22-02-2025, 04:28 PM
Cold. I was so damn cold. I tossed and turned, trying to bundle myself up with my blanket in any way that would provide the most warmth. Unfortunately, I had zero luck. Wrapped up like a human burrito, I was still freezing.
The cold hard ground of the tent's floor sent chills down my spine. Ice cold night air crept around me and any part of my body not encompassed by the blanket froze. I was shivering, leaving my teeth chattering and bones shaking. I couldn't remember a time when I was ever that cold.
We were on our first family camping trip of the spring, sleeping in a large one-family tent. My parents and their two kids, my older sister Claire and I. Our family loved to camp and we made it a point to go right from the spring to autumn. We were seasoned campers, but for this trip, I had been unprepared. I was playing video games the previous morning and left packing until the last minute. In the rush I forgot my sleeping bag, leaving me in the freezing predicament I was in.
For a late spring camping trip, it was warm during the day, but got cold at night, sometimes creeping below freezing. Yet there I was in a sweater and pants, wrapped up in a thin extra blanket my mom packed for sitting next to the campfire.
I looked around the tent at my sleeping family and envied them. They were all fast asleep unaffected by the cold. We all had thermal sleeping bags that maintained warmth, so I was sure none of them even felt any signs of the cold. I was on the edge of the tent, Claire slept right next to me and then our parents were on the opposite side. "I'm so stupid," I thought to myself.
Nonetheless, there I was, trying to find any way to conserve any body heat with the blanket I was given, which proved to be an impossible task. The blanket was too thin and too small. I would feel the cold on a part of my body and shift to wrap it up in the blanket, only to leave another part exposed to the cold due to the blanket being too small.
It must have been a few hours into the night by the time Claire had had enough of my moving around. I guessed she wasn't as fast asleep as I thought she was.
"Are you ever gonna stop moving? I can't fucking sleep." She whispered, angrily.
"Sorry, I'm freezing to death here. This blanket is so thin," I responded, also whispering to not wake our parents.
I faced the wall of the tent, so Claire's voice came from behind me. I didn't bother turning to face her because I was scared to lose any heat if I moved.
"Maybe bring your sleeping bag next time."
"Ha ha..."
"Are you seriously that cold?"
"Yeah... Can't you hear my teeth chattering?"
"Just put on some more layers."
"I'm already wearing my sweater and pants. Any other clothing I would have to climb over Mom and Dad to get to my bag."
"Wow... You really are unprepared for everything."
"Okay... I don't need any more scolding."
"Well stop moving then. I can't sleep with you bumping into me or moving every ten seconds."
"I'll try not to... Night."
Our conversation ended there. I tried one last time to wrap my blanket completely around my body to keep myself warm for the night. Unfortunately, I only lasted a few minutes before I had to switch positions again. My feet weren't completely covered and quickly became cold.
Claire let out a large sigh of frustration when my foot accidentally hit her sleeping bag.
"Okay that's it," Claire started.
"I'm sorry," I said, cutting her off.
"No, come here."
From over my shoulder, I heard Claire shifting around in her sleeping bag. Then I heard the zipper quietly being unzipped. I turned around to face her, trying to see what she was doing.
Claire faced me, resting on her forearm and holding herself sitting up. Her blonde hair was tousled around her head and hung downward. She wore an oversized t-shirt from her college and I noticed she wasn't wearing pants when I saw her holding the side of the sleeping bag open. Her bare long legs lay comfortably in the sleeping bag. She looked drowsy and annoyed, but pretty as always. Claire was a beautiful girl and even though she was my older sister I noticed it.
"Come on," She whispered while telling me to hurry up with her hand movements, "it's cold."
"Get in, you can sleep in my sleeping bag."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! I would like to get some sleep tonight."
I relented at first, not wanting to be stuffed into a single sleeping bag with my older sister, but after picturing how the rest of my night would go otherwise, I agreed.
I removed the blanket from on top of myself and slid over to Claire. She stopped me with her hand on my chest.
"Hold up... You're not sleeping in here with your outside clothes. Get your pjs on."
"I just have a t-shirt and boxers under this."
"That's fine. Those old pants are probably full of dirt and shit."
"You know what, maybe you can keep using the blanket."
"Okay, okay, I'm taking 'em off."
I stripped my sweater and pants off, piling them in the corner of the tent. I was left in only my T-shirt and boxers. The night air was nipping at my skin, so I hurriedly squirmed to Claire and zipped the sleeping bag closed around us.
Claire's sleeping bag was meant to hold heat and immediately I could feel the warmth soothing my body.
"Ahhh... This is better," I admitted.
"You're welcome."
The sleeping bag left a little wiggle room. Claire and I weren't squished together within it, but we were slightly touching at the hip and shoulder. However, I didn't mind at all because the warmth emanating from her body was relaxing.
Very quickly my body forgot the terrible feeling of being extremely cold and I was getting comfortable. I couldn't help but appreciate how kind Claire was in allowing me to sleep with her.
She was always a motherly older sister that looked after me. Aside from annoying each other at times, our sibling relationship was loving. We cared for and appreciated one another. I would have to find a way to make it up to her for allowing me to sleep with her.
We attempted to sleep side by side for a while, but it proved to be challenging. We were stretching the sleeping bag as far as it could go horizontally and it was compressing against both of our chests.
Eventually, we decided to sleep on our sides, back to back. That way we created slightly more room to breathe. Quickly, Claire was falling asleep as I heard her breath soften and space out.
I was relaxed and sharing Claire's warmth. I could feel her backside pressed against mine. Her t-shirt covered back, expanding and withdrawing with each breath.
I was also feeling her butt pressed against my lower back. Normally I would have been weirded out by that contact. Even sleeping so close to Claire felt awkward, but I didn't care because I knew the alternative was freezing.
Before I knew it I passed out and reawakened sometime later that night. I realized quickly that what woke me was Claire's movements. She was changing her position and it shook me slightly, enough to wake me.
I felt Claire's arm hug me, followed by her body pressing up against me. She was spooning me. I looked over my shoulder out of curiosity. I wondered if Claire was awake or sleeping.
Claire must've seen me look at her in the dark, so she said, "Sorry... This is better."
I didn't respond, neither agreeing nor denying. I just tried to fall back asleep. Very quickly, I found I loved being spooned like this by Claire. I felt safe and sound in her arms. My protective big sister who allowed me to join her in her sleeping bag was now holding me so dearly. I was comfortable and I drifted to sleep straight away.
Once again I was awakened in the night. Unfortunately, this time my arm had fallen asleep. I couldn't even feel my arm anymore as I tried to shake it awake. I was sleeping on my side for too long, cutting off the circulation, so I needed to adjust my position. I would have to turn to my other side.
Claire still clung onto my back and had her arm around me holding my chest. I had to turn and face her. Trying not to wake her, I turned slowly. My efforts were for not because Claire was woken up immediately by my movements.
"Sorry, arm fell asleep. I can't feel it," I told the groggy Claire.
"It's okay. Here we can sleep like this."
Claire grabbed my numb arm and flipped around, placing my arm around her shirt-covered tummy. We had traded positions and now I was the big spoon. I held Claire with my arm and she cuddled close to my chest. My hand rested on her firm belly.
Within minutes Claire seemed to have fallen back asleep, but I was unable to. I was cuddling with Claire, my kind older sister, holding her warm body against me. The natural smell of her hair filled my nostrils. I could feel every one of her breaths against my chest as her back expanded into me.
Claire moved backward, pressing up into my body further. We were connected by our warmth. It felt great to embrace her in the spooning position, but I felt something stir within me that made my heart beat twice as fast.
Claire's firm butt was pressed against my crotch. I tried backing up my lower body to leave some space between us, but she soon backed up to match me. Soon I had no more sleeping bag wiggle room to back up into and I was stuck pressed against her butt.
As natural as it was for a virgin teen boy, all the blood in my body was being sent down to my dick. There was no way I could just fall asleep then. My heart rate increased and my body felt hot. I was scared to wake Claire and embarrassed I was getting a boner from cuddling with my sister.
My hardening penis pressed up into my boxers and slotted itself right between Claire's butt cheeks. I was getting harder by the minute and my loose boxers were no help in containing my protruding member. It was beginning to stand up straight.
I was hoping Claire was asleep because I didn't know how I would be able to explain myself if she confronted me. I desperately tried to get rid of the boner. I flexed my arm muscles, I thought of every unsexy thing imaginable, but nothing could alleviate the feeling of an ass pressed against my hard cock.
My heart was pounding and with all of my struggling Claire woke up. She shifted slightly, still holding my arm against her tummy when she froze. She must have noticed what was poking her.
She looked over her shoulder at me and I mouthed an "I'm sorry" to her. She shook her head and pushed me away, removing the contact our lower bodies had.
"Get rid of that, What the fuck," Claire scolded me, keeping her voice quiet to not wake our parents.
"I've been trying to," I responded.
"Well try harder you perv."
"I'll turn around."
I turned around, now lying back against back with Claire. I was more embarrassed than I had ever been. I got a boner from my older sister and she caught me. I couldn't tell if Claire was grossed out or not. She was facing the other way and seemed like she was trying to sleep.
I was struggling because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get rid of my raging erection. Something about sleeping with a girl was getting my virgin penis excited beyond comparison. My cock was hard as a rock and strained against my boxers, begging to be freed.
After what felt like 5 minutes of laying there, trying to sleep, I felt Claire turn around. She hugged me from behind and began spooning me like she had earlier.
"I'm sorry for getting mad... It's only natural... I think I was just freaked out," She whispered into my ear from behind.
I was glad she wasn't upset. "I'm sorry too... It just happened," I told her.
"Was it cus my butt was against you?"
"Kinda... I think it was just the fact I was so close to a girl," I admitted, embarrassed.
"It's normal. It happens to a lot of guys while cuddling."
"Does it?"
"Yeah... My exes used to get boners while cuddling all the time."
"I could've lived without that information."
"Sorry... Are you still hard?"
"Yeah," I answered reservedly. It felt weird talking about my erection with my sister.
Her hand was placed against my chest and she slowly crept it down to my stomach before resting it there. It was as if she wanted to keep going further down my body, but stopped herself. Her hand placement was giving me goosebumps.
How on Earth was I ever supposed to lose my erection then? My sister was holding me so tightly into her body. I could feel her breasts pressed against my back, her nipples poking me. Her hand rested only inches above my rock-hard penis.
"You're so tense," Claire broke the silence.
"I'm not," I denied.
"Are you embarrassed?" Claire rubbed her hand around my stomach. I swear she inched slightly closer to my groin area when she eventually rested her hand again.
"I'm just trying to lose my boner... But to be honest, cuddling isn't working in my favor."
"Why? Am I turning you on?"
"I could feel your heartbeat get faster when I asked you. I think you're lying."
"I swear."
"I swear..."
There was a quiet pause before either of us said anything else. I could feel Claire's warm breath against the back of my head. She held me tight and I felt comfortable and safe in her arms yet again.
"I..." Claire broke the silence with a whisper, "I know a way to help it go away."
Claire didn't respond with words. Instead, she moved into my body, even closer than she already was. Once she was comfortable with her position and her body completely encompassed mine, she removed her hand from my stomach.
I truly didn't know what to expect next as Claire kept her thoughts to herself. I was stunned when I felt her hand place itself right on top of my boxer-covered penis. I jolted from the surprise, thinking Claire accidentally touched me there.
"It's okay," she whispered into my ear, "let me make it go away."
I relaxed in her hold, letting her lead the way. She replaced her hand on my member and explored my size, gliding her hand throughout my cock. It felt nice to have someone other than myself feel my penis for the first time. It was giving me butterflies in my stomach.
She played with my cock through my boxers for about thirty seconds before she slipped her hand underneath my waistband. Claire pushed the waistband over my standing erection and freed my genitals from my boxers. I raised my hips allowing her to move them further down my legs, but she stopped pulling them off around my upper thighs.
I was now eagerly waiting for her to touch me again. Finally, her hand found my penis again and the skin-on-skin contact was exhilarating. The first time my penis was being touched. Claire began stroking my cock, slowly, going up and down my shaft. Her delicate and soft hand slid from my glans to the base of my shaft.
We were keeping quiet and I stayed perfectly still. I was scared to wake up our parents who were sleeping only a few feet away. What would happen if we were caught doing something so taboo?
I didn't know how to feel about the fact that Claire was jerking me off, but she was my older sister, so I trusted her. If she was okay and unbothered then why should I be? She was just helping me out and then we'd both be able to go back to sleep.
Her dry stroking felt great on my virgin penis, but it wasn't enough to get me off. She wasn't able to grip as hard due to the dry skin-on-skin contact. Claire sensed this and removed her hand for a second. I felt her shifting behind me and heard a quiet spitting sound. When her hand reached back for my penis there was a wet sensation. She must have spat in her hand for lube.
The warm feeling of wetness around my penis was sending new levels of pleasure around my body. Claire's grip increased in strength and she picked up her speed. We continued like this for a minute or so until Claire picked up her speed once more, this time adding a twisting motion to her stroking. By then I was oozing precum onto her fingers and palm.
Unfortunately, with the added speed and wetness of her spit, there was a growing sound of fapping emanating from our sleeping bag. It was quiet enough to not wake our parents, but it still made me nervous.
"Claire," I whispered behind me, "It's too loud."
"It's fine," she answered, still tugging on my rod.
"It's making me nervous, I don't know if I can... You know cum. What if they wake..."
"Shhh," Claire shushed me, "Okay we can change it up. Turn around."
I didn't know what to expect next, but I followed Claire's guide. I turned around, now facing my older sister. We were closely laying in the tent, so when I assumed my position facing her, my penis pressed against her shirt-covered pelvis. I had barely any room to inch backward, so I was forced to leave my penis poking into her.
Claire shifted for a while with her lower body, but I couldn't tell what she was doing. Once she was done she laid still again and reached down for my penis, eventually grabbing it.
"Keep quiet," she said to me, as we were now face to face. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness by that point and I had an eyeful of Claire's beauty. She was beautiful in the darkness with only the soft moonlight providing vision through our tent. She looked me in the eyes and smiled.
Claire moved in closer and shifted upward in the sleeping bag. I heard a rustling in the sleeping bag and later felt her right leg rest on top of my left leg. Was Claire doing what I thought she was doing?
She moved in close and her breasts were now pushed against my upper chest. With her hand on my penis, I felt her guiding me. My penis was pressed against her t-shirt. Then her bare skin. Then I felt a wetness on my cock head. Was this really happening?
I looked up at Claire with a surprised look. She met my eyes, but her soft pretty face reassured me everything was okay.
"It's okay. Just keep quiet and go slow," she told me.
That was when it happened. Claire guided my cock. I was pressed against her wet labia and then directed to her opening. Claire adjusted her body's angle and with the stiffness of my cock and the wet state of her vagina, I easily entered her. I passed the threshold and inched my way deeper into her. I was inside my older sister, Claire.
I couldn't believe the act we were committing. No matter how wrong it felt, the feelings were overpowered by good. It was incest, but it felt so right. I loved Claire and she loved me. She was helping me with my issue like a good older sister. Like how Claire would help.
Soon, I was buried to the hilt inside her. Our pelvises kissed and I couldn't go any further inside. Claire still looked me in the eyes, but now had an expression of pleasure on her face. I retracted from her only to press back deeper inside seconds later. I was beginning my rhythm of fucking.
I was in sweet bliss. The warm, wet sensation her pussy was providing my penis was out of this world and far greater than anything I had felt leading up to that point in my life. Like a wild animal, I wanted more and more. I continued my slow rhythm of pumping in and out of my sister. Claire still held me tight with her arms and her one leg wrapped around mine.
That was the closest I had ever felt to anybody. At that moment we were connected physically and emotionally. My feelings for Claire were bleeding through as I looked into her eyes. Yes, she was my sister, but at that moment she was so much more.
I lifted my chin to better align with Claire's face. She didn't move but watched for what I was going to do next. A wave of confidence hit me and for the first time since I entered her sleeping bag, I took control. Slowly I closed the gap between our faces. When we were mere inches apart I closed my eyes and pressed my lips into hers, kissing her passionately.
The cold hard ground of the tent's floor sent chills down my spine. Ice cold night air crept around me and any part of my body not encompassed by the blanket froze. I was shivering, leaving my teeth chattering and bones shaking. I couldn't remember a time when I was ever that cold.
We were on our first family camping trip of the spring, sleeping in a large one-family tent. My parents and their two kids, my older sister Claire and I. Our family loved to camp and we made it a point to go right from the spring to autumn. We were seasoned campers, but for this trip, I had been unprepared. I was playing video games the previous morning and left packing until the last minute. In the rush I forgot my sleeping bag, leaving me in the freezing predicament I was in.
For a late spring camping trip, it was warm during the day, but got cold at night, sometimes creeping below freezing. Yet there I was in a sweater and pants, wrapped up in a thin extra blanket my mom packed for sitting next to the campfire.
I looked around the tent at my sleeping family and envied them. They were all fast asleep unaffected by the cold. We all had thermal sleeping bags that maintained warmth, so I was sure none of them even felt any signs of the cold. I was on the edge of the tent, Claire slept right next to me and then our parents were on the opposite side. "I'm so stupid," I thought to myself.
Nonetheless, there I was, trying to find any way to conserve any body heat with the blanket I was given, which proved to be an impossible task. The blanket was too thin and too small. I would feel the cold on a part of my body and shift to wrap it up in the blanket, only to leave another part exposed to the cold due to the blanket being too small.
It must have been a few hours into the night by the time Claire had had enough of my moving around. I guessed she wasn't as fast asleep as I thought she was.
"Are you ever gonna stop moving? I can't fucking sleep." She whispered, angrily.
"Sorry, I'm freezing to death here. This blanket is so thin," I responded, also whispering to not wake our parents.
I faced the wall of the tent, so Claire's voice came from behind me. I didn't bother turning to face her because I was scared to lose any heat if I moved.
"Maybe bring your sleeping bag next time."
"Ha ha..."
"Are you seriously that cold?"
"Yeah... Can't you hear my teeth chattering?"
"Just put on some more layers."
"I'm already wearing my sweater and pants. Any other clothing I would have to climb over Mom and Dad to get to my bag."
"Wow... You really are unprepared for everything."
"Okay... I don't need any more scolding."
"Well stop moving then. I can't sleep with you bumping into me or moving every ten seconds."
"I'll try not to... Night."
Our conversation ended there. I tried one last time to wrap my blanket completely around my body to keep myself warm for the night. Unfortunately, I only lasted a few minutes before I had to switch positions again. My feet weren't completely covered and quickly became cold.
Claire let out a large sigh of frustration when my foot accidentally hit her sleeping bag.
"Okay that's it," Claire started.
"I'm sorry," I said, cutting her off.
"No, come here."
From over my shoulder, I heard Claire shifting around in her sleeping bag. Then I heard the zipper quietly being unzipped. I turned around to face her, trying to see what she was doing.
Claire faced me, resting on her forearm and holding herself sitting up. Her blonde hair was tousled around her head and hung downward. She wore an oversized t-shirt from her college and I noticed she wasn't wearing pants when I saw her holding the side of the sleeping bag open. Her bare long legs lay comfortably in the sleeping bag. She looked drowsy and annoyed, but pretty as always. Claire was a beautiful girl and even though she was my older sister I noticed it.
"Come on," She whispered while telling me to hurry up with her hand movements, "it's cold."
"Get in, you can sleep in my sleeping bag."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! I would like to get some sleep tonight."
I relented at first, not wanting to be stuffed into a single sleeping bag with my older sister, but after picturing how the rest of my night would go otherwise, I agreed.
I removed the blanket from on top of myself and slid over to Claire. She stopped me with her hand on my chest.
"Hold up... You're not sleeping in here with your outside clothes. Get your pjs on."
"I just have a t-shirt and boxers under this."
"That's fine. Those old pants are probably full of dirt and shit."
"You know what, maybe you can keep using the blanket."
"Okay, okay, I'm taking 'em off."
I stripped my sweater and pants off, piling them in the corner of the tent. I was left in only my T-shirt and boxers. The night air was nipping at my skin, so I hurriedly squirmed to Claire and zipped the sleeping bag closed around us.
Claire's sleeping bag was meant to hold heat and immediately I could feel the warmth soothing my body.
"Ahhh... This is better," I admitted.
"You're welcome."
The sleeping bag left a little wiggle room. Claire and I weren't squished together within it, but we were slightly touching at the hip and shoulder. However, I didn't mind at all because the warmth emanating from her body was relaxing.
Very quickly my body forgot the terrible feeling of being extremely cold and I was getting comfortable. I couldn't help but appreciate how kind Claire was in allowing me to sleep with her.
She was always a motherly older sister that looked after me. Aside from annoying each other at times, our sibling relationship was loving. We cared for and appreciated one another. I would have to find a way to make it up to her for allowing me to sleep with her.
We attempted to sleep side by side for a while, but it proved to be challenging. We were stretching the sleeping bag as far as it could go horizontally and it was compressing against both of our chests.
Eventually, we decided to sleep on our sides, back to back. That way we created slightly more room to breathe. Quickly, Claire was falling asleep as I heard her breath soften and space out.
I was relaxed and sharing Claire's warmth. I could feel her backside pressed against mine. Her t-shirt covered back, expanding and withdrawing with each breath.
I was also feeling her butt pressed against my lower back. Normally I would have been weirded out by that contact. Even sleeping so close to Claire felt awkward, but I didn't care because I knew the alternative was freezing.
Before I knew it I passed out and reawakened sometime later that night. I realized quickly that what woke me was Claire's movements. She was changing her position and it shook me slightly, enough to wake me.
I felt Claire's arm hug me, followed by her body pressing up against me. She was spooning me. I looked over my shoulder out of curiosity. I wondered if Claire was awake or sleeping.
Claire must've seen me look at her in the dark, so she said, "Sorry... This is better."
I didn't respond, neither agreeing nor denying. I just tried to fall back asleep. Very quickly, I found I loved being spooned like this by Claire. I felt safe and sound in her arms. My protective big sister who allowed me to join her in her sleeping bag was now holding me so dearly. I was comfortable and I drifted to sleep straight away.
Once again I was awakened in the night. Unfortunately, this time my arm had fallen asleep. I couldn't even feel my arm anymore as I tried to shake it awake. I was sleeping on my side for too long, cutting off the circulation, so I needed to adjust my position. I would have to turn to my other side.
Claire still clung onto my back and had her arm around me holding my chest. I had to turn and face her. Trying not to wake her, I turned slowly. My efforts were for not because Claire was woken up immediately by my movements.
"Sorry, arm fell asleep. I can't feel it," I told the groggy Claire.
"It's okay. Here we can sleep like this."
Claire grabbed my numb arm and flipped around, placing my arm around her shirt-covered tummy. We had traded positions and now I was the big spoon. I held Claire with my arm and she cuddled close to my chest. My hand rested on her firm belly.
Within minutes Claire seemed to have fallen back asleep, but I was unable to. I was cuddling with Claire, my kind older sister, holding her warm body against me. The natural smell of her hair filled my nostrils. I could feel every one of her breaths against my chest as her back expanded into me.
Claire moved backward, pressing up into my body further. We were connected by our warmth. It felt great to embrace her in the spooning position, but I felt something stir within me that made my heart beat twice as fast.
Claire's firm butt was pressed against my crotch. I tried backing up my lower body to leave some space between us, but she soon backed up to match me. Soon I had no more sleeping bag wiggle room to back up into and I was stuck pressed against her butt.
As natural as it was for a virgin teen boy, all the blood in my body was being sent down to my dick. There was no way I could just fall asleep then. My heart rate increased and my body felt hot. I was scared to wake Claire and embarrassed I was getting a boner from cuddling with my sister.
My hardening penis pressed up into my boxers and slotted itself right between Claire's butt cheeks. I was getting harder by the minute and my loose boxers were no help in containing my protruding member. It was beginning to stand up straight.
I was hoping Claire was asleep because I didn't know how I would be able to explain myself if she confronted me. I desperately tried to get rid of the boner. I flexed my arm muscles, I thought of every unsexy thing imaginable, but nothing could alleviate the feeling of an ass pressed against my hard cock.
My heart was pounding and with all of my struggling Claire woke up. She shifted slightly, still holding my arm against her tummy when she froze. She must have noticed what was poking her.
She looked over her shoulder at me and I mouthed an "I'm sorry" to her. She shook her head and pushed me away, removing the contact our lower bodies had.
"Get rid of that, What the fuck," Claire scolded me, keeping her voice quiet to not wake our parents.
"I've been trying to," I responded.
"Well try harder you perv."
"I'll turn around."
I turned around, now lying back against back with Claire. I was more embarrassed than I had ever been. I got a boner from my older sister and she caught me. I couldn't tell if Claire was grossed out or not. She was facing the other way and seemed like she was trying to sleep.
I was struggling because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get rid of my raging erection. Something about sleeping with a girl was getting my virgin penis excited beyond comparison. My cock was hard as a rock and strained against my boxers, begging to be freed.
After what felt like 5 minutes of laying there, trying to sleep, I felt Claire turn around. She hugged me from behind and began spooning me like she had earlier.
"I'm sorry for getting mad... It's only natural... I think I was just freaked out," She whispered into my ear from behind.
I was glad she wasn't upset. "I'm sorry too... It just happened," I told her.
"Was it cus my butt was against you?"
"Kinda... I think it was just the fact I was so close to a girl," I admitted, embarrassed.
"It's normal. It happens to a lot of guys while cuddling."
"Does it?"
"Yeah... My exes used to get boners while cuddling all the time."
"I could've lived without that information."
"Sorry... Are you still hard?"
"Yeah," I answered reservedly. It felt weird talking about my erection with my sister.
Her hand was placed against my chest and she slowly crept it down to my stomach before resting it there. It was as if she wanted to keep going further down my body, but stopped herself. Her hand placement was giving me goosebumps.
How on Earth was I ever supposed to lose my erection then? My sister was holding me so tightly into her body. I could feel her breasts pressed against my back, her nipples poking me. Her hand rested only inches above my rock-hard penis.
"You're so tense," Claire broke the silence.
"I'm not," I denied.
"Are you embarrassed?" Claire rubbed her hand around my stomach. I swear she inched slightly closer to my groin area when she eventually rested her hand again.
"I'm just trying to lose my boner... But to be honest, cuddling isn't working in my favor."
"Why? Am I turning you on?"
"I could feel your heartbeat get faster when I asked you. I think you're lying."
"I swear."
"I swear..."
There was a quiet pause before either of us said anything else. I could feel Claire's warm breath against the back of my head. She held me tight and I felt comfortable and safe in her arms yet again.
"I..." Claire broke the silence with a whisper, "I know a way to help it go away."
Claire didn't respond with words. Instead, she moved into my body, even closer than she already was. Once she was comfortable with her position and her body completely encompassed mine, she removed her hand from my stomach.
I truly didn't know what to expect next as Claire kept her thoughts to herself. I was stunned when I felt her hand place itself right on top of my boxer-covered penis. I jolted from the surprise, thinking Claire accidentally touched me there.
"It's okay," she whispered into my ear, "let me make it go away."
I relaxed in her hold, letting her lead the way. She replaced her hand on my member and explored my size, gliding her hand throughout my cock. It felt nice to have someone other than myself feel my penis for the first time. It was giving me butterflies in my stomach.
She played with my cock through my boxers for about thirty seconds before she slipped her hand underneath my waistband. Claire pushed the waistband over my standing erection and freed my genitals from my boxers. I raised my hips allowing her to move them further down my legs, but she stopped pulling them off around my upper thighs.
I was now eagerly waiting for her to touch me again. Finally, her hand found my penis again and the skin-on-skin contact was exhilarating. The first time my penis was being touched. Claire began stroking my cock, slowly, going up and down my shaft. Her delicate and soft hand slid from my glans to the base of my shaft.
We were keeping quiet and I stayed perfectly still. I was scared to wake up our parents who were sleeping only a few feet away. What would happen if we were caught doing something so taboo?
I didn't know how to feel about the fact that Claire was jerking me off, but she was my older sister, so I trusted her. If she was okay and unbothered then why should I be? She was just helping me out and then we'd both be able to go back to sleep.
Her dry stroking felt great on my virgin penis, but it wasn't enough to get me off. She wasn't able to grip as hard due to the dry skin-on-skin contact. Claire sensed this and removed her hand for a second. I felt her shifting behind me and heard a quiet spitting sound. When her hand reached back for my penis there was a wet sensation. She must have spat in her hand for lube.
The warm feeling of wetness around my penis was sending new levels of pleasure around my body. Claire's grip increased in strength and she picked up her speed. We continued like this for a minute or so until Claire picked up her speed once more, this time adding a twisting motion to her stroking. By then I was oozing precum onto her fingers and palm.
Unfortunately, with the added speed and wetness of her spit, there was a growing sound of fapping emanating from our sleeping bag. It was quiet enough to not wake our parents, but it still made me nervous.
"Claire," I whispered behind me, "It's too loud."
"It's fine," she answered, still tugging on my rod.
"It's making me nervous, I don't know if I can... You know cum. What if they wake..."
"Shhh," Claire shushed me, "Okay we can change it up. Turn around."
I didn't know what to expect next, but I followed Claire's guide. I turned around, now facing my older sister. We were closely laying in the tent, so when I assumed my position facing her, my penis pressed against her shirt-covered pelvis. I had barely any room to inch backward, so I was forced to leave my penis poking into her.
Claire shifted for a while with her lower body, but I couldn't tell what she was doing. Once she was done she laid still again and reached down for my penis, eventually grabbing it.
"Keep quiet," she said to me, as we were now face to face. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness by that point and I had an eyeful of Claire's beauty. She was beautiful in the darkness with only the soft moonlight providing vision through our tent. She looked me in the eyes and smiled.
Claire moved in closer and shifted upward in the sleeping bag. I heard a rustling in the sleeping bag and later felt her right leg rest on top of my left leg. Was Claire doing what I thought she was doing?
She moved in close and her breasts were now pushed against my upper chest. With her hand on my penis, I felt her guiding me. My penis was pressed against her t-shirt. Then her bare skin. Then I felt a wetness on my cock head. Was this really happening?
I looked up at Claire with a surprised look. She met my eyes, but her soft pretty face reassured me everything was okay.
"It's okay. Just keep quiet and go slow," she told me.
That was when it happened. Claire guided my cock. I was pressed against her wet labia and then directed to her opening. Claire adjusted her body's angle and with the stiffness of my cock and the wet state of her vagina, I easily entered her. I passed the threshold and inched my way deeper into her. I was inside my older sister, Claire.
I couldn't believe the act we were committing. No matter how wrong it felt, the feelings were overpowered by good. It was incest, but it felt so right. I loved Claire and she loved me. She was helping me with my issue like a good older sister. Like how Claire would help.
Soon, I was buried to the hilt inside her. Our pelvises kissed and I couldn't go any further inside. Claire still looked me in the eyes, but now had an expression of pleasure on her face. I retracted from her only to press back deeper inside seconds later. I was beginning my rhythm of fucking.
I was in sweet bliss. The warm, wet sensation her pussy was providing my penis was out of this world and far greater than anything I had felt leading up to that point in my life. Like a wild animal, I wanted more and more. I continued my slow rhythm of pumping in and out of my sister. Claire still held me tight with her arms and her one leg wrapped around mine.
That was the closest I had ever felt to anybody. At that moment we were connected physically and emotionally. My feelings for Claire were bleeding through as I looked into her eyes. Yes, she was my sister, but at that moment she was so much more.
I lifted my chin to better align with Claire's face. She didn't move but watched for what I was going to do next. A wave of confidence hit me and for the first time since I entered her sleeping bag, I took control. Slowly I closed the gap between our faces. When we were mere inches apart I closed my eyes and pressed my lips into hers, kissing her passionately.
My virginity and now my first kiss belonged to my older sister. Claire was caught off guard by my brazenness but soon matched my kiss. Our lips smacked together and I tasted her sweet saliva. I was new to kissing, so very quickly Claire took the lead, commanding my lips with hers.
Her tongue slipped past my lips and touched mine inside my mouth. I reciprocated with my own wandering tongue, entangling it with hers while we kissed. All of this was happening while I continued to impale Claire's pussy.
My movements were slow to keep quiet, but it was all I needed. I picked up my pace slightly and it seemed to be making Claire feel better. She was struggling to focus on our kissing and at times just softly moaning into my mouth. My virgin cock was filled with feelings it had never felt before and I was building myself up to an orgasm.
I felt a familiar feeling building up and I broke our kiss, "Claire, I'm about to..."
"It's okay," she cut me off, immediately kissing me again. "You can do it inside," she finished whispering mid-kiss.
I was grateful for her permission because I was ready to explode. Only a few more pumps and I would be filling my sister's womb with my seed. We continued to make out as I neared the edge. One. Two. Three more pumps were all it took before the first rope of cum shot deep inside Claire's pussy.
Claire must have felt my warm seed being released within her because she ended our kiss and squeaked out a flurry of soft moans. Her legs shook and her hips raised, humping into me. She was orgasming at the same time.
I continued to pump into her and with every twitch of my cock a new spurt of semen was being shot into her. We came together in a beautiful mixture of love and desire. I felt our bond grow tenfold.
Eventually, our orgasms died down and I rested my head against Claire, lying in her arms. I left my penis inside her vagina as it slowly softened. Claire hugged me leaving us in a post-sex embrace that was the most comfortable thing imaginable.
I was overfilled with joy and love. I had sex for the first time. I was also proud I made Claire orgasm. After all her helping me she deserved her pleasure. I wished I could've made her cum twenty times, but I was content.
Eventually, we both fell asleep, in each other's arms and my penis remained seated comfortably inside her vagina. Being with Claire made me feel at home and safe. I loved her.
The next morning we woke up from the movements of our parents. They were getting dressed and ready to leave the tent. The bright morning sun shone through the fabric of the tent.
Groggily Claire and I opened our eyes and gathered ourselves. We must have untangled each from other in our sleep because we were no longer cuddling. Only our naked legs touched softly within the sleeping bag.
Our dad noticed we were in the same sleeping bag and chuckled. "What a nice big sister. I'm guessing it was freezing last night?" He asked.
"Yeah," I answered, "Claire let me sleep with her and it was warm."
"Next time don't rush getting ready to leave and you won't forget your bag," he still scolded me. "We'll get breakfast started."
Our parents soon left the tent, zipping it back up. I was relieved that it seemed like they didn't suspect anything had happened between Claire and me last night. Claire and I giggled as we reached towards the bottom of the sleeping bag for our underwear and put them back on.
"Thanks," I said to Claire. It wasn't enough for everything she did, but I had to show some thanks.
"Don't mention it," she responded, leaving the sleeping bag. "And I mean it. Don't mention it." She gave me a dead serious look and I nodded.
"I won't."
I watched her as she got dressed. She slipped some pants over her bare legs and put her socks and shoes on. I followed suit, getting dressed and ready to start the day. We were about to leave the tent into the fresh air when we sat side by side. Claire looked at me and quicker than I could react she kissed me on the cheek and hugged me tight.
"I guess I'm stuck with you in my sleeping bag for the rest of the trip huh?"
I shrugged and she smiled.
"I can get used to it," she finished.
We left the tent entering the morning outdoors. It was a beautiful day and nothing like the temperature of the prior night. It was warm and we would have a lot of family activities planned throughout the day.
I was excited for the day, but couldn't wait until nighttime. All I could think about was Claire. I was now head over heels for her and I couldn't help it. If all of the remaining nights were like the last night I could die happy.
I thought back to what our dad said in the morning. It sucked. I forgot my sleeping bag for the whole trip, but looking back, I would've forgotten my sleeping bag a million times over if it meant starting what Claire and I had begun last night.
Her tongue slipped past my lips and touched mine inside my mouth. I reciprocated with my own wandering tongue, entangling it with hers while we kissed. All of this was happening while I continued to impale Claire's pussy.
My movements were slow to keep quiet, but it was all I needed. I picked up my pace slightly and it seemed to be making Claire feel better. She was struggling to focus on our kissing and at times just softly moaning into my mouth. My virgin cock was filled with feelings it had never felt before and I was building myself up to an orgasm.
I felt a familiar feeling building up and I broke our kiss, "Claire, I'm about to..."
"It's okay," she cut me off, immediately kissing me again. "You can do it inside," she finished whispering mid-kiss.
I was grateful for her permission because I was ready to explode. Only a few more pumps and I would be filling my sister's womb with my seed. We continued to make out as I neared the edge. One. Two. Three more pumps were all it took before the first rope of cum shot deep inside Claire's pussy.
Claire must have felt my warm seed being released within her because she ended our kiss and squeaked out a flurry of soft moans. Her legs shook and her hips raised, humping into me. She was orgasming at the same time.
I continued to pump into her and with every twitch of my cock a new spurt of semen was being shot into her. We came together in a beautiful mixture of love and desire. I felt our bond grow tenfold.
Eventually, our orgasms died down and I rested my head against Claire, lying in her arms. I left my penis inside her vagina as it slowly softened. Claire hugged me leaving us in a post-sex embrace that was the most comfortable thing imaginable.
I was overfilled with joy and love. I had sex for the first time. I was also proud I made Claire orgasm. After all her helping me she deserved her pleasure. I wished I could've made her cum twenty times, but I was content.
Eventually, we both fell asleep, in each other's arms and my penis remained seated comfortably inside her vagina. Being with Claire made me feel at home and safe. I loved her.
The next morning we woke up from the movements of our parents. They were getting dressed and ready to leave the tent. The bright morning sun shone through the fabric of the tent.
Groggily Claire and I opened our eyes and gathered ourselves. We must have untangled each from other in our sleep because we were no longer cuddling. Only our naked legs touched softly within the sleeping bag.
Our dad noticed we were in the same sleeping bag and chuckled. "What a nice big sister. I'm guessing it was freezing last night?" He asked.
"Yeah," I answered, "Claire let me sleep with her and it was warm."
"Next time don't rush getting ready to leave and you won't forget your bag," he still scolded me. "We'll get breakfast started."
Our parents soon left the tent, zipping it back up. I was relieved that it seemed like they didn't suspect anything had happened between Claire and me last night. Claire and I giggled as we reached towards the bottom of the sleeping bag for our underwear and put them back on.
"Thanks," I said to Claire. It wasn't enough for everything she did, but I had to show some thanks.
"Don't mention it," she responded, leaving the sleeping bag. "And I mean it. Don't mention it." She gave me a dead serious look and I nodded.
"I won't."
I watched her as she got dressed. She slipped some pants over her bare legs and put her socks and shoes on. I followed suit, getting dressed and ready to start the day. We were about to leave the tent into the fresh air when we sat side by side. Claire looked at me and quicker than I could react she kissed me on the cheek and hugged me tight.
"I guess I'm stuck with you in my sleeping bag for the rest of the trip huh?"
I shrugged and she smiled.
"I can get used to it," she finished.
We left the tent entering the morning outdoors. It was a beautiful day and nothing like the temperature of the prior night. It was warm and we would have a lot of family activities planned throughout the day.
I was excited for the day, but couldn't wait until nighttime. All I could think about was Claire. I was now head over heels for her and I couldn't help it. If all of the remaining nights were like the last night I could die happy.
I thought back to what our dad said in the morning. It sucked. I forgot my sleeping bag for the whole trip, but looking back, I would've forgotten my sleeping bag a million times over if it meant starting what Claire and I had begun last night.
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