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Hi every one. My name is Aneela and it’s my true story. I was just into my 22nd year of life, and my final year of College when I got married to Salman. Salman was the son of my father’s best friend uncle khursheed but I never saw him as they moved to America a long time ago when I was just 2 or 3 years old. Last year uncle Khursheed came to Pakistan and after seeing me, he immediately told my father that he wanted my hand for his younger son Salman. Uncle Khursheed has only 2 sons, elder one is Kamran who was already married and lived with his beautiful Arab American wife Laila with no kids. After some formal family discussions, my parents told them “YES” and they all came to Pakistan after 6 months for my wedding. I saw Salman first time at a dinner party with his family a week before my wedding, and you could say he swept me off my feet or swept into my life like a tornado or knocked me for a loop, or any of those corny things, because it was absolutely true. He was really a gentleman and an extremely good looking educated guy, I was totally and completely overwhelmed after seeing him and so within few days, I became Mrs. Salman. I didn’t know much about sex before and never knew that it would be that much pleasurable and sensational. After the wedding party, me and Salman moved to a nice 5 star hotel where a suite was already booked for our wedding night. As I forget to tell you that I was grown up in Hyderabad, a less modern city of Pakistan as compare to other big cities and my parents were very strict and conservative, I was totally inexperienced, Salman literally blew me away with his charm, his wit, his good looks and his incredible sensuality.
Very first night with him in bed was more then anything, and it was sex like I'd never even imagine before, wild and uninhibited, yet caring and loving. We seemed to compliment each other, in fact we seemed to be made for each other, and we made love all night long and well into the next day. I discovered aspects of myself and my own sexuality that I didn't know existed, it was like I suddenly came alive. Within two weeks we were enjoying our wedding together, and then he left for America with a promise that he would try to arrange my visa as quick as possible. And he did, within 2 months; I was with him at his well furnished apartment in New York.
Salman was a computer programmer and graphic designer, and quite a high flyer in the company he worked for, so when they expanded their operation and needed someone to set up the new offices down in Mexico, Salman was asked to take on the task. We talked long and hard about how to manage the situation, Salman would only be away for two months, so there wasn't much point in me accompanying him, particularly as he would be working incredible hours and I wouldn't get to see him much. He didn't like the idea of me staying alone in our apartment, so suggested that I spend the two months either with his parents or with his elder brother Kamran bhai and his wife Laila.
Well, there was no way I wanted to go to the small town of Connecticut and have to put up with his mother and father's pure Pakistani ideas and restrictions as I became quite addicted to the open American society, so I agreed to go and spend the time with my brother in law’s family. Kamran bhai was 8 years elder then my husband Salman and around 38 years old, his wife Laila was around 32. They were absolutely delighted when Salman rang them and insisted on coming to pick me up the day he flew out, and driving me all the way to their home - some 5 hours away.
Naturally I was upset at being separated from Salman after only a few months of marriage, so on the day Salman left I was quite emotional when they arrived at the apartment to pick me up. Laila immediately wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big hug, holding me for an absolute age as I wept a little on her shoulder, and when she let go and went to make a cup of coffee I was surprised to find my brother in law, Kamran bhai, take her place and wrap his arms around me and hold me tight. But it felt so good having strong arms around me and for a moment I actually forgot it wasn't Salman and started to respond, pressing my body against him and squirming, I was even in the process of lifting my face to receive his kiss when I realized who I was with and pulled back very red faced and flustered. Kamran bhai didn't seem to notice, or didn't seem to mind, as he smiled at me and took my hands and led me to the kitchen. His smile was amazingly similar to Salman's and my heart actually leapt as he beamed at me.
Well, after a coffee to settle us all down I collected my luggage and Kamran bhai put them in the boot of the car and off we drove. It was a delightful drive, the scenery was fantastic and Kamran bhai and Laila were incredibly witty companions, and before I knew it I was laughing and joking along with them, my depression lifting, my thoughts of Salman settling into a warm glow, after all I did have part 2 of him right here in the car with me. I glanced occasionally at Kamran bhai, seeing the similarities in the way he moved his head, or the way he phased certain words, or the way he laughed, and I had to admit he was a very handsome man for his age. I mean he wasn't old, having just turned 38, and he was very sophisticated, and I smiled as I thought "That's just how Salman will look at that age, Mmmmm, nice"
Laila was a couple of years older then my husband Salman at 32, but only looked in her early to mid twenty's, she was slim and tall and quite, quite beautiful with typical Arabic looks, and obviously took good care of herself. In fact she told me that she worked out at least three times a week, and was quite proud that she still fitted the clothes she had when her and Kamran bhai got married. Kamran bhai looked over at her when she said that and grinned "Yup" he said, "And she still looks just as good out of them too!"
"Hay Kamran!!" exclaimed Laila, "Now you stop that, what will Aneela think of us"
He looked at me through the driving mirror and grinned, "Well I think she'll think I'm a very lucky man, just as I think Salman's a lucky man too!" he said, and I felt myself flushing with embarrassment - mixed with pleasure. I heard Laila chuckle and saw her glance over her shoulder at me.
"Don't take any notice of him Aneela, he's just a great big flirt" she said, laughingly, then gripped his arm and hugged it, "And I love him for it".
The rest of the journey passed so quickly, as things always seem to do when you're really enjoying yourself, and then we were at their house and unloading my luggage and carrying it inside. It was a beautiful house, quite large with a beautiful garden surrounding an in ground pool, and they allocated me Salman's old room, "Just to make you feel more at home" Laila said with a wink.
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That first night we had dinner and sat around chatting and watching a bit of TV, before wandering off to bed quite early, after all it had been a long emotional day. I was surprised to find that I went off to sleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, and slept very late the next day, so late that Kamran bhai and Laila had already had their breakfast and were both lounging around by the pool in the sunshine. I stood for a moment in the kitchen looking out at them before announcing my presence, Laila had just climbed from the pool and was squeezing the water from her hair, her arms up high, lifting and showing off to perfection her beautiful ripe breasts, and I felt a slight envy, knowing mine were not as large. Then Kamran bhai climbed from the pool, the water streaming from his lean, bronzed body, and I couldn't help but let my eyes run up and down over him, amazed at how similar he was to Salman, even down to the almost indecently brief bathers that showed off his large bulge.
I shook my head, trying to get the image of Salman out of my mind, telling myself that it wasn't him I was looking at, but my tongue still rolled across my lips as I looked at that bulge, and I felt the wetness start to creep between my legs. Then he slipped up behind Laila and slid his hands around to cup and fondle her breasts, and even through the window I heard her soft moan as her body reacted, moving back and rubbing against him. For a long moment I was frozen there, watching them stroke and fondle each other, feeling myself becoming more and more turned on, and I realized I had to get away, had to stop feeling like this, "Oh Salman, where are you" I moaned quietly to myself as my hand slid down and brushed over my sopping wet choot. Then I shuddered, and that seemed to wake me from my dream and I dashed from the kitchen into the shower and put the cold water on full blast.
When I finally emerged from the bathroom, reasonably composed, they were both in the kitchen, and fussed over me like a long lost child, making me sit while they made breakfast - although it was fast approaching lunch time. Fortunately both had put on robes, so I was spared the arousing sight of their almost naked bodies, and got through breakfast without any disasters, but occasionally I'd catch one or the other of them glancing sideways at me, and I wondered if they knew I'd been watching, if I'd made any noise when I rushed out, but their glances were always tinged with a smile, and their conversation was every bit as happy and witty as it had been in the car.
That afternoon Laila decided to take me shopping, show me around and, when we met up with some of her exercise friends, to show me off too. Kamran bhai stayed at home and did some odd jobs, then watched a little sport. Most of our shopping was of the window variety, but Laila did insist on buying me a dress that I literally drooled over in one of the fashion shops. As soon as I saw it I knew that my husband Salman would love it, or should I say love me in it. It was deep blue in color, which matched my eyes, it had a low cut front and a hem that barely covered my crotch and seemed to fit my skin like a glove. When I emerged from the change rooms to show Laila, her eyes widened and she let out a piercing whistle that sent me scuttling back in with embarrassment, only to re-emerge laughing a few moments later to parade it in front of her. It felt wicked, that's why I knew Salman would like it, but I was still surprised when Laila came up behind me as I looked at it in the mirror, and whispered, "That is the horniest dress I've ever seen, it suits you perfectly, I'm so glad you didn't wear a bra with it"
I looked down and saw that my nipples were standing out fiercely through the material, and I felt myself flush again, then I giggled "I couldn't get my bra on under it" I whispered back.
"Mmmm, so glad" Laila said, "That will knock all the menfolk dead"
"Oh... but I only want to knock Salman dead" I said, flushing again.
"I know, dear, I know" she said, "But perhaps we'd better try it out on Kamran first, he and Salman always had amazingly similar tastes"
A shiver ran through me as I had the sudden vision of parading in front of my elder brother in law Kamran bhai dressed like this, and I rushed off to the change room before Laila could notice how my nipples had hardened even more with that thought.
We arrived home late, to find that Kamran bhai had already prepared dinner, a light salad meal with soft drinks. "Oh, Asif and Sumera rang" he said, "But I told them that we had a special visitor and wouldn't make it tonight"
"Oh no!" I cried, 'I don't want to interfere with your plans, I'll be fine on my own, honestly"
Laila looked across at Kamran bhai and grinned, " We usually see Asif and Sumera every Saturday night, they are our best friends, so it might be a good thing to have a slight break, after all, absence makes the heart grow fonder doesn't it?"
Kamran bhai grinned back, "Oh yes, that's what I thought, a little anticipation might be just the boost they need" he said, and they both laughed.
I looked from one to the other, sensing some undercurrent, but not knowing what it could be.
"Anyway" said Laila, "Aneela has a special surprise for you tonight that I don't think you'd want to miss"
I felt myself go bright scarlet.
Kamran bhai grinned even more widely, "I'm intrigued, something to do with your shopping expedition?" he asked.
"Wait and see" said Laila laughing, then looked at me and winked, "I think we should keep him in suspense as long as possible, don't you?"
I could only nod, I knew my face was deeply flushed and I couldn't help it, I gulped my soft drink and almost ended with a coughing fit, Laila wasn't going to let me get away with it, she really wanted me to parade the dress for her husband, even though she'd virtually acknowledged that it would turn him on, and I knew I couldn't let her down, especially now I knew that they'd given up their usual Saturday get together for me, Worse still, part of me wanted to do it, wanted to parade in that really short, sexy dress with my hard nipples showing through, wanted to see my brother in law Kamran bhai's eyes widen, wanted to see the approval there, the heat there, and as I met Laila's eyes I knew that she knew the thoughts that were flooding through me, and her smile and her nod told me it was ok, she didn't mind. I felt the shiver run through me and tried desperately to concentrate on the food, only half listening as Kamran bhai and Laila carried on with their light, flirty banter.
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Then the meal was over and we all helped with the dishes before moving to the lounge to relax for a while. TV was quickly dismissed when there was nothing that any of us really liked, then Kamran bhai got out a couple of videos of Salman growing up and we laughed at his gawky, awkwardness in his pre teen years, and marveled as he filled out to the man I knew and loved. I was amazed to see how Kamran bhai and Laila themselves had changed, there were a couple of shots of them in bathers over the years and my mind immediately went back to what I'd seen earlier in the day, and I felt myself start to become a little aroused again.
Then the videos were over and Kamran bhai put on some rock music and I watched the two of them dance for a while before I was pulled up to join them, finding myself enjoying their musical tastes and their energetic dancing. It was in a rest period between CD's when Kamran bhai was trying to find some special music that Laila whispered to me that this was the perfect time for me to pop off to the bedroom and put on the new dress. I started to argue, but there was such a pleading look on her face, and I remembered they'd given up their evening for me, so I quickly left the room and raced down the corridor and into the bedroom. It didn't take me long to change, I mean there was only clothes to be slipped off and one dress to put on, a dress that looked infinitely smaller to me now as I looked at myself in the mirror than it had done in the shop! Fortunately my husband Salman had bought me some really hot, sexy underwear just after I came to America, so I slipped a pair of the briefest panty imaginable on underneath, and, of course left off my bra, and I was ready. I took one last look in the mirror and saw that my nipples were already jutting out, and I shivered and nearly cancelled out, but I took a deep breath and walked slowly down the corridor.
When I walked into the lounge room, Kamran bhai and Laila were locked in a fierce embrace, their lips locked together in a very passionate kiss, and I started to back out, but Laila must have sensed my presence because she broke away and glanced over at me and smiled brightly. Then she beckoned, and I started forward, "Well, Kamran, what do you think?" she said, and Kamran bhai turned to look at me.
His eyes didn't just widen, they positively bulged and a loud gasp came from his lips, "My god, I knew you were beautiful Aneela, but...but... in that you are absolutely sensational" he said, the admiration rich in his voice. I came to a stop just a few feet away from them feeling incredibly self conscious, yet incredibly proud and incredibly stimulated all at the same time, and Kamran bhai walked slowly around me, letting out short low whistles as he went, and I stared at Laila grinning away just a few feet in front of me.
Then Laila lifted her arms and took hold of my hands, "Let's dance" she said, and started to move and gyrate in front of me. Almost in a daze I followed suit. Letting my body writhe and shimmy inside the skin tight dress, following her actions, leaning back when she leaned back and bending forward as she bent forward, all the time conscious that Kamran bhai was behind me, watching me. Then she half twirled me around and I was facing Kamran bhai, and I could see that he was moving his body to the music too. Music that wasn't too fast or too loud, but wasn't slow either, music that was sensuous, perfect for showing off a beautiful body. When I'd turned our eyes had met instantly and held, but after a few moments I watched his eyes drop slowly down to my breasts, and I found myself arching slightly, thrusting my breasts forward, feeling my nipples swell even more and thrust through the material, and I saw his tongue come out and brush across his lips. Then his eyes went lower, over my stomach and down to where the hem of my dress met my long legs, and I bent my knees slightly allowing them to drift apart, giving him a teasing, titillating view of my brief lace panties, and I heard the sharp intake of breath.
Then with a wicked smile I turned away from him once again, back to face Laila. All the earlier nerves and hesitations were gone now, I was really into the swing of this sensuous dance, so I arched and thrust and dipped for Laila too, seeing her eyes do exactly the same as Kamran's, seeing her lips and tongue do exactly the same as Kamran's, and a new, unexpected fire ignited within me. Then I felt a touch, a light feather touch, and I knew Kamran bhai had brushed his hands across my tight ass cheeks, and a shiver ran through me. I straightened and quickly turned, catching him by surprise, his hands just moving forward to brush against my ass once again, and his face flushed with momentary embarrassment, and his hands hovered in the middle of nowhere. I leaned forward, bending from the waist, giving him a new and more extensive look at my firm breasts, and as I did so I felt hands brushing me once more, brushing over the dress now tight against my ass cheeks, Laila's hands. I gasped with shock, but before I could move, before I could react, Kamran bhai's hovering hands lifted upwards and lightly cupped my breasts, brushing his palms over my swollen nipples and causing me to gasp even louder.
Bending forward had lifted the hem of my dress at the back, and Laila's brief caress must have lifted it even more, because when her hands next brushed over me it was the naked skin of my ass cheeks that she touched, slowly trailing along the line of my panties before slipping down to brush my upper thighs, and I moaned. Kamran bhai lifted one hand and stroked the back of it over the exposed slopes of my breasts, and fire raced through me. Oh god, this was crazy, my in-laws were touching me, stroking me, turning me on, and I was loving it!
Then Laila's hands were around my waist, lifting me and straightening me up, and Kamran bhai was leaning forward and pressing his lips lightly on mine, his tongue sliding sensually into my mouth, and I was responding. Feeling the fire racing through me, feeling the shivers and shudders starting to ripple through my body. Then Laila's hands were on my dress, at the zipper, easing it slowly down all the way to the swell of my ass cheeks, and the material fell away from my body, my high, firm breasts almost bursting out and causing Kamran bhai to gasp and gulp. Then Laila pushed the dress to the floor and with a small whimper I lifted my foot and kicked it aside, and stood there in just my brief lace panties. Kamran bhai wasn't touching me now, he was standing back running his eyes over my almost naked body, and I wasn't trying to hide anything! With a start, I realized I wanted this, I wanted Kamran bhai's eyes on me, I wanted Laila's hands on me, I was more turned on than I'd ever been in my life.
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Then Laila turned me around to face her, and sucked in her breath at her first sight of my naked breasts, and I loved the look of adoration and lust that came into her eyes. Then with a soft groan she dropped to her knees in front of me and began slowly to peel down my lace panties. I felt Kamran bhai's presence close behind me and his hands slid around to hold me up as Laila lifted my legs to ease the panties off, and I was naked, completely, totally naked in front of other man then my husband. His hands lightly cupped and caressed my breasts once more, and sent another shudder racing through me, but I was watching Laila, as she leaned closer and closer until her face was almost brushing my trimmed pubic hair, and I almost leapt out of my skin as she blew softly on my choot.
God, it was the most erotic sensation I had ever experienced! She wasn't touching me, she was breathing on me, blowing on me, stimulating my choot and my clit like nothing I'd ever known. I found myself lifting my choot towards her mouth, almost begging for the feel of her tongue, and each time she moved back, keeping just out of reach, blowing lightly then more powerfully on my twitching, writhing choot. Kamran bhai was staring down over my shoulder watching Laila, his hands lightly caressing my breasts, rolling the hard nipples between his thumb and finger, and suddenly I realized that I was feeling his skin against my back, somewhere in the last few moments of ecstasy he'd slipped off some of his clothes, in fact, all of his clothes, as I realized when he suddenly pressed forward and I felt his hard shaft against my ass cheeks, grinding slowly into me, rubbing up and down the crevice of my shuddering ass.
Then I felt him dip slightly and his big lund slid between my legs, bumping lightly against Laila's chin, and she looked up and smiled, "Mmmmm Kamran she is so beautiful isn't she, so incredibly sexy, did you like the dress? It turned me on so much when I saw her in it the first time I just knew she had to have it, and I just knew we had to have her", and she cupped her hands around his hard lund and rubbed it lightly up and down my choot lips.
"Oh yes, Laila" Kamran bhai said, hoarsely, "I loved the dress, it excited me so much, and she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen next to you, and so, so sexy, do you mind that I want her so much?"
"Oh, Kamran, no, I love it, the both of us together, loving this beautiful creature" she said.
For a moment it was as if I wasn't there, as if I didn't exist, this was something between the two of them, and perhaps I should have resented that, but all I could feel were his hands on my breasts, his lund between my legs and her breath on my steaming choot, and I wanted whatever they were prepared to give. At that moment Laila looked up at me and our eyes locked and held for a moment, then with a half sob I reached down and cupped my hands around her face and guided it to my hungry choot, "Oh yes, Please" I whispered, "I want you both so much", and I pushed my choot into her face, screaming wildly as her tongue immediately shafted deep into me, lashing my swollen clit and surging deep between the walls of my fuck hole. And I bucked and shook as the first orgasm exploded within me.
Kamran bhai let go and moved around to sit on the couch directly behind Laila, his hand lightly stroking his rock hard lund, and with almost a mewing sound I leaned over Laila and started to run my tongue up and down his throbbing stem. God it was so beautiful, so hard and firm and hot, and I loved the feel of it and the taste of it as I took it slowly into my mouth, running my tongue around it's head, then sucking it so deep that my lips almost took in his heavy balls, and I heard his half gasp, half scream. Laila's tongue was going wild in my choot and my juices were pouring down onto her face, and I was shaking and shuddering through another orgasm. Then Laila was away from underneath me and, still on her knees was guiding me towards Kamran bhai's throbbing lund, and I was straddling it, and she was taking it in her hand and guiding it to my dripping choot, rubbing the head teasingly up and down my choot lips as I begged and whimpered for it to be inside me.
And then he was! Ramming his lund ball deep into my body, and I screamed with pure delight, loving the feel of his thick lund slamming into me, and Laila was there, kissing me, then sucking on my breasts, and my hands were fondling her breasts too, and as she lifted up I clamped my lips over her nipples too, hearing her scream out with joy. And it was like sexual heaven, my elder brother-in-law's lund raging inside me and my sister-in-law's lips ravishing my breast, my lips and every other part of my body she could reach, and I was cumming, god was I cumming! Over and over and over again, my screams ringing around the room, I was being fucked like never before. I thought my whole body was going to explode or implode, or just dissolve into a stream of hot lava all over Kamran bhai's thrusting lund.
And then with a gigantic roar, Kamran bhai was cumming too, shooting his boiling hot juices into me like a fire hose, filling my womb to overflowing. And Laila was shifting us around, her lips and tongue eagerly scooping up any of Kamran bhai's sperms that oozed from my tiny choot, and there was plenty of it, as Kamran bhai couldn't seem to stop cumming. Over and over and over again he spurted into me, thrusting his big lund deeper and faster, and roaring the whole time, until finally he slumped back totally exhausted.
I slid from his softening lund and slumped to the floor, and Laila followed me, licking and sucking at her husband's cum oozing from my wet choot, and I loved the feel of her tongue, found my body responding anew, But I wanted to taste this arab beauty too, so I switched around and started to do to her what she'd been doing to me. Never having done it before, I guess I wasn't all that good, but I made up for it with enthusiasm, licking and sucking on her hairless choot and clit and loving every moment of it, but it was still a surprise when she suddenly screamed and started to buck and heave through an orgasm and her juices came pouring down onto my face. God it tasted sooo good! And I lapped it up and lapped it up and slid my tongue in as far as I could go to ream out all her juices, and she shuddered and shook all over again.
When we both collapsed exhausted on the floor, we found soft hands moved on our heads, and looked up to see Kamran bhai standing there grinning, his lund was already half erect again, and he took his hands from our heads and grinned "What a night to remember! A totally family get together" he then laughed, and we joined him in the laughter, and by the time, Kamran bhai was rock hard once again, so I took hold of his lovely giant lund and started to guide it towards Laila's hairless pink choot, and she grinned at me, and blew me a kiss, and I returned her kiss - in full measure! As the night progressed.
What a wonderful way to get to know your in-laws!!
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As I turned the key in my apartment door my heart sank as I heard Western pop music coming from my teenage daughter Noreen’s room.
I sighed as I hung my coat in the cloakroom.
I had hoped to spend an hour in peace and quiet, checking my e-mails and reading my newspaper before my family returned from work and college.
I am a journalist on the Lahore Chronicle in Pakistan. I live with my 40 yr. old wife Nadia, mother Nargis and daughters Noreen 18 and Yasmin 16.
Her door was slightly open as I prepared myself to ask her to turn the music down. My blood ran cold when I realised that she was naked from the waist down, peering out of the window from behind the net curtain.
All I could do was stand and stare at her plump bottom and chubby legs, which reminded me of her mother at the same age.
I was still trying to make sense of the situation when she slightly spread her legs and inserted something into her vagina. Noreen slightly buckled her legs and let out a soft moan as she pushed it deep inside her body. My mouth hung open and was as dry as a stone.
My daughter’s left hand began stroking and squeezing her large breasts through her loose fitting kameez as her other hand slowly pushed the object in and out of her vagina.
Noreen’s’ breathing became faster and louder as both of her hands became a blur.
“Huh, huh, huh oooooohhhhhh!” She groaned as a powerful orgasm made my beautiful young daughter shake and have to steady her back against the wall.
I stepped away, but she hadn’t seen me as her eyes were closed tightly shut as her hands roughly caressed her voluptuous breasts. I was amazed to see a long white candle dangling from her hairy vagina.
Before she spotted me I quickly tip toed back along the hallway to the toilet.
I couldn’t stop myself. I just had to masturbate. In seconds I was furiously rubbing my hard penis; images of my dirty daughter flashing through my head. I had to grit my teeth as I ejaculated into the basin, then onto the floor then back into the basin. I hadn’t felt this sexually aroused for a lot of years.
I was panting for air as I wiped my mess up and flushed the toilet. My feelings were all mixed up – guilt and intense excitement.
When I left the toilet my daughter called from the kitchen, “Hi daddy. Would you like a cup of tea?”
“Yes, yes please.” I called back.
I stood in the kitchen doorway as she boiled the kettle. As a father I hadn’t noticed that my darling daughter was now a beautiful young woman. She looked exactly like her mother at that age, long black hair, large round breasts (36d – I’ve checked) and a very sexy bottom. They are both just over 5 feet tall, which is very common with Pakistani women.
Noreen smiled as she handed me my steaming cup.
“I didn’t hear you come home.” She nonchalantly told me.
“Your music was very loud. I didn’t want to disturb you.” I stammered, remembering exactly why I hadn’t disturbed her.
She blushed, slightly, “Oh. I’m sorry daddy. I was…I was...doing some college work, I didn’t realise. I’m sorry.”
I smiled and went to my bedroom to check my e-mails. It was difficult for me to concentrate as I couldn’t get the image of my daughter masturbating out of my mind.
After a while something began to puzzle me; what had she actually been looking at out of the window?
I couldn’t think of an excuse to go into her bedroom, and then I remembered (!) that looking out of the bathroom window might give me a clue.
As my mother and wife prepared the evening meal I locked the bathroom door and knelt on the toilet seat to peep out of the small window. It was difficult but I soon realised that she must have been looking down into an American Doctors’ apartment.
‘Doublejay’ had moved here three months previously. He was a regular customer in my mothers’ shop and had told her that he would be working in the ER at Lahore General Hospital for a year.
He had introduced himself as “James Jefferson – Doublejay to my friends!”
He was a very pleasant young man; always smiling. I thought that he looked like the boxer Mike Tyson, but my wife disagreed, saying that he was much better looking. I had teased her about it for days. Just like a boxer we would often see Doublejay jogging around the streets in his vest and shorts.
He dwarfed my slight 5ft. 7 inch frame at over 6 feet tall and 17 stone.
I spent the rest of the night reading and preparing some work for the following day, but couldn’t stop myself glancing at Noreen and smiling to myself.
I decided not to tell my wife as I wasn’t sure how she would react.
Although Nadia had been a virgin on our wedding night she very quickly discovered an almost insatiable desire for sex. My wife’s breasts and private parts were (and still are) very sensitive which led to her being easily aroused and very orgasmic. She loved straddling my cock as I licked and suckled her breasts and nipples. In this position she would almost go into a trance as she rode me to orgasm after glorious orgasm.
It took a while for me to pluck up the courage to try and introduce oral sex to our love making, but I needn’t have worried – she absolutely loved sucking my cock as long as I licked her soaking pussy! Nadia was a dream wife, making me the luckiest man in the world for 4 or 5 years.
I worried for a while that my wife was becoming sexually frustrated, as we now had to live together in a cramped 4 roomed apartment with my mother and two teenage daughters. I tried to fulfil her needs but it was difficult – I was working long hours and the confines of our new home meant that she had to be very quiet during love-making or else everyone would know what we were doing.
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The following day I arrived home at the same time hoping to find my daughter masturbating again. I was disappointed to find the house empty. I went into her bedroom and discretely looked out of her window.
I had guessed correctly, she had a clear view of Doublejays’ bedroom. He was lying naked on his side talking to someone.
I changed position but still couldn’t see the other person; presumably a girlfriend. Even as a man I could see why my teenage daughter would find him attractive.
Still with his back to the window he climbed off the bed and left the room with the other person.
As I turned I knocked my leg against a set of drawers. I grinned to myself as I opened the first one. It was the drawer that Noreen kept her underwear in. I had never done this before but one by one I took her panties out and inspected them. I was surprised and shocked to find that many of them were tiny thongs and G-strings.
Her mother and I try to be liberal in our attitudes with her and her sister, even allowing them to wear jeans instead of the traditional shalwar that my wife wears. It can be difficult in a culture like ours to teach our younger generations of our centuries old traditions when they are inundated with Western ideas and music.
Hidden in beneath her sexy underwear was the candle. I gently picked it up and examined it. The long white waxy phallus had been well used. The edges had all been worn smooth and there were even indentations from her grip. I shook my head and grinned. My beautiful daughter was just as horny as her mother had been.
I could feel my cock begin to stiffen as I ran the candle along my nostrils inhaling my daughter’s sexual musk.
Aware of some movement in Doublejays’ room I swivelled to see what he was doing.
Like the previous day my jaw fell open.
Doublejay was lying on his back with his hand behind his head, kneeling beside him on the bed, naked, was my wife!
Nadia was grinning as she stroked his huge erect penis. Doublejay was laughing as he talked to her. Nadia bent forward and dbangd her floppy breasts over his knob then squashed them around the black shaft.
My stomach ached and my chest felt tight as I moved the curtain to obscure my position.
Nadia was now kissing his fat knob as it peeped out of her luscious breasts.
Doublejay appeared to be giving her a commentary making my wife smile as she sucked and licked his cock.
He opened his legs slightly as Nadia cupped his hairy balls, making him wince with pleasure. She had now released his cock from her tits and was trying to stuff as much cock as possible into her mouth.
My own penis was now in my hand and I was stroking it furiously.
As Nadia stopped sucking she raised herself back onto her knees making her breasts wobble which amused Doublejay.
As she manouvered across his belly I realised that my daughter must have been masturbating watching her mother with this black man the previous day.
Nadia leant forward and pressed her tits against his ( _ ) bearded face. H finally moved his hands from behind his head as he suckled on my wifes’ stiff nipples making her throw her head back with pleasure. His huge hands stroked and squashed her floppy breasts until he seemed to be smothering himself
After 5 or 6 minutes of having her sensitive breasts sucked and caressed my wife slid back until his huge black cock nudged against her most private place. From nowhere I could see Nadia’s hand on his ball sack as she guided him into her pussy.
I grunted as an electric orgasm erupted from my penis into a pair of my daughters’ red panties that I’d been rubbing myself with!
My wife was now sitting upright with all of his American cock inside her once tight cunt.
My own penis was still rock hard as I watched her bounce up and down shaking her big tits as she fucked that fantastic pole. Doublejays’ cock must have been 8 or 9 inches long and twice as thick as my own. His hands were now pulling and tugging at her breasts and nipples making her squeal and shout.
DJ stopped grinning and spoke to Nadia making her smile even more.
She lifted her leg and slid off his cock which was shining with her love juice. It took a minute but Nadia positioned herself on all fours facing away from him as he stood beside the bed nudging the fat purple knob against her stretched pussy lips.
Nadia looked over her shoulders and seemed to be urging her lover to put his cock into her. He took hold of her copious backside and slowly pressed his long fat cock into my wifes’ willing cunt making her gasp and drool. As he filled her pussy with American black cock one of his hands groped at her dangling tits. Nadia was talking and groaning as he fucked her like a dog.
I came for a second time into Noreen’s’ red panties as this young man fucked my middle aged wife.
Nadia was in ecstasy as Doublejay rammed inch after inch into her tender hole making her shiver and shake until I recognised that old familiar look on her face as she had a most amazing orgasm.
She flopped forward, shaking, as Doublejay slowly removed his cock from her gaping hole.
Laughing her pushed her onto her back and knelt beside her face. His cock now looked even bigger as he slapped her light brown face with it. Nadia obligingly opened her mouth as he began pumping his hand up and down the shaft. She didn’t look like she had the strength to suck him off but just lay with her mouth open. DJ began alternating between her tits and her swollen tits until he spewed gallons and gallons of hot white spunk onto my wifes face and tits.
He then fell beside her on the bed, holding my wife and stroking her hair.
Gasping for air I turned away only to face Noreen standing in the doorway grinning like her mother had just done. My shrinking cock was still wrapped in her sticky knickers as she chuckled, “So, you’ve finally found out about mummy!”
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Dil Mohammad looked out his bedroom window and thought about what a lucky man he was. He was blessed with a good job, a great home, a beautiful wife and a daughter even more gorgeous than her mother. This summer he was also blessed with an equally beautiful houseguest, Tahira who was his best friend’s daughter had came from Pakistan to study in the USA and was also his daughter Sadia’s roommate in the university.
As he gazed out at the lawn and the three lovely women sitting in it, it occurred to him how much his 21-year-old daughter, Sadia, and her friend, Tahira resembled each other. He watched as they both sat and talked to each other . Without their makeup and with their hair pulled back, they both looked younger than their identical ages. His wife Jamila still well conditioned at 45, she took a lot of pride in her trim waist and 36B breast. When she walked into a room, men did turn to stare. At 5’6” she looked like an athlete and about ten years younger than she was.
Sadia, on the other hand, had gene of Dil Mohammed’s side of the family. She had inherited her grandmother body type, short (5’3”), busty (38D already even before having any children), with the exception of the large breast, Sadia’s friend Tahira was almost her clone.
Dil Mohammd liked having Tahira around. She was not only pretty, but also smart beyond her years. The two of them loved to play cards. Unlike his own daughter, Tahira seemed to enjoy helping him around the house. They planted flowers on the weekends in lawn. Tahira, as most young girls do, flirted shamelessly with Dil Mohammd. He gave it no thought remembering how his own daughter used to act with her teacher in college. Young girls like to flirt and it’s good practice for them to do it with men who present no threat.
Overall, Dil Mohammd liked his life the way it was, but all that changed one warm Saturday afternoon when he and Tahira were at the house alone. Dil Mohammd had no idea when he awakened that morning that his world would be turned up side down on that day and it certainly never would have occurred to him that he would like it.
Tahira and Dil Mohammd were working in the garden in the early afternoon planting some replacements for some of the plants the intense Florida heat had killed. When they had finished, they returned the tools to the workshop Dil Mohammd had built . Tahira was on a three step stool sliding the garden tools over the shade as Dil Mohammd handed them to her. As she was pushing the shovel into place, she lost her balance and would have fallen to the floor had Dil Mohammd not caught her. The shovel, thankfully, fell harmlessly to the floor as Dil Mohammd held onto Tahira’s waist. He released her and she turned to face him.
“Thank you so much, Uncle,” she said, “I would have broken my neck if it had not been for you.”
She threw her arms around his neck, stood on tip toe and gave him a peck on the lips, but she did not take her arms away. They looked at each other for what Dil Mohammd felt like was several minutes when actually it was only a couple of seconds. Then Tahira pressed her full, open lips against his and tightened her hold on him. Dil Mohammd kissed her back, much to his mental distress.
“Uncle ,” Tahira said when they finally broke the kiss, “I’ve been wanting to do that since the day we arrived.”
Tahira moved her lips toward his again, but Dil Mohammd turned his head to one side. He could feel his hard cock pressing against her tight little tummy and realized this could very easily get out of hand.
“Tahira,” he said softly, “You are a beautiful young woman, but your are my best friends beti and also daughter’s best friend and I am literally old enough to be your father.”
“The key word in that is woman, uncle,” she said sounding a little irritated. “I know I look like a child, but I am not, I’m a woman and you are a man and the age thing is bullshit. It might make a difference if I was asking you to marry me; but I just want you to fuck me. Well, maybe eat me too.
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Tahira was smiling and Dil Mohammd didn’t know how to answer her. This time when she moved her lips toward his he leaned down to meet her. Dil Mohammd broke the kiss this time and lifted her tank top to suck her hard little nipples.
“Oh uncle Dil Mohammd,” Tahira said breathlessly, “That feels so good.”
Tahira reached down and unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pant and let them fall to his ankles. Dil Mohammd stepped out of them as Tahira dropped to her knees in front of him and pulled his underwear down. His cock was harder than it had been since he was a teenager. She looked up at him and he marveled at those beautiful eyes. He watched as she took the head in her mouth and began to rub her tongue slowly around it all the time staring at his face with those eyes.
“Oh my God,” he thought, “she looks so much like Sadia.”
It shocked him that he would have such a thought, but it shocked him even more that he became more aroused by it.
Tahira was now taking all his cock in her mouth and using what he thought was considerable talent in bringing him to a cum. He held back as long as he could, but knew he could not last very long with her letting his lun slip into her throat with every stroke. When she took her mouth away and stood up, he wanted to push her back down but she leaned over and whispered in her ear.
“You’re not getting off that easy, didn’t I tell you I might want you to eat my choot?”
He lifted her small body and sat her on the worktable. As soon as he had her in position, he began to pull her shalwar kamiz off. Tahira lifted her hips so that he could complete the task. Dil Mohammd threw the her cloths over his shoulder onto the floor and started to take off her panties.
“Leave those on,” she said, “Just push the then aside and suck my choot.”
He put a finger inside the damp crotch of her flower print panties and saw one of the most beautifully formed pussies he had ever come across. The outer lips were full and large, but without the droopy quality sometimes encountered in older women. Her clit was large enough to be visible peeking out from its sheltering hood. She had a very small looking opening and could not resist sticking a finger into it. It was tight, and hot and wet. He began to suck on the lips alternating with running his tongue up and down her slit from the clit to the bottom and then back again. After a few minutes of this, he started tongue fucking her.
“Oh God,” she said, “You really know how to eat phudi. Now suck my clitty, suck it hard and stick two fingers inside me.”
Dil Mohammd felt her tighten every muscle in her body. He also her felt her tighten around his fingers to the point it was almost painful.
“Oh fuck,” she almost screamed, “I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum, I’m cumming!”
She did not need to announce that she was cumming to let him know. The sweet girly juices began to leak out around his fingers as her pussy clenched and released over and over. When the rush of her orgasm subsided, she hopped down off the workbench and grabbed the step stool. She pulled her little panties down to her knees, spread her legs and Leaned over placing both palms flat on the top step.
“chodo mujay uncle,” she said looking back over her shoulder. That was all she said and that was plenty.
Dil Mohammd pushed his underwear the rest of the way down and stepped in behind her. Her round little ass cheeks fit perfectly in his hands as he held onto her and let his lora slip between her legs. The head touched her tight little choot hole and she pushed back onto it as he pushed forward.
“Oh ,.' ,” she said, “you are stretching me so good. That’s it, give me some more, stretch that little choot till it’s so full I can’t stand it.”
Dil Mohammd could not help himself. He rammed his lun into her until he hit bottom. . As he continued to violently ram in and out of her garam choot,he felt her begin to dilate and he went in deeper and deeper until he knew that the head of his cock was in her womb.
“Is that enough for you mari jaan?” he said. “Is that enough lun in that little choot?
“You’re in me deeper than anyone has ever been, fuck me harder, dump that big load up in me and I’ll cum again when that hot stuff splashes against my insides.”
The dirty talk was turning him on and he pounded into her with a vengeance.
“Your choot is so good, oh Sadia I love choding you so much.” He realized what he had just said and immediately stopped fucking her. His lun began to shrink inside her as he realized he had not only called her by another woman’s name, but the name had been his own beti’s.
“Don’t stop,” she said looking over her shoulder at his horrified face. “It’s OK, just don’t stop.” Seeing that her telling him that it hadn’t upset her was doing no good so she said, “Please Daddy, don’t stop fucking your horny little girl.”
He felt his dick starting to stiffen again and so did Tahira.
“That’s it Daddy,” she said as she began to shove back against him. “You baby needs some good man fucking. Give me all that cum you’ve been saving up for me all these years.”
He stroked her three more times and came harder than he ever had in his life. For the first time a pussy actually leaked his cum out around his dick unable to hold the volume of fluid he was shooting into her. When he finally removed his dripping dick from her pussy, Tahira turned around and hugged him.
“Uncle , it’s OK, really,” she said. “I heard you call me Sadia and I understand. For one thing, except for those killer breasts she’s got, we could almost be twins. It really is OK. Besides, I’ve always wanted my Daddy to do me, so pretending you were my father and I was your daughter made it even better for me. I would have never had the nerve to ask you to do that, so you did me a favor.”
He leaned forward and kissed her hard on the lips. “Thank you,” he said.
She put her head on his shoulders and whispered in his ear, “I’ve got a secret to tell you.”
“What’s that sweetheart?” he asked.
“Sadia wants to fuck you too,” Tahira said softly.
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You’re crazy,” Dil Mohammad said stepping back from her. “How could you know such a thing anyway?”
“Come on, uncle,” she said, “We’ve been roommates for two years. Girls get close in that kind of an environment. We’re not all private and secretive like guys are, we share.
“You mean the two of you actually talked about sexual fantasies?” he asked.
“We didn’t at first. The first six months we lived in the dorm together, we talked a lot about our families, and our friends and guys. We found out that we both liked older men and that we really admired out fathers. I used to buy these little confession type magazines with stories in them about incest. I would hide them under my mattress at first, but then I just started leaving them on the back of the toilet in the bathroom. One afternoon I came in from class and Sadia was lying on her bed reading one of them and masturbating. She was all embarrassed at getting caught, but when I told her that I loved the stories where daddy screws his daughter, it opened up a whole new phase of our relationship.”
“So then Sadia admitted to you that she fantasized about having sex with me?”
“Not right then,” Tahira said, “but we started making up our own stories at night. We would lay there in our beds and tell each other stories about these fictitious fathers and daughters and masturbate sometimes for hours.”
The mental picture of his daughter and Tahira lying naked in a dark room talking and masturbating together started to get Dil Mohammadaroused again. Tahira noticed that he was getting hard.
“You like that image, don’t you?” she said looking down at his growing cock. “Anyway, one night I got really bold and made up this story about a girl, whose name just happened to be Sadia. In my story her daddy would slip into her room at night after her mother was asleep and he would eat her, let her suck his dick and then fuck her silly. Sadia came so much during the story that she had to shower and change the sheets. While she was changing the bed she started crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she had wanted you to do her for years, but she was afraid if you knew how she felt, you would think she was perverted and you might stop loving her. I tried to tell her that she should let you know, but she said she would never make the first move. I went over to her and was holding on to her and telling her that everything would be OK, and things just started to happen.”
“What kind of things,” he asked.
“Don’t act like you’re a child, uncle,” she said. “Two girls in a room, good friends, one comforting the other, – we wound up making out and going down on each other choots.”
Dil Mohammad was now fully erect again. The idea that his beautiful young daughter had these repressed feelings toward him excited him, but the vision of these two almost-twins kissing, and feeling, and eventually eating each other aroused him more than anything he had ever experienced in his life. He felt guilty about his attraction to a woman as young as Tahira and even more so for his feelings toward his own daughter, but not guilty enough to keep his cock in check.
“It looks as if Daddy needs a little more attentions,” Tahira said as she stared at Dil Mohammad’s prick. “Do you want to fuck your little girl or should she blow you?”
“Suck it again for me baby,” he said, “Suck Daddy’s dick and let him cum all over that pretty, little face.”
A few minutes later, as Tahira was wiping the cum off her face she said, “I’ve got a plan.” They talked in the workshop for about an hour, conspirators on a mission.
That night, after all was quiet and Jameela was fast asleep, Dil Mohammd slipped out of his underwear , put on his robe and made his way down the hall to where Tahira and Sadia were sleeping. Quietly he opened the door just enough to slide through, went in and closed and locked the door behind him. He looked at them lying there so beautiful, so childlike in the innocence of sleep. He quietly moved to Tahira’s side of the bed and touched her shoulder.
“I had almost given up on you,” she said sleepily, “thought you might have your mind.”
“I probably should have,” he whispered.
“How about a kiss for luck,” Tahira said as she propped up on her elbows.
He sat down on the edge and leaned forward to kiss her. He cupped her breast in his hand and began to massage.
“Whoa boy,” Tahira said, “Save some of that for later. Right now you’ve got some work to do.”
Tahira began to slowly pull the covers back off Sadia. It was the first time Dil Mohammad had seen her naked breast since she was a child. The room was dark, but enough moonlight filtered through the window for him to get a good look. They were large and rounded and looked so firm and smooth. Her nipples were small and her areola rather large. The exposures to the air made them start to harden . Tahira continued to move the covers down and Dil Mohammad could not keep from stroking his cock as he saw her stomach and then her neatly shaved choot area. Tahira finally had the sheet all the way to Sadia’s feet so she carefully threw it off the bed and onto the floor. She began to slowly, gently rub Sadia’s choot. She moaned softly in her sleep and spread her legs.
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She does that every time,” Tahira whispered smiling, “It’s like a conditioned reflex.”
Dil Mohammad looked at his daughter’s beautiful pussy for the first time since she was a small child. It was so perfect shaved creamy choot. Tahira slipped a finger inside Sadia and she moaned again and moved slightly but was still sound asleep. Removing her finger, Tahira held it up to Dil Mohammad.
“Taste?” she said as she put her slick, wet finger in his mouth.
He reveled in the sweet taste of his own daughter’s pussy and sucked Tahira’s finger clean of those sweet girly juices.
“She taste great, doesn’t she?” Tahira said softly. “I’m pretty much addicted to her pussy,” she added.
Dil Mohammad stood and slipped off the robe. His cock was standing out and so hard it actually was pointing up slightly. He moved to the foot of the bed and crawled between his daughter’s open legs. He began running his tongue up and down her smooth slit and sucking those lovely lips.
“Tahira , that is so nice,” Sadia said dreamily, awakened by the activity, “but I’m really tired and sleepy. Can we do this in the morning?”
“It’s a lot nicer than you think,” Tahira whispered in her ear.
Sadia, now fully awakened by the realization that it was not Tahira eating her pussy, raised her head and looked down at her father’s head buried between her open legs.
“Abbu?” she said really not sure if she could believe what she was seeing, then “Abbu!” and finally, “Oh Abbu, yes.”
Tahira began to suck her Nipples as Sadia continued to watch her father eat her pussy. The two girls kissed and fondled each other while Dil Mohammad stuck a finger in her tight little pussy and started sucking on her swollen clit.
“Oh Abbu,” she said, “I have waited so long for this. I was afraid you didn’t love me the same way I love you. But now you’re there eating me, if this is a dream I hope I never wake up. Tahira, this is like some of the scenes we talked about, me and you and one of our daddy’s naked in bed together. I don’t know how you did this but I’ll love you forever for doing this for me.”
“He’s really good at eating pussy, isn’t he?” Tahira said.
“I should have known,” Sadia said with a giggle. “You seduced him yesterday while Mom and I were gone. You little gashti, you had him first, but that’s OK because I’ve got him now.”
“So you’re not mad that I went ahead and did him and told him about our little secrets?”
“Stop talking stupidly,” Sadia said, “how could I be mad at you for getting all this started. Now come back over here and suck my nipples for me while abbu sucks on my choot.”
“Baby you taste so good,” Dil Mohammadtold his daughter. “So sweet and tight and wet.”
“I want to taste you cock, Daddy.”
Tahira moved over and Dil Mohammad laid on his back between the two of them Sadia climbed on top of him, head to toe. Tahira rolled to one side and turned on the light on the bedside table.
“I don’t want to miss any of this,” she said as she moved herself back into position to watch.
Sadia’s pussy was now directly over Dil Mohammd’s face. Because she was so short, Sadia had to stretch some to get his dick in her mouth, but she did it. He opened her up from behind and started licking and sucking her little clit. He alternated that with driving his tongue into her tight little pussy and licking her asshole. Sadia, with her mouth filled with cock, looked over at Tahira and saw that she was frantically masturbating as she watched the two of them.
“Suck your daddy’s big cock,” Tahira said. “Give him head that will make him always come back for more.”
“Sadia,” Dil Mohammad said, taking a break from eating her. “I don’t want the first load I give you to be in your mouth, so you had better let me cool down just a bit.”
Sadia let her father’s dick slip out of her mouth.
“What do you want to do, Daddy,” she said innocently.
“I want to watch you and Tahira together for a few minutes and then I want to fuck that tight little pussy while she eats it.”
This seemed to excite both girls and the wasted no time in getting into position with Tahira on the bottom and Sadia on top with her round little ass in the air. The room was filled with the smell of sex. Dil Mohammad loved the way women smelled when they were wet and excited and he savored the aroma of the two young pussies as he watched his daughter and her best friend eating each other. He wanted to stroke his cock while he looked on, but he knew if he started, he would not be able to stop until he came. Their moans and nasty talk to each other was almost more than he could take.
“Oh Tahira,” Sadia said, “You’re eating my little pussy and my daddy is watching, eat it baby, my sweet, juicy Tahira, eat me good and I’ll let Daddy fuck you again after he sticks it to me.”
“Sadia I’ve got your sweet juices all over my face and you taste so good,” Tahira said, “I love eating your pussy my sweet friend almost as much as I like sucking your daddy’s big, hard prick.”
Dil Mohammadcould wait not longer for relief. He got onto the bed on his knees behind his Daughter. Tahira moved her hands to Sadia’s ass cheeks and spread her open for him. Her little hole was wet and dilated. It opened on it’s own and Dil Mohammad watched as his dick head slipped between his daughter’s delicate folds for the first time and broke her seal. As sadia’s choot adjusted to Dil Mohammad’s lun. Dil start chodeing her with a little speed.
“Oh Daddy,” Sadia moaned, “That feels so good. I already feel so full with that thing stretching my tight little pussy. Shove it in me Daddy, fill me up!”
He pushed hard and went into her ball deep. Dil Mohammad began giving her long, slow strokes. About every fifth time he would pull out completely and stick his cock in Tahira’s mouth.
“Is Tahira sucking your cock when you pull out?” Sadia asked.
“She is mari jaan , she’s getting to taste us both at the same time.”
“Don’t shoot off in her mouth, I want all that cream in my pussy and then I’ll let her suck it all out. Oh Daddy, I’m so full of your cock, you’ve got me stretched so good!”
Sadia’s pussy started to tighten and contract and Dil Mohammad knew she was cumming. He rammed harder into her, hitting bottom with each stroke and then he came. Spurt after spurt of his hot man cream deposited deep in his daughter’s hot pussy. He pulled out and slipped his dick into Tahira’s mouth and let her milk the last few drops. Then he got off the bed and started watching his daughter and her friend making love. Tahira’s mouth was now covered with a combination of his cum and Sadia’s pussy juice. He began stroking his cock getting it ready for another round and then the door opened.
“What the hell is going on in here,” Jameela said as she stood in the open door in her robe.
There was no doubt what was going on at that moment. Jameela ’s mouth continued to move, but no words came out. The realization of the situation hit her like a punch to the stomach. Here was her sweet, innocent daughter and her friend eating each other’s pussies, which alone would have been a real shock, but to add to it, her husband was watching them and jacking off. She felt that her feet were nailed to the floor as she tried to move, she was frozen in place and all she could do for the moment was watch everyone in a vain attempt to cover themselves.
The End