Poll: What do you like to see happen in the story
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Forced sex
9 25.00%
Consensual sex
8 22.22%
5 13.89%
Group sex
7 19.44%
1 2.78%
6 16.67%
Total 36 vote(s) 100%
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Please start waiting
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[+] 2 users Like Highonlust's post
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Mind blowing bro
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Nice story
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(27-04-2022, 03:09 PM)Highonlust Wrote: PART 2 : TO BE CONTINUED ON PUBLIC DEMAND

Please continue
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[+] 3 users Like Highonlust's post
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She seems to be enjoying this new life.
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its so hot.
Please update the next part
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Sona is almost a prostitute now.
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(27-04-2022, 12:26 PM)Highonlust Wrote: "Yes," I replied.
"I remember her. From the company party."
"Yes," I said.
"Yes. She's very attractive."
"Uh, thank you."
"Yes, VERY pretty. And stacked. You're a lucky man."
I didn't know how to respond to that. I let it go. But clearly he'd been eyeing my wife at the party last year. That was almost eleven months ago, and he still remembers her. Now I remember, he danced with her last year, when I was in the bathroom, I came out and they were on the dance floor.
"Hmmm," said Naveen, looking up in the air. "What's she doing now?"
"Well, she's working part time and has no insurance..."
"I mean what is she doing right this minute? Is she at home?"
"Uh, yes, she should be. The kids are in college and she's not working today."
"Call her up. Let's have lunch."
"Yes, you and me and Sona. Call her. Twelve-thirty, at Taj."
With that Naveen dismissed me, and I went back to my desk and called Sona. Sona was home, anxiously waiting to hear how my meeting with Naveen went.
"Honey, are you free now for lunch?"
"Um, yes, Anu, what's the matter? What happened?"
"Nothing. Naveen the owner wants to have lunch with us. You and me."
"Me? Why me?"
"I don't know."
"Oh, Anu, I, uh, don't like Naveen."
"Uh, why?"
"Well, last year at the party he, he, um, made a pass at me."
I paused. "I didn't know that. Why didn't you tell me?"
"I, uh, was embarrassed. And I didn't want you to get upset."
"What did he do?"
"Well, he asked me to dance while you were out of the room, and when we were dancing he said I was very beautiful, and he asked me to go up to his hotel room with him."
"Wow. What did you say?"
"I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. I guess I didn't say anything."
"So you left the dance floor and that was the end of it? Maybe you misunderstood him."
"Oh, no. Because he, then he, uh groped me."
I couldn't repeat the word "grope" out loud, afraid my co-workers would overhear my conversation. How? Whhh What? What did he do?"
"He tried fondling me."
I took a moment to digest this. It was really unsettling. Then I got back to the subject of the surgery. "Well, I, uh, he just wants to have lunch with us. We need him to approve the surgery. It's for Jai."
"Oh, I know. Okay."
"Meet us at Taj at twelve-thirty."
At twelve fifteen I met Naveen outside his office, and he drove me in his Mercedes to the restaurant. Sona was waiting there for us, standing by the reception desk.
Sona was dressed casual, in jeans and a sweater. But the jeans were tight, and while the sweater wasn't super tight, it still accentuated her large breasts.
Naveen said, "Hello, Sona, it's so good to see you again," and reached around her and hugged her, kissing her on the cheek, as Sona threw her head back.
Naveen led us back to a booth with a "U"-shaped table, with padded benches on three sides. Sona slid into the booth, I slid in next to her, and Naveen slid in on the opposite side as me, sitting next to Sona on her right. We ordered lunch, and then Naveen started his monologue.
"I wanted to see if Sona was as pretty as I remember her from the last party. And I see that she's even prettier." He smiled at Sona when he said this, and put his left arm around her shoulder. I could see Sona cringe, but she didn't pull away, knowing what was on the line. "So you two want me to risk perhaps many many thousands of my money, and throw the whole company's insurance plan out of whack."
Our lunch came, and we began eating, with Naveen removing his arm from Sona's shoulder. But he was sitting quite close to her, and while eating with his right hand, he let his left hand drop under the table. Sona suddenly looked alarmed. I couldn't see where his hand was, but I was betting it was on Sona's thigh, from his position. Sona didn't move.
Naveen made small talk, while we ate and waited for him to return to the subject of our insurance claim. He returned his arm to Sona's shoulder, and I could see him stoking her hair.
"I'm a businessman, and a successful one, a RUTHLESS one, and I don't give up a lot of money out of the goodness of my heart. I expect something in return." Naveen's arm dropped down under Sona's armpit, and I could see him doing a "reach around," touching Sona's left breast with his left hand. He couldn't get much of it, but enough that Sona could clearly feel the hand over her bra and sweater, and I could clearly see it, which I think is what Naveen wanted.
"So, how about this for a deal? I give your son life. And in return I get Sona, for say, two weeks, until the surgery is scheduled."
"Get? What do you mean, get?" I asked.
"Let's say, at my disposal," replied Naveen. He reached up with his left hand, and sort of lifted Sona's left tit. "Sona sure is sexy, Anu, and I'm not taking her from you, I just want to borrow her. Surely that's worth your son's life."
Or u want him dead….is that what you want
Sona's jaw dropped, but she was speechless.
"That's my deal. Final word. Take it or leave it. I'm going to go to the bathroom," said Naveen, "and you two can talk about it."
When Naveen had left the table, I said, "I'm going to deck that guy!"
"God, I can't believe this," said Sona, rubbing her temples. "He makes my skin crawl, but has us over a barrel."
"There's got to be another way," I said.
"There ISN'T! We've tried EVERTHING!"
Naveen returned to the table, and sat next to Sona again. "Anu, I'm pretty sure I left my wallet in the car between the front seats. Can you run outside and get it?" He tossed me the keys to his car, and I silently left the table for the parking lot.
I did find the wallet, but I didn't like leaving my wife alone with the clearly unscrupulous Naveen. When I returned to the restaurant, I paused near the entrance, where I could see our booth from a distance.
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Great going
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Business man does business.. He can get more rich clients to Anu and Sona, so that they can get money for the treatment.
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