17-10-2022, 10:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 17-10-2022, 02:57 PM by ShadowRising321. Edited 3 times in total. Edited 3 times in total.)
Disclaimer: This story has a long build up & contains cheating, cuckolding and domination. Users who are not into this kindly refrain from reading any further.
Chapter 1: Introductions
Wasim Khan was a 50 year old illegal immigrant from Dhaka living in India, he had escaped his country and left behind his family in search of a better life in India. Wasim finally settled in Pune and started working as a watchman in a high class society in Koregaon Park area.
Wasim led a fairly low profile life in Pune in fears of getting caught and deported back to his home country. Working as a watchman, he had a relatively small 1 room allocated to him by the housing society with a bed and a gas stove. Wasim had no intentions of going back to his wife and family who were living in Dhaka, his sole focus was to earn enough money to survive in this country. Wasim was 6 feet tall with a stocky build, barrel chested with strong shoulders and mighty forearms. A result of toiling in the fields in his country, civil wars and a hard life with limited resources. He loved his simple life as a watchman in India with his fair share of fun with 1 or 2 local maids in the building.
Sumit and Rasika Kelkar were both 25 year old, madly in love recently married couple. Sumit was working with Axis Bank as a junior in the sales department and Rasika was a housewife. Although talented, she had no intention of working and was very well alright with staying home and looking after things at home. Sumit always considered himself lucky that he had convinced Rasika to marry him, as in his heart he knew he didn't deserve a ravishing beauty like her. At 5'9 inches tall with a naturally gifted curvy body, Rasika could have very well worked as a model, but thanks to her conservative parents modeling was never even a career option. Sumit stood at 5'6 feet tall and always felt people mur mur about the height difference between them whenever he was with Rasika, but he was also super proud of the fact that he had such a ravishing beauty to spend the rest of his life with.
Sumit and Rasika both had a small fight before finalizing this 3BHK rented flat in Koregaon Park, Sumit always knew the rent was too high in a super posh area like KP, but as always he had lost the argument to Rasika who eventually decided that they are gonna go ahead with the flat. The newly married couple decided to move into their rented flat on a fine weekend.
On Saturday, Wasim reported to duty as usual at 10AM and saw 2 trucks unloading stuff near the building. "The usual old retired rich couples" he thought
Shortly, he saw a small skinny man rushing towards him shouting "WATCHMAN"......."WATCHMAN"......."COME HERE FAST YOU FOOL"......
Wasim kept his calm and walked towards the trucks, "Yes sir tell me" he said
Sumit- "I want you to help us unload the stuff and take it to the apartment. 1st floor flat no 101"
Wasim- "Ok sir ji"
Sumit- "Hurry up then you fool, what you looking at?"
Wasim just stared at him, looked down and started picking up stuff from the truck. He along with the guys from the movers & packers team started moving all the stuff from the truck to the apartment at 1st floor. Wasim entered the flat and was awe struck by the opulence and luxury that was at their disposal, he carefully gazed at the size of the living room, the huge terrace which had a great view and huge lobby area. "Rich guy" he thought
Soon he heard, "What you lookin around old man? We have stuff to move. Hurry up you moron" Sumit roared from behind him.
By then, Wasim had enough of his arrogance.
Wasim- "Sir, I request you to please speak to me properly"
Sumit- "Oh shut up, just do as i told you or"
Wasim- "OR what sir?"
Sumit rushed forward and pushed Wasim with all his strength, Wasim barely even moved backwards. He composed himself and was about to take a step towards Sumit when both of them heard footsteps entering the flat. Both of them looked at the entrance door.
In walked Rasika, she was wearing a tight black booty shorts paired with a oversized white shirt with 3 buttons open at the top. Her booty shorts were paired with her favorite black heels. Her long, slender, endless legs were on full display and the top revealed just about enough cleavage. She had applied some make up and her favored red lipstick for today.
![[Image: 6-basic-outfits-to-recreate-the-style-of...6x920.jpeg]](https://www.iwmbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/6-basic-outfits-to-recreate-the-style-of-sakshi-malik-2-736x920.jpeg)
Wasim's jaw hit the floor as he saw Rasika standing in front of them, he immediately noted she was almost as tall as him and reasonably taller than Sumit, who was shorter than both of them. Sumit was agitated by her choice of outfit that she was wearing, especially in front of a low class watchman.
Rasika- "Guys what's going on? I heard shouting in here"
Wasim- "Madam, sahab ji got really upset and started abusing me"
Sumit- "No baby, nothing happened. Just ignore this fool"
Rasika- "Sumit, you really need to control your anger baby. Please"
Sumit- "Oh your tell me to control my anger? That too in front of this scum bag watchman. How dare you? Remember who pays for your lavish lifestyle? Who pays for this luxury flat? IT'S ME!! "
Rasika- "WHAT THE HELL. How can you talk to me like that"
Sumit- "Hey watchman, just finish unloading the stuff and FUCK OFF. Here's you change"
Saying this, Sumit threw a 500rs note towards Wasim. The money landed on the floor and Wasim bent down to pick it up and in the process sneaked a glance at Rasika's sexy milky legs. He took the money and walked out.
Rasika just stormed into the bedroom and locked it from inside, Sumit calmly sat down on the sofa as Wasim and the guys from the movers & packing team bought all the items one by one.
As the last item was put into place by Wasim, he looked at Sumit and apologized
Wasim- "Sorry sir"
Sumit- "Just shut up and FUCK OFF you scum. Don't ever talk to me. Don't even look at me. Do you understand? I know people like you"
Wasim- "What do you mean sir?"
Sumit- "I mean good for nothing piece of shits like you, living on our tax money"
Hearing the argument, Rasika again stormed out of her bedroom and came to the living room. Wasim saw she had tears in her eyes and she was breathing heavy.
"Why do you always have to be rude to everyone?" she asked Sumit
"You know why, because staying in this ultra expensive apartment was a bad idea from the start" roared Sumit
"Oh so that's the reason you are angry?" she asked
"Oh yes Rasika, that's the reason. Plus I am working 12-14hrs a day for the both of us and you just stay at home and do nothing. Find a job or something"
Sumit roared and started walking towards the master bedroom.
Wasim just stood there in silence, he saw Rasika's eyes well up again.
Rasika- "Wasim ji, I am sorry on his behalf. Please leave"
Wasim- "Madam, don't say sorry. It's not your fault"
Saying this he glanced at her cleavage quickly and turned back and walked out of their flat.
Entering his watchman quarter, he quickly rushed in the washroom and felt his hard rigid cock. He was aroused and equally angry at the same time. Aroused because of the sexiest lady he has ever seen in his entire life and angry because of her husband.
"Today I will fuck pushpa like a street whore" he said to himself looking at the swelling cock in his hands.
As was the routine, Pushpa the maid entered his watchman quarters and Wasim fucked the shit outta her. Today he banged her with twice the intensity because of the events that happened early in the morning. Although, Wasim was 50 year old he was no slouch on bed. Years of physical hard work paired with his exercise routine and strictly non veg diet had resulted in a beast on bed.
As Pushpa was dressing up after their session, she saw Wasim staring out of the window.
Pushpa- "What happened" she asked
Wasim- "Today one memsaab has shifted on the first floor, what a sexy piece of ass she is Pushpa. I've never seen someone like her. These high class ladies are something else huh."
Pushpa- "Don't forget you are just a watchman" hahaha
Wasim- "Saali Randi, Nikal yaha se" Wasim roared at her, grabbed her hair and pushed her out of his quarter.
Rasika was standing at the balcony as she saw Pushpa limping her way out of the watchman's quarter. Behind her, she saw Wasim was standing at the door of his quarters. Rasika quickly realized what had happened, just then Wasim looked at her and gave her a crooked smile. Rasika just smiled back at him and went back to the living room.
Over the next few days, Rasika and Sumit were back to normal and were finally done with setting up their new place. Sumit even celebrated the occasion by taking Rasika to a fine dine experience at JW Marriott hotel in Pune. During the week, Sumit and Wasim crossed paths with each other on a few occasions, Wasim used to salute and smile at him as his car entered & exited the building. Wasim made a mental note of his office timings and entry and exit. He also kept an eye on their 1st floor apartment, always hoping to catch a glance of his sexy wife.
Things went back to normal in bed for Sumit & Rasika, their once a week sex routine resumed with Sumit humping his wife in missionary position for 2-3mins and rolling over to sleep. Rasika always thought to herself that she would never have married this guy if his parents were not rich. Sumit's parents lived in a old huge bungalow in Mumbai and Sumit was their only child.
Chapter 2: First Touch
One fine Monday, Rasika was busy with her household stuff when she glanced outside the window and saw Pushpa walking out of the watchman quarters again, she looked at the clock and saw it was 11AM. She realized every day at 11AM Pushpa exits from the watchman quarter and goes to work. She had a worried look on her face as she knew Pushpa was a young lady and Wasim was a old man. Being a righteous lady who was a independent thinker and a firm believer in social justice and equality, she knew she had to do something about it.
Later that night, she told her husband what she saw everyday. Sumit already had a strong dislike for Wasim and hearing all of this, his went into a rage. He immediately stormed out of his flat and walked towards the watchman quarters. Rasika tried to stop him but he pushed her aside and went down. Rasika rushed to the balcony and saw Sumit walking towards the watchman quarters.
As Sumit went near the room, he could figure out the room had a strong smell of alcohol. Going closer, he could hear muffled squeals and screams of a woman. He checked his wrist watch & saw it was 11PM already. He peeped inside the window and saw a slim, wiry woman had a strong hand covered her mouth, with a huge big black cock going in and out of her asshole. Going by the appearance and bulky body, Sumit figured it was Wasim who was fucking this woman. Sumit was frozen looking at the intensity with which Wasim was going at it, the bed shaking violently and both of their bodies were covered with sweat. The table fan was on full just to conceal her squeals but it was of no use. Pushpa opened her eyes and looked outside the window to see Sumit standing there and peeking inside.
"Sir, aap yaha?" She screamed
Sumit immediately turned back and started running towards the building. Wasim was lost in the confusion and looked back but saw nobody there.
Rasika saw her husband running towards her apartment, he quickly entered in and locked the front door.
"What happened baby?" She asked
"Nothing. I saw everything" Sumit said
"What everything?" She asked
"You were right about them, I'm going to file a complaint with the society secretary tomorrow" Sumit asked
"No baby. Let's not rush things. I will talk to Pushpa tomorrow." Rasika said
"Okay" Sumit agreed and both of them went to sleep.
Next morning, Rasika invited Pushpa to her place and told her she and her husband knew what's going on between her and Wasim. They were going to file a complaint against both of them, Pushpa was in tears and begging with her not to do that. Rasika calmly told her to leave this society, never to be seen in the vicinity again. Pushpa tearfully agreed and left the society.
Wasim was heartbroken upon hearing the news, he was mad with rage. First these rich classy couple disrespect him because he is a watchman, now they banned Pushpa from working here. Basically destroying his only source of sex he had. That night, he was drinking desi liquor like a mad man wowing to take revenge from them. He kept on staring at their apartment on the 1st floor.
Sumit was promoted in his job, with the promotion came added responsibility of handling business & clients for Axis Bank. His job also required him to travel to Mumbai several times a week. Sometimes 5-10 days at a stretch. This left Rasika was taking care of the home and look after her sexy body through daily workout, yoga sessions and following a strict diet. Wasim was waiting for his chance to strike back at the arrogant couple.
His chance was granted when one fine day, he saw Rasika sitting in the garden of the society busy with her phone. He started walking towards her, wearing his watchman uniform and was immediately horny just by looking at her sexy form sitting on the bench.
Wasim- "Namaste madam"
Rasika- "Namaste Wasim ji" She got nervous just by looking at him.
Wasim- "Madam, I wanted to apologize to you. Sumit sir must have told you everything he saw that night"
Rasika- "He saw nothing"
Wasim- "Madam please, please don't tell anyone what happened that night. It's just that i am a 50 year old single man living far away from his family"
Rasika- "What about Pushpa?"
Wasim- "Madam she is married. Her husband is always drunk and beats her all the time. That's why she comes to me for sex."
Shhhh.....talk slowly you moron. Rasika told him.
"Sorry madam. Please madam don't tell anyone. I want to keep this job madam. The society secretary is a very powerful man madam. He will destroy my life and throw me out of here please." Wasim started pleading with her.
Rasika- "Ok Ok i will not tell anyone. Now go"
Wasim- "Thanks madam. Where is Sumit sir? Didn't see him since 4-5 days"
Hearing this question, Wasim immediately noticed a slight change in her expression and smiled to himself. "Looks like they had their petty fights again" he thought to himself.
Rasika- "He has gone to Mumbai for few days. Ok I have to leave"
Saying this Rasika stood up and started walking towards her apartment, Wasim stood there, his gaze transfixed on her big, sexy, swaying ass as she walked back.
Chapter 1: Introductions
Wasim Khan was a 50 year old illegal immigrant from Dhaka living in India, he had escaped his country and left behind his family in search of a better life in India. Wasim finally settled in Pune and started working as a watchman in a high class society in Koregaon Park area.
Wasim led a fairly low profile life in Pune in fears of getting caught and deported back to his home country. Working as a watchman, he had a relatively small 1 room allocated to him by the housing society with a bed and a gas stove. Wasim had no intentions of going back to his wife and family who were living in Dhaka, his sole focus was to earn enough money to survive in this country. Wasim was 6 feet tall with a stocky build, barrel chested with strong shoulders and mighty forearms. A result of toiling in the fields in his country, civil wars and a hard life with limited resources. He loved his simple life as a watchman in India with his fair share of fun with 1 or 2 local maids in the building.
Sumit and Rasika Kelkar were both 25 year old, madly in love recently married couple. Sumit was working with Axis Bank as a junior in the sales department and Rasika was a housewife. Although talented, she had no intention of working and was very well alright with staying home and looking after things at home. Sumit always considered himself lucky that he had convinced Rasika to marry him, as in his heart he knew he didn't deserve a ravishing beauty like her. At 5'9 inches tall with a naturally gifted curvy body, Rasika could have very well worked as a model, but thanks to her conservative parents modeling was never even a career option. Sumit stood at 5'6 feet tall and always felt people mur mur about the height difference between them whenever he was with Rasika, but he was also super proud of the fact that he had such a ravishing beauty to spend the rest of his life with.
![[Image: Sakshi-Malik-Hot-Look-in-Denim-Jeans_2-819x1024.jpg]](https://cdn.gulte.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Sakshi-Malik-Hot-Look-in-Denim-Jeans_2-819x1024.jpg)
Sumit and Rasika both had a small fight before finalizing this 3BHK rented flat in Koregaon Park, Sumit always knew the rent was too high in a super posh area like KP, but as always he had lost the argument to Rasika who eventually decided that they are gonna go ahead with the flat. The newly married couple decided to move into their rented flat on a fine weekend.
On Saturday, Wasim reported to duty as usual at 10AM and saw 2 trucks unloading stuff near the building. "The usual old retired rich couples" he thought
Shortly, he saw a small skinny man rushing towards him shouting "WATCHMAN"......."WATCHMAN"......."COME HERE FAST YOU FOOL"......
Wasim kept his calm and walked towards the trucks, "Yes sir tell me" he said
Sumit- "I want you to help us unload the stuff and take it to the apartment. 1st floor flat no 101"
Wasim- "Ok sir ji"
Sumit- "Hurry up then you fool, what you looking at?"
Wasim just stared at him, looked down and started picking up stuff from the truck. He along with the guys from the movers & packers team started moving all the stuff from the truck to the apartment at 1st floor. Wasim entered the flat and was awe struck by the opulence and luxury that was at their disposal, he carefully gazed at the size of the living room, the huge terrace which had a great view and huge lobby area. "Rich guy" he thought
Soon he heard, "What you lookin around old man? We have stuff to move. Hurry up you moron" Sumit roared from behind him.
By then, Wasim had enough of his arrogance.
Wasim- "Sir, I request you to please speak to me properly"
Sumit- "Oh shut up, just do as i told you or"
Wasim- "OR what sir?"
Sumit rushed forward and pushed Wasim with all his strength, Wasim barely even moved backwards. He composed himself and was about to take a step towards Sumit when both of them heard footsteps entering the flat. Both of them looked at the entrance door.
In walked Rasika, she was wearing a tight black booty shorts paired with a oversized white shirt with 3 buttons open at the top. Her booty shorts were paired with her favorite black heels. Her long, slender, endless legs were on full display and the top revealed just about enough cleavage. She had applied some make up and her favored red lipstick for today.
![[Image: 6-basic-outfits-to-recreate-the-style-of...6x920.jpeg]](https://www.iwmbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/6-basic-outfits-to-recreate-the-style-of-sakshi-malik-2-736x920.jpeg)
Wasim's jaw hit the floor as he saw Rasika standing in front of them, he immediately noted she was almost as tall as him and reasonably taller than Sumit, who was shorter than both of them. Sumit was agitated by her choice of outfit that she was wearing, especially in front of a low class watchman.
Rasika- "Guys what's going on? I heard shouting in here"
Wasim- "Madam, sahab ji got really upset and started abusing me"
Sumit- "No baby, nothing happened. Just ignore this fool"
Rasika- "Sumit, you really need to control your anger baby. Please"
Sumit- "Oh your tell me to control my anger? That too in front of this scum bag watchman. How dare you? Remember who pays for your lavish lifestyle? Who pays for this luxury flat? IT'S ME!! "
Rasika- "WHAT THE HELL. How can you talk to me like that"
Sumit- "Hey watchman, just finish unloading the stuff and FUCK OFF. Here's you change"
Saying this, Sumit threw a 500rs note towards Wasim. The money landed on the floor and Wasim bent down to pick it up and in the process sneaked a glance at Rasika's sexy milky legs. He took the money and walked out.
Rasika just stormed into the bedroom and locked it from inside, Sumit calmly sat down on the sofa as Wasim and the guys from the movers & packing team bought all the items one by one.
As the last item was put into place by Wasim, he looked at Sumit and apologized
Wasim- "Sorry sir"
Sumit- "Just shut up and FUCK OFF you scum. Don't ever talk to me. Don't even look at me. Do you understand? I know people like you"
Wasim- "What do you mean sir?"
Sumit- "I mean good for nothing piece of shits like you, living on our tax money"
Hearing the argument, Rasika again stormed out of her bedroom and came to the living room. Wasim saw she had tears in her eyes and she was breathing heavy.
"Why do you always have to be rude to everyone?" she asked Sumit
"You know why, because staying in this ultra expensive apartment was a bad idea from the start" roared Sumit
"Oh so that's the reason you are angry?" she asked
"Oh yes Rasika, that's the reason. Plus I am working 12-14hrs a day for the both of us and you just stay at home and do nothing. Find a job or something"
Sumit roared and started walking towards the master bedroom.
Wasim just stood there in silence, he saw Rasika's eyes well up again.
Rasika- "Wasim ji, I am sorry on his behalf. Please leave"
Wasim- "Madam, don't say sorry. It's not your fault"
Saying this he glanced at her cleavage quickly and turned back and walked out of their flat.
Entering his watchman quarter, he quickly rushed in the washroom and felt his hard rigid cock. He was aroused and equally angry at the same time. Aroused because of the sexiest lady he has ever seen in his entire life and angry because of her husband.
"Today I will fuck pushpa like a street whore" he said to himself looking at the swelling cock in his hands.
As was the routine, Pushpa the maid entered his watchman quarters and Wasim fucked the shit outta her. Today he banged her with twice the intensity because of the events that happened early in the morning. Although, Wasim was 50 year old he was no slouch on bed. Years of physical hard work paired with his exercise routine and strictly non veg diet had resulted in a beast on bed.
As Pushpa was dressing up after their session, she saw Wasim staring out of the window.
Pushpa- "What happened" she asked
Wasim- "Today one memsaab has shifted on the first floor, what a sexy piece of ass she is Pushpa. I've never seen someone like her. These high class ladies are something else huh."
Pushpa- "Don't forget you are just a watchman" hahaha
Wasim- "Saali Randi, Nikal yaha se" Wasim roared at her, grabbed her hair and pushed her out of his quarter.
Rasika was standing at the balcony as she saw Pushpa limping her way out of the watchman's quarter. Behind her, she saw Wasim was standing at the door of his quarters. Rasika quickly realized what had happened, just then Wasim looked at her and gave her a crooked smile. Rasika just smiled back at him and went back to the living room.
Over the next few days, Rasika and Sumit were back to normal and were finally done with setting up their new place. Sumit even celebrated the occasion by taking Rasika to a fine dine experience at JW Marriott hotel in Pune. During the week, Sumit and Wasim crossed paths with each other on a few occasions, Wasim used to salute and smile at him as his car entered & exited the building. Wasim made a mental note of his office timings and entry and exit. He also kept an eye on their 1st floor apartment, always hoping to catch a glance of his sexy wife.
Things went back to normal in bed for Sumit & Rasika, their once a week sex routine resumed with Sumit humping his wife in missionary position for 2-3mins and rolling over to sleep. Rasika always thought to herself that she would never have married this guy if his parents were not rich. Sumit's parents lived in a old huge bungalow in Mumbai and Sumit was their only child.
Chapter 2: First Touch
One fine Monday, Rasika was busy with her household stuff when she glanced outside the window and saw Pushpa walking out of the watchman quarters again, she looked at the clock and saw it was 11AM. She realized every day at 11AM Pushpa exits from the watchman quarter and goes to work. She had a worried look on her face as she knew Pushpa was a young lady and Wasim was a old man. Being a righteous lady who was a independent thinker and a firm believer in social justice and equality, she knew she had to do something about it.
Later that night, she told her husband what she saw everyday. Sumit already had a strong dislike for Wasim and hearing all of this, his went into a rage. He immediately stormed out of his flat and walked towards the watchman quarters. Rasika tried to stop him but he pushed her aside and went down. Rasika rushed to the balcony and saw Sumit walking towards the watchman quarters.
As Sumit went near the room, he could figure out the room had a strong smell of alcohol. Going closer, he could hear muffled squeals and screams of a woman. He checked his wrist watch & saw it was 11PM already. He peeped inside the window and saw a slim, wiry woman had a strong hand covered her mouth, with a huge big black cock going in and out of her asshole. Going by the appearance and bulky body, Sumit figured it was Wasim who was fucking this woman. Sumit was frozen looking at the intensity with which Wasim was going at it, the bed shaking violently and both of their bodies were covered with sweat. The table fan was on full just to conceal her squeals but it was of no use. Pushpa opened her eyes and looked outside the window to see Sumit standing there and peeking inside.
"Sir, aap yaha?" She screamed
Sumit immediately turned back and started running towards the building. Wasim was lost in the confusion and looked back but saw nobody there.
Rasika saw her husband running towards her apartment, he quickly entered in and locked the front door.
"What happened baby?" She asked
"Nothing. I saw everything" Sumit said
"What everything?" She asked
"You were right about them, I'm going to file a complaint with the society secretary tomorrow" Sumit asked
"No baby. Let's not rush things. I will talk to Pushpa tomorrow." Rasika said
"Okay" Sumit agreed and both of them went to sleep.
Next morning, Rasika invited Pushpa to her place and told her she and her husband knew what's going on between her and Wasim. They were going to file a complaint against both of them, Pushpa was in tears and begging with her not to do that. Rasika calmly told her to leave this society, never to be seen in the vicinity again. Pushpa tearfully agreed and left the society.
Wasim was heartbroken upon hearing the news, he was mad with rage. First these rich classy couple disrespect him because he is a watchman, now they banned Pushpa from working here. Basically destroying his only source of sex he had. That night, he was drinking desi liquor like a mad man wowing to take revenge from them. He kept on staring at their apartment on the 1st floor.
Sumit was promoted in his job, with the promotion came added responsibility of handling business & clients for Axis Bank. His job also required him to travel to Mumbai several times a week. Sometimes 5-10 days at a stretch. This left Rasika was taking care of the home and look after her sexy body through daily workout, yoga sessions and following a strict diet. Wasim was waiting for his chance to strike back at the arrogant couple.
His chance was granted when one fine day, he saw Rasika sitting in the garden of the society busy with her phone. He started walking towards her, wearing his watchman uniform and was immediately horny just by looking at her sexy form sitting on the bench.
Wasim- "Namaste madam"
Rasika- "Namaste Wasim ji" She got nervous just by looking at him.
Wasim- "Madam, I wanted to apologize to you. Sumit sir must have told you everything he saw that night"
Rasika- "He saw nothing"
Wasim- "Madam please, please don't tell anyone what happened that night. It's just that i am a 50 year old single man living far away from his family"
Rasika- "What about Pushpa?"
Wasim- "Madam she is married. Her husband is always drunk and beats her all the time. That's why she comes to me for sex."
Shhhh.....talk slowly you moron. Rasika told him.
"Sorry madam. Please madam don't tell anyone. I want to keep this job madam. The society secretary is a very powerful man madam. He will destroy my life and throw me out of here please." Wasim started pleading with her.
Rasika- "Ok Ok i will not tell anyone. Now go"
Wasim- "Thanks madam. Where is Sumit sir? Didn't see him since 4-5 days"
Hearing this question, Wasim immediately noticed a slight change in her expression and smiled to himself. "Looks like they had their petty fights again" he thought to himself.
Rasika- "He has gone to Mumbai for few days. Ok I have to leave"
Saying this Rasika stood up and started walking towards her apartment, Wasim stood there, his gaze transfixed on her big, sexy, swaying ass as she walked back.