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Story :- SC's Daughter Ujwala
Written by indian_exec2000
Author's Note: I have been having a long standing affair with SC, my sensuous ex-colleague. Recently, I accidentally ran into her grown up daughter, whom I had only once met many years ago while she was just a kid. Readers are requested to refer to the stories about my Chakkar with SC, to get the best out of this story.
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I was on an early evening flight from Mumbai to Kolkata. Actually, I had a confirmed booking on the late evening flight but since I had finished my business early, I arrived at the airport just in time for the earlier flight. The airline staff had not only accommodated me on the earlier flight, I had also been allotted my favorite window seat, in spite of the executive class being almost full. These private airlines really know how to take care of their regular passengers. I had had a full day and was feeling a bit tired. I had a busy schedule at Kolkata for the next couple of days, after which I was scheduled to return home to Delhi for the weekend. As usual, I concentrated on reading the pink paper of the day, paying scant attention to my fellow passengers or the stewardesses bustling around to attend to the passengers' needs.
For some reason one particular stewardess caught my eye as she smiled and talked to an old lady sitting a couple of rows ahead. She was smartly dressed in her well cut western outfit, like her colleagues. She was rather tall; I thought. She had a nice, full figure and long hair neatly gathered in a chignon at the nape of her long, slender neck. Her dimpled smile appeared vaguely familiar. SC used to keep telling me off and on about her children's doings. Now that I saw this girl before me, I recalled SC once talking about her daughter wanting to join an airline. Then I caught her profile as she turned and I was almost sure that she was SC's daughter. I looked at the name badge pinned on the lapel of her jacket as she passed by. "Ujwala" it read. That was the final confirmation that she indeed was SC's daughter!
The last time I had seen Ujwala was perhaps about fifteen years ago at a social gathering of my previous company. Then she was just a college kid in pigtails, clutching her mother's hand. Wow! She had really grown up. She appeared to be in her mid-twenties and I caught a flash of the engagement ring she wore on her left hand. For a while I wondered whether I should introduce myself to her, then decided against it and went back to my newspaper. After another twenty minutes, the stewardesses started serving food. As SC's daughter came over towards me, I couldn't stop myself.
"Excuse me Miss. Are you Mrs. SC's daughter?" I asked, using SC's last name.
"Yes, I am! And you are...?" She responded after a brief hesitation, flashing me her best dimpled smile. She had a nice, soft, husky voice.
"Oh, I am Mr. Sam. Your mother and I used to be colleagues in X Company many years ago." I replied, again using my last name.
Her eyes widened after a moment's hesitation, and an eyebrow arched saucily as she placed me.
"Oh, so you are Mr. Sam!" She exclaimed. Obviously, she had heard of me.
"Yes. So, how is Mrs. SC?" I enquired politely, not letting on that I'd met SC just a few weeks back.
"She is fine, thank you." She replied.
"Please give her my regards." I said.
"Yes, sure." She responded. Then the smiling, impersonal mask of a well trained stewardess was back in place as she continued with serving food to the passengers.
I had informed our company's office at Kolkata about the change in my flight schedule before boarding the flight and a limousine was waiting for me as I stepped out of the arrival gate. After arriving at the hotel, I strolled into the bookshop to pick up some reading material. While I waited for the elevator to the executive floor, I spotted a gaggle of airline crew walk towards the registration desk. I immediately noticed Ujwala, who was busy laughing and chatting with her colleagues. She was a head taller than the other stewardesses. Suddenly, she looked up in my direction. I saw a flash of recognition in her eyes and then she turned away.
I intended to have some light refreshments served up in my room and then retire early, so that I could be up refreshed and ready for a long day tomorrow. I had just showered and was vigorously toweling myself dry when the phone rang.
"Hello, is that Mr. Sam?" Ujwala asked, using my last name. I immediately recognized her voice.
"Yes! Is that Ujwala?" I responded.
"Yes, it is! Mr. Sam, umm... I'm so sorry I couldn't speak to you much on the plane since I was on duty. My mother speaks so well of you, I wonder if we could chat for a while?" She asked. She sounded pleased that I had recognized her voice.
"Sure. I'll be down in the lobby in ten minutes. Meet me there." I said.
Although this meant a change in my plans to retire early, my curiosity wouldn't have allowed me to do otherwise. Besides, I rather looked forward to spending some time in the company of an attractive young woman.
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She was already in the lobby as I strolled out of the elevator. She stepped forward and offered me her hand.
"Good evening! How do you do?" I inquired politely as I shook her hand.
"I'm very well, thank you! And you?" She responded, not to be outdone in manners and etiquette.
Her hand was soft, but the grip was firm – a working woman's hand. I caught a whiff of expensive perfume as I sized her up. She was tall for an Indian woman, the top of her head easily coming up to my eye level in her two inch heels. Must be five foot seven at least; I thought. She looked freshly showered and appeared to be wearing no makeup. She wore a pair of tight fitting, low rise black jeans and a short, tight fitting white top with double spaghetti straps. A bright, colorful patterned silk scarf wrapped casually around her neck beautifully set off the rather severe white on black combination of her jeans and top. Besides, it also served to partly cover up her delightful bare shoulders and the décolletage of her full bosom that otherwise would have shown through the plunging neck of her top. She had a full but not overblown figure and she looked absolutely stunning. Had she been another kilogram heavier, she wouldn't have been able to carry off the clothes she had chosen. Her belly was soft and had just the right roundness to make her look sexy. Any rounder and it would have looked gross. Not one of those delicate, anorexic types ready to blow away on a puff of wind; I thought. Her navel peeped out discreetly above the waistband of her jeans. Except for the engagement ring and a heavy gold bracelet on her wrist, she wore no jewelry. Altogether, she presented the picture of a sophisticated, cosmopolitan, confident young working woman.
"Would you like a drink?" I asked and led her to the bar as she nodded her assent.
We were seated at a corner table – I don't fancy sitting at the bar on a stool. I don't know why I should I have been surprised when she ordered a Bloody Mary. Somehow, being SC's daughter, I had expected her to ask for something non-alcoholic. I ordered a glass of my usual Australian white wine.
"So, tell me about yourself and your mother! By the way what do you call her?" I asked after we had settled down.
"I call her Mamma." She responded and her face softened. Her deep affection for SC showed through.
Soon we were chatting away as if we'd known each other for a long time. The alcohol too had an effect in loosening our tongues and we ordered a second round of drinks in due course. We both decided to eat substantial snacks in the bar rather than move to a restaurant for dinner.
Ujwala talked about her college and college adventures. She came across as a bright, smart, articulate young woman with an attitude. She appeared to have a sharp eye, and didn't seem to miss much. She spoke of her rather rebellious childhood, being constantly at loggerheads with her mother. She hadn't been good at her studies, much preferring extracurricular activities like dramatics and elocution. She had some aptitude for games and sports; rather like her mother, I thought, remembering SC's descriptions of her own college days. Ujwala had been secretly rather relieved when a setback in her father's career had meant that the family wouldn't be able to finance her "professional" (read doctor, engineer, architect etc.) education. She had been quite happy to join an arts course and enjoy a carefree life in college, although she wasn't above occasionally playing the martyr just to keep her mother on the defensive. She told me all this in a rather casual, off-hand manner, seemingly enjoying my discomfiture at the flippant, almost disrespectful attitude she occasionally displayed towards her mother. Curiously, her father hardly received any mention in her narrative.
She then proceeded to recount her experiences with boys, whom she'd discovered just about the time she started going to college. She had quickly found that the boys too were keenly interested in her. Ujwala narrated with relish how shocked and worried her mother had been when she'd discovered that she had started dating boys. Apparently, what had concerned SC most was the danger of her daughter losing her "virtue" i.e. virginity before marriage. She had even thought of getting Ujwala married off quickly, but had met with a flat refusal from her.
Ujwala was an ambitious and smart young girl who fully intended to use her wits and other assets to get on in life. She had gotten herself a modeling assignment even as she was studying in college. This had stretched SC's patience too far and she had refused permission. There had been a massive row between mother and daughter, with both of them sticking to their guns. Finally, as a compromise it was agreed that Ujwala could take up a job of her choice, but only after she had completed her studies and graduated. So, here she was, working for an airline as a stewardess!
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I too regaled Ujwala with funny anecdotes about our days with my old employer, of course duly censored where needed. I was keen to project the image of a friendly senior colleague and well wisher of her mother and I thought I did a good job. Of course that was the truth, even if it wasn't the whole truth.
Ujwala then spoke a bit about her mother. She recounted how her mother often used to tell anecdotes about goings on in her office, making fond and respectful references to my role in giving her fledgling career a boost. It appeared that I was quite the hero in the stories SC often narrated to her family. Ujwala recalled how it was SC who had held the family together in their time of crisis, both emotionally as well as financially, with her secure and well paying job. In spite of being frequently at cross purposes with her, Ujwala also had a lot of affection and respect for her mother.
"You know, Mamma always keeps talking about you even now. She tells us how you knocked some sense into her and made her take her job seriously. That's what helped Mamma to get ahead in her career and take care of the family when Appa (father) lost his job." Ujwala recounted.
"Well, it's nice of her to think that I helped in some way, but the credit has to go entirely to her. She is a person of great character and she deserves more respect than you seem to be giving her." I responded, a bit more sharply than I had intended.
"My God! Do you two run a mutual admiration club?" Ujwala replied with a laugh, ignoring my reproach. But her eyes showed that she was serious. We were treading thin ice here. I prudently changed the subject.
We quite enjoyed ourselves as the evening wore on. Although I continue to take a healthy interest in members of the opposite sex, I have long since stopped actively pursuing attractive females. Besides, girls young enough to be my daughters are hardly my scene. So, even as we continued our pleasant tete a tete, I wondered what it was about her that made her so damn attractive. In fact, she is downright sexy; I acknowledged to myself as I felt a stirring in my loins. Then the realization struck home: I found myself attracted to her because she was my lover's daughter! I felt a twinge of guilt and tried to wish away my attraction towards her. I resolved not to encourage her or take the initiative in any way.
Ujwala in turn was well aware of the effect she was having on me. She reached back and freed her hair from the alligator clip holding it together at the nape of her neck. She shook her head to fluff it up a bit and then rearranged her hair so that it cascaded down her front, casually combing it with her fingers. The ends of her hair appeared damp, probably because they had escaped from the shower cap when she'd showered. Her full breasts moved fluidly under her scarf as she rearranged her hair, hinting that perhaps she wasn't wearing a bra under her skimpy top. Obviously, she was enjoying flirting with me. She observed me with a mischievous glint in her eyes, giving me a naughty smile as she caught me glancing at her breasts, then sat up straighter and thrust them out at me.
I have aged rather well, having taken good care of my health and fitness with regular exercise and a moderate diet. Besides, I have attained a position of some power and influence. So, many women find me attractive and I am not unused to women coming on to me. Even after weeding out women who might have some ulterior motive, sometimes I am pleasantly surprised to find quite attractive women take an interest in me. I smiled back at her, wondering where all this was leading.
"Can I call you Sam Uncle? Mr. Sam seems so formal." She asked.
"Sam Uncle, plain Sam, just Uncle, whatever... I don't care. Just don't call me Uncle Sam." I replied and we both burst out laughing.
"You know Sam, you are a really dishy guy!" She said, looking into my eyes and sounding as if she really meant it. She had chosen to address me by my first name. I've been called many things in my time but never before had a sexy young thing had called me dishy! I actually blushed. Well, she certainly knew how to stroke a man's ego; just like her mother, I thought.
"You are an attractive young woman yourself. Your fiance is a really lucky guy!" I returned the compliment, glancing at her engagement ring.
"Oh, that! Well actually, I'm not engaged. I wear the ring since it keeps off unwanted male attention!" She explained, catching my glance at her ring.
"You're certainly getting some male attention right now. I hope it's not unwanted!" I said. She responded by blushing prettily and dimpling her cheeks.
"Do you... do you think I'm attractive?" She asked after a while, suddenly appearing hesitant and unsure of herself.
"Of course you are. In fact I think you are one hell of a sexy chick. But I'm sure you already know it. You must've been told that hundreds of times!" I said laughingly.
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"Yes, but mostly by young boys or old lechers. It's nice to be appreciated by a proper gentleman like you." She responded.
"Well, don't be too sure!" I teased.
"About what?" She asked.
"That I'm proper. Or even that I'm a gentleman!" I laughed.
"Of course you are. My mother says so!" She said, giggling. The two Bloody Marys had gone to her head by now.
"Well, don't you think its time to hit the sack now?" I said, glancing at my watch and calling out for the check.
She was slightly wobbly on her two inch heels and occasionally leaned on me as we walked to the elevators. She stood self consciously straight a little apart from me as we waited, and didn't need any assistance to walk into the elevator when it arrived. There was nobody in the elevator except for the two of us. She stood just a foot away from me, glancing at me appraisingly. I didn't move, just held her gaze. She had been fiddling with a corner of her scarf for a while. Now, she quite deliberately pulled at the scarf so that it unwound itself from around her neck and hung from her fingers, exposing her brief spaghetti strap top with its deep neck to my gaze. Although I had resolved not to take the initiative, I found myself unable to resist reacting to this provocation. I casually reached out and ran my finger along her bare shoulder. She hunched up her shoulder and inclined her head to one side, unsuccessfully trying to trap my hand in between. The bell of the elevator pinged as the door slid open at the fourth floor, where her room was located. There was a sound of voices and laughter down the corridor. She nervously glanced out to see if anyone was coming our way, but made no move to get out of the elevator.
As soon as the elevator doors started to slide shut, she flung herself at me and threw her arms around my neck. Her soft, full breasts flattened against my chest and I could feel the heat of her body through my T shirt. I bent forward to her upturned face and we exchanged a short, harsh kiss. I pushed her back a bit, hooked my fingers into her spaghetti strap and roughly pulled it down her plump shoulder, until her top peeled off of a full breast and exposed a stiff nipple. The deep pink nipple and aureole stood out against her fair complexion. As the elevator speeded to the top floor where my room was, I ran my thumb across her rapidly stiffening nipple. She gasped through her half open lips and her sweet breath washed over my face. Her eyes glazed over as she continued to gaze at me. When we reached the top floor, I took the scarf from her fingers and quickly wrapped it round her shoulders to cover her partly bared bosom.
"Come." I said. She leaned against me as I walked her to my room. She rubbed herself against my arm while I used the card key to open the door. She stepped close to me as soon as we entered my room and tried to put her arms around my neck. I stopped her short.
"Do you really want to go through with this?" I asked her.
"Yess..." She whispered.
"Are you protected?" I asked. I didn't want to repeat my mistake when I'd had unprotected sex with her mother long ago. It was sheer luck that she hadn't become pregnant.
"Yes. I'm on the pill." She responded after a brief pause.
"Very well, then. But from now on, we play by my rules." I said clearly.
"What... what do you mean?" She asked; her confusion showing in her eyes.
"Well, firstly you have to show some respect. I am not a young boy whom you can wrap around your little finger. Nor am I your Mom whom you can defy whenever you feel like it. If you don't like my conditions, you can walk away." I offered.
"No! I... I accept." She responded.
"OK. From now on, you will address me as Uncle or Sir. Understood?" I said.
"Yes... Yes Uncle." She responded after a brief hesitation.
"That's good. Now let's see how well you behave. To start with, will you please finish what you started in the elevator? I want to properly see your breasts!" I demanded.
"Yes." She whispered.
She pulled off her scarf and one bare nipple winked at me. She then pulled down the spaghetti strap down from the other shoulder and pulled back her shoulders, thrusting her breasts out at me. She had every reason to be proud of them.
"You have beautiful breasts!" I whispered.
A pink blush appeared on the fair skin of her chest and slowly traveled up her neck and spread on her face. She looked ravishingly sexy. I held her lightly by her hips and pulled her to me. She rubbed her crotch against my erection.
"I want to feel your nipples against my chest." I said.
She obligingly unbuttoned my T shirt and I helped her take it off. She then rubbed her bare breasts against my thick chest hair. Finally she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me an open mouthed kiss. We licked and kissed each others' lips and tongue for a while. Her mouth smelt of fresh strawberries she had eaten for dessert.
I undid the brass button in the waistband of her jeans and pulled the ends apart so the zipper slid down a few inches and loosened the tight fitting jeans at the waist. I slid my hands inside the jeans and felt her thong panties. My palms caressed her smooth ass cheeks as my hands slid under her panties. Her face was flushed and she was breathing fast by now. Her eyes unmistakably showed her arousal.
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We separated a bit and my hands casually fondled her bare breasts and played with her stiff nipples. I slowly moved down her torso, caressing and tickling her soft round belly until my fingers reached inside her panties. I was surprised to feel no pubic hair on her mound. My fingers continued to explore downwards until they slipped into her slit and she let out a little moan. Her cunt was completely wet and dripping with her slippery excretions. However, there wasn't a trace of pubic hair anywhere to be felt. This was something I had to see.
"Well, well! What do we have here? No hair! Where did you learn to shave off your pussy? Did your boyfriend make you do it?" I asked with amusement.
"No. Actually I learnt about it in a magazine." She said hesitantly, naming a well known women's periodical.
"No shit! I thought those magazines only printed cooking recipes and makeup tips!" I exclaimed. She suddenly looked a bit abashed and unsure of herself.
"Hmm! That's nice! Let's see what else you've learnt. Can you suck cock?" I asked crudely. She nodded her assent.
"C'mon, let's see you do it then, honey!" I invited.
She undid my trousers and pushed them down my legs. I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of my trousers. She stripped off my shorts and my half hard cock sprang free. I then sat on the dressing stool and made her kneel between my legs. She bent forward, took my cock in her mouth and started to suck on it. Her inexperience was obvious.
"Just a moment, my pet. Not so fast!" I said, withdrawing my cock.
"There's no rush. You have to learn to enjoy yourself while you pleasure me. First, just sniff my crotch. See how nice it smells!" I said. She took a tentative breath. Then she leaned forward and buried her nose in my pubic thatch, breathing in deeply.
"You liked it?" I asked. She nodded.
"Good girl. Now, use your tongue. See how nice it feels and tastes. Start with licking my balls." I said, opening my thighs wide.
She obliged. Her soft, warm tongue felt wonderful against the wrinkled skin of my testes. I enjoyed the sensation of her hot breath blowing upon my open crotch.
"Wonderful! Now start licking your way up from the base of my cock. Take your time. Enjoy the touch and sensation. Feel the heat. The more you enjoy yourself, the more pleasure you'll give me." I encouraged her.
My fingers lightly rested at the back of her head as I gently guided her mouth on the right track. She soon got into the groove. Her tongue licked its way slowly up my shaft.
"Aahhh!" I exhaled as she hit a sweet spot, jerking my hips up.
"Slowly peel back the foreskin. See how nice my plum looks!" I told her and she obeyed.
"Now give me a nice lick around the rim and then move up to the slit at the tip." I ordered. She followed and eagerly lapped up precum trickling out of the slit.
"Do you like the taste?" I asked.
"Yes!" She whispered, pulling her head back and looking up at me. Her eyes clearly showed how engrossed she was and how much she was enjoying licking my cock.
"Wonderful! See how eager my cock is to fuck you! Now try to take it in until it hits the back of you throat, and then suck on it as you pull out." I ordered.
She engulfed my cock with her mouth and closed her lips around my shaft as I felt the tip touch the back of her throat. I twitched my hips up while holding her lightly at the back of her head. I felt the cock head entering her throat and then she gagged. I pulled back as she sucked on my cock. After allowing her to recover her breath for a while, we tried again, with the same result. Soon we got into the rhythm and she started giving me passably good head, although she couldn't really take my cock down her throat. All in good time; I thought as I enjoyed the sight and sensation of SC's hot little daughter lose herself to the pleasures of licking and sucking my cock. I soon realized that if we continued much longer, I would ejaculate in her mouth. I didn't want that. I wanted to fuck her hot, hairless pussy. So I reluctantly stopped her and pulled out.
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I was very pleased and decided she deserved to be rewarded for the pleasure she had given me. I helped her up and lay her down on bed, shoulders propped up on a couple of pillows against the head board. I seated myself on the side of the bed and pulled her feet into my lap. I know how much a woman loves to have her feet massaged, particularly after a long day at work. I worked the sandals off. Her feet were small and nicely shaped, with well formed arches. They were immaculately pedicured and her toenails were painted a pretty pink. I proceeded to gently rub her feet and pinch her toes with my fingers.
"Uhhh... so nice..." She whispered dreamily, looking on with half closed eyes.
I looked up at her and saw her luxuriantly leaning against the pillows, her hands folded above her head, her breasts wantonly on display. Suddenly, she realized this, blushed and quickly covered them with her scarf lying nearby. I guffawed at this sudden bout of coyness but allowed her to keep her treasures under cover. I continued with massaging her feet, rubbing them with greater vigor and alternately squeezing the heels and balls of her feet between my hands. My ministrations were not merely comforting her; they were further heightening her sexual arousal. I rubbed the sole of a foot against my erect cock, enjoying the sensation of the rough, hot skin against it. I raised a foot and kissed the toes one by one. Then I suddenly bit her hard on the ball of her foot. The skin was of course too thick for my teeth to do any damage, but the effect was nevertheless electric.
"Aaahhh!" She screamed, her eyes closed and hips jerking up and down as a wave of intense pleasure coursed up her legs right into her pussy and lit a liquid fire there. I knew she was now completely in my thrall and ready to surrender herself to whatever I might be pleased to do.
"OK, my pet. Let's take a look at your hairless pussy now!" I said.
I pulled her down a bit so she now lay flat on her back. I pulled her zipper down and peeled off her tight fitting jeans along with her pink thong panties. The panties had become wet at the crotch. I then pushed a pillow under her ass and nudged her knees apart to expose her pussy. Her crotch had recently been carefully depilated and there wasn't a trace of hair or even stubble anywhere. Her outer lips were plump, smooth and slightly open, appearing a bit swollen. The pink inner lips could just be glimpsed. She had a somewhat elongated clitoris that projected just a bit beyond her outer lips. Although the hairless pussy was tender and virginal, it was so smeared with her secretions that it looked wanton and lewd.
I started kissing her satiny smooth, muscular calves and gradually moved up to her knees, then to her thighs. I planted gentle kisses and little licks on her inner thighs, prolonging the pleasure and heightening the anticipation as I moved inexorably towards her open pussy. It had been more than 12 hours since I had shaved and my stubbly cheeks & chin rasped against the delicate skin of her thighs. I bent forward and deeply inhaled the aroma wafting up her open cunt as I spread her pussy apart with my fingers. Her pussy juices continued to trickle out even as I looked on. I finally rewarded myself by sticking out my tongue to lick up her nectar, savoring its clean, fresh, earthy aroma.
All this time, darling Ujwala was enjoying the exquisite sensations emanating from down below. She kept moaning and writhing in pleasure and I had to occasionally pin her thighs down to restrain her movements. She perhaps wasn't expecting my tongue on her cunt and reacted violently by twitching her hips up to the accompaniment of a short, explosive scream "Aah!", coming very close to climax.
"You liked that, my pet?" I asked.
"Unhh... yess please!" She whispered.
I continued to lick up her slit and eventually flicked my tongue over her protuberant clit. This sent her over the edge and she experienced a long intense climax, the first of many she experienced that night. I experienced a great thrill in bringing this lovely, sexy young woman to orgasm and continued to lick and suck her drooling cunt and stiff, shiny clit until she lost count of the number of times she'd orgasmed. Finally, I rose up and planted a wet kiss on her lips, my mouth smelling of her pussy and cheeks wet with her juices.
"Are you ready for a proper fucking, my pet?" I asked.
"Yes, Uncle." She replied.
"Good girl! First make me fully hard again!" I ordered, straddling her chest with my knees and placing my cock on her half open lips. She obligingly licked and sucked my cock head until it was fully hard and shiny once again.
"OK, my pet. Now beg!" I said.
"Please, Uncle. Do it to me!" She said.
"No, no. That's not good enough. Tell me exactly what you want." I admonished.
"Uncle, please fuck me!" She begged.
"Ahh! Yes!! I will." I said.
I positioned myself between her knees, raised her legs on to my shoulders, positioned my cock between her half open pussy lips and thrust in. In a couple of shoves my cock was fully buried into her hot, tight, snatch. I then proceeded to enjoy fully the pleasures of plundering her tight, hot young cunt that eagerly gripped my thick cock. She almost doubled over as I leaned forward, her open mouth inches away from mine, her hot, intoxicating breath blowing over my face. Her full breasts mashed against my chest and our skins became slippery with our mingled sweat. I gripped her shoulders to prevent her from slipping out from under me and I finally ejaculated deep inside her. I collapsed on top of her, panting hard, completely out of breath. She kept stroking my back and running her fingers through my hair.
"Oh my God! Nobody ever did that to me before! I am... I don't know what to say!" She whispered. I smiled happily and took a mental bow. It had been a surpassing experience for me too.
"You are welcome, my pet!" I told her when I had regained my breath.
Eventually, I dismounted and lay beside her. She got up and went to the bathroom while I lay on my back, my hands under my head. I was completely satiated, relaxed and happy. It had indeed been one of the most memorable couplings I had had in a long time. There is something to be said about bedding a young girl, particularly if she is hot, willing and eager to learn; I reflected.
Ujwala returned from the bathroom. The hotel bathrobe was wrapped around her shoulders. She had a wet napkin in her hands and she proceeded to lovingly clean up my crotch, finally landing a little kiss on my shriveled pecker. She then flung off her bathrobe and snuggled close to me, lying on her side, a leg casually thrown over my thighs. She pulled a sheet over our lower bodies. With her head supported on one hand, she combed the thick salt and pepper hair on my chest with her fingers, occasionally landing a peck on my mouth or eyes. I absently stroked her smooth, satiny back, sometimes caressing her ass, sometimes slipping a hand between us to tweak a nipple. I noticed a bite mark on her shoulder that was rapidly turning purple. I didn't remember when I had bitten her.
"Does that hurt?" I asked, caressing the bruise.
"Just a bit." She acknowledged.
"You won't be wearing your strappy tops for a while, I guess." I commented with a smile.
"Yes, that's true, although I could use masking cream if I still want to wear them. Actually, I'm feeling sorer down there. I've never before been stretched out so much. You really are an animal!" She said, glancing down at her crotch. I responded with a light slap on her rump. We lay contentedly for a while.
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"Uncle..." Ujwala.
"Yes, my pet?" I.
"Can... can I ask you something?" Said Ujwala, hesitantly.
"Ask away! But I don't promise to answer all questions truthfully!" I said expansively.
I had some idea what she might want to ask. She fell silent, then landed a little kiss on my nipple and buried her face in my chest.
"I think you just answered my question." She said after a while. I felt tremors passing through her body and her shoulders shook. Finally she burst into giggles.
"Uncle, you are quite a man, aren't you? So strong, so confident of yourself... almost arrogant... And yet, so loving, so considerate... You know how to make a girl happy. No wonder Mamma fell for you! As for me, you can have me whenever you want." She whispered, almost talking to herself. I kept silent.
"Umm... can we... can I see you again soon?" She asked.
"Well, I don't think that would be a good idea and I think you know why. Besides, I am extremely busy these days and I am sure so are you." I responded. She looked disappointed. Then her hand snaked into my crotch and started playing with my cock. I felt myself getting hard again...
I woke up next morning at around seven o'clock. Ujwala had left some time during the night. Although I hadn't slept for perhaps more than four hours, I felt fresh and reinvigorated. It was as if copulation had transferred some of her youthful vitality to me. I found an envelope that had been slipped into my room. There was a brief note written in a big, neat, feminine handwriting. It read:
Here's your new email ID:
Email id: xxxx Password: xxxx
And here's mine: Email id: xxxx
Do open your mailbox for a nice surprise. You can write to me anytime you wish.
Your Pet"
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