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As I drove home from the family cottage, my mind pleasantly replayed the amazing events of the last couple of days. After years of fantasizing about it, I had finally made passionate love to my sexy sister, and I couldn't have wiped the smile from my mug for all the money in the world. Snuggled under my arm as I drove was the sleeping form of my big sister Jennifer, a look of total contentment on her pretty ,face.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
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As I drove home from the family cottage, my mind pleasantly replayed the amazing events of the last couple of days. After years of fantasizing about it, I had finally made passionate love to my sexy sister, and I couldn't have wiped the smile from my mug for all the money in the world. Snuggled under my arm as I drove was the sleeping form of my big sister Jennifer, a look of total contentment on her pretty face.
Jen's divorce had been finalized this past week and she wanted to get away from everything, so we decided to head to the cottage for a little R&R as it was supposed to be a wonderful autumn weekend here in New England. Although I had two other siblings, Jen and I always had a special bond, maybe because she was a bit older than I and had looked after me when I was a child. At 44, Jen was still quite attractive. She maybe had put on a couple of extra pounds over the years, and her face had a few tiny worry-lines, but she was still the same beautiful girl I remembered growing up.
I knew she was upset about the divorce, so I wanted to do everything in my power to make her weekend special and her worries go away. I picked her up at her home on Friday afternoon, and presented her a dozen red roses. Tears filled her eyes as she pulled me into a strong embrace. "You're always so good to me Paul," she stuttered, trying not to cry.
I held her tightly and whispered "I'm good to you because you've always been so great to me Jen." We stayed in the embrace for a while, then I pushed her back and looked into her eyes. She gave me a weak smile so I lightly kissed her forehead and asked "are you ready to go?"
"Yup, just let me grab my bag," she answered and reached for a small suitcase by her feet.
"Here, let me Jen," I said and grasped it before she could.
She smiled at me again and said "see, you are good to me little brother."
I looked her directly in the face again and told her my plan for the weekend was to pamper her. "I know the last few months have been very hard on you and the kids, so I want to help you forget your troubles, even if only for one weekend," I said trying to sound as cheery as possible. She smiled back but didn't say anything, her eyes watering up again. With that, we headed off to my car, her with the roses, myself with her bag.
The trip to the cottage took just over an hour, so we quickly settled into the car and made our usual small talk. Jen filled me in on the lives of her two girls who were in college, and pretty much everything else other than her ex-husband and the divorce. I brought her up to date on my recent happenings, yet didn't tell her about the recent dates I'd been on, thinking it best to avoid romance altogether under the current circumstances. All and all the trip was pleasant, and we made it to the cottage without much trouble. I had done the shopping prior to picking her up, so once we got there and unlocked the place, we set about unpacking and putting things away. Jen noticed I had brought a couple bottles of wine and asked "do you mind if I open one, I could really use a drink after the last few days?"
"Why don't you go make yourself comfortable in the den, I'll bring you a glass then finish up in here," I told her with a smile.
"You don't have to pamper me Paul, I'm a big girl and can take care of myself," she responded with a grin and grabbed a bottle.
I walked over and gently took it from her hand and said "of course you're a big girl Jen, but this weekend I'm in charge and I will pamper you if I want to. Now go get comfy on the couch and I'll bring you a glass in a moment." With that, I smiled and gently pushed her towards the den.
"Okay, you win little brother," she said, her face glowing as she left the room. I opened the bottle and poured two glasses, then finished all the unpacking. When I brought the wine to the den I found her sitting on the couch with her knees curled up under her, looking very much like a little girl. She gave me a big smile when I handed her the wine saying "thanks Paul," and I dropped down beside her.
We made small talk for a couple hours, and each downed another glass of wine, then I got up to start dinner. Jen of course wanted to help, but I insisted she just sit in the kitchen to keep me company while I did all the work. She beamed at me and said "you know, Dave never helped out in the kitchen."
I looked at her and said "first of all, I'm not Dave, and second of all, I'm not doing anything too fancy. I hope steaks on the grill, salad and corn on the cob is okay with you."
"Perfect," she replied with a grin and took another sip of wine.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
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Dinner was ready in no time and we sat across from one another, her roses now in a vase at the end of the table. I poured us each another glass of wine and I could tell my sister was feeling no pain, her cheeks flushed and she spoke more openly, so I figured it might be okay to ask her about David and the divorce. She appeared taken off guard at first, but then proceeded to give me all the intimate details she had never shared before. In her words they didn't hate one another and never fought, they simply just didn't talk at all anymore. They had become more like housemates than husband and wife. There was no passion between them any longer, and she admitted they hadn't made love in over three years. "You know Dave, he's kind of a bible thumper and didn't think it was proper since we weren't going to have anymore kids," she stated somewhat plainly.
"Do you mean to tell me you haven't had sex in over three years Jen?" I blurted out, before I could catch myself.
"Yup, I could never cheat, you know that," she replied, blushing. "What about you? You've been divorced for five years, have you been getting any?" she asked giggling.
"Sure, I go on lots of dates, just nobody special in my life right now," I said with a smile, making her blush once more.
"We never had it very often anyway, so it wasn't really a big change for me I guess," she admitted and looked away from me in what I assumed was embarrassment. My sister had always been pretty shy, so talking about her love life was probably not something she did very often, particularly with her little brother. She finally looked back at me and smiled weakly, before taking a long drink from her glass.
"How often?" I asked, trying not to pry too hard but wanting to know.
"Paulie, I can't believe you just asked me that!" she responded with surprise. I told her I was sorry and we sat in uncomfortable silence for a while until she looked at me and said sheepishly "I don't know, maybe once a month. Is that a lot or not?"
I looked at her in wonder for a while, then said "Well, Mary (my ex) didn't really like sex, but we still did it at least once a week, even towards the end of the relationship." Then, after a short pause asked "you do enjoy sex, don't you Jen?"
Once again her eyes bugged out as she gazed at me in surprise until she uttered softly "Yeah, I guess so."
I tried not to laugh out loud, yet responded with a grin "what do you mean, you guess so? You don't know or are you just too embarrassed to tell your brother?"
The color of her cheeks deepened as she replied "you know Dave and I were high college sweathearts." She looked somewhat distressed when she added "well, I'm not sure if you know that Dave is the only guy I've ever been with, and he was not very, I don't know, maybe creative is the right word, or open-minded." I tried not to appear too amazed, so I nodded and tried to look as understanding as possible. She went on the say "it was always the same, Dave would kiss me, touch me a little, then roll on top of me and it was over before you know it."
By then the wine was getting the better of me too and I asked somewhat incredulously "are you telling me that's the way it was all the time, nothing else?"
"Yup, nothing else," she answered with a nod and looked down.
"Wow," was all I could think to say at that moment, but once I processed it for a while many other questions came into my head. I didn't want to embarrass her, so I tried to choose my words carefully. "So sis, did you guys ever try other positions or do other things, like oral sex or anything?" I asked softly.
"No, never," she answered. "Dave thought oral sex was dirty, so we never did it," she added quietly.
"I know this may be embarrassing for you Jen, but since Dave was your only partner, does that mean you've never had oral, giving or receiving?" I asked, trying not to sound too surprised or overbearing.
"Never," was her sole response, and she looked away once more.
I was simply shocked into silence. My sister was a beautiful, sexy woman, how could her ex-husband not want to explore every inch or her body? How could any guy not want to do everything possible to please her and make her as happy as she deserved to be? Suddenly, erotic images of my sister and I together came back into my brain, images that I had pushed out of my mind for years came flodding back. Me spreading her legs wide and licking her pussy for hours, making her wild with passion and showing her how wonderful it could be. In my head I could almost hear my shy sister scream out in orgasm while she thrashed away under my tongue. Blood flowed to my cock as I looked at my sister as a sexual being for the first time since I lusted after her as a teen. "What the fuck was I thinking?" I asked myself.
I needed to cool off a bit and assumed that maybe I had pushed things too far too fast, so I quickly changed the subject and we finished dinner covering more urbane topics. After dinner I sent her back to the den with a full glass of wine while I cleaned up. In no time at all I was done and went to join her. I found her on the couch once more, and sat myself beside her. She asked "it's getting cold in here, do you think we can have a fire?"
"Good idea," I responded, and got up to make the fireplace ready. My Dad kept the place well stocked with wood, so before you knew it the fire was crackling away and I took my place next to my sister once again, only this time closer. I thought to myself how erotic the scene between us was, and wondered what things would be like if she were not my sister but rather a date.
I turned the lights off and we sat quietly watching the flames for a long time when my sister looked at me and finally broke the silence with "can I ask you a personal question Paul?"
"Sure Jen, I asked you a few earlier," I responded and smiled at her with encouragement.
"Did you and Mary have oral sex?" she pondered softly.
I let her question sink in and said "Yes Jen, we did it pretty often." I added "Mary wasn't real big on doing it to me, but loved to receive it, so I did it to her all the time."
"I though guys didn't like doing it," she questioned meekly.
"I can't speak for all guys, but I love giving pleasure to my partner, and women really seem to respond well to my tongue," I told her trying not to sound too full of myself.
"I've always wondered what it would be like," she said almost in a whisper. Blood flowed to my cock once more upon hearing her admission, and I had to shift so she wouldn't see my growing erection. Now I had a few glasses of wine in me, but I still wasn't ready to volunteer at that point, after all, she was still my sister. We sat in silence for another long while when she asked "did you guys do lots of positions, you know, other than guy on top?"
I tried not to giggle at my sister's naivety, and simply said "yes Jen, we tried lots of things." Even in the soft light cast by the flames I could see her face was red hearing my reply.
Having a conversation like that with a beautiful woman in such a romantic setting, my body started working on instinct. My prick was throbbing in my pants uncontrollably and in need of adjustment before I embarrassed myself, so I told her I had to take a pee. She said "me too," and fortunately stood before me and started towards the bathroom, giving me an opportunity to fix my problem prior to standing. She went in first to do her business, so I went to the kitchen and poured us each another glass of wine, then put them on the table in the living room. I waited outside the bathroom until she exited and upon seeing me smiled weakly as she walked past and said "your turn."
I closed the door, splashed cold water on my face and stared at myself in the mirror. "Get a grip man!" I told myself, and shook my head trying to get these new sexy images of my sister out of my mind, but the more I tried to push them out the more fresh ones came in. I was in love with my sister as a kid, but had tried to erase the illicit thougths of my sister ever since. I moved and stood over the bowl for a while, unable to pee at first because of my semi-erection. After finally doing my business, I adjusted my cock upwards in my boxers giving it room to grow in case of future issues, and exited the room.
Upon entering the den, I was surprised to find that Jen had taken the cushions off the sofa and placed them on the floor in front of the fireplace and covered them with a blanket. She was laying with her head propped up on a pillow, our two wine glasses standing on the floor near her head. She looked so beautiful stretched out before the fire, the golden flames reflected on her pretty face making her eyes sparkle. The sight was simply amazing and I just stood and stared, my cock hardening once more.
"Come join me Paulie, it's warmer here," she said softly, and patted the cushion behind her. Almost in a trance I walked over and eased myself down behind her, carefully hiding my erection. She wiggled her body back into me in the spoon position and said "hold me Paul, it's been ages since anyone held me." I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight, yet eased my ass back to avoid contact between her bottom and my groin. With a contented shy, she then shook her ass a bit which brought her bottom against my hard cock, our bodies completely touching from head to toe.
I tried to stay as still as possible, praying she could not detect my arousal, my senses totally alive. I could feel the heat of her skin and the subtle movements of her breathing as I held her close. Her hair was in my face and it smelled heavenly, making my pulse pound even harder. I closed my eyes and tried to think of anything else; work, baseball, religion, anything at all to make the erotic images of my lovely sister disappear, all to no avail. I couldn't remember being this turned on or more nervous than at this moment.
We snuggled in silence for some time when my sister asked almost in a whisper "Paul, can I ask you a favor?"
"Sure sis," I replied, half hoping she wanted me to fuck her, half hoping she wanted me to move away, my mind was so conflicted.
"For the rest of the weekend, or maybe just the rest of the night, can we pretend we're not brother and sister?" she asked softly.
My cock pounded in my pants as I pondered the possibilities of her statement for a moment. "Wha, what do you mean Jen?" I stammered, my mind racing.
She rolled onto her back, turned to me and slowly said "well, I mean like we're not brother and sister, but maybe just two people on a date or a romantic getaway." Other than the cracking sounds of the fire, the room was completely silent as she stared at me intently while I tried to come to grips with her words. Before I could respond, she leaned her face into mine and gave me a short, soft kiss on the lips, then pulled back and gazed into my eyes once more.
Sweat formed on my brow and I asked "are you saying what I think you're saying? Do you want this to be like a date, a romantic date?"
"Yes Paulie," she said breathlessly and gave me a weak smile while she brushed her fingers across my cheek. After a long pause, she added "I want you to do anything you'd usually do in front of a fire with a date." She then moved her head back away from me and closed her eyes as if awaiting her sentence from a jury.
I knew implicitly that those few words must have been the hardest thing my sister ever had to say in her life, and at that moment I felt more love and compassion for her than ever before. My mind was made up in an instant and I wanted to make her feel better than she ever had in her life. I wanted her to experience pleasures like never before. I wanted to make her feel as giddy as a collegegirl for the first time in ages. The die cast, I moved my face forward and pressed my lips against hers, for the first time not as her brother but as her lover.
She sighed into my mouth as we kissed, softly but then with more urgency. We kissed with eyes closed for what seemed like hours until I pulled away and whispered "I told you I wanted to pamper you sis, so please lie back and let me take good care of you."
She looked at me with fire in her eyes and said "okay little brother, you're in charge." With that I leaned over her and began kissing her once more, my tongue entering her mouth to play with hers. As we kissed my hands moved to her blouse and I began to unbutton it, top to bottom. She opened her eyes and looked at me with fear for a brief instant, like it all of the sudden it hit her what we were about to do, but then she closed her eyes and sighed a soft "yesss Paulie."
I kissed her again and opened her blouse completely, revealing a lacy white bra which firmly held her lovely breasts. She grinned at me, then arched her back and snaked her hands under her to unclasp it for me. When she removed her hands, I pressed my lips to hers once more and lightly traced my fingers up and down her belly. I slowly moved them upwards and gently slipped them under the fabric of her bra. Her breasts were soft and warm, and I lovingly stroked them for a long time. When I finally made contact with her nipples, she moaned into my mouth and kissed me harder, using her hands to pull my face into hers.
As I toyed with her nipples, I moved my kisses away from her mouth to her cheek, ears, neck and shoulders. I lightly kissed, licked and nibbled her all over, drawing contented sighs from my big sister. My kisses slowly moved lower until I reached her chest. I pushed her bra out of the way and looked at her uncovered tits for the first time; perfect, with tiny pink nipples standing amid her aureola. I softly kissed each one, then began licking and sucking them, one at a time while my fingers played with the other, her fingers running through my hair. Sometimes I was gentle, sometimes a bit more ruff, trying to find what pleased her most. She made all kinds of soft sounds as I showered attention on her breasts, her body rising up and down with her heavy breathing.
I then slowly kissed my way down her belly, touching and tickling her ribs as I went. I placed soft butterfly kisses over her tender skin as I softly stroked her sides. Her head was moving side to side and her legs couldn't keep still, opening and closing over and over. I moved my face to her belly button and started to softly kiss and lick it, just like it was a little pussy, making her sigh "ohhh Paulie." I moved my left hand back to her nipples and started caressing, while my right hand moved to her crotch. I cupped her womanhood in my hand for the first time and she moaned "yesssss." I started to slowly add more pressure on her groin and began rubbing my fingers up and down her slit through her pants. She opened her legs completely and began pushing her snatch into my hand. I continued this for some time, hoping to stoke her fire like never before.
After a while I sat up on my hips and moved my body down hers. I reached for the front of her jeans to find her button and zipper, then opened them both. She raised her head and stared me in the eyes, but the look on her face told me she didn't want me to stop. I grasped her jeans at the hips and started to pull them down, and she put her head back down and arched her back to assist me. I pulled them off and tossed them on the floor, then gazed at her nearly naked form with awe. She had a little pair of white lace panties on which matched her bra.
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(20-05-2024, 03:25 AM)sri7869 Wrote: Nice update
Sister And Me After The Rain
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
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(09-11-2024, 05:56 PM)Thanks Wrote: Sister And Me After The Rain
this is Subhash from Bhopal today i am going to share a secret with all You guys which really happen a few years before. i am an average boy 5.7 height normal weight n normal size lund . now let me introduce You with whom this incident happen . it was my sister Sangeeta age 22 height 5.4 size 34,28 33 she was just a normal girl as any other . so let me come to the story . me n my sister were close from the childhood itself we used to share same room & same bed also but we didn’t had any bad intentions for each other . when this incident happen I was perusing & was 19 and she was doing engineering . Our dad was a small government employee who had to go out of town frequently . my mom was a house wife who took care of us .
As i told me & my sister both shared a same bed n shared many secrets with each other . we both were open minded. . some times i used to pick her up after coll . This all started from the same day . it was rainy day n weather was becoming bad . so my mother asked me to pick her up from coll . it was raining like hell i was completely wet . she just ran from the shelter of coll n sat @ my back we both went home our mother made us hot tea n asked us to change n come to have tea. as there was only one room we both went in together as w both were feeling cold . she said she will go and change in bathroom & i can change in room while she went in taking her cloths and all
I changed and was laying on bed our bed had a direct view to our bathroom & at that movement she was changing without closing the door . i had a full view of her naked sexy “ass”. that moment i was not wearing any undergarments as i didn’t used to wear them @ home i instantly got a hard on .
By mistake i said “oh my god ” she herd that & turned back i had a clear view of her boobs @ that same point she covered herself & closed the door after that some how I controlled my erection n went to have my tea at that movement we didn’t talk much . as time passed & it became night we all had our dinner and went to our rooms still there was a pin drop silence between me & my sister . We both were laying on bed and as I memorized those moments I again had an erection .
We didn’t had our night lamp off so she saw my erection as i was trying to hide it . she giggled & said I am your sister & I am elder than you so i know what you are thinking now and giggled . i said no it is not as you think n turned against her side n laid there as I slept. I was unable to control my erection so i decided to jerk . as I started to jerk the bed started shaking due to which she turned n laid straight
I jerked & went to bathroom to clean On the way back I saw her laying there . she was wearing a pink night gown which had white buttons on it the top two buttons were not tucked so I was able to see her cleavage I again got a hard on .I just went near her n just watched her for some time her breathing was making her breast move up and down in rhythm. i some how gathered some courage n unbutton her bottom 2 buttons i inserted my hand through them towards her belly . it was like silk my cock was paining like hell so I undid my pants n laid there naked by bottom I was feeling her belly n was masturbating with one hand I came and went to bathroom again n then slept
Next morning all went normal as there was no reaction from my sister I was happy and was eagerly waiting for night after time passed night came and she was laying there. she slept as she woke up early in the morning i started my activities earlier today but today i had more courage i directly unbuttoned here mid two buttons & inserted my hands directly to her boobs i was shocked to feel that she was not wearing any bra .
I started to explorer her i pressed her boobs a bit then i pinched her nipples she moaned in a very low tone “Ahhh” i heard that with i got more courage and i directly got my hands back n took them to her bottom where i was exploring her i found out that she was also not wearing any panties . i was in seventh heaven . i touched her most private area which was wet and sticky . as soon as i tried to insert 1 finger she took hold my hand and said i know what you are trying to do i was completely white as i feared she might make noise and let all others know what i did
She said i know what you are trying to do from yesterday . I begged her for apology and requested her please don’t ever tell to anyone as our parents will kill me she said you saw me naked that day yesterday played with my belly and today this , y is that only you can enjoy . she directly the inserted her hands into my pants n took my penis out . I was surprised as hell and was in seventh heaven. she said shhhh and said You are grown up from last time when i saw you naked and directly kissed me we both exchanged saliva and were crazily tried to suck each other the some how
After 20 min both of us felt exhausted n laid there as it is . she said now its too late lets continue tomorrow. i woke up with her in the morning she gave me a deep passionate kiss and said tonight it will be fun . i said mom is busy in her work and the door is locked can u please take a bath bath with doors open she said you naughty boy n agreed . she firstly went down to check all is ok or not then she came up n with a naughty smile locked the door & unbuttoned her gown one by one .
It gave me an instant erection she saw that n said give chotu some little air. n smiled i said ok and completely removed my pants she was surprised to c my cock . and as she unbuttoned I was becoming harder & harder within a fraction of second she was completely naked . she came near me and asked do u like what you see. I nodded my head n . she had perfect shaped boobs with skin coloured nipples and had a little pubic hair . she came near me sat on the bed and caught hold of my cock .
As soon as she touched it i came all over her hand she laughed n said you are so sensitive n went to bathroom licking her hand . I saw her having a bath n then getting ready for collage . she then went to collage I then went to bathroom and had my all day routines and had my breakfast and came to my room for studying . i was unable to study due to yesterdays and today incident . some how I passed my time till evening my sis came home
She came and said @ night I am having a surprise for you . I was exited , we all had our dinner and went to bed she said wait till our mom dad sleep . she said to mom that she might keep on some music as she is having some project to do . she started the music nearly around 11 and locked the room she then ask me to get up .
I got up and sat she then removed my pants and her gown we both were completely naked . she took my penis in her hand . and touched the tip of it n slowly removed the foreskin backward . it was paining but it was also feeling good . the then kissed it my pre cum was flowing all the way . she then started to take it in mouth in few seconds i was completely inside her mouth . i was feeling like I was in heaven butterflies were there in my stomach . in a few minutes i came in her mouth and she didn’t wasted a single drop and had it all it might sound bad but @ the same time without cleaning her mouth she kissed me . frankly speaking my cum was in my mouth with that kiss
She said now return me the favor and laid there on the bed I took my mouth near her pussy. in my life I was seeing a real pussy for the first time it was skin colored same as it was the color of her nipples . i took my mouth near it and started sucking it i sucked it licked it and finger fucked it for few time &she came into my mouth it was a bit salty in taste .a taste which cant be explained .
Now she said ill show u something she browse through the internet and make me saw this site n said she was a reader of this site and was interested in incest from a long time . she then made me saw me some incest videos which she had borrowed from her friends and some comics . she said now its time and laid on the bed keeping the incest movie without noise & said lets do it
I placed myself between her legs and slowly inserted my lund inside her pussy it was paining for me like hell and she was also suffering from pain blood came an i stood there in that possession for some time n slowly started moving my hips . she said slowly with tears in her eyes . randomly I increased my speed . she was morning like hell yes yes Faster Faster .Then in 2 or 3 min i came inside her . we both laid there exhausted and after some time she dressed herself gave me a blowjob and slept holding my Lund saying we will continue again. .
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My Accidental Sexual Adventure With Didi
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
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(09-11-2024, 06:08 PM)neerathemall Wrote: My Accidental Sexual Adventure With Didi
My Accidental Sexual Adventure With Didi
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
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(09-11-2024, 06:08 PM)neerathemall Wrote: My Accidental Sexual Adventure With Didi
My sister is 1 year older to me, so I used to have her old books every year. When I was in class 11th, I accidentally discovered a love letter inside her English textbook. I even knew the guy who had written her the letter. Next day when I saw him with other seniors from 12th standard during the prayer class in our college, I just couldn’t control myself charged at him. We both got bruised & our parents were called in by the Headmaster, but I didn’t care.
Didi got hold of this news & asked me why I beat that guy. I didn’t reply to her but she understood. She kissed me on my cheek & said “So sweet”. Later she explained that he wasn’t her boyfriend or something. He had proposed to her a zillion time & she had refused. That letter was just one of many that she forgot to throw out in the dustbin… I was quite relieved to hear that, but my real focus was on the kiss. I just wanted those soft & moist lips to touch me again on my cheeks & may be on my lips. I knew that was wrong, but I was feeling powerless before the strawberry colored velvet petals. That feeling kept me sleepless a couple of nights. I just used to watch her sleeping, looking at her lips, begging them to touch me again…
As I watched her sleeping every night, dirty thought came gushing into my mind… She was starting to look more beautiful to my eyes… I started getting hard-ons thinking about her & one night ejaculated in my pants.. I had heard about it before, but never had any.. After that night I used to masturbate every night thinking about her, Imagining her holding my penis.. When the thought got uncontrollable one night I just planted a kiss on her cheek & quickly closed my eyes acting like I was sleeping..
Peeping under the blanket I saw she was still asleep. I gathered some more courage & planted another long kiss on her cheek. She still didn’t move. Now taking one more step, I kissed her on her lips. I might have kept sucking them for about 30 seconds when I noticed some movement & quickly went to bed.
Next day was normal. Didi was acting as if nothing had happened because she didn’t know what I had done last night. I cursed myself for being such a disgusting fellow & decided never to do such thing ever again. The battle was still on in my mind, but I somehow managed to keep my promise to myself. I started acting normal around Didi again…
On the day her 10th board exam was over, she was overjoyed. We talked a lot that night before going to sleep. She talked about college & how many guys have proposed to her in the last year. She also asked me about any love interest, to which I declined. Since that night I had decided never to think about a girl in a bad way until it’s appropriate. She then told me, “You should have a girlfriend. If you are not serious about it, then at least for time pass. It’s not good for you to be always with guys. It might hurt your image when you go to college”. She was probably right. Although I was the brightest student in the class & almost every girl used to talk to me, I never had a female friend… & talking like that we both fell asleep.
At about 2 AM I woke up because of some tingling in my neck. I open my eyes & saw Didi sleeping next to me. She was sleeping very close with her arm around my chest .My breathing started to get heavier… Just when I started to gather my thought together & try to remain calm about it, I noticed the top button of her night suit was unhooked. I had an instant hard on. I rushed out into to the bathroom & masturbated. & trust me that was the highest amount of cum that I’ve ever produced.
I came back into the room & went to my side of the bed. From my angle I had a clear vision of her cleavage. On peeping a bit I could see that there was no bra inside it & I had the sudden urge to tough her. This time I couldn’t control my inner demon. I casually put my arm around her navel, like I used to do when I was kid. Then I carefully started to caress her navel alongside & reached for the hips. After fondling her soft skin there for a couple of minutes, I decided to go for the lips. I touched her cheek, then her lips & started to run my finger through her hair. Then I softly planted a kiss on her cheek. Then one on the lips, then again & again & finally a big one on her exposed neck.
By that time I again had gained a hard on & went to the bathroom again to relieve some pressure. I came back after 10 minutes & found Didi still sleeping in the same position which I left her, with that unhooked button & an ample view of her bosoms. This time I decide to go for the prize. I held her left boob in my palm & tried playing with it, without waking her up. Then I inserted my right hand inside her jacket. Though I couldn’t insert it completely I was able to touch her nipple. I didn’t squeeze it fearing it might wake her up, but I was determined to cup both her breasts. So I tried to open the second button of her suit.
Suddenly I heard a light moan & knew it was time to stop. Having sleeping beside her my whole life, I knew what her sleep breaking indicator is & quickly got inside my blanket & closed my eyes. After a minute I could hear my sister getting up, sitting on her side of the bed for a couple of minutes, then turning the light on & walking out of the room. When she came back after a couple of minutes, she quietly got inside her blanket & slept at the farthest side of the bed turning the other way. I was literally scared to my life, thinking that she might know what I was trying to do & tell on me to mom. That night I had dreams about various ways of suicide.
The next day Didi went to our village to spend the summer with our grandparents. She didn’t even say good bye to me, from which I was sure that she knew… But I couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t even say sorry since it’s no ordinary mistake. Then she went on to join college in the nearest city. She used to come home every month & in that time I used to sleep in the hall. After a year when I finished my 10th, I joined a Diploma college in the capital. Hence I & Didi didn’t have many chances to come face to face to talk that often except on festival times when we were both at home. Of course we used to pretend that everything was okay, or maybe it was only me pretending & She didn’t really had any Idea what had happened. Anyhow, I was too afraid to talk or even think about it.
A few years had passed. I had put this incident behind me. Though I still used to get a hard-on whenever I thought about that night. If someone asks me, I will still say my Didi is the most beautiful woman in the world. Well, May be the second most beautiful girl after my girlfriend (that’s because she lets me have sex with her & yes I wasn’t a virgin anymore& according to Sanju I am the master of Kama Sutra art :P). I was in my B.Tech degree final year when my parents started to look for marriage proposals for Didi. A suitable groom was found & he insisted on Didi leaving her job to be a housewife. Didi was more than happy for this arrangement. Thus she had a couple of months off before her marriage & was staying at home.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
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One weekend when I came home, Didi was video calling with my would-be Jiju on Gtalk. I just made a formal gesture to Didi, said hello to Jiju & went inside to change. Mom was at our neighbor’s home & Dad had been busy running various errands for the upcoming marriage at that time. When she finished the call Didi came inside my room (or her room now). I said I’ll get out of her room after changing. She looked a little hurt & said,” Don’t you remember? This used to be our room. What happened? What happened to you? Why do I feel like you are deliberately trying to stay away from my life?” I had no answer to this question… I felt bad about my behavior & decide to be friendlier towards Didi since her marriage was scheduled in a month…
Since this was marriage season, Didi had a lot of shopping to do & I always used to have the bike. Hence taking Didi to dress stores, jewelry stores & beauty parlors had become a daily chore for me. I also enjoyed the touch when she used to sit in the pillion seat holding me from behind. But I didn’t pay much thought to it. By this time Didi & me had become best buddies again & used to discuss almost everything.
One evening as Didi & me were talking like that, topic diverted to my girlfriend & my sex life with her. I told Di everything about Sanjana & she was surprised to hear it.I said I was merely following the advice she gave on the night when her 10th board exam was over. She asked me to introduce Sanjana to her before the wedding someday. I introduced them & they exchanged numbers.
In a few days the wedding was over. Didi left for Chennai along with Jiju who worked as an IT professional there. We kept in touch on Phone & Facebook. One day I asked Sanjana whether she was in touch with my Didi, to which she was initially reluctant to say. But on insisting her she revealed that she & my sister used to talk about sex a lot. Didi used to take tips from Sanjana on how to be good in bed. I didn’t ask Sanju anything more on this topic, but was secretly turned on by this. My Didi, my first crush was taking sex tips from my girlfriend to whom I have taught everything she knows. That’s Huge!!!
After a couple of months my exam got over & I decided to go to Chennai for searching a job. Mostly because Jiju was in a reputed IT firm as a Senior Project manager & had promised me to help me find a good job in Chennai. I had initially decided stay in a PG, but on Didi & Jiju’s request (read as order) I finally settled in with them in their house. Since it was a 2 BHK there was no problem either.
Everything was going great, when suddenly out of nowhere Sanju decided to break up with me as her parents had fixed marriage. I was a little heart-broken. Since Didi & Sanju were pretty close, she came to know about it & consoled me. I was in a really bad place at the time. No money, no job, no girlfriend type of frustrated situation. In the meanwhile Didi’s life was going great. Jiju had a great job & had a great salary package. He even got promoted to Group Project Manager in the same time & had a short term on-site opportunity to Mauritius for 3 weeks.
Didi & I had 3 weeks to ourselves with nothing to do. I didn’t have a job &Didi was a housewife. We sat by the TV for whole day & used to go for shopping in the evening just for sake of leaving the house. I was still pretty heartbroken regarding Sanju & in a depressed state.
One night, in order to cheer me up, Didi prepared my favorite Kheer. I wasn’t much interested in it & tried to refuse. But when she kept insisting, I burst out… I told her how miserable my life was, how frustrated I have become. On the other hand how perfect her life is. She had everything…Money, respect in society & a loving husband. Hearing this Didi started crying. I couldn’t understand anything, but started to console her. When she calmed down a bit, I asked her what the problem is. Then she explained her side of the story.
She told me that Jiju didn’t really love her. He had an affair before marriage & forced into the marriage by his parents. He didn’t abuse Didi physically but never gave her the status of his wife inside the bedroom & still has relationship with his girlfriend. In fact she is even with him on his official trip to Mauritius. How Didi had tried to attract Jiju by different sex positions learnt from Sanju, but it didn’t work on him. She even admitted to having an affair with Jiju’s assistant at one point of time just to satiate her loneliness.
I was dumbstruck on hearing this & felt very sad for Didi. I embraced her & kissed her forehead. We were both crying at the time… We remained in our seats hugging each other for quite some time till we were both calm. Then she released & planted 3 kisses on my face. First one on my temple, second one on my cheek & the third one a small kiss on my lip. We remain silent for sometimes. Finally I decided to break the ice.
Me:- Whatever. Jiju is a moron for not loving the prettiest woman on earth.
Didi (smiling):-Didn’t you once say Sanjana was the most beautiful girl on earth?
Me (Mischievously smiling):- That’s because she was having sex with me at that time. Now that bitch must be screwing someone else
Didi (annoyed):- Hey, Stop saying like that. I was pretty close with Sanjana. She told me what happened. Even she didn’t want to get married.
Me (Angrily):- Are you still in touch with her? Whose side you are on?
Didi: – Nobody’s. I just happen to understand what she is going through now. She was even saying losing you was the cruelest thing that’s happened to her. and….
Me:- And what??
Didi:- Nothing… Just other stuffs…
Me:- Come on. Tell me.. What else was she saying about me? Tell me!!!
Didi :- that you were the best sex that she could ever had & her husband doesn’t even begin to come close to you. The things that you taught her are helping her in some ways though.
Me (blushing):- Did she really say that?
Didi:- Yes.
Me :- So you guys talk about each other’s sex life?
Didi (Smiling) :- Oh yes.
Me :- Did she ever say anything about me? You know, before the marriage.
Didi (Blushing) :- Yes. She told me everything about you. I know every one of your tricks. She taught me everything. I learnt them to impress Mohan. Unfortunately it didn’t work.
Me (Proudly smiling):- maybe that’s because you learnt from the disciple.
Didi fell silent for a couple of seconds as if thinking something & then said…
Didi :- You are right. May be you should teach me the real process.
Me (Awkwardly laughing) :- What!! Come on.. Don’t be kidding…
Didi :- I am not. I have been denied the pleasure of a man for a long time. May be it’s time to take matters into my own hand. Or are you going to deny me the right too?
I was really confused on hearing this. Does my sister really want to have sex with me? Of course, I was excited. The goddess of sex, who I have worshipped my whole adult life is giving me the boon to bone her. I was on 9th cloud, but I was not going to show my excitement to her.
Me :- Well. If that’s what you want. That’s what you will get. But you have to obey every order of mine without question.
Didi simply nodded.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
Posts: 84,782
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took her to her bedroom & opened the wardrobe. I went through all her clothes & picked up a pair for her to wear. Didi asked,” Do I really need to wear this night suit in the middle of the day?” I gave her a no questions asked look & she simply took the dress from my hand & started change in front of me.
Me :- Wait. Not like this. Don’t ever open your cloth in front of a man. Always give him the opportunity to do it. You go & change in my room. I will be there in a couple of minutes.
She followed my instructions. Meanwhile I went to the washroom to get freshen up. In my mind I was playing what had happened that night nearly 6 years ago. I had given her a similar dress that she wore that night. I wanted to recreate that moment. I wanted everything to be just like that night, except for me. I wouldn’t be scared this time. I would know where to kiss & where to touch.. Those sweet, silky, moist lips won’t haunt anymore. I was dancing inside…
A couple of minutes later I entered the room & there she was. My goddess of sex, just standing there, waiting for me with her head down. There was a little fear in her eyes, may be a little shyness too. After all this was only the second time she was going to give her body to a man. The first time hadn’t work out that well.
Holding her hand I pulled her closer to me & in one swift move I take her in my arms. I said in her ear, “Don’t be afraid. I am going to take good care of you.” On hearing this she blushes a bit. I ask her to look me in the eye. Then I place her on the bed & unhook the first button of her suit. Then I lay beside her, just admiring her beauty. I am again pulled back to that night. How I had taken my first kiss while she was asleep. But this time it would be different.
I get on top of her & plant a small kiss on her cheek. Then another on her other cheek. I begin kissing her all over her face & then reach for her lips. I plant a soft one on her lower lip, then another on her upper lips. Then I insert my tongue a bit & she reciprocates. This soon turns out to be the longest kiss I have ever done. Then I start moving down & kiss her exposed area of the neck. She lets out a light moan & I know I’m on the right track. Lifting her suit a bit I begin caressing her navel with my finger & slowly move my hand towards her hips. I then start kissing her navel. I can now hear her heart rate increasing. I can see the redness on her face. Then I open up the second button & insert my hand inside. Her melons are big & they fit into my palm perfectly. She’s lying on her back. Now I unhook all the button & expose her bare bosom. She blushes & turns the other way. I command her to look at me. I begin kissing her nipples. Then I gently lick & suck them. She breathes heavily.
Then I take her trouser down to reveal that pink color panty. I start sniffing it. I grab her ass from both sides & take the panty down as well. Then I plant a soft kiss on her clitoris. By the smell of her pussy, I can tell that she is all wet down there. It’s time for act, but I am not ready. She wanted to learn the best technique & I was going to teach her that.Then I kiss on her clitoris vividly & finally insert my tongue inside her vagina. He starts screaming with her first intense orgasm ever..
Me:- How did you like that?
Her:-I have nothing to compare it to. Thanks..
Me:- Just thanks won’t do. Give me a blowjob.
Her:- I don’t want to take your penis inside my mouth!!
Me:- Do you remember what I had said? No question asked. Beside you said yourself, You want to know how to please a man. This is how… btw, did u see me complain while sucking your pussy?
She:- but I’ve never given a blowjob before.
Me:- Don’t worry. I’ll guide you.
Then I make her kneel before me. Taking my pants down I take my cock near her face. Then I insert it inside her mouth & ask her to be careful of her teeth. Then I move her head to and from on my cock. Sanju used to give me blowjobs, but not like this. Oh my god!!
I stop her after a couple of minutes as I don’t want the session to end there itself. Then I take her to the bed again & lay her on her back. I get on top of her, pull both her hands near head & hold them with my one hand. She starts smiling. She knows this one. The Missionary. Sanju had told her about this one. I tell her this one is a male-oriented position where the man has control over this sex session. I insert my dick inside her slowly as she lets out a sigh. Then I start moving my hips slowly in a rhythmic manner. I can see her body correspond to my movement. Then I gradually increase my speed & see the change in expression on her face. It gradually changes from soft pain to pleasure & voila! Another orgasm!!
She looked as if she had just won the battle. There was a smile on her face. A genuine satisfactory smile. The same smile I had seen on Sanju face after an orgasm. But I wasn’t done yet. I still had a couple of more minutes to go. So I decide to make her work a little bit. I tell her about the cowgirl position & she seems more than eager to try it. I show her a short clip of it on my mobile & she understands her job. I just lie back there & enjoy the ride. As her body moves I move my hips synchronously to match her speed. After a couple of more minutes I ejaculated with my penis still inside her vertically & she riding me like a cowgirl.
She gets down & lies beside me on the bed covering a blanket. Turning towards her I put my hand inside the blanket & start fondling her breasts. She starts smiling & says “You have been waiting 6 years to do this, right?”
I :- “What are you talking about?”
She:- “I woke up that night in the middle when you were touching my breasts”
I:- “Then why didn’t you say anything?”
She:-“Though I enjoyed it a bit, I didn’t want to send the wrong signal at that time”
Me:- “Well, You are gonna pay for this. Follow me to the bathroom & I will teach you some more tricks”
& the adventure continues.
FYI, my sister is still married to my Jiju. I am well settled in my job & have rented a 1 BHK just near to their house. So that my Didi can visit me any time she wants.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.