Professor Gauri sat at the table, crossing her legs. The room was decorated with balloons and streamers. A "Congratulations!" banner hung on the wall. She wore a red saree that hugged her body tightly.

Siraj poured drinks, his eyes darting at Gauri every few seconds. "You look happy, Professor," he said, grinning.

Deepak set down a tray of snacks. "And you look great," he added, his voice low.

Gauri laughed lightly. "I should be saying that to you two. Top of the class! You really made me proud."

Siraj handed her a glass. "We couldn't have done it without you," he said earnestly.

"Yeah," Deepak agreed, sitting close to Gauri. "You made us work hard."

Gauri took a sip of her drink and leaned back in her chair. "Well, I'm glad to see it paid off. But enough about college—tonight is about fun."

Siraj raised his glass. "To the hardest professor and the best party ever!"

They all clinked glasses, laughter mingling with the fizz of soda. Outside, the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the room in warm hues.

"So," Siraj began, settling on the couch across from Gauri and Deepak, "what's next for you, Professor? Another group of eager students to torture?"

Gauri smirked, tilting her head thoughtfully. "I might take a break. Maybe travel a bit before diving back in."

Deepak leaned closer, his interest piqued. "Travel where?"

"Europe, perhaps. I've always wanted to wander around old libraries and soak up some history."

Siraj chuckled. "We should come along as your tour guides."

Deepak nodded enthusiastically. "Seriously! We’d make it fun."

Gauri shook her head, amusement twinkling in her eyes. "You two never stop, do you?"

Siraj shrugged 

playfully. "Guess we’re just overachievers."

Deepak picked up his drink and clinked it against Siraj's. "Or maybe we're finally rubbing off on you, Professor."

Gauri sighed in mock exasperation. "Oh no, what have I done?"

Music played softly in the background as the night unfolded. They played games and recounted stories from class, each memory sparking new fits of laughter.

Eventually, Deepak grabbed a deck of cards. "Alright, let's see if you can beat us at something other than exams."

Gauri leaned forward, her competitive spirit ignited. "You're on."

Hours passed with teasing banter and playful accusations of cheating. As evening approached, Gauri glanced at the clock, surprised at how quickly time had flown.

"I should get going soon," she said reluctantly, standing up.

Siraj looked at her with a tinge of disappointment. "Already? We were just getting started."

Deepak stood too, an easy grin on his face. "How about one last game before you go?"

Gauri hesitated, then relented with a smile. "Alright, one more."

They settled back down, the cards sliding swiftly between them. Siraj and Deepak exchanged conspiratorial glances, mischief brewing.

"Think you can win this time?" Siraj teased.

Gauri raised an eyebrow. "Watch me."

The game intensified, cards slapped onto the table with increased urgency, but laughter always trailing behind. Gauri’s mind whirred with strategies, trying to outmaneuver her students.

Finally, she threw down her last card triumphantly. "I believe that’s a victory for the professor."

Deepak and Siraj groaned in unison, throwing their hands up in defeat.

"Fine," Deepak conceded. "You win this round."

Siraj shook his head in mock dismay. "We’ll never live this down."

Gauri chuckled and stood once more 

while they playfully protested.

Siraj walked her to the door, his expression softer. "Thanks for coming, Professor. It was fun."

Deepak joined them, a bit of teasing still in his voice. "Yeah, even if you did college us at cards."

She smiled warmly at them both. "You two are very naughty. Don't have too much fun without me."

They watched as she disappeared into the night, the cool air a welcome contrast to the warmth of the evening.

Deepak closed the door with a sigh. "Think she'll really take us along to Europe?"

Siraj flopped back onto the couch, grinning. "If we keep at it? Definitely."
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Good story plot, keep updated
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It was a beautiful Sunday morning. 
Siraj reached Gauri’s place. He was about to knock on her door when he heard loud moaning from inside.

“aah.. ah.. oohh. ohh.. ummm..aaaaah!!”

It was clearly Professor Gauri’s voice.

There were loud thumping noises that followed her moans.

Siraj was shocked.

Siraj knew the Professor well enough to recognize her voice in its many variations, but this—this was completely unexpected. The moans alternated between being loud and soft, gentle and harsh, delicate and rough. It stopped every now and then. Then resumed. The thumping sounds were rhythmic. 

He froze, the sound stopping him mid-motion. His first instinct was to turn and leave, the uninvited guest at a party he hadn’t known was happening. But then his phone started ringing loudly and all the noises from inside stopped.

He could hear someone approaching the door.

The door creaked open, revealing Professor Gauri, her hair completely messed up and she was sweating a lot all over her body. She caught her breath, eyes wide with surprise.

Gauri had a tight t-shirt which clung to her chest tightly. Her sweat made it more sticky. She did not wear a bra and Siraj could tell. The white wet t-shirt clearly exposed the shapes of her breasts. Her breasts were a generous and perfect a 36 DD cup, perfectly shaped and firm for her age. They were high and full, with a dark brown areola that contrasted beautifully against her fair skin. Her nipples, now hardened, strained against the fabric of her wet T-shirt, leaving little to the imagination. 

Siraj couldn't help but steal a quick glance at her chest before averting his eyes, feeling both aroused and uncomfortable in the face of such intimate knowledge. His cheeks burned as he struggled to focus on anything other than the tempting sight in front of him.

 “Siraj! What are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you were coming!”

“I.. actually.. ” he stammered, trying to mask the fear that tightened his throat.

He was about to apologize for interrupting when a second figure appeared behind her.

"This is Sohail! My personal trainer!", she stammered.

“Hey there! We just had an intense work out”, Sohail waved, equally messed up hair and smiling.

“Ah, yes! Just… an unexpectedly intense workout,” she replied hastily, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. The words tumbled out too quickly, revealing a hint of panic in her voice.

Siraj stepped back instinctively, creating a wall between them that felt both physical and emotional. “Oh!… a workout!,” he repeated, forcing a smile.

Siraj's heart raced as he studied her face, searching for calmness in her eyes. “I will come back later,” he replied, his voice low and steady, though uncertainty twisted in his gut.

Gauri’s smile faded for a moment before she composed herself. “Really, Siraj. You know how I can get when I’m preparing for my lectures. Sometimes it gets a bit… intense. A workout gets rid of my stress.” She pointed towards the exercise equipment in the corner of the room.

“I see,” he said slowly, still unconvinced. “But it sounded—”

“Like what?” she interrupted sharply, her composure cracking momentarily. “Tell me, what did it sound like?”

The question hung heavy in the air, and Siraj hesitated to respond. He could feel the weight of something unspoken between them, some hint of a doubt that stretched thin with every passing second. “It just felt… strange,” he finally admitted, his eye contact dropping to the floor.

Gauri's expression shifted, and for the briefest moment, something flickered in her eyes—an emotion buried deep beneath layers of professionalism. “Siraj,” she said softly, each word sounding like a bullet, “don't overthink! Okay!”

Her tone sent a shiver down his spine. “I am sorry,” Siraj spoke hesitatingly. “If something’s wrong in my behavior—”

“Nothing is wrong!” she snapped, her voice rising sharply before she took a deep breath to regain control. The tension in the room was thick like condensed milk. “Did you need something urgent?”

“No... I...” Siraj stammered, trying to forget all the moaning noises coming out from her just a few minutes ago.  “I was just in the area. Thought I’d stop by.”

“You should join us for a session next time,” Sohail offered, patting Siraj’s shoulder with a friendly thump that felt more like a challenge.

Gauri shot him a harsh glance that could melt ice, and Sohail's expression changed. “What? It’d be fun! More the better.”

“Yeah, sure,” Siraj replied.

“Man, your Professor is very very flexible now. All these new stretches I taught her she became very comfortable super quickly!” Sohail exclaimed.

Gauri’s fair cheeks became flaming red, a mix of embarrassment and anger.

Sohail put on his shoes and adjusted his pants and left.

Gauri sighed and leaned against the doorframe, rolling her eyes. “Sohail! Do you even think before you talk?”

Sohail tried to suppress a smile. “I mean, it’s kind of hard not to. You improved so much!”

“It’s not what it looks like,” Gauri insisted. “He really is just my trainer. We were doing this intense new workout, and we got a little carried away.”

“oh.. okay!,” Siraj said, raising an eyebrow.

“Shut up!” Gauri swatted at Sohail playfully. “Siraj! Come on in before the neighbors start gossiping.”

Siraj hesitated but then stepped inside, the air still electric from whatever had just gone down.

Gauri flopped onto the couch, pulling her hair into a loose ponytail. As she put her hands behind to tie her hair, her firm mountain like boobs moved up.  
“Honestly, Sohail’s just—he is an idiot!”
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