Adultery Lend the Money by bena4u
Story :- Lend the Money

Written by bena4u
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Fahim had the hot for Samena, the wife of his closest friend Karim. Samena had a great personality. She was funny and very intelligent. She was exceptionally beautiful with delicate features such soft hair, and large eyes that men would just want to sink into. On top of all that, she had a curvaceous hourglass figure that screamed for sex, full and luscious. Her figure had curves in all the right places. Samena was 5'6" had the sweetest full and firm ass with round shapely buns, but her greatest assets by far were her breasts. They were big, firm and protruding, almost an invitation to grab and squeeze them hard. They were big- almost too big for her slight frame. They hung heavily, but stood out proudly and came to a beautiful upturned point. She really had the type of breasts that most men just can't keep their eyes from their head.

Samena has been married for seventeen years. Of course, due to long standing tradition, it was an arranged marriage. Raised in a middle class conservative family; her parents had taught her how to curtsy correctly, along with what manners to use and how to dress appropriately. Samena's husband had his own small business as she assumed her role as a simple houses wife and a mother of four teenager children. At 38 years of age and even though Samena bore four children, she was still an attractive woman and she kept herself in excellent shape. Her big, firm, and full breasts and very shapely bottom had not yet started to sag to the point of flabbiness

For the first thirteen years, they were a happy couple who had a satisfactory sexual life. Everything seemed to be fine with no problems. For the last three years, however, Samena, had noticed numerous changes in their relationship. Sex became boring and ordinary and she sensed that it had become sort of a routine ritual for her husband. On the other hand, she needed variety and spice in her sex life. She loved her husband, but she often felt unsatisfied in his bed. Some nights, she found herself in bed battling with emotions and feelings at times, quietly crying herself to sleep, wanting someone to understand and satisfy her needs. She cared deeply about her marriage vows, and she was strong enough to keep them no matter what the circumstances.

Samena couldn't understand why her marriage had gone so stale. She knew, at most, she had the looks and body of a woman in her late twenties. She never worked out, but kept herself fit enough to have a figure man still turned their heads to admire. Samena was aware she was an extremely pretty woman blessed with the typical beauty synonymous with women in India. Her stunningly beautiful face always sported a charming smile, while her large eyes glowed with appeal. To Fahim, she was absolutely gorgeous.

Samena's beauty, and good nature, coupled with her exuberance had fascinated Fahim. Whenever he had the chance, Fahim always stole a peek at Samena's enticing breasts.. Fahim and Darim, along with their wives who were best friends, often had dinner together at Samena's home.

Fahim often took opportunities to stare at Samena's body, particularly her cleavage, and the curve of her butt, especially when she bent down. While serving them food, whenever she stood near him and she would bend over while placing food in his plate, he would never miss a chance to look at her hidden treasures. He would do this in such clever ways, Samena seemed oblivious to the fact that Fahim could see her cleavage, which was plentiful

Unbeknownst to Fahim, his stares had not gone unnoticed to Samena. Though she was coy, his flirting did spark something in her. She never took it seriously since she was used to men staring at her body... She noticed that his eyes were peeking at her bouncing breasts and her swinging ass when she moved around. She smiled to herself knowing how proud she was of those assets..

The thing was that the woman Fahim had craved back when they were both younger, was Samena. What Fahim didn't know however, was that many women were attracted to him and just like all those other women, she too found herself unable to resist the gorgeous young man. She tried to avoid his flirtations because, well, she was not that type of woman. Fahim just happened to be good friends of her husband and she was a faithful wife married for over 17 years who bore four children. This is why she would never let anything happen between she and Fahim..

Fahim was a handsome young man who kept himself very fit. At 6'3" and at 190 pounds Fahim was an imposing figure. He was in his late thirties, a good-looking young man sure to break the hearts of his fair share of women of his age. Fahim's body was lean and toned and it was easy to notice his sculpted physique. His had a combination of boyish good looks, thin black hair, and classic handsomeness, thanks to his piercing big black eyes and narrow lips. Coupled with his obvious physical attributes, it would have been easy for him to charm just about any woman he wanted.

Indian culture allows its natives to have wonderful dresses and costumes especially shilwar qameez. Shilwar is a short loose or paraller trouser pajama, loose at the top but narrow at bottom-cuffs. Qameez is a knee-long shirt or tunic. It does not have a collar or shirt-like cuffs. Shilwar qameez helps keep the wearer cool on those hot sweltering days, hiding women's treasures from ogling eyes of lusty men because it doesn't cling to the body. It is the most preferred Indian garment that women, especially '. women wear.

To beautify shilwar qameez, Indian women wear a stole or a long scarf called a dupatta. Women wear it over one shoulder or dbang it around the chest and over both shoulders. Women wear the Dupatta, just like a Shilwar qameez, to cover a woman's breasts and heads to protect it from prying eyes.

Samena had lush, full lips, which looked like they she painted them permanently with a light pink lipstick. She had dimpled cheeks, blemish-free smooth skin, long, thick jet-black hair reaching her hips, and eyebrows that looked like they were painted by a master artist to complement her wide, dark black eyes. She was elegant, sophisticated, glamorous, and magnificent. While her body screamed, "fuck me anyway you want," her upbringing was quite strict and she could never waiver from that.

Fahim couldn't explain it but Samena always looked different to him. When she was younger, she had always been somewhat pretty, but now, she looked positively beautiful. Her pleasant face with a nice smile and black eyes now seemed more playful than before. Maybe it was the fact that she was getting older or maybe it was just that she was really taking care of her body, he didn't know. Whatever the case, she looked great.

Fahim had set his eyes on her for a long time. Samena knew that and observed his eyes straying to her. They exchanged many a glances, but she wasn't going any further. When she looked at Fahim with those alluring dark black eyes, it made his skin tingle with desire. He wondered if she felt the same magnetism.

Fahim always wondered if Samena would be receptive to his seduction efforts. Would she fuck me? He couldn't help but think how incredible it would be to seduce this woman, get her into bed, and then fuck that sweet pussy. Though taking her to bed was out of the question, it was what he had wanted to do. He yearned to have a taste of her ripe lips, and to feel her soft body against him, holding her, caressing her.

On numerous occasions, he would be screwing his wife but fantasizing that he was fucking Samena..

* * *

Just recently, Samena was facing some financial problems. She couldn't ask for help from her husband and wondered what to d... She thought about Fahim, and was very aware of his feeling towards her. She knew that he was always trying to get to know her better in many ways. She was sure he would help her; that he was a nice and gentle man who liked her very much. Still, she was very nervous, and a little worried that she would be alone with the lecherous Fahim. This would also be the first time that she would be this close to him. She knew Fahim was always ogling her out and whenever he could stare at her butt and breasts.

It was a Sunday morning when Fahim's wife had gone to her parent's home along with her children. Samena knew this and. after wrestling with her conscience for some time; she nervously picked up the phone and called Fahim's home number, hoping that he would answer.

The phone rang several times and when Fahim picked it up, the voice on the other end sounded a little frantic to the point that at first he didn't recognize it as his friend's lovely sexy wife Samena. Fahim was surprised to hear her voice, but recovered quickly and asked, "Hello. Who?"

She hadn't thought out on how she planned to start, but somehow managed to stammer, "Hi, this is Samena."

For the next few minutes, they made small talk that was sometimes awkward. They continued chatting, but the entire time Fahim was wondering what prompted the pretty woman to give him a call in the first place. In fact, at first, Samena asked if Fahim wished to speak to his wife. Samena responded, "No, I wanted to speak to you. Do you have some time to meet today, privately. I need your help with something. It's important.
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"Of course! Any time you want, any place you want, Fahim responded excitedly.

"When should I come over?"

"Any time is fine with me. I'm not doing anything right now."

" Ok! I'll be over in a half an hour."

"All right," he agreed. "I'll be waiting for you."

Before she left to meet him, she went to the bathroom to take a look at herself, then showered and washed her hair, drying it with the blow dryer, combing and brushing it; finally securing it in a ponytail. Her hair cascaded down to her hips, thick and lushes. Her hair was one of the few things she still actually is proud of about herself. She changed and wore her favorite dress. Samena ran a brush through her hair one more time; then put on light makeup, some lipstick in addition to other necessities needed to make herself look prettier. Once finished with this routine, she looked into the mirror and said to herself with sudden guilt. What are you doing? This isn't right, you're not going to meet your lover!

It was the day Fahim longed for and fantasized for many, many years. It was the answer to his prayer.

Fahim had been dying to be with her alone and so was really looking forward to seeing Samena. He sat in the lounge watching TV; waiting in anticipation for Samena, his heart fluttering rapidly. He tried to imagine what she would be like in bed, and how it would feel to have her bouncing up and down on his big fat rod. He obviously knew that Samena was married, but he didn't care. He wanted her so badly; he thought he'd go crazy.

He was more than a little nervous when Samena rang the front door bell at exactly ten o'clock. When he opened the door, he saw the gorgeous wife of his best friend in the doorway. His jaw dropped in shock and he just wanted to grab her and kiss her forever. Instead, he just stood there, his eyes nearly popping out of his head, gaping at what he saw and what she was wearing. Samena always dressed conservatively; her clothes very prim and proper: This time, however, she had outdone herself. She was wearing blue qameez and shilwar and the qameez she wore fit her like a glove. The qameez had a large neck and her bra seemed to be a couple of sizes too small. She looked gorgeous with a blue dress that showed ample cleavage and accentuated all of her other curves. Her generously proportioned breasts were not only bulging out of the neck but were also trying to spill out from the gaps.

Samena remained standing on the porch until finally Fahim recovering from his initial shock, asked, "Are you coming in or going to stay out there on the porch and give the neighbors cause to gossip?"

She smiled and said, "I thought you would never ask, Fahim." she stepped in and added, "Good Morning. How are you?"

Samena drew closer towards Fahim and picked up the warm mucky odor. His stomach ached with desire. He turned away allowing Samena access into his house. "I'm fine, and yourself?" he asked.

"I'm very well." She looked at him right in the eyes intensely, and Fahim swore he felt his heart skip a beat. He escorted her to the living room and sat down on the sofa. When they had both settled in their seats, he surprised her when he gave her the cup of tea he had prepared before her arrival.

He noticed her dress was a bit displaced; an unusual occurrence because of her upbringing, and yet her breasts were exposed beautifully showing an ample amount of silky cleavage. Fahim tried pulling his gaze away from her chest, but kept coming back to it as if his eyes were steel and her breasts a magnet. The smell of her lightly scented perfume was intoxicating, to say the least. He was doing everything he could to keep himself from ogling her. His cock grew hard just from the fact that woman of his dream was sitting alone with him in his house! He wanted to pounce on her like an animal in heat..

Fahim was trying hard; with very little success in trying to hide his throbbing erection, His head was spinning and he truly didn't know what to do. His nerves were on edge with the lust that he was feeling. He would have jumped her right there, just thrown her on the sofa if it wasn't for the fear of reprisal.

Samena was just as nervous with him around but relieved to see that Fahim was very polite and quite charming. She even managed to get comfortable enough to sip the tea but still she was cautious with him. They sipped tea and talked about harmless chattering things.

Finally, Fahim managed to say, "You look very nice today." However, he was also undressing her with his eyes.

She replied shyly, blushing deeply, "Thank You."

"So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about, Fahim?"

She smiled timidly, showing her pearly white teeth and answered, "Yes! I want to talk to you, but not sure how to start."

She looked rather flushed and confused, so he said to her, "Feel free and be comfortable. Tell me what you want to say."

Samena held her legs together and constantly tried to pull her dress lower to cover her thighs, keeping her legs pressed together. Seating quietly with her eyes downcast under heavy lashes, her lips parted while she searched for a little time and for what and how to begin her request.

Finally, Samena took a quick intake of breath, and began to speak. "OK, I have to ask you for a favor, but let me start from the beginning. Two years ago, when my brother was going to go abroad, he needed one hundred thousand rupees; equal to 1800 US dollars. He asked me and so I spoke to my husband. He refused, so I mortgaged the house with some of my jewelry. I paid interest for it more than a year, but now I can't afford to pay anymore.. The person with whom I have mortgaged the jewelry warned me that if I didn't pay him, he would foreclose on the house. What's worse my husband is now asking about the jewelry,"

When Samena related her saga, Fahim noticed she hadn't taking a breath. He would have bet that her lovely eyes were bright with tears.

"Oh. I see. How can I help you Samena?"

"I want you to lend me the money. I promise to repay it within few months. More importantly, we must keep it a secret between you and me. Even your wife cannot know about this arrangement."

Keeping his face slightly serious and filled with concern, Fahim replied, "Samena. That is quite a bit of money. I doubt if you could ever pay it off, how I can arrange it for you with out your husband or my wife finding out?"

Samena replied with a sorrowful voice, "You are my final hope, Fahim. I don't know where else to turn. If my husband finds out what I have done, I will lose my family. Pausing, taking a deep breath she continued. "I can return at least 5,000 every month to you,"

"That means you will pay me back in nearly two years, young Samena. That is a very long time. Are you sure you can pay me 5000 every month?"

"I'm begging you to help me, Fahim." Samena said in throaty voice.

They discussed her situation for about 20 more minutes.

"Don't worry Samena. Perhaps I could do something for you," he promised brashly.

"Oh Fahim!" Samena exclaimed at once. "I just knew you could help me."

"Nevertheless Samena, I need some collateral, because it is a large amount."

"I am ready to do anything to get out of this trouble." Samena tried to hold her gaze towards Samena but was unable to. Her eyes dropped to the floor.

Her reply aroused evil thoughts in his mind. Fahim realized that it was the perfect opportunity for him to exploit her weakness.

He said, "Well Samena, You're an asset!"

She felt her stomach fluttering and looked at him quizzically.

"I can arrange this amount for you privately without any one knowing it. But you have to do something for me."

She was elated to hear his reply, and she asked, "What can I do for you Fahim?" Samena's pulse quickened. She looked at him with a sexy grin, and reading this, Fahim wanted to take her in his arms to kiss her, push her back on the carpet, and make sweet love to her. Samena sensed his feelings and could feel herself turning even redder.

Her body seemed to be calling to him and he would answer the call. Moving his hands round her shoulders he said, "Well Samena I just want to experience . . . you. That is; if you will oblige me."

Hearing him say this, Samena went pasty white, stunned and lost for words. She looked paralyzed. She could not breathe, and she certainly could not face him. His statement crushed, embarrassed, and insulted her all at the same time. She wanted to run out of the house. However, she desperately needed the money. To contain her anger, she stared at her hands, wringing them together in the soft glow of her dupatta. Minutes passed, and then finally she nodded. It was not strange, as Fahim well knew that, for a '. woman that would have been the ultimate price to pay.

"Yes," she said softly, "I know that's what you want. You want me to sleep with you. However, you're probably not expecting this answer but what you are requesting is out of the question, Fahim. In fact, how can you even think of such a thing? You're my husband's best friend. Do you think that I have no morals? Do you think that I am such a pervert that I would go to bed with you for money? Although I am in need of money, that does not mean I will sacrifice my purity for it. I thought you were not that type of man, but I guess all men are the same. You see a woman alone and you can't wait to try and get her to bed." She stared at him intently and finished with a hiss, "You can forget it. I prefer to remain in debt."

Hearing this final statement from Semena, Fahim now realized, perhaps he had gone too far. He didn't want to ruin the friendship that they both enjoyed. Other thoughts were racing through his mind. Is she really that mad at me? What if she told my wife? What if she told her husband? Nevertheless, Fahim didn't lose his nerve. He had to see this through. "Well, Samena, the choice is yours. You are in need of money and I can give you that. All I want is a few hours with you lying next to me. No one will ever have to know what happened, and, the money I give you will solve all your problems. It would not be wise on your part to reject my offer. You sleep with me just this once, and that's it. After its over, then we can carry on with our lives, and we'll never repeat it unless you are the one who would like to resume it."

When he finished his offer, she looked at him brushing her hair back with her fingers. She shook her head slightly, and said, "I don't know, Fahim. Seeing this gesture told Fahim that the ice was melting and she was going to accept his offer. They sat there silently for several moments and he could see her breasts rising and lowering with increased intensity..
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Blushing, Samena covered her mouth. She raised her head, looking deeply into his eyes. Was she finally catching on, Fahim thought.

"I can't do this," she looked at him with disbelief and said shyly. "I'm not a whore." Then she lowered her face to avoid looking at him.

"Samena! I know you have also wanted me for years. I've read your eyes. Samena, I want you. I want to make sweet, slow love to you. Samena I love you."

"There's no way I can lay next to you. Fahim. I promise to pay back the loan."

"I know you will, Samena, but I am serious. If you don't comply, I will leave you. Imagine that for a minute."

Samena rose from her chair abruptly. "I need to go now." Looking away from him and clearly embarrassed. She followed with, "You can buy a dozen pretty, not to mention young girls for this,"

Fahim shrugged and responded, "Ok, you can go if you wish but I made you an offer. You can take it or leave it."

As she was about to walk away, Fahim thought to himself, "I've got to see this through. It's now or never. He reached out his hand and held her by her wrist. Samena jumped and jerked his hand away, her face pale with fear. Her hands became sweaty, and her pulse quickened even more. She felt frozen as if she were a deer facing a hunter.

"Fahim! Please don't," she begged, "Please, I am a happily married woman who has never cheated on her husband! I've never done anything like this, and I don't plan to." Samena continued, her panic increasing, "Fahim please, just let me go. Please,"

"I can't let you go like this!" Fahim held her wrist and could feel her pulse was at a break-neck pace. Her heart was probably ready to tear out of her chest.

Finally, Samena had had enough. "Behave yourself," she admonished, "I'm not your wife where you can do what you want with me. I am a married woman. You know I can't just go to bed with you. I would feel tremendous guilt if I pursued this. It isn't right,"

Fahim decided to give one final push. "Look Samena, I know you want it, but the choice is yours. You will lose your family as you've said. This is a golden opportunity here." He said firmly, Take it!"

Fahim held her by her shoulders and pulled her towards his body. She felt the electricity between them as her body pressed up against him. " Fahim?" her voice was uncertain and then got a tinge of anger as his hand moved down her back to caress her ass, "What are you doing Fahim?" Samena tried to push him off, but lacked the strength to do so. She pushed even harder against him but he held her more tightly.

Quickly Fahim pulled her towards him, one hand resting on her chin and then raising it gently. Their eyes locked and Samena knew what was coming, but was unsure how to react.

Fahim bent his mouth to hers, gently placed a kiss on her chin, and then withdrew his lips. A strange feeling of need suddenly gripped her and she felt warmth rush to her loins.

Giving one last attempt at her pleas, she said, "Please don't, I can't do that to my husband and to your wife. It would be wrong. We're family. We're friends." Continuing her appeals she said, "Your wife is my friend and my husband is your friend, I don't want to break off my friendship with your wife because of this. You have your wife. You're hers and she is yours. I've my husband and I am rightfully his. You have to understand that."

"I agree. We've our spouses but we like each other and I know you like me." Once again, he leaned his face towards hers and this time met her lips with his. The more she tried to stop him, the bolder he became.

Breaking the kiss, Semena said, "My husband, or anyone else for that matter, wouldn't forgive us for doing this." She could feel his rigid cock pressing against her belly and his warm breath onto her neck. A tingle ran through her entire body.

"So are you going to tell your husband?" he whispered in her ear. "Don't worry Samena, we are friends and will remain friends. I will not tell my wife about this nor do you have to tell your husband about it. I know your husband loves you, and I also know that you want me to make love to you," he continued. He'd started nibbling, kissing, and caressing her neck with his tongue. This was her most erogenous non-sexual area and a shudder went through Samena with a moan escaping from her mouth. Fahim kept up his assault on her neck, but at the same time, began to trace circles across her qameez.

Moist lips on her neck, and soft hand on her breast was sending chills up and down Samena's body. She felt so guilty. She wondered when the last time she had sex with her husband. She really could not remember. It must have been six months ago. Now due to the long sexual starvation, she was feeling so much sexually aroused. She felt juices pour out and run down the inside of her full thighs. She felt so weak she was afraid she would fall. She could feel her body betraying her with each second that passed as his body remained pressed tightly against hers. Squeezing her eyes tightly shut; she tried to convince herself that she did not want it.

"I am afraid, I have never slept with any other man besides my husband," she stammered, looking at him like a frighten deer, then laying her head against his shoulder. Fahim could feel the flush to her cheeks and the quiver and sudden hoarseness in her voice. This told him that either what they were doing embarrassed her or the closeness of their bodies aroused her.

He sensed the latter. She was on sexual heat and was not in a position to resist his moves. "Fahim, please don't make me do this." she whimpered as she struggled against him, both physically and emotionally. It was useless. Samena realized she was losing both battles. He was too strong and her own feelings were sabotaging her defenses. Half of her wanted to have mad, hot sex with him but the other half was warning her, reminding her husband and her family.

Fahim held her away from him so he could look her in the eyes. "Me neither," he lied, "However let's make this morning a memorable one. I'm in love with you and I want to make love to you!"

Samena blushed, looked up at Fahim, and giving him a smile and snuggled closer to him as her hands hesitantly reached around him, tightening the embrace and nestling into his chest. She willingly melted into his arms. He could feel her tremble slightly, and he knew she was trying to calm her wildly beating heart.

Fahim could not believe that he was holding his friend's wife in his arms. The first time that he had been alone with her and now there he was holding her. There were many, many times that he imagined his friend's wife while jerking off. There had been times in her house when he saw her breasts and butts whenever she bent before him or her duppta slid from her shoulders.

He wrapped his arm around her feeling her cushy breasts pressing against his chest. Their embrace became tighter and urgent until she was burying her face in his neck breathing deeply, almost gasping and weeping lightly, her body trembling convulsively.

Samena's breathing became more labored and she could feel the heat rising between her legs. Unfortunately, she was also feeling fear and guilt; and this wasn't allowing her to enjoy this moment...

Tears now filled her eyes, as she pleaded, "No! We can't do this. Let's stop this now.."

"Listen, Samena we have come too far to stop now. You are mine, you know." Fahim suddenly gripped Samena's face in his hand and turned it further to face him. Samena turned her body and as she faced him, she looked straight into his eyes. "You are gorgeous Samena," he said as he lifted his finger and started to circle her pouting lips. Spreading her legs wide, he continued to finger her. His long fingers sank deeper and she gripped the bed sheet. Samena shied away and covered her face in her other hand.
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Fahim brought his hand under her chin lifted her face and said, "Let me have a look at you."

"Why, have you not seen me earlier," she asked?

"I have, but holding you and seeing you from a closer range, you appear more gorgeous," he said as his eyes dipped down from her face to her bosom. Samena blushed at his words.

"You have a great figure. Do you have any idea how beautiful I think you are?" he said in a husky voice as his eyes glued on her heaving chest.

She smiled and replied, "I know. I see you looking at me. But, I am not as stunning as your wife."

"No. Her body is not to my liking,"

"Why don't you like her figures?" she asked,

"I love to fondle curvaceous body, as you possess," he said as his hand pulled the dupata from her chest exposing her qameez covering her swollen breasts.

As he reminded himself again, it was now or never. He leaned in and smiled, kissing her on her cheek, Fahim expected Samena to pull back, but she didn't. "Samena.. Samena, Samena," he breathed into her ear, "You are prettier than any girl could ever wish to be. I swear you are so hot. I want you, I need you." Samena didn't say a word but only let out a sigh. She was taken aback by this turn of events, but she also didn't push him away. Fahim's eyes immediately fell to her chest. She was breathing heavily. Things were clearly coming to fruition..

Fahim raised her chin with his index finger, and staring into her lusty black eyes, he planted a soft kiss on her full ruby lips; she didn't try to avoid the kiss. Her lips were soft, warm, and moist. The kiss was so sweet. She was so sweet. He increased the pressure, and heard her moan low in her throat. She opened her mouth and their tongues locked together for the first time. It was one of the fieriest kisses Samena had ever experienced. She kept her eyes closed for the entire kiss as his blood surged in his veins and roared in her ears. After they broke the kiss, they kept exchanging a few glances and some smiles for a while, allowing their breathing to slow down a bit. He moved her hair away from her soft neck and licked ear lobe.

Fahim's left arm moved around her shoulders, his right hand to her face, his fingertips lightly brushing her skin. They resumed the kiss and Fahim realized she was a fantastic kisser. Her lips parted slightly and he ran his tongue softly across her lips as her tongue greeted his. He felt her hand on his thigh, rubbing, and her other hand ran through his hair. They kissed for a long time and it got to the point where they either had to move forward or stop right here.

Fahim continued the kiss, making it long and deep. Their hands started to explore each other with her hands going down his back so she could grab his ass, pulling their groins together. Fahim was grinning inside as his hands began to roam over her body. Samena was confused, but was so aroused. One of his hands went behind her neck and pulled her head close while the other went to her hip, caressing her butt. His hands were roaming as he was caressing and then pinching her ass frequently.

Samena's breasts were heaving and the blood was rushing into her nipples forcing them to strain against the fabric of her bra. Her arousal was showing with her erect nipples clearly pointing through the thin material. Fahim could feel her nipples against his arm and slowly walked his fingers to move forward, running his right hand down her face, down her neck, moving lower to her chest. He was alerting himself for the slightest indication that she'd stop him. There was no such signal and his hand found her breast, which was full and firm. He cupped one of her breast, gently kneading it, and then bunched the fabric of her bra between his fingers and rolled the captive nipple between them. He could feel her nipple poking through her bra. With her arousal increasing, her hand moved higher up his thigh. Fahim noted that with every passing minute she was becoming more and more eager in participating.

He slipped a hand inside the top of her dress and closed it around a lush breast. When his hand cupped her breast Samena gasped, the touch was so illicit and yet so thrilling, she was shocked at the feeling of completion, that she'd wanted him to touch her there as his hand had roamed up her body. It felt like his hand was now where it should be.

His hands found her breasts and massaged her nipples. He began to twirl, twist, and agonizingly pinch the now fully rigid nipple. Samena was stunned, a wave of pleasure raced through her body as he pinched her nipple, instinctively she let out a gasp. He was nibbling on the sensitive flesh of her neck and drawing little warm, wet circles with his tongue, which caused Samena to squirm. The heat between Samena's legs was increasing and the juices were now beginning to flow. It felt so good to her, she instantly felt terribly guilty but actually getting wet and hot at the same time! He was pinching her nipple while his one hand traveled down her body to spread her legs apart, caressing the insides of her thighs. Samena's head was so filled with heady pleasures, she willingly parted her legs without even thinking about it, and there was a kind of itch between them. Fahim's hand was suddenly there in her v-shaped area as he cupped her pussy. She gasped at both the indignity and the incredible pleasure of it.

Samena was on fire now. For the umpteenth time, Samena exclaimed to Fahim more than to herself, "Oh Fahim, what are you doing? We can't do this," she whispered timidly as he kissed and nuzzled his way down her neck. Samena's body language not to mention her body was becoming putty to him. Despite her objections, she realized she needed him, his body, and his money.

Ignoring her question, Fahim closed his eyes in rapture and she responded more than he expected. Suddenly she pulled him tight and started kissing his lips passionately. He was surprised upon this changed behavior. It was more than he could want She just opened her mouth and let him feed on her full lips. She was no longer shy, nervous, or guilty.
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Soon Fahim realized that her tongue had popped out to intrude inside his mouth. Samena began breathing hard and faster. They continued to kiss, joined at the lips, while they sparred with their tongues in each other's mouth. Her husband was the only man she had kissed in her life, and she had gotten used to his technique, always one-sided with his head on her right shoulder. Now Fahim was kissing her in a totally new way. She felt her vagina twitch as she felt his tongue enter her mouth. She heard herself moan loudly as her pussy clenched itself twice very hard and rocking her into oblivion. It was more than she could imagine. Her body was on fire, she felt herself on the edge.

Fahim grasped her soft ass, and pulling her closer to him, grinding his hardening cock against her soft belly and caressing her bottom. She had the smoothest, softest ass. The soft flesh of her beautiful ass gave him a thrill because he could tell that she was wearing nothing underneath her shilwar. He unzipped her qameez at the back, put his hand inside and around to the front. Fahim began to fondle the right and then her left breast. Samena protested slightly but was unable to stop him for the simple reason because...she didn't want him to.

Fahim told her how long he had been in love with her, and she said she knew all along. He held her body against him, her hot breath on his cheek, her hands kneading his back, and then sliding it downward over his buttocks. She put her arms around him, hugging him to her ample breasts.

"You're nice man, you're not bad. I can feel it." Then Samena brought her mouth close to his ear and said with a lustful moan as she erotically whispered into his ear. "I've wanted you for so long," she whispered.

Her words were thrilling to Fahim. "And now we have each other," Fahim said pressing his lips to her softer ones. After the kiss, Samena said softly, "Ok! It's all right. I am ready to sleep with you, Fahim, Take whatever you want but it must remain secret all through our lives."

Fahim sat upright, stared at Samena and motioned her to come to him. She stepped towards him and he reached out his hand for her. She took hold of it and he pulled her gently, seating her on his lap, facing her, with her legs straddling his.. He kissed her deeply. By this time, she had begun to respond warmly and more importantly, willingly. When their lips touched, passion overtook both of them immediately. Long, hot wet kisses ensued as their tongues wound around each other. She felt his hard cock slowly begin gyrating against her groin.

Fahim's kisses were impassioned, deep and appeared to help dissolve any second thoughts Samena was having about the encounter.

Fahim told her, "Samena, stop looking sad. I want to tell you that I don't want to exploit you, however, I'm giving you what you need." He reminded her, "You could change your mind if you like. It's up to you."

"This is a consensual thing between two adults. Nothing forced. No unusual expectations from each other. Samena, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." He was telling her this still unsure whether she was indeed doing it just for the money that he was going to pay. "I will pay you without it my dear," he told her.

She looked about and replied in a low voice, "I understand, and I'm not doing it for money." She said seductively, "Let's take this into the bedroom."

They did not waste time as he took her by the hand and led her to his bedroom. No sooner had they shut the door of the bedroom behind their backs when, Fahim pulled Samena to him, spinning her on her heels as she crashed into him. Once Samena was in his arms, he pressed hot kisses on her lovely lips and allowed his hand to run all over her womanly perfection.

Fahim held her tight with one hand around her waist as he raised her face to him with the other, seeking her luscious lips. He kissed her on the lips and then sucked them into his mouth as he disengaged his hand from her face to rest it on her buttocks. In a completely involuntary act, his hands slowly ran over Samena's qameez covering her breasts. A low, barely audible moan escaped Samena's lips and her eyes half closed. He pounced on her with both hands and cupped the double globs.

They resumed their passionate kissing with Fahim's hands all over her body. He molded and caressed her firm perky breasts, squeezing them hard through the qameez..

After some time, his hands moved to the knot of her shilwar at her belly. She moved away from his body to give him room for his hands. When he'd fumbled with the knot of the drawstring of the shilwar; she'd obligingly reached under and undid the knot for him. He then pulled her shilwar off her hips slid them down her legs.

Slowly Fahim's hands went to either side of her qameez and Samena helped him, pulling her qameez over her head and let it drop to the floor, revealing her bra-covered breasts. Each mound was encased in its own blue lace cup, which contrasted against her perfectly milky skin.

She now stood before him in her lacy blue bra. Samena 's bra barely covered her nipples and her massive tits were bulging out of the top. Her corset led to her tiny waist, showing off her wide hips and her perfect, hourglass figure. Biting down on her lips. she just tried to relax as she exposed her body to a man other than her husband for the first time.

"Very nice," he said, his gaze traveling her body. Fahim could see her clean shaved pussy between her milky thighs. He sighed and reached behind her to unclasp her bra. Samena lifted her hands allowing him to remove the garment. When completely removed his eyes devoured the mounds of her enormous, firm breasts with medium size pink nipples jutting out, pointing towards him in invitation.

They were everything Fahim imagined them to be. They were amazing, her breasts were large, beautiful and full. . They were ripe melons of white-and-pink tit flesh, tipped with brownish erect nipples set in large wide flaring areola and half inch long nipples. She had rosy, hard, jutting nipples; permanently swollen, and the raised areola covered almost the entire tip of her breasts. Her pink buds stood erect, at least half an inch long, showing him how aroused she was. Just ogling at her beautiful breasts in its grandeur Fahim thought he would cum in his shilwar He wanted to touch and suck on her nipples while fingering her pussy at the same time.
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"Is this what you've been waiting to see?" asked Samena, doing a little shimmy, trying to get into the swings of things.

Fahim nodded his head vigorously. "What a beautiful body you have; you look so sensuous, and your beautiful breasts are so inviting! Your nipples are so sexy," he said admiringly as he gently tweaked them. "I wish my wife had such beautiful breasts."

"So, I take it you like them." She looked at him staring at her breasts before looking down at her own flesh , then looking back at him still staring

"Oh, Samena, yes," he said staring at her breasts.

"Don't you think they are big?" she asked.

"No they are perfect. I like them too much, in fact, I love them," he said.

" Samena smiled at him and replying, "I know I have huge breasts, but I also know many men prefer small ones. She could not believe the words that were coming out of her own mouth.

"I like heavy and full like yours and I have been eyeing yours since, I don't know how long,," he replied.

Fahim felt the now exposed breasts cupping her soft mounds with both of his hands, kneading them, squeezing them, and stroking the nipples with his fingers as if he was getting ready to milk a cow. At one point, he lifted Samena's breasts, raising them to his nose and, with his eyes holding hers, inhaled deeply while rubbing his face into them savagely. He then started to kiss them passionately while fondling her breasts, pressing them, brushing them, pinching her ever so erect nipples, feeling the firmness and softness of her lovely boobs.

"I can't believe how your nipples stand up, almost like pencil erasers. I wish my wife had tits like yours. I always wanted to bury my head between these." He had each of her breasts in his hands.

"Who will stop you? Bury your head then, they're yours—for now." Her eyes were glazing with lust as if Semena has now accepted her role as a lover for Fahim. Hearing this, Fahim swept her up off her feet and carried the now naked Semena to his bed, carefully placing her on the mattress. Fahim just stood there taking in her beauty and magnificent body. She looked so sexy lying there. He could not believe that the dream he'd been repressing since he'd met her was now coming true. Fahim lay down next to her and quickly placed his head on her chest, placing his mouth on her breasts. Feeling his assault, Samena moaned and closed her eyes, tilting her head deeper into the pillow. She moaned even louder when Fahim started licking and sucking on her nipples like a baby who was nursing.. He licked at her nipples teasingly before engulfing them and sucking them hungrily. He took one nipple and began sucking and biting feverishly while his fingers took the other breast and started squeezing it. Samena's moans had increased louder and longer to show her sheer ecstasy. She was delirious with lust; startled at her own ecstasy.

To show her lust, Samena grabbed Fahim's, head smashing it even further into her chest. Fahim was lighting a fire inside her; a lust that she has never experienced before.. Samena writhed against him, lifting her breasts as he suckled on her nipple, moaning and running her fingers through his hair

"Oh Fahim," she hissed as she inhaled deeply. Her hands ruffled his hair as she tossed her head back in ecstasy.

Fahim was soon lashing his tongue frantically against her breasts. While Samena held him on a tight leash, he went about licking all around her breasts, trailing through her curves with his tongue. Samena squirmed, feeling his tongue teasing her breasts, and she attempted to pull him even closer. He kept looking up to see her enjoying his oral treat on her breasts, and kept licking and sucking her nipples vigorously. Samena's body was trembling with carnal lust as he continued his assault on her nipples.

Semena pushed Fahim away and had him lie on his back. She slowly slithered downward where her head was now facing his groin. Though Samena was naked, she finally realized that Fahim was still dressed. Their lust was now mutual to the point it was now Samena, who was being the aggressor. She opened his belt buckle pulled Fahim's pants to his ankles. His cock sprang free and bounced before her face. Her eyes widened at the sight of his magnificent phallus. She couldn't imagine taking a weapon like that in her body.

She wanted to take his erect cock now. Cautiously, she ran her hand up and down his engorged cock and then wrapped her fingers around it, but find out it very difficult because it was so thick in girth.. Samena comprehend that for the first time in her life she held another cock in her hand besides her husband's sex organ.

The sight of her wrists full of bangles, and her finger with her wedding ring busy caressing his cock was exciting Fahim. Her hand felt like a soft chamois wrapped around his grateful cock.

Fahim's could not measure his excitement except in the size of his now very hard cock, which Samena was furtively touching with feather light fingertips. When he was watching her eyeing it from top to bottom, he could tell that she was mentally measuring it too. The way she was trembling, he knew that what she had found excited her immensely..

Finally, Samena laid on her back; the bed that Fahim's wife shares.

"Fahim, please go slowly when you enter me. I am not sure know...I am not sure I would be able to take it." She licked her pretty, glossy, cherry red lips while looking at his thick fat cock as if in anticipation, as if she was determined to take this glorious phallus in her, no matter what.

"Oh, Samena. I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to hear you say that."

Fahim took in the sight of the beautiful woman that he fantasized about for so long; and now those fantasies are coming true. He was fully aroused and awaiting his pleasure, wantonly exposing her naked body to his gaze. He felt proud and very fortunate.

Fahim wasted no time as he began to kiss her all over her body, her face, her tummy, her navel, as he went even lower. H shimmied down to her feet, kissing them, then the inside of her legs, slowly making his way up to her pussy. Finally arriving there, he gazed at, her beautiful, pink pussy as if he was given a ten-course meal. He had no idea where to begin. He decided to start just licking. He licked with fervor like a kitten drinking milk Fahim moaned as she felt his soft tongue on her labs.

His technique felt so lovely, soft and natural. In the mean time, the scent of her pussy welcomed Samena's excited tongue. He had kissed, licked and fucked so many women in his life. However, Samena was different; she has this enigmatic sexual charm, which drove him crazy.

"My husband never did that to me," she whispered.

"Never?" He asked. "Why not?"

"I don't know," she mused and started whimpering, gasping and directing the action.

He passed his tongue from the bottom of her pussy to the top and flicked it over her clit again.

"Oh Fahim, yes! Do that again!" New moans escaped her lips and she began to rock her hips in a fucking motion. She was not licking her clit as much as she was simply fucking his face.

He caressed her entire pussy with his tongue, all the while stroking the insides of her legs and thighs. Fahim teased for a bit more and then, spreading her legs wide plunged his face and tongue deeper into her womanhood, increasing the pace of the licking.
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Samena began to moan louder and grabbed at the back of his head to show Fahim she was immensely enjoying his tongue now buried deep inside her. Samena 's breathing was becoming more and more rapid and shallow and the movements of her hips more jerky.

As she moved closer to the edge of an orgasm, her thighs closed around his head and her hips began to rock and buck. She trapped his head between her soft thighs clamping his head right against her pussy. Fahim licked furiously as she writhed and moaned on the bed.

His tongue was furiously as if his life depended on it, when suddenly her body went tense, and the orgasm came to her in waves. Thankfully, she was lying down or else she would have collapsed on the floor in a heap. As the orgasm slowly ebbed, Samena relaxed her legs. Fahim, raised his head, his face glistening from her juices as the result of the shattering orgasm. He said with delight and burning lust, "Samena! Your beautiful pussy tastes so delicious!"

Samena's thought she was going to die, she looked at him through misty eyes and pleaded, forgoing any inhibitions she may have had previously. She exclaimed, "Do it now! Please!"

Fahim didn't need any encouragement. His cock was granite with anticipation. He was ready to fuck her as hard as he could. "Ok! But I need to know if you are protected?"

"Yes, Fahim. I am protected." He kissed her neck and mouth hungrily, forcing her legs apart with his hands. She complied, allowing him to nestle his hard cock on top her warm, wet clit. He raised his hips and his cock aimed at her pussy like a heat-seeking missile. He lowered himself and rested it at the opening of her cervix. She was warm, wet, and ready. For some unknown reason, at that moment, Samena thought of her husband and she started feeling guilt. Nevertheless, as quick as it came, it went away, as she replaced those thoughts with the wonderful feelings Fahim's cock was going to give her. As Fahim moved over her, Samena reached down with her hand to grasp Fahim's cock, slowly guiding it to her pussy; her pussy that familiar only to her husband.

A gentle downward motion with his hips, was all that he needed for his cock to spread her well-lubricated petals apart and enter her hot pussy. He'd worked his hands under her body and grabbed her shoulders so she wouldn't slip out from under him. She parted her legs willingly, but he knelt between them, grabbing them and pushing them into her chest, leaving her pussy wide open, rubbing his cock up and down her slit. She drew in her breath sharply when suddenly, without warning, he completely plunged his swollen cock into her. Fahim also gave out a gasp as her hot, wet, pussy tightened around it as if it were glove wrapping around a finger. He shoved his cock even deep into her pussy, managing to slide all the way into her sloppy tightness. She was tight. Oh, she was very tight. It had been so long since her husband had been inside her. Her muscles moved around him as he held himself inside of her. Samena reared up, crying out from the sharp sensations as his cock completely engulfed her invaded wet cave, Fahim sensed that maybe he shouldn't have entered her so quickly because of his huge cock and because of that, thought that he may be hurting her.

Fahim's intuition proved to be correct when he heard her exclaim, "Oh! It is too huge," she cried, slapping his chest with weak arms. Then she said more softly, "I've had no sex in quite a while, so please be gentle, you're too big for me."

"All right," he gasped, and started pulling out. As his cock was almost out of her, however, he rammed it back in.

The sudden thrust made her cry out again.

He'd lowered his head and shoulders until his face was inches away from hers and she was almost completely doubled over, with her thighs pressing onto her breasts. She was still saying his name when he withdrew and entered her for the third time.. Her slit opened for him and she received him. Samena experienced pain but it quickly turned to cramping and pleasure. It was as if she was giving up her virginity again. Now she just felt full as the thick cock stretched her hole.

Fahim pressed his body down on hers. She tried to twist and roll away, but he was too strong for her. Now he wanted to conquer her pussy and make her his. He started kissing her mouth, grinding his shaved pubes against her clit. He did not move, letting her adjust to his size and thickness. She closed her eyes, and concentrated on her need to feel the sweet sensation of the huge penis sliding inside her. In it went until she felt him tearing her flesh.

Slowly her body relaxed and a smile danced across her face.

"It's okay." she whispered. Now fuck me, as you like. I'm ready," She pulled his head down close to her mouth.

Fahim began to enter her with the full length of his shaft. Her pussy was soft like velvet, wet and clingy, tight, so very tight almost as though she was sucking on him. He slid into her as far as he could go. Slowly, he began to slide in and out of her. At first, his strokes were small and gentle. He was afraid if he drilled her to fast, he might hurt her again.

She was wet and yielding, and after about six pounding thrust, she began to cry.

"You're so big," she moaned.

"And you're so tight!" he said.

"You like it?" she asked.

Fahim replied, "Oh Samena, that's so nice. I fantasized and dreamed about being with you this way for so long, and this was even better than I could have imagined." With that, he started pumping back and forth, feeling the heat of her underneath him, the way she squirmed in her arousal, unable to help herself from responding even though she might hate the situation. It was as if her whole body was on fire, tingling with pain and pleasure at the same time. The sensations intermingled wonderfully. Fahim was in complete heaven, his dick encased in her fiery hot sheathe. Fahim wanted this to be a day she wouldn't ever forget.

Samena was rocking her hips in unison with Fahim's and each time he entered completely, she rose to meet him, His groin would press against her clit and send an electric charge through her. Her breasts were shaking like a bowl of Jell-O reacting to an earthquake as he was fucking her like an animal in heat.

"Talk dirty," he growled, "Talk dirt to me, Samena! I like it women talk dirty to me."

Samena responded, "Ohhh Fahim, you are stretching me, your cock is so big; much bigger than your friend's, and fatter too. I am starting to love it. It feels so good Fahim. Yes, split your friend's wife dripping pussy. Yes, That's it. Oh-oh. Tear me if you can. Fuck me" Samena grunted and she increased her pace.
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"I bet your husband hardly fucks you but don't worry my love, now your husband's friend will take good care of your tight pussy from now," Fahim replied with love in his eyes.

Fahim couldn't get over that this was the tightest pussy he had ever fucked. None of the females that he made love to, were as tight as Samena.

Samena felt more of him slide into her and felt her heart rock and pain. Fahim was fucking her so hard and deliciously, ramming into her steadfastly. She thought how lucky his wife is that Fahim knows how to fuck hard.. Oh, how he feels huge and wonderful inside me. How he fills and stretches me. Oh, this is so delicious. Fahim was fucking her so hard and deliciously, ramming into her persistently.

Fahim leaned his head down, took an exposed nipple between his teeth, and bit ever so slightly while continuing to pound Samena's sweet pussy. As Fahim was kissing and sucking her nipples, her necklace got in the way. He pushed it slightly up, to which Samena smiled and asked, "How does it feel to fuck someone else's wife?"

He replied, "Just great, Samena. Especially one as sexy as you." Suddenly she blurted out, "Oh Fahim, hold me, something is happening to me."

Samena's eyes rolled back in her head, her hands clasped Fahim's ass cheeks as she felt like every muscle in her body contracted as her first orgasm burst. Fahim was also about to come but didn't want it to end. Therefore, he slowed down, to give them both a break.. He then started the process again, the build-up, and the thrashing.

For that moment he at first bit Samena's nipple softly between his teeth's and then began to maul and pull on her nipple bud with his other hand, while one hand gently traced her clit.

Samena had never experienced anything like that in her life. "Oh! Fahim, you are turning me into your sex slave. I love this Fahim. Keep pinching and chewing your friend's slut wife's nipples, while fucking her and rubbing her clit." Samena finished with a loud moan.

Samena was enjoying it now and her cries of pleasure grew louder. She felt her vaginal muscles gripping him tightly. She felt her body opening wide, wider as if she wanted to engulf completely, Fahim's whole body inside her. He was fucking her harder and faster and she was enjoying every minute of it, prayed it would never end.

He increased his pace rapidly and Samena's shrieks became more audible. He was ramming his cock harder and harder. She was thumping her hips and banging them up and down on the bed. She was trembling in lust and pure passion. She was dreaming of this for years and finally it has happened. She repeatedly asked him to fuck her harder and harder. She was in lust and total ecstasy.

Suddenly she arched her back, almost lifting him out of her. At the same time, she grabbed his back, raking her long fingernails and leaving scratches on it. Samena shocked Fahim by being so aggressive and assertive, very much different from her normal, shy personality. Publicly, with her family at her side, she had a reputation of being modest, conservative—prudish even. However, in bed, she had the sexual appetite of a whore, and was ready and willing to try just about anything. Fahim sensed this and planned to take full advantage her hunger.

"Put my legs up on your shoulders, I want you in deep."

Fahim lifted her legs up and as a result, was able to fulfill Samena's desired goal by being able to drive deeply into her, rubbing against her cervix with the head of his cock. Her eyes shot open as he plummeted deeply with his cock, driving her wild. He again built up his speed and was plunging in and out, faster then before.

Even though she was soaked from her own juices the lips of her pussy were grabbing the sides of his shaft as he pulled out and then went back in her as he drove forward.

Fahim slammed his cock in and out of her like a piston; their skin slapping together with the sound echoing off the walls. She was breathing now rapid and deep, and emitting passionate sounds from her lips. She never took her eyes from his face.

Soon they were both sweating and grunting like pigs. Streams of sweat rolled off his body and dripped onto hers, stinging her where it inadvertently bruised her skin. Only occasionally did he pause to catch his breath, to readjust his grip on her shoulders, or to squeeze her breasts roughly.

She knew how to work her cunt muscles so it felt like her pussy was clutching at his cock.

He left her legs up dbangd over his shoulders, her pussy being speared and stabbed repeatedly by his cock. He almost folded her over onto herself, her knees nearly pressed back to her shoulders.

Fahim was like a bull. He didn't know where it came from, but he was staying hard and he was fucking her like a teenager. He was fucking her violently with the raw passion of an animal; her beautiful breasts swaying back and forth with each forward thrust. He couldn't resist his hands reaching around and to stroke her ample breasts. Her nipples were hard as he pulled on them, twisting them.

Fahim gripped her hips and continued to thrust and Samena kept up with him by thrusting her hips in rhythm, wanting him as deep as possible. "Oh, yes, Fahim," She called out. "Right there; don't stop! Oh Fahim, I really need this! Yes, I want this. I like it harder. Do me faster." Samena uttered aloud with joy holding his face tightly between her breasts. She was encouraging him and with her support, he thrust harder, filling her tight pussy again and again. Fahim groaned and grunted louder than ever as he felt the pressure building up in his cock. He could feel the walls of Samena's pussy contracting against him.

"I'm thirty seven and you must be a good few years older than me but you're fucking me like a teenager."

"It's right, you're right, I am older than you, but it's easy to be like that with a woman who fucks the way you do."
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"Oh Fahim! Do me, do me." She moved her bottom, while her hand clasped his buttocks and pushed forward, towards him as she spread her legs wider to accommodate more of him in her cunt. She was moaning, crying and pushing her hip up towards him. He continued fucking her, the bed squeaking loudly.

Fahim let her legs down and just let his cock keep up some slow thrusts. She was ready for his orgasm and he slipped a hand down to play with her clit, as his cock was staying ever hard inside of her. Samena's moaning grew louder and higher pitched. Biting her lower lip, she indicated her pleasure.

Samena wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her ankles together, which heightened their intimacy.

She was thirty-eight years old and Fahim was feeling like a callow collegeboy again. Fahim fucked her so hard that sweat was running down his face for the first time in his life.

"Oh Fahim. This is so unbelievable. I haven't had sex in a long, long time and had forgotten how wonderful it could be. Fahim, you are something else. Where the hell did you learn to please a woman so well?"

Fahim lifted her legs up to his shoulders once again and looked down to watch his cock go in and out of her. She was soaked from her own juices and her pussy was grabbing the sides of his shaft as he pulled out and then went back in her as he drove forward. He kept that thrusting up until he could feel the warmth rise in his scrotum and was soon shooting a huge load deep inside her. He let her legs down and just let his cock keep up some slow thrusts. She was ready for another orgasm and he slipped a hand down to play with her clit, as his cock was getting ever rigid inside of her. It didn't take long before she was pressing her hips up to him to keep his cock in her as she was letting go with another explosion.

This sent Fahim over the edge as he thrust one last time into her, holding perfectly rigid. His cum finally ejecting from his cock. She felt the hotness of the sperm as they hit her insides. She had never experienced that before. Her mind clouded and blackened. The sensation of the warm fluid filling Samena and mixing with her own sensations, prolonged her subsiding orgasm. Fahim stayed deep inside her womb for what seemed like an eternity and then slowly, partly, withdrew only to plunge back down. He repeated this piston like movements by withdrawing further and plunging shallower until he was totally spent. Fahim finally felt him withdrawing as she struggled to hold him inside her.

He had never fucked a woman like her before and now realized that he had been missing some great sex over the years.

Fahim finally rolled off Samena and flopped onto his back beside her on the bed. Reaching out, he grabbed her bra from the foot of the bed and wiped her cunt with it, cleaning her pussy of his seed and his own limp cock.

Samena fell dreamily in his arms and wept a little, short whimpering sobs of longing and frustration. Fahim kissed her face gently, concentrating on the sweat on her forehead, and mucous masking her upper lip and nose. He covered his eyes with his left forearm as his right arm stroked his deflating cock; shaking off any surplus fluid off it. He said nothing to Samena as he was still trying to catch his breath.

Samena lay panting beside him as she closed her legs over his hand, which he pressed, against her leaking cunt. She was a satisfied woman now.

"Are you on the pill?" he asked once again.

"Don't worry," Samena responded. "I am. I wanted to feel you cum inside me"

It was too late anyway. Their juices were already trickling down her butt crack onto the bed sheet.

They lay there, still throbbing and quivering, his penis pressed firmly into her tummy, breathing deeply and slowly, ever so slowly descending back down to earth. They were quiet. Fahim's arms surrounded her and held her there and they melted into each other.

She said with a chuckle. "There. Are you happy, now?"

"Yes," Fahim grinned staring at her. "I love you, Samena." he continued, "What did you say, Samena," he asked.

"I can't tell, you're embarrassing me," she said not looking him.

"No! Samena, you have to tell me."

"This was the greatest sex I've ever had," she whispered in response.

"Samena, that was fantastic. This has been the wildest time ever. And it shouldn't ever end." Fahim added. He leaned in, grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her to him for a kiss. Fahim's hand moved to her side and he started to rub her hip. Her hand found his bare chest and she ran her fingers through his chest hair. Fahim's hands explored her back and rubbed her ass. It was extremely smooth and it felt great.

"I should go," she murmured, still running hers fingers through his chest hair.

"Not yet," he pleaded, clinging to her, "Hold me. Stay awhile." He wrapped the slender beauty in his arms, feeling her soft weight against him.

They had the best opportunity to spend the whole afternoon together, without fear of discovery and both wanted to explore each other as best as they could. She cuddled up to him and started rubbing Fahim's chest.

Samena's hand was on his cock, slowly stimulating it. Her touch was so sensual Fahim couldn't help but respond. She slid her hand down, lightly cupped his balls and gently massaged them. Fahim responded by rolling on his back and spreading his legs to give her complete access. Samena released his balls and grasped his cock, wrapping her slender fingers completely around. She slowly started stroking him. Her soft slender, delicate, and electrifying fingers helped him regain his erection. Samena marveled that he was able to get so hard after multiple orgasms, but she loved it.
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Reflecting on her initial promise to him, Fahim exclaimed, "No! You've said it will be only once"

"No! Honey! That was only the start. I missed you, Samena." He proclaimed hoarsely as his hands went to cup her tits. He rolled her hardening nipples between his thumb and forefinger and responded by as she moaned with pleasure and delight. Fahim grabbed her breast within his hand, massaged, and squeezed it all he could.

He latched his mouth onto her one tit and then the other in rapid succession, sucking and nibbling and licking all over those pert soft breasts.

Samena sort of growled at him between moans and groans, I haven't felt this good in years!

"You've made me mad."

"No! You'd made me mad," his hand now reached between her thighs and cupped her pussy. She let out a gasp as his index finger found its way onto her dripping wet pussy lips. His hand moved down and began rubbing her pussy. He ran his finger down her body and flicked her clit ring. Wasting no time, before she could stop him he plunged his index finger deep into her wet, hungry pussy. She raised her hips and let out a loud moan. Slowly and methodically, he began to slide them in and out, his pace increasing gradually with each cycle. His thumbs were feeling her clitoris.

"Is that what you wanted Fahim?" she let out a long, loud moan as she asked, her mouth barely moving away from the flesh of his neck.

He whispered in her ear, "Yes! I wanted it for years"

"Then will you let me make to love you again?"

"Yes! Fahim.,. Do to me what you want!"

"I want you Samena, ride on me!"

Samena didn't want to waste such a marvelously hard cock so, with a devilish grin on her face, she gladly obliged, by calmly, and willingly, climbing on top of him. She positioned herself into a straddling position sitting atop him. She reached between her legs and placed his cock head against her pussy, placing the head along her slit as she said in a breathy voice, "I don't believe I could've take this big fat cock inside me."

She guided his manhood into her waiting and wet pussy, at the same time lowering herself onto it. She gradually lowered her hips and, with her hand guiding him, felt her pussy lips pressed apart with just the head of his cock slipping into her. She held still, reveling in the sensation. Samena kept her grip on him and raised her hips and Fahim's cock head slipped out of her drawing a wet string of her juice. She hesitated momentarily and then slipped just the head in again. Her hands on his chest she worked her hips up and down, an inch at a time, taking more of his cock. She couldn't stand it anymore and needed to feel all of him in her. Her hand released its grip and she plunged her warm, wet pussy down impaling herself on him. Now she had his entire cock inside her. Samena bit her lip as his cock eased into her.

Fahim groaned a lusty, "Oh Samena, that is so awesome." He loved how she could bounce on him with her whole weight.

Samena smiled, since she hardly ever heard that comment from her husband.

She held still for a moment, but then began fucking him; riding him long and slow, cowgirl style as his hands moved to her hips and guided her methodical motions. She gradually worked her hips into frenzy by slamming her pussy down on him. Fahim picked up the rhythm and raised his own hips to meet her. Gradually her speed increased until she was riding her lover like a wild cowgirl on a bucking bronco. The walls of her hungry fuck-hole gripped his cock like a vice as she fucked him for all he was worth. Fahim grabbed her ass and tightly squeezed her cheek.

The sensation bordered on pain, and yet it was intense, pleasurable. Her breasts seemed somehow fuller and she kept bending down to let him have a bite or suck on them.

Fahim raised his upper body and clenched one of Samena's nipples between his teeth, softly biting and teasing it with his tongue. She closed her eyes and licked her lips

Fahim's hands had now grasped her butt, squeezing them tightly for support. Samena felt the fingers of one of Fahim's hand sliding across her bottom and into the crevice of her arse. One finger slipped down the crevice until it reached her anal hole. Instinctively, Samena clenched her cheeks out of preservation, as she had never had anal sex. Fahim sensed the trepidation, but pressed a finger against the now tightly clenched opening. It all but entered her, keeping constant pressure on the little opening. The pressure and unknown sensation gradually broke down her fear. Fahim felt her relaxing and, when he thought the time was right, slipped the end of the finger in her rectum. Samena gasped and slammed her pussy onto Fahim. When her hips raised, Fahim kept his hand steady and let her impale herself completely onto the digit. She was now alternatively impaling her pussy on his dick and her anus on his finger. She slammed her fist down on his chest, growling his name. The contractions of her vaginal spasms put tighter and tighter pressure on his cock until she went mute for a second before pounding down on his chest.

She continued to move atop him, her breath coming in short, sharp pants. He felt her getting close to the edge so he urged her to lean down. Capturing one of her nipples in his mouth, he wrapped his tongue around it. One of his hands left her hips, and she felt a finger probing at her entrance again. She threw her head back, mouth agape, curled her toes and every muscle in her body seized in orgasm. The extra pressure on her sensitive opening was too much, and she exploded in orgasm. Crying out his name, she collapsed onto his chest, both of them damp with perspiration. Fahim couldn't hold back any longer. She felt his hot, thick cum shooting out the end of his cock and splashing against her. Her orgasm was so intense it was as if she had grabbed a high-voltage line. She couldn't move if she wanted to. Finally, the power was cut and she collapsed on top of him. Spent, they both dozed off together with him still inside of her. She pulled herself up from on top of him and they both lay there for a while, catching their breath. They held each other in their arms, and kissed each other gently. Samena stroked Fahim's hair as he kissed her, while Fahim lightly stroked Samena 's ass with her fingernails, careful not to dig them in.
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There was more than just sex happening here, it was clear to me that these women really cared for each other. The way they looked at each other, the way they fell asleep in each other's arms was amazing.

The next three hours they had passionate sex, taking and giving the best to each other that their bodies had to offer.

There were a lot of bite on Fahim's neck and breast from his extremely passionate kisses and rough manipulations.

"What has happened was great and you have showed me an entire new world of sexual pleasure to me, but it's best to keep it a secret. It's our secret, right?" She asked looking at him with hopeful eyes.

"Yes! Don't worry, it's our secret." He said to her with an assuring smile.

* * *

Fahim gave her a bank cheque when she was leaving. She took the cheque from him and smiled. "Thank you very much Fahim, but I do wish you'd given me the money without strings this time," she said, possibly to gain back control of the situation. "It really hurt me when I laid with you for money." Fahim lowered her head. "I also wanted to lie with you so I asked you for money because I wanted to have an excuse to speak with you privately."

Something broke inside him when he heard all this. He tilted her chin up with his fingers, forcing her to meet his eyes. He saw how red they were from the effort to hold back her tears, and for a moment, he regretted his insistence of blackmailing her to sleep with him.

He dipped his head to kiss her. "Samena! Please don't think like this. "To be honest, I have wanted you for the longest time, but didn't have the courage to tell you. When you told me about your situation, I thought that it was my last chance to tell you what I wanted; as you know, I've no other way to express my love for you, since we both are married. Please forgive me. I would, forever, be devastated if you didn't forgive me," he said emotionally.

Samena looked him in the eyes and said, "Oh, Fahim, I've told you that I wanted you. Let me tell you that I also wanted what we did. I came here intent on seducing you, but was afraid. I am very happy that you took the initiative. There was nothing to forgive."

There were several minutes of silence as they both tried to recover. Then Samena said, "So, do I meet your criteria, and are you happy now?"

"I think you know the answer to that," he said. "In all honesty Samena, you are the best fuck I have ever had in my life. I don't know how to describe it. You are simply my ultimate dream come true."

"I hope we will meet again in the future," he said, hoping that she would understand his underlying message.

"If you don't show anything unusual before others and keep it secret, I will be more than happy to please you, but be careful " she finished, turned and left.

This was the first but not the last of his experiences with Samena.

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