Vimal: (acting serious) No, I'm not messing with you. I just want to learn more about our culture. Can you please teach me?
Aishwarya: (shaking her head) Sure, I can teach you. But you do know that Indian culture is vast and diverse, right?
Vimal: (acting dumb) Yeah, I know that. But I don't know where to start. Can you please help me with that?
Aishwarya: (amused) Sure, I'll help you. We can start with the basics of Indian history, customs and traditions.
Vimal: (excited) Great! Thank you so much, Aishwarya.
Aishwarya: (smiling) No problem, Vimal. Let's get started.
Abhishek enters the dining room, where Aishwarya and Vimal are sitting at the table. The room is spacious, with a large wooden dining table in the center, surrounded by comfortable chairs. The walls are painted in a warm, neutral color and adorned with traditional Indian artwork. Sunlight streams in through the large windows, casting a soft glow on the space. Aishwarya and Vimal are in deep conversation, with books and notes spread out on the table in front of them.
Abhishek: Hey, what's going on here?
Aishwarya: Vimal was asking me to teach him more about Indian culture.
Abhishek: (surprised) Really? I didn't know you were interested in that, Vimal.
Vimal: (acting dumb) Yeah, I just realized I don't know much about it and I want to learn more.
Abhishek: (laughing) Okay, that's a new one. Well, I hope you're learning a lot from Aishwarya.
Aishwarya: (nodding) I am teaching him. He is a quick learner.
Vimal: (nodding) I'm trying my best.
Abhishek: (smiling) That's good to hear. Keep it up, Vimal.
Vimal: (nodding) I will, Abhishek.
Abhishek joins them for lunch and they continue discussing about culture as they eat. Vimal tries his best to act dumb and keep up the façade while also trying to learn more about Indian culture at the same time. The challenge is on and Vimal is determined to prove himself as a true actor.
Aishwarya: (smiling warmly at Vimal) You can have anything in the house you want if you are hungry. There is no need to ask for permission. Is that understood? Now, you can go retire in your room. It is downstairs on the right.
Vimal: (nodding) Thank you, Aishwarya.
As Vimal leaves, Aishwarya turns to Abhishek with a questioning look on her face.
Aishwarya: (after Vimal leaves) Abhishek, what's going on? Why is Vimal staying with us and for how long?
Abhishek: (smiling) He needed a place to stay for a little while and I offered for him to stay with us.
Aishwarya: (surprised) Really? That's very kind of you. But for how long is he going to stay?
Aishwarya: (hesitating) Uh, I'm not sure, maybe a couple of weeks.
Aishwarya: (suspicious) Is there something you're not telling me?
Abhishek: (laughing) No, nothing like that. I just wanted to help out a friend in need.
Aishwarya: (nodding) Okay, I see. Well, I hope he's not too much trouble.
Abhishek: (shaking his head) Of course not, he's been great.
Aishwarya: (smiling) Alright, if you say so.
Abhishek: (smiling) Trust me, everything is fine.
Abhishek tries to avoid revealing the truth about the experiment to Aishwarya, but she seems to have some doubts about the situation. He tries to assure her that everything is fine and that Vimal's stay is just a temporary arrangement to help out a friend.
After Abhishek leaves for his film shoot, Aishwarya is feeling tired and decides to take a bath to relax. She goes to her bedroom, which is decorated in a warm, traditional Indian style. The walls are painted in a soft, muted color and adorned with beautiful, intricate tapestries and artwork. The bed is large and comfortable, with a colorful, embroidered bedspread and plump pillows.
Aishwarya starts to change her clothes, slipping out of her saree and into a comfortable robe. She then heads to the bathroom, which is spacious and well-appointed. There is a large bathtub in the center of the room, surrounded by fluffy towels and candles. The counters are marble and gleaming, with a wide range of luxurious toiletries and bath products.
Aishwarya fills the bathtub with warm water and adds some bath salts, creating a relaxing and soothing environment. She takes off her robe and wraps herself in a towel, leaving her hair tied in a bun. She then sits on the edge of the tub, testing the water with her hand to make sure it's the right temperature. She dips her toes in and lets out a sigh of contentment before finally getting in and submerging her body in the warm water.
She lays back and closes her eyes, letting the warmth of the water and the scent of the bath salts wash over her. She takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh as she feels the tension of the day start to melt away. She stays in the bath for a good 30 minutes, before getting out and drying herself off with a fluffy towel. She then heads back to her bedroom to get dressed for the night feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
After drying herself off, Aishwarya wraps herself in a robe and heads back to her bedroom. She takes her hair down from the bun and starts to comb it out. She takes her time, enjoying the feeling of the soft bristles running through her hair. She then starts to get dressed, slipping into a comfortable nightgown and matching robe. She takes a quick look in the mirror and is satisfied with her appearance.
Aishwarya then heads to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea before retiring for the night. She starts to prepare the tea, getting out a teapot and a mug. She boils water in the kettle and pours it over the tea leaves, letting it steep for a few minutes. She then pours herself a cup of tea and takes it to her room, where she settles down on her bed with a book.
As she sips her tea and reads, Aishwarya starts to think about Vimal and his sudden interest in Indian culture. She can't shake off the feeling that there's something more to it and decides to keep an eye on him. But for now, she is determined to enjoy her tea and book, and let the worries slip away for the night.
Aishwarya spends the rest of the night reading and relaxing, enjoying the peace and quiet of the house. She goes to bed feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever the next day may bring.
Aishwarya is lying in bed, reading her book, when she hears a sudden knock on the door. She feels a bit surprised as she is wearing comfortable clothes, a nightgown and robe, but all her curves are revealing. She quickly gets up and heads to the door, wondering who could be knocking so late at night.
As she opens the door, she sees Vimal standing there, looking a bit sheepish.
Vimal: (apologetic) I'm sorry to disturb you so late, Aishwarya.
Aishwarya: (surprised) Vimal, what's wrong? Is everything okay?
Vimal: (nodding) Yeah, everything's fine. I just had a question about Indian culture and I didn't want to bother you earlier.
Aishwarya: (concerned) Oh, okay. What's your question?
Vimal: (hesitating) Well, I was wondering about the different types of Indian clothing and their significance.
Aishwarya: (nodding) Sure, I can help you with that. But couldn't it wait until morning?
Vimal: (sheepish) I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was so late.
Aishwarya: (smiling) It's okay, no worries. Let me just get dressed first and then we can talk.
Vimal: (looking confused) How long will it take you to get dressed? Aishwarya is surprised.
Aishwarya: (laughing) It shouldn't take me long, just a few minutes. Why do you ask?
Vimal: (shrugging) I just wanted to make sure I didn't keep you waiting. And, do you need any help?
Aishwarya: (surprised) No, I don't need any help. But thank you for offering.
Vimal: (nodding) Okay, I'll wait for you here then.
Aishwarya: (smiling) Sure, I'll be back soon.
Aishwarya goes to her bedroom to get dressed, wondering about Vimal's sudden concern about her getting dressed. She is a bit surprised that he offered to help her and is unsure of how to react to it. She quickly gets dressed and returns to the living room where Vimal is waiting for her.
Aishwarya: (smiling) Okay, I'm ready now. Let's talk about Indian clothing.
Vimal: (nodding) Sure, I'm ready too.
Aishwarya: (smiling) Okay, I'm ready now. Let's talk about Indian clothing.
Vimal: (nodding) Sure, I'm ready too.
Vimal starts to make comments about Aishwarya's clothes, pretending to be dumb.
Vimal: (looking confused) So, what is this dress you're wearing? It's so colorful and pretty.
Aishwarya: (surprised) It's a saree, Vimal. It's a traditional Indian garment worn by women.
Vimal: (nodding) Oh, I see. And what's the significance of it?
Aishwarya: (explaining) It's worn on special occasions such as weddings and festivals, and it represents grace and femininity.
Vimal: (looking intrigued) Oh, I see. And what about that other dress you were wearing before? The one that showed your curves?
Aishwarya: (surprised) That was just my nightgown and robe, Vimal. It's something that I wear at home for comfort.
Aishwarya is surprised by Vimal's comments, as she can sense that he is not as dumb as he is pretending to be. She is not sure what to make of it, but decides to continue the conversation and keep an open mind.
Aishwarya: (explaining) It's worn on special occasions such as weddings and festivals, and it represents grace and femininity.
Vimal: (looking intrigued) Oh, I see. And why did you wear the saree now and not the nightgown?
Aishwarya: (surprised) I wore the saree because you wanted to see me. The nightgown is something I wear at home for comfort.
Vimal: (looking thoughtful) That's very interesting. I never knew that.
Aishwarya: (smiling) It's not just about the occasion, it's also about personal preference.
Vimal: (nodding) I see, makes sense.
Aishwarya: (nodding) Yes, and it's also a sign of respect for the people we are going to meet.
Vimal: (thoughtfully) You know, Aishwarya, I've been thinking. I'm staying here with you and Abhishek and I feel like I should be doing more to help around the house and be of some service.
Aishwarya: (surprised) Oh, Vimal, you don't have to do that. You're our guest, you should just relax and enjoy your stay.
Vimal: (insistent) I know, but I want to. I want to make sure I'm not just a burden on you and Abhishek. I want to contribute in any way I can.
Aishwarya: (thinking) Well, if you insist, I suppose there are a few things you could help with. We always appreciate an extra hand around the house.
Vimal: (eager) Great, just let me know what you need me to do and I'll be happy to help.
Aishwarya: (smiling) Thank you, Vimal. I appreciate your willingness to help. I'll let you know if there's anything that needs to be done.
Vimal is showing a genuine interest in helping around the house, Aishwarya is surprised but pleased by his offer.
Aishwarya: (smiling) Alright, Vimal. I appreciate your offer to help. I'll let you know if there's anything that needs to be done.
Vimal: (nodding) Of course, Aishwarya. I'm happy to help in any way I can.
Aishwarya: (smiling) Thank you, Vimal. I'll see you tomorrow.
With that, Aishwarya sends Vimal off to his room, and she heads back into her bedroom. Once inside, she starts to feel a bit tired and decides to change back into her nightie. She slips out of her saree and into a comfortable nightgown, feeling the relief of being in her own clothes again. She takes one last look at herself in the mirror and heads to bed, ready for a good night's rest.
Aishwarya is just getting into bed, ready for a good night's rest when she hears a sudden knock on the door again. She groggily gets up to answer it, wondering why Vimal could be knocking so late at night again. As she opens the door, she sees Vimal standing there, looking scared and uneasy.
Vimal: (nervously) Aishwarya, I'm sorry to bother you so late. But I was wondering if I could sleep in your room tonight.
Aishwarya: (surprised) Vimal, what's wrong? Is everything okay?
Vimal: (nodding) Yeah, everything's fine. I just had a bad dream and I can't seem to shake it off. I don't want to be alone in my room.
Aishwarya: (concerned) Oh, I understand. Sure, you can sleep in my room.
Vimal: (relieved) Thank you, Aishwarya. I really appreciate it.
Aishwarya: (smiling) No problem, Vimal. I'll grab you a blanket and you can sleep on the floor.
Aishwarya then goes to get a blanket and pillow for Vimal, and he settles down on the floor to sleep. Aishwarya is a bit surprised by Vimal's request but is happy to help him feel more comfortable. She goes back to bed, feeling a bit more uneasy than before but tries not to dwell on it and falls asleep.
Aishwarya is awakened by the sensation of someone's hand around her waist. She opens her eyes to see Vimal sleeping right next to her in her bed. She is surprised and immediately becomes concerned. She is worried that he might have taken advantage of her while she was asleep.
Aishwarya: (whispering) Vimal, what are you doing in my bed?
Vimal: (mumbling in his sleep) sorry, sorry.
Aishwarya: (gently shaking him) Vimal, wake up.
Vimal: (half asleep) What? What's wrong?
Aishwarya: (concerned) You were sleeping in my bed, Vimal. I'm worried about you.
Vimal: (confused) Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I must have moved in my sleep.
Aishwarya: (nodding) I understand. But, please, I think it's best if you sleep in your own room from now on.
Vimal: (nodding) Of course, I understand. I'm sorry for any inconvenience.
Aishwarya: (smiling) Don't worry about it. Just please be more careful next time.
Vimal apologizes and gets back to the floor. Aishwarya is still a bit
concerned but also relieved that nothing inappropriate happened. She tries to get back to sleep but her mind is racing with thoughts about Vimal's behavior. She begins to question his true intentions and starts to wonder if he is really as dumb as he is pretending to be. She makes a mental note to talk to Abhishek about this situation in the morning.
Aishwarya: (feeling guilty) Vimal, I'm sorry about before. I shouldn't have made you sleep on the floor. You can sleep in the bed again if you want. But you need to behave okay! You can't touch me like that. I am a married woman and it is inappropriate!
Vimal: (surprised) But, are you sure?
Aishwarya: (nodding) Yes, I'm sure. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable.
Vimal: (grateful) Thank you, Aishwarya. I really appreciate it.
Aishwarya: (smiling) Of course. Now, let's get some sleep.
Vimal: (surprised)
Aishwarya: (nodding) Yes, it's fine. I just want you to feel comfortable and safe.
Vimal: (smiling) Of course, Aishwarya. I'll make sure you feel comfortable and safe as well.
Vimal: (noticing the mangoes) Hey, Aishwarya, are those mangoes over there? Can I have one?
Aishwarya: (shocked) What are you talking about?
Vimal: Nothing, nothing
After a few minutes, Aishwarya falls asleep. Vimal could not sleep and he changed his position frequently. “What happened? Is there any pain in your stomach?” Aishwarya asked Vimal. “Nothing” He replied. She came close to Vimal and hugged him in her sleep. His face was close to her breasts and he could smell the scent of milk. Her nighty was open and milk began to drip to his face. He felt the softness of her breast first time.
“I need some milk” he asked her in a soft tone and without waiting for her reply, he put one of her nipples in his mouth. Aishwarya half awake asked him to suck her nipples gently. He began to suck slowly and felt the taste of breast milk. After a few moments, she holds his head tightly pressing to her breast and placed his one hand on the other breast. She asked him to suck it harder thinking it was Abhishek. Vimal increased the speed and she began to moan "oooh.. ohh.. ooh".
![[Image: aishwarya%20rai%20fake.jpg]](
She suddenly put the other nipple in his mouth and he began to suck as she directed. Vimal's face was covered with milk and he sucked her for some time. She holds his hand on the other one and began to squeeze. In between, she hugged Vimal, ran her hands through his thick black wavy hair
Vimal and Aishwarya cuddled together on the bed, feeling comfortable and content in each other's company. Vimal wrapped his arm around Aishwarya's waist and pulled her close to him, making her feel safe and secure. Aishwarya nestled her head on his chest and let out a content sigh. They lay there for a while, enjoying each other's presence and the warmth of the cuddle.
Her both milk tanks were completely emptied.
The room was quiet and peaceful, with only the sound of their breathing filling the silence. The two of them felt at ease and relaxed, enjoying the simple pleasure of being close to one another. The cuddle was a moment of pure intimacy and trust, where they were able to let their guard down and be vulnerable with each other. They felt a sense of connection and contentment, and they knew that they could always count on each other for support and comfort.
When Aishwarya woke up she found herself on top of Vimal. Both of her breasts completely exposed and nude resting on Vimals face. One of her nipple was still in his mouth.
She was shocked. She could feel his tongue flicking on her bare breast.
"Vimal! What are you doing?" she screamed at him.