A Housewife Or a Whore
NOTE: I am not a Original Writer, It is c/p Story From Net.
Credit goes to original writer : strtlr69
Sanskari Larka
A Housewife Or a Whore
A Housewife Or a Whore
(Completed)[b]Adultery[/b] #1 NOTE: I am not a Original Writer, It is c/p Story From Net. Credit goes to original writer : strtlr69
Sanskari Larka
16-11-2021, 03:46 PM
This is a story about a married lady who explored the kinky virtual world to get out of the day to day boredom. Aparna, 23, was what one could call a perfect marriage partner. She could pass for a model any given day. She used to be slightly slim then what she was now but the extra kilos had added more to her charm and looks. The extra kilos were gained at the right places. Rishi, 26, her husband was a land shark. He could make money out of sand. His obsession was to increase his land bank and become one of the top land bank owners of India. With the boom in the land business, he was in alignment with his obsession. Rishi and Aparna met at a social function. Rishi was particularly impressed with her looks and the way she handled herself otherwise as well. Rishi was a rich, nice and a handsome guy. Aparna had the looks, warmth and character. The only thought that came seeing them together was -- Made for each other. Rishi was now travelling all over the country to look for newer places, newer markets to increase his land bank. At times, he would travel for 20 odd days at a stretch as well. Aparna would accompany him some time but she got bored as she had to stay alone the whole day in the hotels. She stopped travelling with him in the times to come. Rishi loved her much and spent a lot of time with her when he was in town. He provided her with all the luxuries possible. Aparna was bored to death and sometimes would almost feel depressed seeing the day just drag by. She joined a few ladies clubs. Aparna slowly started to know about the ladies in the group and their life. All of them had more or less the same story of having too much time at hand and nothing much to do. The ladies there were more interested in bitching then friendship. Some six months later, she made the inference that every lady was bored but one. That one lady happened to be her best friend as well. Her friend was always chirping, perky, smiling, content and busy texting on her mobile. It intrigued Aparna much cause she had a life similar to hers and yet the contrast. She asked for the reason but never got a definite answer. As some more time passed, Aparna could see that the more her friend texted - the happier she would be. So one thing was for sure, her texting was the thing that kept her ticking. Now what's, why's and how's of texting were a thing that eluded her. The more her friend denied the details, the more it intrigued Aparna. Aparna was now obsessed to know the reason for her friend's happiness. She finally came up with a solution. She bought the exact model of mobile as her friend. Aparna never knew that she would have the opportunity to switch the mobiles so very soon.
16-11-2021, 03:47 PM
It happened while Aparna offered her friend to drop her home. Her friend had texted something on her phone and got lost in her dreamy world. Aparna had to gather a lot of courage to put up her mobile next to hers. She felt as if her heart would explode doing such a thing. She was sweating but thankfully her friend was so much lost in her own imaginations that she did not see all this. She had switched the phones and was now praying that her friend's phone did not ring or make any sounds. Her friend was too lost and almost rushed out of the car as her home arrived. Aparna recollected herself as the car made way towards her house now. She nervously opened the other ladies mobile. She gets the first sample of virtual world by an Instant Message "My darling whore, I am missing fucking your whore cunt." Aparna went red reading the message. She rushed to her wash room. She had gone totally wet reading the message. It was a revelation to her. Aparna never knew she had a liking for such thoughts. Aparna knew what kept her friend busy and chirping. The problem now was to return her mobile. She rung her mobile number and told her friend that they had swapped each other's mobiles in the car. Aparna was shocked to see feel herself getting wet again. She had used the word "swap" and it made her wet. Her mind was on a spree of its own. Her friend was blushing hard as she came to collect her phone. Aparna greeted her with a casual remark "Hi whore". Aparna could see her friend getting nervous. Aparna casually told her about the message. Her friend knew that there was no point hiding things from Aparna anymore. She told her all about her various accounts, chats, photo sharing and web cam's. It was another revelation for Aparna. She acted as if all this was not her cup of tea but her wetness conveyed it quite clearly to her that she was desperate to try one and all the stuff her friend just told. Aparna was a sharp girl and tech savvy as well. She tried every single thing her friend had told but with her level of comforts. She was a quick learner and a safe player as well. She soon learned how to tackle the cheap crowd of the virtual world. After spending some three months in the virtual world - She shared chats, showed herself on web cameras, voiced and shared pictures (blurred ones). She realized over a period of time that her kink was chatting. She was hooked to chats. She got herself some smooth players who kept her quite satisfied. She was pretty content with life now, little did she know of the storm that would change her forever.
16-11-2021, 03:48 PM
Another three months had gone when her chat friend, Amit, asked her why she loved becoming a classy, erotic whore in majority of her roleplays. She felt odd at this realization but she also knew internally that it was an idea she loved much. Alone at home, she contemplated more on the idea. The more she thought, the hornier she felt inside. She wanted to pursue this idea further but was afraid of the implications. Her husband was a famous man in the city now and she could not afford a scandal of any nature. However, something inside her wanted to explore the idea further. She confided the same to Amit one day during a chat, in a casual way. Amit, being a decent guy, just heard her out but did not suggest anything on his own. He did not want to force anything on her, yet. ## The next week was spent role playing on a single idea. Aparna enacting herself as a upper class whore. The role play acted like a drug to her. She was on a different "high" throughout the week. This clearly reflected in her real and virtual world. Her chats were getting hotter and her orgasms were becoming stronger. Amit decided to take the roleplays to next level. He decided to make her the whore, in every sense possible that she so desperately wanted to become but in a safe way. Amit discussed the idea of meeting Aparna for real and discuss the idea further. Aparna was slightly hesitant about the meeting for real thing but decided to go ahead. She chose a place which made her feel safe. The cafe was situated in the heart of the city and was a busy one as well. They had decided to meet on a Tuesday. The crowd would be thin and the restaurant would be relatively empty. It would mean that they would have enough privacy, even a slightly loud conversation would not be overheard by strangers on the next table. Amit was already waiting on the table when Aparna joined him. She knew she was being observed and she loved it. Amit: "Hi. Do we know each other?" Aparna pondered a few seconds before answering. She could not risk anything at all. Aparna: "Hi. I am Aparna, your chat friend." Amit: "Please don't mind but I am waiting for a whore friend of mine. Her name is Aparna as well. Are you that very whore?" Aparna went red hearing the word. Her legs felt as if they were filled with jelly. She did not know what was with the word but every time she heard it, there was an effect on her body which she could not explain ever. Aparna: "Yes, I am that very friend of yours." Amit: "Sorry, we had never met before so how was I supposed to recognize you. Besides you look more like a sexy housewife and not a whore. Pardon me for the confusion." Aparna was taken aback by this bold approach of his. She had always loved being guided. Aparna: "Can you tell me your chat id? I need to be sure before I commit." Amit (telling his chat id with a naughty smile): "Nice move. Are you sure now?" They both just smiled as Aparna settled herself in the chair next to Amit. They both were checking each other out. Neither was dissatisfied, the reality for both was far better than what they had imagined it be. Amit: "I can see that you quite love being a whore Aparna. You will certainly make a classy one too. You have such looks that you won't pass for a cheap whore." Aparna felt heat emit from her cheeks hearing Amit. The words made her feel much embarrassed and excited at the same time. Amit decided to lighten up the topic. He started to tell her about himself and his interests. Aparna too told him things about her. Aparna felt alive after so many years. She was in male company and a good one after so many months. She felt quite nice being appreciated as well. Aparna started to like Amit's company almost instantly. He had the attributes she loved much. He was a person who took control, was caring, humorous besides having the looks of a hunk.
16-11-2021, 03:49 PM
They shared their real lives over lunch. The conversation turned to their virtual lives as they sipped hot coffee, post lunch. Aparna told him the absolute truth and it forced Amit to tell the truth as well.
Amit: "You are a person of such integrity and beauty Aparna that it confuses me when you say that you want to become a whore. Why do you want to become a whore?" Aparna: "Thanks for all the compliments Amit. I know that I am beautiful. Are the classy whores not beautiful?" Amit could clearly see that she had the attitude to carry the role through. Amit: "They do have the appeal, charm and looks that you possess. You would fit perfectly. It still makes me wonder though - why do you want to become a whore of all the persons?" Aparna kept silent and did not reply. Amit: "What is the kink for you in becoming a whore? Do you like the idea of being paid for sex?" Aparna (contemplated before replying): "It never crossed my mind." Aparna had a sinful smile on her face which confused Amit a lot. He was the one contemplating as to what made her smile. Amit: "Does the idea appeal to you because of its sinful appeal?" Aparna (smiling some more): "Yes, you can say it is a sinful appealing idea. The whole taboo makes it so much more appealing." Amit pondered some more before asking her the next question. It was a role play happening but for real. Amit: "I think you are trying to confuse me with your answers. Are you some kind of control freak? Is that your kink for becoming a whore?" Every time Amit used the word "whore", Aparna felts it effect in her body. She had not thought about it in such details. She was floored flat by his gross understanding of the subject. Aparna: "No, I am not a control freak. I believe in giving and receiving." Amit: "Spoken so nicely but does a whore has the choice to receive? She is supposed to perform the given task." Aparna could clearly see herself melting slowly and surely in a pond of lust, a lust beyond her control. She could feel a certain wetness starting to happen between her legs. Aparna: "Amit, I am not those cheap kinds of whores. I am a queen who is there to love and to be loved as well." Amit clearly chocked on Aparna's response. He had to divert the topic Amit: "Queen, are you open to performing anything you are asked for?" The sarcasm clearly made Aparna blush harder. Aparna: "Amit, please don't be sarcastic. I am answering you as truly as possible. I am open to everything a man can want." Amit: "Aparna, A man can want many things which a lovely lady like you may not be even aware of. I am telling you such things so you don't land yourself in trouble when you are with a real customer." Aparna felt so whorish hearing Amit tell about a customer. The whole idea of being with a customer made her wet, some more. Her panties were drenched with her own juices. Aparna: "I am new to this line. It seems you have much experience of this world." The sarcasm hit Amit where it was intended. It made him smile too. He knew it clearly that she had the brains to use the words when it mattered most. Amit: "I have done my research and want to know what kind of services you offer. Only then can a client fix a price for you." Aparna: "Amit, you are deliberately doing all this. I am feeling very embarrassed. Please stop." Amit was savoring her innocence and yet was being intrigued more and more by her mysterious need for acting / becoming a whore. Amit: "I will tell this to you the last time Aparna. You cannot handle becoming a whore so please stop this facade." Aparna knew he was irking her to retaliate back at him. A part of her felt embarrassed but a bigger part of her wanted to prove him wrong. The bigger part won and it started to reflect in her actions. She changed her chairs and shifted on to the chair next to Amit. Amit loved the change of attitude in her. He took her hands into his as he continued his talks further. Amit: "My imaginations have gone haywire Aparna. The touch of your skin feels so sexy, smooth and awesome that I am forced to imagine the skin at other parts of your body." Aparna was burning in her own hell of desires - literally and really as well. Amit: "I think we have played a lot of cat and mouse games. I think we should first decide whether you still want to go for it or not?" Aparna pondered, considered and thought for a while before just nodding her head to show her confirmation. Amit: "Good. Now that you want to become a whore, let's see if you understand the intricacies involved with the profession." Aparna just listened like an eager student. Amit's face lit up as an idea sprung up. Amit: "Aparna, I know you are short on time and that you have to return home. We can discuss the intricacies over the chat or when we meet next." She had never experienced such a rush of hormones and wanted to continue the meeting for long. She decided otherwise as she was the one who was very pertinent about the time issue (over the chat). Aparna felt nice to notice that he cared for things she wanted.
16-11-2021, 03:50 PM
Amit: "Aparna, what I am going to ask you next is a simple thing to do. Our next meeting totally depends on the way you perform what I ask you next."
Aparna was all ears. Amit: "Come here, sit next to me." Aparna moved to the chair next to Amit. Amit: "You smell good." Aparna felt as if she would die out of embarrassment. The smell Amit meant here was obviously her sex smell. Amit: "Don't be embarrassed Aparna. It is fine. You don't know how exciting it is to know that the whore sitting next to you has soggy panties." Aparna found herself choking for expressions, air too. Amit: "Aparna, now that I know you smell nice. I would like to know how you taste as well." Aparna did not understand what he meant. Innocently, she stuck her finger out for him to taste. Amit: "You are such an innocent lady. I still wonder how you got this idea of becoming a whore." Aparna could not understand what he meant. She had questioning looks on her face. Aparna felt her heartbeat starting to go bonkers as Amit came close to her. She thought he was going to kiss her. She was caught in the dilemma of whether to allow him to kiss her or not. Before she could realize and decide, Amit whispered something in her ears and straightened up. It was a relief for her that he did not kiss her but what he whispered in her ears made her goes crazier. Amit had told her to wet her fingers with her overflowing cunt juices so he could know how she tasted as well. Amit shifted his posture so that he did not miss even a second of the action. Aparna had never ever felt so shy and horny at the same time, not even during her first night. She was experiencing a terrible new high. Aparna felt too shy as she slid her hands inside her designer sarree. She felt so whorish. Amit's constant gaze on her action was adding to her ever increasing need for release. She stopped to have a look around in the restaurant (if anyone was around or approaching) and to gather her breath as well. She sucked her tummy inside as she let her hands slide further inside. She slipped her finger inside her panties. Her hands had crossed her mound and went to rest next to her throbbing clitoris. Aparna knew she would have to do it fast. She was already so excited that if she slid her fingers for a few times, she would cum. She dreaded at the thought of doing so right now since she was what people called.... a screamer. Her shoulders tensed as she circled her fingers around her clitoris. She was so very desperate for a release. Her eyes closed at the sheer thought of a release, in front of a stranger and that to in a public place. The whole idea made her ever more desperate for doing it. However, she knew she would not be able to restrain her screams and decided otherwise. She carefully brought out her fingers, smeared with her love juices. She felt too shy to stick her finger out to the stranger and make him taste her most intimate juices. She was burning in her own hell of lust. Amit lowered his mouth on to her finger. He stuck his tongue out and started to lick it slowly. Aparna was confused why her body was betraying her. She would have never ever dreamt of doing such a thing and yet here she was, not only doing it but desiring much more as well. Amit played and toyed with her fingers for quite some time with his tongue. Her imagination was making it harder for her. Amit: "Aparna, you taste so sweet. I am quite desperate to lick your clitoris just like I licked your finger." Aparna chocked for air hearing his words. She shifted her chair next to his, as close as she could. Her eyes clearly conveyed that she wanted it to go further. Amit: "Aparna, our time is up today. You want to become a whore and so shall you become. We have to discuss a lot of things. We will do so over phone or chat, as convenient." He kissed her cheeks as they got up. He could clearly feel the heat emitting from every single pore of her cheeks. He gave a small laugh and patted her hips. She felt the subtle vibrations in her crotch. One could say she was feeling everything in her crotch. Amit made his way out and so did Aparna. #3 Aparna sat in her car and was recollecting everything that had happened in the restaurant. She was once again desperate for a release and this time she wanted it bad. She was glad that she brought one of her large purses today. She placed her purse directly over her crotch and put her hands underneath it. She knew it would take only a few rubs. She closed her eyes and started to replay the whole scene that had happened in the restaurant. There she was, slumped in the backseat of the car. All relaxed and smiling (ear to ear). She was so lost in her thoughts that she never realized that her home had arrived. Driver: "Ma'am, we are here. Is everything alright?" Aparna: "Yes. Why? What makes you think otherwise?" Driver: "Ma'am, you made some noise when we were coming home. I asked but you did not reply. Your eyes were closed as well. It made me wonder if your health is fine." Aparna (stuttering): "Yes, everything is fine." Every servant became curious seeing her looks. She somehow made her way into her room. Her own needs became so demanding that she started to rub herself in her sarree itself. She was at the peak of her desires and she heard the ring. It was her husband on the other side. He was concerned for her health (the driver had told him about the noise in car). She was talking to him and fingering herself at the same time. His words fell on a deaf ear as she experienced another mind shattering release. She somehow recollected herself and started to talk. The release was so intense that her words wavered and made her husband think twice for her health. He conveyed to her that he was coming home taking the next available flight. Aparna felt disappointed hearing the arrival of her husband for the first time. She experienced guilt for the first time as well. She connected her chat messenger and was disappointed not to see Amit online. She conveyed her feelings to Amit about what had happened in the restaurant, what had happened in the car and the call of her husband as well. She connected late at night once again. Amit was not there once more but had left an off liner for her. "It is nice to know your husband is coming to town. He can help me somewhat in making you a proper whore. Go shopping with him for some classy dress and sexy sets of lingerie. You will need to pose for the photographs which I plan to take later. The classy whores have to upload their pictures on websites." Aparna's fingers instinctively knew what to do next. Aparna was quite puzzled as she received a string of emails from Amit. He had told her the specific type of lingerie and dress to shop for. He had even mentioned the shops where she would get them. He had also attached pictures in the emails to guide her properly. She was much excited by the whole idea of going shopping. After many orgasms and thinking, Aparna was forced to ponder - How did Amit have such deep knowledge of this stuff? Did he plant this idea into her mind and was using her? Was it right to explore the idea further? Rishi had come home for he was bothered about her health. Aparna had to go for a full body check up to convince him that she was absolutely normal. She loved his concern for her. The full body check up took a few days time and it meant that Aparna and Amit would spend a lot of time together. In these moments of togetherness and love making, Aparna felt enveloped with guilt. She was surprised to see that after the initial 2-3 days of togetherness, the idea of becoming a whore once again had got the better off her. She started to imagine herself as a classy whore even when she was in bed with her husband. The sheer imagination took the love making to many different levels and Rishi thought she had missed her much. The results were back soon and Aparna was declared normal. It only meant that Rishi would have to go back to his trips once again. Aparna did not want him to go. She had really enjoyed being his personal whore for the last 3-4 days, in her mind at least. Aparna and Amit had both enjoyed the time they had spent together. They both would miss each other's company. In these days spent together, Aparna did not login once in her virtual world. She was forced to think once again whether this virtual life was worth it or not. Aparna got a sms from Amit which made her remember that she had to go shopping. Going shopping with Amit meant a normal, natural thing. It would rather be an adventure of its own as Rishi had a thing for lingerie. It would not put her in any kind of a spot of bother. At least, this is what she felt. Rishi was more than excited to go lingerie shopping with Aparna. They went to this new mall which flaunted a whole range of imported brands like Victoria's Secret, La Perla, Ravage and so on. The lingerie boutique was suggested to Aparna by her best friend, the very same friend who had introduced her to the virtual world. The lingerie boutique was quite an experience in itself besides the articles at display. The place was for elite people with elite taste and bulky wallets too. Every faint detail was taken care of by the owners of this boutique. The ambience, light effect, pipe music being played, a hint of an erotic perfume all around the store added to the charms of the boutique. At all times, a person from the store would be there to assist the customers in deciding and finalizing their choice of product. The prime function of the assistant was to ensure two things - the products were not stolen (the store did not have any anti security tags on the clothing due to the class of clientele they were handling) and they were not soiled in any way. Rishi and Aparna were assigned a cute looking boy, as an assistant, the moment they entered the boutique. The assistant was helping them settle down and trying to get a feel of their requirements. Once they communicated their vague outline of likings, they were shown into a room. Rishi settled himself onto the plush sofa. He could see that the cubicle was meant to change and the mirrors, outside the cubicle, on the walls were there to help her decide about the looks, fittings and such issues. He imagined himself sitting while Aparna would go inside, change and come out to check herself to his viewing pleasure. The sheer thought stirred his penis beyond his control. Aparna felt too shy discussing her intimate desires, in front of that cute looking assistant. She had never ever done such kind of a thing before. Though she felt excited inside but how could she display the same on her face. She chocked as the assistant asked her measurements. The more she blushed, the hornier Rishi was feeling. Rishi and Aparna held hands as they skimmed through the various catalogs. Refreshments were served as they settled in. The effort of the boutique owners was to give the customers such services that they would not think of going out of the boutique without buying anything. The cute looking assistant excused himself for a moment to let the couple browse through the different styles, patterns available. The solitude gave the couple the moments of intimacy they required. She felt quite horny seeing the various patterns. In fact, she was taunting Rishi that he was going to be sorry for bringing her to this boutique. She kept on teasing Rishi by making him imagine her in the various lingerie products, without them as well. One could safely say that the room was definitely infused with a hint of musky smells. The assistant came in after 20 odd minutes. He unconsciously smiled (a naughty one) as he could get the faint hint of a musky smell. He knew the couple was more than ready. He waited on the customers to make a decision. He was intimated by Rishi the designs and patterns which interested them. The assistant then gave them a general talk on how a person unconsciously purchases ill fitting undergarments. He gave them the few brief indicators which could clearly indicate an ill fitting undergarment. Aparna was surprised to find that she was wearing an ill fitting one as well. She was glad that she came to this boutique. A random thought came into her mind "perfect lingerie for the perfect whore."
16-11-2021, 03:56 PM
The cute looking assistant received a call on his mobile. He informed Rishi and Aparna that he had some urgency at his home to attend to. He also intimated them that someone else will be with them in a few minutes. He quite politely excused himself.
Aparna went white seeing Amit make his way into the room. He introduced himself as the store owner. It came as quite a shock to her to see him especially with Rishi around. All her salacious thoughts had vanished away in a second. She recalled all the emails and the pictures sent by Amit. She wondered why he had not mentioned his place in the email. She felt her apprehensions about Amit were wrong. Had he been not the decent guy, he would have given the address to his store only. Amit addressed both Rishi and Aparna as he continued the information on ill fitting under garments. He looked more into Aparna's eyes than Rishi's. Amit: "If Ma'am is comfortable to stand in her undergarments, I can practically demonstrate what I mean by ill fitting under garments. I will only do this when Sir is present here. It is our store policy. We have a reputation to live up to." The ball was in the court of Rishi and Aparna. Amit: "If you feel uncomfortable then I will provide you with the articles you require to try out. I suggested the same as it will give you a deep insight to choose the right product in the future." Aparna rejected the idea of being used as a dummy for some dumb demonstration. She would have agreed it on first instance if she was all alone. Rishi's presence made her feel odd. Rishi just hushed her as he rung a number. Rishi was talking to the owner's of the mall, he had sold them this piece of land on which the mall stood. He wanted to know how reliable the owner of this lingerie boutique was. He thanked the owners and disconnected. Almost immediately Rishi received a call, from the owners. Rishi was supposed to take special care of these customers. He already had intended to take special care of them. Rishi: "The owners of this mall are personal golf buddy of mine. I sold them this piece of land as well on which the mall stands. He speaks quite high about your place." Amit: "Please don't mind Sir but we have a certain reputation about my place and I plan to keep it that way. We cater to exclusive clients like you and ma'am here. We know the exact do's and don'ts we have to follow." Aparna was just a silent witness to everything that was happening around. Aparna could clearly see both the men desiring her. Rishi was going wild with the thought of seeing her in different lingerie etc. Amit was going wild imagining the things he had planned to do today. Rishi: "Aparna, I think this gentleman here has a point. You should have proper knowledge of things you are buying. Do you mind?" Aparna looked into his eyes. She could see him almost pleading to go for a demonstration. Aparna did not say a word. She looked into Amit's eyes. Amit's look made hear miss a heartbeat. She was perplexed as to what he was going to do and that too in front of her husband. She went into the cubicle to change. She was feeling too frisky as she undressed. She took a moment and checked herself in the mirror before coming out. She cursed herself for wearing a light color panty. She could already feel getting wet between her legs in anticipation of things. If the wetness between her legs increased, she would stand exposed to the fact in front of the love of her life and the lust of her life. Her eyes fell on the pile of towels in the corner. She thanked Amit for planning everything so intricately. The idea that he was an intricate planner excited her further (with the things to come). She slid down her panties and rubbed her cunt dry. The effect was electric. She gasped as the soft towel rubbed across her cunt. The effect made her squeal out in pleasure. She just wished that the sound did not go outside. She controlled her desire to rub herself more. The controlling made her feel so much hornier. Aparna was totally surprised at the new desire. She shyly made her way out of the cubicle. She tried her best to act confident as she walked out but her walk clearly conveyed otherwise. Rishi's eyes were fixed on her body and so was Amit's. The only difference was Amit was watching her in the glass and Rishi was watching her directly. Amit: "Ma'am, there was no need to remove all your clothes. It is the bra which is normally ill fitting. Panties are generally okay. Do you mind if I take a closer look to determine the problem areas?" It was not a question. It was more like a statement. Amit was amazed at the beautiful lady standing in front of him. Amit: "Sir, I must say you are a very lucky man. How many beauty contests has ma'am won?." Amit's word had the ring of truthfulness to it. Rishi felt proud besides raging erection. Aparna felt nervous as she could feel herself getting wet again. Amit slowly moved around Aparna, a full circle, to evaluate the fitting issues. His eyes had such intensity that Aparna could feel heat rising in her body. In that very moment, she remembered their meeting at the restaurant and she gulped as she could feel her moistening up much. Amit: "Ma'am, if you observe the straps on your shoulder are loose and not giving you the support they should give." Aparna went red from embarrassment. Amit's comment did not affect the colors. The colors rushed to her cheek because of his touch against her back. Amit adjusted the clips on her bra strap. Amit's look did not give away his monstrous raging buildup, after all he had touched Aparna's skin on her back for the first time. Amit: "Ma'am, despite tightening the clips as much as I could, you can see that the straps are loose." Aparna just nodded and accepted the fact. Rishi was impressed with Amit's knowledge. Amit did not consider Rishi to be in the room as he talked to Aparna. He was totally concentrated on Aparna and her body. He was subtly getting her into a certain mindset. Amit: "Ma'am, what do you feel is wrong with your brassiere? Are you comfortable in this bra of yours?" Her cheeks retained colors as Amit kept on questioning her. Rishi was lost in his own torrent of thoughts and imaginations. Aparna: "I am quite comfortable with this one. I have been wearing it for long." Amit: "Ma'am, have you gained weight recently? I know it is not courteous on my part to ask such personal questions but, believe me, I am asking it for a reason." Aparna: "No, I have not gained any weight for the last year." Amit: "I had asked for one simple reason ma'am. Sir, if you can observe, her bra is tight at her back. It is so tight that despite being hooked on the last hook, the strap reverses. It clearly means that the bra is tight. Besides this strap reversing, you can also observe that a bit of your lower breast is being pinched by the bra."
16-11-2021, 03:57 PM
Amit was freely enjoying touching Aparna here and there. Aparna was gasping for breath and so was Rishi. She was going from slightly wet, between her thighs, to more than slightly wet. It would be only a matter of time when it would start to reflect on her panties. All she wanted at this moment was the towel in the changing cubicle. Amit: "Ma'am, look closely in the mirror. You will observe that a bit of your lower breasts are visible below the lower end of the bra." Rishi: "Can you show me the way to the washroom please?" Aparna giggled hearing it. Amit could not afford to giggle but he certainly escorted Amit towards the washroom. This was the break Aparna was looking for. She rushed into the cubicle and wiped herself dry once more. She could not control but rub herself a little. However, she stopped since she knew she was a screamer. She did want to enjoy controlling herself until she got into the car with her husband. However, serious doubts started to rise in her minds. The doubts rose cause of the way Amit was touching her. Amit: "Ma'am, these are the only two problems with your bra. There can be many other types of problems. I will give you a proper booklet on how to take care of it when buying the next products." Aparna wondered if he had a booklet, why he demonstrated it on me. Whatever it was, Aparna loved it and so did Rishi. Amit: "Sir, hope you did not mind the small demonstrations. I can tell all about it but it would kill much of your precious time. I am sure you are busy man. I need to ask something about ma'am. Should I address you or ma'am, Sir?" Amit was indeed a trickster with words. His words touched their heart, his fingers touched their minds. Rishi: "You should surely address her. Is that fine with you Aparna?" Aparna did not know what to answer. She just nodded her approval. Amit: "Ma'am, I am sure you both must have chosen a basic range of products which appeal to your eyes. I would like to give an opinion of mine, if you permit." Aparna was melting hearing his words. Aparna: "Please do." Amit: "We know our products are pretty expensive. We want to deliver the full value of it. I cannot refuse what you desire but I can certainly guide if it will be a product which is right for you." Rishi was surprised to feel a stirring is his pants again. He had just jacked off in washroom and not much time had passed since. Aparna did not feel uncomfortable anymore to stand in her undergarments and discuss openly as well. She sat next to Rishi as the conversation went on. Aparna: "Yes, we have marked the products that interest us at first glance. Tell us, what do you feel about them?" Amit carefully looked at their choice of products. He duly appreciated them at their classy choice as well. The couple felt absolutely comfortable with him. They could now discuss any and everything with him. Amit: "Sir, the choice of color depends on one's personal likes but one must choose colors which compliment the skin tone. In madam's case, any color will suit her because of her fair skin tone." Aparna knew she would not have to bother for her lingerie shopping anymore, in this life time at least. Amit: "Sir, the choice of product though must be carefully done. Not all products will suit her. Her shape and curves would need something specific to add to her beauty." Rishi was all ears to every single word Amit said. Aparna was already gloating hearing the praises. Amit: "Sir, ma'am is one of the most beautiful girls I have come across. I cannot help but say it. However, I would like to ask you what kind of a shape she has and what needs to be done to increase her sexual appeal?" Rishi went into pondering mode. Rishi: "Well, she has the right curves at the right places. We need some special lingerie for those special moments. So anything different from normal wear should add to her sexual appeal." Amit: "Sir, you are very right about the curves. Ma'am certainly has the perfect curves. She has an hourglass figure, as we term it. I hope you get the clue what I mean by hourglass." Aparna was blushing hard once again.
16-11-2021, 03:58 PM
Amit instinctively knew that he had to take control now.
Amit: "Ma'am, do you mind coming here. Please stand with your back towards Sir." The anticipation of what Amit would do next excited her beyond her imaginations. She followed his command. Aparna stood there with her back towards Rishi. Amit squatted down, in front of her. His face was good six inches away from her crotch but he could smell her quite nicely. Amit: "If you see the shape of her hips Sir, you will observe that she has the perfect ass a man can desire. Pardon my words. I am trying my best to express what I feel about her in a good way. I don't intend to be cheap. If you feel odd about anything I am doing or saying, please tell me so." Aparna was biting her lower lips to stop herself from moaning. She felt so slutty from inside. Amit: "Sir, she can wear any kind of a panty. Her hips are so shapely that they will look beautiful with any kind of a panty. Even a cotton panty will look exotic on such a shapely, beautiful ass. I must compliment you on your efforts to keep the shape of your body ma'am." Rishi was gulping hard. He was once again desperate to use the washroom. Amit: "Thongs, lacy panties, g-strings, boy shorts, cotton panties - either will suit her, Sir." Amit spoke while squatting close to her waist. Rishi was busy hearing his words. Aparna came to her senses as she felt Amit's finger slide 2-3 times on her panties, between her labia. Aparna was surprised once again at Amit. Amit was in total control of himself. His speech did not shake even a bit as he was gently fingering her vulva and talking to Rishi at the same time. Rishi's facial expressions also did not give away that he was doing something of this kinds. To her utter shock, Amit stood up and placed his hands on her shoulder. Aparna felt her legs go utterly weak as he did so. He just smiled and turned her to face Rishi. Aparna was surprised to see Rishi's eyes fixed totally on her crotch. She went the deepest shades of red as she realized that she had a wet patch on her panties. Rishi had moaned seeing it and Amit fingering had made her panties stick to her overflowing juices inside. Her camel toe was clearly visible. She felt so cheap, sluttish and whorish. Her cunt oozed another round of juices. Aparna was gasping for air. She had never felt such an extreme need to cum. Amit: "Something smells fishy. Let me look at the fresh air issues in the room, excuse me please." The comment left Rishi and Aparna reeling under the belt, literally and really. Aparna was too embarrassed to face Rishi. Rishi was too excited to see anything but her crotch. Amit: "Sir, you both have chosen padded bra's for ma'am. The padded bras will not add to her beauty. She has rather full breasts. The bra has to be decided according to the occasion you plan to wear it on. Do you have any specific occasion in mind to wear them ma'am?" Aparna was too embarrassed to say anything. Amit: "Indians generally wear the special lingerie in bed only. In more than 80 % of the cases, the couples involved are not able to experience the real beauty as they keeps the lights turned off. Don't you want to wear them at your social outing as well ma'am? I am asking so because I have specific thing in mind for your private and social outings." Rishi came in to her rescue. Rishi: "You can suggest products for both kinds of outings." Amit: "Sir, the prime function of lingerie is to make the woman feel special. If it is for personal outing, the thing has to be kept in mind that the partner too should feel the effects. Same cannot be said for social gatherings." Amit's balance of words hurt both Rishi and Aparna in their crotches. They both were like putty in his hands. Amit: "Sir, I will bring you some patterns which I feel will suit ma'am best. You can see them and get a feel." It was an odd moment as they all waited for the lingerie's to arrive. Amit took the lead once again. Amit: "Ma'am, please don't mind but I see you are terribly excited. It is normal but I rarely see many ladies in such a soggy state. Since your panties are already soggy beyond limit, do you mind wearing a very sheer under panties as you try the fresh products? If the fresh stock gets soggy with your juices, you will have to buy them ma'am. It is store policy. I hope you don't mind my conveying the same to you." Rishi: "We will buy the products which get soggy. Don't worry." Amit first gave them the lingerie's which would be best for their social outing. Aparna tried every single piece. She had never ever felt that a certain kind of lingerie could make her feel so special from inside. Rishi just eyed every single piece she wore. He could not tell which one to keep and which one to leave. They decided to buy the pieces Amit had shown them till now. Next in line were the products for personal outings. Amit: "Sir, I think I should go out for a while. Some of the products are quite sheer besides being provocative as well. It would be bad on my part to stay inside the room. You can ring me anytime you want me." Rishi and Aparna both formed the impression of him being the perfect gentleman, hearing his words. Aparna tried every single piece of lingerie. Aparna wanted Rishi to touch her and feel her in the various products but he could not muster enough courage to do so. Every new design she tried, left him more excited. Her nipples were poking all the time. Every panty she tried had a soggy patch left behind. Both of them were in such a state that a touch would trigger the deepest release either had experienced ever. Aparna chose to wear the cup less bra and crotch less panties last. She did not give Rishi a look though. She would wear them later tonight. Aparna and Rishi brought every single piece that Amit had given them. The discussion thereafter turned to general topics as billing was being handled. Amit: "I am so glad to get in touch with such a lovely couple. If at all I can be of any other service, please do let me know Sir." Amit went all the way to the gates to see them off. The couple was in more than a rush to get into the car and reach home. Aparna and Rishi were lost in a torrent of thoughts as they settled into the car. It was an experience they would never forget. Aparna could see, looking at Rishi, what the term having blue balls meant. She was too excited herself and wanted to get naughty. She remembered the first time when she had used her purse as a hiding aid in the car to masturbate. She had carry bags today. Rishi could not get a clue as she place the carry bags on his knees. He had never seen his wife in such kind of lingeries, neither had he seen such looks on her face as well. Almost forgot to mention, he had never seen her so soggy down below as well. Her hands gently slid his zipper down. Rishi was gasping for air now. He wondered whether this was happening for real. He looked and tried to stop her but his eyes begged her to go on further. A few strokes and Rishi was spurting inside his underwear's like never before. He was glad that he had managed to make no noise. the driver would have heard it. Instinctively he started to rub Aparna's crotch. Aparna could not control herself anymore. She experienced one of the strongest orgasms ever. She put her head on Rishi's shoulder as she felt herself being lost in a wide range of emotions. The most felt emotion was intimacy. They both did not utter a word but clung on to each other as their home arrived. Aparna made her way inside. The driver stopped Rishi and told him "Sir, is everything with ma'am? The sound that she made today was the same as the one she made the other day. I had told you about it as well." Rishi pondered on the driver's words as he made his way inside. He could not imagine Aparna masturbating in the car hence he dismissed the thought all together. Rishi and Aparna had the most ecstasic weekend. Lots and lots of lovemaking in different lingeries, at different places and at different times. The only thing that was constant was a thought. A thought that she was a high class whore giving company to an ultra rich client, Rishi. With such increased levels of intimacy, Rishi cursed the trip ahead. Aparna felt quite lonely as he left for airport. Aparna unconciously turned on her laptop to check her emails. Her eyes sparkled up as she was an email from Rishi. "Darling, I want you to take various pictures in the lingerie's we bought. I want you to expose yourself for me. Please send them as soon as possible. I am too desperate. Love." Aparna's fingers ,once again, instinctively knew what to do next. ..................................................................................................................................................................
16-11-2021, 04:00 PM
#5 Aparna was lost in a land of imaginations as she donned new lingerie every day. She promptly clicked a few pictures in her undergarments, a few without them as well, and kept on sending them to Rishi. Rishi started to get more demanding just like his business trip. Aparna tried her best to cope with his demands for newer pictures every day. About a week later, Aparna got irritated with Rishi's request for a new angle. She did not know that her irritation was about to open up a box of possibilities. She sent him an email, telling him to hire a professional photographer if he wanted new angles. Rishi sent an email, almost immediately, back to her "Do you know anyone reliable?" Aparna went wet almost instantly reading the email. The whole idea made her feel so whorish. She was confused as well. Rishi was pretty open to what happened in the lingerie boutique and now he was asking her for pictures. Many questions crossed her mind. Was there some part of Rishi which she did not know at all? How come he was so open to the concept of his wife being felt and touched by an absolute stranger? Her life had taken a turn which would leave her excited and confused at the same time. This paradox was almost prevalent since she came to know about the existence of the virtual world. Fortunately she did not have to ponder much to come to a decision. Universe, it seems, had already taken a decision for her. Aparna was intimated by one of the servants that a person had come to meet her. Half way down the stairs, her legs almost gave away as she was Amit waiting for her. She did not have any smile on her face. How did he get her residential address? She was a bundle of all negative emotions as she made her way down. Amit just gave her a print out of an email, also showed her the sms that Rishi had sent. In the email, Rishi had requested Amit to go to Aparna and discuss the issue of photographs and photographer. Rishi had clearly stated in the email that he had total faith on Amit since the visit to his lingerie boutique. Their address was also mentioned. Aparna felt a relief as she understood how Amit got their address. Aparna: "Would you like to have something?" Amit was sporting a very mischievous smile as she asked her. Amit: "Anything hot, warm and juicy is fine with me." Aparna was relieved that her servant did not understand any language other than Hindi. Amit's words made her feel hot, warm and juicy at just the exact place he had intended. Aparna told the servant to serve them black coffee with dark chocolate cookies. Aparna: "Do you mind discussing what you have in mind?" Amit: "I don't have anything in mind Aparna. Your husband asked me to arrange for a photographer who could take some suggestive pictures of yours. He also wanted that someone to be safe and secure kinds so here I am. What do you have in mind?" The ball was in Aparna's court. The paradox of being uncomfortably excited was tearing her apart. She decided to play it slow. Aparna undid the pin on her pleat of sarree and let it loose, eyeing Amit all the time. She never knew that she was a vixen too. Aparna: "I never say no to anything that Rishi wants. Tell me Amit, have you planned anything?" Her looks were having the exact effect on Amit that she wanted. The crunching of cookies and sipping of coffee went on for quite some time and so did the tease as well. Amit: "Well, I was planning to strike two birds with a stone. I will take pictures for your husband and his need for something different. I will also take a few pictures for the website I had told you about. I should be able to manage both as long as you are okay with it. Which dresses and lingerie do you have in mind for the pictures?" Aparna felt a familiar feeling of wetness starting to happen between her legs as she spent more time with Amit. She felt herself melting as she listened to him talk and take control of the situation. Aparna: "My husband has shown trust in you for the pictures. I have shown trust in you as a whore. It would be best if you decided those dress and lingerie issues." Amit savored her words for a bit. She looked so innocent and naive as she spoke. How could she ask a total stranger to decide a dress and lingerie? Aparna would realize this but only when she could do nothing about it. Aparna received a sms from her husband which made her go wet even more. It said "Darling, I await many, many pictures from you. I miss you so much." Aparna pondered - did he know about Amit was here or was it pure timing? Amit: "Can we check your wardrobe for the dress and lingerie?" Aparna realized it for the first time then that she had unconsciously invited him into her bedroom. The whole idea had such a ring of being a big time taboo but it made it even kinkier for her. She was gushing juices between her legs. She had such a spring in her steps as she went towards her room. She had never found herself so vulnerable, so desiring and so open to a stranger. She knew it well that her walk must be giving Amit the living nightmares. She wanted to tease him more.
16-11-2021, 04:01 PM
Amit asked her something on the stairs which swept her off her feet, literally.
Amit: "Aparna, do you think what you are doing is right? You are taking a total stranger to your room. What if he finds you too hot and cannot control himself? What if he bangs you? What will your servants think when you take this stranger to your personal bedroom? What will your husband think when you tell him this?" His questions struck her heart, fair and square. His words had such a genuine ring to them. Aparna: "I never thought so much Amit. Please seat yourself in the drawing room. I will join you in ten minutes. Is there anything specific that you want me to wear?" Amit: "Don't worry. I don't intend to do anything that I told you. Let's go and decide the dress and lingerie for the photo session. I would be requiring 3-4 dresses for the session. You can decide about the change of lingerie. You will have to consider what Rishi would like to see you in." Aparna felt a shade jittery taking him inside the room. Amit: "Aparna, you certainly have some taste when it comes to interiors." The way he looked at Aparna's curves, she got the double entendre meant quite nicely. Amit: "Well, I meant it in reference to your room." Amit looked quite naughty as he toyed with her gently. She had an impressive collection of both dresses and lingerie's. It took some time and effort to finalize them. Aparna had never thought of Amit as a photographer but the skill with which he chose the dresses and lingerie, surprised her. Amit was quite a skilled person when it came to handling Aparna. Aparna collected the dresses and made her way towards the box room. Amit stopped her. He told her to change in front of him. She had never done such a thing ever. This had only happened in her imaginations. It seemed Amit came into her life to clear her paradoxes of life. She felt nervous at the sheer thought of changing in front of him and yet a larger part of her wanted it as well. Ever since her first meeting with Amit - her life was full of sweet paradoxes. Amit had taken out his camera and started to take a few clicks vaguely. Aparna: "Amit, I am quite sure that you will ensure the safety of the pictures you are about to take. I don't think there is any need to tell you the importance of it." Amit assured her that he will take care of same. He put the camera on burst mode as he clicked a few pictures. Aparna started to undo her sarree. Amit's camera came alive. He checked the pictures for lighting etc. The lighting in the room was a shade low or had Aparna deliberately kept it that way. Amit was totally floored to see Aparna, stand in front of him, in a blouse and sarree. Her back towards him made it even more exciting for him. He was an ass man but Aparna did not know of this yet. Aparna was not able to face him for another reason. She was cursing on her decision of choice of lingerie for the day. She had chosen to wear the crotch less panties with the cup less bra. The paradox was killing her once again. She wanted to turn and show him her jewels but felt shy at the same time as well. She felt as if her legs would give away. She pulled a settee and sat down. Amit offered her a glass of water. She smiled and took a few sips. The small things that he took care of always made her feel go all mushy inside. Amit eyed her as she slowly sipped the water. He stopped her as she was about to take a sip. He stepped back and then told her to go on. As if he instinctively knew that a few drops will leak her lips and make their way down to the cleavage. He was much thankful that the camera was on burst mode. He adjusted his raging hard on as he looked at the pictures captured. Aparna blushed some more at the realisation of what she had just done and the shots that might have been captured in the camera. She looked into the huge mirror in front of her. The water had made the blouse stick to her skin. She dreaded wearing the seamless bra. Her erect dark chocolate nipples did not make it any easier. They poked out like erect pebbles. Aparna came to senses as she felt something brush against her blouse. Amit had cupped her boobs and was kneading them firmly but quite slowly. Aparna did not know what to do, how to react, should she move away or should she get closer. Her thought process had gone numb. The only thing active in her body was her cunt. It churned out juices like anything. She felt so kinky to realize that her crotch less panties would not soak her juices today. Her face gleamed as she imagined what might happen. She placed her hands on to his, which cupped her breasts, and removed them slowly away. Amit could not decide what to do - whether to take her pictures from a distance or to feel her up close. He felt a paradox for the first time after meeting her. A few deep breaths and there was clarity in his head. He would enjoy his paradox and Aparna as well. Aparna undid her blouse hooks slowly and started to peel of her blouse. It was Amit's turn to choke for air to see Aparna go through the whole process of undressing. He could not afford to lose the opportunity to click such an awesome setup. His body ached to touch her but only his eyes could do the same at the moment. Her young supple breasts resting on the seam of the bra, the contrast of her dark chocolate nipples against her fair skin and her overall posture made her look nothing less than a goddess. Amit wanted to worship her for long but his camera kept him busy. Aparna loosened the cord of petticoat. She felt too shy to stand up and remove the petticoat. The whore inside her made her turn and face Amit as she stood up. She let her petticoat fall to the ground. She stood in front of him.
16-11-2021, 04:02 PM
Amit could not control himself much.
Amit: "Statue." He gave a very naughty smile. Aparna smiled back. She stood there like a statue - wanting to be worshipped. Her heart skipped many beats to see him coming closer to her. Her whole being was tingling in anticipation as he opened his mouth and got closer to her hurting nipples. His warm breath on the skin only added more to her torture. Amit was totally mesmerized seeing Aparna in her sexy basics. Looking at her, he knew that her body was on an overflow of hormones. Her mind accepted all that was happening but he could clearly see a few shades of hesitation as well. It could happen due to many things but knowing her well enough, he knew that it was happening due to the idea of her cheating on her husband. Amit knew it was time to turn on the heat a shade more. Amit was observing her carefully as he let his tongue out. A smile happened as he looked deep into her eyes. All the hesitation had vanished and she was nothing but a big time whore now. He gently put his tongue on the outer circle of the areola. Aparna's eyes closed in reflex action and the same could be said for the moan. Amit judged her carefully once more before her started to move his tongue all around the areola. Aparna had started to shake with excitement. Her eyes were closed and her mind was going bonkers. She did not know when she took his hand and guided it on to her throbbing clitoris. Amit smiled as he said "You are such a horny whore, sexy as well." Aparna bit her lower lips hearing the words. She knew she was at a point of no return. Amit kept on circling his tongue around her areolas. Her nipples also stuck out as if telling Amit that they were quite desperate to be felt as well. Instinctively, he took her full areola and nipple into his mouth. The warmth, his tongue, lips and her mind made it impossible for her to hold back anymore. She put her hands on top of his and guided it to the exact spot she wanted to be stimulated - her clitoris. A few strokes and she convulsed on his fingers. She felt quite embarrassed to see herself in such a situation but the fact was that she wanted more of it. She had never felt so slutty before. Neither of them said a word. Aparna got up and went on to change her dress. Her body was on fire. The simple touch of different material of her dress, her undergarments was making her desire more. Amit got busy clicking pictures from different angles. He slowly realized that she was a natural when it came to posing for camera. She instinctively knew which pose would accentuate her figure best. Amit loved the confidence with which she went on. Amit: "You are quite a natural Aparna when it comes to posing for camera." Aparna smiled and gave another heartwarming pose. Amit: "You really need to learn how to pose as a whore though." Aparna flushed hearing his words. Aparna: "I am all yours. You can use me as you want." Amit croaked visually. The words she had just said had so much more meaning to it. Amit carefully chose the next dress as he kept on pondering what she had meant when she said that she was all her and that he could use her as he wanted. Did she mean about the photography session? Did she mean about her body? Was she just teasing him? He chose a short nightie and a set of very lacy lingerie for the next set of photographs. He could see that she was gleaming like never before. She was quite a naughty girl. Amit: "Aparna, do you think Rishi will like a picture of yours in this short nightie?" Aparna: "I think he would like me very much without them." Aparna was getting verbally bold and Amit was getting physically excited. Was she doing this deliberately? Amit inhaled a few deep breaths and carried on.
16-11-2021, 04:03 PM
Amit: "There is a fine line between a cheap whore and a classy whore. What do you want to portray yourself as?" Aparna: "What makes you think I would like to pose like a whore for Rishi?" Amit: "I love the way you react. If he had wanted normal, natural pictures of yours - he would not have asked me. It is quite obvious that he wants you in something special, in some special poses. Do normal girls pose like that?" Aparna: "Do whores only pose like that? I think people with healthy kinks also pose like that." Amit wanted her in a slightly aggressive mood and his words incited Aparna just enough as she reacted. Amit: "You are absolutely right. I think my terminology is slightly wrong but I used those words keeping you in mind. Are you not a classy whore?" Aparna did not know what to say. She felt a slight irritation being addressed like that. Amit: "Now look into the mirror as you pose. I want you to brush your hairs as you look into the mirror." Aparna: "So much for acting like a classy whore." Amit smiled as he clearly felt the sarcasm. He knew what he was doing exactly, Aparna would realize it later. Amit kept on clicking her pictures as she started to comb her hairs. He corrected her posture a few times. He spent another 10-20 minutes taking her pictures in the short nightie. He transferred the pictures on to his laptop and put them on slide show mode for Aparna to see. Aparna blushed as she was the pictures. The short nightie had gone up quite a way up as she brushed her hairs. A few shots showed her silky thighs exposed nicely. A few shots accentuated the shape of her breasts as she brushed her hairs. A few shots exposed the side of her panties as the nightie went quite a way up. The whole combination of shots made her feel so beautiful. She had never seen herself in this light. She understood it that Amit clearly had more knowledge than her. Amit: "If you had smiled a shade, it would have added so much to your beauty." Aparna understood what he meant. All she needed was a clue. She was smart enough to take care of the rest. She loved being guided. The change was clearly visible in the next set of pictures. Amit was not so glad because he had unleashed an animal. She was a tease queen at the moment and Amit was the one suffering. Aparna gasped as she looked at the total set of pictures on her laptop. She had never felt so classy ever. She was so thankful to Amit and Rishi both for the same. She had the class in whatever ways one saw her. She looked an absolute goddess in her normal pictures. She looked more than a goddess in her not so normal pictures as well. Aparna: "You transferred all the pictures you took on to my laptop. Won't you need them to put it up on the website you had in mind?" Aparna blushed quite hard as she spoke the words. She was kind of forced to say them because Amit showed no clues of the same. Amit: "Does anything in this world happen for free?" Aparna went redder hearing his word. She had no clue what he had in mind but she was a sport for anything he wanted. As a matter of fact, she was desperate for anything and everything that could happen. Aparna: "I gave you the pose for the pictures. I showed you my body in all its glory. What more do you want?" Aparna could clearly see that there was no conviction in what she said.
16-11-2021, 04:05 PM
Amit sent a text to Rishi "Your wife has all the pictures."
Aparna almost immediately received a text from Rishi asking for a picture. She loved the extra attention she was getting from her husband. Aparna: "Why do you tease me like this Amit? You know it well that I want the website up and running. What do you want in return?" Amit: "My darling whore, I have a lot of wishes. I want to see what you are comfortable with." Aparna knew she was being teased. She knew it precisely that he was prying her open, her fantasy world too. Aparna: "You only said that whores don't have a choice when it comes to customers. I will do what you exactly wish." The answer was smart and Amit loved it. Amit: "Let's kiss and see where we go from there." Amit, intuitively, knew that she would refuse him. Aparna refused and understood what Amit meant by knowing her limits. She was thankful to him for understanding her. Aparna felt kissing was the most intimate thing and she simply could not share it with anyone other than the person she loved most (her husband). Kinks were a different thing and love was something absolutely different. Aparna looked at Amit. She was amazed that she was developing feelings for him which were more than just a virtual friend. The way he cared for her, the way he was helping her blossom, melted her heart. She wanted to give him all of her but the kiss. She felt someone special in his presence. Aparna put a finger on his chest and forced him down on her bed. It was Amit's turn to be surprised. Her eyes conveyed clearly to him that he was going to have the time of his life. She used her foot to guide his legs apart. Looking into his eyes, she sat between his legs and placed her hands on his thighs. Aparna: "We have quite a big problem indeed." Amit found it impossible to control himself. Her pun did not help it either. Amit's breath went short in anticipation of her move. She let her hands move in his inner thighs region. Every time she came close to his crotch, Amit would widen his legs in anticipation of her touch. Amit was like putty in her hands now. Aparna was absolutely enjoying the new found control. Amit: "You are worth every bit one spends on you. You will be such a hit with your customers." Aparna felt a fire burn hard in her crotch hearing his words. Amit could clearly see shades of aggression in her eyes. Her hands sunk into his thighs and went up all the way to his crotch. She looked into his eyes as she lightened her pressure of hands and let them travel all the way up to his balls. She cupped them gently. Her warm hands around his balls made him squirm like never before. He had never ever been teased so much. He loved the teasing but wanted much more. Aparna: "Will my customers love to feel their balls in my hand?" Amit: "Your classy seductive skills, your cheap talks, your openness to trying new things, your kink to become a whore will make you the most famous whore in the circle of elite's. You are a dream whore Aparna." Amit knew the exact buttons to press to get Aparna going. Aparna let her hand move up on to his shaft. Amit stopped breathing in anticipation. She stuck her tongue out, bent between his legs, and licked his balls (through his pants). She giggled as she felt his shaft tighten further in her hands. Aparna: "One can surely say we have quite a hard and a big problem. I think I know how to take care of it. How do you think we should handle it?" Amit was absolutely speechless. His eyes closed as she let her hands move on his shaft a few times. Amit: "The customers who hire you by the shots will be the biggest losers. You can make anyone shoot in a matter of minutes." Aparna blushed and blushed hard hearing his words. Her hands tightened on his shaft which made him squirm further. Her hands gently massaged his balls. He could feel his blood and semen rushing up his shaft. Aparna: "How would you hire me - by the shot, by the hour, by the days?" Her talks had a sense of taboo to it. Amit was enjoying it much more than her touches. The talks kept him on the brink. Amit: "You are a pearl which I cannot afford. If I had it my way, I would not let you go ever." Aparna felt so complete hearing his words. She gently undid his zippers, looking into his eyes all the time. His underwear was totally spoilt by all the overflowing precum. She felt herself blushing beyond control as she assessed his size. She was too intrigued doing so - was it the angle which made it look "quite" big or was it really that big. Amit: "I think you like what you see. At least, your facial expressions convey so. Wouldn't you want to unwrap and see it for real?" Aparna was clearly gasping for air. She had never talked such stuff with anyone, not even in her college days. These kinds of talks were giving her a thrill beyond her wildest imaginations. Aparna: "Do whores have a choice to make decisions what they want or not?"
16-11-2021, 04:06 PM
Amit: "They do have a choice but only if they specify it in the starting. From what I understand, the only limit you have specified is not being kissed on lips. Am I right?" Aparna felt a deeper connection with Amit as he spoke. He did understand her quite nicely. Instead of replying Amit, she slowly put her hands on his underwear and started to peel it away. Another though struck her and she left his underwear and instead returned to slowly tease him. This time though she parted his underwear enough to expose his balls. Seeing her head go closer to his exposed balls, Amit was the one gasping for some control. Amit: "Lady, I will not be able to control myself much if you go on teasing me like this." His words made Aparna tease him some more. Aparna: "A whore knows how to help her customer with control issues." She gently pinched his skin on the testicles and pulled. The pressure on the skin was not painful. She asked him to take a few deep breaths. Amit found himself dumfounded to see his penis relaxing. Amit: "What is it that you did just now Aparna?" Aparna: "I just manipulated the blood flow to your other brain." Aparna felt excited yet nervous as Amit pulled her up close to him. Amit: "I just wished you had not put the limit of no kissing. You are such a teasing whore that guys will not be able to resist you. I just wish no one forcibly kisses you." Aparna just did not know what to do, how to react. She could not find any place to hide herself from his stares. She hugged him to save herself. Her touch on his body again ignited a huge supply of blood to his other brain (his balls). Amit: "Seems I need a bit of manipulation of blood once more." Aparna obliged immediately. She pushed him back on the bed once more and pulled gently at his skin (of balls). Within seconds, he found himself shrinking. He did not know what to do as he felt Aparna slowly fondling his shaved balls in her hand. Amit wondered if she had a fetish to play with male genitalia. He could not think further on the subject as he felt something wet and warm on his balls. Aparna was licking his balls with her lips and tongue. Amit was super erect in a matter of seconds. Aparna: "I cannot reduce the blood flow many times as it will give you a gentle pain in your testicles. It can only be done 2-3 times." Amit did not know what to say as Aparna stopped licking and instead had started to sniff his balls. He felt a mild pang of jealousy imagining that she does all this to Rishi all the time. Once again his imaginations could not go further as he felt her hands working on his pants. She had lowered his pants down to his thighs. Aparna: "Please don't moan so loudly. My servants will think otherwise." Amit: "Aparna, believe me you are asking trouble yourself. If a whore teases her customers so much, they might bang her someday." Aparna did not know how to react. Her face was red and hot hearing the word bang. She instead lowered herself on to his balls. The kissing and licking became a shade voracious than before. Her hands had also made way inside his underwear. All the precum was spoiling her fingers badly. The more precum spoiled her fingers, the more Aparna was getting happier. She felt great to see a man getting so excited for her. Aparna: "Do you want anything me to do anything special?" She asked Amit as she knew that he was just a few strokes away from cumming hard. Amit: "I want to feel my juices mixed with yours." Amit thought he had quite clearly specified that he wanted to penetrate and cum inside her. He heard Aparna giggle. He knew it that he was going to have the time of his life. Aparna: "Your command is my wish." Amit had put a few pillows under his bed so that he could look at the action happening down below. He saw Aparna wiggle her lower body. A smile came up on his face as he could make out that she was removing her panties. His penis stood even more erect in anticipation of penetrating her. She stood up and her panties were still on. Amit was anticipating much to see her without the panties. His disappointment was quite clear. Aparna could see it reflect on his face but all she did was look at him and giggle once more. She closed the tube lights and turned up a night lamp in the corner of her room. Aparna: "If you had specified as a customer to see my body first and then let our juices mingle, I would not have turned off the lights." Amit was amazed at her playfulness. Amit: "Sex can be bought at a cost. A playful company like yours along with sex is priceless. You are a rare whore indeed." Amit was quite disappointed to see Aparna close the lights of the room. Amit: "A customer likes to see the whore's body - her curves, her shape, her reactions and everything. Why did you close the light?" Aparna (giggling once again): "I feel a bit shy today. I will turn the night lamp on if and only if I feel comfortable." Amit was feeling like he would cum (hearing her words). Her words had such a ring of tease to them. He could listen to the subtle sounds of her undressing in the pitch darkness. His mind went berserk as he felt her coming close to him. She came and sat next to him. Her hands once again started to fondle his thighs. Amit felt his heart would sink as he felt her hands on the elastic band of his underwear. She lowered his underwear in one smooth action, all the way down to his knees (next to his pants). Amit's penis throbbed in anticipation. He felt her hands on his balls, slowly moving all the way up to the head of his penis. She felt him really slow and nice. His throbbing dick added much to her excitement. She could feel each and every vein on his shaft quite clearly. Amit found himself going short on breath as he felt his penis being enveloped by something smooth and soft. He was going berserk in anticipation. Amit felt the same soft and smooth feel on his entire shaft as Aparna started to move her hands on the entire length. He could feel the touch of lace on his balls. He got the idea suddenly. Aparna had wrapped one of her sexy satin lingerie on his dick and was teasing him. The realisation made him ooze a lot of precum. Amit: "You will be the most demanded whore Aparna. You have certain body part which no one can possess. It makes you quite unique."
Aparna blushed but could quite relate which body part Amit was referring to. She got intrigued and wanted to show him a bit of her skin up close to him. She switched on the night lamp to give him a view of her curves at least.
Amit adjusted to the sudden glare of night lamp. Before her could adjust, Aparna was sitting next to him and continuing to fondle his entire shaft with her panties. It was some sight to see her sitting next to him wearing her bra only. He got a better view of her. Aparna: "Well, I have put the light on so you could see a bit of my other body parts as well. With lights on, you can be at least sure of the most unique body part I possess." Amit: "The most unique part of your body will always be your kinky brain." Amit's hand instinctively reached for ass cheeks. He started to gently play with them. Aparna knew it would only be a matter of time before she would be the desperate one. She increased the force of her grip on his shaft. Amit was in heaven. He knew he was close and Aparna's titillation was not helping him control much. Aparna (cupping his balls): "I have done what you had exactly asked for. My juices are already mingled with yours." Amit: "You need to understand that my juices are not out yet. This is only my precum that you have rubbed your panties with. So technically you have yet to mingle my juices with yours." Aparna knew that she would be quite out of control once he ejaculated. She had never told him about her obsession to see a male ejaculate. The more sperm that he would ejaculate, the more out of control she would be. She did not want him to know of this fact, yet. Amit's hands were under his head as he was enjoying the tease from Aparna. Aparna knew it nicely that Amit was more than close. His leg muscles, especially hip muscles, were tightening a lot faster than they were before. She tightened her grip a shade more and then let it loose all together. Her panties next to his skin and the light touch of her hand was almost torturing him. Aparna: "Can I make you cum now?" It was more of intimation than a request. Her nails raked gently on one of his protruding veins. She pulled gently at his scrotum to reduce the blood flow, one last time. Amit's penis relaxed a shade. Aparna then gripped his penis firmly in her hands and started to rhythmically pump it. She started it slowly and gathered pace as time went by. Aparna judged Amit's reactions perfectly to pace the rhythm. Amit was moaning like a man lost. His precum was flowing more like a stream now. Her panties were totally soiled with his precum. Her hands moved smoothly over the panties. The only thing she ensured was that the crotch of her panties was, at all times, on his knob. She could sense that he was going to convulse very soon. Every single muscle in his body went tight and then came the downpour. She felt him convulse in her palms. She was shocked at the amount of semen he had ejaculated. Her palm, her panties and his crotch were all filled with his semen. Aparna was lost in her own world of fantasies and so was Amit. Amit: "You will be quite a whore when you go out on your own." Her cunt was, as it is, on fire. His comments ignited her further. Aparna: "As a customer, are you satisfied?" Amit: "No one can ever be satisfied of you. You are one such cunt. If you want to know how I felt, it was the best thing that has happened to me ever." It satisfied Aparna much to know this fact. Amit did not know what to say or ask. He felt waves of bliss as she stroked his flaccid cock in her hands. Amit: "You have still not done what I had asked you." Aparna: "Did our juices not mingle with each other?" Amit told her that he had seen her change panties when she had gone to switch the light off. Aparna blushed to know the fact that he had observed her so much. Aparna: "I always keep my promise. You are right. I will mingle the juices now." Aparna looked at him deeply, almost thanking him for observing it (the change of panties). Amit had just provided her with a perfect way out to masturbate. God only knew how badly she needed it. Aparna took a towel and spread, cum filled, panties on it. She, literally, dipped her tip of finger into Amit's semen and gently rubbed it onto her vulva. She was looking at Amit all the time. She hoped that her obsession for semen was not quite visible to Amit. She did not care anymore if he could look through her or not. She took her panties and started to rub it nicely on to her crotch. Her crotch was totally covered with his semen. She closed her eyes as she felt the first wave of bliss dousing her. Aparna was enveloped in spasms like never before. She was in state of total blankness and bliss at the same time. She just did not know how much time had gone by since she had experienced the orgasms. She turned her head to find Amit, all dressed up, sitting on the sofa. Amit: "It has been some time since you and I had the time of our lives. It would be improper for your servants to come in and see you in a state of nudity. You have all the night to decide the pictures for your website. You can email them to me and we will discuss the details later." He paused, for a few seconds, as he started to make his way out. He knew it would be impossible to control if he stopped now. Amit opened the door to make his way out. Aparna: "Can I expect repeat business from you? ..............................................................................................................................................................
16-11-2021, 04:07 PM
Aparna after many attempts finalized and emailed the pictures she wanted to be published on the website. She also inquired with Amit as to when the website would be up and running. She felt pretty frustrated not to receive any email from Amit till late evening. Wish she knew how much time and effort it took to design a website. She got a sms - "I need some basic details to get the website running. Should I come to your house or will you come to my shop?" She felt an increased flow of blood to her vital organs as she read the message. She replied back "My place, around 3 p.m. Servants would have gone to take rest by then." Amit smiled and wondered what had he done to deserve such a horny whore. Aparna could feel butterflies in her stomach to hear the bell ring on her door. Servants had already gone to rest so she opened the door and got the shock of her life. Amit started to almost grope her ass as soon as she opened the door. It was something she had never anticipated. She loved it too much though. She tried to break free but her effort did not have the conviction. Amit: "What is your rate whore?" Aparna (blushing): "What do you mean and why do you ask?" Her words broke as she spoke. Amit: "You will have to specify your rates so I can put up the same on the website." Aparna's face went crimson red as she tried to think of an answer. Aparna: "Are the rate's not dependent on the services a customer asks for?" Amit grabbed her from behind and cupped her boobs delicately. Amit: "Spoken like a true whore but there are many customers who don't pay for a job. They just pay by the hour and do whatever they want." Aparna experienced a much known feeling of wetness between her legs. Aparna: "What if a customer wants to do something which I won't do at all." Amit: "Is there anything you don't want to do cunt?" Aparna bit her lips hearing his words. Her body instinctively rushed into his, wanting more attention. Amit was already busy kissing her neck. Aparna: "Well, that depends on my mood. I love the ones who are like you, a mixture of good and bad." Aparna yelped out in pleasure to feel Amit's lips and hands increasing pressure on her body. His lips dug nicely on her neck and his hands groping her boobs quite hard. Aparna gasped as she realized that his fingers had started to undo her hooks on the front of her blouse. Her hips pushed into his hard rod. Amit: "I love whores like you who know their likes and dislikes." Aparna: "I love guys like you who know how to take charge." She knew it would trigger an even increased response from him and that was exactly what she got from him. She never had imagined that she would do anything of such kinds. She knew it would only be a matter of time before her blouse would fall from her body. Her sarree was already done away with. Amit broke away from her body and turned the laptop on. He started to make a note of what she had just told. It would help him define her likes and dislikes. Amit could not spot Aparna once he was done with the noting. She was midways on the stairs (towards her room).
16-11-2021, 04:08 PM
Aparna: "Please bring your laptop and other belongings into my bedroom."
Amit was more than happy to hear the word "bedroom". Once inside the bedroom, he locked the door and placed his laptop on the side table. Aparna stood like a doll, awaiting his next move. She moaned out loudly as he pushed her on to the bed. He slowly took her legs into his hand and started to caress them. He knew what he was doing and the effects were being enjoyed by Aparna. Amit: "There has to be a rate structure for clients otherwise you won't get customers from the website." Aparna: "What if I am already busy with someone?" Amit: "You will need to maintain an appointment diary so you don't mess things up." Aparna: "Can't I hire someone to maintain my appointments?" Amit smiled as he looked deep into her eyes. Amit: "Suppose you have hired me as your secretary, how will you tell me about your appointments?" Aparna had never thought about the intricacies involved. Aparna: "If I had a secretary like you, I would be really lucky. I know you can take care of my accounts too." He parted her legs and was now caressing her milky calves and continued the discussion. Amit: "It would be my pleasure to be your secretary. What would be my salary?" Aparna: "What would you like it to be?" Amit straightened her legs and let his hands slide down all the way to her panties. She could not help but close her eyes and enjoy his explorations. Amit: "Besides your body, a certain percentage of your total income." Aparna: "You are greedy fellow indeed. You only told that my body is priceless and yet you want a cut in my income as well." Amit: "I will obviously provide you with my valuable services in return to your money." He placed her legs on his shoulder. He parted her panties to get a feel of how wet she was. She lay there like a whore, wanting more. Aparna: "What other services could I possibly need?" Amit (erotically feeling her vulva): "There are many issues involved in handling your career." Aparna gasped and moaned. His strokes were making it impossible for her to reply. Her lower back arched up towards his fingers to give him proper access to the places she wanted him to explore. Aparna: "What more issues? You just want my money." Amit knew she was teasing him. He just played along her lines. Amit: "I think you would like a certain basic filtering of your clients. I can do that for you." Aparna: "You are quite right. I never thought of it. I feel so dumb. What percentage of my income do you want? I am sure you will be worth every penny to me." Aparna felt a rush of air into her privates as she felt his fingers parting her vulva and stretching it a bit as well. It was something she had never experienced. Her hot cunt experiencing cold air conditioned air into her tunnel of love. She was glad that he knew how to handle her. She felt so very shy at being exposed like this.
16-11-2021, 04:09 PM
Amit: "I would be your pimp for 20% of your income."
Aparna pushed her crotch onto his fingers as she heard the word pimp. She felt an ever increased need to masturbate. She kept on pushing her crotch towards his finger while he quite cleverly moved his fingers away from her privates. She opened her eyes to see what was happening. In that very moment, as their eyes locked, he started to churn her vulva with his fingers (just like taking lemon juice out of a lemon). His fingers were totally smeared with her overflowing juices. Her eyes closed as she found herself enveloped in streams of pleasure. Amit stopped. She understood that he wanted her to open her eyes to continue further. Aparna: "It is a deal then. 20% of my income will be yours. Are pimps not supposed to protect their whore's as well?" Amit inserted a finger inside her overflowing cunt. He placed a thumb on top of her clitoris and started to rub her vulva with the fingers of his other hand. Aparna could do nothing but push her crotch more towards him. She knew it well that a mind shattering orgasm was only a few rubs away. Despite knowing this fact, Amit once again stopped stimulating her. Amit: "I will protect you from many things which you have yet to envisage." Amit now lowered himself on to her exquisite naval. Aparna could not quite understand what was happening to her but everything he did was giving her pleasure beyond her wildest imaginations. She was forced to remember whether Rishi had ever made love to her in these ways. Amit started to play with her belly button. He teased the outer part of her naval with his inquisitive tongue. He then started to go deep inside her belly button. Her mind was already wild with so many imaginations. The first thing that came to her mind was his penis inside her cunt and it made her moan once again. Amit then leisurely started to kiss her lower naval area. He ultimately reached her pubic bone area. Aparna had never been so desperate ever for a release. Aparna: "Do you think not letting me cum is some form of protection? I am almost there. Please lick me to ecstasy." Amit: "Your expressions are such that most of your customers will be far more desperate than you to cum. It is next to impossible to control for me even." Aparna burnt with a renewed desire as she saw him undoing his pants. Amit: "Don't you dare touch yourself. I will be the one doing everything." Aparna was mesmerized listening to his words. His words had a ring of authority to it. She could not do anything but wait for him to make his next move. Amit's precum had pretty much soiled his underwear. He came and stood near her face. Amit: "Do the magic that you do. I will cum if you overdo your magic." Aparna: "Do I have to take your permission for everything? I will do what I want. Even a whore has her own needs." Amit: "You have such a kinky brain that guys can cum hearing you talk to them. " Aparna cursed Amit for not letting her do anything. The fact was that the more authoritative he became, the more she loved it. He stood between her legs and parted them roughly. Aparna was lost in her own dirty world of imaginations. She was moaning in anticipation of his next move. Amit quite roughly removed her panties. Aparna lifted her hips to help him remove it fast. She wondered why his rough handling was giving her more pleasure. Amit: "Seems someone is in heat." Aparna loved to be at the receiving end of the tease. She blushed harder to accept the fact that she was the one who was so very desperate. Amit: "Close your eyes and don't open until I cum." Aparna: "Oh fuck. I will not open it. Please give me your monster in its full glory." Amit gave her a fleeting glance of his penis before he told her to close her eyes. He then placed his hand on her thighs. She parted it as much as she could. Amit pulled her roughly to the edge of the bed. Aparna once again wondered why she was enjoying being roughly handled. Amit then slowly fondled her vulva with his fingers. Aparna could do nothing but try to keep her eyes closed and let her imaginations take her on a wilder ride. Amit: "Do you mind holding your legs for me? It would give me a better view of your whore cunt." She felt his fingers smearing her juices on to her swollen vulva. Aparna: "Please give me the real deal. I am too close." Amit: "Be patient." She could smell his sex smells. She felt a range of emotions ranging from shyness to kinky in a matter of few seconds. |
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