my room and lay on bed.
After approximately one and half hour , I heard the doorbell. I went to the drawing room and I saw that Raju uncle had already opened the door and he was standing beside the open door and my mom was removing her sandals. She was wearing navy blue chiffon saree with red corner and red blouse. Her blouse was short sleeved and and it reached up to half of her upper arm.Saree was semi transparent so neckline of blouse was seen. It was looking very weird on her. It was misfit.
Raju greeted her “Good morning”. She replied “Good morning” while removing the sandals. After sandals were removed, she hugged Raju uncle. I was standing behind Raju uncle so she saw me while hugging him. She then came to me,kneeled in front of me and hugged me very tightly. It was funny. It was like ,she was seeing me after very long time. She hugged me for 5 minutes.My face was on her shoulders. I saw Raju uncle while she was hugging me. He was staring at us. I realised that actually he was staring at her. Her backside,to be exact.
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I felt anger building inside my mind but I did not say anything and broke our hug.She then kissed on my forehead, stood up and turned towards Raju.She kept her right hand on my right shoulder and thanked Raju for the support. Raju told that it was his duty as a friend.Raju asked to go but mom insisted that he should go after having tea.She told us to sit on sofa and she would prepare the tea after sometime and went to her room to bathe.
I sat on chair while Raju sat on sofa and started doing something in his phone. After few minutes, she came to drawing room wearing yellow kurti and green leggings.Her hair was watery and was tied in a bun.Raju smiled at her as soon as he saw her. It was weird smile. Mom also smiled back at him.She came to drawing room ,passed by us and went to the kitchen.
Raju was looking at her all the way until she disappeared in kitchen. When she passed through us and headed towards the kitchen I looked at her back. Her back side -from neck to waist-was wet from the water dripping from her hair. Material of her kurti was clinging to her back and it had become somewhat transparent due to wetness. I could see her bra straps. I looked at Raju from the corner of my eyes. He was looking at the same thing. She came out with a tray in her hand. There was three cups of tea in that tray. Raju and I were sitting opposite to each other. There was glass table in the middle of us. She went to Raju first and stood in front of him.He took a cup from the tray and thanked her. 
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She came towards me and I took cup from the tray.I looked at Raju.He was staring at my mom. He was such a bastard. I was angry with him. I wanted to punch on his face. I wanted to keep punching his face until his jaw was broken but I did not have strength to do so.
After I took my cup, mom took remaining cup in her hand and kept the tray on table. She then sat next to Raju uncle. Raju was sitting on left side of the sofa and my mom sat on his right side.There was some space between them. I was sitting opposite to them. We silently started sipping the tea. After some time ,mom crossed her legs in such a way that her left leg was on her right one and turned slightly towards Raju. He smiled at her and they started talking with each other while sipping tea completely ignoring me.
Mom :“Thank you”
Raju: “For what?”
Mom: “ For everything. For helping me and my son.”
Raju: “Oh come on Priya, it's ok. I need to go to office as soon as possible. It's getting really late.”
Mom : “ Why such a harry? Anything important?”
Raju: “Need to finish some work”
Mom: “ Work can be finished later”
Raju finished the tea and put empty cup on the table. He turned slightly towards my mom and kept his left hand on head rest of the sofa. He smiled at her and told,
“I must complete the work early because I have some very important work to finish tonight”
My mom looked towards me and told me if I need anything else. I felt that she was trying to change the topic. Raju sensed it also. Raju looked at her and said,
“How was your trip”
Mom: “ Not pleasurable. My dad was bedridden for a long time so it was not shock for us but my family members were sad at his death”
Raju: “ Didn’t they ask about your son?”
Mom: “ They asked but I lied . I told them that he remained there because of exams.”
Raju: “ Why didn’t you returned that evening and stayed there?”
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Mom: “ I wanted to return that evening itself and made an excuse of important meeting in office but my brother became very angry and told me that I should go after rituals are over.He emotionally blackmailed me saying that I don't love my dad so I had to stay.”
Raju: “ And that saree?”
Mom had finished the tea and put the cup on table.I had already put my cup aside and was listening to their conversation.
Mom: “It was my sister in law’s saree. I did not have plan to stay there so I didn’t take clothes with me. I had to borrow saree from my sis in law”
Raju: “ But that saree suited on you. You looked pretty in that one except one thing.”
Mom: “ What is that?’’
Raju came near to my mom and murmured something in her ears. I could not hear what he was saying.My mom put her left hand on her mouth and started laughing. She slapped on his upper arm and said,
“ You notice lots of things ,mister.”
Raju: ‘’It's not my fault. It's a human thing. Anyway, have you told your husband about him ”
Mom became serious and said,
“ Yes of course. He is his father. He is really in trouble and panicked after hearing about Amit. He was worried about his future there.”
Raju: “Dont worry. Just call him right now and say that your good friend have contacts there and he will help him.”
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She took her phone and hesitatingly called my dad. There was network problem in our drawing room and his voice could not be heard properly so she went to her bedroom while talking with him. Few minutes later ,She called my name and told me to go to her. So I went in her room. She was holding phone in her hand and gave it to me saying dad wanted to talk to me. I started talking with dad.He was really very upset. He told me not to worry as he would consult the best doctor in the world for my treatment. He asked me whether mom was taking good care of me.I told him everything was alright. We talked for almost 15 minutes and then he told me that he would call us on skype at night as he had some important work and he disconnected the phone.
I came in drawing room to give her phone but could not find them there.I went to kitchen but no one was there also. I shouted my mom’s name and saw Raju coming out from store room. Mom followed him soon. They looked like in a hurry. Raju went outside the kitchen without looking at me .Mom’s facial expression was weird.She told me that sugar was finished so Raju uncle was helping her in finding jar of sugar in store room. It was strange because it was her home and she was taking help of Raju in finding item of her kitchen and she gave an explanation without my asking her.More strange was her look. Her bindi was spread over her forehead. Her hair bun was undone and uppermost button of her kurti was broken. There was something in her hand. I could figure out that it was some cloth but could not know what exactly it was as her hand was closed.She went to drawing room and I followed her. Raju uncle told her that he must leave because it was very late. So she went to him and gently hugged him. While hugging him, she inserted the hand ,in which was something ,into his pant’s pocket and left the thing there.Raju left afterwards.
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After Raju left , mommy got herself busy in household chores. She cleaned the kitchen, put clothes in washing machine to wash etc. I watched TV for sometime and fell asleep watching tv . She woke me up to take the lunch and medicines. I hate medicines. My mouth gets bitter after taking them. I ,then ,went to my room and lay on bed and started reading a book.Mom was busy whole day in cleaning and arranging the things.She went to a super market in the afternoon and bought some grocery and other items.
While we were watching tv or rather she was watching tv serials and I merely looked at the screen after having dinner, dad called us and told my mom to be online at skype . Mom went to her room and talked with him. After some time, I also went there. He was talking something about his office and my mom’s face was looking serious.
I came to realise that he was having trouble as some persons were following him throughout all the day. He could feel that he was on the watchlist of security agency and it meant they were suspecting him. He was very uncomfortable and stressed. Mom told him that everything was going to be ok.
She told him to resign from the job and come back to India. He replied that it was not an easy thing to do because he would not find similar position and salary in new company. He told her that they needed money for my treatment also to which she agreed. Then he told her that he wanted to talk to me. I sat before the screen of laptop and talked with him for few minutes and then we logged off. I went to my room to sleep and mom went to drawing room to continue watching the tv.
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She resumed her job from next day. I had not gone to school for few days. Mom sometimes told me to go to the school but I simply refused and she didn’t insist much. When she arrived from her office that evening, she told me that my class teacher had called her and asked her reason of my not attending the school. She told me that although she had explained about me , he had asked her to meet with the principal. Mom told me that we would go to school and meet the principal next day.
It was decided that we would first go to the school and after meeting with the principal, she would drop me off the home and then would go to her office. She told me that she had informed her boss that she would come late on next day. She also brought my medical file with her.
There is a huge ground behind the main door of the school.Building is built in a semi circular fashion around the ground. Principal’s office, other offices,staff rooms,labs and library are on the ground floor and classes are situated on second and third floor.Mom parked her car near the main gate and proceeded towards the gate. I was surprised to see Raju standing beside the gate. I did not know what the hell was he doing there. I was greatly irritated looking at him.I wanted to punch him on his head.He was poking his nose in our personal life too much. Mom and Raju greeted each other and we went inside the main gate. It was recess time and ground was full of students. I spotted my classmates also. They waved their hands at me but I didn’t wanted to talk to them so I turned my face away from their direction. I feared I would have to explain to them about my absence and I did not like talking about my illness. Frankly I was fearing that they would stay away from me,they would not share their food and water with me or touch me if they knew about me. So I hurried to the principal sir’s office.
We went in after taking his permission. He is elderly and very respectable man. He offered us to sit on the chairs. Before my mom or I could say anything, Raju opened his mouth and introduced us. Sir called my class teacher to his office. After few moments he showed up with a file in his hand and asked me about my health.
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Raju didn’t give my mom any chance to speak. He started speaking with principal sir about me. He took the file from my mom’s hands and showed it to principal. I bet, sir was thinking that Raju was my dad. I did not like that but I remained silent. All the time we were sitting silently and Raju was talking with principal sir. Principal sir assured us that he would not insist me to come to school and would grant me leave till my surgery is done.My mom requested him to allow me to appear in the year end exam and he also agreed to it as a special case.
Then my class teacher took out some papers from his file and put them on the principal’s table. It was mark sheet of the last exam. They needed the sign of a parent on the acknowledgement receipt. Principal sir pushed the papers towards Raju to sign on it and Raju pushed them towards my mom. Principal sir and my class teacher looked at each other. I saw my class teacher smiling slightly. After that principal sir completely ignored Raju and did almost all the conversation with my mom. I was feeling very happy. We left the principal’s office and came outside of main gate. Raju left for the office and my mom drove me to the home.
While in the way I asked her why Raju had come to the school.She replied that she was also surprised. She told me that she had told Raju that she would visit the school and it was casual talking. She had no idea that he would show up. She told me that she was also very embarrassed by his behaviour. She went to her office after dropping me off the home.
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I did not know why but I was in very cheerful mood that day. Whole day passed without any incident. My friends called me but I did not receive their call. I also uninstalled whats app and facebook from my phone. I confined myself to me only. I was living my dream life. Watching TV, sleeping at anytime,eating, reading books, playing games in mobile and in ps, surfing net and not worrying about study at all. I didn’t worry about my future because far corner of my mind reminded me constantly that I had no future at all.
Sometimes I would have stomach aches but it would be alright after taking medicines. Next day while my mom had gone to the office and I was reading news paper, I heard doorbell ringing. It was a courier guy. Someone had sent me a parcel. I was surprised as my name was written on it. It was the first time that I received a parcel, having my name. It was strange feeling.I opened it. I found flowers and a letter in the box. It was sent from my school. All my classmates wrote message or something and signed under his/her message. It was very touching. Most amazing message was from the girl I liked. She was very beautiful and arrogant. I tried lot of times to talk to her but she never gave a damn about it. It was amazing. It was definately work of my class teacher. I was very humbled. My mom was in tears when I showed it to her in the evening. She immediately called my teacher and thanked him.
After two days my mom called me in evening that she was going to Raju’s house after leaving the office and told me to reach there as they needed to prepare for his birthday party. It was his 47th birthday and he had decided to throw a birthday party in the evening. When I reached at his home, I saw that there was two big plastic bags lying on the table.
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Mom and Raju were sitting on the sofa. Raju was smoking cigaret and mom was staring at the floor. It seemed that they had just arrived before me. She told me that the birthday party was on the next day and we needed to help Raju in arranging things as he was living alone. I told her that it was ok and asked her what should I do. She told me that we needed to clean the house first as it was messy. She told me to sweep the floor and she would clean the kitchen, doors and windows.
Then she told Raju to put the things at their right place.Mom went to the kitchen and I started sweeping the floor. It was like he had never swept the floor before. It was lot of dirt. I was tired and paused to look around me. My mom was cleaning the kitchen and Raju was talking to someone over phone. I started to sweep again. After some time I paused again and saw that she was cleaning the sofa and windows and Raju was still talking over the phone.
I was feeling angry towards him. Here was his birthday party and it was us that were working and preparing for it. He was just talking over the phone all the time. After almost all the cleaning work was done, he came to us and told us that he was inviting guests for the party. He told us that he had invited very close friends,colleagues and their spouses. Work was almost done by me and my mom and he acted as if he was helping us. We cleaned the house, arranged the things of his house properly and decorated walls with ribbons, balloons and banners.
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He did not have many chairs so he told me to go to neighbour uncle and bring the chairs from his home. I went there and brought the chairs. We arranged the table and chairs properly. We were very tired and it was getting late so he insisted that we should go to our home after having dinner. He went to the nearby restaurant and brought the food. We ate the food and left for our home. I fell asleep as soon as I lay on the bed.
Next day my mom called me from her office and told me to be ready to go to his home. She arrived at home in an hour.She had plastic bag in her hand and she went to her room as soon as she entered the house. I went to mine and took the bath and wore white casual shirt and blue denim jeans. I came to the drawing room and waited for her to come outside. She came outside after an hour. She was wearing red and black chiffon saree. Her saree was semi transparent and she has tied the saree below the belly button. Her blouse was sleeveless. It was held by a knot of the string behind her back. Blouse was deep neck. A hairpin was used to hold her hair behind her head and her hair was loose.She had applied red lipstick and light makeup.She wore sandals with strings. We went to his home and he was very amazed by looking at her.
He hugged her as soon as we reached there. We were obviously the first to reach at party. Mom inquired about the cake and food. Raju told her that he had arranged the both and she needed not to worry about anything. Guests started arriving one after another. Mom greeted the guests with Raju. She accepted the gifts on behalf of him and served drinks to the guests. She took pictures of Raju with guests.She was with Raju all the times. She was putting and taking things out of his kitchen and cup board like her own home. Soon all the guests had arrived and I was observing things standing in a corner.
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After sometime Raju told something in my mom’s ear and she disappeared in the kitchen. She came out of the kitchen holding cake in her hand.A candle was lit in the middle of it.She placed it on the centre table. Raju and everybody came around the table. He blew the candle off and cut the cake.Everyone cheered and greeted him.
He then took a piece of cake and fed it to my mom. She took little bite and then Raju gave remaining piece to me to eat. My mom bent slightly and took a large piece in her hand. She fed it to Raju. He took small bite and then mom applied the cake to his chicks and forehead. Raju and everyone started laughing. She then took out her phone and tried to take selfie but she was not getting proper pose so Raju put his hand around her waist and pulled her to his side and told her to take the selfie.She took lot of selfies and his hand was on her bare waist all the time.
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After that she went to the kitchen to serve the food to the guests. Wives of other guests also went in the kitchen to help mom.Together they served the dinner to everyone. After dinner , people started leaving the house. It was huge mess after the party was over. It was very late in the night so mom decided that we would stay there and would go home in the morning. Raju sat on the sofa and told mom to show him pics taken by her. She sat beside him and started showing pics in her phone. They would chat about guests and would laugh sometimes. They completely ignored me.
Suddenly Raju asked her about his gift. She told him that she would give him later. He told that she should be punished for not giving him birthday gift and ordered me to fetch the remaining cake from the kitchen. I stood up and brought the cake from the kitchen and placed it on a nearby table. Raju then caught both the wrists of my mom into his left hand and took large piece of cake. He smashed the cake on her face , on her neck and throat. She stood up and told him that it was cheating as she had applied it only on his face.
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She took piece of cake into her hands and tried to apply it to his neck but he resisted and didn’t let her do that. I could not sit idle so I went to the cake and took a piece in my hand and smashed it to Raju’s neck and throat. It was so sudden that they both were shocked for a moment. Then my mom bursted into laughing and showed me thumbs up sign. Raju stood up trying to catch me but I ran away from him. He took some cake and ran after me but he was not able to catch me. Finally I went to a place where my mom was standing. She was laughing and taunting Raju all the time. She then stood behind me keeping her hands on my shoulders and laughing. Raju threw the piece towards my face but I sat down quickly and it landed on my mom’s breasts. Her Saree was soiled from cake. Now it was Raju’s time to laugh. He mocked us greatly. Mom expressed anger towards Raju and went to washroom to clean her clothes. Raju came and sat on the sofa.
After five or so minutes he told me to take the chairs and return it to the neighbour and buy milk from the shop of his friend.I went to the neighbour uncle and gave him his chairs. I was feelings pressure in my stomach and needed badly to relieve myself so I decided to buy milk after attending the nature’s call.
I returned to Raju’s home and ran towards the washroom. I noticed no one was in the hall after I came out from the washroom. I went to the kitchen and it was empty. My heart started beating very fast as I have encountered such situation before.I noticed some shadow in backyard. I went to the door of backyard and stood there. It was an open area compounded by the wall. It was dark except moonlight falling on the ground. It was full moon night. I spotted my mom and Raju uncle towards the wall. I was situated in such a way that I was able to see their side bodies. My mom was faced towards the wall and her both the hands were placed on the wall.Raju was hugging her from behind.His crotch area was touching her ass.His left arm was wrapped around her waist and his palm was caressing her belly.He was playing with her navel.His right arm was wrapping her chest and his right hand was placed on her left breast. Her face was on his left shoulder and he was murmuring something in her ears.He then brought his mouth to her lips and started kissing her. I was disgusted by looking at them. I was angry. I was feeling like vomiting.
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My mind was saying me to go from that place but my legs didn’t obey me. They sticked to the ground. After few minutes he broke the kiss and mom told him that he was devil. He demanded to give him his gift that night but mom told him to be patient and that I would be at home at any moment. Raju told her that I would not be at home before an hour because he had told his friend to keep me busy for an hour. I was feeling nausea and thought I would puke at any moment so I left his home and came outside.
I went to the main highway and sat on the roadside bench looking at dogs eating something.I was very sad and I did not wanted to return. I wanted to sleep on that bench and die on that. I looked at the puppies and dogs. They were playing and cuddling. I stared at them and lost the track of time. I was startled by listening of my phone’s caller tune. I looked at it. It was my mom’s call.I did not want to talk to her so I ignored it. It kept ringing and ringing. Finally after 20 or so calls I picked the phone up.
My mom scolded me and asked me whether I was ok and told me to return home. I looked at my watch and was amazed that I had sat for almost one and half hour on that bench.I returned to his home with heavy heart. I saw Raju sitting on the sofa. My mom was not there. He asked me about the milk. Before I could say anything I heard voice of my mom telling him that it was ok and she would buy it in the morning.I looked at her. She had two cups of tea in her hands. She was not in the saree but she wore gray sweatpants and black t shirt. Her hair was tied in a bun behind her head and her makeup was gone. She gave him cup of tea and sat on sofa beside him. They chit chatted for sometime.
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She told Raju that she was very tired and wanted to sleep. Raju told us that we could use guest room on the second floor of the house.We went to the guest room.It had two separate beds and we lay on them. I could not sleep. Images of the event were flashing in my mind but I kept my eyes shut. After approximately half an hour, I heard the door open and then close.I opened my eyes and looked towards bed of my mom. It was empty. I thought she was gone to washroom but she didn’t return even after an hour. I was very disappointed and sad.I didn’t know when fell asleep.
Next day I was woken up by voice of my mom. I opened my eyes and looked at her. She smiled at me and told me that it was 8 o’clock and instructed me to freshen up real fast as we needed to go to our home. After completing morning rituals I went to have a breakfast. I went towards dining table. Raju was already having an omelette sandwich. He looked at me and gave me weird smile.I asked him where my mom was and he pointed his finger towards the kitchen .
I sat on the chair opposite to him. Soon my mom appeared from the kitchen carrying our breakfast and sat on the chair next to me. We had our breakfast and then we went to our home. She took the bath on reaching the home and then left the home to go to office.
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I was in a very bad mood all the day.I did not want to do anything. I just sat there on my bed and stared at the floor. I was thinking. I thought about my mom and wondered whether to inform my dad about her. My dad is in trouble and he is very sensitive man. He occupies very special place in my mind. I decided not to tell him anything because she will not stop meeting with Raju even if my dad knows about her. What my dad can do except worrying and being angry?
A strange feeling was forming in my mind. It was feeling of hate. I wanted to take revenge. I wanted to take revenge , not because he was having affair with my mom but I wanted to take revenge because she was cheating my dad. I was thinking too much. I was having a headache.
Suddenly I heard a doorbell. I opened the door. It was Savita aunty. She prepared lunch for me and then left. I ate lunch and took medicines. I started to watch the tv and then fell asleep. I slept on whole of the afternoon and was awaken by my mom’s voice. She had returned from the office. Day was over as per routine.
Next day was second session of chemotherapy. I was admitted into hospital for that. It really sucked. Pain was very great. My mom remained with me all the time. Soon medicines started showing its effect and I was in different state of mind. I was feeling like I am in another world. I was listening voice of her phone’s ring tone and her talking over the phone but I was not able to understand anything. Her phone was ringing and she was talking over it.
Heart జస్ట్ ఫోర్గెట్..... జస్ట్ ఎంజాయ్.... జస్ట్ రిలాక్స్ ....lucky krish Heart
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I was discharged after the session was over. I was nauseated for whole the day. My mouth was bitter and my head was heavy. I was feeling like I would puke at any time. I did not want to eat anything. I drank only water apart from medicines.
My dad called us at night and told my mom to log in to skype. We went into her bedroom and settled before the screen of laptop on her bed. Dad talked with me and asked me about my health. He motivated me saying it would be over soon.He also remarked that I was looking pale.
My mom told him that it was because of side effects of chemo. She told him that doctors had informed her about side effects of chemo that I might lose appetite and as a result weight also.I was surprised as she never talked to me about what doctors had informed her.
I looked towards her to ask a question but her eyes were teary so I remained silent. My dad was telling her that everything would be alright. Dad then informed her that when he came to his residence, he found his things were scattered in the room. Someone has entered in his house and checked his things.My mom advised him to contact the security officer and inform them about the issue.She told him that it must have been theft attempt. My dad refused her advice saying that nothing was stolen from the house. He suspected that it as security persons themselves. They were still suspecting him.
Heart జస్ట్ ఫోర్గెట్..... జస్ట్ ఎంజాయ్.... జస్ట్ రిలాక్స్ ....lucky krish Heart
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He was looking scared. My mom was also worried but told him not to worry as one of her colleagues has few friends there and she would ask him to help my dad. She then told my dad that she was offered promotion in her job. I was surprised at this and my dad was also. She told my dad that she would not accept it because it would demand more time and it would require lot of travelling also.She told him that she would be there to look after mer.My dad replied that it was ok.They talked for some time and then dad signed off. I was feeling nice after talking with dad.
Next morning , when my mom was taking bath, her phone started ringing. It was Raju’s call. I picked up the call and heard the voice of Raju-Hey sweetie. I told it was me. He said sorry and asked about my health. I told him that I was ok.He then asked where my mom was. I told him that she was having bath. He told me to inform her that he would come to our home within half an hour and they would go to office together.
I was hugely irritated but said that I would inform her. I told my mom about Raju when she came out of her room. I sat on the chair and my mom disappeared in kitchen. I heard sound of doorbell after sometime and mom went to open the door. As soon as he entered the house, he hugged her and congratulated her. She broke the hug and told him that she was not going to accept the promotion as she would be needed to look after me.
Heart జస్ట్ ఫోర్గెట్..... జస్ట్ ఎంజాయ్.... జస్ట్ రిలాక్స్ ....lucky krish Heart
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