Fantasy College Girl Gets Transformed Into A Willing Slut....
Hey Guys.....

Sorry again for the Delay..... I hope you will all understand.....

Please Enjoy the Next Update......

After a nice hard fucking session in the afternoon…. Anita and I were cosily sleeping…..

I woke up to the sound of the ringing phone….. It was Anita’s Phone…. I thought of waking her…. But then let her sleep for some more time…… Last night also because of our love session she did not get proper sleep…..
The Name on the Phone was Boss: I picked up the phone
Me: Hello….
Anita’s Boss: Hello, Is Anita There?
Me: Yes sir, She is here….. But sleeping…..
Anita’s Boss: Oh.. Ok, ask her to call me after she wakes up….
Me: Sure, I will ask her to call you back…
Anita’s Boss: By the way who are you?
Me: I am Rajeev… I live opp. to the apartment Anita lives….
Anita’s Boss: Oh…. So it’s you she is with for the past 2 days…..
Me: Yes Sir,
Anita’s Boss: Ok…. Have fun…. Bye
Me: Bye…..
I said and disconnected the phone….. I looked at Anita, She was still in deep sleep…., I got out of the bed, freshened up and started preparing Tea…….
Once Tea was ready, I saw the time was nearing 5:30 in the evening….. I started to feel sad, her boss called up so maybe she will need to leave now…..
I poured the tea in 2 cups and took them to the room…..
I shook her to wake her up…..
She slowly opened her eyes…
Anita: Hi Darling……
Me: Hello Gorgeous….…. Get up sleeping beauty, it’s already 5:30 and your boss had called up, he asked you call him back after you got up…..
Anita: Oh…. give me a min….
She said and rushed to the washroom. She freshened up and came out….. I handed her a towel, she wiped her face and sat back on the bed……
I gave her tea; she took a sip and called her boss…..
Anita: Hello Sir, Good Evening…..
Anita: Siiiirrrrr, I won’t be able to come today also…. Please sir….
Anita: Yes Sir, I am with my new boyfriend…. I can’t leave him; I will surely come to office  tomorrow morning….
Anita: Thank You Sir…. Thank You So Much…..
With a smiling face she disconnected the phone….
I gave her a big smile…. Thank You Anita…..
Anita: Why Thank You Darling….
Me: You are not leaving me tonight…..
She kept the tea cup aside and crawled towards me….. How can I leave you my new boyfriend……
Me: Hope your boss does not have any important work with you….?
Anita: My boss is in London, he will be back only next month, I still have 15 days to be with you…… May be I may have to go to office tomorrow…. May be for a day or 2 But don’t worry; I will be back with you as soon as possible….
I bent down and kissed her…..
We finished our tea and I asked her if she was hungry?
Hmm slightly, she said…..
I said I will order Pizza and some cold drinks….
She said ok…. I placed the order and lied next to her in Bed…..
Me: So You will leave me after 15 days… then we would never meet again?
Anita: Don’t worry darling, I will not leave you….. We will meet regularly and I will share you the new adventures in my life also…… Don’t worry…
Me: At least twice a week……please
Anita: Sure my love but don’t forget you promised me something….
Me: What promise….?
Anita: You don’t remember?
Me: No I can’t remember….. Except that I promised that I will not share you with anyone else….. When you are with me, only I will fuck you, I will not let anyone else fuck you when I am with you….
Anita: Love you for that my darling boyfriend….. But you promised me something else also…..
Me: I am sorry I can’t remember…. Please remind me again dear…..
Anita: A Promise that from now onwards you will not sleep alone…… when I am not there with you….. One of my friends will give you company….
Me: No… No. Anita darling, I did not promise you…. I just agreed so that you don’t stop the story midway….. Please Anita, If I cannot share with someone else, how can you share me with some else?
Anita: Don’t get sentimental….. I am the one who will decide that….. I will love to share my boyfriend…… I don’t know but I have fallen in love with you… and I can’t see you being alone anymore…..
Me: Anita, please understand… Even I love you…… I won’t comfortable with anyone else…..
Anita: Nothing doing….. Tomorrow morning before I leave I will introduce you to Gayu….. She is even more beautiful and sexy like me….. The only difference is she not so shameless like me…..
But you can make her shameless if you want…...  You will have fun with her…. If you don’t agree then I will not come back…. What say?
Me: You are putting me in a fix…. I can’t think of anyone more beautiful than you…. I want you, only you…. I can wait for you; you don’t have to worry about me… and moreover I don’t even know her….
And you know what, In the meantime, while I wait for my darling Anita, I can start writing the story you told me till now and post it…… You know how many readers would want to be part of this fantasy….. I can’t even imagine…..
Anita: Love you for that darling….. You can write the story and post it later also….. And no need to wait for me….. Tomorrow you will meet Gayu, enjoy with her and end of the day based on her report she on how she spent time with you….., I will decide whether to come back or not…
And what about knowing her…. Did you know about me before, are you not comfortable with me? No more arguments…..
Me: Hey don’t say like that, OK…. OK I agree….. No can we please get on with next part of the story……
Anita: Sure I will continue the story, but before that I have an Idea…. Why don’t you ask Gayu to narrate her story… just like you asked me….., don’t worry, she won’t be sitting nude in front of you…. But if you want you can ask her to sit nude while narrating her story……What say….?
Me: Brilliant Idea…. But will she agree to share her story, especially when she would know that I will write this story and tell the world about your wonderful adventures…..?
Anita: No Problem Darling, You are posting only the story not her pics, why would she have a problem….. Not a problem….. She won’t have a problem in you writing her story….. Go on
Me: Fine but I will reveal this before you leave tomorrow morning, so that she is comfortable….
Anita: No Problem dear, In fact Even better, you can take her in the same clothes you took me to Ajanta & Ellora Caves or even better, take her to Lonavala (Another Famous Tourist Destination Near Mumbai)….. it’s romantic as well….. I will make the bookings and all arrangements….. Make her shameless and also ask her to narrate her story….
I want you to make her shameless just like me…… You two can leave tomorrow after I leave in the morning….. You both can be there all night like you were with me….. and I will try and Join you there as soon as possible……
Me: Hmmmm….. Good Idea, but would she be comfortable?
Anita: I don’t think so, but somewhere deep within her she also wants to explore and enjoy herself like me a Swapna….. But is scared….. We’ll give it a try tomorrow…..
Me: But how can I ask her to wear such clothes….. You wore them because you like to wear such clothes… but you said she is not that shameless then how?
Anita: Oh…. She is not shameless but is very submissive…. She has got gang banged once in the bus buy 2 strangers while Ravi and Vishal watched her and once she had gone with a business client to a hotel, and there she was banged for 3 days by the client and all the staff members of the hotel…… She was not allowed to wear clothes all those 3 days…… You don’t worry; about getting her dressed…..
I will personally get her ready in those clothes and present her for my new boyfriend…..  In-fact, tomorrow morning, I will even guide your hard dick inside her pussy with my own hands before I leave….. After the secession I will get her ready and you two can leave to Ajanta & Ellora Caves or Lonavala…. We will decide tomorrow when she comes….
Saying that she kissed me…… I too kissed her back…. After smooching for a while…. We broke the kiss and I asked her to continue the story……
So in the last part you remember I came back home early that night, There were no adventures that night….. After getting hard fucked by 6 dicks….. I was too tired for any new adventures that night….. I just had dinner and went to sleep……
Next morning I woke up a little late than usual, since I slept early I had a full night sleep after a long time…..
Long time I mean had not slept like that since a week now…. so I felt I got full night sleep after a long time…..
My night adventures used to keep me awake till about 4 or 5 in the morning and I used hardly get 2 -3 hours of sleep…..
I got up and rushed into the washroom…. Took off the hairs from my pussy and trimmed my armpit hairs…. Did not shave them fully…… Took a long shower and wore my usual Salwar, Kamiz and walked out…… of course without any inners……
Mom had placed the breakfast on the table…… I sat down to eat….. I asked mom
Anita: Mom where is dad?
Mom: Dad has gone to office to finish some formalities……. He will be back by the time you are back from college…. Today evening we need to leave to the village…..
I quickly finished my breakfast…… The doorbell of our house started to ring…. Mom opened the door…..
In walked Anant…..
Anant: Good Morning Anita….
Anita: Good Morning Anant….. What brings you home so early in the morning….?
Anant: I am here to pick you up for college….
I shivered for a moment when he said that….. God knows what’s new in store for me….. I just gave a smile and continued to finish my breakfast…..
Mom: Anant, why don’t you have some breakfast with us…..?
Anant: No Thank you aunty, I am full….. May be next time…..
Mom: I am so relieved that, Anita will be going to college with you; please take care of her…..
Anant: Don’t worry aunty; I will take good care…..
I thought in my mind….. I know what kind of care he will take…. And smiled from inside…..
I quickly finished my breakfast, picked my college bag and walked out with Anant…I bid bye to mom and both Anant and I walked down the stairs…..
We sat in the car and left for college….. A few mins later, I saw that the route Anant had taken was not our college route…..
Anita: Hey Anant, Where are we going?
Anant: To College Dear……
Anita: But this is not the right route I guess…..
Anant applied brakes and said
Anant: I know dear….. But I don’t want you come to college in these clothes…..
He showed me a bag kept on the back seat and asked me wear them…..
Anita: Here…. I shrieked…..
Anant: That’s why I brought you here…… Look around, this place is deserted….. There is hardly any traffic….. Go on change quickly…..
Anita: You have dirtier ideas than your dad…..
Anant: Wait for him to come back…. You will get to know how dirty he is…..
And started laughing….. I also laughed along with him…
I opened the packet and was stunned……
The top was a plain white shirt, Sleeveless and definitely low neck….. Along with that was a blue coloured skirt…..
The skirt looked more like a man’s underwear….. It was so small….. (I learnt later, they are called Micro Mini Skirts…..)
I wondered… why such a dress was designed even…. Instead of wearing this, the girl could remain nude from bellow….. What will this cover anyways ….
I took the clothes in my hand and asked….
Anita: Why do you want me to wear this? You could very well take me in nude….. Why even this dress?
Anant: Well if I had a choice, I would have taken you to college completely nude…. this is the Principle’s choice….. He dropped this package to my house last night…. He told me make you wear this dress and bring you to his office….. Then go to class…
Anita: Oh my….. Principle wants me to wear this in college….. Did he tell you anything about fucking me?
Anant: Who on earth will not want to fuck a hot slut like you…… especially after you have worn this dress….. I already imagined how you will look in this dress…..
I thought…. If my first appearance in college is like this, then no wonder very soon I will be seen walking all nude in college …..
Anant snapped his fingers and brought me back to my senses…..
Anant: Go on darling, wear this, we are getting late to college….
I thought and asked myself do I have a choice? No came the reply….. What else would I have done….
I was about to remove my dress…. Anant stopped me…. He opened the car door, walked out and came towards me and opened the door on my end…..
Come out he said….
My eyes grew big with shock….. Do you want me change the dress outside the car….? I asked….
Anant: It will be easy for you to strip and change….. It will be quick, inside the car it would be difficult, and moreover see the road is completely empty….
I gave up my resistance and walked out of the car…. I kept the new clothes on the bonnet of the car and stripped of all my clothes…. I had worn only 2 pieces of clothes anyways….
I picked up the shirt and wore it…. The shirt was made of very thin material….. Without a bra it looked like I am fully topless…..
Then picked up the skirt and wore it too….. As expected, the skirt did nothing to either cover my pussy or my ass…..
Anant was hungrily staring me…. His looks made me shiver slightly…. All these days, my slutty activities were on a different level, from now onwards it would be on even higher levels…..
I was red with shame when I looked myself in the dress I had worn…. In 4 years of my college life, I had not shown even the slightest skin in college… but a couple of days back, I happily stripped myself before the canteen waiter….. Walked all nude with Anant till the parking lot…. But this was heights,
Till yesterday, only some people in college knew about my slutty adventures…. From today…..
The whole college would be seeing my new transformed image and very soon everyone will get to know what a slut I have become….. While I imagined all this, my stupid pussy started to get wet….
I finished wearing the dress and was about to sit back in the car….. Anant gave me a lipstick….. Apply this; you look even stunning……
Was this also given by the principle I asked…..?
Anant: No this is my gift to you….
Anant turned on the camera of his phone and showed it to me…..
I opened the cap and swirled the lipstick…. It was a nice shade of pink…..
I applied the lipstick and looked at myself…. If I had worn a simple dress I would have looked cute but with this dress I was hotter than the hottest slut any man could urge for…..
What happened in college next, I will tell you in the Next Update…..
Till then, keep your dicks hard and girls; keep your pussies wet….. Enjoy….. And please share your comments.....
While you wait for the new updates, you could read and enjoy other stories I am writing......
Jaya - A Lonely Wife's Adventures
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RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by bobby - 03-05-2021, 04:39 AM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by drlund - 03-05-2021, 10:17 AM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by blackdesk65 - 04-05-2021, 01:16 AM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by pedapandu - 05-05-2021, 05:38 PM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by Sindhu - 06-05-2021, 12:14 AM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by bobby - 06-05-2021, 12:52 AM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by pedapandu - 06-05-2021, 03:26 PM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by Sindhu - 06-05-2021, 08:09 PM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by blackdesk - 09-05-2021, 04:42 PM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by sexyfox - 11-05-2021, 05:08 PM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by blackdesk65 - 12-05-2021, 01:29 AM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by sexyfox - 12-05-2021, 07:27 PM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by Redbull_69 - 13-05-2021, 11:38 AM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by Jolly rider - 13-05-2021, 10:17 PM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by revathi47 - 14-05-2021, 09:23 AM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by revathi47 - 14-05-2021, 03:46 PM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by blackdesk - 17-05-2021, 09:11 PM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by blackdesk - 17-05-2021, 09:11 PM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by revathi47 - 19-05-2021, 08:09 PM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by Viswan - 27-05-2021, 03:53 AM
RE: College Girl to Slut........ - by unknownxx2 - 29-05-2021, 12:34 PM
RE: College Girl Gets Transformed Into A Willing Slut.... - by badri.rao2006 - 05-02-2022, 03:36 PM

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