Continuation....after platform......adventure....
Jaicy liked Bombay very much, especially the crowd and the fast lifestyle of Mumbai. During her two-day stay in Mumbai, Jaicy was desperately looking for a chance for fun, but some people always accompanied her and even in the hotel room she had two other girls to accompany her. Anyway she enjoyed her stay in Mumbai and came back by flight. When she came back Janis was very happy to see her. That evening they went out for dinner and Jaicy told Janis stories of Mumbai, and even Janis too was very impressed. That night Jaicy got an very wild idea, she was thrilled with that idea and even a bit scared. Then for the next two day she kept on working on that idea and finally decided to put that plan into action. That weekend Janis went home after her shift in the afternoon, at the same time Jaicy was in her hostel preparing for her weekend fun. In the evening at around 4, Jaicy took Janis’s scooter and she began to drive towards the Salem. Salem was about three hours journey from Coimbatore. Jaicy drove at a moderate speed and she reached Salem by 7:30. Salem though was an industrial township, but it was too backward in comparison to Coimbatore. The roads were almost empty by 7:30. Jaicy went and parked her bike at a pay parking near the town bus stand. Her plan was to be a prostitute for a night. After parking her bike, she walked along the street in an graceless manner. She was wearing a white skirt, which was up to her mid calf, a black shirt and she was carrying a small hand purse.
As she walked down the street, Jaicy thought she was not getting any attention as there were very few people walking, but unknowing to her she was being followed by an autoriksha. At the end of the road that autoriksha came and stopped beside her. Jaicy could see two men sitting behind. All the three including the driver were in their 40s. The driver asked her, where was she going, Jaicy replied no where. He asked her would she like to come with them, Jaicy said I don’t have any problem. Then a person from rear asked her what was her rate? Jaicy had not planned about her rate and she dint know what to say. She asked them how much can they pay? The driver looked at her and said, we don’t have much money, Jaicy said okay tell me how much you can pay. He asked her are you new to this place, Jaicy said yes. He then said we can pay 150. Jaicy said its too low, the driver said if you walk here like this, the security officer would come and take you and they would fuck you for nothing, so better come with us. Jaicy thought what he said was correct, getting in the hand of security officer would be the last thing that she would have wanted. She agreed and got in the auto and she sat between the two men. She told them that they would have to use condoms. The man sitting next to her said okay.
As she got in the auto, the driver asked her does she has a place. Jaicy said no. Then he asked his friends who were at the back seat, as where to take her. They dint have money to go to a lodge, and they there were busy discussing as where to take her. Finally after much discussion, the driver said lets take her to the bridge hearing that the other two also agreed. Jaicy had no idea about that place, so she kept quite. While going to that place they first stopped at a medical shop and the driver got out and when and bought a packet of condom. Then they stopped at a wine shop and bought two full bottles of liquor and then they drove for nearly fifteen minutes and they reached a place which was surrounded by forest and they parked the auto in the bushes and they three walked parallel to the road. They stopped under a big pipe, which was a small bridge. There was light on the bridge and Jaicy could see that the pipe was clean and there was lots of papers, and other waste items. The driver asked her is she okay with this place, Jaicy said as long as security officer does not come. The driver said don’t worry about that.
The other two began to clean the place and they placed the liquor bottle and they sat down, with Jaicy sitting among them. One of the person asked her would she like to have a drink, Jaicy said no she does not drink. Jaicy was surprised to see that they were very fast drinkers and within 10 minutes they finished one bottle of rum, and now they were drunk. After finishing the first bottle, they began fingering her. The driver’s hand was inside her skirt, and the other two were fondling her breast.
Then the driver got up and he asked her to come with her, Jaicy got up and she waked behind him. They came out of the pipe, and they went a bid aside and the driver asked her to remove her skirt and place it on the ground. Jaicy did what he said, and she lay nude on her skirt. Jaicy was expecting foreplay, but to her surprise he just touched her breast once and straight way he lifted her legs, wore a condom and began to fuck her, he was not interested in foreplay, but he just fucked her and he too came off within no time. As soon as he came, he got up and went, Jaicy was lying there with her eyes closed and frustrated. Then she saw the second man-wearing condom. He just removed his pant and straightway got into work. He too only fucked her and no foreplay. Jaicy had her fuck without orgasm in the same way. Then the third man came and he too did the same thing. Jaicy wore her skirt and she came and sat with them, they were not bother about her, then suddenly four more men came there and they too just made her lie down and just fucked her and left. That whole night Jaicy was fucked by 7 men for 150 RS. Early in the morning at around 4 the driver asked her where should he drop her, Jaicy just told him to drop her in the bus stand and he dropped her in the bus stand and left. Jaicy was very frustrated and very angry she wanted an orgasm.
Jaicy went to the parking lot and got her scooter and she began to ride back to Coimbatore. As it was early morning there was hardly any vehicles on the highway, and Jaicy was driving at a very low speed. She stopped at a small restaurant and she had tea and breakfast. As she was having tea she could see many eyes were stuck on her, she could pick any one from there, but again it would become a mess. Jaicy finished her tea and she continued her journey. As she was driving, she was going though forest route, and she saw a small pathway that went into the jungle. Jaicy knew if that way goes in that means there would be someone there. She stopped her bike and removed the sparkplug, and she began to push her bike towards that way and after pushing her bike for some distance, and when she turned back she could not see the road. She kept on pushing her bike, and finally she saw a small hut. The hut was well deep inside and barely visible from the main road. Jaicy decide to fulfill her lust in that house, no matter who would be there. When she reached near the hut an old man in his 60s with black and white hair, wearing a lungi came out. Although he was old but he had a good muscular body. The old man too was surprised to see a beautiful girl, wearing a shabby white skirt and a black shirt. He asked her what the matter was. Jaicy said her engine got over heated and stopped she saw this hut so she came here. The old man said he is not a mechanic and he doesn’t know anything about scooter. Jaicy said only she needs is to wait here for sometime, so that her scooter engine cools and she dint feel safe to stand there on the highway. The old man said she can stay here as long as she needs. Jaicy was happy and she said thanks to him.
Jaicy then sat next to the scooter engine in a shitting position and the way she was sitting, the old man was stunned, he could see Jaicy’s black panty. Jaicy then opened the cover of the engine and kept it aside and she stood up. The old man asked from where was she coming, Jaicy said from Bangalore and she was going to Coimbatore. He asked her would she like to eat, Jaicy said no she had just had her breakfast. Jaicy then asked him is there is any water where she can wash up. The old man said yes and he took her behind the hut, a few distance away where there was a small spring. Seeing that spring Jaicy was very happy. She then asked him does anyone else come here. The old man said no very rarely the forest rangers come. She asked would they come today, the old man said no they just came here yesterday and now they would come only after two to three months. He asked why was she asking this. Jaicy said my cloths are dirty and I need to wash them and have a bath. The old man said yes she can wash and take bath here.
Jaicy asked him does he have an extra lungi, the old man said yes and they both walked back to the hut. On reaching the hut Jaicy said she needs to hide the scooter so that no one sees it. The old man asked her to park the bike behind the hut and Jaicy parked it behind the hut. He then took her inside the hut, it was a small hut with a small mud stove, and a small bed on the floor. The old man gave her a white lungi and she took it and walked towards the spring. When she reached near the spring she removed all her cloths and began to take bath in the water. She knew the old man was watching her from behind the tree and he was masturbating. Jaicy purposely gave him full view of her body. She finished her bath and she washed her cloths, wiped her body with the lungi and tied it on her chest, exposing her uncovered shoulder and the lungi was up to her mid thigh. She walked back to the hut. The old man was sitting there and smoking, he looked at her with an lustful eyes, from tope to bottom. He could see her breast from the transparent lung, brown erect nipples and her black pubic hairs.
Jaicy too gave him a mischievous smile and walked straight inside and put her washed cloths on the rope and as she was putting the cloths she felt some one standing behind her. When she turned back it was the old man standing very close to her. He was shivering a bit. With his shivering hand he held the lung from her waist and pulled it down. Jaicy just stood there like a statue. She then held his lungi from his waist and pulled it down, exposing his erect cock. She then kneeled on her knees and began to suck his cock. The old man was getting very excited and within no time he shot a lode of his hot cum in her mouth. He them made her lie down and began to kiss and fondle her body he was getting mad. Jaicy told him, I am not going anywhere, you can have me for the whole day. Hearing this he got calm. The old man then began to suck her pussy and he sucked it till she had orgasm. Then he lifted her legs up and inserted his cock into her pussy. He started with a great pace, and then he got tired. Seeing him getting tired, Jaicy asked him to lie on his back, Jaicy sat on his cock and began to fuck him, till she had fulfilled her lust. Old man was very happy and Jaicy stayed with him for that whole day and next morning when he went out for getting food, Jaicy slipped out.