Femdom stories
The Exam

Josh was excited to go to college. He was tired of being the nerd in the high college group, and felt that college would offer more refined people. He was right for the most part. His first month had been amazing, his classmates were indeed smarter, but he was still among the best.

He also struck up a friendship with one of the most popular girls in college, a sophomore named Rose who played for the college volleyball team. Rose was pretty tall for a girl, with matching proportions, and had all the guys pining after her. Their friendship began when Josh managed to get into a second-year class thanks to his high grades. Rose immediately realized that befriending Josh could be beneficial to her grades. Sure enough, their friendship was built on the strong foundation that Josh did some of her assignments when she was held back doing volleyball practice or out having fun with her group of friends.

What are friends for if not to help in such situations? Sure, Josh knew how sexy this girl was, but he also knew he didn't stand a chance. Rose was almost 6ft tall while Josh was a skinny guy standing at 5'4". He was basically just boob level with her. But she would still call him and talk about her day to him, and Josh felt that this privilege was good enough to keep doing her homework.

This went on for a while, and even Rose started enjoying their friendship a little bit, although she knew it was because having her assignments done made life easy for her. Meanwhile Josh was fully in love with her, dedicating most of his private moments to images of her rather than porn. He knew it wasn't healthy but he kept it up anyway.

As the end of the semester drew closer, Rose started coming to the grim realization that having most of her homework done by Josh ensured that she didn't know shit about the syllabus for the finals. There was simply a lot to study. If only Josh could help her now. Suddenly she got an idea. It would make the exam super easy, and it might even be throwing Josh a bone! Two birds with one stone.

She excitedly called up Josh to tell him her plan. She would wear a long skirt to the exam, and Josh could hide under it and give her answers! Now being woken up in the middle of the night, Josh was understandably surprised to hear this. He argued that it would never work. How small did she think he was! But then Rose explained the finer details of her plan. If Josh sat down on the ground or on his knees, his face would come to the same level as Rose's butt. Hearing Rose talk about her butt immediately gave Josh a hard on and his mind raced to find what she was really proposing. But Rose continued and told him that if stood like that, sat back down, and put his head on the edge of the seat, Rose could sit on the back part of the seat, and Josh's head would be resting in between her legs. Her long skirt would ensure that no one saw anything. Moreover, the desks in the exam hall was covered, and you couldn't really see any student from the waist down.

Now Josh definitely didn't want to pass up an opportunity to stick his head between her legs, but he was still terrified about being caught. He had to admit that it could possibly work. They had the exam at different times due to him being a freshman, so it was possible to do it. Hearing that Josh might agree to it, Rose got excited and proposed that they try it out the next day to ensure it could work. Josh agreed excitedly.

He went to sleep contently after dedicating a few wanks to Rose. They both went to classes early that day. They went to an empty classroom, locked it from the inside, and proceeded to try it out. Rose was wearing a long skirt/gown which made her look graceful thanks to her height and Josh kept thinking how lucky he was to have these escapades with her.

Josh got into position in front of the chair. Rose hiked up her long skirt and stopped suddenly, blushing. She told him not to laugh, blushing even more. Josh didn't have much blood left in his brain to make any lame jokes, so he just promised her that he wouldn't laugh. Rose regained her confidence and straddled his legs. She was right, her butt was right in front of his face. Josh was mesmerized as came face to face with the butt he had been fantasizing about. It just looked so perfect. She was wearing her volleyball shorts under her skirt and they hugged her butt as if it was it her own skin.

Meanwhile Rose tried to dbang her skirt around Josh and realized she needed to get closer. She gently pushed Josh's head inwards towards her butt and this time managed to get the skirt over both of them. Josh was in heaven, his face gently mushed into Rose's butt and held there by the tension in the dress.

Rose assured him that when she sits down, his head would rest between her legs and the dress won't be as tight. But she made a mental note to wear an even looser skirt for the exam day. Obviously, Josh had no complaints. He just thanked the stars that he was good at math.

Rose decided to move to the next part before Josh got a little too comfortable. She began to slowly sit down, Josh bending his neck back alongside. Finally, she managed to sit at the back edge of the seat, and felt Josh's face slide down to rest between her legs as planned. Josh's head was half-hanging out since Rose's butt occupied most of the seat, but he realized it could work.

Rose was right about the skirt, now that there wasn't so much tension, it was impossible to tell that there was a Josh under her skirt. Rose giggled and relaxed for a few seconds, marveling at her own genius. Josh was once again in heaven, breathing in the forbidden smells that he never thought he could. He was also aware of just how tamed he was to get this close and still not even be able to taste her. Rose had no problems sleeping with anyone -- "I'll try anyone once" she would always say. But she knew she shouldn't sleep with Josh. Not if she wanted him to keep doing her homework.

Rose was aware of how Josh had gone super quiet and wondered whether he had quietly started wanking under there. Her plan was so good that she couldn't tell if he was. "Hey Josh, what's 2+2?" she asked with a giggle. Broken out of his trance Josh replied that it's 5. They both laughed but Rose reminded him to give her better answers during the exam. She wrapped it up within the next minute; her trial was done. If they stayed longer it could get weird. But then again that's why she chose the morning time.

Rose laughed to herself as she felt resistance when she tried to get up. Josh was firmly planting his head down, but immediately picked it up when he realized Rose was getting up. He was disappointed that it was already over, but the exam was an hour and a half long so he looked forward to the day.


A week passed by and exam day finally came. Josh, being a good student would normally be excited about the test but today the exam can fuck off. He had something much better. Their plan was to get there early and get into position long before other students and the administrators would come in. Rose's exam was in the morning slot and his in the evening. Josh was there even earlier than they had agreed, just because he couldn't stand waiting around in his room after he woke up.

Of course Rose wasn't there that early, but as the time dragged on Josh started getting worried. There was some mild activity in the campus now -- a few early students and some staff. He called Rose again for like the 10th time as he peeked inside the exam hall. Luckily no one had come in there yet, but Josh didn't like this. She was cutting it way too close. And then far off at the other edge of the corridor, he saw Annie, another sophomore, walking towards the hall. Now Josh knew Annie was taking the same exam at the same slot as Rose. Annie was a good student like Josh and of course she would come early to the exam. His heart sank as he realized Annie could ruin everything.

He got shocked out of his skin when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. "What are you waiting for, come on! Annie's almost here!" Rose whispered and dragged Josh into the exam room. He wished he could stand up to her and tell her off for being late, but he realized she held all the cards and he couldn't afford to piss her off. Especially now.

They had about one minute before Annie would reach, and that's if someone else didn't reach the exam hall sooner. They both quickly hurried to Rose's assigned seat, and Josh got into position in front of it as planned. Rose had brought a bigger skirt that day, so it was easier for her to cover him with it. They had maybe 30 seconds left now. Rose cursed as she looked right at the name tag on the desk and saw Annie was supposed to sit on the same desk. At the other end, thanks to the standard exam separation, but that still meant they had to settle quickly. She proceeded to sit down, and Josh leaned his head back alongside.

However, they both quickly came to a realization. This hall had different seats.

There was simply no room for both Josh's head and Rose's butt. Even earlier his head was half hanging out, but now there was no space after Rose sat down, and his head was now visibly jutting out between her legs. Rose tried to push it down but you can't push a head down into the body, so she failed. She got up again and quickly considered her options. If they acted quickly, Josh could get out from under her skirt and leave, and Annie would be none the wiser. She even felt Josh moving as if he was about to get out. But she knew she was screwed if she took the exam alone.

She gently held Josh's head and asked him in the sweet voice she used when she handed him one of her assignments, "Jo, there's no other way to do this, so please bear with me ok? I'm gonna need to sit on your face." Josh was shocked as he heard it. She called him Jo only when she needed things, and this was pretty big.

Josh's head was small like the rest of his body, which was what made the original plan possible. But now Rose was going to sit on it? His scientific mind wondered if that would crack his skull a bit. To top it off, the seats were made of hard wood. No cushion whatsoever. They say straight backs and hard seats ensure students are alert and not comfortable. They were right, as Josh would soon find out.

Josh quickly realized that just like how Rose forced him into doing the original plan, she was going to go through with this as well. He really had no choice in the matter. He gently laid his head back on the seat, moving up to get his whole head in this time. Rose mentally applauded his quick response and proceeded to lower herself onto him.

Josh lay there dazzled, wondering if any of it was real. The skirt was dark to make sure no one could see inside and make out a Josh-shaped outline. But it also made sure he could barely see. His eyes had somewhat adjusted to the dark by now and he could see Rose's butt coming towards his face. All of this happened in mere seconds, but it felt a lot longer to Josh.

He had never really considered how big her butt really was up close. Her proportions made sure of that. They were two entirely different species, Josh realized. He could never really please her in bed, so he should just take this in and enjoy it. As he imagined what would happen in the next few seconds he quickly realized that he won't be able to breathe. Rose's butt would just cover up everything, maybe even his ears he thought.

He quickly whispered, "Wait! Let me turn my he-" but before he could finish, the door to the hall swung open and Rose quickly sat down simultaneously.

Josh's head exploded with pain. Rose was simply too heavy for his face. He felt his face crushed down by her weight. Blood rushed to his ears and side of the head, making them so red and hot he felt it would light the wooden seat on fire. If he could see his face right now, it would be white like a ghost's with all the blood pushed away from it. The back of his head also hurt really bad, but thanks to his thick hair and Rose's surprisingly thick skirt, it wasn't as bad as he thought.

The pain on his face was real though. He just didn't know to deal with it. Only his devotion to Rose was keeping him there unmoving, although he was also aware that now Annie was in the room. He suddenly heard Annie's voice, much closer than he would have expected. His ears were ringing but they were also super sensitive. Annie was close, and so far she hadn't noticed anything. But he also realized that now he couldn't move. He was in it now. In fact the more he waited to get out from under, the weirder it would look. He would be branded a pervert for life.

He stopped his attempts to slightly rotate his head to find a better position that hurt less, since each one just seemed more painful than the other. He felt Rose discreetly pat him on the shoulder, and it had a very real calming effect on Josh. He suddenly just relaxed and tried to stay still. It was as if she performed magic. She rested her hands on his shoulder for a little longer, until he fully calmed down.

Meanwhile, Rose was just as shocked at what she just did. She actually felt guilty because of just how smug it felt to do it. She knew she really shouldn't put all her weight on his face, but she was doing it, and he seemed to be taking it. She felt a different kind of pleasure than what happens with sex, a slow numbing pleasure that grew exponentially as she allowed herself to be more comfortable with the reality that she was sitting on his face. It was like she was floating in space, weightless. Rose clenched her fists as she realized the guilt combined with the very heavy contact in her posterior regions was getting her seriously aroused. She bit her lower lip hard and took a deep breath to squeeze some pleasure out of the moment, and then put all those thoughts away. Annie was waving to her as she got close.

"Tense for the exam, huh?" Annie asked her kindly, mistaking Rose's body language for anxiety. But Rose also realized that she was indeed really anxious now. She felt like she had bitten off more than she could chew. Josh was an innocent, probably a virgin. She was also sure she was hurting him and realized that she's going to have to do keep doing it. What if he gave up and just shook her off? Her reputation would take a real hit. "Yeah, really tensed!" Rose replied quickly.

Below her, Josh was still holding his breath in, waiting for some imaginary countdown to finish where Rose was going to let him breathe. He had to believe that she would, if nothing else to let him answer the exam questions. But there was still some time to go before everyone came and Josh would need to breath before that. Thankfully, Rose also realized around then that there was really no way Josh could be breathing under her. She admired his restraint to not thrash about the moment he realized he couldn't breathe. Or when she put all her weight on him for that matter.

She used her hands on her desk to gently lift half her weight and hoped Josh would have the sense to not pant loudly and attract attention. She intended to lift herself up all the way but could feel Josh sucking in air already. She realized that her weight had sealed his mouth earlier, so she never really needed to get up to let him breathe, just ease up on the weight for a few seconds. As she relaxed herself back down, Josh once again felt his mouth pressed shut by her weight and had to hold whatever air he had in them.

This was definitely not going to work! He was certainly not going to hold his breath all the time. Rose also realized that she couldn't make him or anybody withstand that kind of breath holding. She started looking for ways to let him breathe continuously. The way she was sitting, if she lifted her legs to a certain height, some of her weight would ease up around his mouth and he might be able to breathe. She proceeded to draw up both her legs slowly. As she took the weight away from her legs, she felt herself sit even harder on his face. She giggled silently as she felt him move his head slowly now that there was more pressure. But soon she could hear him breath again. If she could keep her legs rested on something, she could keep it up without the extra pressure.

Rose would put her head down on the desk (as if she was thinking hard) and whisper questions down to Josh, that was the plan. That was still the plan, Rose decided and whispered to Josh below, "Put your fists up on your lap!"

Josh realized she was trying to let him breath, and obeyed. Rose put her shoes on top of his fists, now lifting her legs up just enough that Josh could breathe, although with some difficulty. Good enough, Rose decided and went on to greet other exam takers who now started pouring in. She was now fully comfortable both physically and with the idea of squashing josh's face under her butt. She went to the effort to make sure he could breathe and felt that it was sustainable now. She could do this!

Josh could breathe now, although not comfortably. He had to suck in each breath and hoped his lungs don't get tired from the effort. He could also speak, although Rose's butt was still pressing down on his mouth making him hard to understand unless Rose was listening with her head down.

"This really hurts goddamn, at least I can breathe now.." Josh whispered to Rose. She couldn't hear it because she was more focused on what was happening in the exam room. "What? Just stay quiet, the administrators are handing out the exam." She once again patted his shoulder to calm him down, although with less sincerity this time. She had already come to terms with the situation. What's taking him so long, she thought, annoyed.

Rose looked over the exam paper and was pleasantly surprised to see that it wasn't that difficult, she could do most of it, and Josh would tell her the rest. It was all worth it, she realized, and she smiled to herself. She turned to look at Annie and saw her frowning at the paper. These good students even cry about losing 5% on a paper, Rose chuckled.

Rose picked out a difficult question to give to Josh to think about while she did some easier ones. She put her head down again and tapped Josh on the side of his face to get his attention. She whispered the question to him and Josh requested a few minutes to think about it. Josh lay there, now wrestling with the math problem he had to solve. It was a refreshing change to be thinking of something else than the pain and his next breath. He calculated the solution in his head, redoing it a few times since he had to do it without paper. He tapped her on the leg lightly with his finger when he had the answer and told her. Rose thanked him and patted him again while she happily marked the answer. So far so good.

She whispered the next question to him. Josh was starting to really feel the pain now and had to ask her the question he was thinking of. "How much do you weigh Rose?" She was offended by the question, and whispered back angrily, "That's rude to ask that!"

"Not in this context, come on" Josh insisted, but Rose was firm in her decision. "I'll tell you later, be cool!"

Rose managed to suppress Josh's complaints for a while, all the while getting answers out of him, and solving some questions herself with the confidence she suddenly had. It was like sitting on a smart guy's face made her smarter!

Josh was brilliant as a kid growing up, almost considered a prodigy. But he also had these head-splitting migraines that he would get if he exerted himself for long periods. Sometimes they even happened randomly. He had always accepted these as a price for his intellect.

Dread overcame Josh as he realized he was getting one now. He urgently tapped rose on the leg again. "Rose! I'm getting a headache!" She heard him this time but was once again just annoyed. Things were going so well, why is he complaining about his head hurting again. "Just stay quiet! There's only like half an hour left!" she whispered back, although there was 45 minutes left. "No I get these migraines! Its unrelated! You need to ease up your weight now, please!"Rose sighed as she realized she would have to indulge him. For the first time in almost 50 minutes, she lifted herself completely from his face, using her legs on the ground and hands on the desk to hold herself as if she was still sitting. This was a good exercise for the core, she mused, trying to hold herself steady. She could feel Josh's tired but grateful breaths brushing along the surface of her butt.

Meanwhile Josh realized that Rose getting up only made his migraine worse, as all the blood rushed back to his head. It might actually be better if she was sitting down maybe he thought jokingly as he clenched his teeth in pain. He didn't have to tell her because she already made the decision to sit back down. He felt the familiar pain engulf his face again while some of the migraine pain went away along with the blood from his face. "I can't keep that up, sorry!" she whispered guiltily as she settled back in. Josh rode out the rest of the migraine under Rose while she solved questions on her own. She was at least considerate enough to not give him any problems to solve for a while.

Looking over her completed answer sheet, Rose was pretty satisfied. There was still some 20-25 min left and she could even check some of the answers with Josh. She wondered if he had gotten better and decided to check on him. "Hey, are you doing ok now?" she whispered again with her head down. "Yeah, much better!" Josh replied weakly; he was touched that Rose cared. "So can I check some answers with you?" she asked again somewhat hesitantly. "That's literally why I'm here" Josh replied back again with a weak laugh.

Rose started with a question that she did herself but was unsure about. Josh quickly corrected her to the real answer. She proceeded with another question, and realized that she was wrong there too. By the third question, Rose felt the need to defend her answer. "But if you integrate it like that the answer is 2! How can it be 4?" she asked him, waiting for him explain it. Josh tried to explain but realized quickly that this may not be the best platform to teach in. "Just mark 4!" Josh hissed, getting tired of his answer being questioned. He thought they had both established that he was the smarter one.

"I still think I need to split the terms first and-" Rose started whispering louder but got cut off as the exam administrator banged his hand on the table and shouted "No talking in the exam hall!" She looked up quickly to find that the administrator was looking over the room to see who had been talking. She needed to be more careful.

She hastily reminded herself that Josh was under her butt now to make sure she didn't make mistakes. She marked his answer and proceeded to whisper the next question to him. Josh was having trouble hearing since Rose had reduced her voice so much but tried to answer again. Once again it was a different answer, but Rose had been sure of that one, so she proceeded to explain how she did it, in the hope that Josh would agree. Josh was pretty sick of defending his answers while not being able to speak. He was tired of listening to her wrong logic. He felt like that hurt more than her weight did on his face.

Once again Rose was cut off mid sentence and administrator shouted Rose's name this time. "Ms. Reed who are you talking to over there! This is an exam hall!" he said angrily and started walking towards Rose.

Josh felt Rose's butt cheeks clench in fear and started panicking himself. They both knew it was more than just cheating on an exam now. This has been going on for more than an hour after all! Terrified, Rose tried to form sentences, but nothing came out.

"I'm sorry Mr. Brown, I asked her to borrow her eraser since I can't find mine!" Annie suddenly chimed in. Rose and Josh held their breath wondering if he would buy it. "Yeah and I was telling her we shouldn't talk in the exam hall" Rose continued, giving Annie the most apologetic of looks. "Just keep it down and no more talking. I'm watching you both." Mr. Brown said and went back to his seat.

Holy shit! Josh had never felt so helpless, knowing there's nothing he could do as he got discovered as a pervert. Rose too was sure the jig was up! But now Annie had saved them! Why? That's for later, after Mr. Brown goes away.

Soon the bell rang for the exam to stop.

The original plan was to keep at the exam till the administrator snatches it away, so that Rose wouldn't have to get up to submit it. Slowly each of the students started leaving, submitting their papers. Annie would normally be long gone by now, but today she waited. As more students started leaving, Rose realized that Annie would probably want a confrontation. But luckily, Annie's phone rang. It was her boyfriend waiting to take her to lunch. She agreed she'd be right down.

She slowly and deliberately started packing her things. With his super hearing, Josh also intently listened from under Rose's butt to see what would happen. Annie finished packing, looked at Rose and gave her a coy smile. "You owe me one now" she whispered to Rose. "Both of you" she continued and left swinging her hair behind her.

"That bitch" Rose muttered. By now the administrator was rounding up the papers from the stragglers. Rose quickly whispered to Josh to be extra quiet since Mr. Brown would come really close to snatch the paper away. But as he came closer Rose realized even Josh's shallow breathing was too much noise in the now almost empty classroom. She firmly put her legs back down, ensuring that he couldn't breathe at all now. Finally there was quiet.

"Time's up Ms. Reed, give it up" Mr. Brown reached for the paper and Rose made a show of trying to hold on to it before letting it go. But instead of walking away, he continued to give Rose a small lecture on exam hall etiquette. Rose nodded and agreed quickly, hoping he would finish and go away. Meanwhile Josh wasn't prepared to be holding his breath, especially not for this long. He was breathing quietly like Rose asked and mid-breath she had clamped her legs down without any warning. As he kept holding his breath, he realized thankfully that he was able to hold it longer than usual. He had a lot of practice after all.

But dread filled Josh too as he heard Mr. Brown still talking instead of going away. He had been holding his breath almost a minute now! There was no way he could breathe without making some noise. He clenched his fists, trying to find some strength somewhere to go on. Luckily, he heard the administrator finishing up on his goddamned speech. "...and you're just the same in my classes too, you and that boyfriend of yours, Chad or whatever. I'm watching you" he gave her once last intimidating look and turned around to walk away. Josh was at his limit now.

But Rose felt the need to correct Mr. Brown, "His name is Brad, not Chad and he's not my boyfriend!". Josh couldn't believe it. Why couldn't she just let it go! It was everything he could do to not throw Rose off and breathe. Mr. Brown turned around and started walking back towards Rose. Rose realized what she just did and knew she was pushing Josh too much. She knew Josh wasn't going to survive another lecture.

Rose suddenly had a plan. She started crying. "You always pick on me! What's your problem!" she bawled out to him. Mr. Brown was taken aback. Although married, he did have fun seeing all the hot young women in his classes. He had always noticed the tight sexy clothes that Rose wears. Seeing her loose dress today and the irrational crying, he concluded that it was the time of her month and backed off because he wanted no part in it anymore.

Meanwhile Josh was turning blue. He kept uselessly trying to breathe although his mouth and nose were firmly covered. His lungs contracted with the vacuum and he started slowly losing control of his will to not struggle. Finally, Mr. Brown was gone. Now there was just Rose and few other stragglers checking their answers in the hall. Rose slowly drew her legs back up to let Josh take in gulps of grateful breaths. Luckily the other students couldn't tell apart Rose's fake weeping and Josh's loud breathing. Josh couldn't believe Rose just did that to him. But he was too busy taking in as much air as he possibly could.

Rose thought she'd wait it out until the exam hall cleared and go with Josh, but suddenly she got a call. It was her friends who were planning to ditch the afternoon classes and go to the beach. They were driving out in a few minutes, so she needed to go fast. She wished she could get the chance to talk to Josh afterward and thank him for being a good seat, even though he had a lot of room for improvement. She once again put her head down and whispered to him, "Listen I know I said we'll go together in the end, but its weird for me to keep sitting here with the nerds checking their answers you know? Brad and gang are going to the beach, and they're calling me. Would you mind if I go?"

Of course Josh minded. He was looking forward to talking to her about the experience and laughing about it, maybe hear a goddamn thank you for once. And what was that with Annie! But he knew once again that she would do what she wanted to do. Better to be in good graces than to be sore about it. "I don't mind, I need to rest for my exam anyway. You go have fun. Crazy about Annie though huh?" he feebly whispered back. "Aw thanks a bunch, you were wonderful today! And omg I'll call you later to talk about that bitch! We need a plan!" she whispered and hurriedly got up from his face. She had already packed while she asked him so now she just needed to go.

As she stood up, Josh's neck was also jerked back into the upright position. Josh sat on the ground, his head now pounding with relief. All the blood had rushed back into his head, his neck felt the stiffness after being bent in that angle for so long. To top it off, the thick heavy skirt Rose had chosen made sure that it was really hot inside it for Josh. Combined with the heat of Rose's butt, he felt really cooked. His face was still gently mushed into Ross's ass with the skirt still covering them. Rose somewhat roughly pulled her skirt out from around Josh and stepped into the aisle, leaving Josh sitting up against the seat on the ground. As he breathed in fresh air, Josh realized that he had just been breathing recycled air under Rose. Only whatever air her skirt trapped in it. He gratefully gulped in the cold classroom air, which now tasted like the fresh air in a jungle.

Rose was a bit surprised to his face all flattened out, but saw it pop back into shape slowly like a balloon. He'd be alright, Rose thought and blew him a kiss and rushed off. She convinced herself that she actually did Josh a favor. He seemed secretly grateful.

Josh waited for another 15 minutes until the last nerd cleared out and slowly walked to his own exam. Luckily, he knew most of the answers.

The rest of the day went by, with Josh once again dedicating a few justified wanks to Rose. The night came around, and Josh realized just how he was used by Rose. And not just that day either. After all that, she's probably screwing Brad on the beach. Filled with despair Josh resigned himself to sleep. Just before he drifted off, his phone rang. It was Rose, wanting to talk about how Brad wasn't sensitive enough. Josh sat up straight in his bed with a smile on his face and listened to her talk, giving his opinions and being a supportive friend.

The End!
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