Misc. Erotica Owned Teacher (A BDSM Story) -- COMPLETED

 Mrs. Mary Clark sat at her desk checking the senior English compositions her
 class had turned in today. While school had been dismissed about twenty minutes
 ago she was in no hurry to get home. Her husband was off on yet another business
 trip and her daughter, Amy, was attending a camp retreat for the weekend.
 Mary had been married to Bill for fourteen years. Since he got his last promotion
 he has been required to go on extended business trips. The longest was two months
 and this trip could well be longer. Amy had just had her thirteenth birthday
 and with all her involvement in activities at school and church she was rarely
 home. So Mary had quite a bit of free time and had no pressing commitments.
 She planned to finish up these papers and head to the gym for her daily workout
 on the way home. At Thirty-five she worked very hard to keep in shape. At 5'7"
 and 120# she was proud of her body, no sagging, firm legs and tight tummy to
 go with her firm 35 inch bust.
 Mary was startled out her daydream by a knock at her classroom door. Looking
 up she saw Lisa Simon, one of her senior honor's English students. Lisa was
 a very bright student. At eighteen she had a well developed body and a rather
 arrogant attitude. She was sort of a loner and despite her beauty she didn't
 have a boyfriend or any friends for that matter.
 "Come in Lisa. I haven't finished grading the compositions yet."
 "That's not why I'm here Mrs. C. I have something I want to show you."
 "Sure . What do you have?"
 Lisa reached into her bag and took out an old magazine. Mary's heart stopped
 as she immediately recognized the magazine. It was "Hustler" June, 82. She had
 always hoped that no one would discover her old secret.

[Image: 21df42fbc70c0a2ee0ce04fca4933b2f.jpg]

 Lisa flipped open the magazine and there all over a four page spread was her
 senior English teacher showing all her well put together charms. Mary had posed
 in college for some very much needed money and had hoped that they would remain
 in her past. 

[Image: hustler-usa-june-1982-3.jpg]

"I was cleaning out an old trunk of my dad's in the attic and look
 at what I found."
 Mary tried to gather her wits and replied, "That was a long time ago Lisa and
 I am not proud of it but at the time I was desperate for money to finish college.
 Let me have that so I can throw it away and keep it in my past."
 Lisa pulled back the magazine. "I don't think so Mrs. C. We need to have a little
 talk. Close the door."
 Mary got up and closed the door, anxious to get this taken care of as soon as
 possible. "Lock it"., Lisa said as she took Mrs. C. seat behind her desk.
 As soon as the door was closed and locked Mary turned and seeing Lisa in her
 chair moved to a desk in the first row of student seats. She saw a look on Lisa's
 face that was not at all encouraging.
 " Stand in front of the desk Mrs. C."
 "I'll just sit here Lisa" moving to the first desk.
 "I said stand in front of the desk" Lisa said in a very firm tone.
 Mary moved to stand in front of the student sitting behind her desk and holding
 all the cards. This was not a comfortable situation at all for the teacher.
 "Do you like teaching here?"
 "Yes Lisa I like teaching here very much"
 "Does your husband know about these pictures?"
 "Would you like Amy to see these?" said Lisa holding up the pictures.
 "No" Mary answered as she began to shake realizing she was in a very vulnerable
 "Well Mrs. C. I've just outlined three reasons why you should carefully consider
 what I am about to offer you. From this moment until I say otherwise you will
 do everything, and I mean everything, I tell you to do. If you refuse or do
 not obey my every command guess what? No job, no hubby and one very humiliated
 "What do you want Lisa?" asked Mary with a trembling voice.
 "You" replied Lisa calmly. "I want to own you. I want you to obey everything
 and anything I tell you immediately without question. If you refuse at any time
 or do not please me, the magazine will be distributed all over the school and
 copies sent to your husband and his bosses. If you do agree we will keep this
 our secret."
 Mary's knees became weak. She couldn't allow those pictures to be made public.
 She thought those were behind her. She hadn't even thought about them for a
 long time. What was she going to do?
 "Am I making myself clear Mrs. C."
 "I don't understand" whispered Mary, hoping to find a way out of this situation.
 "I'm your teacher, you can't treat me this way."
 "It is very simple Mrs. C. If you don't do everything I tell you, you won't
 be anybody's teacher, wife or mother. Understand Mrs. C."
 "And how long does this blackmail last?"
 "As long as I want it to Mrs. C. Enough talk. Stand up straight Mrs. C. Hands
 at your side. Look straight ahead and don't move. Don't say anything." ordered
 Not knowing what else to do and not wanting to anger her demanding student,
 Mary stood at attention.
 Lisa moved around the desk and slowly circled the trembling teacher. Man this
 is going to be some senior year, she thought. "You understand to refuse me anything
 and you are ruined", Lisa said as she stared into her English teacher's teary
 "Yes Lisa." She didn't know what else to do. She was trapped by her past and
 couldn't ruin her future. A tear slowly rolled down her cheek.
 "Ms. Simon to you"
 "Yes Ms. Simon I understand."
 Lisa moved back behind the teacher desk sitting in the teacher's chair. "Unbutton
 your blouse Mrs. C."
 Mary hesitated. "Please don't do this Lisa," she pleaded.
 Jumping up Lisa came around the desk and slapped her teacher hard on the cheek.
 "Ms. Simon bitch. DO it NOW"
 Mary was frozen in her spot. She couldn't move.
 "Ok, the pictures will be distributed to everyone by Monday" Lisa turned and
 headed for the door.
 "Wait" shouted Mary.
 Lisa paused and turned to face the frightened teacher. "Yes".
 "Please Lisa don't do this. I'll give you money. Please." begged the sobbing
 "Good bye Mrs. C." said Lisa as she calmly turned to the door.
 "Please Lisa, Ms. Simon, I'll do it. Please don't leave." screamed the panicked
 Lisa stopped at the door and turned to face the beaten teacher. "Well?"
 Mary's hands moved to the buttons on her blouse. Slowly she began unbuttoning
 her blouse from the neck down. Her face was red and tear streaked.
 "Take it off" demanded Lisa as she moved back to the desk.
 Mary removed her blouse and placed it on the desk. She stood before her student
 with her blouse off wondering how far this would go.
 "Now the bra Mrs. C."
 Mary reached behind her back and opened the clasp on her bra. She allowed the
 straps to slowly slide down her arms as her firm 35c breasts came into view.
 As she moved to place the bra on the desk with her blouse Lisa told her "Put
 it in the garbage you won't be needing it anymore."
 Naked to the waist the cowering teacher stood before her student. She was beyond
 further embarrassment. How did she let herself get in this position? Why had
 I posed for those pictures in college?
 "Now Mrs. C. I want your skirt on the desk"
 Without thinking Mary opened her skirt and slid it down her legs. She stepped
 out of it and placed in on the desk next to her blouse.
 "Well Mrs. C. I see we are going to have to improve your undergarment selection.
 Get those ugly panties and pantyhose off this instant."
 Stung by the harsh words of her student Mary removed her panties and pantyhose.
 "In the garbage."
 The once demanding senior English teacher now stood naked in her classroom before
 her 18 year old student. She saw no way out of this situation. What will be
 next she wondered?"
 "Back at attention Mrs. C. Hands at your sides." Lisa came around the desk in
 front of the frightened teacher. She reaches out and pinches the teacher's nipples.
 "Kind of stiff Mrs. C. Do you like this?"
 Mary remained silent. She felt some excitement at this treatment but she could
 never admit it.
 Lisa pinched harder on her swollen nipples until Mrs. C. groaned, "Answer me
 Mrs. C."
 "No I don't like this." Mary lied. Well she didn't like it but she was unexplainable
 excited by it.
 Lisa abruptly released Mrs. C.'s nipples. "I think you are lying to me and you
 will be punished for that. I understand from Amy that your husband is out of
 town and I know she left for a camp retreat after school so I have you all to
 myself this weekend."
 A shiver went through Mary as Lisa's word sank into her numb brain.
 "I will be spending the weekend at your house Mrs. C. By Monday you should fully
 understand my requirements. Put your skirt, blouse and shoes on Mrs. C. Leave
 the top two buttons open on your blouse."
 Mary almost felt more naked dress this way. Her breasts while firm still moved
 under her thin blouse. Her nipples threatened to poke twin holes in the material.
 She had never been out of her house without panties and the air moving over
 her damp pussy made her feel very naked.
 "Let's go to your place Mrs. C. Leave the panties, bra and pantyhose in the
 trash for Bubba the janitor. Bring your paddle home with you."
 Mary had never used the paddle but she kept one. It was two feet long made of
 shiny hard wood.
 The two moved to the door to begin their adventure.

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 When Lisa got to the door she turned and told Mary, "Follow two steps behind
 and act normal."
 How could she act normal. Her nipples were rubbing on her blouse with every
 step, her pussy was bare under her skirt and much to her dismay, becoming more
 moist by the minute. With the buttons open as Lisa had ordered she was showing
 more cleavage than she felt was acceptable. "Yes Ms. Simon," she replied.
 Lisa opened the door and lead the defeated teacher through the halls of the
 school into the parking lot. Mrs. C.'s car was parked in the middle of the now
 almost empty lot. "Give me the keys," demanded Lisa.
 Lisa climbed behind the wheel and Mary got into the passenger side. "Slide your
 skirt up Mrs. C."
 Mary slide her skirt up to mid thigh.
 Mary slide her skirt higher so that it barely covered her very moist pussy.
 Lisa started the car and began driving toward Mrs. C.'s house about 20 minutes
 away. "We have to make one stop at Walmart on the way home"
 Mary heart sank as she prayed Lisa would not make her go into the store with
 her breasts free and pussy bare.
 "Tell me Mrs. C., what sort of sex toys do you have at home?"
 Mary couldn't believe her student had asked her this. "I have a vibrator Ms.
 "Anything else?"
 "That's all Ms. Simon."
 Lisa pulled the car into the Walmart parking lot. This was a super Walmart with
 a grocery store as well as the department store. "Lets go Mrs. C. we have some
 shopping to do. Remember two steps behind."
 Mary slide her skirt down her legs and climbed out of the car. The air was chilly
 which added to the hardening of her nipples. Lisa didn't allow her to put on
 her jacket. She moved quickly to follow the young athletic student across the
 " Do you have cash or credit cards with you Mrs. C.?"
 "Yes Lisa, I have both."
 Lisa stopped in her tracks and turned to the teacher. "What did you call me?"
 "Li...I'm sorry Ms. Simon."
 "Open another button."
 "Please Ms. Simon. I'm sorry."
 "Do you want it to be two more buttons?"
 "No!" answered Mary as she opened the third button on her blouse. If she moved
 too quickly she knew she would expose her bare breast. She knew she would have
 to move carefully.
 "Get a cart Mrs. C." ordered Lisa as they entered the store.
 Mary did as ordered and followed Lisa through the store to the pet department.
 "Lets get a collar for my new pet. Try this one on," said Lisa handing Mary
 a white dog collar with rhinestones on it.
 "Mrs. C. I do not like to repeat myself. If you don't want to do what I tell
 you, you can go home and I will see that the pictures are distributed by Monday.
 Now try on the collar."
 Looking around Mary quickly placed the collar around her neck. "It fits Ms.
 "Lets be sure...buckle it."
 Mary buckled the collar around her neck. It did fit.
 "Now a leash said Lisa. Reach up and get the red one Mrs. C."
 Mary reached up to remove the collar before anyone saw her.
 Lisa smacked her hands. "Leave it on."
 Mary reached up with her stinging hand to get the leash. She realized stretching
 up made her bare breasts pop out of her opened blouse. Reaching down with one
 hand and closing her blouse while reaching up for the leash got her another
 smack on the hand. "Do not touch that blouse Mrs. C."
 Lisa clipped the leash to the white collar. "Looks very nice. Put them in the
 basket." said Lisa as she moved off.
 Mary struggled to get the collar off and follow Lisa without anyone seeing her
 and without Lisa getting angry because she was too far behind.
 Lisa moved to the hardware department and placed two, 4 foot long 1" dowel rods
 into the cart along with a package of eye screws and fifty feet of clothes line.
 Then to the grocery section where Lisa placed three cucumbers, a bag of carrots,
 a container of chili powder and a box of popsicle into the cart.
 Mary was getting more and more nervous as she looked over the contents of the
 "One more stop" said Lisa as she moved off to the housewares section. Here she
 placed a package of clothes pins in the cart along with four 12" taper candles
 and two large chip bag clamps.
 "I'll meet you at the car," said Lisa leaving Mary standing there. "Don't be
 Mary went to the check out. While all of the items individually were innocent,
 Mary was very embarrassed because she knew they were all to be used in some
 way on her. She was also very aware of the display she was making with her blouse
 open as it was. She paid with a red face, unbelievably soaked pussy and swollen
 Mary put the items in the trunk and climbed into the car. "Skirt." said Lisa.
 Mary quickly slide her skirt up to barely below her pussy as before.
 "Lets stop for dinner," said Lisa. "What are you hungry for?"
 "I'm not hungry."
 Slap. "Ms. Simon!!!!!!!"
 "Ow..... Sorry Ms. Simon."
 "Slide your skirt up further. You must understand you will lose something every
 time you fail to please me. And of course you know what happens if you totally
 refuse to obey." Lisa drove out of the parking lot as Mary slide her skirt up
 higher so that her pussy was exposed. Her face was beet red. She felt like a
 child being punished for being bad.
 Mary rode in silence as Lisa drove toward her house. She knew she was lost but
 she had no other choice. She began to panic as Lisa pulled into Wendy's drive
 through line.
 "Don't touch that skirt Mrs. C. What do you want to eat?"
 "Nothing Ms. Simon."
 The humiliated teacher shrank into her seat as Lisa ordered a chicken sandwich,
 fries, and two chocolate frostys. When they got to the window to pay Lisa reached
 her hand to Mrs. C. for money. Mrs. C. quickly dug in her purse and handed Lisa
 money hoping they didn't recognize her. Since it was getting dark the clerk
 really couldn't see anything but Mary almost died when she said, "Hi Mrs. Clark."
 The clerk knew the car.
 "Hi", responded Mary as she wanted to crawl under the seat.
 Lisa pulled into the lot and parked in a dark corner and began to eat her sandwich.
 "Open your blouse all the way Mrs. C."
 With slight hesitation the Mary opened her blouse and exposed her bare breasts.
 "While I eat my dinner I want you to entertain me by coating your breasts with
 this chocolate frosty. Be careful not to get any on your beautiful blouse."
 The humiliated teacher sat in the Wendy's parking lot, Blouse open and breasts
 bared with her senior English student and rubbed the ice cold chocolate frosty
 all over her breasts. Mary wanted to please the teen because she had demonstrated
 her progressive discipline plan. The freezing milkshake caused her nipples to
 harden to the point of being painful."Put some on your pussy too."
 The teachers fingers dipped into the frosty and she smeared it all over her
 pussy. "Inside too Mrs. C."
 Her breath began to come in short gasps as the cold frosty stimulated her hot
 pussy. Her fingers had a mind of their own. This went on for fifteen minutes
 while Lisa calmly ate her dinner and the teacher played with herself and became
 hotter and hotter much to her dismay.
 Just as she was approaching her peak thankfully Lisa told her to stop and lick
 her fingers clean. "Don't touch anything" ordered Lisa as she started the car.
 Mary sat there bare to the waist with her pussy now clearly visible and everything
 was sticky. She was sucking her fingers clean as ordered by her student. The
 taste of pussy and chocolate frosty almost made her throw-up. She was thankful
 she was had not orgasmed in front of her student in such a humiliating way but
 she had a fire in her pussy that wanted to be satisfied.
 They turned up into Mary's driveway. Her house was set back from the road on
 a secluded lot. The back yard was surrounded by a high wooden fence and there
 was little traffic on the road.
 Parking in front of the garage Lisa said, " Bring in the stuff and meet me in
 the bathroom Mrs. C. You're a mess.

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 Lisa got out of the car and went into the teacher's house leaving the humiliated
 teacher in the car with her blouse open and skirt around her waist covered in
 sticky dried chocolate frosty.
 Lisa had warned her not to get any chocolate on her clothes so she couldn't
 cover herself. Lisa was already in the house waiting for her. Looking around
 Mary knew she could make it to the porch without being seen unless someone happened
 to be driving down the road. She quickly opened the car door and with her bare
 ass showing and her blouse flapping she ran to the front door. LOCKED!!
 Mary began ringing the door bell and pounding on the door. As a cool breeze
 caresses her totally exposed private parts she was become more and more frantic
 as she pounded on the door. "Please Ms. Simon let me in."
 Lisa stood behind the locked door watching the frantic teacher pound on the
 door and beg to be allowed into her own house. She had another surprise for
 the teacher when she finally opened the door after allowing her to beg for about
 five minutes.
 Lisa opened the door and quickly flashed a picture of the frantic teacher. FLASH
 "Where are the packages Mrs. C.? Go get them and use the back door." ordered
 Lisa slamming the door in the shocked teachers face.
 Damn thought Mary as she ran back to the car knowing she had been lucky no one
 had driven by so far. Quickly gathering the packages and her paddle from school
 Mary ran to the back gate. As she fumbled with the latch on the gate with her
 arms filled with packages she heard the sound of an approaching vehicle. Just
 as she got the gate open a pickup truck appeared traveling down the road. Mary
 quickly ducked behind the fence hoping no one had seen her.
 When she reached the back door it was open and she went in finding Lisa standing
 in her kitchen. "Lisa I don't want any pictures."
 SLAP. "How many times must I tell you to call your superiors by their proper
 name. And I don't care what you want," responded Lisa. "Now take everything
 up to your bedroom and meet me in the bathroom. Hurry."
 Mary quickly climbed the stair to her bedroom. She left everything on the bed
 and headed to the bathroom. When she entered the bathroom and found Lisa sitting
 near the double sinks. The shower was running and the bathroom was warm and
 "Take off your clothes Mrs.. C and take a quick shower. Leave the door open."
 Mary slipped off her blouse and skirt and stepped out of her shoes. She stepped
 into the warm stinging shower. Picking up the soap Mary began to wash the sticky
 mess from her body.
 "Soap your breast more Mrs. C." ordered Lisa.
 Mary blushed as her hands moved to her breasts and massaged more soap into her
 soft skin. FLASH
 " Now Mrs. C. be sure to get all the mess out of your pussy"
 Mary's hands slid down and soaped her pubic area. She worked her fingers into
 her pussy to be sure she got everything out. FLASH An electric shock went through
 her body as her finger brushed her clit. What is wrong with me she thought as
 she quickly pulled her fingers away.
 With a knowing smile Lisa ordered her teacher to turn off the shower and step
 out. "Sit up here on the counter Mrs. C."
 Mary climbed up on to the counter wondering what next?
 "Spread your legs as wide as you can Mrs. C. "
 Mary was shocked but moved her legs open slightly.
 "Mrs. C. I said as wide as you can do you want me to get your paddle?"
 Mary reluctantly spread her legs wide apart.
 "Hold that pose Mrs. C." FLASH
 Lisa pulled her chair between her teacher wide spread legs. She reached for
 a razor and shaving cream which Mary had not noticed.
 "Please Ms. Simon don't do this to me." begged the teacher. "This is evil."
 "Shut up Mrs. C." said Lisa as she covered her luscious pubs with shaving cream.
 The touch made her jump. Mary had never been touched there by another woman
 and the touch was so much different than her husband's groping.
 Lisa worked the shaving cream into the thick bush.
 Mary felt her nipple stiffen and a very warm feeling flowed through her body
 as Lisa slowly and carefully slid the razor through her womanly hair. Over and
 over the razor moved over her pussy. Lisa was touching and pulling her teachers
 pussy as she shaved it entirely bare. When all the hair was gone Lisa took a
 warm washcloth and cleaned away the remaining shaving cream.
 Lisa stepped back. "Smile Mrs. C. " FLASH "Spread your pussy lips Mrs. C."
 Mary knew she had no choice as she reach her hands down and spread her pussy
 lips open for her demanding student. FLASH
 "Mrs. C. is your pussy dripping?" asked Lisa as she saw the moisture in her
 teacher's spread pussy. Lisa held a mirror for her humiliated teacher, "Here
 take a close look Mrs. C."
 Mary looked at her bare wet pussy and cried with humiliation. She looked so
 strange and her body was betraying her.
 "I expect you to keep it looking like this all the time. Do you understand?"
 "Yes Ms. Simon", sobbed the teacher.
 "Now sit down here", said Lisa motioning to a chair.
 "Your not going to shave my head are you? cried the panicked teacher.
 "Of course not Mrs. C. just a nice hair cut. Cutting hair is a hobby of mine
 and I think you will look sexier with a shorter style." Lisa picked up a comb
 and scissors and Mary"s shoulder length hair began to fall to the floor. Mary
 couldn't see what was happening but a lot of hair was coming off.
 After about ten minutes of cutting and clipping Lisa ordered Mary to look in
 the mirror. She didn't even recognize herself. She looked ten years younger
 and with the shaved pussy very hot. She couldn't believe her eyes. FLASH
 Lisa handed Mary the collar. "Put this on Mrs. C.." This is to be with you at
 all times. If you are alone you are to be wearing it and when you are not alone
 it must be in your purse in case I want you to put it on.
 "Yes Ms. Simon" answered the confused teacher as she buckled the collar around
 her neck. FLASH
 Lisa attached her leash to Mary's collar. "Give a tour of your home Mrs. C."
 "Yes Ms. Simon" answered the collared teacher moving toward the door.
 She was stopped short of the door by the leash. "On your knees Mrs. C."
 Mary dropped to her knees.
 "Now give me the tour."
 The humiliated teacher turned and began crawling though the bedroom door on
 the end of a leash held by one of her students. How she wished she had never
 posed for those pictures.
 "Lets start in the basement and work our way back to here Mrs. C." ordered Lisa
 now that she was in total control.
 Mary carefully negotiated her way down two flights of stairs into the basement.
 Crawling down steps was difficult. Once they got into the basement the concrete
 in the area beyond the finished portion was cold and hard. Mrs. C. was shivering
 in her naked state.
 Lisa left her kneeling there while she examined the area for possible use later.
 When she finished Lisa ordered her into the finished area. Lisa looked around
 and the ordered her teacher to crawl up the stairs.
 Following her teacher up the steps she admired her swaying breasts and enjoyed
 watching her ass as she crawled up the stairs. "Your ass moves nicely Mrs. C."
 Mary wanted to become invisible. She had never been so embarrassed in her life.
 It just kept getting worse and worse as she followed the orders of her student
 who had under her control.
 A quick tour of the first floor with the teacher crawling from room to room
 was further humiliation for the teacher. "Let's see the garage Mrs. C."
 She crawled into the garage on the end of her leash. Lisa again left her in
 the center of the garage. She examined the garage in detail as her teacher was
 shivering in the center of her cold unheated garage. Lisa found the button to
 open the garage door and push it causing the door to open. Lisa tossed the car
 keys to Mary and ordered, "Crawl out and drive the car into the garage.
 Mary picked up the keys and crawled out of the safety of her garage into her
 driveway and up into her car. She drove the car into the garage and crawled
 out as Lisa left the door open. "Mrs. C. you are shivering. Don't you like the
 cool fall air?"
 "I am very sensitive to cold Ms. Simon"
 "So I see," said Lisa reaching and pinching Mary's stiff nipple.
 "Let's go upstairs now Mrs. C."
 The teacher was aware that she would again be displaying her charms as the she
 crawled up the stairs before her student. She wished there was a way to avoid
 this but she knew there wasn't. She crawled up the stairs.
 Mary lead Lisa into the two guest rooms first and the into her daughter Amy's
 room. Lisa spent quite a bit of time looking through Amy's room. She checked
 her draws, closet and her shoe rack while the uncomfortable teacher knelt quietly
 by the door.
 "Lets go back to your room Mrs. C.' I want to look through your clothes too."

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 As they entered bedroom Lisa ordered the collared teacher to kneel in the center
 of the room. Lisa proceeded one drawer at a time to go through all the drawers
 in the room. Some of the drawers contained clothes of her husband's which Lisa
 paid very little attention to. In the first of Mrs. C.'s drawers were panties
 and bras. All of these were dumped on the bed and after going though them Lisa
 threw all of them on the floor. "These all go Mrs. C."
 Mary was very embarrassed to be kneeling watching a relative stranger go through
 her most intimate things.
 The next drawer contained garter belts, girdles, stocking, pantyhose and socks.
 All the pantyhose were thrown on the pile on the floor. One girdle, which was
 a size smaller than the others, was kept while the others were thrown on the
 pile. The garter belts, stockings, socks and girdle were replaced in the drawer.
 The next drawer contained t-shirts and shorts for the gym. Lisa ordered Mary
 to stand and try on each pair of shorts and the t-shirts. She kept three t-shirts
 and two pairs of shorts and the rest went on to the pile on the floor.
 The forth drawer was for sweaters. Again Mary was required to try on each sweater
 and only three of the tightest were put back in the drawer.
 The last drawer was night gowns and robes. These were all thrown on the floor
 except for a tiny Victoria's Secret ensemble which Mary said had been purchased
 by her husband for her. Lisa had Mary put it on.
 It was very tight fitting over her 35c breasts and hardly held them in, while
 the bottom was a thong type garment which disappeared the crack of her nicely
 rounded ass. The front panel was very narrow and the outline of the lips of
 her bare pussy were clearly visible. It actually made her feel more naked dressed
 this way than when she was actually naked. FLASH
 Mary had her strip again and put the outfit back in the drawer. Then she moved
 to the shoe rack on the back of the door and began going through her shoes.
 All flats were immediately added to the pile. When she was finished there were
 three pairs of heels. One pair of 3" black , one pair of 3" brown, and one pair
 of 3" red. "Are these all of your shoes Mrs. C.?"
 Mary replied," There are some gym shoes in the bottom of the closet and several
 shoe boxes on the shelf in the closet Ms. Simon".
 Lisa moved to the closet and quickly sorted the gym shoes, keeping two pair
 and add the rest to the pile. The shoe boxes added one pair of 3" sandals to
 the shoe rack and one pair 4" white heels, and a pair of 5" black spike heels.
 "Mrs. C. where did you get these?"
 I wore them with a Halloween costume last year Ms. Simon and they hurt my feet
 the whole night."
 "Put them on now," said Lisa tossing them to the kneeling teacher. "Now stand
 up Mrs. C."
 Mary stood and on wobbling legs blushed as her student moved slowly around her
 examining her from every angle..
 "They look very nice Mrs. C. They make your long legs even more shapely and
 they really cause your ass to be more inviting. Walk around."
 Mary carefully moved around the room. She felt like she was parading like some
 kind of prostitute. She was aware of her ass swaying from side to side as she
 attempted to walk in the impossibly high heels. Her breasts bounced slightly
 with each step. Her feet hurt immediately and much to her dismay, she felt a
 stirring in her bare pussy. 'What is wrong with me' her mind screamed. "Ms.
 Simon, I can't walk in these."
 Don't worry Mrs. C. you will be getting a lot of practice. Stand over here next
 to me Mrs. C.", said Mary as she began going through Mary's clothes in the closet.
 Lisa had Mary try on many things from her closet and many were added to the
 pile while a few were returned to hangers and several skirts, blouses and jackets
 were placed in a separate pile on the chair. Her make up was next and only very
 bright shades dark shades were kept, all the rest went on the pile, which was
 quite large by now.
 The last place to be gone through was the night stand next to the bed. Mary
 had hoped Lisa wouldn't go through that because her vibrator was in that drawer
 along with a very sexy book she had been reading. No one had ever seen the vibrator,
 not even her husband. She had ordered it from a catalog about two years ago
 and kept in safely hidden in the drawer. With Mary standing at her side Lisa
 opened the drawer. She removed several items like flashlight, hair clips, birth
 control; pills etc. until she got to the back and she pulled out the book. "The
 Story of O". Lisa tossed the book aside for the moment not knowing its contents
 and reached in and pulled out her teacher's vibrator. Flicking the switch it
 came to life. "Do you use this often Mrs. C.?" asked the smiling teenager.
 "Only when my husband is away Ms. Simon."
 "How often do you use it when he is away ?" demanded Lisa.
 "Almost every night", replied the crimson teacher.
 "Lay on the bed and show me how you use it Mrs. C.", said Lisa as she took a
 seat at the end of the bed.
 Her hands couldn't move, they were frozen and her mind refused to allow her
 to obey. This was too much.
 "MRS. C."
 Jarring her mind from the deep freeze Mary begged. "Please Ms. Simon, I can't
 do this."
 "Can't or won't Mrs. C.?"
 "I can't "
 "Either you do it or I'm out of here with the old AND the new pictures. Your
 little secret is public knowledge by Monday."
 The stunned teacher slowly moves the vibrator to her mound. Keeping her legs
 closed she moves the vibrator slowly over her stomach and thighs.
 "Come on Mrs. C. open those legs and let me see you in action."
 Mary tries to concentrate. With her husband out of town so much her vibrator
 has become her main source of pleasure. She slowly spreads her legs and slides
 her vibrator over her bare pussy. FLASH
 A shudder passes through the masturbating teacher as she realizes her fate is
 sealed. She closed her eyes and began sliding the vibrator up and down her wet
 slit. With her other hand she massages her breasts and begins to pinch her nipples.
 Her body has a mind of its own now as her hands work over her breasts and slide
 the vibrator deep into her dripping hole. FLASH. Her pussy feels so different
 being shaved and the sensations caused by the vibrator seemed more intense than
 ever. Her breathing becomes faster and her hands are now pinching and twisting
 her swollen nipples. The vibrator moves faster and faster in and out over her
 clit. FLASH
 She feels her juices running out of her pussy and down the crack of her ass
 over her asshole. Her nipples are pulled and twisted away from her body as she
 begins to raise her hips to get the vibrator deeper into her pussy. FLASH
 Her body is covered with perspiration . Her eyes are closed. The vibrator is
 slamming in and out of her swollen pussy. She forgets completely her predicament
 and her entire mind centers on the vibrating plastic sliding in and out of her
 hole. FLASH. In and Out. In and Out.
 Suddenly Lisa reaches out and pulls the vibrator form her teacher's pulsing
 " Mrs. C. I want your to understand that you are totally under my control. When
 you cum, when you eat, when you use the bathroom, what you wear, where you go,
 everything about your life is now under my control. With these pictures I really
 own you, body and soul. Do you understand Mrs. C. ?"
 Suddenly the totality of her situation falls heavily on her. Her life is ruined.
 She no longer controls herself. All because of her youthful stupidity.
 "Don't worry Mrs. C. as long as you do everything I tell you this will be between
 us. Of course if you displease me I might be forced to show these new pictures
 to someone."
 "I'm yours Ms. Simon just please don't let anyone see those pictures", begged
 the defeated, horny teacher.
 "Now Mrs. C. I want you to clean up the mess in the bathroom, pack all the clothes
 and things on the floor and take them to the basement, then fix me something
 to eat. You only need to set one place at the table and keep your heels on at
 all times."
 "Yes Ms. Simon."
 One more thing Mrs. C., don't you dare touch yourself, ever, without my permission.
 You have already earned some punishment by forgetting to show proper respect
 "Now get moving, " said Lisa picking up the discarded book and going down to
 the living room.

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 Lisa went down to the living room and made herself comfortable. She turned on
 the TV and put the book on the table next to the couch.
 Mary made her way to the bathroom and cleaned up all the hair and wiped down
 the sink and counter. She was very frustrated and wanted to finish what she
 had started but she was afraid of Lisa. Lisa had shown no signs of compassion
 and Mary did not want to anger her. Her feet were really started to hurt in
 these ridiculous heels but again she had to wear them.
 After cleaning the bathroom she moved to her bedroom which was piled with her
 clothes and other personal items. She didn't have any boxes or anything so she
 had to go down the stairs to the kitchen to get garbage bags.
 "How is it coming Mrs. C.?" yelled Lisa from the living room. "Don't be too
 long I'm getting hungry." Mary hurried back up the stairs and threw all her
 things in garbage bags. There were six bags. That meant 3 trips all the way
 to the basement. 'My poor feet," thought Mary.
 After making the three trips Mary's feet were throbbing in the 5" heels but
 she moved on to the kitchen. 'What would Lisa like to eat?' wondered the horny
 teacher. All teenagers love hamburgers and French fries. so she made two burgers
 and a batch of fries. As she cooked she realized that she was hungry too. Mary
 went to set the table and remembered that Lisa had said only one plate. ' Where
 will I eat?' thought Mary. When dinner was prepared and one place set Mary called
 Lisa to the kitchen. "Ms. Simon dinner is ready."
 As Lisa entered the kitchen she saw her once respected teacher standing naked
 next to the table ready to serve her dinner. It brought a smile to her face.
 "Stand here next to me Mrs. C. while I eat.," said Lisa as she sat down at the
 The hungry teacher stood on painful feet next to Lisa as she began to eat the
 delicious smelling food.
 "Get me a coke Mrs. C."
 "I only have Pepsi Ms. Simon."
 "From now on buy Coke."
 "Yes Ms. Simon."
 "This is pretty good Mrs. C. Would you like a fry?"
 "Yes please Ms. Simon."
 "Spread your legs."
 A confused Mary cautiously spread her legs.
 Lisa took a French fry and slid it between Mary's legs through her pussy. Then
 she moved it to Mary's lips. "Here Mrs. C."
 The shocked teacher held her lips closed as she turned red at the intimate touch
 of her student and the thought of what she is being asked to do.
 "Open wide Mrs. C. Now."
 Mary opened her mouth and Lisa stuffed the soaked French fry in. "Now chew Mrs.
 The horrified teacher tried not to throw up as she chewed the pussy dipped fry.
 "Here Mrs. C. you dip the next one"
 In a daze Mary took the fry from Lisa and slid it through her pussy (FLASH)
 and then put it in her mouth.
 "Want some burger Mrs. C.?"
 "No," whispered the defeated teacher shaking her head violently from side to
 "Here you go " said Lisa handing her teacher a large piece of hamburger. "Dip
 it first Mrs. C."
 Mary did as she was ordered but she was very near to throwing up from the taste
 and the humiliation of having to do this disgusting thing.
 "Clean up Mrs. C. and meet me in the living room. Bring a measuring tape, paper
 and pencil. And don't be all day."
 Mary quickly cleaned up and getting a tape, pencil and paper from the drawer
 went into the living room.
 "Stand here in front of me," said Lisa as she watch her naked teacher move across
 the room.
 Taking the tape she began to take her teacher's measurements . "Write down what
 I tell you Mrs. C."
 Taking her measurements. "Chest, 35; Waist, 23; Hips, 33. Not bad Mrs. C." Then
 Lisa said "Spread your legs Mrs. C." Reaching into the V formed by her teacher's
 spread legs Lisa measured Mary's in seam to a point three inches above Mary's
 knee. "Length 9"
 "Mrs. C. tomorrow you are to take all of the skirts and dress we put on the
 chair upstairs and shorten the to a length of 9". You are also to remove the
 top button on all the blouses and dresses which we saved."
 "Yes Ms. Simon."
 "Tell me Mrs. C. did you like your dinner?"
 " No Ms. Simon I did not like it."
 "Too bad. You better learn to like that taste Mrs. C."
 "Is your husband good in bed Mrs. C.?"
 "Yes Ms. Simon."
 Mary was very embarrassed discussing her husband and their sex lives with a
 "Does he fuck you in the ass Mrs. C.?"
 "Absolutely not. I have never had anything in my ass."
 Lisa smiled. "Do you like sex Mrs. C.?
 The naked teacher standing before her fully dress student couldn't believe Lisa
 was asking her these questions. " Yes Ms. Simon."
 "Do you suck you husband's cock Mrs. C.?"
 With a very red face, "Yes," whispered the embarrassed teacher.
 "Do you like it?"
 "Yes Ms. Simon."
 "Do you swallow his cum?"
 "No that's disgusting. Please don't ask me these questions."
 "Have you every cheated on your husband?"
 "Before you were married how many men fucked you Mrs. C.?"
 Standing naked with a shaved pussy now very wet, Mary mentally counted her sex
 partners. "3".
 "Did you suck them too Mrs. C.?"
 "You like to suck cock Mrs. C.?"
 "No, but they wanted it and I loved them."
 "But you really like to suck cock don't you Mrs. C.?"
 "Yes," whisper Mary.
 "Have you ever had sex with more than one person at a time?"
 "Have you had sex with a woman?"
 "No. I think that is terrible"
 "Have you ever kissed a woman?"
 The questioning went on for over an hour.
 "I'm really tired Mrs. C. and we have a big day tomorrow. You will be expanding
 your horizons. Lets go upstairs."
 When they got into the bedroom Lisa noticed the stuff they had bought at the
 store. "Take the carrots and cucumbers to the fridge and hurry back." While
 Mary was off doing that Lisa cut 2 two foot sections of rope and screwed eye
 screws into the end of one of the dowel rods and one in the center. When Mary
 came back Lisa ordered her to kneel on the floor. Then Lisa had Mary reach between
 her legs and she tied each wrist to ankle. This forced Mary face down into the
 carpet and put her ass high in the air. She then attached each ankle to the
 end of the dowel rod spreading her legs wide. "Now Mrs. C this position serves
 two purposes. I don't want you to be playing with yourself tonight and I am
 going to use your paddle on your ass so that you remember to show me the proper
 respect and obey without question."
 Lisa picked up the paddle. SMACK. "One."
 "Owwww. Please Ms. Simon I'm sorry"
 SMACK "Two".
 Her ass was on fire. Tears popped from her eyes. "Pleaseeeeeeee"
 SMACK "Three."
 Lisa smiled as her teacher's ass reddened.
 SMACK "Four" SMACK "Five".
 "That's all for tonight Mrs. C. Thank me for teaching you respect."
 "Thank you Ms. Simon." sobbed a broken humiliated teacher with a hot burning
 Lisa moved to the bed, removed her clothes and climbed in leaving her teacher
 tied and sobbing on the floor.
 "Good night Mrs. C."

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Great Start...

Awaiting for upcoming post
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 Lisa woke up around 8:30 to the sound of her teacher whimpering from the floor
 next to the bed. Getting up and walking around the bed she found Mary sitting
 against the bed with her knees pulled up and spread wide with her wrists tied
 to her ankles. Her eyes were red and her face was tear streaked. "What's wrong
 Mrs. C.?"
 Mary looked up and saw Lisa's naked body for the first time. She thought she
 was beautiful. About 5'4"...not much over 100#. Her breasts were about 34b and
 she had a narrow waist and slim hips. "I can't do this Lisa. It is too much
 for me to bear. Most everyone will understand why I posed for those pictures."
 "Well Mrs. C. lets look at these pictures," said Lisa as she moved to the night
 stand for the Polaroids. " Now I wonder how you will explain this one," said
 Lisa showing Mary a picture of her spreading the lips of her newly shaven pussy.
 " And how about this one. I bet you can explain it too," Lisa said showing her
 the picture of her masturbating with her vibrator. The look on her face proved
 she was enjoying every bit of it.
 Mary knew she was lost and broke into wracking sobs. Her breasts heaving as
 she lost control of herself.
 "Now Mrs. C. what do you want to do?"
 "Please Lisa don't show those to anyone. I will do as you ask."
 "Well first I guess you didn't learn respect yesterday so we will start the
 day with a reminder." Lisa grabbed the end of the dowel rod and turned the sobbing
 teacher over onto her knee with her face back in carpet.
 "Please Ms. Simon. I'm sorry. I'll do better I promise."
 "I should hope so Mrs. C. but you do deserve to be punished don't you?"
 Mary didn't know what to say. She wanted to please this demented student but
 she didn't want to paddled again.
 "Mrs. C. you do deserve to be punished isn't that correct?"
 In a soft whimpering voice,"Yes Ms. Simon."
 "Good. Then beg me to paddle your ass so you can learn to be more respectful."
 "Please Ms. Simon, paddle my ass," sobbed the defeated teacher.
 How many swats do you think you deserve Mrs. C.?
 "Don't make me do this. Just get it over with."
 "How Many Mrs. C.?
 "One', said the embarrassed teacher.
 "I think three is more in order but since you said one we will make it four.
 Count each one Mrs. C."
 "One" shouted Mary.
 "TWO" cried the tied kneeling teacher. There was no escape.
 "THREE" screamed the sobbing teacher. Her ass was on fire. "Please Ms. Simon
 no more."
 "FOUR" wailed Mary as her ass quivered.
 Lisa again used the dowel rod to turn Mary back over so that she was now sitting
 painfully on her hot red ass. "What is this Mrs. C.?" asked Lisa as she slide
 her finger into her teachers very wet slit. "Do you like having your ass paddled?"
 The humiliated teacher could not reply.
 Lisa untied Mary's wrists from her ankles and the humiliated teacher straighten
 her legs and worked out the kinks.
 "Mrs. C. I want you to fix me some toast for breakfast while I shower. No touching
 that pussy either. And put your heels back on. Now get moving," ordered Lisa
 swatting her teacher's red sore ass.
 "I need to use the bathroom", said Mary.
 "Go and make my toast. Maybe if you're good I'll let you pee-pee later."
 Mary moved down to the kitchen and Lisa took a nice leisurely shower and followed
 later wearing only a towel. When she walked into the kitchen she found Mary
 sitting gingerly at the table with a cup of coffee. "Who gave you permission
 to sit? And who gave you permission to have coffee?"
 Mary jumped up, "I didn't think. I'm sorry Ms. Simon." "Dump that coffee and
 bend over the table right NOW."
 Mary moved quickly and dumped the coffee into the sink and returned and bent
 her body over the table not wanting to anger Lisa anymore.
 "All the way flat. Smash your breasts on the table." said Lisa pushing on Mary's
 back. "Spread your legs out to the table legs."
 Mary did as ordered but this position, with the 5" heels on, put a real strain
 on her legs.
 "Now stay there while I eat my breakfast and decide what to do about your repeated
 forgetfulness. Didn't I tell you would need permission from me for EVERYTHING?"
 "Yes Ms. Simon. I forgot Ms. Simon."
 Lisa sat down and ate her toast and drink the coffee her teacher had so graciously
 made for her.
 Mary meanwhile was becoming very aware of the pressure this position placed
 on her full bladder. Her legs began to ache and after a time her thighs began
 to quiver from the need to relieve herself and the strain. "Ms. Simon, may I
 please go to the bathroom?"
 "Be quiet I'm eating my breakfast. Another demonstration of your lack of respect,
 interrupting my meal with your silly needs."
 The teacher shut up and concentrated on controlling her need to use the bathroom.
 She tried very hard not to visualize the position she was in her own kitchen.
 Lisa finished eating and began walking around the kitchen. FLASH Mary cringed
 as she imagined what that picture would show. She could hear Lisa opening drawers.
 SMACK The wooden spoon connected with her upturned ass. Mary jumped and her
 hands flew back to protect her sore ass.
 Get your hands out of the way Mrs. C. You must learn to be respectful and obey
 your instructions. SMACK.
 Mary cried out, "I'm sorry Ms. Simon."
 The spanking continued for ten smacks and then Lisa said to the sobbing teacher,"Do
 you still need to use the bathroom Mrs. C.?"
 "Yes I do Ms. Simon," answered the red assed teacher. She hoped that was not
 being disrespectful.
 Lisa grabs the leash and pulls the teacher to the back door. "Let's go out here
 so my pet can go potty."
 Mary couldn't believe she actually expected her to go to the bathroom outside
 in front of her.
 Lisa led the stunned teacher to the middle of the yard and said,"If you have
 to go you better do it here because this is your only chance until we get back
 from shopping Mrs. C."
 "Ms. Simon, Please I can't do this," said Mary her bladder growing in distress.
 "Well then we can wait until tonight when we get home," said Lisa tugging the
 Mary didn't know what to do. She could hold it until tonight. She needed to
 use a bathroom but her tormentor wouldn't permit it. She had to go. "Wait."
 "I'll do it."
 "Go on. I don't have all day." Lisa was getting chilled wrapped only in a towel
 but she knew the naked teacher felt the chill even more which stimulated her
 Mary tried to figure a graceful way to do this humiliating act but soon the
 need overcame the planning and she simply spread her legs and squatted releasing
 her full bladder on the the grass in her own back yard under the watchful eye
 of her mentor. FLASH
 Having satisfied her need the red faced teacher said ,"I'm finished Ms. Simon."
 with her eyes lowered.
 "Let's go get ready. I plan to make good use of your credit cards today Mrs.
 C. You need some new things to wear since so much of your wardrobe has been
 packed away." Pulling the leash Lisa lead her teacher back into the house.
 "Take a shower and meet me in your room," ordered Lisa. "And don't be playing
 with that dripping pussy."
 After a quick shower Mary entered her bed room to find Lisa sitting on her bed
 wearing jeans and a sweat shirt .
 "Sit her Mrs. C. I'll fix your hair and make-up for you." Lisa styled her hair
 and made-up her face with much more make-up the she normally wore. Looking in
 a mirror Mary saw a person she hardly recognized. Let's get you dressed now
 Mrs. C.. Put these on," said Lisa handing her a black garter belt and smoke
 colored stockings.
 "May I sit on the bed Ms. Simon?" asked Mary trying to avoid any further spankings.
 "Of course Mrs. C." said Lisa as she watched her teacher slide the stocking
 up her legs. Put your heels back on too Mrs. C. until we can buy you new ones."
 Mary clipped the stockings to the garter belt and slipped her aching feet into
 the 5" heels. FLASH Glancing in the mirror Mary could see the garter belt and
 stocking highlighted her shaved pussy like a picture frame.
 "Mrs. C. since you haven't had a chance to alter your clothing yet we need to
 find you something appropriate to wear. Let's go to Amy's room."
 "Ms. Simon, Amy's clothes will be too small for me."
 "I know. You wear all your clothes too loose fitting Mrs. C." Lisa lead her
 teacher into her daughters room and picked out a very tight very very short
 skirt the barely covered the tops of her stockings and a crop top that hugged
 her breasts. Her nipples were clearly visible and the bottoms of her breasts
 were barely covered. FLASH
 The outfit said slut. Looking in the mirror Mary knew she was going to spend
 the day tugging the top and skirt down to maintain any dignity at all. She of
 course was not permitted and panties or bra. Anyone who saw her would not recognize
 her easily. Lisa handed her sunglasses and now no one would know her for sure.
 "Put your collar in your purse and let's get moving Mrs. C."

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 Lisa drove the "well" dressed teacher out of her neighborhood. She had decided
 that it would be necessary to travel across town to a mall about 40 miles from
 home to insure the no one would recognize the teacher. When they arrived and
 had parked the car Mary was reminded that she was to follow 2 paces behind and
 speak only when given permission.
 As Mary began moving across the parking lot she realized just how exposed she
 was. The skirt barely covered her bare thighs above her stockings and her breasts
 moved freely under the short crop top. The heels made her ass sway invitingly.
 She wanted to go back to the car and hide herself but she knew she couldn't
 do that. With the new pictures that Lisa had she was hers for as long as she
 wanted her.
 The first stop was at the Victoria's Secret store. Lisa picked out a red leotard
 one size too small, two pair of black spandex shorts, again one size too small
 and several camisoles in various colors. Lisa lead Mary to the changing room
 and instructed her, "Try on each article and come out to show me how it looks."
 Mary moved into the changing room and removed her clothing. She put on the leotard
 which was clearly too tight and rode up into her ass crack and hugged her bare
 pussy. She struggled into the too tight spandex and opened the door expecting
 to see Lisa. But Lisa was no where to be seen. Cautiously she move to the door
 of the changing area and saw Lisa across the store looking at bras. She waited
 for Lisa to see her thinking she would come over and look at the outfit. When
 Lisa spotted her she waved for her to come to her. Red faced Mary walked across
 the store in the too tight exercise outfit. When she got to Lisa she was ordered
 to turn and show the sales girl how she looked. "That looks a little uncomfortable,"
 said the clerk.
 "She like it that way don't you Mrs. C.?"
 The humiliated teacher answered "Yes Ms. Simon."
 "Good. Go put you stockings and skirt on and try on the camisoles."
 The red faced teacher turned and hurried back to the safety of the changing
 area. She again dressed in the garter belt, stockings skirt and heels. She put
 on a black camisoles which covered her better the top she had worn into the
 store. She was again forced to prance on her heels across the store and model
 for Lisa and the sales girl. "Now that fits well," commented the salesgirl.
 "Get a smaller size and try it on Mrs. C."
 Mary got a smaller size and after trying it on and modeling for Lisa and the
 sales girl she was told to get one of each color in the smaller size.
 When Mary had changed back into her short crop top she came out of the changing
 area and went to Lisa in the bra department.
 "What size do you wear Mrs. C.?"
 "35c Ms. Simon" whispered the embarrassed teacher in front of the sales girl.
 "We'll take this one," said Lisa handing Mary a 34b bra. Then Lisa moved across
 the store to corsets and girdles. "Do you have those measurements Mrs. C.?"
 Yes Ms. Simon she answered handing her the paper from her purse. "Chest, 35;
 Waist, 23; Hips, 33". Looking though the corsets she found one size 21" waist.
 Then she found a body shaper with measurement 34b, 21, 31. "Get these too."
 Lisa also handed her teacher several garter belts in various colors and several
 different colors of stockings.
 Mary took all her purchases to the check out and a different sales clerk began
 to ring up her purchases. "Oh I think this is the wrong size Maam. It looks
 too small for you." she said as she was ringing the body shaper.
 "She likes them tight," answered Lisa for the bewildered teacher. She had never
 spent this much money shopping for herself in her life and she knew they were
 just beginning.
 The next stop was a store which was very popular with teenage girls. Lisa forced
 Mary to try on and model for her and a young salesgirl several skirts, blouses,
 dresses and sweaters. She spent over $400.00 on clothing which was respectable
 for a teenage girl but slightly out of place for a middle aged school teacher.
 "This will all go along with your new 'younger' image Mrs. C." Mary knew she
 would feel ridiculous wearing these clothes to school but at least she wouldn't
 get fired for wearing them.
 Mary was now loaded down with packages as they moved down the mall. As they
 passed the food court Lisa decided she was hungry. She sat down and ordered
 Mrs. C. to get her a chicken sandwich and fries with a coke."
 Mary got the food for Lisa and was ordered to stand next to her holding all
 the packages while Lisa enjoyed her lunch and her teachers humiliation. "If
 you want something go get it," said Lisa, "But remember you need to 'dip it'
 before eating it."
 Of course Mary wasn't hungry. Why was her pussy wet?
 After Lisa finished and Mary had cleared the table they moved to a trendy shoe
 store. Mary was told to sit and now her short skirt became a real problem. The
 young man who came-up to wait on her asked "May I help you?" as he looked at
 her long exposed legs.
 "She would like to see all the 5" heels with ankle straps that you have to start."
 said Lisa speaking for the humiliated teacher.
 "What size Mrs. C.?"
 "7 1/2b"
 "Get size 7 and 7 1/2 a and b, " directed Lisa.
 The young man hurried off and returned shortly with an arm full on boxes. Kneeling
 before the teacher he began to help her try on the shoes. It was impossible
 for Mary to keep her knees together as he tried on pair after pair of heels.
 She was forced to prance on the high heels around the store. The shoes were
 mostly either too tight or too short. After trying on over 10 pairs of shoes
 with 5" heels and several pair with 3" and 4" heels Mary's face was quite red.
 Much to her humiliation her pussy was literally dripping.
 "Do you have any with higher heels?" ask Lisa.
 The salesman was only too happy to check. His cock was quite visible under his
 pants. "Did you see what you are doing to that poor man Mrs. C?"
 Mary wanted to cry , "Yes Ms. Simon."
 "Bet you would love to suck on that wouldn't you Mrs. C.?"
 "No Ms. Simon"
 "But you said you love to suck cock didn't you?"
 "Yes. Ms. Simon."
 "Well maybe I can work a deal with him to save you some money."
 "Please don't Ms. Simon."
 Lisa laughed, "We'll see."
 The man returned. "We have one style of 6" black heels with ankle straps in
 her size." said the salesman to Lisa ignoring the frightened teacher.
 "Let's try them."
 The excited salesman knelt down and put the heels on Mary. He made a point on
 moving her foot around in such a way the caused her to spread her legs giving
 him a clear view of her bald pussy.
 "Walk for us Mrs. C.", ordered Lisa.
 Mary rose from her chair and struggled to walk in the higher heels. "Mrs. C.
 it looks like you sat in something." asked Lisa innocently pointing to the wet
 spot on Mary's skirt and the chair. The horrified teacher wanted to die. Her
 faced was beet red and her legs began to shake. "Could you get us something
 to clean-up?" Lisa asked the salesman. As he hurried off Lisa whispered to Mary,
 "Don't you cry."
 He returned and handed the towel to Lisa. "Why don't you help her out?"
 The salesman was only too happy to help and began patting the wet spot on Mary's
 skirt with the towel. He of course took this opportunity to feel up the humiliated
 Once the salesman finished Lisa decided on the 6" heels, 3 pair of 5", 3 pair
 of 4" and 2 pair of 3" heels. The total charge on her credit card was $780.00.
 Now Mary was really staggered with the packages and her skirt rode up her legs
 as she walked and the wet spot was clearly visible. Her crop top was pulled
 up exposing more breast than before as they walked to the car.
 "One more stop before dinner Mrs. C." said Lisa pulling out of the mall parking
 lot. They drove down the road and pulled into and adult book store and novelty
 shop. "Here is a list Mrs. C. Get everything on the list and be sure to ask
 for assistance from the salesperson. I don't want any mistakes."
 Mary slowly got out of the car, She was reading the list: 3 butt plugs in different
 sizes, 1 large black dildo, one set of nipple clamps with chain, 1 pair of wrist
 cuffs, 1 pair of ankle cuffs, 1 cock gag, 1 ball gag, 1 leather paddle, 1 pair
 on benwa balls, 1 tube of lubricant and 1 cat. She had no idea what some of
 these were. She looked around the parking lot and there were 3 other cars. "Hurry
 up Mrs. C.."
 Mary opened the door and immediately became the center of attention for the
 3 guys inside. She thought it best to ask for help and get out as fast as possible.
 She noticed the smell and was glad it smelled so the they wouldn't smell her
 dripping pussy. "I need to buy these things," said Mary handing the list to
 the salesman.
 He looked over the list and smiled, "These things for you?"
 "Yes." whispered Mary.
 "What are you going to do with all these things?"
 "I was ordered to get them."
 "By Who? Your husband"
 Mary didn't know what to say. "a friend", she finally said.
 He moved around the counter an put has arm around Mary and lead her to a display
 of sex toys on the wall. He began handing her the items on the list. Taking
 every opportunity to touch her in the most embarrassing ways. After what seemed
 an eternity she had paid the bill again several hundred dollars on her charge
 and was moving out of the store. "Come back soon sweety" called the salesman
 as his customers watched appreciatively.
 Mary put the items in the back seat and Lisa ordered, "Get the small butt plug
 and lubricant and put them in your purse."
 Mary did as she was ordered.
 "Dinner time," said Lisa. "I'll bet your hungry"
 Mary realized she was very hungry.
 We are eating Italian said Lisa as she pulled into a popular Italian restaurant.
 "I will do the ordering," said Lisa.
 "Yes Ms. Simon"
 They were seated at a back table. Lisa ordered a meal for herself and a salad
 without dressing and bread sticks for Mary.
 As soon as Lisa had ordered Mary knew what was coming but she was not prepared
 for Lisa next order.
 "Go to the restroom and put some lubricant on the butt plug and put it in your
 ass. Be sure to get it all the way in so it doesn't fall out."
 Mary slowly stood and picked up her purse carrying the plug and lubricant.
 "Leave the purse here Mrs. C."
 "Take out what you need and leave the purse here."
 Mary took the lubricant and plug out of the purse and doing the best she could
 to hide what she was carrying she hurried to the restroom. Once there she quickly
 entered a stall and began to think about her situation. Here she was a respected
 teacher sitting in a restroom dressed like a whore. Several hundred dollars
 poorer and about to shove an enormous plug into her virgin ass hole. She began
 to sob uncontrollably.

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 The sobbing teacher was startled back to reality by the sound of voices as two
 ladies entered the restroom. She looked at the plug in her hand and thought,
 'This will never fit inside me'. She opened the tube of lubricant and applied
 it gingerly to the plug. Then she reached back and put some lubricant on her
 ass hole. She attempted to slide her finger inside to get some gel inside. She
 wanted to wait until no one was in the restroom to try and insert the plug but
 it seemed as one left someone else came in and she knew she had already been
 gone much too long.
 Reaching back she placed the tip of the plug on her ass hole and began to push.
 'I knew it was too big' she thought. She pushed harder and the tip began to
 spread the tight ring. Once it started with constant pressure it moved into
 her ass. The pain was not as much as she had feared but it felt so uncomfortable.
 Suddenly the widest part slipped past the tight ring and the plug was locked
 into place. She stood and the feeling of the plug in her was very very uncomfortable.
 She straightened her skirt ,what little there was of it, and opened the stall
 door. She washed her hands and fixed her make-up as best she could since she
 had not been permitted to bring her purse with her and walked back to the table
 carrying the tube of lubricant. Each step reminded her that her ass was filled
 with what felt like a 2 x 4.
 "You were gone a long time. Have any problems filling that virgin ass hole Mrs.
 Red faced Mary replied, " I'm sorry it took so long Ms. Simon."
 "Your salad and bread sticks are here. I want you to place a bread stick in
 your dipping hole and leave it there until I tell you to remove it." ordered
 The horrified teacher picked up a bread stick and carefully reached under the
 table to push it into her pussy which was to her further embarrassment very
 wet, as it always seemed to be anymore.
 "Be sure it doesn't fall out on the floor Mrs. C. Now eat your salad with your
 fingers. Pets don't use silverware."
 "But what Mrs. C. Be thankful I'm allowing you to sit and that I didn't ordered
 you spaghetti."
 Mary began to pick at her salad. The waitress brought Lisa meal and Mary continued
 to eat her salad with her fingers.
 "Take out your bread stick Mrs. C. and put another in its place."
 Mary did as she was ordered. She tried very hard to be unnoticed.
 "Now eat your bread stick with your salad."
 Mary did what her student had ordered her to do without question, she was beginning
 to get used to the taste of her pussy. and The meal continued with Mary eating
 3 bread sticks and all of her salad.
 Lisa ordered each of them each a chocolate sundae for dessert. "I got this for
 you because you complained about the salad Mrs. C."
 "I'm sorry Ms. Simon. May I please use a spoon for my sundae?"
 "You may not, now hurry and finish I'm anxious to get home."
 The embarrassed teacher dipped her fingers into the sundae and began to eat
 her dessert. Several people noticed and she could see their stares as she ate
 the sundae with her fingers. "Lick your fingers clean Mrs. C. we have to go
 Mary licked her fingers clean and paid the bill leaving a nice tip as Lisa had
 ordered. When she waddled out to the car with the plug tightly in her ass she
 found Lisa looking through the bags from the adult store. She stood by the door
 and waited for permission to get into the car.
 Lisa found what she was looking for, the nipple clamps, and turned to her teacher
 and said "lift your top".
 "Please Ms. Simon let me get in the car first."
 "Lift it right this second or I will take it off of you for the rest of the
 Turning her back to the restaurant Mary lifted her short top revealing her breasts
 to the world with her hard nipples pointing at Lisa.
 Lisa placed the first clamp on Mary's right nipple and slid the catch up until
 it was firmly attached to her teacher's nipple. Mary bit her lip to keep from
 crying out and drawing attention to her bare chest. Then Lisa did the same to
 the left breast. "Pull your top down Mrs. C. and get into the car and put on
 your collar."
 Mary pulled down her top which did not hide the chain connecting the clamps
 and climbed into the car. Her nipples were throbbing and the material of her
 top rubbing then did not allow her to ignore the pain.
 Lisa drove down the road about a mile and pulled into a convenience store. "Go
 in and buy me a pack of gum Mrs. C."
 Mary didn't know what to do. Her clamped nipples were clearly visible through
 her ultra short top and the chain connecting them would surely draw attention
 to them. She knew she was walking funny from the plug in her ass. But she also
 knew it would only be worst to refused. Slowly she opened the car door and as
 gracefully as possible she walked into the store. There were three boys in the
 store and the clerk Thankfully there was no one she recognized. One of the boys
 glanced her way and saw her and immediately called to his buddies."Hey guys
 check this out."
 All three were now staring at her and the clerk was also looking at her. One
 of the boys walked up to her as she was buying the gum and asked, "Do those
 hurt?" pointing at the clamps visible through her shirt. She ignored him and
 started back to the car just as Lisa came in.
 "I saw you boys talking to my pet here. What did you want?"
 "I asked her if those hurt and she ignored me."
 "Why that was rude Mrs. C. Apologize to the gentleman."
 "I'm sorry" said Mary with her eyes to the floor.
 "Tell the gentleman, Do they hurt?"
 "Yes they do hurt very much,"replied Mary.
 "Show them what they look like Mrs. C. Lift your top for them."
 The horrified teacher turned to the boys and lifted her top so they could see
 her breasts. She wanted to crawl under the floor and disappear. Never had she
 been so embarrassed in her entire life.
 "Give a gentle tug on the chain to see how tight they really are," suggested
 One of the boys reached out and pulled the chain connecting the nipple clamps.
 Mary moaned in pain as her nipples burned.
 "Not too hard boys. Would want to damage the merchandise. Maybe you should kiss
 them and make them feel better."
 "No.." cried Mary.
 "What did you say."
 Realizing her error Mary answered, "Nothing Ms. Simon."
 "Good now ask these boys to kiss your nipples to make them feel better."
 The humiliated teacher said, "Please kiss my nipples." as she began to sob.
 Each boy took a turn kissing and sucking and in one case biting her trapped
 nipples. Mary just stood there as her breasts were mauled and suckled in the
 public place. Thankfully no one else came in.
 "Thank the gentleman and lets go Mrs. C."
 The thoroughly humiliated teacher said, "Thank you" and ran from the store pulling
 her top down as she went through the door.
 The remainder of the ride home was uneventful with Mary huddling and sobbing
 in the corner. When they got home Lisa ordered Mary to bring everything up to
 the bedroom and put all the clothes and shoes away except for the 6" heels.
 She also ordered her to lay all the toys out on the bed.

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 Mary struggled to carry all of the packages upstairs on her aching feet. After
 the second trip everything was in the bedroom and Mary began putting all of
 the new clothing away. She placed the "toys" on the bed with the 6" heels as
 Lisa had requested. When everything was done as ordered she wanted to sit and
 rest her feet but she remember what happened the last time she sat without permission.
 Her plugged ass was now just uncomfortable as she adjusted to the invasion but
 her nipples were aching and irritated from the clamps and rubbing on the material
 of her short top.
 Suddenly she heard Lisa coming up the steps.
 "Take off you skirt and top Mrs. C. I'll be in in a minute," called Lisa.
 Mary removed her top and was shocked to see her nipples so swollen and red.
 She dropped her skirt to the floor and was just bending to pick it up when Lisa
 walked in.
 "You have a pretty good ass Mrs. C. How does the plug feel?"
 The red faced teacher straightened quickly and answered, "It is uncomfortable
 Ms. Simon."
 When Mary turned Lisa said, "My, my look at those nipples," reaching out and
 twisting the clamped right nipple.
 "Ahhhhhhhhh" screamed Mary as pain shot through her abused nipple.
 "Does that hurt Mrs. C.?" asked Lisa twisting the left nipple.
 "YESSSSSS.....Please Lisa stop".
 Reaching out and violently twisting both nipples, "Lisa is it"
 "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwww....Sorry Ms. Simon...SORRY"
 "That's better," replied Lisa as she released the swollen twisted nipples. "Let's
 see what we have here," said Lisa ignoring the sobs of her teacher. "First Mrs.
 C. come over her and bend over so I can inspect your plug," ordered Lisa as
 she sat on the bed.
 Mary reluctantly moved to Lisa and turning bent over showing her student her
 "Reach back and spread your cheeks." demanded Lisa.
 Mary reach back and slowly spread her ass exposing her plugged ass hole to Lisa.
 Lisa leaned forward and tapped the end of the plug sending shock waves through
 the teachers ass. " I can't wait until we can get this one in you," said Lisa
 picking up the largest of the three butt plugs. "Turn around and spread your
 legs Mrs. C."
 Mary turned and spread her legs before for student.
 Lisa reached out and run her finger up Mary's bare soaked slit. "MRS. C. you
 really like this don't you?"
 The mortified teacher wanted to die of embarrassment. How could she be excited
 by this treatment yet her pussy was soaked. "What is wrong with me" she thought.
 "No Ms. Simon I do not enjoy this treatment."
 "Then explain to me why you are dripping like a faucet."
 "I can't explain that Ms. Simon" whispered Mary.
 "Lick my fingers clean you horny old teacher," demanded Lisa as she placed her
 fingers in front of Mary's crimson face.
 Mary extended her tongue and licked her our juices from her student's fingers.
 How low had she sunk.
 Lisa then placed the ankle and wrist cuffs on her teacher And ordered her to
 change into the 6" heels.
 Mary's poor feet protested but she forced them painfully into the heels and
 buckled the ankle straps.
 "Mrs. C. I want you to squat and place the tip of your vibrator into that dripping
 hole. Squat low enough to keep it inside you."
 Mary struggled to squat in the impossibly high heels and finally managed to
 balance with the tip of her vibrator nested inside her embarrassingly wet pussy.
 "Turn it on Mrs. C."
 Mary turned on the vibrator and immediately felt the pleasure it brings her.
 "Suck on this Mrs. C.," said Lisa handing her teacher the long, thick, black
 cock she had picked out at the adult store.
 "Now pay attention Mrs. C. I'm going to give you an assignment to be completed
 immediately. If you fail you will be punished . Do you understand?"
 "Yes Ms. Simon" said the sucking teacher around the rubber cock in her mouth.
 "You are to give that black cock the best blow job you know how. You need to
 practice for the real thing. While you are doing that you are to slid up and
 down on the vibrating plastic in you hole. You are not permitted to orgasm without
 my permission. If you do you will be sorry. If I don't think you are fucking
 your self well enough or giving a respectable blow job you will be punished.
 Now get moving."
 As Mary began to work on the hard black rubber cock in her mouth and gingerly
 to slide up and down her vibrator she could immediately feel her orgasm coming.
 She was so hot and this was too much stimulation.
 FLASH, FLASH as Lisa snapped picture after picture of the teacher struggling
 to keep from the inevitable. Just as Lisa could see her teacher reaching the
 point of orgasm she reached out and released the left nipple clamp.
 "Ahhhh' screamed Mary as the pain of the clamp coming off and the blood returning
 to the abused nipple coursed through her body. Her orgasm delayed again but
 it began building again quickly.
 She was slobbering all over the rubber cock as she sucked and her legs were
 screaming in pain as she bounced up and down the vibrating plastic. Her face
 was red and her body covered in sweat as she worked to reach the peak yet not
 wanting to reach it. She was so confused.
 Just then Lisa released the right nipple and the pain came back intensely.
 She didn't care if Lisa took pictures, she didn't care if she would be punished
 she had to cum. The vibrator was bumping the plug in her ass on the down stroke
 causing a vibration in both holes. It was too much.
 "OOOHHHHHHHhhhhhhh.....AHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh screamed Lisa as she crumpled to
 the floor in the midst of the most intense orgasm she had ever had in her life.
 She was writhing around the floor the pain and humiliation forgotten. Everything
 was center on her exploding pussy as the vibrator fell to the floor.
 After Mary calmed down and realized what had happen she knew she was lost forever.
 She did get off on this treatment. She had never felt anything like that ever
 before. She looked up and saw her tormentor and knew she was in for a long long
 period of use and abuse. Her fear was her husband and particularly her daughter.
 "Mrs. C. you didn't behave yourself."
 "Red faced Mary replied ,"Sorry Ms. Simon"
 "Well lets see. You made quite a mess on the floor there and you need to clean
 that up first."
 Mary started to get up to get a rag.
 "No,no Mrs. C. lick it up."
 Mary dropped to her hands and knees and began to lick her juices from the floor
 her plugged ass high in the air. As her tongue ran over the floor she wondered
 what else would happen.
 When Mary had licked the floor clean and cleaned the vibrator with her tongue
 Lisa ordered her to remove the plug from her ass. FLASH
 "Now lick it clean," ordered Lisa after Mary had managed to get the plug out
 by stretching her tight ring and pulling hard.
 Mary raised the plug to her mouth and gagging, she began to lick it clean. She
 was thankful she didn't throw-up because she was sure Lisa would make her clean
 that up too.
 Once everything was cleaned and put away for the night Lisa put the penis gag
 in Mary's mouth and taking her by the leash led her down stairs and out into
 the back yard. There Mary was ordered to lie down in the grass and her ankle
 cuffs were locked together and her wrists were locked behind her. "You will
 sleep her and think about your failure to follow orders Mrs. C. Tomorrow we
 will discuss the future." said Lisa as she tossed a towel on the ground. "It
 is a little chill out here. Use this for blanket," said Lisa as she turned and
 walked into the house leaving her teacher dressed in only garters and heels,
 bound and gagged in the dark cold yard. 

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 Lisa emerged from the house around 8:30 the next morning to find a cold shivering
 Mary huddled under the towel which of course was not large enough to provide
 much comfort. "Good Morning Mrs. C."
 "Morning Ms. Simon," mumbled the miserable teacher. She was cold, dirty, hungry
 and needed to use the bathroom.
 Lisa released Mary's ankles and helped her to stand. Taking the leash in hand
 she started to lead her teacher pet to the house. "Do you need to use the bathroom
 before we go in Mrs. C.?"
 Mary remembered the humiliation of yesterday but she really needed to go. "Yes
 Ms. Simon I need to use the bathroom." "Well hurry up then."
 Mary squatted once again in her yarn in front of her student and released her
 bladder. She didn't know what she would do when she needed to have a bowel movement.
 Once she finished the humiliating task she was lead into the house and up to
 the bathroom. "Take a shower Mrs. C. No playing with yourself and no using the
 toilet." Lisa hooked Mary's leash over the shower head and left the teacher
 to get cleaned up.
 Mary was exhausted. She had gotten little sleep the past 2 nights. Her muscles
 ached and her feet were very swollen. Her nipples and ass hole were tender.
 Mary let the warm water massage her body, She scrubbed her skin pink and washed
 her hair twice. After several minutes Lisa returned and unhooked the leash.
 She led the dripping teacher into her bedroom. "Get dried off and do your hair
 and make-up the way I like it. Your clothes for today are on the bed. "" What
 time do you expect Amy home?"
 The mention of her daughters name brought her back to the reality of her situation.
 "She should be home around 5:00. Ms. Simon," answered the naked, dripping teacher.
 "You have 30 minutes to get ready. Meet me in the kitchen."
 Mary dried quickly and looked on the bed for her clothes. She found a red garter
 belt with red stockings and the 6" heels. She dressed and then dried and styled
 her hair. The make-up was not to her liking but to Lisa's liking.
 She took a last look in the mirror and saw a 35 year old woman dressed or rather
 undressed made up like a teenager. She felt ridiculous but she marched down
 the stairs to the kitchen. Lisa was sitting at the table eating eggs with a
 slice of ham and toast. She had a cup of steaming coffee in front of her.
 " Your breakfast is in the bowl on the floor."
 Mary looked down and saw a bowl of dry spoon sized shredded wheat with a bowl
 of water next to it. Mary sank to her knees and began to eat the shredded wheat.
 She was starving. She picked up the bowl of water and washed the 10 shredded
 wheats down. When she had finished Lisa ordered her to clean up and meet her
 in the living room.
 Mary cleaned up and walked into the living room. "Put this where it belongs"
 said Lisa handing Mary the butt plug and the tube of lubricant.
 Mary started for the bathroom. "No, no, Mrs. C. right here."
 Mary stopped and began lubricating the plug. She realized that the only way
 she would get it in was to squat and force it into her ass. As she did just
 that, her student was watching closely. It was just slightly easier than the
 night before but it was still difficult and very uncomfortable. Once the plug
 was in place Mary was ordered to kneel on the floor before her student.
 "Mrs. C. you know how you made us learn all the rules of grammar and writing.
 And when we didn't follow them you corrected us and in some cases punished us."
 "Yes Ms. Simon."
 "Well I have prepared a list of rules for you. It is important that you follow
 them to keep our secret and protect your and your family 's reputation. If you
 fail to follow every rule you will be corrected and punished. Is that clear?"
 "Yes Ms. Simon."
 "The rules are not open to discussion. If you do not understand something you
 ask me. You are not to attempt to interpret them yourself."
 "Yes Ms. Simon."
 Lisa handed Mary a list of rules. "Read these out loud to me now to be sure
 you understand them. Rules may be added or changed as I see fit."
 Mary began to read: "Rules for my pet teacher to live by:
 1. I will remain naked with 6" heels at all time when I am alone at home unless
 directed otherwise by my owner. 2. When I am not alone I will wear a skirt and
 top or dress with garter belt and stockings and 3" heels unless directed otherwise
 by my owner. 3. I will always have my hair done and make-up as my owner likes
 it. 4. I will only eat what my owner permits and I may not use utensils unless
 my daughter is present. 5. I am never to sit on a toilet seat. If I am alone
 at home I will use the back yard for my toilet needs. If I use a bathroom I
 will squat over the bowl with the seat up. 6. I will always have my ass lubricated.
 7. I will keep my pussy bald at all times. 8. I will never wear panties or bra
 unless directed by my owner. 9. I will sleep naked on the floor every night
 unless directed otherwise by my owner. 10. I will never refuse an order of my
 owner. 11. I will wear my collar at all time when I am alone and carry it in
 my purse at all other times. 12. I will exercise daily and keep myself fit.
 13. I will never sit on any furniture without the permission of my owner. 14.
 I will never make any decisions without consulting my owner. 15. I will have
 my plug, big black dildo and nipple clamps with me at all times. 16. I will
 respect all students by calling the Ms. or Mr. 17. I will always display a smiling
 face. 18. I will masturbate every morning, at lunch and as soon as I get home
 from work BUT I will not have an orgasm without permission. 19. I acknowledge
 that I am obeying these and all other rules and orders from my owner because
 I want to be a good pet. 20. I understand that my life is now controlled by
 my owner.
 "Very good Mrs. C. Any questions?"
 "No Ms. Simon"
 "I will be moving into the guest room. We will tell Amy that I am having problems
 at home and you agreed to let me stay here with my parents permission."
 "Yes Ms. Simon."
 "Now go put on the skirt and blouse I laid out for you so we can get my stuff
 before Amy gets home."
 Mary went upstairs with her head spinning. She had no choice other than to obey
 her owner. Why does that thought make my pussy wet. She put on the skirt which
 really was extremely short, barely covering the tops of her stockings and Amy's
 sweater which was way to tight. Her hard nipples were poking holes in the front
 of the sweater. The plug in her as was still uncomfortable.
 Mary went down the stairs and when she saw Lisa she begged, "Ms. Simon I can't
 meet your parents dressed this way."
 "Don't worry they won't mind at all. Put your collar on."
 The confused teacher buckled the collar around her neck and walked to the car
 in a daze.

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 Mary climbed into the car wondering what Lisa had planned. Surely she didn't
 plan to make her meet her parents dressed this way.
 "Spread your legs and pull your skirt up Mrs. C. " said Lisa as she climbed
 into the car. " I live across town and I want you to play with yourself until
 we get there."
 Mary spread her legs and began to gentle slid her finger over her wet bald pussy.
 She was ashamed that she could possibly be excited being treated like this and
 being forced to act this way.
 After about a twenty minute drive they arrived at Lisa's home. It was in a nice
 suburban neighborhood. Her house had a wooden fence all around with a gate off
 the driveway. Lisa parked in the driveway and ordered Mary to get out of the
 car and pull her skirt down.
 Mary hesitated getting out and Lisa came around the car and opened the door
 pulling her teacher out of the car by her leash. "Come on Mrs. C. my parents
 are anxious to meet you."
 Mary didn't know what to do as she was led to the door at the end of her leash.
 How could she face this girls parents like this? What would she say? How would
 they react? What would they think of her? Would they have her arrested? A million
 thoughts went through her mind as Lisa continued to pull her leash leading her
 to the door.
 Lisa opened the door and lead the cringing teacher into the house. "I'm home,"
 called Lisa.
 Lisa's mother came out of the kitchen. "Hello Honey". said her mother ignoring
 the scantily clad collared teacher. "Your dad and brother are watching the game
 in the living room. Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes."
 Lisa pulled the teacher into the living room. "Hi dad, hi Mike."
 Mary immediately recognized Mike. She had been his teacher two years earlier.
 She hadn't realized Lisa was his sister. "Hi Lisa" said her dad.
 "Hi sis," said Mike. "Hi Mrs. C. You look different today."
 Mary blushed deeply and remained silent.
 "You remember my brother don't you Mrs. C.? You gave him a D on his term paper
 and he was ineligible to play football for two games."
 It came back to here immediately. Mike had done a terrible job on that paper
 and she had been forced to give him a low grade. He had asked her to please
 give him a C and let him do makeup work but she refused. Even the coach had
 asked her to make some allowances but she held fast and he was not permitted
 to play for 2 games until he brought the grade up. She could see him leering
 at her and Lisa's father was checking her out closer than was comfortable. She
 knew she was in a really bad situation.
 "So you are not so high and mighty are you now Mrs. C.?" Mike laughed reaching
 out and patting her tightly covered ass.
 "Dinner's ready", called Mrs. Simon.
 "Let's eat" said Lisa's dad.
 Lisa pulled the frightened teacher by her leash into the kitchen. There were
 four chair set around the table. Mary was left standing next to Lisa as the
 family sat down to dinner. The family ate dinner and talked as if Mary were
 not even there. She was very uncomfortable just standing there watch them eat
 and being ignored.
 After they finished eating Lisa turned to her teacher and explained. "You see
 Mrs. C. Mike was the one who actually found the magazine and when he showed
 me, we laid out a plan to get revenge. Mom and dad were in total agreement with
 the plan after what you had done to Mike. Mom and dad have practiced D/s and
 S/m for years and have a very open understanding between them. They belong to
 a group here in town that meets monthly. I attended my first meeting when I
 turned 18 and Mike has been attending for two years when he is home from college."
 "So you see this is a family affair. You are now the property of all of us.
 You are primarily mine but they can use you in any way they want. We will not
 involve your daughter directly since we do not believe in involving minors .
 However we may use her without her knowledge to assist in your training."
 Your husband will be involved but we will not unveil his involvement until later.
 He is unaware of what is happening at this time."
 " Take off your sweater Mrs. C. and show daddy and Mike your tits."
 The overwhelmed teacher knew she had no choice and lifted the sweater over her
 head exposing her hard tipped breasts to the family. Mike reach up and grasping
 the right nipple pulled the teacher down and gave her a hard opened mouth kiss.
 His tongue slide between her lips and her knee went weak. She forgot the pain
 in her nipple and was electrified by the intensity of the kiss.
 He released her nipple and lips and she stood on wobbling legs.
 "Remove your skirt Mrs. C. before you leak all over it."
 Mary lowered her skirt showing her shaved pussy to everyone.
 "Spread your legs," demanded Mike. "Show us your cunt teach added Lisa's father.
 Mary spread her legs and reached down and spread her juicy pussy lips showing
 them her excitement.
 "You were right Lisa. She is a natural," said Mrs. Mason.
 "Turn around and show your plugged ass."
 The deeply shamed teacher did as she was ordered.
 "Enough of this we don't have all day Mike needs some relief before going back
 to college. Mrs. C. go over and demonstrate you cock sucking talents on him.
 Bend at the waist and keep your ass up."ordered Lisa taking charge of her pet.
 Mary turned to Mike and saw his huge swollen cock sticking out of his pants.
 He grabbed her head and forced her mouth down over his cock. "He better be happy
 or you will be very, very sorry Mrs. C.," said Lisa patting her teacher bare
 Mary worked her mouth up and down the long thick pole. She used her tongue and
 tried to get this over a quickly as possible. That's when she felt hands on
 her ass, forcing her legs apart. A finger was sliding into her dripping pussy.
 Ohhh the sensations were too much..the thick cock running over her tongue and
 the finger playing in her pussy she was so close to cumming.
 At that moment she felt a sharp sting to her left breast. "Don't you dare cum
 you slut," hissed Mrs. Simon.
 Mary felt the finger leave her pussy and be replaced with what she knew was
 Mr. Simon's cock. It felt huge and was stretching her pussy but had no problem
 sliding in with her juices flowing. She felt another sharp pain in her right
 breast. She tried to concentrate on the cock in her mouth and ignore the hot
 rod now slamming into her steaming pussy. The stinging pains continued in her
 breast as Mrs. Simon smacked each one with a wooden spatula. FLASH. She could
 see the flashes as her use was recorded.
 Soon she felt the cock in her mouth begin to pulse. She worked hard trying to
 get this former student to cum in her mouth before she had an orgasm and drew
 the wrath of her tormentors. The first shot of cum hit the back of her throat
 gagging her and then Mike pulled out and landed squirt after squirt of hot cum
 on her face and in her hair.
 Her face remained in Mike's crotch with his deflated cock now back in her mouth
 as his father continued to pound her pussy while his mother smacked her by now
 sore sensitive breasts. Her orgasm was so near it hurt and she was fighting
 the pleasure to avoid anything worse happening to her.
 After what seemed an eternity she felt the splash of Mr. Simon's cum deep in
 her stretched pussy. Then he pulled out and covered her ass and back with hot
 white cum.
 As Mr. Simon pulled his cock from her very used pussy the teacher collapsed
 to the floor. Looking down she saw her breasts an angry red and her nipples
 were painfully engorged. Her pussy was crying for release which was not to be.
   Mr. Simon took some pictures of the bedraggled teacher covered in cum. His hobby 
 was photography and he planned to use Lisa's pet for some very inventive pictures.
 Get up Mrs. C. and take my things to the car. Don't bother to clean up just
 put your sweater and skirt on and get moving. We want to get home before Amy
 gets back.
 The cum covered teacher dressed and moved to load her owners things into her
 car. She couldn't look any of them in the eye and silently went about completing
 her task.
 "Mike will be going back to college tonight but I will take you over to visit
 daddy and mommy next week," said Lisa as she drove her once proud teacher to
 her home with cum drying on her face and in her hair.

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 When they arrived home Mary carried all of Lisa's things into the large guest
 room and unpacked for her. She was a real mess with cum dried on her face and
 in her hair. Her breasts were very sore from the abuse of Lisa's mother and
 her pussy was crying for the release she had been denied.
 "Shower and wash your hair Mrs. C. you look disgusting. I will lay out your
 outfit to greet your daughter. And Mrs. C. don't you dare play with yourself."
 A thoroughly dominated teacher moved to the shower. There wasn't much time to
 get ready and Lisa required her to always have her hair and make-up done.
 After a quick show Mary entered her bed room apprehensive about what Lisa would
 require her to where. She found a respectable but short skirt, a heavy sweater
 which would conceal her unfettered breasts and 3" heels. There were no stockings
 or garter belt so she was totally naked under her clothes. Her ass was still
 plugged and she put her collar in her purse with the dildo and tube of lubricant.
 As she was doing her make-up she realized how hungry she was. She hadn't had
 anything to eat all day and hadn't had a decent meal since last Friday at lunch.
 As soon as she was ready she went down stairs looking for Lisa.
 "Better start dinner Mrs. C. Amy will be hungry when she gets home. First show
 me your plug" she demanded.
 Mary lifted her skirt and bent over.
 "Spread your cheeks Mrs. C."
 The shamed teacher reached back and spread her ass cheeks so her student could
 see the plug in her ass.
 "Stay like that and finger your pussy"
 Skirt up, bent at the waist Mary began to finger her pussy. I seconds she was
 "Mrs. C. you are such a hot number," mocked Lisa. "Enough of that now fix dinner.
 Amy and I will had ravioli's and a nice salad. You will have some plain lettuce.
 Unless of course you want to dip it in front of Amy"
 "Please Ms. Simon I am so hungry." begged Mary.
 "But you just had a load of high protein cum not more than an 2 hours ago. We
 have to get rid of a few pounds Mrs. C."
 A red faced Mary had no reply to that and began getting the dinner Lisa had
 About 10 minutes later They heard the front door open and a cry, "Mom I'm home"
 "In the kitchen ", called Mary.
 Amy stopped in her tracks when she came into the kitchen. "Mom, What did you
 do to your hair?"
 "Do you like it?"
 "It's so different. Why did you get it cut so short?"
 "I just wanted something really different."
 "Why are you dressed up on Sunday night? Are you going out?"
 "No Honey I just decided to dress up more. You know with Daddy gone I tend to
 let myself go a little."
 "Oh". Just then Amy noticed Lisa. "Hi".
 "Amy you know Lisa don't you?"
 "Sure from school".
 "Well she will be living here for a while until she can get things worked out
 with her parents." Mary lied to her daughter.
 "Cool. An older sister. That will be neat."
 " I think so too," said Lisa. "Come on I'll help you unpack."
 Lisa and Amy went up stairs and left the nervous teacher cooking a dinner she
 was not permitted to eat. At least the 3" heels didn't hurt her feet as much
 as the 6" ones.
 When dinner was ready Mary called the two girls and when they came down they
 were chatting like old friends. Amy and Lisa sat down and Mary served them a
 large salad and ravioli. Then she moved to the counter where she picked at her
 "Aren't you having any Mom?" asked Amy.
 "No, I'm trying to lose a few pounds Honey." Mary lied again to her daughter.
 "Get us a couple of Cokes Mrs. C.", demanded Lisa.
 She got out two Cokes and glasses for the girls.
 "Mom why do we have Coke you always liked Pepsi and wouldn't ever but Coke for
 Now Mary was in a tough spot. What could she say.
 "I bought the Coke" said Lisa "I didn't know but if you like Coke I'm sure your
 mother will buy it from now on. Won't you Mrs. C.?"
 "Sure since you both like it and I am dieting I'll get Coke from now on." Another
 "Aren't you going to sit down Mom?" asked Amy.
 "No honey I have a lot to do and want to keep moving." Lie number four Her life
 is becoming one lie after another as she protects her family from her tormentors.
 The girls finished and went upstairs leaving Mary to clean up. Usually Amy cleaned
 up but Lisa had said for her to come upstairs with her and Mary was left to
 clean up as she knew she would be doing from now on. After everything was cleaned
 up Mary went upstairs and asked if the girls needed anything. She suddenly became
 aware of the need to use the bathroom. But she was plugged.!! She tried to catch
 Lisa's eye but Lisa ignored her.
 "Did you finish checking our papers yet Mrs. C.?" asked Lisa innocently. She
 could see the beginning concern on her teacher and suspected she knew the reason.
 "I'll entertain Amy you go check the papers."
 It was an order Mary knew that. What was Amy and Lisa talking about? In this
 first test her nerves were on edge. The stress was tremendous. She moved off
 the her room to check the papers. She sat on the floor and spread the papers
 around her as she went to work trying to ignore the cramping in her bowels.
 A couple of hours later Amy came in to say good night. "Why are you on the floor
 "I needed room to spread everything out Honey," Mary lied again.
 "Well I'm really tired and have a busy day tomorrow. Tell daddy I said hi when
 he calls," said Amy as she kissed her mother on the cheek. "Good night."
 "Good night Honey" said Mary. Damn she had forgotten all about Bill's calling
 on Sunday nights.
 After Amy had gone to bed Lisa came into Mrs. C. room. "We are alone. Strip
 Mrs. C."
 "Please Ms. Simon may I remove my plug and use the bathroom." begged the stressed
 out teacher. All this lying and deprivation was making her fall apart.
 "Of course Mrs. C. Why did you ask me sooner? said Lisa with a wicked smile.
 "Be sure to lick the plug clean and remember how you must 'sit' unless of course
 you want to go outside."
 "I'll use the bathroom, thank you Ms. Simon."
 Mary hurried into the bathroom and pulled the plug from her ass and squatting
 over the toilet with the seat up she didn't have to strain hard to empty her
 bowels. Then she began the disgusting task of licking the plug clean.
 "You do not need to put it back in right now Mrs. C." called Lisa from the bedroom.
 When Mary came back into the bedroom wearing only her heels Lisa told her to
 change into her 6" heels. "they make your legs and ass look almost respectable.
 Handing Mary her purse Lisa ordered her to get the dildo out. She was told to
 sit on the floor with her knees drawn back so her heels were against her ass.
 Lisa moved up and pushed her teacher knees apart exposing her bald pussy. "Put
 your black friend into your pussy Mrs. C."
 Mary took the black monster and tried to slip the end into her moist slit. It
 was too big. " Ms. Simon it is too big, it doesn't fit."
 "Get it in or I will and your might make too much noise if I have to do it."
 snarled Lisa. "I've been much too easy on you."
 The frightened teacher managed to get the head into her pussy stretching it
 further than ever except when Amy was born. Once the head was in, it slowly
 slide deeper and deeper until about 4" were buried it her pussy. FLASH
 "Now slide it in and out and get it deeper."
 Mary pushed and pushed the huge black cock in and out. It stretched her to the
 limit and was so large it rubbed her clit on every stroke sending shivers through
 her body. Another inch disappeared into her hole but at least 8 " was still
 "Mrs. C. by Christmas you will take every inch of that," said Lisa confidently.
 'Impossible' thought Mary but she kept her mind on the fire building in her
 "Don't cum Mrs. C. If you are good maybe I'll let you cum later but keep that
 black toy of your moving."
 The phone rang. Mary looked at Lisa with pleading eyes.
 Keep fucking yourself Mrs. C. while you talk to your husband. Don't mention
 me. If you cum or stop I will wake Amy to talk to her father" said Lisa with
 a smile.
 Mary answered the phone. She did her best to talk in a normal voice as she slid
 the dildo in and out with 6" disappearing now. She was on fire. Her husband
 was so preoccupied he didn't even notice her ragged breathing. She could here
 the sucking sounds as the black pleasure maker slide in and out of her blazing
 pussy. The conversation lasted about 10 minutes and Mary could not remember
 one word that had been said. As soon as she hung up she begged Lisa,"Please
 Ms. Simon May I cum?"
 "What are you willing to do if I let you cum Mrs. C.?"
 The frantic teacher hissed "Anything Ms. Simon. Anything."
 Lisa lifted her skirt showing Mary her bare ass. "Kiss my ass Mrs. C."
 The chagrined teacher leaned forward and placed her lips on her student's bare
 " Come on Mrs. C. if you want to cum you have to do better than that."
 Mary leaned further forward and planted her lips firmly on Lisa's ass.
 "Use your tongue Mrs. C."
 The overcharged teacher ran her tongue over Lisa smooth ass. She dipped her
 tongue into the crack briefly.
 "Lick the hole Mrs. C."
 Mary couldn't last much longer. Her pussy was burning up. Her ass was bouncing
 on the floor as she shoved the black dildo in and out. There was a puddle of
 her juices on the floor and she was getting a full 8" in. Lisa noted there was
 only 6" to go.
 As Mary's tongue licked her students ass Lisa said "Cum Mrs. C."
 Ahhhhhhhhhhh... moaned into Lisa's ass as she bucked through the most intense
 orgasm ever. She was cumming and cumming one after the other. Her tongue was
 whipping over Lisa's ass hole as she made an even larger puddle on the floor.
 Once she came back to earth Lisa said, "Well Mrs. C. you are a pretty good ass
 licker and look you have 8" of the black cock in that hole of yours already.
 A mortified teacher realized what had just happened and broke out sobbing.
 "If cumming is going to make you cry Mrs. C. I won't permit you to cum anymore."
 Mary fought for control.
 "Now lick your toy clean and then lick up your mess on the floor. Sleep right
 there and keep your black plaything in your mouth all night. Set you alarm for
 5 and be showered and made up with breakfast for Amy and I ready by 6:30. You
 may wear the robe we saved until I pick out your clothes for school."
 "Oh have your bag for the gym ready to pack too."
 "Nite Mrs. C."
 The stunned teacher sat there unmoving for a half hour before beginning the
 jobs assigned.

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The alarm jarred the exhausted teacher awake at 5:00 A.M. She had not gotten
to sleep until about 2:00 A.M. She had licked the floor clean and then licked
the black dildo until it was free of all her juices. Her pussy was still leaking
as she laid down on the cold floor to try to sleep. She spent the night sucking
the huge rubber cock.

Mary dragged her tired body to the shower hoping the hot water would invigorate
her tired muscles. Her jaws ached from being stretched around the huge black
cock all night and her pussy was very sore from the workout the night before.
Just thinking about it made her pussy moist again. She had never felt anything
so intense before. She didn't have time for the long hot shower she wished for
so she limited herself to a quick shower cleaning herself thoroughly and washing
her hair.

When she got out of the shower she was shocked to see it was 5:30 already. She
quickly dried her hair and got her make-up on by 6:00. She slipped on the robe
Lisa had permitted her to keep which came to just below her ass cheeks and was
nearly transparent. She wondered what her daughter would think of her dress
this way. She hoped she wouldn't see her shaved slit.

Mary prepared bacon and pancakes for Lisa and Amy. She hoped she would be permitted
to eat some too they smelled so good and she was getting desperate for some
decent food. At exactly 6:30 she wakened Lisa and then Amy and told them breakfast
was ready.

Lisa told Amy to go on down and start she would be down in a second. Lisa took
Mary into her room and laid out her clothes for the day. Red garter belt with
smoke stockings...3" black heels. She also picked out a navy skirt which was
4" above the knee and a white sweater which covered her breasts and would conceal
the fact that she was braless unless anyone looked closely.

She also packed Mary's bag for the gym. The too small leotard and spandex shorts
with white gym socks and tennis shoes. She also packed one on Amy's tube tops
(red and white stripes), a very tight short red skirt and 5" red heels in the

When Mary looked nervously at the items Lisa packed in the bag Lisa said,"Don't
worry Mrs. C. I will give you a note in school as to what is expected of you
after dismissal."

Lisa went down for breakfast leaving Mary to dress. When Mary was dressed and
ready for school she went down to the kitchen hoping for something to eat. Amy
had gone back up to get ready and only Lisa was in the kitchen.

"Here is your breakfast," said Lisa handing Mary a slice of dry toast and a
small glass of orange juice. I have packed your lunch for you but you can not
open it until lunch and you should eat in the teacher's lunchroom.

Mary ate the dry toast and drank the small juice which did little to quell her
appetite. She then cleaned up while Lisa dressed for school.

Mary was permitted to drive to school with Lisa and Amy. They parked in the
teacher lot and walked into the school. Mary was uncomfortable because she had
no panties on and she could feel her breast moving under the sweater. She knew
no one would probably notice but she was afraid someone would. After Amy had
turned and walked to her classroom Lisa whispered to Mary. "Your tits move so
nicely under that sweater." This served to make her even more aware of her lack
of under clothing.

The day went relatively normal up to lunch time with Mary very aware of her
breasts swaying under the sweater and the air moving over her bare pussy but
no one seemed to notice anything except her new hair style which stirred quite
a bit of conversation. Lisa hadn't been into her room yet, her class met after

Mary went to the lunch room fearful of what would be in her lunch. She sat at
the end of the lunch table but was the center of interest because of her new
hair. Opening the bag she found a half of chicken sandwich, and apple, and 2
small cookies. She looked but there was nothing else. No note or anything from
Lisa. She had thought Lisa had put a note in her lunch. Mary ate the lunch as
she talked with the other teachers. She was thankful that at least she had some
regular food. While not enough to satisfy her it was enough to stop her stomach
from growling.

Mary was very apprehensive about Lisa's class after lunch. Lisa had been so
intent on humiliating her since she came into her room on Friday that she just
knew something would happen. But then again Lisa had not embarrassed her too
much in front of Amy except for the robe this morning which Amy didn't even

Lisa came into her room a couple of minutes before class and demanded , " Open
your purse Mrs. C."

Mary opened her purse

Lisa said," Where are the things that are to be here? Your plug and favorite
black toy and your collar.?"

"Oh no. I forgot Ms. Simon. Please I'm sorry." begged the panicked teacher.

"Mrs. C. I am very disappointed with you. You have failed to play with your
hot box twice today as ordered, you failed to wear your heels after your shower,
you have been sitting all day in your room, you sat at lunch and now this. Do
you think my rules are a joke? Do you think I am playing? After school you are
to stand in the corner of your room facing the wall until I come in. Do not
move from that spot no matter how long I take to get here."

Lisa went to her seat as the other students came into class leaving the shaken
teacher standing near her desk. Class proceeded as usually with Mary standing
the entire time. She saw Lisa whispering to other students but didn't know what
she was saying. She was so scared she almost peed herself. Then she remember
she had sat on the toilet twice today in violation of her orders. She hope Lisa
would know about that.

Finally the end of the longest day of her teaching career came to an end and
the last of her students left. Mary checked the hall and when everyone had gone
she went and stood in the corner away from the door so anyone walking by wouldn't
see her. She knew Amy would be going to basketball practice after school so
she would not be a problem.

After about 30 minutes of standing nervously in the corner Mary heard the door
open and glanced over and saw Lisa come into the room. Lisa sat in Mary's chair
and ordered," Pull your skirt up Mrs. C."

The frightened teacher pulled her skirt up to her waist baring her ass. Her
faced reddened as the thought of someone walking in sank into her mind.

"Walk backwards to me Mrs. C."

As the bare assed teacher walked back to her controlling student Lisa was rummaged
through her desk and found a strong, thick, wooden ruler. When Mary had backed
up to Lisa she was told to bend over the desk with her ass high in the air and
legs spread. "If I were you I wouldn't make too much noise Mrs. C., Bubba will
be cleaning this section soon."

Lisa then began to spank the frightened teacher with the ruler. Soon Mary was
squirming around on the desk and the tears were running down her cheeks as her
ass got hotter and hotter and redder and redder. She bit her tongue to keep
quiet sure that the sound of the ruler smacking her ass would draw the janitor
to her room to see her dbangd across her desk being punished on her bare ass
by one of her students. It was almost too much to bare.

Finally Lisa stopped the beating of her ass and ordered her back to the corner
with the skirt up. "Now stay there until I get back and don't move a muscle
Mrs. C. or we start over." Lisa left the room and was gone for what seemed to
Mary forever.

When she returned she put Mary's gym bag on the desk and handed Mary a note.
These are your instructions for tonight. I have placed a packet of your finest
new pictures where they will be found by Mr. Johnson (the principal) in the
morning if you fail to do as you are told. You must complete everything and
get home by 10:00 tonight so that I can retrieve the photo and keep your secret.
I am driving the car home so you will need to take a cab or the bus to accomplish
your tasks. Here is $20.00", said Lisa pulling it from Mary's purse, " and your
make up". "I'll take this home for you." said Lisa taking Mary's purse. "See
you tonight."

Lisa left and Mary pulled down her skirt and opened the note. It was rather
long and quite detailed. As she read on her mouth dropped open and the tears
sprung from her eyes. 'I can't do these things'. 'This is too much' though Mary
as she crumpled to the floor sobbing like a lost child.

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Mary sobbed on the floor for 10 minutes. 'I can't do those things'. Maybe she
didn't read it correctly. She read it again with a shaky hand.

Dear Mrs. C.,

You must do everything as listed in this note. You are to return home by 10:00
P.M. tonight or I will be unable to stop your discovery and you will have ruined
not only your own life but your husbands and daughters too. 1. You will remove
your skirt and sweater. 2. You will put on the tube top and skirt in your gym
bag. 3. Change into the 5" heels. 4. You will place your skirt, sweater and
the 3" heels in your desk and leave them at the school. 5. Now go to your gym
and do an aerobic exercise program for at least 1 hour. (I may check the log
sheet at the gym to be sure you worked out an hour.) 6. You will shower and
be sure at least 5 other women see your shaved pussy before leaving the shower.
7. After your workout you are to go to a pharmacy and purchase12 rubbers. Do
not purchase a dozen in a box but 12 different individual rubbers. Ask the pharmacist
which kinds are best. 8. You are then to go to the mall and enjoy dinner in
the food court. Remember no sitting. 9. Go to the shoe store and find the young
man who sold you your heels. If he is not working pick someone else for the
next part of your assignment. 10. You are to give him or the person you choose
one of the rubbers you bought and ask him to fill it with his cum. Offer what
ever you need to get it done. Bring the filled rubber home to me.

Remember you only have $20. dollars and must be home by 10 to get the remainder
of your punishment or I will be gone when you get here.


Mary looked at her watch and saw it was 4:30 already. 'What was she going to
do?' She knew she had no choice but how could she do these things with only
$20.00 and 5 1/2 hours. She needed 1 1/2 hours at the gym, allowing 30 minutes
for the pharmacy and 30 minutes travel she was down to 3 hours. The trip to
the mall and then home was at least 1 1/2 hours which left only 1 1/2 hours
to get done the disgusting thing she had to do. But she didn't have any transportation
and using public transportation would add at least an hour and she couldn't
afford a taxi.

'I have no choice.' she decided as she got up from the floor and moved to the
desk to get her gym bag.

"Hi Mrs. C." said Bubba as he came into the room. "You ok?" "Yes Bubba I'm fine
I'll be out of your way in a few minutes."

"No hurry Maam, I'll just start in Mrs. B.'s room."

Mary picked up the bag and headed for the restroom to change.

She slipped off her sweater and skirt and put on the tube top which was too
small and squeezed her breasts tightly and the skirt didn't completely cover
the tops of her stockings. With the 5" heels she looked in the mirror and was
ashamed of the way she looked. The thought of what she was being required to
do caused her to begin sobbing again.

She composed herself as she realized her time was passing away and a quick fix
of her make-up and hair and she was ready to go back to her room. How would
she avoid Bubba?

She listened carefully and could hear him singing as he worked in Mrs. B.'s
room across the hall from hers. She tiptoed to her room and quickly put the
clothes in her drawer and moved to her door. Quickly looking down the hall she
headed for the exit.

After she passed Mrs. B.'s room Bubba leaned out and watched the hot teacher's
ass sway down the hall poured into the tight red skirt.

When Mary reached the exit she knew this would be her most vulnerable place
to be recognized by someone she knew. With her head lowered she hurried to the
bus stop on the corner unaware she was being watched from the school by the
big black janitor as he smelled her sweater. It was 4:55.

The bus came at 5:05 and the ride to the gym took 10 minutes with the scantily
clad blushing teacher standing on the bus. She was starred at and she saw several
people whispering and looking at her.

She finally signed in at the gym at 5:10 under the shocked look of the attendant.
She moved to the locker room and quickly changed into the exercise outfit which
was not nearly as embarrassing as the tube top and skirt. The leotard did ride
into her ass and when she walked to the gym it rode into her pussy. The spandex
shorts kept her from inconspicuously tugging it out.

She decided to start on the tread mill and began jogging on the moving tread.
She quickly became aware that the leotard was situated over her clit and was
rubbing over it with every step. After 15 minutes she was breathing much harder
than the simple jogging caused. When she looked down she saw the growing wet
spot on the crotch of the spandex shorts. The stair stepper had the same effect
and 15 minutes on it caused her to be soaked in sweat which hid the growing
wet spot but did nothing to lessen the odor of sex which Mary could smell very

By the time she finished 15 minutes on the bike and a 15 minutes aerobic dance
routine she was exhausted and near collapse. Her pussy was on fire and she needed
to cum. She glanced at the clock and it was 6:20.

She headed for the shower and washed the sweat from her body and her juices
from her pussy. She knew she had to allow 5 women to see her naked pussy while
in the shower. One of the ladies she knew fairly well commented on her bald
pussy. She explained she had an infection and had to shave it. Her face was
indeed crimson. After drying and doing her hair and make up quickly while wrapped
in a towel she put on her humiliating outfit and signed out of the gym at 6:45.

Mary knew there was a drug store around the corner from the gym. She had a prescription
fill there a couple of months ago. She knew she looked like a slut and was very
embarrassed by it but not many people took notice on the street. When she entered
the pharmacy she was becoming very concerned about the time. She hurried down
the aisles with her heels clicking and found the rubbers. She picked out 12
different varieties which she knew nothing about, lubricated, ribbed, ultra
thin. French tickler to describe a few. She went to the pharmacist when he was
free and asked if these were good brands? He looked at her disgustingly and
said, "You should know better the I." She wanted to sink into the floor. She
paid and realized money might become a problem. The bus fare had been $1.25
and the rubbers were $12.95 which left her with $5.80 to get to and from the
mall and get something to eat. She left the drug store and hurried to the bus
stop. It was 7:05 she had missed the 7:00 bus and had to stand and wait. While
she was waiting a guy about 25 came up to her and asked how much as he grabbed
her ass. She was shocked but as she looked around she discovered she was in
an area frequented by prostitutes. She didn't think it was possible to be this
humiliated and keep going but when the bus arrived at 7:15 she got on for the
ride to the mall. The fare was $2.50 . As she stood for the 55 minute ride her
mind was on the task ahead. She was about to ask a stranger to cum in a rubber
so she could take it home. Maybe it would be better just to let the pictures
come out.

The bus arrived at the mall at 8:10. While she didn't look out of place on the
city street she did look very out of place here at the mall. She only had $.80
to spend food so she quickly bought a cookie at the cookie store and stood in
the food court and quickly wolfed it down. Her body was exhausted and she was
starving. She was the subject of many stares as she stood there eating the cookie.

As she made her way to the shoe store she was followed by a group of teenage
boys who made rude remarks about her ass and breasts. She walked into the shoe
store at exactly 8:25. She knew she had to catch the 8:45 bus to get home by
10:00. She frantically looked around the store for the young salesman. He wasn't
there. She had never considered this possibility.

Then he came out of the stock room carrying several boxes. She ran up to him
and said "I need to talk to you privately".

The confused salesman said, "As soon as I finish with this lady."

"No, Now, " Mary said grabbing his arm.

He recognized her as the lady who had bought several pairs of shoes over the
weekend. He handed the boxes to another salesman, "Could you help the lady over
there with these please."

He took Mary back into the stockroom. "Where is your cute young girlfriend?"
he asked.

"She is no my girlfriend, she is my st...friend"

"Well what can I do for you? Is there a problem with your shoes?"

"No. I need a favor and I don't have time to discuss this."

""What do you need?'

The shamed teacher said looking at the floor, "I need you to masturbate into
a rubber so I can take it with me."

"WHAT!!!!" he exclaimed. "That is sick." as he turned to leave.

The frantic teacher grabbed his arm. "This is serious I'll help you if you want
but I have to have it. I'm begging you" sobbed Mary as she sank to her knees.

"I don't have a rubber".

"I do," said Mary opening her gym bag and pulling out the rubbers.

"Why should I do this? What's in it for me?.

"What do you want? Please I'll do anything but we need to hurry."

He thought a moment. Why not let this sexy, though slutty, bitch suck my cock
for me. "I'll wear a rubber while to blow me bitch if you beg a little harder."

Mary was stung by his words but reaching for his zipper she heard herself begging,
":Please allow me to suck your cock, Please."

The salesman picked out an ultra thin ribbed rubber and told Mary to put it

She had never done this before and fumbled with the foil package.

"Suck my cock to get it hard bitch."

Mary opened her mouth and sucked the cock in front of her as she got the rubber
package open. The cock began to swell in her mouth and when it was fully grown
she pulled her mouth off and rolled the rubber over the hot 8" cock. Once the
rubber was in place she slide the cock back into her mouth and worked her lips
up and down as she was kneeling on the dirty floor of the stockroom. Working
her lips and using her hands she sensed he was near cumming when the other salesman
came back into the stock room.

"Well Well, I get seconds."

The frantic teacher shook her head no but her salesman pulled his cock out and
said." Either my friend gets some or you don't get what you 'need'."

"OK" she said, as she stuffed the cock back in her mouth . Her time was running

She pumped the swelling cock in her mouth and felt the cum shooting into the
tip of the rubber. She careful slide the rubber off the cock as the other salesman
stepped in front of her. She took her precious cum filled rubber as she wrapped
her lips around the second cock.

Fortunately he was so turned on from watching her suck the other guy he squirted
his load into her sucking mouth almost immediately. Mary got to her feet and
whipped the cum from her lips and looked at her watch. 8:42.

She turned and began running down the mall to get to the bus stop. She was aware
that her breasts were threatening to bounce out of her top but she knew she
needed to make the bus. She crashed out the door just as the bus was pulling
into the bus stop. She climbs on the bus and paid the fare leaving her $.05
to spare.

Mary spent the next 60 minutes leaning on the pole in the bus. Ignoring the
others on the bus. Her mind was on what she had just done. A happily married
(sort of) mother with a teaching career she loved had just paraded through a
mall dressed like a whore and begged a guy to allow her to give him a blow job
and then gave one to his friend in a dirty storeroom. Her body shivered.

She got off the bus at 9:51. The bus stop was about a mile from her house which
was not on the main road. She began running in her 5" heels down the dark road.
Her bag was bouncing on her shoulder and her top slide off her breasts as they
were bouncing up and down but she couldn't stop.

Now she could see her house the porch light was on and she had about 200 yards
to go. As she approached the front gate the light went off. "Nooooooo" she screamed
"I'm here." She pounded on the door. The defeated teacher pounded on the door
sobbing "I'm here , I made it."

After about 3 minutes the light came on and Lisa opened the door. "Well Mrs.
C. welcome home."

"I made it Ms. Simon. Please go get the pictures."

"All taken care of. Come in Amy is spending the night at Rachel's.."

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 The physically and mentally exhausted teacher pulled herself to her feet and
 with her breasts totally exposed staggered into the house.
 "You look like you had a very thrilling evening Mrs. C." laughed Lisa. "Take
 off that silly skirt and ridiculous top right this minute."
 Mary struggled and removed the top and skirt without complaint. Her body was
 worn out from the extreme stress and the humiliation as well as the exercise
 session and having to run in the impossible high heels. She stood before her
 student passively waiting to be told what to do next. She had no dignity or
 pride left after what she had done tonight.
 "Come over here Mrs. C. and bend over the back of the love seat."
 The teacher did as she was told, bending over the back of the love seat with
 her bare ass high in the air. What else could Lisa do to her?
 Lisa then fastened an ankle cuff to each ankle and attached them to the back
 legs of the love seat spreading the teacher's legs. "Now Mrs. C. I want you
 to tell me in detail about your evening. I will be paddling your ass with this
 paddle while you tell me because you failed me miserably today at school. How
 long and how many times the paddle meets your ass depends on how interesting
 your story is."
 WAM. The paddle lands forcefully on the bound teacher's ass. "Owwww. I changed
 into the clothes you gave me in the restroom. "
 WAM. "Who told you had permission to go to the restroom to change."
 "Owww. I just thought..."
 WAM. "That is the point. You are not to think."
 "Sorry Ms. Simon," babbled Mary. Her ass was on fire and her legs were aching
 and cramping.
 Mary went on with the story. It took about 45 minutes during which time her
 ass was paddled about 40 times. She was reduced to a babbling beaten nothing.
 Telling what she had done was more embarrassing than actually doing it and the
 constant paddling on her ass served to break her spirit completely.
 Once she had finished Lisa sat down and had a good laugh at the teachers position.
 "Well Mrs. C. I guess you were born to be owned . You have performed well and
 I will be lenient with you tonight.' She released the sobbing teacher's ankles.
 "Now go and put your souvenir cum filled rubber in the freezer. Then you may
 shower and go to sleep on the floor next to your bed. I will be sleeping in
 your bed so be quiet. Wake me at 6:30 for breakfast."
 "Thank you Ms. Simon."
 Mary did as she was ordered and then took a long hot shower. She hit the floor
 about 12:00 and slept soundly on her side until the alarm woke her at 5:45.
 When Mary got up she was still tired and stiff but what she noticed most was
 her painful ass. She looked in the mirror and saw it was still very pink and
 tender. She went into the bathroom with her dildo and masturbated as required
 almost to the point of orgasm. She was shocked that her pussy responded so quickly.
 When she finished she took a quick shower and the quickly did her hair and make
 up standing in the bathroom. Before leaving the bathroom she lubed her ass in
 case Lisa checked. Her ass couldn't take anymore punishment. Breaking the sitting
 rule would not be a problem today.
 Slipping on a pair of 5" heels She went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast
 for Lisa. She was so very hungry she would do anything for a decent meal.
 At 6:30 the naked high heeled teacher woke her tormentor. "Good Morning Ms.
 Simon. Your breakfast is ready."
 Lisa got out of bed and checked her pet. She was pleased that Mary had her make
 up and hair done and was nude except for the heels. Her training was coming
 along nicely. "Where is your collar pet?"
 A terrified Mary raced to her purse and put her collar around her neck. "I'm
 sorry Ms. Simon. Please don't punish me."
 "From now on pet you will speak in the third person. 'Your pet is sorry ' 'Please
 don't punish your pet.' When we are in school or Amy is present you may speak
 "Yes Ms. Simon. Your pet is sorry."
 Lisa smiled and lead her teacher by her leash to the kitchen.
 Mary had prepared bacon and eggs with toast and jam for Lisa. Her stomach was
 crying for food.
 "Hungry pet?" asked Lisa.
 "Your pet is very hungry Ms. Simon." responded Mary correctly.
 "Well I'm just going to have some milk this morning. You can have this" said
 Lisa as she dumped her breakfast on the floor.
 Mary was so hungry she gave up an sense of pride and dropped to the floor and
 ate the breakfast from the floor with her hands.
 "Finish eating and clean up Mrs. C. and meet me in your bed room in 10 minutes."
 Mary ate every bit of food from the floor and then cleaned up everything rushing
 up the stairs to her room within the time period.
 Lisa was waiting for her teacher and ordered her to put in her butt plug right
 there in front of her. She was thankful she had kept herself lubed as ordered.
 Mary squatted slightly and inserted the plug into her ass.
 "You will not remove it for any reason without my permission." instructed Lisa.
 "Yes Ms. Simon your pet will not remove her plug without permission."
 "Come here Mrs. C. "
 Mary straighten up and walked to stand in front of her student.
 "Now play with your nipples and make them hard Mrs. C."
 Mary began pinching and tweaking her nipples which responded quickly. Her body
 had never been so responsive. All the stimulation and denial was having this
 affect. She refused to believe she actually enjoyed being treated this way.
 When her nipples were hard Lisa reached out and placed a tiny orthodontic rubber
 band on each.
 The pain was minimal but the nipples were locked in there swollen state. Soon
 then began to ache and became very sensitive. "Those will stay on as long as
 the plug is in Mrs. C."
 "Yes Ms. Simon your pet understands."
 "Here is your outfit for today. Get dressed and meet me down stairs in 15 minutes.
 And put on more make up before you come down."
 "Yes Ms. Simon."
 Mary looked at the clothes Lisa had laid out for her. A short plaid tweed skirt,
 black garter belt, nude stockings, red camisole, and white silk blouse with
 top button removed and 3" red heels made up her wardrobe for today. The skirt
 was snug but if she was careful it covered her stocking tops. The camisole was
 clearly visibly through the white blouse and the missing button allowed the
 top of the camisole to show. But the most embarrassing and annoying part of
 the outfit was the affect the silk camisole and blouse had on her banded nipples.
 Every movement caused her nipples to rub on the material and send shivers through
 her sensitive nipples directly to her pussy. Her body was her enemy and she
 would have to be fighting all day to control it. She would have to stand still
 as much as possible. The plug in her ass was uncomfortable but her nipples even
 made that full feeling in her ass exciting. When Mary looked in the mirror to
 touch up her make up she noticed her nipples were pointing through the silky
 material. There was no way to hide them.
 "Did you go to the bathroom today Mrs. C.?" asked Lisa when Mary walked into
 the kitchen.
 "No Ms. Simon your pet did not use the bathroom today."
 "Well you better go out and use the yard since you are not permitted to use
 the restroom today."
 The shamed teacher walked out into the yard, lifting her skirt and spreading
 her legs she peed while her student watched.
 ""Ready to leave Mrs. C.?"
 "Yes Ms. Simon." responded Mary as she made a final check of her purse to be
 sure her collar and dildo were in there.
 "Here is your lunch pet. and I want you to put the rubbers in your purse too.
 Never know when a hot number like you might need them."
 Mary hurried to put the rubbers in her purse. "Ms. Simon, should your pet take
 her gym bag today?"
 "Yes pet you will be working out after school and then Amy and I are taking
 you to the mall and out to dinner."
 What Lisa had just said jarred Mary, 'Amy and Lisa taking her to the mall?'
 What does she have planned now?'
 After a painful ride to school on her tender ass Mary received her instructions
 for the day from Lisa. She was to be moving around the room constantly so everyone
 would get a good look at her stiff nipples. She was to eat lunch in the faculty
 dining room but not to look at her lunch until she gets there. She was not to
 use the restroom but she was to drink at least 4 glasses of water and at lunch
 have a carton of milk.
 "Have a good day Mrs. C."

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 From the beginning of the first class Mary knew she would be in for a long day.
 The silken material rubbing on her engorged nipples was sending electric charges
 directly to her pussy. The plug in her ass was moving with every step she took
 and she could feel her pussy beginning to leak its hot juices. By the middle
 of the second period her thighs was slick with her nectar and the tops of her
 stockings were beginning to get wet. Fortunately she didn't have a class third
 period and was headed for the restroom to clean up when she remembered that
 Lisa had forbid her to use the restroom. She returned to her room and after
 locking the door used Kleenex to dry her thighs and pussy. She was so hot she
 couldn't imagine going the whole day in this state. Just before the beginning
 of her next class she dried her pussy again and then taught the class. She was
 sopping again by the end of the period. Thank goodness lunch was next.
 Before going the faculty lunch room Mary again dried her pussy and thighs with
 Kleenex. Then she walked to the lunchroom with the lunch Lisa had packed for
 She went off to the counter area to open her lunch. Inside she found a note
 which said.
 Dear pet,
 You are to use all the "salad dressing" and save the container.
 Mary quickly folded the note and put it in her pocket. She opened the salad
 container and almost passed out when she saw the "salad dressing". The cum filled
 rubber from the night before was placed directly on her salad. With no choice,
 she carefully squeezed the cum from the rubber on to her salad and hid the rubber
 in the bottom of the lunch bag. She did her best to act normal and converse
 with her fellow teachers while she ate her cum covered salad standing in the
 lunch room. She had to decline offers to sit several times saying her back was
 bothering her and it was better to stand.
 She was deeply ashamed to be eating a strangers cum as salad dressing in her
 school in front of her fellow teachers even though they had no idea what she
 was doing. She had to eat quickly so she could get back to her class room and
 masturbate for the second time today. She knew she wouldn't be able to masturbate
 for long because she was already at a high level of excitement.
 By the time she got back to her room she wanted to throw up and yet she locked
 the door and while standing away from the door she slide the huge black dildo
 deep in to her sopping pussy. Three stokes and she was near her peak and with
 great effort she managed to stop and put the dildo back in her purse. She quickly
 dried herself and cleaned her slick thighs just as the bell rang for Lisa's
 When Lisa came in she walked near Mary and whispered, "How was lunch?"
 Mary blushed deeply and watched Lisa take her seat.
 "What is that smell Mrs. C?" asked Lisa in a loud voice.
 Mary suddenly realized the there was a definite odor and then she knew it was
 the smell of sex. Her constantly leaking pussy and the Kleenex she had used
 to clean up were making her classroom smell like her bedroom after a long hot
 sex session with her husband. With a red face she answered, "I don't know. I
 noticed it this morning."
 The remainder of the day she couldn't concentrate. She couldn't stop smelling
 her sexual odor or tasting the cum she had voluntarily eaten for lunch.
 At the end of the day Lisa came to her classroom and removed the bands from
 her nipples. The feeling as the blood again circulated through her nipples almost
 drove her to her knees. "Leave the used rubber on top of the garbage for Bubba
 to see and lets go meet Amy at the car." Lisa handed Mary a note on the way
 to the car. "Your instructions for the gym pet."
 The overwhelmed teacher slide the note into her pocket and followed Lisa to
 her car. Since they were dropping Mary at the gym Lisa drove.
 "We'll pick you up in 2 hours right here Mrs. C." said Lisa as she and her teacher's
 daughter drove away.
 Mary enter the gym and signed in and proceeded to the locker room where she
 removed the note from Lisa. She read the note:
 Dear pet,
 Remove your plug in the dressing room You are not permitted to use to the restroom
 other than to shower and fix yourself up. You are to do one hour of the same
 exercises as yesterday and add 15 minutes of stomach exercise and 15 minutes
 of upper body (chest) exercise. After your shower you are to lube your ass and
 put the plug back in your ass while in the dressing room. Meet us outside in
 2 hours.
 Mary looked around the dressing room. There was no way she could remove the
 plug with anyone in there with her but she couldn't wait too long because she
 had to be ready and outside in 2 hours. She move to the most secluded part on
 the dressing room but still in clear view if any one was watching. After hanging
 her clothes in the locker Mary snuck a quick peek around the room and quickly
 removed the plug from her ass and shoved it into the locker. It came out easier
 than the first time as her ass ring stretched from using it. Quickly dressing
 in her tight leotard and spandex shorts she hurried to the gym to complete her
 Mary rushed through her prescribed exercise program with out resting and then
 ran to the shower. Her pussy was soaked from the friction on the leotard on
 her clit as in slide into her slit. Her nipples were sore from the constant
 stimulation and banding all day.
 She only had 10 minutes to get ready. A fast shower and then drying her hair
 and putting on her makeup and her time was up. She was going to be late. When
 she went into the dressing room she saw it was crowded with women and she panicked
 as she thought about putting her plug back in her ass. She didn't have time
 to wait for the locker room to empty out she dressed and then facing the locker
 room lifted the back of her skirt and dabbed a little lubricant on her ass.
 As inconspicuously as possible she reached behind herself, grabbed the plug
 and slide it home. A small gasp slipped from her lips as the plug plopped in
 easily through her stretched ass hole.
 Gathering her things she rush out the door looking at her watch. She was 12
 minutes late. Spotting the car Mary rushed over and opened the door. "I'm so
 sorry I'm late. Please forgive me for delaying our dinner." gasped Mary as she
 slid into the car.
 "No problem Mom." said Amy.
 Lisa just stared sending chills through her teacher.
 Lisa drove to the local mall and after parking the car told Amy to go in and
 get them a table at the restaurant.
 As soon as Amy was out of sight Lisa slapped Mary hard across the face. "Don't
 ever make me wait again pet. Tonight you will be punished." Lisa turned and
 strode to the mall leaving the shaken teacher rubbing her cheek in the parking
 Mary rushed to catch Lisa just as she was entering the mall. They went to the
 restaurant and Lisa left Mary standing near just table just long enough for
 her to get uncomfortable and then said, "Why don't you sit next to Amy Mrs.
 A very nervous uncomfortable teacher sat next to her daughter and picked with
 her fingers at the dry lettuce salad and and fruit cup which Lisa ordered her
 while Amy was in the restroom. Lisa and Amy ate full meals including dessert.
 After dinner Lisa said, "Now for your surprise Mrs. C. Amy and I have decided
 that you need to have your hair done professionally to help you to achieve the
 look you are trying to create."
 Mary had no idea what she was talking about but said simply "Thank you".
 Mary sat in the chair and Lisa talked with the stylist. Amy and Lisa left telling
 May they would be back in an hour.
 Mary was turned so she could not see what was being done to her hair. It took
 about 50 minutes but when she got a look her hair had been styled in a very
 short young looking style and it was now frosted. She look much younger than
 she thought possible. The stylist then said," The young lady also requested
 we pierce your ears for you."
 Mary thought they were going to pierce her ears with a second hole so she said.
 "Whatever they said will be fine. They are surprising me with his new image.
 The stylist moved into position and before Mary realized it she had 5 new piercing
 in each ear giving her 5 holes moving upward from the lobe and one at the top
 of each ear. All the piercings were clearly visible with gold hoops because
 of the short stylish hair cut.
 Just then Amy and Lisa returned. "WOW mom", cried Amy. "That's so cool." Lisa
 just smiled at the embarrassed teacher.
 Lisa sent Amy off to the music store to meet her friends and told her to meet
 her and her mom back here in an hour.
 Lisa went with Mary to pay the bill and whispered to her "Make an appointment
 for a complete body waxing for Friday at 6:00."
 Mary did as she was ordered.
 Lisa then took Mary to a jewelry store and had her ordered an ankle bracelet
 with the name "Pet" inscribed. As they left the store Lisa told Mary, "We will
 put that on tonight after your punishment."
 They next went to 'The Limited', a clothing store for teens where they had purchased
 a good deal of Mary's new wardrobe. Lisa handed Mary a pair on size 8 jeans.
 "Try these on."
 Mary went to the changing room and struggled into the jeans. They were definitely
 a tight fit. Remembering their previous shopping trip Mary slipped on her heels
 and walked out to show Lisa.
 Lisa had her turn and examined the fit. They were as tight as she could fit
 into with any comfort at all. "Good take them off and meet me out front." When
 Mary got changed and met Lisa in front of the store Lisa handed her a package
 from the store. "They put these on your charge pet." ( Mary didn't look but
 in the bag were a size 7 jeans and a large t-shirt). Soon Amy joined them and
 the three returned home. All the way home Mary was thinking that she was going
 to be punished for being late like a little girl but the punishment she was
 sure would not be like what a little girl would receive.
 When they got home Amy went off to bed as it was getting late. Lisa told Mary
 she would be in as soon as Amy was asleep.
 Mary went into her room and immediately stripped and changed into her 5" heels.
 She didn't want to draw the further ire of her owner. 'What was she thinking
 "owner"' she wondered as she buckled her collar around her neck.
 Lisa came in 10 minutes later to find her teacher standing naked in 5" heels
 wearing her collar and waiting for her. She walked over the Mary and grabbing
 a nipple with each hand she squeezed the sore buds pulling Mary to her knees.
 She continued to pinch and twist her teachers nipples until her tears flowed
 down her cheeks. "Don't ever make me wait again. Do you understand?" asked Lisa
 with a cruel twist to each nipple.
 "Yes Ms. Simon your pet will never be late again. Your pet is sorry". sobbed
 the crying teacher.
 Lisa was pleased that her pet had slipped so easily into her owned role. She
 was learning fast. "Remove your plug pet." ordered Lisa.
 Mary reached behind and slide the plug out of her ass.
 "Put in all the way into your mouth pet and don't make a sound."
 Mary struggled to get the entire plug into her mouth and not to throw up at
 the same time. Lisa watch with a cruel smile on her face. Finally Mary had the
 entire thing in her mouth and it was filled to the limit.
 "Put your face to the floor, ass high and hands between your legs."
 Mary assumed the humiliating position.
 "Spread your legs pet."
 Mary spread her legs and her ass and pussy were totally exposed to whatever
 her student wish to do to her.
 "You have made me very angry pet being late but you have been fairly good otherwise
 so I will limit your punishment to 12 swats with your paddle. One for each minutes
 you were late. And to make in bearable you are to take this (handing her her
 black dildo) and fuck your pussy for me but you are not to cum. Understand?"
 ordered Lisa as she looking at the teacher gapping asshole.
 Mary nodded since her mouth was filled with her plug. She took the dildo and
 slide it into her wet pussy. 6" slid in easily.
 WHAM the paddle cracked her ass.
 "Muhhh" moaned Mary as she slide the dildo in out out.
 After 6 swats about 8" of the dildo was disappearing into her stretching hole.
 That tied her record. Her ass was moving to meet the paddle as the dildo plunged
 in and out. Her ass was on fire and her body was burning. Lisa could recognize
 her teacher impeding orgasm as a full 9" was sliding in and out and pulled the
 dildo from her pussy. She then applied the remaining 6 swats quickly with no
 The carpet below Mary had 2 wet spots. One from her tears and the other from
 her leaking pussy.
 Lisa bound Mary's hands behind her back and setting the alarm for 5:30 am went
 off to bed. Then she placed the ankle bracelet around Mary's right ankle. "You
 are never and I mean never to remove this"
 "Wake me when you get up to remove your cuffs pet."

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