Looking for Backup of Exbii or Xossip
Dear All, 

I remember a thread where a author had posted Google docs backup for all the good old tamil stories from xossip and exbii. Can someone please help in identifying the thread please.
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(20-02-2023, 08:19 AM)veenaimo Wrote: Dear All, 

I remember a thread where a author had posted Google docs backup for all the good old tamil stories from xossip and exbii. Can someone please help in identifying the thread please.

Earlier Manigopal has taken back up for all old stories. It seems he has deleted all the stories
Please Read வேட்டையாடு விளையாடு 
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https://xossipy.com/thread-13851.html Please check this thread
Please Read வேட்டையாடு விளையாடு 
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Thanks prince
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