Welcome sir, Have a nice journey. Sir C-23 was your seat, kindly take your seat, sir. I sat on my seat open the window the saw the Petrol truck was Refueling the plane, full my phone out from my coat pocket text my wife catch you in the morning bae... Have sweet dreams good night... But her last seen was at 19.15...
I thought she may go outing with her friends are busy with some work at home. My plane will be landed at 3.24, I was brought a gift for petty wife as tomorrow was her birthday. Comes out of the airport my Cab has arrived, just noticed that something was going outside my home, I said the cab stop to here pay him off slowly walked on darkness say two big guys were talking something leave from my home in a car, I was surprised what's going on whether her friends come for celebrating her birthday. But I never saw those guys before. I saw the lights were turned off but still one car was standing outside two more guys come out where one was looks familiar. They left waited for 15 mins outside my home goes to the back gate, where the key hide in one of the plant pots take the key saw open the door without noise entry in.
Looked at the living room was messed with cake and pop-up celebration stuff, But who were that four guys? One looks familiar other than all are strangers to me. slowly walks on the stairs case our bedroom room was not property locked still interior night was on, saw my wife walking in nude. I just hide on the wall she was changing her dress now, I walk slowly but surprised to see our bedroom from a gap of doors which was cakes on carpets with a lot of legs marks on the floor, saw my wife was cleaning her body with was messed with cake, chocolate and some creams on hair. My heartbeat raised I thought stay here instead of going in. she was to the bathroom closed the door, walked to the room wait outside started hearing the water flow from showers, make the door gap bit more saw it and my heart was broken up no it's not happened, Fuck up she cheated on me? No, I can't believe it. But what I'm looking for was the fact that she cheated on me.
On the floor her each part of the dress was throw out, there were 6 to 8 condoms cover and some condoms were with cum outside and over the dustbin. I want to shout loud and cry but I don't do that turn back out of the room, my legs hit on somethings it was a go-pro camera. We never have it before in our house. Just moved away but my mind says to pick up the cam with me, I took it from the floor saw it was still with the memory card in it. I heard the shower where off, kept the door back at it was. Hide in my own house, she comes out in nightdress, cleaning our room and living room put all dustbin stuff in the bag and goes to back gate put on the outside dustbin, she walks back to our bedroom closed the door turn off the nights.
I just leave the home, goes my family farmhouse which located outside the city at 6 am. I was been true to my wife Anu. But she was cheating on me when I'm out of the city. My dad calls me asked about the business trip and later he informed me that he agreed to the birthday party for my wife at our company terrace in the evening and My mom says she brought a beautiful jewel neckless as a gift.
Put the Go-pro cam in the locker, refreshed myself goes the home, my wife opens the door hug me says she was missing me too much, but I know now it was a complete lie. I just formal wishes her and gave her a small hug says bae I'm so tired from the trip. I needed to take a sleep she says that she has some work outside with her friends.
For luck she missed her phone in the home itself in hurry, she left with her friend for collecting today's party dress. From the date of our marriage, I never opened her phone but she shares her password once with me. But I never thought to open it before but now I want to see it. The fingerprint scanner was opened and face locked too. I selected the pin to enter the password which she shares with me before. Hmm, it opened pull the notification bar saw there a lot of messages some was birthday wishes, say a group name ANU.
Read the message with the name M - I checked my in-car n bag another message from R- Fuck off I don't have it too. And still lot of conversion was there on chat. I can't read it fully without opening the app. Check her gallery nothing else it's normal, check for hidden data but it's asking for her fingerprint or pin. But it some other password I can't open it. Check her contract detail check for the name of M and R. Found it open my caller id to check the real name of it. But nothing it was not a Primary number of theirs. But the chat was going on Discord. I created the Discord account with my foreign number which Anu even doest have. Check the contact of R and M. But only found their username it is odd like R- Bitchrider and M- PussyDriller. Suddenly something hit on my mind about Anu. Add me to my contact check for it Fucker hell Anu- Queen-tits.
Place her phone back as it is. Turn off my phone gone to sleep, after nice sleep-wake up saw the bed which makes me angrier talk out of the room, leave for the office saw Anu and her friend shruti was coming, I smiled at her says to Anu leaving for office. Sat on my cabin, My PA Roopa has comes to my cabin says sir, I called you 5 times today morning but your phone was switched off sir. Sorry, Roopa I was tired in travel so that I switch off my phone, what the matter now? Sir your father says to meet him when arrived.
Hi dad, hey Vicky come in, how was the business trip? Mom!! what you're doing here? I just come to check up for my lovely daughter in law party arrangements. I just shape my head sat on it. My dad hey buddy what happens your looking not okay. Yes dad I was a bit upset and tried to travel. Mom - Any problem in our foreign branch, whether your brother in law and you got to crash with business agreements usual !! No mom it's gone smooth this time. Leave that Vicky what you brought your lovely wife my son. This topic was making me angrier but I can't show that in front of my parents. Try to handle it smoothly without making issues.
Roopa sir I need your signature for a cheque. For what purpose Roopa. Sir may I come in. yeah sir need your signature for these files, keep it on the table and come after some time and collect them back. Roopa - sir this cheque for Anu Madam's birthday party payments. Suddenly the guys hit the file on my coffee glass which falls on the table coffee pour on my pants. Just stand up slap him, he lowers his face says sorry sir. Leave now Roopa call cleaver staff to clean my table first. Leave the cheque on the table. Yes sir.
Check the files from the HR team, signed them call HR teams to collect the file, say the Cheque if my parents know the Anu was cheated on me, they will be thrown out from company and family. But now she was going to have a birthday today night in my office. May I come in sir? Yes come in, HR manager says to collect the file from you, sir. Where it takes it, while I saw him, he familiar to me like I saw the guy in yesterday night. He was just open the door to leave, hello he stops and turns back to me sir, you are with the department? Sir, HR. okay, you can leave now.
Later in the evening went home saw Anu was looking gorgeous, watching stand still stand out of my mind without angry on her. But hearing her voice makes me unforgettable looking at her. How I'm looking Vicky dear? Yeah, darling our looking so Gorgeous and Hot. she comes to me kiss my lips says come soon, darling. yeah, bae kiss her on the cheeks. Two things running over my mind from yesterday night, 1st thing should leave at it is as I don't see anything and lead my life with her as usual. But I'm not cuckold for her. I can cheat too but I don't do to her but she did with me. 2nd thing was running to find out what she was doing and Revenge back her.
My mom started to call me says come soon don't be late. I have taken out the gift have with me, leave to office back saw Roopa asked about my parents she said Sir, they're on party hall. I walked to my cabin saw Anu's parents and Anu was there. Hello uncle and aunty how are you? We're fine Vicky you were looking tired!! yeah, aunty long business trip just arrived today morning lack of sleep nothing else. My dad PA comes in says Madam and Sir your parents were calling you. I said uncle and aunty you go first I'll catch you a bit later. Anu walks with her parents. I dont like to attend the party. Roopa come back says Sir, Anu madam has left her handbag and Phone here she asked to me bring them back to her.
Roopa just takes her handbag I'll bring her Phone, inform her. Yes, sir Roopa leaves. I turn on my laptop connect her phone with my laptop pair her mobile with Catch on software. Which can monitor even things of user chat, messages, phone calls, and browser history. It's done leave the cabin to the party give her phone. Her friends call me in for a selfie with them and later she cut the cake given to me 1st and my parents 2nd and 3rd her parents, Both them gives their gift asked me to give my gift to her.
Dinner has started, while I noticed Anu was with a guy, how has come to collect the HR file from me. I saw the HR manager Hello madam (she was my mom's friend) hey Vicky what's up? You don't have your dinner. Let me take a Plate of dinner for you. Oh, thank but not need I have it, myself. Who was that guy standing there, it's Manoj he working in HR. New joiner yeah four to five months, Anu says to take him he was a friend of Anu's friend. Any issue Vicky, Nothing just asked I never saw him before that why. while having Dinner with my staff and Roopa I noticed one more time Anu and Manoj were talking, but this time Anu was looking angry at him. I thought something is going on between them.