Adultery Pinky taken by stranger on a trip
"Get up, sleepyhead!"

Atul shook Pinky awake. Squinting her eyes, she woke up. the room was full of sunlight. It was their second honeymoon to the Caribbean Islands.
"What time is it?"
"It's snorkeling time!" he said, rummaging around in the suitcase.
"Well, the actual time is just before 10 AM. I woke up a couple of hours ago and was hungry. You were fast asleep so I didn't wake you up. Went to the breakfast buffet. Ran into our friends Chad and Kelly there."
The mention of Chad and Kelly brought the events of the previous night rushing back , how they made new friends while being here.
"What did they say?" she wondered if Chad had mentioned what happened last night.
"They said they've booked a snorkeling boat. I put down our names too. There will be 3 more couples. A boat will take us out to a reef. Then using foot flippers and goggles and breathing masks, we swim around staring at the pretty fish on that reef. Sounds like fun?"
"Yes, but," Pinky said getting off the bed, "I can't swim."
"I know. I asked, and they said you don't really need to be a swimmer. They'll give us these inflated life jackets anyway."
"I don't know..." Pinky was terrified at the thought of being in the deep ocean. She had grown up in the most central province of India, far away from the seas.
"Plus there will be lifeguards with us. And I will be with you." Atul said, rubbing her shoulder lovingly.
"Okay. I'll give it a try." Pinky said sportingly.
Half an hour later, they were in a glass bottom boat heading out to the reef. With them were two middle-aged white couples, one young Japanese couple, and of course, Chad and Kelly. Pinky's fears of them being upset about last night were unfounded. Kelly didn't seem to even know about it. She kept yapping away as usual. Chad gave her a couple of wry smiles, but nothing major.
Pinky was sitting in the boat, nervous about being in the ocean. She was grabbing Atul's hand tightly. He was wearing swimming trunks like all the men on the boat. All women were wearing bikinis or one piece swimsuits. Except Pinky who was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
Two minutes into the ride, suddenly, Pinky's life jacket snapped open. She almost jumped off her seat in fear.
"Chill, maan." The Jamaican captain of the boat said and approached Pinky. "It just wasn't closed right."
He reached down and tried to close the buckle across Pinky's chest. She was conscious about having a strange man's hands so close to her chest. Her boobs felt the pressure as he squeezed the jacket tight. But even he couldn't close it.
"Hey Sammy, gimme one of those extra large ones from the hold." He said to one of his assistants.
Pinky blushed and looked at the captain with an offended expression on her face. He just smiled back.
For the next fifteen minutes, Pinky actually started feeling a lot less nervous. Kelly was telling her that she had snorkeled many times and it really didn't require any swimming skills. Plus the ocean was still and through the glass bottom, Pinky could see many multi-colored fish and other creatures swimming around. The thought of seeing them up close was appealing to her. By the time the boat stopped at the edge of the reef, Pinky was feeling a lot more up to the challenge.
Sammy handed out breathing masks, asked everyone to put their flippers on. He gave a short tutorial on what to do. He told everyone to stay on their stomachs, breathe only through their mouths, told them what to do if water entered the mask, and told them to keep moving their legs. He also said that he, and another guy named Tony would be with the group so if everyone had an problems, they could just wave them over.
With that done, the couples moved to the back of the boat and started entering the water. The other three couples went in first and followed Sammy. Then Tony went in.
"Just keep calm and breathe through your mouth." Kelly warmly hugged Pinky before getting into the water herself. Chad got in behind her.
Then in went Atul.
"Come on, honey." he said, floating next to the boat. "See how I do it. The jacket is very buoyant. You won't drown even if you try."
He got on his stomach, made a circle, and then straightened up again.
Pinky said a little prayer and got in the water. At least it was nice and warm. She held onto the stairs for a few seconds.
"Let go, maan!" the captain said to her. She found it strange that he was calling her maan even though she was a woman.
Nevertheless, Pinky counted to three and let go. She floated a few feet away from the boat with the current.
The next few seconds were absolute hell. The life jacket was buoyant. But Pinky felt her body leaning backwards. Her head got half submerged in water. And out of habit, she breathed from her nose despite all the warning. Water filled her mouth and nose. She panicked and started flailing around. She was sure she was about to die.
That's when she felt Tony's firm hands grab her by the shoulders and move her back to the stairs. She grabbed on to it and took off the mask.
"Cough! Cough! Cough!" she spat out the water and breathed.
Atul swam close to her.
"You panicked. Don't panic."
"YEAH!? Well, it's not as easy!" Pinky uncharacteristically snapped back.
"Give it another try!" Atul said.
"NO!" Pinky said and started trying to climb back into the boat.
But she forgot that she was still wearing the flippers. The right flipper slipped, she lost balance, and fell in the water again. The panic returned. And she started flailing again. This time Atul pulled her back.
"I am done!" Pinky emphatically said as Atul helped her take the flippers off. She climbed back onto the boat.
Atul knew that Pinky was normally very docile and obedient. So this display of pique from her made him decide to let it go.
Once back on the solid boat, Pinky started feeling like herself again.
"I'm sorry." she said to Atul. "Why don't you go on? I'll just sit here and look at pretty things through the glass bottom."
"No, if you want, I can stay with you." Atul said, but the reluctance in his voice was clear.
"Go on. I will be fine."
And Atul followed Tony and the others and swam away.
Pinky sat on her seat looking down the glass bottom. The captain was sitting in his chair near the engine.
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"You don't swim?" he asked in his thick Jamaican accent.
"No." she said.
"Where you from?"
"I like Indian food. So spicy!" he said.
Pinky looked at him and smiled. It was good to have some company. She looked at Mayank and the other snorkelers. They were all over a hundred feet away spread in different directions. She wished she could have gone with Atul.
"I should learn to swim." she said.
"Yeah, maan. It's so easy." he said. "Why don't I teach you a little right now?"
"Hah! You saw what happened! No thanks. I'll try it in a pool where it's safe."
"Nahhh, I tell you what went wrong. You had the breathing mask. You couldn't handle that. And you had them flippers which youn't used to. Get in water without em. Just your lifejacket. And it will be easy."
"I don't know..."
"Come on, maan. Don't you wanna have fun the next time you go out to a nice place like this? It's easy."
Pinky thought about what he was saying. There was a certain logic to it.
"Tell you what." he said. "Get in the water like this. No mask, no flippers. Hold the stairs. Just stay like that for a few minutes. if you still feel scared, come back in."
"Okay." Pinky said and got up.
She walked to the edge of the boat, her feet bare. Slowly, she lowered herself into the water. Eventually she was neck deep, holding on to the ladder. He was right. Without the suffocating mask and the heavy flippers, this didn't feel so bad.
"Feeling better?" he asked after a couple of minutes.
"Yes." Pinky said.
"Now...kick with your feet and keep kicking until you are flat on your stomach."
Pinky kept holding the ladder and did as was told. Her body moved up and she was now horizontal. This didn't seem that bad.
"Now, just let the ladder go for a few seconds. And see if you can stay in place. keep your head above the water."
Pinky tried it. It worked, mainly because of the inflated life jacket. But soon she slowed down her legs and lost balance. She started flailing. The captain took his t-shirt off and jumped in the water. But it wasn't needed. This time, because her mouth and nose were clear, she didn't panic. She grabbed the ladder again, calmly.
"See, first step done." he said, floating next to her.
"That wasn't too bad." she said, smiling.
The captain looked at Pinky from up close. Her wet face, with her big eyes, full lips, sharp nose, alabaster skin. he remembered her boobs from earlier. And jutting out from the water was her nice round butt, looking inviting even in the loose shorts. He felt a rumbling in his loins.
"What next?" Pinky eagerly asked. She was always a good student. if she could pick up swimming as quickly as she picked up mathematics, it would be so good.
The captain thought a little. Then he said,
"Let go of the ladder and hold my arm." He held out his left arm.
Pinky did. She noticed how wide and muscular it was. How was it that all these men were so muscular in the Western Hemisphere she wondered. Must be all the meat they eat. She grabbed onto his arm and kept kicking with her legs, horizontal at the water's surface.
"Now, here's what I want to do next. Lead you away from the safety of the boat, holding on to my arm. You keep kicking with your feet and try to stay on your stomach. I am with you. Don't panic. You have the lifejacket." he said in an assuring tone.
"Okay." Pinky said.
The captain looked around. All the snorkelers were over a hundred feet away on the south side of the boat. He started swimming to the north with one arm, Pinky grabbing on to the other. She kept diligently kicking with her legs. And was glad that she was moving so easily. Her head was above water. They kept going like that for a while.
"See how far we come." he said.
Pinky turned around and saw that the boat was over a hundred feet away. She could see the heads of the snorkelers way far away into the distance on the other side.
"Now, stop kicking with your feet but keep holding on to my arm."
As she stopped, her legs sank. From being horizontal, she went to being vertical, still holding on to his arm.
"Good. Now, I'm going to unbuckle your life jacket. But don't panic."
"Okay." she said. She had started to trust this big friendly man now.
The captain unbuckled her life jacket with one hand. It hung off her shoulders and arms loosely.
"What's your name, pretty lady?"
"Pinky. Pretty name for a pretty lady. My name is Sid. And now I'm going to do...this."
With his free hand, Sid reached under the open life jacket and squeezed Pinky's boobs.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING????" Pinky shouted. She let go of his arm and used her hands to push this invasion away. That made her lose balance and she started flailing about.
"Easy, easy."
Sid swam up behind her and put both his hands under her armpit and then on her boobs. He was grabbing on to her using her boobs.
"What are you doing?" Pinky asked, now in a trembling voice. What had she gotten herself into? She was at the mercy of this big strong stranger, all the way away from the boat, and with her life jacket open.
"Admiring your boobs." Sid said.
This was Sid's plan from the moment he got into the water next to her. Until then, he had been genuinely trying to help her swim. Being a nice guy. But seeing her ethereal beauty up close, the horned devil inside her mind cooked up this plan. Yes, it was risky. Yes, she could get him fired, even arrested. But maybe she'd like it. He simply had to take a chance. From his teen years, Sid had been attracted to Indian women who visited the Caribbean. But most of them, perhaps because of the taboo against black skin, didn't like him. The few that did were not very pretty. Certainly not as drop dead gorgeous as this married lady who was now at his mercy.
"Sid, please, I am a married woman."
"I know." Sid said, one hand now moving lower from her boobs. "Married to that idiot left you alone. How selfish."
His hand now reached low and slipped inside Pinky's shorts and panties. Within seconds, the experienced stud found her clit.
"Ohhhhhhhhh...Isaaaaaac...please don't do that." Pinky kicked around and flailed around in the water. But Sid's grip was too strong. She only succeeded in splashing water, some of which went in her nose and mouth. She started coughing even as Sid played with her clit. Then he started rubbing the entrance of her pussy with one finger.
"Noooooooooooooo." Pinky said to him as well as herself. Her body was betraying her,
Sid could read the signs. He knew that the battle was half won. He knew that he had one more weapon at his disposal. His long black dick. It wasn't very thick but was certainly quite long. And it was already getting hard. He thrust his hips forward and rubbed his crotch against Pinky's butt. Pinky felt it. All of it. And it sent a shiver down her spine. How could anything be that long?
Pinky's left hand moved of its own accord, went under water, behind her, and felt Sid's crotch. Her fingers confirmed what her ass had suspected. Had to be at least 9 inches.
Once she did that, Sid knew that he had won. All that remained was to collect on his winnings. His fingers were still playing with her clit and her cunt. He took his hand out of her shorts. Pinky moaned involuntarily, almost in disappointment. Sid chuckled.
He turned her around to face him. Now remember, that all through this, his legs were working non-stop to keep them both afloat. Imagine the power of the man. he was able to do all this while in the ocean. And with nothing to lean on but Pinky's supple curvy body.
He looked at her. She put her hands around his neck. The lust was transparent on her face too. This bitch wanted it. No need to intimidate her anymore.
And he was right. Pinky had tried to resist out of a sense of morality. After all, she was a married woman. But Sid's big strong body, the way he manipulated the situation, and finally his freakishly long dick, not to mention his fingering, had pretty much made her give in to the beast hiding inside her. Human beings are promiscuous by instinct. Modern civilization has made us monogamous. Most women keep the cavewoman inside them quiet and hidden due to pressures of society. But sometimes, the cavewoman breaks free. That is what was happening with Pinky.
"Bring your left leg up." he said.
Pinky obediently did so. She raised it till Sid's waist. Sid grabbed it by the smooth supple calf and put it on his right shoulder, the lone anklet on her left leg now rubbed on his shoulder. He noticed that this didn't make Pinky wince. She was really flexible.
"Now the right leg."
And soon the right calf was on his left shoulder. Her hands were still around her neck. Pinky's body was folded up like a tortilla.
Now that he had her in position, Sid reached down with one hand and started slipping her shorts and panties off. They came off easily underwater and slid down her...or rather up her legs which were placed on his shoulders. The shorts and panties stopped around her knees where they were stretched to their fullest.
Sid then put both his hands on Pinky's exposed butt which was underwater. And he asked, staring into Pinky's eyes,
She nodded. Sid took his dick out of his trunks. And the next moment, Sid's dick invaded her cunt. She inhale deeply. In thickness, it wasn't that different from Atul's. So she didn't feel stretched. But it kept going and going in, touching parts of her insides that had never been touched before.
"OHHHHHHH!!" she said.
Sid tightened his grip on Pinky's butt and started fucking her in deep hard strokes. Her calves rubbed up and down his shoulders as her body moved in response to his fucking. He could not believe he had actually pulled it off. And he could not believe how easily this supposedly demure traditional Indian wife had been seduced.
After five minutes of fucking, Pinky's waist started feeling the stress of this position. She understood the reason it had to be this position - the shorts and panties limiting the movement of her legs.
Sid was delighted when Pinky took one hand off his neck, and slipped her left leg out of the shorts and panties. She wrapped the leg around his waist. She put the hand back on his neck and took her right hand off. With the right hand, she took her shorts and panties off, and held them tightly. And she wrapped her right leg around his waist. This made their bodies touch completely. Her big boobs were mashing against his muscular chest. Her flat stomach was right against his flat stomach. And their loins were joined together.
This new position allowed Sid to bury the full length of his dick into Pinky's cunt. And when that happened, she almost saw stars in the middle of the bright sunny day. Oh, was this sensation even possible? As Sid kept fucking her, Pinky felt something very strange building up inside her. It felt a little similar to what she felt when having orgasms by manipulating her clit. But this was different. It was building up gradually.
"YESSSYESSSYESSYESSSSSS" Pinky kept shouting. Luckily they were downwind of the snorkeling group so no one could hear them.
Sid meanwhile was pounding her as fast as he could underwater. He knew that the snorkelers were about to end their session and start back any moment. He needed to finish quick. Pinky sensed the quickening of his pace.
"" she said between each powerful stroke.
He wondered if sperm mixed with seawater could really make anyone pregnant and smiled
He pounded her nicely for about 5 more minutes, holding off his orgasm. During this time, Pinky kept feeling that sensation ebbing and flowing. She was of course enjoying this fucking from this powerful man. But at the back of her mind, something told her it could be even better if just something was done differently. Exactly what, she didn't know.
Finally, Sid couldn't hold off any longer. With a jerk of his hips, he embedded his dick in Pinky's warm tight cunt. And his dick began shooting his sperm deep in her. She spasmed both is shock and pleasure. She came
Pinky unwrapped her legs from around his waist and straightened. She wasn't sure what to exactly say to this man who had fucked her in the wildest way imaginable. he was the one who said.
"Ummm...we should go back to the boat before everyone gets back." he said. He put and arm around her chest, put his dick back in his trunks, and started swimming back at a fast pace. Pinky noticed that she still had her shorts and panties in her hands.
"Wait, I need to put this on." she said.
"Do it on the boat. It'll be tough here."
"What if someone sees..."
"Your naked butt? Hehe, they'll die happy."
It wasn't really possible to argue with Sid. He got her back to the boat in a couple of minutes. Pinky had been scanning the surroundings. At one point, she thought she saw a head but when she looked again, it was gone.
Back at the boat, Sid climbed aboard after leaving Pinky at the ladder. She looked around to make sure there was no one around. The snorkelers were still too far away. Then she cautiously climbed up, her naked butt and pussy being exposed to the open ocean. .
She quickly dressed up and waited for Atul to come back.
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