As usual shafique and his friends sameer, mangesh, savio has treased archana on parking lot in college all of them in parking lot was started to laughing on Archana.
Archana shouting on shafique and his friends this happens everyday to her. Shafique don't like archana due to archana break his relationship with his girlfriend. So that day onwards shafique and his friends used to tease her in college and even if they saw her outside in malls, park , other places these guys used to teased her a lot. She was too angry on them she was waiting for the right time to give revenge back on them.
Basically archana thinks her class boys are selfish to use girls for their personal use only.
Shafique thinks about archana is a slut or bitch to all boys but she thinks like a queen in her dream world.
These things happens nearly three months they are all in the final year exams and farewell party.
On the farewell party shafique and his friends commenting on all girls about the future how they looks after the college. Where Archana comes on the stage for group dance with her friends. Mangesh comments looks archana ya.. she is not at all worth in front of hot girls but she thinks herself like a heroni doing all chill thing. They all observe her as her boobs move along with her dance moves. Shafique said i cant see her future husband as very lucky to have her in her total life... so sad to him all laughing.....
On final examination on last day....
Archana and shafique and his friends were writing exams, shafique was having paper from book, hidding n writting... Archana call the professor for additional sheet and said sir shafique is cheating in exam sir. He was having cheat paper under his answer sheet sir. Professor looks on shafique and make to him check his paper where professor found one page from book its was 30 marks questions answer.
Professor in form to office and shafique was removed from the exam hall, shafique started to begging leave him, professor was not in the mind to leave him, shafique has started to cry he knows that was end of exams he would have to wait for next year to clear his exam...
Shafique was sent to principal room, after the exam ends professor said thanks to her where sameer, mangesh, savio was shocked that archana has done such thing to shafique...
Shafique friends said to him that archana has taken revenge on him for teasing her. Shafique was more angry said one day i will get a chance that day she will pay for this event. Due to which i lost one year, my campus job and my family happiness. I will take her happiness show my revenge, my pain to her.
Savio has called all his college classmate to his marriage function, some of mates has married, comes with their partners.
Mangesh, sameer and shafique was seeing all classmate have been changed lot in these 5 years, shafique saw her ex-lover she was married and having kid. Shafique was shocked to see her like this, sameer and mangesh was teasing shafique.
Suddenly shafique shoulder hit by someones hand he turn back to see who was that, all of them mangesh, sameer, shafique was frozen in shock for a second its archana with her hubby vishwas, she intro her hubby to all. Savio marriage party has started all of them was in dance mood and party...
On the night shafique and mangesh, sameer was in the room started on topic of archana how she changed a lot. Shafique said she looks gorgeous buddies she completely changed and then go to sleep but shafique was thinking of Archanas changes she was fully in shafique mind can't let him sleep. Her sexy curvy body was making his dick erect.
Next day after savio's marriage while after some time mangesh and sameer had earlier fights they left before shafique, he packed his bags waiting suddenly saw archana on the lawn, shafique looks at her she was talking on phone her husband vishwas saw both sat on bench. Shafique started to talk about general things. Vishwas has said to shafique
V: shafique i had seen you before some where?
S: shafique to thinking that he hear this name somewhere before.
V: shafique what about you, where you working?
S: im working in KPL tech..
V: ohh.. man you know Ravi sir?
S: yeah, he is one of our director in KPL
V: im his son man...
S: oh man your his son, that why i was hearing you name before.
S: suddenly saw archana was come towards them, shafique strike in mind ohh god she is daughter in law of Ravi sir..
A: hey shafique what about your close friends mangnesh and sameer.
S: they have fight earlier..
V: got a call moves
A: shafique you change a bit,
S: No Archana you have changed lot
A: smiled have small laugh
Later had a talk with archana, shafique has got her new phone number share a bit, on time vishwas has driving red jaguar xf car and from the car said shafique a bye. If you need a help mail me any time. Archana gave a small formal hug to me said sorry.
I asked her why sorry, archana said shafique final day on college in exams because of me you got catched by our professor, later that i hear about that you miss our campus job in UK so sorry that.. shafique, archana gave a shake hand to him, get in car....
Shafique has forgot things which happened to him 5 year ago. But his sub- mind remembers the revenge on archana and her sexy boobs and ass.
What going to happens....wait for next update...till that response to it.. comment on...futher ur options of the story to go..