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Plz republished this story - দেবশ্রী-এক স্বর্গীয় অনুভূতি
"This is my honorable request to the admin to republish this story and bring back the writer JUPITER 10. I do not know why it was taken down. If some modifications are needed, the admin can talk with the writer. Whatever is needed, please do it, Admin Sahab, but please let us know the end of this beautiful creation."
[+] 7 users Like Man of steel's post
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
kindly talk to the moderator. sarit11is the moderator of this site. Jupiter was a very popular writer here. His departure is a great loss to this site. Even his novel "Sundor sohorer jhapsa aalo" is available on spotify to listen.
We should get together and request to the moderator to bring that great author.
[+] 3 users Like pammukh66's post
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@Admin of the site bring Jupiter10 back. Bengali Story section is empty without his unbeatable stories. He is the reason I come here, only to read his stories. Without Jupiter10 the site is empty to me & also to many fans of Jupiter 10. Please bring that guy back  Namaskar Jupiter Da fire aso please  Namaskar
[+] 3 users Like Golpo Pathok's post
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(02-05-2023, 05:50 PM)pammukh66 Wrote: kindly talk to the moderator. sarit11is the moderator of this site. Jupiter was a very popular writer here. His departure is a great loss to this site. Even his novel "Sundor sohorer jhapsa aalo" is available on spotify to listen.
We should get together and request to the moderator to bring that great author.

Ae  sarit11 hi moderator to apni private message pathabo. Tumi o request pathao.
[+] 1 user Likes Man of steel's post
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Sorry my dear friends

On the request of the writer that story is hidden.
 horseride  Cheeta    
[+] 3 users Like sarit11's post
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(04-05-2023, 09:47 PM)sarit11 Wrote: Sorry my dear friends

On the request of the writer that story is hidden.

Dear sarit11 sir as a reader we want Jupiter10 in this forum any how Namaskar Namaskar . This forum need JUPITER10 he is a diamond of this forum.  Please please sir reconsider the request Please sir. We need JUPITER10 da in this forum.  Please talk with JUPITER10 and bring back him Please sir do something. Maximum reader of this forum love JUPITER10 unconditionally.   This is my humble request to you.
horseride আমাকে আমার মত থাকতে দাও horseride
[+] 3 users Like Boti babu's post
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Bring Jupiter back
[+] 1 user Likes Kakarot's post
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Yes plz bring him back

My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. ArrowNamaskar

[+] 1 user Likes Patrick bateman_69's post
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জুপিটার দা কে ফিরিয়ে আনুন।উনি ছারা এই ফোরামে ঢুকতে ভালো লাগে না।
[+] 1 user Likes Chodo's post
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(04-05-2023, 09:47 PM)sarit11 Wrote: Sorry my dear friends

On the request of the writer that story is hidden.
How can we find him?
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(05-05-2023, 11:12 AM)Lover1 Wrote: How can we find him?
Nirjonmela  তে দাদা আপডেট দিবে জানালো
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(04-05-2023, 09:47 PM)sarit11 Wrote: Sorry my dear friends

On the request of the writer that story is hidden.
What is the actual problem? Please explain if possible.
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(05-05-2023, 02:03 PM)nadiafarmi Wrote: Nirjonmela  তে দাদা আপডেট দিবে জানালো

Nirjonmela ta to 100 post na Hola kichu dekha Jaya na. Dada k bolo na asibidha hoba amader.
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(05-05-2023, 03:55 PM)Man of steel Wrote: Nirjonmela ta to 100 post na Hola kichu dekha Jaya na. Dada k bolo na asibidha hoba amader.

আচ্ছা ঠিক আছে। তবে রাজি না হলে নতুন আপডেট দিলে জানাবো। তখন না হয় আপনাকে মেইল করে দিবো
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(05-05-2023, 09:16 PM)nadiafarmi Wrote: আচ্ছা ঠিক আছে। তবে রাজি না হলে নতুন আপডেট দিলে জানাবো। তখন না হয় আপনাকে মেইল করে দিবো

আমাকেও মেইল করে দিবেন প্লিজ। উনার এই দুটো গল্পের জন্যই এই ফোরামে আসা। উনি না ফিরলে এই ফোরামে আর আসবো না।
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(05-05-2023, 09:16 PM)nadiafarmi Wrote: আচ্ছা ঠিক আছে। তবে রাজি না হলে নতুন আপডেট দিলে জানাবো। তখন না হয় আপনাকে মেইল করে দিবো

Na mail korta hoba na parla private message a pathata paren.
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(05-05-2023, 09:16 PM)nadiafarmi Wrote: আচ্ছা ঠিক আছে। তবে রাজি না হলে নতুন আপডেট দিলে জানাবো। তখন না হয় আপনাকে মেইল করে দিবো

Plzz  amader k o pathabe plzz.. Jupi dar golper boro bhoktooo..... Onak asa kora a6ee abar firaa. Asbe jupi da. 
Na asle.  Plzz.  Golpo update kotha di6aa bolbe plzzzz
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কাহিনী কি!! রাইটার কি সেন্টি খাইছে নাকি!!!
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[Image: ?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==]
(06-05-2023, 03:21 PM)Red devil007 Wrote: Plzz  amader k o pathabe plzz.. Jupi dar golper boro bhoktooo..... Onak asa kora a6ee abar firaa. Asbe jupi da. 
Na asle.  Plzz.  Golpo update kotha di6aa bolbe plzzzz
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জুপিটার দা নতুন সাইট তৈরি করছে তৈরি হলে জানাবে
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