Archana Hot Mom - (By - INDIAN_MAVERICK1190 0
Archana Hot Mom

Of all the students in Panvel High, Ravi Michael's mother, Archana, was the best looking by a long shot. She was what they called "statuesque" standing 5'11" and blessed with the figure of a swimsuit model. Back then if you didn't know she was 38 you'd probably have guessed her to be in her early 30s at the very most. She was divorced some time before she and her son Ravi moved to the little midwestern town of Panvel and the two of them lived on the edge of town where she pretty much kept to herself, not socializing with the other moms or anyone else, for that matter.

Panvel itself was predominantly a fundamentalist Christian community and local ordinances prohibited liquor stores or the serving of alcohol anywhere within the city limits. Being unmarried and attractive in such a small town goldfish bowl pretty much guaranteed rumors of scandal and whispered gossip regarding Mrs. Michael due to envy, if nothing else. She had never done anything out of line and never once had spoken harshly to anyone in Panvel, but the ladies at church overtly snubbed her when she and Ravi made their first and last attempt to attend services in town. Not long after that episode, she overheard a cruel comment made at the cafe on main street by one of the cliquish matrons who dominated what passed as the town's social scene.

Not surprisingly, Archana became more and more reclusive, preferring to spend most of her time at home rather than interacting with the locals. She almost certainly would have moved to a bigger city had it not been the case that her son seemed to flourish in the small town environment. Ravi did well in college and he made friends with a few boys, including his best friend, Deepak , who lived two blocks away. 

The two boys became fast friends shortly after the Michael’s moved to Panvel. Deepak's parents were a bit of an enigma. They, too, were not affiliated with the town's bible beaters, but rather than showing any interest in developing a friendship with Ravi's mom, they kept to themselves when they weren't off traveling — something they seemed to do about one-third of the time.

By her own admission, Archana had allowed her son to become the dominant figure in their household after his father flew the coop. Thus, Ravi became used to getting his way and had a very definite sense of entitlement. His mother rationalized that being deferential in this way would help him learn to be a strong male without the benefit of a father figure as a role model. In truth, her abdication of parental authority was heavily influenced by her own submissive perArchanality and a longstanding belief that every home should have a dominant male ruling the roost. Unfortunately, as Ravi reached adolescence he became more bossy and controlling to the point that Archana gave in completely to anything he wanted.

Of course, Ravi's friend Deepak was more than willing to play the part of his sidekick after he realized that his buddy ran the show at his house and that Archana catered to his every whim. The two of them could do almost anything they liked, including helping themselves to his mom's stash of wine and beer in the basement, staying up as late as they wanted, and smoking cigarettes (and occasionally weed) in the back yard. After reaching puberty, Deepak also developed quite an infatuation for Archana, leading him to want to spend even more of his free time at Ravi's house. 

While most 18-year old boys would find it creepy for a friend to crush on their own mother, Ravi didn't mind in the slightest. In fact, he encouraged Deepak and would openly talk about his mother as a sex object, debating with Deepak over what the best features of her body were and trading fantasies with him that always involved having Archana in some sort of peril or predicament where she would be ravished — often by multiple men — or in situations that involved getting her into bondage as a sex slave.

Both boys shared a fetish for lingerie and for stockings and pantyhose
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Both boys shared a fetish for lingerie and for stockings and pantyhose in particular. They sometimes took turns making up stories that involved having Archana dressed up to the nines only to have her clothes removed item by item as the story progressed. Raucous frat boys would abduct her on her way home from a dinner party and force her to play strip poker in the dead of night at their fraternity house. Or she might be a teller at a bank taken to the vault by desperate robbers who amused themselves with her by playing rock/paper/scissors to decide who got to remove the next article of clothing. In each instance, Archana would end up wearing only nylons and high heels at some point before being stripped naked to have all of her holes used — often simultaneously — by whichever imaginary captives were holding her captive in the story being told.

Deepak had a particularly rich and twisted imagination when it came to Mrs. Michael and, for his turn telling stories, he would occasionally spin very dark tales such as having her captured by menacing cannibals, who, after fucking her, would lower her into a huge caldron of boiling water all trussed up in twine with an apple in her mouth and a large carrot shoved up her ass. For his part, Ravi found such tall tales extremely entertaining and he would stop Deepak periodically to ask questions or seek greater detail on the misfortunes and sexual assaults being fictionally visited on his poor mother.

Of course, Archana had no idea she had the starring role in such depraved fantasies behind her son's closed bedroom door. In fact, to some extent Archana had found the obsession her son's friend had with her to be flattering. Her self esteem had been battered for years and her life had become a rather tedious routine from which she got little joy. This was surprising given how physically gorgeous Archana truly was. Even at the age of 38, in bigger cities there are actually a surprising number of opportunities for the few women who can truly be considered to score as "knockouts" on the pulchritude scale. Archana Michael was most certainly a beauty of that caliber. Nevertheless, Panvel and its malignant mores sucked the air out any hopes she might have had, leaving her both isolated and insecure. Thus, Deepak's initial awkward compliments and tendency to look at her with big puppy-dog eyes seemed cute early on and a welcome bit of positive attention for a change.

More recently, though, Archana did become aware that the two boys were bringing home men's magazines that they sometimes kept out in the open in the family room, practically daring her to object. She also knew they surfed porn sites together on Ravi's computer in his room since they didn't even try to hide the browser pages when she would later come in to clean the place up. Moreover, Deepak's charming tendency to gaze longingly at her seemed to be, of late, much more focused on her breasts, butt and legs to the point that she began feeling uncomfortable. Still, she passed it all off as "boys-will-be-boys" behavior that she reasoned must be the norm for teenagers their age. Matters did get more complicated, though, as she was cleaning up the kitchen one evening when Ravi came in and casually make a pronouncement: 

"Hey Mom, Deepak's folks are out of town for the weekend. I told him you'd take some wine over to his house for a movie date with him tonight."

"You told him w-what?," Archana asked incredulously.

"Well, you know he's got a crush on you big time ... and, of course, I owe him for all that stuff he did for me at scout camp last month. So I figured you could help me get square with him."

"By doing what exactly?" Archana's voice was quavering at this point.

"I just told you," Ravi spat out. His voice had a petulant edge now. "You're going to take a bottle of wine over to Deepak's house and spend a nice evening with him."

Archana's stomach tightened.....
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Archana's stomach tightened at this outrageous request. For a moment she thought her son might be joking — but only for a moment. She could see in his face that he was deadly serious.

"But, Ravi. He's only 18! It would be illegal for me to give him alcohol. Also, don't you think he should be spending time with girls his own age?"

"Mom, are you kidding? You give me wine and beer all the time. ... And I've told you before that Deepak and I aren't interested in girls our age."

"Well, I'm just saying that I don't think it's a very good idea to send me over there tonight with his folks out of town."

Archana's inability to stand up for herself was evident to both of them. This was about all the resistance that Archana was ever able to muster whenever her son wanted something she disagreed with. She would always try to reason with him, but she eventually let him have his way in the end. Having been through this routine many times, Ravi knew he would get what he wanted if he simply asserted his authority.

"Are you telling me you won't do this for me?" His tone was icy and intimidating and his words had the desired effect as his mother quickly backed down.

"Of course not, sweetheart. I just wanted you to think about the circumstances ... about how it would look to the neighbors."

"The neighbors? ... Are you crazy? Nobody's doing surveillance on us. Besides, what would be so scandalous about you simply walking over to the s?"

"I know, honey. You're right. ... I was just trying to make a point."

"Well, you made your point and now we're done talking. You'd better go get ready. I told him you'd be there by 7."

That was it. End of discussion. Now all that remained were the terms of her surrender.

"Sweetheart, is it ok if I just wear jeans and a sweatshirt?"

Ravi looked at his mother with exasperation. "Jesus, Mom! ... I told you — it's a date night! ... I swear half the time you don't pay attention to me when I'm talking to you. Absolutely not. Jeans and a sweatshirt are not acceptable. Go do your hair and makeup and put some effort into it for once. ... Then put on something nice for him."

"W-what should I wear?" she asked meekly.

"A dress or a skirt. Something short and tight would be good. With high heels and nylons, ok?"

Archana was unnerved and bewildered, but she held her tongue and simply nodded her assent, leaving the room to do as he asked. Walking down the hall to her bedroom, she pondered whether there might yet be some way out of the dilemma, but she could sense her son was fixated on having her go through with this "date night" notion.

The whole situation was surreal. It seemed only yesterday the two boys were running around the house wearing bath towels for capes and playing Superman. Then, almost overnight, they had turned into these surly, lustful teenage demons hopped up on hormones and downing beer by the six pack in the basement. 

With a mixture of butterflies and dread, she sat down at her vanity to do her hair. Looking in the mirror, she saw a very stressed woman looking back at her. "Well, everybody complains that you never go out," she mumbled wryly to her reflection, trying to force a weak smile.

She pinned her hair into a french twist that accentuated her long neck and began applying makeup with the idea of keeping the look simple and understated. However, before she finished Ravi came into the room bringing some Cosmo and Glamour magazines flagged with post-it notes. Without exception, the models in all the photographs he liked wore heavy mascara and eye shadow, giving them a pronounced dramatically sultry appearance that he wanted Archana to emulate. He also insisted that she put on false eyelashes to exaggerate the effect and he chose a deep red lipstick for her as the coup de grace. 

When she finally finished doing her makeup the final result was stunning.
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When she finally finished doing her makeup the final result was stunning. Archana had been blessed with classic features to begin with, but the smokey eyes and luscious red lips turned her into a femme fatale capable of stopping traffic. Ravi stood back and assessed her approvingly before choosing a pair of dangly faux diamond earrings from her jewelry rack. Pleased with himself, he ordered her to go pick out a dress. 

Archana rummaged through the back of her closet where she still kept a collection of clothes from the life she led before a failed marriage and motherhood transformed everything. With her social life nonexistent, her wardrobe had become conservative, unflattering and generally bland. Fortunately, her weight had not varied so much as a pound over the intervening years so everything in the closet still fitted her figure well. All the same, she felt uneasy and apprehensive as she began going through her archived garments and began rediscovering how sexy many of the outfits actually were. 

Archana picked out a blue dress that she thought might work and showed it to Ravi but he vetoed it and did the same to several others she suggested before he became impatient and took over the task for her. He seemed to know exactly what he was looking for as he quickly moved to the far reaches of the closet to return with a provocatively short black minidress dating back to her clubbing days. Mortified, she pleaded with him to let her wear something more modest:

"Oh sweetie, I couldn't ..."

Ravi cut her off curtly.

"Save it, Mom. This will be perfect" he announced as he held it up and gave her a salacious grin.

Ravi tossed the dress on her bed then returned to the closet to take inventory of her high heels. After pulling down several shoe boxes from the shelf, he came up with a pair of glossy six-inch black stiletto pumps that Archana had actually forgotten she owned. She gingerly tried to steer him towards another pair but his mind was made up and the stilettos soon joined the minidress on the bed before he turned his attention to begin purposefully foraging through her lingerie drawer. 

Her son's beeline to the location of her underwear and his apparent familiarity with the contents of her closet did cause Archana to wonder whether Ravi might have been doing some reconnaissance in her absence. It troubled her to think he might be going through her things when she was out of the house, but she resigned herself to the fact that she really wasn't in a position to do anything about it even if it was true.

He returned to the bed with several unopened pantyhose packages that he laid out on the bed like a giant poker hand. As they considered the different shades, Archana said she thought the black ones would look best but Ravi overruled her and decided her legs would be more fetching in a pair of sheer taupe ones that had a sparkly sheen. He handed the package to her and gave her strict orders that she avoid showing any panty lines by wearing nothing underneath the hose. She blushed crimson, but didn't want to cross her son so she nodded her agreement submissively. Satisfied, Ravi left the room so she could finish getting ready.

After her son was gone, Archana sat on the edge of the bed and sniffled back tears wrestling with complex emotions of guilt and self-loathing for getting herself in such a pickle. All of a sudden, she felt a sharp sense of panic over the prospect of having her mascara run, which would undoubtedly incur Ravi's wrath should it occur. With a despairing sigh, she forced herself to suppress her feelings and focus only on the immediate task before her. If she was going to be there by 7 it was time to get dressed. She found herself remembering being a little girl playing with her Barbie doll in her bedroom and thought how ironic it was to find herself now effectively becoming a life-size Barbie doll for her own son.
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At 6:45 the clicking of her high heels on the hardwood floor announced Archana's entry into the living room. Simply put, she looked ravishing. The tall stiletto heels made her long legs look spectacular and the fitted bodice of the minidress nicely highlighted her breasts, which were made all the more prominent by the demicup pushup bra her son had chosen for her. (It was uncomfortable enough to have her teenage son selecting her lingerie, but all the more so when he had held up the bra exclaiming, "wow, Deepak is really going to like this!")

As his mother got ready to walk the two blocks to the house, Ravi pulled a bottle of champagne from the fridge and put it in a shopping bag with two crystal flutes he had wrapped in washcloths for protection. He handed the wine to his mother and said cheerily, "now go show Deepak a nice time, ok?"

Archana was overwhelmed by the strange situation her son had gotten her into. Pausing at the threshold, she turned back and asked him with a hopeful tone "Deepak's a nice boy, isn't he, Ravi?"

"Of course he's nice, Mom. He's my friend, isn't he?"

"I-I m-mean, he's not going t-to, ... expect me ... to, well, do anything, is he?"

"Holy shit, Mom! How old are you? ... You're not going to get all prudish on me now, are you?"

"Honey, I'm just asking. We'll just be watching a movie tonight, right?"

Her eyes pleaded with her son to reassure her, but she seemed to succeed only in making him more irritated with her and she certainly didn't want to get him angry or upset. Although she was apprehensive about this whole "date night" thing, she was more worried about provoking Ravi's wrath if she didn't go along with his plans.

"Mom, its supposed to be a date, for Christ's sake. And it'll do you good to loosen up a little bit anyway. You don't have to sleep with him, but at least make him happy you came over, ok?"

"Um, ... can you be a little more specific?" she asked in a tiny voice.

"Oh my God, Mom. I don't believe this. ... Are you kidding me? He's a teenage boy with a crush on you! A little bit of cuddling and kissing with you looking like this will make his whole day."

"I-I ... have to ... k-k-kiss him?" she stammered.
"You are un-fucking-believable, Mom. Is this Victorian England? ... Hello? ... He's my best friend and he thinks you're quite the Milf. ... You mean to tell me that you're so prissy and straight-laced that you won't let my friend have a couple of kisses? I don't believe this!" 

Ravi was getting worked up and Archana desperately wanted to calm him down and get back on his good side.

"Honey, I was just asking. Don't be angry. ... Of course I'll let Deepak kiss me if that's something you really want. Just don't be mad at me, ok?"

Somewhat mollified, Ravi pouted a little. "Now you've got me worried that you're gonna be all uptight and stilted. Can't you just relax a bit and pretend that you're not repulsed to be there? "

"Of course I can, sweetie. It's just that its been been so long since I was out in the dating scene and I'm a bit nervous and rusty, I guess. Plus, you have to admit that Deepak's not really appropriate for my age ...."

Ravi scoffed disdainfully. "Jeez, you should just be grateful that a high college senior thinks you're a hottie. It's pretty lame of you to decide who gets to be together. ... Listen, I just don't want you coming across like a prude or have you make him feel embarrassed. Just don't, like, slap his hand away or pull away from him if he puts his arm around you or something, ok? Understand? Be nice to him. ... Let him have a little fun. Promise me."

"All right, Ravi." 

"Like I said. It's supposed to be a date. Be a little romantic, alright? Would that kill you?"

"Ok, I'll try."

With that Archana set off into the dusk with the small shopping bag. Her heels clicked on the pavement and her pulse got faster as she approached the familiar house that tonight seemed to be ominous and somber. As she mounted the front porch the only light inside came from candles flickering in the living room. With some trepidation, Archana knocked on the front door and almost instantly it opened. Deepak must have been watching at the window for her, she thought to herself.
And, in fact, he had been observing her approach through the side window after receiving a call from Ravi alerting him she was on her way. Ravi had reassured Deepak that he had "a little talk" with his mother and that she understood "who was boss." He also reminded Deepak to be sure and turn on the little hidden spy camera that he had loaned to him for the evening. 

Deepak escorted Archana into the house and guided her to the living room. He was wearing jeans, loafers and a button up shirt. He politely took the shopping bag from her and motioned for her to sit down on the couch. There were candles everywhere. Multiple votive candles were lit on the mantle and on several side tables as well as the coffee table where he set down the champagne flutes. He began untwisting the wire cage around the champagne cork and, with surprising deftness, Deepak eased the cork out so that the pressure was released in a hissing sigh. 

With her long legs in the stiletto pumps, the low couch elevated Archana's knees so that her short hem gave the boy a wonderful view of her pantyhose shimmering in the candlelight. Archana felt self-conscious and a bit nervous as he openly studied her legs with a wry smile. She also noted uncomfortably that the outline of a large erection was clearly visible at the front of his Levis and she tried to avoid looking at it as he handed her one of the glasses. 

Deepak's obvious arousal and the quiet confidence he exuded were daunting and intimidating for Archana. It was clear to her that she was on his turf now and that in spite of their age differences the teenager was the one holding most of the cards now. Nevertheless, she continued to cling to the hope that she could keep the evening casual and platonic so she immediately launched into a series of inane questions asking him about college, sports and high college life in general.

Deepak didn't mind her rather clumsy attempt to keep things light and wholesome and he was happy to play along by answering her questions. In actuality, he found her obvious discomfort to be quite a turn-on. The way she nervously chattered away in contrast to his easy aloof demeanor gave him a strong sense of having the upper hand. He felt like a predator of sorts, with the leggy brunette he had lusted after for so many years now his prey.

As Deepak sat down beside her Archana couldn't help but notice there was no tv in the room and she wondered if there ever had been any real plans for a "movie date." The candles and couch suggested that, instead of a movie, she was going to be the focus of the evening. Nervously, she kept remembering her son's admonition to be "romantic" and she tried to suppress the notion by asking Deepak more questions about his favorite teachers and classes.
Deepak gamely made small talk with her but he nonchalantly let his hand fall to his side where it rested between them briefly until Archana felt the light touch of his little finger as it began slowly brushing her leg through the sheer nylon of her hose. The boy continued conversing with her while his fingernail continued leisurely traveling up and down the side of her leg.

It all seemed so surreal and strange to Archana for her to be letting her son's teenage friend touch her like this. She felt dizzy and her heart was racing at a gallop. She wanted to gently take Deepak's hand and guide it back to his own lap but, remembering Ravi's rebuke, she did nothing and simply pretended not to notice Deepak's wandering touch. The last thing she wanted was to risk her son's ire by having Deepak report her as acting overly "prudish." 

Archana was having difficulty holding onto the thread of the conversation as the boy's roving fingertips kept distracting her. Deepak's fingers made larger circles and slowly moved further up her thigh while she did her best to pretend not to notice. She kept stumbling over her words and Deepak could sense how nervous and tense she was, which only served to stoke the fires of his own libido. Since Archana was not putting up any resistance, he slid his hand up the top of her leg and began trying to push the hem of the already short dress higher up her thighs. The task was made difficult by how tight the garment was and, of course, because of her seated position on the couch. Nevertheless, the young man was determined to see more of her luscious legs.

Archana was in a quandary. She knew she knew she should pull Deepak's hand away, but her son's stern lecture still echoed in her ears and stopped her in her tracks since she knew Ravi would be getting a full report from his little friend tomorrow and she desperately wanted to get good reviews. She had always wanted to be viewed as a "cool" mom willing to have a little fun with the boys. She told herself that Deepak was just a typical "handsy" adolescent acting under the influence of raging hormones. After all, could she really blame him for taking advantage of the situation? Wasn't he just behaving the way any horny teenager would? He'd surely never been on a "date" with a full grown woman before and wasn't she the one who had practically served herself up on a platter tonight in a short dress, nylons and high heels? 

She also genuinely didn't want to embarrass the boy or make him feel self-conscious by pulling his hand away. She felt a sudden pang of empathy for the teenager as he clumsily struggled to tug her tight dress higher. She rationalized to herself that there wouldn't be any harm in showing a little more leg. Besides, it even seemed rather cute how smitten he seemed to be with her and it was flattering to be his private crush. So, rather than fending off his efforts, Archana impulsively decided to follow her son's request to be a bit flirtatious by lifting herself up from the couch and making it easier for the 18-year old to push her hemline a bit higher.

Deepak made the most of the opportunity. With both hands, he gathered the material of her dress and pulled upward in a single motion, leaving her dress bunched up around her waist with nothing but her pantyhose left to protect her modesty. Surprised, Archana gave a startled little "oh" and tried to cover herself strategically with her hands, but Deepak pointedly took her wrists and pushed her arms back down to her sides, applying a gentle but firm pressure that emphasized he was in control. 

Poor Archana felt conflicted, confused and more than a little guilty from knowing that her predicament was one of her own making. She felt dazed and in an almost dreamlike state as her face flushed bright red with the embarrassment of finding herself so exposed with her teenage neighbor. She had only intended to tease the boy a little bit, figuring things wouldn't go too far and now she was beginning to won
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She had only intended to tease the boy a little bit, figuring things wouldn't go too far and now she was beginning to wonder how much trouble she had gotten herself into. 

Her deep seated need to please her son was making it difficult for her to disappoint his best friend since she knew Ravi wanted her to be "nice" to him. Foolishly, she had assumed her age and her status as a mom would let her put the brakes on if necessary and she hadn't anticipated Deepak would be able to so easy dominate her this way. Now she found herself automatically reacting to him as an alpha male and she made no effort to pull her dress back down while the boy enjoyed the sight of her exposed this way. 

The pantyhose Ravi had picked out for her were of the sheer-to-the-waist variety so that Deepak could easily see the neatly trimmed strip of pubic hair under the center seam that ran down and disappeared beneath the cotton gusset at her crotch. Deepak's cock throbbed at the sight and he mused to himself that he would soon be grinding himself against that little patch if the evening played out as he hoped. 

Archana could read the lust in his eyes as the boy ran his eyes over her crotch and she tried to defuse the situation by getting him to focus on another subject.

She swallowed hard and was able to get out "Are your folks out of town for long?"

"Another week," he replied without elaboration. He had other things on his mind at the moment.

"That's nice," Archana responded weakly. Her own breathing was becoming progressively more ragged and labored with the rising sexual tension in the room. 

Deepak began running his hands up her legs, letting both thumbs extend to probe her crotch each time he reached the top of her thighs. 

"Doesn't that feel good, Mrs. Michael?"

"Um huh," Archana murmured, her eyes glassy as her breathing turned shallow.

"Could you lift your arms for me?"

She realized that Deepak was again tugging at her dress. He had worked it up her sides with both hands and had gotten it mostly over her formidable rack but now needed her assistance. She did as he asked, lifting her arms so he could pull it over her head. After getting her out of the dress he casually wadded it up and playfully pantomimed shooting a basket with the balled-up garment, tossing it towards a small trash can adjacent to the kitchen. His shot "scored' and Archana's expensive minidress came to rest indecorously in a heap on top of a mound of coffee grounds. 

He now had the tall beauty stripped down to her pantyhose and bra and the sight made his cock throb achingly in his jeans. He loved the way she looked in the candlelight, the nylon encasing her impossibly long legs shimmered as she moved. She was a delicious sight and he had to take a few seconds to adjust his jeans to accommodate the growing volume between his legs. 

Archana knew she couldn't let things continue down this path and she was frantically trying to think of something to say when, without warning, he leaned over and used his free hand to hold her head tight as he planted a passionate kiss on her lips. Archana's eyes flew open wide. She gasped and her hands fluttered awkwardly in the air, but she didn't push him away keeping her promise to Ravi that she'd let his friend kiss her if he wished to do so.

Deepak worked his lips on hers until she responded by dutifully kissing him back. Not expecting him to be skilled in the art of osculation, Archana was startled when he expertly maneuvered her into a deep passionate french kiss before she fully realized what was happening. He kept his grip on the back of her head as he continued to explore her mouth with his tongue. Reluctantly, Archana slipped her arms around the boy's back more as a token gesture than a true embrace. Still, she couldn't ignore the fact that her body was responding to his attentions in spite of her attempts to remain detached. The simple truth was that it had been more than a decade since she'd been kissed by anyone and, in spite of the scandalous context (or perhaps because of it), she felt herself becoming unwillingly aroused.

The 18-year old was not the innocent neighbor boy she had imagined. He was a young Lothario who had been lusting for the 5'11" beauty for months and he now reveled at the opportunity to finally get his hands on her. That she was almost twice his age and the mother of his best friend only made her all the more covetable as a conquest in his mind. 

He planted soft kisses down the length of her long neck and onto her bare shoulder before lightly running his tongue over the ridge of her collar bone, making her shiver as goose bumps rose on her flesh. She moaned weakly as he exhaled warm air into her ear and then took her earlobe between his lips, using his tongue to toy with her earring while lightly nipping the lobe with his teeth. Archana whimpered pitifully as she recognized how much trouble she was in. He commenced another session of deep soul kisses, which she submitted to subserviently. She let him probe the inside of her mouth with his tongue while waves of shame and guilt washed over her. 

As he pushed his tongue deeper into her throat he deftly slid the fingers of his free hand directly on top of the gusset at the crotch of her pantyhose. Once there, his fingers began exploring her contours as though reading Braille and Archana's hips bucked in response. The boy discovered the thin cotton panel was warm and damp to the touch, which pleased him immensely. Soon, his fingers were slick and wet with her juices as he sawed them back and forth, pushing the soft fabric into the cleft and Archana squirmed spasmodically when his fingers applied pressure to her clit.

Finally, she was able to break off the kiss and she hung onto his shoulders panting while the boy continued his mission of charting her unexplored territory.

"Um, ...M-M-Deepak ... we should stop," she pleaded weakly.

"Not just yet, Mrs. Michael," the boy responded in a whisper. He put a fingertip up to her lips to shush her protests. Her heart sank and a small tear pooled at the corner of her eye, then ran down her cheek.

"Ah, don't worry Mrs. Michael. I won't keep you out too late," he said with a chuckle.

She looked up at him and nodded to him with hopeful eyes.

He brushed her tear away then he pressed his finger again to her lips, holding it there as he addressed her in a calm, soothing tone:

"I know you want to get home, but I just couldn't live with myself if I let you get away now. Let's get to know each other a little bit better, ok?"

He placed an open palm against the sides of her breasts and pushed them together, fondling them hard with his thumbs as he did so. Archana moaned in surprise and looked down watching his hands mauling her through her bra. She felt numb and overwhelmed as the boy pulled the lacy top of her bra cups down to expose her nipples that stood taut like little sentries on top of each mound. She whimpered and threw her head back as he pinched and twisted the swollen nubs painfully. It was as though he knew just which buttons to push and she found herself surrendering to him.

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"These are amazing Mrs. Michael," he gasped. 

He took her right hand and maneuvered it until her fingertips were less than an inch away from his massive hard on. He then withdrew his hand, leaving hers right next to his throbbing cock as he returned his attention to her breasts. She knew what he wanted so she slowly advanced her fingers, letting them slide up the side of the mountainous denim bulge.

As Archana discovered the enormity of Deepak's girth she felt panicky and lightheaded. She petted and patted him tentatively — almost warily — not quite knowing what to do. He reached down to show her how he wanted to be touched and she began dutifully stroking the length of his shaft with her cupped hand. 

As she attended to his erection, Deepak fumbled with the clasp on her bra. He grunted with pleasure as he finally liberated the heavy globes and tossed her bra into the far corner of the room. He played with her boobs like a happy child, lifting each in turn and bouncing them to feel their heft. He squeezed them mercilessly as though they were giant stress balls leaving pink handprints on them when he finally let go, enjoying how she yelped when he squeezed too hard.

He then paused for a moment so he could unbutton his jeans and, after pulling his zipper down, he hoisted himself off the couch so he could quickly slide his jeans and boxers down to the floor. The tip of his enormous 10-inch cock poked out and wobbled beneath his shirttails like an angry cobra and as he sat back down he fished Archana's hand back and clamped it onto his bobbing shaft. 

The pretty Milf was in a trancelike state. She truly was ashamed to be immersed in such a scandalous mess — with the neighbor's teenage son, no less. But she knew she had no-one to blame but herself. She allowed herself to think that at least her son would be pleased that his friend had a good time with her. She kept working her hand up and down Deepak's hard-as-bricks erection and looked up at him with pleading eyes, hoping he might be satisfied with a simple hand job. The expression he returned said everything and her heart sank with the realization that Deepak was making plans to put her to good use and that the evening was far from over for her.
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Eighteen-year-old Deepak threw his head back and smiled broadly while his best friend's mom earnestly worked her closed fist up and down his engorged hard-on. The many candles in the room cast wavering long shadows that enhanced the motion and the sense that what was going on in the living room was dark and dangerous.

Deepak shifted his position to the side of the couch and pulled Archana by her shoulders to get her into a position where he could more comfortably get a hand behind her head. Soon, he had her face mere inches away from the head of his cock and she stared numbly at it as a glistening drop of pre-cum accumulated around the small slitted opening at the tip. He then took a big handful of hair and wound it around his fingers so he could keep her head firmly in his grip. Knowing what was coming, Archana shakily pleaded with him: 

"Please ... no ... Deepak ..."

The boy effortlessly applied pressure to move her head closer until her lips actually brushed against the smooth surface of his glans. Archana felt like a trapped animal with her head caught vice-like in his hand. Her own hand was still wrapped around his cock but now, instead of stroking him, she used it to try and push the throbbing organ away from her mouth. 

"N-not yet, Deepak. ... This isn't right. ... Please!"

The boy ignored her whimpering protests as he placed his free hand on top of hers to redirect his stiff rod back toward her mouth. With his other hand grasping her hair, he elevated her head so that he was able to mash his dick directly against her closed lips. The pretty MILF tried to turn away but the boy's grip prevented her from avoiding the monster insistent on gaining entry.

Finally, feeling trapped, Archana gave in and reluctantly parted her lips, allowing Deepak to gleefully shove his shaft inside her mouth. Almost immediately he had her nose buried in his musky pubic hair as he forced himself much further into her throat than she expected. Archana's eyes darted around with panic and she began gagging and choking on his thick shaft. The boy chuckled at her plight and he let her struggle for a few moments before finally pulling out of her throat enough to allow her to breathe normally. Her relief was short lived, however, and she soon was gagging again as he held her head so he could push himself back down her throat. The process repeated itself over and over as Deepak worked to condition her to accommodate his massive member.

Archana really didn't have much experience giving blowjobs and those she had given were bestowed upon penises much smaller than Deepak's. He was so thick that her jaw soon was aching from being stretched open for so long. The boy was relentless and he gave little mercy as he jammed himself over and over down her throat.

Archana eventually learned to take deep breaths when he withdrew so she didn't have to breathe each time he deep throated her. Eventually she was able to suppress her gag reflex enough to let him actually bottom out against the back of her throat. As she gained proficiency, Deepak relaxed his grip on her head and allowed her to service him without his having to apply pressure. Nevertheless, whenever he felt she cheated by not taking him all the way in his hand would return to the back of her head. As Archana's ordeal wore on, Deepak closed his eyes and arched his head back as he enjoyed the sensations of feeling her lips around him while he listened to the slurping and sucking sounds that filled the room.
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Archana began working her tongue on the underside of his cock hoping that the stimulation would help him get off sooner and she began fondling his balls with the same goal in mind. It was pure heaven to the eighteen-year-old and he grunted with pleasure as he continued thrusting himself as deeply as he could down her gullet.

Archana kept diligently working and had settled into a rhythm when a bright flash caused her to look up and she saw Deepak holding his iPhone over her. The shutter clicked again as he caught her looking directly into the camera. Horrified, she began protesting but her mouth was stuffed full so her words were muffled and unintelligible.

"Mmffff! ... mmmmmmnnnmfffff!!"

Deepak grinned and pushed himself deeper, effectively ending her complaints as he blocked her airway. Choking and gagging, her eyes went wide with alarm until he finally eased out far enough to let her breathe. He snapped a closeup of her face showing her full lips stretched around the diameter of his enormous cock. Then he reached down to play with her breasts, swatting them with his hand and as he shot video to catch how they moved.

"Oh man, ... this is epic, Mrs. Michael. You're officially my favorite porn star now!"

Archana cringed at the thought of the incriminating footage. Somehow she was going to have to convince him to delete all of it or, at the very least, to keep the images totally private. Her thoughts were interrupted she glanced up at the boy and a clammy chill ran down her spine when her eyes met his. The expression on his face scared her. This wasn't the goofy teenage neighbor boy she thought she knew. This was a sadistic alpha male enjoying her discomfort. 

He then pulled himself all the way out of her mouth and used his hand to rub the tip of his cock slowly over her face, leaving wet traces in streaks. He slapped it against her cheek twice and as she looked at him stunned, her mouth slightly open, he roughly shoved his blunt instrument back between her lips again. Taking her head with both hands, he face-fucked her rapidly and soon Archana found herself choking and gagging helplessly. 

Deepak found her plight extremely arousing and he pumped continuously until finally, with a massive groan, he shot a huge dollop of cum down her throat, causing her to cough desperately as she struggled to swallow his sperm. The boy bucked his hips and ground her nose flat against his groin as he emptied his balls with spasmodic thrusts. Eventually, he pulled himself out just as the last convulsive jerk of his pelvis caused a final spittle of cum to spurt onto her cheek while she gasped and sucked in desperately needed air. She felt used and humiliated, but also grateful to be finally free from his torment. At the same time her primary concern involved the scandalous photos that were captured on Deepak's phone.
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Deepak leaned back and exhaled a long sigh of pleasure. He turned to Archana and, breathing heavily, he wryly commented "That was an awesome way to begin the evening, Mrs. Michael." He then yawned and stretched before adding in a conspiratorial tone: "It doesn't take me long to reload. ... Just give me a few minutes and we can get down to the main event."

Archana was stunned to hear this. She assumed the nightmare was over, but Deepak's libido was apparently prodigious. She gathered up what courage she could find and was about to raise the subject of the photos when Deepak got up from the couch, his deflated member still quite impressive in size. Half dressed, he trotted out of the room calling back to her as he left: "Don't move a muscle. I'll be right back."

Alone and flustered, Archana was uncertain whether she should retrieve her clothes now or wait for Deepak to come back first. She was just about to get up from the couch when the boy jogged back in, his cock swinging with his stride. He carried a large manilla envelope and he sat down next to her with it on his lap. Archana looked away and blushed, rehearsing what she wanted to say in her head.

"Deepak," she began cautiously, "I wanted to talk to you about the pictures you took."

He chuckled mischievously and said, "Oh, they most definitely are worth talking about. I'm sure you wouldn't want them to find their way into the wrong hands."

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Archana stared at him, her mouth agape as the implied blackmail sunk in. He removed any remaining doubt as he made a pronouncement:

"Look, Mrs. Michael, let me cut right to the chase. You don't have a lot of options here."

"W-what are y-you ... um ... what are you saying, Deepak?"

"I'm saying that I own you, Mrs. Michael. Quite simply, you belong to me now — body and soul."

"I'm not sure what game you're playing, young man, but ..."

He cut her off and scoffed at her attempted bluff.

"I'm not playing games here Mrs. Michael. Listen to me carefully. This is a small town and I can think of a lot of bad things that could happen to both you and your son if certain people found out what you've been up to over here tonight. You're a smart lady and I have to think you know even better than I do what's at risk for you."

Archana swallowed hard as she tried not to consider all the horrible consequences that she knew would occur in a small community like Panvel.

"But - but why are you doing this ... I've always been good to you."

He laughed derisively and responded, "Listen, I really do feel badly for you, Mrs. Michael. — I'm not kidding. — I know you're a good person and you really don't deserve this." He smiled at her patronizingly for a few moments and then continued. "Unfortunately, you see, I'm not such a nice person. Let me explain a few things. You know, lots of guys have hobbies, play sports or get involved with various activities and past-times. — But I'm a little different. My passion is hunting." He watched her puzzled expression with amusement before adding "... and maybe now you can guess just what it is that I like to hunt." 

His words were dripping with salacious import as he looked at her expectantly with a broad smirk.

"" Archana asked incredulously.

"Ten points!" he laughed. "And you are definitely a particularly fine specimen — probably my favorite so far. So the correct answer is 'women.' I love to hunt attractive women and I love even more to make them my property."

Archana swallowed hard. "Ummm, Deepak what does that mean ... exactly?" 

She felt feverish as she realized that the boy was completely serious and this was definitely not a game.

"It means exactly what it sounds like, Mrs. Michael. Unless you want to risk having these images and videos unleashed on social media, you're going to agree to become my property. You'll be owned by me — you'll belong to me."

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Archana felt as though the temperature in the room had risen to oven-like levels as Deepak calmly continued his recitation.

"Now, your life won't change dramatically for the most part. In fact, I don't want to disrupt your and Ravi's lives at all. Certainly, we'll be spending quality time together like this on occaison, but I'll be considerate and try to accommodate your schedule and routine as much as possible. On the other hand, you will wear what I wish for you to wear and you will give me access to your body whenever and wherever I choose."

"Oh my God, Deepak..." Archana was at a loss for word until a thought came to her mind. Hesitatingly, she asked him "H-have you done this before?"

The boy laughed and responded in a callous, businesslike manner:

"Mrs. Michael, I'm a hunter and, if I do say so myself, I'm quite good at it. Yes, you are in good company and I've bagged several other women over the past year and a half. Perhaps I'll invite one of them over one evening in the near future to join us."

Archana almost fainted as she struggled to take in this news.

"If it makes you feel better, you've been the most challenging prey I've hunted and you're definitely the one I've worked the hardest to get. It took awhile, but I finally realized that the key to getting you hinged upon cultivating a close friendship with your son. That didn't take long and, in fact, I found we have a lot in common. He actually became quite fascinated with my hobby and, although it took some time, I finally convinced him to let me add you to my collection."

Archana was aghast. 

"Ravi knows about this?"

"Oh yes. This was very much a team project. I think we work well together, don't you?"

Archana felt dizzy and overwhelmed. She wasn't able to yet believe that Ravi was completely culpable in the events she found herself caught up in. Certainly he was part of it - at some level - but she fervently hoped that Ravi might simply have seen this as a test for her. He was like that, often setting up situations to see how people would react. She grasped at straws willing herself to deny that Ravi could be responsible. She simply couldn't accept that as a fact. She rationalized that Ravi must have intended it all to be an elaborate test of her morals - one she had failed miserably. Surely he must have expected and intended her to have turned down Deepak's advances. This made her feel even more worthless as she assumed she had let her son down.

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While Archana stewed in her guilt and shame, Deepak opened the envelope and pulled out a single sheet of paper with several paragraphs of text printed on it. He handed it to her.

"I'm assuming you recognize that you have no good alternatives. It's important that you understand that these terms are non-negotiable. I need you to sign this agreement now to make very clear what you are agreeing to."

Archana quickly scanned the document and her pulse elevated with each line. The boy had obviously spent considerable time preparing it and she wondered how long he had been biding his time waiting for this opportunity. 

The agreement was titled "Submission to Ownership" and it began by listing her full name, address and birthdate with a followup designation "hereinafter to be referred to as 'the property.'" It recited that that by signing the agreement she understood she was submitting herself to become the property of Deepak , the designated "owner" and that she was subject to be used by him in any way he desired. The document also stated that, as property, she could be "loaned or sold by the owner without restriction" and that she was to "at all times wear clothing, makeup and hairstyles that her owner approved of."

She felt exhausted and physically spent. Finally she sighed and slowly asked, "Deepak, could we just call it a night and talk about this tomorrow?"

"No, Mrs. Michael. You can leave now if you want, but that will end the discussion and you'll have to accept the consequences. Either agree to these terms tonight or just go ahead and leave."

Archana felt cornered like a trapped animal. She couldn't risk finding out what the little monster was capable of. If those photos were ever put on the internet her life would be ruined. Wearily, she looked up at him and asked, "where's a pen?"

To say Deepak was elated would be an understatement. He gleefully pulled a Bic ballpoint from the bottom of the envelope and handed it to her. As he did he began stroking his cock, which was now making a superb recovery.

"Ah, that's good Mrs. Michael," he declared. "It looks like my friend here is ready to join the party again and you have two more openings I want to fill before I let you go home tonight."

Archana thought she was going to throw up. She'd never allowed anyone to so much as touch her anally — let alone ever considering having an object as gigantic as Deepak's penis inside her back there.
[Image: post_old.gif] 4 Days Ago
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"Oh my God, Deepak. Please, I'll sign your paper but please don't make me do that."

Deepak smiled at her obvious terror.

"Are you saying you've never had anal before?"

"No! ... Never! ... Deepak. Please. I've never done that."

"My dear, your input will always be appreciated, but it's important for you to accept and understand that if you sign this, your tight ass is going to become my property. You can try to persuade me otherwise, but the final decision of whether and when to take that cherry will be mine. Understood?"

She toyed briefly with the notion of simply standing up and walking out of the house, but she knew Deepak would make good on his threat to distribute the compromising photos. Archana was very aware that if the pictures ever got out she would never be able to unring the bell. Quite simply, she was caught, she had no way out and she knew it. With a pitiful moan she scribbled her name on the signature line and then filled in the date before handing it back to Deepak. He looked it over and then signed his name to complete its execution before putting it back in the envelope. 

"Alright, Mrs. Michael. You are officially one of my possessions now. Stand up, please."

Archana got up from the couch and stood unsteadily on her tall heels still wearing only her pantyhose. The boy had her turn around away from him and he pulled her wrists together and began wrapping them with a short length of cotton rope he had surreptitiously brought with him from the bedroom. He pulled the loops extremely tight as he knotted them and he then used a second length to bind her elbows in similar fashion. When he finished he swatted her behind affectionately, quite pleased with himself as he spun her around so he could play with her enormous breasts.

"I think it's important to always start off on the right foot — or, in this case, the left boob." He snorted with amusement at his little joke. As he made the lame pun Deepak pinched her nipples hard with both hands and he snickered to himself as Archana squealed from the pain. He then pushed the fleshy mounds together, mashing them like two pillows between his palms.

The psychological stress was taking a toll on the captured housewife and the ropes definitely created their intended effect of making her feel both controlled and possessed. She began crying softly as he manhandled her. Unfortunately for Archana, the boy had a sadistic streak that accompanied his need to dominate and control his sexual partners. He planned to break Archana emotionally and he intended to enjoy every minute of the process.

"I think its time we visited my boudoir, Mrs. Michael." 

With that, Deepak bent down and scooped her up, hoisting Archana over his shoulder like a roll of carpet. The boy's bony shoulder dug into her midsection as she hung dbangd over his back with her bound arms caught painfully behind her while her long hair brushed against the back of his legs. Deepak ran his hands over her nylon covered thighs and he whistled happily as he made his way down the hall toward his bedroom.
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When they reached the door he pushed it open with his foot and carried her over the threshold before roughly flopping her down on his unmade bed. Her arms were caught awkwardly behind her, putting pressure on her shoulder joints which made her cry out in pain. Deepak either didn't notice or didn't care, as he turned his attention to pulling her shoes off. 

He straddled her so he could get a grip on the waistband of her hose and, still whistling, he hooked his fingers under each side at her hips and began slowly peeling the pantyhose down her thighs. He worked with deliberation, pausing to caress and fondle her skin then slowly tugging more of the sheer nylon off of one foot before doing the same with her other leg. When he finally had her naked he tossed the crumpled pantyhose onto his writing desk and stood back to admire his new property.

Archana looked extraordinarily delicious to him as she writhed on the bed trying to get into a comfortable position with her arms awkwardly bound behind her back. The panic in her eyes was especially arousing to him. He shed his shirt and got onto the bed with his knees straddling her as his hard-on pointed skyward in all its glory. 

He took her by the ankles with his powerful arms and flipped her over onto her stomach and then pulled on her hips with his hands, lifting her rear up. With her arms bound behind her she couldn't support her upper body so Deepak shoved her forward on the bed until her head was jammed between the pillows and headboard, which allowed him more leverage to bend her knees and elevate her ass higher. 

As he got her into position Archana's face was pressed uncomfortably into the pillows making it difficult for her to breathe and the pressure of her head against the headboard made her bend her neck until her chin was pressed against her chest.

Deepak used his knees to force her legs apart and Archana felt him sliding his fingers between her labia, spreading her nether lips apart before inserting first one, then two, and finally three fingers deep into her well lubricated passage. He sawed his fingers in and out a few times then leaned forward using his hand to guide the dome of his circumcised cock to her moist pussy. She was surprisingly tight but her awkward ass-up position was perfect for him to use his weight to spear her with one mighty thrust and he forced himself deep into her as though using her vagina as a scabbard for his stiff sword.

The young man's girth was enormous and Archana felt as though he would tear her open as her tissues stretched tight with each thrust. She begged him to stop but her cries were smothered by the pillows against her face and the pillowcases quickly became damp from her tears as her new "owner" continued pounding her doggy-style. 

He gripped her hips tightly and settled into a rhythm that pushed her head against the headboard with each thrust, causing a rhythmic noise against the wall. Each thud of the bedposts was followed by an echoing knock as her head hit wood on each rebound. With her arms bound, she was helpless to prevent the abuse and she could only moan and whimper as he deliberately used her this way. 

Deepak adjusted his position to maximize the depth of his penetration and he rotated his hips to lift himself up and get more friction on his shaft as he drilled deeper into her belly. He would pause at the height of each stroke with his rod just shy of slipping out of her. After a few seconds he leaned forward flexing his leg muscles to drive his rigid pole deep into the pretty Milf. After a dozen cycles he perfected the technique so that the end of his cock bounced against Archana's cervix at the bottom of each stroke, causing her to yelp in pain.
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Archana had never experienced anything remotely like this. In her wildest days she wasn't sexually adventurous and the few partners she did have never played rough with her. Now she truly felt as though she was being savaged by an wild animal and she prayed that Deepak would climax and end her torment.

Deepak, however, had no intention of coming soon and he made up his mind that this particular load of sperm would be released only when his cock was buried inside her rectum. The boy had enormous self-control and he was particularly proud of his ability to prolong his erections for marathon fucking sessions. In this case the thrill of finally nailing Mrs. Michael was making it difficult to hold back so he decided it was time to force himself into her tightly puckered ass before he did reach the point of no return.
Archana Michael had always exhibited a meek and submissive perArchanality to some degree for most of her life. However, she had never felt so used and completely dominated as she did now at the hands of eighteen-year-old Deepak. Bent over and pressed uncomfortably into a mound of pillows with her arms tied behind her back, the pretty housewife had no way to brace herself against the teenager's violent thrusts that kept shoving her roughly into the headboard like a rag doll. His preternatural large penis struck her cervix painfully with each stroke and the stress on her pelvic floor muscles created an aching cramp in her belly that left her panting and gasping for relief.

When the boy finally withdrew himself from her battered pussy Archana mistakenly assumed he had finished but her relief turned to panic when she felt him begin pushing his thick pole between her butt cheeks. Sobbing, she frantically begged him to stop and tried to pull herself away but he kept her pinned in place with an arm around her waist as he centered the blunt dome on his intended target. She writhed helplessly as he began applying pressure with his hips to persuade the ring of muscles keeping her rectum closed to let him in.

Reflexively, Archana's sphincter clamped down even tighter, clenching down stubbornly against the fleshy invader. For several long minutes it was a case of the irresistible force meeting the immovable object and Deepak's efforts to breach the barrier ended in an uncomfortable stalemate punctuated by Archana's pitiful pleas for him to stop. Try as he might, the head of his cock seemed simply too big to get through the tiny opening without additional lubrication.

He reached between her legs and slid two fingers inside her sore vagina, swirling them around to collect as much of her juices as possible. Then, using her fluids with a dollop of his own spit, Deepak swabbed the moisture over her anus before forcefully jamming his index finger through the puckered opening like a blunt ice pick. Archana gasped and squealed as she felt his digit burrowing inside her, the finger rotating and flexing to stretch the muscles apart. Soon he added a second finger and began working them together in and out of her hole like a hydraulic piston while he stroked his throbbing cock with his other hand getting it ready for what was to come.

When he was satisfied he had loosened her up sufficiently he withdrew his fingers and pushed his dick against her anal orifice again. Intent on getting in this time, Deepak leaned against her with all his weight and finally Archana's fatigued sphincter muscles surrendered as the bulbous tip of his boner slid inside her with a soft "plop." 

Deepak gripped her hips tightly with both hands and rested against her enjoying his moment of triumph. He relished the sensation of having her tight little asshole stretched taut around his shaft and he could feel her abdominal muscles quivering from within. Archana wrongly assumed the young man was all the way in but the truth became apparent as he began pushing himself deeper with powerful pelvic thrusts that caused her eyes to bulge with surprise.
She felt a painful ripping sensation radiating from the site of her impalement as his massive cock forced its way deep into her belly.

For Deepak the experience was pure and simple ecstasy. He had long dreamed of nailing his friend's hot mother and here he was popping her anal cherry in his own bed. After he established a rhythm he spread her cheeks apart with his hands and watched the friction of his veined shaft dragging her thin tissues with it as he moved in and out of the tight opening. Her anus gripped his cock like a tight fist and his naked thighs slapped noisily against her perfect round ass while the hapless Milf moaned into the pillows. 

He took a deep breath and began seriously fucking her in earnest, pushing himself to the limit each time so his balls swung and bounced against her taint like a pendulum. He wanted the moment to last forever but the thrill of taking her this way made his explosive orgasm imminent and he stepped up the pace in anticipation of a big finish.

Archana's already sore forehead was again slamming against the headboard as he violently rammed himself into her for all he was worth. He loved seeing her helplessly tied up this way and he made a mental note to be sure and have some KY jelly on hand next time to make penetrating her an easier task.

As he rocked his hips back and forth he found himself thinking of how only a very thin membrane separated her vaginal and anal passages, which made him wonder what it would feel like if another man was fucking her in front at the same time. He mused to himself that perhaps he could get Ravi to join in and the image of him doing her up the ass while her son fucked her in front pushed him over the edge. He ejaculated deep inside shooting torrents of cum while making a guttural growl that sounded more animal than human.
By now Archana was completely spent and only half aware of what was happening. She lay there propped up on her knees with her head and shoulders jammed against the headboard and her arms bound behind her back as the teenager made a few final thrusts before withdrawing his cock from her abused rectum. At last he flopped down face up on the bed beside her as she lay motionless with her knees bent underneath and her butt still up in the air.

For several long minutes he savored the glow before finally getting up to untie the bindings around her wrists and elbows. In contrast with the wild aggressor of a few moments before, he treated her tenderly and he even helped her into a more comfortable position on the bed before covering her with a spare blanket. His carnal desires sated, Deepak felt a sense of benign proprietorship over Archana as his new life-sized sex doll. He let her fall into a fitful sleep as he slipped on a pair of boxer briefs to go wandering into the kitchen in search of food. 

Deepak made himself a peanut butter sandwich and then poured himself a tall glass of milk before sitting down at the large round oak table where he happily reviewed the photos and videos he had taken on his iPhone while he stuffed his face. Quite pleased with himself, he made an enthusiastic fist pump as he swiped his way to the photo showing the pretty Milf looking up at him wide-eyed with panic, her lips wrapped around his cock as she realized he was recording the sordid event for posterity. 

After wolfing down the impromptu meal and guzzling a second glass of milk, the teenager got up and walked across the room to retrieve Archana's dress from the wastebasket where he had tossed it earlier in the evening. Brushing it off, he then hunted down her bra from the far reaches of the living room and while there he took time to extract the micro-SD memory card from the spy camera Ravi had loaned him. 

When he returned to his bedroom he found Archana still sleeping soundly on his bed. 

After laying out Archana's pantyhose, bra and shoes beside her on the mattress, Deepak sat down at his writing desk and opened his laptop. He connected his iPhone to the computer with a cable and transferred the images from his phone into a directory he had made almost a year ago that very day. The folder was labeled with Archana's name and within it were dozens of images of her in various states of dress and undress that he and Ravi had collected over time surreptitiously using the same spy camera in her own bedroom.

The directory also contained several annotated photo galleries organized into categories of clothing and lingerie that essentially documented Archana's entire wardrobe. Deepak browsed through the library now with the added satisfaction of knowing that from this point forward he would be able to have her wear whatever he wanted any day of the week. 

Most of her outfits were appropriate for a woman unwilling to push boundaries or call attention to herself and Deepak smiled as he considered the changes he would be making for her. He planned to have all of her dresses and skirts hemmed at least three inches higher across the board. Archana would not be going anywhere without displaying those incredible legs. Her shirts and blouses were going to be showing a lot more cleavage as well after he made several buttonholes nonfunctional by having them sewn shut.

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Deepak intended to keep his new toy aware of her status by insisting that she often wear garter belts, stockings, corsets and bustiers with heels routinely around the house. He would allow her to keep a bathrobe near the front door to slip on when necessary, but otherwise whenever he or Ravi were the only ones present she would be kept in a state of provocative undress all the time. 

Deepak used his phone to snap photos of the signed contract Archana had signed and he transferred them to the same directory along with the contents of the spy camera memory card for safe keeping. When he had everything organized to his liking, he opened up a messenger app and pinged Ravi, who had been eagerly waiting to hear from him. The two boys chatted online for a long time as Deepak recounted the evening's events while also sending a selection of photos documenting Archana's downfall and submission. 

Ravi was astonished that his friend had actually pulled it off. He had been skeptical his mom would ever fall for Deepak's trap but the idea was so exciting and the likelihood of success so small that he gladly played along just to see what would happen. What a stunning development to learn that his mother was now actually a trophy added to his friend's collection for real! 

Part of him felt guilty over the role he played in his mother's betrayal, but he shook off those feelings and primarily felt only envy and arousal as he perused the photos Deepak included with his texts. Before the boys finished their online conversation Deepak told Ravi he wanted to reward him for his assistance. After reading what Deepak was proposing Ravi closed his laptop and began eagerly waiting for his mother to return home.

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Deepak shut down his own computer and moved to the bed where he roused Archana from her slumber.

"Time to get dressed and go home, Mrs. Michael," he called out. 

Archana rubbed her eyes and tried to collect her thoughts as shards of memory bounced incompletely inside her head. She still had rope marks on her wrists and both her ass and pussy were painfully sore from Deepak's violent fucking. However, he now was treating her politely and with genuine warmth helping her sit upright on the edge of the bed and holding her pantyhose out for her as she got her bearings. Archana pulled the hose over one foot and up her leg before doing the same with the other and then she stood unsteadily and pulled her nylons up over her hips before smoothing them into place. 

As she put her bra on she looked across the room and saw Deepak using push-pins to tack her little black dress up on the bedroom wall next to several other items of women's clothing she hadn't noticed before.

"Um, Deepak, I need to get home tonight," she called out to him.

Deepak turned to her and smiled broadly as he said, "I know. I told you it was ok for you to leave."

"But, I'm going to need my dress ..."

The boy laughed condescendingly. "I don't think so, Mrs. Michael. You and it are both part of my inventory now and its going to be a little reminder of our first evening together. But don't worry you'll be ok going home. It's a quiet neighborhood and it's dark so nobody will see you."

"But, I can't go home like this.".

"Sure you can. I've already texted Ravi telling him you're going to be on your way soon and I told him you'll be coming home without your dress and he approved." 

This news unsettled Archana. She fervently believed that Ravi's loyalty to her as his mother was unshakable and that the two of them would be able to figure out a way to reset things rationally to unwind the mess she had created. They might even have to move away but she couldn't imagine him not taking her side. Hearing Deepak say that Ravi was okay with his turning her out into the night half naked was troubling indeed. 

Deepak finished pinning up her dress and he came over and crouched down to help Archana slip her feet into her pumps one foot at a time. Before standing up he caressed her calves and slid his hands over her legs as he looked her over admiringly.

"Damn, you are just so damn fine, Mrs. Michael."

"Deepak, I can't go out there now. Not like this."

"Yes. Exactly like this. ... Just walk on the side of the street without street lights. You'll be fine."

Archana's head was swimming. What if someone saw her? She swallowed hard and tried to keep calm.

"Oh, and one more thing, Mrs. Michael."

Deepak put something small in the palm of her hand. She looked down and saw it was a rolled up cloth measuring tape. She looked back at him quizzically.

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Deepak took her hand and closed her fingers around the small roll. He chuckled and patted her hand as he spoke:

"Give this to Ravi when you get home."

"I don't understand ..." she murmured.

"Just hand it to Ravi after you get back to your house. He'll know what to do with it. You'd better hurry now. Don't keep Ravi waiting."

Puzzled, the pretty Milf was about to ask another question when Deepak put his hands on her shoulders and walked her to the front door.

"Off you go now."

He opened the front door, pushed her out onto the porch and suddenly Archana found herself in the world again, exposed and vulnerable as the evening breeze flowed over her bare skin. Tears of shame moistened her cheeks as Archana made her way home keeping to the shadows and covering herself with her arms the best she could. She continued trying to convince herself that after a good night's sleep she and Ravi would be able to sort everything out in the morning but her stomach remained tied up in knots and she felt a heavy sense of despair.

As she sprinted across the final street her stilettos clicked against the pavement sounding like gunshots in the dead quiet of the night. A single streetlight cast her moving shadow and, fortunately, the entire neighborhood remained as still as a tomb. Archana began to feel a small hint of hope and comfort to finally be close to home as she made a mad dash over the final 100 yards up her own walkway. She could see Ravi's silhouette through the front door and he pulled the door open as she hurried into the house. 

Feeling momentarily buoyed by the small victory of making it home without being seen, Archana was about to greet her son warmly when he raised his hand in a "stop" gesture interrupting her attempt to speak. Then he extended his other hand holding his palm open expectantly.
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"I believe you have something for me."

Chagrined, Archana dropped the rolled up measuring tape into his palm as she asked meekly, "Can I go get my robe, sweetie?" 

Ravi shook his head. "There's no need for a robe, Mom. Deepak wants me to take your measurements for his records. Let's go into the living room and get started. I promised him I'd send them to back to him tonight."

Stunned, Archana looked at her son, her mouth agape.

"M-m-my ... m-measurements?" She asked disbelievingly.

"That's right," Ravi replied with a voice so cold it made her shiver. "Deepak is putting together a small brochure on you that includes your vital statistics and he asked me to measure you tonight for him."

"I ... I don't understand."

Ravi pulled out his phone and took a moment to open the text message app. He quickly found what he wanted and showed the screen to Archana. It was the signature page on the "ownership" document Deepak had asked her to sign.

"You're Deepak's property now, Mom. You belong to him. He asked me to do a favor by measuring you for him. I agreed. So, let's get down to it."

Any hope that she could spin the events that had occurred at the home evaporated as Archana realized her son was now privy to everything. She numbly let him take her wrist to lead her out of the entryway and she followed him submissively like a small child. 

She felt completely hollow and didn't know what to say. It was as though she was in a strange art house film as her son brought her into the living room where he had assembled his own collection of candles that flickered and danced around them providing an eerie reminder of the scene she had encountered at Deepak's house earlier in the evening. 

Ravi had moved furniture aside to leave an open space in the center of the room and he guided her there, taking her hips with his hands to position her where he wanted her to stand. As he did so he pulled a small notepad from his back pocket and placed it along with a Bic ballpoint pen on an end table while she watched nervously.

"Sweetie, I don't ..." Archana started to speak but he abruptly cut her off.

"No talking," he said curtly. "Hands to your sides, please." 

His tone was matter-of-fact as though he didn't have the slightest regard for her feelings. From the moment she arrived it was evident he didn't want any conversation. His attitude was all business and now it was clear that SHE was the business at hand.

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