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Sidharth pulled up behind a newish looking Honda Civic sitting at the stop sign. No traffic, yet the driver failed to proceed. He tapped his horn to alert the distracted driver of his presence. The car lurched forward and Sidharth followed in his beat up, piece of shit, pickup truck. He stepped on the gas and passed the little Civic, glancing at the car's tinted windows which prevented him from seeing its driver. The tail pipe of his truck belched a cloud of burnt oil as it pulled in front of the newer car. He knew this area well and there was another mile to go before they reached the next cross street where the driver might turn off. He let up on the gas once in front of the car and watched it catch up with him from his rear view mirror. The driver was a white female that kept looking down at the cell phone she held. Sidharth waited for her to look down at the device again.
The map on Pinky's iPhone screwed up and brought her to the wrong place, making her late for another job interview. She was lost. Her eyes quickly scanned the phone's tiny screen and then refocused on the road. The old pickup truck in front of her had come to a stop. She was going to run into it. Pinky's foot stomped the brake pedal. She veered to the right. The Civic screeched but didn't completely stop until colliding with Sidharth's old truck.
"Shit!" Pinky exclaimed as she came to the realization she was at fault in this accident. She couldn't afford a ticket or the higher insurance costs that would result. After a moment, Pinky took a deep breath and finally unclenched her fingers from the steering wheel, bracing herself before looking at the damage.
As Pinky got out of her car, the other driver, a tall, strapping, black man in his fifties, climbed from the old pickup truck she had just ran into. He looked like a body builder, huge muscles in his chest and arms bulging beneath his shirt. Pinky surveyed the damage as the black man approached: a dent on her left fender and some of her car's paint on the truck's rear bumper which was badly bent. She looked up at the black man towering above her.
"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" she asked.
Everywhere Pinky went, she captured eyes. Men and women desired her, invoking jealousy in wives and girlfriends.
Sidharth hesitated before answering, carefully considering his words as his eyes feasted on the petite, white girl with red hair and green eyes standing in front of him. She was a young, slender beauty -- couldn't be more than 30 years old, he thought -- with a nicely curved ass, perky tits, and fine facial features. He noticed the small engagement ring she wore.
"I'm not sure," he replied rubbing the back of his neck and examining his rear bumper, which had been banged up pretty good from a previous accident. The thin metal of her fender couldn't possible bend the thick steel of his bumper like that. But there was no way a young, dumb girl like her would know that. Besides the small scuff mark, she hadn't really caused any additional damage to his already smashed up truck. "It looks like you messed up my bumper and your fender. My neck is hurting some too. Do you have that cell phone you were using when you ran into me handy so we can call the security officer and file an accident report?"
Pinky fetched her phone and did something very unusual for her, she started crying. Usually strong and self-confident, everything seemed to be going wrong lately. Her wedding was in a month and what a terrible way this was to begin her marriage. She and her fiancé, her high college sweet heart, were eager to make a family, but she was unemployed, unable to pay her bills, and now faced a big, fat ticket for careless driving and much higher insurance costs. It was a stretch financially with Larry's small paycheck before, but now they certainly couldn't make it.
Sidharth watched tears flow down Pinky's face. Her hands nervously trembled holding the phone that got her in this mess in the first place. "Why are you crying like that?" he asked.
Between sobs Pinky explained her situation, "I'm going to get another ticket and I won't be able to afford insurance. We'll never be able to get married."
Her crying aroused Sidharth with thoughts of stuffing his gigantic, black cock into her tight, young twat -- of pumping her little pussy full with his potent cream and putting a black baby in her white belly; but she was too distraught to notice the large bulge forming in his pants.
The two sat on the curb of the lonely stretch of highway, just outside of town, surrounded by empty fields. Tall blades of grass waved in the warm summer breeze, early morning dew drying from them. An occasional car or truck whizzed by.
"Wait," Sidharth said placing his hand over Pinky's phone so she couldn't finish her call to the security officer. "Perhaps we can work something out where you won't get a ticket and your insurance won't go up. I hate to see two young people start out with such hardship," Sidharth explained now driven by appetency greater than greed.
"Really?" Pinky sniffled, her eyes red a swollen.
"Sure, I have a friend who can fix that dent and I can probably set you up with a job. Let me see your phone."
Sidharth was moving fast on Pinky. Before she had the chance to even consider his offer, its potential costs, his ulterior motives, he took the phone from her hands and called his friend: "Hi Amit, it's me, Sidharth. I need to call in a favor, buddy. I'm on Highway. A Honda Civic ran into me and the owner needs her car towed to your shop and repaired."
Pinky's jaw dropped. The damage to her car didn't look that severe to her. "I think I can drive it," she said.
Sidharth held up his finger gesturing for Pinky to wait until he finished the conversation on her phone. "Okay, we're on the side of the road."
"It's not that bad. I can drive it." Pinky repeated when Sidharth ended his phone call.
She was right. Her car was perfectly drivable. But Sidharth knew women were easily deceived when it came to cars and mechanical issues and she didn't need to know how minor the damage to her car actually was. "Are you serious? You can't drive your car with that dent in its fender. It's unsafe like that and you'll ruin your tire when you make a left turn."
Pinky started crying again, "But I can't afford a tow truck or repairs."
Her tears caused Sidharth's penis to fill with more blood, making his erection even harder. "It's either this or we file a security officer report and get the insurance companies involved. Amit owes me a few favors and he does nice work. Let's see how bad your damage is when he gets your car back to his shop. I bet he can fix it for less than your deductible. I guarantee he will cost a lot less money than if you take your car elsewhere."
"I don't know about this," Pinky replied. "I just don't have the money."
"Well you need to make a decision now while I can still call Amit back and cancel. It's not fair to make him come all the way out here and then for you to change your mind. Either way you're going to need a tow truck. But at least my way your insurance won't go up and you'll avoid getting a ticket. I am just trying to help you out."
Pinky felt confused. She wanted to ask her fiancé, Larry, what to do, but he wasn't supposed to get phone calls while at work and she didn't want to upset him with more bad news.
Sidharth sensed Pinky's hesitancy, but the dark, primitive compulsion sparked by Pinky's tears and originating from his swollen penis had become stronger than his urge to breathe; like a high pressure salesperson, he pushed to close the deal before she backed out.
"It may not cost much, if anything at all, since Amit owes me. If money is that much of a problem now, I'll vouch for and you can pay them back later," he added.
A lot of people owed Sidharth favors for things he provided to them. Sidharth had dabbled in a number of illicit businesses.
"Okay, I guess," Pinky answered.
Amit pulled up in a rusty, old tow truck that looked like a bigger heap than Sidharth's pickup. Sidharth stood up and ran to meet his friend, leaving Pinky sitting by herself on the curb. Amit, still in his truck, lowered his window as Sidharth approached.
The two punjabi men chatted like good friends, occasionally glancing her way and laughing, but Pinky couldn't hear what they were saying to each other from her distance and over the chugging of Amit's truck. She watched Amit -- a wiry fellow with short, kinky, white hair atop his head -- hop from his truck and briefly examine the damage to her car. He shook his head disapprovingly and then proceeded to attach her disabled vehicle to the winch. Next to his huge friend and the heavy equipment he operated, Amit appeared slight. The two men walked over to Pinky after hooking up her car.
"It's a good thing Sidharth stopped you from driving your car like that," the old punjabi man said. He grinned as if thinking about something funny -- his smile containing dark gaps where teeth were missing -- and added, "I'm Amit."
"Hi Amit, I'm Pinky. Thanks for helping me out. Do you have any idea how much this is going to cost?" the girl asked, her pretty, green eyes still pink and puffy from crying earlier.
"It's hard to tell just yet. Until we get that fender off, there is no way to know if any underlying damage to the frame occurred. Don't worry about that now. Sidharth says he'll vouch for you."
Amit turned to Sidharth and continued, "I'll take her car back to my shop now and get Raj working on it. Unless he finds major damage to the frame he should have it drivable later today. The rear bumper on your truck looks like it needs some work too."
"Okay," Sidharth replied. "We'll take care of my bumper later." He then explained to Pinky, "You'll ride with Amit. I have some business to do and then I'll meet you at his garage."
As Sidharth opened the passenger door for Pinky, it sounded like it shrieked in pain, its rusty hinges arthritic joints forced to move. After Sidharth helped her into the truck's filthy cab, Pinky sat in the tattered seat and watched the old man pull himself up into the truck. She could tell it was becoming a struggle for him as he aged.
Amit waved to Sidharth as he drove away with Pinky beside him and her car attached to the back of his truck. His admiration for Sidharth reached an all-time high. Pinky's beauty was even more striking close up; and her presence brought some life to his long dormant cock, which twitched slightly each time his eyes took in more of her lovely, model-like features.
After Amit and Pinky headed to Amit's shop, Sidharth went to seek medical attention for back and neck injuries he had just sustained. His story would be that the late model, blue Honda Civic Pinky drove had left the scene. If turned in, say by the shop that repaired her car, Pinky would be charged with felony hit and run.
It didn't seem to take this long to reach them after Sidharth called Amit on her phone; but Pinky was upset and not paying attention to time. Amit drove slowly and took a detour back to his garage while uneasiness festered in Pinky. She had never spent much time around punjabi people and the old man's body odor added to her discomfort. His eyes kept wandering up her legs and staring at her breasts each opportunity he got to take them off the road. The more she thought about it, the more precarious her situation appeared. But she couldn't just demand for him to stop and give her car back. She felt paralyzed by an inability to act and sat silently as Amit drove to their destination -- wherever that was.
Amit's garage sat in a part of town where bengalis were rare and Pinky had never visited before. Her fear subsided some when they arrived. In five hours Atul would be off work; she planned to call him and let her fiancé know what had happened and where she was.
Amit's place looked more like a junk yard than a repair shop, with cars and their parts strewn about in overgrowth and a tall chain-link fence with barbed wire on top surrounding the property. Two large Doberman Pinschers with spiked collars around their necks, appropriately named Demon and Savage, ran to Amit's truck as it pulled up the driveway. They angrily barked and snarled at Pinky when she opened her door. Pinky froze with fear.
"Demon... Savage: heel!" Amit thundered in a tone that didn't match his stature and sounded like it came from a big, Nazi drill sergeant. The dogs cowered to his feet. "Get out of here you mangy mutts!" he yelled. At his command they scurried away like scared puppies. Pinky suspected the dogs reacted that way from cruel treatment. In a volte-face, Amit politely smiled and helped her from the truck.
They walked into the garage where the smell of oils and solvents hung in the air as thickly as Amit's body odor in the truck. A young, punjabi man, around Pinky's age, dressed in denim coveralls with grease stains on them, worked under a car on the lift. Amit barked like one of his excited dogs, "A, bring this young lady's car in here and get to work on it right away. She was just in an accident, and needs it fixed now."
From his broad shoulders, Raj's lean body narrowed down in the form of a "V" with muscular pecks, biceps and buttocks his baggy coveralls poorly concealed. He performed quick repairs and quick paint jobs on cars. He also dismantled a few stolen automobiles for Amit who used them for parts. Raj didn't ask questions, but somebody made his boss more volatile than usual. He looked over to his boss yelping and saw a beautiful white girl. "Wow" he muttered under his breath, his mouth forming a smile of bright teeth that contrasted his dark skin. His eyes punjabi like obsidian lit up at the sight of Pinky.
Pinky sat in a waiting area that consisted of a table and several plastic chairs in the corner of a small room. A number of disgusting girlie magazines -- Hustler, Barely Legal, Oui, and Penthouse -- covered the table and momentarily brought back the uneasy feeling she had experienced while riding in Amit's truck. A layer of filth deposited over the years from the bottoms of mechanics' shoes darkened the white terrazzo floors worn by traffic. A television that only received one boring channel was mounted to the wall. With nothing to read and her cell phone out of charge, Pinky passed the day in the dirty waiting area at Amit's garage watching stupid shows on the television.
Raj started working on Pinky's car. The damage was minimal but his boss explained the situation. Raj would have it fixed late that day -- after Sidharth returned -- even though it could be repaired sooner. Except for the dent in her fender, her car appeared immaculate inside and out. Even the contents in her glove box were neat and organized as he went through them curious of her personal life. He found the papers from the dealer where she purchased the car in an envelope: a bill of sale and completed credit application. She lived in a nice part of town and had just turned 21-years-old, a year older than him. Raj believed cars resembled their owners. He imagined Pinky looked as flawless under her clothes as her car looked under its hood. A girl perfect as Pinky was as easy to win as the lottery. But Raj couldn't help fantasizing about taking Pinky for a spin, and putting his piston in her well-oiled cylinder anyway.
A service counter with a cash register and telephone sat at the far end of the room where Pinky waited. A door behind the counter led to the garage. The door opened and Raj came in pretending to look for something. From this location the young stud had a perfect view of Pinky as she watched the television. Her silky, black hair, flowed down to her shoulders. Her shapely breasts were not excessively large, but filled her white blouse nicely. Her tight, black skirt, which reached just above the knee, revealed a slim waist and long, smooth legs she kept crossed. But her face was indescribably beautiful with large, luminous, green eyes that looked like they belonged to a cat, high cheek bones, a little nose, a narrow chin, and full lips. Raj stood undressing Pinky with his eyes, imagining her naked like the models in the porno magazines on the table -- magazines he took to the bathroom and wacked his monster sized penis off to three times a day. Raj's cock got hard as he stared at Pinky. He had broken up with his girlfriend over a month ago and was tired of jerking himself off.
Amit walked from his office down the short corridor to the waiting room and saw Raj leering at Pinky and grabbing his coveralls to adjust his very large penis. "What are you looking for?" Amit asked, knowing good and well what Raj was up to.
"I'm looking for the keys to her Civic," Raj nervously replied.
"I gave them to you, cretin! Get back in that goddamn garage and get her car fixed." Amit barked.
Although Pinky disliked Amit's tone, she was thankful he chased the guy away. She pretended that she hadn't noticed Raj staring at her, but from the corner of her eyes she saw his blurry image standing there grabbing his crotch. The entire time she had concealed how uncomfortable he made her feel. She never had an interest in punjabi men before, and certainly didn't have one now. She was off the market to all men. Soon she would be Mrs. Pinky Donovin, wife of Atul Donovin. She just wanted her car fixed so she could get away from these creepy punjabi men.
But now instead of the young guy, the old pervert ogled her for several minutes. At least Amit didn't keep obnoxiously grabbing his penis like Raj had done.
The old man could no longer get full erections, at least not without help from blue pills. However, the sight of Pinky made more blood flow into his dusty prick without Viagra than it had received in a long time, which rekindled Amit's memories of youth. How he wished he was a younger man again. Like Raj now, at one time he could get boners from a simple breeze. Amit thought how this gorgeous, white chick must be torture for the poor kid.
The phone rang, diverting Amit's attention. "Amit's Garage," he answered.
"Don't say my name," Sidharth's voice carefully instructed him from the phone. "I'm at the hospital and the security officer are taking a report. They already took a paint sample from my bumper but I didn't give them her license plate number or description. Make sure you keep her there until I get back."
"Sure, we can take care of that for you," Amit said with that same funny grin he gave to Pinky when he introduced himself to her -- the one that exposed his missing teeth, a semi-toothless grin. "Bring her in and we'll fix her up. We're open late tonight."
Amit hung up the phone and went down the corridor back to his office -- probably to look at some nasty magazines, Pinky thought.
By five-thirty Pinky's car still was not finished. She was about to ask if she could borrow the phone so she could call Atul to pick her up when Sidharth walked in.
"They finish your car yet?"
"No," Pinky replied shaking her head.
"Amit?" Sidharth yelled down the hall. "What's up with her car?"
Amit emerged from his office, "Let me go check."
He went out to the garage and for a few seconds, only Sidharth, Pinky, and an awkward silence filled the room. Unlike the other two guys, Sidharth knew how to work a girl like Pinky. He knew not to come on too strongly at first and to wait until the time was right and her defenses were down. He checked Pinky out without her realizing it.
"Okay, he's finishing up right now," Amit explained coming in from the garage holding paperwork for the repair. "Let's go back to my office and hash this out."
The apprehension Pinky had experienced off and on throughout the day -- when she had ridden in Amit's truck, when she had noticed the hardcore, pornographic magazines on the table, every time Amit and Raj had taken turns ogling her, when Raj had fondled his crotch and Amit had given her his semi-toothless grin -- returned again like bad indigestion. Yet her conscience compelled her to follow Amit down the hall with Sidharth close behind her. They had given her a tow, repaired her car, trusted her to pay them back without getting insurance companies or the security officer involved. Now it was time for her to return their good will, Pinky thought, ignoring the anxiety she felt in her gut.
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Amit's office appeared neater and cleaner than the rest of his business, but was still beneath Pinky's standards. Half of his large, oak desk was covered under a mountain of papers: old receipts and letters, statements from his banks and creditors, and utility bills that he let pile up. Every six months or so, when he got around to it, he went through it all, filed the important stuff, and threw away everything else. And then like a volcano made of papers, it would re-form.
To her relief, Pinky didn't see any erotic magazines in his office. But her suspicion had been correct nonetheless -- he had hidden them in his desk.
Two antique chairs made of oak with a dark, worn finish faced the desk. Everything in this place: the waiting area, the customer service counter, the terrazzo floors, Amit's oak desk and the chairs across from it, seemed to display the same depleted look that could almost pass for a purposefully planed motif, which of course it was not. Pinky sat in one of the chairs, but Sidharth remained standing beside the other. Amit sat in a torn, but comfortable leather chair facing the two.
"There was some damage to the frame of your car which Raj repaired," Amit explained. "We also replaced your fender and painted it. Since I'm doing this as a favor for Sidharth, I'm only charging 55k."
Pinky looked at Sidharth, her eyes welling up again. "I don't have 55k. I don't even have a job right now."
"Now take it easy, sweetheart" Amit said. "Sidharth is vouching for you. But you need a job to pay us back and it just so happens that I need someone at the customer service counter to answer the phones and ring up customers. I'm willing to pay you 10k per week cash under-the-table. You can probably pay the entire bill off in three months."
Pinky didn't feel comfortable with this proposition. The money was enticing but the way Amit and Raj both looked at her gave her the willies.
"Uh, I'm not sure. Can I think about it for a day or two?" Pinky asked.
Sidharth again detected her hesitancy. He knew she needed money. They were close to a deal and he didn't want to use his trump card, the hit-and-run felony charge yet. He was saving that for his final coup d'état.
"What are you not sure about?" Sidharth chimed in. "That's a damn good deal – 10k under-the-table. If she doesn't want the job, I'll take it, Amit."
The two men laughed and Pinky gave a nervous giggle. She felt pressured.
"I'll tell you what; you seem like a well-spoken young lady that will bring some class to this place. I'll go to 12000/- per week, but that's my final offer."
"Wow," Sidharth remarked.
This all seemed so similar to when Pinky sat in the car dealership negotiating for the Civic. But $650 per week was a lot of money, at least to her. Her car payment was a month behind, her auto insurance premium was past due, and she needed to pay Amit back. Again her conscience helped in her decision. Sidharth had been kind. The security officer would have given her a ticket for careless driving and her insurance would have gone through the roof since this was not her first accident.
"Okay, Mr. Amit, I'll work for you."
The three of them smiled and laughed again, Amit with his semi-toothless grin and Sidharth with several gold crowns on his teeth. Amit quickly handed her a paper to sign. "It's just saying the service was performed to your satisfaction and you agree to pay us for the work performed," he still chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye. Pinky signed it.
******CHAPTER 5*******
The three men waited behind and gathered in Amit's office after Pinky went happily on her way, in her perfectly repaired Civic, back to her fiancé.
"Okay, Amit, how much did the repairs really cost?" Sidharth asked.
"Maybe 5000/- if we had used new parts. But I had a fender lying around from another Civic that went through the chop shop a few months back." Amit then asked Raj, "How many hours you work on her Civic today?"
Raj shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, maybe four hours total."
"Yea, and that's including all the time you spent trying to get a sniff of her pussy." Amit quipped. "This kid must have blue balls. Since he broke up with his girlfriend a month ago, he's been jerking off three times a day, and that's just when he's here at work. At most the repair cost 2000/- with his labor included."
Sidharth sat stroking his chin pondering his scheme. He ran multiple scenarios through his mind, his thoughts sharper, more rational, with Pinky now gone along with the throbbing erection her tears had brought him. As badly as he had wanted to fuck Pinky, it would not be prudent. It would be far too incriminating if he had sex with and possibly impregnated the same person who committed the hit and run on his truck. On the other hand, it would be quite plausible to a judge and jury if Pinky initiated sex with Amit, or better yet, Raj, in exchange for fixing her car so the security officer wouldn't find out. Of course he hoped they would not have to turn her in. Hopefully, Pinky would acquiesce and let Raj stick his cock in her. Raj was closest to Pinky in age, and had the fewest ties to Sidharth, making him the best candidate for the privilege of fucking her. "How would you like to have a bong girlfriend?" Sidharth asked Raj.
Raj's eyebrows raised, his big, white teeth revealing themselves in his grin. "You mean that hot, white chick whose car I fixed today?" he asked incredulously.
"Who else have we been talking about, stupid?" Amit interjected.
"Shit yaar!" Raj replied.
"Listen, you can't jerk off anymore. Do you understand?" Sidharth asked. "We can't risk you going soft on her when she fights it, and she will fight it, at least the first few times."
Raj nodded in reply.
"She starts tomorrow which is Wednesday," Sidharth said to Amit. "Don't pay her until next Friday after we have a little chat with her and Raj fucks her."
The three men sat quietly for a few moments while Sidharth looked up and stroked his chin more in further thought. Sidharth understood the female psyche more than most men. She had chosen a mate in her fiancé and she might not be on the pill since they were getting married soon. When he had spoken with her after the accident, Pinky gave Sidharth the impression that she and her fiancé would immediately try to start a family. Her primal female instincts would fight to protect her precious eggs from all except him.
"Do you use condoms with your girlfriends?" Sidharth asked Raj.
"Not unless they insist," Raj responded. "It doesn't feel as good with them."
"I'm with you on that," Sidharth said patting Raj on his back. "Do you want to use them with Pinky?"
"Not if I don't have to. Why?"
"I don't think she is on birth control since she is getting married soon. If that's the case and you want to enjoy her bareback, you better convince her from the very start that you've had a vasectomy; otherwise she will never let you near her without a rubber. A girl like Pinky doesn't get pregnant out of wedlock or illegitimately. It will just make things easier if you tell her you got a vasectomy after knocking up a few girls and your done having children."
Raj thought about what Sidharth said. "That's not too far from the truth, at least the part about knocking up a few girls, but this is a different situation. She is not like the girls in the hood. What if she really does get pregnant?"
"No, she is nothing like girls from the hood. That's why you must absolutely convince her you're safe. She is getting married. If she gets pregnant she will think the baby is her husband's, which it may be. Being her baby's daddy, though, would have benefits if you wanted to stick around and be with her." Sidharth beamed, "If not, you'll have plenty of time to skip town."
The conversation made Raj hard. He reached down and repositioned his cock. Already his huge testicles ached. It would be a long ten days, but that bong girl would be worth every moment of abstinence.
"Goddamn that's a huge one," Sidharth commented. How do you keep that thing inside your pants?"
"I tuck it down my pants leg." But hard-ons are a bitch."
Amit interjected: "What the hell do I get from all this?"
"What do you want out of it?" Sidharth inquired.
"I want 500/- bucks from the kid every time he takes a go at her and I want to watch too."
"Let's start out with the 500/- and you can drill a hole in the wall to watch," Sidharth joked. That work for you, Raj?"
Raj nodded.
If all went as planned, each of the three men would now get something they wanted: Sidharth, half the money Amit received from Pinky and half the money Amit received from Raj and whatever funds he might be able to scam from his own insurance; Raj, a beautiful bong girl to regularly fuck; Amit, cheap help, eye candy, and live peep shows. Pinky would be working for far less than she realized paying them back a good chunk of her salary for something she never received. Amit anticipated getting much of Raj's paycheck back every week in fuck fees. They all would win something at Pinky's expense.
"One more thing," Sidharth added. "The two of you need to be a little less obvious leering at her. We need her defenses down and the element of surprise when we make our move."
*******CHAPTER 6*************
Pinky got home late but in wonderful spirits. "Hi honey," she said falling into Atul's arms and giving him a great, big kiss.
"Somebody's in a good mood," Atul replied. "I was worried about you. I tried calling but it went immediately to voicemail."
Pinky's smile lit up the room. "My cell phone was dead. But I've got good news."
"What?" Atul inquired. The job hunting clothes Pinky wore gave him a hint.
"I got a job," Pinky lilted, her big green eyes sparkling as Atul looked into them.
"That's wonderful!" Atul cheered with a big smile of his own. "Where did you get a job?"
Pinky left Atul's embrace, put down her purse and picked up the mail sitting on their kitchen table. "At a place called Amit's Garage."
"What are you doing at the garage? I didn't know you knew how to work on cars."
"I don't, silly. I'll be answering their phones, dealing with their customers, and taking care of their paperwork," Pinky replied, shuffling through the stack of envelops comprised mostly of overdue bills. "No checks from Publisher's Clearinghouse yet," she joked. Atul didn't respond to her dry humor.
"How much are they paying you?"
Pinky stared at one of the envelopes in her hand from her auto insurance company -- a cancellation notice -- while thinking for a moment, and didn't immediately respond. She decided not to upset Atul by telling him she had another accident. Since Amit was paying her cash under-the-table, she could pay back the loan, 6000/- a week, without Atul knowing about it.
Pinky looked up at Atul who she always found somewhat attractive, but lacked the build and muscles the punjabi men she met today displayed. She wasn't marrying Atul purely for great looks, or for money, neither of which he had in abundance. She was marrying him because they were kindred spirits who transcended physical attraction. "They're starting me at 10k a week, but cash under-the-table."
"10k cash, no taxes, isn't too bad. Where is this place? I've never heard of it."
Pinky put the stack of envelopes back down on the table. Tired of wearing heels and sitting around in business attire all day, she wanted to change into something comfortable. "near the highway," she replied tired
******CHAPTER 7********
Friday arrived. Pinky drove her Civic through the open gate with barbed wire on top of it. Demon and Savage, chained to the front of the garage, lay panting next to their water bowl. The dogs growled at Pinky a little less viciously as she exited her car and walked inside. Over the past few days they became more familiar with her, although she still couldn't approach them.
Things seemed to be going well for Pinky. She kept busy mostly answering the phone and helping Amit with all his papers that needed filing. Each day she felt a little more comfortable here. The lustful stares she had thought Raj and Amit were giving her when she first met them no longer occurred. She began to wonder if perhaps she had misconstrued their looks because she had been so upset. She strolled over to the waiting area. Someone replaced all the girlie magazines with issues of Time, People, and Better House Keeping.
Raj came in from the hot garage to cool off a few minutes and sneak a few peaks at his future girlfriend's tight ass as her back was turned toward him arranging the magazines on the table. He imagined bending her over Amit's desk and feeding her tight twat the full length of his beefy, Negro sausage. Blood quickly rushed to Raj's penis. It had been three days since he last masturbated and his large balls grew heavier by the day producing more sperm. He changed his thoughts to his grandmother to control his urges.
Pinky turned around. "Hi Raj," she said, her gorgeous, bright smile illuminating the room as she greeted him, her luminous green eyes drawing Raj into them like an object falling to earth.
"Hello, Pinky. What's up?" The erection in Raj's pants began returning and grew more unpleasant as he resisted moving his cock to a more comfortable position while in front of her.
"Hey, Raj," Pinky asked drawing closer to him, her voice getting lower, "When do we get paid today?"
As she came closer, his erection grew harder, his discomfort approached pain. "We usually get paid when Amit closes shop." Raj answered. At that moment he ached to release his cock and bury it inside Pinky, to hold her naked body squirming against his, explore her mouth with his tongue, and fill her with his cum. Instead he gave a boyish smile and went back to the hot garage to cool off.
They closed shop. Pinky and Raj went into Amit's office. Sidharth had stopped by to visit and was bullshitting with Amit when they entered. Sidharth rose to give Pinky his seat. Amit sat behind his big oak desk, now cleared of the mountain of papers, thanks to Pinky, and handed Raj an envelope filled with money. But he did not have another envelope for her. "Since you started this week, I'll pay you next week," he explained with his semi-toothless grin. "I usually hold a week's pay in advance."
"Is there any way you could give me an advance?"
Amit looked over to Sidharth standing behind Pinky's chair. He gave Amit a slight nod. "I think we can arrange that. How much do you need?"
Pinky looked down and hesitated, building courage to spit out the amount -- "10k."
"10k? You didn't make that much this week." He pulled his calculator over from the edge of his desk and punched numbers into it. "You worked three days, which only comes to 2k."
"I know," Pinky whined like a little girl. "But they cancelled my car insurance."
Amit leaned back in his torn leather chair, his beady eyes darting around the room as he thought. The girl obviously had financial problems that could work to their advantage. If her car insurance was cancelled, she was likely late on other bills as well. Keeping her indebted to them while still in need of money would offer even more leverage with her.
"But you already owe 50k. I can give you 1000/- now and 1000/- next week. Will that help you out?"
It wasn't as much as Pinky needed, but she could at least start paying some of her bills. "Thank you, Amit. I appreciate this."
******CHAPTER 8********
The second week went as smoothly as the first for Pinky. Friday afternoon arrived. A white clock with black hands and Roman numerals on its dial hanging on the wall behind the counter read 3:00 on its dusty lens. It was a slow afternoon with not much for her to do. She eagerly waited for 5:30 to arrive so she could go home and be with Atul. They had a lot of bills, but also planned dinner and a romantic evening together with some of her pay.
Raj looked at a small, black digital clock sitting on top of his tool cabinet in the garage. It read 3:00 as well, but in bright red numbers. Sidharth's truck pulled up the driveway and parked next to Pinky's Honda. Raj heard the crunch of his steps in the gravel get louder as Sidharth approached. Sidharth walked over to Demon and Savage first, kneeled down and petted the dogs. "Hello pouches, you're good girls," he cooed.
"Right on time," Raj remarked.
Sidharth stood and came over to him. "Are you ready?"
"I've been ready, man. My balls hurt they're so full of cum."
"Good boy," Sidharth replied with his gold and white grin. He empathized with the kid, but Raj's situation was enviable; soon he would experience the most pleasurable relief imaginable, well worth the discomfort and wait. "I know you're pretty experienced with girls, but don't fuck this up. We're playing head games with her also. If it feels good to her physically she will likely feel guilty and confused afterwards. So once you get that thing in her, take it easy and let her body get used to it. I doubt she's ever taken a cock as large as yours before. Start with slow, easy strokes, pay attention to her response, and try to make her cum a few times before shooting your first load."
Raj didn't need the advice. He had been fucking girls since he was 13 years old and had developed an art in lovemaking which he refined over the years. He could finesse any girl. His unusually large penis seduced every female he managed to get it into. He only needed to get inside Pinky. But after listening to Sidharth anyway, he strolled out to the front gate and clanked it closed. The thick steel chain rattled as he wrapped it around the metal poles and snapped its padlock shut. He made his way over to Demon and Savage and released them from their chains. It was time to go inside.
Pinky sat in the waiting area reading an article in People magazine about Kim Kardashian. Unlike the couple in the article, she preferred a suitor from her own race, and wasn't into the whole interracial thing or darker complexioned men.
"Have a nice weekend," Raj's voice said. She looked up and saw Raj with his keys in one hand and a white envelope in the other.
"Hey, what do you mean have a nice weekend? It's only 3:15. We don't close until 5:30."
"Amit left already and told me to close up early."
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Pinky didn't see Amit leave, but she hadn't seen him in the building in a while either. "Is that what I think it is?" she asked, looking greedily at the envelope containing Raj's weekly salary.
"Yea, I got it from Sidharth. He's in Amit's office now."
Pinky's eyes lit up with excitement over getting paid and starting the weekend early. "Oh, I better go get my pay too before Sidharth leaves."
"Okay, see you Monday. I'm out of here," Raj replied giving Pinky an unusual smirk.
Raj watched Pinky head toward Amit's office, adrenaline pumping through his veins. Fortunately she hadn't looked down or she would have noticed his monster trying to force its way out of his coveralls.
A peephole in Amit's open office door, she hadn't noticed before, struck Pinky as odd. "Pinky, have a seat," Sidharth said as he rose from Amit's desk and pulled the chair out for her. "I have something important we need to talk about." Pinky noticed him close the door and suddenly the uneasy feeling that Amit and Raj had given her that first day she met them returned.
"I just came to get my pay. Raj told me we are closing early today."
Sidharth handed Pinky a white envelope, which at first she thought contained cash. She opened it and found papers inside.
"We are closed, Pinky. It's just you and me here now," Sidharth said as he observed Pinky reading the copy of the hit and run security officer report he had filed. "But you won't be leaving early," he continued.
Pinky's jaw dropped. "What is this?" she asked.
"It's the hit and run report I filed for the accident you fled. You caused injury, which means you committed a third degree felony. That will get you five years in prison."
"Oh my God," Pinky exclaimed, her hands coming up to the sides of her face.
"They don't have your license plate number. But they did get a sample of your paint from my bumper."
"Why are you doing this?" Pinky cried, tears streaming down her face.
Sidharth felt himself getting aroused as she cried. He ignored her question and continued. "There's actually a cash reward for Amit if he turns you in. But fortunately, both Amit and Raj have agreed to keep quiet about this if you cooperate."
"What do you want?" Pinky asked recognizing the absurdity of her question. She was young, but not that naïve. Her tantalizing beauty like a lamp at night attracts moths had motivated many suitors to hit on her whose advances she declined. Her uneasiness before was the hitting of an iceberg, which now became the realization that the ship was going to sink. Sidharth stepped behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.
"I want you to relax, Pinky," Sidharth said beginning to rub her shoulders. His hands felt the tension in her muscles.
Pinky sat in shock as his meaty hands massaged her shoulders for a few minutes. He bent down and began nibbling her neck, which made her tingle all over like a low current of electricity flowing through every nerve in her body. His hands then descended to her breasts and her mind began racing. She could not allow this to continue. "Stop touching me!" Pinky responded slapping his hands off her and jerking her neck away. She jumped from the chair and headed toward the door. Sidharth stepped in front of it blocking her exit.
"Think carefully about this, Pinky. If you go out this door, it's five years in prison."
"I'm not having sex with you," Pinky replied, her luminous green eyes glaring at Sidharth like an angry cat, fury now replacing tears from moments ago.
"I'm not going to have sex with you Pinky, at least not in the sense of putting my cock in your pussy, if that's what you're afraid of."
That was a filthy, disgusting, thought -- having his nasty, cock inside her. "What do you want, then?" Pinky snapped.
"Five years is a long time in prison, a long time to wait for someone, don't you agree? A young man like Atul, with certain needs would probably find someone else to satisfy them."
The anger in Pinky's face changed to fear as Sidharth spoke. Her wedding was less than three weeks away. Her brain sped a million miles per hour. There had to be a way out of this, but it was like trying to solve an unsolvable puzzle.
"What do you want," she repeated in a more reasonable tone.
"There are other ways people can pleasure each other that don't involve intercourse," Sidharth explained taking her arm and guiding her back toward Amit's cleared off desk. He turned her around to face him and began unbuttoning her shirt. Pinky looked down and nervously watched his fingers reach the last button. She was still trying to solve the puzzle in her mind.
Sidharth glimpsed her tight stomach and cute belly button as her shirt hung open. When his big hands reached the clasp of her skirt, she tried backing away, but banged her ass into the edge of Amit's desk.
"No, I don't want to do this," Pinky complained, the zipper on her skirt sounding like fabric being torn as Sidharth unzipped it.
"There are some mean bulls in prison that would love to get their hands on you.," Sidharth reminded her as he pulled her slightly away from the desk's edge so her skirt would fall. It puddled around her ankles.
Pinky stood paralyzed as Sidharth emotionlessly slid her open shirt from her shoulders. A thin gold necklace with a small pendant attached hung just above her cleavage. Her white lace panties –with matching bra and black high heels with a slim anklet on her left leg remained.
Pinky trembled with fear still trying to solve the puzzle, her thoughts turning to desperation. Maybe masturbating Sidharth, as disgusting as that would be, would satisfy him and prevent him from going further -- from touching her.
"I'll jerk you off," she recklessly blurted, no sooner the words leaving her lips, regretting them and her inability to think of something more cleaver, less depraved to stop him.
Sidharth chuckled at the offer, reaching behind her and unclasping her bra. "That will be nice, but you need to be pleasured first to get you more in the mood for it."
She reached up holding her bra from falling off her perky, medium sized breasts. "No, wait, maybe I can pay you more money," she pleaded as if kidnapped.
"Let go of your bra," Sidharth growled impatiently, grabbing her wrist and dragging it away from her chest and down to her side.
Her bra fell away and Pinky's breasts, perfectly shaped globes, billowed from her petite figure unaffected by gravity. Her nipples hid -- camouflaged in pink -- in the centers of flawlessly round areolae somewhat larger than quarters. Sidharth's fingers latched to her areolae, drawing her nipples of the same hue out from them. Her nipples grew harder and distinguishably erect from their surrounding pink flesh as he began twirling his fingers around them.
"Please, stop touching me," Pinky cried.
His hands left her breasts and slid down the sides of her hips and into the waistband of her panties.
Pinky knew what came next. Her mind raced to solve the puzzle. There had to be some way to keep him from molesting her further. "Please don't make me do this," Pinky pleaded. "I'm in the mood. Let me jerk you off now," she offered. She reached for her panties, tried to stop Sidharth from pulling them down. "No," Pinky wailed. Sidharth roughly pried her fingers from the delicate fabric and yanked her briefs to her ankles.
Her pubic hair the color of shiny black like the hair resting on her shoulders. Sidharth knelt before her neatly trimmed burning bush. Her hand quickly covered Sidharth's site of worship. He rose, leaving her panties around her ankles. She looked like a scared child -- head down, hunched over -- with one arm covering her breasts, and one hand over her vagina. Her defiant self-confidence from earlier had vanished. Sidharth nudged her backwards until her ass bumped the edge of Amit's desk again.
"You need to get a little more comfortable," Sidharth said, his hands grasping the sides of Pinky's petite waist. Before she knew what he was doing, he lifted her up (she instinctively grabbed his shoulders for support) and sat her on the desk. Pinky jerked her hands away from Sidharth's shoulders the instant he set her down as if his skin jolted her with electricity and resumed covering her privates. "Lay back," Sidharth's voice thundered as he shoved Pinky backwards.
It felt to Pinky, like an outer body experience she watched from afar, as Sidharth navigated her panties, still wrapped around her ankles, from one of her stilettos, and then left the briefs dangling off her other ankle.
"You're beautiful," Sidharth said as if commenting on a prized game he had hunted and finally caught. He tried opening her legs.
Pinky tried to think of something, anything, to stop Sidharth from going further, finally offering the unthinkable: "Please, Sidharth, I'll suck your cock. Don't do this to me."
"That will be nice, Pinky. After I get you nice and aroused I'll let you do that," he replied coldly.
"I'm aroused now... really. Let me do it and I'll show you," she begged.
"Open your legs now, Pinky, or you're going to prison for a very long time!" he roared.
She stared at the ceiling, tears from the corners of her eyes forming rivulets flowing down the sides of her face and into her hair, and allowed him to slowly push her legs open. He spread them wide. She reached down modestly covering her vagina with her hand. He grabbed hold of her wrist and wrestled it over to the side.
"Please, don't fuck me," she cried, words coming from her mouth in static.
"I won't fuck you, Pinky. Now relax!" Sidharth popped his finger in his mouth, getting it nice and wet, then slowly inserted it in Pinky's small pussy.
Sidharth's assurance provided little comfort to Pinky as she felt his finger slowly probing her. He had lied about everything else, turning it into something much worse. A sensation very close to her clitoris alarmed her. "No," she complained, not wanting to be aroused by him. Sidharth had slobbered on his thumb and gently rubbed the sides of her clit with it. Her shapely nails dug into Sidharth's wrist trying to stop him. He pried her fingers off him bending them backward in response, while managing to masturbate Pinky without the slightest interruption.
"Owe, oh God," Pinky yelped, the pain in her hand temporarily distracting her from a response in another part of her body -- she was getting wet, providing enough lubrication for Sidharth to caress her clit without his spit. By the time the ache in her hand subsided and her cries simmered, her pussy had become aroused.
"Okay, Sidharth, I'm ready now. Let me suck your dick," Pinky blubbered, attempting to divert his attention and stop him from playing with her vagina. She despised being touched by him and her body's reaction to it.
But Sidharth didn't stop -- he moved in for the kill. Pinky felt the sensation of his fingers spreading her labia further apart. An inviting heat from her pussy reached Sidharth's face as his mouth drew close. Her clitoris was getting harder and his tongue landed on it. She inhaled deeply. "Oh. . . God," she exclaimed exhaling. "Stop it." Her tiny, white hands tried unsuccessfully pushing his black, nappy head away.
Sidharth's strong hand pressed on her firm, flat tummy as he performed oral sex on her, his other hand parting her labia. Her clitoris fully hardened and grew larger. Her breathing accelerated and her nipples poked out from her breasts. Pinky fought to control her response. Her hands pushed against Sidharth's head. "No," she continued.
Raj watched Sidharth going down on Pinky through the peephole Amit had installed in the door. Pinky's hips turned every which way trying to escape his tongue, her soft moans muffled, but audible, "Ooh..., please..., mm-hmm..., don't..., uh-huh..., no..., ah." Short, contradictory words and phrases lacking definite meaning replaced her earlier pleas for Sidharth to stop.
After nearly two weeks of complete abstinence, with the temptation of Pinky daily, the scene tantalized Raj. But it was obvious Pinky was almost ready for him. He removed his clothes waiting for Sidharth's signal, his thick, meaty cock hard and leaning from his body under its own immense weight.
"Are you ready yet Pinky?" Sidharth asked between licks to her clitoris. "Ooh, no, please, don't. Stop it. I'll play with your cock if you want me to," Pinky moaned while panting. "Just stop doing that." Pinky's body displayed signs that it had reached sexual hight. She had been seduced as much as possible. Now was the best time to make the move, when she would be most vulnerable and receptive to intercourse.
Pinky's eyes briefly opened as she felt Sidharth lift his hand off belly. But his tongue still danced with her clit and her eyes closed again. Sidharth raised his hand up and waived it for Raj.
Raj quietly opened the door and got into position beside Sidharth where he could quickly move into place. Sidharth enjoyed spoiling Pinky's pussy, but the time had come to share the fun. As Sidharth moved away from Pinky, Raj looked down at her bush. It reminded him of a freshly mowed patch of grass, neatly trimmed and edged with a small garden meticulously weeded, its hairs a shiny black, the same color as the hair that flowed in gentle waves from her head.
Pinky felt Sidharth grab her hips and scoot her bottom closer to the edge of the desk. He was masturbating her again while rolling both of her nipples gently between his fingers. She opened her eyes, dilated pupils from arousal concealing much of their black color, and saw him smiling down at her as he fondled her tits. He bent down and began nibbling her neck. Sidharth felt her nipples get even harder as he nibbled his way to her ear.
And then Pinky realized someone else must be playing with her pussy. Her eyes widened and she managed to prop herself on her elbows before Sidharth stopped her from sitting all the way up. Raj stood naked between Pinky's open legs masturbating her; his cock only inches from her entrance put Pinky in distress. His uncircumcised penis looked strange, absurdly thick and large, like some exaggerated organ on an character. Pinky had never seen an uncircumcised penis before or a punju one.
Raj stopped masturbating Pinky and stretched her labia open while she stared paralyzed in disbelief of his size: a long, thick log with a tan sac holding testicles each the size of a golf ball and filled with sperm. White pre-cum drooled from its tip as Raj pulled his foreskin back and aimed toward her opening.
"Oh my God, you said you wouldn't fuck me," Pinky cried to Sidharth in a panic as he held her. She watched in horror, Raj's fingers parting her labia, her pink membranes exposed glistening with moisture as the brown, bulbous head of Raj's cock gently touched them.
"I'm not going to fuck you," Sidharth answered in her ear. "He is."
"He's too big. Please don't fuck me Raj. I'll suck both your cocks right now!"
She felt the head of his fat cock begin pushing into her.
"No, please, I'm going to get married; I'm not on birth control; I could get pregnant!" she pleaded.
"I promise you won't get pregnant," Raj assured her, delivering lines he had carefully rehearsed. "I've had a vasectomy over a year ago and I only shoot blanks now. I already have three kids and I'm not making anymore." He squeezed the bulging head of his unprotected penis inside Pinky -- her first punjabi cock and first uncircumcised one too.
Pinky felt her labia stretch to admit the head of his cock "Oh, God -- please no. Take it out," she begged.
Raj slowly inserted more of his gigantic black serpent into Pinky, the pressure causing her discomfort. She felt herself opening further to accommodate both his massive circumference and length. She only had a couple boyfriends and never had a penis this large before.
After a month without pussy and almost two weeks not jerking off, Pinky's cunt felt like bliss to Raj: wet, silky and snug like a tight sleeve hugging his cock, milking it for cum. With a pussy this tight her fiancé's prick had to be tiny. Her legs helplessly floundered around Raj's waist , her anklet rubbing on his skin as he penetrated deeper, black stilettos remaining on her dainty feet and the white panties still dangling from her left ankle.
Pinky kept visualizing the white pre-cum drooling from Raj's monstrous cock when he had inserted it in her, the milky white slime now leaking inside her. She watched his cock, slick with her vaginal secretions, slowly withdraw almost all the way out, reverse direction, and slowly return into her a little further each time, more of it disappearing and his nappy, black bush getting closer to her own. His cock, almost as round as a soda can, tugged her lips along with it on each stroke, like it was pulling her inside out.
From behind Sidharth supported Pinky's back with one hand and used his other to push her elbows from under her. "Lay back," he coldly instructed. Raj maintained a slow, steady rhythm and began making tight circles around her clitoris with his thumb. "That's it," Sidharth said as her eyes nervously looked up into his. "Let Raj do his thing for a little while and it will be over soon."
How could this be happening? Less than three weeks before her wedding Pinky was laying naked on her back at the edge of a desk with another man's incredibly large cock in her -- a punjabi -- who was not Atul. She hated Raj and Sidharth for what they were doing. But as her body adapted to its new mate, the pressure and discomfort Pinky had initially experienced gradually diminished, so did her anger and determination to fight. The thoughts of Atul that went through her brain became fleeting. Her eyes closed. She had forgotten what sex felt like without condoms. She could not recall Atul's penis ever feeling like this. Her body began appreciating Raj's huge, uncircumcised cock in spite of how much she despised him. It felt smoother and seemed to glide in her more comfortably than her fiancé's circumcised one; and it gave far more sensation due to its enormous size and friction.
Raj remembered Sidharth's advice as he felt Pinky cum for the first time -- her pussy squeezing his cock almost like an affectionate gesture rather than an involuntary, biological response, encouraging him to ejaculate in it -- and thought about his work to postpone his own climax.
"No, please, ooh" Pinky whimpered, addressing herself and her body's reaction to this horrible invasion as much as the culprit, Raj. But Raj knew he finally had her.
Sex with Atul never lasted this long. Pinky felt a second wave of orgasms approaching and cursed herself. Something warm, smooth, and hard pushed against her lips. Her eyes opened. "It's time for the blow job you promised me," Sidharth said with a smirk as Raj drove into her. As disgusting as all this was to her, she opened her mouth and sucked on the head of Sidharth's chocolate colored cock, her petite hand wrapping around its shaft and jerking it. Sidharth observed that her nipples had returned to erection and he began tweaking them.
Raj's balls were ready to explode. As he felt Pinky cum for her third time, he groaned loudly, and with explosive force filled her pussy with his potent, punjabi cum. Pinky panicked, trying to tell him not to cum in her, to take it out. But Sidharth's cock remained in her mouth and she only managed to moan. Reaching down with both hands she pushed at Raj's stomach just above his pubis, an unsuccessful attempt to make him withdraw and stop the torrent he was releasing in her.
When Raj finally removed his cock from Pinky, his jism leaked from her open gash down the crack in her ass. He pulled back his foreskin and messaged her swollen clitoris and pussy lips with the head of his penis.
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After several minutes of messaging Pinky's clitoris with his cock, Raj backed away from her. Sidharth turned her on her side facing him, in better position to finish sucking his cock. Her tiny, white hands ran up and down his long, thick, black shaft frantically trying to get Sidharth off and get this nightmare over with. Her small engagement ring was a real turn on for Sidharth as he watched her stroke him with it on her finger.
Sidharth grabbed Pinky's head and pulled her face into him. She felt his kinky pubic hairs scbang her lips. "Swallow it," he grunted, as she gaged on several mouthfuls of cum.
In the time it took Pinky to swallow all Sidharth's cum, Raj achieved a second erection and jerked her back to the edge of the desk. "What are you doing? No!" she yelled with the taste of Sidharth's semen still fresh in her mouth. She tried to sit up, but Sidharth held her down. "Lay down, Pinky! Raj isn't finished yet."
"No, I already had sex with both of you. I want to go home now."
She bucked trying to avoid having Raj's massive horse cock inside her a second time as he held her hips and tried re-entering her.
"Do you want home to be prison for the next five years?" Sidharth reminded Pinky as he pinned her shoulders to the desk top, helping Raj hold her down. She struggled against Sidharth's massive muscles, their solid weight pushing her down onto the wood's unyielding surface, but felt Raj's smooth, uncircumcised horse cock tightly slithering back inside her anyway. It wasn't as much pressure or discomfort as the first time he entered her.
"Ooh, God, no," Pinky exclaimed as a slow, steady rhythm that seduced her before resumed along with those tight, irresistible circles around her clit Raj made with his thumb.
"It's only 4:30 right now," Sidharth chuckled letting go of Pinky and pointing to his watch. "But I think you may be staying overtime tonight," he continued with a nauseating smile, his eyes landing on an embarrassing clit boner Raj's thumb mercilessly encouraged and exacerbated in Pinky.
"I can't -- no, stop it. Atul's expecting me. He will come looking for me," Pinky tried threatening.
Sidharth laughed dryly. Raj continued unfazed by Pinky's warning, the fence locked and the dogs guarding the premises against unwanted intruders. Poor Pinky held no inkling how hollow her protests rang -- didn't fully grasp the checkmate her assailants had carefully planned for two weeks and put her in.
Sidharth leaned back in Amit's chair with an unlit cigar in his mouth watching the two young lovers go at it now for their third time that evening. He felt a perverse sense of satisfaction over the budding relationship he had arranged, noticing that even though Pinky had pleaded and squawked, her legs reluctantly locked around Raj's ass. She had begun to recognize his "extra talent", her hands gliding up Raj's back, almost embracing him and her shapely nails digging on to his back. She certainly wasn't fighting him anymore. In fact the two were heavily breathing and somehow the French kissing Raj initially forced on Pinky no longer appeared coerced, the two moaning into each other's mouths, their sex filling the room with wet, gushy sounds.
Sidharth glanced at his watch: it was already 6:15 p.m. and Pinky was indeed working overtime tonight just as he had predicted earlier to her dismay. He had taken the liberty of going through her purse while the two lovebirds were in throes of passion and silencing her phone so they wouldn't be distracted by Atul's calls. In fact lover boy Atul never showed up as Pinky had fallaciously threatened, which was unfortunate for her. She unwillingly spent quality time with Raj instead, getting well acquainted with him. Sidharth heard Pinky cry out in a high pitch as she came again. How many times was this for her -- 10, 11? He had lost count. What stamina! Raj certainly proved that he knew how to deliver himself and could last extra-long.
Finally Raj collapsed on top of Pinky after his third orgasm. She found herself embracing his hard muscular body against her own. She released her grip on him, unlocked her legs, and ended their kiss. This was all so vulgar and wrong. Her arousal quickly returned to revulsion. He had ejaculated in her again. Even though Raj claimed he was sterile, having his filthy cum inside her disgusted Pinky. She felt his huge cock in her deflating like a leaking balloon. She turned her head to the side and saw Sidharth, reclining in Amit's tattered leather chair, staring at them, the unlit cigar still in his mouth. She pushed Raj off her and sat up, then slid from the desk. She picked up the panties that somehow had finally come off her ankle and slid them on. Sidharth and Raj both saw a wet spot forming on them before she put her skirt back on.
Tension filled the room as Pinky dressed. She glanced Raj's way searching for her shirt and saw his well-defined pecks, ripped abs, and the huge, black, horse cock that had been inside her, uncircumcised and strange looking to her, flaccidly hanging in front of him, dripping with their fluids. She quickly diverted her gaze from the revolting sight.
"Would you like your pay?" Sidharth finally asked.
"Yes," Pinky coldly answered, her eyes glaring with hatred.
Sidharth handed Pinky another white envelope containing the rest of her pay minus the cash advance from the previous week, 4000/-. "We didn't take any out this week for the repairs. You can start making those payments next week," he said magnanimously.
"There won't be a next week," she sneered grabbing her purse. "I won't be back." She stormed from the office and made it out the front door. Outside, Demon and Savage charged her way showing their sharp, white teeth, the metal spikes of their collars catching the orange rays from a setting sun. Pinky had no choice but to return inside the building.
"I'm glad to see you decided to come back," Sidharth remarked greeting her in the waiting area, the cigar in his mouth now lit, smoke rising from its tip. Amit stood with him, wearing his semi-toothless grin that now sickened her. Raj was still dressing in Amit's office. Pinky felt a small bit of relief that she didn't have to confront Raj as well as Sidharth after what had just occurred between the three of them.
"Can you call off your hounds so I can leave?" she impatiently asked.
The tip of Sidharth's cigar glowed red as he inhaled. "You better think long and hard about not coming back on Monday," he spoke. "Not only will you end up in prison, but there's still the little matter of the money you owe Amit here for the repairs to your car. He'll put a mechanic's lien on your Civic if you don't make a payment Friday. Your car will be impounded. And then there's the little matter of the damage you did to my rear bumper that you're liable for if Amit decides to turn you in. I believe you told us your insurance had been cancelled?" The gold and white smile returned to Sidharth's face, "The estimate for that was 55k. Atul will be getting quite the deal marrying you: huge debt and a prison wife. Think about it this weekend. Hopefully, Amit will see you Monday morning."
****CHAPTER 9******
On her way home, Pinky glanced at her phone noticing four missed calls from Atul. Someone had turned her phone on silent. Her mind raced, this time trying to construct a story to tell her fiancé. The truth was out of the question. How could she ever tell anyone what had occurred with Raj and Sidharth? About how stupid she had been? But why was she late and why hadn't she answered or returned Atul's calls sooner? The late part was easy: she could say she was detained in traffic. Then it dawned on Pinky: She was detained in traffic and realized she forgot her phone at work and had had to return there to get it. That's what she would tell Atul. She called Atul back apologetically with her explanation, and told him she was on the way home.
While Pinky drove home, the three black men involved with her assault remained at Amit's Garage and met in Amit's office. Amit plopped in his old, leather chair. A rather large, milky puddle of semen mixed with Pinky's vaginal fluid -- a souvenir of the young, interracial couple's fledgling passion -- remained in front of him on his desk. He ran his fingers through it and then rubbed the slippery liquid between them. With his semi-toothless grin he looked at Raj and said, "Very impressive. You owe us 500/-, stud." Amit then turned to Sidharth, "That was a great show, but what's our encore? Do you think she will really be back?"
Sidharth took the half smoked cigar out from the corner of his mouth and let the long ash at its tip fall to the floor. With the cigar between his fingers, he sat in the wooden chair across from Amit and began stroking his chin pondering their situation and the possible scenarios that might play out. "There's a fifty-fifty chance she will be back on Monday. If she doesn't come back, we need to call her bluff and go take her car."
"Wait a minute," Amit interjected, "legally a mechanic's lien is only good while we have possession of the vehicle. We're not like a bank and don't have title to the property to repossess it like that."
"Yea, but she doesn't know that. Besides, she was involved in a felony hit and run accident. Do you really think she will want to get the security officer involved?" Sidharth's gold and white smile appeared. "Is she going to want her fiancé to know about how she fucked a punjabi to fix her car?"
The three men chuckled, and Sidharth addressed Raj, "How was she?"
"She was incredible, man. The best fuck I've ever had. Her pussy felt so good around my cock. I could feel it squeezing me when she came. She is so beautiful. I think she really got into it for a little while."
"You got to keep nailing her," Sidharth replied. "You can't let up. Bang her every day. That was good what you told her about having a vasectomy. Don't let her know the truth now. Pinky is a stunning white chick used to getting her way with men. When she comes back she won't be very 'cooperative'. You're going to need help until she gets used to being with you."
"Used to being with me?" Raj questioned.
"Yea, getting fucked by you; going for long, frequent rides on that big dong of yours," Sidharth joked. "You want to keep fucking her, don't you? She has already had your cock several times today, so the hardest part is over. Now it's just a question of continuing what we started."
"That's great; I'd love to nail her every day, but there's one problem: I can't afford money a pop."
"Well what can you afford?" Amit interjected agitatedly.
Raj thought for a moment and then answered, "500/- a day, and when we're not busy I get to fuck her as much as I want."
Amit's bottom lip stuck out as he thought about it for a minute. "I'll tell you what, you get your work done quicker, stop taking so many breaks, and I'll go with that. Otherwise the deal is off."
Amit's offer suited Raj. With Pinky to fuck he would no longer needed frequent breaks with pornographic magazines.
Amit then asked Sidharth, "How long you think it'll take to get her 'used' to having sex with the kid as you put it?"
Sidharth thought back on similar girls he had recruited for prostitution many years ago. This was a different situation. They had abducted the girls back then and used drugs on them. It was a fun transition to watch. "Don't know," Sidharth answered. "Every girl is different. They have different personalities and weaknesses. Some are stronger than others."
"Well make yourself available then because I'm too old for this kind of shit? I'll watch," Amit snapped.
*******CHAPTER 10*********
Pinky arrived home and fell into Atul's arms like she did countless times before. He gave her the usual great, big kiss they always greeted each other with, but it felt uncomfortable to her this time. Sidharth's cock and Raj's tongue had recently been in her mouth and now she shared them with Atul.
"Are you ready for our big night out?" Atul asked excitedly.
Pinky nodded with a forced smile.
"Well let's go or we'll miss our reservation."
"Honey, I just got home. Let me take a shower and change first." Pinky felt dirty after three hours of sex with Raj -- the longest she had ever spent with a man. She could still feel his slimy, foul cum inside her, on her panties and in her pubic hair starting to dry. She didn't want any part of Raj near her. She wanted to wash him away from her body and out of her mind.
"Come on, sweat heart, you've been looking forward to this for two weeks. You can take a shower and change when we get back. The shower will still be here."
Pinky was at a loss for words. What could she tell Atul? That she had been with two black guys the past three hours, fucked one and sucked the other's cock, and now needed to wash up? She forced another smile. "Okay, but I've got to use the bathroom first."
Pinky went to the bathroom, took some toilette paper, and tried to wipe as much of Raj's cum away as possible. Much of it had already dried, leaving a crusty residue. She flushed the toilette paper evidence and pulled her panties back up, still a little wet and stained with drying semen. They were an expensive pair of bikini briefs that matched her bra. She would have to wait until later to take them off and wash them when Atul wasn't around.
The next Monday,Pinky could not believe she actually had to keep coming back to this horrible place. She didn't want to be here, but she didn't have a choice. When Atul was at work, Amit and Sidharth had come to the house with Amit's tow truck to take her Civic. Sidharth threatened to turn her in to the security officer and say she had sex with Raj in exchange for fixing her car and keeping quiet about it.
She had only answered the phone three times today and it became obvious why Amit had really hired her. The dusty clock behind the counter read three o'clock and she knew what that meant. What she had prayed was a one-time occurrence with Raj had turned into daily ritual. This punjabi guy seemed to never tire of her and wanted to fuck continuously.
Sidharth arrived at his usual time and met Raj out in the garage. "You ready to give your girlfriend more loving today?" he asked, his gold and white smile appearing. Raj finished all his work and was ready to go at it with Pinky the rest of the day.
Sidharth and Raj came inside. Sidharth walked up to Pinky. "Come with me to Amit's office now," he callously told her.
Pinky gave him a dirty look. "I don't want to do that with him anymore."
"Come on," Sidharth impatiently said, tightly grabbing Pinky's arm and jerking her to Amit's office.
"Hey, let me go," Pinky protested, but her resistance diminished a little more each time Sidharth forced her back there, her fight always ending in defeat, the sex with Raj becoming less foreign to her.
"You always end up enjoying this so why the big production?" Sidharth shoved her in the room and shut the door behind them. Raj was naked already waiting for her, his uncircumcised horse cock fully erect. "Now get your goddamn clothes off and start fucking him or I'll rip them off you," Sidharth threatened, taking a seat in Amit's chair.
With her head down, Pinky unbuttoned her shirt and removed her skirt, a broken woman. She hesitated before unclasping her bra and letting it fall from her shoulders. She stood topless wearing only her small, gold pendant and panties, black heels and anklet that shone on her left leg. Raj came up to her and started rubbing her pussy through her panties.
"Does this feel good?" he asked.
"Please, Raj, I don't want to do this again. I'm getting married in a week." She felt his big, warm, heavy cock pressing against her stomach as he began hugging her. Soon it would be inside her. She wished she could get him to wear rubbers. Strangely, a thin membrane would have provided Pinky some comfort knowing a barrier existed between them preventing the unwanted intimacy of complete contact with Raj. "Can't you at least use a condom?" she asked as she had previously.
Raj gave her the same tired answer he had given before: "It's okay, baby. Absolutely nothing can happen. I've had that all taken care of for you, remember?"
But this wasn't okay like Raj claimed. Pinky never slept around, had multiple partners, or engaged in casual sex. With someone she cared for deeply, intercourse first required a long courtship. Pregnancy wasn't her only reason for wanting Raj to wear condoms. She had always insisted her partners use them, even when she took birth control pills, Atul briefly the only exception after their engagement. Sex without barrier protection was dirty, too intimate, and unsafe for reasons other than just pregnancy -- even with someone she really loved and knew very well, unless that person was her future husband.
What came next from Raj's lips sickened Pinky: "I want you to feel me, not some piece of rubber; and I need to feel you. We need to feel each other to be together. We're just having fun your fiancé will never know about," he said guiding her over to Amit's desk.
Deep down Pinky knew her words were futile, but she tried reasoning with Raj anyway. "This isn't fun to me, Raj, and I don't want to 'feel' you and be together. I'm not your girlfriend. I'm marrying someone else. Why do you keep letting Sidharth make me do this with you?"
"Bend over," Raj instructed ignoring her argument, his strong hand landing on her back and shoving her face down on to the desk. His fingers hooked into the waistband of her briefs and pulled them down her slender legs as she stood bent over, her small, gold pendant resting on the wood's cold, hard surface. Raj rubbed his hand up and down between her butt cheeks, touching her asshole, and then probed her pussy with his fingers.
"Don't," she whined. But she had become wet for him already.
Pinky felt Raj's warm, hard cock weightily resting on the side of her ass while he fingered her. She dreaded the huge, black, horse cock inside her again. This wasn't right. It was repulsive. It made her feel dirty and she avoided sex with her fiancé as much as possible because of it.
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Raj slid his black serpent between Pinky's ass cheeks and into her receptive pussy. She felt warm, and wet, and silky and tight, and like paradise. He always delivered himself to her slowly, waiting until she was ready before giving her his entire length.
"No, ooh, ooh, ooh, take it out," Pinky moaned in sync with his thrusts. More of him entered and occupied her, like a triumphant invader going deeper into her defeated territory, until his bareback cock was fully inside her again, sliding against her intimate and sensitive folds, nothing between their special places as they shared the feeling of each other -- something she didn't want to do with him and missed with Atul who was still using condoms. But Atul and she decided together to wait until after their wedding to have children. It was a horrible situation, Raj taking her like this, and worse, with more intimacy than she shared with her own fiancé. But unlike Atul, Raj absolutely refused to use rubbers with her. At least Raj had a vasectomy and could not get her pregnant, or so Pinky believed. Atul could still have children. Not that Raj's vasectomy made any of this better.
Pinky closed her eyes as Raj banged into her. Once inside her, something about Raj's cock changed her outlook, like some addictive drug. Was it his huge size making constant contact with her most sensitive places? Was it his foreskin that produced smoother, gentler sex and extra moisture? Was it his perfect technique? Was it because she started to find him and his big black muscles actually attractive? Or was it the combination of all these things? When he was inside her, she became his.
Sidharth could see the forced pairings with Raj were having their impact on Pinky, making her more complacent and accepting of Raj as a sexual partner. Getting Pinky to fuck him became like priming a water pump -- once Raj got started, she continued flowing for him. Now that the two lovebirds were joined, he could leave them to their own devices for the afternoon. Tomorrow he would return for the same thing, but with Pinky slightly easier to prime. Before leaving them, Sidharth quietly went into Pinky's purse and again switched her phone to silent.
Her arms pulled him to her as they French kissed. "Ooh, ooh, Raj, please, don't," Pinky cried now in mercenary position on Amit's oak desk, her legs locked around his ass again. She was cumming and she could tell from the expression on Raj's face he was about to orgasm too. "Don't cum in me this time, please," she said between heavy breaths. "Take it out." Even though he had a vasectomy, Pinky felt sickened by the thought of his jism in her. But Raj, as usual, ignored Pinky's requests, resumed French kissing her, and for the third time that afternoon, filled her with another batch of his secret, baby making sauce.
"You came in me again, Raj," Pinky complained as she caught her breath.
"I'm sorry, baby, you just feel too good and I can't help myself," Raj answered. He saw the disgusted, worried look on Pinky's face and added with a comforting smile, "Don't worry about it. I can't make you pregnant."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course, baby. I wouldn't lie about something like that. I care about you." He gently nibbled her ear, making Pinky's entire body tingle. She felt his cock twitch in her again, releasing a few residual rounds of semen from his lingering erection. Raj thought about all the virile sperm he had ejaculated in her over the past weeks and the very high probability of actually impregnating her with his black offspring. He had been fucking her multiple times almost daily and it didn't sound like she had started any type of birth control.
Pinky fished the phone from her purse as Raj lay on top of her. "Shit, I'm late again," she said observing the time and another missed call from Atul.
******CHAPTER 12********
Pinky returned to work Mrs. Aparna, a wedding band now accompanying her engagement ring. She came back reluctantly. Things had become way too hot and heavy with Raj before she had left on her honeymoon. He had been fucking her three times a day; and to Pinky's chagrin, frequent sex with Raj and his enormous horse cock had started to grow on her like an addictive drug.
Her first day back and Sidharth arrived at 11:00 am, four hours earlier than usual. "Let's go to Amit's office," he said emotionlessly.
"No, Sidharth, I'm married now and that's not happening anymore," Pinky forcefully replied. Two weeks away from them had renewed her strength and restored some of her former self-confidence.
"I don't give a shit if you're married or not. You're going to fuck Raj or you're going to prison. Do you want Atul to learn about the affair you had with Raj to fix your car and keep quiet about it?" Sidharth watched defiance in Pinky's eyes change to fear. "Now, let's go."
Sidharth's hand digging into her arm hurt Pinky as he ushered her back to Amit's office again. She stumbled keeping up with his hurried pace. She was married now and hoped things would change. She wanted to run away from this. But she knew Sidharth would have her sent to prison if she refused. Pinky still owed Amit 40k, which would take 12 more weeks to pay off. She had the days marked on a calendar in red ink -- twelve more weeks in Hell.
"Don't tell me you forgot our routine during your honeymoon," Sidharth said shoving her into the room and closing the door. Pinky underwent what can only be described as a sudden relapse to submissiveness, back to the way she had become with Raj just before leaving on her honeymoon. She slowly undressed, got up on Amit's desk, and allowed Raj to spread her legs.
Pinky looked down at the enormity of Raj's unprotected penis as he pressed it against her pink opening that somehow would manage to accommodate the thick, black shaft again. She had forgotten how large Raj actually was compared to Atul. Even Raj's hefty testicles dwarfed Atul's.
Fortunately, Raj had had a vasectomy so she didn't have to worry about the copious sperm his giant balls would otherwise produce, Pinky thought. But Raj still ejaculated ridiculously huge amounts when he came and Pinky could see how he had easily impregnated girls at one time. She could feel his warm jism filling her when he climaxed, something she never experienced with Atul. On a few occasions Raj withdrew, hosing her with his white, sticky cum and then ignoring her protests messaging her with it, spreading it over her nipples, into her belly button -- all over her.
In back of Pinky's mind she wondered why with a vasectomy Raj's ejaculate appeared in every facet identical to Atul's semen, just more abundant. It even smelled and tasted similar -- Raj once placing his cum covered fingers in her mouth and making her suck them clean. It didn't make sense to her, but she had read somewhere that a vasectomy didn't produce a noticeable change in a man's ejaculate.
"Please, Raj, I'm married now. I can't do this with you anymore," Pinky pleaded. "It just isn't right." Absent was Pinky's request for Raj to use rubbers, which had gradually ceased with his consistently stubborn refusals. The enhanced intimacy with him became a nasty practice they forced on her until she finally developed a penchant for it. Raj's claims of having a vasectomy and assurances that latex protection was unnecessary and undesirable took hold. They simply got her physically accustomed to the incredibly erotic feeling of his cock without any type of barrier -- to his genitals touching hers, nothing separating them. But Pinky would never admit to this horrible, disgusting craving they created in her for Raj.
"Oh, it's very right, baby. It's perfect," Raj answered placing his hand on the center of Pinky's chest and pushing her back. "We won't let Atul ever know about this as long as you cooperate -- right Sidharth?" Sidharth nodded and Pinky's eyes closed. Sidharth heard her gasp when Raj entered her. Raj had forgotten how snug and silky her pussy felt to his cock. "Ooh," she exclaimed as Raj's super-sized penis returned inside her for the first time in two weeks since her honeymoon.
"That's it, baby, you see how good it feels?" Raj asked as she lay on her back subtly rocking to a fro from his gentle thrusts. They were joined again.
"Uh-huh," Pinky moaned in reply, like a former heroin addict getting a fix after a long abstinence. Her head turned to the side; she bit her fist and arched her back. The girth of his cock put pressure and friction against the walls of her pussy packed with touch sensitive nerves. As his shaft travelled in and out, it pulled her inner lips with it making her clitoral hood slide up and down. It felt insanely pleasurable to Pinky and nothing like sex with her husband. Atul rarely gave her an orgasm when they made love, his small penis unable to produce sensations remotely as intense as Raj's cock.
Raj gradually banged into her with greater force, her body jerking back and forth beneath him transmitting an echo of his movements. They started fucking in earnest and Sidharth quietly left them in the office, knowing the pacific affect Raj's cock had in Pinky. There simply would be no further resistance from her, the pump was now primed and working again.
Sidharth and Amit sat in the waiting area shooting the shit, Sidharth lighting his cigar, while the two young lovers went at it in Amit's office. Since it was a slow day anyway, and poor Raj had gone without sex the entire two weeks Pinky had left for her honeymoon, Amit thought it would be a nice gesture to give the kid some extra time with Pinky today.
"You won't need me around here as much soon," Sidharth said. "I think Pinky is starting to like being with Raj. Give her three more weeks, max, and she'll probably willingly go to your office with him every chance she gets."
Demon and Savage chained outside suddenly started barking. "Sounds like somebody's out there," Amit remarked. Sidharth puffed on his cigar when a young, white man walked in the front door.
"May I help you," Amit asked.
"Hi, I'm Atul, Pinky's husband. I just stopped by to see her for lunch."
Sidharth drew deeply on his cigar to avoid cracking up. Amit didn't find it as amusing. Thinking quickly, Amit answered, "Oh, she is in the back helping out with some inventory." He turned to Sidharth, giving him his semi-toothless grin, "Would you go get Pinky?"
"Sure thing," Sidharth said jumping up and heading down the hall, his cigar hanging out the corner of his mouth.
Sidharth quietly entered Amit's office greeted by the heavy breathing, wet gushy sounds, and passionate groans of two people becoming one. Raj was humping away at Pinky. The two deeply kissing looked like they were tangled in a black and white knot, arms and legs around each other. He could tell from her high pitched moans Pinky was cumming on Raj's cock. The two had been fucking for about an hour and Sidharth wondered how many times she had cum already for Raj. "You missed his big, black cock on your honeymoon didn't you?" Sidharth asked.
Pinky opened her eyes and stared dreamily at Sidharth. "Ooh," she sighed closing them again and arching her back as Raj's cock continued to open her up.
Sidharth sat down and waited for Raj to blow his load in her.
Raj had missed Pinky terribly. The pace of his thrusts into her accelerated, the culmination of 16 long days without sex about to erupt from his oversized, sperm filled testicles like a volcano inside her.
"Ooh, don't, you're making me cum again, Raj, no," Pinky cried out, her fingernails digging into his back. It felt so good, but cumming for him was so wrong.
Raj released a loud groan Sidharth was certain could be heard from where Atul waited. His hips slowed, and then stopped moving. Pinky's hands lightly stroked up and down his big, muscular back as she caught her breath. "You said you wouldn't cum in me this time," Pinky complained, reality setting in, and the drug-like effects of his cock wearing off in her along with his erection.
"You guys may want to hurry things up because your husband is outside waiting to see you for lunch," Sidharth announced.
Pinky's eyes widened. She pushed Raj off her; and with his cum still leaking from her pussy threw on her clothes.
"Amit told him you were helping with inventory," Sidharth added as Pinky opened the door.
********CHAPTER 13***************
Atul looked at his wife and wondered how he got so lucky with a girl like her. "Were you surprised I came to visit you for lunch?" Atul asked.
Pinky fidgeted in the seat for a moment straightening her skirt and didn't respond to Atul's question at first, her mind seemingly preoccupied with something else. They sat in the corner booth of a small, family restaurant near Amit's Garage, the only white couple in the establishment.
She felt Raj's cum leaking from her pussy and making her panties slimy and wet. From two weeks of abstinence he left more in her this time than his usually large amount.
"Honey, did I surprise you?" Atul repeated.
"I'm sorry, yes, you did. I wasn't expecting you. What's the occasion?" Pinky responded.
"Nothing, I don't have to be back to work until tomorrow, so I thought I would come see you for lunch," Atul replied, unaware that his wife had acquiesced weeks ago to allowing another man's much larger cock in her pussy; that while at work, Pinky's vagina had been receiving millions of sperm from this black man multiple times daily; that when she had come home each night and kissed Atul, her mouth contained this man's saliva -- sometimes his semen; that beneath the clothes Pinky had worn home, the black man's ejaculate had sometimes been messaged over her tummy and breasts, had dried and coated her tight little body as Atul hugged her; that when Atul had held Pinky in his arms -- and even as he sat in the restaurant with her now -- her pussy contained Raj's sperm swimming in it and not his.
A theft so subtle, even Pinky didn't realize it was happening: the physical relationship she was forced into having with Raj had started developing into something insidiously more -- something she had never sought, something she had faithfully avoided until being blackmailed and coerced. It was unfair. Pinky and Atul had been a perfect match for each other. But Sidharth and Raj robbed the pleasure of intimacy with Atul from Pinky. Her sexual desire for Atul diminished the more she was forced to be with Raj. With Sidharth's help, Raj not only took Pinky's body, he slowly stole the psychological emotions that inextricably accompany intimate physical pleasure in a long-term relationship. Every time she had intercourse with Raj, he came closer to being a lover, while her romance with Atul deteriorated, sex with him becoming infrequent and boring. Yet Atul remained clueless to his wife's affair.
Pinky was looking around the restaurant for the restroom as Atul spoke. "That's very sweet of you, honey. I'm glad you did," she answered distantly. A server finally came to their table with menus and water. "Where's your restroom?" Pinky asked.
"Down that hall on your left, dear," the overweight woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties directed her.
"Excuse me, Atul, I have to go. I'll be right back," Pinky said.
She seemed distracted today, Atul thought, as Pinky slid from their booth, her mind probably still on something with the inventory she was doing at work. He looked over the menu and sipped his water while Pinky entered a stall in the ladies' room and pulled down her panties. They were saturated with Raj's semen again. Another pair of briefs would need to be kept out of Atul's sight. But she wasn't about to go commando the rest of the day with a skirt on. She cleaned up the best she could. It still felt slimy and wet when she slid the undergarment back on, and cold now too even though she had tried wiping all of Raj's ejaculate off. She washed up and returned to Atul.
When they finished eating, Atul drove Pinky back to work. They passed through the gate, the chain-link fence topped with coils of barbed wire surrounding the property. "They have this place protected like a fortress," Atul remarked.
Or like a prison, a sex prison, Pinky thought. To Pinky's chagrin, Sidharth's car was still there. Atul parked next to it to drop her off. She looked at him a moment then leaned over and gave him a great big hug, tighter than usual. "I love you so much," she said eyes squinting, holding back tears. He was so good to her and had no idea what she did with Raj -- what she would have to do with Raj again once he left her there. Pinky wished she could run away with Atul, away from Amit, and Sidharth, and Raj and this awful place.
"Did you have a nice lunch with your husband?" Sidharth sarcastically asked when she came back in. He still sat in the waiting area with Amit, the cigar in his mouth now down to a stub. Amit gave her his loathsome, semi-toothless grin.
Pinky said nothing, shooting Sidharth a despising look instead.
"Your boyfriend is back there in Amit's office waiting for you," Sidharth continued. "He has another painful boner he needs your help with."
Pinky didn't find Sidharth's comment humorous. She stood defiantly in place, staring at him, wanting to tell both Sidharth and Amit to go fuck themselves.
"Get in there! You better be fucking him by the time I finish this cigar or I'll beat the crap out of you. Now move it," Sidharth snapped.
Pinky turned and slowly headed toward Amit's office. She didn't think Sidharth would really hit her, but he would have her sent to prison for the hit and run and tell Atul about her affair with Raj -- the affair Sidharth had forced her into having.
Pinky had already told too many lies and maintained them for too long -- no one would believe the sex with Raj was nonconsensual at this point. She even had her own doubts now. It felt so good. In fact the more Raj fucked her, the more confused she became about her feelings for him. She loved Atul, but the physical intimacy she had been forced into having with Raj began to evolve into an emotional bond she couldn't understand.
It was only 1:30 in the afternoon according to the dusty, Roman numeral clock hanging on the wall -- four hours left. Raj would go at it with her the rest of the day, maybe longer. Hard as she tried not to, she would soon be embracing him tighter than she had embraced Atul moments ago.
******CHAPTER 13********
Her debt almost paid, Pinky had worked with them nearly four months, the first two of which she had been forced into having sex with Raj practically daily. After that, as Sidharth had predicted, she began to accompany Raj to Amit's office more willingly without Sidharth needing to force her.
Raj was lying on Amit's desk on his back. Somehow Pinky acquired a fondness for performing oral sex on him. It gave her a sense of power pleasuring his large penis like this. Fellatio and cunnilingus had become a regular part of their relationship as their intimacy evolved.
Pinky stopped sucking his cock, climbed on top of him, and slowly took his entire length inside her. It was better this way -- she could control how much stimulation she received and sometimes she could tell when he was going to cum and dismount to swallow his ejaculate. Its taste had grown on her after a couple of months. She ran her hands over Raj's hard stomach, up to his burly pecs. Raj noticed how her previously flat belly began sticking out ever so slightly. She laid flat on top of him, her breasts a little heavier and swollen. Subtle changes her husband had not yet even observed Raj saw first stealing so much of her intimacy from him. Up and down her pussy moved, as if trying to swallow a big, black sausage whole, then regurgitating it un-chewed, coated with silky spit. "Oh, you feel so good in me," Pinky cooed. He grabbed her firm ass with one hand and with his other, began to pull her face to his. "Let me know when you're going to cum," Pinky briefly delayed, and then fell into the French kiss he was leading her toward.
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Was this eight or nine? Pinky lost count how many times she came as they kissed and moved into each other. Raj lasted longer than any guy she had ever been with, including Atul, not that she had been with many other men. She could feel his muscles getting tense. "I'm going to cum," Raj finally announced. She tried to dismount, but his strong, muscular hands grabbed her young, tight ass and pulled her further to him. "No, I'm going to cum in your pussy this time," he grunted.
A battle of conflicting emotions only vaguely persisted in Pinky, preference for the intimacy of unprotected sex with Raj -- along with the transfer of his body fluid it entailed -- almost a complete victory as their relationship had progressed. She had not surrendered all guilt, however, and slight uneasiness with his semen in her pussy persisted. She was married after all, and even though she now had feelings for Raj, at times it still didn't seem completely right having another man's unsheathed cock in her, even though she often felt closer to Raj than Atul.
But as Raj pulled Pinky into him, she lost the control she had gained from being on top during their sex, his cock rubbing just beneath the head of her clitoris, driving her to sexual frenzy and forcing her to climax again, with him, totally defeating the vestigial resistance within her; it made her want him to cum in her, want his big cock to stay inside her forever, to have his baby if it were possible. She abandoned efforts to decouple from him. "Ooh, okay baby, cum in my pussy," Pinky replied grinding into him. His penis fired repeated volleys of what she didn't know was potent, Punjabi cum inside her.
Pinky also didn't know that she was pregnant.
Pinky lay on top of Raj recovering from their mind blowing sex, her small, gold pendant hanging from her neck resting on his black, muscular chest. "What am I going to do with you? You keep doing that," she languidly complained coming to her senses, her cunt filled with his seed. Wearing her gold engagement ring and wedding band -- resplendent, yet empty symbols of a forgotten fidelity -- her hand admired his bulging, hard pecs as it caressingly explored them in a journey it kept repeating.
Two hours remained until time to go home, but now Pinky found herself wanting to stay with Raj as long as possible. She slid down to his flaccid cock covered with both their fluids, lovingly took it in her mouth and sucked. His gorgeous, black penis quickly re-hardened, her lips barely fitting around its head. And then they fucked again.
And it became a never ending regular feature .
Edited from : Thecryptkeeper
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