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08-08-2021, 11:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2021, 11:13 AM by madiha.agarwal. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
"America! Here I come!" I shouted and jumped in the air. I couldn't contain my excitement and the smile on my face was threatening to become permanent. After two years of slogging away at small and medium projects, my name had finally been selected to be part of a larger one. It required traveling to a different continent but I was still single and had no real attachments, besides immediate family, and the call to adventure was screaming inside me.
Later that day, with the excitement still coursing through my veins, I was called in for a meeting to get acquainted with the rest of the team. We would be together for 6 weeks and it was important that we all got along. My friend Amit was there and he smiled when he saw me enter. He had a year of seniority over me but he had always looked out for me. I suspected he had a hand in getting me this opportunity.
The rest of the team was comprised of two project managers, a delivery manager, and of course, a team lead. I recognized them all and immediately and realized I was the only woman in the group. They were all in their thirties and married and some small part of me was disappointed. Secretly I had hoped that maybe being so far from home, with a single guy my own age, maybe there could have been some flirting. I had a boyfriend but I was always open to meeting new people and making new friends.
Our first meeting lasted an hour. When the team lead told us we would be going to Omaha my face sank. What exactly was an Omaha? I Googled it and found out that it was a small town in central USA. Looking at the map on my screen I knew I was going to be bored out of my mind when not working on the project.
We had several meetings over the next few days to discuss various topics about our project and what would be required. A big issue would be food. There were no Indian restaurants near where we would be staying and only one small store that had anything catering to our diet. American food would be a treat in the beginning but we were sure we would soon tire of it. The local Wal-Mart had a few things but we knew we couldn't just live on Basmati rice for our trip.
We had no idea what would be available there so we decided to take as much as we could in order to not be without. Even our utensils were a question none of us could answer so we made a list of those as well. Bringing food was going to be an issue as America's import rules were very strict but the team lead promised to look into it for us. There was so much planning going on and so many things to consider that we joked even a NASA shuttle launch couldn't have been this difficult.
Our business visa's came in about two weeks before we were scheduled to leave and the excitement level rose again. With the time lapses between events we all felt like we were on a roller coaster ride. One of the funny guys on the team had taken to calling our departure date D-Day, and it had stuck. When it finally arrived I said good bye to my family and boyfriend, and made my way to the airport by taxi.
Omaha was a small city with only about 500,000 people, but was delightfully pretty in the section we landed. We imagined like everywhere else, things got a little worse the further from the city center you went. Our office was on the outskirts and we wondered what we were in for.
We had booked a hotel as close to work as possible but for some reason the available rooms were limited. We ended up settling for two next to each other and had to deal with the sleeping arrangement issues. One room had two queen size beds, but the other only had a king. With six of us in the group and me the only woman, the guys decided that four would share the beds in one room with Amit on the floor, and I would get the other to myself. There was no way a married man was sleeping in the same room with me. Amit protested but the other four didn't want to spend extra on another room. He ended up calling down to the front desk and had them bring up a roll-away bed. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.
Morning routines were difficult to say the least. I ended up having to set my alarm earlier in order to have the time I needed to get ready. With the five of them having to use just one bathroom there was always a knock on my door with at least one of them asking to use mine.
A long time back when I was just starting to grow breasts and hips, I had discovered a line of clothing called Victoria's Secret. Everything fit so well but was so tiny. Today though, after a marvelous growth spurt, I had filled out remarkably. I had no intention of letting anyone accidentally walk in on me in tight little undergarments that could barely contain me. Even now, standing in front of the mirror, I marveled at how curvy I had become. There wasn't much fat anywhere but I could fill out my jeans well enough to turn heads in the street.
Amit was the only person in the group even close to my age. He was more modern in his thinking than the rest of the group and was open to ideas and more accepting of things. The others were more regimented and it felt like they had walked straight out of a 1980's government office. When conversation drifted away from work I tended to zone out and not pay attention. I was a very open person and enjoyed new experiences but their view on those things didn't interest me.
Besides the ride to work each day the four of them barely left their room. They would go out to get prices of groceries, then come back, convert the total to Rupees so they could understand the rates, then we would have a group meeting and decide whether it was worth it to buy or not. The whole thing drove me nuts. We needed to eat, these were the prices, just buy the food!
I was usually voted down when I offered my opinion on what to get. Dal Rice, Spinach Dal Rice, tamarind Rice, Lemon Rice, and Curd Rice were our daily staples and I was quickly craving a change. The cafeteria at the office had tried to accommodate us but did a poor job so we skipped it unless we were desperate. There were restaurants around but the closest was a Taco Bell and it was a half kilometer away. I had some money but the budget for food was controlled by the four tightwads sleeping in the other room. Amit went along with them but I could tell by his distant looks at meal time that he was craving something different as well. Silently I raged that he went along with them. All of them made five times my salary and they controlled every penny trying to save as much as they could. It was ridiculous.
By the third week I was bored out of my mind. The men typically talked in the other room and I was left alone in mine. Amit came by once in a while and he liked me well enough, but in this small group he didn't want to take chances that anything would look bad. The last thing he needed was for people to think there was something going on between us.
One Saturday morning I asked Amit if we could go into the city. When he discussed it with the others they refused and even went as far to make jokes about me wandering a big city all alone. When I stood my ground and said I was going, Amit decided that someone should be with me and came along. Honestly, the four back at the hotel hadn't missed much.
Omaha had a small zoo, a beautiful botanical garden, and a massive cathedral. There were other things to see as well but it was far from the glamour of the larger cities I had seen on television. New York, Las Vegas, Chicago all made Omaha look small by comparison.
On one day Amit admitted to me that the constant talk of mundane topics was driving him crazy. I wanted to tell him to come back to my room but knew that if he did, it would start the others talking which would definitely lead to bad things. I admitted that I was going crazy as well and looked forward to our walks through the city. Back in my room I was bored to tears and usually prayed for God to end my misery.
On our last day we had a small dinner as a way to say thank you for a job well done at a quiet little Italian restaurant. The food was tasty and we regretted not trying it sooner.
After the boys had settled up the bill we made our way back to the hotel to finish packing. Amit came into the room and informed me that they were all heading out to pick up souvenirs for people back home and that I wasn't invited. I thought it odd because we had done that very same thing two days earlier and questioned him on it. When pressed, he finally admitted that they wanted to go to a strip club, and he begged me not to let on that I knew. He casually mentioned that his review of my performance on the trip would be a little more favorable if I kept quiet. I knew it was blackmail but I agreed anyway. I wondered why the four cowards in the other room had decided that Amit would be the one to tell me to stay at the hotel. Then I figured that our walks in the city had started rumors despite us trying hard to make sure they didn't.
After the cowards left with Amit I had no idea what to do with myself. The 'gentlemen' as they referred to themselves, had packed everything up so I couldn't even cook myself something. Fortunately I had eaten an hour before and wasn't really hungry anyway.
Locking my room I wandered down to the hotel bar and looked around. Not having any idea where I should sit I chose a spot at the bar. The tall stools we comfortable but they were so high that my feet couldn't reach the ground. After a moment the bartender looked up from the flirting she was doing and slid over to take my order.
"What can I get for you, sweetie," she asked.
"Something non-alcoholic," I replied.
"You want a coke? Cocktail? Or how about a smoothie? I make a mean strawberry and banana smoothie," she replied with a wink and a grin.
I had no idea what any of those things were and for all I knew she could have been speaking Greek. A look of understanding crossed her face and she handed me a drink menu to look over while she went to take care of new customers who had walked in
"You should try a Long Island Iced Tea," a loud voice said beside me.
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09-08-2021, 07:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 18-10-2021, 04:08 PM by madiha.agarwal. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
I hadn't heard anyone come over and when I turned there was a huge man next to me. His dark black skin contrasted his white linen shirt and the muscles underneath rippled with the slightest movement. He looked to be in his early thirties and was quite a bit taller than me. Even seated beside me I had to look up in order to talk to him.
"I'm Ricky," he said extending his huge hand.
I was startled for a second when I realized he meant to stay and talk. He was an imposing man and looked dangerous, but sounded jovial at the same time.
"I'm Madiha," I said taking his hand and shaking it.
He was surprisingly gentle for someone so large and I marveled that my hand came back in one piece.
"Are you alone?" he asked.
A million thoughts flashed through my mind and I panicked. He must have seen the frightened look on my face because he smiled and leaned back a little as if to give me more personal space. Calming myself I tried to relax my face and looked him in the eyes.
"For the moment. My friends are upstairs getting ready and will join me in a bit," I replied.
"I see. I'm staying here as well," he replied but paused before saying more.
The bartender had returned and smiled waiting to see if I had made up my mind about a drink.
"Scotch on the rocks for me, and the lady would like a Long Island Iced Tea," he said to her.
"You ok with that, sweetie?" she asked giving me a strange look.
I hadn't read the menu yet with Ricky distracting me, and I had no idea what the drink was. I figured it was a tea though so it couldn't be that bad. I just nodded.
A minute later she was back with our drinks. Ricky paid for both and raised his glass. With a loud 'cheers!' he tipped his glass and drank heavily. I took a long sip of mine and although tasty, it had a bitter aftertaste that I didn't recognize.
With Ricky making small talk I sipped more from my drink. The bitter aftertaste never went away. When he started asking where I was from I interrupted him.
"There's something wrong with this drink," I said. "It is a tad bitter."
"I'm sorry, Ma'am, your drink has alcohol in it. It was my idea of a practical joke," he said raising his hands in mock self defense at the look on my face.
I was angry. I could feel myself getting redder by the second. Judging by his reaction to the look on my face he knew it too.
"I'm sorry. Sometimes my jokes are in poor taste. I should have stopped to consider your religious beliefs," he said.
"Nothing to do with religion," I replied angrily. "But you're lucky I am not a '. or you would have worn this drink."
An almost imperceptible smile played across his face for a second and if I hadn't been watching I would have missed it.
"I am sorry. Let me make up for my bad joke by buying you dinner," He said.
I realized I was just as much at fault for agreeing to get a drink I knew nothing about and my anger cooled a little. He may have been playing a joke but if I had looked at the menu I would have known better.
The guys weren't really here and I had no other company so I figured dinner with conversation, other than how to save a few rupees, would be pleasant. With the bar and restaurant being in the hotel there was no chance of me getting caught.
He let the bartender know we were going to eat and we picked up our drinks to find a table. I made sure to choose one out in the open and near others just in case.
"What would you like?" He asked.
"I really don't know what any of these are," I said looking at the menu.
"Now that I've been made aware that your religious beliefs are not an issue, may I order for you?" he asked with a smirk.
I gave him a dirty look but nodded. He thought he was being funny and I wanted to make sure he knew it was noticed and not really appreciated.
When the waitress came over he ordered a basket of chicken wings for us to share and a chicken quesadilla for me. When he ordered a steak for himself I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.
We talked long after our meal was finished and I found myself giggling and laughing at some of the silliest things he would say. I wasn't sure if he was really funny or if the three additional Long Island Iced Teas were responsible. Being a little dizzy I thought it might be the drinks.
Eventually I found myself opening up. We had talked of college days and cultural differences and we were currently on what we did now for a living. I explained my job and that I was at the end of a six week business trip, and that the guys I was working with were out at a 'strip club' having sex.
"Here in America there is a difference. If they went to a strip club then they are only getting to look. They can have women dance close to them but they are not allowed to touch. In some states people operate brothels. Those are the ones where you can go to have sex," he explained.
Looking back I realize that it was this exact moment in the conversation that opened the door to what was to come that evening. My lack of knowledge of western expressions got me into a little more trouble than I had been hoping for. Or maybe it was exactly what I was looking for.
The conversation took a sexual turn at this point and he didn't even try to be subtle. He asked if I had a boyfriend and I explained that I did, but we had never done anything. There had been my landlord a few years earlier but it wasn't something I wanted to get into here and now with him.
My sex with landlord
Turning the tables on him I asked him how sexually active he was and his reply shocked me.
"Numerous one night stands," he said. "I do a lot of traveling for work."
He wasn't a very good looking man and I doubted he was telling the truth. Most guys liked to brag about encounters that never happened, or they liked to increase their counts to make up for their inability to score.
"Once you go black. . ." he said with a wink.
I looked at him waiting for him to finish the sentence and he stared at me in disbelief.
"You've never heard that before?" he asked incredulously.
"Heard what?" I asked.
"Once you go black, you never go back," he replied. "You've seriously never heard that saying before?"
"No. Why wouldn't they go back?" I asked.
He seemed to be getting a cocky attitude at this point and I was pretty sure the drinks he had had were responsible. At least I hoped it was. We were having fun up to now and I didn't want that to change.
"Well, as the saying implies, black men have been naturally endowed with massive cocks that little women such as yourself cannot resist," he replied.
"Oh really? Is yours big then?" I asked in a giggle without even pausing to consider my words.
A sly smile stole across his face and he leaned back in his chair.
"You want to take a look?" he asked teasingly.
"What? Here?" I asked in a shocked tone that was a little louder than I had planned.
"Here or up in your room. I'm not shy," he replied.
"But my friends. . ." I started but he cut me off.
"Nobody who goes to a strip joint comes home early, especially on their last night in town. You'll have hours to check and make sure I'm not lying," he said.
I understood immediately. The alcohol must have slowed me down before but there was no missing it now. He wanted me. More to the point, he wanted to fuck me. For a moment I didn't know what to say but in the end alcohol fueled curiosity won out.
"Why not," I said.
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14-08-2021, 10:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 14-08-2021, 10:37 PM by madiha.agarwal. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
He waved over to our waitress while I sat there thinking. My landlord had seven inches down there and it had spread me pretty wide. I couldn't be sure if this guy was telling the truth but I wanted to find out. My pussy was tingling at the idea of a bigger cock inside me.
After he paid the bill we headed up to my room. I wasn't worried about the guys coming back form the strip club anytime soon, and the rest of the guests at the hotel were not even an issue. I wouldn't see any of them again after tomorrow.
As we entered my room everything suddenly felt hot. I wasn't sure if I had forgotten to turn on the air conditioning or if the alcohol had taken over. He seemed to feel it as well as he led me over to the little balcony I had spent many an evening on by myself.
He was huge. I guessed he was about six foot six with broad shoulders and muscles that strained against his clothing. Looking him over I thought he seemed to be fleshy in all the right areas. I was only five foot five and to anyone who cared to look I must have seemed petite next to him.
Leaning down he kissed me. Thick lips pressed against mine and slowly he let his tongue explore. Sucking on it made him slip his hands to my ass and lift me against him. My heart pounded in my chest and I was sure he could feel it with my breasts pressed so hard against him. Wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, my pussy pressed right against his cock. I could feel it growing as he slipped one hand under my skirt and played along the wetness gathering in my panties.
His other hand went to his zipper and I heard it go all the way down. Pulling out his cock he rubbed where his other hand had been and I moaned. I could feel the size of his thick head rubbing against me and a feeling of fear and excitement ran the length of my spine.
He tugged my panties aside hurting me in the process. They were tight and the fabric pulled my pussy as it moved. I was thinking this guy is really rough when again without warning he put his cock against my tiny hole and plunged his huge, thick cock inside me.
I screamed in pain as he spread me wide. It felt like I was losing my virginity all over again. I was a little surprised that he didn't believe in foreplay, but quite frankly, with the size of the cock inside me, I didn't blame him. That thing could satisfy a woman without the need for cuddles and hugs, or even licking my pussy as my landlord liked to do.
Loosening his grip on my ass it felt like his cock alone supported me. I could feel him sliding deeper as gravity pulled me down along his length. It had been a long time and I was very tight. His cock filled me and I could feel him hitting every part of my pussy as he slid, wrapping back around his shaft as his huge head slid deeper.
I couldn't hold back and was moaning uncontrollably. When he was in as deep as my pussy could take I moaned even louder. I was sure he had more to give but there was no room inside me for it.
Holding my legs with his hands he slowly lifted me up and down. The pain beginning to change to pleasure made me moan even harder and I was sure people blocks away could hear me. I had never been stretched so wide before.
The cold air outside was only a brief afterthought. I was so hot from what we were doing that I never even noticed it. When he started lifting me and letting me fall faster and it only increased the heat I was feeling.
Even being fifty-six kilos he was moving me easily. I felt like a stuffed animal in his arms and he was treating me as his fuck toy. It only made hornier.
In order to try to hide my moaning I kissed him and sucked his tongue again. Even that felt bigger than the men I had kissed back home.
He was manhandling me now and doing as he pleased. I was delirious with pleasure and didn't care at all. Increasing the speed again he had me forgetting our kiss and moaning hard until my first orgasm struck.
As if hit by lightening my whole body tingled with electricity and my soul felt like it was trying to leave my body. My pussy exploded against his huge cock. Uncontrollably my hands let go of his neck and I slipped back and sending my legs high into the air as my pussy throbbed around the glorious member buried inside me. For a moment I was sure it was just his cock that held me up.
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Slowing he eventually stopped with his cock as far inside me as it could go as he waited for me to enjoy my orgasm. I held on tight until my pussy calmed and I was able to breathe again. We had only been going for about ten minutes and he hadn't even shown sings of being close to cumming.
Without a word he slipped his cock out of my pussy and spun me around. Bending me over I barely had time to grab the railing before he was shoving his cock back inside me. Lifting my skirt he spread my legs with his hands while he shoved hard with his hips. This time wasn't as painful as I was already dripping, and he was back to full speed in no time.
I had to hold onto the railing to keep myself up so there was no way to prevent the moans escaping me. Each thrust made them louder and soon I was crying out in pleasure. I distantly felt the coldness of the railing and something in the back of my mind registered coldness hitting my body.
"Wow! Snow," he exclaimed.
I will never forget my first experience with snow. It was a rare November snow storm. Usually it only started in December.
Ricky put his hand in my hair and pulled until my face pointed upwards. With eyes blinking rapidly to avoid the flakes I tried to catch them in my mouth to taste them. Leaning against a rail with a huge, thick cock burying itself in my pussy over and over again will always be my first memory of snow.
The thrill of snow was nothing compared to what he was doing to me and even the feel of soft wet flakes hitting my body soon disappeared. He was pumping harder and faster now and I could hear his cock sliding inside me. I was so wet that I was sure I was leaving a puddle on the balcony.
From the corner of my eye I saw the room beside us light up, and the curtain peek open. A man's face scanned the night to finally settle on us. As I leaned there taking Ricky's cock I suddenly felt embarrassed and violated. Looking back at Ricky I saw that he had noticed as well but his grin and thumbs up told me that he didn't care.
Somewhere in the back of my mind I thought that the idea of someone watching wasn't a bad thing. Americans were more open than us. The guy watching was just a stranger and I would be gone tomorrow anyway. I suddenly felt hornier and made sure to get even louder.
I could feel the orgasm building inside me. With each thrust he got me closer and closer.
When it finally hit I exploded harder than I had last time and my shaking legs barely supported me. Ricky grunted hard and shoved as deep as possible. Jet after jet of his cum shot into me and I could feel it filling and then dripping out of my pussy. With a small cry my hands lost their grip on the railing and my legs gave out. Ricky's now flaccid cock slipped out of my pussy. I hoped the snow would wash away the mess I left on the deck.
I sat there for close to a minute and finally felt the cold. My hands were numb from holding the railing and a shiver went through my body. Ricky must have felt it as well as he picked me up by my waist and carried me inside. I could feel both of us dripping out of my pussy and left a trail of cum from the door to the bed.
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After laying there for a moment I finally caught my breath and he lifted me to stand in front of him. Kissing me hard he tugged at my t-shirt while I undid his buttons, Tossing my shirt aside he deftly slipped a hand behind me and came away with my bra. As he bent to slip my skirt and soaked panties to the floor I hoped he would suck on my nipple but instead he stood back up to admire me.
Forcing me to my knees I watched as he slipped his pants and boxers to the floor. The magnificent cock that had been inside me hung there in front of my face and my mind raced wondering how I had been able to handle it. Even limp from just cumming it was still huge and thick. Coal black skin lead to a dark pink tip that looked like it could tear women apart.
"I love the way girls look at my cock for the first time," he chuckled.
I ignored his arrogant comment. Any guy with a piece of meat like this between his legs was allowed to be a little cocky. Staring at it I wasn't sure I would have let him shove it in me, I would have been terrified he would split my tiny pussy.
Taking it into my mouth I sucked him until he was hard again. It didn't take long as I knew what I was doing. With him back at full size it was easy for him to hit the back of my throat but my mouth though was a different story. It had to stretch fully just to be able to take him and I knew I would be sore soon.
With one huge hand he managed to cover all of the back of my head and slide with me along to the rhythm I had set. It was the most difficult and most satisfying blowjob I had ever given.
I brought my hand up and was about to pull off to stroke him and give my mouth a break, when his cell phone rang. His hand on my head held me there and wouldn't let me off his cock. Reaching down to his pants on the bed, he pulled out his phone and looked at the number.
After a small sigh he answered the phone, his cock still stretching my mouth and tickling the back of my throat. I tried to stop sucking and looked up at him in surprise. He looked down at me knowing he had been caught and the expression on his face made me think of a dog that had just been scolded.
"Hi honey," he said in a cheery voice.
I could hear a female voice in the background, but couldn't make out any of the words.
"I'm fine, baby. The meeting went well. I start tomorrow afternoon. How's Jerome doing?" he said.
My mind raced. 'Oh my God,' I thought, 'this guy is married with kids and he is cheating on her with me!' Technically I was cheating on my boyfriend as well, but we weren't married and didn't have kids together. I thought for a few more seconds and realized if it hadn't been with me, it would probably have been with someone else, and I was just as guilty, so it all evened out in the end.
I decided to tease him and slowly brought my teeth together biting his cock.
"I miss you too baby. . Ahhh!" he cried. "Nothing baby. I just hit my toes against the corner of the night table."
He looked down at me begging me to behave myself, it only made me more excited. I could hear his wife talking away and the timely 'hmm' from Ricky made sure she was unaware of what was happening on this end of their conversation. His hand on my head kept up with my pace and eventually he started to increase my speed. I could feel my legs scbanging against the carpet and even though I still had on my leggings, it hurt.
After a long conversation he hung up and tossed the phone to the bed. With both hands on my head now he fucked my mouth until with a loud grunt, he came.
Probably as revenge for my teasing while he was on the phone, he held his cock deep in my mouth.
Unable to breathe it was a long moment as he sent jet after jet of hot cum down my throat and I had a hard time swallowing it all. There was too much and it spilled out to drip down to my breasts.
Seeing the distress on my face he released me and pulled back so I could take a much needed breath. He hadn't stopped cumming and more sprayed against my face and chest.
Panting hard with his cum dripping off of me I thought I must look horrible. Bile rose in my throat and I rushed to the bathroom. He followed me with a bottle of water from the mini fridge and asked if I was OK. I replied that I was while I wiped my mouth and cleaned his cum from my body.
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No sooner had I returned to the bedroom he caught me in his arms and tossed me onto the bed. I squealed as I landed on my back and he stepped over me pulling off my leggings. I was completely naked in front of him and he took a moment to admire me. I looked back defiantly daring him to comment. Instead he moved like lightning and had his semi-hard cock buried itself in my pussy again.
"Let me show you something I'm sure you've never experienced, and probably never will again after tonight. I call it Tyrone's 360," He said.
"Who is Tyrone?" I asked.
"Shit," he said. "That's my real name. Sorry."
"Who cares," I replied. "Shut up and fuck me."
Rocking me slowly I could feel his cock getting harder inside me. The pleasure of being spread open again caused me to start moaning loudly. 'At least no one can see me this time' I thought as another loud cry escaped my lips.
He lifted my left leg and moved it over to lie on top of my right. I was turned on my right side facing the mirror and watched as his body gyrated behind me. His cock never left my pussy and the new angle somehow enabled him to drive deeper.
Watching my breasts bounce as his huge cock thrust in and out of me was getting me more turned on. Every time he slipped past my gspot I cried out begging him to spend more time there but at the same time screaming not to stop the rhythm he had going.
After about five minutes he slid my legs down and rolled me onto my stomach. Pulling my hips up he had me on all fours as my ass hung over the edge of the bed. Being so much taller than me he had to squat down but instantly he was back inside me.
Mercilessly he fucked me and I was sure the pounding he was giving me was the entire length of his cock.
The pleasure was so intense that I almost couldn't handle it. Tears were leaking from my eyes but I wasn't crying. My moans had turned to whimpering at this point and I felt my body as a distant concept. All that mattered was my pussy and the pleasure I was getting.
With a quick movement he grabbed my arms and pulled them back behind me. When my face hit the bed my back arched hard enough to almost form the letter C.
He never slowed and relentlessly he pounded my pussy until it was too much to handle. I had felt it building but when my orgasm struck I wasn't prepared. I screamed as my legs shook violently until he let go of my arms, and I collapsed onto the bed like a sack of potatoes.
Somehow this stallion was still hard and still buried deep inside me. Lifting my leg he twisted me around so that I was on my left side facing away from the mirror and started slamming into me again when I had caught my breath.
With my cum letting him slide easier, he was pounding me fast and hard. His huge cock slammed into me over and over again and even after adjusting to his size I could still feel his shaft rubbing inside me as the head of his cock scbangd past.
After what felt like forever but was probably only another five minutes he rolled me onto my back, completing the 360.
Pushing me further up the bed he knelt in front of me and pulled my hips up to meet his. I sat up and hugged him tight settling on his cock. It was difficult for him to get any motion going in this position so I helped out. Between licking and biting his ear I slipped up and down on his cock making sure to take as much as I could get. His hands on my hips helped to slam me down and before long I was feeling a familiar tingle in my pussy. Moaning loudly I leaned my head down to his neck thinking he deserved a PhD in sex, or at least a gold medal.
Ricky straightened his legs and lay back on the bed. The size of his cock enabled me to not hold back as there was very little fear of him accidentally slipping out of me. Every time I slammed down I felt him go deeper than he had ever been inside my tiny little pussy. With my hands supporting me against his chest, and his hands holding my waist, we fell into a rhythm that only got faster and faster. The excitement in my pussy kept building and I knew it wasn't going to be long.
Sweat glistened on our skin from the exertion and gave us a glow in the soft light. Looking over at the mirror I noticed the contrast in our skin tones for the first time. The difference between his charcoal black and my lighter tan color was sharp but I looked good with him beneath me.
Both of us were breathing hard and I felt his cock starting to spasm inside me. With a final thrust he forced me down and held me there as he pumped his cum deep inside my pussy. That set me off and I could feel my pussy wrapping tight around his cock. With the two of us spasming I was stretched even wider than before and with a long loud moan I collapsed to his chest to just lie there.
Before I passed out I felt his cock go limp inside me and our cum flood out of my pussy covering my thighs.
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I woke to the hot sun hitting my face and I realized in the passion last night I had forgotten to close the curtains. With a start, I panicked and tried to sit up to check the time. We had a flight this afternoon at five and I couldn't miss it. My legs felt like lead and refused to obey my commands, and my pussy felt like it had been set on fire. I was sore as hell and even the slightest movement sent pain shooting through every limb. My head was pounding and I realized that so many Long Island Iced Teas had probably not been a good idea. Bringing my hand to my face I realized that my jaw was sore as hell as well, but the memory of Ricky's huge cock made me smile through the pain.
When I was finally able to get a look the clock it read 10:50 and I breathed a long sigh of relief. Looking around the room I realized I was alone. My stallion had disappeared during the night leaving nothing behind except his dried cum on my thighs, and memories I would carry for a lifetime.
The room itself was trashed. The bed was a mess and the smell of sex filled the air so thick that I was worried they would never get it out. I found my skirt and shirt, located my leggings in the corner but couldn't find my panties. They weren't the really nice ones I had brought but I was still perturbed that they were missing. Either they had magically disappeared or Ricky had absconded with them as a trophy.
With slow calculated movements I made my way to the bathroom and started the shower. The hot water against my skin was painful but I could feel it loosening my tight, sore muscles, healing me from the night before. After standing there for fifteen minutes I filled the tub and lay back soaking in the warmth as my strength returned.
Dressing I hurried to find the house keeper I had befriended while I was here, a tiny Guatemalan woman named Esmerelda. Slipping her a twenty I begged her to go in and clean my room before anyone else could see the mess.
Unable to face the reaction I knew she was going to have I hastily went down to the hotel restaurant to have some lunch. Once done I went down to the clinic and picked up a morning after pill. I didn't want to be having a black baby.
Amit came by my room later to check to see if I was ready to go and told me not to ask questions about last night. All he would tell me is that between the five of them they had spent close to one thousand dollars in drinks and lap dances. It had not been what he wanted but the others insisted, and as a result he had lost all respect for them.
I thought of my night with Ricky and kept quiet. I was sure if he knew I would lose his respect as well.
The ride to the airport was quiet. It seemed we all had bad headaches from drinking too much and even the tires humming along on the pavement was tough to handle. When we arrived we found our plane and boarded.
Just after the 'Fasten Seat belts' light went out the stewardess made her rounds offering drinks.
"Coke. Sprite. Tea. Water or coffee," she asked.
I nodded at the last one.
"One tall, large, black please," I said. "The bigger the better."
"You sure, sweetie? That will keep you up all night" she said.
"That's the idea," I said and smiled.
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Great story and well written. Incredible as it may sound, this is very close to a true story. The guys go to strip clubs but girls often end up having a great time with white guys at client site taking them out for dinners and hot sex!
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Absolute hotter. Thanks for the story.
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