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03-11-2020, 05:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2020, 05:17 PM by creepyfoofaji. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Dear Readers,
I had been wanting to put the Indian Wife and Construction Guys by Aurelius1982, SlamDunk, Poorvi, Poorvika, Praneeth Poorvi, Poorvika Tyagi, Kavital, Mahmooda, Mahmoodvale, Partymaker_01, Vista01 etc etc. A number of authors tried their hands at the great story originally helmed by Aurelius1982. I try to bring them all at one place. I haven't yet decided to continue the story. As of now, the only purpose is to compile the collection for the ease of the reader. Hope you all enjoy one of the most popular desi erotic stories ever written originally by Aurelius1982.
"Tarun." my wife said one night after dinner after putting our 8-year old son Apu to bed.
"Yes, Purva?" I replied.
"How serious are you about the whole open marriage thing?"
"You know, what you keep bringing up every few weeks. That we should experiment. With other people."
I looked at Purva with surprise. She had a curious expression on her face. Wow, she had actually brought up the topic herself! My heart jumped with joy.
Purva and I are both 32 years old, and have been married for ten years. Before that, we dated for four years in college. People talk about seven year itches. It has been fourteen years of us being faithful to each other. Obviously, a lot of sameness and staleness had set in. There was also the fact that we had lost our virginities to each other, so we had never been with anyone else.
Like most men, I started flirting with the idea of experimentation. Threesomes, foursomes, wife swapping, were all things I read about online. For years I had fantasized about sharing my wife with someone else. And sleeping with other women. But for years, I kept my fantasies and thoughts to myself.
I finally decided to broach the subject soon after we turned thirty, and we had been through an exceptionally mediocre sexual phase. We were having sex about once a fortnight, and not memorable sex at that. Which was a shame. Because my wife was still a hot woman. In fact, even hotter than when we had started dating, if that were possible.
Childbirth and subsequent years had been good on her, and she had gone from being a slim svelte pretty young lady with medium sized boobs to a curvy attractive woman with big boobs. After Apu was born, she quit her job and became a full time stay at home mom. But it did not make her swell up like some other housewives. She still had a flat stomach, but everything else was curved in the most delectable ways. I too was physically in a much better shape than in college. I worked out regularly, had lost the tiny tire I used to have around my belly, and still had a thick head of hair, unlike some of my balding ageing friends.
Both of us got complimented on how great we looked, especially by friends who had let themselves go. So the lean sex phase, at least for me, was not because I stopped finding my wife attractive. I just craved some newness.
When I first brought up the idea, Purva got really upset. She accused me of having my eye on some young hot woman, which is why I was broaching the topic of an open marriage. I protested saying I wasn't looking for a license to cheat. If I wanted to, I could have affairs on the side (which was true). But I was interested in both of us exploring our horizons. Looking for variety. With complete honesty. I wanted us to be "open" in the truest sense of the word.
But Purva would have none of it. That fight lasted a day, and I dropped the subject. Since then, I would try to bring it up casually. Maybe forward her a story from literotica. She always reacted angrily in the initial days. But of late, she had started just calmly turning my idea down.
Two years later, it seemed like I pretty much had no chance of any experimentation. So I had not broached the subject in months. Which is why Purva bringing it up by herself delighted me. And I could not help just grin at her stupidly.
"Well? How serious are you?" Purva asked again.
"Very serious, Purva." I said, with a smile.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, absolutely. Why?"
"Have you thought about the repercussions of fantasy turning into reality? It is one thing to fantasize about your wife sleeping with someone else. To deal with the practical implications is a wholly different thing." she said.
"I know it won't be easy. But it'll work both ways. You will also have to deal with the idea of me with someone else."
"To be honest, that has been the biggest stumbling block for me for this open marriage idea." Purva tilted her head and said. "I don't know if I can stomach the idea of you sleeping with some other woman. Even if it is when I am around like in a threesome. Hell, especially if I am around."
"But you are alright with the idea of me fooling around with other men? Really?" Purva asked.
"Yes, I am. All that matters to me is honesty. I am alright with the idea of you with other men." I said with conviction. I had fantasized about it for years. Yes, getting to sleep with other women would be great. But honestly, what turned me on much more was the idea of my beautiful wife with someone else. With or without me being around.
"I agree that you think you are. But I don't know if you actually will be." Purva said.
I looked at Purva, and sat back with my hands on my head.
"What's going on, Purva? What brought this on?"
Purva shifted uncomfortably and winced a little.
"Well....." she said and paused "I have been getting some obvious and blatant passes made at me recently. And in the interest of honesty, I must say I am a little intrigued."
That seemed like a benign thing. Purva, like I said, was incredibly attractive. Guys made passes at her all the time. Heck, some of my colleagues often flirted with her blatantly, often right in front of me.
"Guys make passes at you all the time." I said. "What has intrigued you this time?"
"Okay, you might freak out and end this open marriage thing altogether, but....." Purva said, "I am talking about the construction guys."
"Construction guys? You mean the ones working on the house next door?" Our neighbor had sold his old house, and the person who bought it had knocked it down and was building a new one. A construction crew had been working on the site for a few months now.
"What passes are they making?"
"Well, when I am outside, they will start singing suggestive songs. Whistle occasionally."
"That's it?"
"That was until today."
"What happened today?"
"Nothing major. Two of them came over to the house to make a phone call. And they were blatantly checking me out, whispering to each other, and again making suggestive comments."
"And what intrigued me was the proximity to them. Their dirty sweaty bodies. Their swarthy looks. The aggression in their body language. It all...well...sort of excited me."
"I know this might creep you out. But if we are to.....experiment, I am personally more attracted to the idea of experimenting with some of these lower class blue collar guys, than middle class folks like us."
I stared at Purva with my mouth open.
"That freaks you out, doesn't it?" Purva asked, raising her voice a little bit.
"No, not really." I said, shaking my head. "To be honest, of all the erotic stories I read online, the ones that I like the most are the ones with educated women with lower class guys. I just never mentioned it to you because I thought you might find the idea disgusting."
"It is disgusting. Which is what excites me so much. Does that make sense?" Purva said, cocking her eyebrows.
"Yes, perfectly." I said. "So these two guys who came over. Tell me about them."
"One of them was an absolute Greek god. Tall, well-built, ruggedly handsome face. He is young, probably 20 or so. He is the one I was attracted to. The other guy is forgettable. Short, about my height, average built, and old. The old guy was the more blatant one though."
"Hmmm... so what are you thinking of doing next?"
"Well, I am not sure. I am not experienced in these matters."
"So do you think....." she started saying when we both heard Apu call out for her.
We both rushed to his room. He had had a bad dream. He was shivering and crying. We consoled him, and eventually had to let him sleep in our bed that night. Which meant no further discussion was possible.
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The next morning too, Apu was awake and getting ready for college, as I was getting ready for work. So we couldn't talk about it. I left for work, and had a busy day. When I came back in the evening, Purva was helping Apu with his homework. Then we had dinner. Watched TV. Finally at 10 pm, Apu went to bed, and we got some time alone.
I was in bed already. Purva brushed her teeth and joined me in bed. She snuggled up next to me, and put her head on my chest.
"So, should we pick up our conversation where we left it off yesterday?" I asked.
She didn't say anything.
"Actually, something happened today." she said.
"Nothing major, Tarun. Just that the two guys from yesterday came over to make a phone call again."
"Ah." I said.
"And this time, they asked if they could wait for a return call. Something about when to expect the new batch of material or something. I paused and considered their question. One of them, the young dishy one, sensed my discomfort and said they could leave, and I could just have them over when the phone call came."
"And what did you say?"
"I told them it was fine if they waited. They both sat on the floor. And I just stood around wondering what I should do. The older one asked me if they could have some water. And I, out of habit, asked them if they would like some tea as well. They said yes."
"So you made them tea. What else?"
"Let me tell you in sequence." Purva said, slapping me gently on my cheek. "So I went to the kitchen and started making tea. A few seconds later, the old guy walked into the kitchen. He was the one who always checked me out blatantly. As I made tea, he just stared at me. I started feeling uncomfortable. I wished the young guy had been there instead. But this old man was here, just staring at me. So I asked him what his name was. Sajid, he answered. Then he said the other one was his nephew, named Rasul."
"What then?" I asked.
"Don't interrupt. Let me tell you things one at a time." Purva said.
(Purva narrates->)
"What is your name?" Sajid asked me.
"Purva." I said.
"How old are you, Purva?" Sajid asked, referring to me just by my name. No Purva madam or Purva memsahib or anything, like someone like him would usually say.
"32." I answered.
"32? Hmmm.... that old and only one child?" he asked.
"Why surprising?"
"My first wife, by the time she was 32, already had six kids. And she is not even half as pretty as you."
"What does prettiness have to do with it?" I asked, genuinely confused, blushing a little at his compliment.
"I couldn't control myself." he said, winked and started laughing. "Looks like your husband has a lot of self-control."
I didn't say anything. I was a bit shocked at how quickly he was making sexual innuendos.
"If I was married to you, you would have a dozen kids by now." he said, and laughed some more.
I stayed silent again. The tea was almost ready. I reached for the sugar box on the shelf.
"Let me help you." he said, and lunged forward.
It's not like the shelf was too high or anything. And he's not too tall anyway. But it was obvious what his intention was. He pressed his body close to mine, and his arm was touching mine as we both reached for the sugar box. My hand was already gripping it. He pressed his hand onto mine. And just stayed like that.
I was surprised at his sudden move. His body was almost hugging mine, and I could feel his crotch against my ass. He stayed like that, and so did I for a few seconds. I think he was testing my limits. He was checking to see if I would push him off. And I wanted to. But.....but the touch of a strange male body felt so different. And there was that workman odor he had - of sweat and dirt and grime. I was almost intoxicated.
Soon I came to my senses, and shook him off. He immediately stepped back. I looked at him with anger in my eyes. He just smiled.
"How old are you?" I asked in an upset voice.
"55." he said.
"You are old enough to be my father." I said.
"Does that turn you on?" he asked and winked.
I was about to say something nasty in response, when the phone rang.
"That's our call." he said and rushed out of the kitchen.
I was obviously shaken. A little bit intrigued at his aggression, but also a bit scared. I was almost shivering. A couple of minutes later, I composed myself, poured the tea in cups, and walked out with the tray.
Sajid had by then finished the phone call and was sitting on the floor whispering something to his nephew Rasul. As soon as I walked in, Sajid stopped whispering. Rasul looked at me and suppressed a snicker.
I was still a bit upset. I put the tray on the table and sat on the couch. They both took a cup each and started drinking.
"Outstanding. This is the best tea I have ever had." Sajid said in a loud voice. "What is your secret, Purva?"
"It's just tea." I said.
"No secret ingredient?" he asked.
"It's just tea." I said again.
"Then it is your delicious touch that makes it so good." Sajid said, and Rasul started giggling.
We sat in silence as they drank the tea. Both of them stealing glances at me and occasionally giggling. I reached for a magazine and started reading. Finally, they finished their tea, and started to leave.
"Thanks for the tea." Sajid said, walking out the door.
(Purva's narration ends)
I had been listening to Purva with a mixture of jealousy and excitement. The idea of a 55-year old construction worker feeling up my wife in our own kitchen seemed so wrong, yet so exciting. the episode had been relatively benign, but I had a major hard-on.
"Well, what do you...." Purva started asking, but was interrupted my kiss. I jumped on top of her and started stripping her naked.
She reached for my pants. And we had the best, most passionate sex in ages. Twenty minutes later, we were both naked in each others arms.
"I am so relieved." Purva said breathlessly.
"Yes, I wasn't sure how you would react. I thought you might get upset. But your reaction shows me that you were at least partly right about your own attitude towards this."
"So what next?" I asked.
"Only time will tell." she said and we kissed again.
I got up and opened the window. I could see the house next door. And I saw a small bonfire in front of it. A dozen or so workers were gathered around it, smoking and playing cards. I wondered what the future held for them, and for us.
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The excitement of that was followed by a lull. The men did not come over for the next few days, and Purva started wondering if they read her haughty reaction to mean their advances were unwelcome. And they were scared she might call the cops or something. For four days, every time I asked Purva if something had happened, her reaction was in the negative.
The fifth day when I came home, I could sense something had happened, based on two things. First, her attire. Purva, like any Indian housewife, usually wore a sari or salwar kameez at home. But that day when I came home, she was wearing a knee-length skirt and a blouse. Second, she had a very sly smile on her face when she spoke to me. Obviously, she could not say anything in front of our son. But I was sure that things had moved forward today.
"So I'm guessing you have a report to make." I said, when she walked into the bedroom later that night, and bolted the door shut.
"Yes." she said, jumping on the bed and hugging me.
"Alright, start your report."
"Well, I was growing impatient of waiting for something to happen. So after Apu's college bus left, I dug into the closet and took these clothes out. I put them on, made tea, and with the cup, walked out to the front yard. I sat on a chair there and started drinking the tea. I could see the workers stealing glances at me. But I could not see Sajid or Rasul anywhere. For a while at least. Then Sajid's head popped over the fence."
Purva continued,
"He asked me if I was having tea and I said yes. He asked if he and Rasul could come over for some when he had a lunch break. I nonchalantly said okay, but in my mind I was happy at the prospect of having Rasul around again. I just wished this old fart wouldn't tag along. He said they'd come by at noon. For the next few hours, I was agog with excitement. And some fear. Had I been a little too forward? Would things go out of control? I could not wait for noon."
(Purva narrates)
Then at noon, the doorbell rang. I opened it to see Sajid and Rasul standing there, with wide smiles on their faces. I asked them to come in, and walked to the kitchen. Sajid followed me. Rasul, much to my annoyance, stayed in the living room.
"We wanted to come by before, but we weren't sure it would be a good idea." Sajid said, standing right next to me.
"It's okay." is all I could say.
Sajid stared at me as I put the water on the stove and stood there waiting for it to boil. I looked into his eyes, and I could see some uncertainty. There was an awkward silence.
"So how is Rasul related to you?" I asked to fill in the void.
"He is my 3rd wife's elder brother's son."
"Third wife? You got divorced twice?" I asked.
"No." he said laughing. "I am married to them all. The law in India allows us '.s to have four wives, remember?"
"Oh yes." I said, feeling sheepish. "So....three wives, huh?"
"Yeah. The first one is my age. The second is in her 40s. The third is in her late 30s."
"Do they all live together?" I asked.
"No. The first two live in our village with the kids. The third is here. She works on the construction site too."
"Okay. So you have quite a large family, with three wives."
"I am allowed a 4th one if you're interested." Sajid said, winked and then, out of the blue, spanked me on my ass.
I looked at him in shock. The smile left his face, and he stared at me, as if waiting for something to happen. I just scowled at him and started putting tea leaves in the water. My heart was going faster than a jet engine. The small talk had lulled me into a sense of comfort, and his sudden assault on my ass was surprising. But it felt naughtily good. I would have ideally preferred that the handsome Rasul was the one making advances. But even coming from this old ugly man, that touch tickled something in me.
A couple of minutes went by, and it was time to put the sugar in. I reached for it, half expecting what happened next. Much like the other day, he lunged forward. But this time, he reached it before me. His body touching mine, he took the the sugar box. Then he wrapped his arms around me, closing me in an embrace. Once again, I was intoxicated by his masculine aroma. And the feel of his unfamiliar body against mine. His mouth was next to my right ear and I could feel his warm breath on my cheek.
I stood there, in his embrace, drinking in the unfamiliarly erotic feeling of being in this swarthy man's bear hug. He then opened the sugar box, and said in my ear,
"Add the sugar."
I took the box from his hand, and as I started pouring the sugar in, I felt his hands move to my breasts. He fondled them gently over the blouse for a few seconds. I added the sugar and just stood there, as he continued to massage my boobs, and started squeezing them hard. I started moaning, and rested my body against his, when I felt something poke against my butt. His erection. That was too much for me. And I shook his embrace off.
Sensing my struggle, Sajid let go and stepped back. I looked at him. A huge bulge was visible in his trousers. I stared at his crotch for a couple of seconds and then looked away.
"Please wait outside." I breathlessly said.
He nodded and walked out of the kitchen.
A few minutes later, I regained my composure and walked out with the tea cups on a tray. The two drank the tea. And then left.
(Purva's narration ends)
"So what do you think?" Purva asked me.
"This Sajid fella moves fast, huh?"
"Yes. He went from an accidental feel to a full fledged fondle in two occasions." she said. "Are you sure you want me to move forward? or is this level enough for you?"
"I leave it up to you." I said.
"You do realize what his next step might be?" Purva asked, staring into my eyes.
"I will try to go slow. Step by step. But after letting him go this far, there's only so much I can control the proceedings, Tarun."
I nodded. Just the thought of what lay ahead had turned me on. And I could see from the look on Purva's face that she was excited as well. I kissed her, and again, we started making madly passionate love. I didn't remember the last time Purva was this animated in bed. I convinced myself that was a good thing.
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At work the next day, I had difficulty concentrating. I knew that something major would happen today. But how far would it go? My mind kept coming up with the wildest possibilities, and I was equally excited and disgusted by them. I barely touched my lunch, and the colleagues I ate with even asked me what was on my mind.
After lunch, I decided I could not wait till the night. I had to know. I called up my home number. It rang over a dozen times before there was an answer.
"Hello." a male voice replied.
"Hello, who is this?" I asked.
"Who do you want?" the voice replied.
I thought of what to say. Should I call Purva to the phone? Who was I talking to? Was this Sajid himself? Or was it Rasul?
"Ask who it is, Rasul." I heard Purva's faint voice, clearly from a distance.
"I am." Rasul it was. "Who is it?"
"Sorry, wrong number." I said and hung up.
Yep, something was happening for sure. The question was, what. I did not want to interrupt anything, or complicate matters. At the same time, I was dying of curiosity. I tried my best to focus on my work. But ten minutes later, my cellphone rang. It was from my home.
"Did you call?" Purva started without any preamble.
"Yes, I did. Sorry if I...." I started saying.
"Don't be sorry. I am glad you called. Things were moving too fast anyway."
"What happened?"
Purva was silent for a while.
"Can we talk about this later tonight?" she finally asked.
"I'd rather hear about it right now." I said.
"Aren't you busy at work?" she said.
"I am too distracted anyway. Just tell me."
I could hear Purva take a deep breath and then say,
"Okay. so the two came over during their lunch break again. Again, Sajid followed me into the kitchen while Rasul waited outside. This time though, Sajid did not allow me to make tea right away."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I was wearing a housecoat. You know my grey one, with buttons all the way down the front?"
"Yeah, I know."
"As soon as we entered the kitchen, he started unbuttoning it. And I did not resist."
"Wow. Right away, huh?"
"I told you, things are bound to move fast now."
"Anyway, what next?"
"He had all the buttons off in a few seconds. And the sides of the coat opened, showing a lot of my body."
"What were you wearing underneath?"
"I was wearing black bra and panties, which he could now see. I stood there uncomfortably, aware that this was the first time anyone except you had seen me in my underwear. Sajid stared at me hungrily for a few seconds, and then took me in his arms. He started running his rough hands all over my body, breathing loudly."
"What were you doing?"
"I was..." she paused. "I was running my hands over his back too."
"Just his back?"
"At that moment, yes, just his back." Purva said. "He put his hands under the coat and fondled me all over for a while, and then started massaging my boobs from over my bra. He then put his face in my cleavage and started licking me there."
"Licking you?"
"Almost slobbering. He then scooped my boobs out of the bra. And my boobs were hanging there, out of my bra."
"Oh fuck!" I said, suddenly aware that I was sitting in my office with a raging hard on.
"He started bitting my nipples, saying how perfect my boobs were."
"Fuck, Purva, I wish I was there with you right now."
"A little while later." Poorva said sounding breathless, "he dug his thumbs into the waistband of my panties. NO, I said to him. I wasn't ready for it. He ignored me and started sliding them down anyway, and I slapped his hand hard and pulled them back up. Sajid angrily grabbed my hair, yanked my head back and stared into my eyes enraged. NO, I said, shaking my head."
"Did he force you?"
"No. But he did roughly turn me around so that my back was now facing him. And I could feel his erection poking against my butt again."
"Was it....big?" I asked.
"Yes. It felt big. He put both hands on my boobs and started dry humping me. Really hard, with his erection hidden behind his trousers poking at my butt. As if we were having sex. He did that for a minute or two and even through his pants and my housecoat, his erection would occasionally hit me.....there. I was beginning to lose control. Alarms were going off in my head. That's when....that's when the phone rang."
"Ah, my call." I said.
"Yes. As soon as the phone rang, we both froze. Rasul yelled, the phone is ringing. I tried to break free of Sajid's hug but he held me tight. Rasul's voice now sounded very close when he said again, the phone is ringing. I panicked, realizing that Rasul would walk in any moment, and see me in a state of undress, locked in his uncle's embrace. Let me go, I started pleading with Sajid. He did. I started buttoning my housecoat, but it was too late. Rasul walked in, said - the phone - and just stood there, staring at me. Go and answer it you fool, Sajid yelled, and Rasul ran out uncomfortably."
"So that's why he answered it."
"Yes. I heard Rasul answer the phone. I yelled and asked him who it was. He did not say anything. So I walked out, my housecoat almost all buttoned up. He said it was a wrong number. But I got a feeling it might have been you."
"So what happened after that?"
"After that I noticed Rasul staring at my chest. Since I had forgotten to tuck my boobs back into the bra cups, the outline of my boobs was very visible through the housecoat. And my nipples, rock hard, were poking. I immediately folded my hands over it. Then Sajid said, let's go make tea again. I was too shook up. I said no, it's time for you to go. The stern voice in which I said it made things amply clear. And they left."
We were both silent for a while.
"I am coming home right away, Purva. I absolutely need to fuck you right now."
"I was hoping you would."
I waited for my erection to subside, made up an excuse for my boss, and sprinted out of the office.
This was the first time in literally a few years that we had sex in the afternoon. I would have liked nothing more than to have another go, but it was almost time for Apu to come back from college so we got dressed and sat in the living room.
"Tarun, it is time for you to think long and hard about what I should do next." Purva said, moving into my arms.
"What do you mean?"
"Do you want me to just stop all this?"
"No way. This has livened up our sex life so much." I said.
"Yes, it has. But so far it has been limited to petting and fondling and semi-nudity. Which, I admit, is a lot farther than I would have ever thought of going with anyone but you. Nevertheless, you need to keep one undeniable fact in mind."
"These guys are difficult to control. And they talk amongst each other. Word might get out. Are you ready for those consequences?" Purva said.
Just her saying it made me feel a tug in my pants again. But her point was well taken.
"I don't think anyone would believe some laborers' gossip anyway." I said.
And we heard Apu's college bus pull up in front of the house. We both walked out the door and waited as Apu ran towards us. I looked at the house next door. There were a a lot of construction workers milling around. As Purva hugged Apu and picked him up, she whispered to me,
"Green shirt. By the pile of bricks. Sajid."
And I saw him. He was not much to look at. He had gray hair. And was not very tall. I would normally not even have noticed him if he passed me on the street. But he was there. And he was looking in our direction. Our eyes met for a brief second and then I looked away.
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The next day, when I was leaving for work, Purva told me to call home at 1 pm. She said she needed that call as an interruption of sorts to help her evaluate the situation. It would stop her from getting carried away, she reasoned.
So at 1 pm, I dialed my home number.
"Hello." Purva answered it.
"This is your 1 pm call." I said, laughing.
"Yeah, well, in a way it's too late."
"In what way?"
"It's just that today was Sajid and Rasul's day off."
"Oh, so they didn't come over?"
"Of course they did. They came over right after Apu's bus left. That's why the 1 pm call is too late."
" happened?"
"Let's talk about it tonight."
"No, it's okay. I have time."
"Yes, but I don't. They'll be back soon."
"Yeah. They went to have lunch. And..." that's when I heard the doorbell. "...oh, there they are. I'll see you tonight. Love you."
And she hung up. They came over right after Apu left! And they are back. There was so much I wanted to know. But it would have to wait.
The day seemed to pass slower than ever. I tried to immerse myself in work, but even that didn't help. Finally when I got home, I was about to die of curiosity.
"Yes, I know you must be on pins and needles. So I did you a favor." Purva said as soon as I walked in.
"Yeah, I had my sister pick up Apu. So I can tell you about everything that happened. And then we'll go pick him up after that."
"Great. So, start."
"Okay." we sat down on the couch and Purva started narrating. "Like I told you, today was their day off. So they dropped in as soon as Apu left for college. In fact Sajid said they had been waiting for the bus to leave."
(Purva narrates)
After Apu left, I was about to go shower, like always. I had stripped down to my panties, and was about to take them off when the doorbell rang. I thought it might be some hawker or salesman, so I put on my bathrobe, the one that goes all the way to my knees, and answered the door. I was surprised to see Sajid and Rasul standing there.
"So your boy is off to college, huh?" Sajid said, striding in as if he owned the house. I noticed that both the men were looking clean. As Sajid explained, it was their day off, so they did not have any dust or grime or sweat on them.
"What do you want?" I asked.
But ignoring my question, Sajid said,
"What is this dress?"
"It's a bathrobe."
"Bathrobe? I have never seen you wear this dress."
"It is not worn as a dress. It is worn to cover up when you are about to shower, or after you're done showering."
"Like a towel?"
"So you are about to go shower?" Sajid asked.
"Yes, I was. until you barged in." I said.
Sajid started pulling at the lapel, exposing some of my chest.
"What are you doing?" I said, slapping his hand away.
"Ah, so you're naked under it?" Sajid said and laughed. Rasul chuckled nervously.
"No." I said. "I have my panties on."
"Show me." Sajid said and pulling at the robe again.
"No." I said and fought him off.
"What's the problem? I've seen you like that before!" he said, sounding genuinely puzzled.
"Rasul is here." I whispered in Sajid's ear.
"So what? He also saw you like that, remember?" Sajid said, making my ears go red in shame. "In fact, you should do the poor boy a favor and show him so he can take a careful look."
"No." I said, and started walking away. Sajid followed me as I walked towards the bedroom.
"I thought you were going to shower."
"Now I am not. I am going to get dressed." I said. "Why are you in the bedroom with me?"
Sajid had followed me, and was now fondling my ass. He closed the bedroom door.
"Well, now there is no Rasul. At least now open the robe."
I sighed and opened the robe. Sajid whistled as my boobs came in view. I opened the closet and started looking for clothes to wear. Sajid came and started playing with my boobs again.
"Sajid." I said, annoyed that his hands were in my way as I tried to get some clothes out. "Stop it."
He swiftly moved his hands lower. His right hand touched my pussy mound over my panties.
"Sajid!" I said, trying to slap his hand away. But he started rubbing me. And within seconds, had located where my clit was. "Ohhhhhh..."
I had no idea an old low class laborer would be this good with his fingers. I thought him to be the type who just fucked his wives and rolled over. But he clearly had other skills.
"You like that?" he said. I only moaned in response. He then slowly moved his fingers to the edge of the panties and poked inside, touching my clit directly. He rubbed it gently, his rough workman fingers creating sensations that your fingers never have. I was like putty in his hands.
He decided to take advantage of the pliable mood I was in and with his other hand started sliding the panties down. A part of me wanted to stop him. But his fingers had me in a totally different zone. So I let him slide the panties down and soon I was naked under my open bathrobe. In his arms.
He moved me towards the bed and put me down on it, on my back, all the while working on my clit with his fingers. He then started licking my nipples, his tongue making a circular motion on each of them turn by turn. And I noted the tickling sensation of his stubble against my boobs. His fingers meanwhile were working really fast. And combined with his tongueplay with my nipples, I could not take it any more. I started having an orgasm, a big one. I tried to make sure I wasn't yelling too hard, but I am sure Rasul held my cries. I thrashed around on the bed for a while, until the orgasm swept over.
Sajid smiled in appreciation of his handiwork, and moved his hand from my crotch to his pants. He started unbuttoning them, and slid them down. And there it was. His dick, in my full view for the first time. The first dick I had ever seen apart from yours. It was circumcised, obviously, with a thick nasty looking head. His pubic hair was also grey. And he had enormous balls. I was transfixed looking at it.
Sajid got on top of me and parted my legs.
"No, no." I said, coming to my senses and putting my hand on my pussy.
"What?" he said.
"Not yet." I pleaded with him. He pleaded with me. I told him I was not ready yet. He could not understand what my problem was. I was already almost naked. I had just orgasmed in front of him. Fucking seemed like the next logical step.
"So what am I supposed to do?" he said angrily.
In response, I got up and got on my knees. His dick was now right in front of my face. Like a museum exhibit, I was staring at it again. And then....I took it in my mouth. As much as I could. He was clearly taken aback by that.
"What a strange woman you are, Purva." he said, spanking my butt. "Other women say, do it down there, but not in the mouth. You want it in the mouth?"
I noted to myself how right he was. Even when we started dating, it was a year after we had sex that I actually started feeling comfortable giving you a blowjob. And here I was, sucking on a strange man's dick in my own bedroom. That awareness turned me on even more and I started sucking his dick even more enthusiastically.
I sucked the top half like a lollypop, while using a jacking motion on the base. Occasionally, I would cradle his balls, and marvel at how massive they were. As I gave him the blowjob, he kept playing with my hanging boobs and nipples. He pulled my open bathrobe up until it was bunched over my back and started playing with my ass too. Making appreciative groans once in a while. After about five minutes, I could sense he was about to cum.
I may have sucked his dick, but letting him cum in my mouth seemed like a step too far. So I took the dick out, and he sprayed his cum all over my tits.
"Okay, now go and let me get dressed." I said, pushing him out of the bedroom with some difficulty.
I took some time to get dressed. I first had to clean all his cum off. Then choose something appropriate. Teasing and accessible, yet not too revealing, lest I lose control. I finally chose a knee-length skirt and button down top. And then walked out of the bedroom.
(Purva's narration ends)
"So big step as you see. Got almost naked, had him finger me and gave him a blowjob." Purva summarized.
I already had a raging hard on. With her narration ended, I leaped at her. And we made love on the couch right there.
Fifteen minutes later, after Purva had cleaned up, she said to me.
"So you are clearly okay with all that I told you."
"Yes, it's incredible."
"Good. that was just the start. What follows is a bit more shocking."
"What happened next?" I asked. Purva settled down on the couch next to me, naked, and said,
"When I walked out of the bedroom, I saw a sight that almost knocked me off my feet. I had left the living room with only Rasul there. Now, with Rasul and Sajid, there were four more guys, sitting on the couch and chairs, giggling and talking."
"Yup. I was flabbergasted. Sajid saw the look on my face and said he had told them all about my tea, so they had come for a taste. So could I please make tea for all of them?"
"Yeah right, tea." I snickered.
"I know. I was pissed off. Here I was, just getting used to the presence of these two guys, and Sajid brought in more guys! I started regretting giving him a blowjob. With an obvious look of displeasure on my face, I went to the kitchen."
"And I bet Sajid followed you in?"
"No, he did not. He was sitting out there like a host entertaining guests. Acting like the man of the house. I made the tea, and took it to the living room. I handed everyone their cups, and just as I was about to sit on an empty spot next to Sajid, when he pulled me onto his lap."
"In front of them? And you let him?" I asked, shocked.
"Well, I was a bit scandalized. But to be honest, I was also a little turned on. Here was this old construction worker treating me like his property in front of these other construction workers."
"What did the others say?"
"Nothing. They all seemed to be suppressing their giggles. Sajid pulled me on his lap, put his arm around me, resting one hand on my thigh, and kept talking. They were all talking about the construction work. No one was directly acknowledging my presence, just stealing glances at me. Looking at my bare calves and shins. Checking out my boobs that were straining against the top.. And they all kept talking and drinking the tea."
"I was getting bored by their irrelevant talk and had drifted off in my own thoughts when I felt a slight draft on my thighs. I looked down and saw, much to my shock, that my skirt was bunched up halfway up my thighs, revealing most of my legs to everyone. Sajid must have gradually pulled the skirt up without my noticing."
"So what did you do?" I asked.
"I thought about slapping his hand away. But then I saw the hungry look in the faces of all the men. And it made me feel good. Being admired like this. So I played along with Sajid's game, not acknowledging what he was doing. That gave him more confidence. He dropped the pretense of gradually pulling the skirt. He pulled it all the way up, and now my panties were visible to everyone in the room."
"Holy shit! Weren't you scared? All those men, getting turned on. And you alone."
"I was scared. But somehow, Sajid's touch was calming me. Anyway, soon all the men finished their tea. I got up to take the cups back. As I did, I noticed that without my realizing, Sajid has also undone the top two buttons of my blouse."
"And you didn't realize?" I incredulously asked.
"I swear I didn't. I only realized it when I bent to take the cup from one of the guys, and my blouse fell forward, giving him a good look at my cleavage. As I went around picking up the cups, everyone got a look at my cleavage. I collected all the cups and walked back to the kitchen. This time, Sajid followed me."
"In the kitchen, I asked Sajid why he was doing this. Displaying me to all these guys? Sajid responded by pushing me against the wall. He slid his hands down my skirt and panties, and touched my cunt. It was obviously wet. He observed I seemed to be enjoying it, so why put up a pretense of modesty?"
"Good point." I said.
"Yeah, not much I could say in response. I asked him, now what? He told me to just go about my routine as if they weren't there. He would just sit and talk with them. So I got about my usual duties. Cleaning the house. As I cleaned the house, I could sense six pairs of eyes following every move I made. Whenever I bent, I could see them trying to peek down my cleavage. Or check out my ass. Or both."
"Sajid was preening like the king of the castle. After a while he got up, and led me to the bedroom. I asked him what he wanted. He said, take off your bra and put the blouse back on. I glared at him, but did as he said. He fondled my naked boobs for a couple of seconds as I did it. Is that all, I asked him. No, he said. Your skirt is too long. Surely you have something shorter. He walked to the closet and started looking at my skirts. He chose the shortest one, that tiny pleated one you gave me years back. He said, put this on. I did. And then we walked out of the room."
"You must have looked amazing."
"The looks on the guys' faces certainly indicated that. And I was now beginning to enjoy all the attention. I started bending over a lot more than I had to, and without the bra, my big boobs would strain against my blouse. I am sure all the men got a look at my erect nipples. And when I bent, the skirt also rode up, flashing my panties at them."
"Mmmmm..." I said, starting to get an erection again.
"Ten minutes later, Sajid said he had to go use the bathroom. As soon as he left, two of the guys jumped off their seats and came close to me. I was bending over, cleaning under the table. One guy pinched my butt and I squealed. I told him not to do that. He then put his hand on my shoulder. I said nothing. he started moving it down to the neckline of my blouse. I was curious to see how far he would go, so I said nothing. That's when Sajid came out of the bathroom, and the guy took a couple of steps back."
"Sajid saw what was happening. He looked a little cross. He told everyone, not to do anything without his permission. He especially admonished the guy who had been trying to feel me up. Sajid was asserting his territorial rights"
"After that I kept working. But they guys didn't totally leave me alone. Once in a while, someone would get up to go to the bathroom, and on their way, feel me up. Sajid mock-scolded them, but let it continue. After an hour or so, I got done with cleaning the house. It took twice as long as usual because of my prolonged bending and the interruptions by the guys. When I finally came to the couch to sit down, Sajid got up and said, come with me."
"Where did he take you?"
"To the bedroom. There he took off my skirt and panties. Then unbuttoned my blouse, but kept it on. So there I was on the bed in his arms, naked except for the blouse. Then he got fully naked. And then he had us....spoon."
"Spoon?" I asked.
"Yeah, you know, like two spoons. We were lying down on our sides, I was in front of him, with my back towards him. And he was hugging me tight, with both our legs bent in the waist. So obviously, his dick was poking against my ass. And occasionally know."
"So he fucked you?" I impatiently asked.
"No. He tried to entice me, but I kept shying away. So he turned me so I was on my back and his knee was under my ass and started fingering my clit with his left hand. With his right hand, he brought my face close to him and started tongue-kissing me."
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I was incredibly turned on by the idea of this sight - my wife, almost naked, splayed with her legs open on some guy's knee, as their tongues played with each other. That started getting me very excited. He continued deftly playing with my clit for a few minutes and then returned to the spooning position. This time he expertly positioned himself such that his dick was sliding between my legs, rubbing against my pussy lips. Oh Tarun, it felt sooooo good. I almost gave in."
"Yes, almost. Before I gave in to him completely, I decided to take matters into my own hands. or mouth. Hehe. I got on my hands and knees and started sucking his dick again. He did not seem to mind. And again, we did almost like a replay of what happened previously that morning."
"Again, almost?"
"Yes, a crucial difference was...... that towards the end of the blowjob, I realized we had an audience."
"An audience?"
"Yes, the bedroom door was slightly open, and although Sajid didn't notice it, I noticed there were a couple of guys peeking through the slit in the door. I was about to freak out and shoo them away when I realized....they probably couldn't see that much. My torso was covered with my open blouse anyway, its sides falling down. And my ass was pointing away from the door. All they were really getting a good look at face and the dick fucking my face."
"And that didn't seem too much to you?"
"No." Purva said, blushing. "not then. But after Sajid was done coming in my mouth...I swallowed this time....I got up and noticed that the mirror behind me must have shown whoever was at the door, a good view of my ass."
"Did Sajid notice the people at the door?"
"No. Or maybe he did. I don't know. What I do know is when I got dressed again, the door was closed, and whoever had been peeking, were gone. Anyway, we went back outside, and a bunch of the guys started whistling and clapping. I am sure everyone was convinced that Sajid had fucked me. He did nothing to correct that impression, and beamed at everyone, like some Olympic medal winner. He went back to the men and started talking. I decided to start lunch."
"So I went to the kitchen and started cooking. The men were all outside talking. I seemed to be the topic of discussion. I couldn't hear everything, but once in a while I heard stuff like..... what a slut I big my tits I was totally Sajid's bitch, and so on. At least two men joked that Sajid should make me his fourth wife, since I listen to him more than any of his other wives do. Then a guy asked Sajid how my cunt felt when he fucked it. Despite never having fucked it, Sajid was able to lie about it convincingly. Said it was warm and tight and wet and what not."
"Ten minutes later, when I was chopping vegetables, I heard someone walk into the kitchen even as the lewd conversation outside went on. I turned around to see it was Rasul. Young hot Rasul, my original crush. I smiled at him, and he smiled back.."
"So how's it going Rasul, I asked even as I kept chopping the veggies. He didn't say anything, just came closer to me. He was standing right behind me. I could sense that he was trying to muster up the courage to do something. I wondered what he would do. Finally he put one hand under my skirt in the back and into my panties. I suppressed a smile and kept chopping. Now I felt bad for the guy. I had essentially teased him for a few days, giving only his uncle access. And now, all these other guys had come in and were getting the same access as him."
"True, poor guy was totally screwed."
"Yeah, so when he started fondling my butt inside my panties, I let him. That emboldened him. He now used both his hands to slide my panties down. I kept chopping even as I stepped out of the panties, and stood there, my short skirt barely covering up any of my ass or snatch. Rasul fondled me all over the lower part of my body. And I let him, without reacting in any manner."
"He was running his fingers up and down my ass crack, and even fingered my cunt a few times. but he did not have the same skill at it as his uncle. I still like the feeling though. I could also sense his erection poking against my thighs through his pants, and it seemed bigger than his uncle's."
"And that turned you on?" I asked.
"Yes, I wished I could take him to the bedroom and get a better look at it."
"He felt up my ass and pussy for a few minutes, when we heard approaching footsteps. I immediately pushed him away, reached for my panties and started putting them on. One of the other guys walked in calling out Rasul's name. My panties were only halfway up my legs when he walked in, and I am sure he got a good glimpse of my pussy as I slid them on."
"Wow, a bonus for him."
"Yeah, he just stared at me hungrily for a while. Then he told Rasul they were all leaving to go have lunch. Rasul nodded, and walked out behind him, without as much as a goodbye nod to me."
"So they all just left?"
"Not that easily. Sajid told me to come to the door and see them all off. And each of them, before stepping out, either fondled my boobs or pinched my butt, or both. Sajid left last of course, and did so after kissing me slobberingly. And said he'd be back after lunch. And a while after that is when you called."
"Hmmm... and you got some time to yourself?"
"Yes. An hour to myself gave me time to think, and set some boundaries. I had certainly enjoyed what was happening, but I did not want to get too carried away." Purva said.
"Haha, I will be interested to hear what those boundaries were." I said, pinching her nipple and she smiled.
"An hour later, when the doorbell rang, it was just Sajid who came back. He closed the door behind him, and started kissing me and unbuttoning my top. I started leading him towards the bedroom, but he was too impatient and pulled me down on the couch with him. My top was open, and he was playing with my boobs. Then he slid my panties off and started fingering me. And again, he made me cum with his fingers, and I reciprocated with a blowjob, and swallowed it all."
"You have become quite the swallower, haven't you?" I said.
"Hehe, yes. Once that was done, we sat there, him fondling my body all over. Me naked except for my open top and skirt. I noticed this about Sajid - he never got me completely naked. Always left something on. A while later, the doorbell rang. I started buttoning up my top, but Sajid said, leave it open. I said no, but I didn't button it up either. I just tied a knot at the bottom with the two ends of the top. That revealed half of my boobs but still kept enough hidden. I started putting my panties on and he asked me to leave them off. This I didn't agree with at all. I said I'd prefer to keep my panties on. He didn't say anything."
"I opened the door and Rasul walked in with two other men. All of them noticed the new configuration of my top and smiled. Sajid told them to come over to the living area and we all sat there talking. Well, they were talking about their stuff. I was just eye candy, and someone to feel up once in a while. My top was almost open, so they could see half of each boob at all times."
That's when the phone rang. Purva's sister said Apu was getting very restless, so she was about to drop him off. Purva quickly concluded her story saying nothing new happened after that. They all sat around talking, checking her out. When she would get up or move, her boobs would move and the guys got a decent look at them. A couple of times she was fondled surreptitiously when Sajid wasn't looking. But it didn't go beyond that. The men left in a while, since Apu was about to come home.
We got dressed, and Apu came home. The rest of the night was spent placating Apu who seemed to be in a particularly lousy mood.
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The next few days, I could not get my regularly scheduled updates. I was too busy at work to call Purva during the day. Then something or the other kept cropping up at night. Once, we had some guests over, who stayed till midnight, and Purva was exhausted with the cooking and cleaning, so went to bed right away. The next two days, I had to attend late night calls with the US and Europe offices, so I would go back to office after dinner and before Apu was asleep. And then we had to attend wedding receptions for a couple of nights so were surrounded with too many relatives to ever get any privacy. In between, even if we did start talking, Apu would interrupt. So it was almost a week later that Purva and I got time to talk.
"Okay, start from the beginning, go sequentially, and don't leave out any details." I said.
"Alright, so the day after, Sajid or Rasul or the rest of the guys kept dropping by at different times."
"What were you wearing?"
"Let's see....that day, I was wearing a white tank top and shorts. You know those tight black shorts? Obviously, they have even gotten tighter."
"Haha. And underneath?"
"Just panties. No bra."
"Alright, go on."
"Now remember, this was the day we were having guests over. So I had to spend most of the time in the kitchen. And it was a hot day, so I got very sweaty. By noon, my tank top was drenched with sweat. And since it was white, obviously, it did not hide much."
"So the guys dropped by one or two at a time. First Sajid came by. He said he only had a few minutes, and had to get back soon. So we spent that time in the kitchen, making out. He put his hand under my top, felt me up, worked on my ass, and kissed me all over. I was in his arms, getting mauled, my top rolled above my tits, when I heard the door open and someone call Sajid's name. He had left the door open since he had to leave soon."
"The guy who walked in was a new one. He had not been around before. So when he walked into the kitchen, and my tits were exposed completely, I panicked. I pushed Sajid away and rolled my top down. The guy first looked shocked and then started smiling. Staring at me, he said Sajid was being summoned by the supervisor. Sajid sprinted out of the kitchen and I got back to cooking. The other guy just stood there staring at me. I gave him a couple of dirty looks, and he reluctantly left. And I locked the door."
"Some time later, when I was cleaning the living room, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw the same guy standing there with Rasul. Rasul walked in, and hugged me very tight. He then started sliding his hands down my shorts, in full view of the guy, and I felt uncomfortable, so I slapped his hands away. Rasul looked confused and asked me why i was being so coy, when the other day I had let him take my panties off. I went red with embarrassment, as the other guy gaped with his mouth open, shocked at the revelation."
"Rasul took advantage of my being stunned and slipped his hands into my shorts again, and started playing with my butt. He said, only a little while, and I let him do it, but turned away so that the other guy couldn't see it all. Rasul then moved his attention to my tits. He pulled my top up, giving the other guy one more look at my tits. I tried to protest but Rasul said the guy told him he has seen them anyway, so why stop now. I couldn't say anything in response."
"And surely you were turned on as well?" I interrupted.
"Yes, that too." Purva said, blushing. "You know I have a crush on Rasul anyway, so it is much harder for me to say no to him than to anyone else."
"Not that you seem to be saying No a whole lot anyway."
"Hehe. Anyway, Rasul played with my tits, in full view of the other guy, for a few minutes. Then he asked me to make them tea. I pulled my top down, walked to the kitchen and both of them followed me. In the kitchen, after I put the water on the stove, I saw Rasul make a gesture. The other guy cautiously walked up to me, and put one arm around me, and felt up my boobs. I stood there, wondering if I should protest, but then i thought the guy had seen them anyway. So what's the point. Plus the guy's hands were shaking, either with nervousness or excitement, and I felt sorry for him."
"He started pulling my top up, playing with my boobs at the same time, and eventually, just took my top off. And there I was, topless, wearing just my shorts. And making tea. He then fondled my butt for a while, and then starting putting his hand into my shorts when I slapped him away. Rasul laughed and said, I only let him and his uncle do anything down there. Then, after the tea was done, we all sat in the living room, me on a couch between the two guys. And they both played with my tits as they drank tea."
"They left and I put my top back on. But I guess they spread the word that playing with my tits was now okay. The next two guys who came over went straight for my top, and when I protested, said they heard many other guys had done it too. So why stop them? For the rest of the day, there was a frequent parade of guys, some of them twice, as they came and felt me up. After a while, my boobs started feeling sore because of rough treatment from their worker hands."
"Towards the end, Sajid came by with Rasul. The two of them locked the door, and sat down on the couch. I complained to Sajid that there were too many men coming over and feeling me up, and I could not get any work done. Sajid ignored my complaint, and unzipped his pants. Rasul did the same. Rasul's dick was really impressive - thick hard, and veinous. Sajid's like I told you, is good too. So all the complaints flew out of my mind and I was drawn to their cocks."
"For the next fifteen minutes, I sucked them off, one dick in each hand. Sajid made me take my shorts and panties off. And again, true to his style, did not get me fully naked. I sucked their dicks, wearing just my tank top. Rasul came first, and I took his cum all over my face, some of it running down my neck and pooling in my cleavage. But Sajid showed no signs of cumming. Rasul sat there and watched as I kept sucking his uncle off."
"When did he finally cum?" I asked, amazed at Sajid's staying power. purva is great at sucking dick and I can never last beyond 5 minutes with her technique.
"Well, almost half an hour passed, and he still hadn't cum. My jaw started hurting like crazy. I finally took his dick out of my mouth and started jacking him off with my hand. I told him my jaws were too sore, and I could not suck him any more. Sajid laughed and said, why take all that effort? He knew of another place I could take his dick in that would take in, and he would cum a lot faster. And he reached down and fingered my cunt. Rasul laughed."
"I stopped jacking him off and looked at him. He pulled me up onto his lap, and hugged me. What am I waiting for, he asked. We had pretty much done everything else, and I had obviously enjoyed . I had let my boobs be felt up by half a dozen guys all day? Why avoid something that would give both of us the most pleasure, he asked. Besides making the case with his mouth, he was also making it with his dick. He was moving it back and forth, over my pussy lips, making my resolve weaken by the second."
"Oh my god. You fucked him, didn't you?" I said, seeing where this was going.
"Yes." Purva said and hugged me.
"Rasul too?"
"No, not Rasul." she replied. "In fact, I was very uncomfortable doing it in front of Rasul, although he had watched everything else till then. I whispered in Sajid's ear, let's go to the bedroom. He picked me up effortlessly, and carried me to the bedroom. i told him to lock the door, and he did. As he took his shirt off, got fully naked, and advanced towards me, I told him we didn't have more than 15 minutes, because Apu would be home soon. he laughed and said I had been teasing him so much, he would definitely get done a lot before that."
"How did he fuck you? Tell me the positions in detail." I eagerly said.
"Well first....obviously, I had him put on a condom." Purva said. I was about to ask about it next. I was able to fuck her without care, because my sperm count had gone down recently, so there was no danger of pregnancy. This was something we found out a couple of years back. when we tried to have a second child.
"He wasn't very happy about it. But reluctantly agreed. Once he put it on, he first started fucking me missionary style. His body really close to mine, my boobs rubbing against his chest."
"You were naked?" I asked.
"No! He rolled up my top under my arms. But didn't strip it off." Purva said shrugging her shoulders. "The fucking felt really good. He didn't have too much technique, but the sensation of an unfamiliar cock was enough to excite me. For a couple of minutes, he did that, and then made me get on all fours. And started fucking me doggy style. He kept commenting on how great my ass looked when it slapped against his thighs."
I tried to picture the scene. Doggy style is my favorite way of fucking Purva as well. Her butt has such a nicely round shape, and it parts ever so slightly when she is on her knees. It gives a great view of her asshole.
"He started pounding me really hard. Grabbed me by the waist, unfolded one knee and put it next to my shoulder. And fucked me really deep and hard."
I could sense Purva getting turned on just remembering it, as she squirmed.
"As his fucking got even faster, I could sense that my orgasm was near. I pushed back against him harder, to get a better drilling. But sadly, before I could cum, he did. Started pumping his semen into the condom. Even through the condom, I could feel its force inside me. I moaned in disappointment when he finally took his dick out. And stayed there on all fours, my ass in the air, trying to regain my breath."
"For a while I actually considered calling Rasul and asking him to have a go. I was so close to an orgasm. But then I looked at the clock and realized, I really needed to hurry. Apu would be home soon. When I stood up, Sajid threw the cum-filled condom at me, and asked me to get rid of it. I walked out of the bedroom, my top still rolled up over my boobs, with the condom in my hand. Rasul was standing there. He had clearly been trying to listen in. He started laughing when he saw the condom."
"So where did you eventually throw the condom?" I asked.
"In a separate bag. near the washing machine. I thought I would throw it out later." Purva said. "Anyway, the guys left, i washed up, put on regular clothes. And soon Apu came home. And then I went back to cooking for the guests."
By now I was too horny to let things proceed. I jumped on top of her and started stripping her.
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Unlike Sajid, I had no compunctions in stripping my wife completely naked. Within seconds I was inside her, fucking her warm cunt. I got the feeling that her cunt was a bit looser than usual, but I put it down to my imagining things. No matter how big Sajid's dick was, it could not stretch her so much in a matter of days, could it? And even if it had, it made her all the more sexy. This is exactly the kind of newness and excitement I had been hoping for to revive our sex life.
"Mmmm yes.... fuck me harder. Fuck me like the cheap slut I am." Purva whimpered, and that really got me going. She was usually silent in bed. This kind of dirty talk was another welcome change.
"You like being fucked don't you? You like being fucked really hard?" I responded.
"Yes, yes, fuck your slut wife really hard."
I obliged and started pounding her at a feverish pace. But hearing about her encounters had already aroused me so much, that the increased pace meant I didn't really last too long. I came inside her in a little over a minute.
"Shit. That was too soon." I said, resting on top of her, feeling her huge tits press against my chest.
"Mmmmm." Purva moaned. "It's okay. There's more to tell. And I am sure you will get ready soon after you hear about it."
I rolled off Purva and kissed her for a few minutes. And then told her to resume her report.
"Tell me about the next day."
"Can you guess what happened the next day?" Purva asked me playfully.
"Hmm......Sajid fucked you all day...3,4,5,6 times?" I asked.
"Not exactly."
"Rasul and the other guys fucked you?" I asked.
"Nope. Sajid has made it perfectly clear to me and to everyone. He is the only one, apart from my husband of course, who had fucking rights." Purva said.
"Interesting. So what happened the next day? More of the same? The guys coming and feeling you up all day?"
"Also wrong." Purva was enjoying teaching me.
"Oh just tell me already." I begged.
"Hehe. Okay. The next day, Sajid came a short time after Apu left. I was ready in a bra-less top and a skirt to welcome him. I was sure he would fuck me right away. And I was really horny too, since you and I hadn't had sex the previous night. So I waited expectantly for him to make a move. He told me to go to the bedroom. I giggled and skipped to the bedroom and he followed me in. When he came in, I noticed he had a plastic bag in his hands. I didn't pay much attention to it. Just lay down on the bed and got ready for him to ravish me."
"He must have jumped on you." I interjected.
"Wrong again. He came and sat down next to me. Said he wanted to talk."
(Purva narrates)
I was puzzled. So I sat up and looked at him questioningly.
"Purva, the last few days, all my friends have been coming and feeling you up. You don't seem to be stopping anyone from looking at you or fondling you." he said.
"You want me to stop them?" I asked.
"No. I just wanted to know. What do you like about it?"
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I mean what is the appeal of strange men...that too poor working class men like us....getting a look at your boobs or your ass, or feeling you up?" he asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" I asked.
"No, you don't understand. i am asking you why you do it." he asked earnestly.
"I don't know...I like it."
"Have you thought about why you like it?"
"I just do." i had no idea where this conversation was going.
"Okay. let me ask this a different way. In a few days, the owner of the plot, a very rich man will come to inspect the construction. Would you like it if I brought him over to do whatever we do?"
"No! No! Absolutely not!" I said, standing up. "Don't even think about it!"
"Alright, I won't. But your response indicates that while you are perfectly fine letting a 50-rupees-a-day uneducated laborer feel you up like a streetside whore..... you don't want to extend the same privilege to a man who earns 50 million a year."
I thought about what he said. He was right. The idea of doing this for the laborers seemed exciting. but for someone like the owner, or even our neighbors, I'd never do it. So I nodded.
"So you seem to be excited by our world. The world of hard knocks, dirty bylanes, slums, and poverty."
"I want to take you into that world. And give you some new experiences."
"What do you mean?"
"I want you to come with me to a shabby poor part of the city. Where there are no fancy cars. And even electricity is a luxury."
"Huh? I have been to those parts before."
"Not the way I will take you." Sajid said, and opened the plastic bag. From it, he took out what looked like a bundle of black cloth and handed it to me.
"What is this? A bedsheet?" I asked.
"That, Purva, is a burqa."
"A burqa?" I said, puzzled, opening the folds. "What for?"
"For you." Sajid said.
"What the fuck, Sajid?" I asked, exploding with rage. "You first strip me down to almost nothing and now you want me to wear a burqa! Are you crazy??"
"That is exactly what I want you to do. I want you to strip down to nothing and wear a burqa." Sajid said, smiling.
"I don't understand."
"Okay, today, I am going to take you on a walk in the vicinity of the old mosque. one of the poorest parts of town. And what I want you to wear is, the burqa. Nothing else."
And I suddenly understood what he wanted. he wanted me to be completely naked under the burqa.
"Let's say I wear this and come with you. What will we do there?"
"You leave that to me. Trust me to make it a memorable day for you." he said, gently rubbing my bare shoulders.
"Sajid. I have no problems with our games. I am not sure I want to go outside with you. It sounds too risky."
Sajid shrugged and said,
"Purva, everything so far has happened with your consent. Everything. This also, will be up to you."
He got up and walked towards the door. And said,
"If you want to do this, come over in front of the construction site, dressed like I told you. The burqa, and nothing else. Of course, other than some kind of footwear. We'll be back before your son returns from college. If however you don't want to do this....." he stopped and smiled, "don't come over."
And Sajid left. I considered his bizarre proposal. To go out with him? Sounded insane. At the same time, he did give me a burqa. Which means no matter what, my identity would remain a secret. If I passed some acquaintances on the road, they wouldn't know it was me. And what did he have planned? What could I possibly do outside in a burqa that would compare to what I could in the house in my skimpy skirts and tops?
Still, it sounded like an intriguing idea. So I decided, what the heck. I have tried so much new stuff recently. This could be another experience. And if I didn't like what we were doing, I could always just turn around and come home.
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So I did it. Stripped completely naked. then lifted the main burqa garment. Slipped it over my head and through my arms. I wondered where he got it. It seemed used. It was almost the same height as mine. but it was very loose. Of course, burqas are not meant do be tight-fitting, but even by those standards, the garment I was wearing seemed like it was made for a woman much fatter than me. I looked in the mirror. With the black robe covering my body completely, I looked eerily like a teacher at Hogwarts. So i reached for the other smaller garment. The purdah. I put it on my head and fastened the veil across my face. I looked in the mirror and almost burst out laughing at the contrast from the recent days, when almost everything was on display. Today, only my eyes were visible.
Ten minutes later, I was standing in front of the construction site. The workers who "knew" me were trying to suppress their laughter. others were confused. And Sajid was beaming as he walked out with Rasul.
"Very good. Ready to go?" he asked. I nodded. "Your eyes are so pretty, you make even a burqa look sexy." he said and winked. I blushed, but there was no way for him to know that.
Sajid and Rasul started walking, and I walked behind them. As I passed the neighboring houses, I got some curious looks. Burqas were not common in our high-income neighborhood. As i recognized some of my neighbors, I had to fight off my urge to greet them or wave to them.
We reached the main road and Rasul hailed an auto-rickshaw. Sajid got in first, then me, and then Rasul. It was a small rickshaw, so I could feel my hips being tightly squeezed on both sides as the three of us sat in it. Sajid told the driver to take us to the old mosque area. And we got going.
The burqa is meant to be worn over normal clothing, so it is obviously very thin. So the pleats caused by the burqa being too big for me actually protected my modesty. If it had been a burqa my size, my nipples, which were erect with excitement, would probably have poked against the thin fabric. But the fabric was in a single layer over my butt, with no pleats, when I was sitting. So whenever the rickhsaw went over a bump, I could feel the rexine upholstery slide against my butt. The bumps also made my boobs rise and fall heavily, something the loose burqa hid very well.
The driver kept checking me out in the mirror every few seconds. And I got conscious of it, so I stared right into his eyes. Surely he couldn't see my boobs jump, I thought. The driver noticed me staring back and started looking straight.
"She is not related to you, is she?" the driver asked.
"What makes you say that?" Sajid asked with a smile.
"Well, even the skin around her eyes is so fair. And you two, don't mind, are like me. Dark." the driver said and smiled as he drove.
"Good observation. Her skin really is very fair and lovely." Said said. "Rasul, show him a sample."
Rasul laughed, and bent down. He grabbed my burqa's hem and started pulling it upwards really slow. First my ankles were exposed, then my shins, and eventually my knees. Rasul kept the burqa rolled up around my knees, displaying my legs to the driver. The driver slowed down and turned his head back.
"Wow. Those are some beautiful legs." he said effusively.
"Her thighs are no less beautiful." Sajid said, and poked me with his elbow.
I took the hint and started rolling up the burqa with my own hands. Slowly, almost seductively, exposing my thighs to him real slow.
"Oh god!" the driver said and started slowing down.
"Don't stop. Keep going." Sajid commanded.
The driver groaned in disappointment. The adjusted his mirrors so that they were all showing him my lower body.
I was feeling so excited at this brazen teasing Sajid was making me indulge in. I was enjoying exposing my thighs to him inch by inch. finally, the garment was bunched up right over my crotch, exposing almost my entire legs to him. And, I felt a slight thrill as the breeze played between my legs and caressed my pussy and clit.
"Oh man! Oh wow! A little more please." the driver said. I looked at Sajid, who shook his head. So I rolled the burqa down all the way. The driver let out a wan sigh. Then he thought of something and said, "If you show me her cunt, your ride is free!"
"Shut up. She's not a whore." Said angrily said. I could sense that the driver wanted to say something snippy, but Sajid enraged can be quite an intimidating figure. So the driver kept quiet for the rest of the ride.
We got down two blocks from the old mosque. The area stank of urine and cowdung as usual. It's sad how the dirtiest places in India are always those around mosques or temples. And the cleanest are malls and offices. It shows our priorities as a people. The narrow roads were full of street vendors, hawking a variety of stuff. There were several people, mostly men, milling about. I also saw a few women, some in burqas like me others normally dressed.
I wondered what Sajid had in mind. Flashing my legs for the driver in the confines of the rickshaw was one thing. I hope he wasn't going to have me flash in such a blatantly public place with hundreds of people around! Luckily, that wasn't what Sajid had in mind. I followed him and Rasul through the main road and then into narrow alleys. The alleys were barely wide enough for two people to walk at the same time. Garbage was strewn around everywhere. there were poor dirty but cute children running around. Most of the windows had extremely appetizing scents of meat wafting through them.
Fifteen minutes later, we came to a small shop. I walked in with my two escorts. It seemed like a tailor's shop.
"Salam alaikum Gafur chacha (uncle)." Sajid said to the very old tailor sitting in the corner working on a sewing machine.
"Walaikum salam Sajid, Rasul." he said, flashing a smile with only 3 remaining teeth. He wore glasses that were thicker than most glass bottle bottoms. I'd peg him at 75 at the very least. "What made you remember me today?"
"Wanted to get some clothes stitched, obviously" Sajid said sitting down next to the old man.
"Who is this? Wife number four?" he said, cackling.
"Something like that." Said smiled and replied.
"With each wife, you are getting more and more traditional, Sajid." Gafur cackled some more. "the first one in her younger days, wore such tight clothes. The second one wore low cut chudidars, butt was otherwise covered up. the third one wore only saris. And now this one is in a burqa?"
Sajid just smiled, and said,
"I want you to stitch a blouse for her."
"Sure, sure, why not? Send Rasul to get Amina from next door to do her measurements." Gafur said.
"There's no need for that, chacha. You can do the measurements." Sajid said.
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03-11-2020, 06:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-11-2020, 07:24 AM by creepyfoofaji. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
"What a strange man you are, Sajid. You get a woman in a burqa and then tell me I will take her measurements?" Gafur said, confused.
"Just do it, chacha." he said. He beckoned me over. I walked up to the old man.
"Okay." the old man said and took the measuring tape from around his neck. He stood up, and I could smell the tobacco in his breath.
He told me to raise my hands, and with the tape, first went for the under-bust measurement. But I could sense that he had held the tape too low. So I said, a little higher. The man's hands moved more than a little higher and toughed my boobs. Instantly, he froze and looked at me, and then at Sajid. From the look on his face, I could see that this experienced tailor had gauged ust from a single touch that I was wearing nothing between my breasts and the burqa.
He stared at Sajid and me, and then took the under-bust measurement properly and wrote it down in urdu. Next he went for the over-bust measurement. His hands were shaking slightly as his fingers tightened the tape over my boobs. I could feel one of his fingers briefly rub against my left nipple. He took the measure and wrote it down.
"You won't get the cup size write over the burqa, chacha." Sajid said.
"No, no, it's fine." Gafur chacha meekly said.
"Nonsense. I want this blouse to be a perfect fit." Sajid said and then said to me, "Lift your burqa all the way up to your neck. Don't be shy. Gafur chacha is an old friend of mine."
I was disgusted and turned on, a combination now an everyday occurrence, at the idea of letting this doddering old man see me almost fully naked. I was in his dinky little shop, and he looked and smelled like he hadn't had a bath in a week. But still, the idea of exposing myself to him seemed so thrilling.
I bent down and lifted my burqa. First over my knees, then exposing my naked thighs, then my pussy, then my stomach, and finally my boobs. The loose burqa formed quite a big bunch under my armpit. The old man's eyes had grown increasingly bigger as my naked body came into view. His thick glasses only accentuated that effect. He was now just staring at me, like he had seen a ghost. At his age, I guess seeing a ghost was more likely than seeing a young woman naked.
"Now, measure her cups properly." Sajid said.
Gafur stared at my boobs and my nipples got rock hard. This was so pervertedly delicious. But it was also a bit cruel. teasing such an old man? Why was Sajid making me do this?
Gafur raised his hands with the tape, and reached for my chest, when Sajid came closer.
"Not like that. Measure them like this." He took Gafur's right hand in his own and placed it on my left boob. He then pressed it hard. "This will give you a good idea."
"Oh god!" Gafur said, and put his second hand on my other boobs. His hands were small and feeble, and very rough. When he moved them over my boobs, it felt like someone was rubbing sandpaper over them.
He then started squeezing them, massaging them slowly, and then increasing the frequency. All the while, a low sad moan was emanating from his mouth. It grew increasingly high pitched, as the frequency of his squeezing my boobs increased. And then he let out a big sigh and let go of my boobs. Puzzled, I looked at Sajid and he gestured with his eyes towards Gafur's crotch. Sure enough, there was a big wet stain on his pyjamas. The old man had cum in hos pants just by touching my boobs!
Gafur tottered backwards, and sat down on his chair, staring at me.
"Do you want to see anything else, chacha?" Rasul helpfully asked.
"Just.....just have her turn around." Gafur said in a low voice.
I turned around and gave him a look at my nice round butt. I heard him moan once again. I stood like that, modeling my butt for him, fur a few minutes. Finally Sajid said it was time to go. So I dropped the burqa back over my body, and followed him out.
"So how did that feel, Purva?" Sajid asked.
"Interesting." I replied.
"Want to keep going or go home?"
"Let's keep going." I said. I was curious to see where he would take me next.
The next stop happened to be a guy who ran a Unani massage place. He was also an old man, but younger than gafur, maybe in his 60s. When Sajid said he wanted me to get a full body massage, the old man refused to believe him. He said he had massaged women's twisted ankles before, but never given a woman a full body massage. Plus, he said, the trick of the Unani massage is in its oils and ointments, so a burqa clad woman could never get it.
"No problem. She will take her burqa off." Sajid said.
And old man, in the confines of his shop, almost jumped through the roof when I took off the burqa, even as I kept the face scarf and the veil on, and lay down on the mat in front of him, completely naked.
"Where did you find her, Sajid?" this old man said in an agitated but happy voice as he quickly gathered his oil bottles.
"Found her next door." Sajid said and Rasul started laughing. Even I could not suppress a chuckle.
(Purva narration ends)
"Sorry to interrupt." I jumped in. "But let me get this straight. You were splayed out on this old man's mat, completely naked?"
"Except for the parts covering my head and face, yes."
"So you didn't just roll it up like with the tailor. You just....took it off?" I asked, unable to believe my ears.
"Yes, it is very easy."
"It's not a question of easy or difficult. I am amazed at how easily you were getting naked in front of strange men in strange places."
"Does that bother you?" Purva asked.
"Not at all. I have never been so horny in my life!" I said happily.
"Okay, so the old man took the oils and massaged me with them very slowly and gradually. He was staring at my boobs and pussy the whole time, but like a professional, he started with the limbs. My feet, then my calves, were bathed in oils and worked over by his rough but magical fingers. Hard and gentle at the same time. By the time he got to my thighs, I was already feeling so turned on, I had to fight an urge to part my legs completely and ask him to fuck me right then."
"Wow!" I said.
"he then worked on my thighs, pinched them softly and massaging them with both hands, but stopped just above my pussy. He then turned his attention to my hands. First my fingers were loosened, then my arms, and then my shoulders. By the time he came to me boobs, I was a moaning mess, just writhing there at his every touch. Covered in strange oils, but more importantly, washed away by sheer carnal hunger. He then started massaging my boobs with extra oil. My nipples were so hard and erect, they started hurting."
"Did he notice that?"
"Him? I am sure there were goats in Africa who noticed my nipples at that moment. They seemed like rockets ready to blast off from my body. He then turned me over and worked on my back. By now, my cunt was so wet, it formed a puddle of sorts on his mat. So when he got to my butt and started massaging my glutes, I was almost screaming with need. I yelled out, somebody needs to fuck me right now, and looked at Sajid."
"So he fucked you? Or the masseuse?" I asked.
"Sajid said, no. No fucking here. I begged him. I literally begged him. I feel ashamed now even thinking about it. I first got on my knees, and begged him. Told him to please please fuck me. He said no. Then I turned to the masseuse and begged him to fuck me. he wanted to. His pants were struggling to contain his erection. So I actually....."
"I feel so ashamed." Purva said and hid her face in my chest. "I got on all fours and shoved my ass in his direction, like a bitch tempting a dog. he got so shocked by that sight, he literally ran out of his own shop. And then I lay down on my stomach and started rubbing my cunt against the rough material of the mat, hoping to get a release from that friction."
"What was Rasul doing?"
"Poor Rasul was so turned on as well. But even he didn't dare defy his uncle. Finally after ten minutes of my begging in every conceivably humiliating position, Sajid got down on his knees. He said he still wouldn't fuck me here. But, he would compromise. And he started fingering my cunt. i humped back against his fingers very hard. And in a few minutes, I had an orgasm so big that Sajid had to cover my mouth to muffle my screams, lest the neighbors come running in to see who was being murdered."
"Wow! You screamed that much?"
"Yeah. Anyway, ten minutes later, I got my breath back. I put on the burqa again and walked out, really embarrassed at my display in there. We walked silently for a few minutes. And then came to a stop in front of a store. Sajid said he had an offer for me. If I did something he wanted, he would be ready to fuck me whenever I asked him to. He would relinquish the right to refuse. I asked him what he wanted. And he pointed me to the store."
"What was the store?"
Purva ignored my question and continued.
"Ten minutes later, I was in a closed backroom of the store, bent over a chair, my burqa thrown over my waist. So my butt was on display."
"Oh, so he fucked you."
Purva ignored me again and continued.
"I braced myself for the hurt. I knew it would hurt. But I had no idea how much it would hurt. I bit my lip hard when the pain started."
"He fucked you in the ass? He fucked you in the ass?" I asked, enraged.
"No." Purva said, and flipped over. She got on her knees, so her ass was almost in my face.
I looked at her butt. I realized that I had not taken a look at her butt all night. She had either been laying down on it, or it had been pointed away from me. I looked at it puzzled for a while, when the change came to my notice. And my hand went to my mouth in shock.
"What....what......" I said, shaking and shivering, "what does it say?"
"You know what it says. You don't need to be able to read the script to know what it says." Purva said, choking up.
And I stared in disbelief at my wife's perfect white fleshy round and shapely butt. Inviting and beautiful. And tattooed across her right butt cheek where large green Urdu letters, going from the side of her butt all the way to just inches away from her cunt. Urdu letters that I knew, without reading the script, said - SAJID
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03-11-2020, 08:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-11-2020, 05:00 PM by creepyfoofaji. Edited 4 times in total. Edited 4 times in total.)
I was amazed to look at the tattoo across her asshole. Her ass was still sore so I gave it a kiss and licked it. She let out a small moan. Pain ...pleasure you be the judge.
Then she continued the story how she was sitting in a dim light room bent over a chair with the burqa over her waist and her naked butt put up for display.
"I was just waiting for someone to come and just fuck me in the ass. I was that desperate and the wait was making me more horny."
"Then I heard some voices outside I got even more excited at the thought of more guys enjoying the view. I looked back and sat on the chair my burqa was still over my waist and my pussy was on display now. Sajid and Rasul walk in with two more guys. Those guys have a small plastic bag in their hands which had something in it."
I got raging hard on thinking that she was finally naked under in front of strangers . I could just picture their eyes feasting on her fleshy , shaven pussy which was most probably really wet by now.
Purva continues
"I said hi to Sajid and Rasul. Sajid introduced the other two guys to me. One was named Jasim and the other Kamran. They looked the same age as Rasul and were just as good looking as him. They were amazed to see me " well just my pussy which was dripping wet now.
They came forward and I stood up and leaned forward to give them a handshake , my burqa now covered my whole body. I went in for the handshake and Jasim just came forward and hugged me and then slapped my ass while hugging me. I giggled. Then Kamran came forward and put out his hand to give me and handshake , but I thought he also wanted to hug me and went forward that is when his hand touched my pussy .
It felt really good and I did not mind so I just went in for the hug and Kamran"s hand was over my pussy mound the whole time. I gave him a tight hug for about 10 seconds. Kamran was very fair he started blushing and his face turned red . I found it very cute so I just gave him a small peck on the cheek."
I realised at this point that Purva has broken all her boundaries and now was very comfortable with this lifestyle.
"What happened then" , I asked.
That was when Purva noticed my struggling boner and so she was put her palm over it and said ,"Oh you are loving this aren"t you. Well I am happy we both are enjoying this".
She started pulling down my pyjamas. I stopped her.
"Oh let it struggle , the more it struggles the more pleasurable it will be when it finally comes out."
She smiled and let go of my pyjamas.She put on her pants and continued her story.
"After that Sajid told me to bend over the chair again and he lifted my burqa over my waist again. There was a mirror on the other side from which I could see all their eyes transfixed over my butthole and pussy . They were staring at it as if it was some sort of famous artwork."
"Well it is", I interrupted "It indeed is a piece of art. I can"t stress enough how beautiful you are and how amazing your ass is."
She blushed and smiled.
"Thank you, those guys staring at it made my day and I realised all those diets and workout sessions had finally paid off. I have caught guys staring at my ass before but these guys looked like they are looking at Mona Lisa."
We both laughed.
"You seem to be having the time of your life."
"You bet , I have never been happier in my life. Thank you for being supportive and opening me up to this thrilling experience."
"Anything for my little whore. Could you show me that tattoo again?"
"Sure anything for you baby."
She turned around and got on all fours and I pulled down her pants. She put her head on the bed and parted her butt cheeks . I was still amazed with what I saw I ran my hands across it.
"Oh sorry , does it still hurt."
"Little bit , its still a little sore."
" I guess your beautiful ass will not be not sore for a long time now."
She laughed. I could see her pussy was wet now.
"Do you wanna do it now?" , she asked.
"Nah don"t wanna ruin the fun we are having now. Let"s continue with the juicy details."
She sat back down faced me and continued.
"Kamran took the machine out of the cover , it took me some time but I then realised that it was a tattoo machine. I was confused as to why they had a tattoo machine. I asked Sajid why they had the tattoo machine. He said I am branding you , I am making you or at least a part of you mine forever. Everybody smiled . I was still confused."
"Where am I getting the tattoo I asked Sajid he said someplace very special and looked at my asshole. I then realised that they were gonna tattoo my asshole. I always wanted to get a tattoo but more like those back tattoos near my waist . I heard guys find that very hot, gives them something to look at while banging me doggy style." ,she giggled.
" So Kamran and Jasim got two stools and stood in front of my ass with their eyes still stuck on my asshole. I clenched my asshole which made my ass jiggle a bit and everybody smiled. Rasul slapped me on my ass and I giggled."
"Where did you find this naughty whore Sajid Miyan" ", Jasim said.
"Oh somewhere why do you care just get on with it." said Sajid.
I saw a twinkle in her eye . She continued.
"Rasul and Sajid also got stools to sit and watch the show. Kamran parted my butt cheeks with both his hands and asked Sajid where he wanted the tattoo . Sajid came over and ran his finger across my right butt from the top to almost my cunt. I got goosebumps while he was running his fingers over my butt."
"What tattoo are u making I asked Sajid. He said this is my property now so obviously I will write my name on it now. I felt flattered to be owned like that . I felt dirty and hot thinking about myself as a sex object."
"Jasim started the machine and touched the tip of the needle to my butt. I squealed in pain. But couldn"t get up as Kamran was holding my butt. I was gasping for air.
Sajid said ,"Oh come on Purva its just a needle. You do want to get fucked in the ass one day right how will you endure that pain. My heart skipped a beat and I thought to myself oh my I am going to experience anal very soon . I was happy and afraid at the same time. I will soon have all my holes drilled. Yay!"
She gave a wide smile as if she had just won the lottery. I was amused.
" I said ok go on then. Jasim again put the needle to my butt cheek . It stung me hard again but I just bit my lip and endured. It all lasted for a good half hour. All the while both of them were trying to put their finger in my ass hole or pussy. It felt good."
She shifted her butt and changed her position to sit, so I could see she was still feeling uncomfortable.
"After the tattoo was done I asked Jasim to show me the tattoo he took out his phone and clicked a picture of the tattoo and showed it to me. I saw the tattoo and said thats cute. And as he was about to keep his phone back into his pocket Sajid stopped him and told him to delete the photo first. Jasim got scared and deleted the picture. I said why do you need a picture if you can get the live show whenever you want and gave him a wicked smile. He too smiled. After that Rasul took out some cream and applied it on the tattoo , it felt cool and took the sting away. He rubbed for a minute or so, his pinky trying to get into my asshole and pussy."
"Ok now you guys can leave." Sajid said.
"Ok bye Rasul ,Sajid. And thank you Ma"am for that wonderful experience. Hope to see you soon." said Jasim. Then Jasim and Kamran left while I stood up and stretched and Sajid gave me his handkerchief to wipe away all the sweat.
"Oh you look gorgeous Purva with all that sweat on your face."
"I am sweating in other places too hope you will find them gorgeous too." , I said wickedly.
"Oh you are the complete package." Sajid replied.
"Are you ready to go now ?" , Sajid asked
"Yeah I thought we could have more fun but my butt"s paining a bit so maybe later."
"Ok then let us leave, you and Rasul wait here I will go get a rickshaw.", Sajid said this and left.
"Did you have fun Purva?", Rasul asked.
"Oh yeah , did you?", I replied
"Yes I definitely did. Your back must be aching now with all the bending. Would you like a backrub?"
"Oh Rasul I would love it, thank you."
He made me sit on the chair and started massaging my shoulders and neck. It felt good . I looked up while he was massaging and and he looked down at me and he started smooching me spiderman style. While we were making out his hands reached my boobs and he started massaging them.
I realised he must have had a raging hard on for quite some time due to the tattoo show and them the cream rubbing , so I grabbed his hair and pulled him in front of me and opened his pants and unzipped him and put my hand inside his underwear and pulled out that beautiful thing.
It smelled like sweat and piss but I did not mind and it went right into my mouth. I put it deep into my mouth and pulled him towards me , he let out a groan.I took it out and it was covered in m saliva.
" Sorry it smells a bit I haven"t has a chance to have a bath today." , he said.
" Oh baby you smell delicious ." I said and I lifted his balls with one hand and licked it right from the bottom all the way to the tip of his penis.
He shuddered.
"Do you wanna cum for me big boy ." I said while looking at his face and massaging his big balls which were a little bit hairy.
"Almost there." he said with his eyes closed.
I started sucking them even more and massaged his balls a bit more. I slowly moved up my hands from below his balls then from between his legs and I reached his butt and then I wedged my finger between his cheeks and touched his asshole.
He got very stiff and the next second that huge cock started throbbing and spurting cum all over my face. I was startled a bit then kept on sucking and fingering his asshole.
"Where did you learn to do that." I asked in surprise.
"Oh once I was just browsing the internet and saw this video of a girl fingering and then licking a guys asshole don"t remember what it was called but I thought lets try this out on him. I guess it worked like a charm."
I was about to tell her what it was called but she interrupted me and continued.
"Well thankfully none of the cum fell on the floor .Phew!
Most of it I caught it in my mouth and some fell on my tits and face so I took my finger out of his ass collected the cum off my breasts and licked them. Then I cleaned a huge glob of cum off my face. It tasted delicious. I really have started to love cum now."
"And you liked how is ass tasted?" I asked
"Well I couldn"t taste anything aparts from the cum but the fact that he loved it turned me on. Anyways Rasul was in cloud number nine by now. Suddenly Sajid barged into the room and saw Rasul standing with his limp dick out in front of my face."
"You are one insatiable whore Purva , I look forward to a lot of fun times with you." Sajid smiled and said.
"You bet your ass you will." I laughed and said. " I need to get home now my husband will be home soon I said."
"He better keep off my property." Sajid said in a fake angry voice.
"Don"t worry my lord I won"t let him trespass." I said and I winked.
Then I held Sajid and gave him a passionate kiss with my tongue wrapped around his tongue. I could feel his stubble and I loved the way it felt on my hands.
Then after the kiss they both took me to the auto and we got in and we reached here. The watchman saw me get down from the rickshaw but could not make out who I exactly was because of the burqa.
There was a street light behind me and the burqa was a bit transparent so I guess he could make out that I was almost naked which I completely was. He kept ogling at me till I got into the lift. Sajid and Rasul were standing near the gate just to make sure I got home safe.
I got home , nobody was here. So I took off my burqa went to the kitchen window from where I saw Sajid and Rasul I held my boobs and jiggled them for a bit . They waved. And then they left.
"Oh Purva you really are happy and that make me very happy. Now why don"t you work some of your magic on me. I will make sure I don"t trespass Sajid"s property." I winked then she pounced on me and literally tore off my pajamas and started sucking my sick till I came . Then we went to sleep cuddling.
The alarm went off at about 10 am the I woke up the next day , I opened my eyes and saw Purva wasn"t in the room. Appu had already left for college , I could hear Purva working the kitchen.
I had worked about 3 hours overtime the last night (which gave Purva to have fun with Sajid) so I thought I would go into work late or maybe take a half day so I lay in the bed thinking about Purva and her new found lifestyle.
And I could feel my dick getting stiff.
Just then Purva enters the room
"Here you go I got you coffee.", she welcomed me and brought two mugs of coffee and sat down next to me.
I looked at her and could see a glow in her face as if this was an entirely new Purva who had just found enlightenment. I admired her beauty as I lay in bed, I ran my fingers across her hair as she sipped her coffee and closed her eyes.
"It"s a beautiful day outside today.", she said looking out of the window.
Then she looked at me and noticed the big bulge in my pyjamas.
"Oh somebody else is awake too." she said naughtily and ran her right palm across my bulge.
My dick became even more erect and was struggling to get out.
"Somebody is in pain." Purva said and set her mug aside removed her night gown and sat on my legs and pulled my pyjamas down. My dick sprang out as soon as she pulled my boxers down and bobbed a little.
She giggled and started slowing stroking it.
"Oh that feels so good." I said . She gripped my dick harder and started pumping it. I had never seen her concentrate on a dick so intensely before , it was as if she was a tigress sneaking up on her prey.
"You like that don"t you , you naughty little thing." she whispered sensually. Then she bent down and spit on my dick. Then she started lathering her spit all over my dick . She moved a little behind and as she was stroking my dick she started sucking on one of my balls.
"Ummm...these taste so good." she said and spit on my balls and spread her spit all over my balls with her tongue.
I was just lying there looking at her enjoy some balls while I wondered if she enjoyed my dick or all dicks the exact same way. The thought that she would be enjoying many more dicks the same way turned me on even more. I was about to cum and started moaning hard.
She understood that I was about to cum and stopped stroking.
"Not too fast mister, not today. Today, I wanna try something new." Saying this she got up and went into the kitchen and got the chocolate syrup bottle.
I was confused why she wanted chocolate syrup for.
"Get on all fours." she ordered me, I obliged.
Then she came onto the bed and opened the bottle and poured a little syrup just about my butt crack . I could feel the syrup flowing down till it reached my balls. Then she closed the bottle and set it aside. She started rubbing the syrup all over my butt , my asshole and my balls.
"This looks so tasty." she said. Then she started to lick my butt cheeks. Slowly she licked my whole right cheek while rubbing her finger over my asshole in between licks. This was the first time she or any other women was doing this on me. And to be honest it felt really good. She then completely licked my left cheek.
After that she parted my butt cheeks and licked my whole butt crack in one lick. A strange current went through my body when her tongue touched my asshole.
"You liked that , didn"t you?" she asked.
"Hmm." was all I could reply because I was still in the euphoria of the pleasure.
She again licked my asshole and this time she thrust her tongue into my asshole. Although it didn"t go in a lot I could feel that it was very tough for her. I felt a bit discomfort after her tip went in all. She took out her tongue.
"Mmmm, I could lick this all day." she said this and again started licking my asshole. Each time she tried to thrust a little bit more of her tongue in. My muscles relaxed by then so she could go in more. She tongue fucked my asshole for a good 5 minutes. Then she got up.
"Parts you legs a bit wider." she said while trying to part my legs. I could see how hungry she was. I parted my legs. Then she laid down on her back with her head between my legs and my balls over her face.She lifted her head a bit and took almost of both my balls into her mouth and started sucking on them as if they were some kind of gumballs.
While she was sucking my balls she was fingering my asshole with her fingers.
"Ouch." I squirmed as her long fingernails hurt my asshole.
"Oh sorry baby ", she apologised and started rubbing my asshole softly with circular motions of her finger and resumed sucking my balls.
After about 5 minutes, she switched to my dick . I was still in the same position and could see her struggling to lift her head up to take the whole dick in.
"You relax your head baby, let me do the work now.", saying this I started lowering my dick in and out of her mouth. She kept moaning all the while. We continued this for about 3 minutes. Then I stopped because I thought I was gonna cum.
"Are you gonna cum?" she asked.
"Hmm." I replied.
"It"s ok please keep going." she said this and pulled my hip towards her mouth and my dick into her mouth.
She puckered her lips around my dick and started sucking hard. I lowered my dick into her mouth and in about 5 seconds I started cumming heavily. Well at least it felt like a heavy load but I could not see any of it as she I was cumming inside her mouth. Purva did not stop sucking my dick this I completely stopped cumming.
I finished completely and laid back down on the bed. Purva looked at me.
"Did you like that?" she asked eagerly.
"That could easily be one of the best experiences of my life." I replied.
While I was talking she again put my limp dick inside her mouth and started rolling her tongue around it.
"You really are becoming a hungry little slut , aren"t ya." I said while I pinched cheeks.
She smiled and sat up on the bed.
"I"m sorry but I cannot get it back up again so fast ." I told her.
"Oh its ok baby, this was your time to have fun. You don"t worry about me I will find my own way to satisfy myself." she said this and gave a small naughty smile.
"And moreover the tattoo is still a little sore so I better refrain from lying down on it a lot."
"Are you sure you will find a way?" I said this and winked at her.
"Oh I"m pretty sure Sajid and his boys will not leave me wanting anytime. Unless thy desire me to come back to them then they will surely keep me wanting. But what they don"t realise is I will keep coming back no matter how satisfied I am. I may soon need to accommodate more dicks to satisfy my growing appetite." she said confidently.
"Oh I am so lucky to get an awesome slut like you for my wife." I said this and kissed her boobs.
I then sat up and looked at the clock. It was 11 o"clock.
"I better get ready for work. I"m sorry the coffee got cold." I said.
"It"s ok baby, I will make more you go take a bath." she said this and got up and went into the kitchen without wearing her clothes.
"The windows are open." I said startled.
"It"s ok baby do you not want the world to admire your wife." she said and walked into the kitchen.
I smiled and went in for my bath. I came out of the shower and put on my clothes and went into the kitchen there I could see Purva in all her naked glory standing and making coffee. The sunlight was reflecting off of her beautiful silky smooth skin and it looked amazing.
Then I noticed that she was making a rather large quantity of coffee for two people.
"Isn"t that coffee a little too much for the two of us?" I asked her.
"Oh, its for Sajid and his boys , they may come in after you leave." she said.
"Oh you are really dying to meet them aren"t you?" I asked.
"Haha, maybe, I dunno." she said this and started blushing.
" Ok then I will leave as soon as possible . I don"t wanna be a pest." I said this and I started drinking my coffee as fast as I could.
Purva wasn"t even stopping me from drinking too quickly, I understood that she also wants me out, fast.
I finished my coffee and gave Purva a kiss on the cheek. Then headed towards the door. Purva followed still naked till the door. I opened the door and I went outside she came till the door and stood there and waved me goodbye.
Then suddenly the building watchman came up the stairs and stood in amazement staring at Purva.
I was standing in front of the lift waiting for it to come to our floor. I could see the watchman with his lower jaw almost on the ground staring at Purva"s body.
Purva stopped waving at me and looked at the watchman.
"Bhaiya today there was not a very good supply of water in the morning is there any problem?"
she asked him with almost a smile on her face.
The watchman snapped back out of his euphoria and answered while still looking at Purva"s snatch.
"Yes madam, the municipality supply is not proper. I am going to take a look at right now."
The lift arrived by then , I got in and I could still hear Purva talking to the watchman.
"Ok make sure you fix the problem fast I will be very thankful to you." she said in a begging tone.
I waved a final goodbye and the door closed. Then the lift went down.
As I exited the building I could see Sajid and Rasul and all his men toiling away in the sun. I was walking towards my car when one of the workers saw me. He called out to Sajid and pointed to him that I was leaving.
I sat in my car and could see Sajid looking at me. I drove away then.
All throughout the drive all I could think about was what all sluttly stuff Purva must be doing with the guys. Looking at her recent behavior she looks more dangerous than those construction workers. And the watchman , the poor little guy must have had the shock of his life. I could not get back to the house in the night and listen to the detailed report of the days "happenings".
The clock struck 3. It was a rather slow day. I was getting very bored. All I could think was how Purva would be having fun, what new ways would Sajid be coming up with so that Purva could be used to the maximum. There weren"t many people in the office so I started browsing some porn.
I sat there with an erection which was ready to burst out of my pants. I did not know what to do. I tried concentrating on work for some time but after half an hour I again drifted into thoughts about Purva.
The clock struck 4. Some people were heading off to catch some coffee. The office was almost empty. I thought about calling up Purva. Sajid and his boys have had 5 hours to ravish her maybe I can get the juicy details. So I picked up the phone and I called the home phone. The phone rang 3 times and someone picked up the phone. Loud laughing was all I could hear which subsided a little bit but I could still hear people laughing pretty loudly.
There could easily have been 5-6 separate voices that I heard.
"Here you go Purva madam." I heard a male voice.
Then Purva came on the phone.
"Hello who is it" ouch!" She said and yelled.
Everybody in the room burst out laughing and I could not hear anything.
"Who is this?" I heard Purva in a muffled voice.
"Ow, ow stop it, ah aah, stop it Rasul." I heard her again and again laughter.
"Oh stop it Purva we can clearly see you enjoying it." I heard another male voice which must have been Rasul"s.
Then I heard a loud slap and then Purva squirmed "Mmmm"
Then I thought that those must be having a lot of fun so why bother them. So I hung up the phone and headed downstairs to grab a coffee.
I somehow managed to stay at office and finish work at 8 o"clock.
In the car I called Purva from my cell phone. She picked up the phone.
"Everybody decent?" I asked.
"Well, they are just leaving so take your time and while you are coming could you pick up Appu from Harish"s place?"
"Yeah ok I will." I said then I heard.
"Ok Purva we will leave now." Then a hard smooch followed by a slap.
"Ow ok see you. Ooh, ok see you Rasul." Then I heard two or three more slaps and smooches and Purva yelping like a small college girl.
Then I hear the door shut.
"They gone?" I asked.
"Yeah, listen while you are at it could you get some food I haven"t prepared anything. Well I had but the guys got hungry and ate the food. I need to go take a shower although I like how I smell but a refreshing shower would feel good. Ok drive safe."
"Ok" I hung up the phone and head over to Harish"s place to pick up Appu and while on the way I picked up some Chinese food for the 3 of us. By the time I reached home, it was 10. I rang the bell and Purva opened the door.
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03-11-2020, 09:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-11-2020, 06:10 PM by creepyfoofaji. Edited 2 times in total. Edited 2 times in total.)
She looked like an angel. She was just out of the shower. Her hair was still wet. She was wearing a housecoat with her top buttons open and revealing a lot of cleavage.
I smiled at her as she opened the door. She smiled back and hugged me as I entered.
"Oh somebody is in a good mood today." I said.
She blushed.
"So how was your day?" I asked sarcastically.
"Oh you a little bit of this and a little bit of that." She replied with a wide smile on her face.
I understood she had a ball with Sajid and the guys.
"Your glowing face has already freshened me up enough I can"t wait to hear your story." I said.
She looked at me with her eyebrows raised.
"Right now won"t be good enough time. Why don"t you freshen up?"
I went into the bedroom to change. When I came out Appu was still watching TV and Purva was setting the table for dinner. I sat on the sofa and just looked at Purva walk around swaying her ass. It was pretty obvious that she did not have any underwear or bra on. She walked around with her beautiful round ass swaying from side to side.
She was walking kind of funny. I thought maybe it was because of the tattoo still hurting or maybe Sajid and his boys went to town on her ass. Anyways I just kept looking at her till she finished setting the table.
Then we had dinner. Purva was gorging on the food.
"Haven"t you eaten anything the whole day?" I asked her.
"Hmm" was all she said as she kept stuffing her mouth with food.
We finished dinner and we watched for a while. It was 11 o"clock. I told Appu to go to bed.
Purva went in after him and changed his clothes and tucked him into bed.
She came out, closed the room door and sat next to me.
"So anyways you want to go to the bedroom and tell me your story?" I asked her hungrily.
Just then her phone rang. She had received a text. She took her phone and read the text and smiled.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Its Rasul. He says he had a lot of fun and told his friends about me. They are dying to meet me. And he says my ass is all he sees when he closes his eyes." She said.
"Aw he likes you a lot." I replied.
"I guess" Purva said smiling and keeping her phone away.
"You kidding me, that ass is worth its weight in gold. It should be in a museum." I said while made her blush.
"Oh stop it you, do you want to praise me all night or do you want to hear what happened?" She asked demandingly
"Ok let"s go inside."
We went into our bedroom and sat down on our bed. Then Purva started her narration.
"Well after you left I got to work in the kitchen preparing lunch for myself. I was still naked. I got all sweaty because of the heat in the kitchen. But sometimes a cool breeze would flow in through the window and my nipples would become erect. I liked the sensation.
I was waiting for these guys to come over. I could see then working from the bedroom window. They seemed to be very busy at work. The coffee that I had prepared was getting cold. I thought they will not come in today, I was a bit disappointed.
Then I heard the doorbell ring. I sprang into action and went into grab the bath robe. I could not tie it properly as I was in a hurry. The doorbell rang 2 more times when I just reached it. I looked through the eye hole. I could see the watchman standing in front of the door.
I opened the door a little and asked him "What happened?"
"Madam I checked the water supply and the municipality said there was no problem at their end." He said.
"So where do you think the problem is?" I asked him.
"I do not know madam. I asked your upstairs neighbour and they said they are not facing any problems. Maybe there is some fault in our piping would you mind if I check it. It must be something minor. You don"t need to call the plumber for that." He said.
I understood at this point that he was lying and was just looking for a reason to come into the house. He was running his eyes all over my body while taking to me to just get another glance of my snatch. There was a little wind blowing and which was making my bath robe fly a little. So he caught some glimpses of my thighs. His eyes sparkled as he saw my thighs.
I felt sorry for the guy and said, "Ok fine, come in and take a look at it."
I opened the door further and he came in.
I then realised that the top part of the bathrobe was not very loose and a very deep cleavage was visible. He kept looking at my cleavage and asked, "Where is the bathroom madam?"
"It"s that way." I said and pointed towards the bathroom.
He kept looking at my cleavage for a couple of more seconds and turned and started walking towards the bathroom.
I closed the door and went into the kitchen. I could hear him banging on the pipes with his wrench trying to look like he was doing something. He came out of the bathroom and came to the kitchen door and asked.
"Can I check the kitchen sink?"
"Ok go ahead." I said and kept on cutting vegetables.
He banged on the pipes in the kitchen and said "Well madam I am not able to see what the problem is right now. Maybe we should wait another day and see if they start working tomorrow. Maybe there is some blockage in the pipes. Or else I will come in with a plumber tomorrow and fix the pipes."
I said, "Oh, ok. Well we will just wait for one more day."
He looked at me and smiled and started to head towards the door. That is when I realised that the coffee that I made was going to waste anyways as none of the guys showed up. So I yelled out to him and asked him, "Would you like some coffee?"
"Oh its ok madam I don"t want to be a bother." He replied but I understood that this fucker has no intention to leave.
I said, "Oh you have been such great help to me this is the least I can do for you. Please stay."
"Ok if you insist." He quickly replied.
"Ok why don"t you go into the living room and sit down on the sofa. I will get the coffee." I said and he left.
I heated up two cups of coffee and took it to the living room. He was sitting there on the sofa on the edge of his seat looking at our pictures on the shelf.
I set the tray of coffee on the coffee table and made sure he got a good view of my cleavage and sat down about 2 feet away from him on the sofa.
"Relax." I said while holding his shoulder.
I could feel a surge of electricity go through his body but he contained himself and sat back on the sofa.
I gave him the coffee cup with both my hands. He leaned forward to take the cup and his eyes were on my chest. I looked down and saw that while I sat down the bathrobe came up a bit and my entire boobs were visible from the top.
His hands were shaking as he took the cup. I smiled at him. He gave a nervous smile back. And then he started sipping his coffee.
I raised my left leg up and crossed my legs which caused the bath robe to come up even further and my inner thighs were visible while I sipped my coffee.
I said, "So do you have a family?"
"Yes,I have a wife."
"Oh nice, what does she do?" I asked.
"She works as a maid in some of the houses nearby." He replied nervously with his eyes constantly going towards my thighs.
"You don"t have any kids?" I asked him as I shifted my butt a little bit because the tattoo was causing some discomfort. The robe came up even more.
He saw that and then he quickly tried to adjust his dick. I could clearly see that he had a boner and was finding it very difficult to contain it.
"No madam not yet, we are trying to conceive but I think that there is some problem with me." He replied dejected.
I moved closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder and said
"It"s ok whatever is the problem will get solved soon you don"t worry."
"Thank you for understanding madam." He replied
We drank coffee for some time in quiet. He reeked of pan and sweat. I took a deep sniff quietly loved the smell of pure man. I imagined how his dick would smell like and my pussy got wet. I was sweating.
"Are you ok madam?" he asked.
"You are sweating a lot." He said.
"Yeah I am fine, it"s just the weather. Do you mind if I remove my bathrobe?" I asked him
He was speechless for a couple of seconds.
"It"s your house madam you can do whatever you want." He replied after big gulp.
I got up and undid my bath robe knot which was almost undone and took the robe off and threw it on the chair in front of the coffee table. The robe fell on the floor. I went and bent over to pick the robe off the floor. I bent down a lot and I am sure that the watchman could see my asshole and pussy clearly. I picked the robe up and put in on the chair and came back and sat even closer to him this time. He was staring at me all the time with his eyes wide open.
"You look very beautiful madam." He said.
"Oh thank you that was very sweet of you." I said and then I hugged him around his shoulders and kissed his shoulder. While I kissed his shoulder I took a deep sniff of his shirt and almost went crazy. But I controlled myself.
I sat back and started sipping coffee.
He asked, "Madam, can I touch your breasts?" while looking at my boobs.
I acted as if I was angry at him at first then I said,
"Ok now that you have helped me this much maybe I will let you touch my breasts but nothing more."
As soon as I said this he kept the cup on the table turned around put out his both hands and cupped both my breasts. He slowly squeezed them and kept doing that for a while. Then he ran fingers over my nipples and pinched them with his fingers. They got erect in no time.
I squealed in pain
"Ouch, I said just touching." And looked at him with fake anger and slapped his hands away.
He immediately pulled his hands back and stood up and started profusely apologizing.
"It is ok I forgive you. Ok you can leave now." I said this and he started leaving.
"Ok don"t forget to repair the pipes tomorrow. I will not be able to take a bath tomorrow. Look at me I am already sweaty." I told him.
"Madam if you want I have water in my house. You can come over and take a bath if you want. We get water from a well nearby so we always have water. But the water is a bit hard so you will need to adjust." He said as he opened the door.
"Ok I will see if I need to desperately take a bath I will come by." I told him as I started clearing the coffee table.
"I am sorry for everything that happened madam, I will be really grateful if you don"t tell what happened to anyone." He said.
"Its ok I have already forgotten it. But I need you too to keep this a secret. Ok?" I asked.
"Trust me madam my mouth will not open." He said this and left closing the door behind him.
I went back to the kitchen and started preparing lunch. It was 1:30 pm now and Sajid and his boys were nowhere to be seen. I went to the bedroom window and they were not visible. I thought they left.
I was feeling down so I thought I would prepare something nice for myself to eat as it looked like to be a long and boring say and I could pass the time in preparing food.
I went and changed into a tank top and mini skirt and went into the kitchen and started preparing a pie.
It took me one and a half hour to get the pie done. After the pie was done I set it down to cool and went to the living room and lay down on the sofa and dozed off.
After some time the doorbell rang. I woke up with a start and looked at the clock. I thought I had slept through the whole day and was still in my skimpy little clothes. But it was just 3pm. I was relieved. I heard the doorbell again. I went to the door and looked through the peephole. I saw Sajid and Rasul standing at the door. I was very happy.
I looked at myself in the mirror near the door. My hair was all over the place and my tank top all crumpled up. It looked like I was wearing a sports bra. I pulled my tank top down and set my hair in order, although it did not help. I opened the door.
"What took you so long?" Sajid asked.
"Is there anybody else here?" He asked with a smile on his face.
I too smiled. They both entered the house as if they owned the place. I was turned on by the dominance Sajid was showing.
He came in and hugged me by the door. His hands reached my buttocks and squeezed them while he gave me a deep passionate kiss with his tongue entirely in my mouth. I sucked on his tongue and hugged him tight for a couple of seconds. He was covered in sweat and was smelling of cigarettes.
I took in a deep sniff of his manliness and said, "Why are you guys so late today?"
By the time Rasul had also entered and he shut the door while I was kissing Sajid. Then he came towards me and grabbed my breasts with both his hands and dug his face in between them kissed each of them. Then he too kissed me but this time I dug my tongue into his mouth. I could taste the paan he had just had.
"Mm you taste good." I said.
Then I turned around and he slapped me on my ass. I jumped and looked back and giggled. Then we went and sat down on the sofa.
I sat between both of them and said
"So why are you guys so late I was waiting for you guys the whole day" I thought you would not come today." I acted like I was sad.
Sajid put his arm around me and said,
"Oh poor Purva, you missed us a lot didn"t you" We had some important work to take care of. I was ready to come when I saw your husband leave. Well, don"t be sad now we are here now let"s forget everything and have some fun. Ok?"
"Ok." I replied in a small girl voice.
"So you had fun yesterday?" Rasul asked.
"Yeah I had a lot of fun. This was a fresh new experience for me. I thank you both for giving me this opportunity." I thanked them as I put my hands on each of their thighs.
"Well the idea was all uncle"s I had nothing to with it. So you should thank him extra." He said.
"Oh, really?" I looked at Sajid and ran my palm over his crotch.
"Thank you Sajid. You know just what I like. I am so lucky to get a friend like you." I said.
Sajid looked at me sternly and said," Friend" I am not your friend. I am your master. You will do whatever I say. I have my name written on you so you belong to me and my whims now."
"I am completely ok with that." I said while holding his crotch, "Until a keep getting some of this I am your personal whore. I will obey all of your orders."
"That"s like a good whore." Sajid said and smiled.
I too smiled.
"I made coffee for you guys in the morning. But you did not show up. There is a lot of it left. Would you like to have it now?" I asked.
"Why don"t you wait for some time Purva there are some more guys who are finishing up. They will come here soon, and then we can all have coffee together. Ok?"
More guys, my heart skipped a beat when I heard that. I heart was beating faster. I get to be feasted on by more eyes now. Yay!
"How many more guys are coming?" I asked trying to keep a straight face.
"Oh, 4 more guys. Why is there a problem?" Sajid asked.
"No, I don"t have any problem. It"s better if more guys show up then we can finish the coffee." I said.
Then Sajid started removing his shirt.
"My shirt is drenched in sweat." He said and bunched up the shirt and kept it aside.
His body was glistening with sweat. His broad hairy chest looked beautiful as he stretched his body.
He lay down on his stomach on the ground and said, "My back is very sore come give me a massage."
I sat on his butt and started rubbing his back. The back was covered in sweat; it felt as if I was rubbing lotion on his back. I started massaging his back. He was moaning in relief. I was happy that I was making him feel good.
I looked at Rasul. He was looking at my ass which was on Sajid"s ass. But he looked like he was bored so I told him to watch some TV till I finished giving his uncle the massage. He got up and switched on the TV and started surfing channels.
I massaged Sajid for about 10 minutes. Then he told me to stop. I stopped and lay on his back with my boobs touching his back. I loved the smell of sweat on his body. I kissed his back and again lay down on his back. I ran my finger through his hair while I lay on him.
"Oh that feels so good Purva. You are a very talented little slut." He said while groaning in relief.
"Oh thank you Sajid. You bring out the best in me." I said.
Then he said
"Wait, let me turn over. Get up for a minute."
I got up and was squatting in the air while he turned around. I sat back down. Now his crotch was touching my vagina. He had his pants still on so I could not feel his dick.
"Why don"t you let the beast out?" I said and giggled.
"Have some patience whore. Everything in good time." He said this and grabbed my hair and pulled my face towards his face and we started making out. He got his tongue out and was licking my lips. Then he entered my lips. I started sucking on his tongue as if it was his dick. I sucked on it pretty hard. We making out passionately on the ground and Rasul was watching TV which was on mute. But I doubt he was watching TV while this hot session was going on right next to him.
After some vigorous making out Sajid grabbed me and turned around. In a flash I was under him with his crotch over my vagina trying to plough through. He was furiously making out. Then he came down and tore my tank top apart and threw it aside and then he started biting on my nipples hard.
I was moaning in pleasure and kept on telling him to bite hard or press harder. He was on my nipples for some time. Then he came up and held my cheeks with his right hand and pressed it. I understood he was trying to open my mouth. So I opened my mouth a little then he spat directly into my mouth. I said.
"Mm, spit on my face Sajid."
He spat on my face. I rubbed his spit all over my face. It smelled like cigarettes and bad breath. But I liked it. He then spat on my boobs and I rubbed my boobs.
Just then the doorbell rang again. We both got up.
"It must be the guys. I will go get the door." Said Rasul and he went towards the door.
"Wait!" I yelled
"I can"t be topless in front of them." I pushed Sajid off of me and started searching for my tank top.
I found it completely torn to my right side.
"It"s ok you can wear my shirt if you want." Said Sajid and gave me his shirt.
I wore it immediately it was wet from sweat and reeked. I hurriedly buttoned the shirt.
"Ok now open the door." I said as I got up and sat on the sofa.
Rasul went and opened the door. 4 more guys whom I had never seen before entered.
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03-11-2020, 09:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-11-2020, 08:35 PM by creepyfoofaji. Edited 3 times in total. Edited 3 times in total.)
I stood up to welcome them. My skirt was too high and I said hello to them as I pulled my skirt down a bit. But it was too tight and took me some time. The guys were looking at me struggling to pull my skirt down and smiled.
I too was smiling embarrassed.
They all came towards me and shook my hands. I greeted them all and then sat down. One of the guys sat down next to Rasul and one next to Sajid. Rest two sat on the single sofas on either side of the sofa.
"Your house looks good Purva madam." Said the guy sitting on the single sofa to the right on me.
I said, "Thank you, but how do you know my name?"
"Sajid told us everything about you and what a wonderful host you are. But I guess he forgot to mention how beautiful you are also." He said this and smiled.
I started blushing and said "Oh, I am not that beautiful. Well, maybe a little. Haha"
We all laughed.
"Ok should I serve coffee for all of you now?" I asked Sajid.
"Ok", He said.
I got up started walking towards the kitchen when Rasul dug his middle finger and thumb into my ass crack and pinched me. He touched the sore tattoo while pinching me. I yelled out in pain.
"Oh are you ok?" Rasul asked apologetically.
"It"s the tattoo, it"s still very sore." I said in pain.
"Oh I am sorry", Rasul apologized.
The pain had subsided by then. I stood straight.
I said, "Its ok you did not know. I will go get the coffee."
I went into the kitchen and heated up the coffee and poured them into cups and brought them to the living room in a tray. I walked to my seat and bent down and kept the tray on the table.
As I kept the tray down on the table Sajid asked
"How bad is it hurting Purva?"
"What is hurting?" I asked.
"The tattoo." He said.
"Oh it"s still very sore and it burns when I touch it. I hope it doesn't get infected." I said worriedly.
"Is it that bad" Let me take a look at it." He said.
I was shocked that Sajid was telling me to show him my bare ass in full view of the other guys.
"Here" Now?" I asked amazed.
"Yeah, why is there a problem" We are all adults here and it"s not like that we haven"t seen you naked before." He said casually.
"But we have company now." I said in a hushed voice.
"Oh, these guys know all about our adventures. As a matter of fact then wanted to see if you existed for real. So don"t worry. Show the tattoo. I need to check." He said.
"Ok if you say so." I said this and I turned around and pulled the shirt up till my hips. Then I opened my skirt buttons and pulled my skirt entirely down while these guys kept looking at my ass.
My skirt was at my feet I stepped out of them. Then I held both my butt cheeks with both my hands and parted my cheeks. The guys sitting on the side sofas immediately got up and came behind me.
I could only imagine these guys staring at my asshole. I clenched my asshole a little. Sajid touched the tattoo with his finger. It burnt a little so I told him to be gentle. Then I felt another finger touch it. I do not know whose it was. But most probably it was Rasul"s.
"It does not look infected to me. It is just a little red. It will be fine by tomorrow." He said.
"You really think so?" I asked.
"Wait let me look." Said one of the guys.
He sat on my place and touched the tattoo with two fingers and gently ran his fingers all over the tattoo.
"Yeah it is not infected. But I have some medicine in my truck which is good against irritation. I will go get it." Saying this he left hurriedly.
Then another guy came closer to my butt. I heard him lick his finger and then started running his wet finger over the tattoo. It felt good as his spit cooled the area. Then he came more nearer to my butt held my butt cheeks with both his hands and blew over the tattoo. I felt really good. I had goose bumps.
He again licked his finger and this time he touched my asshole with his finger. I was startled but I did not react much. He moved his finger in a circular motion over my asshole. Then again he held my butt cheeks and blew over my asshole. Then he suddenly planted a peck on my asshole.
"Oh, hehe" I giggled.
"You liked that didn"t you?" asked Sajid.
"Hmm" I replied.
Then the man that had left came back and was banging on the door. I walked to the door wearing only Sajid"s shirt. But it was long enough to reach my haunches. I opened the door.
The guy came in. He held my hand and brought me to the side sofa. He sat down and made me stand with my ass towards him. Now my ass was in front of his face.
"Bend over and spread your ass." He said in a demanding voice.
I obeyed him like the good little slut I am and I bent over and spread my butt cheeks. He took some cream from the tube and applied over the tattoo. It felt very cool. He kept rubbing the cream over the tattoo with four fingers. Occasionally his pinkie would touch my asshole which added to the pleasure.
The other guys were sitting in their pleasure watching me standing in front of this guy with my ass cheeks apart and eyes closed breathing heavily.
The guy massaged my ass cheek for some time then he suddenly inserted his other index finger into my asshole and licked it.
I was surprised.
"Did you like that?" I asked him.
"Yes, can I get taste some more?" He asked me.
"Yeah sure go ahead." I replied.
This time he licked his whole finger first. Then he held spread my cheeks more with one hand and instantly inserted about half of his finger into my asshole. As it was wet it went in easily till half then it started getting rough. He was still trying to push his finger in.
Then suddenly Rasul sat down in front of me and wetted his middle finger and inserted it completely into my pussy. I was squirming in pleasure and everybody started laughing watching me as these both guys were digging their finger into both my holes
Then suddenly the phone rang. So the guy who was sitting next to Sajid picked up the phone and gave it to me. As I took the phone and said hello these guys thrust their fingers even more inside and all of them laughed even more. I told Rasul to stop for a bit then the guy fingering my asshole slapped me with his other hand. I felt a surge of electricity run through my body.
Everybody calmed down then as I was moaning. I then said hello as I came back to my senses. But the person had already hung up.
"After the call got hung up I threw the phone to the guy who had given me the phone and told Rasul and the other guy to go deeper and faster.
They started finger fucking me. Although the guy who was fingering my asshole was a little slower it was enjoyable. He fingered my asshole for a while and then as his finger started getting dry he took out his finger and licked it entirely. Rasul was still fingering my pussy, he too stopped after a few minutes and licked his fingers.
"Mm you taste so good Purva." He said while he was slurping on his fingers which were completely wet from my juices.
"Well, since you guys have been so kind to let us taste your juices. I hope you also let us return the favour." The guy fingering my asshole said as I smiled and looked at Sajid.
Sajid did not say a word and just smiled at me.
I went and sat down in my spot between Sajid and Rasul and started drinking coffee. Then I saw that the guy who was sitting beside Sajid had to squeeze a lot to fit in as all of these men were well built men I felt bad for him.
I got up and told Sajid to slide over to my spot and told the other guy to sit properly. Sajid slid over to my spot. Then I sat on Sajid"s lap kept my legs on other guy.
We all started drinking coffee and started chatting.
"Why don"t you guys introduce yourselves?" I asked.
The guy, on whose lap I had kept my legs said," My name is Imran. I live next door to Rasul. We all work together sometimes. And he is Adbul." He said pointing to the guy who was sitting on the side sofa beside him." And that is Karim." pointing towards the guy sitting next to Rasul.
"They both are brothers. And finally that guy is Mushtaq Miyan. He is the oldest among us but also the most energetic."
Mushtaq smiled at me.
"Yeah I could see that when he was digging into my asshole." I said smiling at Mushtaq.
Then I went to sip coffee when Sajid shifted his leg a bit which caused me to spill a little coffee on his shirt. Immediately I got up and tried to wipe away the coffee. After all the coffee fell off I could see that there was a stain on it. I immediately took off the shirt and went to the sink to clean the shirt.
I cleaned the shirt with some soap and water which helped to reduce the stain a bit. I turned back and went into the living room saying
"I"m sorry Sajid this stain will go entirely only after a wash."
I then saw all of them staring at me with wide smiles on their faces.
Then I looked down and realised that I was completely naked in front of all of them.
I could see their jaws on the floor. I felt like I was being fucked by their eyes. I paused for some time looking at them. Then I thought they all have been inside my ass so looking me completely naked was not a big.
I acted casual and went over to Sajid with the shirt.
I said," I"m sorry Sajid I need to properly wash the shirt or that stain won"t go away" I stood in front of him with the shirt in hand.
He put his hands around my waist and held my butt cheeks with both his hands and turned me around and pulled me on his lap.
I fell on his lap, then he said
"It"s ok my darling slut, I have 2 wives at home who will get rid of the stain you just concentrate on me and the boys and having fun. Ok?"
"Ok Sajid. I will. But what do you guys want to do with me" I said shyly keeping the shirt away.
"We are tired from a long day"s work let"s just sit and relax." Said Mushtaq.
I said ok and wrapped my left arm around Sajid"s neck and got comfortable. Mushtaq told Karim to go switch on the TV. We watched TV while occasionally the guys would look at me and smile. As everybody was watching TV and chatting about some work related stuff. I was getting bored. I was playing with Sajid"s chest hair. I pinched his nipple slightly.
"Ow, take it easy slut." He said giving a naughty smile.
I pinched his nipple again. This time he pinched my nipple. Rasul too pinched my nipple saying that I was hurting his uncle and he had to react. They both were squeezing my nipples with their fingers.
I was moaning in pleasure. I got up and turned around and sat on Sajid"s lap facing him with both my legs on either side of his legs.
I grabbed his hair and pushed his face into my boobs. Sajid started shook his head in between my boobs. Then he held my hands pushed me back. Then he concentrated on my right boobs and started licking my nipple while making circular motions with his tongue. He licked my entire boob.
At the same time the guy to his right held my left boob and was kneading it softly. He too pinched my nipple.
I was surprised that these guys who lived in such rough conditions could be so gentle with me. Although I was enjoying it, it didn"t feel right. I wanted some rough treatment means come on I was their slut not their wife that they need to treat so nicely. I felt like telling them to man up and take me. But I wanted to see how long they could act like this. So I let them do whatever they wanted.
Sajid was still licking my boobs and Rasul was grabbing my ass cheeks and gently kneading them.
"Come Mushtaq, have some." He told Mushtaq.
Sajid let go of me and told me to go to Mushtaq. I got up and went sat on Mushtaq"s lap.
He spit on my boobs and was massaging them. Then he bit my boob with his whole mouth open. Then I thought now we are going somewhere. He bit hard.
"Ouch." I yelled
Karim got up and slapped my ass hard and said sternly," Don"t resist Mushtaq Miyaan, he is the eldest among us. Just enjoy what he does. "
I nodded my head and bit my lip to control my yelling. He kept on biting hard. I was getting wet and I could feel Mushtaq"s hard dick poking my vagina from below.
I was pressing hard on his dick to feel more of it.
Then Abdul said," Mushtaq please let us have some fun too."
Mushtaq looked at Abdul and smiled and nodded his head in agreement. And he told me to get up from his lap. When I got up from his lap I could see a wet stain on the top of the bulge. Everybody look at it and Sajid said, "You are very horny today I guess Purva."
"Yeah I was horny since yesterday"s massage. And you won"t fuck me." I said and made a sad face.
He got up and slapped my butt hard and said that I was his slut and he or the boys will fuck or do whatever they wish with her only when they want to and I have no right in telling them what to do.
I bowed my head down and said yes as you wish.
Now Abdul, Karim and Imran got and came near me. Two of them started fondling my boobs and one was running his fingers through my ass crack all the way up to my pussy slowly. He did not insert any of his fingers. He just kept running his fingers over my pussy which felt good especially because of the small hairs that had grown since I last shaved 2 days ago.
Abdul and Karim were sucking on one boob each. They bit my nipples which felt good and I let out a loud moan.
Rasul too joined the fun kneeling in front of me and kissing my stomach area and thrust his tongue into my navel and was rolling it around inside.
I was on cloud nine with these four guys pleasuring me simultaneously. Now Imran was trying to insert his finger inside my pussy. I parted my legs a little as I was standing but he was not getting good access.
I felt like peeing so I excused myself and went in to the bathroom to pee while the men decided to push the coffee table a little far and open the sofa bed. I did not mind closing the door as I was in a hurry and sat on the toilet started peeing when I heard someone come near the sink at the bathroom entrance. I heard the faucet turn on and then suddenly the bathroom door opened and banged against the wall.
It was Mushtaq. I got startled and tried to hide my pussy. He laughed and immediately almost all the guys came near the bathroom door and were watching me and laughing as I was trying to hide my pussy in vain.
After sometime I gave up and started peeing freely. Mushtaq walked into the bathroom and held my hands and dragged me out of the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and held me by my hips and threw me on to the sofa bed.
Mushtaq started unbuttoning his shirt while all the other guys gathered around the bed.
He took off his shirt threw it aside on the side sofa chair. He came near me. His crotch was in front of my face now. I put my face on his crotch and felt his big bulge. It twitched a little. I bit the bulge slightly. I was about to open his pants when he stopped by holding my hand. He pushed my shoulders and I lay on the bed with my legs on the ground.
He lifted my legs and pushed me up. Then he knelt between my legs and started licking my pussy.
"Mm ", he said "Even your piss taste so good.", and started sucking on my clit.
I was going crazy with pleasure and started moaning heaving. While he was licking me the other guys took off their shirts and got onto the bed around me. Karim and Rasul started kneading one boob each. Imran was running his palm over my stomach area. Abdul just kept looking at Mushtaq licking my pussy.
Sajid climbed above my head and started kissing me spider man style. I could not control my pleasure anymore and was moaning very loudly.
All the pleasure point on my body were being stimulated I was in complete euphoria. Then Mushtaq held my knees from below and lifted my legs high up in the air.
My asshole was clearly exposed to him and he looked at it and said,
"Now that is what I call beauty." Then he spat on my asshole and started licking my asshole. He inserted his tongue inside and started tongue fucking my asshole.
Now Abdul saw his opportunity as my pussy was free now. He ran his palm on my pussy and then licked his middle finger and inserted it into my pussy slowly.
The situation was so hot I was getting wet now.
The guys kept on going for quite some time. I was squirming in pleasure as I could not even yell because I and Sajid were making out.
Then the guys exchanged positions. Mushtaq came over and said, "You want to taste yourself?"
"Hmm" I nodded in agreement.
"You dirty little whore." He said this and inserted his tongue inside my mouth. I could not taste much I could smell piss and cigarette. I started sucking on his tongue. And we kissed passionately.
Sajid was massaging my boobs. Rasul went down on me and was tongue fucking my pussy. Abdul and Karim were just sitting on both side of me.
I felt bad for them so I lay my palms on their crotches. I could feel the warmth and the hardness. I tried to reach for their zip to open their pants. I was finding it a little difficult as I was surrounded by guys and my eyes were closed because of the pleasure.
They both immediately unzipped their pants and took them off and knelt beside me. I searched for them with my hands until I touched their thighs. I could feel their hairy thighs which were very broad and muscular. I ran my both hands upwards but could not go very far.
They both near a little. Then I felt those. Those two throbbing dicks were in my hands now.
They were very warm and as soon as I touched them both of them let out a slight moan. They weren"t as big as Sajid or Rasul but seemed big enough and were about the size of my palm.
I started stroking their dicks slowly. They felt very dry and I was finding it very difficult to stroke them.
So I spat on both my hands and started slathering the spit on their dicks. Then I could easily stroke their dicks. Both of them started moaning. I stroked their dicks for a while then I went and grabbed their ball sacs.
They were a bit hairy and seemed full. I was very happy that I would be getting to eat a lot of cum this fine evening.
I massaged their ball sacs for some time. All this time Sajid, Rasul, Imran and Mushtaq were exploring and pleasuring parts of my body I never knew existed.
After some time I start hearing Karim and Abdul moan loudly. I realised that they were going to cum soon. I stopped stroking.
"Why did you stop?" asked Karim holding my hands.
I stopped making out with Imran and told them
"I don"t want to waste your cum by dropping it on the bed. Remember you promised me that you would let me have your juices."
"You talk too much" said Mushtaq pushing Imran away from near my head and got on all fours with his dick above my face and inserted his dick completely into my mouth. It was longer than Sajid"s so I started gagging.
"Relax, relax, just let it go in you won"t gag. Breath through your nose slowly." Mushtaq said as he kept removing and inserting his dick in and out of my mouth.
Everybody stopped what they were doing. I guess they were looking at me getting face fucked by Mushtaq"s cock.
Mushtaq kept on going slowly. I slowly lift up my left hand and started running it through Mushtaq"s ass crack. It was hairy and sweaty so I could easily massage his asshole. I massage it for a while and then slowly inserted my middle finger into his asshole. It was tight but I could get the tip in."
"Oh you cut your nails." I noticed.
"Finally you noticed. I knew Rasul would want a repeat of last night"s action so I cut it so that it won"t hurt him as it hurt you in the morning."
"Ok" I said and lay down on the bed as she continued her narration.
"Well as the tip went in, he clenched his asshole. It got harder to insert my finger in so I stopped. Then I heard another pant zip open."
"So you wanted to get fucked huh Purva?" Sajid said.
"Mm hmm" I said with Mushtaq"s dick in my mouth.
Sajid held both of my legs. Then I felt two more hands hold onto my legs and then Sajid lifted my legs.
He slowly inserted his dick into my pussy and started fucking me with slow strokes.
I was getting drilled in both holes and my right hand was feeling lonely. So I grabbed some air with it signalling to whoever was on the right to give me his dick to grab. I heard another pant zip open and he held my hand and placed his dick on it. This felt like a new dick so I knew it had to be Imran.
I started stroking his dick while was smaller than everybody over there. But it was stiff and had a huge head. It too was hairy and had veins all over it. I thought it would feel awesome to get drilled with that with big head.
All three guys were moaning in pleasure I was felt like the most desirable whore in the world. The guys continued like that for some time. Then Mushtaq suddenly got up and squatted over my face and sat with his asshole on my mouth. I started kissing it passionately. I inserted my tongue into it and was trying to get as inside as possible. His hairy balls were resting on my forehead. My face was covered by his crotch.
He was stroking his own dick as I ate his delicious asshole. As I kept licking slowly I think he may have relaxed his muscles which caused him to let out a tiny fart. It was not smelly or anything so I did not mind.
"You liked that you dirty whore?" He said standing up a little.
Then before I could say anything he spat on my face and started rubbing his ass all over my face.
Now Rasul also had seen that my left hand was free so he too took off his pants and offered his dick into my hand I started stroking it.
I was running on all engines and I felt like I was on the top of the world.
Mushtaq suddenly went into the old position and shoved his dick into my mouth and started fucking it harshly. Sajid saw this and started fucking me faster and with harder strokes.
Then Mushtaq stopped fucking and paused with his half his dick in my mouth. Then I felt the warm semi solid liquid sliding down my tongue and throat. He was cumming. He cummed a lot and for quite a while he remained in that position. I thought he was catching his breath. I could feel the warmth leaving his dick. I could also feel it shrinking in size.
He stayed in that same position with his eyes closed. Then I felt some hot liquid sliding down my throat. At first I could not taste what it was but as it went down my throat it started burning. That is when I realised that Mushtaq was pissing in my mouth. I was surprised but he looked in some euphoria that I did not want to ruin his fun as all I wanted was the complete satisfaction of my lovers.
He pissed in my mouth slowly. But as it was a huge quantity I could not gulp it down fast enough. So my mouth filled up very fast and some of it was dripping out of my mouth. Mushtaq saw and took out his dick out of my mouth and sat beside my head.
"Come on Purva you have to drink it all. I gave you what I promised I would give you all my juices. Now do not waste my juices." He said in a stern voice.
Sajid stopped fucking me but his dick was still inside my pussy and everybody was looking at me. I raised my head and chest with the support of my elbows. My mouth was still full of piss. Everybody was staring at me. I slowly gulped the entire mouthful of piss. Everybody cheered me and clapped.
"Mm that was tasty and fun. Now all of you have to give me all of your juices." I said and gave a wide smile.
Sajid resumed fucking me. Rasul climbed onto me and I started sucking on his dick. I bit his dick a little which made his dick harder. He started cumming in a few seconds. Some of it fell on my face. So I rubbed it all over my face. He was about to get off when I asked him if he was forgetting something. He said that he wasn"t feeling like taking a piss and just got off. I was reeking of sweat, piss, cum and ass. But I felt really good.
Next Imran came onto me and he too cummed in few seconds. He cummed on my nose then he sat with his asshole on my face and rubbed the cum all over my face. His ass was very hairy so it felt very rough. He was gyrating on my face for a few seconds. After that he was about to get off when I held his hips with my hands. And then I started licking his ass crack which was covered in cum and spit. It tasted delicious.
I was getting wetter and Sajid could feel it while he was fucking me. Then Sajid finished fucking me and came over my face. Then he lift up my head his hand held his dick with the other and aimed it at my mouth.
"Open your mouth" he said demandingly.
I opened my mouth and then he started shooting a stream of hot piss into my mouth. He pissed a little and waited for me to drink it all. Then he kept repeating till he was all done. I licked the final few drops off of his dick.
He too got off me. I got up then I saw Karim and Abdul sitting over there stroking their dicks. I felt sorry for them. I told them to come to the bed. Sajid went into the kitchen and brought some water for the other guys.
Karim and Abdul got on the bed. I could see that their dicks were not hard enough I had no strength to get it up the traditional way. So I told them to turn around and get on all fours. They obeyed.
Then I spread open Karim"s ass cheeks. I licked his entire ass crack from the tailbone to his balls. I started stroking his dick with one hand. Then I spat a lot into his asshole and made sure all of it went in. Then I started fingering his asshole.
He was moaning and I could feel his dick get hard. I kept stroking his dick and fingering him for some time. Then I put on lips on his asshole and started sucking all the spit out. Then I tongue fucked for a sometime while I kept stroking his dick and massaging his balls. Then suddenly he started cumming. I cup my hand below his dick and tried to collect the semen. I could get a little of it and I drank it and licked my hands. I squeezed his dick from the base to the tip which brought out a small drop of semen which I licked off of his dick.
Abdul was stroking his dick all through this so he was pretty hard. I was too tired to rim him. So I just started giving him a hand job. He grabbed my hair and pulled my face towards his dick. So I felt pity for him as everybody else got a blow job. So I started sucking him off. He too cummed after sometime I kept his limp dick inside my mouth for some time, and then he started pissing. He did not piss much so I could get all of it in one gulp.
I collected all the cum, piss and sweat off my face and licked my hands. I was exhausted. My hair was all over the place and was wet with piss and sweat.
I lay back down on the bed. Abdul and Karim were stroking my breasts as the other four sat nearby drinking water and talking.
"Has your husband deserted you Purva?" Mushtaq asked me.
"Ha, you would love that wouldn"t you?" I said
"Yeah why won"t we. We will all make you our wife and live happily." Mushtaq said.
"I give you all the fun your wives will never give you, why would you want to make me your wife?" I asked
"You have a point there, but still if you were a part of our community we can share you with many more people. You can have much more fun." He said quickly.
"That is a good point you make. You can share me how much ever you want even now so why bother."
"Ok." then they all laughed
Then they all went to the bathroom one by one and cleaned themselves up as it was 8:30. I too got up and was trying to get the bed sheet off of the sofa cum bed which was stained in cum and piss. Sajid came out after cleaning himself and was wet. He was looking for something to wipe himself with. I gave him my skirt which was lying on the ground. He wiped his dick and chest with it and took out a handkerchief from his pants to wipe his face. All the guys did the same. Then they all lifted the sofa cum bed up and put it in place.
I went over to hug and kiss Sajid. He pushed me away and said, "You are filthy I have to go now so maybe later."
It turned me on as these guys were looking at me as their personal fuck doll that they can fuck and leave whenever they want.
They all dressed up headed to the door along with me. Just then you had called. I picked the phone and was talking to you. Then these guys were leaving while slapping or pinching my ass. Rasul pinched my pussy which made me squeal.
After the guys left I went in for a hot shower. I took the shower head and masturbated with it thinking about getting fucked by all and drinking more cum and especially piss.
[Purva"s narration ends]
"Yeah trust me I am very happy that you have opened up so nicely to the guys and to newer experiences. I believe that there are lot more kinky things for you in store."
I got up to pee and headed towards the bedroom toilet.
"So are you still looking for a refreshing drink?" I asked her and winked at her.
"No baby, I am tired now and want to sleep. Maybe some other time." and then she went to sleep.
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03-11-2020, 09:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-11-2020, 12:32 PM by creepyfoofaji. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Next Day:
As I drove to work, I was continuously thinking about my sexy and busty wife Purva and how Sajid and his construction guys would savage her innocent face and destroy her voluptuous body.
Due to Purva's exciting 'interactions' with the construction guys and her sluttiness, I could not really get the time to work at my usual pace in office. I was either too excited about what was going to happen to Purva on that particular day or get too aroused about how slutty my wife had become.
Since the prospect of Sajid and his entourage coming to our place to have fun with Purva was not bright today, I finally had some peace. I decided to catch up with my work, lest I get sacked.
My hands toyed with my mobile to ring up Purva and ask her about her situation. Somehow, I was sure that Sajid and his crew had made a move on her. Just when I was about to call her, I got a call from an unknown number. I answered the call and suprisingly it was Purva on the line.
Me: "Hello"
Purva: "Hey darling, it's me. How's it going?"
Her breath was fast. I knew something was happening.
Me: "Purva! Where are you, and whose number is this?"
Purva: "This is Kamran's number. Remember Kamran?"
I could sense the urgency in her voice.
Me: "No, who the heck is Kamran?"
Purva: "Arey, he was one of the guys who tattooed me in my asshole."
I could hear several giggles and murmurs when Purva said that. I could sense there were many guys around her.
Me: "Oh, ok. Now I remember. What are you upto? Why didn't you call me from our landline?"
Purva: "I will tell you all that later. I wanted to ask you something. You like me having hair in my pussy and armpits right?"
Me: "Of course, I love your pubic hair!"
Purva: "Well, too bad you will have to live without it for a few days. I will be removing all of it now. Hope you don't mind."
Those words hit me with a sudden realization that something really naughty was indeed happening with Purva.
Me: "Ok, that's fine. But hope you are not doing it unwillingly."
Purva: "No, not at all. I am sure I will enjoy what's going to happen. See you tonight. Bye!" and she abruptly cut the phone.
Wow, now that was something. Why was Purva removing hair from her pussy and other private parts? I was not sure at all. But, the image of Purva's clean pussy aroused me once again. Getting horny and aroused in the office had now become a daily occurence since Purva started her journey as a slut with the construction workers. It was close to 2 pm then, and I had to put up with the thoughts of my sexy wife's clean pussy and fleshy shaved armpits up for grabs, for atleast some more time. I stuck to my seat as I could not even walk around given my perpetual boner thinking about how Purva was being used by those cheap construction guys.
At around 5 pm, I called home just to check on Purva. There was no reply. So, I though of calling on Kamran's number, but somehow thought the better of it. I didn't want to disturb Purva or Kamran for that matter, who would probably be savaging on my sexy wife.
At 6:30 pm when I was still in office, I got a call from home. I answered the phone, and Purva was gasping with excitement. "Darling, plese come fast. I cannot wait any longer. Pleaseee!". That's all she could say, and she cut the phone. It was clear she was fingering herself at home vigourously, and I understood Sajid and company would have given her many memories for her to do that. I was darned because I had a meeting at 7; it was just one of those bad days at work. Somehow, after what seemed like hours, I left office at 7:30 PM.
As soon as I reached home and knocked on the door, I was surprised at the sight of my wife. Purva, stood there completely naked, without as much as a string of clothing on her body. Her beautiful pussy was completely shaved and wet, glistening in the light. Her face was glowing, thanks to what Sajid and company had done with her, whatever that was. She was beaming with excitement and pleasure. Her entire body was red, with hand marks all over. I could even see violent bite marks on her stomach, thighs, boobs and tits and that was just the frontal of her.
Frankly, I was concerned if she was subjugated and fucked like a whore the whole day by all those horny construction men. Whatever be it, if Purva enjoyed it, as is clearly evident in her face, I am the first one to get a raging hardon thinking about all the nasty things that were done to my lovely and sexy wife. I just stood there staring at my wife's beautiful naked body.
"Are you just going to stand there and stare at your whore wife, or are you going to come inside and fuck her too?". Her words suddenly brought me back to my senses. I immediately gave a smile that only she could understand, came inside and closed the door. She immediately kissed me, and by that I understood she was really horny. I asked her about Apu, and she said that she had asked her sister to pick him up for the day as she was with Sajid and team during that time.
Me: "Purva, your body tells me the entire story of what has been done to you today. I am sure you have enjoyed it like never before."
Purva: "Oh Tarun, don't even ask about it! Today is the best day of my life. I want you to fuck me right now, in all my holes without a second delay."
Immediately after saying that she started to unzip me.
Me: "Hey Purva, stop. That's not how it works. For me to fuck you, you will first have to tell me about what happened today. That's our deal!"
"Oh, you want to hear how your wife was roughed up by those mean horny bastards? It turns you on unlike anything right?", said Purva in a naughty voice.
Me: "Of course. I want to hear about how my slutty wife was treated like a whore. Please tell me what all they did to you."
"Fine, here goes. Don't try to stop me if I try to finger myself in between", she said with a wink.
Me: "Sure, but please give me all the details, right from when I left". I was just controlling myself from jumping on Purva and fucking her ferociously.
"After you left, I just went back to bed. I was very disappointed that Sajid and Rasul would not be coming to visit me today. Infact, I was so disappointed that I decided to have lunch somewhere outside not feeling like cooking at all."
"Just when I went into a sleep and started dreaming, the sound of the bell woke me up suddenly. I looked at the clock and it was only 9 AM. I was hoping against hope that it would be Sajid and Rasul. I was wearing just the nightgown that I was wearing yesterday night."
I immediately interrupted her, "You weren't wearing anything underneath right?"
"No, I was just wearing the nightgown without a bra or a panty. As you know, the nightgown just managed to cover my ass and part of my thighs. Since I was asleep, the front robe almost pulled out and was quite loose, which I only realized later. I was half asleep when I opened the door."
"Was it Sajid and Rasul?", I interrupted excitedly.
"No, it was the watchman. He got with him a plumber to fix the water issue that we were having."
[Purva narration starts]
"Good morning madam. I heard from sir that the water issue hasn't been fixed. That's why I brought plumber to see if he can fix it."
The whole time both the watchman and the plumber were taking a good dirty look at my body. The watchman in particular could not conceal his greed at watching a ripe mature housewife standing with nothing but a flimsy piece of cloth barely covering her assets. All though he got to touch my boobs and press my tits to his will the other day, I was sure he wanted to do it a thousand times more.
Seeing how shamelessly they were looking at me, the horny slut in me sprang to life, and I planned to enjoy this moment to the fullest. So, I made no effort to hide my exposed body. I was even hoping that the rope would untie itself and come off exposing my completely nude body to the dirty perverts.
I said, "Oh, thank you for your concern Ramu. Please come inside and have a look."
I could see the delight in their eyes, as I led them to the bathroom. I could literally feel that they were fucking my ass with their eyes. It was a silk gown, and you know my ass right, it was just jumping up and down while I was walking and the gown just accentuated the movement.
I said, "Please have a look. Call me if you need anything, I will be in the kitchen". Saying that I went to the kitchen. I could hear noises of the pipes being hit from the bathroom and then suddenly, the power went off. I was damn irritated by that. It was so hot as it is and I did not take a bath yesterday as well due to the unavailability of water. Whatever little water we had stored earlier, was used by Apu and you.
After I prepared coffee for myself, I went to the bathroom and called out to Ramu, "How's it going? Any luck?"
"No madam, but we seemed to have discovered the problem. The pipes leading to the house have been filled with dirt which is blocking the flow of water. We need to replace the pipes. Unless we do that, the water won't come", the watchman said, eyeing my entire body lecherously.
I was completely enjoying the attention I was getting.
"Oh, how long will it take to fix it then?"
"It cannot be fixed atleast until tomorrow madam, because these pipes are an old model. The plumber would have to go out of the city to get them."
He confirmed with the plumber once again in hindi, and he nodded to that.
"Oh, that's really bad Ramu. As I told you I haven't taken bath yesterday also. And now the power is also gone. I am really swetty and I don't have a drop of water stored at home".
I could see the glow in his eyes. I knew he was wishing that I disrobe myself from the nightgown and show my nude and ripe body to him, just like I did the last time. Though my pussy was already soaking wet and I wanted to get nude for these two cheap men to devour my breasts, pussy and ass, I saved it for the best, which I was sure would come later.
I asked Ramu, "If it's fine with you, can I come over to your place to have a bath? You said you have a well right?".
You should have seen the joy on Ramu's face. Even the plumber was startled and seemed to go mad with joy with the idea of a rich housewife bathing at a watchman's house. Ramu didn't try much to conceal his excitement though.
"Of course madam. Please come over right now. You can take bath for as long as you want. I will keep the water ready for you."
"Thanks a lot Ramu. Let me get my soap, towel and a saree to wear after taking bath, we will go right away".
As I was walking to the bedroom to get my things Ramu said, "Actually madam, forget about the soap and towel, I will give you mine"
"Thanks Ramu, that would be great"
"Also madam, I don't think it's a good idea to carry a saree with you. If neighbours see, they will get suspicious. Savitri just left for her hometown, so I can give you her saree. I shall take it back from you later"
"Ok Ramu, that's a good idea. But let me just wear something more in addition to the nightgown"
Ramu and the plumber looked at each other and shared a laugh when I said, 'something more'. I too passed a smile.
Tarun again interjected, "Oh my god, this is so hot! So you were asked to use the watchman's towel and soap and his wife's clothes. I cannot imagine, what all things he has done with the towel and where all he must have wiped it. And you would be using the same towel to wipe your ripe sexy body? This is almost making me cum."
Haha, that's true. But it's too early for you to cum, I haven't even finished half of the story yet. The best is yet to come.
At this moment, I was so turned on that I desperately wanted to finger myself to an orgasm. I immediately went to the bedroom and fucked myself to an orgasm, covered myself with a dupatta and came out. "Chalo Ramu, lets go".
Tarun said, "Please give me a break. I cannot take all of this at once! I am so horny right now..."
Haha, I am glad you like it. These last few days have been really adventurous Tarun. I never knew there was such a big slut in me.
Tarun came forward and kissed me deeply fondling my boobs. It was all like a dream come true day for a whore wife like me.
Tarun said, "Please continue with your story Purva, I want more details. How did the watchman and the plumber enjoy you?"
So, all three of us - me, Ramu and the plumber proceeded to Ramu's house across the road. I qucikly entered the house and asked Ramu to close the door quickly so that no one sees me. As soon as I entered, I got the feeling that calling it a house was an overstatement. It was just a small hut set up on the mud itself that had a tiny cot on one side and some cooking utensils and a small stove on the other. It reeked of pan masala, and there were pan stains on the ground. Then, I realized that Ramu was a heavy pan user. The cheap surroundings of the place made me hornier.
Ramu pointed to the cot and said, "Please sit here madam. Feel free to take a bath whenever you want". Saying that, he brought a stool for himself and the plumber and both of them sat on them.
Since, there was no fan and it was really humid, I asked Ramu if I could remove my duppatta that I was still wearing. Naturally, he or the plumber did not have any concerns with that. So, acting casually I just got up and removed the duppatta and placed it on the cot beside me. Then, I just undid the robe and removed it as well, exhibiting my completely naked body to the hungry eyes of the watchman and the plumber.
You should have seen them right there. They were literally speechless. I mean, both of them could not even say a word for what seemed like eternity to them. I on the other hand, just sat on the cot, with my legs crossed. Ramu had already seen me nude, but the plumber was clearly startled. He just could not believe his luck. He just kept staring at my tits even while I was looking at him. Now, he too made no effort to hide his greed and lust looking at a mature housewife completely naked in front of him. But yeah, I promised myself that I would be their object of desire today, so be it. I was enjoying the stares more than before now, given the cheap surroundings.
I let both of them have their fun, when Ramu said something I could not believe!
"Madam, your boobs are so big. I am sure sahib would be enjoying them everyday".
"He sure does", said Tarun, pinching my tits in delight.
"Haha", I smiled and continued.
I could see that he was literally poking his eyes into my tits, while licking his lips in lust. It felt like I was being eaten then and there. The plumber though startled, was slowly getting used to the boldness of the watchman, talking about his memsahib's tits, and his hubby destroying them and stuff like that.
I blushed. "Of course. wouldn't you do such things if these boobs belonged to you?", I said looking at my own boobs.
"Of course madam, if you were my wife, I would have pressed, sucked, pinched and beaten your boobs every single day until they became red".
I loved the way he was talking so cheaply about an upper class housewife like me. I was so turned on by the boldness he was showing in talking about my boobs and other private parts. I could clearly see them looking at me completely naked and enjoying talking to me like this, as was evident by looking at the tents in their pants. I blushed at how I became an object of lust to both these old perverted men.
"Sahib is a very lucky man, madam. Now I understand why the lights in your bedroom are always on till late night everyday".
I could not believe how direct he was. I blushed at his observation. I wanted to tease him further, so I continued provoking him...
"So, does that mean after the lights are off, my hubby does not play with my parts?", I asked temptingly.
The watchman's eyes lit up when I said that. It was like I was encouraging him to continue speaking to me dirtily.
"Haha, that is true madam. But if you were my wife, I would not switch off the lights anytime. I would love to see all your parts while I destroyed them".
I was so turned on by the way Ramu was speaking to me. The fact that he had no inhibitions in expressing his carnal desire to fuck my brains out was so erotic. I was horny and wanted to see how this conversation would go, so I played along.
"Even my hubby says the same thing. But since Apu was born, we cannot do that frequently"
"Oh, but I have a solution for that madam. Give Apu some toys to play, while your hubby plays with his toys".
I was surprised by how perverted the watchman was. Looking at him everyday, I would never have thought, he was so horny for me. But I loved the way he was making me an object of lust right there.
"Haha, thanks for the suggestion. We will try that out", I said with a wink.
The plumber, though silent, was enjoying every bit of the conversation, and Ramu - I don't think there's any need to say. He was on cloud nine talking to me so dirtily and enjoying my naked look.
"Madam, can I ask you a personal question?"
"Sure Ramu"
"Does sahib fuck you in your asshole madam?"
I was shocked when he asked me that. It was clear that it was going to be very 'personal', given the lust he already expressed in his words. But this was clearly on another level. I was so turned on. Here I was, a rich housewife, sitting naked in a watchman's hut, with a plumber aside him discussing whether I get screwed in my asshole. I blushed and answered, "Yes Ramu. We tried it a couple of times, but it pained me a lot. So we don't do it anymore".
"Oh, I can understand that madam. But you need to train yourself if you want to get yourself fucked in your asshole".
"Oh, but how can I get trained for that?"
"Simple madam, just take anything that you can easily insert in your back hole. Just make sure you insert it deep into your asshole till the point that it cannot go any deeper. Leave it in your asshole for the rest of the day and remove it while sleeping. Everyday, keep inserting more of those items. Then, I am sure, after a week you can then take more than one hubby at the same time in your asshole", said Ramu and started laughing.
At that point, I was shocked with the extent of liberty he had taken in addressing how to make my asshole loose. I was so turned on. I just blushed, and said "Ok, Ramu!".
I continued, "Ramu, if you don't mind, can I lay down for a while before taking a bath Ramu. I am feeling kinda sleepy", to which he replied, "Of course madam, take your time. Please lie down as long as you want. Infact, I would not mind if you wanted to sleep here naked all day". All of us laughed out to that.
"Madam, I was going to make some chai for all of us. But since, you wanted to sleep for a while, I will save it for you later".
"Sure Ramu, thank you".
While Ramu got on to making chai, sleep was really falling on me and so I lied down on my belly. It was such an erotic pose that I purposely made. The plumber just couldn't contain his eyes in his sockets. My ass was entirely on display as I turned around and looked at the plumber staring at my nudity hungrily. I was feeling so sad for the poor innocent man. He had not said a word since we had met, and so I planned to strike a conversation with the plumber.
"Hey, what's your name?"
"My name is Pushkar Singh madam".
"Ok, where are you from?"
"I am from Bihar madam".
Not a second did he stop looking at my exposed tits and ass while talking to me. I was so turned on considering that he was not trying to hide his lust for me at all.
I let him stare at my parts and while the watchman was preparing tea, I dozed off into a slumber with all my body exposed naked to those two hungry men.
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03-11-2020, 09:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-11-2020, 12:38 PM by creepyfoofaji. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
I then dozed off for an unknown period of time. I woke up feeling a ticklish feeling and a little pain on one of my tits. I opened my eyes to see Pushkar Singh seated on the stool at the edge of the cot and sucking my exposed tits and occassionally biting them and pinching them as he wanted. He was so engrossed in working on my boobs that he did not realize I had opened my eyes. After letting him do it for some more time, though I did not know when he started, I nudged him to let me at least sit up. He suddenly got up and hung his head down. I could see he was nervous as hell.
To soothe him down, I said, "Okay, you can continue what you were doing". It was like he just needed some encouragement. He immediately sat on the cot beside me and grabbed both my boobs and started licking and biting them like a dog. It was so cute, though I asked him to go easy on the biting as he was literally trying to chew them off. I could not see Ramu anywhere around, so I asked Pushkar where he was.
"He went out for some urgent work Madam, said he will be back very soon", said Pushkar and went back to chewing my nipples.
"Oh ok", I replied.
I nudged Pushkar who was busy eating my tits, how long I slept. He said I had slept for more than two hours.
Then I asked him since how long he had been enjoying my body.
"Madam, I am really sorry madam. I saw such a nice figure without any clothes infront of me, so I could not control".
He was clearly nervous and started apologizing profusely. I said it was Ok for him to enjoy my parts, and I didn't really mind it. He seemed to back to his comfort state again, and again lunged forward to eat my tits. Man, wasn't he having fun!
So then, I asked him, "It's ok, you can tell me since how long have you been playing with my boobs? Is it just my boobs, or my ass and pussy also? And did Ramu also do anything to me while I was asleep?"
"Madam, you had slept just before our tea was ready. Ramu thought it's better to let you rest for sometime and so we both drank tea while looking at your nude body. After completing the tea, Ramu said he wanted to play with your pussy, so he made you sleep on your back and licked your pussy while pinching your tits. He kept eating your hole continuously for atleast half an hour"
"Ok, that's all? And when did you start eating my tits?", I asked with fake anger in my voice.
"No madam. After eating your pussy, Ramu also licked your tits and played with them for a long time. Then, he made you sleep on your stomach and inserted Madam".
I was shocked Ramu had the guts to do so much while I was asleep.
"Oh ok", I said. "What did he insert, his finger?"
"Yes madam, but not just finger madam. He inserted many things also".
Pushkar was hesitating quite a bit to answer me. To comfort him, I said, "it's ok Pushkar, please tell me what all he inserted in my asshole. I won't tell him you told me".
"Madam, he inserted spoon and a pen also madam".
"Oh, that's the point. I was wondering why my asshole is paining so much. Did both go inside properly?", I asked, surprised slightly by my own boldness, though I was getting severly turned on.
"Yes madam, the pen almost went inside completely. Ramu even played in-out with the pen in your asshole for a long time, but the spoon did not go at all. Ramu tried a lot by spitting repeatedly in your asshole but it did not go easily. He tried inserting it with force, but you shouted from pain in your sleep, so Ramu stopped trying and immediately withdrew the spoon from your asshole".
"Oh ok, thank God. Otherwise, my asshole would have been torn had he tried to insert it forcefully".
Both of us looked at each other and laughed out to what I said. Frankly, I was enjoying this discussion with Pushkar. Ramu and Pushkar exploiting me while I was asleep, Pushkar recounting all of that. It was just the best day of my life, really!
"Then, when did you start eating my tits?", I asked Pushkar.
"Madam, while Ramu was eating your pussy, I told Ramu that I also wanted to touch you and feel you. But Ramu said, I was not allowed to do that, and that I should just watch. But I could not just keep looking while Ramu was enjoying all your parts".
I blushed at what Pushkar said. "Then, what happened?", I asked.
"Madam, after about an hour Ramu had started enjoying you, he got a phone call asking him to come somewhere for some urgent work. So, he commanded me not to touch you while he was away and that he would be back in some time. He told me tell you that if you woke up".
"Oh ok, but then you could not control yourself and so when Ramu left you started chewing my tits. Right?".
"Yes madam, but I am really sorry. Please don't tell Ramu madam, he will not allow me to work for your apartment anymore".
Somehow, Pushkar, though an old man, looked so cute while he was feeling apologetic. I decided to ease him from his pressure, and asked him, "did you just eat my tits or something else also?".
He still hung his head low and said, "No madam, just your tits madam".
"Oh, so you have been chewing my tits since one hour. Ok, so that means you don't like my pussy and asshole and only my tits. May I know why is that?", I said again in a playful angry voice.
He raised his head and look at me cheerfully while I gave him a seductive smile. He understood what I meant obviously. He again lunged towards me repeating that I should not complain to Ramu about his acts. Man, was he horny for me.
He made me sleep on my back and he crouched forward on the edge of the bed and started eating pussy. It was already so wet, maybe from all the licking and eating that Ramu had already done and all the talking with Pushkar. He was really slurping on my pussy, when Ramu just entered into the room.
"Hey Ramu", I said with all the strength I could muster, while Pushkar was literally biting my pussy. Ramu did not even respond to me and started walking towards Pushkar in an effort to rebuke his actions against Ramu's words. Pushkar, did not even look at Ramu, he was just busy slurping my pussy.
As Ramu walked towards Pushkar, I signalled him to stop in his tracks. He could guess from my expressions that I was enjoying what Pushkar was doing to my pussy. So he just stood there feasting on my nude body while Pushkar had his time with my pussy.
After a few seconds, I had a massive orgasm. I twisted and twirled so much that I would have fallen off from the cot had Ramu and Pushkar not held me in position. After orgasming, I just lay there on the cot, hardly possessing any energy. It was already my second orgasm of the day and boy was it explosive.
After a while, I got up to see Ramu and Pushkar sit on their cots leering at my exposed and stretched pussy. This often happens to me after an orgasm, I would just lie down with my legs wide apart offering a treat to anyone sitting infront of me. Not that I minded, it infact made me more wanted by these two horny men.
I got the feeling that I came to know entirely what Ramu had done to me while I was asleep. I loved it that he was feeling shy looking at my face guessing that I had known.
"Ramu, do you still have the chai you made for me?"
Yes madam". Saying that, he handed me the chai by warming it again on the stove. I drank the chai while still having my legs parted so that the guys could enjoy the view of my pussy.
The time had already been 11:30 AM by then, so I finally decided to take a bath. Even after the orgasms, I was as horny as before and still wanted to explore my sexuality. As such I was ready to do anything and everything. I told Ramu and Pushkar, "I need to take a bath guys. Could you show me where the bathroom is?"
As soon as I asked the question, I saw Ramu nudging Pushkar to ask me something. It was more of a signal like, "go ahead, ask her" type.
I understood they had something in mind, so I took the lead, and said, "It's ok guys you can tell me what you want!"
Pushkar came up to me saying, "Purva madam, it's our wish that you take your bath out in the open infront of us, instead of in the toilet. It's just a request, please don't feel bad for asking you this madam. It's just that we want to see you completely wet applying soap all over your body and rubbing your private parts".
After all the things they had done to me while I was sleeping, this rather seemed like a normal request. I said smiling to them, "Of course guys, I will do that. What's there to be so apprehensive in asking that?".
I could see the joy on their faces escalate again. Not that they were any less joyful earlier, but that's these guys. They just want to have as much of me as they can. Pushkar immediately came forward and hugged me tightly feeling my tits on his chest. I could literally feel his hardon on my pussy. His hands roamed around my bare back and stopped at my ass. Just when I was wondering what he was going to do, he spanked my ass really hard multiple times and grabbed it tightly with his hands.
Since he was an old man, he had very big nails. When he grabbed my ass tightly, some of the nails rooted inside my ass. I let out a slight moan of pain and pleasure. I thoroughly enjoyed how emboldened he became given that he was so reserved initially.
He immediately understood what he had done to my ass, and stepped backward. I looked at him in mock anger and turned around to show what he had done to my ass. Both Ramu and Pushkar exclaimed on seeing the red nail marks on my ass. Ramu hit Pushkar on his head lightly, though I am sure he was proud of what he had done to my ass. I then turned to him again, intently but playfully looking at him as if I was seeking an explanation. "Sorry madam, control nhi ho paya". I burst out into a laughter looking at his lust for me, and so did both of them too. Oh, it was such a good day for all of us, I thought.
Since there was no mirror anywhere, I just could assess the damage to my ass through the pain. However, I wanted to see what Pushkar had done to it with my own eyes too.
"Ramu, can you click a picture of my ass in your phone and show the damage that Pushkar caused to my ass?", I said, mockingly looking at Pushkar as if I was distrubed with his actions. Ramu immediately took out his phone and clicked about 5 pictures of my ass from various angles and showed me each one of them. Wow, his nails did go deep inside my ass. I thoroughly enjoyed amusing the two guys, allowing them to do whatever they wanted to do to my body. I playfully slapped Pushkar lightly on his cheek as a sign of punishing him for his condescending action and once again, we all laughed it out heartily. Clearly, they were having the best time of their lives feeling me up, sucking my tits and pussy, roughing up my ass and inserting all kinds of things in my asshole. It was such a great turn on for me, and words cannot express the feeling, I thought.
"Tarun, I think you should go to sleep now. Your eyes are red and you look really tired. I can continue the story later".
"What? are you kidding me? Do you think I can fucking go to sleep after all that these guys did to you? Even if it takes the entire night, I am going to listen to you about what all was done to you today. How can I miss my wife being a slut that she is?", I said, pinching her already swollen, red tits once again.
"Haha, ok then. You're wife's a whore and there's no denying that!", I said and winked my eye and continued the story.
So then, all of us proceeded to the outdoor space that was present behind the hut. It was just a two meter broad passageway parallel to the hut, and it ended in a bunch of trees at the other end of its breadth. As soon as I entered it, I was overwhelmed by a pungent smell of urine. The passageway, I realized was essentially a shortcut to go to the fish market from the main road and thus there was bound to be some traffic even though there was no one walking across it at that moment. That also made sense as to why the place was so stinking of urine. People just used this area as a urine dumpster.
It was truly out in the open. All the 6 apartments that were surrounding the area could easily get a clear look of the space. I was really get wetter and wetter thinking about taking a bath on the road, where I was visible to, atleast in theory, to about 500 people. It really turned me on. I did not give a fuck even if someone was going to pass by and ogle at my parts while I was bathing. I infact checked around hoping if someone from any of the apartments, was looking at my naked body already. Unfortunately, I found no one doing so.
Ramu immediately got two buckets of water for me from the well and gave me his soap to use. I was so hot from realizing that this is the same soap that Ramu uses to clean himself. The cheapness of the situation made my pussy drip with juices again.
Pushkar and Ramu got themselves two chairs each, placed it on the passageway just a little away from me, sat on them waiting for the show to begin. Wow, it was like I was a whore and I was being paid by these two men to do a nude dance and please them. It felt so so hot!
I started taking bath in broad daylight, in a public outdoor area, completely naked exposed to all the people of our colony, while two low class cheap men enjoyed the sight of that rich busty housewife doing whatever they wanted. If someone told me 2 weeks back that such a thing was going to happen to me, I would have probably committed suicide. But here I go, doing exactly that with utmost wetness in my pussy.
Ramu even took out his cell phone, to shoot a video of mine while I was bathing infront of them. I didn't mind it at all, as I trusted him now. Infact, I wanted him to show the video to all his friends. The idea of people who are unknown to me, knowing my name and where I lived and masturbating to my bathing video itself brought shivers to my body adding to the effect of the cold water that was running through my body, making my nipples hard.
As they had wished, I started rubbing soap all over my body. I rubbed my pussy with the soap in various postures, so that the viewers could get a good glimpse of it. Pushkar even urged Ramu, "thoda aur zoom in kar le, chut dikhegi Purva ki (Zoom in a little man, you can shoot a close up of her pussy)".
I proceeded further showing them every inch of my body. I rubbed the soap on my tits repeatedly, pinching them occassionally, while Ramu and Pushkar licked their lips in complete lust. I turned around and showed them my asshole and started rubbing soap inside it. Oh, it was so much fun doing things that guys of such cheapness want.
In between Ramu said, "Purva, please sit on the ground and spread your legs. Then, rub the soap in your pussy". I did what they wanted. I was literally sitting on the muddy ground and rubbing my pussy infront of these perverts. It was an experience I will cherish for a lifetime.
Then unexpectedly, I could hear voices of two men, who seemed to be walking into the passageway. However, in my extreme sexual desire at that moment, I decided to continue what I was doing acting as if I did not hear the voices. I wanted as many men as possible to devour my naked and ripe body while I took bath like a shameless slut out in the open. The two guys, as Ramu told me later, were shocked at what they could see from a distance. Upon coming closer, they stood still unable to believe what they were seeing.
I then heard Ramu call out to them, "Kapil aur Sunil, bhai kaise ho tum log? Bhut din baad yahan aaye? (Hey Kapil and Sunil, brothers, how are you? You've come here after a long time?)". And both of them, whose names were apparently Kapil and Sunil were the cousin brothers of Ramu went to hug Ramu. Ramu told me later that they lived nearby the fish market and they worked as drivers for a millionairre who was living nearby.
Clearly, as seen on their faces, they were highly excited about a mature woman bathing completely naked in public on the roadway infront of two men. Ramu suggested his cousin brothers that they get stools from inside and accompany them to enjoy the 'show'. He did not even ask me if I was okay with it, and I really loved it. It was like I was a public whore, who could be enjoyed by anyone.
Of course, Kapil and Sunil readily agreed to their brother's 'demands' and immediately got stools for themselves and started looking at my parts. I was still sitting on the ground with my legs parted and pussy completely exposed without a trace of dignity. Ramu said, "Please continue bathing Purva".
I loved the command he exerted over me, making me hornier than ever. The feeling that whoever wanted could come and join in the fun, while I was exhibited as a whore seemed so beautiful to me. I continued rubbing soap over my pussy.
Of course, Kapil and Sunil had questions about how this situation came about, about how his brother could catch hold of such a beautiful 'randi (whore)'. Ramu just said, "abey jab dikha rahi hai to enjoy karo, sawaal baad me... (dude, when she is showing, just see and enjoy. Leave your stupid questions for later)".
In particular I heard Kapil asking, "yeh randi kaha se mili bhayya aap ko. Ek dum maal hai? (from where did you catch this whore brother, she's a bomb)" and "bhayya randi ne toh kamaal kar diya. puri nangi aur sadak pe naha rahi hai (Bro, the whore is amazing. She's completely naked and on top of that taking bath on the road)", to which Ramu replied, "baad me bataunga, pehle dekh to le (I will give you all the details later, just enjoy the show man)".
Of course, they hardly talked face-to-face as their eyes were glued to whatever part of my body they wanted to explore at that very moment.
Soon after what seemed like an hour of bathing with intentional rubbing on all my private parts, I finished talking bath. I heard Sunil asking Ramu, "bhayya yeh video bluetooth me bhejo na bhayya, please bhayya...please! (Brother, please give me the video via bluetooth. Please!)". Surprisingly though, Ramu this time looked at me for my permission. I nodded immediately, not wanting to waste an opportunity for all these cheap guys to see my bathing video.
Kapil and Sunil looked at me in a way to express their gratitude for putting up a free show for them, even though I did not know who they were. As soon as the video was transferred to their mobiles, they said, "shukriya Ramu bhayya. Aaj to hum ko khajana mil gaya (Thank you Ramu brother, today we have struck gold)". Ramu was also very happy with the fact that he could give my nudity as a gift to his younger brothers.
I looked at Pushkar Singh, who was staring at my pussy, and asked him, "Don't you want the video?". He said, "Purva madam, I don't have a phone, but I will definitely buy one now". All the 5 of us laughed to that, as Kapil and Sunil kept staring repeatedly at my parts even as they left. Ramu reassured them that he will tell them the entire story next time when they are here. I was so turned on, thinking about how he was going to describe about all that happened and about me in my absence.
After they left, Ramu handed me his towel. I wiped the wetness out of my body using the towel that he used daily. It was clear that he had been using it since he was born, it was half torn, and filthy and I literally felt like puking when I smelled it. That made my pussy wetter.
As I tied the towel around my waist leaving my boobs free, I asked Ramu, "Ramu, should I throw the soap? It's almost over".
"No no Purva, how can you throw it? The soap has ventured into the most heavenly places on this earth, your pussy and asshole and it has had the privelege to be rubbed into its face, your beautiful tits. Give it to me, I will keep it with me forever and forver". All the three of us started laughing to that. I gave him the soap, and he immediately smelt it deep and said, "The smell of your wonderful pussy and asshole has defeated the fragrance of the soap itself. Now, it only smells of your pussy". I slapped him playfully, while we all went inside.
Inside, I removed the towel and sat naked on the cot for some more time chatting with Ramu and Pushkar. I again parted my legs so that they could see my fresh pussy. I checked the clock and it was 12:30 already. I wanted to ask Ramu to give me one of Savitri's saree, but before that, for the sake of completeness, I wanted to do one last thing.
"Ok guys, that was superb fun. But one thing is, you guys sucked me like you wanted to...Oh Ramu don't make that face, I know what you did with my tits, pussy and asshole when I was asleep". Ramu looked at Pushkar in mock anger, and we all laughed out to it.
"Anyway, since you guys sucked me like you wanted to, it's only fair that I return the favor isn't it?"
Ramu and Pushkar looked at each others faces in utter confusion. They weren't sure if they were hearing it correctly.
"Yes guys, you heard it right. Let those monsters out and let me suck them", I said in excitement.
Perplexed but happier than ever, both of them immediately unzipped their pants and got their cocks out. Both of them were huge, comparable to that of Rasul and Sajid. Due to all the things that were happening since morning, both their cocks were moist with precum and smelled dirty. Maybe it's also because these guys hardly took bath. Of course, I loved it.
I took turns in sucking both of them while they played with my tits. Maybe it's because of the pressure on their cocks since morning, I hardly sucked for 2 mins. on each cock, both of them released their cum and it was loads of cum. I could hardly take all of it in my mouth. As a result, half of it ended up falling on my face and on my boobs and so on. I however managed to swallow the remaining. They seemed extremely pleased about that, and both of them fell on to the cot.
I told Ramu that I had no intention of washing the cum on my body, and that I would be wearing the saree and blouse as it is. I would also be leaving my nightgown and duppatta with Ramu, and it was up to him what he wanted to do with them!
Ramu advised me not to return the saree and keep it for myself. He even suggested me not to wash it ever, for some perverted reason which I seemed to enjoy as well. Finally after I put on the saree and gave both of them a big hug. Frankly, I enjoyed this episode more than anything else before, even more than those with Sajid and his guys. However, little did I know at the time that my day was certainly not over yet.
As I was walking out of the hut, Ramu called out to me and pulled me closer to him and smooched me passionately. Feeling my boobs in his wife’s old and cheap clothes, he said, “I will soon make you my wife and beat you and destroy you as if you were my wife.” I smiled and said “OK”. He then casually asked, "Purva, I saw a tattoo on your asshole when I was playing with it while you were asleep. I guess it was written in Urdu, but I did not understand what it meant. Out of curiosity what does it mean and where did you get the tattoo?".
I smiled at him.
All I could say was, "That's another long story. I will tell you some time later", winked at him and said goodbye.
[Purva's narration ends]
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03-11-2020, 10:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-11-2020, 12:41 PM by creepyfoofaji. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Me: "Wow, that was amazing. You know the story has turned me on so much, my pant is wet till me knees".
Purva: "Haha, I hope you now understand how wet I was".
Me: "Yeah, I do. So what happened after that?"
[Purva narrates]
After I came back home from Ramu's place, I sat on the sofa and switched on the TV. I was still feeling extremely horny. Bathing infront of two horny and perverted working class labourers brought the exhibitionist in me back to life. It was 12:30 PM and I didn't prepare any lunch. I was thinking maybe I will take a small nap on the sofa itself for a while and then go outside to have catch some lunch. I was still fresh after the bath though I blowed both Ramu's and Pushkar's cocks and most of their cum fell on my face and boobs. My pussy was still dripping wet from all the erotic adventures I had since morning.
Just when I was about to go to sleep, I heard the phone ring. I probably wondered it was you and lifted the call. However, it was Sajid. I was pleasantly surprised to hear him on the line.
Sajid: "Hello, Purva?"
I was excited and wondered why he had called me after he told me that they weren't going to come over today.
Me: "Hi Sajid, where are you?"
Sajid: "Where the fuck were you? I have been calling you since 10 in the morning. Were you getting fucked by your husband or what?"
Me: "Oh, is it? Why? No, I was out to get some groceries, that's all", I lied, as Sajid claimed me that I was his sole property.
Sajid: "Ok, anyway listen. You still have the burqua that I gave you right?"
Me: "Of course", I said sensing something exciting was coming my way.
Sajid: "Good. Here's what I want you to do. Wear the burqua with nothing underneath, just like the other day. There will be a black taxi right across the road under your apartment. Just get into it quietly. Do what the taxi guy says without asking him any questions"
Me: "Fine. But I did not eat anything since morning. Can I just have some lunch outside and get into the taxi?"
Sajid: "No, get into the taxi first. We will take care of the lunch for you"
Frankly, that did sound very exciting. I could also hear a lot of male voices from behind. I wondered what Sajid planned for me.
Me: "Ok, I will get into the taxi now. Bye!"
I could not understand what Sajid was thinking. In the morning, Rasul called me and told me they won't be able to visit me and now, he hurriedly wanted me to wear just the burqua and get into the taxi. Did they have a change of plan, or was he just trying to surprize me? However, I didn't care much. I already was really sexual that day after all that was done to me in the watchman's house and I just wanted myself to be taken advantage of. I just wanted to be a real whore for every man at that point of time.
As Sajid told me, I stripped the saree that I was wearing, and put on my burqua. I looked myself in the mirror and it seemed like it was very transparent. Anyway, I didn't care much, as I was just supposed to escape the stares of the neighbours and in no time, I will be the taxi arranged by Sajid.
I locked the door and went downstairs. The taxi was across the road and I immediately got into it. The driver was obviously one of Sajid's friends who lived in the slums. I looked at him and smiled, but he didn't seemed to bother at all. I wondered if he knew about me and the burqua ride that Sajid had taken me on in his slums.
As soon as I got into the taxi, the driver simply drove off. He drove for a while until we reached their dirty bylanes. It kind of seemed familiar to me as I had been to this place, but it was quite confusing. The whole area almost seemed like a maze. The streets were so small and dirty with crap almost everywhere. Everywhere I saw, there were these working class '. guys on the road, not just one or two but groups of them. They were all heavily built and looked very rough.
The driver finally halted the taxi at a gully entrance. I could see that the roads were just a metre in width. There were groups of many guys everywhere smoking cigarettes and talking and laughing loudly. I got the impression that this locality was different from where I had earlier been with Sajid and Rasul. Those locations somehow seemed a little more, well, civilized.
The taxi driver turned to me and said, "Sajid bhai asked me to drop you here and told me to give you some instructions"
He continued, "You will get down here and you have to go to a place called Salim's garage. It's the biggest car shed in this area. However, you can only go to that place by asking directions from whoever you encounter. Sajid bhai has ordered me not to tell you the route to the garage".
I said, "Are you sure? I don't know anyone in this locality, will they help me out?"
The driver said, "I don't know and that's none of my business. I am just telling what Sajid bhai asked me to tell you".
I was getting the feeling the driver was getting pissed for no reason, and so I decided to be careful. I remember Sajid telling me not to ask him too many questions. I wondered if this guy was like one of the villians they showed in movies.
He continued, "Next, remove your burqua and give it to me".
As soon as the words crossed his mouth, I was shocked. I was sure there was some communication gap between the driver and Sajid. I said, "No, I can't do that. I am completely naked under the burqua".
"I know. Sajid bhai told me to take the burqua before dropping you. No more questions, just get naked fast".
As shocked I was, I quickly removed the burqua and gave it to the driver, lest he gets pissed off. So, there I was completely naked about to venture into a slum with hundreds of hungry eyes.
"Good. Now get out of the taxi"
Saying so, he also got out of the taxi and came over to my side. I could already feel the working class stares on my naked body. The taxi driver came over to my side and did what I least expected.
He kissed me publicly and grabbed my ass hardly with his rough hands. He then spanked me so hard that I literally fell over onto the taxi. All the cheap working class around started looking intently at what was happening. Then, he spat on my face with force two times and slapped me so hard that I feel on the ground. That was easily the roughest treatment I got till date.
He then said, "Sajid bhai did not ask me to do this. I did it out of my own lust for a slut like you". Saying that he spit on my face once more leaving me completely broken on the ground. He then got into his taxi and rode away. I was truly lying on the ground like a whore who has been used completely like a toy and left to die with her troubles.
I saw that there were literally hundreds of men in the slum around me. For the first time, I was literally scared that I would get gangbangd by all these cheap working class men. I somehow got up and started walking towards a direction having no clue of how to go to Salim's garage.
I was afraid if I was going a little too far. What if Sajid and his gang were trying to sell me as a whore to some red light area? What if all these guys caught hold of me and made me their sex toy? I was really scared.
While walking, I could literally feel every guy fucking me with his eyes. They were so many guys all around in groups of 5 and 10, and they all seemed so cheap and vulgar. As I walked with my head hanging low, not having a clue of where to go, I was suddenly spanked on my ass by a flimsy looking guy. I turned back, and then he grabbed my boobs hard and started biting them. He bit them so hard that they literally left bite marks on my boobs. He then spit on my face and just pushed me and went back on his way. I was so startled about what was happening and felt something was wrong.
Anyway, I kept walking while slowly a strange sense of erotica developed inside me. I somehow felt that this was all a really perverted game that Sajid and his gang were trying on me. I continued walking, trying to avoid the stares of these men.
I passed through the current lane and entered the next, when I saw an old man sitting on the chair and smoking a cigarette. He must have been aroused at the sight of a fully ripe housewife walking around naked. He immediately got up from his chair and came towards me.
He said something in Urdu, which I did not understand at all. He then put his hands on my boobs and started pressing them hard. I was somehow beginning to enjoy this a lot more than at first.
I let him do what he was doing, and I asked him about Salim's garage. He again blabbered something in Urdu, which I could not decipher, but I understood that he knew nothing about Salim's garage. Then, I signalled him that I had to get going, and that he should stop fondling my boobs.
He seemed to have understood that. He let go my boobs but asked me to wait right there and went inside his house shouting something loudly. He came out of the house and 4 more old men followed him. They all seemed to be really turned on looking at my nudity. All of them together started feeling me up. One of them started spreading my ass cheeks and inserted his finger inside my asshole. The other was licking and eating my boobs while others took care of my pussy. All this was happening in public on the dirty bylane with hundreds of onlookers.
All the while they seemed to be muttering something in Urdu and kept laughing loudly. It seemed like they were calling me different names and enjoying themselves. They asked me if I was willing to come inside, as I understood by their actions. It seemed like they wanted to spend more time working on my parts.
Somehow, I felt very unsafe but turned on at the same time. I wanted to see what these horny old men had in store for me. So, when I agreed, they lifted me in their arms and took me inside. They made me sleep on a small table that was lying in the hallway. Then, all of them started feeling me up once again. I was so horny at that moment, that I wished they fucked my brains out. I wanted to communicate it to them to fuck me, but could not.
While I was there, these old perverted group of men did everything imaginable. They spit on my face, fingered my pussy, fingered my asshole, kissed me inside my mouth. I was so disgusted by their breath that I felt like puking.
Then, one of the guys who was biting on my tits, came up to me and unzipped his pants. What I saw was one of the most dirtiest dicks till now. It was so huge that it looked like a python. He pulled my head towards himself so that it was hanging from the table and just forced his dirty dick all at once into my mouth. He started face fucking so roughly, that I was gagging heavily. I even puked once during the process. He however seemed to love it and pushed his dick even deeper into my throat, all the way in.
I had already started enjoying the rough treatment they were giving me. Right then, one of the guys inserted his dicks into my pussy. He just pushed it all at once in one go, and I screamed loudly even with another dick in my mouth. What resulted was a roar of laughter from everyone. They were enjoying humiliating me. All the guys then took turns and alternated between face fucking, ramming my pussy, eating my nipples and biting on my stomach and thighs.
Slowly, each one of them started releasing their loads on me wherever they wished - on my boobs, inside my pussy and inside my mouth. After that all of them gathered as much spit as they could and started spitting on me. Just when I thought the ordeal was over, one of the guys pulled me over and started fingering me very roughly. I understood his objective was to make me cum. After about 20 seconds of continuously devastating my pussy with his fingers, I let out a huge fountain of cum. They all laughed heartily to that. Then they got me off the table and just pushed me out of their house and closed the door.
I was so weak by then that I could hardly walk. That was clearly the most intense fucking and orgasm I had ever had. It was my third orgasm of the day and I felt so weak that I had to sit for a while. People all around were looking at me with nothing but hungry eyes. They all seemed to know I was gangbanged like a professional whore.
And the worst thing was, I still had no clue where Salim's garage was.
[Purva's narration pauses]
Me: "Oh my god Purva! I know you went through some really intense pain and humiliation, but I love the way you were made to participate in this thing by Sajid. He is really the best. I am sorry to say this, but imagining you completely naked among so many perverted working class fellas and you being in the danger of being fucked by anybody anywhere is just too much for me . Really!"
Saying that I pinched Purva's tits very hardly. I could literally tell she went through a lot lot more from the condition of her body. She was simply ravaged like a street whore. Every part of her body, be it her boobs, tits, stomach, arms, thighs, ass, or face - all of them had cuts and bite marks. It was as if she was under make up. Truth be told, I was so turned looking at Purva like this.
Purva: "Haha. I am glad you are ok with all this Tarun. But I was more than just a street whore today".
Me: "I think I'll skip office tomorrow Purva. Please go slow and elaborately describe each detail as to how every one of those slum perverts savaged on your ripeness".
[Purva continues narrating]
I had not eaten anything since morning and on top of that I had 3 intense orgasms. I was feeling damn weak, and my legs started trembling too. Also, since I could not find a proper water source, I could neither drink water to satisfy my thirst or wash myself of all the spit and cum that was deposited in my body by these cheap slum guys.
I kept walking on and on and kept asking whichever guy I met about Salim's garage. However, all they cared was to exploit my ripe body parts. Being spit on and slapped roughly and getting my ass grabbed and slapped hard on my ass was now a common occurence with these perverts. I was happy if one did not bite my nipples, stomach or thighs or make insertions into my holes. By now, about 40 fingers had already savaged my holes. I started feeling sore in both my pussy as well as asshole now.
In one instance, a group of men fucked me like a whore on the road itself. It was like I was a street whore for all the residents of the slum. All sorts of perverts gathered around while I was being fucked. They all collaborated with each other so that all of them got the chance to fuck me in one way or the other. There was cum everywhere on my body and at one point I literally could not see due to amount of cum discharged by those perverts on my face. People who could not get the chance to fuck me just discharged their cum on me. Of course, all the spitting, slapping and biting went without saying in this locality. Once the fucking was over, they just threw me away on the road.
I started to get skeptical about the existence a Salim's garage anywhere near this locality. I remember the driver saying that it was the biggest garage in this area, but clearly no one knew about it. Either the people here were just looking for ways to humiliate me by saying they didn't about the garage or there wasn't actually a garage by the name of Salim. I again began to think if Sajid was trying to pull something really mean on me. I was not sure what was going to happen. One thing was sure, there was no going back. Giving up only meant I be a permanent whore for all these men here because there was no way these people would allow me to make a phone call atleast to you.
Just when I was losing hope, I heard a faint sound of someone speaking English. I rushed to that place from where the sound was coming and saw an old man. He still seemed the general working class '. guy, but atleast he was speaking some English on his mobile, though it was the worst english I had ever heard. I figured he was better than most of the guys who made a living here.
He was chewing pan sitting in his small shop. I didn't really understand what his shop was set up for, though figuring that out was the least of my priorities. I seemed a little lucky as this lane was relatively deserted. There were other shops in the lane too, but all of them were closed for some reason.
By now, with spit and cum all over my body, bite marks everywhere, and sore holes and being famished and completely naked, I looked exactly like a tramp. It was like a typical materialistic world. No one wanted to help a naked beggar, all they wanted was to fuck her, bang her and humiliate her to the core. I felt that situation suited me perfectly.
As soon as I entered the shop of this broken English speaker, he stopped talking on his phone and savaged me with his eyes. He sharply got up and spoke something in Urdu, while at the same time, exploring my entire body. I could understand from the tone of his voice that he was asking me to get out. It's safe to say that I was officially a tramp now.
I was also sure that from the looks on his face, he definitely understood me as a tramp fucked all day. He was probing every part of my body and he understood that serious fun has been taken from my ripeness.
Even before saying anything, he came over and started shouting at me in Urdu. Somehow, in between I caught hold of his attention by blabbering something that he could understand.
"Sir, I am not a beggar. I need to know the route to Salim's garage".
He was still not satisfied with my explanation. "Who are you first? You are some prostitute who been fucked and not given your money. Get out quick. If I call my friends here, they will bang you like anything. Get out, bloody beggar prostitute".
I was seriously scared now. I wanted to get out of his sight then and there, but I had no other choice. This unknown guy, a stranger, a working class old man who was convinced that I was a tramp and prostitute seemed the only guy who could help me out. I was so helpless right now.
"Sir, please listen to me. I am not a prostitute or begger. I need to go to Salim's garage Sir, please..."
As soon as I said that, he started laughing. "You are saying you not prostitute and begger and you want to go to Salim's garage?"
Saying that, he continued laughing.
I did not understand his statement. Looking at my confusion, he said "Salim's garage is the most famous whore house in this slum. Every man from all slums go there for fucking. And you are saying you are not a prostitute?"
I was shocked at his words. I really could not believe Sajid had asked me to come to a whore house. Was I correct in fearing that he was going to make me a whore and sell me to a whore house?
I got scared, but at the same time, strangely though, wetness again started to develop in my pussy. I felt that I should take this risk. Anyway, it was not like I had a chance. Even if I wanted to go back, it is only possible after meeting Sajid at Salim's garage and request him to leave me and I was sure, he would not let me go that easily. I had to take a decision right there and I took it. I was going to Salim's garage.
"Sir, I am not a prostitute sir, but by turn of events, I have been made to strip naked and been fucked by many guys in the slum. I need to go to Salim's garage at any cost. Can you please take me there?"
I said that with all my heart and earnestness.
The man thought for a long time, and finally said, "Ok, I will take you".
I was delighted. It felt like atleast something was going right for me.
"However, only on one condition. I will first fuck you inside my shop and then take you to Salim's garage. See, if you are going to Salim's garage, you will become a prostitute anyway. Then, you charge money for fucking you. I will help you now, so you let me fuck you for free now. If that's fine with you come into my shop else get lost"
I really didn't think much frankly. I had already been fucked and roughed by atleast 30 men in these slums. One more guy wouldn't make much of a difference. So as soon as the man said that, I went inside the shop.
The man was delighted at the thought of getting a chance to savage me. He immediately came inside, closed the door and led me upstairs. There was no place for two people to, let alone have sex, but to sit in his shop. As such, he took me upstairs.
Until I completed walking up the stairs did I not understand where this man was planning to fuck me. He was going to fuck me in a small Indian bathroom that was stinking badly. I couldn't believe it.
I looked at him and said, "Sir, you will fuck me here?"
"Yes you whore. Lie down on the floor fast, I will sleep on you and fuck you like a slut. Do you think there will be big rooms in slums for fucking cheap whores like you?"
That pretty much summed up what I had been going through soon after I stepped inside this locality. As I had no option, I slept on the dirty bathroom floor, that I was sure hadn't been cleaned nor flushed in years, on my belly. The man immediately slept on me with his clothes on and started fucking me by unzipping his pants. He was so much heavier than me, that I felt my boobs being crushed completely under his weight. He fucked me for something like 20 mintutes before completely emptying his cum inside my pussy.
I was so tired by then that I did not have an ounce of energy in my body. The man got up and said, "Listen, I will go out and get a smoke for myself, and after that I will take you to the whorehouse". Saying that, he spit the pan that he was chewing right at my face and left downstairs. It was certainly the most degrading point in my life.
I turned around and slept on my back for a while trying to gather energy to get myself up. I seemed to go into a slumber for a while and the next thing I could feel was a strong pain on my face. I woke up from my sleep and realized the man was slapping me hard on my face to wake up. "Get up whore, I will drop you to Salim's garage. I just gave you a normal fucking and you want to sleep all day?. In that whore house, they will fuck you much worse day and night, what will you do then?".
I somehow gathered strength and did not even bother to wash my face. I went straight down with him. He seated me on his bicycle infront of him and started cycling.
I was going to Salim's garage - the whorehouse.
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A story that has been copied and written many times  - At least give credit to original author and rewriters.
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Do you upload as it is or u will change this story quiet a bit
Plz do inform
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Please add more episodes to this hot story if you can
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this is a collected story . give credit to main writer or at least add collected to the title