Adultery MONSTER
01-09-2022, 02:46 PM
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "I love someone else," Nisha apprises tersely. This is not usually what a newlywed wife tells her Husband on their first night. She seems anxious, which isn't shocking to me, as today is our 'suhag raat'. "Funny !!! Hahaha..You got a wicked sense of humour" I laugh heartily and lift her chin to look at my newlywed wife's face. She immediately swats my hand away and blurts, "Don't touch me !!!" My eyes brighten, and I get amused. "Is this a prank, my dear wife? If so, not a good one. Are you recording your poor Husband's reaction for a reel?" A loose smile hangs from my lips, and I look around to spot any hidden camera. Nisha is 23 years old, and I am 26. Pulling such a stunt isn't unusual for our generation. We can do anything for attention, and I don't really know Nisha. This is a hastily done arranged marriage. Nisha sulks away in the corner of the bed. Her face is panic-stricken. I involuntarily squint my eyes, following her jumpy movements. "Seriously ..now it is beyond funny...It is getting macabre." I knit my eyebrows to express my displeasure. It was a long hectic day full of drama, but the Climax is stealing the show. She points her finger at me, her face twitching in genuine fear, voice trembling as she speaks, "If you are a gentleman, which I know you are, then You will stay away from me. My heart belongs to someone else." "This is not a prank, is it?" I declare in a worried voice, intensely glaring at her agitated face. Her nostrils are flared up, she is heaving hard, and her other hand is forcefully clutching the pillow as if it is a weapon she will use if I hop on her. "No." She responds succinctly and her eyes vigilant. I scrutinize her profile. She got a heart-shaped symmetrical face which is decorated with heavy bridal makeup.A maang Tikka is crowning her forehead, which is small but wide compared to the width of her cheekbones and jaws. Two almond-shaped eyes with crescent eyebrows perfectly complement the width of her temple. One could mistake her wide-set deep brown eyes for black. Between those starts the slope of her straight nose with a slightly lowered base. She is wearing a naath(nose ring) as a part of her solah sringar. She got a well-defined facial bone structure and is absolutely stunning. Pity that I only get to touch her pointy chin and listen to the shocking news coming from her bottom-heavy full lips. I shoot the inevitable while frowning, "Why did you marry then?" I find my voice incredibly calm. I am usually the overthinking type. But whenever life throws a bouncer at me, my nerves turn to steel, and I immediately search for contingency plans. Go figure, how does that mystery work?! I haven't yet. The beautiful stranger woman before me drops her long eyelashes before spreading them again. "I have a boyfriend, and my family did not approve of him..." Nisha informs. Her tone is laced with guilt and hesitancy. Damn!! Those moving lips are the very symbol of the fertility of life. "This is a scam..I can..." I interrupt her. Nisha panics, and she comes forward, sitting like a frog in her bridal gown. She implores, "Please ..I need a place to stay...Please don't tell anyone..my boyfriend will get a job soon...You and I will divorce..." At this point, the fingers of both her hands are interlaced, and she is literally begging. I am angry and annoyed. At the same time, I feel pity for her. She looks angelic in her bridal attire, and those mehendi adorned hands aren't meant to plead. "Alright!!! Calm down." Now I blurt. But Nisha continues and begins to cry. I can't understand half of what she is saying now. She is blabbering. Moments later, from what I have decoded- this boyfriend of hers is a very promising guy, she loves him very much, and he loves her with all his heart, etc., etc. Nisha promises again. "Please give me some time. I have full faith in my boyfriend. I will not disturb you in any way. I will be invisible." She is love drunk. One thing strikes me the most. Nisha could have concealed her secret affair from me and divorced me after her boyfriend got settled financially, but she did not. This means Either she really loves her boyfriend and does not want to sleep with me, or her boyfriend is the one who has forbidden her from sleeping with me. But there is something wrong here. Something very ominous is hidden in her straightforward tale. I can sense it but can't put my finger on it. Right now, I don't think about it. "Sleep now. We will discuss this tomorrow. Give me a pillow." I suggest while looking at her pleading eyes. It is really late, and burning the midnight oil will not solve the diseases of hearts. She hands me a pillow and carefully avoids touching my fingers. She smells divine, or I imagine it. The whole room is decorated with flowers. I smirk, "On second thought." my eyes twinkle, and I cringe my nose, stating casually," We could have sex. I mean, your boyfriend does not have to know..." Her eyes widen as if I have told her the most horrible thing ever. "No..No..Please no...Please.." Fear gripping her voice, and again she backs away from me. "Relax, it was just a harmless suggestion. He must be a prize 'cause being handsome was never my problem." I scowl, goggling at her distrusting eyes, clearly judging whether I am a bangy person. Nisha does not budge, and neither gives a reply. She kept on staring at me, holding her breath. I am scaring her by my mere presence. "Your loss, sweetheart!!! Sleep tight and have horrible dreams." I sneer bitterly, throwing a lingering glance at her elegant appearance. She is wearing a golden bridal gown and appears exquisitely gorgeous. However, she isn't my kind of woman, even with all her grace, beauty, and naivety. Then why and how did I end up in an arranged wedlock with her? I let out a deep sigh and headed toward the couch to contemplate the events that led me to this bizarre situation. This is clearly Karma. I get settled on the couch and tease her, "Do you want me to put off the light.." I can not even finish properly, and she pleads, almost yelling, "Noooo..Please don't.I want those on." I chuckle loudly, "You are brave. You really are for coming up with the idea of a sham marriage without knowing what would be my reaction, yet you are scared of little darkness?!!" Another silence from her. It's a silence more disturbing than darkness and raucous than the wedding songs playing outside.
01-09-2022, 04:49 PM
Incredible writings....
Very promising start..... Kudos to you!!!!
02-09-2022, 01:42 PM
Thank you people for the encouragement.
02-09-2022, 01:42 PM
_________________________________________________________________________________ There is something about a man who is in the center of attention. It makes the man very attractive. That is how I became infatuated with Rocky and eventually fell in love with him. Block 27 B. The cultural center of our University. That is where it started. I was in a dance group named "jalsha". We were planning to do a surprise flash mob for our campus students. There were other dance groups besides ours, and we shared the same floor. Rocky wasn't a dancer. He was a singer and an anchor. Besides him, Akash and Avneet were the other two anchors of the cultural block. That granted Rocky to hold a significant influence on every cultural association in the building. He was talking to the group leaders of various dance groups, and I was secretly watching him. I saw Rocky before on stage, but this was the first time I met him face to face. I was a fresher, and he was a final-year student. He got a very distinguished oblong face. His nose is sharp, his eyes deep-seated, and his brows are thick. Albeit having prominent features, the rugged look stuck with me the most. It was shining from his eyes, dancing on the fringes of his eyebrows. Not even his long, shoulder-length stylish hair could hide the fact that he had been through some life struggles, and his face bore that maturity. That feature alone separated him from the group of college boys surrounding him, and he handled them with efficient authority. I must have been gawking at him, and some invisible force made him look my way. I froze. Yes, I still remember that moment. I just shut down. He smiled at me. It was a warm smile devoid of any ulterior motive. I felt heat mounted on my cheeks; I must have blushed. The next time I saw him was after our surprise flash mob. We were all thrilled due to the attention we garnered. The hooting and clapping of the crowd made it evident that they were entertained. "Hi, Nisha. You were phenomenal today." A deep voice magically silenced the roaring crowd for me, and I felt lightheaded. I knew that voice. Anchoring requires voice modulation, and Rocky was a master of it. I turned; my heart was already beating hard from all the dancing and celebrating, and now it was about to explode. I was sweaty at that moment. My crush was right there in the flesh; all I could think was how I smelled. "Thank you, Rocky, Sir.." I huffed and stammered. He knows my name !!! That surprised me. "Just Rocky is enough." He said, smiling, and before I could respond, he started to shower me with admiration for our performance, notably mine. "Oops," I crashed onto his body as a jubilant group of students elbowed me. Another dancing group was performing now. They call themselves 'Beats.' Rocky guarded me by holding my waist. My Shoulder brushed against his chest, and I awkwardly angled my body to keep my breasts away from him. "I am sorry.." I was flabbergasted, leaning onto his tall figure and sliding the unruly hair from my face. Rocky was unfazed and informed, "Tomorrow, I am anchoring for a public-speaking competition in the 27-block auditorium. You want to come?" I just managed to say, "Yes.. of course, Rocky, Sir." He disapproved, curling his lips. I blushed, correcting myself, smiling shyly, "Of course, Rocky." So the next day I was there. As I mentioned, there were several associations in the cultural block, and public-speaking debates were one of such. Rocky was talking to one of the three judges. I instantly recognize the judge. I saw him on television, and moments later, Rocky announced that he was a prominent T.V. anchor while introducing the event. Very stylish man that judge was and knew how to command an entire room. That made me more attracted to Rocky, watching him converse with someone of that caliber with such confidence. I thought the event would be boring, but I was wrong. Each student got a topic on which they had to speak for two minutes. The topic was given by the lottery system. It was very entertaining. Some students failed, some made everyone laugh, some compelled us to yawn, some provoked us to think, and some just charmed us. Rocky also participated but towards the end of the event. By that point, everyone was bored. His topic was 'Red.' Yes, he had to talk about the color ' Red.' After taking the podium, he knocked on the mike and pointed his finger directly at me, "Wake her up. She is sleeping." I was sitting in the middle of the gallery and wasn't expecting this. Everyone turned their head and looked at me. I wanted to disappear. Rocky chuckled on the mike," She wasn't sleeping. I wanted all of your concentration, and now I got it." Once again, he was in the center of attention, and I was swooning over him. He began speaking about 'Red.' "Red is the longest wavelength color, making it easily noticeable. Like a person who stands out among the crowd." He stared directly at me. My heart flapped. He went on, and somewhere in that long two minutes, he stated, "Red is the color of blood. It is a color of vitality and life itself.." My blood danced; his words flowed through my veins. I wanted him in my life. More precisely, I desired to be his life. He continued pinning his gaze onto me, "Red is a shade of Love." I was gone at that point, completely swept away by him. He was competing in the event, but it felt like he was communicating with me through it. His rich voice vibrates through the auditorium, "Red is one of the three fundamental colors. Something original. Something profound. Something that has the power of creation and creation is beautiful." That made me flush my cheeks with various shades of Red. That evening I went to the hostel, and the first thing I did was break up with my boyfriend over the phone. I knew him from high college, and we had our sweet moments. I knew I was falling for Rocky and did not want to deceive my then-boyfriend. Next, we met during another flash mob; this time, the sky was angry at our prolonged flirting stage. It interrupted the event in the midway. Rocky held my hand, and we ran towards the next building. I was giggling all the way. "sssssss, It is so cold..." I shivered, crossing my arms, panting hard. Both of us were thoroughly drenched.We were inside the lift. Rocky gave me his handkerchief. It was clean, and I used it to dry my hair. I was very aware that he was watching me. I was wearing a Blue top and blue jeans. He was checking out my doused body, and I liked how he looked at me. The lift stopped at the 6 th floor. Nobody was there. We got out, and Rocky immediately pulled my body onto his. My lips melted onto his fervent thickness. It was our first kiss. My clothes were soaked, but every inch of my body was burning. It was on fire. My hands roam on his solid back and end up clutching his long hair as we explore each other's mouths. His hands gripped my waist tightly, and I moaned onto his velvety touch, writing my desires in the language of passion on the pattern of his full lips. "Oh gosh !!!" I dropped my eyes after the kiss ended. "You caught fever better not dance in the rain again in future." He smiled. "Cure me then." I ardently invite him to rejoin, caressing his mane, staring at his lips. We both were greedy and entwined our lips immediately. Thus our relationship officially began, and we did not hide it. I was holding back on having sex, though. I did not want to rush. Then after a couple of months, during a fashion event, I saw a gorgeous aspiring modeling student flirting with him on stage. Behind her, there were dozen other models, and each one was stunning. Those divas were perfect, and I was jealous. I felt insecure. That evening I told him, "I want to see your P.G." He lived outside the campus with his friends. Rocky got the hint, and next week he took me out for lunch, then to his P.G. I had to take permission from the warden to go out. We end up having sex . The sex was perfect. I was not a virgin, and neither was he. "I should flirt with girls from the fashion department regularly." He laughed while spooning with me, basking in the afterglow of our copulation. "It has nothing to with that." I lied, but my eyes sparkled with jealousy. "Next week, the Hospitality department is arranging an event ..." Rocky teased me. "Like I said. It has nothing to do with other girls."I pressed my lips onto his hairy chest. I also end up having sex with him next week after watching stocking-worn mini skirt-cladded air hostess students swarming around him. Besides anchoring, he used to sing and had many admirers. The more I got involved in his life, the more I realized that I was not the only one attracted to the man in the center of attention. We became a well-known couple, and our relationship was steady. Rocky enrolled for a Masters's degree at our University, and time deepened our relationship. The problem began to start during campus placement. Rocky could not crack the placement drive and struggle with his anchoring career. Meanwhile, a nosy relative found out about my Facebook page, which was a vivid collage of my love life. That nosy aunt shared my F.B page with my parents with 'good intentions.' I had a massive fight with my parents. I tried everything from silent treatment to screaming, but they were stubborn. Rocky did not have to show any progress in his career then. After a year, my marriage was arranged with this stranger named Aditya. Present Time I am peeking at Aditya right now. He is sleeping on the couch. He took the news of my affair way lighter than I expected. I promised Rocky not to sleep with my dummy Husband, and I will keep that promise. My heart beats for my Rocky, and I hope he gets his success very soon. I was wrong. Aditya was not sleeping. He suddenly opened his eyes, and we stared at each other. It was evident Neither he could sleep nor I. To my utter shock, he grinds his jaw and shows me his middle finger. I turn away from him and change my side. What a jerk !!! He is nothing like my Rocky.
02-09-2022, 04:39 PM
(02-09-2022, 01:42 PM)WILDLILAC Wrote: Nisha A good story after a long time ,keep it going .
This is it !
02-09-2022, 06:16 PM
nice start, different plot.
So is Hubby going to be the monster here?
03-09-2022, 10:25 AM
Thank you for the replies. It is keeping me going.
03-09-2022, 10:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2022, 10:28 AM by WILDLILAC. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Around 4:30 am in the morning, Nisha gets out of bed. The pretense of sleeping has run its course. My bones are aching now. The jingling sound of her payal (Anklet) compelled my sleep-deprived eyes to wake up and follow the source of that sweet tinkling. There she was, looking a tad tired but still gorgeous and standing several feet away from me. "Goodmorning." She greets. Her eyes dart. She is being self-conscious. I pause for a few seconds, then snicker at her, "It would be one fine morning if you care to polish my wood." I am holding the pillow I took last night between my legs to hide my well-endowed morning sprout. Her face toughens, wiping the courteous look she was wearing. Clearly, she did not like it. "What rubbish !!!" She embraces both of her arms and looks the other way. She got a nice pair of racks!!! My wife got a nice pair of racks !! Correction, my phony wife got a nice pair of racks which are now supported by her elbows. But I don't hold back. I see no point in holding back. Divorce is inevitable, and Nisha clarified that her ultimate aim is to marry her boyfriend. It is absolutely ludicrous to even try to give our marriage a try. "The offer of sex still stands... Your boyfriend does not have to know, and even if he somehow gets to know, you can tell your boyfriend that you suffer from somnambulism and ended up climbing a log mistakenly." I laugh at her. "Listen." Her eyes are full of fire, "You can't talk to me like that. I don't like it." She objects profusely, waving her hands; her bangles clinking. "You don't like it 'cause you haven't tried it." I shrug, grinning, "Trust me, the book cover is good, and the content will haunt your memory forever in a good way. You will even write a review for the bestseller." Nisha glances at the pillow between my legs and immediately looks away as if she has made a mistake. She complains to my deaf ears, "You are a Jerk !!" and moves a few feet away from me. The reason was I was sizing up her whole body. She is a tall woman with long legs. The bridal gown is trying its best to hide her treasures, but she is too ripe for that. "Don't look at me like that. It is disgusting." She barks at my sleazy examination and piles on, faltering, "I will tell...I will everyone that....that...You got a...a..small...You got a small..." She is struggling to finish and scratching her elbow. "Dick !!" I laugh," I got a small dick- that's your plan to control me... through social shaming? Reputation destruction... lovely..very feminine." She stiffened but stood her ground, staring at me with challenging eyes.She does not reply, though. "Nobody will believe you." My grin broadens, "You see, I am not the only one who got deceived in this sham marriage. Your family members, relatives, should have dug a little deeper at my past, and I must confess there is a lot of dirt.AAA lottt." "I don't wanna know. I seriously don't wanna know. Somehow it does not surprise me ..you are a hopeless dickhead!!"She curses grimacing. "That I am.", My face hardens, and I look straight into her eyes, "Which begs the question, why there wasn't any thorough background check regarding my character? Why wasn't I vetted properly?" She scoffs, "I could ask the same question why did your family not dive into my past?!! I am very sure a little 'digging' could have made you avoid this marriage." That throws me off-guard. Partly it is a fault of my making. I close the subject rudely, stating, "Why are we even talking? There is nothing good about this morning. So no need to greet." Nisha concurs, "That is true." She hesitates for a few moments, keeping me frustrated, and then says, "I want to take a shower." I make a face, "So take it. I was deceived by your family, but I am very sure they did not manage to fool me that much by throwing a blind girl on my lap." I point towards the attached bathroom. Nisha involuntarily turns towards my lap and then regretfully forces herself to stay away from that region. I snigger noiselessly, knowing that she is very aware of the man-woman dynamic between us. She clears her throat before speaking, looking at the floor while rubbing her naked big toe with the smaller one beside it, making her anklet jingle again. "Yes..but...I have to undress and don't want to ruin my bridal dress by removing it inside the bathroom." She presses her lips, and this time, she looks at me and sarcastically states, "Can you please go out of the room like a gentleman?" So that's the problem !! It is a gorgeous bridal dress. I am having fun, though, and poke at her miserable condition, "Why do you want to take a shower? Feeling hot? The hunger of youth raising your temperature after spending a sexless lonely night with your stud husband?" She again embraces herself defensively and rolls her eyes, "You are too full of yourself. You know that?" "Strip," I command without any emotions in my tone. Nisha laughs nervously, "Enough fooling around. You must go." "Strip." the steel in my voice makes Nisha visibly shake. She gulps but maintains her nervous smile, "Aditya, I am not joking. You are scaring me." "Strip." I did not flinch, and my eyes became lidless for the time being. There was severe agony in her beautiful face as she spoke, "You are a monster." "Strip," I repeat, adamantly grinding my jaws. Nisha sobs; her full lips quiver in sorrow, and she rubs her eyes. Evidently, she had considered this nightmare situation. She does not have a choice. She needs a place to stay and my financial support to buy time for her boyfriend. Yes, I have thought it through during the dreamless hour of my disappointing 'Suhag Raat.' She sneezes, and her hands go to her back to unbutton her brocade blouse. It is a beautiful golden piece of artistry, featuring embroidery, intricate beading, and appliqués. 'Come closer." I demand. She does it without looking at me. Tears run from her eyes without any break. "Turn around." My next instruction. She obeys. She has an A-shaped beautiful, wavy, slightly longer than mid-length sun-kissed hair due to the artificial shades of brown accentuating her natural color and long wavy locks with varying layers. "Take two steps forward," I utter my next mandate. Her anklets make the usual jingling as she moves. Her lehenga desperately tries to hide the wavering of her peachy bottom below her narrow waist. "Face me." my directive followed after she jingled her anklets while sobbing. She turns around. Her face wincing in deep emotional pain. "Strip now." I heartlessly hail. She chokes on her tears and bends her elbow to peel her blouse. "Stop," I yell and burst into laughter. Nisha looks at me with glassy eyes. "I was joking." I kept on laughing, "You are too gullible !!." Nisha has stopped crying, and she is visibly fuming in anger. Those dark eyes of hers are hailing daggers at me. "That was fucked up...that really was a fucked up thing to do." She scorns. I arrest my laughter and solidify my face, "Yes, and it proves that you are a submissive woman. Your loving boyfriend instructed you not to consummate this marriage, isn't he? You got a very jealous and controlling lover." That unsettles Nisha, but she clamors," You are a sick person. I am never gonna fall for your sicko tricks again." She is at my mercy, yet she got an attitude. Entitled brat sickened by the middleclass disease called love !! She was yelling some more expletives at me, describing what kind of a horrible man I am, and I silently took out a chewing gum to grind. "Oh, look at you !! She got fangs." I tease her. Nisha, by this point, gets that her curses have no effect on me. I know exactly what I am, and I have known it for a long, long time. Her opinion about me not going to change it. "Now we are even !!" I shrug," You did ruin my suhag raat." Her scorching gaze wants to turn me into ashes as she speaks, "Whatever!! You are a vengeful person." "If you are not satisfied with the scorecard, give me a hickey." I tilt my neck. She scoffs, "Dream on. Never going to happen." I insist, still sticking out my neck, "You want to hurt me, I know that, but you don't wanna take the chance of attacking me. So I am giving you an option to hurt me. Yeah, bite as hard as you can." Nisha hesitates, possibly thinking it through. She reaches a decision shortly, "No...I am not gonna boost your ego...You gonna shamelessly show it to everyone for the sake of your fragile male ego." I grin, looking at her matching gold glittered false nails, "Can I atleast get a back scratch for my impotent masculinity?" Nisha sizes me up, and to my surprise, she agrees, "Sure. That I can do." "Come forward; I would not bite. I promise. You scratch my back, and I will scratch yours by financing your romance with your boyfriend until he is ready to marry you." I mischievously smile at her. She hesitates and moves towards me, jingling her anklets. I begin to unbutton my white Sherwani. "What are you doing?"She exclaims, and She halts her step, the jingling stops. "It is white, and you want to draw blood, aren't you? That's why you agreed. I also don't wanna ruin my wedding dress. It is a cautionary reminder for my next marriage."I quip. She grins. First time I am seeing her smiling while we are alone together. She got a wicked grin. Yeah, that she does, and she can bring it out with little effort as if it sleeps on the curves of her lips. I feel a little something all over my body. A tingling sensation. I have removed my Sherwani, and Beneath my Sherwani, there is only a sleeveless tshirt. We are standing close. We can feel the heat emanating from our bodies. Both of us did not expect this. There is an undeniable sexual current flowing between us. The raw torrent of primal desire envelops us. She got an opulent set of breasts, and those are heaving with the rhythm of her breathing pattern, which is fast. She is blushing. Until now, I could not tell it as she is wearing heavy makeup, but up close, I can see the erotic shades of red have spread as far as her collar bones. I can feel the magnetic pull, and I can tell she does too. She has carefully sloped her body outwards from the waist to avoid physical contact with my pelvic region. It gives a nice protruding to her voluminous ass, and the stick-out butt sways during any gesticulation. She flutters her long lashes and maintains a nonchalance while showing me her nails, "This is gonna hurt." The base of my voice drops a level, "Bring it on, sweetheart." We are standing face to face. She is several inches shorter than me. I guess she wanted to look at my face while clawing my back. She smirks, "You wished for it." She eradicates the distance between our bodies; her perky breasts touch my flat chest. I can feel her shivering. I can see the goosebumps on her hand. I was right last night; she indeed smelled divine. We stare into each other's eyes, peering into each other's strange souls, searching for verities. I am mesmerized by her beauty, and then she strikes, tinking her bangles. A stinging pain dragged along my back towards my spinal column from the right side of my shoulder. I don't even flinch. Something in my gaze makes her look away. She drops her eyelashes. I can feel her breathing rustling on the naked skin of my chest; I get habituated to the erratic pattern of her drumming heartbeat. "You are very beautiful." I whisper in pure amazement, forgetting whatever we are doing, "You truly are. Fortunate is the man who has won your heart. I am sorry for making you cry." I smile faintly. Her nails stop marking me, and she jerks away from me, making a loud gasp. She hastily says, "I think that was enough." She is shaking, and the blush on her collarbone has sprawled downwards, disappearing inside her cleavage. I don't know how far it has spread its roots, but I suspect her whole body is flushing. We definitely shared an intimate moment there despite the fact that she endured a nerve damaging prank a while ago. She knows it, and so do I. I sneeze and bite my lips naughtily, "Just some scratches. Scratches of passion." She corrects me, "Mock passion for the sake of your frail virility." I grin boisterously, "My masculinity will forever be in your debt," and I bow mockingly. She hurries me, "Now get out and give me some privacy." I reach for my sandal and tease her, "Happy fingering in the shower." Her eyes widen, and she protests, "That's not why I am taking a shower." I stroll towards the door and taunt her again, "Whatever lie makes you start the day, Sweetheart !!! I am not objecting !! Everyone has their needs..their itch they need to scratch and you are good a scratching." Now she throws the pillow at me taking it up from the couch, and hisses, "I am not ." I open the door and razz her with another bawdy remark for the last time before going out, "Keep lying to yourself, beautiful girl. Happy fingering !!!" I don't stop to hear her further protests. "Oh fuck !!!!" I groan at my bizarre marriage after closing the door behind me. I ended up with Nisha cause I trolled every woman I met while choosing the right prospect during wife selection. I brutally trolled them. After a while, my near and dear ones realized that I was destroying each meet-up with purpose. Hence they started meeting the prospective brides on their own and eventually picked Nisha. I was angry. I completed my degree and started chilling. I joined our family business after fooling around with chicks for a year. Only because they gave a lengthy lecture about life, discipline, future, family, etc. etc. Everyone was there -my uncles, my parents, my elder cousins, and my elder sister. It was an intervention, and I caved. My family trapped me after that. Yes, it was a trap. They made me build my house with the money I earned over three years, and they started to nag me once it was completed. It was well planned, and I did not see it coming. They told me-"Time has changed . Your sister will get the ancestral house, and we are giving you the house plot instead". What a noble thought !!! Right? I thought so as my mother complained her whole life about how her brothers did not give her anything. I did not know it was a double-edged trick. Frankly, I did not want to marry. Yes, the same old family pressure, and I gave into it. I gave into it for my own sake. Cause some part of me knew alone I was going to royally mess up my life, and another part of me knew that I was gonna end up cheating on my future wife. So I did not care who was gonna be my wife. I knew my marriage was gonna fail. I am not the marriage material. I easily get bored, that is the problem. But life is a comedy; last night, I learned. I ended up with a girl who had a boyfriend and told me she would divorce me eventually. Careful of what you wish for. I got my wish of a failed marriage. A readymade failed marriage. Like I said, it is Karma. Karma for breaking hearts and creating tragedies. That is one of the reasons I am gonna let Nisha stay. What would it cost me? Nothing. It would be like helping a homeless person for five-six months. Atleast once in my life, I will be responsible for one happy-ending love story. Not mine.Someone else's. Right? I am a monster, and I have always been a monster. Nothing turned me into a monster. I am an inborn monster. For once, I want to do something good. That's what I thought last night while staying on the couch.
03-09-2022, 11:11 AM
Sweet. I think You can continue it. Please think about it
https://xossipy.com/thread-49368.html Please click on the link given to read the latest updates of my story
04-09-2022, 12:58 PM
Thank you guys for the comments and reps.
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