"My conservative mom in tragedy and cuckold son"
"My conservative mom in tragedy and cuckold son"

Hi Guys, I am soon bringing a action filled story. I am currently working in it and will give update soon.    welcome welcome welcome

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"My conservative mom in tragedy and cuckold son"

Hi Guys, welcome to this action filled story.You will get update soon . Heart welcome welcome

Thank you,
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Cuck son is my favourite,no good stories in India
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MOM (  Aditi,AGE-37)

[Image: 853bf738ce214c4fb90d9c4d0509122d.jpg]
She is my  beautiful  divine tamil mom named Padmini. Her big boobs are appealing yet acts as nurturer. This divine milk from her boobs have provided me with immunity during my childhood and also provided me with her true motherly care.She lives a life of religious woman and loves me soo much that if i am not close to her proximity or in college, she will call me every two hours to verify if i am ok or not.For her after the death of my father, I became the centre of her entire universe and gets her devotion and nourishment all the time.

MY biological father Pradeep.Who is strong but facing tragedy due to destiny..........
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 2f6a1c90-be3a-5376-b361-12bf37240d62.webp]" />

My sister name shalini , she is beautiful and loves  mom  sunita very much.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: indian-hot-college-girl-602424-932.jpg]" />

MAID SWETA(age 60) she is  old,intelligent and good caretaker. She comes from very poor family and wanted to live in a wealthy family.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: compressed-9a3ef1873d61756aee30e1ca19289eba.webp]" />

SHEELA (  dadi Swati's friend ...........age 52 stay in our house and look house hold)
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 3016599b-438c-5214-8131-031029edf296.webp]" />

ME( sonu,SON)
I am currently studying bsc from our local college. My age is 21 years.From college to college,I am very posssesive about my mom. The concept of cuckold  son come to me in class 12 ,due to my sex craze friend; sometimes thought erotic fantasies revolving around my mom.
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MY new priestly father in relation but I call him as big brother (Varun, age 27)
Due to destiny or extreme luck he got chance to marry my divine mom by tragedy.I call him by name Reddy only
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Nice story please update more
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(16-01-2024, 01:12 AM)Giver Wrote: MOM ( AGE-44)

[Image: 853bf738ce214c4fb90d9c4d0509122d.jpg]
clps clps clps clps clps clps clps clps
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Can't wait... please update soon.
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Before  fake death of my father;my father loved Varun as his own Son. My father helped Varun to get bank loan, so that he can treat his biological father Vela; Inspite of bank loan,his father expired and Varun got completely broke.

After Varun spent most of his time in our family and started to work in a local business.He used to call my mom Aditi as aunty.When the life was going smoothly,my father suddenly paralysed due to accident;my mom Aditi got broke down and cried for my father.Nothing can not be changed as it's the game of life; Some one loss can be an opportunity for other. After medical treatment,my father pradeep survived but lower part of his body ois paralysed. Seeing my father pradeep can not walk anymore is sadning for me.Business suddenly took downturn and huge debt fall on my father's head. Lender coming daily to our house and threatnening to kill all of us. Mom Aditi crying but our maid sweta is strong , diplomatic and clever woman. She is best friend of my mom sunita.She is brilliant and intelligent. Fiirstly advised She advised my mom Aditi to divorce my father pradeep and marry any harmless guy infront of my father pradeep.My father agreed.My Cuckold  father pradeep  advised mom Aditi to marry varun as he is harmless.(....Does'nt know how much harm will he cause to my mom sunita and can make my momy sunita mommy again  ............).Later our maid sweta advised my father to fake death and stay at sweta's home for disguise.To save my life I was adopted by sheela aunty.

 After 2 years of  fake death of my father,relatives started pressurizing mom Aditi for remarriage as my mom got Widow at her thirties and outsider can take advanyage of this situation. They constantly trying mom  to rethink remarriage as my financial condition getting detoriated with each passing day. Lender again started to come and this time threatened to kill me.To save me and my sister my mom decided to marry again.

Because varun was well-known ,harmless and my best friend; my mother chose him with advise from my father pradeep when family member was pressuring her to get married so that I will not get threatened by new strong partner or alpha partner instead I will be able to live with my best friend.With this marriage money could be protected and there would be a man in the house. Apart from that  any outsiders would not take advantage of my mom.  Basically.Mom wanted to marry a harmless guy , not interested in sex or family; basically she doesn't want to have sex or bear anyone child anymore but need someone as caretaker. All these specifications match with Varun .Varun accepted the marriage in order to save our family as he owes favour to my father.

When asked about his marriage, all he did was nod. It appeared as though he was indifferent to it. He was deep in his own fantasy land. Varun and my mom eventually tied the knot.At the time of wedding,my mom Aditi was looking as goddess of Sex or rati;I felt jealous for varun. Sweta congragulated Mom Aditi and said" mem sahab....aap bahot sexy ho".Thus with luck or tragedy Varun my best friend and big brother got to marry my mom Aditi
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: c99c5583-1208-4f26-91cf-e96178d10c8e.jpg]" /> 

From aunty Aditi she became Wife of Varun. I know Varun has right over my mom but he didn'nt cared about it.Introvert Varun speak less with my mom and sleep in my room .Varun focused to decrease debt on our family and start to wok in our exsisting business as caretaker along with it's personal business.

[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 3d921644-4bcd-5b8e-ba02-3ab6eaf63894.webp]
Varun was a poor guy, but still gives all his  hard earned saving to pay my colleege fees and support his best friend Sonu. If anything happens to me, I know varun is there to save me. varun loves me more than anything .I left for the hostel to finish my coursework .

 My mom Aditi and Varun started to lead a new life. My mom Aditi and  varun are currently married for 4 years without sex or physical intimacy. Introvert Varun speak less with my mom and sleep in my room as I have moved out to Hostel . However in my absence things changed , Varun helped my mom Aditi from household to business and made a special space in her heart  due to absence of me.My mom Aditi started to have a motherly love for Varun. Varun continued to call My mom Aditi as Aunty ................as  he sees my mom as motherly figure and my Mom called Varun as Son.

[Image: images.jpg]
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Please continue the story
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After 4 years of disguise, suddenly my father pradeep returned with maid Sweta after exile.Lender are finding my father pradeep for repayment or to murder him if he fails.My mom got emotional and touched my father feet. Pradeep blessed sunita and said................Aditi we need to permanently solve this problem.

A lender name parag,even after  fake death of my father...............still finding as he is not convinced enough.Yesterday,he had come to Sweta house to find pradeep but failed as she made my father hide in her almirah.Swati predicted,Parag have got information about my mom Aditi and me(sonu) in disguise( actually sweta gave information as she can manipulate my dad to marry her and make her head of the family).Parag wanted to take revenge on my father pradeep to kill me. In order to safe guard me dadi Sweta's sister Sheela aunty to adopt me.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 3016599b-438c-5214-8131-031029edf296.webp]" />

My father pradeep elaborated agreement with mom
[LENDER AGGREMENT- my father have lended 7 cr from lender.In cast of death of borrower,if lender find any member of family espically children or wife,they have right to get back their money from them until period of 14 years]

It means My mom Aditi is 41 years and can reunite with my father pradeep exactly after 10 years.Both were overjoyed and anxious as 10 years is still a long duration.In order to get undetected,my father decided to marry our maid sweta .......................mom Aditi cryingly agreed.After marriage my father pradeep change his name and adopted Varun as his son  for disguise.My mom Aditi become daughter in law( bahu) in relation with my biological father pradip(sasur) .Our maid sweta become mother in law in relation with my mom Aditi and grand mom in relation to me. However,my relation with my mom also changed. My mom Aditi technically become Bhabhi for me and Varun as Bade bhaiya.

[Image: 38dc488b-98a1-5ea4-af49-09a1d0dbfb12.webp]

[Image: 6282bcfc-02ce-5cac-ae39-bcb591b787ab.webp]
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update bro......Waiting !!!!
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After 3 years I returned to home and started preparing forentrance exam for joining in Phd course.In the mean time I and sweta( our maid) become close friend.I found that Sweta has a fantansy of become older woman or likes and insisit me to call her by notion " dadi" in relation( which is true).We  share things,that I can not even share with  my mom Aditi,Varun(my new father) and my biological father (pradeep).Whenever in discussion,I name Sweta,she gets angry and instead ask me to call Dadi. SO after 6 months of continous insisit,I started to call Swati by Dadi.Even if I call Dadi,she will come,kiss my forehead and give blessing.

[Image: compressed-9a3ef1873d61756aee30e1ca19289eba.webp]
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One day Dadi Swati and Me talking about Hostel life and Adultery. I said you know Dadi, One of friend's mom  actively participated in divorcing his father and  helped to marry his father's business partner or uncle .Now at age of 46 his mom is pregnant again.............see Dadi how much he is facing embarrassment.All my friend shout at him by saying "cuckold son". Dadi Sweta laughing and said at least he has blessed his  mom with new mating partner and revived her sexual life. She is enjoying life to fulliest.I  Agrred with her unwillingly.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: images-1.jpg]" />

Dadi Sweta says I need to talk to you in one matter and you have to keep it secret ............ I believe you are a grown up man. I said sure dadi,you can trust me. She said in sadly tone,I feel sad  and angry for your mom Aditi as she has sacrificed her love life for you and your family.She is such a pious woman ,even after marriage with new guy reddy she is acting like his mom rather than wife.Can you understand her true nature ????? a divine motherly woman
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 843e02e4-75e2-58ce-ad85-292f755d202f.webp]" />

Sonu tell me ............can you live without partner.I cry for your divine mom. You said to me you want give your mom Aditi every hapiness of her life.I said yes, then  dadi said........you should try to patch your mom Aditi with Varun so that they behave as normal couple and friend. I am not saying Varun to get physical with your mom Aditi but atleast try to be a good friend( working together and sharing ideas).   My head was spining and I said, it is not possible beacuse my mom Aditi herself do not have any feeling for Varun .Dadi, Sweta tells me where is this world you will find a partner like reddy who sacrificed his life to  save your family, providing his hard earned and money for your education and inspite of marrying your mom Aditi...............Aditi as a wife denied him with every wifely duties. Sonu can you tolerate if your wife does same to you???...................I got emotional and  told her " my mom Aditi only loves me and my father pradeep".

Dadi Sweta laughed and said.............You doing a great sin as you still sleep with your mom Aditi and Varun sleep in other Room.During your hostel stay, your mom Aditi and Varun sleep in seperate room and in maximum cases reddy was out of town for business purposes.Now it's time to reunite them.Dadi sweta  advised me to  to  make more opportunity for varun...so that he can come closer to my mom .
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: compressed-e671c19f504fc16c7879ce764bd89ead.webp]" />
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6 month later Varun fall in quarell with business rival. They insulted them badly and said you impotent man,you  have  married a mature woman for long time and still can not pregnant her. If anyone other than you married her(my mom),she would have mother of many children.They insulted each other and moved on on their work.I calmed Varun and things got sorted out.10 days later later, I went for a Internship for a duration of 30 days .

After returning home,one day my mom was in a pensive mood. I asked her a couple of times but she just said she had a head ache. I let it be for the time being but after a few days still the same mood. So I sat down with her in her room and told her to tell me everything.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: deep-thinking-middle-aged-woman-600nw-2269745703.webp]" />

 First she didn't say anything but after a bit of coaxing she told me. She said Varun suddenly wanted to have a child and asserting his demand on her in every possible. He had told her that he didn't have anything in this world. Varun had spent all his life with us and if things would have been normal would have had a wife and kids. It did make sense that he craved for a family.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: f49c9fb7-8969-554f-83b3-3ce74611b548.webp]" />

Upon hearing this I shouted Dadi Sweta to come and dicuss together.

My mom-she explained to me and dadi and  said she  would not be able to get pregnant at this age.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 18a3979d-bd4c-55be-bb8c-46da2d772d39.webp]" />

 Dadi -said to my mom "you give him child via IVFor surrogacy and help him to start a family"
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: images-2.jpg]" />

Me(sonu)-I told her she wasn't so old, that wasn't the troubling factor. I said reddy deserve a family of his own as he has selflessly helped our family in difficult time.

MOM - Crying and in silence said that She has undergone tubectomy as my father pradeep do not want any child furthur It is nearly impossible for me to bear him child even by IVF.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 2d4d1b81-b623-5578-a897-4e91d0c28d1b.webp]
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Dadi sweta- Aditi I did'nt tell you anything.............You married him due to tragedy but you denied him of wife's love and duty.Aditi a marriage is a marriage; It is said in our ancient book that marriage are made in heaven and  no one marry anyone without destiny. Even after marriage  have you ever served food to Varun as your husband.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: indian-wedding-13387908.webp]
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Mom- I did'nt think that way.

Dadi-Aditi you must think other way round.You have done a wife's duty with  such an ugly old pradeep and gave him love , adoration and as a sign of love,you gave birth to a son and daughter. You even bear the pain of 9 Month twice in your womb.When pradeep do not want child any furthur, who underwent tubectomy as a pati vrata wife. I truly admire you.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: pregnant-labor.gif]

Now, tell me Aditi you married again due to destiny with Varun and with approval of pradeep. Tell me Aditi after marriage " did varun have right on you or pradeep". Aditi you need to understand,you are wife of  handsome  varun not pradeep anymore.You are now a pati vrata wife of varun.As a wife you have denied with every pleasure a man gets from his wife and now you are denying him with a love child. varun on other hand have respected your feeling and supported your family.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: images-3.jpg]
" />

MOm-in deep thought and replied " I am too old.............Impossible"

Dadi- Aditi you know,how much reddy respect you.After such a denial from you,he did'nt see any girl due to relationship and commitment. He is such a handsome guy, he can go in  market and fuck any slut all day for 10 year nows,but instead  done everything to provide service to you and your family.He sacrificied himself to save your family. 

You know everyone called him "third gender" and  joked him as impotent man as he did'nt get child from you after nearly 10 years of marriage.For 10 years varun as a man took grave insult on his manhood but still respected your opinion.How much can someone bear such insult; few days back uncle shiva insulted him infront of everyone and  said slut Aditi do not  love you scoundrel. you live with Aditi for pradeep's money( which is completely opposite). Varun did'nt tell this incident to you .......because Uncle shiva called you slut because you divorce his brother pradeep.
[img]<a href=[/img]

This is where Reddy have gone broke........... devil2  

MOM- How dare uncle shiva could call me slut..............

Dadi-Aditi you must not deny a him child  and  a lovely family. As a wife of varun  you must protect varun's image and specially respect him as a husband.

Mom - she got in pensive mood and looked at my eyes. The thing was she was worried about what I might think and if it would change the way we were.

Me-I again confronted mom and said " realx mom"....why are you tense. I can bet words of dadi Sweta have made her shiver.....( she may be thinking of me; what will i feel if i see my mom getting pregant again with seed of another male other than my biological father pradeep. I am excited yet sad I might lose my mom forever)
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 056a8ac1-a663-5455-b8ad-8e0d6172c41c.webp]" />

Mom- she said she will divorce so that he could start his own life and get married to any beautiful woman not live with old woman like me.

Me -I said it is not possible due to Varun's condition and so late in life who would want to get married to a person in his state. I told my mom not to worry and that it would be alright with me if Varun stayed with us and stared a new family. At least he deserve a family from you.

Mom - was astonished and looking in my eyes with tear and emotiom

Dadi- see Aditi, your son sonu is a big boy and mature now. He did'nt need mother's love and care anymore............... he need sheela aunty care and guide to get successful in his life now.Aditi what wrong in it if sonu gets a new  brother or sister from his bhabhi

MOM- Mom was shocked and trembled...........

me- I was also shocked on hearing ................( In mind I was thinking,new born may replace me and my mom Aditi may devote his motherly love to him. I was also thinking about real scenerio of  my pregnant mom and  later she is breastfeeding her new born. I had a jealous feeling because of my mom lovely boobs,which nurture me in my childhood will be soon taken away from me.Her divine milk will will get sucked by child of varun and nurture him.)

Dadi-Aditi I know you are in awkard situation...................From now you must take care of yourself.

Mom- You both are in dream ...............After tubectomy it can not be reversed.So, there is no chance.

Dadi- medical science have advanced a lot and ordered me to book best gynacologist in the country.

MOm- wait sonu; are you mad .................... Do you want to waste your money just like dadi.(In her mind ......what a nonsense vasectomy can not be reversed .........total waste of resource and my age will not permit IVF)

Me- Mom let give it a shot and I saw mom was emotional and looking at my eyes.

Dadi- scolding my mom Aditi and ordered you must visit clinic............otherwise you are a big disgrace in name of feminity and wife.Later dadi sweta kissed on my mom Aditi fore head.

Mom- tear in her eyes and said I will visit clinic but it will be fruitless .

dadi- I will go to clinic with Aditi

me- I moved to book  gynacologist for my mom for check up .............
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Before I was going going out Dadi sweta ordered  aunt sheela and me to visit panditji for horscope verification.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: images-1.jpg]" />

I and my aunt sheela went with there with horoscope of my mom aditi and reddy for checking if destiny permit it or not.

panditji- Tell me your problem?

sheela- see the horoscope and tell is there any possibility of new born baby.......as bhaiya varun is insisting to  try for a baby and start a new family.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: ai-generated-8009389-1280.webp]" />

Panditji-- Before that,who are you in relation with them.

sheela- I am younger younger sister of aditi in relation and sonu is our servant.It is the horscope of bade bhaiya Varun and bhabhi Aditi.Now after 9 years of celibate marriage suddenly bhaiya varun want child from my bhabhi aditi.My bhabhi aditi is in awkward situation.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 414846d7-7d7c-5684-aec8-76cf12f099ab.webp]" />

( me- I was astonished as my aunt sheela introduced me as servant in front of panditji)

Panditji- After looking into horoscope for 10 min and said did your bhabhi aditi married secound time( after hearing sheela and i was really astonished)

Sheela - yes guru ji

panditji-Is she advance in age..........

sheela- Yes she is current at 45 years ..........

Panditji- Did she have child from earlier marriage.

sheela - yes, she have one son and one daughter.She loves her son like no other.

panditji- Your bhaiya Varun is a big celibate bull and now moving into family life after long time due to slow moving planet.Intense amount of sexual energy is stored in him.On other hand bhabhi aditi is cow and motherly.

Me- Yes she is divine motherly mom

Sheela aunty- Sonu go outside and bring some sweets for panditji

Panditji-Not needed daughter sheela

Sheela aunty- Sonu......where are you waiting..............go fast and bring sweet.

Me- Okk sheela aunty,I am going

panditji-sheela your bhabhi should try baby via IVF rather than Physical.You must stop advance of bhaiya varun or divert it otherwise Aditi is in great danger.

Sheela- why panditji

panditji-- Varun is  brutal Animal in bed..............
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: Iy-U3f-Sv-Mm-AG5-Vt8-Yhb-P9-1-srdyo.webp]" />

panditji- Once your bull bhaiya varun get sexually charged, he is an animal and  will not leave aditi.He will fuck your bhabhi mercilessly like  animal and non one can stop varun even if aditi ask to stop or cry heavily . Chances are there Aditi will not have any energy left in her body because  intense fucking. Varun will make bhabi aditi cry like baby and drain energy like sucking leech .  Aditi as a mother can not give time of her children anymore.Varun will not get independence to aditi anymore.Varun will dominant Aditi in every sphere of her life. Even Varun can fuck aditi infront of her son shamelessly................breaking all barrier.................Aditi can not fight with mighty varun
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: spoon-003.gif]" />
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: DD356F5.gif]" />

Sheela --in  her mind  got aroused by hearing sex life of  bhabhi  aditi and thinking about varun as a sexual animal .She is also thinking of me ...........Sonu " tear mummy ko varun khun chodega aur tu apne room me game khelna khub.......................smiling)
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 38921.gif]" />

Sheela -  tell me more panditji.....?

Panditji- Bhaiya varun have sexual perversion and unusual fetish specially regarding body fluid ,(chain and whip) and fatherly figure roleplay.

sheela- fatherly figure roleplay....

sheela- body fluid??
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: C8B1138.gif]" />
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 1169D6A.gif]" />

panditji- I will not elaborate anymore.

SHEELA - why chain and whip?

panditji- you will know later.

panditji- the relationship will be double aged sword and it's upto family member and specially son . If sonu intervenes and ask Varun for only IVF and not to be physical with his mom Aditi,then nothing will take place  even if IVF fails................................................but if IVF fail and Son still helped varun to get his mom Aditi naturally then Varun will destroy aditi everyday.
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 4995.gif]" />

Sheela in her mind-- If I patch varun with Aditi,then I will become owner of the house.Even if aditi get pregnant and deliver a child; varun will not leave aditi. As a add on...... Varun  as a sex teacher will be so busy in fucking Aditi senselessly that  Aditi will not save sonu from my beating. 

Sonu has become dull headed ,introvert and failed in his phd semester;he need strong teacher rather than his mom aditi who corrupted him with love.

Me - sheela aunty..............here is the sweet

Panditji- okk that it

me- so what the result

sheela - in covert tone........She has chance to get pregnant by ivf

After that we left the place
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Nice story. But please give bigger updates frequently.
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good going ..

[Image: Shocked-Open-Asianpiedstarling-size-restricted.gif]

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Need a big update. Storyline is extremely good  yourock
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