Misc. Erotica Diwali Shopping - A play
Hey guys I want this story to be different
So I planned a interactive story and this decision you make in this story will happen in real life 

Diwali Shopping

For this year's Diwali I'm going to purchase clothes for everyone in my family 
So let's start with my sister
My 1st choice for her is a white kurti
[Image: 71rFsiD8kZL._AC_UY1100_FMwebp_.jpg]
I'm going to purchase on Amazon

[Image: 71CMecXy8zL._AC_UL1500_.jpg]

[Image: 81rhKqoZ+OL._AC_UY1100_FMwebp_.jpg]
My sister is going to wear this on Diwali when my relatives are there in our house
Then She will be wearing it to her college the next Day
[Image: 61UBw7Xqa1L._AC_UY1100_FMwebp_.jpg]
[Image: 61EpEQw18qL._AC_UY1100_FMwebp_.jpg]
Amazon recommended me to buy white chimmies with this kurti but I don't like the colour
So I'm going to buy these red once instead

So what do you think this is my choice for my sister's Diwali

I'm going to search for more options
You can also suggest you're options

I'm going to purchase the one you guys decide
My sister is going to wear what you guys decide

And I'm going to tell the whole Diwali incident here as a real story 
Interesting right ?
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(23-10-2023, 09:05 AM)girlycuckboy Wrote: Hey guys I want this story to be different
So I planned a interactive story and this decision you make in this story will happen in real life 

Diwali Shopping

For this year's Diwali I'm going to purchase clothes for everyone in my family 
So let's start with my sister
My 1st choice for her is a white kurti
[Image: 71rFsiD8kZL._AC_UY1100_FMwebp_.jpg]
I'm going to purchase on Amazon

[Image: 71CMecXy8zL._AC_UL1500_.jpg]

[Image: 81rhKqoZ+OL._AC_UY1100_FMwebp_.jpg]
My sister is going to wear this on Diwali when my relatives are there in our house
Then She will be wearing it to her college the next Day
[Image: 61UBw7Xqa1L._AC_UY1100_FMwebp_.jpg]
[Image: 61EpEQw18qL._AC_UY1100_FMwebp_.jpg]
Amazon recommended me to buy white chimmies with this kurti but I don't like the colour
So I'm going to buy these red once instead

So what do you think this is my choice for my sister's Diwali

I'm going to search for more options
You can also suggest you're options

I'm going to purchase the one you guys decide
My sister is going to wear what you guys decide

And I'm going to tell the whole Diwali incident here as a real story 
Interesting right ?

panties should be more thin kink o thongs it will suit her also try transpent saree or lehnga
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I think she'll look better in sleeveless and deep-neck ones. No harm in getting a bit naughty.

[Image: suhana-listing-1-1696500441.jpg]
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Thongs are much better. I'd go for a strapless bra.

[Image: side-of-white-Strapless-Clear-Back-multi...1500x.webp]
[Image: U608b65c6a02243a387906b0d9a58cddcm.jpg]
[Image: string-weiss-little-white-3.jpg]
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You can always go bold yet ethnic at Diwali parties.

[Image: disha-patani-navel-in-transparent-saree-...2ky991.jpg]
[Image: neha-saha-deep-navel-in-transparent-sare...ff7b1.webp]
[Image: in-a-transparent-saree-v0-53zk9274aoeb1.webp]
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continue bro
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