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I arrived at the station expecting to see mom or dad picking me up, but instead, I saw my exuberant sister jumping and waving at the platform. She wasn't too hard to spot; that blonde hair blowing in the wind really stood out in a crowd.
"Callie!" I shouted and waved back at her.
She came running. Jumped up at me and made me lift her off the ground.
"Yaay! My big bro's home!" she practically squealed.
"All right, all right, don't overdo it, I'm just here for the weekend..."
I put her down and took in the sight of her; I hadn't seen any of my family members in almost six months. She looked like she'd dressed up a bit, wearing a nice yellow summer dress as well as some pretty earrings. She had also done a really good job with her makeup. From what I remembered, it wasn't that long ago she was the typical clumsy teen who either used too much or not enough. At this point, though, I had to admit she looked good - almost like a proper adult. Well, technically, she was one at this point. She was only two years younger than me, about to turn nineteen this weekend. That was part of the reason I was here; because I was unable to come home for her eighteenth birthday, she was determined to get the whole family together for her nineteenth.
We got to the car and she practically jumped in the driver's seat, as if afraid that I was going to usurp her driving privileges. I remembered the feeling from the time when I got my license; any opportunity to get behind the wheel was happily taken, and whenever someone else could feasibly be a competitor for that seat, you had to be quick. I didn't put up a fight, though; it had been a long train ride and I was happy to get in the passenger seat.
"So... how's college?" she asked as she drove us out of the station area.
"Good. Great, actually. It's a really nice campus, we've got some really good professors... there's this one guy running our history class who's got us laughing so hard when he..."
"Any girls?"
"... er.... what?"
"Any girls?!"
"Uh... yeah, I think you'll find that girls are allowed to go to college..."
"No, I mean: are you seeing any girls?"
"Yes, all the time. I'm not blind."
She rolled her eyes at me, but dropped the subject for the moment. I wasn't really seeing anybody right now, but I wasn't going to tell her that. She was always trying to dig into my love life, like a journalist trying to get the latest scoop on a celebrity. I guessed she was just being nosy.
We drove home, making small talk. Apparently, mom and dad had taken up new hobbies, we'd had new neighbors move in next door to the old family home and Callie had started looking at colleges. Nothing to write home about, really. As we pulled into the driveway, mom was already waving us inside, having spotted us coming up the road.
"Come on, you two, dinner's almost ready!"
Good timing, I thought and hopped out, grabbed my stuff from the trunk and followed sis inside. Being a typical heterosexual male, my eyes strafed down from her neck to her feet, just checking out her shape real quick before heading in. She really did look good in that dress. And she must have been working out a bit more recently; I was sure that her waist seemed a bit slimmer than the last time I saw her. But okay, that's enough looking at my sister's ass, I told my permanently hormonal brain.
Having put my bags away in the spare room, I went straight to the bathroom to wash up before dinner. Callie was already using the sink in there and I ended up waiting behind her for a minute. She washed her hands thoroughly... and then she started checking her makeup in the mirror, touching up her cheeks with a brush.
Eventually, I just lost my patience and stepped up behind her, reaching around her petite frame and turning the faucet.
"Hey!" she complained, smiling in that sibling rivalry kind of way she does sometimes; kind of offended and mad, but not really.
"You were taking too long." I replied dryly.
"Yeah, and you - with your orangutan arms - can reach around me even from the other room.
She leaned forwards and turned her attention back to the mirror while I started washing my hands.
"So what are you doing back there? Trying to take me from behind or something?"
She smiled cheekily and started pushing her butt back towards me. I felt her rubbing against me, gently wiggling back and forth.
"Hey, stop messing around, I'm just trying to wash up here."
"Oh, I bet. "
I rolled my eyes as she kept teasing me with her wiggling. She returned to focusing on fixing her mascara, but also kept moving her ass from side to side, rubbing against me.
It got me hard. Yes, she was my sister, but doggy style is my favorite sexual position. There's just something about taking the girl roughly from behind and seeing her round butt cheeks bounce into me that really turns me on. A round ass curving in towards a narrow waist... that shape is just amazing to look at from behind. Callie had a perfect example of that womanly shape. By the time I had finished and stepped away from the sink to dry my hands, there was a distinct bulge in my pants.
I faced the wall to avoid her seeing it. And to avoid staring at her. She was still bent over the sink, getting her face really close to the mirror for her final makeup touches.
"Stop staring at my ass, you perv." I heard her say from behind me.
"What? I have my back turned, you idiot."
"Well, you were staring."
"How the heck would you know?"
"Because my ass is amazing and every guy stares at it all the time."
"Well, I'm not every guy..."
"No, but you have a dick and when a girl with a hot ass is around, it does the thinking for you."
I was getting a bit annoyed and decided to head out to dinner.
"Don't go yet." Callie suddenly interrupted.
"What? Why?"
"I have a question about college."
"So ask it later, I'm hungry."
"It's about sex."
"Uh... all right..."
"So... do people have a lot of sex in college?"
"Uhm... about as much other places, I guess?"
"Hundreds of hot, young people living together in close proximity on campus, that's gotta lead to something. So you probably have a lot of sex, right?"
I sighed. Apparently, my sister thought adult life was like a dirty movie.
"Look, sis... college isn't all 'girls gone wild' and 'spring break party coeds', okay? It's full of completely normal people. They're not all hot, they're not even all young."
She turned around and leaned backwards against the sink, looking slightly disappointed.
"Now, I'm hungry and I'd like to tuck in to mom's amazing butter chicken. I'd be more than happy to satisfy your perverted curiosity about college life later on."
I headed out of the bathroom. Behind me, I could hear her trying to retort:
"I'm not perverted, you're perverted."
The chicken was amazing; mom always knew how to cook up something nice when I came home to visit. We all ate together and I had both seconds and thirds, filling my stomach until I couldn't take another bite. Afterwards, we all ended up in the living room, totally drunk on food. The TV was on, but I wasn't really watching; I just leaned back in the sofa and slipped into a drowsy food coma.
Callie then came to sit next to me. Well, almost on top of me, in fact; the couch wasn't that big.
"Mmh... uff... get off..." I moaned, uncomfortable with any physical contact as I was so full.
"Neh... I wanna snuggle..."
"Get off, I'm too stuffed..."
She shifted slightly, but still lay almost on top of me, resting her upper body on my lap. Oh, well, I thought. At least I got her to move off my stomach.
Moments later, she started stroking my leg. She seemed absent-minded, looking at the TV and occasionally her phone. I felt her fingernails claw at my jeans, slowly and gently as if she was playing guitar at a really slow pace. It was actually getting a bit annoying.
Then her hand was in my lap, her fingers scratching away, almost exactly in the middle, right where my bulge was starting to grow.
"Mh..." I grunted. "Stop it."
"Mmno." she replied sleepily.
"Get off."
"No. I'm comfortable here."
She continued stroking me, still resting her upper body on my legs. I looked down at her and noticed that I could easily see down her top. My cock twitched in my pants as I realized that I was seeing almost all of my sister's right breast. No bra, nothing under the top at all... just a creamy, soft, fair-skinned breast. My heart started beating faster and faster. I couldn't relax anymore.
This went on for ages. Callie stroking my lap through my jeans, me staring at her half-exposed chest... our parents sitting less than five feet away. I felt my face go red whenever mom glanced over in our direction. Not that she seemed to notice anything; she just smiled happily, enjoying the sight of her two children in a loving, caring embrace.
Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed Callie off me and got off the couch. Then I went to the bathroom to splash some cold water in my face. As I left, I gazed back at her and I could have sworn she was smiling that naughty smile of hers, as if she knew she had beaten me at something.
I had trouble getting to sleep that night. My sister was acting weird. Whatever she was up to, it didn't seem like anything she had done before. We had always had a bit of sibling rivalry going on, and she enjoyed teasing her big brother in a variety of ways... but this felt different.
The following morning was Callie's birthday. We did a whole thing: waking her up by knocking on her door and singing 'Happy Birthday'... she sat up in her bed and mom had baked a cake for the birthday girl - just like when we were kids. Callie blew out the candles, closed her eyes, made a wish and then we all went down for breakfast.
"So what are your plans for today, honey?" mom asked.
"No plans, mom, you know that. Too busy next week, so I just need to charge my batteries. Get my mind off college, the tryouts and everything else."
"Of course, dear."
"But I figured I can play with my big brother now that he's here!"
I looked over at Callie and saw her give me a real Cheshire cat grin. I eyed her suspiciously. What did she mean by 'play with'? She looked back at me and several seconds passed by. Then she went on:
"I've got the new Mario Kart, and there's also the old classics if you wanna get beaten at something you've played before..."
Ah. That's what she meant. She just left that double entendre hanging in the air for a second to confuse me. To make me think of something else. I was starting to catch on to her game now. She was teasing me. Trying to embarrass me. This was her latest idea of fun. Well, she'd have to do better than that to phase me; I was the older sibling, after all. I wasn't going to let her get the better of me with simple suggestions.
After breakfast, we went back upstairs. Mom had this old-fashioned idea that we should always make our beds properly. We went along with it as a matter of habit. Callie followed me upstairs and ran up the last couple of steps at the top to come up beside me. As soon as we were out of earshot of our parents, she went back to her new favorite topic:
"So, tell me more about sex..."
"In college."
"Oh. Uh... okay...?"
"You live in dorms, right? So how's it work - do people really put socks on door knobs and all that stuff?"
I was determined not to let her unhinge me this time. I just replied matter-of-factly, trying not to appear very shocked.
"I've heard that happens. I haven't seen it myself."
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Are you doing it a lot? I mean, I woulda thought that once you were away from here and got some privacy, you could have sex all the time."
We went into her room together and started straightening the sheets.
"Look, sis... college is like a city; you'll find all kinds of people. Sure, there's bound to be some sex happening here and there... I guess it happens a bit more often if you're the slutty type... but it's really not what most people are there for. People meet, they have fun, they party, they date, they have sex... but you find that everywhere. Not just in college. My point is: don't just think about going to college for the sex. Go to college for the education. Sure, have sex too if you want. That's one of the things that young people do - you're right about that. Just don't expect the whole place to be an orgy 24/7. It isn't. We're really busy. It's... lectures... and study groups... and working part time jobs to make ends meet... and..."
"Boring." Callie said and started to wander off to the door. "I was hoping my big bro had some cool raunchy stories to tell me... Oh, well, I guess that when I go to college, I'll be one of the slutty ones. Anyroad... I need a shower. Seeya later."
She wandered off. I was a little annoyed that she just dumped her side of the bed and left me with the rest of the work; just as soon as I'd helped her with her bed, she left me to do my own by myself. It didn't take too long, though, and then I could just chill on the couch downstairs, watching Netflix or something.
Before leaving my room, I took a minute to take everything in. I hadn't been here in a while. My old room. When I moved away a few years ago, I couldn't wait to get away. Start over in a new place, far away from all the 'kid stuff'. Moving out, becoming an adult, I had really looked forward to that. Since then, I had been back here a few times, but it was only now that it really dawned on me that after getting properly settled in a new city, this wasn't really 'home' anymore.
One of the things that sold this feeling for me was that mom had changed the room. Most of my old stuff had been put in storage, and she had turned it into something more of a guest room. Some of my old sports trophies and pictures were still scattered around on the shelves, but... yeah... it didn't really feel like my room any longer. And it didn't feel bad, just a bit... nostalgic. Like I had truly moved on.
I took a breath and left the room, turning off the lights and closing the door behind me. Then, just as I was about to head downstairs, I heard a noise.
"Psst! Hey!"
I turned to see Callie's head poking out the bathroom door.
"There aren't any bath towels here, can you go downstairs and get me one, please? One of the big blue ones, thanks!"
She disappeared back into the bathroom before I had a chance to reply. With a resigned sigh, I went to get one of her favorite towels from the downstairs bathroom. I never understood why mom insisted on putting these bath towels downstairs; as far as I could tell, Callie was the only one using them. Mom and dad used a set of yellow ones they'd bought from IKEA.
I grabbed the towel and went back upstairs. I knocked and waited for her hand to come out and grab the towel. I was surprised to feel her grabbing me instead, pulling me inside. For a split second, I thought she must not have showered yet. Then I looked down on the floor. There were puddles everywhere. When I turned around, I saw my sister standing there... completely naked.
Fresh out of the shower with her blonde hair hanging all wet down her back, I got a full frontal view of her nineteen year old body. She was a sight to behold. By any standard, my sister had become an incredibly beautiful young woman. Her hips had widened as she grew up and she had kept her waist slim, giving her more of an obvious hourglass figure.
Her breasts also seemed to have grown - not that I had been intimately familiar with them before. Now I could see them clearly. They were an amazing pair of half-globes, looking identical and perfectly balanced; perky nipples standing proud right in the middle. Her skin was wet and looked silky smooth all over, and she had a tiny, trimmed bush on her mound downstairs.
My jaw had dropped, partly in awe of her beauty, but mostly due to the shock of seeing my sister naked. She didn't seem bothered, though. Standing a mere 5 feet and 2 inches tall, she looked up at me with her customary sassy stare.
"Whaaa.... uh... aren't you gonna... cover up or something?"
"I will if you give me the damned towel!"
"Oh. Right."
I finally gave her the towel. I had been holding it, just standing there, staring. Once she got hold of it, she started drying herself, still looking at me.
"What are you staring at? You a perv or something?"
"Um... I... sorry, I didn't expect you to be naked in here. I mean... uh... you're naked!"
"Yah, I was in the shower. That's why I needed a towel, duh."
She bent down and dried her legs. I was still staring - I couldn't help it. She tilted her head sideways so that her hair fell down on the side rather than dropping down over her face. She bent all the way down to her feet. I swallowed and looked over her shoulder towards her back, seeing the contours of her naked butt.
She stood back up and pulled up the towel, still not covering up, just drying her arms and shoulders. She locked eyes with me and just stood there, as if she meant to let me keep staring.
"What're you lookin' at, you perv? You wanna fuck me or something?"
"Wha... uh... no! The fuck?"
"Well, you're standing there, starin' at my sexy body, so..."
For a split second, I was thinking about denying it, but quickly dismissed that idea. There was really no denying that I was staring; I was standing right there, looking at her, and she was looking right back at me. And to be fair: if I were to claim that I wasn't looking, I would have had to turn my back, close my eyes or... something. Anything other than what I was doing.
I couldn't very well say that she wasn't sexy either. She clearly was, and the fact that I was unable to look away was evidence of that. This whole thing felt weird. On the one hand, the incredibly hot woman in front of me had everything needed to turn me on. On the other hand, that incredibly hot woman was my little sister, and there was just something in my brain telling me that I couldn't be turned on by that.
Since I didn't know what to say, and my brain was working overtime trying to come up with a suitable retort, several seconds went by without either of us saying anything. Callie eventually broke the silence, still busying herself with the towel but not really covering up any of her lady parts.
"So you admit I'm sexy. I knew it."
"What? I didn't say anything."
"Well, you didn't disagree either. This body's so hot, I could start modeling. Maybe I'd do it too, if I wasn't going to college. I mean, look at this..."
She put the towel behind her and got ready to dry off her back, but then she just stood still for a minute, striking a pose and showing off her curves. She still hadn't dried her chest, so her breasts were full of water droplets that glistened in the light. Once again, I couldn't help but stare at her. Eventually, I just blurted out:
"Well, it's really your fault, not mine. You're a hot, naked teenage girl. And you're the one who dragged me in here, even though you were still naked, you didn't give me any warning, tell me to turn around or anything... Of course I'm looking when you're showing it off like that!"
Callie smiled cheekily and turned around. Then she wrapped the towel around her body and covered up before going past me.
"Good." she said as she stood by the mirror.
"Er... good... what?"
"You're admitting you think I'm hot."
"Wha... that's what you took from this?"
"Yes. You can go now."
She bent forwards to look closely at something in the mirror, taking out some clippers or something to tweak her eyebrows. I just stood there for several seconds, confused, expecting her to say something more, but she just ignored me. Eventually, I threw up my hands and left.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
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As I walked downstairs, I kept shaking my head. What the hell was that? What was the point of this - was she trying to pull some kind of sick joke? I planted myself on the couch and turned on the TV. For the next couple of hours, I was just going to watch something on there while checking my phone, getting my mind off that weird sister of mine.
I didn't get much peace, though. Not half an hour later, Callie showed up behind me. I didn't even notice that little ninja girl at first; she just snuck up behind the couch and stood there for... I don't know how long. All of a sudden, while I was in the middle of an episode of a Star Trek show, I felt her fingers stroking my hair.
"Ah!" I exclaimed, startled.
"Hey. It's just me."
"Don't sneak up like that!"
"Sorry. I just wanted to say it's okay."
"It's okay, guys drool over me every day, you're no different."
She walked around the couch and came to sit in my lap, back to me. We used to do that a lot when we were kids. The couch we had back then was small, so we had to squeeze in to fit. Now we had a bigger couch, but we were both bigger too, so the love seat couldn't fit both of us lying down comfortably unless we sat like this.
"You know... Callie, you shouldn't do stuff like that."
"Sorry if it seeing a girl naked bothered you. I didn't know you were a prude."
"Okay. First of all: where's mom and dad?"
"They went out for a bit."
"Mom!? Dad?!" I called out, but there was no answer.
"Told you. They went out."
"Okay. I just don't think you should talk like that, especially if mom and dad can hear you."
"Talk like what?"
"About stuff like that. About... getting naked in front of your brother."
She pushed back towards me.
"Why not? I'm just teasing you. Can't you handle a little teasing from a teenage girl?"
"Dude... You're my sister. You sh..."
"Did it make you hard?" she interrupted.
"Seeing me naked. Did it get you hard?"
"I... what..."
I couldn't manage a reply. I was just shocked. It was like my brain had to stop and rewind so that I could find out if I had actually heard her right. Realizing that I had, I needed to work out how I felt about getting a question like that from her, and how I could possible respond. After several seconds, I heard her giggling and understood that she was messing with me again.
"Oh, come on, will you stop that?"
"Hee hee! I'm having fun!"
"Well, I'm not. It's... weird."
"You're weird."
"No, I'm the normal one in this relationship."
"If you say so."
"Happy birthday, sis." I said, hugging her from behind.
"Thank you."
She smiled and giggled, grabbing my forearms and returning my hug. I felt her kiss my cheek and I responded with a similar kiss on hers.
"Do you know what I want for my birthday?"
"A unicorn."
"Besides that."
"A trip to Hawaii."
"Something you can actually give me."
"Well, you'll just have to wait for the party tonight to see what you're getting."
We were quiet for a while, just watching the show. For a moment, it seemed like she had dropped her weird attempts at messing with me. Then, right out of the blue, she brought them back up.
"What do you think of my boobs?"
She put her hands on her chest and held them, as if weighing them in her hands.
"What do you mean, 'what do I think?'."
"Are they as big as the girls in college have...?"
"Look, they're fine. You'll find all sorts in college, didn't I tell you that? Big, small..."
"Can you touch them and see?"
"Touch them. Check if they're..."
"Why not?"
She looked back at me over her shoulder and looked genuinely disappointed. Sad, almost.
"For one thing, it's weird."
"Then there's mom and dad. They could be home any minute."
"I told you, they went out."
"For how long?"
She shrugged.
"Grab my boobs, wimp!"
She took my hands and moved them up to her chest. Before I knew it, I was feeling up her breasts. I didn't do anything at first, I just felt them through the cloth of her top and realized that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath.
"Well, what?"
"Come on. Touch them. Tell me what you think."
She started to apply pressure on top of my hands, pushing them onto her chest. I could feel her breathing; her whole bosom rising and falling under my hands. Her breasts felt nice and firm. Holding them in my hands gave me a very nice tingling feeling in my stomach, but I didn't want to own up to that.
"Well, I can't really feel much through the fabric." I said as an excuse.
"Oh. Yes, of course. You're right."
Callie lowered my hands and I thought for a second that she was giving up. Then I felt her hands guide mine up underneath her top. Before I knew it, my palms were holding my sister's naked breasts.
"How about now?"
I started feeling them. Kneading them gently, stroking them. I wasn't even thinking, I just did it instinctively. They felt wonderful. Her skin was so soft. Her nipples felt like small bumps in the middle of my palms. They were just big enough for me to be able to lift them up a little bit, but not so big that they lost their firmness. By the time I woke up to the fact that I was caressing my sister's naked boobs, it was like I couldn't stop. My heart beat faster and I realized that I was getting excited from something that shouldn't excite me...
Callie let out a slight moan. Alerted, I stopped what I was doing.
"No, don't stop, please..."
I gently kept going, stroking and holding them in my hands. She started whispering to me.
"They're nice, aren't they...?"
"Yes, they're very nice and firm..."
"What about the size...?"
"Nice and medium... Just right for your body."
"You like them?"
"Yeah, they're perfect."
I was telling the truth. They felt perfect. I kept telling myself that I was being nice, reassuring an insecure teenage girl about her appearance, but that wasn't the full story. The fact was, all my male brain could think about at the moment was how amazing it was to feel the breasts of a beautiful girl.
"So... are you getting hard now, then...?" I heard her whispering at me, still teasing and messing with her older brother.
"You'd feel it against your butt if I got hard." I retorted.
"It's that big, huh?"
"It would go up against your back."
"Popping up just above your shoulder."
We both laughed. A potentially tense moment had turned into something fun, which felt relaxing.
"Wow, so it gets that big when it's hard, huh..."
"And it's your sister who makes it that hard? Wow, getting an erection from your own sister. I knew you were perverted."
"And teasing your brother in order to give him an erection isn't?"
"Well, maybe you should go and do something about that. If touching some boobs is all it takes, maybe you should go and jerk off while you think your perverted thoughts about your sister's hot body."
"Maybe I need more than your boobs to get me off."
"Don't you dare. I have it on very good authority that my boobs are perfect."
There was a noise coming from the hall.
"We're home!"
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
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My hands left my sister's chest with lightning speed. She straightened her top and sat up from the couch. I felt my cheeks redden as if I'd been caught red-handed doing something I wasn't supposed to. Thankfully, mom and dad had been noisy as they came in, and even called out as they arrived. I'd hate to think how they would have reacted to the sight of their son feeling up their daughter.
Callie stood up and walked around the couch to greet them. Suddenly, though, she came back and leaned over to whisper in my ear:
"Jesus, are you really such a pervert that you're getting an erection just by thinking about my body? Are you seriously getting hard from touching your sister's naked body...?"
I swallowed. She left. I had indeed gotten really hard, sitting on the couch with her like that. I wasn't sure what was going on anymore. Was she still teasing me or was she being serious? What was she actually doing? I was getting more and more confused.
That same evening, we were going to have a small party. Some friends and family members were invited, and we were setting up a barbecue in the garden. Callie and I were in the kitchen, helping mom with her preparation of all the small dishes she was planning. Dad was setting up the grill, getting ready to cook one of his gigantic steaks.
My sister was in an exuberant mood, dancing around and humming while bringing a bunch of little things from the kitchen out to the garden. As soon as people started arriving, Callie went out to socialize and open presents while I stayed behind in the kitchen and got the last few food items ready. Once everything was set, dad fired up the grill and I went upstairs to change into a fresh shirt.
Looking at my clothes and finding them all a bit dirty, I decided to change all of it. I stripped down and put on a new pair of boxers, and then I picked up some nice and breezy linen shorts, very well suited to the warm weather. Suddenly, I heard my sister's voice behind me.
"What'cha going with?"
I spun around.
"Do you mind?"
"I'm getting changed."
"Yeah, I was wondering what you'd be wearing. Shorts?"
"Of course. If you'd give me a moment's privacy."
"Don't be dumb, you've seen me naked, I don't mind seeing you. Those are nice boxers, by the way. Where'd you get the shorts?"
"Some store, I dunno."
"Lemme see."
She came over to me and immediately snatched the shorts out of my hands.
"Nice. And what shirt?"
"Uh... this one, I thought..."
I reached over to the bed and picked up a light summer shirt with buttons. Callie came up to me and put her hands on my stomach, looking up at me with a happy smile. For a second, she seemed to hesitate, feeling my skin with a gentle touch while looking down towards the floor. Then she looked back up at me and whispered:
"Put it on."
"Uh... yeah..."
I slipped on the shirt and she started helping me with the buttons. Her fingers were really dexterous, fastening each button with great precision and speed.
"Looks good on you."
"And you have a pretty hot body, bro..."
"Thanks. I mean... uh..."
She laughed and put her arms around me. It started as a friendly hug, pulling me in and squeezing me tight. I instinctively put my hands around her as well, reaching around the small of her back. She was wearing jeans shorts and a short cotton top, so I could feel the naked skin of her back as my arms embraced her. As I did this, Callie slowly stopped laughing and started rubbing herself up against me. I loved the feeling of a woman's body against mine, so it was difficult to avoid getting excited by this.
Callie eventually looked up and smiled at me. There was that flirtatious grin again... Then she whispered:
"Am I making you hard, bro? Hmm? Is your little sister making you horny?"
"Oh, yeah, totally." I replied, trying to be dismissive about it.
"There's no point in trying to hide it; those boxers aren't exactly great for hiding your bulge."
I swallowed nervously. She was right, of course. The bulge had started growing as soon as she started rubbing her body against mine, and images of her naked breasts were flashing before my eyes as we stood there in a tight embrace. I could feel my growing erection getting harder and harder, and Callie could clearly feel it too. Eventually, she said in a hoarse whisper:
"Well, I only came up here to tell you we're about to start dinner, but if you'd rather jerk off to the thought of your sister's body, I guess you could do that too..."
"Come on... that's not fair..."
"I know..." she said, giggling. "Man, you are such a fucking pervert. I can't believe your little sister is what gets you off."
"Oh, come on! Don't you ever stop?"
"I'll stop when you stop getting turned on by your own sister."
She pushed me away and laughed, throwing the shorts in my face. I quickly put them on and tried to hide my bulge a bit by pushing my erect cock upwards. The shorts were so loose, though, that I figured I'd better wait a few minutes before going downstairs. Or even take Callie at her word and jerk off in the bathroom. Still giggling, she turned around to head out before me, and I followed.
Suddenly, she stopped, blocking the doorway and making me crash into her.
"What now?"
She giggled and put her butt out. Then she swayed from side to side, rubbing against my cock. Her shorts looked really good on that tight ass, and they were really short, stopping just below her butt cheeks.
"You'd totally bonk me right now if you could, wouldn't you..."
"You are such a slut sometimes."
"I know, right? Well, it takes one to know one."
She let go of the door frame and finally stepped out of the room, heading downstairs with me following. As she walked, she swayed her hips from side to side in an exaggerated manner - clearly just to tease me some more. This game of hers was annoying, but what really annoyed me was that it was starting to get to me. She was right. I was getting really turned on.
I tried to pull myself together as we walked downstairs. We joined our family members outside just as dad brought a big plate with his freshly grilled steak to the table. For the next half hour, we sat there with our aunts and uncles, cousins and friends of the family, enjoying Callie's birthday dinner. And I sat there, trying to get her outrageous behavior out of my head.
As we finished the meal, mom went to prepare coffee and cake. It would take about half an hour, so that we could settle our stomachs and chat for a bit. A murmur of voices filled the summer air as conversation spread around the table; some of us went for a bit of a walk in the garden, and some of us wandered around the property, catching up. I helped mom clear the table after the dinner serving, then just walked around the house for a while, chatting with my cousins and checking my phone.
Some time later, when I went up the stairs, Callie hopped up to walk beside me. I soon realized that she was still hung up on her little game.
"Got your little 'problem' under control there, bro?"
"My what?"
"Oh, sorry. I guess I should say 'big' problem. A particularly hard problem...?"
She quickly stepped ahead of me on the stairs and started walking in that swaying way again, showing off her ass in those tight shorts. She was clearly doing it on purpose, making sure she got to the top of the stairs first.
"I'm fine." I said.
"Not as fine as me. Parts of me are actually 'perfect', so I'm told. What do you think of this other part?"
She stroked her hand across the back of her shorts, looking back at me over her shoulder and smiling mischievously.
Yes, she had a very fine ass. Those shorts looked amazing on her and she clearly knew it. We reached the hall outside our rooms and she stopped and turned.
"What are you doing?" I asked, honestly not sure where she was going with all this.
"I'm just having fun..."
She smiled innocently, like she was pretending not to have done anything wrong.
"You know I'm your brother, right?"
"Yeah... that's the point, maybe?"
"You haven't hit your head or anything?"
"No... I'm just enjoying the fact that my brother is drooling all over me."
"I'm really not."
"Oh, please. I'll need another shower in a minute to wash all this drool off me. My boobs, my ass, you're staring every chance you get."
She leaned back against the wall, pushing her chest out and arching her back. She kept smiling that alluring smile, as if she was trying to seduce me. The worst part was that I could feel it working. Callie had womanly charms and was clearly getting good at using them. Even if I tried, I couldn't stop my eyes from strafing down across her chest. She got what she wanted. Made me look. This caused her to smile even wider, as if she'd just won a game.
"Man, you're such a perv. Staring at girls isn't going to get yourself laid. Maybe you should take my suggestion and go jerk off for a while."
She stopped her pose and turned to go into her room. At this point, I'd had enough. Joking around or not, I was going to show my sister that I could play this game too. I followed her.
"Well, if you want to get laid, you should get naked again. It's a bit difficult for at guy to get through these shorts."
I walked up to her and made her turn around to face me. Then I put my hands on her ass, pulling her towards me.
Callie gasped in surprise. I gauged her reaction. She immediately started blushing. I walked forwards, steering her backwards until her back was up against a wall. Then I moved my hands down to her thighs, only to move them upwards again, letting my fingers slip underneath the fibers, touching her naked skin underneath her shorts. My hands were actually caressing her ass. I tried to keep a straight face. I looked her in the eyes and as calmly as I could, whispered:
"I don't jerk off anymore. I'm a grown-up now. If I want an orgasm, I'll find myself a hot chick and get laid."
I studied my sister's face to see how she reacted. She was still trying to give me that same sassy smile, but I was sure I could see a few cracks in her facade. Her smile was twitching, and her breathing was getting heavier, as if she was watching an exciting movie. I decided to pull out all the stops. I leaned in even closer, still keeping my hands on her ass.
"If I want to get off, I'll just find a hot little babe... like you... and make her suck me off. Or I'll just ravage her... Take all her clothes off... and take her hard, standing up, her legs wrapped around me, ass banging against the wall."
Callie swallowed. She was blushing all over her cheeks.
"Maybe if we didn't have company right now... I'd do that to you..."
"You don't mean that..."
"Don't I? Only one way to find out... I could take that 'big, hard problem' out and... well. I'm sure you can imagine the rest."
"Uh... are you serious...?"
"You tell me."
"Uh... yah, of course you are. I'm hot. You're a guy. Of course you wanna fuck me."
"With our parents right downstairs. You'd have to be quiet."
"Um... I can be... quiet..."
"I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you... Seducing your own brother? Teasing him until he can't keep his hands off you and just takes you roughly up against the wall?"
As I said this, she let out a little moan. She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them again, looking at me. Her arms were placed firmly down along her sides, holding her hands against the wall.
"Wow... My... my own brother wants to fuck me... Oh my God, you actually want to fuck your own sister, you sick pervert..."
Her voice started to shiver, ever so slightly. It sounded like she was still trying to tease me, but she wasn't quite succeeding. It sounded like she was failing at her own game.
At this point, I delivered the killing blow. I suddenly let go of her and took a step back.
"But it can't happen. What a shame."
Then I smiled the same cheeky smile she had been giving me and walked out. As I walked down the stairs to return to the party, I was enjoying myself immensely, having been able to flip the table on my silly little sister. I almost wanted to go back, just to see what she was doing up there after I left. I hoped she was just standing there, shocked. I wasn't sure where I was going with this, but it felt really good. Like I had taken back control. She had been teasing me; this time it was my turn to tease her.
It took a while before I saw her again. I sat outside with a cold drink, waiting for mom to bring out the cake. When Callie finally came back down, she had changed into her light summer dress. She seemed a bit disheveled, just sitting down in a chair without saying anything. Soon after, the cake was served and we all had a piece, my sister eating hers quietly without engaging in conversation.
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